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50 customer reviews of

Glad I found OBC
I've been a lover of literature all my life and an OBC reviewer for almost two years now. I initially waited before participating because I wanted to be clear on all the rules, FAQs, and get more feedback about the site from other users. After doing so, once I started participating in book discussions and adding books I've read to my shelves, I started to enjoy myself.

It's hard work writing quality book reviews, and being an OBC member serves as a good challenge for me as a reviewer. I understand that my OBC reviews are only for posting on the OBC site, which is a little different for someone who regularly cross-posts her non-OBC reviews. However, directing fellow readers over to my OBC reviews via social media (and sometimes my blog) has been a pretty good way for me to share about books I've found on the site.

Although I've not always gotten the most timely response when I've submitted an error report on the site, I do appreciate the site's latest updates. It's even easier now for me to select books in the genres I prefer, and even then, if I find I'm not enjoying a book I selected, I can opt out of reading it and go back to select something else. While, naturally, some books have disappointed me or simply haven't been my favorites, I've also found some superbly-written novels and memoirs with powerful messages on the site, books that I likely wouldn't have known about otherwise.

What a great site...
What a great site!
It has the nice feel of community that many message boards and sites had in the early days of the Internet, before the behemoths gobbled them up.
When I had a few teething issues in the beginning, Sarah and Scott got back to me almost immediately and sorted things out, and I submitted my latest novel for review.
I am now over the moon!
Although WINDSWEPT has all the hallmarks of a conventional twisty, turner romantic thriller, a lot of emotional subtext (and socioeconomic} subtext swirls beneath the surface.
Several other reviewers/critics have read the now in a conventional way and written conventional reviews.
The Online Book Club reviewer is the first professional to have read novel and understood what actually was going on behind the curtain.
I want to thank the team for their hard work and look foward to many happy future interactions with the site. Review
First off, it is real. Though I was initially dubious myself, does pay users for writing reviews. The website provides a large selection of free and paid books which usually come with some compensation pending a published review.

With an interesting hierarchical system, it is even possible for reviewers to earn higher wages – up to $60 per book, i. E, the higher your level, the more money you get.

It sounds like a dream, and for the most part, it is. My only contention is with the fact that this is more than just a review site, an attribute on which the organisation prides itself. It takes much more than just writing reviews to move up the ladder or even maintain your current position. Daily check-ins, peripheral tasks and seemingly compulsory social engagements (it is a book club after all) are some other factors that contribute to, and conversely, impede your progress on the website.

Next, there is the issue of access. To fully reap the benefits of, one must also have full access to This may sound like an inane little statement, but you'd be surprised to find out how difficult it is to form a relationship with Amazon outside of the US and the other chosen locations. Without access to Amazon, readers can neither buy nor review books that have that set as a criterion – and that's a whole lotta books you'll never get to read.

Now, if you find yourself among the unfortunate excluded, scorned by the Bezos himself, there remains a healthy number of books to choose from. And once you submit your review and the post-review questionnaire – assuming all goes well, I'd say budget up to six weeks for the payment to finally arrive. Six-ish weeks that would be a lot less dreadful were you expecting a higher pay-out, but I believe we now understand the complex Catch-22 situation surrounding the ascent to Better-Paid Apex Reviewer.

Shortcomings aside, though, users on this website still have a massive collection of books at their fingertips regardless of the payment situation. And if you really love reading, then that might be the important thing.

Great experience since joining!
I have been a member of OBC since July 2016. I am an educator, avid reader, and a writer. This site is perfect for exploring these interests. I became a member to be part of a community of people who share a common interest. I began filling my "bookshelves" and tracking my progress toward my reading goals. I started reading the book of the month and participating in online discussions regarding the impressions, feelings, themes and other interesting aspects of the books that were being read. Since joining, I have been in contact and discussion with at least four authors of the BOTM. For a reader, having contact with the author is an amazing experience for me. I have also become a part of the review team. I have been able to choose books in the genres that I love including romance, erotic fiction, science fiction and fantasy, and I have been able to write reviews of these books. The lowest I have rated a book is 3 out of 4 stars. My experience as a reviewer has been personally challenging since I want to provide others with a genuine review that is entertaining, enlightening, and not "cookie cutter" as described by another poster on this site. My reviews are a reflection of my own talents as a writer and, therefore, I give it my all. Other reviewers on the site also take this role very seriously. Books and stories and the authors that create them are a gift to the reader. I, as the reviewer, want to share that gift with others. By providing an honest and fair review, I am providing a service to other readers not to mention the service to the author. Overall, I love OBC. I have found a niche that fits who I am as an educator, reader, and writer. I hope that others give the site a try!

Blessed to work with them
I started working for them around 2 months ago. I loved books and I really liked the idea to review books and get paid. At first, I was just too worried that might kick me out, as my first two reviews got rejected. After that I got 5 reviewed approved and even published. (as of now I have understood the basic guideline system, which seems hard to follow but are really easy once you understand them). Most of the time I keep searching on the internet if they are legitimate. We all have doubts when working for someone unknown on the internet(according to my guess). That was a bad idea. I read a few negative feedback about them. One says that they approve and publish your review, but when the time come to pay, they ban your account. That really gets into my head. I was supposed to get paid within 3 weeks for my first review. After passing of two weeks I was really on edge. But today I got my first payment, still 2 days before the deadline of payment. They have given me a golden opportunity to start my career as a book reviewer. Also, I got a great opportunity to interact with beautiful minds through their platform. Have a little faith and patience, and you will definitely enjoy working for them.

Earn money and also win with OnlineBookClub.
I have joined up with Online Book Club just over a year ago. Not only was I able to take part in the daily competition where you can either receive a free book to download, or a book at a substantial discount, but you can also win a prize of $10.00, or double, if you have posted ten or more comments on their site. You can also sign up as a book reviewer and receive free books to review. As you write these reviews and gain experience you will start earning money for them as well, starting from $5.00 per review, to up to as much as $60.00. I personally have earned many payments of $5.00 and even received payment of $15.00 for a recent book that I reviewed. I was also an unexpected winner of their daily competition, and have received the prize of $20.00. For book lovers this club is a must. For those of you willing to write reviews this is a paying opportunity, but bear in mind, the standards are fairly strict regarding punctuation, grammar and spelling. But if you enjoy reading and doing a bit of writing, it is definitely worthwhile. Joining OnlineBookclub has certainly been one of the best decisions that I have made online, so far, and I really recommend it.

My choice for 'Most Professional OnlineBookClub'.
I deliberated for almost two years before completing my registration as I needed to be sure I would be able to set aside quality time to review books to the quality standard of their rigorous time-frames, guidelines and rules that this Book Club has. This is so, to ensure maintain a truly Professional medium for Authors to feel satisfied with, to sent their books to for critical, honest, and professional reviews.
I am satisfied with the ease of use of the interface platform, as a new Reviewer on this Site. I am not rushed to choose another book to review when I have completed one and submitted the required review... thus suits me fine as I have a packed schedule that demands most of my daytime hours. is the best resource for free books!
My experience with has been wonderful. Not only are there free books to read and review, you can get paid for proofreading and reviewing new books that authors submit for review. Theres a "book of the month" section, which is like a book club, where everyone who reads the BOTM can participate in the forum and discussion. I was very happily surprised to see that the books offered are high quality books by well known authors, i think i was expecting all the freebies to be by newer authors like it is on other sites. I was also happily surprised by the large variety of books available- have books from every genre - fiction, non fiction, romance, sci fi, fantasy, childrens books, medical books, its an amazing variety. I have used many different "free books" website, and is by far the best free book website that is out there.

Refugee on a Pendulum - A novel by an author who realizes writing as a journey of self discovery.
Refugee On a Pendulum is my third book reviewed by Their thoroughness in this process has been one of their strongest suits for every one of my books. never shied away from directing my attention to a section of a chapter, for example, if the main plot was dragging its feet severely weakened. I loved the way they referred my attention to the well-known style manuals of the likes of Kate Turabian or MLS they used to fulfill their responsibility to explain how I could have nudged the plot to a better story telling place. The star rating they used was also very helpful; it determined the amount of additional work that had to be completed in order to tighten the writing pillars of clarity, cohesiveness and unity. Advancing to become more mission-driven of a writer was perhaps the most amazing experience to come out of this particular review process because my books started to get some serious attention, and subsequently won writing awards - a game changer. On that note, I can't thank enough.

Truly valuable
OnlineBookClub is an outstanding community, and it does a great job of keeping the members up-to-date with the latest releases, reviews and comments. You can read about the books written by new authors, participate in various discussions, or become a book reviewer. As a reviewer, you can download free books in exchange for honest reviews, and even get paid for reviews, which works very smoothly.
I appreciate constant updates and improvements, and I love daily giveaways. I was the winner on March 28,2019 for the second time!

Interesting content and so many pages filled with what writers and readers search for - OBC truly makes a difference. is a pretty cool site!
I joined a few months ago not necessarily for the financial gain but because I was looking for good books to read and also people I could discuss them with. Needless to say, I found both at OnlineBookClub. Not only that but I also joined the review team and got the chance to be paid for my reviews. I appreciate the fact that are very prompt with the payments. As a lower level, don't expect much money. As a level 1, for example, you will get 5$ per review. As your level increases so do the payments. I have to say, it's not easy to increase your level, you actually have to do a bit of work and be extremely active on the site. But at the same time, it's so fun. I love it!
A few days ago I had a very nice surprise: I won the daily giveaway! Today I received my Amazon gift card so thank you OnlineBookClub!
My only complaint is that sometimes I feel that the percentage/mark given by the editors for a review is very subjective. Also, they do not clearly tell you what the mistake was. This can be frustrating especially if you really want to improve.
Having said that, OnlineBookClub is an excellent platform for readers with hundreds of good books, a great community and admins who, in my experience, do their job very well. I am over the moon for discovering this site!

I have been reviewing for OnlineBookClub for a few months now. I have received $65 for my reviews and I recently won one of the daily drawings (a $20 Amazon gift card). At first, I was worried that it was too good to be true ("get paid $5-$60 per book review"), but after I received my first payment (and all other payments on time except one, which was then resolved), my concerns went away.

I would love to be a book reviewer as my main job, but I simply do not have the time to devote to it right now. It is a point-based system--the more points you have, the higher level you are, the more access you have to more books and higher paying reviews. Don't be fooled--it takes work to rise the ranks, including having access to social media (Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest) and communicating with other reviewers to get more comments on your reviews. It isn't considered an easy job, if you want to make a career out of it, but it is a unique system to keep all of the reviews honest. Once you've done the work to get your points, it is quite easy to maintain.

I recommend setting up an account with Grammarly to make sure there are no grammar do deduct points from each review for such mistakes. Luckily, only the 30 most recent reviews count towards your score, so if you have low scores in the beginning, you can get them replaced.

I only have one complaint. Reviewers are instructed to give short private blurbs to prove that they read the entire book, but authors do not understand that blurbs are not complete reviews. When a dispute happens, the author automatically wins and the reviewer is deducted 20 points. Luckily, there are plenty of users that offer advice on preventing future disputes and are willing to help you get a higher rating.

Overall, I enjoy the many books I've read for free with OBC. I have exceeded my reading goal for the year and didn't have to pay for a good portion of the books because a free copy of the book is often the payment, with the monetary payment listed as a bonus. I like the community and exposure to books I otherwise would not have heard of, much less read.

Incomparable! was, is, and will always be one proof to me that dreams come true. I've always fantasized about my dream job: read a book and get paid for it! I shook it off ruefully as wistful thinking while OBC must have giggled at my ignorance regarding its existence. Everyday, I'm thankful for June 30,2017 when I stumbled across this site and changed my life.

Why so sentimental?

OBC is a free club to join, but you earn lots due to the generosity of the webmaster, Scott. At the time of this review, I won, yet again, a Book of the Day Giveaway. Don't even get me started on the other rewards for being a consistent member -- twitter, first ten, BOTM monthly discussions -- or the actual earnings from being a book reviewer. Even after a year, it's still too good to be true. What about authors? The exposure and subsequent financial benefits get from having reviews published by topnotch OBC reviewers is second to none. A win-win for all involved. Waste no time, authors and bookworms. Join today!

KILL THE CORONAVIRUS - A review of the review for feedback purposes. I could find any other way..
Emily_Jen reviewed my book and I thought she did a great job. I hope she follows the book and stays safe. I am following this book with another: THE CORONAVIRUS IMMUNITY DIET soon.

The comments about the grammatical errors in my book are valid as is the comment that the book was not professionally edited. The reason for that is that I could not afford to pay for it and I didn't want to lose the time it would have taken to fix a measly 10 grammatical errors that few people would notice anyway. I my intent was to get the book out and save as many lives as possible. What I didn't anticipate fully was that most people would assume that I as a non-medical person would be totally ignored as a result. As anyone can see from the review, my information is valid. It does work, and it works 100% of the time if the steps are followed. If that were not true, wild animals would be coming down with Covid-19 and are not, but CAPTIVE wild animals are. The deciding factor is diet. Food fed to captive carnivores mimics our diets closely enough to damage their immune systems. That alone is all the proof anyone needs to know to determine the truths found inside KILL THE CORONAVIRUS.

The bottom line is that I don't care enough about the grammar to pay to fix those minor, inconsequential errors. Fixing those errors will not save anyone's life which is what I care about. Besides, I need to put all of my available money towards The CORONAVIRUS IMMUNITY DIET book. A diet book does not require me to be a doctor for people to believe that a diet can work. This diet is pre-Paleo Diet. That book, The Paleo Diet, did not go back far enough in history to talk about what our ancestors ate as hominid digestive tracts were forming. There are 6 million years between my information and the Paleo Diet. The CORONAVIRUS IMMUNITY DIET will fully explain why the KILL THE CORONAVIRUS works.

The research that goes into my books is exhaustive and comprehensive and spans many different disciplines, not just the narrow field of medicine and diets. That's why it was me that figured out how to defeat corona viruses and not doctors or scientists; they simply don't have broad enough backgrounds and their laughable nutritional educations are a joke. So, they are far from able to tie all of the elements that factor into the life cycles of animals including humans, geography, biology, zoology, fluid dynamics, mechanical engineering and much more.

The corona virus issue is like a giant jigsaw puzzle, and is far from a medical mystery. The only place the mystery exists is in the minds of people who don't know anything about Nutritional Medicine. It's all very simple stuff. You don't need a degree to read KILL THE CORONAVIRUS and profit from having done so.

What the reviewer missed was the fact that once you are on the diet, you can literally cure yourself of nearly any degenerative disease by simply eating and drinking properly.

So, goodbye cardiovascular disease for example. It's not rocket science. Your body knows how to be healthy and will take charge if you feed it real food for long enough to recover.

Fantastic business and one that I recommend to all my writing (and reading!) friends.
I first started at as a reviewer, eventually working my way up to editor before switching to the author side, so I know just how stringent Scott Hughes and his team are about quality. I have had two official reviews and several volunteer reviews, both my books have been Book of the Day a few times (leading to increased sales and more followers!) and my debut novel, Project Tau, was Book of the Month.

I have received almost 400 reviews in total over 2 books. On the very rare (2-3) occasions when the review was poorly written, the OBC team sorted it instantly. This site is extremely fair and impartial, the staff are friendly and professional and they're one of the true rarities: a review/advertising site that actually does make a significant difference to authors, both indie and otherwise.

My third novel will be completed either later this year or early next year, and I will definitely be aiming for it to be Book of the Day again and I will be requesting another review from OBC. I can't recommend these guys highly enough!

Book review experience and giveaway
This review is purely my honest opinion.

I am glad that I got an opportunity to come across as it is truly giving me an opportunity to improve my writing skills as well as read books. Infact I also ended up winning 7/5/2021 giveaway of 20 dollars as well.

The only con is that the reviews more than often when critiqued by the editors focus more on the grammatical errors rather than the content mentioned. This will also help to improve the reader score as well. Also the interface can be simplified a bit more. Likewise it would really be great if more book options were provided to the readers with low popularity score.

A unique site for book discussions
I've been a member of OBC for about two years. Sometimes I'm not very active, and sometimes I am, just depending on my free time. I've been an avid reader for as long as I can remember, so I was ecstatic when I stumbled across this site that would actually pay me to read and review books. I've only reviewed about ten books in all, but I enjoy occasionally having a "job" that is totally book related.

Most of the time that I'm on the site has nothing to do with the book I'm reviewing. I'm looking up discussions for other books I've read in the past and reading other reviews for books that I may be interested in. Yes, while I do get paid a small amount for writing reviews (which honestly is nothing to write home about), I've also spent a fair share of money on buying the books that others have reviewed on this site. These are books that I never would have heard of outside of OBC.

I agree that sometimes editing scores on reviews are a little inconsistent. But the hoops that the reviewers must go through are all to ensure that the author is getting the best quality review available. My overall experience with the site has been overwhelmingly positive.

Such a Thorough Review with Great Recommendations!
I am so pleased with my review from Online Book Club! Not only was it fairly positive, but I could tell that the reviewer really read my book and had a good understanding of what it is about. That was important to me because this book is meant to help Christians grow in their spiritual walk with God. I feel that my reviewer was objective and really picked up on two of the more difficult topics I wrote about: Tithing and Divorce. Next to salvation, those are two of the most critical issues in the church—especially the black church. are commonly taught out of context and/or used to spiritually and psychologically abuse people (even unknowingly), so I truly prayed for wisdom as I wrote those sections. I also appreciated how my reviewer pointed out things that would help make the book better and specific typos in the book. There were only a few minor errors that happened when the book was reformatted to a smaller size, but I was able to have that corrected per her notes and I am so grateful for her honesty. Overall I believe that if a new author out there is looking to have their book reviewed in a timely, clear and complete manner—they should definitely have this site take a look. New authors like myself need real and honest feedback about our books so that we can become better writers. I sincerely appreciate the experience I've had using Every question I had was answered quickly and thoroughly, in a kind and friendly manner. They even agreed to review a paperback version of my book, as I felt that the e-Book version did not do it justice. I am also thankful that my book came across this particular reviewer's hands, because there are so many who are just simply adverse to the topic of "Religion", and can not objectively view anything associated with it. I pray that God bless her to continue providing this valuable service to many other authors in the future. Blessings!

A legit place for authors to get honest feedback
I love Online Book Club. I have been with them for over a year as a reader and reviewer. At first, it took me some time to get used to the way the site works and why do things the way they do. As a growing site it is always evolving and changing. From what I have seen it has just been getting better and better. There is something for everyone whether you are a reader, author, or reviewer. I love being able to find out about new indie or small published books. I trust the reviews from this site so much more than Amazon reviews where you have no idea who is actually posting that 5 star review. Also, because the reviews are much longer than a typical Amazon review, I am able to learn more about areas that are important to me in a book.

As a reviewer for Online Book Club, I always try to give the author constructive advice on what could be done better as well as informing readers of the positive and negative side of a book so they can decide if it is for them or not. Author's can rest assured that they will get a honest review by someone who thinks their book sounds interesting.

This is legitimate has a very strict guidelines format to ensure quality reviews. The review support forumis highly active and very helpful. The FAQs have helpful tips and if you follow the guidelines you will level up easily. Participation is rewarded well. I personally have been paid monthly for contributing to the First 10 program, and for reviews on books. The focus is on quality, not quantity. My only complaint was the time where I was banned for an author dispute that I was able to prove I was not wrong. The turn around time was over a week. I am not a fan of PRQ disputes because what I consider profanity another reviewer may not. The feedback from the editors is especially helpful for improving your review scores. There is a great Facebook review site that helps promote review popularity. Overall, I appreciate the experiences I have with them.

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Based on 50 reviews from customers, company has accumulated an average rating of 4 stars, indicating that majority of customers are satisfied with its service.
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Description: is an awesome site for readers. We have international book discussions, virtual bookshelves to track what you have read, original book reviews and much more!


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