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50 customer reviews of

Discounted products shipping experience may vairy
I totally forgot about until my old next door neighbor used it a few times. Company is based in China but heck more than half of our merchandise comes from there. While your shipping experience might range from happy, to sad to why is it damaged to where the bleep is it? The website offers items in my price range and that is why I shop there. I feel like I can afford the same quality items as every one else on a limited budget. No one will never know unless you tell them.

I use to be all about Bed Bath & Beyond but their prices are creeping up so high I can't afford them any more. My parents shun me for supporting places like but I'm tired of only being able to shop at second hand stores. Used items such as clothing or bed linins creep me out. I'll come here before I go there. At lest here I feel like I can purchase items and feel good about it. The items are the same in my local store and I generically shop for the cheapest bidder. I have purchased the same items from my local store for twice the price and in year later they're dainty, dingy and run down. At least here you can read the reviews and know if you're making a smart purchase.

Shipping is a gamble and can range to amazing to hell but the price is right.

Be forewarned the company will remind you to review a product. Well I did that. The next thing I know i'm being subscribed into OverStock's "yearly" program against my will. sort of con their clients into their auto subscription against your will. Thought you might like to know. Some times they do not warn you about enrolling you into this program. This is the only fruadulant thing I would caution overstock users about.

Not worth the effort
Bought a rug using my husband's account but paid with my MasterCard. Rug came and smelled acrid and seemed to shed some kind of dirt when walked on barefooted. Did an online chat and was told if product was not as described or was in someway defective would pay return shipping and they emailed a prepaid return authorization and label. They received the return and emailed confirmation of same and deducted the return shipping from the credit they said they were issuing. The credit never posted to the MasterCard and I contacted overstock via on line chat inquiring when the credit was issued and when I could expect it to show on the MasterCard. Got a rep who pulled up the order, asked who she was speaking to and the billing address. I told her my name she said company policy didn't allow her to give info to anyone but the account holder. Told her it was my credit card and the same billing address as my husband's and they had no problem taking the charge from someone other than the account holder and I wanted to speak to a manager.
Manager logs on, says hi, I explain that I want to know when the credit will be received and he gives me the same "can't give info to anyone over than the account holder.
Now, mind you, I'm online so I could say I was Donald Trump and they wouldn't know the difference so I type this reply..."so, theoretically I can end this chat and sign on and request an online chat with another customer service (the term makes me chuckle even as I type it) and say I am my husband and get the info".
Pause online as he ponders this and then types back that credits usually take 3-5 business days.
Not even going to get into why I am paying return shipping, just a teachable moment not to buy anything ever again from overstock and to write this review to warn anyone thinking of buying from them that it really is not worth the effort and you don't know what you are getting until it shows up and if it isn't what it should be, good luck on your second career talking to customer service.

I would give zero or a negative star if I could!
I ordered a Sun Joe electric lawn mower for my sister-in-law's birthday that included 2- 48 volt batteries, and a charger. When it arrived to her, it was only the mower... no batteries or charger. I immediately reached out to Overstock and was told the missing parts were requested. In the meantime, reviews were left by other unsuspecting customers giving the item a 1 star review for the very same problem. Then we noticed that the write up on their website was altered to say batteries and charger were not included and the price went up by a hundred dollars. (Thank goodness I took pictures of the write up & our order). We spoke to no less than 6 customer service reps over the course of a week about our issue and were repeatedly told that it would be resolved soon. 2 weeks after we ordered it, after demanding to speak to a supervisor... the supervisor, Bobby told us that we ordered the wrong item (We did not... we have photographic evidence!) then he said we misread the item (we did not -we have photographic evidence!) Then he said the item never came with batteries and charger (Remember, we have photographic evidence!) Finally after 25 minutes on the phone, he said it was THEIR FAULT and that the only thing he could do was offer us a "free refund" like he was doing us a favor! I felt like it was false advertising! Bait & Switch! And to make matters worse, he said it would take weeks to get the refund added to our credit card... maybe even a month! What? On top of everything, the supervisor told us he didn't have to give us the "free refund" even though he acknowledged it was their mistake because in Overstock fine print it says that the customer pays for shipping on returns (no matter who's fault it is)... so he really thought he was going the extra mile for us, instead of just doing the right thing! My sister-in-law's birthday present was a fiasco and we have nothing to show for all of our time and energy trying to resolve this. Honestly, I feel like this whole thing has traumatized me. This was the first time I ever ordered from Overstock and it will be the last! didn't even offer us a discount on another purchase or anything... there was literally no effort to make things right... none. How on earth do they stay in business? How on earth do you treat people like this? Why on earth would you string us along like that for 2 weeks? I am so mad. Take my advice if you have to order from them, take pictures of the product and the actual order and then read the fine print before you buy from them and then pray you actually get what you ordered. If it turns out bad for you, well I warned you!

Credit card was charged and order have not been processed
Credit card was charged and order have not been processed.

Here is the transcript from support chat:

Matt: Hi, my name is Matt. How may I help you?
Visitor: My email is ***
Visitor: I have just placed an order, your site shows payment error, therefore money was charged from my card.
Matt: I'll be glad to help you with the concern.
Matt: May I know whether you have received any email confirmation or the order number?
Visitor: No I did't received it.
Visitor: Here is HOLD status from by Internet bank - ***
Matt: In that case, be assured that your order hasn't gone through and the the charge which you have seen is an pre-authorization charge which will automatically fall off within 3 -5 business days.
Visitor: I don't want to wait 3-5 business day. I just want to process the order.
Visitor: If it is not possible please return my money and I will go to another site.
Matt: Not to worry, you will be charged only when your order gets processed and shipped out.
Visitor: What should I do now? My money is in HOLD. Order did not processed.
Matt: In your case, the order hasn't gone through which means you haven't been charged yet, so the charge which you have seen is an pre-authorization charge which will automatically fall off within 3 -5 business days.
Matt: I'm sorry, I haven't heard from you. I'll remain available for another minute if you need further assistance.
Visitor: I cannot use money that you have charged as it is in HOLD status. Failed attempt to pay in your shop has led to the fact that I cannot buy the item I wish in other place because I have no more money on my card right now. Is it normal case in your opinion?
Matt: We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause to you.
Visitor: I do not need you apologize. I need a solution. I see only two of them - process the order or return money right now.
Matt: We don't hold the money for the orders that haven't gone through, thus I recommend you to check with your bank for the posting timeframe.
Visitor: My credit card balance right now is lesser than before order on the order amount.
Visitor: Is I sad before I see following line in account operations list:
Visitor: ***
Visitor: So 3981. 63RUR has removed from my card to HOLD.
Matt: I understand your concern, since we don't have another option I would recommend you to contact your bank for the further help.
Matt: I apologize that I was not able to resolve that issue for you. Are there any other concerns I can address for you?
Matt: I'm sorry, I haven't heard from you. I'll remain available for another minute if you need further assistance.
Thank you for contacting Need a gift? We can help! Our gift cards are a present they're sure to love! Click here for more details.

So it is for you to decide - use this shop or keep your CC funds in safe.

Matt has disconnected.

Would give 0 stars if possible!
I am highly dissatisfied and frustrated. I ordered a 5 piece bedroom collection for $1484. 99 from Overstock on August 9. The expected arrival date was August 15. Within the last month I have spoken to about 15 different representatives from Overstock. For about a month could not give me an answer of when I would receive my package or where its location was. About two weeks ago they decided that they could not find it and would ship out another one because of a mishap with the shipping company. They reassured me they would be using a different shipping company different from the original but did not. I was told several times by different customer service representatives that the delivery was a "white glove delivery" and they would be setting it up in my house. The delivery finally took place today where one person showed up and placed it on my front porch and said "I can help you bring this inside but I'm not really suppose to." I called and they told me there was miscommunication and they do not approve white glove deliveries. Even if they were not going to set it up for me they should have sent another delivery guy to help bring it into my house. My husband was not supposed to be here today but thankful he was because he had to help bring the estimated 475 pounds of furniture into our home. I'm not sure what we would have done if he was not here. When I called to speak to a representative about my frustration she told me they could send someone out with a delivery fee that I would have to pay for someone to set it up. I had to ask her three times to speak to a supervisor. In the end I finally told the supervisor that I want to return the furniture because I do not want something in my house that is going to remind me of and the frustration that I have endured. I regret my purchase and this has been the worst customer service experience that I have ever had. Most of the time trying to locate my first furniture shipment I was the one trying to call YRC and Overstock to figure out what was going on. I was told several times that I would receive a follow up call or email and never received anything. When I would call back, a few times I had to wait aver 30 minutes to even speak to a representative. I have chosen to take my business elsewhere knowing that there is no way it can be this horrendous. I will not be shopping at Overstock in the future and will make sure to express my concern with anyone that thinks of shopping with Overstock.

Worst experience ever... seriously traumatized...
Regarding purchase of: Ergotech Monitor Stand 100-D28-B13
I'm not trying to be dramatic here when I say worst. Because it really was. sent me the wrong models TWICE. Each time there were multiple stickers ON the box that clearly showed that it was model 100-D28-B22 NOT the 100-D28-B13 that I ordered, so immediately I knew it was wrong and sent them back. The first time around I understood that it could be a mistake and gave them another chance. Then got the EXACT same ones again. I called them immediately asking them to actually look at what boxes they were sending before they even ship anything out to me again. They told me they would talk to the warehouse the next business day and I got no response until 2 days later when I had to call them myself. Then they asked me to send pictures because they wanted "proof" as if the warehouse people were blind and can't see the stickers on the boxes. Might as well have asked me to 3D print a Braille version of the picture. I'm only a 100 pounds and had to lift 64 pounds from the leasing office to my apartment door. Just so UPS could pick them up as soon as possible since they only come after the leasing office is closed. I left early for work to wait for Fedex delivery because I didn't want to go through it again and it'd be easier to just refuse the package. I literally called every single day, sometimes 2 times a day and was VERY patient and courteous to the people I talked with, except maybe for one of the last few reps, where at that point I couldn't hold in my frustration and was on the verge of tears. I gave overstock MULTIPLE chances to fix this and guess what they did in the end? I waited patiently for over a week and they basically said oops the website was wrong and that they don't even carry the product. They just gave me a full refund and nothing in return, not even in-store credit for the extreme inconveniences I went through for a week. The manager I called said the system wouldn't allow it because I was fully refunded and the case was closed and resolved. Resolved on whose behalf? I can't believe overstock can be that selfish. Yes it is resolved for them because I basically helped them find a huge flaw in their system, NOT for me because I literally suffered in sweat and tears and blood (from carrying the plastic rope thing the box was tied in) and still never got the product I ordered. The best they could offer me was a useless 12% discount on my next purchase which I refused because they've now lost all of my trust and I'm never purchasing from them again. In all seriousness, I'd have a better chance at surviving a death match with Ronda Rousey than buying from them again. They did initially agree to give me "inconvenience fees" but turns out they take it out of your purchase amount. Which may be understandable if I was the one who chose to return the product. But it was their huge mistake and they promised me a product which they couldn't deliver because it seems like they basically put up a fake page selling a product they don't even have. I'm surprised they still have the product page up. I have a hard time believing that it could be just a "mistake" when the picture, item description, model number, specs and everything matches on the website. Which makes me believe even more that they are doing this on purpose and sending out the wrong model (cheaper and a lot less popular/harder to sell). Makes me believe they are trying to run a scam and hoping that you will either accidentally open the box (meaning partial refund), just shut your mouth and stupidly believe that this is really the product you ordered just so they can get rid of a product that they can't sell. I've honestly never had as bad of an experience from any other company. I'm not going to be a hypocrite here and throw around "mistakenly" wrong images of the company like Overstock does with their items. Because I, for one, actually have morals and understand the effects of libel. But I will definitely be warning everyone I can what happened to me, because I would not even wish this on my enemies.

Misleading Membership scam
I have a Club O Membership which offers free returns. I recently purchased an item on the Overstock website that listed as a "marketplace Seller". I was able to use my Club O reward dollars on the purchase as well as earning Club O points in the purchase. It was shipped for free per the terms of my Club O Membership. But when I went to return the item, I was told that I would be charged a 50% restocking fee as well as the shopping cost. After 3 hours and 4 customer service agents I was told that due to being a 3rd party vendor my membership doesn't apply so no free return for me! What? My membership applied to every other aspect of the purchase and there is absolutely NO disclaimer stating that Club O Memberships are not valid on Marketplace vendors purchases. When I spoke to Curtis, Dominique, Donna and Naomi, I was also told that "you should have known" and "your points are absolutely not applied (which were" and " nothing we can do". I asked all of them to pointt out any terms and conditions that listed this caveat to the membership and not one of them could direct me to it. Then it was back to "you should have known". I truly believe that this is a bait and switch and I am wondering if there is a class action out there because certainly it is affecting others. I have filed with the Attorney General as well.'s customer service truly lags behind the industry standard. When I mentioned to one of the agents that my Amazon Prime membership covers outside vendors they stated "we're not Amazon". I can attest to that. Save yourself the trouble and go with another company. These guys are truly substandard.

Bait and Switch; Worst customer service
I have shopped for furniture on many online websites and this is the worst and I would not recommend anyone to purchase here. This mattress popped up as a mattress and box spring set when I searched for set on the website. Up until today when I write this review, the product description says "Mattress & Boxspring Sets". Before purchasing, I asked the online chat (who claimed to be a real person) and she said this was a set. So I ordered. But I only received the mattress. (The mattress is OK, I don't have any problems with is so far.) I talked to customer service via online chat and text; both admitted that the sent an incomplete order and tried to schedule for a return for me. I also talked to customer service over the phone. She told me to not trust the online chat because " are robots/AI" - then isn't this a false information when I asked the chat if she was a real person and she said she was? The customer service lady also told me that she saw the product description says that is indeed a set (mattress and box) but also in the Q&A someone asked about the same questions. First of all, that question was asked and answered in August 2018 and it is June 2019 now. Second, shouldn't the product description be the authority compared to an outdated Q&A? Third, I did check with customer service on the product information before purchasing. At the end of the day, their answer to my issue is that the product description is wrong. What I ordered was only the mattress and there is nothing they can do about it. I can return it for $restocking fee though- Overstock even sent me an email instructing the return titling "incomplete order" admitting they didn't send me the complete order. Why am I being punished for their mistake of incorrect product description and extremely sub-par online customer service?

Beware you are not receiving Memory Foam! Please read experience before you buy.
Ordered on May 26th /delivered 06/04/21 I ordered: (1) Slumber Solutions Active 12 Charcoal Memory Foam Mattress.
Here is what I got including the customer service support. Got home today the box with the matress was out side my front door just like the bed I got 2 years ago. When I removed the box I noticed
this was nothing like the description. I removed the box and right away I could see this was not memory foam (Not the same as advertised) How could I tell the difference you ask? I have a simular mattress same everything except its a single and that one is memory foam.

Begrudgingly I took it for a test spin only to sink down into the most uncomfortable flimsy non supportive Piece of S**t!
It might work for a new born or an infant. Realizing I just carried out the old couch pillows dragging it across the back of my filthy apartment complex where transients post daily peepee and poop around the dumpster area. Thinking good riddance of this old couch cushion I thought nothing of it to
Drag it through some human feces. Fast forward to the appointment, time to call Overstock CS., and yes the thought had now
Entered my mind that I may be dragging the old cushion back up stairs. Oh no! I waited on hold after 10 minutes agent Mi****l answers with broken
English. We got up to the part where I told him No Way! Not going to pay for this! This Is not what I ordered. What (See The Statement) I'm not paying $500.00+tax for this! I fully intend to dispute it with my credit card. Now I have nothing to
Sleep on. This conversation was followed by more disappointment when the guy says We will have to send a team out to inspect the mattress.
What? OK, how long is this going to take? Can he or she come now? No Sir… Mr. Berwald you have to wait for someone to contact you in 4 days to make
An appointmeant to inspect the memory foam. So where am i at rt now? To let you know I swallowed a big lump of disappointment and dragged that
Old thing back thru piss and broken glass. Here is what you should know: Sight on seen make sure you understand the dissimilarity on firmness. Memory Foam does not diversness of memory foam There might be some modals to include such additves e.g., Memory foam+gel There may be slight variations between the diferent manufactures to. The one shipped to me today was 12' The specs are almost the same as far as the memory foam is concerned. Memory foam is supposed to be memory foam! Does not bounce it shapes slowly to contour your body and it should be firm to the point a groan man 6'2 190 pounds should lay on top with very little give Supportive and firm without actually being a board. You should feel as if you are floating without pressure points and not sinking into a bubble bath. Foam mattress's are cheap and often get sold to unsuspecting consumers as a bait and switch if it feels like a cushion on a sectional sleeper. You will rarely find true memory foam on a sofa under a $1000. 00. This is the end of part one!

Part 2 "The remedy and how long it took for Overstock to fix the problem; what they did to fix the problem? I will upload description of the materials so you have a better understanding and make a better decision. If they dont want to play nice "you opened it you bought" I will most likely file a complaint with the California Department of Consumer affairs and file a complaint with the BBB And any other consumer advocate and reviews.

Worst online shopping experience
I have to start of saying that this is a company that has very poor customer service and function out of a scripted text. I had moved out of the U. S living in Australia and chose to make a purchase from overstock with my U. S credit card. The checkout page in overstock redirects International buyers to bongo international. Bongo International handles International transactions for Overstock and verifies credit card transactions. The shopper making the transaction on Overstock website is not aware that your charges are handled by a third party.
I received no confirmation emails from bongo or overstock for 3 days. I contacted the overstock team on chat and they transferred me to the international department. I was advised it would take 3 days for my order to process. Waited for 3 more days and spoke to another useless customer agent that advised me to wait a few more days. My credit card had 2 transactions charges from Bongo but received no confirmation email from overstock. I followed up again with a phone call, email and chat and no resolution. None of their customer service agents handling International orders were even aware of Bongo International. I finally receive an email from Overstock stating, I need to contact Bongo. I emailed Bongo and attempted to call them but this company does not reply to emails or calls and it goes to a voice message. Their voice mail reads their operation hours are from 2 pm to 5 pm central standard time. I sent this feedback to overstock and then finally they sent an email stating that I am required to verify my transaction from bongo by clicking on a verification link. I verified the details on the email and waited a few more days but received no reply. I was very frustrated and hence contacted Overstock and spoke to one of their supervisors (Mr fletcher). Like all previous agents, he said he is looking into the matter and asked me to send a copy of my credit card statement because he could not verify my order. I attached a copy of my charges and was advised he would follow up on the matter. I received no resolution and several more incapable agents emailing me with apologies but not a resolution and was clueless. I finally received an email from Bongo stating my transaction has expired because I was required to verify my details within 6 days of purchase. Additionally, they did not issue a refund and advised me to retry my transaction. I had to file a credit card dispute to get reimbursed for a purchase not received. I hold overstock responsible because my transaction was made on their website and then they took no responsibility with my order. Like the saying goes, out of all bad events you discover good things. This horrible experience with Overstock lead me to discover my best shopping site ASOS. I have converted several shoppers and would do all my shopping with ASOS. They provide excellent customer service, price, quality products and free global shipping. Good riddance overstock, I will never shop at this site even if I lived in the U.S.

"MILITARY FAMILIES: Don't waste your time with
"MILITARY FAMILIES: Don't waste your time with

As a military guy, I totally understand not everything can be shipped to APO addresses. I get it. I've been doing this for a while. The USPS has limits, and we don't need entire households bought online. But a memory foam mattress topper sounds reasonable to me, but none of them have the magic **APO/FPO** "indicator", which the FAQ states must be seen on the product page. Hmm... okay, so what is the logic behind what items get the magic indicator?

I figure of all the things that should be eligible for APO/FPO, certainly a pair of military-issue combat boots, right? So I find a pair of Wellco tan military-spec issue boots... exactly like 5 pair I've owned in the past. What do you know? "Sorry, this item cannot be shipped."

Okay, now I really wonder, what things CAN be shipped? What's the shipper's criteria? I can tell you... it's in black & white on the USPS website. Now that I know what those limitations are (note, I'm not expecting free shipping, only that something the USPS will accept should be eligible), what are's internal limitations? Why would you have internal limitations at all? That's one less item you're selling to a customer (a "valued" military customer). I just don't understand, and clearly the service representative on the chat didn't either.

You have to read the transcript to believe it. These guys don't know anything, are worthless in terms of service, and really don't seem to care... obviously part of the culture. Read on... it'll blow you away.

Stuart: Hi, my name is Stuart. How may I help you?
Visitor: Hi. I'm struggling to figure out what items are eligible to ship to an APO address. Your FAQ page states: Items eligible for shipping to an APO/FPO/DPO address will have the following indicator **APO/FPO** displayed on the product page.

Stuart: Yes, I will help you with the details.
Visitor: I haven't seen that indicator on a single item... not even military boots. So I don't think actually uses that indicator anymore. Instead, I have to add things to a cart, then get rejected to find out.
Stuart: What is the item you are trying to order?
Visitor: I need to order a memory foam mattress topper... I don't care what brand exactly.
Stuart: Sorry, these items cannot be shipped to your address.
Visitor: Why not?
Stuart: Most of these items does not have this indicator.
Visitor: None of your items have that indicator.
Visitor: Can this item be shipped to an APO: /> Stuart: Sorry, this item cannot be shipped.
Visitor: You do realize what this item is...?
Visitor: What is the logic behind determining what items are APO eligible and what are not? That is a pair of MILITARY boots... you don't ship MILITARY boots to the MILITARY?
Stuart: Sorry but due to some restrictions not all items can be shipped to Apo/Fpo address.
Visitor: What are those restrictions? What drives the determination?
Stuart: Most of the times is carrier restrictions or only selected items can be shipped to these destinations.
Stuart: I apologize that I was unable to resolve the issue for you. Please let me know if you have any questions for me.
Visitor: What are the carrier's restrictions (the only carrier to APOs is the USPS, by the way, and don't restrict shipping boots)? And if these boots are not "selected" items, what makes an item "selected"? I want to understand the policy itself.
Stuart: I understand your point, our site is designed in such a way that items with that indicator can be shipped.
Visitor: I understand not shipping a bed, or a couch... I get that. But a mattress topper that is compressed and packed into a reasonably-sized box, doesn't make sense. And not shipping a pair of Army boots to a military post office is absurd.
Visitor: I know how your site is designed. I want to understand the underlying policy that determines whether an item gets that "indicator".
Visitor: Perhaps simply doesn't make it a priority to make as many items as possible available to military families overseas. That's my perception right now, since you can't explain the reasoning.
Stuart: I'm sorry to tell you that there is nothing much that can be done regarding this issue.
Stuart: The item that has this indicator can be shipped or not, you will have to try a different item or different address.
Visitor: I'll be sure to post this conversation to every rating website I can find. "Sorry, nothing we can do... military families aren't our priority."
Stuart: I understand the way you feel, I will surely take this as a feedback.
Visitor: I certainly won't shop with ever again. Thanks anyway."


DO NOT Buy From Overstock
DO NOT buy anything from Overstock. try to nickel and dime you, horrible customer service, and their products are junk.

First of all, their prices are jacked up. I found the same coffee table I purchased on their site for about $50 cheaper and they don't price match.

They also sell damaged subpar good. I purchased a coffee table and the legs didn't screw in. When Hayneedle sent me crappy merchandise, they offered me a discount or to allow me to return it. Overstock reached out to the company who sold the item to get me some new parts then suggested I reach out to them myself. They told me that if I wanted to return it, I also had to contact the company that sold it. Overstock sold it to me so why I have to deal with a second company. Still haven't gotten an answer from the company over a week later.

I also purchased pillows which were a different color and completely different texture than shown in the phone on the website. After asking to speak to a manager, the manager agreed that the color was different and the texture was different. He then refused to give me a free return shipping label sighting that it was still the same item I purchased even though he agreed it was a different color and texture. He said, "It's still in the white family." Anyone who knows home decor knows that Ivory and white are two different colors. These people sent me an item wasn't what the picture looked like and proceeded to try and nickel and dime me for shipping costs.

UNREAL! Buy Amazon and save yourself the hassle. Their staff is rude and incompetent and does nothing to rectify the inconvenience and time they cost you.

I ordered a grey linen chair and found it in my driveway
I ordered a grey linen chair and found it in my driveway. I lugged it up stairs, opened the box and discovered that it was beige in color. I called customer service and said they would ship a replacement right away. I waited another 10 days and low and behold, there was another beige chair sitting in my driveway. I called customer service and was told they would would not ship the correct chair to me until they received the beige chair back? So I was going to cancel the order but the customer service guy said that if I wanted to choose a different higher priced chair, he would give it to me for the same price as the other chair. Well who doesn't love a bargain right? Turns out that after waiting another ten days, the chair is stuck in North Carolina and due to adverse weather conditions, no telling when it will be delivered. Also, ten days later, I have still not received an account credit for the chair I returned. I contacted customer service to ask when I would receive my 350.00 credit, and they informed me that it could take 3-5 business days from the date the warehouse receives the merchandise, however the credit would be minus the 10% discount applied when I purchased it. Really? After everything that has happened in this deal, Overstock wants to make sure I do not get the 10% discount? So here I am, out $700.00 and no chair to sit on. Customer service continues to send email updates that state how sorry they are for any inconvenience this MAY have caused me, but they do nothing to correct their mistakes. I have never had this bad of buying experience anywhere else. lack of response & professional service
Overstock Order # 33629XXXX
Serta Luxe Edition Grandmere Plush Pillowtop 14-inch Hybrid Mattress

Lets review this order dilemma so that we have accurate information.
(copies of email correspondence is attached at the bottom)

Placed the order on on April 1,2021
Money was taken off my credit card on April 1,2021.
On May 21st, (over 50 days later) I contacted Overstock questioning why I had not received the product, and had never heard from anyone.
On May 21st, Elsie V. in customer care acknowledged my request.
On May 22nd, rep. York replied and said it would take him 3-4 days to figure it out.
5 days later on May 27th, John J. An Escalations Specialist replied that tried to reach me at an old number and needed a current number to contact me to set up delivery.
On May 27th, I responded with my mobile number that was already attached to my account.
I questioned why they had not emailed me.
3 days later on May 30th, Michelle P. An Escallation Specialist II, replied that I had given them the old number when I ordered. Since that number was disconnected a year prior, that could not be accurate.
On June 4th, John J. An Escalations Specialist responded saying that the carrier had my new number and would contact me within 2-3 business days.
It is now June 14,10 days after promising me 2-3 days contact, and 75 days after placing the order and I have still not heard anything.

My thoughts on and their specialists, and complete lack of professional service:

They were quick to charge my credit card the full amount (April 1st), and notify me that the status was "shipped awaiting tracking update" (April 1st). That obviously was a lie. But used to justify charging my card immediately. And then Overstock did nothing.
I ship and receive many items and have NEVER had a shipper have to call me to set up a delivery.
Most supply email updates, but your specialist claims that "Our partners & the carriers they use will not contact you by email under normal circumstances as they will always make attempts to reach you by phone." NORMAL CIRCUMSTANCES? Would you say that not doing anything for almost 2 months is normal circumstances? Does this fall under non-professional service? Probably more like absurd service.
When I gave them my other contact number you responded saying that I would be contacted in 2-3 days. That response was already 9 days after I had given you my number on May 27th. Under these circumstances, I would expect a professional organization to have contacted the supplier and requested that they contact me immediately!
It has taken 4 different representatives to accomplish very little, to nothing so far.
Instead it appears they are doing their best to dodge any responsibility.
This falls under the worst customer service of any company, and complete lack of professionality.
80 days after order product was delivered!
Overstock's response was basically to detail the order process almost identically to my complaint.
They finished by saying the order would be delivered. They gave me the carriers phone contact so I could call them! They wanted me to do their job! One they found almost impossible to do. They acted as though that was normal.
How long would it have taken if I had not followed up continually?
In all my correspondence, Overstock has never addressed the fact that they took my payment when I ordered.
Eighty days before they delivered it, and they. Never addressed the eighty day delay or the fact that their representatives did virtually nothing after I contacted them.

Scammers DON'T SHOP AT OVERSTOCK DOT COM! scammed me!
I ordered a queen bed and within less than an hour, I requested an online cancellation ( which was available at the time). One second after I click cancel order, they changed the status of the order to Processing. I contacted customer service support and explained the issue, they said that they couldn't cancelled it because the order was already on the processing status (warehouse).
It didn't make sense that you can not cancel an order within less than an hour for an overstock website error. The reason for cancellation was that the photo of the item didn't represent it correctly and Items were not correctly described online. I noticed this, after I read the reviews from the customers that bought previously the item.

I keep contacting them for cancellation, they really have very poor customer service support. After more than 15 calls, one of the representatives at overstock told me that even that the Items weren't shipped and won't be shipped until later time the reason they couldn't cancel is that the seller partner do not accept cancellations at anytime. Even when the cancellation of the item is a result of an error in the item description.
This is clear that they are trying to defraud people.
I ordered the cancellation within a reasonable timeframe (less than an hour after the order was put in place), in order to prevent shipment. They told me that I need to receive the item and later try to return it, which will result in excessive shipping charges into my credit card.
Bottom line, are scammers! Trying to defraud clients with tricks. Go away from their website. I love to buy online, but never never will buy from

Terrible return policy
I bought a sofa from Overstock - which was apparently through a 3rd party seller called VIDAXL. The sofa, when it finally arrived after two weeks or part deliveries, arrived broken - the frame is cracked and so the leg can't be put in. I contacted Overstock and 3 weeks later have no resolution.

Firstly their online message system is terrible. You can't message the seller without resorting to email. In other words, Overstock doesn't want to know about your problems, unlike Amazon, which logs every message.

Secondly, Overstock's customer service consisted of 'you need to contact the seller'. Nothing else.

After contacting VidaXL directly, since Overstock were of no help, Vida XL at first told me would replace it. After waiting a week for a return shipping label, I was told that I had to rebox and return the sofa to their courier for the return shipping (which they would pay for). But the responsibility for returning the item to the courier rests with the customer. If like me you cannot carry a sofa on your own, and even if you managed to get someone to help lift it, you don't have a car big enough to hold the sofa, then you are screwed. They will keep your money while you have to keep the junk defective broken furniture. BTW, they never thought to tell me this in the week I have been waiting OR to mention this in their return policy on the Overstock website?.

I took this up with Overstock who said they would 'escalate this'. That 'escalation' was an email saying that VidaXL's policy doesn't have a pick-up for return and that the customer has to take it to the courier. I have taken a screenshot of the policy and NOWHERE does it say this. The CS rep at Overstock agreed with me when I asked her to look at the return policy and tell me where this was stated.

BUT this is the response that I got from Overstock ''I see that the Marketplace Seller offered to issue you some return labels for the item, which honestly is more than Overstock would offer You would need to go through the effort to box the item up as well as drop the item off, as our sellers do not have the option to have the carrier pick the item up, but they will take care of the cost. Please respond to the seller and work with them on this continuing to resolve this issue.''

Just read that last part of the first sentence and it will tell you everything you need to know about Overstock and its return policy. Overstock cares more about its seller than the customer. The fact that that's #more than Overstock would offer' is simply amazing. What a crap useless policy especially when it relates to heavy furniture.

They are nothing like Amazon and in future I wholly recommend sticking with Amazon. Oh, BTW, VidaXL sells on Amazon I have found out so BUYER BEWARE of VidaXL.
Overstock's return policy is fraught with ridiculous requirements - to the point that you will have to end up making a claim against your credit card company

And stay away from Vida XL. Their furniture is extremely poorly made cheap Chinese junk. They have no pick up policy so you will either have to repack and lug the furniture to their courier's nearest drop-off point or claim against your credit card as I am now doing.

Don't buy their furniture false advertising and terrible customer service.
I ordered a dining room set which was named Gracy Transitional Medium Brown Ladder Back 5-piece Dining Set and listed at $877.49, This is a very small table with 4 chairs. I was expecting decent quality both from the description on Overstock and the price. However what arrived was a total piece of junk. My husband spent a lot of time putting it together and each of the chairs wobbles by at least 2 inches. The quality is super cheap. I went on Overstock to see if there were any reviews and it stated that the product was out of stock and there were no reviews. I looked at the box that the table and chairs had arrived in and googled that. What came up was a Shasta dining set from Coaster Furniture. Indeed it was the exact same photo that was used to advertise this Gracy Transitional set on Overstock. The kicker this Shasta set was selling everywhere else for less than 1/2 what I paid. In fact I found it for as little $319 elsewhere. I called Overstock irate and told them I would be returning the table and to refund my credit card. told me I had to disassemble the table and get it back in the boxes. Hell no we just spent hours putting together this piece of crap that you falsely advertised. I have been calling them daily for almost a week now and getting a total run around. Their customer service beyond sucks and they told me that it is an issue between me and the oversize delivery company. What? The oversized delivery company did not change the name on a product and more than double the price. The oversized delivery company did not sell me chairs that are super flimsy and wobble all over the place. Buyer beware. Never order furniture from Overstock.

No honor for your purchased Warranty
So I bought a television set from approximately two years ago and I also brought the 2 year Warranty as well just for my own protection. Luckily I did as the LG TV that has shown so beautifully, has started to act up consistently. The picture had began to get start and blinky, I thought that my eyes were playing tricks on me, however, my eyes were just fine. I then called Repair Service

This TV picture started getting blinky, shadowy after about a year, the picture is like a bad flashlight, I don't think That this Tv is still being made. Awful service from and their repair department. I will be writing a review on Site Jabber where I have had t least 90,000 people and counting reading my written reviews. Service or Repair at repairs is awfully sub-par, just being given round
As if want to frustrate me into submission or defeat. But I will keep writing... Do not buy their electronics or appliances because when they go bad they will not fix them at all, they will break their parts and then send them back broken, they are dishonest and they will not honor your warranty! Beware of and their repair department...

Now I have to send my LG Model 32LB5600 tv for repairs for a second time as Repair Department for them to again repair my television yet again, even though they wrote back to me to say that they found no issues with my tv.

ASURION are the Insurers for, however their department is called Repairs... Go figure. I paid for a television and a warranty for 2 years and now I cannot even get my television repaired. I was told all sorts of lies from Repairs and have been inconvenienced greatly for about a month so far and still counting. I have not been reimbursed for my tv even though a Supervisor promised that he would be making sure that I either get a new television set or I get a reimbursement.

I would advise anyone reading this review to be careful of Repair Department/Asurion. They will not honor your warranty.

Sign Frustrated Customer

Incorrect item received, even with multiple returns. Partial Refund Only.
On May 29th, I ordered 2 pairs of the Ray Ban polarized wayfarers--one for myself, and one for my boyfriend. 1 order, 2 pairs. Simple enough, right? When I received them, were not the polarized pair that I had ordered. I requested a return, which they were more than willing to do. I sent back the 2 pairs, no problem, and I had them ship me 2 new, replacement pairs of the sunglasses free of shipping charges.

However, here's the kicker: the individual i spoke to in customer care only authorized the return of one pair, rather than the 2 that I had ordered. So, I returned both original sunglasses, but received only one replacement pair in the second order. Even worse: this replacement order was STILL incorrect, so I returned that as well. The problem? I've only been refunded for one pair, rather than the 2 pairs I originally purchased. So, i bought 2 pairs, returned both, received one replacement pair, and now the record of the replacement pair being returned is missing? Or the record of my return of my original order is missing? Either these two possibilities, or they did not record that they had only sent me one, rather than two, replacement pairs. I believe that overstock practices poor record-keeping practices, so it is up to the customer to be on top of it.

I've talked to customer care, and they looked into the case. On hour later, i received a confirmation of my return, and notification that a replacement pair was sent. I don't want a replacement pair, overstock. I want a refund for the 2nd pair so that I don't have to deal with you ever again! I called customer care yet again, and the guy i spoke to told me he would send me a shipping label. For what? For the pair I sent back already? He then said he has no information in his records that I returned the replacement pair, to which i provided a tracking number. If I received confirmation that I sent out BOTH shipments and they were received, AND this information is available in my account overview, surely overstock would have that information! After providing the tracking #, I was issued a refund. Time will tell if I actually get this refund, and if this refund is correct.

Overall, the massive headache of multiple and erroneous returns and lack of competence on the part of overstock customer care is not worth it. Had I not kept a record of the shipments, and when they were returned, and if I didn't set up an account and monitor my purchases, I wouldn't have been able to do anything about the issue. This is my first experience with overstock, and it will be my last, thankyouverymuch.

Long-time customer but not valued
I specifically chose this set because it included white glove delivery. When I had not received a call to schedule the delivery (after two weeks), I checked the tracking information on Friday, 12/14/18. The tracking data stated that the delivery was scheduled on 12/10/18 (not true). I was contacted. I have been out of town for several weeks. I returned on Saturday, 12/15/18 to find that the new set had been delivered on 12/10. It was delivered without the delivery company obtaining my agreement with the delivery date. The dining set is packaged in large boxes that take up more than one-third of my living space. I called for a solution. I was told that my inquiry would be sent to their freight/overweight delivery dept. and that I should hear from someone (no name provided) by the end of the day of Monday. The rep told me that there was nothing else that she could do. I have ordered several items of large furniture from Overstock.Com and have never had this kind of experience without receiving immediate relief - providing the service expected or compensation for the trouble caused by being mishandled. I am so disappointed that customer service did not work harder to remedy the situation. I don't what's going to happen but I know I will be hesitant to order furniture from, again. I have attached photos to show how this delivery is adversely impacting me. I am not able to use my living area. The leather sofa and chairs pictured were also purchased at Overstock.Com; and the pictures on the wall. I'm a very loyal and long-time customer. I intend to donate my current dining set to Habitat for Humanity and was waiting to schedule the delivery date for my new dining set before scheduling a pick up of my donation. Now, I have two dining sets; one in boxes and one that is boxed-in. I expected better. Based on this experience I would give Overstock less than a star but because of past satisfactory purchases and customer service, I give them 2 stars pending outcome of this issue. I will update.

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