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Reviews Shopping, Consignment Poshmark

50 customer reviews of

Double Edged Sword
Poshmark is a double edged sword where you get the good with the bad. I have purchased about 4 items from various sellers on Poshmark and in each case had good experiences. However, I didn't have retail expectations purchasing used items. My teen daughter wanted a couple of designer handbags and this was a great way to get them for her without investing tons of money on a kid that could possibly lose or damage them.

On the flip side and from a seller standpoint, I'm a little disturbed at the selling practices. I've had brand new shoes, still in the box on Poshmark for a couple of years, priced at dirt cheap, about 4 pair and a pair of Ugg style boots. To be honest, Poshmark sat on Poshmark for so long, I forgot I had them on there. I have over 500 boxes of brand new shoes in an empty room in my home, sell them pretty well on Ebay and get a decent price for them. However, with Poshmark, it's completely different. My items sat in my Poshmark closet for a couple of years without so much as an inquiry. I kept getting likes the entire time, but no sales. The listing process was also tedious in just having to use an ipad or phone to take pictures and then sit there and type crap out like you're sending some text message; huge pain.

I finally finished setting up my business sites and decided to really become active on Poshmark, taking the tips and tricks they suggest, share, like, blah, blah. So, I loaded up my closet with brand new inventory, clothes, jewelry, shoes, etc., basically everything I sell in my online and sites. I listed my items as retail because they are brand new with the tags, some are my brand, and others are other brands, but regardless, they are all brand new with tags. The biggest let down in that selling process was how much Poshmark charges. I had a sale for shoes that retail at $49, listed it at $20, got offered $15, and cashed out $7.50. I only accepted the offer in an attempt to boost the reputation and hopefully attract more buyers. Unfortunately, that wasn't the case. Additionally, the time and effort it took to get all my items posted on there was ridiculous. I guess my stuff will sit in my closet for another couple of years until it turns vintage, but in all honesty, nobody has time to list a zillion products in an attempt to get a sale once every couple of years, and certainly not for kibbles and bits on brand new products.

In closing, my products are sitting on Poshmark, if they happen to sell, great, if not, there were no expectations, but I'm not wasting my time any additional time becoming a liking, sharing, addicted fool just to win a popularity contest on a website. I have Facebook for that.

Poshmark is amazing!
I saw a denim black Levis skirt in a video and had to have it! So I googled the item which led me to Poshmark! I purchased the item and although used was in great condition at a fair price. The item was shipped in a timely fashion and I'm very happy with it. So I created a profile on poshmark and I'm addicted! You can find vintage stuff that would be hard to find anywhere else. Now I see a lot of complaints on this page because people love to whine and complain without seeking solutions or being smart buyers. Before I purchase anything I make sure to ask buyer to be honest and post pictures of flaws and I do the same. But not all people are nice and honest and that is not the companies fault. Are you taking a risk when buying online? Sure you are so be smart! Be careful with high priced brands such ad Louis Vuitton and Michael Kors.Do your research about how to know if an item is authentic. For instance with Louis Vuitton bags there is a tag inside with a code. When I sold my Louis Vuitton I made sure to show code tag and numerous pictures of the inside and outside of the bag. I also included the flaws. I got an offer sold the item. When I sell I send a thank you note with it wrapped. Its a good chance my customer will buy from me again because I have practiced proper etiquette. And it gives me good ratings in my stats. I make sure to display my product listing in good lighting with an attractive background. Also I displayed a tote bag with items alongside so the person can see how much fits in a bag. Its fun to network and make friends and to sell. I am planning on going to school for merchandising and fashion design and I believe this is a great tool to help me keep up with fashion trends. Though it is fun to find vintage stuff as well. I have created a closet with about 50 items to start including clothes jewelry and handbags. But someone posted on here about being upset when Poshmark purchased a 600$ watch which turned out to be fake. Honestly I would NEVER buy an expensive name brand item online like that. I would go directly to retailer. I purchase low price fun vintage items. Someone complained about poshmark wanting too much personal information. Well I think that is needed to protect them and the consumer! If you don't want to give them personal information then don't go on the website duh! If you research authenticity and Poshmark rules and regs you can have a lot of fun! And if someone is messaging you catty texts then just block them! I haven't had any issues yet but life us life. Nothing is perfect. If you got burned by shopping online its probably your fault because you were too trusting or didn't get enough information about the product. I mean once you purchase it it might be difficult to return it. Its just a risk you take. I love poshmark and will continue to list and buy!

Rip off. Nice idea, poor execution and too expensive.
I like the idea of Poshmark and it's very convenient. However on the seller's and buyer's end, things just aren't fair.
Firstly let's start at the mandatory $5.95 shipping. Lots of sellers have to lower prices (and then there's 20% commission fee taken out of what you make-yeah, NOPE) to make items with $6 shipping more appealing to buy.
On the buyer's end, things are just too damned expensive. No, it is not fair or right to charge $5.95 for 3 day shipping (which is a joke also; I'll get to that) for items being sold cheap (like less than $6. Or anything that can be shipped loads cheaper).
For shoes, ok, that's fine. Anything else, nope, nope, nope.

As for the "3 day shipping" it's nothing but a waste of money. Again, nice idea, but no thanks. Get rid of it. Firstly, most sellers take days to ship items, if Poshmark ship them at all. You have to wait 7 days to cancel any order made that hasn't been shipped yet. In my case I did this after trying to ask someone if the item had been shipped and receiving no response for over a week(just told another I have been attempting to contact that I was about to cancel and got a "WAIT NO, I'll ship tomorrow" been 2 weeks, still haven't been shipped).
The girl finally responded after I cancelled and told me she shipped the item( now a week and a half ago), and she'd send me tracking, and never did. Poshmark sends sellers a shipping label and literally all you need to do is mark the item as shipped and they will send the tracking.
This was a "featured seller". So you have things like that happening. I got my $ back but I'm holding $22 aside now in case she was actually telling the truth even though it is highly doubtful. Lol but just watch yourself.

Also, the items hardly ever arrive in 2-3 days even after being shipped, at least in my experience.

Poshmark, if you want to succeed, stop taking 20% commission(seriously that is WAY too much) and forcing people to pay for "3 day" shipping. This is like how car accidents happen: you want to go faster so you can get there faster and in the end you either get pulled over, have an accident or don't make it at all. Stop being so greedy; you'll have your money AND keep your business if you lower fees.
For shipping, nobody ships in time for the 3 day shipping to be worth it anyway, and you give them a 7 day window. Let the seller choose their own shipping methods, except enforce that they provide tracking for security.
Current shipping and fees are absolutely ridiculous. Oh and, watch who you make a "featured seller". Idk how you end up as one, but not all of them are automatically trustworthy. There should be a much better feedback system implemented.
Oh, and lastly, the photo options suck. Firstly, you can add filters. No. Stop. Secondly, there are no crop or rotate options, which would be much more useful than filters on a selling app/site. I have to use InstaSize for everything just to get a full photo of my items.
I really love the idea of Poshmark, I like the things people sell, but I'd honestly prefer to buy from them elsewhere if possible.

Awful, nonexistent outsourced customer service
Poshmark is disgusting. I've just had to cancel a transaction that a seller did not ship after a week - Poshmark never even apologized to me and even were totally dishonest about intending to ship a couple days prior (block username: ejjohnsonnn). I am waiting on another one that is about to go into day 5 since purchasing and has not shipped. Both sellers that take this long to ship have 1-2 day shipping averages calculated supposedly (emphasis on supposedly) on their shipping times. This is INACCURATE and inconsistent, as I had to ship 50+ items next-day in order to receive a 1-day shipping average on my seller page. That is very shady of Poshmark to hold different sellers to different standards. There is no accountability for sellers that take this long to ship or have their transactions cancelled - they should certainly receive a flag on their account! Another listing that I paid for was canceled 2 days later because the seller 'changed their mind'. It is insulting that Poshmark even allows this to be a reason for cancelling a transaction. Then they take days to refund you when of course they remove the money from your account instantly when you purchase.

Poshmark will not edit ratings. It's nonsensical. As where eBay will gladly remove any unfair negative feedback immediately, Poshmark refuses to do a darn thing about it. I sent a sweater to a woman with several close-up pictures of the broken belt AND included 'broken belt' in description. She gave me one star stating 'belt was broken'. (Block: Jennifer Gural a. K. *******@littlebittyjeny). Clearly an unfair rating on the part of a careless buyer who must have money to burn if they can purchase a $60 sweater without reading the description.

I've been selling my items there for years and they just have no respect at all for anyone who uses their site. I sent them a long email giving feedback on the number of packages they've had to reimburse me for that the USPS has lost, suggesting that for their own good they offer additional mailing options. I got some abrupt, dismissive reply from a person who was clearly writing from overseas. EBay might do the same thing but at least they have helpful customer service reps ON THE PHONE. This cheap company cant even find the decency within themselves to get an actual phone number. Finally, Poshmark made an extremely stupid marketing move thats driven them even further down the toilet. They introduced a super important selling feature and only gave it to 10% of users, stating they were testing it. 5 days later and it hasnt been made available to me- I emailed them expressing my discontent at their previous handling of my feedback, and that this was even more important to me in that I saw how unfair it was to leave some sellers in the dark with this new feature. They again sent me a bureaucratic 3-sentence reply saying they would forward my feedback and never ONCE actually showed that theyd address it. Even if you wont give me an answer, you personally ADDRESS an unhappy customer. They cant even do that. Poshmark and their outsourced customer service/marketing strategies are pathetic and I am one of many of their users that thinks this way!

*UPDATE* Since this customer service blunder, they approved a return for a dishonest buyer that falsified measurements because the dress didn't fit the way she wanted. She wanted to return the dress on the basis of my size small listed being inaccurate due to the length of the dress - she claimed it was actually a large because it was 3 inches longer than my measurements listed. The waist and bust measurements were not debated (because of course they were correct and correlated with size small). The only thing she mentioned was the length, and any seller/buyer should know that length has nothing to do with size. I had included in the listing that the size tag was missing, and this was the first thing she mentioned in the return, clearly indicating that she did not read the listing. When I stated that the size listed was an estimation based on measurements, she told me that I should have indicated that measurements are an estimation. Never did I ever say that measurements were an estimation - she did this solely to manipulate my words and further her own fraudulent case. Poshmark picked up on none of this.

Not only did they approve the return, but they sent me an email telling me to include measurements and size in the future, as if I had not already done so. Pathetic attempt on their part to look like they actually reviewed the case (since they automatically side with buyers no matter what). But joke's on them, if they actually had reviewed it properly, they wouldn't have included such an ignorant statement in their email to me. Size and measurements were CLEARLY listed on the page for the dress, and the buyer was a total idiot for not reading it. I had reached out to the buyer before & after shipping the product, and after the return case was opened. She ignored my polite communications every single time and only contacted me through the case thread that Poshmark opened for the return. The way she spoke to me here should have been labeled harassment and, based on this and her questionable reasoning for returning, she should NOT have been approved. It was clear she was being manipulative and dishonest, as the photographic 'evidence' she included was blurry and cut off. Despite this, and my attempts to reach out to Poshmark to defend my end, they have yet to reply nor remedy the situation. I have filed a complaint with the Better Business Bureau to receive compensation for this transaction, as I deserve. Poshmark does NOT protect sellers, and sides with buyers only to keep the money coming in on their end. Greedy and unethical company - current sellers/buyers please *******@lahenson aka Lisa Henson (Dallas, GA) so she does not have the chance to scam you too. I received the return back, stuffed carelessly into a mailer. Upon re-measuring, I found they were exactly the same measurements as I had stated in the listing. I reached out to Poshmark with photos of my correct measurements - unlike the cropped ones the buyer had sent in her case. Instead of a response, the next day Poshmark sends me an automated email that the earnings have been refunded back to the buyer, and once again asking me to please include measurements in my listing. It is absolutely criminal how they behave. So they make honest sellers wait 3 days to have their item accepted by a buyer - and this sick scammer Lisa Henson gets to take 2 days to file a return case - but they release a refund less than ONE FULL DAY after delivery of a return? And they dont even wait to make sure the buyer sent back the same item? As a buyer, I could literally return every single item I buy for any old reason and not even have to send the correct item back. This is why people like her scam sellers. Because Poshmark makes it so easy. Poshmark knowingly ALLOWS buyers to scam sellers and file fraudulent returns. There are other reviews here that state the exact same thing! In response to my BBB complaint, they replied: "the user listed the total length size to be 47 inches ( as stated within the listing). The buyer provided a photo of the length measurements to be 50 inches. As such, our team was forced to approve the case. For this reason, we consider the case closed." UNBELIEVABLE. They clearly didn't read a word I wrote. The length was exactly as stated in my listing and the buyer provided MANIPULATED photos not showing the entire length. Their abrupt and ignorant response shows that they NEVER take the time to correctly evaluate any situations that arise on their site, and that they DO NOT care about their customers nor do they see any reason to rightfully earn their ridiculous 20% commission. What's even stupider is that Poshmark refunded me for the transaction after I clicked 'Problem with Return' when I received the returned item. I'm not upset about the money here - I'm upset about the principle. They still insisted it was an 'honest oversight'. Cover-their-own-butts bureaucracy at its finest. If this is the case, why the idiotic response on BBB?

Unsurprisingly, they say selling counterfeits is illegal and not allowed on their site, yet they let it happen and do nothing when you report it - because doing something about it would incur a little thing we call effort, something this site is not known for. I bought a fake Kate Spade dress *******@lamaisonjaune aka Sarah Ng of Haddonfield NJ. I had the order canceled, she deleted the listing with my comments asking to cancel the order (it was on her About Me page and she instantly reinstated the SAME page with the same cliche pictures of her so that my comments would be GONE, even though I never accused her of selling a fake). She then changed her username once I filed several online claims citing her old username! Her NEW username *******@lamaisonjaune, DO NOT be fooled by this cliche-on-overload seller with her cutesy About Me page and pictures of her dog. She is a scammer! I reported to Poshmark and received a very rude response from Mina who was likely typing from a country thousands of miles from where Poshmark headquarters is located. They tell you not to send more than one email as it delays a response. Funny, the response would have been delayed or nonexistent no matter how many emails you send them. This sounds a lot like the page they have explaining why they dont have a phone number - it wouldnt make any sense, guys! Your emails go to a real live human being, they promise it does! And that is far more efficient than a phone number! Please avoid sending multiple emails as it puts your email at the bottom of our queue and may result in a delayed response. Excuses excuses excuses. They have an excuse for everything, rather than a solution to anything. Nice that they hide behind email and refuse to provide a phone number where you can speak directly to someone if you want a complaint escalated higher than an entry level cog who will copy and paste you a response.

Sad that Poshmark supports scammers in favor of their own profits. Karma will come around and have her go at them. Poshmark is an amateur, shady company full of holes and so many wasted opportunities to do better. Lack of any customer support by phone, corrupted return policies, and ridiculous commission fees - a competitor who sees these shortcomings as a venue to do much better will eventually knock them to the curb where they belong. Poshmark will one day take a seat next to MySpace in the dead has-beens of the Internet section, mark my words.

Wonderful site, give it a try!
I am speaking from a seller & a buyer's point of view. I have made almost 2,000$ just selling clothes I don't wear anymore (I have tons!) and have received almost all 5 star ratings. I also buy on this site as well.

I see that people on this site complain entirely too much about things that are not true. Every company and business has issues, it doesn't matter who you are. Poshmark has only been around for a couple of years, and I have to say Poshmark are doing a wonderful job even though they have problems still to fix.

1. Commission.
Yes, they do take a commission. But, let me ask you a question. How much do you get for a shirt at a yardsale? 50 cents, if that? I would way rather sell a shirt that's in brand new condition that I never wore for 10$ (because its worth that) than get 50 cents for it.

2. Customer service.
Most people that complain about their customer service do not read the rules prior to purchasing. Poshmark clearly advertises that all sales are final, unless you receive and item that is damaged or fake, ect. You can't just send an item back because you don't like it or it doesn't fit you the way you want it to. I'm not saying that isn't disappointing, but it isn't the sellers fault, and Poshmark has the rules written all over the place!

With that being said, I have had a few purchases here and there that were damaged. I sent photographs, got my shipping label, and sent it back no problem. Poshmark customer service replies way more quickly than most sites and will help you solve the problem.

3. "I don't sell anything".
Let me get this straight with you, coming from a seller. This website is not one where you can just list an item and expect it to sell in two seconds. You have to follow people, share others items, and share your own items. You make friends on this site as well. If you don't want to work for your sales, then this isn't the site for you. I think it's kind of fun actually.

Also, you have to drop your prices and negotiate your prices. Poshmark offers great shipping promotions (like 0.99 cent/1.99 shipping on price drop orders). They really try to help you sell!

4. "The people on it are horrible, awful, rude"
The people on this site are 100% NOT awful, rude, or horrible. OF COURSE there are going to be scammers and mean people. Sorry to break it to you, but that's something you will have to get over. There are mean people and scammers no matter where you go. Truly, there are so many nice women that will help you try to sell your stuff, and you can help them back! Just block the rude people, that is what I do. The women on this app are funny and kind people, for the most part.

5. "The items suck"
I sell and buy on this site, but my entire family buys items on here all the time. It is one of the best shopping places ever! There are, of course, extremely overpriced items, but that will happen no matter where you go. I have found the cutest things for so cheap, that come in BRAND NEW condition from expensive brands! If you look, I promise anyone could find awesome items for great prices.

-Ask the seller first if the item is available, and ask them any questions you have about the item. If they don't respond, don't buy it. You can see when they were last active!
-Give this app a try. It really is great. You will have so much fun.
-Stop complaining about things that happen no matter where you go in the world. Its not worth your time. Look at the positive and go with it!

Lily W

I guess I should have read the reviews first.
I sold a Louis Vuitton Bag MM (medium bag) worth $3,500 listed for $2,400 and I had accidentally listed it in the description as a PM (smaller bag) The buyer wanted to clarify the size and when she confirmed it was a PM, I went into the description to update it and remove the 'PM' since it wasn't the smaller version. (smaller bag is small, more square and comes with a shoulder strap.) I typed in the comments to her that I removed the PM and I was sorry for the wrong description size I had copied the description from an ad for that model purse online. She gave told me to text her and gave me her number in the comments, I sent her pictures directly to make sure there was no confusion and she was happy because it is a lot of money. Also so she could see the purse next to me in size. Sale made, I stuffed the bag with tissue to keep its form since it is leather nicely placed it in its protective bag then placed it in ints original box with more tissue paper around to protect it in its travel. I mailed it over, then the journey begins. I got a notification almost two days later telling I can track my bag on the way to Poshmark. Thats fine but all I am thinking about is when I am going to get my money since my purse is out in the mail and Poshmark haven't even asked me for my bank information thus far. (and its my first sale) So I am uneasy about it but I am tracking my purse and I text the client that its on its way to their building for verification. 6 Days pass as I impatiently waited for some type of update or notification on the status on my expensive purse! I decided to just text the client and ask her if she had received the bag yet, she said, No I canceled it. I said why? She said they contacted my and told me it was a PM in size so I declined it. Then she sent me a picture of the bag that they were claiming was the same model as mine. That bag said "PM" had a shoulder strap, was more squared and was almost $500 less then what my fianc'e paid for mine (original price.) In other words, my sale didn't go though becuase their team of "luxury experts" are not luxury experts at all. If they were experienced with designer brands and purses like they claim to be, they would have known that that purse only comes in two sizes, a small size and a large size. Mine was clearly the larger version. Not to mention when it was returned to me and I opened my box, the dust bag wasn't even on all the way my purse was falling out and it looked thrown, uncared for, no tissue at all, and left to warp with no stuffing for its for it to keep shape. These people are wrong, inexperienced, careless, uninformative, unreliable and lets not mention the fact that they don't even have a number to reach out to them for customer service but a whole warehouse for them to verify purchases. Hm. I wonder why.

Beware! SCAM! Fraud! Replicas!
The BAD reviews are REAL, poshmark is not the site you want to sell your designer goods on nor purchase any designer items! Any good review is from the poshmark CULT! Be aware, read all reviews including the BBB and report this company to the FEDERAL TRADE COMMISSION as well as designer headquarters of CHANEL or any designer with closet names so Poshmark can investigate. The site is plagued with counterfeits! Too many counterfeit CHANEL BAGS! Go visit and you will find the CHANEL replicas for $60! Get in touch with corporation headquarters of chanel, they don't play. This site needs to be SHUT DOWN! Most of all THE BBB reviews are not false, they investigate along with the federal trade commission. Ladies do your homework first! If you have the time call all designer headquarters corporation and speak to the upper echelons and take notes of the closet names so they have evidence and they do investigate, no designer house likes this website, trust me I know. No designer appreciates their logo on a replica! Go over their head and call the designer corps, demand to speak to the CEO! If you purchased a replica REPORT THEM. Get the fashion police involved, call all designer corps! Make sure you take notes and save the closet names, save all your tracking reciepts, print out the closets and print out buyers addresses, your dealing with the internet. Do it for your safety and evidence. Anyone can be found when you get authorities involved. Print everything out and catalog it, you never know, you might need it someday and sooner or later you might be able to join a class action suit. The things this company is committing is truly ILLEGAL and a federal crime not to mention countless people who had money disappear from their bank accounts. It's a overseas company who has its headquarters in LA! Did you ever ask yourself why there is no phone number? Horrible customer service? If you have given them your Banking info, call your bank and report the company and put a block on any future transactions. It's obvious there's some inside employee criminal actions going on! Cancel your bank or debitl card for a new one so they can't get into it 5 months later. Read the BBB REVIEWS! Do you notice the reps that respond have nicknames with no last name? A professional corporation doesn't operate this way! As for the commercials, false advertisement! Do you ever wonder why you see so many half minute commercials? People are deleting and leaving and it's obvious the company is folding up. If you have earnings don't let them build, your money is NOT INSURED, poshmark is NOT a bank. Stop looking for bargains, its all a SHAM!

I would not shop here again.
Actual problems I had with my Poshmark experience:

(1) The product was not as described.

(2) Although the package was delivered to my apartment complex, it never actually made it into my unit during that 3-day period because all packages go directly, and only, to the leasing office. That office is open weekdays from 10am - 4pm, when most people are at work. This is not any different from the post office holding onto my package, yet Poshmark refuses to acknowledge this reality. How exactly am I to lodge a complaint within 3 days if the product was never even in my hands during that time period?

(3) I tried to return the item through Poshmark's official channels, within 3 days of when I actually received the item. Poshmark gave me so much grief that I had to go through my bank. Poshmark retaliated by restricting my account privileges, apparently because Poshmark are so concerned about their own financial well-being and the $15.99 they are charged per disputed order... Shouldn't they have cared about my order that cost twice as much, and not blocked legitimate returns?

(4) Since I don't trust a company that acts so shadily, I responded to Poshmark asking them to simply cancel my account. Since I was still irritated that they kept insisting I received the package when I didn't, I mentioned as an aside that they could have checked for themselves that the item couldn't have been delivered to me -- not my signature on receipt, and I had a plane ticket showing that I flew back into town the day after or something. Poshmark reinstated my account due to the mention of my plane ticket, but then gave me a condescending lecture about not ordering items if I know I'll be out of town... I returned within their 3-day period, but once again, I did not receive the package on the day they said I did because it was delivered to the apartment complex leasing office, which I would not have been able to go to that day even if I were in town because it closes early. My being out of town did not affect this issue at all. The issue was confirming that the package went to the right person... Poshmark's response tells me that they don't actually listen, nor are they interested in looking into how their own policies and behaviors contribute to the problem. Plus, the condescension is really obnoxious.

Theoretical problems:

(3) A 3-day period to say that something's wrong with an order has always seemed very short to me, like a company really is not concerned with its customers satisfaction or rights. Not only does it usually take some time to decide if a product fits as one likes, but people often have other, more pressing things going on in their life than to watch for exactly when a package comes in, and they may not have time to actually open it within 3 days. For instance, you better hope that the package doesn't arrive on a Friday, and that you didn't go straight up into the mountains from work for a weekend away, because when you get back, you're probably tired and not going to open your mail. If you waited 1 day and opened it after work that Monday, you've already waited too long.

Poshmark "Wannabe Internet Thugs"
Poshmark can be fun, but say something about a wrong item you received or ask an innocent question about quality and your screwed. There are several ladies on Poshmark who get into these groups and then try to "bully" new poshers. First understand this, the follow game is a joke. I sold a couple Grand and only 1 purchase was from a follower. Poshmark have these groups for a reason the moment you don't join the "old lady gang" your behind will be blacklisted. They will follow and unfollow you in groups just to try and get to you, try. They will also go so far as to change their profile pictures, no joke some of them are creepers. They also say their posh mentors, anyone can be a posh mentor, I was one in two weeks. Just share new poshers closets. Its funny how some of these mentors are selling toe stained sandals, half used perfumes, can't send the right items to customers, but your gonna give me advice. I'm good. Anyone can be a host, just fill out the application. Suggested users, it's very easy to become one, you don't need the old lady gang to be successful on poshmark. Notice how the "host picks" are always the same ladies who are friends. If your not telling your life story about how your dog just left the vet, your not gonna make it long in the "group". Also right before parties, these so called "mentors & suggested users" will follow you to get shares and then unfollow you. The boutique items they purchase (Poshmark wholesale),
They pay double sometimes triple for, which is why the "boutique" sellers usually carry similar products. That's why the price of the items are so high, they have to make back what they got ripped off for. Trust, if they're acting like your buddy, watch out they smell competition. 'Some' of these women are nice, the majority, wackadoos! Some of these women need validation, they're envious and vindictive. If you don't like facts, you won't like this, but it's the truth. I was on there for almost a year and left because I just want to sell stuff, not play follow the leader. Telling my life story to people I don't know. It could be a 50 year old man with a picture of his ex-wife as a profile pic, sitting behind the computer. And they're falling for it. They hate being called out because the new poshers coming in recognize game & they don't have a 'Meet the Posher page' which is the first smartest step. Sell your stuff & lay low. Avoid the groups unless you are looking to socialize and waist your time promoting these fakes and help them get more coins. Or, focus on sharing your items, and sharing/following the people you choose, treating your customers good and getting your coins. So when you see "Oh welcome to Poshmark I love your closet, come check mine out" It's game/self promotion. Read some Posher pages you'll see what I mean. Most of them, you want to avoid!

Tried to hang in there, but I'm done
Since my last review I have grown to 35k followers, still 5 star rated, and became a suggested user. The site has changed in such a bad direction that I have made the decision to close my closet. With the onset of boutiques the maket is absolutely flooded. With the exception of pluse size boutiques (this is an underserved market in all retail) these boutiques are run of the mill- nothing special clothing items at 2x's the price of a brick and mortar. Most the items come from China, so size 10 women... size up to a 3xl! And, never, ever get a refund due to fit. This has pushed up the price of everybody's closet. I joined a Facebook support group, and that was a joke. Women openly bragging about buying items in the. 99 bin at goodwill and marking them up to 40.00-50.00. These were the same women who use stock photos (illegal) to advertise their items, and... usually the same women who return to the Facebook page to, "vent" about the, "stupid bi**h" who opened a claim because the item was smelly and dirty. My daughter received a box (thank god her mailbox is outside and it was -2 degree) and it had bed bugs in the tape. (Confirmed by a Dr.) she threw it in 2 garbage bags, put a note on it in case of dumpster divers, and threw it away. She had photos and a note from the Dr. so she opened a claim. The seller said her whole closet was thrifted. On this Facebook group, people greatly exaggerated their profits. When one young mother asked if she could support her family doing this, one woman said she was a law school grad who had a 6 figure job with an attractive benefit package just waiting for her (convenient!) and she wasn't taking it because posh made her so much money! Well, I cal BS! Her closet was nothing but wrinkled, worn out Layne Bryant items and thrift store sweaters. I cautioned this young mother that even if she made money from working around the clock, there was no health insurance, 401k, life insurances, flex plan... my point is that the CEO Manish is not the women's advocate he claims to be. He uses something women love, fashion, and lets them believe Poshmark are all vogue editors. He has silly parties, and gives out silly titles, and women are willing to work 20 hrs a day for this. This company, to my knowledge, does not support any charitable giving, and in fact, over the holidays rendered a challenge: Do something like 100,000 shares in so much time and they would donate X dollars to dress for success. Well, as women rapidly advanced towards the goal, poshmark increased the number of shares! Guess what... goal not reached. It took a lot of outcry from women, and they finally made a small donation. So, I will continue to shop brick and mortar, go out with the girls, try things on... and get excellent eyeball-to-eyeball customer service. If you want to run a small closet and get a small return on your clothing (that's what posh started out as) it's still possible, but I really feel the whole thing is destined to implode. For me. It's real stores, and consignment stores or donating to awesome causes such as, "dress for success" Posh is a nightmare, and the competition has raised prices ridiculously high, while customer service is non existent. It took me 3 emails to the CEO to get the birth control, morning after pill, and yes, hand guns off the site. Personally that was the last straw. Kids can buy any of those things... and poshmark? They don't care.

If I could I would give this Company negative stars
I have been eyeing Tiffany and Co. Toggle and heart set, consisting of bracelet and necklace for years, especially when Tiffany and Co. Came up with Return To Tiffany Collection. Needless to say that I was more than ecstatic to find the same set for a quarter of a price on Poshmark website. I have never dealt with Poshmark before and hardly ever shopped on E-Bay; so, I had no idea what dangers awaited me.

I did do my research about authenticity of Tiffany and Co. Items, but not much Can be told from photos... I submitted a bid for $300.00 and the seller accepted it all too quickly. When I got my purchase promptly a couple of days later, even with a naked eye I could tell, having seen Tiffany and Co. Real necklace once in my life (from the old collection) that this was a fake. Both chains felt like pure metal and not silver and had distinct smell of lead. Links were open, both donut toggle clasps were raised and not flattened (unlike on the real items), both chains were missing 925 purity of silver stamps (only the heart shaped pendants bore the stamps and in a wrong place). To make a very long story short, I took the set to Tiffany and Co. Store, where a sales rep. Told me that these are counterfeit items.

Since then, I put my purchase in dispute in a proper form with Poshmark. I asked for a full refund. It has been several days and too many requests for more photos, but no refund. This site is a scam, and Poshmark is too blame- not the sellers. All the site cares is making its profit from sales; however, Poshmark don't care who sells on there. Therefore, please don't blame people, who were practically handed over this forum where to scam.

According to what Tiffany and Co. Rep explained to me how to authenticate Tiffany and Co. Items, none of the items I saw on Poshmark's site are real. Despite this fact, Pishmark knowingly permits the sale of counterfeit items. I am positive that others have complained about Tifdany and Co items not being real. However, Poshmark picked a wrong person to mess with. I have already prepared a lawsuit against both Poshmark and the seller. I have reported Poshmark to Tiffany and Co Tradesmark legal team (let them investigate), reported the counterfeit sale to LA crime division and district attorney. After all, knowing possession or sale of counterfeit goods is a crime both under federal and the state laws. This site needs to be shut down. Do yourself a favor and save your nerves and money and save up for the real thing, if you must have something...

If there is such thing as 0 star or
See Poshmark response after I sent so many emails to them - I received to June 10,2019 at the end of this review - ARE Poshmark KIDDING!

If there is such thing as 0 star or anything worse I will give that to POSHMARK - Terrible experience making purchase on Poshmark - I have made several purchases on Poshmark but the last transaction was a nightmare - First off the seller tried to sell Imitation Chanel bag claiming it to be authentic - when I double check and sent message to seller to ask for authenticity proof and do not send bag until she can provide authenticity - she emailed back and said she the bag is authentic and she had already mailed the bag and to state SHE IS VERY BUSY - and to return the bag when I receive it - after waiting a week - the bag never showed up - I tried to report to Poshmark only to get silent reponse for several days - Poshmark DO NOT HAVE PHONE NUMBER TO CONTACT - Finally sent me an email stated the bag had been shipped - Several days go by again with no bag in my mail box then Poshmark stated there is an error in their mailing system and to wait a few days - I got notice the bag was delivered again for the second time - only to find no bag in the mailbox - I again reported via email to POSHMARK with NO RESPONSE FROM POSHMARK again - meanwhile POSHMARK HAS TAKEN THE MONEY OUT OF MY ACCOUNT SINCE DAY 1 - THIS IS A NIGHTMARE_ if anyone want to go through the same experience - try purchasing from POSHMARK -otherwise I would stay away from this site AS FAR AS I COULD.



Hi Pavina,

Thanks for getting back to us. We are sorry to hear about your package, but we are happy to help!

In these sorts of situations, we ask that you file a formal complaint with your local post office in DENVER, CO, 80210. This process is not to be confused with an online claim. It is important for them to know about these situations, as they can help with locating the package. Additionally, it is rare for a delivered package to disappear.

We also ask that you share the confirmation number of the complaint with us, as well as the name of the supervisor who assisted you. Once you have initiated the process we will then proceed with launching an investigation into the missing package.

Thank you for your patience and cooperation.



Good and the not so much
I have been using poshmark for about a month. I hadn't sold anything online before but used to sell to local consignment shops. So far I have made 8 sales of about 16 items (some were bundled) and 4 purchases - all multiple items. (3 of which I have received.)

The positives include:
- I have definitely earned more than I used to from the local consignment shops. I don't have designer name clothing but plus sizes seem to do pretty well. I like setting my own prices. The 2.95 or 20% seems fair to me but again I'm not selling to earn a living just make a little off old clothes.
- It is easy to use. Posting listings is easy as is printing out the shipping label. It is easy to share, join parties and Poshmark can email you when things go on sale.
- As this is extra money from old clothes I don't mind the wait for funds to be accepted and released isn't a big deal so far. It is nice you have to rate the item to release funds as it can get you good reviews. I have gotten five stars from all sales so no issues there yet.
- Everything I have purchased so far has been quickly delivered (expect it to take a week or two) and as described. One skirt didn't fit well but really that's on me for not getting a better description. A couple things smelled heavily of febreeze but really in the end it is used clothes.

I sell and buy plus size or kids clothes and those tend to be more specialized in my opinion. It is a good place to find lots of options for plus size and good deals.

The not so good:
- The boutiques seem like a rip off... cheap imported stuff for top dollar.
- A good number of closets are over priced, selling items I could get for cheaper on the store on sale.
-The shipping is a bit pricey- especially if you are only ordering one thing. Also if things are overweight the seller has to pay the extra and it and devistate your earnings. I just posted a few pairs of jeans and someone snapped them up... package was almost 8 lbs so my shipping was almost 12 bucks... definitely ate into my earnings. Moral of the story was I needed to price the jeans a little higher to compensate.
-Lots of inactive closets or sellers selling products that don't meet the rules.

The neutral- I like the social aspect of it with shares and following etc. There are benefits epescially when dealing with specialty sizes! The downside is you have to do a lot of sharing and promoting to get your items seen and sold. The app makes it fairly easy but it can be time consuming.

Just a note: I don't do trades. I don't buy expensive things, jewelry, handbags or shoes from there. I have made a little money, bought some cute stuff for good prices and it worked out ok. I can't see getting rich doing this but for what I wanted... fingers crossed... it is working out okay so far.

Poshmark requiring ID verification for purchases
I have made four purchases from Poshmark. The first order I ever made was cancelled due to the item not being available, which was pretty frustrating, but my money was refunded with no problem. The other two purchases I made went smoothly. On my fourth and final purchase from Poshmark, I continued to make offers to the seller and left a comment with no response, eventually I just bought the item, not sure if I would receive it or if it was even available because the seller was unresponsive. After I completed payment for the item, Poshmark asked me to verify my identity to confirm it was really my credit card I used for the purchase. This is what Poshmark ask:

"To Complete the Identity Verification Process on the App: Step 1: Retrieve your Government Issued Driver's License or PassportStep 2: Select "Driver's License" or "Passport" on the Verify Identity pageStep 3: Lay your selected ID flat on a dark surfaceStep 4: Scan selected ID. Ensure that selected ID is placed within the designated grid. For your Driver's License, the front and back will need to be scanned. For your Passport, only the front will need to be scanned."
This seemed odd, as I have never had an online retailer require this before, but I went in to the Poshmark app and submitted the front and back of my driver's license. I thought that was the end of that, then I received this email from Poshmark saying:

"Thank you for submitting your license for verification. Unfortunately, we were unable to successfully capture an image of your ID. In order to expedite this process so that you can continue Poshing, we ask that you please submit the requested verification via email. At this time, we ask that you please send us a screenshot of your license and attach it to this email thread.

We are committed to providing a safe, secure shopping experience for our community and we want to confirm that someone else is not using your credit card without authorization. We are requesting that you verify your identity, which allows us to confirm that you own the payment method used for orders placed with your Poshmark account. This process is only a precaution for your protection and will be used solely for verification purposes within Poshmark.

Thank you for your understanding and cooperation."

They also sent this same email to me a second time. I was not comfortable sending pictures of my ID over email, but I really wanted the dress I bought and thought that they might not let me have it if I didn't verify my ID. However, I did some research and retailers cannot reject your credit card for not showing ID, as long as it is signed on the back (this goes for in-store but I think would apply to online too) Sure enough, I checked my credit card statement and it had been charged. I eventually did receive the dress with no problem. However, I don't think I will be able to use Poshmark without verifying my ID with them. For this reason, and after reading all of the negative reviews of Poshmark, I deleted my account and will not be using Poshmark again. I would recommend sticking with Ebay, I have bought and sold on there for a long time with no issues. I was going to eventually start selling on Poshmark, but after reading all of the negative reviews and experiences I am glad I never did.

I needed clothes in a hurry! PLUS UPDATE! 8-28-17
I went to the Bahamas March 2017 and didn't feel like getting out to shop, but needed clothes in a hurry!
I saw such great selections and fair prices on Poshmark! I bought three dresses, all were easy transactions and close enough to accurate. One dress was a completely different color than the pictures listed.
Overall, I would shop there again, BUT make sure you ask LOTS OF QUESTIONS!
Because from my understanding of the wording of returns, you pretty much can't get your money back. That is so stupid! Why buy something you could never return?
Questions- What is the fabric? Just because the tag says Large, is this really a large? Large like 12 or large like 14? What are the colors? Any rips, tears, stains?

NEW: 8-28-17 My brother got married this July and I bought my new sister in law an authentic Coach wristlet and an authentic Coach wallet. I was very happy with the entire purchase/paying process!
I also bought an inspired tote that was just awesome and beautiful!
Good luck!
Pics 1 & 2: $23 + $6.49 Shipping = $29.49
Pics 3 & 4: $10 + $6.49 Shipping = $16.49
Pic 5: $5 + $6.49 Shipping = $11.49
Pic 6: $15 + $6.49 Shipping = $21.49
Pic 7: $30 + $6.49 Shipping = $36.49
Pic 8 & 9: $8 + $6.49 Shipping = $14.49
Pic 10 & 11: $$$ + $6.49 Shipping = $$$
Pic 12: $9 + $6.49 Shipping = $15.49
Pic 13 & 14: $8 + $6.49 Shipping = $14.49
Pic 15: $$ + $6.49 Shipping = $$

1. STOP being so greedy by taking 30% PLUS the high shipping rate! Cut out your overhead wherever possible and be fair to these sellers! Shipping shouldn't cost that much!
2. MONITOR your sellers! If someone hasn't logged on in more than two weeks, then give them like a "3 Strikes" rule. If Poshmark do this 3 times, then they shouldn't be able to sell on your site! It's NOT the BUYERS responsibility to watch for lazy sellers! Don't you know this kind of thing gives your site a bad image?
2. REMOVE items that have been sold! It's fine that the sold items are in the seller's closet, BUT when your site offers "SIMILAR ITEMS" WHY would you want to display an item that has been sold? It's NOT like anyone can buy it so why offer it as a similar item? It should only be items that are FOR SALE!
3. LOVE NOTES - I get it, NO ONE wants to read ALL your rules and regulations, but I had NO idea what a "LOVE NOTE" was! When I searched/googled it, I still DIDN'T find any information on it! YOU really NEED to ADD this information when someone is completing a purchase so everyone knows what it is, how to leave a love note and the purpose for it!

Poshmark Totally Disregarded The Evidence in My Case Against a Seller of a MK Handbag
I have only being buying on Poshmark for a few weeks now... I made several purchases that when arrived, were exactly as stated and photographed; however, I recently made a purchase of a vintage looking black Michael Kors handbag & also purchased a matching black MK wallet. The seller was contacted by me to ask if there were any rips/tears on the interior or exterior of this handbag, and was told no... I asked the seller about a prior post or conversation between herself (the seller) and the potential buyer regarding a tear, but was told again to me that she wasn't aware of any tears... I should have ran fast from her closet/page at that time, but I honestly tried to take her at her word and believe that she was being honest about the shape of the bag in regards to damaged areas. Finally she posted extra photos that showed ink pen stains only at the base of the bottom of the handbag. I agreed that I would still purchase the handbag if that was the only damage, which was displayed at the bottom on the inside floorboard of the handbag; however, once I received the MK handbag & wallet, the handbag told a totally different story... I began to inspect the handbag and found one of the inside pockets also had ink stains that were NEVER disclosed to me in emails nor in the photos... ONLY the ink stains in the base of the handbag Not only did the MK handbag have more ink pen stains than the seller stated to me, but another inner pocket did in fact have a long rip/tear at the seam and an odd smelling brownish stain (probably glue) was at the base of this rip/tear. I immediately contacted the seller via message, but did not get a response. I then took lots of photos of the inner pocket containing the undisclosed additional ink stains and the rip/tear pocket with the brownish stain, and sent those photos to the Poshmark Customer Service to launch a dispute. The seller made one little comment and uploaded screenshots of bit/pieces of our conversation regarding the rip/tear questions and the one ink spot that she photographed that I was willing to overlook before receiving the handbag and seeing much more damage than the seller stated. I then submitted a reply with the full screenshots of our entire conversation regarding my questions asking if there were any rips/tears or other damage to the handbag, and the "rip/tear" conversation the seller had with another potential buyer even before my inquiry, but after 2 days, I received a "Closed Case" alert from Poshmark stating that the seller did not misrepresent the damage to the handbag when it was crystal clear that the seller was 100% dishonest during her sell of the handbag to me in regards to not disclosing all of the damage including the extra ink pen stains in the inner pocket and the rip/tear at the seam of crease of another interior pocket that also was coated in that odd smelling brownish substance. Poshmark had the nerve to offer me a $5.00 credit and suggested I resell the handbag on their website... I submitted an email message to Poshmark letting them know how disappointed I was with how Poshmark totally disregarded the facts in my Case and never ever considered the truth that my submitted photos and email screenshots that proved that the seller sold me a MK handbag with much more damage then she stated was there inside of the purse. I have refused the $5.00 credit and will be permanently terminating my Poshmark account as soon as my last two items purchased prior to this incident ships. I will use this negative shipping experience as a " Lesson Learned". I will NEVER use the Poshmark website ever again and truly feel violated as an honest Buyer. If the seller would've been honest and disclosed the rip/tear and the additional ink pen stains inside of the pocket, and I still agreed to make the purchase, then I clearly would have accepted that purchase with a smile; however, both the seller & Poshmark both know in their hearts that I was CHEATED out of my money on an item that was sold to me unlike it was described, but as I was told as a child... " A lesson bought is a lesson learned". I will now go to the Dillard's, Belk, Macy's, Overstock, etc. websites to purchase handbags that I can trust are a reliable purchase... it's worth paying a little extra to get what you are paying for without the hassle of going through what I just experienced.

Bad Customer Service
Screw Poshmark their nothing but trash worst Customer service ever Me and a Buyer made a decision and agreed and both are happy but NOOOOOOOO Poshmark says it's Policy to return the item for a refund and neither me or the buyer wants to do a return we agreed to refund a certain amount and we both would be happy cause she gets to keep her order that's sentimental to her and I made a sell and got paid so in the end everyone's happy but all because one glass broke Poshmark have to return the package for a full refund No this is bull neither of us wants to do that their just letting this drag out till she returns it. I think NO give her back partial payment for the broken glass and that way everyone be happy... My fear is if she returns them one she will be upset cause she said she wants to keep them their sentimental to her. And so she returns them then they all break or more breaks then I'm losing out on a lot of money so far during shipping 1 just 1 glass broke is all she wants to keep them and she wants $7 dollars back for the one glass that broke that's pretty fair she's only charging $7 a piece for the glass give her the damn money so we can all end this and everyone's happy. But No Poshmark Don't Care About Anyone's decision just their own rather everyone's happy or not I don't want a return and the lady don't want a return so side with us or were both threating to leave Poshmark for good. I'm very disappointed in the Handling of this by Poshmark. I don't give a flip what your policy says or whatever Y'all can shove it up your butt in the end if Y'all really wanna make everyone happy let the work it out and come up with a fair and agreeable decision and go with that so then everyone's happy. Just that simple and if something can't be made and peacefully then step in and handle it but do it professionally. Everyone at Poshmark should be ashamed of them selves and also the employee that's been assisting us is making you and your company ("Poshmark") Look really bad. If they had only went along with mine and the buyers decision she would be happy cause she gets her glasses and her $7 back from the one glass that broke and I would have made a sell and gotten paid and would also be happy... Since we both agree to not do a return and just refund part of the money it's a better option since she wants to keep the Glasses and I wanna make the sale final this is the bast way cause if she ships them back are they ("Poshmark") gonna pay for them that's a lot of money to lose out on their rare hard to find glasses from the 1970's and hard to find in pristine condition. It's Bad enough one broke so I guess if she gives into Y'all ("Poshmark") and returns them I guess I'll be the one eating it or losing out on money for the one that broke or for the rest if the all broke or a few broke during the return shipping... And also not happy with USPS I thought I wrapped them pretty good according to me and the lady I wrapped them pretty good so USPS had to intentionally tried to break them.

So frustrated with this company
So like, a year ago, I bought a pair of Anthropologie earrings off of Poshmark listed as "Anthropologie Vallee beaded hoops, new with tags" by user "suzeg." Poshmark were almost $50 and gorgeous. I finally get them and realize a bead is missing on the earring. And on top of that the package was partially damaged in transit. Then I try them on and TWO MORE BEADS fall off! I asked the woman I bought them from why they were damaged and she wouldn't admit that they were damaged EVEN THOUGH IT WAS SHOWN IN HER LISTING PHOTO THAT THE BEAD WAS ORIGINALLY MISSING! I contacted Poshmark support and told them I wanted a refund. I was furious. Then guess what happens? I get a mark against my account and my account temporarily suspended because I called the woman stupid for not admitting they were damaged or even apologizing. Then for SOME reason, Poshmark tells the woman that they earrings were only damaged in transit. And yes, they were, but what about the fact that they were damaged BEFORE hand and more beads fell out afterwards?
Keep in mind this happened over a year ago, in October 2014. On Poshmark, old listings cannot be deleted. So our argument along with the listing still remains. 2 days ago I all of a sudden get a notification for a comment, and it's a completely random new user called "greenmarbledoc", saying this: "just curious if you're normally psychotic and aggressive to people in your day to day life? The earrings were missing a bead, big deal. Package damaged in transit? Get your money back > Move on. Going menstrual on someone is "stupid," not the seller. Your comments here are incredibly illuminating as to what knowing you would be like."
I was so mad that someone had the audacity to comment on a situation that they knew nothing about. I commented on the one "meet me" listing in her closet and told her specifically that I wasn't what she called me, that she didn't know everything about the situation, and to stop with the extremely rude comments (there was more than one from her). I then report her and message poshmark support. Telling them if I get a mark against my account for calling someone stupid, someone who called me a psycho should also get a mark on their account. The next day (yesterday) comes. I get two emails in a row, the first, saying MY ACCOUNT HAS BEEN RESTRICTED!? I WAS SO MAD! Why the hell was MY account suspended?! I didn't even DO anything! Was asking someone to stop bullying me worth suspending my account?! And then the next email was Poshmark saying they would take care of the rude woman. I was so angry and so confused.
In hopes to get a quicker resolution I contacted their Facebook page and posted on their wall that I was so disappointed in how they went about things and wanted to know what was going on, also screenshotting and showing the rude womans comment and asking if that was acceptable to them for her account to remain standing after saying that and mind getting suspended after asking her to stop. THEY REMOVED MY POST FROM THEIR PAGE!

Update: Got a reply as to why my account had been temporarily suspended. Because I stood up for myself, also I was supposedly "behaving in a manner that violates community guidelines by leaving aggressive comments regarding other users." Yes, you read right. The one sentence where I asked her to not be rude and leave me alone, meant I was being "aggressive." They specifically asked me that next time someone bashes me online to not reply. Well, when you've been bullied your entire childhood, you don't take being attacked lightly. You stand up for yourself and ask politely that they stop. But does Poshmark care? No.
Oh, and I was told if I "misbehave" again, they will delete my account permanently and without warning.

If it wasn't for the fact that I've made good money off of this site, I would've deleted my account by now.

Hit or miss with items purchased. Sellers are nice UNTIL you request to return item.
I've enjoyed discovering Poshmark these past few months as a way to find great deals on luxury makeup brands and clothing items. I've usually stuck to brands I'm familiar with regarding quality, sizing, etc. from past experience purchasing directly from retailer (e. G, Ann Taylor, Bobbi Brown, Nordstrom, Biossance, etc).

However, of recent, I'm discovering that most sellers are great to deal with, accommodating... until - you want to dispute or return the item.

My two examples: Ann Taylor size 8P dress. Beautiful in pictures, but when received, it had a very MUSTY and perfumed smell, as well as small sizing, as if the item was washed and dried when it needed to be dry cleaned. To my surprise, my request to return (as cordially and civilly as possible) was met with anger, blame, insults, lack of customer service - it was as if I was now interfacing with an angry child/teen! - from the seller's profile, she was my age (40's) from somewhere in the middle of remote- nowhere U.S. likely trying to eke a living selling on PM.
I've realized this seller, like many others, try to sell their 'very used', Thrift store finds or dumpster diving items on the website. I was new to this and "ACCEPT"-ed my order prior to opening the package, so I lost my ability to file a claim for refund. Lesson learned. Do NOT accept an item until you've opened and inspected your order.

My second negative experience: I ordered a high end face oil from an intially sweet, communicative and accommodating seller. However, when I received this item, I knew the item was not authentic or adulterated. I politely, without blame, stated my case and asked to return. This seller, now becomes childish, reactive, blaming - like an entitled, short sighted Millenial (via profile photo) retorting to, "... I see you haven't sold anything nor have any followers... I've made thousands of thousands of $$ in selling and have NEVER had this issue... you obviously haven't used this product before, PM will side with me as I've been with them a long time..." etc etc. (Good Lord, what a generation).
Fortunately, I think, because of my communication (monitored by Poshmark I hope) remaining civil and rational, PM customer service determined I would get my refund.

Additionally, other 'iffy' experiences were: Used GAP sweater, but appeared to have been rolling around in pet fur prior to shipping to me (I kept it and washed it because it came with new Ann Taylor clothing purchase) & sizing misrepresenation of jacket/coat items.

However, other positive experiences have consisted of GREAT deals with near new high end makeup (Bobbi Brown, Chanel, and really nice finds with Ann Taylor NWT clothing). However, because of my two recent, negative, unprofessional and rude purchasing experiences with Poshmark sellers, I will be CLOSING my Poshmark account.

I understand that Poshmark sellers have to deal with unscrupulous buyers as well, which makes the trust between both difficult, and perhaps this is why I've had the two surprisingly reactive/negative/childish responses. Until better monitoring for ethical sellers, buyers, and enforcement of Code of Conduct in communications improves with PM, I will be online shopping elsewhere. (Ebay, Amazon, Real Real).

Poshmark tried to bribe and threaten me not to file a complaint with the BBB. Unethical!
Last week, Poshmark Customer Support tried to bribe and threaten me into not filing a complaint. I had two active accounts, one for selling and one for buying (for the purpose of not using earnings to buy more things). Prior to my recent purchase, I had made none on either account, or any I allegedly made and forgot about (Poshmark claim I have FOUR).
Because it was my first purchase, I was entitled to the 99? Shipping. However, there was no option to select that and I was overcharged. No biggie, right? Just e-mail Customer Support and ask for a refund.

So, I e-mailed them and a $5.50 unredeemable credit popped up on my account, which is not the same as a refund. They thought I was trying to scam them out of another purchase with almost-free shipping, when this was in fact my first purchase. After I said that I was going to file a dispute with the BBB, "David" tried to bribe me with a $10 credit if agreed to not dispute the order. I was also threatened that my account would be "negatively affected" if I opened a dispute. The $5.50 unredeemable credit that someone put on my account also disappeared after that.

Quote from 23 August 2018 at 11:16am: "Thanks for your email. We are happy to provide further assistance, but kindly ask that you follow the policies and processes moving forward. If a dispute is open it may negatively affect your account. As a one-time courtesy, we can offer you $10 in Posh Credits if you agree not to dispute the order. If you prefer a full refund to the original payment method, you may send the item to Poshmark and forward us the tracking number. Kindly let us know which option you would prefer and we would be happy to oblige. We look forward to hearing back from you!."

I did not break any policies; I was still a new customer. I replied that the response I received sounded like a bribe and a threat. I also mentioned that a $10 credit would do me no good because I never plan to use Poshmark again after this experience, and that my account couldn't be "negatively affected" if I never planned to use the app again. I once again requested that the difference in shipping to be refunded to me and reiterated that I would be filing a dispute if it was not. Then, I was told that they could not do "partial refunds".

More reiterating on my end in my response, stressing the fact that they were not addressing the fact that they were trying to bribe and threaten me into submission just a few responses beforehand. After stating that I was compiling a case and had all communication documented and screenshot, "Sarah" responded to the same e-mail thread with a changed tune. I received the full amount for shipping back.

I am still putting in this complaint everywhere I can because I am absolutely baffled that a company would treat a customer this way. Bribing and threatening customers is unethical. I will never use Poshmark again. Nothing could ever repair my view of this company after seeing such unethical business practices and horrible treatment of customers. I wish that I could give this "business" no stars.

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Based on 50 reviews from Poshmark customers, company has accumulated an average rating of 2 stars, indicating that majority of customers are not satisfied with its service.
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Description: Poshmark is the #1 place to buy and sell fashion. Shop millions of closets across America? And sell yours too!

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