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50 customer reviews of

Free but not vetted and biased
This website is a free Question and Answer site. Its strength is that people are encouraged to post their backgrounds so you can vet the quality of answers and disregard the ones from people who don't bother to do this. On the other hand, the site doesn't verify the background statements or the posted names of contributors so anyone who really wanted to give dangerous bad advice could just use a VPN to hide their IP, post a false name and say whatever Quora want. From the standpoint of a contributor I felt very unappreciated. Contributors don't get any money so there is no incentive to continue doing it. For this reason you see people mainly doing it socially, either because they are in retirement or disabled. The site really stinks when it comes to controversial religious and political topics. If you aren't politically correct and post a referenced article you will probably gain a following of stalker enemies who read every post and will constantly complain to moderators about you until you get banned from the site. For example, try discussing average IQ differences between races. Legitimate complaints would be ok but moderators are so asinine that they don't even follow their own rules. They will interpret posts discussing a topic as being harassment and attacks on a group just because it is controversial. So you are not allowed to express an opinion that ever is derogatory even when it is earned. It would be analogous to being banned for saying that that Nazi's were mass murderers because this would be hateful towards them. They go out of their way to protect US blacks who are the most vocal. They have also defending medical quackery by supporting unethical chiropractors.

I asked a question about a desperate personal problem...
I asked a question about a desperate personal problem involving another person and I immediately realized what a terrible mistake it was to use QUORA for anything but pure academics. I was first insulted for having the nerve to have this problem at all and then I was invalidated and belittled and mocked by others and then finally someone actually CHANGED MY QUESTION without my permission.The person jacked the words as if Quora were full of grammatical mistakes and the surmised purpose was supposedly to "soften" the effect on other people of the implications embedded in my question. Then I got all sorts of inappropriate and presumptuous snooty "feedback" from the jacked question. It was ghastly. For each one of these I had to rapid-fire TELL the person that this was not my question; that I had been jacked and that I highly resent what everyone on QUORA was doing to me in all my naive trust. Then I blocked and muted and reported them all. I also did that to the guy who had jacked me and then tried to come in the back door as "anonymous". I was actually told after that vile person molested me... that I was now being considered for QUORA jail due to the fact they disliked my NAME. Before I muted, blocked and reported the people I had to... my comments back to them were actually being squelched because they didn't like my accurate but traumatized feedback. The last thing I did when I got it that QUORA was really an abusive inhumane site... was to ask a question, ie: "IS QUORA AN ABUSIVE SITE?" Finally the "management" said all my comments (ON MY OWN QUESTION no less!) were to be "blocked" and at that point I asked to be removed from QUORA. They have so far ignored me so I am planning to let my email account go down (ie: never look at it again due to the ugly foot-in-the-face effect of seeing the ugly incoming messages from QUORA. Here's what my original question was (and all the variants I had to compose due to the abusive feedback I was getting): My question was: "How can I deal with a domestic situation wherein a schizoid roomie was constantly invalidating and dehumanizing me, and demonstrating no ability to show anger OR empathy, and mostly behaving like a monster, worm or machine?" Beneath this I explained how I could not simply "move out". And I guess the QUORA crowd was more offended at my situation than motivated to care about how I was getting hurt. Not one of them understood that I could not just leave, or ignore this person either, and ALL of them demonstrated an alarming incapacity for empathy themselves. SO that's why I say, for cold academic issues QUORA could suffice but for the rest, meditation or divine intervention would work better. And just as an addendum I must say that the purely "human" questions were in general dealt with much less skillfully than the academic questions and within that category I was also struck by the much less skillful answers around the more human side of academics, versus the technical/scientific/mathematic. Getting hurt this way was an eye opener and really educated me re: the repressive, primitive nature of the hi-Q crowd when it comes to issues of the soul.

Very annoying and people are entirely rude
I come to ask questions and get answers, but normally its just insults based off my question if Quora gonna be smart mouth why even bother to answer, then they disable comments cause they know they were wrong. Im not here to scare anyone but the least I could do is help correct them cause its not cool and im sure they wouldn't be proud to ask a question and receive a bunch of insults, they also get upvotes for calling people $#*!ed and judging other people and their family. Its almost like an app where you ask questions and Instead of answers you get insults and they get credit. I also need to get rid of things at times I get once something is asked they want it to be open to everyone but as the author who wrote the question we should have a right to delete it at all times especially if the question is not what it's supposed. Cause eventually stuff will cut up if something isn't able to disappear and eventually someone would get hurt but my main complaint is not letting us delete or edit answers cause its just gonna lead to more insults just cause people wanna act popular and as they see other users do it they have no problem doing the same especially for upvotes. At the end of the day I'm asking myself why am I even still using this garbage literally every question I have had life has immediately gave me the answer. I just enjoy hearing other's opinions but there isn't any other app to ask questions after days of research so I really need to just let life continue to answer even if it has to repeat itself eventually I will learn. Cause im over with people wanting to look like a legend just for insulting someone who's just looking for an answer. Lastly people are entirely racist literally they do not need to be on this app cause this is probably the most racist out of all apps I have used and I have used a lot of apps so If I could I would definitely give -5 stars so Prayer they fix this in the future cause for me at least" Quora is a no no and I hope to remember that.

Quora has one critical issue that is hurting its success.
There is one critical issue that his stopping Quora from being fantastic: Quora Moderation. How do I know?

I was on Quora for about a year. After a few months of light use Quora asked if I would like to get paid to write on the site. I thought, what the heck, this could be fun and rewarding. I earned a bit of money the first month and wrote a lot of questions, honed the craft of writing that generated more answers and meaningful engagement with other Quorans. I worked hard to be respectful to others and even though I'm not a fan of President Trump, I always referred him as President Trump (and not just plain Trump or other much more insulting terms like other users employed). Despite this, I noticed that Trump supporters started to malign me with personal comments. Most of it I ignored but when it got really insulting I would ask for Quora Moderation.

By the second month my views were now in the millions and I was earning five times more money than the previous month. Around this time, I started to get some messages from other Quorans that I had better watch out, that I was being targeted by Trump supporters who were determined to bring me down. While I took these comments seriously and appreciated the help that other Quorans had provided me over my time on the site, I wasn't sure what I could do avoid being brigaded by people who clearly hated me.

Into my third month, things were really starting to build in terms of my upvotes, followers, and engagement. About a week or so in, when I logged in one morning, I got a warning from Quora Moderation that my account was suspended for one day because they had complaints that my questions were biased. The warning said that if I didn't rectify this I would be suspended again and that this could lead to me being banned for life from Quora.

So, I was even more careful about my phrasing and worked diligently to ensure my questions were to the point and non-biased. Two days later, a particularly nasty Quoran who had pursued me before with insults and personal attacks call me a "kike". Now, I'm not Jewish but my last name might have made him think I was. Anyway, the whole thing made me angry. I reported the comment as bigoted to Quora Moderation but nothing happened. In fact, the user repeated the insult and wrote "kike" again in the thread.

In response, I decided to write about this exchange in one of the Quora forums that users go to about racist, bigoted, or insulting commentary. I uploaded a screen shot and didn't fuzz out the other Quora user's name.

That was it, banned for life. I wrote a long appeal asking Quora very politely to reconsider. Nope. They owed me money but never paid and they just cut me off with no feedback whatsoever. Other Quorans kept me up to date about what happened afterwards. Quora never responded to any other pleas for more information. And the insult remained online for a week, the word "kike" hanging there, much to the chagrin of others in the community. Then Quora finally took it down and the same Quora user just put it back up, repeating it again. It was distressing for many Quorans but there was also fear that they would also get banned if they spoke out too much.

Quora is a good concept and many Quorans are intelligent thoughtful people, even some who support President Trump. I had many a good conversation with others. And I succeeded more than once turning a negative comment into a positive dialogue and built some respect with people I have little in common with in the process. But some Quora Moderators are so heavy-handed and closed to any real appeal or dialogue that it deeply harms the way people communicate in the community. You can see that reading through peoples' commentary here. Quora Moderation is the biggest issue the forum faces and it seems to be getting worse.

And that's the real shame IMHO. Cause people like me what Quora needs to flourish.

Don't bother
The website promised a lot of things upfront, but quickly falls short the moment you are expecting those things. I didn't realize it at first, but the more I used the website the more it is obvious that the contents there are very very biased towards certain ideology and political narrative. Many other users have mentioned this as well, and the fact that they're not doing anything about this for so long now, proved how deliberate the whole thing is.

The site might have been good in the past, but as any other user forums I've participated, the moment you flood them with mass, mainstream users with practically no filtering, quality of content is going down the drain very quick for sure. Even 4chan, infamous for questionable contents by default, experienced this as well.

When it comes to userbase, I can safely say quite a lot of the users there think the site is Facebook, but refuse to acknowledge it so Quora don't have to burst their own bubble. My experience have told me over and over again that in its current state, the site is just another social media. It is all about popularity, numbers and pissing contest, no matter how some users outright denied this. They will tell you Quora is about SHARING KNOWLEDGE, not about views, upvotes or popularity. While that sounds fair, the behaviors of these users will show to you that this is not the case at all. It's all about the numbers. I bet you my money if it is not because of the numbers, most of the people here will find their way out of the site, the way it is for many bloggers who might find it difficult to maintain their blogs when there is not a single response at all to their content.

Don't get me started on the content. A lot of users will deliberately misrepresent certain things which in reality, are totally opposite of what they're saying, sometimes it's so sickening. Even the worst thing like incest or pedophilia, could somehow find its way to be justified by some users on the site, and mind you these users aren't just regular ones, they are the ones with thousands of followers which means they can reach large audience spreading nonsense like these. This makes it even worse since other users will perpetuate those things and make it seem as if it's true while it's not which told me how much of a sheep most users on the site truly is.

At the end of the day, I have to say that while there are SOME good contents on the site, as for most scenarios where you want to find useful, accurate and unbiased information about anything important, I highly caution you to avoid the site, or if you insist, read anything on the site with a JAR of salt. I've been using the site a lot in the past and decided to leave, since I'm tired of seeing how dishonest some of the users there in misrepresenting some factual information which you could find anywhere else without all the embroidery of political correctness.

Nonsensical liberal echo-chamber where no one has to know what they're talking about.
The site is nothing more than a vapid echo chamber to spew liberal/left leaning ideologies. Conservatives opinions are few and far between, buried for the most part by the obviously biased moderation team.

If you veer outside of politics you'll find plenty of questions with lengthy "answers" that are factually incorrect. Quora mods are too busy censoring political dissent to actually police false information. Like the guy who runs around answering diet questions by telling people Quora can "Photosynthesis just like plants and live off nothing but air and sunlight" Frankly, I'm all for the people who believe this to try. Less valuable resources sucked up by the mentally infirm.

At the end of the day, Quora is useless in regards to the only legitimate reason it has to exist. Which is to ask questions and get helpful answers. Unfortunately the most well written answer is likely the one you're going to see the most of, even if the information inside of that answer is incorrect in it's entirety. It's filled to the brim with people who think their political affiliation is an expert credential, or people who think their gender gives them insight into the profound. Credentials are not verified by any means, at any time. I personally held a "B. S. In How Quora Sucks" for multiple years as well as the residence of "Up Quora's bottom, along with their heads".

The fact that educational, employment and residential credentials are in no way validate means even if you list yourself as having a Masters in a particular subject, smart people will dismiss this offhand as being false. You can't prove you hold that qualification, and as such for the purpose of any argument that degree is irrelevant. Unsubstantiated claims of expertise mean nothing.

If you have a question, I suggest using Reddit. Honestly you'd have better luck in the Youtube comment section than on Quora. The site doesn't deserve to exist, and it's laser focus on politics and it's completely arbitrary BNBR rules make it utterly useless.

I got partner by harassing the moderators. That should tell you how cohesively the site is moderated.

Some of what Marvin P
Some of what Marvin P. Wrote in his review is true.


- Quora is not a serious Q&A site (sometimes it is).
- Quora does not support free speech.
- Non-liberal views are deemed offensive
- Sensitivity is more valued than the truth

I am not sure about some of his other statements. Many of my answers are firm in tone with strong language and controversial (at least for liberals), but although many were collapsed (probably by other liberals on Quora), I was not immediately punished by the administrators. I would not characterize the administrators as being especially suppressing of dissenting views. Quora are undoubtedably liberal, but I don't believe that they are as bad as Martin P. Describes. I will admit that I have not studied the answers of the admins nor had discussions with them, so I may not have the same knowledge that he does.

As far as the feminism that Martin P. Describes, I don't believe that it is as bad as he makes it out to be. Feminism is undoubtedably very well represented on Quora, but its proponents are not (at least according to what they say) man-hating.

That said, Quora is not a place to go to for truth. The "Be Nice, Be Respectful" rule is enforced with a view towards niceness and not respect. If you criticize certain groups badly enough, then you will be banned. Even if your interactions in replying to individual persons are respectful, your answers need to be both respectful and nice. In other words, your answers can't say anything that could hurt someone's feelings or, more especially, contradict their liberal beliefs.

If you are not a liberal and are interested in a thoughtful, scholarly discussion with others, then you will not like Quora.

If you are interested in the truth about anything that matters (such as the big questions), then you will not like Quora.

If you have dissenting non-liberal beliefs and are not afraid to share them, then you will eventually be banned (but before that, most of your non-liberal answers will be collapsed and you will get a lot of abuse from liberals).

If you believe that women are not the same as men and expect to obtain good information about differences between them from Quorans, you will be disappointed (so don't even ask). If you are so bold to suggest that the sexes (always genders on Quora) are different, you may get harassed and flamed.

From personal experience (and based on guesswork derived from the silent and punitive administrators) the "protected" classes (at least as far as the current administrators are concerned), which cannot be seriously criticized on Quora, in order of decreasing importance are:

1. Jews
2. Atheists
3. Protestants

And you will probably not receive any explicit warnings before you are banned.

Not everyone deserves a platform
Internet 2020 is as messed up as it could possibly be with social media and Quora is just another prime example of why not everyone deserves to have their opinion be taken seriously when Quora haven't earned the trust, expertise nor courage to voice it with robust credibility. History will eventually take note of this decade as the age where democracy and free speech failed the very people that needs them, not necessarily because the system is bad but merely because too many people let too many morons and mentally unwell people ran the show. What do people expect out of all this, is beyond me. That a global-scale responsibility be handed to gullible, possibly stupid impressionable people that just got lucky and went viral because they said and did dumb $#*!? Or to people who manipulated everyone to vouch for them while screwing everyone else over on the process? Or to people who have a nice rack and pretty face? Or hand them to people who merely can string together a couple of words to make you feel all fuzzy inside? Betcha that will an embarassing sight if that goes anywhere near a history book in years to come for future generation to see. I think people don't realize the extent of the consequences of what they did in the long term. Can you imagine yourself reading history a century later looking up notable people in 2020 and all you see are thots, sociopaths, attention seekers, narcissists and some random teenage girl who left school to talk about climate change with no real expertise under her belt while being puppeteered by the adults around them? Me neither, but that sounds scarily real at the rate this is going. But whatever, it's not like I have 10 mil followers to have my credibility cranked up and be taken seriously anyway, why listen to a random review for an internet website?

Good idea, ruined by imbeciles
Now where do I start? I actually like Quora's format. It's a bit of mixture of AskReddit, AskHistorian and other popular Q&A formats where you can ask specific questions to specific people (like experts, field veterans) and getting interesting answers. But such idea is only great when it is executed fairly and with impartiality. As far as I can gather Quora started out great when it first came out, but went downhill probably the moment imbeciles in Silicon Valley thought it's a good idea to inject their own politics into public discourse and internet platforms at large. Now the site is basically filled with raft of people trying to be internet celebrities like anywhere else, not rarely at all costs. It took me about a couple of months using the site regularly to notice some people absolutely hated it when others stole the limelight from them and do whatever it takes to get it back. Bullying is rampant, it is so bad that I've seen people considering suicide because of it. Shadow banning people and mass report users you don't like? Sure, why not? Who cares about being mature when someone's trying to get between you and your fame, am I right? Hogging up-votes by using cheap tricks (eg catfishing) and stealing someone else's ideas is also common, if one is paying attention. I've seen some went as far as to make it as if they're these pioneers of certain ideas and want to take the credit all for themselves. It's absolutely disgusting. Quora as it stands now is more useful as a tool to study how far people can stoop so low and sabotage others for the sake of personal gain than to get any information or knowledge worthy of the name. Even Wikipedia (something Quora's founders seem to aspire to become originally) despite its shortcomings, arguably still stand as one of the more reliable source of information. At least in Wikipedia people holds the standards rather high and people have to cite sources carefully. In Quora? Oh no no, god forbid you can't question anyone's sources, that is NOT NICE, especially if the user have 5k+ followers or more. I've seen enough to know some people cited sources without ever reading them just so their answer can look more credible when the cited sources have nothing to do with what they're talking about. And no one questioned that while the answer got up-voted to the hilt! LMAO! Quora users can suck donkey's $#*!.

A great idea. Too many obsessed people...
When I only started using Quora, it seemed compelling and versatile until I asked an ironical question about banning badly written books... While I partly meant it because I think that graphomaniacs, who poorly imitate decent ideas of great authors, shouldn't be published, I also didn't expect that people will attack me, some with threats. I could have apologized but I wasn't a monster, I just asked and shared my opinion, you have a right to disagree but not to react violently. After this situation, I became more attentive to what others ask and answer. So many questions are just silly and annoying, but of course, there are questions that encourage you to think and even get some kind of enlightenment to answer eloquently and profoundly. I also like many answers, but a certain category of people there are just obsessed with graphomania (yea, again) and I suspect that lots of authors of badly written books originate from Quora. Despite the negative attributes, I still find it useful, interesting, and creative. You can definitely find like-minded fellows there, add them to friends, and enjoy eloquent private messaging or simply joyfully immerse in their tasteful answers. I like when people reply humorously and with imagination. You shouldn't get too serious in this biased realm but if you describe even the most old-fashioned and awkward prejudice of yours in a unique way, it will be enticing to read it. Quora collected people with different intellectual abilities, some answers are surprisingly smart and sophisticated, especially if you deal with science or arts. We'll see what happens next. Hopefully, more witty minds will appear there. ;)

Godless, Tyrannical moderators Destroy the Site
The moderators don't know the meaning of the word. Quora must all be atheist liberals. They harass Christians (some moderators more than others, and some Christians more than others) and have deleted hundreds of my posts. Then they gave me a warning about possibly being banned because I'm repeatedly violating policies. I ask you, What policy could the example in the photo below possibly have violated? It doesn't. It's just straight-up harassment from godless tyrannical moderators. -- Biblical truth with Scripture citations, Biblical archaeological photographic evidence (i. E. Noah's Ark on the top of Mt. Ararat in Turkey with Genesis 8:4 Scripture citation), video evidence, etc. also violates their "be nice be respectful" policy, because nicely and respectfully proving to someone that they're wrong is "offensive" and violates their BNBR policy. Scripture that does not approve of cults, homosexuality, the occult, etc. will certainly be deleted. On the other hand, cults have free reign (i. E. JWs for example). Atheists have free reign. Satanists have free reign. Islam has free reign to lie their butts off. Quora truly deserves to go broke. And then they have the audacity to use your posts on the internet without your knowledge or permission as an example of how great Quora is as a source of information. -- If you're not a liberal, you won't be on there for long. For 3 fabulous years of ministry, they collapsed a ton of my answers (which still allows people to view them). For about a week, they would blur my posts and post a "warning" that clicking on it would reveal "sensitive content" (it was the Gospel!). Then they began to delete them, one after the other, relentlessly. They finally figured out how to rid themselves of the problem of me once and for all: It's called "blocked."

Edit: Went back quite a few months later, and I was able to post. I was a on real roll, praise God. No complaints, no problems. It only took about two weeks until they blocked my account again - without warning this time - and once again for baloney, worse than the first time. They have no idea if that's my name or not. They have never seen my identification, and they never will. I must have pissed the devil off fierce! Pats myself on shoulder, praise God. Good job! (View the photos starting from the far right.)

Quora is fun and interesting, but their moderators are a bunch of $#*!ing $#*!s
Quora is actually a fun website, but their $#*!ing moderation is ruining my experience! I am moderately popular on Quora with over 600k answer views and around 230 followers. I get several answer requests. I like to read the feed.

But the $#*!ing Quora Moderation is ruining my experience! Quora are a bunch of $#*!ing communist $#*!s who suppress freedom of speech! They are biased towards liberals, and if you have a conservative viewpoint, your answer or comment can get collapsed. I post several comments and a number of answers criticizing Islam, mostly in response to the goddamn leftists who say the classic "it's a religion of peace" bull$#*!. I back up my arguments with proof and data, and I don't insult Muslims or anything. But despite this, Quora Moderation deletes my comments and collapses my answers about the subject! My only crime is that I criticize Islam! You can criticize ANY other religion and Quora Moderation doesn't give a $#*!. But criticize Islam and you risk Quora Moderation collapsing your comment/answer no matter how nice you try to be or how you back up our arguments. And when they collapse your content, Quora Moderation doesn't tell you exactly what you did wrong. They only say that you violated their goddamn holy BNBR policy. Seriously, I CANT $#*!ING STAND QUORA MODERATION ANYMORE! THEY HAVE EDIT BLOCKED ME TWICE NOW! Seriously, I live in constant fear of those $#*!S collapsing my content. I swear to God, one day those ball-less sons of $#*!es will $#*!ing ban me.


If Quora were a country, it would be a liberal communist one where any conservative would get punished for his views! Without Quora Moderation, Quora would be a much better place!

I repeat for the 100th time, $#*! QUORA MODERATION!

Horrible site censored by cry baby social just Leftist Nazis
This site is ruined by Nazi moderators who will censor anything that is conservative, religious or strongly goes against the prevailing hard Left wing point of view and sentiment on the site. Quora are a bunch of atheistic, pro-homosexual, socialist, social justice whiny cry babies.

If you are religious, conservative they will run you off the site.

They have highly biased Black moderators who will instantly jump on and censor any opinion that strongly challenges Black Lives Matter or the idea that Blacks are persecuted by police.

It is a terrible site where liberals re-enforce each others social views and will run anyone off the site who is not one of them.

The Quoran Nazis are OK with factual scientific answers, but "Thou shalt not post right wing conservative, religions or political views for thou shalt be run off the site."

Another thing I find really annoying is unending list of stupid and idiotic questions about racism. You have to understand the site is filled with lots of young people with no life experience and foreigners (Indians) who have never been to the US and only know about it from Leftist media. So everything they know about racism is (1) From their leftist teachers and (2) The US media which is largely Left Wing.

Here are some typical examples of the stupid racism questions I see

(1) What is it like to be a Black in (name the state or city) ad naseum
(2) What don't whites just admit that they are racist
(3) Why don't whites just admit they are racist if they don't believe in White privilege
(4) Is there anyone [with half a brain] who actually believes White Privilege does not exist
(5) Is America the most racist country in the World?
(6) Do Blacks think there are any good White people?

These questions just come up all the time with the same idiotic themes about racism and loaded questions impugning the intelligence and good morals of anyone who questions the assumptions.

However I asked this question about BLM and a Black moderator jumped on it immediately and limited visibility of the question: The problem is the whiny social justice leftists on the site assume you must be an idiot or the Devil himself if you don't believe Blacks are targeted and persecuted by police.

(1) Is BLM (Black Lives Matter) a racist organization?

It is really quite sickening

Worst kind of social media
If you think Facebook or Twitter is bad when it comes to propagating fake news, nauseating virtue signalling, and toxic cancel culture, you clearly haven't seen Quora just yet. Thank goodness it's nowhere as important nor relevant as other social media. At least people on Facebook don't pretend they're building a so called library of knowledge, so the $#*!storm Quora produced is pretty typical of the internet. Quora on the other hand is a different story. It pretends to be something it's not, and it reflects in the kind of users it tends to attract. Pay close attention to what kind of users stay and who left the site and who decides who can stay or leave, because it's pretty telling of what kind of folks Quora is made of.

The site was built with a seemingly noble intention but clearly it has shown itself over the years to have no clue into which direction they're carrying the site. If history is anything to learn from, I can bet my penny there won't be any kind of library of knowledge built by attention seeking sociopathic snowflakes and tribal crybaby cancel mobs or con artists and losers playing the internet tough guy card behind the comfort of their own homes.

Truly this is the tragedy of our times that the internet have come from our hope to make a better society to such state where it provided platform to those who clearly don't deserve it. Sociopaths, cowards, losers, liars, shills, narcissists, idiots, bullies... the list goes on... all roaming around free and actually celebrated for destroying people's lives. Meanwhile folks who are kind, providing value to others and with good intentions got pounced, slandered, bullied, doxxed and cancelled. All these for what kind of higher purpose exactly? We might as well go back in time and reenact chopping off heads in public. At least, seeing real people unjustly and wrongly murdered before their eyes because of their own foolish hasty judgement like that will surely give these snowflakes something real to think about for once and hopefully a major trauma that might finally mentally paralyze them enough to not return back ever again to the internet.

Intellectual insects run the site
Forget about your 1st amendment and freedom of expression, the site is basically based on dictatorship. Quora might lead you to think at first that it's land of the free where you can exchange ideas on the outset, but sooner or later the darker shade of the site will hit you especially when your name started to get recognized by the community. If you say something wrong or step on the wrong foot, expect to get your answers ghosted, collapsed, or your profile banned, often times for no reason at all. Moderators don't do their job properly. Role of mods is for maintaining balance on the site, but mods in Quora obviously pander to power users, I assume because they bring in traffic and raise statistics so staffs at Quora have easier time to present to shareholders. They don't care about their userbase at all. This leads me to power users. They're this type of people that obviously can't make it on other social media site so they put all of their eggs on this site, which is why many appeared to be so overly threatened and upset when some new users started getting momentum and competitively popular as them. They can say what they want to deny this, but it's obvious to see how the way they rake followers is by nurturing useful idiots and tools to build their massive empire while outright abusing truth tellers and dissenters. They don't like being called out, maybe because fragile ego. The good writers on the site on the other hand, are this sort of oblivious, world war nuclear scientists type. They're smart, have a lot to offer but little do they know, like the nuclear scientists, Quora only want to milk them dry of their expertise and knowledge and shove them right to the cleaners when someone deem them too much of a threat to the pathetic power users. But then, maybe even lower than the scientists, since usually they aren't also thirsty of attention or popularity.

Beware! Manipulated platform with toxic community
After using Quora in at least several languages, I can say that Quora is a dangerously manipulated platform ran by a select few to push their own personal agendas. Also, it is true what some have said, beware of the popular writers. Upon reading some of the experiences of other people, I am under the impression that some folks are deliberately trying to divert people's attention from facts to certain opinions by targeted upvoting/downvoting. Quora want to make only a narrative or a person they chose to expose be on the front page. Anything remotely not PC or in line with their own opinions will be eliminated. However since Quora doesn't give any public statistics it's hard to call people out without speculating a little. Even when there is some evidence, I've seen some of these folks denied accusations and try to make you question your legit suspicions (classic gaslighting).

Furthermore, you will quickly notice the numbers on some answers don't make any sense at all. Some answers are pretty good, but they have <500 views and no upvote meanwhile some popular writer can make a non-sense inaccurate observation about an event and easily garnered 100k views 10k upvotes and at least a dozen shares. This mostly shows when you see some of answers on top of the page are either garbled non-sense with unrealistic # of views or a pretty good answer that managed to go on top but with less views than said garbled non-sense below the top answer. Also, the thing some users mentioned about similar questions being asked repeatedly by changing few words here and there? It's totally real, and (no surprise here) I've also seen this being used to manipulate view numbers. So what they did is to create a new fresh question and answer it first shortly after so they can monopolize the question and become king of the hill. This is because as per Quora design, if you have a question with existing answers it's difficult to be the top scorer if you're pretty late to the party. It is such a manipulative, dishonest way of tackling a Q&A site and I couldn't believe the moderators have done so little to address this. If anyone is trying to suggest the feature of merging questions, it is of no use anymore at this point. What Quora has to do is to ban new questions that sound like an existing one by design so no one can abuse this for personal gain. As someone experienced with some computer programming, that is not a difficult thing at all. At least in other forums I've been to, mods will lock repeated questions to prevent content redundancy. But why it hasn't been done yet here? It makes you wonder.

It's really difficult not to go to the conclusion someone or something is pulling the strings. I personally can hardly think any good reason why would anyone invest so much to one-up others in a Q&A website, but apparently a lot of people do. The community, at large, is a mixture of both good and bad people but the kind of toxicity in Quora is something I've yet to see in other forums on the internet.

I believe in giving credit when it's due and call people out when it's necessary. If someone makes an inaccurate or dangerously misleading answers, the person should be held accountable. If someone is a shill or a sellout, call spade a spade and get it over with. If someone is dishonest in their practices, they should be called out for it, not being applauded mindlessly like you're getting paid. That is also another concern of mine that some people paid bot accounts for giving positive comments on their answers to make them seem more popular than they truly are. In YouTube community, you can see all of these are being self-moderated quite routinely and pointed out by other creators when some people see something's not right, but not so much in Quora. It is manipulated platform, with questionable ethics and rules that are detriment to users and one of the reason so many people are so bitter about their experience there. I find the longer I stay there the more I question my own sanity which is a red flag for any community that claimed they're up for objective knowledge.

Quora is phony, and a pimp, and a joke.
I was on Quora for just over a year. I got banned yesterday. Why? Because I constantly questioned the idiots who own and moderate Quora why my genuine criticism was sought to be downvoted and/or deleted, no matter how accurate it was, while the pathetic and provocative (and blatantly untruthful) questions were allowed to remain. It seems on Quora you're not allowed to criticise Americans for any reason, you're not allowed to question the bonafides of obviously fake profiles, you're not allowed to ask why abjectly inane and stupid questions are allowed to remain while comments questioning their validity are immediately deleted, etc.

And in the meantime we're treated to questions and comments from pornographers, prostitutes (a lot of them openly plying their trade on there), perverts (some of the questions are quite vile and sick) and poseurs, all of them accumulating "followers" by the dozen because for every pervert out there posting the question there are hundreds more perverts and sickos getting their kicks from responding to them with words and scenarios so graphic and ludicrous that even a jaded has-been like me would shake his head!

Well, I'm done with Quora, and frankly, life is a bit easier when you don't have to deal with dozens of losers (mostly Americans and Indians, and once in a while the odd Chinese person) aiming for you every single day just because you made an observation about their system, culture and leaders that Quora just didn't like. Quora doesn't know the difference between debate and dissent, just like it wouldn't know it's own anal orifice even if you gave them a map and a flash light.

PS: my nick on Quora was "Baji Surtees", just to set the record straight.

WELL-MONETIZED MIRAGE: Fake Questions, Psuedo-Answers
First, you need to understand how Quora operates. Does Quora need answers that are correct? It's counterintuitive, but no, not necessarily. All it needs are PAGE HITS so it can SERVE ADS and MAKE MONEY from those ads. How does it get page hits? It needs search engines to list Quora "answers" as the answers to people's search queries. How does it do that? It creates a platform where people can "level up" and create authoritizative-looking profiles by writing well-crafted, grammatically correct answers, and then their cronies and like-minded members vote their answers up. Sometimes it's a popularity contest. Other times you'll find dubious propaganda that sadly is no different than the scandals involving facebook and election interference. Ultimately, there is the appearance of a "professional answer" by "experts". The end result is search engines link to Quora's content, creating the illusion that it's actually providing a true answer to your question. In that past this was done by actually paying people to write junk content online. Quora figured out a way to get people to do it for free. In reality, at best, most of the content is psuedo-answers. There is no peer review of these psuedo-answers. This is because Quora allows users to block some or even all replies to their answers. Kind of curious for a Q&A site, don't you think? Sadly it's not an accident - it's that way on purpose. Quora has designed a system that creates the APPEARANCE of professional, authoritative answers. A peer review of those psuedo-answers is not a priority and most likely not wanted. More specifically, information accuracy is completely irrelevant to Quora. Even more insidious is the fact that, if you observe carefully, innocuous content will sometimes get removed by moderators. And, about half the time, the dubious removals seem likely to be at the behest of a Quora-preferred (i. E. leveled-up) content creator who happens to be "very active" on that particular page. It's impossible to say exactly when, but this is probably be the next tech scandal/exposé waiting to happen. To summarize, it's all a WELL-MONETIZED MIRAGE.

Website is a joke and Quora probably knows it too
I'm just gonna add to the mountain of bad reviews already in place. This site is rated so poorly for a damn good reason and if you wanna know why check other reviews they'll tell you what you need to know. The website needs you to login to read answers that's already a big turnoff and to top it off Quora require you to use your real name which is just straight up privacy breach. Most contents are average, borderline useful but nowhere near as great as the users there made it out to be. When I was reading some of the things written there can't help but to feel these are the type of people that never really get their asses handed to them in real life. The condescension and arrogance can absolutely get under your skin and sometimes it can make you wanna give a good hard smash to the face of some people there if you ever meet them.

The peculiar thing about the site, is the amount of views some answers get. I have to note again it's a closed-off website which requires login to even read answers made me wonder whether any of the views were real people reading or just hired bots. It is ridiculous, there is no way someone can go over 300k views with a single answer while average users there are getting below 100k. Then what's worse, there is virtually no demographic tools content creators there could use to check on who's reading what and where they're coming from. So you're left there wondering who on earth read your answer and where are they coming from, what their gender is or how old they are. How is that even a good thing for a website that demand you to breach your own privacy by the real name policy yet they can't even give you anything back as a contributor? It's so suspicious. Now they got their own privacy breach last December it was a delightful sight but they didn't seem to learn anything from it and went full damage control instead of addressing real issues with their site.

Now you might wonder now being such a place, is there any positive qualities left? There is. There are definitely some reliable experts and writers who would reveal to you great insight about many things under the sun, but most of them can't keep up with the more banal and childish content more relevant to the site users. Let's just put it this way if you are a truly accomplished person who has a lot going for you in your respective fields, being a pretentious ass on the internet telling everyone else how special you are should be the last thing that come to mind. Fact is most of us barely making it in life and to be so deluded by internet fame on an elitist website famous for being echo chamber won't do you any good. It actually sends the opposite message. Remember the saying birds of a feather flock together? Losers too have a tendency to do that to feel better about themselves.

Moderators disrespect and bully responders without providing rationale
Quora is quickly going the way of CB radio. CB started as a useful tool, but before long the signal-to-noise ratio made it a waste of time. The infamous "Be nice, be respectful" rule is invoked without explanation. As noted by hundreds of reviews already submitted, the moderators have a heavy-handed and obvious liberal bias. Questions about whether the NRA should pay hospital bills for shooting victims are allowed, but questions about the causes of so many shootings in the inner cities are blocked as being racist. Questions such as "What's the stupidest thing you have ever seen an American do?" or "What are some proofs that Trump is a Nazi?" or "Since most country western fans are Republicans,...?" sail right on through the moderation process. When a question was asked about the best corrosive gas to use if you wanted to release it in a crowd, the Moderators didn't have any problem with that. I responded to a question "What's the best way to disable an American Forward Operating Base?" with a sharply worded reply about what kind of people deserve an answer about how to attack American forces, the original question was approved by the Moderators, but my answer discouraging other responses because of the help Quora give to terrorists was deemed by the Moderators to have violated the "Be nice, be respectful" rule. I have supplied several hundred answers, mostly in non-controversial aspects of engineering or technology. These take quite a while to prepare, but I often find that within a hour or two topics which receive seriously thought-out answers are dumped in favor of another "Is it true that physics is mostly math?" or "What is 2+2?" or "If a WWII German panzer battalion were equipped with modern tanks, how would they do against current armies?" types of questions. The political bias and disrespect for serious responders evident in Quora is rapidly turning this once-useful site into a modern day recreation of the phenomena which made CB radio useless.

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