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Reading Plus

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50 customer reviews of

So stupid
I am a student and I have to do reading plus every week. The program tries to make you read faster but that shouldn't be the goal, the goal should be to comprehend what you are reading. Another thing is that Reading Plus make up random crap and call it the answers and on top of that when you are doing the vocabulary they make up random words and the definitions are very similar. The reading plus lessons at my school are also graded on accuracy and not completion ( it also is like this at many other schools) this is very annoying because of the fact that the story's aren't very good so you end up having to do like seven lessons to get your weekly assignment done. I also would like to point out the fact that the stories are boring and stupid. They are almost all nonfictional and really repetitive in what they say. Reading plus really isn't worth it and doesn't even improve your reading. And I'm not just saying this as a student so please take this review seriously.

Inconsistent, and a huge waste of time.
This program is disappointing. As everyone else said; the stories are boring, it doesn't get your reading rate right, and it doesn't help in general. Update: I am currently now on Level L. While finishing a assignment for level J, I've noticed there is a way to go back to the story, if you closed the tab (not rereads.) I'm not sure it lets you do it when you are on answering questions, but anyways, when I clicked on "return to the segment" it brought me back to the beginning of the story. Now it says I took 48 minutes to complete the assignment. Amazing.

I've noticed after a bit Reading Plus change the titles of the stories. Which is not that bad, yet a bit troubling. Is there really a need to do this? What makes it worse is they never warn you when they change the name of the selections. They really never tell you when they change anything.
That leads me to my next point.
Just today, I noticed they added some "new stories." I wasn't thrilled one bit, but what really caught my eye was they weren't new. Reading Plus just decided, let's take away a story for a little bit and put it back when most people have finished that level. They even changed the titles. "Know Your Money" is now, Cashing Into the U.S. economy, and "Living Thoreau is now A Walden Inspired Experiment."

Another problem I noticed is, at some point, they take away your rereads without warning. It happens at the last final combo. I understand why this is done, but it is alarming to read a story that your barely interested in and find out you can't even go back into the text. Especially, when this is a graded assignment, and you can't do anything to fix your score, except "do more reading plus."

My school has this outrageous system where you must do Reading Plus for a grade, that grade is not participation points, but the scores you get after finishing the reading part. If your average for the week is 70 percent, that is your grade. Let's say you have to wrap up reading plus because it's either your bedtime, the class is over, or your teacher says so. If you don't finish the questions or reading the story, you have to do it again the next morning. Reading Plus automatically makes you read the story or finish the questions. You might have some remembrance of the text, but not enough to get a perfect grade. Your grade for the week on RP is not your desired one, and you feel bad about yourself.
I feel no need to do this. It only makes me tired and bored and probably lowered my IQ by 20 points. Students shouldn't be forced to do something useless.

Bad storties and NEVER makes senses!
Reading plus is bad. The stories that Reading Plus provide are boring and then you have to answer questions, which makes less sense! The vocab is even worse! They give middle schoolers high school words and high schoolers words that people don't use in the real world!

Totally Useless
The fact this is a paid program bothers me, the site looks like its from 2013, and makes tons of kids miserable. The passages are about as entertaining as watching paint dry, and it sounds like they're written by third graders. If you want to improve kids reading speed, just teach them some basic strategies like: Don't read every word on the page. For improving comprehension Reading Plus is again obsolete. With the horrible stories Reading Plus offer I might as well analyze a Mo Willems book. If you're gonna make kids answer questions at least make the books about something the kids are remotely interested in.

It´s a mess and a hard time to be in, am in 5th and wth the books are not even good! The proms are so hard and dumd and the bokks are dumd and Reading Plus do and very very very very log books that are bad or useless only are a little good so any school just stop with this app because its bad.

Extremely Stressful and Disastrous
To start off, my school makes me use this site. Overall I'm not a big reader fan. But this site makes me stress. I can't tell you how many times I felt like pulling my head off due to all the stress this site has given me. For one, if you get a low score on one of the stories and you've already read another story that had an average grade, Reading Plus takes away that one story with the average score along with not counting the story you got a low grade on. The stories are extremely uninteresting and boring. Some of the stories can have over two thousand words. This site expects you to memorize everything in one shot. In my opinion, I feel there should be more rereads due to the lack of memorization I have and others may have as well. This site hasn't done me any good. All it does is add stress and lack of motivation. This site isn't worth stressing and feeling like a complete failure.

Absolute Garbage
Presumably because Reading Plus are determined to get their money's worth for this waste of school budget, the school tries to make us do this with my son almost every day. It is an ongoing source of conflict with his teacher because I insist that he reads real books instead.

Frankly, teachers objecting to proper literature at home instead of this brain rotting trash is a bit like if they tried to make us feed him candy in place of vegetables.

Waste of class time and it is definitely "Busy Work"
I am currently in the 8th grade and I absolutely hate reading plus, this program gives you these long boring stories that kids have little interest in, if you really want kids to read then give them books that they'll actually read, instead this program offers long and utterly pointless lessons in order to make a profit, but let us start with vocabulary.

So, what's exactly wrong with vocabulary? Well first you automatically have to KNOW the word, you don't learn about the word beforehand so if you guess wrong oops guess you lose points, I would understand maybe y'know you have a list of words and their definitions but it literally just makes you take a guess as soon as you see a word, if the developers of the program are reading this, please add a list of the words and definitions beforehand and then maybe if the program quizzed you on that it'll make more sense.

Now we get on to the main focus of this entire program, the reading! Honestly, the reading part of this program is the absolute worst, it makes you read each word at a certain pace with a program called "see reader" most of this time this program is either fast or too slow, and if you lose focus for 1 second oops that's too bad you can't go back without wasting your "rereads" Rereads are found in the test-taking part of reading plus where reading plus assesses you based on what you just read, shouldn't be too hard if you read the book right? Well no, this program looks at some of the FINEST details instead of some other major details like the setting or location or whatever right, this is horrible for test-taking, when you take a test you're allowed to go back and see the story you just read but on reading plus it lets you go back but only twice, this is stupid, I really don't see any point in only letting you go back twice, considering that amount of questions that ask about fine details.

So, why do so many schools use it? Well a lot of the school district pays for this program since it's busywork, the teacher literally assign days just for this abomination of a program, these days can be used to learn cursive or other various other reading-related things, but instead, we use this program that does nothing to benefit anyone, but the makers of the program who probably sit in mountains of money because of the school districts purchases.

What can be done to fix the program? Here are a few things that'll be better for the program:

1. In vocabulary you should be able to look at all the words and definitions before answering the questions about these words.

2. Remove see reader, this is honestly the worst part of the program it only stresses kids out, and causes them to miss some of the details in the story.

3. Add unlimited rereads, if this program adds unlimited rereads it'll be more designed like an actual test a student would take in school.

4. Corresponding to #3, make the questions more test wise like the text structure of the story or the main idea of the story.

5. Remove the questions that ask about the tiniest details, it does not prepare students for the test.

6. Add more engaging stories that students can relate to, like maybe stories about different jobs like what's it like being a mechanic, stories about the directors of movies, and what it's like to film movies. For fiction books, create more engaging and relatable characters instead of some books that people will forget about either way.

If this program actually cares about education instead of money Reading Plus will actually listen to the feedback if not, it shows how greedy of a company these people run.

The photo attached is an image that describes every student suffering after using this program, I have asked so many of my friends and students I don't know and they say that it is boring, and it is vital to their grade and missing weeks for this program causes them to even drop a letter grade at times, believe me, this was the difference between me getting an a and a B and I got a B, so please if you own a school and actually care about educating your students, do not use reading plus unless they fix the issues I mentioned.

This should not exist
Reading plus is the most worst educational app or whatever I've ever came across. First of all the topics are boring AS FRICK, I don't want to learn how bread is history I want to learn about interesting topics like THE MOST DANGEROUS AND INTERESTING EXOPLANETS IN SPACE. And everything is so boring and it try's to be cool with "events" which is just extra torture. No topics are good and do not even think of getting this because I'm sure you've seen the reviews so reading plus, take your app off the store and shut your company down as its a waste of everything and I could yank shet out my but and it'll be more interesting then your apps topics. Also the website home page looks like it was made back in 2008 and if you look at my screenshots the topics are either stories that are all the same "once upon a time in a village" or whatever which are more boring that's watching paint dry or it's something like "how shoes are made" or "evolution of toilet paper" If you say reading plus is good just shut up you nerd ‍ And I hope you shut down forever reading plus because all you give is torture and I hope you all jump off a cliff.

I hate this program its so dumb it does absolutely nothing to help my knowledge its useless and I hate it so much just delete it its honestly not even good no one likes it at all like literally I have never heard one person say Reading Plus enjoy doing this its literal hell for kids

Completely useless
After a certain amount of time reading plus starts becoming less of a challenge and a learning tool and more of a chore to get out of the way. See readers are boring and can get really repetitive, scan does not help reading speed when it comes to physical books. Vocab can also be easily exploited by use of google dictionaries

An interesting idea executed poorly
Been doing readingplus for years (approximately 5th grade - 9th grade) and an honest review is that it wasn't what people would expect. First off there isn't much fun while in this website cuz it's mostly monochromatic and plain. Most of the stories read here are more like going through a treacherous journey, taking at least 1 hour to complete a story, then taking another 10 minutes for the questions, and if you forget the answer to a question, you have to reread which can take another 5-10 minutes again. The stories provided are lackluster, sure there's a whole variety of things to read, but the selections seem to be AI written and basic informative script. Also the stories can seem outright random with titles and stories that make no sense or look stupid and uninteresting. Barely any first person POV fiction stories or anything that would stand out to the average kid in school. Overall, it feels like being on the Moon, sluggish, low gravity, no atmosphere, no personality.

Horrible waste of time
Honestly, this is the laziest and most boring cash grab of all time. Schools who make children do this are basically dicators. The stories are really boring, and even the fiction is boring! How do you mess up fiction?! Anywho, the stories are basically "How metal is made" or "Watching cement dry: the novel" It feels like a robot created these stories, and doing the lessons feel like a chore. If their goal is to make children to enjoy reading, Reading Plus are failing desparetly. Do not buy this.

Should this be renamed reading MINUS?
My English teacher is forcing me to do this for a major grade. My name, i won't say, because i want to keep it private. This is (name and address withheld), a soon to be game developer, and a student.
Ok, so let's not prevaricate about the bush any more than i have to. This site is trash. All of it. (I meant reading plus, not ReviewFeeder)
I'm a fast reader, and yet, it doesn't seem to recognize. It keeps giving me the slow down messages, and it keeps frustrating me! There's no way to even change this so it doesn't do that!
The stories are boring as crap, and you can't reread, which defeats the purpose of reading plus.
I found a glitch that lets me keep my rereads in tests, whatever they're called.
Some answers just look like Reading Plus should be correct, but they aren't, which is bullcrap, because their so called correct answer looks so similar to an incorrect answer!
Why is 70-79% not considered passing? I mean, i get that it's not a good grade, but still!
This site doesn't have any topics that are even CLOSE to interesting! Seriously, where are the video game topics?
Why do you even bother "locking" stories? It's just pointless! It's not like i'm going to be interested in those stories anyways! It's even worse, because it'll anger those who ARE interested in the stories, (not me, of course!) so it's a double whammy of anger!
There seems to be some sort of bot accounts that are answering these reviews with replies that seem to be basically saying the SAME EXACT THING! (I'm not related to this business... heck no, I wouldn't bother joining this company no matter what!)
Overall, don't even bother CONSIDERING using this site as an option! There's nothing fun about it, (except reading these reviews) and it's just worthless compared to the superior (and usually cheaper!) options out there!
I'd rather play prodigy (which i actually unironically like) than torture myself with this site.

Tip for consumers:
For others who might be interested in this for some reason... don't bother.

Products used:
The Reading and vocabulary parts of the site.

This is insulting, there is disinformation and doesn't teach reading in a good way. There is something in it called g-rate (guide rate) where it has a set window of where you can read that is not complimentary to readers who read a certain way other than theirs which isn't as efficient as most other advanced reading techniques. About propaganda, Reading Plus would give percentages to data without giving any relevant information on why the data portrays the way they portray it.

Absolutely terrible.
My school assigns us 6 reading lessons every week. It's very dreadful for me and it is like a weekly chore. The reading lessons are too long and boring to keep my interest, and overall I just don't enjoy how much time and irritation I have to put into it weekly. On level L and up I can only get one wrong, if I get another one wrong I have to do it again to get a green. This is bizarre and I want this program to be removed from our school.

Dog$#! T
Reading Plus has tedious reading exercises that must be completed every week – or else students receive unsatisfactory grades from their teacher... Another major flaw in this reading program is that most of the stories students read are not very relatable, making them uninteresting to students. - Credit: Cavs Connect. On top of what Cavs Connect said, the ReadArounds give horrible definitions that make absolutely no sense and just cause confusion. The design of the website and the way it works just makes it worse

I'm in 4th grade and reading plus is so dumb. It makes me spend a hour reading a book I am not even interested in when I could be reading a book that I'm interested in IN REAL LIFE! Reading plus gives me long and boring stories that I am not interested in. I don't want to read how Velcro is made or how metal was found in the first place. I want to read about gaming or about how to fly planes! Just don't buy reading plus unless you want your kids or students to lose their minds.

Rreading plus is a website thatt drives kids insane it does not help at all i cant beleave that people pay money for this site and my mom took me out of it last year bc it took away my recess and Reading Plus put me back IN and do it EVERY DAY it is so annoying and this review is going to realy long bc i need to ecspres how much i hate it. First you can never exit out of the book ''so thats great"this site gets me stressed out because you have to answer all the questions correctly or you will get like a 15% and you get stressed because you got a bad grade and I don't think it's the teacher's fault that my school has reading plus I think that the district got Reading Plus for us so the teacher can't do anything about itand apparently I read too fast for the app or something because it says just write too fast or extra too fast and it never says too slow and it's always too slow I'm sorry for everybody that's reading this much text but I'm going to still keep talking about how I hate reading plus and how I want it to be banned from our school because I do really hate it so please District school if you're listening please band Reading Plus and I'm sorry for everybody that has to do Reading PlusI think kids would have a way better life without reading plus because Reading Plus honestly makes me worse at reading because I don't want to read so it makes me worse at reading because I don't want to read the books on there and the books on there are very boring and they don't sound like they were written by real people and nobody would actually use the wording that they use in their booksI really hope Reading Plus goes bankrupt or something just so I don't have to do it anymore that's how bad it is thank u for reading thisso as you can see i REALY HATE ReAdinG pLUs

Just give up Reading plus developers
My child's school does reading plus and its so boring. It hasn't even improved thieir reading or their vocabulary. So please spend your time on other things RP devs because all the kids hate this app and I do too. Everyday my children come home in anger because Reading Plus have their stupid reading plus assignments.

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Based on 50 reviews from Reading Plus customers, company has accumulated an average rating of 1 stars, indicating that majority of customers are not satisfied with its service.
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