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Reviews Shopping, Marketplace Redbubble

50 customer reviews of

TERRIBLE Artist Support! Sellers beware!
I created a new artist/seller account with Redbubble this month. Set up my profile and store, uploaded banner and avatar art, but I never uploaded any product to be sold. I was getting ready to upload some designs to sell. After the account was only open for about ten days, I tried to log in to start uploading designs and saw a message that my account was deleted. What? For two weeks afterward I repeatedly contacted Redbubble (online) Live Chat and tried to get a reason why my brand new account would be deleted. I kept getting the same, canned replies from the Live Chat representatives that my question would be forwarded to Artist Experience support but I never received any acknowledgement of my inquiries or any follow up email replies to answer my simple question: why was my account deleted? I HAVE four chat transcripts documenting my contact with Live Chat, proving I TRIED repeatedly to get the issue resolved, which got me NOWHERE. And I don't have a clue how I could have possibly violated the site's Terms of Service. And I read all the information again on the site, including regarding deleted accounts and how to try to get my account reinstated. Apparently there IS NO WAY to get such an issue resolved. What's really terrible is... if I unknowingly did something (?) with my account that violated a term of service, there was NO warning given, NO explanation, NO chance for me to make correction, I was simply DELETED. TERRIBLE business practice. Redbubble can't be bothered to explain whatsoever when Redbubble AX a seller's account? Apparently they view the Artists/Sellers as p. O. s. To just use or toss out. WARNING to future Artists and Customers: There is actually, actually NO phone number to call this site and speak with a live person via phone for Artist Support OR for Customer Service, if you order anything. You are at the whim of Live Chat representatives who are not useful at all. After four tries with Live Chat representatives, I told them I would be posting bad online reviews if nobody would contact me to resolve my situation. So now I'm doing that. I can only wonder if Redbubble won't even answer a simple question for a potential seller, I sure WON'T recommend them whatsoever to resolve issues and complaints for customers. Also, they forget an Artist COULD be a purchasing customer too. So treating Artists unfairly is BAD business practice because you lost not only a potential artist but also I would NEVER be a customer now, either. TERRIBLE artist/seller/customer support when you can't get ANY follow up to resolve an inquiry/problem. GLAD I found out now, before I was able to upload any content to the site for sale. What if I sold some stuff through you people and then couldn't get paid because you deleted me then? (WHICH you have other reviews online all about that.) So thank you, Redbubble, for taking up over two weeks of my life for absolutely nothing!

UPDATED ON 02/09/18: Redbubble provided a response here but I already emailed that address DAYS ago (given to me via another website) and I've heard NOTHING back whatsoever. So REDBUBBLE "help" is PHONY. Someone posts a reply from Redbubble here to LOOK like they care and are trying to help, that's all. It's called "damage control" only DON'T BELIEVE IT. They've done NOTHING to help me AT ALL. SICKENING

Be Aware
Placed my Oct. 13 figuring it should take no more than 2 weeks at the longest to receive my order. 2 weeks go by, getting concerned that my order status is still in the "production" phase I make a ticket with customer care. The next day a lady emails me stating that the product I wanted (an oatmeal sweatshirt) is out of stock IN ALL SIZES and Redbubble dont know when they'll be restocked so they offer me a variety of solutions, one of which is to ship it out in a different color. I choose this option only to be told the following day that they cannot change orders and that my order has been cancelled and i've been issued a credit in which i may be able to choose something else. This being done w/o my say so. Trying to get the situation rectified I attempt their "live chat" feature which always seems to be offline. I finaaly was able to get in touch with a rep named Liz who was able to issue a refund. If you do choose to go with this company I would just be wary that if the product you like seems to be a popular one, keep a close eye on it because this company does not seem to be one to reach out to their clients even in situations that they should. Youll just be waiting for however long until they finally restock and choose to get it out to you

Zero Stars
Ordered 3 Christmas gifts on November 28th. One arrived, one is possibly lost in a post office distribution center and the third supposedly shipped on December 8th. Since then it has stated "UPS ready for package". I checked with support when it hadn't changed in several days and Redbubble assured me it was on its way. Earlier this week I followed up because it started the same and same response, "it's on it's way, if it doesn't arrive by the 23rd get a hold of us." I begged them to check with the person that sent the package to verify it had been sent and they said it had and blamed Covid. Finally I had enough and got a hold of UPS, sure enough they never received the package. So much for my nephews Christmas gift. Maybe I'll wrap up a picture of the item, that's what every 11 year old wants. The earliest they can me a replacement is the middle of January - how about you just find the original shirt and actually get it to the shipper this time. I was also offered a voucher which I want nothing to do with. NEVER buying from this site again. Go to their Facebook page and read the comments on their posts, every one has at least two people that still haven't gotten their items and no one will respond to them.

Sorry but Covid is not an acceptable excuse for me. Most people with at least a handful of marbles rolling around in their head realized last summer that online orders and shipping would be crazy this year. So if they didn't plan ahead maybe they should reconsider running a business. Fun fact: all of my Amazon orders have arrived and on time. Even the ones that were ordered last weekend have arrived.

Don't order from here, it's not worth it.

So disappointing
Out of all my years of online shopping, shopping at Redbubble has been the worst experience I've ever had. I placed my first order from the website and was shipped on Dec. 12. On Jan. 17 I contacted customer service because the item never arrived to me (the tracking never updated either) and was given store credit. I used this store credit and some additional money to buy another different item that was shipped on Jan. 29. Well, I was told it would arrive by Feb. 6 (perfect just in time for Valentines Day). Well I didn't get it by that date. I've messaged customer service twice now and was first told it would arrive (at the latest) by Feb. 12 then I messaged again because it had not arrived (and tracking has not updated) just to be told "it is on the way, that if it has not arrived by Feb. 27 to contact them again and that the tracking never updated because my package missed the scan at the packaging department." I am very angry at the fact that I keep getting told that my order will arrive and it never does. Well now it's Feb. 14 and I have no gift to give because now I have to wait until the 27 for a package that I highly doubt I will even receive.

*Update: I have been given a full refund for my order and the customer service representative was kind and apologetic about this situation. Not every company replies to customer reviews so I am appreciative of that. Thank you.

Buyer Beware!
I ordered a wall hanging from Redbubble on 1/28/19. Two days later I received an email that it had shipped and the estimated delivery was Feb 4-6. However, as of 2/5 the UPS "tracking" number provided in the shipping email indicated that UPS did not receive my package to ship in the first place. I emailed customer service (what company does not have a phone number?!?!) on 2/4 asking when my package would be shipped and I received the following response from "Max" on 2/5:

Hi Nicole,
Thanks for reaching out to us! I'm sorry to hear that your order isn't with you at the moment. Not to worry, I'll be happy to assist. I've checked in on your order and can see that it was shipped out on 30 January 2019 to the address:

We expect your order to arrive by 6 January 2019. Please get back to us if your order isn't with you by 13 February 2019 at the very latest. If you have any further questions, please feel free to contact us. Have a great day!

Max from Red-bubble

Biggest error is the date when the order was expected to arrive (1/6/19) which is BEFORE I even ordered the product on 1/28/19. I wrote "Max" again on 2/5 and said how can this package arrive if UPS does not have it to ship? He replied minutes later using the same canned response:

Hi there Nicole,

Thanks for reaching out to us! I'm sorry to hear that your order still isn't with you at the moment. Not to worry, I'll be happy to assist. We expected your order to arrive by 6 January 2019, but some orders may take a little longer to arrive due to shipping or postal service issues. For this reason, we expect your order to arrive by 13 February 2019 at the very latest.

If you have any further questions, please feel free to contact us.
Have a great day!

Max from Redbubble

Again, there is NO WAY my order could have been expected to arrive BEFORE I placed it and "Max" ignores my point that the UPS says my package is not at the facility to be shipped according to the "tracking" number when I enter it in the UPS website. And yes, my package is still not with me 5 minutes after I wrote my last email.

Despite the fact that on 1/30019 I received an email saying my package had shipped, on 2/13/19 the UPS tracking number indicates that my package has still not made it to the facility to be shipped out. Obviously I am never getting this item if it has not made it to UPS after TWO WEEKS and no one at Redbubble cares. I asked "Max" to refund the money to my credit card which he claimed he did on 2/13 with what looks to be a fake confirmation number.

At this point I do not hold out any hope that I will receive my package and the money I paid is gone forever. Customer "service" is an oxymoron with these robots! Will never purchase anything from this website again.

I ordered the 10 sticker deal where you get a discount if you get that many. Redbubble were for a dance studio I am working on at home to go on my mirrors. When My stickers arrived they were nothing but blurry blotches on sticker paper. You can not even tell what they are because they are so small. It states on the website at least 3" the stickers I received were barely 2" after measuring. I was completely ripped off. I tried calling customer service because I want a refund and they did not even answer the phone. Now I have 10 blurry stickers that I have nothing to do with. I also did not receive a receipt. I went to the red bubble website to submit for a return and the site says:

"Hmm. We can't seem to find your order. Double check that you have the right email address and order number (which you'll find in your order history page). Or reach out to us on chat!"


UPDATE- Red bubble told me I needed to send them pictures of everything I received which I was unable to do due to not having devices to be able to do this. I told the live chat rep more than once and she ignored it completely. So I had to download itunes to my computer use an old broken ipad to take the pictures more than once because she said they were not good enough the first time, download everything to my computer through itunes and then send them to her via email. Twice.

So after unnecessary hassle, blowing up on a live chat rep, multiple days of back and forth emails, being told there was no customer service phone line and someone telling me that there had to be an investigation I finally got my discount. I was also sent multiple messages by red bubble on site jabber to check my email for some kind of message which I never located? I stand by my opinion of this site being a total scam site and I do not recommend that any one ever use it. It is very obvious that their customer service is all scripted and not personable at all and when I try to look up the order on my red bubble account at this point it still says:

"Hmm. We can't seem to find your order. Double check that you have the right email address and order number (which you'll find in your order history page). Or reach out to us on chat!"


Price? + Unhelpful employees
I'm writing this as both a seller and buyer. When you upload a design on their site, the colours are extremely different when printed on a t-shirt, because their printing is so low-quality. Why don't other printing services have the same problem? I have bought shirts from literally every other site of that type, like teefury, lookhuman, etc. and none of them have any problems reproducing the colours accurately. It's not a nitpick either, the colours are extremely darker, faded and greyed out. The print is also not opaque on the shirt, so it's even more faded than the preview. I didn't find their white shirt to be particularly good quality, it's kind of sheer. For this low quality, the pricing (30-35$) is outrageous. The other sites I mentioned sell shirts for 15-20$ (6$ for "random designs") and both print and shirt are much, MUCH better quality. Redbubble said Redbubble were improving their printing, but that was a while ago and the previews are still just as faded and bad, so I doubt it's any better on the shirts.

The stickers are nice and have nice discounts for them. I haven't bought any other type of item yet.

The customer service when dealing with fraudulent copyright claims is horrid. ALL they will do is send you tired copy-pastes from their FAQ and TOS. They will NOT reply like humans and consider your counter-claims. They don't care who's right, they care about their own comfort only.

Edit: received a shirt recently. The printing and shirt quality has improved. It may be on-par with other companies now, but the price isn't.

I was unfairly targeted and ignored! Here's the tale of woe:
I just deleted my rb account and here's why. I'll try to keep this brief. Last November, I lost my job and my home in one big whammy. I had to move and find a new job, and while surfing on the dismal waves on UI, I had my tshirt store to help with expenses.
Then in Jan, I get a funny letter. All my tshirts (except the art prints) had been deleted. Redbubble told me I was violating their IP protection policy. I quickly searched for other dead space and game related shirts, and found something interesting. People who were screenshotting the game and reselling the game's logo still had their stuff up. People who had STOLEN MY ART and were reselling it still had their art up.
According to rb, the course of action was for me to write a letter stating why I was NOT violating their policy. I did, stating the obvious. This was all my own art, it was not taken from any other source, and other people were skirting WAY closer to ‘IP violation' than I'd EVER dare to go! My art was being targeted and I had no idea why!
So I sent in the letter, a 4 page formal legal notice, and then they said I got to wait 2 weeks. If the claimant didn't respond in that time, the claim would be voided and my art would go back up.
Two weeks pass.
Three weeks.
A month.
I send an angry letter, saying that it had been TWICE the time they'd allotted, and that it was time to put my art back up. I still had no job and was very angry! I needed that money I was earning from my art!
Another week passes.
And two weeks.
I send another letter.
And another.
And another.
Eventually, in March, I got a new job. I kept sending letters anyways, to no avail. I looked inside my rb account at the ‘bubblemail' area where the contact claims are kept.
Was closed. Locked by admins so no one could respond. I was FUMING.
I sent a barrage of angry letters and finally, another 2 weeks later, I receive a response. It's a generic auto-generated letter titled "How to submit your work to redbubble." I took that as an okay, like, they weren't going to reinstate my art so I had to put it back up myself.
So I did. I stuck it all up there, and sales resumed, hurray! But then two days later, it's all taken down AGAIN.
The original claim I made FOUR MONTHS AGO is reopened, and someone writes that ‘sorry you can't do that.'
I just can't stand this. In a time when I needed the income most, I was victimized and made an example of for no reason. No claimant or anyone ever came forward to me. Only redbubble and their horrible minions. So today I deleted the account. I sent them an angry letter, which i know no one will read. I'm just a drop in a multi-million dollar bucket and I know it.
So, if you have time, reblog this. Tell your friends, tell the world: redbubble is no good, and it's time to move on! Don't be the next victim. UGH.



Ive used red bubble for years, since 2008, both as a customer and seller, Redbubble have always in this time used high quality american apparel branded clothing for all their clothing. And as a result the colour the quality and where it came from were all to the highest standards.

They didnt use sweatshop labour or poor quality garments, the printing has never been amazing, often misprinted or colours waaaay off, but this was overlooked due to them being one the few companies that used very high quality clothing.


I recently ordered from them, as i have done many times before, and when the t shirt arrived it was not american apparel and worse still it was made in bangladesh!
For a company that 'prides' itself on not using low quality or sweatshop labour, this i find both dishonest and disgusting!

As a result, their sizing guides on the website which are clearly american apparel sizing, are completely incorrect, i am a large, always have been always will be, every shirt i won is a large and the american apparel large fits perfect... this does not fit!
It is tiny, very tight and with stupidly short sleeves. Not mentioning how badly made it is! And how the red print it was supposed to have is totally brown!

My advice is completely avoid using them, they use poor quality clothing and dont print anything other than block black or white correctly.

Extremely disappointed and even more so in the fact that they despite claiming will reply in a maximum of 48 hours have not done so after 4 days!

Really poor!

So ive orderd from this website twice
So ive orderd from this website twice. Once in 2011, i had my 3 t-shirts sent to Norway. Redbubble got deliverd within the given time frame, they were really mindful about the VAT issues i might face and adjusted the product value accordingly. I was really pleased. The t shirts are still in use.

I placed another order now in january, unfortunately i wrote my address wrong by missing the 3 in 31, so most likely my stuff was delivered to the wrong address. " in the UK, where i live".- i obviously didnt check this until after 4 week, as i know delivery to europe can take that amount of time. I contacted the company after not receiving my order, and realised the mistake. We agreed that i tried to contact the people living at the address where the package shoulve been delivered, but as i tried for a week but no response, ( robert) had my stuff reprintet and will send it to my corrected address'

As I paid 100 dollars for my stuff, i am really pleased by this, and i honestly expected to have to meet the company half way ( if i even was offered a discounted price at all). The customer service reps responded to me within the hour. I work customer service myself, and this is really above average for what you get out there.

I will definitely order from them again. And thanks again for helping me out Jonathan and Robert.

DO NOT DO BUSINESS - Was Notified of Order Delivered - Order Not Received
I only wish I had come to this review site first to see all the poor ratings related to non-delivery. Like many others, I received an email notifying me that my order had been delivered today. No order received.

When I contacted RedBubble by Chat (there is no phone number and I see why with all the complaints), the representative said that sometimes the shipper will notify that the order was delivered, but it may still take 24 hours after the email notice to receive. This makes no sense.

I requested that Redbubble attempt to contact the shipper to find out the status of my order, and was told they could not do this. Then the rep went on to say that my package (to an office building) may have been left in the bushes by the deliverer. I said this is not possible as there is always someone in our office and our building is open. Then I was told that the order would be at the post office if not received.

That's it... I filing a complaint with the Better Business Bureau and I will take them to small claims court if I have to. I want my money back and not to mention that I'm disappointed that I did not receive the items ordered. The artisit is local and I'm going to call her and let her know about this. This is the worst business practice I have ever heard of. DO NOT ORDER FROM THIS COMPANY!

You pay way too much, for too little.
I remember around October of 2016 I bought a mass effect Garrus Vakarian jacket from the red bubble site. The only reason that this is at two stars is because it actually arrived when it said it would arrive, which I was surprised about. So there's that.

But I'm not going to be preaching about that. I actually bought two shirts from the site, but I'm only talking about the Garrus Vakarian one. Anyways, I bought the Garrus one as a zipper jacket, which is 50$ dollars which is outrageously overpriced for something like this. The design is way to small for the actual jacket, if you are going to charge 50 dollars for a jacket, you might want to make it worth while. I was disappointed right away, but I was going to deal with it, and never interact with this site again for the enormous prices.

Yet after washing it, just washing it not putting it in the dryer, the design faded away in literally two weeks. It didn't fade away completely but you can not see the words on it, or the actual character. It wouldn't bother me so bad if the other shirt I bought, is doing just fine six months down the line after multiple washes, and the design is the same as it was when it first came in the mail.

Very disappointing result, and I'd rather just buy merchandise from the local video game store than shop on this site again.

Unacceptable and shockingly bad experience, customer service and product. No respect for loyalty
I have been a very loyal and frequent customer since Feb. 2016 - I have placed ONE HUNDRED AND TWENTY-NINE ORDERS! These aren't cheap orders either, some orders have been over $700CAD, so I imagine I have given Redbubble over $10,000 at this point. Does Redbubble care? No! Redbubble will punish you for your loyalty. Out of my 129 orders, I have experienced a few issues, usually minor and solved quickly. However, my most recent experience has been nothing but stressful and infuriating. I have been lied to, mistreated, ignored and feel like I have been scammed. I ordered around 100 stickers and they arrived with extremely visible lines and the larger stickers looked like they had red ink dripped on them. I swear they do not have any quality control at all. REDBUBBLE - CHECK YOUR ORDERS BEFORE SHIPPING THEM OUT! I talked to 'Joel' on live chat and he forced me to take a picture of every single sticker and send it to him. This was a complete waste of time because in a follow-up email I was told because 'I've experienced this problem before', I would have to ship my order to another country. What? I am being punished for their problem and for being a loyal customer. Surely - it's their fault that this has happened before? Right? I guess not. I was upset about this, but it was better than nothing. I asked if the replacement would be sent out soon as the order was shipped back to them and my question was ignored and was told that (in an email 12 hours later) "I can confirm that a replacement order would produce the same result. So, we would need to arrange a refund for the order." This is an absolute lie and I'm shocked that they think I would believe this. A majority of the stickers in this order have been ordered hundreds of times before - I know how they look when they're printed properly and I know it will not produce the same result. Are they going to drip red ink on my order again? No. I have told the customer service agent that I will not accept a refund and she has been ignoring my emails all day - despite responding quickly last night. I would suggest to potential customers to put your hard earned money into another company that respects you and your business, I wish I had done the same. Especially, now that prices have doubled since last year and they don't do additional discounts on stickers anymore. I'm paying more for worse customer service and terrible, terrible products.

(See picture 1 for the lines and picture 2 for the red drips)

Confusion is an understatement
After ordering two of the exact same items with the exact same prints, only to find out so that the two items I purchased mermaid in two different countries and mailed in two separate ways! The status to process the order took about a week and to my surprise after I inquired about the items for two days one item was finally shipped, after speaking to a live representative on two occasions I was assured my item would be shipped and arrived within a certain amount of, again inaccurate! One who shipped UPS from 2 hours away from my location in Florida to arrive a week later... second item just shipped from a DHL company from overseas again it is nowhere close to being delivered! Again two items with the exact same print from two different countries shipped at two different times and obviously arriving at two different times?! The representatives AR reading from a scripted statement I'm assuming. If I would have known $50 for an item would take two or three weeks I would have went to a local print shop and did it differently. The advertisement is obviously misrepresented and misinformed
I would highly recommend to do your research in your local area for the exact same items before ordering from this site it is obvious it is multiple sellers or bitters operating under one name. Good luck and buyers please be very aware!

Wish I could give 0 stars
I placed an order at Redbubble because Redbubble assured me that, if I paid $30 shipping, my order would arrive on Christmas Eve. Through FedEx. Typically FedEx is great at delivering shipments on time, so I had complete faith that my order would arrive. It is now January 7th, and not only has my order not arrived, but FedEx called me to tell me they have no idea where it is. Redbubble offered to try and find it for me. That was over a week ago, and I still have heard nothing from them. They ruined my children's Christmas. I have never experienced such horrible service from any company in my life. Despite contacting the company multiple times, they can give me no answers as to why my order has not arrived or as to where it is or when it might arrive. I implore you, do not ever order anything from this company. The good reviews are a total fluke. I desperately wish I'd had the sense to read the customer reviews of this company before I put any faith in them to deliver my children's Christmas presents on time. I will do my utmost to make sure no one ever uses this company again. If there is any karma in this world, this company will go out of business very quickly. Clearly they have no business model, no one running the company who has any idea of what a strategic business practice is, and no effective customer service. Do you know what they did to try to make up for the fact that my children's presents did not arrive? They sent me six separate $15 gift certificates, which only cover half of the shipping cost, and which cannot be used on one order. So in order to even use the gift certificates they tried to bribe me with, I would have had to pay for 6 more separate orders+ $15 shipping on each one. Whoever devised this business model is insane.

Above & Beyond Quality & Customer Service
I've ordered from RedBubble at least once a year for the last 8 years or so. The shirts are the most comfortable I've ever owned as far as online vendors go, and the designs are very high-quality and durable (my near-decade-old shirts from RB are still vibrant as ever) - not to mention, Redbubble are always exactly what you see on the site.

The sheer volume of options on the site, as well as the staggering support from the artists they represent, are each enough to keep me coming back. The real kicker, though, as my experience has shown, is the customer service - it is BY FAR the best I've ever received from any business, hands down. I cannot fathom all these 1-star reviews complaining about shipping problems - RB has never failed to address order issues, even when they were my fault; so I can only imagine that such reviews do not reflect a subsequent interaction with customer support, or have not been amended after the fact.

In 8 years, I've only ever had two problems - the first issue was a shirt that just was not delivered when promised. About two weeks after the expected date, I sent an email to customer service explaining the problem, and they sent me the another printing of the missing shirt, no questions asked. And as luck would have it, the original arrived a week later, so it probably wasn't even their fault.

The second problem occurred about a week ago, and it's the reason I'm writing the review. I got proactive for Christmas, and ordered four large shirts for a friend of mine - they looked excellent, and arrived perfectly on time - but I realized that I had slipped up and ordered four larges instead of four mediums. Totally my fault, I remember inputting and confirming and everything, I guess I just had a brain fart. I contacted customer support via the RB site live chat, and was assisted immediately. I explained the situation, admitted it was totally my fault, and my customer service rep (THANKS SHAYON!) was incredibly helpful and professional - with just a few short IMs, Shayon and RB sent out those four shirts at the new size I wanted TOTALLY FREE; the best part was that they said I could keep the accidental larges I'd ordered, and "give them to charity" if I wished. Absolutely incredible. I never write reviews, but Shayon and the amazing team at RB deserve one.

I'll be coming back for a long, long time, and I've been talking them up to friends and family like crazy!

Shipping Service Sub Par
I have been using Redbubble for over a year now. I am an artist and sell my products at some of my art shows and other places. I really like the products that I have ordered and the printing is very good. However, I have had multiple issues with shipping. Recently, I paid a TON of money for Express shipping so I would have a large order in time for one of my biggest events of the year. I had to do this as I sold more than expected the week before at another show. I was willing to pay the hefty shipping rates to get the order in time for my big show. The window of time given to receive this order would have been ok had I ever received the order. I still have only received 3 of 16 pieces and my show was over 2 days ago. I received a notice that my order was shipped on a Saturday, so I knew there would be no way I would get it on time. And now the order is STILL NOT DELIVERED and there has been no tracking number sent. When I contact customer service, I get a form email back just saying it's "on the way" and no tracking number. From what I gather, the items I ordered are made in the U.S. where I live and I have ordered them before and know this, but customer service tells me that there is no tracking for items that are globally made. And no explanation. I did receive a refund for my shipping. Thank you. However, I still have only a tiny portion of the products I ordered and am told to wait until next week to report. NO WAY is this acceptable to me as I ordered items on 10/29/17 and paid extra to get them in a timely manner. Sorry, Redbubble, but your bubble is burst.

Robert: Hi
Robert: Hi
Here is why I won't be ordering from Red Bubble any more:
Every time I go to log in, it says my username and password is incorrect
That's just not true
So every time I want to look at something, I have to send a new password to my email
Robert: This might help:
It's too annoying, and I won't be buying any more
I'm not an idiot, I know how to log into things
You have a problem in your coding
Talk to the programmers
Clearly you aren't reading/listening to what i'm saying
Obviously I have resent my password in order to log in
You proceed to send me a link telling me how to reset my password?
Way to go red bubble
Thanks ROBERT, I'll be sure to let everyone know how helpful you were
Robert: Did all of the information in the link prove useful?:)
Listen Raj, you need more training
Decide not to hit that enter button?
Come on, give me some more gold for my blog
Robert: Have you tried all of the suggestions in that link?
Name all the suggestions for me
Robert: Please read the link.
I don't know how to read
Tell me why your programming is lacking
Was it also outsourced to India?
Robert: We are here in the US. Yet how can we help you specifically? Please try the suggestion we are providing.
Please read this conversation
I have already done that multiple times
Robert: DOne what exactly?
Robert: Done
Read the link
All of that
So now what's the next step
Robert: If you've tried all of the steps in the link, perhaps you would like to clear your cache and cookies.
Why don't I have to do that with the other 5 websites I log into everyday?
Too much effort
I can buy this stuff from other vendors without the programming issues
Robert: Clearing cookies and cache may be of assistance.
Yeah you mentioned that
Robert: Did that work for you?
Robert: If all of the information provided in the link did not prove useful, nor the clearing of the cache and cookies, you are welcome to contact us here:
Robert: Thanks for contacting us.
Again let me remind you that I will not be purchasing from Red Bubble and I will be posting this online for others to be forewarned.
Thanks for the "help"
Robert: Have a nice day.

Why Would I Ever Visit Here Again?
I have to agree with most of the sentiments on here. I placed an order for 3 stickers for my nephew. The designs are unique and I figured he would like the gift.

The website has "a shipping time estimate". Well, this is also based on a 24-48 hour processing window and a customer is advised to contact Redbubble if the package has not shipped in 48 hours. After 5 days, no email contact from Redbubble and the fact that Redbubble had processed my payment, I used their chat feature to talk with one of the reps. She told me they were having some technical issues and my order was caught in a "queue" and there was no timeline for a fix. When I inquired about why I had already been charged, she told me it wasn't a real charge. But when pressed, she then changed her mind and told me the payment HAD gone through but yet my order would not process for an indefinite period. Essentially, Redbubble had taken my money and could not tell me when my items would ship.

The rep then said I could reorder today as apparently the issue had been resolved and they could process orders. I asked her why I would give Redbubble more money for items I might never receive. No response. I then asked why Redbubble never bothered to contact me in the first place about either the technical issue or an order verification. Again, no response. I then asked for an immediate refund and she told me "I will attach a note to your order to cancel it when it processes." I followed-up by asking how that would work since she had no idea when the queue would be processed. Surprise, surprise... no response.

This is all over 3 freaking stickers. How does this pass for customer service? This is a joke. If you choose to order from this site, caveat emptor.

Just as a final note, I have seen on this site several customers that have experienced the same "technical" issue and the reports go back a month. This means Redbubble is not experiencing a technical issue but rather screwing up orders and blaming their tech team. Another blotch on their already patchy face.

Shockingly poor quality
I bought two stickers, a windows sticker and a Linux Mint sticker, each sticker was around 2.50 each. I purchased these as a trial for a larger order for stickers that we put on custom computer mods that we produce. Redbubble emailed me the next day to let me know that 2, yes 2 different artists were in the process of creating the artwork. 3 days later Redbubble emailed me letting me know the stickers were in the process of being created. 4 days later I received the stickers. It turns out the stickers were nothing more than poorly prepared images presumably downloaded from the internet and not properly set up for printing because the anti-aliasing was terrible and the colors were faded and lacked the proper contrast. Looks like they just printed it RGB from a Jpeg as opposed to CMYK like a professional would. On top of that it was printed on poor quality matte finish sticker computer paper, not even photo quality water resistant sticker paper that is only a little more expensive and easily available, and they used an obliviously poorly set up printer. The different inks had different sheen and displayed artifacts and ragged edges. Unbelievable that anyone even remotely familiar with the techniques of print-setting and graphics rendering would even consider sending that to a client. I personally would have been mortified to have that associated with my craft. In my 25 years as a graphic artist I have never seen poorer quality passed off as a finished product. To top it all off they sent along a very professionally printed Redbubble sticker that they obviously had done by another company. The contrast was stark. I don't know if this is typical of the quality of this company but my order quality was absolutely unacceptable by any standards.
After responding by email I received a syrupy pre-scripted response. Not a happy customer. To their credit they did refund my money, so I have to give them credit for that.

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Redbubble Rating

Based on 50 reviews from Redbubble customers, company has accumulated an average rating of 1 stars, indicating that majority of customers are not satisfied with its service.
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Description: Redbubble sells custom designed products--tshirts, sweatshirts, iPhone cases, posters, etc.--based on user-submitted artwork. Redbubble is based in Melbourne, Australia.

Address: Australia, 3000


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