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50 customer reviews of

Dishonest & Unhelpful
I bought a new phone and it was unlocked, however, it was "T-Mobile unlocked." I use Verizon. (I did not know when I bought the new phone that I was unable to use it on Verizon). I read online that if you sign up for a T-Mobile account for two months, T-Mobile will unlock your phone and you can then use it on Verizon. I went to a T-Mobile store and signed up for an account. They asked me for my Verizon account number and PIN. (The reason I gave them my Verizon account information was so that I could keep my Verizon phone number). The PIN number I provided did not work. But they went ahead and activated my new T-Mobile account. I assumed that my phone number did not change and they did not tell me that it was changing. As soon as I left the store, I made a phone call and the recipient asked why I was calling from a different phone number. This is how I found out that T-Mobile had changed my phone number without telling me.

I walked back into the T-Mobile store and canceled my account. I was assured that I would not be billed for the service. Two months later, I received a bill from T-Mobile for $60. I called T-Mobile customer service and told them what happened. They advised that they were canceling my account and that I had a zero balance. I asked for a confirmation number and they advised that they do not provide confirmation numbers for such purposes. A month later, I received a bill from a collection agency for $48 for the outstanding T-Mobile balance. I called the collection agency and they said I needed to contact T-Mobile. T-Mobile advised that they needed my T-Mobile PIN to access my account. I did not know my PIN because my account was active for only ten minutes. They advised that I needed to go to a T-Mobile store for help.

I have no desire to go to a T-Mobile store so I can be harassed by the employees into opening a T-Mobile account. This situation should be resolved over the phone. However, I contacted T-Mobile four times and they refused to rectify the problem.

Too put simply this company is terrible
Too put simply this is a terrible business. You get a phone put it inside a phone case have it break less than 30 days later and T-Mobile refuse to trade it back because they have such crappy guarantees they last only 14 days like really? You think I am going to figure everything out on my new phone and see if there are any problems by then to report a problem. The second experience was with ANOTHER PHONE that laster no longer than a year replacing it over 5 TIMES! Each time having to pay them 5 dollars to replace THEIR FAULTY PHONE! From problems with the GPS not working, screen burning, to physical warping of the phone due to heat they expect me to pay for the new refurbished one. If you are wondering it was the LG G5. Now recently I found out they were charging me for a tablet that they gave to me for FREE as part of a "free promotion" for said crappy phone. Not using it for years cause I already had another tablet found out they were charging me for it. They won't return my money cause the "promotion rebate has closed out". "They," said you needed to go on the website to claim the promotion. Yep sure the only thing they told me was to mail in a 50 dollar rebate for the phone which wasn't even from them but the manufacturer. I think one of their employees set up the promotion as a transaction so he would get more commission off of it than if I was getting it for free. I'm done with these people I'm going to find another carrier that won't be treating me like absolute garbage. If they ever want me to recommend them they might have to dig up my corpse and puppeteer my body for that to happen!

No stars what-so-ever
No stars what-so-ever. T-Mobile has the worst customer service ever or you could say zero customer service. I order a new phone from them and it was sent to the wrong address. T-Mobile would not send me another phone until they confirmed with UPS that my phone was really incorrectly delivered. They said they will contact me within 72 hours. NO One did. I called back and they did not a good job of finding out from UPS. I spoke with UPS. They told me it was their mistake. T-Mobile keeps denying and keeps making me re-explain my whole situation each time I call. So annoying. They also tell me my new phone (that I never received) has been in use for the past eight days. Impossible, I never received it. T-Mobile rep I spoke with the day my package was supposed to be delivered to me, assured me that the person who wrongly signed for my package and stole my phone would not be able to use it. LIE! LIE! LIE! So they tell me I will be liable for the charges that the thief has incurred. I call back several times and finally after threatening to cancel everything with T-Mobile, the T-Mobile Representative suddenly gets a confirmation from UPS that it was their fault and they had really delivered my package to the wrong address. The T-Mobile Representative tells me that T-Mobile will send me a new phone right away. After all I been through, I want to have nothing to do with T-Mobile. I am canceling everything and don't even want the new phone.

PLEASE potential buyers beware. I do not wish for anyone to go through what I went through. Try SPRINT. Another person that I did not know responded to my facebook complaint about T-Mobile on the T-Mobile website also went through the same thing I did. So PLEASE DO NOT GO WITH T-Mobile. I also plan to report them to the Better Business Bureau (BBB) and the FCC.

How this company managed to acquire a top rating among anyone is beyond me. My guess is that the only people who participate in the surveys live within large metropolitan areas and never venture out of them.
Let's start with customer service.
I took my phone to a T-Mobile establishment to get the SIM card replaced and the young man who took possession of my phone and proceeded in breaking the tray and destroyed my SD card. It had some valuable information on it. This little arse then had the audacity to blame me for breaking the tray. He did manage to shove the broken tray back into the phone with a new SIM card, but the little piece that covers the outside where the tray sits was now gone. He also broke the little key off in the tiny little hole where you insert the darn thing to get the tray out. I had to buy a new phone when he informed me there was nothing T-Mobile could do to make things right. I ended up buying a new phone, it sucks.
From this we'll go to Customer Service. Customer service my bottom, more like Customer Hell.
I contacted this nightmare service, that would rival any of my books and I write horror, and with that the abundance of lies began. I've talked to five, yes five, reps and with each one the lies poured forth with such abundance I couldn't believe anything anyone said by the end of this four month long endless spouting of bull crap. The first rep told me there was nothing T-Mobile could do it wasn't their problem. This was when I went out and bought the new phone. Like my phone before, it was a Samsung and when it got updated by Samsung it turned into nothing more than a brick due to my location. I'll get to that part soon, maybe.
The second one I talked to promised me a new phone and, get ready for this one, a temporary tower so I would get better service at my new home. Yes, this is where things get interesting. I spent hours on the phone with the young woman. I was trying to get away from the new place and back to the old one because I had to be at a funeral the next day in another state. Like I said, she promised me another phone. Cheapest they had I might add, and it would be in my hands by April 20,2021. This call took place on April 10,2021. On Saturday, April 17,2021 I got a call from this young lady that I was unable to take when she called so she left a voice mail on my phone. She informed me that T-Mobile had a promotion, and I could get the cheap phone and all I had to do was send in my new phone as a trade in. That wasn't mentioned before and certainly no promotion was mentioned. Now you want me to trade in this new brick that I paid more than twice for to get something cheaper. Stupid I'm not.
I called again. This time I got a young man. After a couple of hours on the phone with him we came to an understanding. Or so I was led to believe. I would trade in my phone for a higher quality phone, and I would pay a one-time bill of $300.00. I had to pay the tax on the phone right then. I did. The next thing I get is an email stating I had agreed to them drawing out a payment plan of 24 months at a price that would have ended up with me paying the full amount on the phone and they would still get the brick. Are you kidding me?
I called again. Another two hours on the phone. I have to say that this young man didn't try to hand me a line of crap. He flat out said what the others had told me wasn't true and he did apologize for how things had been handled. He would try and do what he could, and they would be investigating what had transpired. Thank you Q for being honest.
The next day I got a call from a manager and she handed me the same line of crap about the agreement, but they would credit me six months on my bill and even with this they would still be coming out making more off the phone they were sending than it was worth and charging me interest payment on top of that. My response was "No, I'm done. I'm switching to a new service. Good-bye." And I hung up.
Shortly after I got a new email thanking me for my order and they sent me another agreement to sign.
Third thing regarding T-Mobile and this is the big one.
Regarding whom they get to do their surveys. The reason I made the statement it must be only people who live in large, congregated areas with people who never venture out of them is because once you get outside of a city you loose service. Even if you are on the expressway, you will hit large areas that have no service. You get off the expressway, good-bye T-Mobile. If you don't believe me, pull up their site coverage map. They don't have any coverage outside a city. This was the reason for the lie about putting in a tower out close to where the new house is. Yes, it is in a very rural area. I also know that T-Mobile isn't liked in this area. People do talk. I'm often on back roads because of what I do but when you can't get service on major highways or anywhere else for that matter, how can you be listed as one of the top contenders. The reason for the phone being called a brick, when Samsung updated the phone, I lost even my wireless signal to that phone at the new house. I may have fixed that problem; I'll know when I get back to the new place.
To sum it up, T-Mobile sucks in customer service, following through with what they tell their customers and lying, and unless you want to spend the rest of your life inside the boundaries of a large, populated location and never leave, coverage.
I made my last call today, April 21,2021 to inform T-Mobile that they had 48 hours to credit my credit card. We'll see how that turns out. Anyone want to take any bets on this one?
Oh, one last thing. I started recording my calls with T-Mobile. There is a certain satisfaction in informing the person you're talking to that this call ‘is' being recorded for quality assurance.

Horrible customer service
Can't begin to express my disappointment in this company and there ability to rectify mistakes. My husband and I have been customers for multiple years. We just recently went into the store to upgrade our iPhone 7 to the iPhone 11 pro for a promotion to get $350 back for each phone. We told the manager that was helping us that we wanted the iPhone 11 pro and that we needEd them for photos and video because my husband is in the process of starting a business. The salesman (your employee, I believe even a manager) told us that it was smarter to buy just the iPhone 11 because there was no difference between the 11 and pro. You couldn't not see any difference with the naked eye and it would be stupid to waste the extra money! So of course we listen to the professional, your employee. Now we are starting to take pictures and upload videos for our company and you can clearly see a major difference between our 11 and the pro. I put my phone next to a friends who has the pro and there is a major difference. Not only that but the entire phone is upgraded with better features that would have been nice to have for our company and would have if your employee didn't down sell us. I have now contacted you guys Over the phone and was told that you could do some thing then was never gotten back to and then told that you could switch out the phone but I wouldn't get to keep my $350 discount each month for each line. I understand that is has been over the buyers remorse period but if it wasn't for your employees down selling me when I originally wanted the pro we wouldn't be in this situation. I would like to exchange our two iPhone 11 for the iPhone pro and be able to keep our current promotion. We have been loyal customers for many years and are needing to increase our coverage and lines in the near future and would hate to have to take my business elsewhere.

"So I recently switched from Verizon (who regardless...
"So I recently switched from Verizon (who regardless of what people say have excellent customer service) to T-Mobile and let me just say that since I've been with them I've had nothing but horrible customer service. It took me 5 tries to switch to T-Mobile. I talked to three different people who told me I needed an activation code for my SIM card (which I didn't) and then told me because I didn't have one I'd have to purchase a new one, even though the one I got with my phone was a brand new sim card. This made me mad because here I am trying to switch to you and I'm being treated like crap. You can't port your old number regardless of what T-Mobile say because they'll tell you you need more than you actually do so they bully you into getting a new number. Which fine I got a new number and activated my service no big deal. Then I see all over the website and multiple articles as well that T-mobile is now offering free music streaming that won't count against your data. Oh wait but this is actually false because there's only ONE plan that offers this but they don't bother to tell you this anywhere and when you call them out on it rather than being understanding and sympathetic they want to sit there and have a full on argument with you and come up with multiple excuses as to why you're wrong and they're right. Not to mention they told me that because I had a no credit plan that I don't get free streaming music. But on the website under the no credit plan it clearly states that you do qualify for Music Freedom (which is what they're calling this so called free streaming). Perfect customer service in my opinion. There's even an article on from the CEO that music streaming is now free and nowhere does it specify that only certain plans are free. One their website under EVERY plan and EVERY data package there's a little bullet that clearly states that music streaming is free for certain apps including Pandora and Spotify. I am so extremely disappointed with T-Mobile. I've also attached supporting articles.<... />*******906 /> /> />

FOR THE ATTENTION OF... Callie Field (Senior Vice President of Customer Service)

Dear madam,

Please accept this email as a very serious complaint against one of your employees in Tucson, AZ (store at 4631 N Oracle Rd, Tucson, AZ 85705)

The employee's name is UNNO, regarding this complaint. At least, that's the name he was displaying on his red work shirt.

I would also like you to note that I am a 72 Yr. Old senior citizen, who has also had major heart by-pass surgery and also had a "pace-maker" implant 3 Yrs. Ago.

In my working life - I also have 50+ Yrs in Business Management and Sales Manager experience... (Customer Service were priorities!)

On the 1st of July, I went into your store to purchase a new phone, as I had previously been out-of-the-country for 5 Yrs, so I needed a new phone.

I purchased a Samsung Galaxy 12 phone and on 07/02 my bank acct. Was debited $45.66. Also, another $44.01 was debited from my bank account. On 07/20, which I did not understand. I never received a reply about that charge, because of what transpired very quickly after my store arrival. Please continue.

A week after my phone purchase, I had to see my Cardiologist. For a scheduled Appt. My Dr. was not happy that I had this new phone, because for people with "pace-makers" T-Mobile can be problems, he said to me.

So I decided to return the phone on Wednesday 07/22, back to the same store where I purchased it. I asked for the MOD (Manager-on-Duty).

This is where the entire incident gets very nasty for me (the customer) as this guy UNNO said he could help me! I asked him if he was the Manager - but he never replied.

After explaining my situation, he said he could do NOTHING for me, because 14 days had passed. No one told me about a 14 day "rule" when I purchased the phone. In fact, I was never even given a "Contract" - which I thought was strange.

He also displayed an unfriendly and unsmiling attitude with me - an attitude of I don't care what your Doctor said! I told him that HIS whole attitude was "out-of-order" and I would give T-Mobile a bad "Google Review" on the Internet and contact the Corporate office - which I have done with you!

This is when the situation became "absurd"... Because he ordered me out of the store, because I was threatening him with my Google review and contacting you, he said.

He next said that if I did not immediately leave - he was going to call the POLICE! Needless to say, I was literally *STUNNED*! I could not believe what I was hearing, and I thought I was going to have a *Heart attack*! He even started to wave his phone in my face and threatened me several times, with the police!

Ms. Field - in my 72 Yrs. On this planet, I have NEVER received such treatment before, anywhere, and anytime. This person representing T-Mobile is an absolute disaster and has NO idea about real *Customer Service*! He is certainly not an asset for your business.

He needs to be very strictly disciplined or even dismissed for this very diabolical and irrational behavior towards a customer - your "life-blood" in a competitive business.

As the Senior Vice President of Customer Service - I thought you should be fully informed about these events. I have also copied Mr. Mike Sievert, your CEO, into the email.

Your call center in Manilla, the Philippines, also found the events very disturbing. (Romeo)

NOTE: This SENIOR VICE PRESIDENT or CEO never directly replied to my email - she had a subordinate contact me! Also, they even had the "nerve" to send the unwanted phone back to me, by UPS! I eventually was able to cancel and return the phone + I was compensated for the original charge!

They get away with cheating people out of their money!
Earlier this year I walked into a T-mobile store to get a month to month Internet plan on my mobile Internet device. It was $10/month. After paying in person at the store a few times I decided to sign up for autopay to make things more convenient. Then my fiance and I bought a house and went with a different (equally crooked) company (Frontier) for wifi internet at the house. I discontinued my autopay and canceled my T-mobile Internet in May, 2018. In August, 2018 I realized that T-Mobile continued charging me every month, so I called customer service again and used my Passcode to dispute the charges and cancel my account. The representative waved the outstanding balance and appologized for the mistake on T-mobiles part. She reassured me we were squared away and I should disregard further notices in the mail as the system takes a while to update. I asked for a verification e-mail. She said that wouldn't be possible but I could request a verification if I wrote a letter to the headquarters. I did. I never heard back from T-mobile.
Fast forward to November 28th, 2018: My fiancé and I are on our layover in Boston, ready to head to Europe to visit family for the next 1 1/2 months as I recieve a call from a pre-collection agency wanting somewhere around $60, claiming I had an outstanding balance with T-mobile. I had them refer me to the T-mobile dispute center. There I was only running into more nonsense, that in order for them to verify my identity and activate my account (which they acknowledged had been deactivated), they needed my passcode. This passcode I have written on a piece of paper in my file back at home and cannot give to them at this moment (which was hard to get ahold of in the first place back in August).
So basically they were absolutely uncapable and unwilling to find a solution or a middle ground and basically told me either I give them the passcode so they can further look into my account or I'll be turned over to a collection agency if I don't want to pay the outstanding balance I supposedly have with them. I have no international phone plan and won't be able to solve this problem till I get back from my trip. By then I'll have a collection agency to deal with... Unfortunately this kind of behavior isn't unusual for these kinds of companies. I could go off on another rant concerning At&T and Frontier. Who's out there to keep these guys in check?

T-mobile sucks! Was better off with Verizon!
Sadly disappointed with Phone carrier T-Mobile. Was with Verizon and received great service, but it came at a high cost.
T-Mobile is definitely more affordable, but the service and internet connection sucks. You don't have to trust me - try them for yourself. Beware however when it comes to transferring over your files to a new phone or simply to the new service contract, T-Mobile will most likely lose your saved voice messages if your coming from Verizon. Read about it. Others are experiencing the same issue.
My family has been with T-Mobile for one week and already we have been unable to use our hot spot, have clear phone conversations and keep all our stored voice messages that T-Mobile promised would not be lost.
The customer service sucks as well! The representatives act like T-Mobile know what your concerns are and what they are doing, but clearly have a problem handling the situation. They send you to other representatives and you end up going around and around.

We basically receive no service while at home (Oakland, CA) - we have to use a cellspot. Because T-Mobile is Sub and beneath the quality that Verizon promises and delivered - T-Mobile has to try and compete by sending you a plastic unit that must be hooked up to your electric source which is suppose to help create a better connection to the internet. It does not!
The bottom line is that T-Mobile is no better than Metro PCS and cost a lot more! I would be disappointed and unhappy if I was a internet phone company that failed my customers continuously. I'd want to do something about it. The only good thing I can say at this point while dealing with T-Mobile is that there is no contract. I thought this was for us, but it's not. I believe T-Mobile knew they could not deliver quality service and decided not to have to deal with legal matters and not place folks into contracts.

Again it's all about T-Mobile not the customer!

Retuned phone with FedEx proof of signed for, but charging me $800
In just, I was told to ship malfunctioning phone to Assurant (T-Mobil's "jump"- insurance "Partner" division. Assurant's provided a FedEx trackable label and with an RMA number on it. It was shipped. 3 Days later, I spoke to T-mobile and that person said that it should have never gone to Assurant. She said, "I have spoken with Assurant and T-Mobile will return the phone to you." She said, "In the mean time I am sending you a replacement phone. Use the same box to return the phone you will get back from Assurant, when you get it. I called Assurant a few days later and "we have no record of it whatsoever and no record of that RMA number either.

The phone was sent to Assurant 8/12/2015 with the provide FedEx Label (see photo attached) #*******26889 & showing RMA#8986747. Fed Ex tracking shows a box was "actually delivered" and It was signed for By a "J. Tortorici" on 8/19/2015 on Wednesday at 0900. The box was 0.7Lbs & measured 10"x7"x3".

I have spent countless hours on the phone with t-Mobil and Assurant for the last three months. We have gone to the highest level of support and resolution and submitted at least 3 "Handset research forms" Have spent AT LEAST 30 hours of time easily 100 hours of time on this on hold, verify account, making notes, transferring, verify, notes, transferring, manager, handset research form, phone disconnected – call back and do it all again! AMAZING expenditure of time and frustration! I make $66.24 an hour. I've had to take at least 30 hours off from work on this and many of that time could have been overtime and double time. I have had to buy another phone of my own for $400 on craigslist to use when phone "was in the mail". I am on call and must have a phone for work – heart attack patients.

October 12th I managed to speak with Assurant manager Anna employee number 406-8978 She actually 3 way called T-Mobil and spoke with Whitney Employee id # 1271292. Ana was able to tell and confirm that "we DID receive a phone from him "with a Z-tag of: ZZ*******962" This is not the first time I have spoken with managers from both T-Mobil and Assurant. At Assurant I have had a few say they have received the phone from me. This time a few hours later, Whitney called back and said, something doesn't match, but we will continue "handset research form"
I am still being billed for $800 and T-Mobil texts saying need payment to avoid service interruption. – phone disconnected. I now have MetroPCS to avoid phone cut off & until I decide who else to sign contract with again.

Tmobile sending me to collections no affecting my Excellent credit score!
I must say! Other than this T-mobile was great! But when it cost you 3 months, $800, credit score damage! - Nothing can be worse!

Deserve a 0 star
T-Mobile is terrible in the way doing its business, very untrustworthy and uncountable. It does not only give empty promises but also provides fake information to customers. It may have the best price, but it has traps waiting ahead.

I was a new customer joining T-Mobile this October when T-Mobile had a buy-one-get-one-free phone promotion. The new iPhone was hard to order when it was first released, and I was advised by T-Mobile local shop to call its support for ordering. When I called, a T-Mobile sales representative told me I could pay one phone in full and the other free from the promotion. After switching to T-mobile, I asked for documents on what I signed up for; I waited forever and never received what I was looking for. Within a week of opening the account with T-Mobile, I called to check my account status, and I was told that I had to pay my two phones at the full price, and I wasn't getting the buy-one-get-one-free phone promotion. Back and ford, I called many times, and each time I was told they would take care of my account, and whenever I called back again, the promotion was still not applied. I told them I could return my phones and plan to end this fraud. I spoke with many T-mobile supports and managers, who kept telling me they would take care of me and the issue. After my last call last month, I saw justification on my phone bill. Unfortunately, all the promises I received were fake and lies. After my phones' return date was expired, I saw my monthly payment for the promised buy-one-get-one-free phone was now remoted from my account. On a recent call to T-Mobile, a manager told me she was so sorry for their mistakes, but it was solely my responsibility; they won't do anything for me. This is like, "sorry, we made a mistake, it is ok for us to lie, but you screw and take the blames"! This manager also told me I shouldn't trust what their sales representatives said to me on the phone. Wow, unbelievable!

Do not trust T-mobile; they are frauds. Don't do business with an untrustworthy entity!

Unbelievably awful - it doesn't get any worse than this
What an awful, awful horribly rude company this is. I have tried over and over for the last 2 days for countless hours until I've got hoarse trying to get something done about my Samsung phone that I bought from them in 2012 that was supposed to have been unlocked from them in 2013 sometime, but which I just found out on Saturday when I took it to AT & T to sign up for their phone service that it is apparenlty still locked, but T-Mobile have hung up on me every single time I've tried to get something done about getting my phone unlocked. It's like being in the Twilight Zone having to deal with these horrible, horrible people. They denied I ever had an account with them because it's been closed for a few years, they denied that my phone had anything to do with them, even though I still have all of the emails to prove everything, they asked me for the same information over and over each time, and ended up hanging up every time when I said I couldn't even get a field to come up on the phone to enter another unlocking code to try again and was asking them how to do that. It''s been one of the worst experiences I've had for a long time, and I've had quite a few bad ones lately, mostly to do with my phone. T-Mobile's phone service was pretty bad when I had it, I couldn't get a signal a lot of the time or the phone calls would abruptly get cut off,, and it was so expensive as well, so I switched to tracfone and had them for a few years, just for emergencies, but their service was pretty poor as well, and especially since the crummy tracfone phone that I had to use had started malfunctioning, I wanted to go back to my good phone, the Samsung one. I got the runaround from Samsung as well. They told me they couldn't do anything about it, it was T-Mobile's fault, but T-Mobile won't do anything but hang up, and they're in who knows what foreign country, Their English is so bad it's hard to understand them, and the sound quality is so bad they can barely be heard, so I've got a phone that cost almost $330 that hasn't had more than a few months' use during the time I've owned it, and now I can't even use because I can't get any help from T-Mobile, who just don't want to know since I'm not their customer any more and will certainly never be again, not even if they were the only company in existence. On top of that, Samsung told me that even if the phone needed some sort of repair, which I doubt, they don't have parts for it any more. I was on live chat with Samsung several times for many hours over this, as well as on the phone with them, and I'm absolutely livid right now. What is it going to take to get the use of my phone - take T-Mobile to court for it? Absolutely shameful.

I have been a loyal LONGTERM customer for almost ten years. Last August (2015) I purchased a new LGG4 phone from the company store located at 1205 Hancock St Quincy Massachusetts. The first day I got the phone home it died completely. I took it back to the store and T-Mobile refused to replace it but did an adjustment and told me to try it out and it should be OK. I told them I should get a NEW phone but they REFUSED. I took the phone home again and the same thing happened. I took it back and after a two hour wait, they finally replaced it. Since that day I have had to replace it another 5 (FIVE) times. I finally decided to replace it with a newer LGG5. I went back to the store, the MANAGER and Employee inspected the phone and found the unit Ok. The only thing was the battery had a small water spot on it. It worked fine but they were adamant that I would have to provide another battery. I told them I had two others and would gladly bring it in but they refused to process the replacement on my word. I WAS FORCED TO LEAVE THE STORE, RETURN HOME AND BRING IN ANOTHER BATTERY. I am a SENIOR CITIZEN WITH A DISABILITY. I am a loyal customer and have been put through hell and back on a phone that is only 9 months old. I found the manager and employee both ignorant and arrogant to my needs. They made me feel as if I was going to cheat them out of a very inexpensive battery. I have been so stressed out over this. Hopefully this phone will work out as I really do not want to deal with these people again. The company as a whole meets its bare expectations but their choice in employees leave a lot to be desired. They obviously have very little customer service experience. I am locked into a contract at the present time but will think twice before renewing again. MY ONLY SUGGESTION IS BEWARE OF WHAT YOU ARE GETTING INTO PRIOR TO SIGNING WITH THIS COMPANY

You should be ashamed of yourselves
So I've had Boost Mobile since it was Revel and all I have to say about this service is the fact that you pay for unlimited but what you're paying for is the fact of when you hit a certain amount of data T-Mobile will throttle or slow your speeds down which is ridiculous and very unethical for a company to do if you are offering unlimited services to your customers and then when you then cut into their service and throttle their speed and completely take away any activation with people who need to use their phones for work for entertainment purposes you are liable and I'm pretty sure that you're going to get sued by multiple customers for this practice you need to stop throttling people speeds when they reach a certain amount of gigabytes it is very unethical and if you see it in your hearts to understand that if the net neutrality was never ratified you would have been sued left and right by every customer you have ever had I had T-Mobile back in the day and when I had it I couldn't keep a phone call going for 30 minutes you would cut the phone call off after 30 minutes of connection you guys are ridiculous with this and just because you bought out Sprint now I have to deal with you guys throttling and slowing my speeds down because you guys have horrible business practices I will never ever use T-Mobile again after this next month I will be getting another phone company because you guys are douchebags with this practice I really hope that my review has been shown to your customers this is downright criminal extortion when it comes to using your service there is no reason for you to cut speeds or throttle data because UD prioritize your customers it is a wrong practice and I hope you guys go bankrupt and get sued all over the place

They took my hard earned money
I have been loyal to this company for many years. I have always paid my bill on time, and I always referred friends and family to this company. Today, I have a different view:
Last month, my boyfriend and I changed our plan to the $100 for 2 line plan. You must be on an automatic payment cycle to receive this discount. Well, last week, Tmobile made an error, and deducted $173.40 TWICE! Because of this, my bank was withdrawn, and my other bills for the month were also being deducted. Chase charges $34 per withdrawn payment. I was charged $64 last week, and today, and addition charge was taken out. I was told by multiple operators that T-Mobile were going to refund my account, as well as refund my over charge fees. However, they did not do that. I was specific in asking to have the money RETURNED BACK INTO MY BANK ACCOUNT! I still have bills to pay. However, only the $173.90 was returned to my bank account. The withdrawn charges were not. Tmobile applied the $64 to the next billing cycle, even after I was PROMISED it would be in my bank account.
This company, even after you are loyal to them, will not help you when they have made a mistake. I am a student, and I live my life on a strict budget. I pay my bills on time, but because of TMOBILS mistake, I am completely out of $94 in my bank account. That $94 was supposed to pay for my school loan payment and my utility bills. This company is not reliable. They are thieves. Sure, the credited my next billing cycle, but what good is that to me? I need my money back into my bank account to pay my house hold bills and school bill. Tmobile promised me the money into my bank, but today, another representative informed me that they are unable to return the money back into my bank account. They lied to me. They record their your calls, and I promise you that I was told my money was going to be credited back into my bank account, BUT THEY LIED! Worst phone company. Do not sign up with them. They will take your money.

Lack of communication and understanding within the company. Unqualified employees
I've been a tmobile customer for about 7 years. In the last 3 years I've received the worst business transactions I've ever encountered with any company. Back in 2014 T-Mobile overcharged me every month for the better part of a year 9 months I believe. I made about 3 to 4 phone calls a month to get it fixed 90% of the time no one had a clue what I was talking about or how to do their job. I could never speak with a manager as they were always out to lunch or out of the office no matter what time I called. And even when I did get someone who had the capability of doing their job well enough to look at my plan and see that they were in fact over charging me per my plan agreement they either said they would have to have a supervisor fix it who wasn't there. Or that I'll take care of that for you right now. Then next month my bill would come and it wasn't accurate again. After 9 long months of constant phone calls eventually it got fixed and I did in fact receive a refund for 2 to 3 hundred dollars. About 6 months ago I received an s4 from then that had a series of serial numbers that had been recalled from samsung. Sent it in for an exchange and was told I still had to pay because it had minor wear and tear on although it was from a batch of phones that when they updated their Sims none would work on their new system. Spent the insurance money got a replacement phone. Comes in doesn't work, pop open the back and guess what the last 4 digits of the serial numbers are within the list of one's that have been recalled from samsung. I know because I wrote everything down. I call and they send me another replacement phone in. However they don't file it as a recall they file it as an insurance claim and refund me the money. Not from the first but from the 2nd transaction. The lady yells me without doing it this way I will have to wait 2 to 4 weeks to get my phone so she's going to do it like "this". Get the phone and by some fate of the gods it works. Use it everything's fine, in September i drop it the screen breaks and I need a new one. Call it in; get put on hold for about 20 to 30 minutes and I'm told they cannot send me a new phone until I fill out a series of forms. Have it out with them about this because I've never had to do this before. When I look at the forms it has my past 2 claims on their both of which were recalls and not not damages. One could be considered damages arguably but one is a brand new phone from them never been touched and it's a recall. Now here's the thing. I'm told by the insurance agent and by tmobile by law they can't send me a phone until I read the documents and sign them. This is to keep from insurance fraud however the lady from their insurance company put my phone in as a damage claim instead of a recall so their representative actually committed insurance fraud. And if I sign the paper I'm not committing insurance fraud because I'd be lying about the last two phones and committing a felony. I tell this to a manager at the insurance place and at tmobile. The insurance place tells me I just need to sign it. The tmobile customer service supervisor knows what's going on and tells me yes they shouldn't have put it in that way and agrees with me that if it was him he wouldn't sign it either. But tells me without it they can't issue me a replacement phone. So I've been paying insurance the whole time someone from their sister company does something illegal I have to jump on the Wagon or be out a phone. Cancel my service with them. Call them up make all current payments and device balances. Wait two days call them up make another payment that I'm told is the last balance I'll have with them. Get a letter not a bill but a typed letter 3 months later saying I owe a balance. I call them ask for a bill what they send me is a letter with no dates ect so on. Nothing like a bill I've ever received from them. Call them and call them and call them. I'm told by them they cannot send me a bill but I owe them and if I don't pay they'll send me to collections. I asked when I canceled. They say Oct 14th I ask her this money I owe you what are the dates the phone service are for she says Oct 23 - Nov 22. I'm like and when did I cancel she says Oct 14th. I say the last payment I sent to you was for what days service she says sep23- Oct 23 I say and when did I cancel. It's like talking to a zombie. And 9 out of 10 times it always is with tmobile. I've now been sent to a collection agency for a bill that is for a bill cycle after my cancel date after I've already paid in full. For canceling a service because I wouldn't help a company commit insurance fraud. It's just plain ridiculous at this point I'm contemplating hiring an attorney. In short #! $@ tmobile. I would buy two cups and a string before I went back to their shady incompetent illegal corporation... I highly suggest anyone and everyone to not use them as a provider.

Not Trustworthy
T-Mobile at first appeared to be a step up from Verizon's shoddy customer service. I was able to set up cellular services with T-Mobile and have my phone numbers ported quite easily via phone with their representative(s). That always seems to be the easiest part when attempting to obtain any service - T-Mobile is not an exception in taking potential customers hard earned cash and in a prompt fashion. Their reps were courteous, friendly and appeared to be quite knowledgeable — again, a step up from Verizon. However, and stay with me here for this is almost amusing (emphasis being on almost), T-Mobile sold me cellular service for an area that T-Mobile do not provide cellular coverage for. Yes, you read that right. They obtained my location information, verified my location information and then sold me a package for non-existent cellular services. What? Now I am in the process of finding yet another cellular company that does indeed provide cellular coverage for my area. Third time lucky it's been said. We'll see. There is an issue on the table here of the money I paid this company for the activation fee for such non-services. The first rep I spoke to said she couldn't refund an activation fee which led me to speak with a supervisor. This supervisor initially said the same thing — stating she was as high up in management as I could go to have this issue resolved. She was it. Excuse me? - I think not. As usual, I persisted and between her speaking to her management team (of which I was just informed didn't exist), they were able to circumvent the inability to refund the activation fee to my bank account by issuing a pre-loaded debit card for the activation amount that I could use anywhere as a debit card. This said card is "supposed" to be mailed to my home address — but "be advised it could take some time arriving". I am a bit hesitant to believe that said card will actually arrive considering that this same company told me their cell services covered my area, sold me a cellular package and took my money quickly in the process of doing so. Are they to be believed or not? That remains to be seen. This supervisor, like so many other sub-par businesses, was apologetic that I was sold such services but I grow weary of such glib apologies from such companies. They are not the ones spending countless hours having to rectify issues that have arisen solely due to their very own ineptness. It is far easier to give lip service than to get on the horn and have these issues resolved in just as quickly a manner as they were in quickly extorting good money from their customers. I told this supervisor that I would be filing a complaint with the Federal Trade Commission for Fraudulent Business Practices - for selling services to consumers that simply do not exist. Her reply was that it was not fraudulent. Pardon me ma'am, but this practice has fraud written all over it unless I am mistaken in the meaning of that word — which in this particular instance, I think not. There's also the issue of my spending even more of my good money in purchasing a T-Mobile compatible phone, but we won't go into that issue for fear of this company turning tail and hitting the road running. It would be highly unproductive for me to waste my time attempting to do so. At the beginning of this review I stated T-Mobile's customer service appeared to be a step up from Verizon Wireless customer service; however, Verizon never sold me cellular service they were incapable of providing. If you have to make a choice between these two I would suggest Verizon. At least you would have cell service while attempting to resolve your issues of which Verizon will inevitably drag out. If you can avoid these two companies altogether then I would highly recommend going elsewhere for your cellular services. There are many to choose from. Do not settle for sub-par services. You are not at their mercy and you are deserving of quality service.

Treating their account holders terrible
I started with T-Mobile 12 years ago. For the most part, it was an okay experience - several owners ago. T-Mobile International AG is a German holding company for Deutsche Telekom, NOW. T-Mobile are full of tricks and lie to you AND MAKE THEIR EMPLOYEES, PARTICIPATE. You sign up for a new phone at their store with the same terms you have always had (12 yrs), explicitly with no digital as I don't need it and have a computer, rarely leave my house and don't want the bill, frankly, never did. They then do what they want to do and send you exorbinant - 3 x the bill you are expecting and have always paid with them in past for literally no digital usage and fewer phone calls with a phone that now hardly leaves the top of my desk sitting next to my pc. I screen my calls and rarely answer since I am now retired. Please verify that I am telling you the truth.
The latest owner, T-Mobile International AG, seems to completely disrespect Americans and the account holder's true charges and go crazy on you with charges if you sign up for their auto pay. This is what they did to me. I retired and my phone never hardly left my desk- I am burnt out on talking on the phone -I screen and rarely answer. My bill for two lines - one voip $10.00 line and my cell phone was up to $256.00 for last bill absolutely no use and definitely no digital usage. I wrote letters to them, argued with them twice and finally disconnected the auto pay - demanded they do so - and sent the usual amount I had always paid, $87.50 which is exorbinant for my usage - and they disconnected my phones. I challenge the company to justify my bill - as I literally, barely, ever use my phone and it rarely leaves the house. They literally rape customers usage charges.
Previous to this incident that began this last year with the wild crazy charges, my son who had a line on my acct for $10 extra for 11 years was required to obtain his own acct with his employer a year ago. He phoned T-Mobile, CANCELLED his line as my authorized agent on my account and ordered another account for himself, same phone call, same agent. T Mobile did not cancel the line and my son had also placed me on auto pay that same very call - my requests. Since I did not notice the overcharge, the charge went on for months and they only finally credited me three months of the seven approx months of charge for a dead line after a literal fight with them on the phone two times.
I cannot afford these extra charges on my limited retirement fixed income and need my phone number back that I have had for 12 years. Why do we as faithful bill payers here in America have to accept this type of treatment from a foreign company that clearly does not respect Americans and are only here to rape and pillage account holders account's under the threat of ruining your credit?

T-mobile crooks!
I purchased a phone from T-mobile 27 days ago. I need the phone for work. The phone doesn't work in my office building. I was told 3 days after buying to please be patient, they're working on upgrades to the towers. I called again, I was told to please be patient, there is a ticket in for a tech to go and see what the problem is in that area, because the coverage map is reflecting that there should be service there. I called again to follow up, and was again asked to be patient and assured of resolution.

On my final call, I was told 'hey, sorry we can't fix it. Even though you can't use your phone at work, we can still see that you have been able to get good usage of the phone away from work. We're not giving you the $700 that you paid for the phone back, because you're beyond the 14 day buyers remorse period...'

Funny how T-Mobile assured me that they would fix it, pleaded with me to be patient, never mentioned the buyers remorse period... until after they'd dragged out the tech trouble shooting issue beyond the refund period.

Then then told me that they really didn't care about my calls beginning within day 3 of activation, and their please for patience, and assurance that they'd fix the problem.

They were simply satisfied that they'd dragged me along for long enough that I was beyond their 14 day refund period.

The resolution that they offered me... was to sell my phone on Craigslist to try to recoup some of the funds.

I immediately drove to Verizon. They now have unlimited data.

They basically bought the T-mobile phone, and gave me another Samsung s7 edge.

$5 more per month is worth it for good customer service and a phone that works for the purpose that I bought it for... I can use my Verizon phone at work!

The Big Switch
The Big Switch - Well, I'll begin by saying I am probably the most unhappy T-mobile customer ever. I am the product of the SunCom to t-Mobile transfer. I have had problems since day one. T-mobile doesn't have good customer service. The supervisors are unhelpful. No one seems to know whats going on or care for that matter. I purchased the new 2008 Sidekick. T-Mobile give you 2 weeks to try the product out... well, since I recieved the phone, I have been on the phone with T-mobile. I had to call and add my data package to the phone and much to my surprise I was told there was something going on that prevented them from adding the service. I was told to wait about two days and give a call back. So, thats what I did. At this time the service still could not be added for some unknown reason. I asked to speak with a supervisor because I was told the only way to get the service was to upgrade to a T-mobile plan. I waited several minutes and CiCi came to the phone (with an attitude may I add). She said "yeah, if you want a T-mobile phone your gonna pay T-mobile rates." I told her I didn't think that was fair because I didn't ask to come to T-mobile. She told me to send the phone back then. I told her I didn't think she had good customer service skills and that I wanted to speak to her supervisor because she was talking over me and not being understanding. She told me that to speak to her supervisor would take about 2-3 days from the time her supervisor returned from vacation. I told her I would make sure to report her name when I did get through to someone and she said "make sure you spell it right when you do." Okay, I have been back and fourth on the phone for the entire 2 weeks and have had two help tickets escalated and have spoken with 3 supervisors. Each time I called I had to explain the exact same thing over and over and over to no avail. The second supervisor told me if I didn't like the service and the phone didn't work I can write in and cancel my contract. Mind you, I just wanted my service to work the way I was told it would. I don't even get good reception to boot. I drive daily 120 miles back and fourth to school. I have 3 children, 1 with autism that someone needs to be able to reach me at all times. Well, for a whole day I didn't have service, I couldn't call T-mobile or 911 because of some error in their system. I was highly upset when I found out they had not worked to figure out what was wrong with my phone or anything. No one gave me a call back... Ever! I drove 3 hours away with my kids in the rain with no service. I had to get out in the rain with my kids and use a pay phone. On top of that I have to pay to send back the two sidekicks that don't work. They don't even have the option on my plan to add the data package. Instead of someone telling me straight from the begining what was going on and that nothing was going to be done about it in the near future, they lead me on a goose chase wasting time and money for nothing. I don't have what I want, I can't get it and no one cares. Oh one more thing --I am going to be without a phone for I don't know how long because no one told me either that once I purchased a T-mobile phone I couldn't go back to my previous phone without an unlock code. To get that code can take anywhere from 2-14 days. My 2 week trial period for a phone I have been unable to use is up as of the 22nd of October. I have to send it back tomorrow and their don't seem to be any loaner phones in my area so it seems that if I don't buy a phone I don't want I will be without service until the unlock code reaches me. I have been to the T-mobile stores in my area because they don't pick up tbe phone when you call them. That's a tank of gas I wasted driving back and fourth looking for a loaner phone that is unavailable at this time. I intend to cancel the service with T-mobile and switch to another provider when I graduate from school in May. Talk about first impressions. I also intend to let everyone know what I think because no one has done anything to change my mind. Thank you for reading this and letting me vent though I don't think it will change anything!

I feel STUPID for signing a contract with them
3 weeks into my new service. I was able to switch from Verizon and get 3 lines for the same price. I had few complaints with Verizon except for similar issues as I will describe here - the straw that broke the camel's back with V was when I went to order a 2nd line, had to go through the process of logging in several times, going to vertical marketing portals etc. Finally I had the order all set up and the "checkout" button simply didn't work. Nothing exotic, Microsoft Edge. I am perfectly capable of doing online banking, ordering pizzas etc, so the "checkout button" not working is a novelty. Instead of checking out, I just went over to T-mobile and signed up for new service.

1. Tried to pay using phone app. When I log in, it sends me over to sprint. [wants me to install the sprint mobile app on my t-mobile phone]

2. Tech support couldn't help me, because the phone wasn't in their system. T-Mobile shipped it to me [with the t-mobile app preinstalled, and I inserted the SIM card the person at the t-mobile store sent me, and the phone worked, and then a week later I went back to the store and they transferred my Verizon number and everything has worked hunky dory - except this tech support person couldn't send a confirmation code to it because it wasn't in their system]

3. OMG the patronizing. The tech support person was all "my good friend" and "we're besties and this is oh so casual' - it was casually sickening. If they worked on their BUTTONS WORKING as much as they worked on their patronizing disgusting scripts.

4. That tech was going to send me to ANOTHER tech support line but also recommended I try paying my bill using the web instead of the app - [Oh yeah, paying my bill is all I am trying to do] - But I was already furious at how much of my time they had wasted and I thought the problem was due to the phone. So I tried the app on the 2nd phone and same thing, sent me to Sprint.] - Tried the website from my Windows PC - same thing, sent me to sprint.

5. The pay without logging in feature is not working for me either. I enter either my phone number in both boxes or the billing account number and the "next" button doesn't activate.

I am almost at the point of just paying full price for these 2 phones and canceling the contract. Nobody's time and sanity is worth dealing with this type of relentless incompetence.

Also the "Revvl" phone that was their cheapest must have the thinnest screen glass I have ever had. It cracked within the first 3 days. Just a single crack.

Update: Less than a month in the Revvl4 phone's USB port has stopped working. I leave it on a shelf most of the time unless I want to listen to a podcast or sometimes to data tether. Went to data tether it today and the USB connection just cycles endlessly. I am using the same USB cable and the same laptop with the Motorola Play right now and it is working. I think the Revvl4 has pushed the boundaries of decency when it comes to materials usage.

Over 3 years of horrible issues
Where to start... 3 years ago someone pretending to be me called t mobile and cancelled my business line. 10 minutes later i contacted t mobile and T-Mobile could not get my phone number back. It cost me thousands of dollars. I was not offered anything for my troubles. Less than 2 years ago an employee marked the wrong IMEI number for a warrantied phone. This resulted in my service being shut off multiple times a week for 10 months. After spending over 100 hours on the phone a single employee figured out the issue and took care of it. I was not offered anything for my troubles Now for the last 8 months my service has not worked. I never get calls. I cant make calls majority of the time. The internet, maps, music etc never work because of it. Ive been calling for a supervisor since February only to be offered supervisor call backs. Ive never once received a call back as promised, because they cant get through to me. Ive sent hundreds of screen shots that confirm my service issues. Ive seen the local store manager who confirmed my cell line has issues. Ive had customers even write letters to tmobile about how they cannot get ahold of me. Finally since February I now have multiple employees advising me that there are service issues in my area. It took nearly 9 months to finally get a supervisor on the phone. Ive spent another 100+ hours on the phone thus past year. They have now not only not offered me nothing for my troubles, they are actually telling me instead of doing something to credit my account that i should just cancel my service. I have more than enough physical evidence to back claims. They refuse to be accountable. They refuse to put me on the phone with a supervisor. Instead if i ask for a supervisor they put me on hold and then hang up the call. This has been happening since February. I refuse to pay for a service that NEVER works. They refuse to actually do their jobs and fulfil their own service agreement. I have more than enough evidence.

Manager opened fraudulent account in my name
Went in to look at the pricing to change from Verizon business to T-Mobile business told the business manager that I couldn't sign up that day because I needed to know if T-Mobile had service available at my second home in the mountains about 45 minutes away. She said no problem she would send me the paperwork via email and if I found it service worked I could sign for the account online. That night I spoke to neighbors at my second home and found out that T-Mobile is not available. 2 days later I received an email stating that I did not sign my paperwork within 48 hours so no account is started and no services rendered. No problem great, wrong! Approx. Two weeks later I received a bill in the mail for over $300 that had 4 business lines and a tablet line activated with fake phone numbers immediately I started calling T-Mobile just stretched into three months later being threatened with collections and couldn't get anywhere with T-Mobile supposed security department! Complete b******* spent over 40 + hours on the phone until I decided to just do a random customer service call and ended up talking to a gentleman in Texas miles away from the state of Washington who told me that the manager probably had a meeting I need you to show numbers for her store and forgot to cancel the fictitious account in my name. He stated he used to work in the stores and that there is so much pressure on the managers to get new numbers in that he sure this is what happened because he seen it done before what the f***! Instructed me to contact the police to file a police report and then 2 contact the FCC and file a lawsuit which is what I will be doing asap, be very wary of giving your social security number or any other information 2 employees of T-Mobile unless you're ready to open an account as you're standing there, super disappointed in T-Mobile for not taking better action on my matter brushing me off hopefully I'll have my day in court soon.

Don't waste your time
I never write reviews, but I felt if even one person reads this and makes a decision then maybe it'd be worth it. The first day I walked in to buy a new phone with them, T-Mobile had an issue that took 4 hours to resolve. That was a red flag, and I should have just stopped it there. In the months following, attempts to add money to my prepaid account resulted in denying my card, only to take my money anyway (without it going towards my service plan). Their website is barely functional, and only works during the day. Their customer support in the worst I've ever had. I go to a store in person only for them to say "call this number". They don't want to help you at all. My money? Well I only got some of it back, and it took a week of pestering people. Still lost $40. Unlike other providers, when I was porting my phone number, they cut my service immediately and didn't give the phone number to the new provider right away. It took an entire day. That meant an entire day without a phone number or service. They also had an error where every time I sent a text, it took 25 cents from my account. There wasn't enough money in my account to renew the service, so they cut me off in a heartbeat. They make it so hard to get started, but it's so easy to terminate your service. No apologies from them either except after I changed service. If you don't use your phone much and want a cheap plan, I suggest Tracfone. If you want about mid-priced plans, Sprint wasn't bad. If you've got money to spend, I hear Verizon has the best coverage. Whatever you do, just stay away from T-Mobile. I have not had a single good experience with them.

Show me the date of service
I've been a loyal customer T-Mobile going on 3 years. The first year I was so impressed with the quality of the service as well as customer service was overwhelming then all the other cell carriers that I've experienced. 11 months ago the quality of the service T-Mobile provide for data and telephone committee has dropped 80%. I'm not able to receive data service within my own home I have dropped calls within my own home. Keep in mind as I stated it's going on three years that that I've been with T-Mobile. What took place 11 months ago to where I'm unable to have quality data service as well as phone calls that are not dropped in my own home.

I have been working with T-Mobile customer service and I've been working with one supervisor in the Tampa Florida location. It seems I called the customer service department at least twice a month if not three times a month. Of course I speak to the supervisor that seems to know very much what's going on with a quality of service T-Mobile provides month to month in my own home that I pay you for ongoing for quality service. Quality service to me means no drop calls and my friends my loved ones when I speak to them on the phone you're not understanding what I'm saying until I walk outside the door in the middle of the street. The meaning of quality data service to me means, you can mirror your phone to your television. Or watching a movie without buffering and preparing presentations on your laptop the next morning job.

I've been working with customer service supervisor regarding the quality of service within my own home. Expressing to her to receive a quality phone call where you don't drop a call to your mother that you're talking to where you have to go out to the street if not to the intersection of a street to complete the conversation I was having with my mom. Regarding the data service with the supervisor from customer service the response I received floored me to the point of wanting to cancel my T-Mobile's service but the problem is with that is I have a phone that I pay monthly plus a brand new iPhone that I purchased as well so I'm sort of stuck with service that I don't really receive as well as answers from customer service saying well you have to wait until the Sprint merger takes place and then it'll take time to correct the problem that's not an answer that I want to hear the answer I want to hear is will cut your bill in half or will pay for those phones that you owe you can go to another carrier that's the answer I want verses you have to wait for the Sprint merger and once it takes place it's going to be a while they have a fixed.

Two weeks ago I spoke to T-Mobile's technical support center told the gentleman about my problem he was quite surprised that no one told his department that I had problems within my own home. He suggested he would order a cell booster to amplify T-Mobile's data into my own home. The order was written but someone in T-Mobile cancel it as if I need to call them to see why they cancelled it because I don't call you to express y or to give you when the quality of service would be correct it the next day or whenever before the merger takes place a Sprint.

It would be just so simple the pay for an iPhone that I purchased plus the other two phones that I have just pay him off. Or give me a year's refund of monthly service plus free service until I receive quality service in my own home Inverness Florida.

As one would say I'm not $#*!ing I'm complaining to the right people customer service supervisor how high do I need to go? I had asked to speak to the CEO to see what he would do the answer I will not share.

My name is Jeff Brown I live in Inverness Florida in the show unfortunate for two years I received an a+ plus quality and customer service was over and above my expectation.

Watch for Bait & Switch
I have had Verizon for over 20 years and it's quite pricey. So with all these T Mobile commercials we were going to make the switch. We wanted to keep our phones and phone number. T-Mobile required a card on file but I was advised I would not be charged anything until we switched our phones and started with them. They sent me SIMcards which we received 3 days after my conversationwith them. In the meantime I still hadn't received any confirmation from them regarding the monthly charge, and plan info which was to include unlimited data, talk and text in writing. I advised them that until I got a confirmation of monthly charge, etc... I will not switch phones. (Keep in mind, we are now 2 weeks in). Eventually after receiving emails in return with double talk and still no confirmation I asked them to cancel the switch and if we decide to go with T-Mobile we will go to a kiosk.
Well... I happen to have had a small pile of mail from about a weeks ago that I hadn't had the opportunity to look at because it was picked up by my teenager and put in the wrong place. In that pile was a notice from T-Mobile that stated that in order for them to continue service they would require a deposit. Basically, had I did what they wanted and switched all of our phones over, they would have then cut the service until they got this deposit. And they still never gave me monthly charge info in writing. After laughing and being very happy that I never made that change, I decided to write this review because my guess is they probably do this to people that may end up with no service or much higher monthly charges then they anticipated.
We are still probably going to change carriers eventually but definitely not T mobile.

After i tried many times to solve the Problem with your support Team by phone, heres the situation which i need to be solved ASAP.
I had an account with T-Mobile which i canceled on June 9th. I had a plan which was included my Iphone Xmax and before i canceled my account i requested the pay out of my iPhone Xmax where I had a balance of 176$. I was charge 3 times on May 26th for the same service, the payout of my Iphone Xmax. As you can see on the following image.

Right after i see the 3 transaction i called T-Mobile to see what was going on, why 3 transactions where i should have only the first one 176$. I had a lady explain me that the first transaction of 176$ didnt go thru and i didnt need to worry about that transaction. As soon my AMEX statment only close on the 17th of each month i had to wait until that day to discovery that the 3 transactions was applied on my card.
Again i contact T-Mobile support by phone and request the refund of one transaction as soon i was charge twice for the payout of my iPhone, a gentlemen who was ‘helping' me at that moment told me that T-Mobile couldnt refund the money to my card T-Mobile only could send me a check to my address with the amount. Well, on T-Mobile web site says " CARD PAYMENTS CAN ONLY BE REFUNDED BACK TO THE ORIGINAL CARD " but not a problem, he couldnt do it for some reason and gave my address so he can send the check with the amount of 176$. Past one week after the call and i havent received no check, i again called T-Mobile and was the same gentlemen helping me and he told me the check have been sent that i should call the T-Mobile intermediator bank to check with them, I NEVER RECEIVED THE CHECK.
After i tried to solve the problem with T-Mobile and they didnt help me with absolutely NOTHING i had to contact my AMEX to cancel one transaction of 176$, as you can see on the following image.

On June 9th i canceled my account. My cicle bill on T-Mobile was from the 8th to the 7th of each month so at the moment i canceled i had to pay 2 days of used from June. I was waiting for this charge on my card ( the two days charge) which i was informed will be credit on my credit card. My account was already canceled at the moment i hangup the phone on June 9th 8pm EST time. After that i didnt have anymore access to my T-Mobile account nether signal/internet my number was disconnected.
After 2 months i got a 207$ charge on my AMEX account. I called T-Mobile right away and a gentlemen explained me that charged was about the 176$ that T-Mobile had sent to me as check and i had requested the refund on my card so actually accusing me that i tried to ‘stole' 176$ from T-Mobile. Well, i had to go thru the situation again, i was about 2 hours on the phone with T-Mobile support and nobody could helped me. My AMEX didnt autorized the transaction from T-Mobile because was a unusual amount. I havent received nothing from T-Mobile until today on my registered address 17620 Atlantic Blvd building 1 apto 201 Sunny isles beach, no statments, no check, NOTHING.

After a few weeks i had a lady calling Rodrigo Britta from a Debit Collector agency about a 232$ debit. I again contacted T-Mobile support thru your phone and after a 1:30hr conversation with Lorraine i finally got her sending me an email on Octuber 3th with the statments where i could see ALL THAT INCONVINENT AND UNCONFORTABLE SITUATION. Following the images and statments she sent me.

I went thru all the statment and i finally noticed that T-Mobile WITHOUT MY CONCERN and WITHOUT NOTICED ME had credited the 176$ on my CLOSED ACCOUNT. This was the most incredible i had with T-Mobile. I didnt request that, i didnt autorized that and i didnt WANT that. My account was already closed; Why does the WRONG charge T-Mobile did on my card wich i requested the refund back to the same card was credited on a CLOSED ACCOUNT WHITOUT MY CONCERN/PERMISSION?
Again i was calling T-Mobile support and i lost more 2hrs of my time regards T-Mobile mistake. I was informed to go to a store so they could help me there. On saturday Octuber 3th i went to T-Mobile Lincoln Road store and Roger helped me. I was 4 hours on T-Mobile. After Roger called T-Mobile support they told him and me that was a glitch on T-Mobile system regards the first 3 transactions. Following Roger report from the call where we went thru each month.

Oh i was finally going to solve all this, the lady informed Roger that I only had to pay 56.13$ to T-Mobile regards the last payment after the account cancelation. She request Roger to ask me which day, time and phone number she could contact me, was saturday and she had to sent to another department so they could solve the glich and all that problem that was going on with me and Rodrigo Britta. I told her tuesday Octuber 6th around 10am on my phone *******047.
Tuesday, Octuber 6th arrived and i was all day waiting for the call and NOTHING. I texted Roger arround 7pm EST to explain the lady havent call me and he intructed me to call a number and see what was going on. I AGAIN was calling T-Mobile support and had to go AGAIN THRU ALL THE SITUATION, the gentlemen told me that he was going to send a mesage to the lady that was supposed to called me that day and put me ON HOLD FOR MORE FIVE MINUTES AND HANGUP THE CALL. I sent a message to Roger right away, he was the only person trying to help me at that time. Day after, Octuber 7th i got a call from the lady at 7:30pm where she told me that really was a glich on the system and she had follow the case to relevant support that they will call me in 3 days ( from that day) to solve the problem. I texted Roger about what she said and i wait until the end of the following week, Octuber 16th and NOTHING. I returned to call T-Mobile support team to have the right informations I HAD TO GO THRU ALL THE SITUATION AGAIN. Come on, i had called more then 10 times and T-Mobile cant put on their system the custumers problem nether SOLVE a GLICH ON YOUR SYSTEM? Disapointed and completely tired of this situation.
Its November 8th, i havent received ANY calls from T-Mobile regard this. I have Rodrigo Britta's name on the Debit Colector for a T-Mobile fault. I have my situation not solved yet.

THE WORSE COMPANY EVER. All this reports and all the conversation ill be exposing on internet. Completely unprofessional. Wheres the ethic of T-Mobile? I was a custumers who payed my bills AWAYS on time, never gave any excused and i tryed always to solved the problems with T-Mobile support as nice as i could be.

Im kindly asking to T-Mobile Compliance to solve my issue ASAP. To take the acusation and Rodrigo Britta's name from the Debit Colector.

Waiting foward for T-Mobile Compliance reply

Best Regards
Sofia Lemmi

******* my email for contact

T-Mobile Deceit
I just purchased the SyncUP Drive device for my car. Since I am a computer technician, I use mobile hot spot often. I was reading up on this device, and I thought this would be a perfect fit for my job. I have unlimited hot spot on my phone, so I can tether this with the device so I don't have to open my phone everytime I need to get on Wifi. I bought the device, and after about an hour of trying to get the device to recognize in the app, it finally started working.
Here is where it gets interesting: I asked the representative that I was talking to if this was data limited or did it tether to my account. She told me that I had 2GB of hot spot. I was shocked! I said, are you serious? How come the plan details was not explained to me when I bought the device? Had I known that this "hot spot" is limited to 2GB, I would have walked out of the store. And of course, guess who cannot return this new unnecessary device, because the rep told me to just use my phone as the hot spot? Without paying a $50 restocking fee, you are stuck with this device. This is not to say that the device is not handy for keeping an eye on your vehicle, but my main purpose was for the mobile wifi capabilities. The representative told me that I should have relayed this to the person who sold me the device. I explained that, no, your site should explain these plans so the person who is deciding whether or not T-Mobile want to make this investment, has all the information they need.
Anyway, I used to be a loyal T-Mobile customer. This has changed my opinion as it seems deceitful and dishonest, especially since I just bought it and they want to charge me half the price it costs to restock it back to the store.
If you are looking to purchase this device, please, don't forget to ASK the sales rep about the plans that come with the device because apparently, that is not something they should do, unless you are buying a phone, then they have to ask you what plan you want because, oh, that happens to be an integral part of your mobile device.
**This device was bought at the 400 Veterans Blvd. Store**

The worst cell phone company customer service ever
T-Mobile used to have excellent customer service. Now T-Mobile have the worst, of any company I have ever experienced. No one individual in any department has any idea what the procedures are for doing anything in their department. Then if you have to be transferred between departments, they actually start to contradict each other.

I have been on the phone with T-Mobile every day for the past 10 days, for an average of about 2 hours.

Someone hacked into my phone and my computer. So I had to call T-Mobile to change the password for my online account. The person I spoke to said they couldn't change the password. What they could do instead was disable my online account, so that no one - including me - would be able to access it. I said great. So they went ahead and disabled the online account.

Then it turned out that the same person had also hacked my tablet. So I had to buy a tablet, and called T-Mobile again for that reason. The person I talked to said they were going to charge me $15 or something like that because I was calling on the phone! Instead of using my online account. I said, "How can you charge me, when my online account is disabled for safety purposes?" The person said, "It is not disabled for security purposes. There is no such thing. We have to charge you the $15." I said, "It's not disabled for security purposes! So how can I make sure the hacker doesn't have access to it? Can you change the password over the phone for me?" He said, "Yes, that is what we have to do. But I don't know how to do it." And he transferred me back to the original department, the department that told me that changing passwords over the phone WAS NOT POSSIBLE.

The person I spoke to this time confirmed what the original person had said. "We cannot change your password over the phone. What we can do instead is disable your online account. And in fact it has already been disabled." I said, "So why will I be charged $15 for calling you on the phone to place an order, instead of going online? When IT WAS YOUR IDEA to prohibit me from going online." They transferred me again.

The next person I talked to agreed that I should not be charged the $15, and "waived" the charge. Note that this entire process took about 3 hours.

In that initial conversation when they disabled my online account, I asked them to change my email address, because the hacker had also hacked my email accounts - obviously.

Then this guy - the hacker - hacked my computer AGAIN. I was forced to call T-Mobile and ask them to change the email address again. This time they said, "We are never allowed to change your email address for you. You have to do it yourself. Do you want us to take the high-security lock off your account?"?

I said, "If that's true, why did the people I talk to before say the exact opposite, AND change the email address for me?" The person said, "Who said that / did that?" Like I'm supposed to remember right?

I asked to speak to a manager. This person said "Oh Angela, we completely understand. We will look into changing the email address for you over the phone." They put me on hold for 25 minutes. Then they came back on and said, "Angela, we have taken the security lock off your account, so you can go and change the email address yourself."?

I said, "Someone is continually hacking me. I don't want the security lock to be taken off my account. As I mentioned to you earlier in this conversation, and as I mentioned to the person who transferred me to you, I'm trying to get you to change the email address for me, like you did before."

They said, "Oh ok, sorry. We'll look into that." Which is exactly the same thing they had said before.

They put me on hold for 40 minutes this time.

Then they came back saying they couldn't change the email address after all.

I hung up and called back. The person I talked to this time said they had no idea what was wrong with the previous two people, as changing an email address is very easy. It's 5 clicks of a mouse. Then they changed my email address.

At another point, I was told by a computer technician that I would have to change my phone number, because the same thing (hacking) had happened to them, and the police had advised them to change their number.

I called T-Mobile to change the number. I was on hold for about 30 minutes before getting anyone. The person I talked to was having a very hard time understanding ANYTHING I said - including my name or words like "How are you?" It was an American, not someone in another country, and the phone connection was perfectly fine - at least on my end (I wasn't having trouble hearing her). While I was giving her my name, she did sound like she was half-asleep, like she could care less about her job and wanted to get off the phone. Now, when you call in and do business with them over the phone, they ask for the pin or passcode on your account. When I gave this woman - who was half-asleep - the passcode, she said that it was wrong (it wasn't). I told her she must have entered it wrong, and wanted to give it to her again. She said that that wasn't an option, that I would have to call back. So I had to hang up, call back, wait on hold for another 20 minutes, and then gave the SAME passcode, and this time got into the account.

These are only 3 examples of the conversations I have had with them this week. There are more. I don't have the time or energy to get into it. I don't have time for these conversations, so have had to cancel my account with them, effective one month from now.

This whole experience (getting hacked) has been a nightmare, and Bank of America, Venmo, and ESPECIALLY T-MOBILE have compounded that nightmare several times over. T-Mobile has become one of the worst companies I have ever, ever dealt with. DO NOT EVER USE T-MOBILE.

UPDATE: I don't know what the other companies are like, so today, I went around to various cell phone stores (including those of other providers) asking questions. I went to Boost Mobile and bought a phone case that wasn't available at T-Mobile. Then I popped into a couple of T-Mobile stores as well, to check out their phones and finalize my decision.

One of the stores I went to was the one on 180th & Broadway: 4260 Broadway. While checking out the phones, I checked my email and changed some info on one of them. One of the people who worked there, named Moises, informed me that I wasn't allowed to do that. I said, "Oh ok," and quickly finished writing down the info from my email account, signed out, and cleared the phone's history. Then for the next 5 minutes I walked around, looking at other phones, and among other things I continued to browse the Internet on them. This T-Mobile CUSTOMER SERVICE representative named Moises, then suddenly started YELLING AT ME FROM ACROSS THE STORE, that "Hey miss! You aren't allowed to browse the web on those phones!" Then he actually came over, stalked in front of me, and clicked on the phone so that I couldn't access the Internet. He then proceeded to turn around and start exclaiming very loudly to the other customer service representatives that I had been doing personal things on the phone, when I wasn't allowed to.

In fact, originally I had not known that I was not allowed to. When Moises told me that I wasn't, I finished writing a note down, then I stopped. Then I went around and looked at the other phones, and proceeded to BROWSE THE WEB on them. Nobody, including this individual completely lacking in class & the minimum of manners, had said that you are not allowed to browse the web - and in fact, if you're not, why is the Internet accessible from so many of these phones? Aren't you supposed to be able to look at that, as well as other features on the phone? Nevertheless, had he told me that I was not allowed to do that, I would not have. Instead, he had said nothing about it, and then he started yelling from across the store, talking very loudly about it to the other agents, and then practically pushed me out of the way so I wouldn't access the Internet on the phone. Instead of saying, politely, and informatively, "Miss, I didn't only mean that you are not allowed to check your email on the phone. What I meant was that you are not allowed to go online at all."

Maybe Moises didn't say that because it wasn't true. Instead, he just wanted an excuse to be rude? Because he likes to be?

T-Mobile has horrendous customer service. When I mentioned this, MOISES STARTED LAUGHING, and so did the other agents.

Visit this T-Mobile store if you want your horrendous phone customer service experience to be replicated in real life. And ask for Moises.

I had no issues with T-Mobile until the end when we were trying to cancel our account because we were planning on moving. First of all, I had to pay over $100 just to cancel (this was not including paying off my phone or Apple Watch, I had already done that). Second, after we cancelled for about a month we got an auto withdrawal for the same monthly amount as usual. When we called T-Mobile said that since we canceled on the same day as the new cycle began, we had to pay for the whole last month instead of just the day use. If that's a policy then fine but at least tell me that when I cancel! The amount was also including payments for items that I previously paid off to cancel! I told them it was a mistake but they said there was nothing they could do after talking to 2 different managers. Look, if that's some sort of policy that's fine but why didn't they tell me that as a heads up when I talked to them in the first place? We though that was the end of it but today, 3 months later we got another auto withdrawal from T-Mobile! We called customer service AGAIN & they said that apparently the tablet we got for free (as a promotion a while ago) wasn't paid off & needed to be paid off! So why did they tell me I paid everything off months before & why are they making me finish paying for it if it was free over a year ago? Overall, just to cancel we ended up paying over $500 AFTER paying off our devices. This company cares about you until you want to cancel & then they don't care. Their service is horrible & the company we are with now, we are paying less for 2 phones than we were with T-Mobile for 1 phone. Will never go back.

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Based on 50 reviews from T-Mobile customers, company has accumulated an average rating of 1 stars, indicating that majority of customers are not satisfied with its service.
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Description: T-Mobile is America's Best Unlimited Network. No annual contracts, no roaming charges, no taxes and fees, plus many perks and benefits. Call 1.800. TMOBILE to make a purchase today!

Address: 12920 SE 38th Street, 98006


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