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Reviews Jobs, Resume TopCV

50 customer reviews of

My Professionally presented TopCV was instrumental in me landing my dream job.
3 weeks ago my whole world was in the toilet, when at aged 57, I was told that I would be made redundant in 2 months time.In confidence I told this to your writer Raymond who was absolutely first class in his support and professionalism. I have now landed my dream job as a direct result of his superb CV.The keywords highlighted in my CV allowed recruiters to find my CV with ease and I have had multiple agencies contact me. Please can you convey my heartfelt thanks to Raymond. I can't rate his service highly enough.
The whole process with TopCV ie updating my CV and coaching me through the interview process has enabled me to pick myself up off the floor, become refocused, re. Energised, and look forward to a very positive future.

Very Kind Regards to the whole TopCV team
Norman White

Abysmally bad service. Avoid at all costs.
Please do not fall for the hype like I did. This was a late-night impulse buy, and I regret it very much. I went for the premium package; I was promised a senior writer who should have been working with me. After receiving the firs disappointing drafts, I provided detailed feedback. Still, my writer showed no sign of having taken this into account, he read my comments hastily and re-hashed a couple of sentences here and there with no care and no attention. I will have to re-write the CV and letter myself. No sign of the LinkedIn profile so far. Contacted support, got no reply. There is a reason why these people do not offer refunds. Avoid.

Unsure if it would make sense but satisfied at the end.
Initially, I wasn't sure if it was worth the money but the process showed some flaws and mistakes that I had in my CV although I was successful with it before. The first draft had some typos and It was clear that the author was not from the field (Biology) but after one revision everything was fine.
Only one aspect that should be taken into account: the CVs between Germany, Europe, US and the rest of the world differ greatly. It should be possible to ask for respective adjustments (written from experienced citizens of that country). My final product will be good for recruiters and everything outside of Germany but when I showed it my actual Boss he said he wouldn't have hired me with this CV because it is too much of a Show and too much boasting.

Professional CV writers
Very professional and very quick at arranging what TopCV needed from me. Received the first draft for the CV and cover letter which were excellently presented, there were a couple of alterations made and the second draft was completed very swiftly. From the start of the process to completion was in the time frame that they had specified which was excellent. Most of all since uploading my new CV on to the job sites I have been contacted on many occasions from career consultants who have noticed my CV, also I have successfully been put forward for more interviews than before due to my new CV. I will say it is the best money I have spent in a long time, worth every penny as I have now secured new employment.

Good review and turnaround.
I was pleased with the review and turnaround of the project to update my CV. It still managed to retain a 2 page layout with more information than before. A second review was beneficial (considering no other dialogue comes with the package as I felt it was important to not over exagerate some of the content.
I have sent the new CV to another competitor for analysis and they've come back saying that it is just 50% optimum. I'm a bit disappointed about that and not sure if there is an element of marketing from such competitor (after all, if TopCV said it was 100% perfect I wouldn't need their business) or if CVNow is not an adequate standard. You can contact me if you'd like to discuss that.

On the whole, I think it's wise to get a different perspective review of your CV and CVNow is a good place to start.

TOPCV services
1- The Writer was very cooperative and supportive, however, his strength is in doing common project management resumé and not technical resumé based on first and second drafts.
2- It was a prompt action which is well appreciated, efforts are over-priced, especially that the virtual promise of getting a job within 60 days is not valid and for advertisement purpose only.
3- In some sites, the auto-fill didn't work properly.
4- Somes spelling mistakes were detected by other sites such as Google or Client portals
5- I used to get more calls on my old CV.
6- Overpriced compared to other writing entities.

Its horrendous, WHAT A MAJOR RIP OFF!
The most horrendous experience ever with this company, BE WARNED TopCV steal your money - I sent my decent CV over to them thinking i would get a professional service.

Well all they did was cut and copied my CV! And added a few different words in, oh and the main thing for them was to reduce it down to 2 pages!

Waste of £130 feeling very sore, have disputed it but as you can imagine they will give nothing back, i went to my credit card company to dispute it and they then said we will give you 50% back if you cancel it and get the credit card company to send a mail to confirm this. The credit card company stated that they would not do this - so hence I am still out of pocket with nothing more than what I had initially - their CV is just unusable - so so disappointing.


Hi Sleiman,
This free CV evaluation is intended to give you an honest, straightforward assessment with some suggestions to help in your job search. I personally review hundreds of CVs each month so I'm able to provide insight into how you compare to other job seekers competing for the same positions.
Visual Presentation and Organisation
We've all been told that looks don't matter as much as substance, but in the case of your CV this just isn't true. I found your design to be visually uneven. The appearance is not polished, and aesthetics matter more at the relatively early stage of your career. The ideal CV design is clean, and uncluttered, with effective and strategic use of white space. Remember that your CV is your marketing tool. It's the first impression a potential employer has of you.
You should consider using a few more bullet points to increase the impact to the employer. If employers see too many long sections of text, TopCV might find it difficult to zero in on the most crucial information. The size and type of bullets should also be taken into account. Although seemingly minor, the visual impact of a CV is the key to ensuring that an employer will read it thoroughly.
CV Writing
Your career summary is not as strong as it should be. This is a key component to compel the hiring manager to keep reading. Improve your career summary to define you as a professional and cover those areas most relevant to your career level and job target.
From the way the CV is worded, you come across as a "doer," as opposed to an "achiever." Too many of your job descriptions are task-based rather than results-based. This means that they tell what you did, instead of what you achieved. This is a common mistake for non-professional CV writers. To be effective and create excitement, a great CV helps the hiring executive envisage you delivering similar achievements at his or her company. Here are some examples of task-based sentences in your CV:
"Ensure all Components and Resource Management staff operations comply with the company standards"
"large opportunities and consistently Dailycious is Healthy Meal Plans, where professionals work together to provide exceeding sales goals"
Employers want to know about your previous contributions and specifically how you've made a difference. More importantly, they want to know how you are going to make a significant difference at their company.
When I read your CV, I did not find the kind of compelling language that would bring your work to life. Instead, I saw passive words and non-action verbs.
Phrases like "Managed" and "provide" are overused, monotonous, and add little value to your CV. Strong action verbs, used with compelling language to outline exemplary achievements, are essential parts of a well-constructed CV.
Now, let's put it all together. Here's a real life example taken from a former client's CV. By changing the language, we helped to improve the perception of the candidate.
Passive language / Doing: "Negotiated contracts with vendors"
Action language / Achieving: "Slashed payroll/benefits administration costs 30% by negotiating pricing and fees, while ensuring the continuation and enhancements of services."
A change like this makes a dramatic improvement.
It may not seem obvious, but a regular review of every word and sentence in your CV is a good idea. Hiring managers are looking for an excuse to eliminate you as a candidate. You may not be able to see awkward phrases and grammatical errors if you've already spent a lot of time with your own CV.
Digital Readiness
Your CV is saved in PDF format. 19% of CVs look like yours. While this may make viewing consistent for recruiters, some older applicant tracking systems (ATS) have problems reading them. If you have the ability, you might consider saving your document in Microsoft Word format for some online submissions.


It's just really sad, that TopCV don't care about their reputation, TopCV exist to scam. This company will defraud and deceive customers. In my case, I paid £99, which was the cheapest package. I sent my CV over for them to have a read & review (as requested), only for the writer to accuse me of not sending full information such as my D. O. B, education and career history. All information was apparent on my CV, but my writer did not care enough to read my CV at all, they did not even have the decency or patience to go through it thoroughly, which was the 1st red flag. I actually thought I was corresponding with a robot at one point, it was that bad. The 1st draft was very poor & when I had confronted them about it, they did NOTHING. In fact, that's where it all ended, they stopped emailing back and forth with me & they would disconnect the phone calls when i rang. They stole from me; they didn't complete my CV, actually they did not even start it, they stopped all forms of communication. They do not offer a professional service and they are not responsible at all, There is no pride in customer service or loyalty with TOPCV, they are thieves.

Incompetent, Unprofessional, and Dishonest
This excerpt speaks volumes about the incompetent, illegal, and reckless operations run by TopCV. (Below excerpt is from an email exchange after almost a month of trying to terminate a failed contract. TopCV avoided my complaints and resisted a full refund until a lawyer and my credit card company were brought in)

TopCV violated the contract agreement by selling a service of an Executive Writer with standing in the top 10 percent of your writers that also is specialized in my industry experience. I have asked repeatedly and received no answer how someone with only intern experience in a police station in South Africa and one year of CV review qualifies as an Executive Writer and an industry expert. A full refund is warranted on these grounds alone but I will continue if you need a further summary of the laundry list of TopCV failures. I paid for expedited delivery and received an unusable product. This "Expert Writer" delivered a CV containing several spelling errors that even Microsoft Word caught. Though for some reason you confused my legitimate complaints about these atrocious spelling errors with grammar. Basic attention to detail would have also caught the several incorrect transcriptions from my initial CV provided. If this is not enough, the "Expert Writer" requested that I add biometric information such as gender, age, civil status, nationality, and place of birth. It is illegal at the U.S. Federal level to make hiring decisions on such material. These are only a few of the many failures that I have repeatedly laid out to TopCV since I raised these issues on 26 February 2021.

48-Hour CV Rush Service - False claim by TopCV
********* I have given a Single star but this TopCV is showing it as 5 start which is completely wrong.******
This is w. R. t. Order: #B5B1013902 (Professional Growth CV Writing Package) and Order: #B5B1013941 48-Hour CV Rush Service
On 14th May I have purchased 48-Hour CV Rush Service. However, I received 1st Draft of CV on 17th Mah. On 18th May I have submitted a review comment as the 1st draft was not in line with my expectations which I shared as a part of the questionary. Post that It's 22nd May and I am still waiting for an updated CV.

I had to submit my CV for Job posting. What's the use of naming it as 48-Hours CV Rush Service if you are going to take so much time? What's the use of purchasing TopCV service if you can not deliver the CV on time.

Very pathetic service by TopCV and Morris A.
I will definitely share this bad experience of TopCV within my network on social media.

1 Star, TopCV are excellent and efficient at taking your money
I feel so stupid I should have spotted it was a dodgy site, their is no place for you to easily contact them. I thought I would get help after receiving my free review of my own cv from Katie at TopCV, I came across this particular website TopCV while on CV library. The free review I received in all honesty seemed plausible TopCV sucked me in at that point. Some negative comments and then some positive. I Paid for a CV, cover letter & a LinkedIn profile. Gave them my current CV. What I got back was a disgrace, copy & pasted my text and then changed words I think they used a thesaurus to find alternative words which made sentences unable to make any sense of. Worse yet spelling mistakes and they even got my current role incorrect in the cover letter. I can't believe I got sucked in with their crisp white professional page. Also never received the LinkedIn profile, I asked to have it 2 occasions & Phil if that is even his real name promised to send it the next day. 3 days later still haven't received it. Tried to contact them to ask for the £50 paid for the LinkedIn profile no response.
Look I know their are good reviews here but similar to how I got sucked in by the free review of my CV by Katie, I can't obviously prove it, but they very much read like her response. Or maybe I just had a not very good cv writer. Be careful people, I wouldn't use them especially if you are strapped for cash. I do not believe you will get what you pay for or worse yet no way will you get your money back when you are devastated at what they send as appropriate content for a CV.
Yours stupid job hunter.

Good experience to have an expert to help you with your CV
I got the service to review my CV, write a template for a cover letter and review my LinkedIn profile. The results were awesome! When I read the new version of my CV I got the feeling of "hey! That's really me, that's the one I want employers to wish to get to know".
The cover letter was also great. I've known since long ago that a cover letter is a good tool to call attention among the many CVs recruiters receive but I never found the right words to showcase my profile as a good candidate. The template I've got from TopCV makes me look fantastic and it looks to work perfect for any sort of opening I may apply for, with the caution of highlighting what is best of my experience for every individual application.

A must for non-native speakers
The critique was "devastatingly amazing" because it made me think about many things I should change to improve my CV if I want to send it to international job offers.

First of all, as English is not my mother language, it's hard for me to use the right vocabulary and idioms and the critique was right: I abused of repeating the same monotonous and simple words.

Just as well that, for the last 4 years, I've been working for a British company and my fluency of the language has greatly improved, to the point of being able to manage meetings, phone calls, recruitment interviews, dealing contracts with vendors, managing multicultural and geographically distributed teams around the world, etc...

It also made me think about how should I present the message depending on the culture of the destination audience: although we live in this internet-connected world, recruiters in Spain may look for different aspects in the CV than recruiters in the UK, USA or Germany.

But looking forward, instead of using a service to write a CV "on behalf of me", I would consider the advisory part of the service, to get tips and tricks, to learn the proper language, in short, to know how to offer my services during the face-to-face interview but according to what I've shown in my CV.

Thank you so much for the information provided in the critique!.

Cv reviewer
I liked the detailed review of my resume. I have not worked on my resume throughly and expected to have many critique. Now I will work and change a lot. It will save my time.

But at the same time I am puzzled that whether or not the first free cv review can somehow relevant and maybe biased if it is a part of business promotion. Having this first review free and aiming to encourage a customer to go further for the business then it cannot be 100 relevant. This question is not the Cv reviews but the business as a whole.

When I checked the pricing and I got a question. If I am a moddle management but who is willing to get a top management position, what category shall I fall among different packages?

Thanks a lot. I loved this experience as I knew many things about international hiring process. I will share it with my friends.

Scam and misleading service
I was applying to reed when i found about TopCV. The CV analysis by TopCV was so deceiving that i thought TopCV understood what i needed exactly. Paying a huge amount i thought the service is going to be very professional. They have no clue about rewritting the CV according to their own evaluation. I got like a mediocre writer who just copy pasted my previous CV. No changes were made. They have mentioned my CV is a doer and it needs to sound like an acheiver but i never knew copy pasting the exact content would make me an acheiver. They never changed the writer as well. I beleive there is not much writers as they claim. Guys this is a useless service. Dont fall for it. We'll get good freelancer writers in lot of platforms out there. I should have guessed when i received the ton of marketing emails that this is a scam. Again dont fall for this TOPCV. Get refunded if you are already into this. They wont refund you first saying the service is intangible but dont give up if its a mediocre output you get. Ask for refund.

SCAM - company should not be allowed to exist
I never write complaint reviews but I have to on this one. For someone who is trying to get their CV to look the best and help sell themselves for their next hopeful career move, turning to TOPCV to help professionally on this after being emailed by them for a free review and seeing their website I decided to pay £79 for it to be rewritten - it was quite simply terrible TopCV ignore all the questions they ask you to complete at the beginning and then any changes you ask them to make! They do not rewrite at all just simply change the layout and for the worst at that- ignored my request of how unhappy I am and that I would like to take it further for a refund. I am now left with a cv that I would not be able to use for applying for a job - I would seriously advise do not use this company at all you will just be left out of pocket with a very poor looking cv

Strongly caution to seek services
The resume is simply unacceptable and could not be presented to a potential employer. The process of having to instruct a "professional" on basic grammar became overwhelming and frustrating. The very reason I reached out for assistance from professionals was due to time constraints and assumed that native english speakers would be assigned the task of writing my resume. I did not anticipate that I would have to personally rewrite my entire resume after paying for this service.

I wrote a review then reached out to customer service requesting either a refund to be issued or to be provided with an experienced professional writer to edit my resume. I was informed that I could pay an additional £50 for extended revisions since the 7 day automated timeframe had elapsed. It is disheartening that this company stands behind such a poor representation of a resume.

I strongly caution others against purchasing the services provided by TopCV. TopCV clearly do not stand behind quality work and it is rather disheartening to have paid so much for so little.

Scam avoid at all cost
I recently got signed up for TopCV premium service offering of £219. After couple of day I got another email from them with new discounted offering of £25 to get thank you letter done professionally.

I was in tight spot, I though why not.

TopCV took 7 days to come back. Cut story short - when I received the CV I was in shock to read the language and they also did a big mistake with dates of my employment history (they were not in any order).

I was not happy.

Upon requesting refund - they have stopped responding.

Now, I have no choice but to go to courts and my local bank.

Avoid these scammers if you looking to get CV reviewed.

Good but...
TopCV reviewed my CV and gave a thorough analysis very promptly and some very useful pointers. TopCV are obviously after my business but they appear to demonstrate that they will do a good job. I have to say I'm quite tempted as I don't like writing CVs and I'm sure I'm not showing myself in the best light.

One thing I was picked up on was the layout. I had just used a template from Pages and I'm prepared to admit it could be done better, but I was less than impressed by the layout they had on the samples; to my eye they looked like something from the 1890s.

Part of the challenge of being a human writing a CV is that CVs are apparently often read by machines, so one of my top skills, for instance, appears to be sewage, when the line I wrote was
"I shot films for Oxford University about research projects on the brink of commercialisation and films covering sustainable science such as electricity generation from sewage and energy efficient OLED lighting.", the thrust being that you need them to write your CV so they can run it through the software and check that it looks good.

That's all OK, but I can't give 5 stars to an outfit that appear unable to see my name written across the top of the document in huge letters and call me Mr Botany House.

Check fields!

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TopCV Rating

Based on 50 reviews from TopCV customers, company has accumulated an average rating of 2 stars, indicating that majority of customers are not satisfied with its service.
Overall satisfaction rating

Description: TopCV writes and analyzes more CVs and LinkedIn profiles than any other service through their network of experienced writers.

Address: 5 Roundwood Lane, United Kingdom, AL5 3BW


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