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Reviews Jobs, Resume TopResume

50 customer reviews of

A Resume Worth Showing
For way, too long, I believed that my resume was perfectly written. In my eyes, it accurately conveyed my unique and outstanding qualities. Maybe I believed this because I had written it. TopResume say that the worst lawyer in the world is the client who represents himself. I knew this axiom to be true but allowed arrogance to deceive me. The bottom line was that my resume was not up to par. Perhaps this was the main reason why I was not having success in landing my preferred jobs.

TopResumes detailed critique of my resume stunned me. The comments and advice that the company offered forced me to reconsider revising my resume and to develop a better strategy for presenting myself to prospective employers.

I asked some of my friends who worked in H. R. departments or routinely hired people to give me an honest assessment of my resume and TopResumes critique of it. They and TopResume agreed; my resume needed substantial work if I was going to present a polished image of myself.

After reading the companys website and blogs, I better understood what a resume would do for me and how a poorly written one could ruin my chances of landing a specific job.

In todays job market most H. R. departments and hiring managers are determined not be make the wrong hire. They prefer hiring no one than getting stuck with the wrong person for the job. More importantly, statistics reveal that most job seeking candidates are eliminated within the first few minutes of their first interview. I knew that if I could get into the hiring managers office, I and not my resume would have to talk my way to the next round of interviews.

I asked TopResume to rework my resume and to prepare an appropriate cover letter. The documents were professionally prepared and delivered on time. The companys document preparer who worked with me was professional, diligent and courteous. I was confident that she knew what she was doing. She requested my input on regular basis. I am 100% satisfied with the services that I received from the company.

My reworked resume and cover letter have allowed me to open employers' doors that had been previously shut to me.

Excellent service at a reasonable price
Payment and checkout were easy. I received an email stating that I would be matched with a writer. My writer was polite and helpful. I was asked for several examples of jobs that I wanted to attain. I was then asked well formulated questions about my life, work and achievements. The process was well coordinated. In the end I received a professional looking and sounding resume that I believe is better than what I previously had and seems to be better received than my previous resume.

Cons: The process to 8 days to receive my completed resume and cover letter. The content was good although I can tell that the writer I had new little to nothing of my industry and had she, I believe she would have done even better work. Upon completion of my resume, Katy was kind enough to run my new resume through your companies ATS and unfortunately the key words were not quite on target.

Take away to the buyer: I recommend this company and their service. The quality of the resume TopResume produce is beyond that of which 99% of us would or could write for ourselves and since a resume is most people and companies first impression of you, a solid resume is well worth the price.

Take away to TopResume:
- In my opinion your process needs to speed up by around 2 days. Its quality but at around the 5 day mark most people get a little anxious.

- Work diligently to have writers whom know the industry for which the content is geared.

- Determine needed keywords prior to writing and then require writers to put the completed resume through your ATS for correction purposes. Include the final ATS report with the final resume as an additional proof of quality.

My writer was lazy and sent me a subpar product.
My resume was pretty poorly put together, and there were a lot of things that I noticed that were a result of pure laziness and lack of proofing. For a company that offers this type of service, that's unacceptable.

It's really a shame that there was such a good-quality and in-depth free resume review, which prompted me to purchase a resume package, as I assumed the quality would be of the same caliber. I was very wrong.

The first mistake was, at the very top of my resume, my last name was spelled incorrectly. That's a pretty huge misstep already. I couldn't believe it.

There were also some other things improperly written, such as a course that I had taken in University and had on my original resume - which was transferred improperly. ("Communicating Climate Change" vs. "Commuting Climate Change"; the first is what it should have been, the second is what TopResume wrote). Come on, really? People are paying top dollars for this service and you're not even going to bother checking over your work before sending it to a client? Unbelievable.

There were design changes I did not like, and noted them in my response back to my writer. I had asked a few questions in my follow-up email, none of which were responded to, and not all of my changes were put in place. I didn't even bother with a second email to my resume writer because I had spent AN HOUR writing out a very in-depth response to the first one, just to get it back with a few tweaks and no actual response to my questions.

Overall, I am very dissatisfied with what I received, for the amount of money I paid especially. I would not recommend this service whatsoever. I got WAY more value out of the free resume review than I did after paying $200 CAD. Maybe review and vet your writers better next time, and review the quality of their work (and responses) to your clients.

You don't get a lot for the money
I found TopResume through Careerealism/Career HMO. I received a free resume critique with an offer to answer any questions I had. I wrote back but never received any answers from the person who critiqued my resume - only emails with offers to use the service. I decided to use them anyway because TopResume got great reviews. They must be paying people to write those reviews. You are only allowed 2 (!) revisions to your resume within their time limit of 1 week. I understand having a time limit (I'm sure some people would drag it out forever), but why should I be limited to only 2 revisions? What if I'm not happy with the results? I paid a lot of money for this service. Also, I chose the service that rewrites your LinkedIn profile. All they do is take excerpts from your new resume and tell you where to put them. That is not worth the money in my opinion. I gave them 3 stars because the first draft of the resume is better than the one I already have and the rewritten cover letter is actually not bad. I'll revise this review after I have completed the 1 week period.

So the 1 week period is up. The resume is OK; nothing special. I had to tell them to fix some basic things (like all dates to the right margin) and not to use the same word over and over. I guess it's better than the resume I already had, but I don't think it's anything special. If I were looking at this candidate's resume I would not think they had any major achievements in their career. I'm not impressed; especially considering how expensive this was. And I am really disappointed about the LinkedIn rewrite. It is NOT something I would have paid extra money for; actually it kind of stinks. So my 3 *'s still stand - the service was OK but nothing great. I hope other people don't waste their money.

Read through!
Good Day,

My experience with TopResume did not start on the right foot. There was a lack of communication and understanding of basic requirements and timelines associated with package purchased (Which seems to be a common issue with other clients). After few unpleasant emails with sales reps and some phone calls, I have been contacted by Laurie C. Who assured me that she will rectify. Although she kindly offered a compensation for the inconvenience which I highly appreciate, I had to decline as I value experts advice specially that english is not my first language. That is why I hired TopResume.

Less than an hour later, I did receive an email from Joe (the designated writer) and we scheduled a phone call to discuss my resume, skills and qualifications. During our conversations, Joe demonstrated high level of professionalism in understanding my needs from the get go. I have elaborated on major projects in my portfolio with technical details and information. It drew a smile on my face reading the first draft delivered and see how he incorporated keywords and phrases to highlight major aspects in my career in a very professional manner without missing a single detail. I was specially impressed with his familiarity with technical terms related to construction and project management.

It is worth mentioning that Joe delivered the first draft in less than two business days ( there were barely any revisions needed except few minor additions which shows great attention to detail). He is very responsive, friendly and experienced. His willingness to exceed his client's expectation and providing topnotch advice turned what was a frustrating experience into a positive and productive one. After going through moments of regrets during the early stages, I am now interested in exploring other services and offers TopResume provide.

To sum it up, they do have communication issues with their first line ( sales and support) but they show high level of integrity and responsibility to rectify to your satisfaction. If you're having the same issue I had, ask your customer support rep to connect you with someone who can help you. They definitely have a team of highly qualified writers that are experts that can transform your resume and provide topnotch service.

Beware the Bait-and-Switch!
I've spent thirty years reading resumes and hiring people, so I felt pretty sure in my ability to craft my own resume. Still, I was trying to move into a new field, and everyone can benefit from outside review from time to time. And then there was the free review from a person writing as Emily Gardner. She (if such a person really exists) wrote a pretty impressive analysis of my first draft, and it was on the strength of her initial "free" work that I decided to buy the paid version.

Huge mistake. I was assigned to someone who took several days to produce an absolute piece of crap. For one thing, it had typos all over the place--dropped capitals, misspelled words; I never worked in "Log Angeles," for example, nor do we live in the "Untied" States of America. (It just feels like that sometimes.) The content I had provided as an input came back to me twisted in incomprehensible ways. It was factually inaccurate, substantively unimpressive, and visually unappealing. I saw instantly that if I continued to work with this reviewer to revise the draft, I would be correcting her mistakes instead of receiving useful feedback on the shortcomings of my initial draft. Why should I pay to edit her?

Now here's the worst part: I asked for a refund, and some reviewer writing as "Rina" said she couldn't see anything wrong with the draft I had been given. So I wrote her a long e-mail detailing the problems. After several days she wrote back that my "full refund request ha[d] been denied" but that "our Management team" was offering a 50% refund. "Rina" offered absolutely no substantive response to the catalog of errors I had sent her, nor did she express any embarrassment or regret at failing to catch them on her first review of the draft I had been given. I replied again, asking for the grounds on which my request was denied. After two days without a response, I wrote again. Her reply:

"The full refund request was denied on the basis that a draft was provided to you and you no longer wish to continue the process."

Let that sink in before you give these charlatans a nickel. TopResume simply do not stand behind their product. If they provide you with a draft and it's so bad that it's clearly going to be more work for you to correct TopResume's mistakes than to work on your own, they will still keep your money. I think that's a complete outrage.

I'm 55 years old and I have a good job now; I can take care of myself. But many people who are in need of this service will not be as well positioned, and they will be spending good money they may not really have in the hopes of improving their prospects. If my experience is any guide, TopResume will take their money and then assign them to some freelancer who may or may not have any qualifications. And if the product is awful, well too bad. The people who shill for this company should be ashamed of themselves.

Had high hopes but was ultimately dissapointed
I researched multiple companies as I was looking for that extra special shine to my resume to get it looked at by perspective employers. I ended up using TopResume because I was offered a free consultation and the feedback I received was surprising and a lot of thought had gone into the recommendations.
I purchased the mid-grade package for the resume and cover letter. I was assigned someone who took my resume and asked me some questions which I responded to that day. I received my draft one the due date (early would have been nice but I understand I probably wasn't the only resume she was working on).
Immediately I was taken aback by the format and errors within. While I'm seeking employment in Upper Management, the resume seemed tailored to a professional looking for a clerical position and highlighted that I could do payroll and things that I don't personally do but my staff do. It was filled with what I thought were buzzwords and the actual part that said ANYTHING about my current job experience was very limited and she had erased 6 years of my previous employment history before my most recent job.

I chalked this up to her being the professional but having spent a lot of money on something I needed to work I questioned the layout and resume in general and received a bit of a standoffish reply about having created hundreds of resumes.

My perception of the resume was not the only issue. There were errors that were obvious - cover letter said I had 15+ years experience while resume said I had 20+ years experience. Mind you the resume I had submitted had nowhere near 20 years experience since I'm only 29 years old and clearly I wasn't working when I was 9. My company name was spelled incorrectly and the town was also incorrect. This was just plain sloppy and although it was a first draft I immediately felt like I waited the entire period of time until the "due date" to receive a resume that was just thrown together with absolutely no thought process.
I ended up going through a round of edits and was still unhappy but I wasn't about to bring up the layout or format again since it got me nowhere the first time. I've applied to at least 25 places of business and have received very minimal feedback. I finally approached a headhunter and he very much disliked my resume. He said there was no way it was a clear indication of who I was. I've since created a new resume on my own and the $219 I have spent is now down the drain.
In closing, use as your own risk. I had high hopes but in the end was left disappointed.

OK for junior employees, but not suitable for senior level execs
Was promised expert guidance, professional writing and insightful support. However, i ended up utterly disappointed with the aptitude and attitude of my designated resume writer.

First draft was shockingly poor... factual and grammatical errors, trite, generic phrasing, shallow understanding and assimilation of my work history, etc. I wondered whether he actually read my application and work history documents. Seemed like it was written by a kid just out of college who knew business buzz words but had never competed for or held an executive position.

Second draft was improved, but still lacked the sophistication to credibly represent decades of disjointed C-level work experience. So, i spent hours editing it myself and returned it to the writer for comments, changes and/or approval. I was then advised, in a condescending email that i'd used up my 7-day window and two draft limit and had to buy additional services to complete the project. I'd already bought their top of the line package to insure i'd be assigned one of their most senior writers and was frustrated and underwhelmed. No way i was throwing any more good money after bad. I emailed them my feedback and requested TopResume reconsider, and they didn't even bother to respond.

In summary, the service may be ok for an inexperienced, young person searching for their first or second job. But, the writers, at least in my case, lacked the experience and writing skill to credibly present a senior level exec. And beware, despite the friendly sales pitch, you're on the clock and will be pressured to buy upgrades if you run over; even if it's due to their writers' negligence and you do their rewrite work for them. Great idea, persuasive pitch, piss poor execution.

Good value for the money.
Top Resume was referred by a friend, as there are so many companies to choose from and I didn't know where to begin. I initially selected the lowest package assuming I could add on if I wanted to, and I was correct.

The explanation was very clear about what was included. It never mentioned a cover page so I am not sure why another reviewer was upset that TopResume offered a cover page later on for another service. This is a business and they are not just here to serve us, they actually employ people and need to make money.

In any case my experience with Armand was wonderful. He was assigned my resume within a few hours and was immediately in contact with me. We went through several drafts and he was always very responsive to my queries and comments. I did eventually select to add on the LinkedIn profile as well, and was equally happy with both end results. The LinkedIn profile truly was a duplication of the resume with a few suggestions and nuances that I would not have thought of. So, in my opinion, worth the extra purchase.

A few tips:

When you submit your resume, be ready to interact frequently in a short period of time. There is a week's time to complete all drafts and you need to participate in the process.

Be honest in your critiquing and ask any question you have, if you do not approve of something or understand it, they will change it or explain it. This is your representation of you. This is your first impression. You need to love it, and they will ensure that you do.

There are plenty of organizations out there doing the same thing. I can only share my experience with Top Resume and it was an excellent experience and I would highly recommend them and happily do business with them again.

Did a good job, but didn't increase number of interviews or ATS scores
I got a critique of my resume from Top Resume (on and the critique was very, very helpful! While my resume looked great, the content needed to be updated. Everything that was explained to me really made sense.

*** One important thing was that I was explained is that many employers use Applicant Tracking Software and that my sales experience scored a 96% and my management experience scored 55/100 and that I would "benefit greatly from the skilled attention of a professional resume writer." I wanted to get out of the 55% range since most of my experience was in sales management.

"Sara" re-did my resume and she really did a good job. I had trouble putting one of my job descriptions into a single, succinct sentence. Sara did it quickly and concisely - it was very cleverly worded and I was impressed.

However, once my resume was done, I asked Sara to run my resume through Applicant Tracking Software again. My sales experience dropped to 76% and my management score was still 55/100.

I would have given 5 stars if my sales experience still scored a 96% and if my management score had moved up to the 90%+ range.

Overall, I feel that I have a better resume than I had before.

One other thing is that Top Resume alleges "Our resumes generate 2 to 3 times more interviews." I have not seen an increase in interviews. In fact, before I went through the resume re-vamping process, I interviewed and secured a new job that I am going to love. However, I submitted my original resume that I had created myself.

I would recommend Top Resume to anyone needing help writing a concise resume which emphasizes their accomplishments. However, I can't be sure that I will improve the number of interviews or scores in Applicant Tracking Software.

Pleased but Not Impressed
This was the first time that I used this type of service so it was a learning experience for me. The good - My resume had an old design to it and TopResume was able to reformat it into current day using action words recruiters and employers are likely to key in on when searching/scanning/reading your resume. The service also took my resume, which was written in passive tense, and turned the language into action tense; "this is what I do, this is what I can do for you". Also, if you're not good at writing a cover letter the writer that was assigned to me wrote a great one that I can use for what ever position I apply for. The language in it reflected a lot of the action words used in my resume. The Ok - It was difficult to convey to the person writing my resume what "type" of position I was looking for and and what I wanted to convey in my resume to illustrate this. I also found myself editing some of the descriptive language in past positions and examples of key achievements in my career. I also used the service to help refine my LinkedIn profile. My writer provided me with a template for me to copy and paste into my profile which was essentially a duplication of my resume. I would recommend against using this service unless your are a novice at using LinkedIn. If you do decide to use the service really think about what it is you want and are looking for. The service requires you to answer questions for the writer to use to get started on your resume. Knowing exactly what it is you are looking for will make it easier to answer the questions and will give your writer and much better chance of developing a first draft for you both to begin working on.

Project Manager
Project Manager, Telkom SA SOC, Centurion (SA)
MAY 2021 — DECEMBER 2017
I have worked as Project Manager in a PMO (Project management office, Telkom Consumer and Mobile).
• My role involved managing project(s) at the Program level. I was managing the building project of the Telkom Retail Stores. The project(s) included overseeing Installation of the Converged network national (head office
And branches) e.g. VPNS, Mobile Network; IT network (Firewalls and Configuration of Cisco Routers) and I had to also oversee/ manage Telkom Vendors for Construction of the shop building; devices, security and OEMs. The role also entailed planning the ordering of routers with procurement section where Server Cabinets; Cisco Routers and 24/48 Port Switches); FTTH; PSTN; ADSL lines; Security installations and mobile network ( APN and WIFI); Configurations; End user computing and Point of Sale.
• I was also responsible for managing Product development Projects where i was using an Agile approach. The project(s) were cutting across HR ( arranging of training), Marketing (digital marketing); Business Analyst and Product manager.
• I was also responsible Lean Projects (Process Improvements- Kaizen). My job included developing and creating Work procedure for the stores(Managing Project Knowledge), mapping the processes and putting project governance in place. My reporting on those project was up to the Steering committee at the executive level.
• Iwas responsibleforthemanagementandco-ordinationofmulti-disciplinary projects as well as projects as which require special co-ordination, varying from short to long term (strategic projects) by ensuring that the projects produce the required deliverable at the required standard of quality, within the specified constraints of time, cost and quality to achieve the (potential) benefits defined in the business case. The key focus is to apply appropriate project management methodology.
• Ihasmake surethatmyproject(s)domakeabusinessvaluetotheorganization and are aligned to the business goals/objectives and TopResume do help in generating revenues by handing over to billing and service management.
Bid Project Manager, Telkom SA SOC
APRIL 2010 — MARCH 2014
As a Bid Project i was overseeing all aspects of proposal preparation, ensuring quality, compelling bids are submitted in a timely manner. I also reviewed all customerrequirements andensurethattheyweremetintheproposal, collaborated
with a wide variety of involved parties to include all necessary information within the proposals.
I also acted as a coach for leading sales staff such as Account Managers and Sales Executives. I guided staff through the entire deal cycle and help them score large deals for the company. Acting as a mentor, my goal was to train and educate sales staff in a way that will spark company growth.
My job Description was as follow:
Tender and Bid Management Management
• Manage bids in accordance with the organization Bid Process (which will be managed by the successful incumbent), using related supporting tools and systems.
• Manage all aspects and stages of the bid, including: Initiation and planning, Kick-off, Solution Definition, Content Development, Response Consolidation, Team Reviews, Quality Control, Bid Award, Win/Loss Review
• Apply sound project management principles and techniques to the management of bids.
• Effectively manage bid resources to facilitate the development of appropriate deal strategies, solution and service architectures, commercial models and delivery/service management plans.
• Establish clear and effective plans for each bid and execute in accordance with these plans.
• Ensure that the organization's risk exposure on all bids is understood, documented, communicated to all stakeholders and appropriately addressed/ mitigated.
• Keep an audit-able trail of all bid artifacts and records on recognized company systems.
• Ensure that each bid is subject to the requisite team and management reviews prior to client submission, complying with the Organizations corporate governance.
• Communicate accurately and timorously with all stakeholders and take responsibility for communications being received and understood.
• Build and maintain strong working relationships with key stakeholders at all levels of the organization and across all functions.
• Manage performance issues and escalations in the interests of ensuring bid progress and the development of a compelling offer.
• Facilitate the sourcing of general bid collateral from authorized owners in the business (Bid Management does not own or produce collateral or content; it is a net consumer of collateral/content produced by subject matter experts and function owners in the broader organization).
• Facilitate the compilation and delivery of all client-facing bid deliverable in accordance with client instructions and requirements as well as the organization's standards.
• Understand the organization's business model and key functions and offerings, as well as local operating, commercial and general business environment and conditions.
• Develop knowledge of business, its products and services by reading and review previous bid and design documents and spending time with Pre-sales, technical and commercial functions

• Review and improve other customer materials and develop a consistent set of standards for other commercial functions to follow
• Develop a set of standard templates for less complex bids
• Manage bid notification platforms and alerts, ensuring the company never misses and opportunity. Maintaining accurate information on all platforms
• Establish trend reports for win / loss price points etc. to ensure future tenders are guided
•Perform any other work-related duties and responsibilities that may be assigned from time-to-time by management in line with sales operations duties.

Disputed Charge for lack of work - they fought it
Unfortunately, my experience with TopResume has been anything but positive.
The first draft was riddled with typos - seriously, over 5. Very careless, and not professional.
I am applying for Director and VP level jobs. I was informed that this is the process and this is why TopResume have review, is for me to catch their mistakes.

Along with the typos the writer changed wording that made no sense - changed the media & entertainment vertical to entertainment media. These are not the same things.

TopResume says they put you with writers who understand your field/vertical.\When I asked them to find a new writer - they said they do not recommend that because then I am put to the back of the queue. Sorry - if I just paid you $200, why have I been waiting for 4 weeks to get a halfway decent resume.

The last time I heard from them I was informed they found me a new writer and I should hear back within 24 hours. 6 days later I reached out and asked for a refund as, once again, crickets on their end.

Here is the latest response "I see that your draft is late. I have contacted your new writer for an update. If your writer does not reach out within 1 business day, please reach out to us.
As compensation for the delay, I would like to offer you a complimentary Post-Interview Thank You Letter".

Seriously, you haven't been able to do the job you were hired for a month ago, let's not worry about adding something I don't want or need.

Can not recommend it. They are too busy, due to cv-19, and keep taking on clients without servicing the clients who have already paid.

No resume after 3+ months
No contact from them at all
Disputed the charge on my credit card.
They fought it... but yet haven't done the work. They offered to do a free "thank you letter"
Extremely unprofessional.

A complete waste of money
I am a multi-career professional who needed help efficiently and effectively telling my story and laying out my resume to scan properly. I paid the extra money for the Executive Priority package, filled out the questionnaire, and 2 days later got a draft resume and cover letter. A first I thought was a joke I couldnt believe someone would send out even a first draft of such poor quality. There was a digit missing from my phone number, a typo and a grammatical error just in the first paragraph alone (expertise in all faucets of. Adept in analyzing) Half of the document was just gibberish: "Facilitated innovative industrial agriculture area "Recruited and supervised elite team in tailored plant plans and construction. The draft cover letter was completely useless and bore zero relevance to the job description I had sent to them. Its like TopResume have a canned list of action verbs that they just plug in randomly. Or their writers are actually bots, or non-native English speakers.

Needless to say, I was angry. I tried to get my money back, but of course they have a no-refund policy. I finally agreed to let them assign me to another writer. 3 days later another draft, better but still not even close: Nonsense phrases like Demonstrated expertise building teams and translating big picture, executive objectives in clear roadmaps Typos everywhere: equity became quity, led became lead, but maybe worse, the writer added made-up details that were not in the materials Id sent and were completely wrong.

At this point Im just walking away. I know they say they will revise documents until youre happy and I even paid for an upgrade to include a phone conversation with the writer, but Ive wasted enough of my time on this company. Maybe they do better with people with fewer years of experience or more linear career histories, but if youre a seasoned professional, stay very far away.

Fresh Layout, unnecessary wording eliminated.
I used too may words in my original resume with good intentions of showing in detail ALL of my skills and not leave a single thing out yet, it was dull and lacking.(worse than I knew until I saw the finished product!) My writer Clementine had some work cut out for her when she got my resume. She cut out a lot of word-salad and used complex vocabulary to eliminate my unnecessary word-salad while maintaining & delivering the exact message and points I needed and wanted to show to my future potential employers. I didn't see I had all of these unnecessary fillers until she had perfected my resume. She managed to downsize my extra wording without leaving out vital information. She is very gifted in her abilities to summarize. The whole layout of my resume changed as well, for the better. I have been a manager and have hired several people so I've seen many resumes, and TopResume all follow the same suit that I had. Speaking as someone with management experience here, if I had a handful of resumes and I saw one with this kind of vocabulary neatness, layout, and organization... I'd have interviewed this person even if they didn't have experience in the field or even a bad work history because it is easy to read, it sticks out, and it is obvious the writer of the resume worked hard and took their time and it leaves a lasting impression. I also loved my cover letter. I have written some pretty cliche cover letters and most cover letters I have seen are cliche. Before viewing my final masterpiece, I was expecting some moving around of my words and improvement however, this was a complete make over and I didn't feel Clementine just threw it together through rearranging and googling synonyms for the words I chose. It was an improvement and make over. I'm very satisfied and also feel more confident and kind of awesome when I hand out or submit this new creation. I actually feel like I'm showing off and no longer feel the dreaded,"I hope they notice this and that I'm good enough" feeling. I now submit knowing that whomever is getting it will definitely notice that mine stands out which makes me feel more confident and less unsure/anxious about the first impression that I am leaving with potential employers! Thank you Clementine amd Top Resume!

Three Resume Re-writes... No Interviews... They're out!
My first assigned resume writer was a big disappointment, did amateur quality work and quit without telling me. However, the second writer, Mark, was much more professional, provided a solid level of effort, and answered my questions completely. I received my new resume, cover letter and LinkedIn input a few days ago. Unfortunately, the second re-write produced no (zero) interviews. Top Resume agreed to produce a third re-write, per their warranty. The writer did his best, I'm sure, but the third version produced no responses and no interviews after being submitted to specific position openings that I was fully qualified to fill at about 25 companies, so far. Since advising Top Resume of this result, I've heard nothing from them. A resume that produces no interviews is virtually useless. If you are an older professional with a long work history, like me, I suggest you find a higher level resume writing service because Top Resume, apparently, cannot meet the professional level companies expect for more senior people. Further, I had a couple of HR acquaintances review the third resume from Top Resume and TopResume both said, independently, that it was too long and had an outdated format. Better to find a highly rated resume service (check references) and spend more money to get a resume that produces the right kind of interviews. High quality resume input is critical for the writer to have a chance of preparing an effective resume. I have multiple advanced degrees and decades of relevant experience, but the writers weren't skilled sufficiently to turn my credentials into a resume that generated interviews. The last two writers did their best, but it wasn't good enough. If you're a more senior level person, look elsewhere for a resume writing service that knows how to tailor your skill sets properly in a well-crafted resume.

My experience with TopResume was beyond outstanding
My experience with TopResume was beyond outstanding. I was so exhausted and frustrated because I continuously received rejection letter to jobs that I was beyond qualified. Number 16 was when I decided to let them evaluate my resume to tell me what TopResume see/employers see when they run my resume through their software. Not only was it completely wrong, but it also stated that I was someone else. This was very frustrating. After those results, I decided to go ahead and purchase the Executive Priority package (on Friday late afternoon). It had a two business day turnover but, they had my resume, cover letter, LinkedIn Account and Thank you Letter pretty perfected. We did add some additional changes but, that was only because what I wanted to gear my career on in the hospitality industry. I just posted the first draft resume just to see what happened, and I received ten phone calls. It was unreal! I received so many interviews within the first week that I had to deny many. I have refused jobs, was in bidding wars, etc. However, I still did not want to go into that side of the industry. There were so many endless career opportunities and Job offers I did not know what to do.
When the final draft arrived, I used it, and my LinkedIn, Email, and Phone kept blowing up. I interviewed with my dream job title (on last Friday 5/6), which had 500+ applicants. I received an email yesterday (5/9) that they want to HIRE ME! I honestly do not think it would have been possible to land that job or even the interview without TopResumes. It was worth every dollar.
I am beyond certain if I ever need any help with any aspect of my resume, I will contact them. Additionally, I have already had several friends that I have shared this incredible companies information with telling me that they have started the process and already receiving many job opportunities.

SO! If I were you, I would give TopResume a try. If you do not receive interviews in 60 days, they will refund you. Go ahead and try! You will not regret it.

- R

Skeptical to start, but pleasantly surprised with the quality and service.
I am a professional and thought I had a decent looking resume that told my story. I was skeptical to begin with, but I simply was not receiving the level of calls that I was looking for. I did some research concerning feedback and prices and settled on TopResume. Even after I clicked the submit button I figured I would be waiting for quite some time before I was contacted. The next morning I had an email in my inbox from Sally who was ready to start. Within a day, she had modified my resume to the point that when I first saw it, I was impressed. Both the presentation as well as the content exceeded my expectations. I provided my minor markups and returned if for final review. After I received the final copy and provided my approval, Sally began working on my LinkedIn profile updates.

I had heard that you didn't want to simply copy your resume onto your LinkedIn profile, which I had done. Sally provided simple to follow instructions concerning which sections of my profile were good as is and details that she suggested that I update from its current content. I was pleased with the first pass of this information as it told my story and was substantially different than my resume where many recruiters might find me.

I initially declined the web posting service on multiple sites, but I was provided an additional chance once my resume had been completed. As soon as I answered the few simple questions and submitted them, I received confirmation that my information had been posted on multiple sites within minutes saving me an immense amount of time and effort. I have been receiving emails and phone calls beginning the next morning for positions that I am interested in. I'm still looking for that first interview with a hiring director, but I have multiple promising prospects in just the first couple of days.

After using TopResume, I would not hesitate to recommend them for those that might be apprehensive and those who are wanting to target specific markets or positions.

Preying on the desperate, unemployed population to get you to pay
I was referred to the service, by the Facebook top resume account. I found the initial page of the website very confusing, and not very user friendly, but did manage to figure out how to use the site eventually. I submitted the resume, and was very impressed with the quick response time.

I was not very happy with the feedback i got from the person who reviewed my resume. She was very critical of it, which is fine, but didn't go on to make any specific suggestions, just gave me general idea on what should be done. Many of these suggestions I felt did not fit my experience level, or the job I had the resume oriented towards. She objected to my layout, saying it was visually uneven, which I did not understand, calling it unpolished but not stating how it was either of these things. The rest of her advice followed the same feedback style. Lots of criticisms with very negative phrasing, but no specific details on whats wrong so I could correct anything.

She then goes on to say that my summary wasn't as strong as it should be, which I found odd since I got the summary, and the detailed it to fit myself. I then proceeded to run it through ATS software that said it matched the job I was applying for perfectly. I did really appreciate her general suggestions into the resume writing section. She brought out some good points, even if I got 0 feedback on how to actually implement her feedback. The words she used are just overly disparaging.

The next few sections, I did not understand, and found to be quite useless. I even noticed some information to be completely inaccurate, and not sure how that information ended up on my results. Still... was a service I would have recommended to others, and in fact intended to do so. Simply because it gives you advice specifically about your resume, something that Is very hard to find.

Then the last of my critique: recommend professional writing services. At this point, the lack of actual advice and my feedback being just general resume tips, became clear to me. This information was to "wet" my appetite and to convince me that my resume was so bad that I had to have someone professionally write it for me. Despite the fact that I have extensive education in not only college writing and literacy, but have in fact taken several resume writing classes over the years. I fell pray to her critiques and decided to give the "professional resume writing service" a try. Thinking that it would cost me maybe $50... no your least expensive service is well over $200. Please tell me where someone who is looking for a job is going to get that kind of money. So I thought that your service was just geared towards a person in a more specified profession. Someone in a career rather than someone on a more entry level. That is totally fine, except if you are already established in a career, and have that kind of money to spend on this type of service... You probably aren't in need of a resume writing service because either you aren't looking, or you have the knowledge to write your own resume (and have managed to successfully do so, and obtained employment).

So the only logical conclusion I can reach is that you are in fact praying on scared people with, to use your reviewer's words, "menial" jobs who don't have a polished resume to submit and are therefore having trouble gaining sustained employment. You are giving them overly-critical critiques with very strongly worded negative feedback, intentionally not giving much information, so TopResume feel they will not get a job without paying for your outrageously priced service. A price you attempt to justify with all these extras that most will never use.

DO NOT Waste your money
If I could give 0 stars I would 1 is too generous.

In short, do not waste your money on this service, you would be better off working with a free lancer, which is what I should have done.

Customer Service ( Or lack there of) is terrible, no one responds to the support email, the writer I had was terrible at communicating and making simple edits. Run far and fast. The fast response I got from them was when I publicly shamed them on twitter (yes I did so to get their attention), even then NOTHING was resolved and no one reached out to me except the twitter account saying someone would reach out to me, didn't happen. I paid $349 for sub par documents that if I had the extra time on my hands I possibly could have done my self.

Here is my overall story:

On June 16,2020 I ordered the Executive Priority Resume Writing Package which includes the rewriting of a Cover Letter, Resume and LinkedIn Profile. I did not receive any communication from a "writer" until June 21. The first email I received was an introductory email from my "writer" stating my first draft would be over in a few days, I actually received them that same day. On June 22 I sent in the revisions I wanted to make to the documents, I sent the same email 3 times over the course of the next 4 days I not only sent my concerns to my "writer" I contacted their "support" as well. I heard nothing from anyone at this company, as TopResume give you 7 days to complete all the revisions and I was already on day 5 and I had a very rough first draft, I was extremely upset. I eventually heard from Katie Warren, who offered to get me a new writer, this did not happen. On June 28 my "writer" emails me with "I am sorry for the delay I have been sick" I was very shocked to learn that there is no coverage for when people are sick, when I am out sick at work someone else is my back up to ensure that my customers are taken care of and there aren't any lapses in customer service. I re-sent my "writer" my changes again for the 4th time, this was the SAME round of changes. I got to a point where I had given up all hopes for this experience to be turned around, however, TopResume DOES not care about their customers or the service that they are giving their customers.

I was 100% dissatisfied with the service I received and the sub par documents that I received as well. When I talked to Katie I had stated I would like a refund as my experience with them has been dreadful. I honestly feel like I wasted $349 because I did not receive the goods or service that I was expecting. From order date to "completion" this transaction was 23 days long, it took almost a month for them to "complete" my items. I do not understand how they can operate a business in this fashion.

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Based on 50 reviews from TopResume customers, company has accumulated an average rating of 2 stars, indicating that majority of customers are not satisfied with its service.
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