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Reviews Beauty, Skin Care Ulta

50 customer reviews of

Downhill All the Way
I shopped at Ulta for more than a decade. My store in Denver was well stocked and well staffed. I got great coupons on a regular basis and some really impressive buys.

Their store in the Phoenix area was merely okay and the coupons dwindled down to almost nothing. And that was after I spent 15 minutes trying to explain to a befuddled young woman that I wanted to change my mailing address and to make sure I hadn't lost my points while changing locations.

Fast forward to their Pensacola store: Zip in the way of useful coupons; no matter what you want, the coupons only apply to something else. A staff who can't be bothered to help. I went in on a Sunday morning looking for something to cover a scar from a bicycle accident. I was the only customer in the place and NO ONE helped me, including some self-important jerk I assume was the manager, since he all but knocked me over striding around barking out orders to the employees. I don't know what "end caps" are but getting them stocked was apparently much more important than I was. I won't be bothering those folks again; Ulta can go back to whatever it is they like to do.

Worst Customer Service
Worst customer service ever. I am a diamond member and an Ulta credit card holder. I as recently sent a new Ulta card because if a tier upgrade. I activated the card and went to make a purchase for an item during their beauty sale event. It was an online only item. I got to use my card which had already activated days before and it says this card is unauthorized to be used. I call Ulta guest service and Ulta say to wait and try again later it probably saved your old credit card information. I also called Commentity who is in charge of the Ulta credit card. They say all the info is correct and it is the Ulta site problem. We then try making the purchase as a member and as a guest both times the card hows as unauthorized. The item I have been wanting is now out of stock. I have been contacting Ulta since Monday I keep being told we are sorry for the inconvenience we dont offer rain checks. I tell them that isnt my question. Ejy cant I use the ulta credit card on the ulta site. I tried it at Amazon and th card went through. They stop responding. I was told upper management woul reply to me and it has been 3 days and nothing. No appeasements and no answers. They keep saying it isn't their fault. Well if he credit card company says the card is good and it works at everywhere else except your site then who's fault is?

I spent an hour shopping on Ulta's website and found several products to purchase, at check out I noticed shipping was $6. My total was $49.48 - free shipping at $50. I reached out to customer service to see if Ulta had any promotions or would be willing to waive the shipping fee given one of the products I was purchasing was only available online - not available in store - so it HAD to be shipped. Otherwise I would have done In Store Pick up. The customer service agent was rude and said to get free shipping I'd need to spend $50 and to enjoy that great offer... I understand its free after $50 and I'm at $49.48... as a first time customer very surprised Ulta would rather lose a customer than lose $6 shipping. Such a small gesture on their part would have made a huge impact to me, resulting in a great experience and a lifelong return customer. As a result of this rude interaction, I see how much Ulta values their customers and I will never shop at Ulta again and have been sharing my experience with all of my beauty product friends who are also not going to shop there anymore. There are plenty of other options for beauty products Ulta - try standing out by taking care of customers.

Curb pick up was horrible.
I ordered 8:54 today, and was at their store by 10:21. I saw the female that spoke to me on the phone when I was calling the store to get my work. She said if you have not recd. A second email then your order is not ready. Never recd. One email from ulta. 15 seconds later I see her going to get my items of Nioxin and serum. She still did not come outside, waited for me to call again. Then another woman her color skin tone came outside and as the clerk had my order ready she in dispite of knowing I was outside she knew what type of car I had, walked her to get her items carrying my order with her.
Then did not say good morning, I have your order, she told me: " open your trunk" then slammed my trunk door.
Really, is this the best type of help Ulta can do for a curb side pick up? You have very poor reviews and see many are 1*. I am sure Ulta does not know people like these work their stores. I will find my products from now one where I am serviced the correct way and not by my skin color. (white)

Poor service in every way
On Oct 16th couldn't find a single employee in store at 1:15pm. Finally was able to make apt for perm. Big mistake I paid $117 + $15 tip for a disaster. Went back on 11-7 to show them what I got on Oct 20th. Girl made cl and gave me a bus card for Alicia Tate Genl Mgr and said she wld cont me as she was off that day. Also showed her the t-shirt I wore that day that is stained brown around neck and I can't get it out and my hair is darker & when I questioned hair dresser she went and got a bottle of shampoo for white hair and said I need to buy and use. So I bought it and it has not totally restored my orig color. Also she insisted I wash my hair in 4 days never heard that bef always told 1 week. I said this to her and I have been getting perms for a long time as I am 83 yrs old. But she insisted and kept saying 4 days and tried to make an appt for a haircut. She did nothing that I asked and my hair is all lengths and the only way I can describe it is awful. I am embarrassed to even let anyone see it. So that is it for me and I go to 3 diff sr centers and Ulta can't believe how bad the haircut and perm are. I worked part time at Ultra 3 in late 90's aft retireing. Was a great store than but todays store cant hold a candle for service or anything to the old Ultra 3. Its no wonder you rarely see anyone shopping at your stores and you certainly don't have employees that give a hoot. I wonder how long your stores will last?! Thanks for letting me tell it like it is. MAH P.S. still waiting for Store Mgr Alicia Tate to call! Actually no need now I don't care and don't plan to return.

Horrible experience - no explanation
I have been a loyal Ulta shopper for years, and am a Diamond member. I often shop in the stores but due to COVID 19 have placed orders on line more frequently.

I placed an order last week. It showed it was shipped on 8/21/2020 and then yesterday 8/26/2020 I received an email that it was returned to the warehouse by the carrier. The email said I was refunded.

I want my items that I ordered, did not request a return or refund but in calling Ulta Customer Service both yesterday and today, which has taken over an hour total, plus added frustration, there is still no resolve.

Ulta does not use/ or did not use in this specific situation, UPS, USPS, FedEx but some off shoot of a company and Ulta can give NO explanation as to why my items were returned.

I am so disgusted at such ignorance for an otherwise decent company yet the voice of Sephora is calling my name. Not that far away and I've never had any issues with delivery.

Come on, Ulta, get your act back together. Simple matter made difficult. You were not able to honor my coupon or the free shipping I had at the time of my original order yet would like me to place my order with you again today?


Need a burner job? Don't have a family or life? This job is perfect for you
I started there December of 2017 as a seasonal hire. Worked my fanny off around Christmas to get hired on as a part time beauty advisor. After getting hired on, I moved up to Lead Cashier within a few months. I excelled at this position and decided to move to prestige beauty advisor to further my career path into prestige manager. I was a pba for about 6-9 months and succeeded in becoming the merchandise service coordinator which is considered the shipment receiving manager. I did this job for roughly 8 months or so, until I finally pursued my career as a prestige sales manager. I've worked this hard to get here, putting this job first over my 6 year old daughter for almost 3 years. Having an open schedule the whole time knowing that eventually I would have to figure out a schedule that would be a perfect "work/life" balance. This meant I no longer could ask my sick elderly grandparents to watch her anymore. I always knew this would never be a problem to work with my schedule because of all the past previous leaders who have been always able to make the business work with all the managers schedules being different.
Our district hired a new district manager and he hired a new Gm for us (since we were lacking one due to our previous GM becoming a stay at home mom for her newborn)
This new gm whose never worked for ulta or even retail, gave me the ok every time I told her in May my child would be getting out of school and I would be moving closer to work (at that point I was living with my grandparents an hour away just for this job). My new Gm gave me this ok for 9 months, me reminding her every two months that my schedule was going to alter just as a reminder. Nothing was ever said. After all, the managers in the past have always worked with everyone, that was the whole "work/life balance" thing Ulta explain is a thing here at ulta.

Cut to the week before my child gets out of school, I'm talking with my GM, she's encouraging me and giving me advice on which places to go vs other places for care. So the day comes, they open the portal for where I'm enrolling my kid, there's an option for me to select days I can put her in camp. We're talking about a $70 difference weekly in which days I put her in, so I ask her to sit down with me and plan out the summer for my child to be put into camp while I work. My GM then says "oh this was suppose to be a conversation we were suppose to have, I can't tell you anything or help you. You have to have open availability and I can't attempt nor plan anything with you".
I said "how am I suppose to work if I don't know what to do with my child and all this COVID stuff going on?" She said "I know it's tough, trust me I understand" but in fact she DOES NOT understand. In fact, my new GM is never there after 5 or 6 and doesn't work weekends because she picked up a bar tending job at her local clubhouse so it'll take care of the porches she remodels for people as her third job.

Her telling me she can't even attempt to sit down with me made me very upset to the point where I almost walked out. I reached out to my DM and he told me we would be able to work with it for now but when my child starts back school in the fall we would have to re-evaluate. So now I'm scared for my future and being able to support and feed my child all because my GM wants to have 3 jobs and make us be on call 24/7. She is a terrible boss and works less hours than me and I work 38 weekly. She comes in after me and leaves before me everyday.

I tried reaching out to HR to voice my concerns and see if there's any type of stability ANY where in the schedule. I'm not even asking for the weekend off. I'm just asking for ONE set day or a set ALTERNATING day off that I know I can schedule appts for and know I will have my child that day. Unfortunately HR told me that if I was unable to work due to COVID and not being able to find adequate childcare that I could go find another job. That was their answer. I'm absolutely appalled that I've wasted almost 3 years of my life for this company putting it first over my child, not seeing her 4 out of 7 days of the week every week for almost 3 years. This is how I get treated? For doing everything right, leading the way for others, watching so many of my employees leave due to our new manager, and this is how they repay their hardworking employees? It's absolutely ridiculous. I hate working for ulta. What use to be a fun loving environment has turned into your typical corporation who doesn't give two crps about you and can easily replace you at any given moment. I've seen it happen so much since my GM started. She does not care. She's threatened and cornered my employees to not contact HR on her, which I've also told HR about and they said I had no proof. No matter how much all of our employees complain about her to the DM, he does nothing. He doesn't even reach out after employees have been complaining for months. He doesn't even come in the store ever. He's so bad that he hired a comanager who is rude to all of the employees including me. She forced me off a work computer when I was trying to do my insurance enrollment off the clock, told me she'd take a picture of the screen and send it to me. When she sent it to me, she had her inappropriate nkd pictures of her at the bottom of the picture. My DM still kept her around regardless of how uncomfortable it is to work alongside her everyday.
Our old DM use to come in anytime there would be a complaint with Hr or with another employee. The lack of support for our staff and store is enough to make me quit, along with everyone who I started with in the beginning almost three years ago.
Not only is this place toxic, I have yet to have any training in my new position as a prestige sales manager, and I've been in role for 7 months. No one cares at all but holds me accountable for things I have no knowledge on when it comes to the specifics of my job title and what expectations there are.
Ulta you will continue to lose employees. Mary Dillon doesn't give two f's about anyone but herself. I'm over this bad company claiming they abide by their code of conduct. This company is disgusting. I'm over all of it. Never again will I or my family or friends shop for this company. Once again I am asking everyone who has a family or kids or in school to stay FAR away. If you just need a part time summer job where you don't care how you're treated, then this is the company for you.

Ulta customer service is the worst experience EVER!
I've ordered from Ulta a couple of times and have had the worst experience
1st My package comes smashed like it's been thrown around so much I've never had that experience with any other package that comes
2nd the don't package it at allllllll like no packaging all my items are just thrown inside to fend for themselves
3rd because of the worst packaging in history in every single package I always have broken or damaged or unusable items
4th one time I even had a package sent to the wrong state even though it clearly had the correct address on it
5th customer service never helps!
I've had to call 3 times with the first damaged package so Ulta could do something about it and all they did was give me a gift card with the amount minus the taxi might add which I paid and then had to pay again to use the gift card so money down the drain
Then with another package that was damaged AGAIN due to horrible packaging customer service told me to go to an Ulta store with the damaged items so they can exchange the items, they didn't even attempt to send me a replacement or a gift card or a refund!
How am I supposed to take the body scrub which was basically all poured out into the damaged outer box and all over my other items
The damaged body butters that because of their error had the caps off when I opened it and had been scraped by the other items that were swimming in the box because they weren't secure
And also my compact which was shattered everywhere because they didn't package nicely again!
I mean WTF!
I order online because I can't go to a store because I have no car and a 1 year old daughter and it's freaking freezing to go shopping with her on a bus, and now their telling me to go return the damaged empty items to the store when I ordered online because I can't go to a store
How do they keep getting away with this!
I honestly hate Ulta and their customer service and packaging department need to have a recheck and disciplined in how to do their job!

They just don't care and don't even pretend to
Listen to your valuable loyal customers. If something is an easy fix to make a customer (who is a diamond status credit card holder) happy, just do it! I have a 2 year old and an 8 month old who has cleft palate and I'm going through a treatment myself while my children's father abandoned us earlier this year. The only thing I get to do for myself that makes me smile is my makeup. I NEVER received the birthday gift in June. I checked everywhere in my email. I activated everything I was supposed to. Ulta doesn't care one bit that I didn't receive it. Yes, I understand it's a few days into July but I never received anything! It's not like I received it and just didn't use it. It's a $15 item that could SOMEHOW be sent to me but Ulta refuses to leave me satisfied. No one took any extra steps. Ulta basically said "sucks to be you!"

Terrifying Place To Shop
From the moment I stepped through the door I felt like hawks had been let loose on me and continued the entire time I was in the store (which trust me was short). I honestly felt like a criminal. I am 56, a person who holds a PsyD and makes PLENTY of money. Ulta paraded behind and around me asking me silly questions when all I was looking for was a bottle of Chanel Chance perfume which they do not carry. Good customer service is one thing but I know how I dress AND how I carry myself but standing behind and beside and following is just too much. I can make my own beauty purchases without a 23 year robot following me around. Disgusting, horrifying and I have had this conversation with each and every one of my friends. They ALL agreed with me that the sales tactics are ridiculous and overbearing. If the clerks are making commission then they need to change their game because they are NOT winning, they are SCARY! Never, ever going back into Ulta again! My $$$$$ going to Sephora. At least I can shake those girls off!

Overpriced & inexperienced stylist
Ilya beauty is really a nice store, BUT! The salon is So Overpriced, my God! The stylist aren't very experienced, especially if you are African American. The young lady that did my hair was so very nice, but she knew nothing about black hair or how to roll very well. I mean you can the same products and service at JC Penney or Regis or even Smart Style. But I thought I would check them out and I truly regret it. Ulta charged me $61 for a wash and set I could've went to Penney 's Salon and got the same service for $30 or maybe less and it would've looked better than what I got at Ulta Beauty Salon. The lady didn't not only know how to roll she didn't leave me under the dryer long enough it wasn't a good experience for me or my hair I had to redo my hair after I got home to make it look more presentable to go to church. WARNING: Do Not go there if you are African American, I repeat they not experienced with our type of hair. I paid the $61 but the service I got wasn't Worth It. But one thing for sure I will never go back for my hair.

Ulta International. Dont bother
Do not, I repeat, DO NOT order anything from Ulta International! I placed an order on July 1st (coming into Canada), received an email stating my order has been processed and thats when everything went downhill. 10 days later, the tracking number provided states my items havent yet been shipped. At that point I start getting weary so I call in. Ulta cant find my order. Im told I will be called back before the end of the day. Dont hear anything for 2 days. Call back same response. Call back a third time, Im told a tier 2 associate will duplicate my order and will contact me within 48 hours. Dont hear anything for 4 days. Call back AGAIN and ask to speak to a supervisor (Ashley). Told shes busy and will call back before the end of the day. Still no call. When you factor in the amount of time Ive been put on hold AND the amount of waiting time before actually being put through to an agent, Ive spent about 3 hours on the phone. Still no products/information as to when theyll actually be dealing with my order. Today is July 16th. 15 days, 4 phone calls, 4 false promises of being contacted, 3 hours on hold, and 0 products have been delivered. Seriously, dont bother.

The store itself is a great beauty supply store
The store itself is a great beauty supply store. You have the best of both worlds when it comes to high end and low end brands. Though I wish their high end selection had more to offer the fact that Ulta offer hair supplies and much more makes up for this.

This would be my second time ordering from Ulta and I couldn't be more please. The first time I ordered the UD Naked palette and some items from Tarte. Nothing was broken (did I mention you get 3 free samples with your order?). Second time around I ordered a curling iron. It came with a big box which I was please to see was packaged with plastic air bags. So nothing would be damaged.

This is a great place to get deals from especially since I don't have one in my city. You can always find awesome coupons like 3.50 off a 10 dollar purchase 10 off 60. Higher end products sometimes come with free gifts, lower end products buy one get one half off or even free! They also when ordering at the right time have a free extra 10 sample bag with a 25 purchase/more. They also offer the ULTAmate rewards program where you receive points for every purchase you make which you can then redeem for some cash off another future purchase.

Would highly recommend, I've never had to deal with the customer service so far but I know it would be good even just from the experience of being it the store itself.

Their cost of doing business is your problem
I've always had my hair done by the same person, like seriously while she was on maternity leave I didn't get anything done because I simply don't trust other people with my hair. As much as I love her I won't be continuing to use her because she's now an ULTA Beauty employee. Not because her quality went down but because their charge for services is a load of bull. Every company knows in order to attract and retain good employees Ulta have to offer a good wage and promotions which generally also come with raises. Well ULTA likes to promote their salon employees which is fantastic but it's at the consumer cost. Whenever your stylist gets a promotion you can count on your prices to go up too. Retaining good employees is the cost of doing business and comes out of the bottom line not the putting it all back on the consumer. So last week a service would cost X but she got promoted again this week, which good for her, but now she makes more money and ULTA doesn't want to fork out the extra dough so this week the price becomes X*1836n. Not because they're doing anything new or special or haven't learned a different skill they just are moved to the next pay scale and commission scale basically. You can't even budget or figure out your costs because one week it's X and next week it's Y.

Basic customer service skills
I generally never write a bad reviews as I have spent 30 years in the cosmetics business and I know how tough it is to deal with the public. But after today I have decided to mark the Ulta store in Florence Alabama off my list of stores to shop. I have been a platinum member since the store opened so I spend a fair chuck of change in there. To this very day I have never had one soul ever ask me if Ulta could help me. Last week I was in and looking for something I normally didn't purchase. 4 associates, including the manager were huddled up by the benefit bar gossiping. After walking by 4or 5 times. I finally interrupted them and asked where the Bare Minerals were and the manager looked up and pointed "over there, where it says Bare Minerals" and then proceeded to continue her conversation. Today I went in to purchase some DryBar products. The sign said free gift with a 30 dollar purchase. Upon checkout I had to ask the associate for my gift and she came back mumbling we are out. I said do you have anything to replace it with "No we are just out". I suggested taking the sign done if you are out. She replied"well it's says while supplies last" and walked away. The manager was directly behind her and never said a word. I am perfectly aware of the whole aupplies last notion but if you have no supplies, why not take the sign down? Seems like common sense to me. So I guess I will have to take my business to another Ulta location. Kinda of a shame!

ULTA Stores Have Poor Lighting
When buying foundation makeup, it is essential to have appropriate lighting. Otherwise, you are matching your skin to a foundation in an environment that doesn't exist outside of the store. Do your customers and yourself a HUGE service. Allow more natural light into your store. Offer better lighting so that customers can actually see how the makeup will look in a variety of lighting. Your store lighting is so subdued and dark that any foundation will look good, because you can't actually see what it really looks like. Perhaps that's your marketing strategy. I stopped going there and purchased the foundation I wanted from a competitor, where the lighting was much better and I didn't have to return to the store numerous times to exchange the product in order to get the best match. I just got so tired of trying to find the perfect foundation in a dark store.

Pushy reps
I visited the store in February 2017. I don't know ULTA hires so mane people and there is never someone available to try on your foundation. I am sorry but I am not purchasing and choose it myself. So there are 2 problems, the employees never offer assistance and when you start trying on make up, Ulta look at your funny as if you are going to steal something. The thing that bothered me the most was that when I was ready to pay, the cashier didn't ask me if I found everything okay if someone assisted me. Her first question was, can I have your phone #, so asked her that why did she need my #, the cashiers response was that she needed to look me up in the system. So I told her that I wasn't in the system and that I just wanted to pay for my foundation. So she insisted again that she needed my phone #. So just to let it go nd to get out of there, I have her my #. She then asked for me Emial address and my name and address. At that point I was mad and annoyed. Customers should be agitated to give their personal information in order to purchase at a store. If you have sales goals, it doest mean that you need to push the customers, in the other hand, it was make customer no want to come back.

Scammed on Ulta Points. Loss $128.00
I joined the reward program and was told that once I'm a platinum member the points I receive will never expire, I was also told if I didn't use them and let them grow I would have greater benefit. I gathered 2,159 points/$128.00 credit, I had health issues and didn't show anywhere for sometime. Finally better I go there to shop and find that I am no longer a Platinum member and worst no longer have credit. All the times I shopped there to have my points add up, I was never told Ulta expire, I received emails a couple times a week and they never had it in the subject line points expire, Yesterday I looked at my old emails and in the middle of the advertising in small light print it did state they expire soon. I find the promoting of 1) shopping there to gain points 2) putting off using them to gain more benefit misleading and fraudulent. When I called their customer service after being on hold for a supervisor over 20 minutes. I was offered an insulting $10 gift card for being a "Loyal Customer"

Awful Online Store Policies has customer service tactics that companies usually start using right before Ulta announce store closings and bankruptcies. Anytime a business keeps a customer's money without sending goods, there is a problem.

I ordered $100 worth of products recently. After about a week, I checked the status on my account and there was a message that said UPS had transferred the package to USPS. I decided to wait a little longer before calling.

I finally filed an inquiry about the order through the site and called their customer service number. The customer service rep told me that she knew where my products were and that she was having them returned to the warehouse.

I asked her why she didn't have the package sent to me since a) I ordered the products and b) I still wanted them. She told me there was nothing she could do and their policy states that it could take up to 30 days for me to receive a refund. I really wanted the products and would have reordered them right away if they had returned my money.

After waiting 2 more weeks (almost a month after I placed the order), I disputed the charge with my bank. On the same day the bank was issuing the refund, Ulta magically emailed me to inform me that they were processing my return (that I didn't request).

When I mentioned this to a couple of co-workers, one of them had a very similar experience recently. They kept her money for 6 1/2 weeks with no product and told her there was nothing they could do.

I buy everything except for fresh produce online and run an online store. I'm very familiar with shipping, returns, refunds, policies, etc. and keeping the customer's money until a dispute is filed with the bank is really sketchy. It also doesn't take 30 days to return somebody's money unless it's intentional.

It's best to avoid Ulta online and either buy in-store or order from instead. Sephora treats their customers much better and I highly doubt they would keep customer money for over a month without sending any goods.

Ulta Master Card nightmare
While shopping for years at Ulta, I was offered many times a Ulta Rewards card and to earn extra points I accepted as I have a excellant rating and as soon as I received a statement I called to pay the bill with my bank debit card as it was less than 40.00. The recording said it would be a 9.00 charge to pay the balance and I put a check in the mail. I closed the credit card a few days later as never had I heard of a fee. I mailed the statement in their envelope and sent it the next day and called to make sure the account showed closed and Ulta said I had a 28.00 late fee and 2.00 interest fee. I complained to a supervisor and they said it was 13 days and that was how long it was for them to always receive mail. You may pay double if you send a check the next day after you receive a statement. This has never happened before and everyone should know! I like Ulta but this is really un believable and I said because I told them because I closed the account they stuck me with a late fee and interest and never will I have anything to do with this Mastercard again.

Amazing sales
I've been shopping at Ulta Beauty for over 10 years. Ulta offer a variety of beauty products from drugstore to high-end and have some really amazing sales. The stores are few and far between but sometimes worth the trip. The employees that I've dealt with have been rude and often say they don't know something instead of looking for the answers to issues to quickly get to the next customer. I used to exclusively only shop online until my damaged orders got to be out of control. The shipping department seems like they loathe beauty products because the way package things is ridiculous. I have numerous times received items that looked as though they were previously used by others. I stopped ordering online because of this problem for many months until recently when something I wanted was only available online. I shouldn't have been surprised to see my order had been not only damaged but the eyeshadow palette had finger marks in it so it was previously used. Their customer service department is horrible. It takes days and multiple attempts on my part to even get a response and when I do, half the time the representative doesn't even read my email, or comprehend what I said. I love Ulta Beauty, the customer service and shipping department not so much.

My very first time ordering from this company was online, due to COVID. I ordered on 11/12. I hot a confirmation email 2 days later that it had shipped. Almost a month later I still hadn't received my shipment and checked the status with UPS, which showed it was still waiting for carrier pick up. I called in to see the status and was told it was still on their dock and it was getting escalated to tier 2 and someone would call me within 24 hours (this was on a Sunday) I asked why it couldn't be handled now and he said that it was over $100 so he couldn't help me, that a supervisor would have to. 3 days later nobody had called me back, so I called back in. Only to be told that it was being reviewed. I asked to speak to a supervisor and was put on hold for 20 min, before being hung up on. I called back in and demanded to speak to a manager about my order immediately. After holding for another 20 min, I was offered a "reshipment" or a refund. I took the reshipment since it's a Christmas gift for my daughter. Then I was informed that some items on my order are no longer in stock! She offered me comparable, smaller items for the same price. I just wanted it to be over so I said fine. She told me that I'd have to submit another order for the replacement item, that she couldn't do that. WTF!? Fuming by this point. So the status on my reshipment? Same thing. Got an email stating it shipped and expected delivery date was dec 12th... but it shows on ups that it's waiting carrier pick up. I spent over $300 on the only thing my daughter asked for for Christmas and now I have no gift for her and I'm out $300. BUYER BE WARE!

Beware 4-5 star reviews on Ulta site
I am a platinum++ Ulta shopper and normally I am satisfied. However I recently had s situation where I purchased the Cargo Emerald City palette available only online. Before I purchased I read the online reviews and Ulta were glowing - 4.5 star product on average. When I tried the palette it was clearly not a 4.5 star product. I felt like I should go online and leave s review to make sure other customers would be aware of the issues, mainly the fact that the emerald green color actually looked grey brown on the eye and product fallout was very high and I thought the price was too high for the quality. Even with all that I still gave it 3 stars which was more than fair. This has been 3 weeks ago and my review is still not showing up. Thinking I may have screwed up I left a second review. Guess what? My review is still not posted on Ulta. This tells me they are censoring reviews for the sake of sales. They are not interested in providing you with accurate reviews, just the great reviews. Beware and research the products elsewhere before you buy.

Online... YAY! In store... not so much.
Ulta online shopping is awesome. Ulta will always have a multitude of deals to choose from on many many brands. It may be a free gift with purchase of 30$ on a certain brand or line, it may be bogo, buy 2 get one, ect. In addition they will hook you up with samples just for shopping with them. Online customer service is always responsive, super helpful and very personable. Unfortunately, every store I have visited across the country has an issue with undesireable service. It seems as if in management selection the focus is on the "business experience" end of the spectrum, which is important but there is always a lack of even basic knowledge on beauty products in general. There is a noticeable difference in a leader who has all the promotional points for the product memorized and a leader who has a genuine PASSION for beauty products. I once had a "prestige manager"(something like that) suggest for me to use together a foundation that was water based paired with a primer that was silicone based (the two will seperate not blend causing a cakey patchy mess) plus a concealer with a warm pink undertone + foundation with a cool yellow undertone. This woman would have had me looking like a 3yo got into mommies makeup! Don't let reflect negatively on the business! I am in management myself... quality employees who are driven and demand a high standard for excellence from themselves and their team are hard to find. The company as a corperate "brand" is top notch and they have my loyalty. I might add that their own independant line of products is impressive. Affordable alternatives to prestige brands and even innovative products I hald near and dear to my heart. The matte eye primer is the only thing i have found that covers dark veins on my lids and makes the shadows blend like butter and if they ever stop making the rose gold palette I would be devastated!

Rewards Points Stolen & Ulta has Wiped Their Hands of it
My reward points have been stolen three times & Ulta are treating me like a liar & refusing any communication. The first time it was all of them - about 2800. I called & they were given back. She mentioned the transaction happened in Dallas but wouldn't say the store. The agent suggested I change my name to require ID. I did that putting MUST HAVE ID after both my first & last name. I check a couple days later out of paranoia & about 1700 had been used. I called again & they were given back. She would not tell me what city or store they were being used. After a LOT of back & forth of her saying she couldn't change anything on the account in terms of "prevention" she said she could create a new account. Looking back after reading other posts I should have done that but she was not explaining it very well talking about the concern over loss of transactions. Finally, after me asking her to do it a hundred times, she said I could change the account phone number online. So I did that as well as change my name to be book-ended by MUST HAVE ID. Checked twice over the course of a week & thought everything was in the clear... until the third time. All gone. About $170.00 worth. I call again & am told that the notes say to escalate to "upper upper management" & I should hear back in 24-48 hours. Nothing. Call again & am told the previous agent didn't submit the request correctly so it's being redone & I should hear back in 24-48 hours. Nothing. Call again & same thing. Finally get an email on Sunday, November 3rd:

"Dear Sandahl, You recently reached out to us in regards to a concern at with your Ulta Rewards Loyalty account. I am contacting you from Ulta Beauty Headquarters. We recently had an opportunity to review this with our team, as well as our closed captioned video footage. According to the information provided, we are unable to replace the points. At Ulta Beauty we are committed to providing you with an outstanding experience. We re-reviewed this matter with our key stakeholders and are able to confirm, that at this time Ulta Beauty considers this matter closed. Thank you, Ulta Beauty Corporate office"

It said at the top of this email that if the issue wasn't solved to my satisfaction I could reopen the case by replying to their email. Of course I did. On Monday, November 4th, I sent:

" Thank you for getting back to me. No, of course this is not solved to my satisfaction. You have failed to tell me why you can't restore them. After all the information that the agents I have spoken to have hopefully documented, why am I the punished party? I changed my name twice, putting MUST HAVE ID both before & after, I changed my phone number, & I changed my online password even though I know none of this was taking place online. Why would an employee not ask for ID if the name specifically asks for it? Why would they not verify the name if the "customer" could not provide the correct phone number? I know the member ID prints out on the receipt. If this is what they used this last time to wipe everything out, why would the employee not think this suspicious & try to verify other information? Was it always the same employee? I don't think you would have that many employees stupid or improperly trained enough to not pay attention to these red flags or to this account information. I'm sure the stakeholders are eager to close this matter because they're losing money. Someone is certainly stealing & I am convinced the same employee has to be at least a part of it. By you not restoring the points that my money has earned, you are calling me the thief. According to the first agent I spoke to, this was taking place in Dallas. I live in Fort Worth & have never set foot in a Dallas Ulta. I am white, 5'8", have very long brown hair, & am 150 lbs. Did the person on that footage look like that? I would be more than happy to scan & send a copy of my drivers license if that might help resolve this. The second agent I spoke to said she could open a new account & move the points over to that one but I, like a naive idiot, opted to change my phone number thinking that would solve it. Why is the new account not an option now? I have been a loyal customer of Ulta for several years & would like to continue to be. I love, love, love the Jumbo Love sales event & always stock up, I love your foaming hand soaps, & there is one shade of eye shadow you guys make that I searched for for years & always buy several when I run out. I am just one person whose business I am sure would not be missed but I would hope it might matter some. I look forward to your response."

I wait 48 hours & call to check. The agent puts me on with a supervisor who says it shows they are reviewing it & I should have a response before the end of the day. About an hour later I get an email to my old email address, I switched about four months ago, that contains ABSOLUTELY NOTHING! There is nothing in this email other than "Rewards Issue" & a ticket number at the bottom. I call again & after a very long hold the agent says they are still planning on contacting me before the end of the day & that I will need that ticket number. I ask why it went to my old email while the first one went to my current email & she said the old one is what they have on their end & the new one is only for my online account... right... okay. I never got another response so I called again & again am put on with a supervisor who was very hateful, very rude, & very accusatory. She kept saying the video proves I was the one using the points & there is nothing further they can do. I kept asking HOW is this person "proving" they're me? All she would say is the video proves it was me & they can do nothing further but she will notate that I am not happy & would like a response. She said I could try going to store but I don't know what store that is & she wouldn't tell me. No one will tell me.

Of course I haven't heard anything else. I think one of the things that makes me the angriest is that they are calling me a liar. They have to know this has been a problem with their points system for quite a while so they look at my case & decide it's easier to call me a liar & ignore me than try to fix any underlying problem. That blank email was their way of saying "We're done with this & have literally nothing else to say on the matter." The other stories I've read of people with 4000 & 5000 points being handed back repeatedly no questions asked just have me so bewildered as to why I am being treated this way. I have posted this complaint on Reddit & Twitter & it didn't take long for them to contact me. Two days ago DM'd them a picture of me holding the original rewards card & a picture of me holding my driver's license, yes I covered the number. I have not heard anything back. I don't think it's asking too much to be told how someone is "proving" they're me.

Been shopping with this company for over 25 years!
First of all, their "Ultamate Rewards" program is second-to-none now that you no longer have to use your points on selected items. Ulta keep expanding (and sometimes reducing) the beauty/haircare lines they offer which allows you to see and sample a lot of the higher-end lines you're always hearing about or seeing in magazines.

They almost always have a coupon running, most often for $3.50 off a $10 or $15 purchase. Their Golden Ticket promo is a 20% off your entire purchase... of course you won't see them very often. Without a coupon, I'd recommend shopping around online for better prices as Ulta is consistently MSRP (retail price). I really hate to say this but try products in-store and then price shop other places.

Base Minerals, MAC, Clinique, Dr. Perricone, Peter Thomas Roth, Kenra, Joico, OPI, Anastasia Beverly Hills, Urban Decay... if I am "speaking your language," you probably already shop here? If you don't know about them, be very VERY excited when they open in your area. I promise that their signature orange color will become your new favorite color! doesn't care about their customers only the sale
Horrible company! Customer service manager is a waste of time in resolution of complaint.
Placed an order during Black Friday Sale, used PayPal at checkout. Checked my credit card after transaction and found two debits for the single transaction, it was the weekend so waited till Monday to see if one of the duplicate charges would drop off, both were gone by Tuesday.
I didn't worry about it from there as PayPal had said Ulta will debit the account on order completion.
Ulta Cosmetics canceled the order and didn't have the common courtesy to contact/email me that they wouldn't be honoring my order because I used PayPal, said they couldn't verify my credit card information, but wait, isn't that why I use PayPal to protect my accounts!?
Furthermore, because they didn't let me know of the cancelation, I wasn't able to shop from competitors during the Black Friday extended sales nor during the Cyber Week sales either.
All I received from Customer Service was excuses and worse, they responded with two different stories about how they ran out of product and it was canceled due to that even though you can't place an item in the cart if out of stock, secondly after I asked for a supervisor, she was the one who said it was because of using PayPal. At that point I asked for the order to be fulfilled and of course she said no.
I am just one unsatisfied customer and Ulta Cosmetics apparently does not value you as a singular purchaser.

Shipping and App Issue
I placed an order through the Ulta app (the 2nd order for me through the app in less than 30 days). I followed the delivery status and it showed it was delivered to front door on Dec 30,2019. It was never received and I checked with my neighbors of which none received it. I contact Ulta and at first I was told Ulta could either credit my account or reship the items. I asked them to please reship as I really wanted these items. The next email I received asked what address my order was to be shipped to and I told them. They then proceed to tell me it was shipped to a different address. The address it was shipped to is one I have not lived at in many years. I have ordered and received at least 6 orders since I moved from that address. Upon looking at my Ulta profile, I see that old address is checked as my default shipping address. I did not choose that option as I obviously do not reside there and have received many packages from Ulta at my correct address. Ulta's customer service then said they could not do anything since it shows it was delivered. They can clearly see my order history and shipping especially since this was the 2nd order in less than 30 days. The total order was $38.08 so I understand it is not a large order but still an order I wanted and paid for and did not receive due to no error on my part.

Amazing Brow Service
I would like to commend the employees at the Benefit Brow Bar for their tremendous customer service, attention to detail, and positive attitudes. I have visited the Brow Bar multiple times and have not been disappointed with any of the beauticians who have performed services on me. The women were upbeat and considerate of my time and schedule. I was greeted warmly and felt comfortable for the duration of my appointment.

I have utilized the Benefit Brow Bar for the brow waxing service thus far. My first appointment was scheduled in August of 2017 before returning to college in the Fall for my Junior year. Before going to the Brow Bar, I had never gotten my eyebrows waxed before and was apprehensive about the process. My reservations were immediately eased as soon I was greeted by the technician and the appointment began. In addition to the positive environment, the service I received was outstanding. My beautician, Dawn, mapped out the precise areas that needed waxing to determine my ideal brow shape. I felt very comfortable knowing that she paid such close attention to detail to ensure my satisfaction. My eyebrows were incredibly well-shaped and clean-cut. Dawn also made sure to fill in my eyebrows with Benefit products and cover the redness and irritation with concealer, thus ensuring that I walked out with complete satisfaction. After my first appointment in August, I have returned numerous times for routine grooming sessions.

I will definitely be returning to the Brow Bar, and look forward to trying out more services and interacting with more employees. I will recommend the services to anyone who needs a brow service in the future. Thank you again and keep up the amazing work!

Please shut down this company
I wish i could leave a 0 star, this company is so disorganized and unprofessional. Ulta are big conniving thieves and Will do anything to keep your money. First of all my first order with them took forever, it took 3 weeks just for me to find out they sent it to the wrong address even though my correct address was on my order. I ended up loosing everything and mind you i paid over $150. I called to report the issue and their only solution was to send it to the same incorrect address Which took another 2 weeks and they refused to give me a rufund So i didn't have any choice but to pick it up from the "wrong" address which was 1hr35mins away from me and my order wasn't even correct. It had a whole bunch of missing items. I called them back again and they said they were Sold out of the missing products so they emailed me some store credit for the Missing items.
Now look i had the so called "store credit" and i had to use it because i wasn't about to let them keep my money after all the nonsense they put me through. I used my store credit to buy some more stuff and they even offered me a free gift if i spent more than $100. I was so excited For the "free gift" which was a really nice tote so i spent a little more money so i could get the free gift. I placed my order and 2 weeks went by, Nothing! No tracking number, no package. 1 month goes by, still nothing but i was very patient because i do understand how everything is moving slow due to the virus. Another 2 weeks goes by and i got a tracking number and soon as i tracked it, i got a "shipment cancelled" because they never shipped my order. Now I'm pissed. I called the so called unprofessional customer service and was on hold for 2 hours just for them to tell me they don't know what happened with my order. Now how the hell does that even make any sense. I asked the rep what they were willing to do about it and she offered to reship it but they were sold out of most of the items and now I'm stuck with more "store credit" And no free gift cs they claimed they don't have access to the free gifts. Somebody please help me make this make sense because i never had to deal with a company this trash before. This company needs to be shut down ASAP. There's no point of paying extra fees and shipping if this is the result you get. Please don't support a company like this. They treat people like toys.

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Based on 50 reviews from Ulta customers, company has accumulated an average rating of 1 stars, indicating that majority of customers are not satisfied with its service.
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Description: ULTA Beauty offers customers prestige & mass cosmetics, makeup, fragrance, skincare, bath & body, haircare tools & salon. BareMinerals, Smashbox, Murad & more.

Address: 60440


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