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VENUS Swimwear

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Reviews Clothing & Fashion, Swimwear VENUS Swimwear

50 customer reviews of

Racist, rude customer service rep blaming me for Venus returning my returned items back to me
Good evening. I just called the 1800 number and spoke with Lee at 11:12 pm on October 9,2015 explaining that I mailed a box with the VENUS UPS label on September 23,2015.

On Tuesday, October 6 is was returned to my office. I just had time to open the box to realize to my horror that the box contained my returned items with the receipt.

I called Lee. He claimed he could not hear me. I spoke slower and clearly. I have a Jamaivan accent. He said maybe I did not use the right label. This is VERY INSULTING to say to a medical doctor who had ordered and returned clothes to Venus over the past FOUR years that I did not use the right label.

I told him I took a picture of the box when I dropped it off to USPS. He asked me for the tracking number. I told him it was blurry. I will forward this email with the picture to you. Before I could finish reading off the numbers to him he rudely interrupted me "that is not our label".

I asked for a supervisor. He said "why are you so defensive?" I asked 3 more times for a supervisor. I told him that I would not tolerate his racist comments. Just because I have a Jamaican accent, does not give him the right to dismiss my problem as my being TOO DUMB to use the right label.

Then I wait 5 mins to hear there are so supervisors available. So one will call me back.

Up to now he has not said "ma'am I am sorry for the inconvenience. I simply need VENUS to send me a return label. Have UPS come pick it up. I Good evening. I just called the 1800 number and spoke with Lee at 11:12 pm on October 9,2015 explaining that I mailed a box with the VENUS UPS label on September 23,2015.

So while I wait I will post this ALL OVER SOCIAL MEDIA!

I am a busy physician who will not go to the post office again. I will NOT pay to return it again.

Never Again
Venus is horrible all the way around. I ordered a bikini in January and the top was too big. I tried to exchange it for a smaller one. I checked my account and it said it shipped. After waiting 2 weeks, I contacted them and VENUS Swimwear said that they had run out of that size and would refund my account. It took quite awhile to have them credit my account.
I also wanted to return the bottoms, since I didn't have a matching top. I chatted online and they said they would mail a return label within 7 business days. This has been 2 months ago and still no return label.
I decided to give them another chance, this week I placed and order and had the order shipped in 2 business days. It arrived, but had no return label. I kept a few things, but I need to return quite a few things. None of it fit well, most of the things I purchased feel cheap and not at all how they are described. There shoes also are true size, they are way smaller.
I contacted customer support for a return label and they said it would be 7 business days. I explained what happened before and they didn't seem to care. They just said the shipping label will be sent out in 7 days.
Other retailers allow you to print out a return label and make it very easy to return items.
I will be making copies of my return stubs and will watch this like a hawk.
It's super obvious that Venus doesn't care about their customers and only want your money. They don't care if you like the product and are satisfied.
Needless to say, I will never purchase another item from Venus again!

Horrible and was taken advantage of
I received a call from my bank on May 9,2016 at 930 pm informing me there was an unauthorized charge to my account for 2.00. The bank informed me this is the way hackers begin to hack into your account, VENUS Swimwear start with a small amount and if they are successful they then start accessing more money of your account. The bank strongly suggested I close out my account and they will re open another one to prevent this from happening which I did. The bank informed me since it was so late in the evening to call the next morning for more details. When I contacted them the following morning, I was informed a Venus was the one who had debited my account? I had no idea why since I had sent back an article of clothing that was to be credited. I contacted Venus and they informed me the item I had returned which was for an even exchange, just a different size was now two dollars more. They are suppose to be refunding me the two dollars, I have only seen the debited amount of the two dollars. I am furious that because of them automatically debiting my account I was contacted by my bank security office, had to close out an account, which is a pay roll account and am now being issued a new debit card. What gives your company the right to go into my account and authorize a charge that I was not made aware of. This morning after all of that I had returned another dress and was informed I will not get the full amount back because they will be taking off shipping charges. Lets see I paid the shipping charges twice what a good deal. I will not be doing further business with your company and will be reporting this to the better business bureau. I will also be returning the remaining items that I received from you. This is absolutely poor business practice.

Terrible to deal with in case of a cancelled order
I am from Canada. I ordered a bathing suit and the next day I received an email regarding a site Venus uses for taxes and duty. VENUS Swimwear charge 24.95 on top of shipping charges. It states that until the taxes and duty has been remitted, the order would not be sent out. The bathing suit was only 60.00 so I wasn't paying another 25.00 plus shipping for the suit. Not worth it. I called that day and spoke to someone who ensured me that he cancelled the order. I checked my credit card statement and saw they took payment anyway. I called back and spoke to someone else who said that unfortunately, the previous person tried to cancel the order but it had already been sent and they couldn't track it. She told me to wait until it was delivered and to deny the charges and have it sent back and if I hadn't received anything in three weeks to call back. It has been three weeks and still no package and still the money has not been returned. I called back again and spoke to an extremely rude person who informed me that there was no way they could have not sent it out (even though the email said it would not be sent out till taxes and duty was remitted), that I had to wait till it showed up (with no tracking they also couldn't tell me where it was), and I wasn't getting my money back until they received the clothes back. This is incredibly poor customer service especially since I had been assured by the one employee that my order had been cancelled. So I'm sitting here... hoping it shows up so I can get my money back. Will I use Venus again? Nope! And it's unfortunate because I have bought their clothes before and was really happy with my purchases. Not worth the headache.

March 15,2014
March 15,2014. Re Venus Experience.

Buying: Firstly I live in Calgary, Canada so it costs a lot! More to ship to me. So on top of the shipping charge (unless you get free) can range from $20 - $40 duties and taxes depending on how much you spend CAD which somehow always works out to so much more even when the dollar is equal at times. But in the long run it's actually cheaper than say buying a really good pair of slacks from a boutique for $200. Ouch. Yes I work in a professional environment.

At First: I've never returned anything due to hassle. Example is I was able to wear something maybe once or twice and wash per instructions and somehow never looks the same again and never fits again. I figured must be the Canadian water.

Next: The material I felt is actually better than Victoria's Secret. You cannot see what bra you're wearing through the material. So that's a definite pro. However that's just a me buying thing because I don't go for the dangerous dresses. Usually just simple tops, swimsuits etc.

My thoughts to this day: Sorry to say. I finally had to return things because VENUS Swimwear were so completely not the picture and fit was not fitting. This is my almost third year from buying from them now. I know I'm not going to look like the skinny pin model but OMG! Ouch.

Customer Service: The online chat was not good. They don't have time. Given I type 120 words per minute they did not have the patience for me to put a sentence together. Possibly under staffed I am assuming. Or I just felt like this person thinks I'm an idiot when I'm just a paying customer.

Orders to date: Still awaiting swimsuits I ordered. I guess I'll let you know how that goes. Already backordered on a few items.

To summarize it's good and its not good. Some things I love somethings I dislike.

Very Disappointed
I've shopped at Venus now for several years. Typically place my orders online but this last order was a last minute deal so I called and placed my order on a Wednesday evening was assured if I paid for next day shipping that my order would arrive on Friday. Well I've been a customer for a while so when I didn't receive an email on Thursday that my order had shipped I called about noon and was told it would ship "today", still no email called again about 6 to follow up and the supervisor says it will arrive Friday. Well it's Friday I check my email and yes it shipped but tracking was not available all day so it's 5pm no delivery so so I call ask to speak directly with the supervisor and she was rude and nonchalant and said oh well it didn't ship out until this morning because some of your items were not available but I will credit you for the shipping fee. So, not only did my order not arrive but I would've never known that the entire order wasn't there until the order actually arrived. So I tell her that is not acceptable and that I want my entire refund immediately that I shouldn't have to wait 10 business days because VENUS Swimwear messed up to which she basically threatens me and says that she will process the refund but if I don't return the merchandise upon delivery that she would go back in and charge my account and again very very rude! Like I was inconveniencing her. Well Venus after 5 plus years you lost my business and not solely because of the oops but the customer service was awful!

What a Mistake to do business with Venus!
VENUS Swimwear literally ruined my checking account by processing multiple charges without authorization for one order. I spent days trying to correct a charge that a supervisor issued to my account when she was supposed to actually credit the first additional charge. I ended up having to endure a magnitude of consequences after three charges went through my account instead of one and the episode cost me over $100.00 in fees overall. This was after three other charges were processed and then reversed. There have been a dozen transactions through my bank account over one purchase.
I spoke with another supervisor who told me I had to call my bank and ask them to reverse the extra charges from Venus and gave me a random authorization number which she could not define to any degree. My bank ended up having to apply stop pays on my account, but the funds can remain unavailable to me for up to a ten day process.
I had received a catalog by mistake and couldn't have more regret about having responded to the marketing and placing my first order without looking up reviews about this company.
Venus is literally FRAUDULENT!
In addition, I used my billing address at my P. O. Box as a shipping address. I was told I needed a physical address to process my VISA, but the representative would add a special note to my order making sure the order was sent to my P. O. Box. Two days after my order was placed I had not received a confirmation email, so called & found out the order was processed and shipped to the physical address where I cannot receive packages. I am literally exhausted from the hours of phone calls through the three days after placing a simple order. I am astounded by this ridiculous episode and won't be fully recovered from it until my funds are finally released again.
What a huge mistake!

Atrocious customer service. Took me in circles and I had to put up a fight to get my money back.
Their "Customer Service" would be laughable if it weren't so infuriating. Here's my experience:
11/27 – I place my order.
12/8 – UPS confirms VENUS Swimwear lost my Venus package and told me to contact Venus for a replacement. I emailed and told their support center the situation and the order number.
12/9 – Venus responds and says the package is indeed lost and was supposed to be delivered by now, so they offer me a replacement or refund.
I ask for a replacement and give them my sizes and confirm my shipping address.
Venus responds and says the package is actually expected to be delivered that Sunday. The emails are obviously being viewed by a different person each time I respond, because whoever responded that time was looking at the wrong order number and referring to my most recent order, which was still in transit, instead of the order that had been lost (despite me including the correct order number).
I again provide the order number for the problematic order and tell them they're looking at the wrong order. I tell them to please refer to the previous emails where the first person I talk to acknowledges that the order is lost and that they will issue a refund/replacement.
They keep claiming they are "reviewing my account" and argue that the package is still in transit.
I have to ask them to provide proof or a screenshot showing that my package is still in transit because when I use the tracking number that they say they reviewed, it does not show in transit and UPS has already confirmed it is lost.
They acknowledge again that the package is lost and was supposed to be here by now. They offer to issue a refund/replacement for the second time, starting back at square one.
I again tell them I would like a replacement and give them the order number, sizes, and shipping address.
Once again, they respond and again say that the order is in transit (even though they already confirmed twice now that the package is lost). They are obviously copy-and-pasting from some template, saying "we had orders leave our warehouse which were not scanned in with the courier" – I know this is just some form letter they are using because, (1) they said these exact words more than once while emailing me, (2) it was obvious that the package was scanned in with the courier because the tracking was accurate up until it was lost in a different city, and (3) UPS already confirmed that they had my package before and had lost it. They claimed they reached out to the courier, but clearly they did not, or they would know this fact too. Nonetheless, they tell me to keep waiting until 12/10.
12/11 – At this point, I am extremely frustrated. Unsurprisingly, my package did not show up, which we all already knew because UPS already confirmed it was lost. I asked for my email to go to a supervisor or someone who would be able to view all the communications I had so far because I was sick of going in circles with their customer service saying they'd replace it, then going back on their word and telling me to wait again because it's "still in transit." I again explained the entire situation and told them that the package was already confirmed lost, that it should have arrived by then even if it wasn't confirmed lost, and that they need to follow through on their two offers to refund/replace it. I tell them that I am going to have to get PayPal and/or my bank involved for a chargeback because I'm obviously not getting anywhere with their support.
Unbelievably, they answer by again sending the copy-and-pasted template saying, "we had orders leave our warehouse which were not scanned in with the courier." How they could keep trying to imply my package may still be in transit is beyond me, especially when UPS and they themselves confirmed on more than one occasion that the package was undeniably lost and would have arrived by then if they had simply missed a scan. Finally, they tell me my replacement is being processed.
I check their replacement confirmation and I am now being sent only 3 of the 4 items I had originally ordered. They did not offer to refund and made no mention at all of the fact that they took my money for an item I wouldn't be receiving. I again had to reach out to tell them they need to refund me for the fourth item that's now out of stock. I eventually get the replacement order (minus the one item), in the wrong sizes.
They tell me a refund has been processed for $10.68. I spent almost $25 on this top. Yes, this was the least expensive item I bought and some people might think it was petty to nitpick about it, but after this appalling back-and-forth, I wasn't about to let them pull some random refund amount out of thin air and steal the rest from me, so I asked about the remainder of the refund I should be getting.
They confirm the refund amount was wrong and that I'll be getting a refund of $25.80 to my PayPal account. They ask me to wait 1-3 business days for the amount to reflect.
12/21 – I tell them it has been over six business days, and I don't have my refund. They respond by saying my refund of $13.88 was issued via check (How are they coming up with these numbers?! Apparently, they got the sales price confused). Now they say to wait 14 business days for it to arrive at my physical address. Nobody bothered telling me that they elected to send a physical check for $13.88 instead of refunding my PayPal $25.80 like they last said they would do. I asked about the remaining amount, and they actually followed through for once in issuing a refund of $12.98 to my PayPal. I have a sneaking suspicion that I won't be seeing that physical check they apparently sent. If I don't get it, I'll be contacting PayPal instead of Venus. I am done dealing with them. It's a shame because I really do like their clothes. I've spent hundreds of dollars on Venus and I had intended to spend hundreds more on tons of their items which I had bookmarked to purchase, but I'll be going elsewhere. This whole situation has been absolutely ludicrous.

Worst customer service EVER! Clothes way too BIG! Rating 0
Ok I need to 1st say I NEVER write negative reviews even if I'm not happy with the product. BUT THIS SITUATION IS BEYOND TERRIBLE! This has been over a 3 week headache. I made an order 3 weeks ago. After 2 weeks I was wondering where my package was. I normally order from Venus and my clothes are here within 3-5 days so I was surprised. I called up VENUS Swimwear said without notifying me they CANCELED my order... No email or call to handle the situation before they completely canceled my order without my knowledge or permission. So that was headache 1! But me being a sweet person said ok I'm just gonna reorder it. I asked them why they canceled they said a billing issue and that was all. Said they would reorder it and sorry for the inconvenience. Said it would take about 2 days to get a confirmation # and tracking. 3 days go by... I called up again, lady said there is a billing issue but wouldn't tell me what, said billing department is looking over it, I said ok how long is this gonna take, I am moving in a few days... Lady said I don't know and hung up. Headache number 2! So today day 5 I called again to check on the status since I am moving in 2 days and have yet to receive tracking or confirmation. The guy I spoke with said there was fraudulent activity on my debit card and they couldn't go through with the order. I said this is so ridiculous I need to speak to a manager. Headache #3! I spoke to the manager thinking she would give me more info and credit me some discount for how unprofessional this has been... Nope! Her response was I'm sorry all the trouble this has been. We can't go ahead with your order. I told her I already reorder my order 5 days ago. She said there was no order on hold and that I would have to wait to speak to the billing department tomrrow at 8am in order to do anything. I am moving in 2 days! They lied to me about reordered and it just seems like they can't give me any answers about why my debit card has fraud activity on it and why they canceled me order! WORST CUSTOMER SERVICE EVER! This company needs to get shut down! They don't care about there customers and beat around the bush about an issue with a debit card. The same debit card I have used everytime I have ordered from Venus. Also if you are tiny like me the clothes WILL NOT fit you. I ordered an XS and it fits like a med. DONT ORDER! Save yourself! Again like I said in the beginning I never write negative reviews, so the fact I took the time to write this means this is REALLY BAD AND UNPROFESSIONAL! You lost a customer and I will be telling all my friends about my EXPERINCE.

Honest review from Canada
I used to order years ago the bathing suits which were always great quality for money. I don't know what people expect for these prices. If you want designer and the prices that go with it you shouldn't shop with Venus. Now this last order I put about 3 hours shopping, picking out stuff for a trip coming up. I ordered and 3-4 weeks later I received one of the 15 items. I was so happy to see the Venus package but was shocked to see how tiny it was... I would later find why. I called customer service and lady was great. Apparently part of order is lost, I expected a fight... as I have never had this happen in 20 yrs of online shopping. She offered a refund or exchange then said she would do a trace first to try and find order then in 48 hrs VENUS Swimwear will let me know. So I thought they were great considering. One lady at my work always orders and has nothing but good to say. Sizes are right on. Not that Asian sizing, if anything I would say a little roomy so do not fear being too small. And if a little large, just wash hot and dry higher... this does it for me. The one top I ordered is well made and will last many years. I will update if there is any problems with refund. These places don't realize how important word of mouth is and we the customers tell 10 who tell 10 and so on. I also am very surprised she said no signature is needed at door or did not need to b hand delivered... At over $400.00 I would think they should not leave at my door when I am on very busy pedestrian route. This was biggest disappointment. I hopefully will be back to shop for fall... This time I will pay extra for signature. I think most rants are upset at bad order decision... I cannot see it being quality though. My friend has had clothes from 90s still in good shape. Lol

UPDATE. Refund was issued by Venus... However beware to all NEVER EVER use company Landmark Global THEY failed to refund my money this transaction was almos $200.00 canadian... they actually kept it! FIor those of you who dont know, Global Landmark acts as broker. However you do not new to use them, but they send an email right after you checkout and they basically say you have to use them to get it or to get it faster. Package was lost &THEY kept money even though THey contacted me for transaction to be completed using their service. So since Venus did a Return THEY ARE SUPPOSED to REFUND automatically... this is what is stated... please all CANADIANS... AND ANY Oversees DO NOT BE fooled by email saying you HAVE to pay customs via their site... DO NOT. This is a scam and not at all true and VENUS and and decent trustworthy companys should drop them now! Later i realized you may NOT even pay customs at all as per Border Agency, but they lead you to believe you must and should use them. Customs fees itself has nothing to do with Venus, but. They are responsible to ensure the item makes it into my hands. Which is why Venus refunded no problem... Landmark Global refused to replace my payment! Shame on you! This is theft since a full refund was to be issued for non receipt! What a disappointment, not just the theft from Global, but I waited weeks anxious for something I spent hours for shopping, only to be then jolted in end by Global!

Better than expected. Probably will order again.
The quality is similar to a department store while slightly cheaper. Clothing does look like the photographs, though of course VENUS Swimwear fit me slightly different than on the models. Sizing was good. I did not try to return anything. Overall: satisfied and will probably order again.

Details: After reading so many bad reviews I was kinda scared, but there were good reviews too so I decided to try it out. First of all, I don't usually order from catalogs (that's how I found out about Venus), and second I'm a hard person to size in general. Relevant info about myself: 5'4'', 105lbs, size somewhere between 0 and 2. I usually buy all my clothes from department stores and even with them, spending $50 - $80 per dress, it's hit and miss. I ordered two dresses from Venus and a pair of shoes. The dresses are great! Of course I can nitpick, but considering they were $30 and $40, they were about the same quality I'd get at the department store. My nitpicking: the coat dress I bought is too large in the chest area. It looks fine but I'd have to wear a cami or an undershirt if I don't want to show my bra off to everyone. The rest of the dress, however, is amazing. My figure looks great! The second dress - sparkle mini lace dress - I'd say it'd look more flattering if the skirt started lower (but if you're tummy isn't perfectly flat like mine the higher waist line is probably beneficial), and the dress just lacks an overall wow factor. That being said it does make my breasts look amazing! I'm not sure how it would look for those more endowed than I (I am a solid A cup), but for those like myself I would seriously recommend it. Finally, the shoes were fine. I did expect better on them and the ankle straps are way too big (I'll have to make my own hole to fasten the shoes safely), but I have no doubt that I'll be wearing them soon. As I've said, overall I'm satisfied.

Inconsistent fabric quality, random sizes, & products not in stock for months.
I always wished that Venus had reviews provided for each of their items in the way that Amazon does, actual customers' viewpoints of both good and bad aspects of fabric, sizing, service, etc. I ran a search and found this site and have to say, I'm not surprised by the low ratings. Here's what I have experienced, both positive and negative.

Positive: Venus has an exotic type of clothing line that is unusual and you won't find their pieces everywhere else. On the flip side of this, many of these pieces are over the top unless you are both 25 and advertising a "very good time to a man", i. E., not subtle. On the other hand, if you search with a discerning eye, you can find lovely pieces that are very feminine, unique, and wearable in public; its 60/40. Prices are reasonable, but borderline if you are a good shopper and check out H&M, etc.

Negative: First, VENUS Swimwear dont offer customers reviews of their pieces as do most other sites; it would be nice to know if the particular piece was found to run a bit large, or small, the color was consistent with the representation, the fabric is of quality, etc. BIG negative for me. Second, inconsistent quality. Ive ordered items that were exactly as I expected, quality fabric, appeared as represented in terms of color and fit, etc., and others that fell way off the mark. For example a dress described as Oatmeal, shown as a nicely barely crème-ish white; it was lemon yellow. Awful. Third, I receive an email EVERY SINGLE DAY notifying me of some huge sale on items, I take my valuable time and check on items that Ive been interested in and the prices are the same. Never fails. And if Venus Marketing is listening to this, please take a que from it because what we do is ignore your ads we receive because we know that maybe there is something thats marked down but nothing much. And lastly, which drives me crazy. Venus advertises something I really want and am willing to buy right now at full price, I click on it, and its not available for THREE MONTHS! I give you this example as of today, 09/25/2016: Item Y69503, Printed Lace Detail Dress. Clicked to order, not available until 12/22/2016! And this has happened before with other items. Items that were advertised as not available until XXXXX date, then I go back later, and the date is pushed back again, and again.

Bottom line, Venus has some great items, but theyre listening: here are the things you can change. You can offer customer reviews of items to reduce disappointment of items purchased. You can offer free return shipping on items that are a disappointment because they are not as represented. (If you have to, increase all items by a about $. 50 to cover the overall cost of doing thisIm okay with this.) And you can stop bombarding us with ads for sales when nothing is really reduced. Just tell us when there is really a sale on CURRENT CLOTHNG and then well pay attention and go to the site and buy what we wanted. If need be, send the ads marked Summer items clearenced in the Fall, And then if its truly a sale of current items send the ad as Our current Fall items are marked down for today only. Thanks, hope this helps other customers and maybe even Venus to consider some changes. JP

Great quality for the price, but the customer service...
I love the Venus concept - women-centric and cruelty-free fashion. Their creations are beautiful, and a good value for the price. Despite the negative reviews, I have found their return policy to be super easy and convenient. However, after being a customer for several years, I had my first issue with a coupon and did not have a good experience with their customer service (the reason for 3 stars). Specifically, I received a text offer for $50 toward my next purchase if I spent $100 by 11:59pm. What a great deal! I placed an order the same day. However, I did not see a coupon code on the site or the check-out screen, so I assumed this coupon would be sent separately. I used a coupon for 20% off that VENUS Swimwear had mailed me, but still made sure I met the $100 minimum amount. A month later, still no coupon, so I contacted customer care. They said I did not qualify for the $50 deal because I had used the 20% off coupon at check-out instead. After explaining the issue with no coupon code appearing at check-out and my understanding of the coupon, they responded that they would honor the coupon, and to contact them if I did not receive it in a couple days. I waited a couple weeks, still no coupon. So I contacted them again, and they responded that they would not honor the coupon after all because I had used the 20% coupon instead. I explained the coupon issue a second time, and they ghosted me. After being a customer for several years and this being my first and only issue, I was really disappointed by this outcome and did not feel valued at all. I may still shop here at some point, because I do love the clothes, but I am looking into other clothing brands in the meantime.

I ordered a dress for my relative in the USA, I am...
I ordered a dress for my relative in the USA, I am in the UK.
Well the first issue, their site has a field to select if the billing address is different, this I did as it was a birthday gift purchase.

Only after check out did the address come up as the same as the delivery address (the USA address)

I immediately contacted them and was assured that this would be dealt with after chatting with an online agent named Fendi. And I requested an email confirmation that this was being done.

The following day I checked and it was the same - nothing was changed and no email confirmation received. I went into the change information area and changed this, thinking it would reflect immediately, this dd not happen.

I sent them an email complaint relating that the Billing Address is a London address and the Delivery address is a USA address.

This is the response I received:

''Good Morning,
Thank you for your recent email. We apologize for any inconvenience. At this time, the order has not shipped. All International shipping information must be entered by a supervisor and not the chat representative. This information would have been hand written and submitted to a supervisor to complete the International shipping information. I am happy to take the information once again and resubmit to the appropriate supervisor.''

I emailed again stating that I do not require International Shipping and a gain repeated the issue, I have not received a response.

I then went to chat with their online advisors where I repeated my issue again, and how irate I was and disappointed as this was my first time experience with this company.

Lani - the advisor then stated that for international orders and shipping, I again told her it is not an international shipping it is being delivered to a USA address.

She then said to me that - and this is where I think this company is not secure and can be replicating customers credit/bank card details - she says to me
I must provide her with the billing address again AND, provide her with the name of my bank, the address of my bankers, their telephone number and some other bank related number and VENUS Swimwear then have to call the bank and then call the deliver address to make verifications? They cannot authorise any payment until they make all those checks.

While talking to her I checked my bank account online and therein my pending transactions is VENUS.COM.

REALLY... this is the first time in my online shopping that some one has requested all of this information.

So if you needed all that info and you can't request funds until, why is there a payment request pending in my account and why is the billing address on their systems still the same as the delivery address?

I told her that is was sounding fraudulent and dodgy and I would like to cancel, she got very defensive and then stated I need your billing details again to clear it up and your bankers information otherwise can I go ahead and cancel and disconnect this call.

I said to her please cancel my order. Guess what my order is still NOT CANCELLED.

I've sent them an email to this effect that they are basically doing fraud.
Still waiting on a response.

When did this happen: 16th into 17th JULY 2014

Won't accept returns
Never buy from this company! VENUS Swimwear say they accept "free" returns, but they don't honor/accept returns from Canada. I found this out AFTER a HUGE run-around. They didn't include a return label with my invoice (which apparently was supposed to be included), so I had to email them for the return label. They gave me one and I sent my sweater back TWICE and BOTH TIMES they sent it back stating "no invoice" when there was an invoice. The second time, someone (whether it be them, or the carrier - they claim the carrier) had the audacity to take the receipt out of the bag, re-tape the bag and stick it on the outside and mailed it back to me! I tried to contact Venus by phone and email multiple times and nobody got back to me. Not until I posted this review (the first bad review I have ever posted in my life, I might add). They emailed me (again, after blaming the carrier. But why was my package ACCEPTED by the carrier twice, after scanning? It was apparently a valid label?) and said they don't accept free returns from Canada. That is fine. No problem. But why the fiasco then? Why give me a label to begin with (when they knew I was from Canada), if they don't ship to Canada? Why make the excuse that it was because I didn't include the invoice when I did? And why blame the carrier and advertise on their site "free returns"? After posting this review, they did contact me to apologize for the inconvenience and offered me a $10 coupon, because they don't offer free returns from Canada. After driving 80 minutes per trip to the carrier and the "run around" story about why my sweater was returned, etc. I decided to gift the sweater, as I will never be a return customer again. Had they handled the situation professionally and honestly, I would, as after all, mistakes do happen and they do have beautiful clothing.

DONT GO TO VENUS! I mean if you are just looking, sure, go- look! But don't expect to get passed looking. Certainly don't pay the $32.95 to have it overnighted... I mean unless you like wasting your money! I know it seems like VENUS Swimwear have some gorgeous suits, at least I thought so. Especially since I just had a baby. Sure, I could have gone to a store and purchased a boring old one piece that doesn't REALLY cover that new mom bod I got. But let's be honest! That is no way to boost a woman's self esteem. So I came here, I even got out the measuring tape to make sure the size would fit perfect. I made sure there would be no disappointments on this end. And the suits (yes, plural! Had to make sure at least one would be perfect- like I said no disappointments) would be here just in time for memorial weekend, the opening weekend of our pool. But, no such luck! I ordered Wednesday around 8 (website says guarantees same day shipping if ordered before 5, so I knew that wouldn't ship Wednesday, but would by Thursday) and here it is Friday and I just got the confirmation email that it was shipping out and I still can't see a tracking number. I call Venus and just ask them what the deal is. Tell them my situation and they tell me they will reinburse me for the $32.95 shipping costs they charged for OVERNIGHT shipping. Well you bet your sweet little daisy dukes you will! I mean it's the least you could do considering they aren't being overnighted lol. But that's it, they will issue a full refund when I return the suits. No discount, no way to get here by Saturday, almost $200 spent and nothing to show for it. Only got blamed stating I didn't order by 5 on Wednesday to overnight it. Cool story girl but Thursday is a business day should have received on Friday instead of Shipping out FRIDAY. All I know is I won't be buying anything from here, especially under a time limit. I can also certainly say I better not have to pay to have these itemS shipped back. Very disappointed in the customer service also. Blaming your customers and the telling them your manager isn't in (and then when asked for their name and number transferring me to your manager) is not good business conduct. Count me out of future emails Venus, I'm not interested unless your buying and supplying baby!

Exchange policy.
As a first time customer of Venus, I have read many reviews to make sure I could trust the sizing of their products. Unfortunately I received my order yesterday and sure enough, it was just a bit too small. The item is so cool that I immediately started to package it up for a size exchange. Now on left side of the Exchanges & Returns explanations it does say - "complete bottom portion of invoice (see reverse side) that was included with your package and indicate if you prefer an exchange or refund. Exchange shipping is FREE, regardless of the number of items you order."

Now, on the right side of this document, it states under Convenient Prepaid Return Label, down a piece, it says "Please note that use of the prepaid return label will result in a $6.95 deduction from you refund/exchange credit"

So just being confused with this conflicting information, I called the Customer Care area this morning and was told that - if you order the amount of items that totals the free shipping requirement ( $100.00) it would indeed be a free exchange with no exchange charge. Excuse me - but this is considered non-disclosure in the business I am in and most others. The customer care person even added fuel to my utter amazement at this answer by saying to me - "what I advise people in your situation is to go and have the package weighed and if the cost is less than $6.95, pay that amount and send your package in to be exchanged." What? I am amazed as many sellers are abandoning the charge on exchange policies but apparently Venus is above this. As a first time buyer and absolutely a last time buyer - please read these reviews. Non-disclosure is as close to false advertising as it gets. Happy shopping to those who don't care. I sure am not convinced to order items over the free delivery limit to avoid an EXCHANGE of a great item. Buyer beware.

Nancy from Port Washington WI

I have to agree with some of the other reviews
I have to agree with some of the other reviews. I like and I was hesitant because of all the negative reviews even though the clothes were so cute. I'm already picky
Anyway, but I had to try to see how it was for me as well. I have been ordering from Venus since April 2013 and out of the 20 orders since then, I have had to exchange 7 items for a smaller size and I've asked for a refund twice because the clothing looked absolutely awful on me.

Like I said before, I'm picky when it comes to clothes but when I found Venus I fell in
Love with the clothes because there were so many I actually liked and wanted. I have to
Agree that a lot of the clothes are thin, to the point where you have to wear a tank or
Something underneath it. I think a lot of the clothes are a little expensive period, and I really think VENUS Swimwear should be cheaper. I hate some of the advertisements of 'up to 25%, 50%, 75% off' when most of the items are on the lower percentage of range.

When I shop now, I always try go to the clearance or sale section and I'm always looking for a discount code. When they have the $25 gift card with a $50 purchase, I always get that. Always.

I'm not the biggest fan of the new credit card rewards. I don't have one myself, and I'm not
Tempted to apply either. This may just be me, but a $15 birthday gift certificate during your birthday month is NOT enough. They offer $25 gift certificates every so often and they're saying that for credit card holders, they're only gonna give $15? Even if you aren't a credit card holder, you still get a $25 gift card with a $50 purchase for you birthday month if you purchase within within a certain amount of time. Again, these clothes aren't cheap and I think it should be a bigger reward than what everyone else could get if they search for a coupon somewhere on the internet or if they received one in an email. Now, the $15 off for your birthday month may be offset by the $5 reward you get for every $100 that is spent, but even that could be bumped to $10. They could at least give back 10%. But again, that's just me.

I live in Ohio and normally received my package exactly one week later if I don't choose
Faster shipping.

Overall, I still love the clothes from Venus and I will continue to buy from Venus until I find
Something better for a lower price. Like any other clothing store, sometimes it's a hit and
Sometimes it's a miss.

Read Reviews, Order Carefully
Since my first review, I have ordered many more clothes from (at least 30) I have returned one item, and called customer service at least 5 times.

These are my observations: Pros and Cons.


2. MY EXPERIENCE WITH CUSTOMER SUPPORT HAS BEEN VERY POSITIVE. I had one representative honor a previous sale price for me, one went out of her way to help me use a gift card, and one helped me all the way with a RETURN, making sure I was not charged for it (I thought product was defective).

3. CHECK THE FABRIC! SOME PIECES LOOK AMAZING FOR THE PRICE, i. E. Tie Back Printed Maxi Dress (fabric listed as poly). The dresses stated as poly spandex are the best buy in my opinion. VENUS Swimwear look great, hug the body, and I receive tons of compliments.

4. SOME PIECES LOOK CHEAP, i. E. Easy Halter Top (fabric listed as cotton, spandex). This top must have had very little spandex as a small was too large on me and I am a DD.

5. JEWELS MAY LOOSEN. The Embellished Tie Dye Top in turquoise (fabric listed as rayon, spandex) was very cute and I receive lots of compliments. However, one of the jewels is lose, so now I need to figure out how to fix it.

6. BE CAREFUL OF THE OPEN BACKS. If you need support, and prefer wearing a bra, MANY of the pieces will be problematic, so beware. I do have bras without straps, but find they are never as comfortable and some cannot be used depending upon the piece. I purchased special pads with adhesives for support and pushup, but found they could not be used with the Printed Maxi Dress, as that fabric is simply too flimsy, so I was disappointed that there is no way to get push up in that dress, (I even consulted a seamstress).

7. BE PREPARED TO HAND WASH! I have to place jugs of water in the refrigerator to get it cold enough so the color does not bleed when washing. Needless to say, I will be very careful when ordering again. This was overlooked, as the clothes look so nice on the models. The Ruched Tank Dress was listed as Rayon, Spandex, but again the amount of spandex was slim as the colors bleed profusely, so I only hand wash.

8. OVERALL THE SIZES ARE STABLE, HOWEVER SOME WILL BE OFF. I am 5 feet 6 inches weigh 135 pounds, and DD (Victoria's Secret) and generally take a small, HOWEVER SOME tops were too large and some too small. I am stuck with a gorgeous dress that is too small and tops too small as I was too afraid to return based on comments I originally read. However, I would not hesitate to return now.

9. READ THE REVIEWS. One skirt looks great (and thanks to the review I knew to expect that the design would not match at seam in the back). However, two skirts look bad, and I wish I had caught the review, as it has an underskirt that rides all the way up upon wearing. So now I will need to tack it somehow, too late to return.

10. TAKE YOUR TIME TO POST YOUR REVIEW TO HELP OTHERS! Include pertinent info, and height, weight, bra size as without this info sizing means nothing.

Don't even know if I'll ever get my item
I ordered a dress and it took multiple of tries for the website to even process the order. I tried their chatting service for help and after a customer representative came online I never recieved a response from her. After waiting for 30 min I finally gave up. Finally after multiple tries I managed to place my order. I received the shipping info a day later. Everything was going great. Then when it's a day from the supposed arrival date the item gets transfered from UPS to local postal service (according to sender instructions) No biggie. Then the day that it supposed to arrive the tracking info says the postal office cannot deliver item as addressed and asks me to call the sender. I do. I call this time. After one hour on hold I hung up. I called the next day, got a person this time. She tells me my item is not lost so we just have to wait for the postal office to return it to them and then VENUS Swimwear will ship it back to me. I am like what?! That's bull! And her attitute is so nonchalant about it to. No big deal. I asked if they will contact the post office to straighten this before it gets shipped back and forth and she's like "no because the item is not lost, we'll just wait. "
I plan on calling my postal office tomorrow and see if I can clear this with them. Regardless this is too much work to do for a lousy dress. Other companies have amazing customer service and there's no need to buy from such place. First and last time shopping here! I don't even care if the dress arrives and is gorgeous!

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VENUS Swimwear Rating

Based on 50 reviews from VENUS Swimwear customers, company has accumulated an average rating of 1 stars, indicating that majority of customers are not satisfied with its service.
Overall satisfaction rating

Description: Boutique styles and looks right to your front door! Why wait in line at your local shops and stores when Venus has everything you need? Looking your best has never been this easy.

Address: 11711 Marco Beach Drive, 32224


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