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50 customer reviews of

Big Business Rip-Offs
This review will probably never get posted, but here goes anyway.
If you're in the mood to be ripped-off (and who isn't when there are no real choices), then try Verizon FIOS. Their ads are everywhere and their "sale prices" fluctuate more frequently than bugs get born.
I had just gotten tired of their nonsense in November 2014 and switched to Cablevision (another "winner" of a company). So in early December, I turned in my equipment to Verizon, but the manager at the store in Paramus NJ would not let me leave until he gave me his sales pitch. He sold me on the $79.99 price with a $400.00 bonus debit card from Visa, and other "benefits". Since I was skeptical about switching back to Verizon before a 30 day period, he promised that Verizon was no longer enforcing this waiting period and that I can switch right away.
So - like all fools that go for these "specials", I switched again and by the time I was done "resigning up", I was suddenly up to $140.00 per month, but I had all the Premium shows for my wife and the 50/50mbps internet speed for me with WiFi and everything.
That's when things started to go haywire. The WiFi did not work, the internet speed was nowhere near 50/50, the multi-room DVR service did not work, and the capacity of the DVR was a measly 16Mb which is enough for taping only a few shows.
So I started complaining to Verizon and this is when their entire load of misinformation, fine-print, and inaccuracies started coming into the light. Then I got my first bill and it was $277.11 which is a far cry from the $79.99 originally promised and even the $140.00 with some bells and whistles which I was not getting.
To make a very, very long and difficult story shorter, I'll just get into the highlights of what occurred:
A) After a half dozen phone calls, e-mail complaints, and letters, I received visits from a tech-rep that was not able to help me with the speed and WiFi problems, then I received a visit from another tech rep and the Technical Supervisor who again were only partially able to help by installing "boosters" for the WiFi but who could not help with the internet speed.
B) It turned out that when I signed up, I got "old" equipment which included an "old" router and an "old" VCR. So when I purchased new equipment on my own (a new, fast router and a range extender) things worked a little better but still not up to par.
C) Then suddenly a day or two later, my internet speed (according to Verizon Tests) was over 50/50. Apparently someone at their tech center just cranked up the speed and there I was with a new speed. That's when the WiFi started working also (albeit still very slowly).
D) When I experienced very long delays with my internet pages opening, I decided to investigate further. That's when I found out that Verizon's speed tests are produced by Ookla. This is a Flash based test and found to be not quite an accurate test of internet speed by some experts. When I tested this with HTML5 tests, Verizon turned out to be very, very different from Flash based tests. They also appeared to be a more accurate depiction of speed as compared to Flash tests. Unfortunately, they also showed that the speed I was getting was far, far lower than 50/50 mbps. One of the tests showed speeds as low as 1.6mbps upload. The average test however was 26mbps Download and around 10mbps upload. To me these were better indicators of what I was experiencing. So it appears to me that I've been wasting $50 per month plus taxes and fees for nothing.
E) Verizon had promised me several times to exchange our very low capacity VCR box for one with a higher capacity. Now after almost 5 months, they still have not done it.
F) The Multi-Room function of the VCR works only when "it" wants to. Not when my wife needs it. Another misleading promise from Verizon.
G) As for the $400 Visa Gift Card bonus from Verizon - NEVER GOT IT. And probably never will. Another lie.
H) Activation fees - just what is this? I had just returned our Verizon equipment after almost 2 years of service and all their wiring and main connection equipment was still in place in our basement. So what exactly were they activating? Turning on the switch at their location? For this I was paying $69.99? They did not charge us "installation fees" which consists of plugging in the router and putting up the set top boxes. But they did charge us Activation fees. Why?
F) Incidentally, the taxes and fees are outrageous. They come to over 12% of your monthly bill and on top of it. So the $79.99 monthly fee is suddenly around $90.00 plus your activation, installation, equipment, Regional Sports network, wireless router, etc fees, "plus" taxes, and it's no wonder that the first month's bill came to $277.11. Why is it that Cablevision does not have these taxes and fees? (Not that I'm endorsing Cablevision - they are as big offenders on the truthfulness of their services as is Verizon).
G) Incidentally, I've written to the FCC and guess what? They have asked Verizon to respond. Talk about regulators regulating. What a joke? We pay for these regulators via our taxes, and they do whatever the corporations want. Is this fair? Right? Honest?

End result: after four months of battling with Verizon on each of these issues, very little got resolved. My only other option is the courts. Let's see if they are better than the FCC.

Verizon ruined my credit score for no reason!
My advice to you: stay away from Verizon Wireless as far as you can!

I give you this advice because you will buy one thing and receive something else or nothing at all!

Verizon Wireless is in the habit of sending people bills for the phones Verizon have never set their eyes on and the services they have never used, and if you refuse to pay, they will mess up your credit score.

And their customer service sucks! No one is on hand to resolve anything!

Here is my story!

I ordered a BOGO deal on Dec 31,2020. A few days later, Verizon Wireless sent me an email asking me to upload my ID. Unfortunately, the link that they sent didn't work.

The next day, they canceled my order. I called them and got connected with their security department and together we got my ID uploaded. On that day, I was told my order was "good to go" and I would receive my new devices on Jan 13,2021.

On Jan 16,2021, I called Verizon Wireless again as I didn't receive any phones as promised by them. They told me that my order was canceled again (without telling me why) and recommended that I place a new order.

I asked Verizon Wireless: If I place an order today, will I get the same deal as I got on Dec 31? They said yes! So, I placed another order. When I got an email with new order details, I noticed huge differences compared to the one I was supposed to get, the BOGO deal. I actually created a spreadsheet to compare those deals.

I called Verizon Wireless back, 30 min after I placed my order. The wait time was close to 2 hours with multiple transfers. Finally, they told me that the BOGO deal expired on Jan 14,2021; therefore, they couldn't give me the same deal anymore.

They offered me a new deal that was way different and could not work for my family.

On the same day (Jan 16,2021), about 3 hours after I placed my order, I asked Verizon Wireless to cancel my order because it was not the same as they had promised. They said no problem - we will cancel your order! I got a refund from Verizon Wireless on Jan 30,2021.

Just to be clear! I never received any phones from Verizon Wireless and nor was I connected to their wireless network.

But that was not the end!

A few weeks later, I got my monthly bill ($232) from Verizon Wireless for the phones that were never sent to me and the service that I was never connected to. I called Verizon Wireless numerous times, and I had to explain everything from the beginning each time I called them. I had to wait for 30-60 minutes each time I called. At the end of each call, they would tell me, "We are really sorry, we are fixing it, and everything should be ok from now on."

Sometime later, I got a notice that I should either pay my bill immediately or Verizon Wireless would pass my information to collectors - I got really upset and called Verizon Wireless again. On that call, I was told by a Verizon representative that I was getting that notice because my account was incorrectly closed and again she promised to fix this right away and that they would no longer report me to collectors, etc.

Later, I got a few texts from collectors! I thought it was spam because the "greatest company in the world" had reassured me multiple times that they had fixed the problem and there would be no reports. And today (August 2,2021), I got an email that my Verizon Wireless account received a major derogatory status and my credit score was lowered by 84 points, from 787 to 703!. When I checked my credit score, I was dumbfounded!

I called Verizon Wireless for the last time only to hear the same story that they were really sorry, and guess what they did: they redirected my call to collectors! Can you believe that?! Collectors offered me a "settlement" deal asking me to pay $150. I am speechless!

I am done trying to resolve this issue directly with Verizon Wireless as they are just one big mess! I am very frustrated and looking for a way to resolve this and inform as many people as possible, including our house or senate representatives. I'm also looking for a newspaper that is willing to write my story and a lawyer that is interested in my case. I believe I have all the necessary information to back up my story, including emails, screenshots, messages, etc.

Please email me at stayawayfromverizon@ if you can help in any way.

Have a good day, and I pray you will never fall victim to Verizon, my friend!

Worst Customer Service Ever
I'm documenting what was going to be a simple purchase. This past Friday (November the 27th) Black Friday, my family wanted to switch from Sprint to Verizon and get two new iPhone 12 Pro's and one iPhone SE (2020.)

The promotions on the 12 Pro's were trade in your devices, get up to 700 dollars off. Verizon offered 1100 dollars for our phones combined. We originally wanted to do a buy one get one free deal, so this was very close. The SE was a switch and get one on us deal.

Everything seemed great until the expected delivery date, (Tuesday, December 1st) when we realized the order state still said processing and the package never came. I called the Internet Orders support line *******390) and spoke to a man named Brad.

Brad started sorting everything out by saying that somehow the original order never went through and the devices were never going to come. He started rebuilding our order and transferred us to a lady who was assisting us. The lady notified us that there was a new deal of a Buy-One-Get-One deal like we originally wanted. We switched to that, and got an email stating which seemed like everything was good.

After thoroughly reading the email, we noticed that the second phone on the buy one get one deal, was not getting its full monthly payment removed. On top of that, we were getting charged random amounts to the credit card, when we were supposed to be charged only tax. We called Verizon back, and started to receive the worst customer service we have ever received.

All we wanted was for our new order to be correct and for a receipt/email stating so. Fast forward after 7 hours of being transferred from one agent to another and being on hold for the rest, we finally talked to one person who stayed with us for the rest of the time. She told us that she could not honor either of the deals previously stated. She could not honor the trade in deal, and she changed the Buy One Get One Free to Buy-One-Get-One 800 Dollars Off.

They tried to do a bait and switch, which we reported to our credit card as fraud (which they agreed), and failed.

Now with several phones still on the way, no way to get to a real human at Verizon, and several days of time wasted, we recommend you to reconsider Verizon and their business practices.

Verizon Wireless Customer Service
I have been a customer of Verizon for many years and although I have no complaints with their cellular service, their customer service in regards to maintaining a viable website and/or app is beyond sub-standard. The customer continually has to endure recordings, wait times, and re-directing of phone calls in order to reach a live rep - and at the correct department, whoever Verizon decides that to be. I have had a need to use Verizon's website in order to maintain my account information. Invariably, whatever I am attempting to do is thwarted by Verizon's inability to maintain the functionality of their website. The most recent issue being attempting to change a payment method. Due solely to their own website design, after three attempts of doing so I am advised I have exceeded my maximum tries and must now wait 24 hours before re-attempting again. With a previous issue in which I had to contact a live rep via phone I was informed by that rep not to use the website - use their app. Yes, that was this rep's solution to all my issues with their website. I don't particularly like using apps to conduct my day to day business but due to Verizon's ineptness I was forced to do so with my present issue. After more than 24 hours I signed in to the Verizon app on my phone to attempt to change the payment method again. Now I am being told that I still need to wait 24 hours before re-attempting. In my primitive calculations - one complete day has only 24 hours in it, and it has been well over one day in which I am re-attempting to change my payment method. Now, I am once again placed in the position of having to hunt down and connect with a live rep at Verizon to have the very simple issue of changing a payment method addressed. It is interesting to note that Verizon has a page within their website for a customer to schedule a call back in order to prevent the customer from having to wait on the phone. Not so surprisingly - that feature does not function. Verizon is a multi-billion dollar company. A Leader in the communication field. Yet, Verizon does not have the technology or capability to maintain a basic functional website. Perhaps it is more convenient and less costly for Verizon to allow their customers to flounder needlessly about and waste their time in attempting to connect with a live rep than it is to simply spend a few dollars of their billion bucks to fix their website issues. That should tell one right there just what it is that Verizon values. I assure you - it is not the customer. (Verizon Wireless censures their Facebook Page. Unfavorable posts are not allowed and as such - are removed.)

There Is No Customer Service
Tried to make online purchase after entering everything the contract would not load so chatted with several agent decided to delete everything and redo. After several attempt it went through. I was frustrated and forgot to choose color. At store realized and was told Verizon cannot do anything it is an online purchase, came home called everyone had no one could look at my order since I was never asked to create username and password more than ten people did not know what to do they were sending me authorization code but could not use it, some said try to register your phone and I found it is locked now. Now they were all saying you have to go to the store to unlock so far all information was wrong. Next day decided to call on the way to the store 30 min away god lucky he know how to unlock the account. Talked to several agent all saying you need to go to the store to change the phone. Since the store was not helpful at all I needed know exactly what to do before going there. Finally there was very nice lady she said who cared and said any authorized store should do the exchange when I pointed they they will not have the color for both phones she helped me find a store with several units of both and called them. I was so happy. The 4th day I drove 70 to this they told me they cannot do it the system is showing I need 1500 down payment and I need to drive 90 min the the other store that would not even talk to me to fix the issue. I thought ok I will call they will probably fix the issue first call told me an online purchase needs to be taken to other store to be recorded and wait til they are shipped to that store. When I asked to talk to customer loyalty he said I will transfer you and hang up here goes 30 min wait. By this time I gave up seeing everyone is saying the solution is that you leave us and figure it out on your own. So I said OK I will return these phones here and ask the online people to help me. The store said we will try, and after few minutes told me no it cannot be done my only option is to close the account. At the same time I wa on hold with customer loyalty or worry free returns for 40 min. After the return was done finally someone picked up the phone. When I explained my situation he said sorry it didn't work out. So this is the number one wireless company. There is no customer service no one will help you or care, is there a complaint department he said no I am the complaint department. I said at least make a note to the management that if your agent do not make percentage of customer they do not care to even talk to you. I mean how hard is it for the store to call the online to resolve the their mistake. They just say if I don't make few hundred off of this guy just send him to the next guy, or how hard is it to put managers that know how to resolve issues and ask the employees if you don't know how to help direct them to the right source and ask your supervisor who probably don't know because I asked and they did the same if it was online they would say go to the store if it was store they would say go to the online or other store. I hope this will at least help someone, because I do not think it will help Verizon.

"Discounts" scheme to suck your money out.
I heard about crooks on the streets doing such schemes, but I wouldn't expect this from a company like Verizon. But, here I am, scammed on the money.

Here is what Verizon do step by step:
1. You called them because they increased the price, or a competitor gives you a better offer, or they just asked you to call about some kind of promotion.
2. You asked or offered a lower price for their service.
3. They give you a nice price, sometimes they also ask if you are Ok to sign 2 years contract.
4. The price is good, so you accept.
5. The agent tells you that he will send you an email while you are on the phone, and all you need is just click "Agree", and he wants to stay on the phone, to make sure everything is alright.
6. You received an email in a few seconds which says something like this: "$25 per month until <2 years from now>", and a bunch of other text, which you don't read because you want to be nice and don't want the agent to wait.
7. You click "Agree", next day you see your plan on their website has the name: "$25 per month until <2 years from now>", you are happy and forget about it, they just charge your credit card monthly.
8. In a few months, instead of $25, they charge you something like $70. Well, honest mistake, you think, how "$25 per month until <2 years from now>" could be $70?
9. You call the service, they say, that the contract says, that the service cost is $90, and they applied a discount of $40 just for a few months, and another discount of $20 till the end of the contract. So, the first discount is expired, that's why "$25 per month until <2 years from now>" is $70 now. It makes perfect sense to them!
10. You are getting aggravated and ask them to cancel the service, and they charge you a termination fee and almost another month of the service. If you calculate the total, you'd see that they didn't give you any discount at all, if you'd just pay the amount they start charging you after the price increase, you'd end up paying about the same sum.

Well, at least I don't need to deal with those crooks anymore.

Be careful with Verizon. Don't believe anything their agents say. Read all the details of their "Contracts". Keep all records. But better, just stay away from them.

Verizon = HORRIFIC!
We are extremely disappointed with Verizon.
We were offered a "great deal" to move from T-Mobile to their net work.
When we say a great deal in between quotes is because in reality it was the worst move that we ever made related to choosing a mobile phone provider!
Although we brought to Verizon business of six mobile lines what we have received from the store and from the overall conversations over 20+ hours with support entited erased the "great deal" that we were offered!
Although sitting uncomfortably at this Deerfield Verizon store a week ago today for about four hours we arrived home frustrated and the major phone line for our 501 (c)(3) nonprofit is still not working as we write this honest review!
Our foundation which depends on donations also via text messages has most likely lost $20-$25 on proceeds, Which are indeed very crucial to help the distressed pets that we undertake!
Of course we're not asking Verizon to cover this loss because we do believe Verizon would never do that anyway.
What are we want to point out here is that before you think about using Verizon for your phone lines or transferring your plan/s from other carriers to Verizon that you would please consider what is written here and either see for yourself or ask questions.
The "Customer Service" at this store on the day we picked our phone WAS HORRIFIC!
We did not walk out when we saw the lack of customer service because we were there with my family and my grandkids and we had taken that special time to transfer the lines and purchase new phones. If there was not for the situation we would not have staying there and we would have walked out right away.
We do regret that we did not do that.
Since we went to that store seven days ago we have spent probably about 20 hours on the phone with Verizon support. We spoke most likely with 10 technicians or people that answer the phone S technicians. And none of them including the one we were talking to right now and has put us on hold was able to connect the most important line that has been transferred and ported over to Verizon.
We do sincerely hope that the CEO of Verizon reads this with you and we welcome him or her to call us personally so that we can explain in detail what happened and what our frustration is.
At times CEO's are very busy to take care of issues like that, which is very bad, but let's hope that Verizon employs one that DOES CARE!
We have a long experience in retail businesses and we have always strived to assembled the best team members along the way.We do have the experience of how true customer service should be! Or one provides Excellence or not!
We do have the experience of how true customer service should be.
Well Verizon's customer service should be scrutinized because we are certain that Verizon is losing business because of the lack of service, true interest in helping and WIT to making a difference.
May be Verizon does not invest on customer service, which if true, is a huge mistake! Phone service providers are the same, phones are the same, but what really differentiates both is A CUSTOMER SERVICE OF THE UTMOST EXCELLENCE!

Not customer service oriented
Normally if I like something I'll make sure to leave a great review…. If it was alright but I was not absolutely in love with the item/ service then I'll just not leave a review at all…. But I only leave a bad review if my experience/ item was truly bad. This was my first time ever using Verizon devices… upon signing up I originally had two iPhone 11 pros fully paid off that I was planning on using. But the sales representative informed me that Verizon had a promotion going on of buy one get one free iPhone 12. So my husband decided he wanted get this deal…. So we traded our phones in and paid off the different that day in the store… thinking our phones are completely paid off. We originally only needed 3 lines but they first put 6 lines on our bill… causing a big head ache…telling me that it's easier to charge the activation fee that way. Either way then we had worst service I have ever had with dropped calls and no signal even in city areas. Considering we payed more then we ever paid with T-Mobile or ATT… I was expecting better service. There are times they would work on towers for numbers of days leaving us with no service at all. We finally got sick of it and switch to T-Mobile only to find out that the phones we "paid off/ buy one get one free" had balances on them And we don't have to pay those balances if we stay with them at least 2 years tell promotions pays them off on a monthly bases and if we leave early we have to pay that balance the sales representative that assisted us at the time failed to inform us of this…. If I would Have known I would have used my iPhone 11 pros that I had purchased online for 800 bucks each, they even had more storage space and completely paid off… when I visited the store 4 months later I was informed the sales rep that signed us up is no longer employed at Verizon and they are changing there staff to improve there customer service. Then I reach out to Verizon corporate upset because like I said we traded in two I phone 11 pros in and two other phones …. Then we paid 1000 at store to paid off the different so the phones would be paid off… well now they want us to pay 850 balance on one and 425 balance on another phone. The main reason we ever consider going to Verizon was because ATT wanted a 2 year contract and that's not something we wanted to do but this phone balance issue is pretty much the same thing. Luckily T-Mobile well buy out our contract up to 650 per line … so I asked Verizon to be reasonable and at least refund us the difference of 200dollars (balance difference between what is owed on one of the phone and what T-Mobile will pay off for us 850-650) but corporate denied me any refund request. So it looks to me that Verizon really doesn't care about there customers and taking responsibility for there employees neglect to inform us of the phone balances due on phones. They only care about there numbers. So they took 4 phones from us (2 iPhone 11 pros) as well as $1000. 00 that day paying off the trade in balance different and now they also want 850 and 425.

A Disservice
Right now I have been on hold with Verizon prepaid on a Thursday at 3:30pm Eastern for 1:32:09

Last night I was in... Ha! Verizon just hung up on me... let me screenshot the final time.

Last night, I was in the field due to military exercises. I received a text from Verizon stating that they could not retrieve any money from my account to cover the bill. This morning there was a change with the mission but guess who missed the assignment. How it could have been in a real life situation. I then learned that my service had been disconnected. Out of all of that "free extra data" that I don't I had to drive miles to find free wifi in order to transfer money to "foot the bill".

My Complaint:
When I had spoken to customer service, I asked the gentleman when did Verizon disconnect my service. He said that it was disconnected last night. So much for a forewarning. Last month it happened the exact same way and I called in to ask if I could have more of a warning next time. When I was with AT&T, they would send out messages stating that you had a day or three to pay your bill. When I first got with Verizon, it was similar... I think. Now, they send you a message and before they press send, disconnect your phone.

I called Verizon not too long ago, and I wasn't irate or anything. I had spoken to a gentleman, who's name I did not get but seemed helpful. I assumed that he cared but he could have not given a damn and was patronizing for all that I know. He did inform me that he would send up my complaint in writing and said that it would be a wait to talk to a supervisor. That conversation happened between 3-5 mins into the call. The entire called including the unanswered wait time was at 1:32: xx. My bill was already paid so all that I wanted was to know if I could have more of a warning. Not money or a discount but a WARNING! I will be sending this same review to multiple outlets including Verizon along with the screenshots. I pray that they have a recording and could get to the bottom of this. I see the logo on many businesses and would smile, but now their practices and employees makes me view them in a very negative way.

Side note:
In my opinion, AT&T is better in customer service even though service area is lacking. I guess they feel they are the best in coverage so they can act like $#*!s!

How Verizon's Stupidity Resulted in the loss of a 20 year customer
I was with Verizon for about 19 years. I needed a new phone and a lower price on my monthly bill so I called to see what Verizon could do to retain my business. Verizon said they could do nothing on lowering the monthly bill even if I agreed to a long term contract. And their "discount" on a new phone was very insignificant. Hence, they lost my business. I bought a phone thru Affirm and went to a re-seller named "Visible", a company who uses the Verizon Network but charges $40 for unlimited talk, text, and data... all fees included in the $40 per month. There is NO monthly contract with Visitble.
Then, in today's mail I received a flyer from Verizon saying that if I would "come back" they would give me up to $700 toward the cost of an iphone 12 Pro AND pay up to $500 to help cover the cost to switch back to Verizon. I find that tact insulting and as irritating a a new hemorrhoid. I attempted to call Verizon customer service to expressly state my displeasure in no uncertain terms, but as usual I could not get through. So I am writing this review instead.
My recommendation: Any and all Verizon customers would be better served to move their service to Visible. I can tell no difference in the quality of phone service but I DO notice a huge difference in my monthly bill.
As far as the idiot who made the policy of not working with long term customers to retain their service while offering all kinds of incentives to ex-customers to come back to Verizon... he or she needs to lose their job. All I wanted was some reason to stay with Verizon. Now I will never consider coming back. I see that there are much better alternatives service-wise, quality-wise, cost-wise and customer-service wise.
I am NOT being paid for this review; I have no connection to Visible or to any company at all. I am just happy to be rid of Verizon and I find their business strategy to be extremely distasteful..

You get what you pay for
I've been a loyal Verizon customer for about 15 years and I really don't have any complaints. The fact I've been with Verizon so many years I think helps how well I'm taken care of but since day 1 I've never had any major issues and when I do have a problem it's always resolved beyond my satisfaction from a faulty pieces of equipment to a billing issue Verizon always are on top of their game, customer service department is the best I've ever seen with any major corporation hands down.
I can't find service that even comes close to Verizon and believe me I've tried many other companies. My favorite part about Verizon Wireless is there service from their calls in the quality of them along with their 4G LTE and 5g(which my tablet has)internet service which again I have not seen anybody who comes close to their quality, in the 15 years I've been with them I could probably count on one hand how many times I've actually lost a call and that's pretty good I know a lot of other people who try to save money or can't afford Verizon services but again I'd rather pay a little extra and have the best then save myself a little bit of money and have the worst service imaginable I've been with phone companies that I can't even get a signal in my own home since I switched to Verizon have not had that problem at home /work with any issues concerning call service and their internet service on the phones this also includes the tablet service I have with them which I have one Samsung tablet and the quality and internet speed on that is phenomenal.
In the last year or so Verizon has actually become much more competitive with prices which would not steer me away if I was still paying what I did over a year ago. An example of their prices being competitive is say my tablet which I do have a payment plan which is fair but the only service I pay for it is the internet which I started out with a 2 gigabyte internet limit which cost $30 per month and they offered me an unlimited data plan for my tablet for $20 a month versus the $30 I was paying with the 2 gigabyte and that does include unlimited hotspot streaming which I believe might be throttled (not sure)after 20 or so gigabytes but I don't use hotspot so it's not a concern then again I have heard people that use hotspot all the time and they never have any issues with their internet speeds being slowed down.
I could go on and on about all the things I like about Verizon but I cant say anything negative, keep up the good work Verizon.

Poor internet service, lied about unlimited data.
My wife and I have 2 smart phones and the home fuzion installed router service from Verizon for 5+ years. Verizon made us angry in the past and we switched the phones to US cellular but kept the home fuzion from Verizon because our home is in the country side with very limited ISP options. We paid close to 150$ a month for many years for 30GB month plan... very expensive. Recently when Verizon resurrected unlimited data I was convinced by a Verizon rep to switch the phones back all under one plan. I was weary and looked at the fine print on what unlimited data meant and I saw Verizon would throttle hot spots and tethering to 3g after 10GB of data. I was told the home fuzion wasn't a hotspot, it was installed and not mobile and excluded from that policy so I went ahead and signed up, traded the phones in and now am locked in for 2 years (or pay 1300$ to get out of the equipment fees early.) They now say the home fuzion is a hot spot, so my home internet is only 10GB and then it gets throttled to about 550kbps speeds. The service is terrible on my home fuzion wifi now on the unlimited data plan. It's really difficult to get anything done when I have to remote in to work through this connection. I did the math and If i downloaded constantly at 550kbs speeds I would get 160GB a month which is much more then I used to have... however the speed is so slow my family can't use it at the same time when we are all awakeI mean who downloads constantly 24/7 for a month? Verizon unlimited data plan on home fuzion is a one user at a time experience. If I would have known they would throttle my home fuzion installed ISP service I would have went with Frontier DSL and Google Fi project. Right now I'm just waiting 2 years so I can say goodbye to Verizon forever! We have given so much hard earned money to this corporation for many years... I can't believe they are treating us like this... Customer service is unhelpful and they just want us to pay for a metered data plan. I don't understand why Verizon is pretending to be an ISP with this installed home fuzion service, but doesn't want to actually provide decent internet service. I'm waiting to see if any class action lawsuits come out of this. 1 year and 10 months until I never have to deal with Verizon again!

I can not even begin to convey just how much I loath...
I can not even begin to convey just how much I loath Verizon.

Other companies have corporate offices but Verizon utilizes an "EVIL LAIR" located somewhere in hell or possibly New Jersey (which may actually be worse) to carry out their incompetent misdeeds. The building is on fire but nothing burns because it is in hell and the CO is a cloven hoofed, hairy legged and horned beast with a pentagram centered on its ram shaped head.

Verizon wears its ineptitude like a badge of honor.

I would even go so far as to say that Verizon deploys their stupidity with malice.

I will not bore the reader with my story but let me just say that I did have to get the Better Business Bureau involved as the dullards at Verizon kept screwing up my bill and when I left them, Verizon left me with erroneous charges. As it was, I had already OVERPAID them when I left.

Their criminal negligence has left a black mark on my credit even though the BBB came in heavily on my side.

A quick Google search yields countless horror stories from many customers.

Just once, I would like to gather up the millions of screwed over customers and gather them together in front of Verizon's corporate LAIR on their front lawn (assuming there are lawns in hades that aren't on fire) and have them all pull out Bibles and crosses while shouting "THE POWER OF CHRIST COMPELS THEE"...

There just aren't enough keystrokes to tell Verizon just how much I hate them and that I wish that from the highest ranking corporate officer to the lowliest pee-on that they rot in their own filth while surrounded by hundreds of buzzing flies in the darkest, dankest bowels of hell.

"... to the last I grapple with thee; from hell's heart I stab at thee; for hate's sake I spit my last breath at thee."
—Moby-$#*!, Ch. 135

Verizon has become my whale.

Seriously, stay away
I researched Samsung Galaxies on line and decided to get an S7 because of the good reviews. I currently have an S5 and have been happy with it but it needs to be replaced. On the Verizon website, Verizon offered the S7 for $480.00. I went to the Verizon store in in the Greenwood Park Mall in Indianapolis to see if they had the S7 in the store. They did not, so the employee, Codey, ordered one for me and said it would take two days for delivery. He told me Verizon does not have that price available from the site he orders from, but they would honor it since I saw in on line, ON THE VERIZON WEBSITE. He seemed upbeat and helpful and said he would call me personally when it arrived in the store and he would be happy to help me transfer everything from my old phone to the new one. Since my email address is in my Verizon account, I received a confirmation email with the order information and tracking number. It was delivered to the store three days ago but he never called me. I called him at the number on his business card to see if I could come pick it up and had to leave a message. He quickly texted me and told me he was with family. I never heard back from him so I stopped in the store today. Jacob was working, and long story short, after sitting there for approximately 30 minutes, he came back and told me he could not give me my phone at that price. He explained that if they order it in store, they will not honor the price that is on line. Of course Codey did not tell me this. Jacob called Codey while I was there and Codey told Jacob that he told me to order it on line so basically it wasn't his fault. Nobody told me they would not honor the price. Jacob then proceeded to tell me that if I choose to order it on line, that I could bring it into the store and they would help me transfer my stuff for a mere
$40. ARE YOU KIDDING ME? I left the store with no phone, 45 minutes of my life that I will never get back, and PISSED OFF. Jacob ended up chasing me through the mall and agreed to waive the $40 if I bring it in for assistance. I am livid. I realize this review is long and boring but buyer beware. Codey seems like a nice guy but is a scheister. Employees like him give companies like Verizon a bad name and Verizon should be aware of his dishonest tactics.

Verizon Portal to Hell
Verizon is the portal to telecommunications Hell. Our toll free business line has been on autopay since 2004, Verizon bought that phone service provider (MCI) recently and not only isn't able to maintain autopay, Verizon cannot accept payments by phone either, I have tried for hours, their system is down. I attempted to register our business on their website, it too failed. They bought MCI without any plan to integrate customers, now my business line is disconnected and Verizon cannot fix it. Because of Covid, those calling our company's toll free line now will assume we have gone out of business because of an automated message stating the number you called cannot be reached. Not only is Verizon incapable of autopay or pay by phone, they said even if I sent a check for well over the balance they cannot guarantee the credit will be issued to our account. So I cannot even overpay to resolve the problem. There's a Gumpism applicable here.

The #1 priority for EVERY BUSINESS is to TAKE THE MONEY FROM WILLING CUSTOMERS EAGER TO PAY. Verizon is an epic fail and their under-trained staff appear to enjoy transferring you to dead end automated numbers with bad prompts, other departments who repeat what they cannot do and though nobody at Verizon can do anything to resolve the situation, they all thank me for choosing Verizon. Of course, I did not choose Verizon nor would I given the dismal absence of service forced upon our small company since they bought MCI. I even contacted other phone service providers hoping to transfer service to another company (like AT&T) with no luck. I'm trapped in Verizon Hell. My business is suffering because Verizon sucks so much it threatens to create a black hole that will destroy the planet. Never had a problem with our toll free phone line until Verizon took over…now our business phones are silent for the first time in over 17 years. I'm certain Lucifer is their CEO.

Worst customer service Ever!
Went in to two Bakersfield stores to purchase a new iPad and two new phones. We have been customers with four lines for over ten years. When asked about any promotions the guy had no ideas he said " yea you might want to check on line" omg I'm in the store and wanted to hear about any great plans by an actual human. The guy helped me get an iPad with no promotion. In the middle of our purchase he called out to his partner and said " Hey can you take over I need to go to lunch" His partner said no I'm doing something and I'll return fast and I'll relieve you " we then continued our purchase when nearly done here comes his partner and took over. Omg as the guy left he didn't say sorry thank you or a word. Next we went to another store on Ming ave. This gal basically did the same " check on line for any promotions I really don't know. " We asked her about the purchase of a iPhone 12 come with a charger and she said, " Um I think it comes with the little whatchamacallit that goes in the wall but not the cord I think" " but check on line for any phone promotions" Getting a bit frustrated for answers and actual help. We started to ask for a manager. Just then we looked at her badge and it said MANAGER. So sad Verizon feels Verizon don't have to hire quality people anymore. You know some people still don't feel comfortable on computers. I'm 58 and I am okay but still old fashion and like the human personal connection and comfort. We still haven't got our new phones but plan on purchasing them soon. Once we have time to research the promotions on the web. Just sad we don't get the human connection with great attitudes and kindness. Why do they have these stores opened in the first place. They are being paid for what.

I would like to share my experience with Verizon so that no one else will
Have that happen to them. This is a serious problem that so many people are
Unaware of about Verizon.

Im a public figure and my privacy is very important to me. I found out
That a fan just walked into a Verizon store and ask for information on my
Account. Verizon asked for a pin so that they could get the information but
They fan did not have that. A couple of weeks and a couple of smiles later
She got all the information she needed telephone numbers address is everything.

Now that sounds like its a rare case that doesnt happen. I called Verizon
And told him about it. They told me that is absolutely not uncommon at all
And it isnt a big deal that they can do that if they want. Escalated it up
To corporate. I was told the same thing your information isnt secure they
Can give it to anybody they want to as a courtesy they were they ask for a
Pin but it doesnt mean that they have to have the pen. They told me for my
Inconvenience they can give me a $10 credit.

Obviously this is a massive concern. If peoples information is given out
And its okay to anybody who wants it that is not okay theres so many
Things that are wrong with that. I also work with battered women where
Their location and information and everything about their account needs to
Be secret. You can only see how that works.

Since then Ive talked to other phone carriers. Every one of them said
They absolutely do not allow anyones information out no excuses.

I even went to their corporate ask the same thing they told me under no
Circumstances would we give anyones information out. Couldnt being the
Difference of life and death with people.

In fact everyone I called except Verizon Wireless told me it was absolutely
Unacceptable but when I called Verizon that was not the case.

Ive also filed a lawsuit against them. And again was told I dont know why
Youre filing a lawsuit against us were allowed to give out your
Information to anybody who wants it.

The lawsuit is still pending.

I will be switching my service from them.

Something to consider with having service through Verizon they charge the
Most and your personal information means zero to them that's a very
Dangerous position to be in. And the information that you give them is secure.

They need to know that you have to treat people like people not just
Another tool to make money and who cares about peoples security because
The people eventually start talking back.

Do you hear us now

ZERO Stars- Manipulative & Greedy
If it was possible for me to give zero stars, that is exactly what I would be doing. Which I assume is why the overall rating on VZW on BBB is terrible. I just got off the phone with a 'Bryan,' a "manager" in tech support (he wouldn't provide any additional information about himself, after speaking to a 'David' in customer service. Last month (November) I received a paper bill stating I owed money to Verizon, specifically $193.50, which I found to be incredibly odd as I left VZW in March, 2020. In March, I paid off all balances, my phone, my watch, and canceled services while I transferred to AT&T. I made this switch because after over a DECADE of being an incredibly loyal customer to vzw, Verizon only continued to raise prices and made no effort to assist those who have been "loyal." For my phone line and my watch (which also had a line attached to which they insisted I couldn't remove until I paid off said watch), I was paying almost $200 a month. For one phone line with data, and a watch. $200.

So today I called to figure out exactly how I am still being charged every month for services I do not use, and beyond that, how I was never notified that I am 8+ months past due on these nonsensical payments. Especially since I called and spoke with an 'Allyne' in customer service in an attempt to recover past itemized bills, and she herself never told me that I was 7 months past due on my account.

The first man I had the pleasure of speaking with was 'David,' a wonderfully monotoned man with no inflection or hint of empathy who answered my call with "Hello," making me question whether I called the right number in the first place. He proceeded to tell me that I had been getting emails about this monthly bill for months, and that it is my fault for not addressing these emails. Now, again, I was with VZW for a decade, same due date, aware of my payments, and never once relied on my email to communicate with VZW so as a result, VZW emails go to my "junk" email, the one things go to when they are not important. I informed him that I was not A. Logging into my VZW account (because it had been closed and I have no access), and B. I would not be looking for VZW emails as I am no longer a customer of VZW. As you might assume, the situation incredibly frustrating, and the sound of this 80s monotone level history teacher's voice was even more frustrating. I am honest, I am a passionate person who is aware that in 2020 I, and anyone else, have the ability to express these frustrations with colorful language, like f**k, and this is bull s**t. Not aimed towards him, just at the situation, and then asked him to send me to a manager (and yes, I let him know I was aware of my attitude and apologized for taking it out on him, but nonetheless this needed handled). Now, my new friend David decided to give me some beautiful advice, to avoid "using profanity" while I speak to management. I let him know that it would be great to be sent to a female manager as I do not need a man telling me how I am allowed to express my frustration, but of course he "doesn't control that," and I got sent to Bryan.

Bryan came on as one should, peppy and ready to assist, he listened to my concerns, went back and read the notes as the man before and presented as though he was ready to help. As I was explaining to him that I have not been with VZW in almost a year, and advised him that I did not want to have a line for my watch in the first place and tried multiple times to cancel it so people would stop calling my watch asking for whoever had the number before. I also let him know that I have not once used this service as my watch is bluetooth connected to my phone, anddddd that's when it got fun. He then told me that I have in fact been using VZW services by using the watch itself because it has the CAPABILITY of making it's own calls and texts while not connected to my phone. He has now lost his pep and any desire to assist me with this near $200 bill for services I have not accessed at all (well before I switched to AT&T), stating that it is my fault for not checking or responding to the emails. He of course let me know that I could pay the bill, and "it would be all over with," except it would not because now for the last 8 months I have been getting negative hits on my credit report for a $12 watch line that I do not use. He proceeded to let me know that he would not be waiving any of the past bills despite being able to view himself I have not used said service, and only worn my watch a handful of times (to tell TIME and read texts sent from my ATT phone) because we are in the middle of a PANDEMIC and no one has any reason to go out, therefore I do not need to be using my watch.

I let him know that it is almost Christmas, I am a single mother, a social worker, in the middle of a pandemic and I should not be expected to pay for a service that was SUPPOSEDLY CANCELED. I asked him why I had not received phone calls, paper mail sooner, been advised by the rep I spoke to in October, or hell even been sent to collections for being this many months behind. He stated they did "the most we could do" by sending me an email, and they didn't have a need to send me to collections as of yet because they "suspended" the services on my watch due to non-payment. Something I of course didn't even notice because I DO NOT USE MY WATCH FOR A PHONE LINE. As it was apparent he was going to be of no help either, I got the little information he would give me surrounding himself and the other VZW reps I have spoken to. I am now going to be posting as many reviews, as many places as I can possibly find, contact my credit bureaus and disputing all "late payment" charges, and then determine if/how I am going to make this damn payment. So... as a recap to VZW
- They have ZERO respect for their customers loyalty, no matter the length of time that loyalty lasted. As a result...
---- There is no reward for customer loyalty. Not a one.
- They have the absolute HIGHEST prices out of any other phone company and attempt to get away with it under the "guise" that they are the best provider.
---- Hint: that isn't true. My service with AT&T is just as good as the service I had before, & even with bundling my home internet services, I am still paying $60 LESS per month than I was with VZW.

- They will KNOWINGLY keep your account active, open and do the bare minimum to contact you if you miss payments simply to wrack your bill up, because once it's sent to collections we can "settle" for less, and they just don't want that.

- The majority of their customer service reps are unpleasant to speak to, after you wait on a 30+ minute hold time to access them in the first place.
--With that said, despite her not telling me that my "bill was way past due," Allyne was actually quite pleasant and attempted to help me.

Let's stop fooling ourselves into thinking they are the "best," it is 2020, even Sprint has a 5G network. Do yourself a favor and take your money and business elsewhere.

Exploitative and Life-Threatening Dangerous Practices
I got an email message telling me my Verizon jetpack had been discovered to have a defect that made it dangerous to use - risk of burns and fires - and that I should stop using it. However, Verizon continued billing me $20 per month for its use. When I called Verizon to ask them to remove the charge from my bill or credit the amount toward a future bill, Verizon said I had to call Ellipsis the maker of the jetpack because there was nothing Verizon would do. Each of these calls (the ones to Verizon and the ones to Ellipsis) had me on hold for between one hour and two hours. When I reached Ellipsis they could only send me a new jetpack in 2 months and a box to send back the old one in 2 months but could not credit or refund any part of my bill and they told me to call Verizon again. I called Verizon again and explained this to Tia, the customer service rep with Verizon, but she was obviously following a script to tell me there was nothing Verizon could do. She acknowledged that the jetpack was dangerous to use and that I should not use it but she insisted that they had the right to keep billing me for it! How twisted is that?! I will of course now proceed to dispute the charge on my credit card, using up further precious time and energy but it must be done so they don't get away with their sickening behavior. The customer service rep Tia was incredibly rude and disrespectful - calling me by my first name after I asked her to use my title, and refusing to take any steps at all to address the issue, and this was after I had spent nearly 2 hours on hold! The only reason I stay with Verizon for now is that many people have my phone number and would find it hard to reach me if I changed numbers. It is a terribly company that has no respect or loyalty toward customers. I have not one, not two, not three, but FOUR phone lines with Verizon and have been a customer for 20 years but rather than show appreciation or respect toward me as a longterm active customer they are consistently rude, disrespectful, and stonewalling of any attempt to get any issue addressed. It is sickening. Eventually I will stop being their customer but I have to work out some things first to provide all my contacts with a different phone number. So, I am now in my SIXTH month being told not to use my jetpack because of danger yet NOT receiving a new one and NOT receiving a mail-in kit to return the old one and STILL being billed for the jetpack every month though I have not even turned it on since April. Verizon Wireless is completely lacking in integrity and professionalism. If you are not yet their customer I urge you to run full-speed in the opposite direction!

Recently I went to the Verizon wireless store to buy a new iPhone. I had asked if Verizon had any promotions at this time, Sure they said, if u buy a new phone we will give u $200.00 off a new iPad. Well I thought that was a good idea, I will upgrade my phone and iPad at the same time. So I brought both. When I get the bill, I see that they charged me a $40 activation fee and an additional $10 a month for service for my iPad. They never told me that this was going to take place. They have a 14 day return policy, well it was pass the 14 days by the time I got the bill and saw all the extra charges for the iPad. I was told I would get $200.00 off a new iPad and I would pay an additional $164.00 for a $450.00 iPad, so I agreed. When I called them 2 tell that there was a mistake with my bill, I had nothing but arrogance. For the next 2 yrs I was going to pay them a total of $240.00 for service to my iPad, which I only use at home an bump off my wifi, why would I need a data plan 4 the iPad, I wouldn't. But here is what they told me, YOU SIGNED A CONTRACT, yes I did signed the contract, but had u made me aware of the charges of the iPad, I would have NEVER brought it. I was in that store 4 several hours and all the people there that brought new phones and left with new phones, not one of them stood there to read a 3 page contract that the average person cant see, bc the print is so small. But that's what they told me. It cost me a $150.00 to break the contract and stop them from making more money off me. That was the only recourse I had and I took it. No More Buying anything from Verizon wireless for me. Lesson learned. By the way, I'm 83 yrs old n they told me I reminded them of their mother and they were going to take care of me as they would their own mother. I'm so broken over this. Please be careful when u buy anything from them. They got me this time but they won't have the opportunity to do it again.

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Based on 50 reviews from Verizon customers, company has accumulated an average rating of 1 stars, indicating that majority of customers are not satisfied with its service.
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Description: Explore Verizon's full selection small and medium business solutions including FiOS, high speed internet, phone, and TV service.

Address: 140 West Street, 20005


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