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50 customer reviews of

Not the Sweetest Juice But still Worth a Squeeze

Here's my car buying experience thru VROOM. I tried to be OBJECTIVE so that those of you on the fence- can make an informed decision.

Online Buying Process: like so many you, I visited countless brick & mortar lots hook'n & jab'n for the best price. No such luck. My initial buying experience thru VROOM was surprisingly SMOOTH & well managed. I have zero prior experience buying car online & never heard of VROOM; however, i do recall "Carvana" commercials during Superbowl one yr with the cars staked inside vending machine. I "clicked" my way thru the initial buying process. Few hrs later, VROOM rep called to explain the way ahead. Charged $500 deposit to slap that "Sales Pending" banner on the website for 24hr period while the paperwork gets started. VROOM sends an email with link to electronically review/sign the Purchase Agreement. Included with this is copy of Carfax report. I sent cashier's check via FedEx using label included in their email; all this done in one day.

Delivery Date: Received several emails spaced out few days apart to confirm approximate delivery date. 'Date' fluctuated several times but all communicated well in advance via email. This was followed up by phone calls by VROOM & finally delivery driver. Car arrived early morning Saturday by private hauler, driver did his thing, i gave it quick 'look over' to ensure its actually the car i selected. Signed receipt docs & he took off to next drop site. I commenced an in-depth surface inspection of car to confirm pre-existing imperfections I noted from VROOM's website pics in addition to making note of anything new. As to be expected, i did indeed find few more minor discrepancies throughout the car; however, no deal breakers.

Behind the Scene: Purely speculating here but i imagine LOT of stuff taking place on VROOM's side once deal goes thru. From coordination with whomever/where ever ur car is located (its probably NOT in Texas), state of condition of car, prep/condition car, award for transpo, & perhaps QA checkpoint by VROOM at some point before delivery.

Concerns: one wheel had very noticeable damage near lug nut area which was not mentioned on website. Car did not come with 60-day Temp Tags. Noticed some overspray areas probably from minor coverup or "touch-up"; indicative to paint color discrepancies & trim pieces not fully "snapped" back into place. Interior of car was immaculate. Exterior was surface dirty from travel on open trailer. I do understand its used car & "normal wear & tear" is subjective but expected.

Date of Purchase: April 30,2020.
Date of Delivery: May 9,2020.

May 11,2020: YES, VROOM states Vroom conduct their own inspection; however, what EXACTLY this consist of is unknown (VROOM didn't share this with me). It would be wise of you to error on side of caution: I paid $125 for local dealer to conduct Used Car Inspection-it took 3hrs. Post inspection, no issues mechanically. Only recommendation was to replace engine oil & filter (DONE) and new tires (pending). I contacted VROOM to inquire about my options, they sent me an email requesting evidence of my concerns which i responded with pics & copy of dealership's inspection check-list.

May 13,2020: VROOM FedEx overnighted missing TEMP TAG; turnaround time 1 day.

May 15,2020: got email stating VROOM will not assist me for dealership recommended tire replacement. VROOM stated the tire measurements meet their quality assurance. I was disappointed to say the least. (VROOM's cool-meter took nose dive 25%.)

May 16,2020: for $400, i dug deep & local tire shop to replace 2 of 4 worst tires. Other 2 tires will be replaced once funding is available. I am not risking the welfare of my wife or kids to save few hundred dollars. Now knowing how "frugal" VROOM is ratifying post-sale discrepancies (noted from earlier reviews from other consumers) and to avoid further tarnishing my image of VROOM, i opted to fix damaged rim myself. (VROOM cool-meter went down another 10%).

May 17,2020: my 7day/250mi grace period' has ended. I kept the car & now 90 day/6,000mi warranty period kicks in.

Recommendation for VROOM: add online feature to highlight ALL discrepancies regardless what is considered 'normal wear & tear'take a page out of CARVANA's webpage. Leave no room for subjectiveness. Rather than opting to line your own pockets by denying assistance to ratify post-sales discrepancies, protect your #1 greatest resource-PEOPLE, and make things right. Doing right by the people, for the people, will pay dividends later down the road with additional business & improved reputation.

Overall: This whole experience isn't perfect but it is a viable alternative. I personally enjoyed MOST of online car buying experience. Yes-its new & i was nervous dropping loads of $$ without physically touching it. In addition, reading loads of "interesting reviews" from fellow consumers about their personal experience (more negative than good)... definitely made it more suspenseful. Good luck everyone.

Bottom Line: Yes, I would recommend this to a friend.

Worst car buying experience ever!
My name is Gregory Jones, do not waste your time with Vroom. If I could rate my experience with Vroom using a negative number, it would be -10. Their customer service is the worst I've experience in my entire life. The actual buying process was pretty easy. I was able to talk with the sale representative in a matter of seconds by inputting his extension. However, when I decided I wanted to cancel the purchase, the extension no longer worked. I sent an email to the account we both used, he never contacted me. I decided to contact customer service, but speaking with the right representative to cancel the purchase request did not exist. I attempted to stop the purchase a week before the vehicle was scheduled to be delivered. I could never get a person from the cancellation department, so I contact a purchase agent. I could talk with a purchase agent in a matter of minutes. I've been trying to contact the cancellation department for over 2 weeks. The phone number for the cancellation department is transferred to a voice mail where I left several messages with no return call. I've wasted several hours on hold listening to the most horrible piano music a normal person can tolerate. I've never got to speak to a person from the cancellation department. I call the purchasing department and spoke with a rep in a couple of minutes and I explained my situation. I was told my request would be put into the system and someone would contact me within 24-72 hours. Many days later no one has contacted me. In the meanwhile, I received a call from a delivery services regarding the vehicle I cancelled being delivered the next day. It took a few minutes to explain I had cancelled the purchase. I also received a letter in the mail from a finance company stating the loan on my recent purchase was approved and my first payment was due. I attempted to call to speak with a supervisor, manager of someone in charge but was told Vroom don't speak to customers. Last week I checked my Vroom account and it show a purchase pending however, the Vroom website shows that same vehicle is for sale. I checked my account again this morning and it still show a purchase pending. If you value your time as much as I do, don't waste your time with Vroom. Again, the service is worse than horrible.

Paid for a car that was never delivered and can't get my money back
I started the car buying process in early February. Everyone was friendly and helpful. I was promised paperwork within 24 hours. It took five days to get it after the mistakes. I paid my downpayment and had my bank wire the money within 24 hours. It took two weeks to get confirmation that Vroom had received my money. Then nothing. Everytime I called to get a delivery date they had nothing to tell me. Always friendly, the agents were as helpful as can be but clearly do not have the information or ability to actually fix anything. I was told they were "contacting the delivery driver" for two weeks. Then I was told two weeks ago that the car had not passed final inspection so would not be coming. I requested all of my funds back and was told it may take a few days. A week passed with multiple outreachs on my part. I finally, after complaining to the better business bureau, was told that I would receive a check for the downpayment, my credit card would be refunded for the $500 deposit, and that I needed a payoff request from my bank. The check was supposed to be mailed overnight fedex within 3-4 business days. It has not arrived nor have I received a tracking number that I have requested multiple times. My credit card was refunded, no doubt because credit cards more recourse in fraud than individuals. The payoff was sent by the bank. Four days later they said they didn't receive it. I resent it, with no confirmation that they received it. Because this process has taken nearly a month and a half, I had to make a payment on a loan for a car that was not in my possession, nor will ever be. Vroom will not respond to my requests for paying me the difference in what the bank paid them originally and what they requested on the loan payoff (reduced because I made a payment). So at this point I have spend 22,000 dollars, have no car and am making payments on a loan. When I call I get transferred around until ultimately someone hangs up on me. I have only once been able to talk to the "buy back" department, a few days after being told Vroom was not honoring the purchase order. At that time, he said he had a ticket that I was "unhappy with the car and they needed to contact me to have it sent back". I have never seen this car. They have built a system that is siloed and no one has any ability to actually help, answer any questions beyond the one screen they can see, return a phone call (I was told everytime that they can not return calls), or adapt to any changes. This has been the worst consumer decision of my life.

The worst experience
The worst service I've ever had buying a car! BE AWERE RUN DON'T BUY ANY CAR FROM VROOM! Total disaster from start to finish. No one is communicating between departments! I had to explain over and over what was the problem. I tried to purchase a Ford Expedition Max 2019. I even put down a payment and sent a cashiers check. On the day I sent the check (February 26,2021) I discovered that the SUV I was purchasing did not have a 4x4, so I called to swap the car for the same car but with the 4x4. And this is where all the problems started. I spent countless hours; yes hours on the phone on hold. Vroom transferred me from one department to other… And of course you need to explain again and again what is the issue. I had spoken with two different supervisors 2 times to make sure they would send the right car. They informed me that "someone will call you". No one ever called me. After over a week of this BS I asked an agent if I could talk to someone in upper management and had been informed once again that "someone will contact you". No one contacted me.
Then 2 weeks later I get this this phone call that the wrong car is about 2 hours away from my house! I asked about my legit car after the driver gave me the information about the wrong car he was driving. I know they are sending me the 1st car (without the 4x4). I told him don't even bother bringing the car as its not what I ordered.
Again I called them to fix the problem and after being transferred from one department to other for over 3 hours… I told them to please cancel everything.

They refunded everything minus a $699 delivery fee… Mind you I was trying to avoid getting the wrong car for over 2 weeks! I sent serval emails to Jessica L. (Customer returns specialist) (*******967X0371). To get my full refund as it was not my fault they sent me the wrong car. Not one response!

I called on April 7 2021 and spoke with Jose R. And he said he will call me back on the same day… Surprise! NO ONE CALLED ME BACK!

So today (April 10th 2021) I called again and spoke with 5 different customer service people. One lady said she will open a case # so I don't have to explain everything over and over again… But I got Nick from sales Ext. 7521 and I had to explain everything again. While we were in the middle of talking he transferred me to another employee!

Today I also submitted a complaint to BBB!

Dishonest company run by children
I'm in the middle of a deal to buy a camaro from this ridiculous online car dealership Vroom. At first my sales person was wonderful she helped me find exactly what I was looking for and helped me get the deal rolling. The good news ends there. First on several occasions vroom attempted to relist the car I had a deposit on and insurance. I was in the middle of getting my own financing (Vroom don't like that) my bank needed the purchase agreement but vroom refused to send it over because they wanted a copy of the lien release letter for my trade in. Which was in the process of being mailed to me. I did provide them with a paid in full letter from the bank to keep the deal from being delayed but they delayed it anyway. Once we passed that hurdle I sent them payment by directly depositing the bank check made out to vroom into their bank account. I was then told I would be notified about delivery in 24 to 48 hours. This is where the games begin. After waiting 5 days I decided to call them. The children at Vroom told me they need the actual endorsed title to my trade in before they will schedule delivery. I said no because the new car comes with a 7 day 250 miles test warranty if I'm not happy I return it for a full refund. So I wasn't signing over my car until I was sure I was keeping the new car. At this point I have now read the online reviews of Vroom this worried me more now. After 3 days of phone calls the children at Vroom put me in touch with an adult who told me there was another option. I pay a refundable $399.00 missing documents fee and delivery could be scheduled. I was ok with this option and paid the fee. Once again I was told in 24 to 48 hours I would be notified of delivery 7 days later no call or email. So I called them and now they tell me they need a power of attorney which I had already signed and sent back to them two weeks ago. Today I received the document that required my signature. Highlighted in the accompanying letter it stated that this power of attorney was required if there is a balance owed on my trade in. It has already been proven that there is no balance because they have the lien release letter proving that my trade in is paid off. So this delay step isn't needed. As of today November 9 2021 my point and click easy car purchase has now taken a month and a ton of my personal time and still no acknowledgment of delivery of my new car. In 3 days I will make my first loan payment on a car I still don't have and today I made my second insurance payment on this car that they won't tell me where it is. I will update this story as more happens. But my advice for now is stay far away from Vroom they are the most dishonest company I have ever dealt with

Inept Employees and Service
November 2021 I wanted to avoid the dealership so I found a car on Vroom. The first Problem was horrible phone systems with two different sales people, at times couldn't understand anything Vroom were saying. I was told for $49 I could have the car held for me and the fee would go to the purchase price. I paid the $49 and later checked my email and they billed $249.00

They sent DocuSign contracts to my email and said my wife would also receive a DocuSign email but she didn't. I called Vroom and they said the email would be sent in a few minutes but it never showed up. We figured out how to get my wife's electronic signature added to the contract and had my credit union wire Vroom the full asking price of the car and never got a confirmation email or a call verifying Vroom got the money so I had to call them for verification. Vroom said it would be two weeks or less from that day for delivery of the car.

The next day we noticed Vroom had entered the wrong home address for us on the contract so I called them and we had to redo the electronic signature and that changed the delivery date, again they didn't email my wife for her electronic signature. We were also told FedEx was delivering contracts to be signed so we waited for FedEx that night but no delivery. The next day Vroom said the contracts were for the trade in vehicle! We didn't have a trade in vehicle but while on the phone with Vroom I get a text saying I need to sign the non existent contract or the deal on the Vroom car would be cancelled in 24 hrs.

I called Vroom a few days later because we hadn't had any updates from them, they told me no delivery was set up because I owed them another $70.25 because of an Oregon dealership charge they forgot to include. I told Vroom my credit union wired them the total amount on the contract that Vroom had calculated and they could eat the extra charge!

The call was somehow disconnected and Vroom didn't call me back, it took two hours to finally talk to a Vroom employee and I told him I wanted to cancel the whole deal and was told the check would be delivered by FedEx in 3 to 5 days from that Wednesday. I told them I wanted my $249.00 back and the guy said he didn't know why I wasn't charged $49.00 and I reminded him all of Vroom's calls are recorded by them! I was transferred to another employee that said the $249.00 would not be refunded, I disputed the charge with my credit card company and got my money back!

I called Vroom on the following Monday to get a tracking number and was told there wasn't a case number meaning the check had never been sent. The gentleman created a case number and I got the check the following Friday. Because the check was late I lost out on two other cars because they were sold. Read Vroom reviews, a DMV employee told me that he has had several people couldn't register their cars because Vroom doesn't the proper documents. This company couldn't have been more unprofessional, they had the full payment for the car and still screwed up the sale!

UPDATE. RESOLVED. I have no words awful
UPDATE: as of January 9,2021. A credit manager reached out to me, apologized and made everything right. I cannot, out of confidentiality, go into details other than to say I'm satisfied with the outcome. I still believe Vroom needs to work on training and internal processes. For those of you with issues reach out / dm the customer service on Twitter. Vroom will do their best to help you.

We had a mixed experience with vroom. We purchased 2 vehicles in August 2020. The F150, financed thru my pre approval with Capital One... no problems at all. We received the plates and financing was a go from day one. We did not have the vehicles delivered as we live close enough to pick them up locally at the facility near Houston. The second vehicle, a 2017 Kia... nice car. I really like it... problems with paperwork as soon as we drove away. This car was financed with Santander... I wanted to go through Capital One on both vehicles but Vroom did not allow me to do that. With the pre approval. There was enough for both cars. Anyhow, no big deal. We went with their recommendation of Santander. UGH.

Both vehicles were clean, no problems visually or mechanical at all.

About two weeks after buying the Kia I receive a phone call and email from Frank., the credit guy. Saying he used the wrong stationery for the loan. It needed the vroom name on it not auto direct... so he sent me new papers to sign via docusign. He said that's why we hadn't received info on our account or from Santander yet.

I started really getting concerned mid to late September as our temp tags expired in October and still no plates or payment info.

I called vroom multiple times with little to no response. Mid October I'm told Santander needs more info to fund the loan. This was 2 months after we took possession of the Kia. I was not happy but emailed the requested info. We were given another set of temp paper plates but they were only good for thirty days... we are getting into November at this point.

Meanwhile, I'm concerned after all this time no info from Santander. I called Vroom and some guy,, have no idea who. Said not to worry I should be happy to drive the car for free.

My issue is I wanted this taken care of, did not want them to come back and say oh well you now owe all these missed payments... especially since it's all out of my control.

I called Santander. The only record they have of me or the Kia loan is they submitted the contract back to vroom for required info with no response. I'm assuming that was the document request in October.

So mid November I blew it off, stopped worrying and figured they would call eventually. I really had no choice with zero responsiveness from Vroom.

January 6,2021 I receive an email that I must call them immediately that I am in default, lol. What a joke. I called and the credit manager loser said the financing never went through and they had to apply for new financing.

I told him NO. With a few other choice words.

This is the BRIEF version of the story.

I've decided to let them pick up the car and be done. It's crazy.

Everyone that has had similar or worse experiences I'm so sorry.

We all deserve a huge apology and acknowledgement that VROOM is at fault NOT the customers!

Stay away worse customer experience ever
Searched for cars online and came across vroom. Obtained a pre-approval from a lender that the Vroom website states Vroom work with. This required a hard inquiry on my credit. Then contacted the Vroom, spoke to a salesman, and sent in all my paperwork (copy of license, trade in registration, $500 deposit, etc. that same day. Seems like everything would be easy. NOPE. I was told that my paperwork would go to contracts and that they would contact me the next day to sign the docs through e-signature and the car would be delivered within 7-14 days. This is during Covid so I can live with my existing for that long. Well, I received several separate phone calls on various days from the sales rep that said I'd get the paperwork that day or the next day. Never happened. Long story short, they finally looked at my paperwork a week later and said that they needed additional paperwork. At this point I was pissed because I could've gathered this paperwork during the last week of time I'd been waiting. Sent in the additional paperwork and then next day I get a notification from my credit monitoring that I had a hard another hard inquiry on my credit. Guess who it is? You're right, Vroom. Called the sales rep and asked about this. He had no clue and said he'd speak to his manager and give me a call back. Never heard from him. I had to call him back the next day to find out the details. This company is terrible from my experience, customer service is terrible, sales rep I worked with knew nothing and just lied about things that he didn't know about. At this point I gave up and purchased from a dealer about an hour from my house. We did all the paperwork over the phone. They drove the car out to me the next day, dropped it off, and drove my old car back to the dealer. This was my expectation with Vroom. I tried to contact Vroom customer service to log a formal complaint and what do you know. There is no email address, only a phone number. The sales rep gave me the email address for someone that was supposedly a supervisor but since he'd lied about everything up to this point. I was not going to waste my time sending an email. The funny thing is that they state at the beginning of every call that the call is being recorded but based on my experience I'd assume they are never monitored or reviewed for quality assurance. Stay Away! Terrible company!

NEVER Consider These Individuals
Before proceeding, kindly note that this is going to be quite an essay to read:

I should have looked at Vroom's reviews before continuing.

Things seem pretty fine at first. I went on The Internet and checked Chase's Auto Loan internet site, got pre-qualified for $30,000.

I proceeded to use my mobile device to call Vroom. I had been directed to a man by the moniker of Ben.

He confirmed the vehicle I was choosing alongside me: The 2021 Chevorlet Bolt EV. After that, he handled the loan offer from Chase and told me he would call me back given anything changed.

Oh did it...

He didn't exactly call me back at the request time, so I had to reach out to me instead. He informed me that Chase declined my offer despite me be "pre-qualified" due to my credit being "too new." I've had credit history for LONGER than a few years at this point.

That was pretty much an excuse Chase made to prevent any further discussion.

After that, he told me he would look for other companies to get loan offers from and would contact me again at a later time.

He never called back on time. Again.

Upon communicating with him again, Capital One had approved the request and had matched what Chase had offered!

Unfortunately, THE FIRST 2021 Chevorlet Bolt EV picked was sold. We had to look for ANOTHER.

After that, Ben plus I had gone on to confirm the following:

1. My identity. (Showing my Driver's License plus Proof of Address.)

2. Reserving the vehicle with a $49 purchase.

2. Proof of Insurance. (I had to go onto Geico's website and pay $130 to gain insurance for the vehicle.)

3. Proof of Income. (Delivering my last payroll document that was given to me by Spectraforce.)

Once those were shown and verified, Ben then sent over the electronic documents to sign to which I reviewed (ALL 12 PAGES) then returned back to him.

He also informed me that physical documents would be arriving to my physical address in order to continue onto the next step.

Vroom NEVER arrived.

The waiting was finally ceased by a text I received, warning me that given I had not received plus transferred the physical documents in time, that the vehicle would be relisted.

I called up and as unfortunately predicted, Ben was nowhere to be found despite entering his extension number correctly.

So, I spoke to another Specialist. They stated that I would not have to receive the phyiscal documents and my vehicle would be delivered either on October 11th, 12th, or 13th. They promised to call me back given anything changed.

Turns out, things DID CHANGE.

What further galvanized me to call back was the electronic mail I received days later stating the vehicle was RELISTED!

Ben and THAT SPECIALIST were not able to be reached. Which forced me to speak to ANOTHER Representative by the name of Paul.

Paul understood the predicament and attempted to try and work with the other departments in order to get me the vehicle back and to start the whole process over.


He never did.

My final call consisted of me speaking to yet, ANOTHER DIFFERENT SPECIALIST by the moniker of Jim, who took up the role of "The Bearer of Bad News." Telling me that was vehicle had been sold to another person.


No yells were exchanged. There was no screaming. Just ending the call with nothing else except DISAPPOINTMENT.

NEVER EVER consider these people. THEY WILL GIVE YOU SO MUCH TROUBLE. Giving them more finance will only serve to worsen the issue.

They never even refunded me the $49 and I have to deal with the fact that I paid $130 for automobile insurance that is expecting a vehicle that will NEVER arrive...

May 2020 vroom purchase
We purchased a jeep grand cherokee after looking for about 3 weeks online and every time we found what appeared to be a "good deal" it was sold when we called the dealership. I have never heard of vroom but found out about it by searching for online vehicles. I immediately found one with low miles and a better price than I had found with all my previous searching. I called vroom and asked about how it all worked. He assured me that if there was anything at all wrong with the vehicle, Vroom would "cut you a check" to repair anything wrong that was not listed on the website. I must have lost my mind because I did not check the reviews prior to purchasing this $22k vehicle however I did purchase a warranty which was WAY cheaper than the quotes I had gotten only days before on a similar vehicle. After putting down my $500 deposit to "take it off the market", I did check reviews which were HORRIBLE- now I'm really sweating - do I take my chances of losing the $500 or pay for it & hope they will follow what they told me. I paid for the vehicle, then they said it would take 10 days for the $800 delivery of my vehicle (came to find out later, these vehicles are located in Houston which is only 5 hrs away- I would have driven over myself & saved the money if I had known that was an option). Regardless, I stress the next week wondering if I have been ripped off & how hard will it be to get my $$ back. On day 6 I get an email that the vehicle will be here the next day, then later that day an email that said the vehicle had actually already been delivered- so I am stressing calling vroom who assures me it will be the next day. Then I get a call from the driver who says he will be here tomorrow that he is out of time on his driving so my jeep will be "at his house" which stressed me out even more. Next morning it arrives & I am stressed out to the max until I see it- it was really nice- so the relief was immense. However, on the steering wheel where all the controls are located on one side, it looks like someone took a brillo pad & scrubbed off all the black finish leaving a large silver area that is very obvious when sitting in the driver seat. We tried to look online at the original pictures online but they were no longer available. We sent a message for them to "cut us a check" like the guy told us when we bought the vehicle to have this repaired. So they produce a picture of the steering wheel from the posting & tell me it was shown (however it looks like a glare & not a damaged area)- so they refused to fix it- so I felt that was a little deceiving. However- I really am impressed with the vehicle overall for the price, no haggling & great price on a warranty. I would definitely consider them in the future- easiest car purchase I have ever made - however very stressful about not seeing it in advance.

Vroom is hot trash. Buyer beware!
The overall experience is unprofessional and frustrating and I feel mistreated and taken advantage of. The customer service was ok, Vroom have the initial setup right but the execution is far below standards. After I chose my vehicle I still had to haggle final pricing and excessive added fees that reminded me exactly of any other dealership I have delt with, so the experience was not as advertised. The trade in value for my former vehicle was good but the purchase vehicle price was over market value until I waited long enough for it to fall to an acceptable level, just like any other dealership. The "scheduled" delivery dates changed 5 times over 14 days and when the final delivery date was set I had to take off work because there was a 12 hour window for time of arrival. After calling 3 times throughout the day to attempt to determine the delivery time and being promised by the "delivery specialist" that it would arrive that day it was rescheduled for the following day. This required me to take another day off of work to receive the vehicle. The delivery team failed to ensure the delivery of the vehicle and failed to properly update me with the needed information to save me the trouble and time. Regardless of the driver and dispatch company's failures I was never updated and had to prompt the vroom team constantly. Then when I finally received the vehicle it was so incredibly dirty that I couldn't properly check it for damages. I had to wash the windows just so I could drive it to the carwash and wash it three more times before I could see the paint and accessories. I was told the vehicle would be detailed when it took you 5 days to do the inspection prior to delivery. And that it would be shipped in a closed container to avoid further dirt and damage while In transport just like on the TV commercial. That was a blatant lie. Then on top of it all I was told they would have my trade in truck picked up at the same time as the drop off. However, they left it at my house for 5 days. When I called to ask about this your customer support told us "it happens" and I should await another "scheduled" pickup. Only to be surprised to receive a call from a truck driver that they were awaiting my arrival on a vehicle pickup that I was never informed about. This is unacceptable and I have no recourse for this bad business. I have requested resolutions and shipping cost refunds, or anything else other than worthless apologies to no avail and I am at a loss for what to do next.
Vroom is happy to take my money but once the paperwork was signed I have been left in the dark and at their whim to the entire process. They took the maximum alotted time with minimal effort. Other than the pointless verbal assurances the written promises were losely upheld and followed. The inventory and acessability is the only benefit to the company model. They offer sub par shopping experience and need to focus more on customer service and inclusiveness. As an online company they lack the physical "handshake", comfort and reassurance offered by standard brick and mortar dealerships, so some type of trust is imperative. I had so much hope and expectation of this being a happy experience but I am left with a bitter taste in my mouth. I guess I just expected too much in this day and age and Vroom is just another disappointing example.

Selling my car to vroom
Most reviews here are for the buying experience with vroom. This is a review for SELLING a car to vroom.

Aug. 5,2019: I filled out a form to get a offer from vroom to sell them my vehicle.
Aug. 7: I received a decent but nothing to get too excited about, cash offer good
For ten days. I did nothing
Aug. 10; I received a better offer to which Vroom added $500. From the first offer.
I did not ask for a better offer.
Aug. 12: I received another offer identical to the second offer. I did nothing.
Aug. 13: I was reminded that the offer would expire after 10 days or adding than
250 miles. I did nothing.
Aug. 17: I received another unsolicited offer to which they added another $500.
This was $1,000.00 higher than their first offer. I don't want to mention
The offer amounts but the car was worth in the
Neighborhood of $30,000.00.
Aug. 19: I accepted the last offer. I then sent the title to them Via Fed Ex
Overnight mail (they paid I was told that after I sent them my title, within
10 days they would schedule a pick up of the car at my home and I
Would hear from the trucker, he would pick up the car and then I would
Be issued a check
And it would be sent Via Fed. Ex.
Sept. 2 13 days later (Remember, the promise was "within 10 days"), I got a call at 7:30 pm
From the trucker telling me he wanted to pick up the car. He claimed he
Couldn't drive the truck in my residential neighborhood so I had to drive
My car *(no plates, no title) to a truck stop to meet him. He was
Supposed to inspect the car but he didn't. He simply took 3 pictures of
The outside of the car. He told me that he would email the pictures
Along with a copy of the Bill of lading to me. When I got home I found
The email
And discovered that he noted "MULTIPLE SCRATCHES" on the lower
Front bumper of the car. There were no scratches! It was pristine and
Besides he never even looked at the bumper. I contacted him via phone
Immediately and he told me the "multiple scratches" meant nothing. I
Told him while they meant nothing to him they meant something to me
And to vroom. I was concerned that when the vroom people inspected
The Bill of lading and the pictures, they might deduct cash from their
Offer to fix the scratches.
Sept. 6: I received the full amount of their offer Via Fed Ex
In the end, the entire process was completed ok but not in the time that
They advertise. I am happy that I sold it. I am happy that I have been
Paid... Would I do it again? H3ll no!

Worst Experience Imaginable
Worst Customer Service Ever Experienced

This is the fourth automobile I have purchased from the company formerly known as Texas Auto Direct (now known as Vroom). The automobile I purchased April 2,2019 was a beautiful 2017 Fiat 124 Spider. The purchase price was great at $18,480. I had my financing in order, so this should have been a very easy transaction.

My paperwork was completed on April 2,2019, and I hoped to take delivery by April 8,2019 because I would be out of town after that date. This became a problem because there is really no number to call to check on your delivery date. I wasn't please with the communication regarding delivery, so I called their customer service and arranged to pick the vehicle up in Stafford, Texas. This was a five hour drive for me, but I felt better knowing I would have the car prior to my vacation and wouldn't have to deal with the poor delivery service anymore.

It took about ten irate phone calls with their delivery team before I finally got to speak with someone in Texas that could help ensure the car was ready.

Before pick up, I was contacted by Lupe Espindola, who assured me that the Fiat would be ready on April 6th, and that I could pick it up at 9 a.m. and simply drop off my trade. So that is what I did. This part of the transaction went well. The car was ready on time, clean, and I left my Elantra in their parking lot, as instructed.

After I got home, I realized I'd left my garage door opener in the old car, so I texted Lupe to see if he would mail it to me. He said he would. This was a lie.

The next snafu was them mailing me the title and other paperwork that I needed for registration. In Louisiana, you have only so many days to register a newly purchased vehicle. The paperwork took so long that I was assessed a late fee by the state of Louisiana.

When I DID get the paperwork, I realized that I had been charged a $499 delivery fee. After all of the hassle I went through to go pick the car up, I was astounded that Vroom delivery fee was charged. I e-mailed and called several times about this issue and was assured a check would be sent. This was misleading.

The check was sent a week later; however, it went to my lender, USAA. Not to me as was suggested.

Three months later after a phone call from my old lender, Capital One, I found out that Vroom NEVER PAID OFF MY TRADE IN. Capital One said I had two days to arrange for payment or they could report me to the credit agencies.

I called the service line that I had become so familiar with over the past three months to tell them about the situation. I demanded that they pay off my old loan immediately or redeliver my Hyundai Elantra back to me. After all, I was still technically paying for it. After about 10-20 phone calls with their "service" department, I was informed that they could not wire the money that easily.

Instead, they would have to send me a new set of paperwork via FedEx. I was assured they would call me, though, and arrange for delivery of the paperwork. Instead of calling me back like they promised, they proceeded to send the paperwork to my home address. I happened to be in California at the time, so I was pretty enraged with that. I called them back several more times to ensure that the papers were sent to the place where I was staying in California.

They did assure me that they would go ahead and pay the balance of my trade before they received the returned paperwork. This was a lie.

Before I received the final paperwork to have my trade in payed off, I got a call from their DELIVERY DEPARTMENT. Amazingly, the sequence of events had set off some kind of automatic pick-up request for my old trade-in. A guy from Texas calls and asks me what day he can pick up my Hyundai Elantra! The Elantra had been dropped off in Texas THREE MONTHS EARLIER.

This company is the worst. Their various departments don't communicate with each other, they don't communicate with customers, and they aren't honest when they make promises. I called them several times after the whole ordeal to ask for some type of compensation for this disaster of a transaction, and they did nothing. Had they reached out to me and made some type of offer for all of the time and frustration they caused, I wouldn't leave such a negative review.

The truth is, you need to read this review and avoid the company at all costs. You might save $1000 on the price of a used car, but think about what your time and well-being is worth. You don't want to risk it. I can only imagine how much worse it could have been if the car I received had problems. DON'T EVER BUY FROM VROOM. If you have any questions about this review, e-mail me at ******* I have all of the names, e-mails, texts, and call logs from this transaction, and I'm happy to share. In total over 40 e-mails had to be sent, over 40 calls were made, and there is also a log of text messages.

Complaint to Vroom:
See the below picture of the 2018 Acura MDX 5J8YD4H57JL013795
I contacted you immediately after it was delivered yesterday to return this vehicle due to the following reasons:
All tires bad below 4/32 and balding on the side of tires due to either low tire pressure or bad alignment.
All wheels curb scuffed.
The Vehicle arrived dirty both inside and out with stains on seats, headliner, etc.
Dog hairs present on carpet and seats.
Dog bites and or toenails indentations on top of doors where dogs would hang out.
Check engine light on.
Low tire pressure and or sensor warning on.
Scratches on several locations of the vehicle.
Dent in the back quarter panel behind the rear right side wheel.
Loren, my salesperson told me he read the notes and this vehicle comes with a spare key which it did not, only one key fob delivered. Key fob cost 500.00 to replace.
The Vehicle has a continuous amount of smoke from exhaust while running.
This vehicle came from Manheim Auction, 145 Auction Lane, Stateville, NC. I called and talked to a lady there and she told me it was delivered from another auction house and all Vroom did was change the oil and basic wash to take pictures.
My wife and I are so disappointed in Vroom. I read all the bad reviews but was assured that we would receive a great vehicle with no issues. We were misled and this wasted our time and money to purchase and trade ours in.
We are hereby requesting the money wired back to our bank that we took out a loan immediately!
A stop and desist be placed on our trade, 2017 Mazda CX5 since it has not been picked up yet.
I want all delivery fees and down payment returned to me ASAP since the vehicle was misrepresented.
I am requesting an additional 250.00 from Vroom for wasting our time, traveling back and forth to the bank, Fedex, Bank Wire Fees, etc. This is a fair request since Vroom was not honest with us and not in good faith.
We were finally reimbursed a week after vehicle was picked up minus my 250.00 request for wasted time. Vroom has been revoked from the BBB so beware this company continues to fail, stocks are decreasing because of poor service and faulty vehicles.

NEVER again!
We found a car that interested us, agreed to pay the listed price (absolutely no negotiation of car price or fees whatsoever) and received a price & fee estimate. I found the fees to be somewhat excessive... their title and registration estimates included an additional $25 fee because Vroom requires 60 days to license a vehicle when any other dealership in the nation can do it in 30 days... Vroom, of course, doesn't call it a late fee, but the State of Missouri does. The fees totalled what was explained, however, a $115 fee was not itemized with all of the other charges, both in the initial estimate & the loan docs Vroom wanted signed... just complete ineptitude.

The rep we initially were dealing with was very nice but seemed to be inexperienced, vacillating on information regarding the process and requirements. Billy informed us that we had to provide proof of insurance + a valid driver's licence which we did submit, albeit, through numerous attempts at using a "one-time use" secure link which failed multiple times. Vroom has NO means of emailing or faxing documents (but would allow texting them?)! When the documents were submitted successfully, we were told that the documents had to be submitted in color not black and white (it would have been helpful to know this upfront)... yet ANOTHER delay in the process!

We accepted the dealer financing, submitted an application through their link provided, and were told we would hear from a rep regarding loan disposition within an hour and it took into the next day & numerous calls for updates. ANOTHER DELAY. Then, onto loan documentation... ANOTHER DELAY in getting documents timely. Once received, we immediately eSigned them. We received the original documents via FedEx the next morning and immediately processed these as well returning them to FedEx the same day along with a cashier's check for the down payment and fees.

Throughout this whole process, it just seemed like the left hand didn't know what the right hand was doing at Vroom across all levels of "service" and the ball kept getting kicked down the field to a new team... far too many people involved in the process from beginning to end. Their website states that you can either pick up the car or have it delivered. They stated that the car would be delivered in 7 days but it might take as long as 14 (or more!) days which concerned us. They would, in no way, allow us to pick up the car, contrary to website information, and always had stock replies as to why. We didn't want to wait over two weeks to receive a car from Vroom when we could have walked into ANY dealership, purchased a car, obtained their financing and driven away within hours.

We have already heard from the bank through which we obtained financing from Vroom; the bank has booked the loan and they're charging us interest for a car that hasn't even left Vroom's lot yet! This is outright THEFT and seems illegal not to mention unethical! How can Vroom justify paying themselves when they haven't delivered to the customer and still have possession of the car? Assuming this is regular practice, it has the right ingredients for a major class action suit.

Who knows just when the car will arrive, but it's looking to be 2-3 weeks from the time this whole process started. They MIGHT be able to deliver a car within 7-10 days if you pay CA$H. AVOID
THIS COMPANY and their poor process at all cost... it's just not worth it.

VROOM is PATHETIC. I regret doing business with them. I have left several negative reviews and this is yet another. I refinanced my Audi S6 within days after taking delivery because Ally Bank got me terrible terms (I have over 750 scores on my credit). Once Vroom finished with the title and registration, which was handled very poorly and took much longer than it should have, I finally was able to complete the refinance process. I purchased warranty and GAP coverage through VROOM with SafeGuard International. On June 2nd I emailed written notice to cancel the GAP and warranty coverage and SafeGuard confirmed, via email, that the process has been completed and that VROOM was sent a "statement" on June 9th to confirm how much my refund would be, which is just shy of $2300. I assumed that SafeGuard would issue the refund but I was made aware today (July 8th) that VROOM would be issuing the refund. So, I called VROOM and as usual, you are only allowed to talk to customer support and Vroom are useless, although they try to help but can do nothing for you. I was told they "tasked" the warranty department to issue the refund but it will take 4-6 weeks. It has already been 5 and according to customer support, there is no indication that I am owed any refund other than me calling VROOM today. In my 50 years of living and 21 years being self-employed and dealing with large companies in excess of $150m as my clients, I have never seen or experienced such gross negligence before until I started dealing with VROOM. To be fair, the buying process was ok but once they have your money, contracts are signed and you have taken delivery of your car and the 7-day test drive is over, VROOM does not care one iota about you as a customer. Trust me when I tell you this... read the thousands of negative comments/reviews about VROOM before you buy a car from them. I wish I had done that before I purchased my car because I would have given my business to another dealer and not VROOM.

Very Poor Experience
-Buying process is easy, but the dealer failed to send my blackout dates to the delivery service causing me huge headaches in setting up delivery.

-The delivery service is beyond horrible. I live 3 hours away from the car's location and I am still waiting for delivery after 16 days. I had my car sent from South Korea to Texas and it only took three weeks...

-Delivery support is terrible. If you tell me that you will have someone call me you should follow up. It appears that Vroom has no control over delivery, which is a key component of their program.

-I DO NOT recommend this dealer based on my experience.

I purchased an Audi A3 on 01 October. I very clearly explained that I travel out of town for work and gave them blackout dates for the days I was not available. On October 2nd I received an email stating that the car would be delivered on Wednesday the 14th, one of the dates that I am out of town. I called Vroom delivery support and was told that the dealer had failed to send them the blackout dates when the delivery was set up. She also said something to the effect of "don't worry, Vroom always deliver early anyway". She told me that the transport service would call me 48 hours before to set up the delivery, which is important because a car hauler will not fit into our neighborhood. I never received a call and on the thirteenth of October, I called delivery support again to ask why it was taking so long to schedule delivery (I only live three hours from their Location in Stafford, Tx). I was advised that the transport service would call me. A few minutes later I got a call from the delivery driver stating that he could deliver the car between 8-9 PM. I had to leave for work and told him that I needed to know before the day of delivery. I called the Vroom delivery tech again and she stated that "the transporter agreed to deliver the car on SUNDAY" (today). I agreed and scheduled work around that day. Today is Sunday and after not getting a call to schedule the delivery by 2:30 PM I called Vroom delivery support. The representative told me that the delivery date she received from the transporter was the 19th. She also told me that someone from the transport service would reach out to me. I waited until 4:38 PM and called back. The representative told me that the delivery driver was not answering his phone and that she left a message and sent a text. It is now 9:30 PM and I have yet to get an update.

Volvo S60 purchase, a nightmare
Purchased a vehicle (2018 Volvo S60), took one day short of a month after making the wire transfer ($22,000) to receive the car. With little to no communication from Vroom during the entire process, the car arrived with damage and imperfections and in filthy condition with bird crap on the hood which ultimately isn't a huge deal (likely transit related) But more importantly the vehicle is missing critical equipment as described by Vroom in the listing.

-Remote start
-lane departure warning
-lane keeping system
-high intensity discharge headlights
-headlight washer
-premium audio system

Most of the listed equipment is part of options or packages on the vehicle and despite being in the listing for the car, the car did not arrive with that equipment.

We knew exactly which Volvo S60 trim/equipment we wanted for this car purchase and plan to keep the car for 8 years. Living on the north east remote start is a major convenience. Volvo's HID headlights steer with the vehicle and automatically engage and disengage when an oncoming vehicle is coming. Lane departure warning alerts the driver as Vroom are leaving their lane by vibrating the steering wheel. Lane keeping system keeps the car in its lane via the computer interacting with the steering rack. The Premium audio system has 14 speakers and is powered at 650 Watt while the standard system is 8 speakers and is powered at 160 watt. These are not minor options and we have received what is essentially base line vehicle that was described as being fairly loaded. Our commute for work is 120 miles a day so these particular features were essential in our decision making process for safety and comfort reasons.

We drove about 8 different cars at local dealerships before concluding what equipment we wanted EXACTLY in the car. Via customer services advice, they have asked me to get an estimate for having these upgrades performed. I am having a hard time getting a dealership to take me seriously as I am essentially asking them to rebuild most of the car and perform work that is not advertised or done any sort of a regular basis. A few of the options are not possible to add without a replacement of items such as

-exterior wiring harness
-interior body harness
-front bumper
-dash board
-steering wheel
-abs modulator

Buying a car online anywhere requires careful observation of the listing and description. The car was described as having the options that we felt to be important and was delivered featureless.

I am a bit confused as how to move forward, this process took so much longer than expected (5 weeks total from deposit to receiving the car) after having to rent a car for several weeks I cannot afford to be without a vehicle.

As a business owner I always try to do right by my customers. This mistake is not minor by any means and will ultimately have to be resolved with financial reimbursement or Vroom replacing the vehicle with a comparable Volvo with the equipment as described

I am beginning to worry that this will have to take a legal route due to the false advertising.

I cannot recommend this service less. You are probably better walking to where you are going than buying a vehicle here.

A few speed bumps but awesome overall
Summary - Great experience. Took a few weeks from start to finish, but can you expect anything else buying a vehicle 2500 miles away? Paperwork, communication, vehicle condition, etc all exceeded my expectations. Be realistic and have realistic expectations you won't be disappointed.

Long winded review:
After looking for the perfect truck for months I stumbled across one on Having never heard of this site before I was VERY hesitant. VERY. So I researched them for hours, read reviews, called and talked to them several times, and got the scoop on how Vroom operate. The truck was honestly to good to pass up so I figured I would take a chance. The pictures showing the truck were pretty good and showed an immaculate vehicle. The price was very fair considering the condition and low miles. They refused to even discuss price or negotiation, but as I said the price was very fair so I didn't press the issue. Anyway, long story short I went ahead with the purchase. The ONLY hiccup I had with the entire process was that they didn't tell me about a 7-10 day inspection after I bought it and signed the purchase agreement. I expected them to begin the delivery process right away. Instead I was told it would be at least another 7-10 days before the delivery process began while they did a pre-delivery inspection. That was disappointing and honestly didn't make sense. I'm guessing they use that time to move the vehicle to a delivery point, or whatever behind the scenes stuff they do and they say 7-10 days to buy themselves time in case they need to fix something. But, it turned out that it worked better for my schedule anyway, so no harm done really. Delivery process was great. They called me every day after the truck picked up the truck to tell me it was still on schedule. Truck arrived exactly when they said it would. It had like 70 more miles than stated in the ad description, but they said it was available on their retail lot and might have been test drive miles. Either way, 70 miles didn't matter at the end of the day. The truck was CLEAN inside and out. Delivery driver was nice and professional.
Took the truck to the mechanic for a inspection and they said it was one of the cleanest used vehicles they'd seen and couldn't find a single thing wrong with it. Not one. And I paid them extra to be more thorough than usual.

Vroom even extended the 7 day return window for me when I called them on Friday (Day 5) and told them I thought there might be an issue and that I couldn't get the vehicle in to the mechanic until Monday. They said it wasn't a problem as long as I communicated and let them know right away the issue and what I wanted to do. Turned out there wasn't a problem at all, just normal operation for the engine but I wasn't used to a diesel engine and didn't know to expect what was going on. I emailed them and told them all was well. I'm not saying they will always do it, and their contract is very clear that they reserve the right to do what they want in that regard, but they were willing to work with me.

Some people have said that they took forever to get title/paperwork for registration. Mine came 5 weeks before my temp tag expired and they overnighted it.

All in all I couldn't be happier with the experience. Don't get me wrong... I see ways they can improve. Communication could have been a little better at SOME points, but was great at others. Info could have been more accurate in some regards, but they seemed to be trying to make sure I knew everything. I would definitely buy from them again, and in fact we are looking for a newer vehicle for my wife and if we find the right one on Vroom I wouldn't hesitate to buy from them.

Please Please Please do not buy from Vroom
Please do not purchase from Vroom. I purchased on 9/2/2020 a 2016 Mercedes SLK300 from them online only to be extremely frustrated with Vroom when the vehicle arrived. First the vehicle was purchased (boy Vroom do have enough sales folks that will sell you are car with virtually no wait, but once the sale is completed and they got to schedule your delivery be prepared for like 4 emails with different dates and then you go to call them (well that could be well over 3+ hours to reach someone) and they tell you that they have to assign it to a carrier before they know date which could take a couple more days...

Before I go into the issue I do want to say most of the folks are freindly and helpful but some are just worthless and they certainly need more folks on the back side of the operation. One thing to buy but once purchased you need support from them and that is where things were lacking.

Ok now to my issues... When they tell you it goes through multiple inspections and detailing they are probably correct as the vehicle arrived spotless but it was missing all manuls to operate vehicle (this vehicle had every option available from factory except 2 items), the pictures they show of the vehiccle when you are purchasing the car they take down as soon as itr is purchased before you even get the car. I cannot say with 100%certainty since the pictures were taken down but I am 99.9% sure there was a picture of the backup camera showing on the screen in one of the pictures but no backup camera (even Mercedes was shocked there was not one when i took it to them but there was not and so that cost me 1184. 00 to get that resolved, but the thing I will put 100% certainty to is that there were no manuals to run all the extra equipment that was ordered with the car.

I spoke to Customer Service as soon as the car came and they created a ticket in the system to address this but when someone called me back several days later they claim that it did not come witrh manulas and that you can get pdf of manual online. I said i want real manula and not 330 pages of individual papers in my car. I want the manulas and they said they would not supply so i had to spand 221.00 and buy them from Ebay... Pretty $#*!ty of a company to sell you someothing without the manuals and not even alert you to that in the multiple inspections... I would certainly have returned the car but then i would have had to wait for them to schedule somoene to pick it up and then wait for them to process it and it would literally be several months at a minimum before I would ever see money back. They say it could be 8 weeks before they can provide title to me. I paid cash for the car and should have title when car is delivered. Just very tedious process and lots of waiting and then customer service does not have authority to make things right.

Just please please please take this into account when you consider dealing with Vroom... Had they made some sort of attempt to resolve the issues then i may have provided a better rating but I do not think i will ever be able to purchase something online again as i need to know what i am getting and there are too many things the online companies leave out of the details.

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Based on 50 reviews from Vroom customers, company has accumulated an average rating of 1 stars, indicating that majority of customers are not satisfied with its service.
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Description: Buy, sell or trade-in a certified used car online from anywhere in the USA. We offer no-haggle car buying, top quality cars, full warranties & home shipping.

Address: 75052


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