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Wine Insiders

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Reviews Food & Drink, Wine Wine Insiders

50 customer reviews of

Great Wine Selections at Wonderful prices!
For folks like me... who aren't wine "connoisseurs," I was just looking for a site that had good wines at reasonable prices that could teach me about all the various types of wines. Wine Insiders is that site.
I was referred by a friend who sent them my email address. That was more than 3 years ago. But you don't have to go searching for a friend who's already a member - just go to their website,
The thing I've found that sets Wine Insiders apart, is that Wine Insiders don't play favorites, and they don't try to "push" you to certain higher prices selections. You are able to look up whatever kind of wine you like, or, you can try one of their selections - which arrive via email. As an example, recently they put together and then emailed all members a special Thanksgiving case of wine offering. Usually at incredible cost savings! It describes each wine included and why it was selected. You don't HAVE TO buy ANY of their offerings. Instead you can pick and choose whatever you'd like from the inventory - or decide NOT to buy from this special offering.
If you decide to look through the inventory and see an interesting label - click it - and get an in-depth review of the grape variety, where the wine was made, a description of the wines taste, and what foods it goes well with. That's where I learn the most.
My favorite emails to receive are the Wine Insider Price Specials! Where you can shop the entire inventory of wines, and pay one incredible low per bottle price! During these specials I can select wines that are normally priced at $15.00 to $25.00 a bottle and get them for $9.99, or sometimes $8.99, or even $7.99 a bottle during their special sales! And, you can select white wines, red wines, sparkling wines, roses, award winning wines from different collections, from just about every wine growing country on the planet! It's really quite amazing! Here's another great point - SHIPPING IS FREE! Right to your door, or pick up point! (BTW - wines packed so well I've never gotten a broken bottle!)
In the 3 years I've been a member I've bought over 10 cases of wine - generally at right around 60% off the listed price of each bottle. I've really never gotten a horrible bottle of wine! True, my wife and I tend to buy what we like, (isn't that why we buy things?), but every once and a while, we get crazy and buy a bottle of wine from a country we've never been to or even knew made wine - and we STILL haven't been disappointed!
Look, I don't get anything giving Wine Insiders a good review. All I know is that what I've gotten from them, is a great education on some really great wines, and an understanding of how a well-run company can provide a fun service to people who want to take part in it! There's no pressure! Just the joy of drinking what you've ordered. And isn't that why you bought the wines in the first place - to drink them?
Oh yeah, I did get something else... out of necessity. I did "have to" go out and buy a 50 bottle wine rack! (Wine Insiders doesn't sell them). Just because my sideboard cupboard could only hold about 18 bottles of wine behind closed doors. And I'd have to get down on my knees and pullout each bottle to see what was left! My new wine rack is wrought iron wiring, with a cool vine and leaf motif. It sits in the shaded corner of our dining room and I can see what wines I need to replenish by just standing in front of it. And our guests even say it's a pretty addition.
Look, I'm going to finish the way I started. If you're a person who wants to find out about, and buy some great wines - who has some favorites but really isn't all that knowledgeable - and is willing to receive informative, detailed email offerings on a regular basis - WITH NO PURCHASING MINIMUMS - Wine Insiders might be the website for you. Check it out... I've learned a lot never regretted it!
Enjoy your wines!

The best of the on-line wine options
While Wine Insiders do have a wine club option, the thing that raises Wine Insiders above the rest is that you don't have to use it. You can go to their site, see all of their wines, and order which ones you want. Their selection includes wines from every country you would want to buy wines from. The prices are incredibly low and the quality and service is outstanding.
About their wines... I've been enjoying wines for many, many years and I definitely have my favorites. None of my favorites were offered here. That was the biggest hurdle for me to overcome. But the prices were so good, I decided to take a shot. 6 bottles shipped free so I ordered 3 from France and 3 from Italy and mixed reds & whites. To be honest, I was pretty blown away at how good the wines were. Wines from vineyards that I've never heard of. And many, many orders later the worst wine I purchased fell into the "good" category. Many were exceptional, and a few like one of their Montepulciano's and a French Bordeaux, were the best I've ever had.
So you can pick your own wines, order whenever you want, and as many as you want, never a minimum or pre-selected assortment. On top of all that, their prices are great. That is why these guys are the best on-line option.
Oh, and don't believe those one star reviews. Wine Insiders ship their wine orders within 1-2 days and they are shipped Fed-Ex overnight. So you get them within 3 days.

Absolutely AWFUL!
I ordered 3 bottles and when I sent a request for an update regarding my order Wine Insiders couldn't find my account. Then I proceeded to call and after waiting for 20 minutes, I finally reached a representative. She was very nice and told me when my order was going out for delivery. So I emailed the representative that told me she couldn't find my account and she then agreed with the other representative. Of course it never arrived so I called again and Phillip, the worst customer representative I've ever spoken too advised me that my shipment was going out for delivery the next business day and would be delivered by the end of the week. After being advised that I wasn't receiving my order soon, I asked for someone to call me back to explain all these excuses I've been receiving. Did not receive a call back and after asking for our money back through email, still nothing. Worst experience I've ever had. I understand that we are in a lockdown but this is ridiculous.

Outstanding Company
Wine Insiders is much more than a wine delivery company. Wine Insiders are a company that is proud of what they do for their clients. They bring in some of the finest wines available from the world's best wine regions. Then they make those wines available to you at an outstanding price. They communicate very well, staying in touch with you by e-mails, constantly offer exceptional deals on all their wines, and their delivery time is way beyond what you might expect. Most of our orders have been delivered in three(3) days or less. Even during the height of the Covid 19 pandemic, we received our orders in a week or less most of the time. We have found the wines to be of exceptional quality, and the one time that we found one to be a little off, they were quick to apologize, and make it right, not only with a replacement bottle, but a substantial discount on our next order. We will be their customer for life!

I love Wine Insiders
Have ordered a number of times, especially when there is a great deal, or when I have a coupon. I love trying new wines, and although I've had some that I would not re-order, I've never had a bottle I couldn't drink. A case of wine is also a great gift. The packaging is great, and I recycle the inside material as seed starters. With the free shipping I certainly don't expect Amazon Prime shipping, and with Covid all shipping is being delayed. I recommend Wine Insiders to my friends and family mostly because there is no requirement to join their wine club, free shipping and I've really enjoyed the wines I have received. The only wish that the tasting notes would come with the wines. When a friend picks a bottle of wine from my wine rack, I don't want to have to go online to get this information. I have not been offered any incentive or payment to write this review.

Disappointment changed to pleasant surprise and a good experience
Saturday, April 18, I got a text from a friend telling me to quick! Run to and order 8 bottles of wine. You can get them for a total of $8, shipping included. So I did and I did. The next day, however, I got an email from the company admitting their error (it wasn't supposed to be $1 a bottle but $11 a bottle) and offering to give me a full refund now and an air pressure bottle opener with my next order. That was nice, but I still wanted my wine - I'm on lockdown for crying out loud! I can only get my alcohol mail order! Besides, what's the fun of having a new wine bottle opener if there's no wine to open?

So I wrote back to the company--a rather snarky email--but basically expressed my disappointment. The reply came back the same day! Wine Insiders understood my frustration and disappointment, and while they still didn't honor the price, (who can blame them--not even 2 buck Chuck could compete) they offered me a $25 store credit instead. Not the same as getting 8 bottles of wine for $8 but a definite motivating factor to put in another order... so I did. I got another email shortly after, I'm not sure why, but that's when I realized I had not clicked the link to get the free bottle opener. So I replied, again, to say that I had forgotten to click the link... oh well... not expecting a thing. They emailed me back a couple of hours later telling me that they went ahead and added it to my order. While I would've loved to have been able to get 8 bottles for $8, Wine Insiders really did try to make it right. I appreciate that very much since so few businesses have to ability to take a "loss" right now. Not only did I get a half a case of wine for a really reasonable price, but I got a new toy! Customer service was their priority. It definitely showed and I will order again from them.

A bright light in a dreary world
I love wine, especially red. I live in PA where the stores are state run. Therefore the selection is limited, even in the premium stores. I try to keep away from California wines because Wine Insiders make me feel ill the next day. Wine Insiders gives me a chance to get a case of wine, with just European selections, delivered to my house. No carrying heavy clanking bottles. Delivered quickly. My only "gripes" for lack of a better term, would be the occasional bottle that did not sit well with my palette. I rely on the company to suss out the best tasting wines, so it is shocking when one comes that is tart and not full bodied. Then again, maybe I chose poorly and did not understand the description? Either way, with other bottles being fantastic i just expect them all to be winners. But at the price I've paid, I chalk it up to inexpensively trying something new. I will keep using this service and recommending to others

Very affordable (with sales) decent wine for the non-wine snob
What I love about Wine Insiders are the great wines at great value. No, you are not going to find names that you are likely familiar with, and no, you are not going to find 50 dollar bottles of wine. But for most of us, if we are honest, the 10 to 20 dollar, well selected brands (by wine insiders) will taste just as good if not better!
And if you wait until there are sales, you will find amazing deals. I mean amazing.
On top of that, Wine Insiders has never charged me shipping---not once. And the delivery is fast---I am talking a few days at most. Once at the height of the pandemic Wine Insiders took a bit over a week and sent me like 3 emails updating and apologizing! My WSJ Wine club (Where the wines are way way way more expensive and not really any better--though I use as gifts for more wine enthusiasts) takes like 3 weeks for a case to arrive.
I highly recommend you check this site out. Unless you are a wine snob. Then just go spend your easy money somewhere where they are happy to rip you off.

Faulty advertising and no customer service
Placed two orders for a half case of wine priced at $21 a piece. Checked my tracking the next day to make sure I was home to accept delivery and both orders were cancelled (with no other notification). I called customer service to see why and was told that their was a pricing mistake on their website and Wine Insiders would not honor it. My two options given to me were 1. Pay full price for the sets or 2. Cancel the orders and receive a refund in 3-5 business days. Zero accountability for faulty advertising or an effort to at least make it partially correct.

Attached is their attempt at rectifying their false pricing. Basically, more money for them and not close to making anything right.

Attached is what they sent me once my review went live here, a $25 certificate for a combined $56 pricing error. Not remotely equivalent.

Wrong orderes sent TWICE!
I first ordered from them several months ago. We only drink white wine so I ordered an all white mix. When it arrived, it was mixed red and white. I let it go thinking that mistakes happen. I just ordered another of an all white mix and it too was mixed red and white. This time I filed a complaint with them. I received a request to send them a photo of the shipping box which I did (and included a photo of the first box as well). That's been several days ago and no further communication from them. Apparently not only is their shipping and order department screwed up but Wine Insiders don't care enough about customer complaints. Their invoice has an apparent "guarantee" which they have not even attempted to honor. STAY AWAY FROM THEM TO AVOID DISAPPOINTMENT..

Drainer Thus Far
I placed an order through groupon and received 12 bottles of Italian red wines two of each. I have open 3 bottles thus for and have found them unfavorable, the 3rd bottle was open just this morning because I wanted to test the taste against 2 different bottles and I swear Wine Insiders all taste the same, another bottle going down the drain. I'm not exactly sure who wine insiders are as I recently heard of them through groupon but I am not satisfied and will not be returning. I searched YouTube to try and find more information in reviews also to leave a comment but thus far the comment section seem to only be privy to subscribers of the channel and unless I missed something visually, I have no use for that. I'm not an avid wine drinker but the wines that I have purchased locally, I have been satisfied with. I thought by purchasing in bulk I could have it on hand, ( the pinot noir, merlot are awful and I have had different brands prior to wine insiders) The 1st bottle I open was freshcello never heard of it, nothing nice. I actually drink it for the resveratrol. As for me it was a waste of money I will continue to trust my local choices.

Love the convenience
We have been members of Wine Insiders for several years. We love the wine selection (I like reds, my wife likes white. And there is something for both of us). We also love the sales that are offered and shop often for a 15-case. Shipping is free and one of the best features is the ability to have the wine delivered to a local Walgreens... we are not always home for the FedEx delivery (that needs to be signed for), so having our wine delivered to our local Walgreens means we can pick it up when convenient (we get notification that the wine is available) for us.

I had the occasion to contact customer service about a small issue, and found them to be very responsive and helpful.

We have belonged to another wine club, but dropped it in favor or Wine Insiders.

Great wine at great prices
I have always viewed wine like music: it's very personal and everyone has his or her own taste. Wine Insiders is like satellite radio. You can pick what you want, it's not expensive, and there's a wide variety to choose from. Generally, my wife and I have a selection of 8-9 wines we buy by the case, and every once in a while we'll get a curated case just to see what's out there that we might be missing. WI ships quickly and customer service is terrific; they've cheerfully bailed me out of a couple of stupid order mistakes I've made. The best part is WI prices, especially if you take advantage of their full case specials. As much as I love browsing wine stores, the shops can't (or don't want to) hold a candle to WI prices. If you are into certain popular wine brands or vintages, WI may not be for you, but if you like to look around and try different wines without breaking the bank, for me there is no better way to do it than WI. You won't like everything, but I can almost guarantee you will find surprising little wines you never heard of that you'll want to keep several bottles on the rack (or a case if you have the space).

Best Award-Winning Wines
We live in Colorado and have been shipping cases of the best award winning wines from Wine Insiders to our friends across the U.S. for the past several years now. Selections like: Killari Cabernet Sauvignon (2019) a Silver Monterey International Wine Competition winner--from an authentic 5th generation Italian family winery located in Chile; to Wild Horse Central Coast Pinot Gris (2018) and many more. You can look at wine shippers on the internet whose wines may be cheap but that's how Wine Insiders also taste. This gift has been such a hit for anniversaries, birthdays, Christmas, Hanukkah, Thanksgiving... and our nieces Wedding shower that for some (lucky) friends this has become an annual gift. I get to choose what I love and their selections are accompanied by a description of each wine. No mystery as to what's inside each bottle. Alya

You'll want your friends to know about this site... honestly!
My wife and I have enjoyed so many different wines - what a fabulous way to sample the world's offerings, and with few, if any, real disappointments! It is so easy to arrange your shipments, whether you're looking for an all red, white, or a mix of some fabulous wines you wouldn't get the exposure to, without a lot of searching or wondering what's inside the bottle - WI allows you to do it on a reasonable budget. We generally have purchased the box offerings, but WineInsiders hasn't served up anything I would be ashamed to serve. I have referred several friends to the site so Wine Insiders could decide for themselves, but for creating your own wine cache, and seeing what you like in the various varietals, I haven't found a better way to do it, nor easier.

5 star company with a 1 star problem
I've been getting wine from Wine Insiders (not their club) for a couple of years now (I belong to two other clubs). I've never paid shipping for wine insiders, which I love. I've been able to try out good wines from all over the world, which I may never have done if I went to the local wine shop. I've been able to reorder wines I like when Wine Insiders have specials at reasonable prices. I can get sparkling wine which you rarely get with other wine clubs. When I first started with them, when they sent me the wrong wine, they simply sent me the right wine. I think they've probably changed that policy now, since I got a wine credit when there were two bottles missing from my case. My only beef with them is that when I called recently to get a credit for a wine we didn't like, is that if you purchased it more than 6 months ago, "satisfaction guaranteed" no longer applies! We live in Texas, so don't order wine during the summer. 100 degrees can't be good for wine! We order plenty during the winter to make it through until October. So, how do I keep track of what we ordered and when? This rule they have is in their "Terms and Conditions" section-the fine print. So, the perfect wine company ruins their rating with their fine print. This hasn't stopped me from getting their wine. I just ordered two cases on one of their 35% off deals-no shipping-I chose the 30 bottles of wine I wanted at reasonable prices. So 5 stars for their wine quality and price point and 1 star for their "satisfaction guaranteed" policy.

The wines and pricing are ok...
The wines and pricing are ok. The selection is rather limited and hardly vary. Every single time I try to order and am in the checkout process, at least one wine is unavailable making you loose discounts. Why can't Wine Insiders know this before you go through checkout! However, delivery is good.

Coupons you get with your order NEVER work. Usually, the company sends coupons to use on your next order. To date, they have either already been expired or don't work when you put the code in on-line.

This company has a deal where you send an invite to anyone to join the club and once they purchase with the coupon, you are supposed to get a coupon as well. I sent invites to 2 different people and never received my coupon after each one joined and purchased. I did call, they verified that both of the people I invited purchased. So, I received one coupon after calling and complaining, not the 2 I should have gotten. Tired of having to fight for every little thing that is promised with this company.

Wine is not good!
Got a order about a month and a half ago. Did not like any of the 15 bottles. With a Code Wine insiders gave me I was able to get a credit from Groupon and Wine Insiders Compnt be a free shipping. So I ordered a all Red Wine box order this time. 15 bottles. Well got it 2days ago. Now it was to have 5 different wines adding up to 15. "Wholly Buckets"! What do I get! I GOT 6 BOTTLES OF ONE OF THE WINES I DIDN'T LIKE IN THE LAST ORDER! And then 3 bottles of each of the other wines to make the 15 bottle count! SO, BASICALLY I ONLY GOT 4 DIFFERENT WINES! I CALLED AND SHE SAID Wine Insiders RAN OUT OF WHAT SHOULD HAVE MADE 3 BOTTLES OF 5 WINES. YUP TOTALING 15 BOTTLES. NEVER AGAIN! YOU GET WHAT YOU PAY FOR... RIGHT? I HOPE YOU GET WHAT YOU THOUGHT YOU ORDERED... GIVE THEM A TRY. YOU MAY HAVE BETTER RESULTS.

Wine Insiders makes for a better wine experience
As someone learning to broaden my wine knowledge and my palate of tastes I enjoy, I have found Wine Insiders to be perfect for my needs. The convenience of shopping from my home in a leisurely manner allows me to read the reviews and descriptions of the wines to decide if this is something new I'd like to try. I vary my shopping each time purchasing from different countries, different wine types and in general selecting a broad cross section to determine what suits my taste. I typically purchase 12 to 15 bottles each time and have them shipped to a local grocery store one mile from my home, living in Arizona it guarantees that my case of wine will not be sitting in excessive heat or have to worry of a "porch pirate" stealing my wine. Each time I buy I select all the bottles I want, I do not order the prepacked cases so I know exactly what I will be receiving. While I have found I do prefer some wines over others (I make a note of that for future purchases) I have yet to receive anything I felt horrible. If you want to try new wines and see what other countries have to offer I highly recommend Wine Insiders.

A company that delivers on its promises
Wine Insiders promised good quality wines from around the world at very good prices, and that's exactly what I have been experiencing. I am not a wine connoisseur, but I do like certain types of wines and to experience the variety of wines produced in various countries around the world. It is also extremely important that a company is easy to deal with and stands behind their promises, which is exactly what I have found is the case. I recently experienced a mixup on the packaging of wines in my order, this is the first time this had happened. I called them up to make arrangements to resolve the problem. Not only did they fix the problem they did it while I was still on the phone and shipped it out the same day. I have absolutely no qualms that any problems I may experience in the future will be handled just as well.

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Wine Insiders Rating

Based on 50 reviews from Wine Insiders customers, company has accumulated an average rating of 3 stars, indicating that majority of customers are satisfied with its service.
Overall satisfaction rating

Description: Wine Insiders makes it easy to get great wine. We love our wine so much that we offer a 100% Satisfaction Guarantee, so you can ship and sip risk-free. Shop with confidence knowing you won't find hidden fees or unexpected club subscriptions at Wine Insiders.

Address: 2355 Westwood Boulevard, 90064


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