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50 customer reviews of

Never use WIX, dangerous for your biz
Be careful, don't use Wix website. Wix is maybe the WORST provider ever seen. Wix team always make false advertising everywhere. Wix website are totally unfunctionals. No answer from support, or stupid answers with no solutions to problems.

Very SLOW websites, or if you made a page with very few (2 or 3) elements: Wix seem being able to give you a very nice and beautiful website but you can't use it when you use apps. It is totally false advertising. Images send to socials are very very little and absolutely not interesting, many bugs and more and more and more...

The only answer from Wix team, if we can call them a team, is to clean history and cache. Did you ever said to your clients: "hey buddy, if you want to access our website, clear your cache!" RIDICULOUS!

Don't forget that: with Wix, you have a low price initial webpage, but after ALL is paying.
Never use Wix websites, they are dishonest and unscrupulous about their product and services.


N'utilisez jamais de site internet chez Wix, probablement le pire provider qui existe. Wix passe son temps à faire de la publicité mensongère partout, vous faisant croire à de somptueux sites qui en réalité ne fonctionnent jamais et sont très, très lents, à tel point que même vous avez envie de partir de votre propre page. Sauf évidemment si vous ne mettez que deux ou trois apps dessus, auquel cas il ne ressemble à rien.

Leur équipe ne résout aucun problème, ne donne aucune solution. La seule réponse est en permanence la même: videz vos caches, redémarrez votre navigateur!

Avez vous déjà dit à vos clients: "Si vous souhaitez accéder à notre site, videz donc vos caches Monsieur, enfin, comment faut-il vous le dire?" On rêve d'entendre ce genre de nullité comme réponse de la part d'un support de provider de nos jours, et jamais aucune autre solution.

Les sites Wix sont définitivement à proscrire, n'utilisez Jamais ce provider. C'est une publicité totalement mensongère, et malhonnête. De plus, après une page installée presque gratuitement, chez Wix, tout est payant! La nullité, c'est comme le minimalisme artistique, cela coute très cher.

Wix: Fuyez ce provider, c'est le seul conseil à donner.

If I could give less than one star I would
Nice sleek look, maybe okay if you sell one or two products (in quantities less than 10). It's like the Hotel California. You can't leave. No bulk upload of products.
Once you set up a store, you can't do a bulk download of your products, many features that a medium size business would expect, do not exist. When perusing the site at the beginning, Wix are clearly marketing their services to businesses of all sizes, among other targeted customers.

In reality, it is garbage, you put thousands of dollars into setting it up. Only to be held hostage, and dinged for more and more fees. Hey Wix! How about just providing clear and straightforward pricing?. And a product for which I would happily pay (represented ACCURATELY)

Wix offers ZERO SCALABILITY. Anyone who sells products for which a customer might wish to order 20 items (beads, buttons, fabric, etc etc etc) should avoid this company like the PLAGUE! My customers can't put more than ten of an item in their cart! This is ridiculous! I can't bulk upload or download products. Can't do that with order history either. Not that the wix store site is receiving many orders.

Site is not mobile friendly- despite the wix claims to the contrary.

Any business with more than two products and more than two orders per year will find this company a disastrous choice. Oh! Don't most businesses hope to GROW? Well, with Wix, you can't, and if by accident, your business does grow, you will spend a zillion dollars to leave wix to move to a scalable platform.

The propaganda, and rhetoric from wix, leads one to believe that they provide the services and scalability that most businesses would need. NOT TRUE, And making assumptions that some things should be logically part of the engineering was MY FAULT. I WONT MAKE THAT MISTAKE AGAIN. I WILLINGLY SIGNED UP FOR THE TRAIN WRECK THAT IS WIX. I SHOULD HAVE CHECKED REVIEWS BEFORE BEING WOWED BY FLUFFY PUFFED UP CLAIMS ON THE WIX SITE


Avoid Wix
I am taking a college course in which my professor is using the Wix platform to complete assignments on basic web design. I was tasked with creating free website. I created two pages with a photo I took and a few sentences. That's it. Today, I try to login and I can't. My site has vanished. I try to contact customer service through the site by either creating a ticket or getting a call back but neither is working. I had to resort to social media apps to get ahold of a person to find out why my account and site are no longer accessible. I'm told that my account was flagged. I have yet to receive an explanation why. All I did was complete the assignments I was given by my professor by centering paragraphs and adding an image. I have run sites on weebly and godaddy for a couple of years, and have never experienced anything like this. I can't even imagine what could have prompted my site to be flagged. Now I am in the process of alerting my professor and university of the issue and hope I'll be able to use one of the platforms that DOESN'T ban users for absolutely no reason in order to complete the assignments for the course. AVOID this platform, unless you want to risk losing all your content, have your account deleted, and have to jump through hoops and waste time trying to get a hold of customer care, and then good luck getting your issue resolved. DO NOT USE THIS PLATFORM.

Wix doesn't have respect for other businesses what so ever and the Customer support team is so $#*!ing poor. When you make a call to them Wix are just there to talk with you instead of solving the issue. If you started your business with Wix I just want to say that you are finished, there is no way to go away from Wix or it is but it is so painful that your $#*! will hurt. We wanted to transfer our Gsuite from Wix to google as they were charging us 3* of the price we can get from Google and as we are going to make our own website but the transfer of the domain and Gsuite has been so much pain, its hilarious. Wix tells us that the transfer has been done properly and Google tells us that it has not and that we need to get in touch with Wix. The google admin panel tells us that our account is still associated with Wix. We cant enter Gmail, Google Drive, or any other products and Wix tells us that it will take several days for Wix to fix this problem. Can you just think about when you cant receive important sales emails and in a critic time where you are in tenders worth over 500.000USD? Or can't work because all of your files were stored at Google drive and because of poor people with small brains that work at Wix don't understand how to do their job correctly.
Today's lesson - Never buy anything from jews.

Avoid WIX... ILLEGAL Billing Activities!
Have you ever been billed unexpectedly or too much on wix?

We recently had tried out one of their ecommerce premium features as a monthly trial only to find out that Wix were continually billing the credit card... ILLEGALLY.

After contacting them (poor customer service) we were told they won't issue any refunds for the extra months even though the last month was 3 days after being bill and they are "supposed" to offer a 14 Day Money Back GUARANTEE... also ILLEGALLY not honoring such.

We subsequently contacted an attorney in California as they're also based there. He took a look at the site and the billing layout and the following was determined:

The Automatic Renewal Law of California (ARL) which deals with the Business & Professions Code (Sec 17600) states that it is UNLAWFUL to:
1) "Fail to present the automatic-renewal offer terms in a clear and conspicuous manner before the subscription..."
The clear and conspicuous requirement means that the clause must be easily discernible from surrounding text so that the consumer is likely to see it. An example of a clear and conspicuous renewal clause is one where the provision has a descriptive heading or appears in a larger font, capitalized, and/or in bold print.

2) Unlawful to: "Charge the consumer for an automatic renewal or continuous service without first obtaining the consumer's affirmative consent to the agreement containing the automatic-renewal offer terms;"

Both of these WIX is in clear violation of and we were advised to contact first the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) and file an official complaint, failing that we have the full right to pursue it legally.


If you see ANY unauthorized billing activity, IMMEDIATELY make not of it and report it to 1) your bank, 2) file a complaint at the Federal Trade Commission, 3) seek legal representation depending (on the amount)

Beware of the impossible to cancel and extortionate subscription charges
I had a very negative experience with Wix previously. Wix charged me an annual subscription for a site I cancelled a long time ago.

I tried to remove my billing details from their site a while ago but was unable to do so. (Their site is not user friendly). O in order to avoid being charged again I cancelled my previous card so they would not be able to take another payment. However, although I changed my card details to avoid being charged again, there was a small section in their T&Cs which stated that even if you changed your card details they can still take a recurring payment. When I emailed them to explain there had been a mistake and (as they could obviously see I don't even use the site and haven't for almost a year) did not mean to sign up for another year they refused to give me a refund.

I understand that sometimes these things happen, but sites like Amazon can be pretty reasonable and offer refunds for these mistakes. To think that Wix obviously relies on sneakily taking subscriptions and refusing to refund them even though it's obvious the user isn't using the account, is quite telling of their ethos as a business. Also, the Customer Service experience was dreadful. I would not recommend this site to anyone as there are plenty of blogging sites out there who are more focused on your experience as a customer of theirs and less on wrongfully taking your money.

Wix SUCKS! Horrible, non-existent "Customer Service" a circle jerk, if you will..
I am so frustrated!
You cannot get in contact with customer support!
I have even been reading prior tickets online & I see that they're just giving the same scripted bullcrap answers and giving people advice of how to get to the contact page when they've already been there and it went nowhere. Just sends you in circles!
HELLO, Wix are speaking with you (a representative) now, and they want answers, just help them, call them!, do SOMETHING, ANYTHING!

Okay, now for what I'm experiencing:

I have lost many potential clients
When I view the information sent from the online contact form that the customer fills out. There are important details that are left out of EVERY SINGLE ONE! Such as the customers contact information and how many bedrooms the customer has.
This is imperative info. In order for me to send an accurate estimate I have to have this information and you aren't giving it to me and you're making it a difficult pain in the butt to get in contact with you THIS IS RIDICULOUS!

I even submitted a few Estimate requests myself and it left the same details out, so the issue isn't that the customer is not entering it on the form.

I find out when I go to your site that my domain name is not even accurate
My site has been sent over to my old domain
& all this time potential clients that I have a given my website address to (on business cards, flyers etc.) was the wrong one this whole time
Because of your mess up and I'm the one that gets screwed!

I am leaving Wix today and I suggest that no one do business with this horrible incompetent website. They do not want you to contact them that's why they make it absolutely impossible and even when ever you do submit a ticket they're still giving you information about how to go submit a ticket and get in contact with them what kind of sense does this make!? I'm so mad!
Dear Wix,
You People SUCK!

I am retired and on a fixed income, so I look for a lot of free stuff, but it is getting harder and harder to find anything that is free. I mentioned Wix because Wix are a prime example of a site that presents themselves as free, when in fact they are one of the most expensive web building sites on the internet. I know because I went to their site because they said it was free. In just a little of 2 weeks time they were into me for well over $300 and climbing. There wasn't anything on their site that was free. They offered email... free? Heck no. Expensive, of course. They offered hosting, I already had a web hosting site, they tried to get me to leave that site and buy their hosting, which turned out to be more expensive. I cannot fault Wix for anything wrong other than the fact they claimed to be free. They are not free nor are any of the other web building sites. I have chosen to do business with a site that seems to be reasonable, "Bluehost". They only charged me $2.95 a month for hosting my site. Although I did have to pay for 3 years to get that price.

One other thing... These sites all say they will help you build your site. Yes they will, for a hefty price. So be aware that you will get nothing for free, no matter what their site adverts tell you. All you can do is try to find the best value at the site you chose to use.

Another little bit of advice. Never ever never chose the sites that come at the top of the list when you google them. That goes for any business, because they all pay google to list their site at the top or very near the top. Look for the sites further on down the list.

This review is of course my own opinion... Yours may be different.

Turned Auto Renew OFF Multiple Times
I thought I was going crazy - do not pay for premium. I honestly feel scammed by what I was led to believe to be an otherwise legitimate business. I was making personal financial/budget adjustments, so I turned auto-renewal off so that when my paid-for year ended, it would cancel and I would live without the premium benefits. I was very shocked and angry when I found out after I could no longer get a refund that my plan had auto-renewed. OK, I turned it off AGAIN, made a note to check about a month before it would cancel, thinking I had somehow mistakenly forgotten the last time (I hadn't - there was a warning of renewal in my spam folder, however I checked my old emails, and I HAD IN FACT turned off auto renewal previously). Well, it's that time of year again, and what shows up in another folder of my email (pictured)? A warning that my plan will renew soon. Wix NEEDS to fix this. There is no reason I should be worrying about whether my account is no longer cancelled... after cancelling and receiving confirmation of said cancellation nearly a year ago (also pictured). Yes, I will agree the website builder is nice, easy to use, has great options. But it's not worth this trouble. Give your money to a more honest business. This is not how you should treat your customers. Wix is great if you love the interface and don't plan on cancelling, ever. I will never, ever pay for a service through Wix again.

Terrible Editor
If you want an editor that doesn't crash, saves your work and lets you freely move elements without freezing, don't choose Wix. I am a professional web developer who has made over 25 websites using Wix. If your site is going to be SUPER basic, fine. But if you want multiple elements on a page and plan to have several pages, Wix isn't capable of handling the bandwidth. Additionally, their mobile editor is not accurate by any means. It claims to rearrange elements logically and algorithmically but it moreso just moves every single element to a new spot. "I had a list in 10 different text boxes and the mobile editor flipped every single item". Regardless of browser, Wix seems to start to lag around page 7. After that it becomes worse and worse. One clients site was 32 pages- I could not edit for more than 5 minutes without it crashing or freezing. If you do choose Wix, I urge all of you to save every minute. It will crash and you will lose all your progress. I have spoken with Wix Customer support on numerous occasions for both small to large issues. In either case, Wix do not own up to any errors that Wix has and essentially blames the user for all freezing/lagging. Terrible service, terrible editor.

A designer calls and gives you a price and you pay half down. Then you get emails to start sending info and pics. Wix give you different emails for different things. They then ask for another payment. They then tell you they are not getting info that you sent. After a while you are told to send more money! You send receipts and find out three different people from around the world with no phone access are building three different sites and taking down payments!
You do not have any money left to pay for one site and they all have your money for finishing nothing! WIX itself will not call you! One person then let's you know they send your request out to six different people and you choose whom to hire. Would have been nice to know this ahead of making any payments!

They sent this:
When you make a request on WIX, they automatically send it to six WIX Partners. As the client who sent the request, you get to receive six answers and six quotes and then you choose the person you want to work with. So, you should have replied to each email and saw the person you like and then go with him or her.

WIX is not a scam. Every partner is trying to make a living and they will respond to each request they receive. Try to understand.

I also felt like you were dealing with two different people since i gave you a quote for 860 USD but you pointed out that we had discussed 600 USD to 800 USD. Which wasn't the case.

Sorry about the 300 USD sir.


Zero stars!
This is the part where I would say if I could give them zero stars, I would! Wix recently stole money out of my bank account through the debit card that I used to have linked to my wix account. The business I had wasn't getting any traffic from the website that I made using the wix website editor, so I discontinued my premium subscription 10 months before renewal and removed my debit card from their system. On 8/8/20, I was checking my bank account to see what funds I had available and saw that I was several hundred dollars shorter than I should have been. So I looked at my bank transaction history to see what had been deducted and saw that wix had taken $224.19 out of my account without my permission or authorization. So, the first thing I did was call wix up and find out what happened and why they took money out of my account. They said that I had to put in a refund request and they would get back to me within 20 days. When wix sent me an email confirmation saying that I will get a response within that 20 day time period, they even confirmed themselves that I had unsubscribed to renewal of my premium subscription. How is it that they can take money away from me in 1 day but it takes them 20 to even get back to me with no guarantee of getting it back at all. My suggestion would be to not go with wix at all and go with a reputable company that other people have said that they trust.

They might have good designs, but the WORST CUSTOMER SERVICE EVER.
I've been a Wix Customer for over 3 years. At first Wix provided OK customer service by answering their telephones. Now they don't. I have two websites with them they our company uses on a regular basis for inputting client records, forms and more. We are a Lead Generation business with several clients.

The websites are paid in full for the whole year. A day ago, I tried to log into the account and G-Suite emails and could not. Only to learn after several emails that I was purposely locked out of the account by a Wix Administrator. They told me I owed them $325.00 for late fees.

LATE FEES? Whose ever heard of that for a prepaid account that they've been paid in full for. I asked for an explanation and they won't email me or call me after several attempts. I don't know what is going on with that company but it's pretty fowl.

Our livelihoods count on our websites. I think they are trying to sabotage and discriminate against us. Why would they lock us out of our account and not notify us.

It's illegal and were suing them for everyday we loose work!


Easy, user friendly, and REASONABLE customer service!
Ok first of all I don't understand why people downvote wix so much simply judging on their customer service. I was also charged 150$ as my renewal of premium plan after my first year, and yes, at first I was furious about that too. But if you guys read what you sign up for... Wix actually very clearly state that this is what they will do. Maybe its not acceptable for some, but for businesses to thrive, a web page has to be up and running all year long. I understand that.

Anyway, I contacted customer service via e-mail. Explained my situation clearly and requested for a refund. And to be clear, it was just a day after the charge was made and technically my previous years subscription still had 6 days till in would officially expire.
First e-mails were not so helpful as they asked me to contact for official request for refund. So that got me a bit frustrated but I did not give up nor started cursing them(which I believe most people would do) after a long wait for about 3 week I received a mail saying my refund request is approved. And a week later it was refunded. Voila!

So here you go guys. This is my advice.
1. read what you sign up for. 2. learn to be patient and polite. 3. be reasonable, justify with reason why you think you are right.

And thank you wix, for a making things easy for people and businesses, and for having a reliable, logical customer service (although its a bit slow)

They're withholding payment while my site is "under review"
After having a business site for over a year with Wix, Wix decided to hold payment on an item that was paid for through their credit card system. Paypal purchases went through without a problem. I make handmade kitchen items, including kitchen knives. When I called them up to find out why they haven't released the funds to my checking account, they told me that I sell weapons, and that might site is "under review".

First of all, I don't sell weapons, they are tools that people use every day in the kitchen. Second, why did it take them over a year, when they could have said it falls under their no "weapons" policy right off the bat? Third, why are they holding the money they owe me?

I've been wanting to go elsewhere for other reasons before this happened, but I had a year contract. Good thing it's up in a month.

Last but not least, when I spoke with the Wix rep, he reprimanded me several times for not knowing that kitchen knives falls under their no weapons policy... right up there with guns and ammunition. Even though it doesn't mention knives at all in their policy.

STAY AWAY FROM THIS BUSINESS! They're looking for any opportunity to screw you out of your money. Just read the growing list of complaints...

I've been with, paid member even, for four years now
I've been with, paid member even, for four years now. And I've really hated every year of it. The reason why I hate it, their customer service SUCKS, especially for paid members. Wix think their HELP boards can solve everything, when they solve nothing, and they are, overall, rude. This will be the last year that I use them (it is on auto renew and I missed the cutoff). They don't have the option of having a NON-FLASH site for iDevil users to default to since iDevil users can't see flash programs/pages ( is FLASH). Also, their mobile site, which come free with membership, yeah, they don't work. Tried for tech support assistance, they were VERY rude and belittling. I programmed for years, did web design for years, was raised doing flash even, and it wasn't something that even I could resolve, and obviously they couldn't either.

Overall, for the bandwidth and storage space, and the idiot proof templates for those that don't code, the $135 and change a year isn't a bad price. BUT for the lack of customer service, and with a coding background, I could get godaddy for $45 a year and have iDevil applications be able to see my site.

The absolute worst non existent customer service
Super disappointing when you are starting a business and creating a web presence to end up with the most jacked up company, I did not research them enough apparently. I purchased the business premium website builder plan and Wix do not offer a mailbox with the site so I had to order a mailbox subscription. My domain is with GoDaddy and I get a free mailbox with my domain. I purchased this domain over ten years ago with no problems. After purchasing the mailbox subscription with Wix I found out you cannot have a mailbox with two different providers. So of course I wanted to get rid of the Wix mailbox because I had the GoDaddy mailbox for 10+ years. Trying to get a simple refund with Wix is such a terrible ordeal. This company has no customer service phone number and you have to submit a refund request of which they just deny you without explanation. I spoke with 4 agents all from Guatemala even though their callback number on my phone says San Francisco, CA. So right there you know they are lying fraudsters. Anyway, none can help and tell me I have to be transferred to "Advanced Billing" who are never available, not in the office, or can't be found. This "international company" mission is to take your money, keep your money, and get more money with renewals. Nothing else matters to them. The CEO and people on top must be reptilians because they are so money hungry thirsty. I would not recommend them at all. Just based on their customer service practices alone.

Illegal Business Practices to hold services hostage - Doesn't honor its own Contract
Wix has illegal business practices to hold its services hostage from you. Wix doesn't honor its own business contract with you. Let me show you how it charges you double for domain by holding your own domain hostage unless you give them more money.
After trying Wix where we build a website, Wix does not inform customers what are the steps to buy and connect your individual domain to the website you spent hours building. It showed me option of buying a domain or buying a premium plan, it also didn't mention connecting each mailbox using wix can cause arm and leg.
Naturally, I chose to buy a domain, for $24 yearly fee where I had to pay $10 per year extra to make it private by Wix where it will not show my name, address and phone number (those were on credit card) to everyone.
But in order to connect this domain to Wix website, I didn't know I had to buy a premium plan from Wix anyway. The premium plan prices shown on Wix are misleading; you have to pay upfront the whole amount for a year because the monthly costs are way higher than advertised.

So, I went ahead and bought a premium business plan for $324 (personal premium plan costs about $250, any lower amount and you wont have anything at all from wix) for a yearly price, that would renew for $324 next year. This expensive contract stated that I had a free Wix voucher for a domain. I asked Wix to refund me the domain amount I paid one day ago and Wix declined. Wix told me the domain voucher is only for a domain purchased after the premium plan purchase - see here is where they were not clear and honest upfront when you're trying their product.

I went ahead and submitted request for refund of domain which was approved. But Wix still won't let me have it with the domain voucher that came with the business premium plan I purchased! I contacted the customer support and two associates from Wix individually told me that Wix still owns my domain and if I want to have it I would have to pay $24 through some shady wix's paypal account to lift the domain from suspension! Even though I already had created several social media plages and bought one mailbox for $6.50 per month from Wix, I decided to go with another company that had much better pricing plans and ethics of conducting a transparent business.
I chose to get refund for my business plan from Wix during the trial period because Wix showed its true colors within the trial period itself. How this company treats customers early on during trial period shows how badly it will treat them for maintaining years of trust with their businesses.

For reference, my Wix invoice number was #448496683 and the domain they have held hostage is Even when I am going to a different company, Wix won't release it, despite having approved my refund for the domain.

Wix cheats its customers by promising Google Adwords coupons
I had opted for wix online builder for my website and at that time Wix had a promotional offer of Google Adwords of USD 75. After I purchased the plan I got the vouchers under my account. Subsequently, I purchased the plan for 2 of my clients and got 2 such Adwords Vouchers. After a month when I tried using the vouchers I discovered its not valid for my country (India). When I contacted WIX they said that Google has revoked the offer from certain geographic locations and they cannot do anything about it.
I contacted Google to verify this and Google replied that the vouchers were never issued for India and thus the question of revoking doesnot arise. After sending the mail to WIX support and posting on social media WIX replied that there was a disclaimer while selecting the plan that Google Adwords is applicable is certain locations only. This statement is completely different from their earlier statement when they said that Google has revoked the offer.
So basically inspite of selecting billing address as India, WIX issued me coupons which were not valid for India.
They are not willing to accept that it is their responsibility to compensate me for an equivalent amount now and are offering an extension of 3 months which is not even 1/3rd of the value of the adwords coupons that I have.
Pathetic customer service guys. Dont even think of wasting your time and efforts with WIX.
They will keep sending u scripted mails for weeks and then absolve themselves of all the responsibilities.

Fraudulent billing after cancellation
I closed my account with Wix this year in May, 2017, and went with Linknow Media, a great alternative. I was happy with Wix, for hosting the site I had until i found out about LinkNow Media. I then closed my account with Wix and transferred my data and domain access to the other company. On July 29th at 07:42 am, I received an automated email titled, 'Your premium plan for (my site), will renew soon.' At 07:55 that same day, (13 minutes later), I received another email from WIX stating, "Your premium plan will be canceled". With no further emails received on my end, I noticed a $149.00 charge on my account on 12/22/17, from WIX.COM*168543012. I tried to contact their company this morning on a Saturday, but Wix are only open M-F. I have since contacted my bank and filed a dispute against that transaction. I find it very dirty / fraudulent for a company to inform you that your account will be canceled, (months after I canceled it over the phone), and then make an unauthorized charge to my account. They did not even have the courtesy to send me an email stating the charge was made against my account for the renewal. To me, I find this to be a dirty tactic as well. These are the facts. You decide whether they are worthy for your business or not.

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Wix Rating

Based on 50 reviews from Wix customers, company has accumulated an average rating of 1 stars, indicating that majority of customers are not satisfied with its service.
Overall satisfaction rating

Description: Create a free website exactly the way you want. With Wix, you get the whole package - sophisticated website builder, complete customization, reliable web hosting, domains, promotional tools, and the best SEO. Over 100 million people choose Wix to creat...

Address: 2601 Mission St., 94140


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Wix is not registered on BBB. Therefore, this business has no BBB rating and accreditation.

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