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Yahoo News

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50 customer reviews of

Yahoo News is a joke - could you be more biased?
Wow, it is a shame we can't just go to our email without having to see all the "opinions" of left leaning liberal morons that Yahoo has hired to do their "news". How about checking facts first? How about listening to the entire article or interview - or, perhaps watching the entire video before making judgements. Sorry folks, but you don't pass the smell test. If it stinks like a liberal - you know the "news" has a hidden agenda guaranteed to try and appeal to your emotions - not your brain. "Come on" America - you're smarter than the trash Yahoo reports and hopes you will believe.

Who made you an authority
Your recent posting of the PROTOCOLS of the British empire. WOW, this is just getting better. You democrats see nothing, hear nothing and know nothing, then you just make EVERYTHING UP. YOU see everyday as a protocol, "oh this isn't the way things are supposed to be done". Yah, right, that's EXACTLY WHY we are in the mess we are in and TRUMP has to get us out of it. YES I'M TALKING ABOUT NOBAMA, that man was and is as useless as adding mosquitoes to an already malaria infested area. Do EVERYONE A FAVOR, stop with your opinion and report the news, better yet JUST SHUT UP.

It's like a jilted cat lady penning her scornful screed over a love interest that spurned her advances. If you love obsessive compulsive fanfiction regurgitated on your screen by weaponized autistic crybullies then this is for you. No other topics will be discussed, just endless spin and rhetoric. It is amusing to read the comments produced by soy intoxicated basement dwelling sycophants hanging on every lie as Yahoo News wait to be told what to be outraged by today. It's a good place for NPC'S to gather for support as their circuits fry. The obsession with Trump is now to the level of stalker.

Clearly biased propaganda
I don't recall downloading the app but for some reason have constant pop up headlines that are all about sensationalizing the mundane or obvious anti Trump propaganda with little or no attempt to conceal a huge bias that makes them a terrible news source as Yahoo News are less concerned with accuracy than they are with putting their own spin to achieve an agenda. Their news appears to be regurgitated from other sources or sometimes a National Enquire tabloid version of what other liberal sources have already run. They aren't credible. They aren't unbiased. They arent journalists. You're more likely to get accurate news and an honest take at your barbershop or from your bartender.

Herpes cure
I came on the Internet i saw great testimony about DR Voke on how he was able to cure someone from HERPES, and any disease this person said great things about this man, and advice we contact him for any problem that DR Voke can be of help, well i decided to give him a try, he requested for my information which i sent to him, and he told me he was going to prepare for me a healing portion, which he wanted me to take for days, and after which i should go back to the hospital for check up, well after taking all the treatment sent to me by DR Voke i went back to the Hospital for check up, and now i have been confirmed HERPES Negative, friends you can reach Dr voke on any treatment for any Disease, reach him on _________________________________[*******] or Whatsapp him on:+1 *******820

Fake stories
I have been in yahoo for years and now yahoo follows cnn, msnbc, ABC, NBC, Yahoo News are pathetic. I could never find any positive news on pres trump. Im not a supporter I just read between the lines. If it something good they will spin it into a negative and always say sources with no names. They took comment section off because of the wars on here. The writers are terrible and do not report facts. They only report stuff that is negative or exagerated. They continue to try and use scare tactics and spin off news they could not possibly know. They should be banned and are included with the enemy of the people.

Yahoo News Is a Liberal Left-Wing Hoax Being Played The American People
I used to enjoy Yahoo News. However, in the past few years it has become a tool of the extreme left wing liberals to propagate the left wing worldview on the American people. Nowhere in Yahoo News has anything positive been said about President Trump or Vice President Pence; whereas, there are plenty of positive "news" items regarding the likes of President Obama, Hillary Clinton, President Clinton, and the like. Also, critics of Yahoo News had the opportunity to voice counter-arguments regarding the so-called Yahoo News items, but no longer. Why? Because Yahoo News has become a left wing "rag" that is no longer a reliable news source, but rather an organ of the left-wing extremists. What is Yahoo afraid of? Are you afraid that someone will counter your "news" with the truth and the world will finally see Yahoo News for what it is - just more rubbish to be thrown into hell's fires? Yep, that is exactly what I thought. I would not have even given Yahoo News one star, but that was not an option. Shame.

I used to love Yahoo News
It was actually great reading the biased garbage that Yahoo puts out because the comments section would always make my day with hysterical jokes, common sense rebuttals, & faith-in-humanity-restoring commentary. But since Yahoo News have taken down the comments section it's simply not funny, insightful, or interesting anymore. It is a propaganda machine through and through. Ironically, even though what they're doing is obvious as can be, it probably still works. I will not be looking at Yahoo News any longer for fear that I might become compelled to throw molotov cocktails at armed police officers to save black people from Donald Trump.

Nothing has changed but the date.
As we now hit 9 months of Yahoo mail without the ability to comment on stories, it is obvious that it is never coming back and the reason why is that Yahoo News know that they are being bashed on non-Yahoo sites. I have begun to learn the names of their regular contributors who really have no business being in the field of journalism. They have no idea of the classic concept of journalism which was fair, unbiased reporting and they need to be banned from any job reporting outside of Yahoo which, now deleting Yahoo answers, seems to be looking at various ways to streamline. Perhaps the people behind the power at Yahoo need to look at these comments and realize that they need to look deep into their organization and do a swift cleaning starting with news. I wouldn't hire these extremist liberal females they currently have on staff as my maid.

Absolutely zero effort even as a news aggregate.
Missing pictures, the wrong picture, missing videos and links and a new low effort take on even adding headlines as an aggregate news service. No matter what settings you use Yahoo News will constantly bombard you with tabloid like news. They have a serious fascination with "influencers" which will often headline your feed no matter what other huge breaking news is going on with other sites. If it were not for the comments it would be a zero star review. The comments regularly debunk, correct and outright add the real facts that can't even bother to look up or edit. If your looking for a good laugh read yahoo news. If your looking for good news. Go just about anywhere else but this ads looking like news headlines disaster of a news site.

Yahoo has become so terrible it's absurd
I used to like Yahoo news, but in the past few years it has grown increasingly bad. I'm traditionally more "left" of center, politically speaking, but when reading news I want actual news, whereas Yahoo for some reason has devolved into radical left propaganda. I don't understand what's happened to the media in the past few years. I used to think Fox news was terrible for their obvious bias and blatant lies under Rupert Murdoch, but it's like other news stations started competing with them in the opposite direction. I don't even know where to go to get actual news anymore. All I want is truth in journalism, not opinion pieces on totally absurd articles which have no-long term meaning.

In addition, Yahoo disabled comment sections only on certain articles, and it was quite obvious this was done only because it was receiving so many negative comments about the articles themselves. That, if nothing else, makes it clear Yahoo News don't care at all about the opinions of people on their site. If you have any criticism of what they post, no matter how ridiculous, they'll just disable your voice so that they don't have to hear you... and go on posting "news" articles to the detriment of society at large. You may ask: why do you ever go there then? Well, I've stopped going there, but I've been using Yahoo email for a long time, and the news section pops up whenever I log out, so sometimes their outrageous click-baity titles pull me in, like everyone else.

Pure Leftwing Propaganda - with just a smattering of actual news
I would give this 0 stars if that was an option. This site is little more than a hate-filled vilification of all non-woke politicians or, for that matter, anyone who supports a non-adversarial and evolutionary approach to resolution of our issues as a nation. It shamelessly promotes extreme left wing narratives even after Yahoo News have been shown to be lies and take no position against those responsible for those lies or those who sow division through promotion of radical and divisive policies.

This goes beyond yellow journalism and those who write these articles and select them for publication on this site should refer to themselves as what they are - ideological propagandists in the tradition of Pravda. Funny how policies against misleading information only seem to cut one way. If the lies promote a particular political agenda, then they seem to be fit to print in the eyes of the Yahoo editorial staff. These folks are a disgrace and promote hate within America.

The trash yahoo spews to advance their obvious political agenda
It is incredible that this yahoo site should say anything about TEXAS, keep your liberal caliDCgarbage to yourselves, our state is dealing with crippling weather and was declared a state of emergency by our government, and your Washington president has done nada, nothing, your desire to be GREEN has shown its flaws with windmills that don't work without deicing by petroleum products. But you don't tell people that. You are worse to OUR TEXAS FAMILY then any storm. WE ARE TEXAS! WE ARE STRONGER THEN THE REST OF THE WORLD. AND WE DON'T NEED YOUR TRASH, AND IF OTHERS WANT TO JOIN US IN OUR STATE AND BE TEXANS, GOOD... DON'T BRING YOUR FAILED VALUES AND AGENDA TO US. and yahoo news go BEAT SAND!

Propaganda and Silencing Free Speech
Last month, Yahoo cancelled the very popular comments section of their website, and first tried to blame it on technical difficulties, but when that didn't fly with readers, that devised a plan to blame it on the lack civility.
What Yahoo really did, was silence the voices in opposition of their flagrant fake news articles. If you were paying attention, you would notice the comments not only very critical of Yahoo propaganda, but were also 20 to 1 in favor of President Trump over Joe Biden.
In short, yahoo silence the readers voice, and if you look at their site now, it is nothing but far left propaganda articles based on fake and fabricated news. Yahoo is now a far left propaganda machine, that silences opposing opinions. CANCEL YAHOO!

Far too left, even for liberals.
As a gay man, I find that there can be too much. Way too much. Too much Pop Sugar. Too much Hello Giggles. Too much nonsense on the front page where earth shattering news should be. Yahoo news is a disgrace to journalism. The best part about it are the comments which when not censored are a balance of liberal and conservative, extremism on both side and middle of the road, where I am politically and socially. Everybody who reads it acknowledges that it is a joke, but it's a trainwreck of a joke, and we're all laughing at the conductor of this train whose days have gone by the way of the steam engine.

My thoughts...
Essentially this website has thrown a middle finger to 50% of the country. I am here to say that not everything is black or white, right or left. I have to believe that most people are truly good at heart. The news on Yahoo looks at a couple of bad stories, and labels an entire demographic of a population. Talk about being hypocrites. Don't discriminate according to a few peoples actions, but we can. Again, this news does not even attempt to be bipartisan. Yahoo News look at big city issues... and that is how we all are. Ignorance is bliss. If you are an actual free thinker, the likes of Yahoo will try to destroy you. Freedom of speech. And then they send the mob. Kind, good, charitable, honest, and hard working people are peaceful. Most of these people represented... flipping out never truly help people. Being a mouth piece is not action... It is just a bunch of running your pie hole. Yahoo is so biased, and after having an email account for nearly 20 years, I have deleted my account... even though I had to change like 20 other accounts linked. It has been because off them being so divisive. I am a veteran, I have worked in medicine, construction, and I am now a teacher. I try to contribute to my community, and I do not partake in political conversations. I encourage everyone to just be nice to one another.

Poor coverage extreme liberal views and censored conservative opinions
Yahoo news seems like a copy of CNN with different name, very liberal views, always bad news especially during the election year cant get descent headline without it demonizing the president. Not only from politics but all news categories even business news are negative to give people a sense of end of the world feeling. If i could give zero stars I would, for its ratings. When you report inaccurate or twist the news by taking it out of context, you cause people emotional and psychological issues. Yahoo please Just report the news and keep you opinions to yourself let people decide.

Yahoo News is beyond left wing politics
You will never ever see not one positive article about Donald Trump. In fact, all you will hear are all out lies and or concocted fake news articles. How do I know? Because when you can't find it reported anywhere else, you know for a fact it's fake news.
Now having said that, You will never ever hear anything negative said about Joe Biden. Never a mentioning of his son Hunter Biden who had been asked about his role in the Ukranian industry that he was in but failed to mention his duties, yet, his commisions were $50,000 a month? And then out of know where he gets a billion five from China? What for? Well he is no longer available for comment, which is nothing more than a smoke screen and everyone knows it.

Yahoo: Leftist Propaganda outlet
Yahoo News is absolute garbage. It's been running the same story about twins who married the same man every day since the pandemic started. Every other story is intended to create a conflict between political factions but always spins the stories in a liberal leftist manner. Yahoo News has consistently tried to twist the truth in a way that benefits the left. Yahoo wants race relations to crumble and deteriorate into a nation wide race war. Yahoo News has recently removed the ability to comment on the stories in the reactions section. This removal of commenting is an obvious attempt to silence any reader that disagrees or debunks their lies. Yahoo News deserves -5 stars or at least zero stars due to their obvious left side biased agenda. Apparently Yahoo News wants to destroy America from within by inciting race riots and exaggerated political conflict. I will never read Yahoo News again. I will also change my email so I do not support Yahoo's actions.

Hate filled propaganda network
Everything on yahoo is pointed in a direction that stirs up hate and division. Yahoo is not reporting news it is a a agenda driven tool that says if you don't agree with there point of view your a racist ignorant fool. Yahoo constantly attacks any one who apposes there agenda with fluff garbage from sources like Huff Yahoo News might as well use a comic book. Many of there stories come from bitter hateful sources that have no news value and are distorted garbage that a two year old can see through. Call your self a political agenda site not a news source. There are no true news sites left all are agenda driven to the right or to the left!

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Yahoo News Rating

Based on 50 reviews from Yahoo News customers, company has accumulated an average rating of 1 stars, indicating that majority of customers are not satisfied with its service.
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