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50 customer reviews of

Perfect Plumbing not so perfect.
I hired Perfect Plumbing on the advice of a restoration company and did I ever regret it. I had to stop the work for a week due to a friend coming for a visit and apparently Perfect Plumbing seemed to think did not have to finish. They charged me for a tub faucet kit and installation which was not done. The owner came out and did not bring the kit nor did he respond to my requests for completion of the work. I had to hire another plumber to finish the job. I will be billing him for the cost of the additional labor and supplies. In addition, it was nearly impossible to set up a time. They either showed up without any advance notice or showed up 4 HOURS late. Not a good hire.

About Me and My Life
About Me and My Life
I can describe myself as a loving, caring, honest, kind, sincere, and above all a God fearing man, with good morals and values and have got sense of humor, I do not cheat or play games either i am just me someone who has been through a lot of ups and downs in life and has come to the conclusion that one should live everyday as if its gonna be your last, A fun loving and gentle personality who believes Trust and Honesty are meant to be the Bedrock of every relationship, someone who understands the meaning of love and believes True Love can be found anywhere... i like to put God first in everything in do, i love to go out to the beach on weekends and give myself a good treat of Sunbath... an open minded person who has the fear of God... above all...

Is Controlled by Left-Wing Nazis Who Ruined Yahoo!
Back in the old days in the early 2000's, I really loved Yahoo!'s search engine, Yahoo! Messenger, Yahooligans, and Yahoo! Chat rooms. Yahoo! Has degenerated into a left-wing nazism while its mail provider got increasingly worse after the 2000's. It even got increasingly hard to use Yahoo! Fully without a phone, especially when people are required to have a phone number before can use a Yahoo! Email address. Phone numbers are required because the greedy psychos are wanting to violate people's privacy to exploit them for money. If you care about privacy because you care about ethics and morals and you care about high quality service, then stay away from the Yahoo! Business. The Yahoo! Business does not care about ethics, morals, quality service, and other things because it has sold its soul to the greedy con artist Verizon business. Verizon has been known for abusing its customers by doing con artistry. Customers dealt with irregular money charges in their accounts because Verizon fraudulently lies to its customers about how money Verizon charges on customers' account because Verizon is controlled by greedy psychopaths. So, I am not surprised Yahoo! Has stooped this low ethically and morally. All of these popular online websites are controlled by the bottom of the barrel when it comes to ethical quality and moral quality. Money is what Yahoo! Cares about at the expense of ethics and morals entirely.

Yahoo suppressing freedom of speech and malicious ads
I used to use Yahoo for everything. But most recently Yahoo has been turning it to radical left or extremist right. To cause chaos on both side. Then wonder why everything is getting so toxic. But most recently they have decided suppression of freedom of speech is the best option. They were also only giving 1/4 of the info or editing videos to only tell one side of the story not both sides to cause chaos. What's even funnier yet is they would plagiarize and then delete the article. After People corrected them and then recited the sources. So people took it to the comments to help cancel out the spread of misinformation. So they disabled the comments so they wouldn't be corrected. Which is extremely saddening that they chose suppression over fixing themselves.

What is also bad is yahoo ads. They are also making ads that look like articles and making it so elderly people can't distinguish what is an ad and what is it real article. What they do is but is they write ad in tiny text making it hard for them to know its an ad. Once the person clicks on the ad it takes them to a somewhat shady site which has those ads that go to virus or to a scammer. They are even adding ads to peoples emails to get them to click on them. I am not talking about the ad on the side they have ads within the emails the kind of looks like a real email. Ever since Verizon took over it's been really going down. I recommend using gmail or outlook. Do not switch to AOL it is also owned by Verizon...

I've been posting on Yahoo news sites and have found...
I've been posting on Yahoo news sites and have found the moderators there are very left=leaning, favoring what are now Islamist terrorists posting death threats against all non-Muslims over and over. Spammers will post anti-conservative rants over and over and although it's against the rules to do so, the mods will not delete them. However, if someone criticizes our the present man in the WH, it will not be posted. I just got through posting about the media being so self serving to the present administration, stating that Pravda is a much bettor source of unbiased info. It wasn't posted. I posted a link where the author was very critical of some of Obama's policies. Wasn't posted. But there are two pages of one Islamist posting the same threats over and over against the American public such as "We will rape you." I can't post the whole thing, but it's abut how are everywhere and have the backing of IMPORTANT people, have access to the electronics of this nation and can turn us off immediately. Will take over our government. On and on. Nothing is done about it.

This is a very poor site for any kind of honest commentery on recent news. I've complained and complained. Nothing happens. Don't waste your time.

I recently took my Lexus in for service and inspection. Upon entering the service center with my advisor, I notice the individual in the next office was not wearing a face mask. I immediately advised my service advisor of the situation, he turned around and motioned for this person to put her face mask on. She then turned to the office across the hall and made a disparaging remark about me. During the conversation with my advisor, we exited and reentered the service department three time. Each time we exited the building she removed her mask. Upon reentering, I repeated my request that she put her face mask on. Today, I returned to the dealership to pick up my car. She once again did not have on a face mask. Mind you, the walls are glass, and the offices have no doors. This time I spoke out loudly, saying "I see you are not wearing your mask again." I also informed her That I had written a review letting the public know of her reluctance to wear a mask. She said, "good for you." This individuals name in Angela Darden. During the time I was in and out of the service office today, she removed her mask four times. It is very clear that Ms. Angela Darden as no regard or respect for the health, safety, and wellbeing of other people. In Texas we are currently under a state mandate that requires that all people indoors must wear a mask. If you are outdoors in a crowd you must wear a mask. It is very clear that Ms. Darden is unaware of the severity of the COVID virus and that as of this post over 334,000 in the US have died and we currently have 19.3 MM active cases. The economic impact has been devasting to our national economy. Although it would appear, based on Angela's actions the economic devastation has had zero impact on Park Place Lexus and Ms. Angela Darden personally. Ms. Darden was not the only person in the service department not wearing a mask. Numerous individuals were unmasked and walking about the service center. However, Ms. Darden's office door was within six feet of were I was sitting or standing during my visit to Park Place Lexus of Plano and her blatant disregard for my personal safety, especially after I spoke out, is and was completely unprofessional and disrespectful. Park Place Lexus of Plano you and Ms. Angela Darden should be ashamed.

Don't use yahoo if you can.
My cellphone died at work. I was expecting an important e-mail that I unfortunately couldn't read because even though I put my password in correctly, need to e-mail you or text your phone. I called the 800 number on the site for assistance, waited about 30 mins on hold only to be told I needed to sign up for a yearly membership in order for them to allow me to access my account even after I verified my information. Sadly I couldn't even speak to a supervisor, Joy(the csr) only gave me a case number which serves me for absolutely nothing. She should've just told me "f**k you" and I'd be a bit satisfied for them being upfront and honest. F**k them!

Negative world news reporting
It seems like everytime I turn on CNN all there reporters are either lying or not reporting the true facts, instead make there own opinions and make out fetched assumptions. The world needs to put this station out of reach of any news, don't listen or take CNN as truthful news. They are a desease of negative thinking, and spreading evil news around. Be smart and turn them off and if you have a news story go to someone else other than CNN because it wont get reported as you wanted them to report them. There is a group that is forming online to dig up as much as they can of all the false news they have already put out there that had no bearing at all. If we all stand to gether we can shut them down with all there affiliates going down with them.

Iddings & Sons Landscaping = Excellence!
Since moving to Anthem two years ago, it has been most frustrating dealing with various Anthem-based landscape service companies that were...

(A) Inconsistent -- by arriving an hour or more late to the job;
(B) Inconsiderate -- by not showing-up as promised or not calling;
(C) Incompetent -- by not performing the worked as promised;
(D) Unfair -- by attempting to up-charge after starting the job;
(E) Not professional -- by refusing to provide a written estimate BEFORE starting the job.

I had nearly given up on getting quality landscaping service in Anthem. Then, a kind neighbor highly recommended IDDINGS AND SONS.

I can say with confidence -- I have FINALLY found an EXCELLENT landscaping company serving Anthem that is consistent, considerate, competent, fair and VERY professional.

I recently used Iddings and Sons Landscaping service to trim and reshape a very troubled Mesquite tree in the front yard, which had not be maintained properly by the former owner.

I am 100% pleased with the excellent service provided by Joe Iddings and his tree crew. George Iddings provided an email written estimate PRIOR to starting the job, and he also scheduled the date and time of the job.

Joe and his crew showed-up to my home -- on the day promised, and arrived within the quoted two-hour timeframe. I provided large plastic buckets, and the crew carefully covered each of the newly planted cacti to ensure they would not be damaged during the tree's extensive cutting and trimming process. Their debris clean-up was perfect.

I am 100% pleased with the cutting and reshaping of the troubled Mesquite tree. The newly reshaped tree improved the curb appeal of the property. Additionally, I am not longer worried the tree could be damaged or ruined by a windstorm or a heavy monsoon rain.

An added bonus: A couple of days after the tree trimming, George Iddings followed-up with an email inquiring if the service was performed to my expectations.

Now, THAT'S excellent service!

First step home inspection Mesa Arizona
One *
First step home inspection
We purchased a home and used First step for our inspection via recommendation of our realtor. We found several issues after the closing which led me to contact Matt to find some reasonable resolution. He would not move or even be open to any constructive conversation. At issue was the inspector missed a roof leak into the kitchen cabinets, which were almost empty, his excuse was kitchen ware could have been in the way. It was NOT! Now to the roof issues, we were told by the inspector the roof showed normal wear, and had a couple of years on it. Matt used the cover of the notation ‘further evaluation of the roof', however we were led to believe it was normal wear and tear. After we found the kitchen cabinet damage we had a roof inspection done and were informed of hail damage on shingles and wind turbines, not normal wear and tear. Matt refused to acknowledge the roof hail damage was missed, claiming his people are only inspectors not roofers. Go figure.
This will cost us more than $8500 to replace the roof instead of having the chance to NEGOTIATE the repairs with the seller's insurer.
I thought we would be fair with Matt and ask for only 25% of the roof repairs. Surprisingly he laughed at me and said there was NO WAY he would do any compensation for the roof. I believe in integrity and doing the right thing. Evidently Matt cares more about money than doing the right thing when a mistake is made. We would NEVER use this company again and have recommended to our realtor not to refer this company to any other clients.

This is a review of the Yahoo Group, Real Advice For...
This is a review of the Yahoo Group, Real Advice For Real Love, which is an online support group. The group works like a message board where someone will start a discussion topic about an issue in their life and others will respond. While this group is not necessarily a legitimate business, it is an entity through which I actively sought support over the course of two years. Given what transpired in that group I feel it pertinent to make others aware of what happened.

I originally joined that group because I was dealing with past and present issues in my life relating to family, relationships with females, and abuse. An older woman initially responded to my posts and, since she seemed pretty knowledgeable, I developed a level of trust with her. However, as time passed and I continued to post, I noticed she was not at all empathizing with me but was rather trivializing my experiences and in fact subtly defending my attackers most notably the ones that were female. She would also make a lot of smart and off color remarks that seemed to take away from the seriousness of my situation. Regardless, I remained with the group hoping that if I remained active, responsive, and respectful, I would eventually get the understanding and consolation that I was looking for. Sometime after however, a few female members wrote harsh and attacking responses. Upon expressing my disapproval, the older woman just said give tough advice. Then several other attacks came and they were increasingly harsh, dismissive, and blaming. In addition, the moderator in response to my post about a very abusive girlfriend said I just have an attitude problem with women. Again the older woman came to his and the group's defense saying they were just trying to help me and I ‘didn't want to hear the explanation'. At this point my anger was through the roof. I finally came to my senses and left the group. Given the two years I spent there sharing intimate details of my life, I was beside myself and returned a few months later to vent my anger and dissatisfaction over how I was treated. The older woman, however, had left and sometime later, I discovered she started her own group, which I believe is called Advice for Living and Loving. After reading my post, she wrote a rebuttal in her group where she basically smeared me saying they tried to help me, tried to tell me it was my attitude that caused others to hurt me, that I just liked to blame everyone else for my problems, and that I need psychiatric help. She also copied and pasted posts I made in the original group that she felt were most incriminating all to make me look as bad as possible. That was my last encounter with her and with either of those groups.

I have to say this was one of the worst experiences I have ever had. I have never encountered human behavior so crass and so blatantly cruel. This group severely diminished my already broken spirit as well as my trust in people. In fact, I had to see a therapist just to deal with the confusion and anger that this group caused me. This was by no means a case where they flat out disagreed with me and let me know up front or, as she claimed in her rebuttal, could not in good-faith help me because I was too far gone, nor was it run-of-the-mill trolling you tend to see on other message boards. As far as I can see this was a calculated attempt to break my spirit over time so they could watch me crumble until I snapped. In fact, I strongly suspect that the older woman disguised herself under different usernames to attack me. I also recall that the attacks seemed to come when I was at my worst. As a result, it is absolutely imperative that I warn people about this malicious and horrible group.

I should also point out that upon my returning to the group, I noticed others getting harsh and ignorant responses by the supposed new clan of regulars in the group. Therefore I do not feel that my experience was necessarily an isolated incident. As far as I can see this group is a callous and hostile place that can cause extensive emotional damage and truly bring out the worst in someone. Given the façade of being a place of support, I consider this group to be even worse than a hate group where the agenda is at least made apparent. As for the moderator, I can't tell whether he is either oblivious to his group's harmfulness, merely doesn't care, or actively participates to make it harmful. Regardless, I would sleep much better knowing this group was dismantled (along with associate groups like that woman's group) and that everyone involved in this little network be held accountable for all the pain they have caused.

Fortunately, I am doing better now especially after consulting more trustworthy resources to actively speak out about what happened to me. I have even become an active participant in online support where I have been able to make a positive difference in people's lives. In order, however, to get full closure from this horrible experience, I feel it necessary to post this review, to notify cyberbullying and internet safety sites of this group in order to have it flagged, and to once and for all put this group in its place.

Looking back, I can say I am much wiser now and, in spite of how clever, covert and manipulative the group was, I can better appreciate how being in a vulnerable state of mind affected my better judgment thus preventing me from seeing red flags that became apparent far too late. While this posting is meant for my personal closure I certainly hope that it will effectively inform others, particularly those considering getting online support, how dangerous the internet can be and how important it is to be cautious in whom you entrust in getting support.

Yahoo is a propaganda machine for the DNC!
The previous negative reviews of Yahoo are right on as the site is totally biased in favor of the Democrats in almost every so called "news" article on the site. There is even heavy bias in the comments section where you can add an animated GIF along with your comment. If you search the animated GIF library for President Trump, you'll find countless amounts of derogatory GIFs towards the president and none that support him, with nearly every GIF trying to make him look bad. While if you search the GIF library for any Democrat, you won't find any GIFs that makes them look bad, you'll find the opposite, every GIF tries to make them look good!

I am a real yahoo and online news junkie, and I read...
I am a real yahoo and online news junkie, and I read and scan multiple articles pretty much everyday.
I'm not too big with some of the articles and the slant. And... then there are loading problems have occasionally; but yahoo seems to always be more than fair with the comments sections.
Many times the comments people make seem to be just insults, but yahoo lets it go. I am glad.
Yahoo seems to try to let people speak, even if it is garbage, and that is a real public service.
There is increasing censorship online and in online businesses, increasing blacklisting in employment, even online.
I am concerned about this and glad for yahoo.

Yahoo sites are poorly organized
Yahoo sites are poorly organized. The homepage shows news articles, but the articles are not categorized in any way so if you are looking for a specific news subject (e.g. business, technology, etc.) you have to hunt for it. I used to read articles on Yahoo, but now it's actually easier and faster to do a web engine search by typing in the type of news you're looking for. In the past I could simply click on a category on the Yahoo homepage, but not so anymore.

Yahoo mail is tedious. have improved the spam filters some. I don't get as much obvious spam as before. The bad side is that now some spam is designated as e-mails from Yahoo "sponsors" that you cannot delete. There was an option to stop receiving messages from sponsors a few months ago which I went through the steps to opt out, but that option was just for show since I still get them. These sponsor spams show up at the top of the list of e-mails. Also it takes forever for spam filters that you create to start working. I made a filter for these pharmacy spams and set it up for them to go to the trash folder. I kept getting them in my inbox for about a month after creating the filter.

Another thing I experienced was getting automatically signed up for Yahoo mail alerts about stories. They tracked the type of articles I read on the homepage and sent me tons of these alert messages. I went through the option of opting out and it said it would take more than a full week to change my preferences and to stop receiving them. Funny, it took them about a few days to start sending them to me, but when I want them to stop it takes a lot longer.

Yahoo Flickr is hard to go through. Yes, the format looks very pretty, but again, it's hard to use.

While Yahoo looks pretty, I want something that's also user friendly. I don't want to have to click on a bunch of items to figure out what to do. Years ago it had a very user friendly format, but this has changed. I feel like I did when I first got windows 8: lots of pretty colors, but that's it.

Worst Email site available
I have to use this email because I volunteer for an organization that was given it for free. Well, you get what you pay for. Ads galore... stuck right between my email. Ads taking up 1/3 of the page. It's difficult to manage contacts. Somehow, it got hold of my gmail contacts. When I go to find a contact I only use for the organization I volunteer for, I see all of my gmail contacts. That is incredibly annoying since I normally copy a team for the yahoo account. I tried to update contacts and found all of my other contacts. I was furious. I've since found I can group the yahoo... but why should I have to. This is just junk. Do use it. always find a way to make everything hard. Updates rarely work...

Tara Properties Management -- Landlord Retaliation -- Terminated Month to Month Lease
It is unlawful for a landlord to retaliate and terminate your month to month rental lease -- without good reason -- I am angry with Tara Properties. We lived at Paragon Place, LLC for 3-years. Took very good care of the apartment -- cleaned the carpets twice a year, washed the windows, mowed the yard, reseeded with grass seed every year because when we moved in there was no grass at all and sand fleas had taken over. The place was ridden with bugs -- earwigs and sand fleas and silverfish -- we had pest control come out and spray -- but then Churchill & Associates filed bankruptcy, Paragon Place, LLC bought the property and Tara Properties took over managing the apartments -- are not organized at all! The property manager signs documents to post on your door but has no idea what the document says or means -- had the audacity to complain because the owner wanted the doors painted but we weren't home to allow the painters in -- when the property manager was told that placing the Two Day--Notice of Entry on the door means that Tara Properties is responsible for ensuring the painters are allowed in -- not the tenants responsibility -- essentially Tara Properties insisted that we remain home so the doors could be painted. For three weekends, we left the apartment so the doors could be painted -- we presumed Tara Properties understood the documents they were posting on tenants doors. After I mentioned this to the property manager -- our month to month lease was terminated. It's all about the Benjamin's for rental property and property management in Oak Harbor. Essentially, Oak Harbor depends on transient military as 'cash cows.' If you are not from Oak Harbor -- you will soon know -- that you are not welcome. The locals want your money but not you in their town. Nepotism is at it's worst in Oak Harbor, Washington.

Yahoo is now 'The Worst' online news site with no Comments section
Horrible content collation, non-news news, badly written... the only redeeming feature used to be the Comments section where people could have interesting discussions... which has now been removed "to create a safe environment." Really?... you mean like Putin's Russia is a 'safe environment' where no one is allowed to express their opinions? Yahoo, your thinly disguised move to remove the Comments sections is as unAmerican as it gets... wondering if this was purely due to political reasons? Yahoo should consider moving to Russia or China where their substandard news reporting and absolute banning of citizens comments / opinions would be rewarded as 'patriotic'.

Public Disgrace
(C), "It's Free, (Free/Cheap, like: DVDS, VHS, CDs, etc., - So it wants to bury me; Holly M Colino, alive, and, wave carrots at you...

1.) Emailing system: Average, (Reliability).

2.) Virtual projections: absolutely shameful and despicable.

3.) Context: Favors the Envious/Wrong.

4.) Article 'Writers'/Envious 'Reporters: Fake News, Scandalous, $#*!, A Bore, NOT 'noteworthy',

5.) Primary Agenda: ENVY, (" 'Haters' "), Lip Synchers, AKA - Scheme to Defraud/Criminal Impersonators/Criminal Simulators/Unlawful Assembly..., (there is more), DVD/TV/NEWS, " 'Drama' " - staged acts, etc.

Just about every 'journalist', (Accomplice/Accessory), is re-iterating the same old Envy, ($#*!, Wrong,...), updates, ('stars' - the Envious), hoaxes, titles, stories, ['News', webs of deceit], fakes,..., - " 'Entertainers' " - AKA, the Envious " 'Hater' ".

A pinnacle of shame - Yahoo."-Holly M Colino.

I ORDERED 3 4 WHEELERS 2 250 CC Typhoon and 1 125 cc...
I ORDERED 3 4 WHEELERS 2 250 CC Typhoon and 1 125 cc Skyhawk, talk about junk, soon as we got them I put them together rand my sons 125 wouldn't stay running checked everything found out bad battery, no problem called mega motors and told them gave me big run around to check this check that, Im a certified motorcycle mechanic, so long story short said we will send you a battery right out, well 4 weeks later it finally got here, went to walmart and bought one tired of waiting and my son wanted to ride, then my chain kept popping off every 20 feet, looked it over and found out chain tension roller was bent from factory, called mega motors 6 weeks ago and still no chain roller, well then my son starts riding finally and ball joint breaks called again and was told after 4 weeks they don't have any updates on part yet and told me they didn't know when or how long it would be, We sold the 2 250 cc junk piles and still haven't got chain tension roller, lol wow what a joke this company is, if I was you I WOULD STAY AWAY FROM THIS FAKE LIEING DIEASE PIECE OF $#*! COMPANY, They have no cloe to what they are selling they buy from other companies and always have to put you on hold to find out from other companies when they can get parts, have own warehouse and parts my ASS, just stay away everyone STAY AWAY.

Buena Vista Landscaping Maintenance
Requested an estimate to have a 50' pine tree removed from my front yard here in Corvallis. I had estimates from a couple other local business's, but BVLM's came in the lowest, so I went with them. Everything worked out just fine. This was a large tree, but the guy in the bucket obviously knew what he was doing and quickly cut off branches and sections of the trunk, fed the branches to the guy working the chipper, and after about 4 hours had the tree down to a foot above the ground. A few days later another guy came and removed all the wood that did not get chipped, ground the stump down to below the ground, cleaned up and the job was done. No problems, and the work was done exactly as I wished. I would recommend Buena Vista to anyone and am happy with the work did, at a great price!

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