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50 customer reviews of

Yelp fraud provide fake accounts of customer and charge for message as that lead.
Our company appliance Repair and we claim the business page on Yelp to start advertising. In a few days, the agent Sean contacted me to enroll and provide us the support to get started. $300 dollars in advance as a credit to get started and set up the daily budget that works best for us according to the area and leads expectation. We set up manually $10 per day and Sean guaranty no penny more during the day. There is no agreement no penalty and no fee. Cancel any time. We agreed and start adverting 17 days ago. The advertising had the low performance we do not have any online booking/calls and works as well. No money in returns. Decided to stop advertising. Received bill for $270 due for 17 days. We were on recorded line I checked that out. Sean guaranteed $10per day and $300 as credit. I tried to reach seam or somebody who can make a breakdown bill and provide all info regarding that. After two days Sean responded to my email with the phone number of the success manager. The success manager said, that the budget is optional and average and Yelp can spend my daily budget as per trends and demand. Even in one day?! Manager shoed me 6 inbox messages with the quote that YELP counts as LEAD?! That five people ask me to quote them with similar questions and never got me back. I checked their YELP profile -no images, no reviews no friends. I believe that fake account. And YELP counts it as LEAD and charge. YELP charges me for CPC for $19 bc of demand... per manager... if demand is so high why We do not receive any orders from YELP and why Yelp spend $19 per with budget $10 per day?! YELP spent our company money with no any permission. YELP does not have my signature in agreement but they charge my DEBIT CARD for advertising that does not advertise. The agreement mean two sides agree. We do not agree to pay for advertising that not advertises my business. Yelp said that advertising with YELP is our problem and risks. Is that gambling? The agreement not working the advertising not working we do not suppose to pay.

Yelp owner must resign, it's the business owner's right to list or unlist with Yelp
You've got to be kidding me, how dare Yep tell me Yelp can disassociate my name from my business if I want my business removed from their listings. Lets disassociate the owner of yelp, hiding behind customer service and making them the bad guys and lie to us about algorithms making decision daily, from yelp. This is my name, my labor, my degree, my service to this country as a marine, Yelp needs to respect service professionals and treat all with respect, I worked around the clock to serve and help and keep my business running for over thirty years, not like Yelp, take a business and the business owners hostage with search engines. Yelp must try to be honorable and approach the one point two million dissatisfied business owners with the fair attitude, rather than the false accusatory reviews that they keep and remove the positive ones.
Despite our repeated requests you have steadfastly persisted in allowing a convicted felon fraudster who was not my client and who embezzled a small fortune (with overwhelming evidentiary superfluous paper trail, false bank logos, statements and correspondence, by small I mean few million) from non-English speaking female victims to post a fake review of me. It's shameful what Yelp is doing. In one sentence, Yelp has removed multiple versions of the response on that review I posted backed with public record criminal cases with case numbers of repeat felony charges Peter Chou has accumulated 3 year after the trial he mentions where I was not his lawyer, as a response to my due diligence Yelp went ahead and removed the many 5 star reviews I had from real clients.
No! I do not wish to be disassociated form my business on Yelp, nor fall victim to indirect forced tactics to buy paid listings. I want Yelp to be respectful of the 1.2 million dissatisfied small business owners and stop feeding off of bad customer reviews of hard working small businesses, their listings, and be their hostage holder. Simply put, Yelp is used as a threatening tool by customers from hell.
Not one star but minus many-many stars to Yelp.

Stay away from an aggressive company of thugs.
Back in 2013 yelp approached to advertise my business. Yelp proposed me only advertise in my area instead of all over NYC. I told them that I don't think that will beneficial since most of my client don't come from my neighborhood, after some back and forth Yelp sale rep agreed to placed me across the competition all over NYC ( x amount of times) Because I signed in the middle of the cycle I won't be charge til two weeks later. After a week and zero traffic I called the sale rep he said it was ridiculous expect business so soon, I said but at least I should see traffic through the page. On day 11 I decided to do an investigation which lead to what I suspected they sale rep had lie to me, he wasn't advertising as we agreed all over but in a very limited local way exactly what you can have for fee. He had no choice but admitted the truth saying we had a ''misunderstanding'' he said the contract was discharged, yet on the 5th I got a full charge, I called twice no one could or wanted help me. I called my bank and they fixed for me. What did they do? As a retaliation Yelp took 12 positive reviews and moved to the non recommend area ( the trash) when I called essentially they said this our company we can do whatever we want. In 2015 they started calling again day by day. Telling they were sorry about my experience, than the company had a new platform, that things aren't the same now. Yeap like an idiot I believed in them, this time I bought x amount of advertisement again no traffic, after an investigation find out they were showing my ads in page 50! That in order to be in the first pages you need at least 1,000+ budget mine was $400. This time they didn't dare to remove the reviews since I told them I will call the news. They are extremely biased posting and filtering reviews, recently I had a first negative one in 12 years in business (which don't worry me since the claimed is no accurate) and I proved respectfully in my reply. Two of my regular clients posted their reviews after the negative one ( both legit, both solid accounts) yelp removed both. Yet I know a business that had several negative reviews and after they started advertising with them with a high budget mysteriously the negative reviews disappear. A company of thugs, stay away from them even on free listing.

I posted my first online review on Yelp for a local...
I posted my first online review on Yelp for a local wine shop that my partner and I had discovered in a town near where we recently moved to in NY. Several people had recommended this shop to us, and when we finally patronized it, we were absolutely delighted with them and the service Yelp provided us and our community. I was so impressed I wanted to reward them with a rave review online, something I had never done before.

I set up an account with Yelp and posted my first review and was delighted having done so. I let the owner know, and he was equally pleased to have received it. Much to my chagrin, when I went to show it to my partner, the review was no longer there, but had been "filtered" out as possibly being "illegitimate" or in others words, fraudulent in their eyes.

I went onto Yelp's site and read the possible 'reasons' why they pulled my review, and saw how they had implemented an automated filtering system which determines which reviews "make the cut" and which do not. One of the reasons, apparently, was the fact that I didn't yet have any other Yelp reviews. Which was ironic, because by them yanking my very first one, they actually discouraged me from wanting to post with them anymore.

I was so disappointed and incensed I wrote a personal email to Jeremy Stoppelman, one of the Yelp's co-founders, letting him know that the review was genuine and not solicited at all by the owner, as they were implying. I also let him know of my personal connections to the Bay Area where he was from, and how I was a co-founder of two major institutions in San Francisco that were still operating to this day, nearly 40 years later—attempting to convey that I was a real person with real values and not about to post unwarranted reviews.

I received an email back from a member of Yelp's User Support Team, who said my letter was passed onto him, which basically reiterated everything I had already read on their website in this regard. Apparently, nothing I had communicated to them was taken into account, and to this day my review remains in question.

Was my review considered too good to be true? Is it that difficult to believe that a small local business could actually deliver a great service and that somebody would want to reward them for it? Was it too eloquent?

Well, Stoppelman's not divulging all the criteria they use, for when asked by a reporter from the NY Times, "How does the filter determine whether a review is trustworthy?" this was his reply, "We're looking at a variety of factors, collecting all sorts of data on the users that have contributed reviews. I really can't be very specific. The more that we explain about the algorithm, the less effective it becomes." []

My Yelp profile has an authentic picture of myself, my real location and a genuine email address, that they could have easily used to contact me if they were the slightest bit interested in having their service be more personalized and more effective, and not merely run by computer algorithms and auto-responders. I also happen to have a high profile Facebook account that is open to the public.

When the same NY Times reporter asked, "If nothing else, do you think you have a public relations problem?" Stoppelman's reply was, "There's simply anger over the accountability that Yelp brings and also this feeling of powerlessness because so much power is now being put in the hands of the consumer."

I would say that this is partially true, at least to a certain extent, though my own review as a consumer was rendered powerless, and the reality is, the real power remains in the hands of Yelp, and those programming and operating their system.

The same Times article discussed other criticisms about Yelp, including how they have "been hit with three class-action lawsuits from businesses claiming that Yelp sales representatives tried to press the businesses into advertising by offering — or threatening — to manipulate reviews."

To be fair, those lawsuits were dismissed, but when reading the comments following this more recent online article, "Yelp Extortion: The Lawsuit's Dismissed. Are they back at it in 2012?" one has to take into account that there are still very unhappy people regarding their service, on both the receiving end and those leaving reviews. [ />
So whose credibility is actually in question here? Much of the anger toward Yelp is coming from small businesses, like restaurant owners who are perhaps the most likely to have their business significantly impacted by bad reviews. When the Times reporter jokingly asked Stoppelman, "So you won't be opening a restaurant any time soon?" his answer was very telling, "Yeah, I don't think I'm going to be opening any local businesses."

You see, even though small businesses are the backbone of our economy, and pay more taxes than huge corporations, the trend for corporations to consolidate and expand continues, and the trend online is for these corporations to become even larger and more removed from public accessibility, other than their online interface. To put it succinctly, companies providing online services such as Yelp
Do not have the same level of accountability that small businesses are faced with, especially in light of how these small businesses are being treated by large corporate entities. Try finding a contact number for Yelp on their website, for example. Or try finding a place on Yelp's site to write a review about a corporation, or an online business that doesn't have a brick and mortar store.

I discovered this missing component when attempting to write a Yelp review about FTD, who recently failed to deliver flowers as promised, but could only do so on Yelp if I knew the actual florist that FTD had affiliated with and had subcontracted my order to, information that FTD would not supply. FTD was not subject to review, in the same way that other faceless online mega-businesses are not typically subject to these sorts of criticisms on Yelp. That is the reason I searched out Jabber, and wrote my first Jabber review, one about FTD on this site [] and now this review of Yelp. By the way, just like Yelp, you won't find a way to reach FTD by phone on their website either.

It is generally accepted that word-of-mouth is the most powerful form of advertising, and in a small town or city a business' reputation within their community is what would ultimately make or break them. This would not require reviews on Yelp, though when visiting a new locale, Yelp's service could certainly prove helpful, if in fact they were accurate, readily available to the viewer and incorporated into the business' rating.

In contrast to how devastating a bad review could potentially be for a small local business, large companies, especially successful internet businesses are dealing with a much wider target audience and can depend on a minimum amount of guaranteed amount of volume independent of any review they may or may not receive. Unlike a local business that is dependent on their locale and the favor of their neighbors, there is always another town, city, state or country where these mega-giants can expand their burgeoning influence. And for some, the internet has proven to be an almost infinite resource for new business, no matter how badly those companies may have performed in the past. It's a numbers game.

As Stoppelman so aptly put it, when asked, "Have you ever thought to yourself, I'm the most hated man in small business" His reply,"You can't really feel that way if you have 30 million consumers visiting you every month." Precisely my point!

My Yelp profile and the review in question can be seen here:

No ethics, no adherence to their own rules!
For an interesting read on Yelp's dodgy practices go here: />
I've suspected for a long time that Yelp was a shakedown operation, and I have been told as much by business owners, but now I have proof that it is true. This is based on what happened with two low-star reviews I wrote, a few years apart.

The first review (a one-star, with a long, detail, explanation as to why) was killed by the business owner (Yelp said it was "managed") because he claimed it did not speak to the personal experience of the reviewer. That business had all full-star reviews on its page at that time. A couple years later, my one-star review was reinstated on that page, and not at my request. It just suddenly appeared in my account, so I clicked over and looked at the business page. I noticed that the page now showed several one-star and low-star reviews, with various dates! The only explanation that makes sense is that the business owner stopped paying the monthly "page management" fee to Yelp, so the archived negative reviews were posted again. Kind of funny, but really unethical. Devious.

The second instance was infuriating because it endangered me, and it was so blatantly in violation of Yelp's rules. I wrote a low-star review of a business that I had used for years and no longer supported. My review was detailed and honest. The business owner harassed me (violating Yelp's rules). She then posted a long reply revealing my personal information (sick and twisted, and also in violation of Yelp's rules). I flagged the reply and was ignored by Yelp. I deleted that detailed review and wrote a short, terse review with a low rating. The business owner pasted in the same, long, vindictive, identity-revealing reply. Again Yelp ignored my flag. I contacted a Yelp through another channel and was told that Yelp deemed that hateful, vindictive reply not to be in violation of the Yelp rules (no mention of the harassment, of course, because they cannot explain that away). And here is where things become absolutely clear, when it comes to Yelp's shakedown business model. The business in question used to have several negative reviews on their Yelp page, along with some positives. They now have 100 percent positives, and the business owner managed to "manage" two negative reviews away, by breaking Yelp rules.

So what is Yelp if not a blackmail operation? If a business owner gets a negative review and contacts Yelp for advice on what to do about it, Yelp will tell said owner that they can pay a monthly fee to have their page "managed." I know a business owner who got this sales pitch. This is about as dirty as advertising gets!

Can Big Business get Yelp to remove reviews?
I received the following email from Yelp.


We're reaching out to let you know that our moderators removed reviews you posted to more than one business page, including Costco.

We typically remove reviews that appear to depict the same experience and are posted to multiple business pages. If you have firsthand experience as a customer of a business, you may share your experience on the page that best corresponds to the location where your experience took place.

If you've interacted with multiple locations, you can post a different review on each business page that speaks to your interaction with that specific location. However, please be aware that if you repost the same content to multiple business pages, this content will be removed without further notice.

To learn more, check out our Content Guidelines (

Flagged Content:
DO NOT USE Costco Travel. We booked the trip about 60 days ago with a deposit. The trip is for the end of May. Today on March 20th we received an email stating the entire trip will be charged to our account on March 22nd. We can call and cancel but the hold time is 1 hour and I am doing that while I listen to horrible elevator music. There is no way to cancel online like all other travel programs.

It is unacceptable and a scam.


Yelp Support
San Francisco, California

Yelp Official Blog |
Yelp Support Center |
Yelp for Business Owners |

I have emails and receipts for my interaction with Costco travel on the date my review was published. Yelp does not have a customer service email and this email came from a "no reply" address.

I know many small business people that can not get Yelp to remove false negative reviews after literally begging Yelp and providing documentation.

This is sad. I was deeply disappointed because I used to trust Yelp reviews. I do not like the way Costco handled my booking and how deeply difficult it was to get my money back. That is what the removed review was about.


We have recently implemented a system to outsmart yelp from hiding our filtered reviews:

Step 1- First of all, if you're advertising with yelp, we suggest you stop doing so and shift that money to optimize your own web site instead

Step 2- Have a graphic designer make a yelp badge that is placed on your web site. It should say "we have... filtered and unfiltered reviews on yelp".

Step 3- When a visitor clicks on the badge, it will go to another page ON YOUR OWN WEB SITE (instead of going to yelp's. (why help them get traffic and rank higher anyways)?

Step 4- On this page have your graphic designer get a screen capture (picture) of all your filtered and unfiltered reviews and have them pasted together onto one page (in 2 sections, the top section to be unfiltered reviews, leave a space, and then the lower section the filtered reviews).

Now, all your reviews (filtered and unfiltered) will be visible to all your web site's visitors.

5- Add the following words on the top:

"for your convenience, we have combined all of our filtered and unfiltered reviews on one page for you to view. If youd like to go to our live yelp page, please click here -------"

This is done so that your potential clients will not feel like you're trying to hide something or trying to cheat the system.

6- Be sure to update your unfiltered yelp page every few weeks.

Advantages of doing this:

1- Your visitors will stay on your web site instead of being re-directed to yelp's

2- Your visitors can't be redirected to your competitors page (unless Yelp choose to go to your live yelp page).

3- No more being a slave to yelp's algorithm

4- Yelp would not benefit from getting traffic from you and higher rankings on google.

5- This system cost us only $150 to implement

Just be sure to shift that $300 per month on yelp advertising and put it into KEYWORDS that people will search for.

**Please pass this on to all small business owners that may benefit from this.

Claim they do not remove reviews when business tells them to. LIES!
I have thrice or more tried to post a review of a very dangerous apartment complex in Canyon Country California. However, the owner and the draconian manager keep taking down the review. This is very dangerous, because the REASON WE MOVED THERE in January 2016 was based on Yelp! Reviews, and the genuine ones did not appear until months later. Now there have been so many bad reviews it is hard for the manager to keep up on her removal process so upon reading you'll see a bunch of genuine 1 star reviews and a score of 5 star review from her patsies. Here is my latest review, and please tell me why Yelp! Finds it worthy of taking down:


I'll keep this simple. Cara treated us horribly from the moment we encountered her. Our disabilities towards poor indoor air quality were ignored. Reporting the neighbors, who moved in new tenants on a rotating sub-let basis and who were constantly slamming the doors, walls, and ceilings with sometimes as many as 20 children and several families below us, were ignored. We had no heat in November. Chemical smells drifted from neighboring apartments that made us ill and made everyone who experienced them hallucinate. A tree fell over because there is almost zero maintenance, and it smashed a carport and the car below. Shady people come and go night and day, pause, someone comes to their door, and Yelp drive off. Most have brand new cars with dealer plates in an otherwise poor community. We were not allowed to view our unit until the day we moved in, and the carpets were so worn they became black with filth again 2 weeks later, yet Cara is trying to charge us to replace all of them at many thousands of dollars. We had a health inspector over and he noted numerous building defects.

There is NOTHING in this review that needs to be taken down, nor is it inconsistent with other reviews of this property. It is neutral, fact based, has supporting evidence, and is from 1st hand experience. There are absolutely no allegations in this review. Everything is substantiated from first hand experience of an 11 month tenant. Do not remove it, nor allow the owners to cause it to be pulled down, Yelp. This is your third warning. If you do remove it again, I shall take every effort to announce your actions across social media, as is my right and obligation. Thank you.

Stay away from the fishy company
We are a small but profitable business in New York providing people with the services since 2014. We have our company listing on Yelp as anyone else does. In a month or so after we put the business on the sale representatives started to call us with the paid advertising proposals. Yelp pushed us to buy the clicks. We refused to go with them because started to achieve good results on Google (for free). We invested a lot of time and creativity to bring online customers to our newly-opened business. We are not flattering ourselves, but this year Google mailed us a beautiful Christmas gift - a tote with our company picture and logo, a bunch of cards that Google advised us to give to clients encouraging people to continue leaving their feedback our company etc. In the holiday card they explained that we are doing just great - that's why they have sent us the gifts. And this was for $0.00 - just our personal efforts and ideas of our branding specialists and writers. I, as the representative of the company, decided to report the matter with Yelp because yesterday we have received a weird call. A Russian speaking Yelp's sales representative, addressing me in a loosy-goosy and disrespectful manner, insisted we to buy the yelp's paid clicks again. After I have repeated for the third time that we are not interested, he became more rude. The most interesting thing though is that he brought our attention to a negative review left by a customer insinuating that this review could be "transferred" into the well-known to all business owners folder named "reviews that not currently recommended." We knew that Yelp plays the games with the customers reviews - 20 out of 28 reviews left by our clients - are located in the said folder. The worse is that you cannot delete your listing from the fishy site. Once you list your business there - it is for LIFETIME. If you are a new business, go on Google - reputable, trustworthy and fair. If you stock with you will be constantly blackmailed - what they care about is just money they try to make in dishonest way.

Shame on this company! My mom an 83 yr old that lived alone was called by verengo solor and made a apt with her at this apt Yelp went up on roof inspected it saw that there was one place where there was patch work done 2 months befor, as my mom had stated to them, they drew up a work order form that showed where they would put the panels and a mark where the roof was worked on the 2 mos befor STATING that there was NO other roof damage to our roof.
The day of service they were on the roof and dug a 8 by 10 area into my roof, threw the rock and tar all the way down to the wood that is the foundation of my celling they told my mom that they could not use solor panels because our roof couldnt hold them due to wood damage so they cancelled and went on there way that was in the month of june of 14 ( when there is no rain) and has been no rain until this past dec and jan of 15 and 16. When i moved back home to take care of my mom and it rained those few days really hard the roof leaked in three places in my moms room.( DID I FORGET TO SAY THAT WE HAVE A FLAT ROOF HOUSE AND ALL WOOD CEILINGS) so i went up on the roof to see why it could of been leaking and low and behold i couldnt believe it, there was a area all dug up. I messured it and it was the same size as the panel verengo solor was to put up there! Who the hell digs up a flat roof and then leaves it like that knowing that a 83 yr old women isnt going to go up on the roof!? So when i called the company to complain and asked them to come out and repair it and i had a work order that stated from them that there was no damage on the roof other then the one they knew about and i had a pic from google earth that i took when i found the mess and it just so happened they did a google earth shot of mom roofs to show her where the panels were going and you can plainly see there was no damage then BUT they told me they didnt know whos been up on the roof between then and now, so they werent going to do anything eles! WOW really, there was no reason for neone to be up on the roof until it started leaking and now we know why. Were taking then to court, but i will tell you this VERENGO SOLOR it would be alot cheeper for you just of fixed your mistake and not let an 83 yr old women lay under a leaking roof that she couldnt get up on a roof to fix or have the money to fix your mistake ( thank God it isnt raning)SHAME ON YOU WHAT IF THIS WAS YOUR MOM AND SOMEONE DID THIS TO HER? Never mind i dont think i want to know the answer... see you in court. Look ot for the elderly this is a company that take advantage of them.,

Horrible For all Businesses
If I could give a company a ZERO this would be the one. I joined my BUSINESS with Yelp years ago when Yelp first started out. I found out real quick they were NOT looking out for my Interest, of growing my Business. They called 24/7 with harassing sales calls at least minimum 6 a day. Blocked them, then they would call from another number, then another and another! Asking for money over and over. My free advertise with yelp turned into my nerves being shot! Then I noticed all those good reviews vanished. Now the bad reviews 2 were left. So I deleted my account, back then you could! Thank God! Other companies I see are not so fortunate! So now my business is on there but remains unclaimed. And I am sorry to say, but those people who YELP!. Need some. Real Mental help! The reviewer's that are angry and just out to destroy a business, truly do live amongst usI think they just go home. Start sucking down the alcohol, get bored and angry and start Yelping away! So much for reviews being constructive and helping a business change to do better! NOPE they got knives out, drinks in hand and can't wait to get their angry little YELPY claws on their computer keyboard to ruin your Business! You want malicious content, PLEASE YELP! You want threatened with Jail, PLEASE YELP! The Reviewers are as bad as YELP customer service! So my Advice to Business, Just DON'T! Who Yelps Anymore anyway? I mean if You get angry because we couldn't do a poodle paw on your 5 month old puppy, who is bouncing around, playing, chewing our hands. We are just Satan, and the worst horrible company ever! NO so your needs and review tell me that you want me to cut off your puppies toes! Because you want every single hair taken off those paws of a young little puppy! No CRAZY we are NOT INJURING your pup to satisfy YOUR needs! Thanks to Google and Facebook, Business can do free advertising and it is FREE! Yelp won't be around much longer.

"Yelp recommendation software" should be illegal
Hi there, if you ever read my review please do the world a favor and do not create a business profile on Yelp and also stop using your personal profile if you have one. We should not be supporting companies like Yelp and we support them by using them.

Yelp is not a company with honesty, trust, fairness and respect. I have a home and commercial cleaning business in Los Angeles, CA. I create my profile on Yelp last august (10 months ago). Since I started I've been paying $500 per month for advertisement. In November (2018) Yelp started hiding all my reviews as "not recommended". I've been calling everybody in Yelp to have different opinions and they all say the same thing "It's a recommendation software that we can not control" They also give you some unfair options that "may be the cause" of your reviews being filtered as not recommended.

One of my biggest question is if that Yelp user was not good enough according to Yelp to count his/her review as recommended. WHY that same user was good enough when he/she clicked on my ad and Yelp took my money for it. What I mean is that "recommendation software" is just a $#*!ty software meant to manipulate the reviews so small business don't get organic leads and be force to pay for Advertisment.

Right now I only have 3 reviews on my Yelp profile and other 29 reviews (all 5 stars) filtered as not recommended. I think after you read this you can understand my frustration and I've tried everything but they just have to much power that there is nothing you can do.

It's also important to say that all this customers have contacted me thought Yelp, I have proof of conversations, invoices and whatever else would proof they're real customers. A lot of them have profile pictures, friends added and other reviews to other companies. So I'm sure you can tell they're not spam or whatever.

That's why I recommend you not do use Yelp. They're up now but I really hope they get down soon and I really think that'll happen because a company with not values can not be successful for a long time.

Re: Joel DuBoff, Esquire and his team at DuBoff &...
Re: Joel DuBoff, Esquire and his team at DuBoff & Associates, Chartered
This Exceptional Law firm is located at 1300 Spring Street, Suite 120
Silver Spring, Maryland 20910
Here is what I have to say Regarding Joel Duboff and his Team of Lawyers:
When hiring an Attorney to Represent your best interests, I wanted an Attorney I could Trust! Also One who is a Winner!
I have known Joel Duboff, when he was in Law School at George Washington School. When Joel was in Law School; I can recollect he also was in the US Army. Joel, also worked for a Famous District Court Judge.
I have known Joel Duboff sometime from 1972 or from 1974 on. This writer is a witness to a Superb Great Character who has Ethics; Joel Duboff was given this gift by Our Creator, God.
I am John P Kukor, a "Life Qualifying Member of the Million Dollar Round Table. Only 3% of the Life Agents and Financial Planners Achieve this Level of Production. If an Agent is to Survive in the Insurance Business Yelp must build up their Clientele. I am certain it is similar for a Successful Lawyer. In the years since I first met Joel, I concentrated part of my practice Soliciting Law School Students Georgetown University Law School and George Washington Law School. I also managed to have two "Law Review" clients from both of the schools.
During my Insurance Career, I have worked with 150 Lawyers. Thinking back this only is including the Law School Students who attended the aforementioned Law Schools. As I can recall I had other Law Clients who attended other Law Schools. Let's just work work with GWU Law and Georgetown Law. Out of all of the 150 Lawyers; I would only include 7 Top Attorneys. Joel Duboff is one of the Top 7. My Personal Opinion, I believe Joel Duboff is the "Best Personal Injury Attorney" I personally know. Two of the 6 Attorneys were members of "The Law Review". There is Tremendous Value in Being One of the Best Attorneys in his Field! I highly recommend to you. If you need One of the Best Personnel Injury Lawyers it is Joel Duboff! A Satsfied Client: John P Kukor III

Scott McMillan, McMillan Law Firm La Mesa
Scott McMillan La Mesa Attorney found to be a vexatious litigant. Before becoming an attorney, Scott McMillan Law Firm, 4670 Nebo Drive, La Mesa, Scott McMillan was losing cases and looks like was found to be a vexatious litigant too.
In McMillan v. Weathersby (9th Cir. 2002) 31 F. App'x 371,374, Scott McMillan, La Mesa, complained about his loss, and being called a None of the three main episodes that McMillan offers supports granting a mistrial. McMillan first asserts that defense counsel violated the court's in limine ruling barring reference to McMillan as a "vexatious litigant" by referring to McMillan's other lawsuits in his opening statement. McMillan LOST that case.

In another case Scott McMillan La Mesa Attorney - Fry's Electronics filed a motion entitled, Motion for Preliminary Injunction and Stay to Prohibit Conflicting and Vexatious Litigation Based on Changed Facts or Alternatively, Motion for Reconsideration of November 22,2002 Order Denying Motion for Preliminary Injunction/Stay. Lytwyn v. Fry's Electronics, Inc. (2005) 126 Cal. App. 4th 1455, 1464 [25 Cal. Rptr. 3d 791]

Now it looks like Scott McMillan, McMillan Law Firm, tells clients he a leading law firm, is paid, then gets to lose cases. A few recent examples of Scott McMillans recent losses:

Plikaytis v. Fairmont, L. P. et al. Case Number D066876 (lost appeal)
McMillan Law Group, Inc. et al. V. The Superior Court of San Diego County/Yelp, Inc. D067610
37-*******4953-CU-BT-CTL (case where law firm was sued by Yelp! For posting its OWN REVIEWS lost writ petition)
Kelegian v. Anders et al., Case Number D067328 (Transfer/certification denied)
Williams v. Digius et al. Case No. D064183 (opposed defendants appeal and lost)
Oceans Eleven Casino v. Anders, Case Number S219395 (lost California Supreme Court case)
Bridgeman v. Allen et al., Case Number D062183 (lost appeal AND McMillans client forced to pay costs of respondent)
Morton v. Spotts, Case Number D058640 (McMillan lost appeal his client lost at trial and found liable for $15,000)
Williams v. Nordstrom, Inc., SD Sup Ct. 37-*******7604-CU-CR-CTL, Plaintiff and his counsel, were sanctioned nearly $16,000 for discovery abuse; case on appeal, see Case Number D069051
Williams v. The Superior Court of San Diego County/Nordstrom, Inc., D068765, 37-*******7604-CU-CR-CTL (writ denied)
McMillan Law Group, Inc. et al. V. The Superior Court of San Diego County/Yelp, Inc. 37-*******4953-CU-BT-CTL, D067610 (writ denied) [law firm posted its OWN reviews]

I am going to rate Walsh Honda of Macon, Ga poorly. I am especially disappointed with the attitude of the general manager David.
In early December 2020 my wife purchased I used Honda Odyssey. Immediately after purchasing it, she smelled oil. She took it Back to Walsh Honda. Yelp discovered an oil leak. They clean thee oil leak impetus of powder around the stained area and told her to Called them in order to make an appointment to come back in a couple weeks to see if the stain had reappeared. Two weeks later she tried tto call them. She could never get in touch with anyone. No one would call her back.

In early February 2021, less than two months after purchase, Her engine light came on. We carried it back to wash onto. We worked with a service manager named Jay. He was very nice. He seemed to indicate that he wanted to work with us and fix the problem because it was agreed that the engine light should not be coming on this soon after purchase. The next day Jay Was off work. A person named Wayne called us. He indicated that there were problems with the oriole pressure switch and oil pump. He said it would cost $1200 to repair. I told him about thee situation of The vehicle leaking oil at the time of purchase. He told me he would check with the general manager, David, in order to find out what they can do.

He told me back a few hours and told me that the general manager said we would have to pay for the repairs. I did not get thee impression that we were going to get much of a discount if any discount even though we don't have a Van for approximately 6 weeks.
I believe this is a poor attitude for a business to have and I believe it is for customer service. I believe it is a poor reflection on Walsh Honda Macon, GA And a poor reflection on Honda products.

I would not recommend this Honda dealership to anyone and will be expressing my opinion to friends and family about Walsh Honda of of Macon.

Charles Wells, Macon, GA

Pop's Garage Door
Pop's Garage Doors LLC. 5901 MONTROSE rd norte Bethesda, 20852Apartment *******@popsgaragedoors.comMHIC #114437

I would not recommend this place. I had them come out and fix my garage door. Yelp should've put new hinges on. Instead they put 10 screws in one of the old out side hinges to hold it together. I don't think it's going to hold very long before it will fall apart. Then the other three hinges that were broke they took and put this bracket a crossed the three hinges to just hold the old hinges down. Then I realized they had broke five more hinges on my door that wasn't broke. I guess that happened when they open the garage door and the top two panels was just hanging by the garage door opener cause everything flew apart when they open the door. I told him not to open door because it would come apart and he did it anyway. Just like I said it came apart. So now because of what he did I have 5 more hinges broke. So they put Screws in the outside hinges that the wheel is in that rolls the garage door up. Then the other hinges they did like the panel above put the brackets Across all the old hinges and put screws all the way across my whole garage door. They used about 40 screws. Which it should've been like four screws for each new hinge. Instead they didn't put any new hinges on. They use the same old hinges. And just put that bracket on top of the old hinges to hold the old hinges down. Then put like 20 screws across the one bracket and then did the same for the other bracket Horrible job. I didn't realize what they done until after they left. So I called them back out and told them it was unacceptable. They came back out and told me it goes up and down, doesn't it. It's fixed? I told him it was going to fall apart. He said if it falls back apart we will come and fix it again. But I don't want it to fall apart. It will hit my car again. This time when it broke it put a dent in my car when the garage door fell on it. I told them I don't want it to fall apart again. Because it might damage my car. He said well if it falls apart they are not responsible if it damages my car. They just kept saying it works. They wouldn't do nothing about it. So I had to keep it that way. They charged me $465 for this awful job. No new hinges the broken hinges are still on there and they call that fixed. Look at the pictures it's a crying shame. The last picture that's the bracket that they ran across the whole garage door and put all the hinges down that was already on there. They were broke as you can see in the other picture. They put that bracket across the top the hinges and put screws all the way across my whole entire garage door. So now I've got about 40 extra holes in my garage door. People like this shouldn't even have a business. Not happy at all. I wouldn't give them no stars. But they make you give at least one. But as far as I'm concerned they get wouldn't get no stars. After writing this review company called me and threatened me. Told me I was going to be seeing him everyday and in my sleep and in my dreams. He was yelling on the phone at me and it made me feel very uncomfortable. He called me back a couple of times. I had to tell him I was gonna call the police on him to get him to stop calling me. I called the police anyway because I don't know what he's capable of and I felt threatened. I would be careful doing Business with this guy.

Yelp only cares about their bottom line
As a business owner we live and die by the reviews we receive. We do our best to give our customers a remarkable experience, and when that service has been rendered we have always asked if Yelp would be willing to write a review. As a caveat we make sure to include a request for the customer to contact us if they have any problems and don't feel they can give a favorable review... because we want to make sure their experience is a five star experience. Recently we received notice from Yelp stating that no "review solicitation" was acceptable, and that we were in danger of losing our standing on their page if we continued to ask our customers to write a review. Evidently we are supposed to "hang our hat" on the reviews we receive in a passive way; leaving our businesses reputation in the hands of the inherent human nature to review something only when their is something to complain about. Why? Because "realistic" reviews give their company (Yelp) credibility by bringing "real" reviews to the table, this bringing customers to their site and lining their pockets. Meanwhile, small businesses are left hanging at the end of a hangman's knot because most people only want a forum to give light to how they may have been wronged, not a place to share how good the service was. Negative feedback is cheap and easy to find... even when it comes by way of lying customers with an agenda. The business can receive negative reviews that are straight up fabrications, or even reviews from jealous competitors, and has no recourse. The reviews stand, regardless. The business just has do deal with it. On the opposite end of the spectrum, if a business doesn't ask for positive feedback, they get negligible positive feedback. The balance is HEAVILY weighted to the negative simply due to human nature. Yelp wants drama from negative reviews to keep them in business. For that reason I am offering them a dose of their own medicine with this review. I know it means nothing to them, but if they play by their own rules, this review has to stand. It is MY opinion, and I have a right to voice it. Now... I have an amazing little business to go run, and a well earned 4.9 star, happy customer base to go offer exceptional service to.

Yelp is an evil company, Yelp were so stupid on the way they manage their company, money first, careless about anything else. If you don't listen to what they are asking for or don't do a highly cost ad with them, they will do everything that they can in order to destroy your business, by showing all the bad reviews and filter all the good reviews, just like what they did with Massinos pizza. They even go on Google and spend a lot of money in order to try to take business from you and send it to your competition using which they bought couple years ago (evil doing and unfair to any human beings).

It is just a matter of time for Yelp to be sued and that is the only way for the CEO to stop this evil work.

Yelp came alive by paying people to go eat at all restaurants if that person puts a review on Yelp, and after few years and after they fed a lot of people, and managed every review on Yelp (filter what ever review they want and show what ever they want for any particular business), then they start calling all business and ask them to put ads on Yelp in order to get more business (which a lot of business did go for but others were disadvantaged if they couldn't afford to pay for a costly ad on Yelp).

Yelp advertising team call us multiple time (at least once a week for the last 3 years) asking us to put ad on Yelp in order to get more business and they will improve Masinos rating on Yelp, but we couldn't afford it (asking for at least $300/month contract), but I told them that I gave you my business website through where they were generating an average of $760 (online ordering processing fees through our website, just in 2016, we processed over $70000, and Yeld received 10 % of that ($7000), but still not happy. Then, they stopped calling, and they started the evil work online, by filtering all good reviews and showing mostly nasty reviews.

Then in 2017, I noticed the online ordering through our website was declining because EAT24 is redirecting our customers to their APP where they show the Yelp rating (only 2.5 stars but on Google we have 3.5 stars, tripadviser 4 stars, etc), I started calling them in order to ask why sales are declining, and explained that one of the reason is the Yelp low rating, and when they redirect to their website and showing other business with higher rating than Massinos, of course the sales will decline. EAT24 couldn't do anything of course, just because Yelp is in charge, and yelp wanted more money from us.

So I had to close EAT24 account, and switched our website to Menufy, which in just 2 months, sales were tripled.

Then EAT24 were so upset, they started that evil work just like Yelp, by trying everything in order to take business from Massinos and give it to our competition which are signed up with EAT24/Yelp.

Is this how a bad company (EAT24/YELP) operates, when they lose some business, they need to work harder in order to make that customer very upset, or they will work very hard and understand the issues that led to the lost of business and try harder to get it that business back. Stupid thinking and reactions from EAT24/Yelp.


Poor Review Policy
I have a yelp listing and there are a number of good reviews written for my company. Many of these good reviews by actual legit customers have been pushed down despite some of them having multiple friends and multiple yelp reviews. This has left only one good review on yelp out of a number of good reviews. As yelp reps have told me, But people can still click and see the good ones we don't recommend! But you don't know that in the Google listing because these are not displayed.

Recently a third party in a transaction between me and my client wrote me a defamatory review on yelp. This review has been featured prominently because of the number of friends and posts etc this user has on yelp (I was told this by a yelp rep). Yet Yelp have never actually interacted with me or my company and the job was done well and with integrity (otherwise they may have opted to sue my company as may be their right). Because of this I am at a 3 star rating featured prominently on Google due to suppression of actual customer reviews which were 'too glowy'.

I have talked with other small business about this same issue. The poor quality of review control with what Yelp may consider freedom of speech but is in fact defamation. Freedom of speech does not give the right of defamation a tort which infringes upon the rights of others. Until yelp substantially improves weeding out of fake reviews both positive and negative and ensuring that real reviews receive their rightful place of prominence on business listings yelp will remain a 1 star company.

Of course after this I started to receive more calls from yelp reps asking me to sign up (a correlation perhaps as I have no proof otherwise).

On a final note your business rating on yelp gets two prominent places on Google. One is listed directly on yelp the other on the mapquest listing for the company (not guaranteed that both will show up but that is my experience.) This gives unbalanced impressions of companies. Although a representative ensured me that people will be so thorough in checking to be sure what people are actually saying and that they will know these are both yelp ratings my experience is that people don't have time to do that. The first impression is the one that sticks.

Yelp needs to clean up their act. I look forward to a legislative and/or legal reprimand for this and other fast and loose review websites.

Yelp Proxy warns of suspicious website uses all kinds of spy cookies and other means to infiltrate consumer-based reviews. In simple English, their programmers have (and use) ways to discover who you are, your identity, email, and possibly a lot of other information.
Considering Yelp lead you to think you are reporting possibly anonymously, it is not such whatsoever. Example: I wrote a legitimate review about an optometrist who has really bilked me for the money using a pseudonym. They had someone respond to my review presumably from the optometrist company. Indeed his name sounds familiar but it is fake because the respondent also offers another name.

Here's the telling fact: Respondent addressed me by a previous pseudonym, one I had stopped using over a year ago. Respondent named a franchise that had closed down over two years ago that I had once used satisfactorily. I may even have given them a positive review a few years ago. Respondent could not have possibly dredged up all this information (previous pseudonym, reference to previous glasses at previous franchise as a basis for customer compliment) in just a few minutes (the responder from the optometrist posted just after I finished the review on a late by east coast time weekend evening).

So it's obviously Yelp has IT specialist posing as respondents from the company but addressing the customer using details obtained from previous Yelp postings and reviews.

We also have reason to believe Yelp is not a safe site. Try to open Yelp as a proxy website from IE and it will not open if you have a decent safety wall. Warning that the site has suspicious attack code embedded. I don't think it's unsafe, but I do believe they use spy cookies.

The review on the optometrist was warranted because, if I make a Trumpian assertation, it was. The franchise may change, but my visit was unpleasant enough that I did not want to go back. They work at being intimidating, and the doctor at being vaguely harassing. And the place is overpriced. And they take advantage especially of middle-aged women of color. That is my opinion and impression. I share it because I want to prevent other women from being exploited. It's just the decent (not at all sociopathic as 4% reviewer believes) thing to do.

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Based on 50 reviews from Yelp customers, company has accumulated an average rating of 1 stars, indicating that majority of customers are not satisfied with its service.
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Description: User Reviews and Recommendations of Best Restaurants, Shopping, Nightlife, Food, Entertainment, Things to Do, Services and More at Yelp

Address: 140 New Montgomery St., 94105


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