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50 customer reviews of

I could get lost in YouTube for hours on end
I could get lost in YouTube for hours on end. I think that TV stations and the like should allow clips on YouTube. Like So You Think You Can Dance? I always want to see dances that I love again and since that show cannot put out a great DVD with the ones I like I think the next best thing is to have YouTube have them up. YouTube could even put commercials in there... short ones. 8 seconds.

What I really love are the people I follow who give commentary on what they have heard int he news, movie reviews, people who have skits, or those that sing really good with covers and their own stuff. Youtube has nasty commenters, but I don't read the comments often nor do I make comments that often. I vote. I think that it's great to see videos run freely like this.

YouTube is one of those sites that is a double edge sword. People just have to know how to handle it and it can be a great tool. And just like the internet it has dark spots that many should just avoid all together. Don't let those dark spots suck you in like political spite or angry speech. Stick to the real and the happy. Don't anchor yourself with cynical thinking that could so take you in a direction that you don't want to go in.

Oh and I love finding clips of old cartoons I haven't seen in a really long time. Love that.

Strongly believe that there is something fishy and not right with this company and I can't express enough my disappointment in the way YouTube handle my account.
I have no other option than contacting THE INTERNATIONAL FINANCIAL SERVICES COMMISSION as they are regulated by them and report TRADE INDEX REVIEW's company who will be able to assess if they are a FRAUD or INCOMPETENT.
I have waisted so much more time chasing them to get my money and I feel like after all that those trades and time consumed were not paid off as well as lost my money.

For all people who using INDEX REVIEW in uk
Please use this for your complain
Gov uk complain financial services

The uk government association has been Unable to locate this company
And it's not IFC registered

I have received a call from this platform today tell me I can't withdraw any amount from my account until I reach higher level of treading open and close
Otherwise I would lose 95% of the profit he said this is the platform policy which is not true they won't run away with your profit and money

As they mentioned
The INDEX REVIEW charts price is not correct According to the market price
INDEX REVIEW it's not controlled by any financial organisation
So they are free to do with our money what they want
My has been disappeared and they closed my account

Nearly 2 Months to Receive Return Shipping Label
Right after Xmas I ordered two pairs of pants, received them 1/13/15 and one of the jeans had a hole in them (that was NOT supposed to be there). So I called THAT DAY and asked what I need to do to get an exchange... YouTube said they would send me a return label (that would not cost me anything, as opposed to the one sent with the order) then I needed to send the pants back and wait 2-3 weeks for them to process sending me a new, unflawed pair of pants.

So I waited to receive this label that did not come. I had to repeatedly call... on 1/26/15,2/5/15, Mid Feb sometime, and again today 3/3/15. Each time there was an excuse, they apologized and said it could be the proper form wasn't entered, or there was a glitch in the system, WHATEVER. At one point they even got a supervisor to make sure it got sent, but even they failed to do their job. By now they should have offered to just send me a replacement pair of pants, without needing the flawed pair back. That wouldn't have cost the company very much, and the damage they have caused with this terrible experience has lost them a frequent customer who has spent $100's of dollars with them.

So when I called today 3/3/15, this lady Teresa, said that the label did get shipped... yesterday. WTF! I mean does customer service get any worse!? It took you 7 WEEKS to get a label shipped to me.

Alloy, you need to get your sh*t together. I've read a lot of reviews on here about how terrible your customer service is, especially when it comes to shipping things in a timely fashion.

You've definitely lost any future business from me.

A Mirror of Ourselves, Indeed
Youtube is the Amazon of online experience and knowledge, but unlike, everything on it is free. There's everything for everyone, whether you're looking to be entertained, informed, or both. And so it seems wrong to criticize it. Whatever you disagree with or don't like on Youtube, just don't watch it. The worse thing I can say about YouTube overall is that it's addictive.

But it's also like the Amazon River, with dangers lurking. There's a serious dark side to Youtube that's as toxic as it is addictive. It's darker content (animals being killed, criminals escaping justice, political radicals winning office, etc) leave me feeling upset and in time poisoned, like I've been smoking psychological cigarettes. Meanwhile, seeing the nostalgic movie music and movie clips I've uploaded get almost completely overlooked is disillusioning, especially when I see mountains of garbage from other contributors get overwhelming approval.

How low does Youtube content go? Watch this new report, in which Youtube can be linked to a murder...

Here's an example of the kind of sick sadism that abounds on Youtube...

If you read or contribute comments, you have to keep your expectations low. Comments are where Youtube can still be entertaining and informative, but where it also became to me such a serious turn-off that it decided me to stay off Youtube permanently. If you want the details, read on. But that sums up my Youtube experience.

What's wrong about YouTube comments...

Nowhere are people's attention span's shorter than on YouTube's current events story's comments, which are all made on the day the video appears only. If you post a comment one day after a news story is posted, you're 24 hours too late - you'll be howling at the moon if you write anything. It's like showing up for a party the next day - there's nothing but plastic beer cups spilling out of garbage cans to keep you company. The line of posts will all read "One Day Ago" at the top, all the way down, and you won't receive a single Like, let alone reply. The amazing thing is that the actual events behind the stories will still be unfolding at the time - these days, viewer's attention spans can't even last for the duration of the events themselves. It goes far in explaining how so few people cared about the war in Afghanistan until it was lost, and the chaotic pullout itself was completely forgotten about only weeks later. It made me feel like I'm living in a world full of news addicts looking for their next fix - or was it comment-makers looking for their next score? The result is the feeling that my own insightful comments have a shelf life of just a few hours, and that I live in a world of near-sighted drones.

Worst of all is that your comment gets pushed down the list into the masses of what is often thousands of comments. The first comments to arrive build up the most Likes and replies, resulting in relatively mediocre comments getting hundreds of Likes and dozens of replies because YouTube "float" at the top and get viewed vastly more than the other comments. Meanwhile, countless more intelligent comments sink to the bottom. It makes me wonder how many commenters are playing a game of waiting for a video to be newly posted (by minutes, not hours) so they can make their comments out-view other comments. It all left me feeling like I was only writing my comment for myself alone. Granted, it's not a bad thing to write down your thoughts, but if nobody is going to read them, in the end you might as well just think them and leave it at that. At least you won't be played the fool at the same time.

It gets tiresome to read so many fawning viewer reactions to presenters themselves in videos where a presenter is involved. In videos without a presenter, commenters mostly keep the focus on the subject, however ignorantly. But where a presenter is involved, I start seeing how easily personality cults are formed. A surprising amount of commenters see a superstar in someone who just sits or stands there in front of a camera and gives their opinion. Such servile overreactions come across as weak, silly, and annoying to someone like me, who just sees other people and their contributions clearly for who and what they really are, doesn't project his own narcissism onto others, and doesn't act desperate for a parent figure on a video to babysit him.

What's most frustrating about comments that gush over the most mediocre presentations is the fact that important subject matter gets overlooked in the process. So many viewers have the weird ability to ignore major news issues, beautiful music, great movies, excellent motorcycles, etc and only care about the person presenting or performing it. It's snobbish, childish. And mindlessly superficial. Youtube would be a far better site if it refused to post those junk comments along with the mountain of worthless comments by fools who parade their ignorance instead of sharing what they've come to know by personal experience and solid rational thinking. Above all, YouTube needs to screen out every and all cruel outlashings, which are of such epidemic proportions on YouTube that you'll probably start bracing yourself every time you see a reply to one of your own comments, and you'll find yourself wincing at abusive replies to decent commenter's legitimate viewpoints.

Youtube is a shark tank when it comes to anger issues and outright trolls (online bullies). Tolerance for bullying is a prime measure of the respectability of a website, and Youtube ranks very low on the scale. Uncivil communication is epidemic among Youtube comments. Too many viewer comments, especially under news reports and current topics, are disturbingly backward, made worse by so many people agreeing with them. It's not an exaggeration to say that the dumber the comment, the more the number of views and likes. The number of political radicals and sadistic personality types poisoning Youtube comments under news-related videos is astounding. It's especially disturbing to see a nasty, ignorant comment get ten times as many 'likes' as a civil and astute comment right alongside it. If you're an intelligent, caring person looking to make connections with like-minded people, the effect of reading so many negative, misguided comments while not receiving replies from the few people you're in-sync with is like being slapped in the face over and over again. When I do receive positive replies to my own uploads or comments it's always a dead-end street that leaves me feeling strangely lonely. A positive exchange always gets suddenly abandoned by the other person as soon as it gets too interesting and productive. Mainly, though, Youtube comments left me with a feeling of being lost in the crowd. The vast majority of comments get no replies.

It's fair to argue it's not Youtube's fault for the level people are on these days, but like Facebook, to some degree Youtube needs to take responsibility for what they're allowing. One thing I can say directly against Youtube's managers is that they tend to have reversed values. I've read many viewer comments defending brutality and suffering that are left in place by Youtube, yet they deleted a comment I made addressing on an intellectual level Marilyn Monroe's eroticism (nothing weird or inappropriate at all). They also allow many videos showing sadism, graphic deaths and senseless tragedies, but rejected my upload of the ending of the movie Chariots of Fire because it was slightly longer and in high definition compared to the poorer quality versions they allowed of the same exact scene. The worst are the many comments made on YouTube that advocate the harming of children and animals. No decent website would allow such comments, just as no decent home would allow them. Usually I'm the only commenter replying to those sick posts and defending decency against them. Where are all the people with moral courage these days?

At one point Youtube refused to remove pornographic spam that I reported under a completely unrelated news video. This happened after they refused to remove comments that were harassing and bullying me, but deleted my own replies defending myself against them. When I reached the point where I openly questioned why Youtube was allowing such abusiveness against both myself and others, they deleted that, too.

Any comment that's too enlightened is a threat to Youtube. Here's an example of an exchange I had with another commenter over the Kyle Rittenhouse case. Youtube allowed the other commenter's post to remain, but deleted my reply, the second post...

Other Commenter (allowed to remain by Youtube)...

"Kyle Rittenhouse isn't a $#*!-up he's an academic student, with law enforcement on his back, it's not his fault that the three $#*!-ups he liquidated by self-defense tried to grab his gun for no reason, just by mere panic - it's in our rights to protest with or without guns - the guys he killed are felons and your true $#*!-ups."

My Reply (deleted by Youtube)...

"When I see a bunch of cavemen hitting each other over the head with clubs, I don't take sides, because I know they're all defending the same thing - the right to remain cavemen instead of becoming civilized."

I finally turned away from Youtube after they immediately deleted a comment I made criticizing the public lap dance that was given to a married NYPD lieutenant by a female rookie. Almost all the other comments supported the cop's right to do whatever they wanted off-duty. Youtube kept them all in place. My opposition comment disappeared within minutes after I posted it.

It can't be accurately claimed that Youtube was politically motivated in deleting my responses, because the website's censors consistently allow harsh comments on both sides of an issue. Clearly, Youtube is thriving on disturbing destructiveness and moral descent in both it's video content and it's comments sections. To varying degrees that's true also for other social media sites, but if you're looking for a refuge from people's lowness and craziness while you're on Youtube, limit yourself to certain types of videos and avoid the comments sections. If you find YouTube too seductive and addictive for that, then avoid Youtube altogether. If you can't do that, seek treatment before you become a hardcore bottom-feeder yourself.

Silenced the Truth about Vaccines
Social Media platforms are silencing families that have deceased or ill family members due to believing vaccines are a preventative cure. This is a blatant disregard to grieving families informing the public of the possible preventable tragedy. Physicians are NOT suppose to be drug pushing dealers to get monetary kick backs from big pharma. Physicians are suppose to review, ask each patient pertinent questions & then give an informed opinion on how to possibly proceed or forewarn of the possible dangers. If a patient wants to proceed after they've been properly vetted & counseled, then the patient should sign a statement to be filed with their medical records stating that YouTube not only understand the consequences but they also are approving to proceed with the issuance of the vaccinations or other drugs.

In my YouTube video, I simply stated my experience with my military physician & told the public to read the website if they have any underlying conditions that could be affected by the vaccines.

YouTube shut my video down, told me I violated by stating medical misinformation & threatened to shut my YouTube page down permanently.

Please read the CDC website for yourself. Google "Covid vaccine ingredients", click on ingredients link, scroll down to "Triage" section (to know who's eligible to receive a vaccination), & review "Ingredients included in COVID-19 vaccines" (copy & paste ingredients you're unfamiliar with & look up "side effects"), & lastly read "Reporting of vaccine adverse events" (has link & phone number to report adverse reactions to VAERS) />
If YouTube or your vaccination administer clinics won't inform or ask pertinent questions to save your nor your child's life, then inform yourself.

Report unsatisfactory reviews to ALL social media fronts who tries to silent a potential deadly truth to save a loved ones life.

Horrible Company. Awful Customer Service.
I placed an order with Alloy two weeks ago and received an order confirmation that same day. I have yet to receive any shipping information after TWO WEEKS. The shipping costs $18 and is estimated for a time of 7 to 10 business days. What the hell?! A few nights ago, I sat on hold with customer service for OVER an hour and finally selected the option to leave a callback number. After doing so, the hold music kept playing for another 20 minutes before I hung up out of frustration. The following night I tried again and actually got through to a disinterested, unhelpful customer service rep. She gave me the run-around and said my order couldn't be processed because I paid with PayPal. Why would your company even offer PayPal as a payment option if you can't process such orders?! She said to call back the next day. I told her I would not do that, and she said she'd leave my number with a supervisor who would call in the morning. Twenty-four hours later... no call. I'm not shocked after reading the other TrustPilot reviews. Should any Alloy bigwigs take a gander at my review (not likely since YouTube think customers can go screw themselves), you better get your sh*t together before you end up bankrupt like many catalog-happy, teen-clothing companies like yourself. It's absolutely outrageous that you'd treat your customers in such a way.

I wish I could write a negative review on this company
I wish I could write a negative review on this company. It was my first time ordering from them and from the time I placed my order, I had an issue with them. I iniatlly placed an order in Sept and overnighted the order. Well, someone over there never sent out my order. After numerous calls, YouTube FINALLY sent it. At the time of the order, some of my items were backorder, therefore never recieved it. Well, my items were shipped out 11/11/2014 and recieved 11/15/2014 and ret back to them by 11/30/2014. I never recieved a credit from them. When i called, according to the customer service person i was recieving a store credit because i had ret the items too late. Needless to say i was livid! After speaking to 3 customer service rep, i asked to speak to a manager. Of course she wasnt availiable but woud call me back. After waiting 2 days and noone calling me back, i called them and according to them I HAD TO CALL BILLING TO FIND OUT WHERE MY CREDIT WAS AT? Really? So, not only did noone call me to follow up, but now i have to do their follow up work? When i asked to speak to a supervisor, noone was availiable. I asked for a corporate number and was told i could not have it. PLEASE DO NOT BUY ANYTHING FROM THEM! YOU ARE BETTER OFF WITH FOREVER 21!

Ding ding ding... The Communist New World Order VS middle class America and United States Consitution.

Youtube/Google is a real display of communist censorship in this global political war against the last bastion of freedom that we call America.

The good news is the communist NWO is failing fast and hard, now. Corruption is throwing itself under the bus.

Be sure to watch 13 min Gulag Tube interview: Ex-KGB, Soviet defector to Canada, Yuri Bezmenov's Warning to America, explaining the NWO strategy underway. Be informed so you don't mix up equality and equal rights with divide, conquer and control.

I suggest Bit Chute, Dtube or Steemit. Either way, blockchain and torrent technology decentralizes control from elite manipulation via Youtube, Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. Blockchain will also replace Amazon, behemoth, Dr Death style business models and the monoply Google search engine. Watch for it and support it.

Start Breaking Free!
Operating system - Linux Mint (like windows), free, safe, lots of open source software.
Search engine - for an amazing private search engine, 2nd to none.
Phone - I use Text Now for a free phone and phone number.
Phone Firewall - Kill/disable all Google apps. Use a "no root" app to block spy apps.
Phone privacy - Google loves to listen: use a mic block app. Turn off GPS.
Save time and stress - Dump smart phone, which I will be doing shortly.
Social network - get a real life or use blockchain
Video - I like Bit Chute

We can't afford to support companies that are out of integrity anymore.

The Only Social Networking Site I Like:
I love YouTube. I also love videos. Videos help preserve memories of you and your friends and your family. If you aren't around each other any more (or Never again) then you still have the videos you guys made to get her with each other. I have posted some of my own and so have my Brothers and friends and I'm glad we all made videos. It is just random every day videos playing sports, or doing pranks. ALSO there are many other types of videos. I have a Honda Accord Wagon and it had a busted spedometer which is very frightening that the transmission warning light went off. But with YouTube videos, it was NOT the transmission. It was a simple computer chip part and with YouTube, I could change the part all by my self. YouTube is also a great place to make Fan Fiction (such as Thomas The Tank Engine) and I love the troll accounts names such as "The Account With The Pointlessly Long Name That You Wasted Your Time Reading". LOL. Also G+ is a great social networking site. I have absolutely no use for other stupid social networking sites. (especially Snapple Chat) SO Why did I only give YouTube 4 stars?! Because of THE YOUNG TURKS. YouTube are EVERYWHERE! With a presidential election showing up it's only natural to search for Political updates. And more than Half of the videos are from The Young Turks. You can't search YouTube without running into them. And there is no way to block them out. It's like they own YouTube?!

Banned me out of the blue for having some arguments
Getting really tired of these fascist Bay Area, West Coast tech companies censoring comments YouTube don't like. These sites started off really cool at first back in the 2000s. There was little moderation, if any, they wanted you to use their site and have fun. Sometime around like 2012, 2013, things started to change, and moderation at these sites got really ridiculous. They value stupid people more than they value intelligent people, especially those who work. If you get into an argument and tell off someone who doesn't have their facts straight, you get punished for it. I've run into some really stupid people who didn't have their facts together. Lay the evidence on them and tell them off, and not long after, you get banned. I feel like I'm in Kindergarten.

The major problem with many of these sites is that when they realize they have no competition, the power gets to their heads and they feel like they can decide what you're allowed to say. The anti-masker stuff is proven wrong and stupid, I don't have a problem with that stuff being removed. Problem is, notorious anti-maskers and COVID hoaxers are allowed to remain on Youtube and Facebook, like Clay Travis and Outkick, but if you criticize politically correct nonsense, they ban you. They basically punish you by banning you without warning, taking all your subs and friends down with it, not even offering you a chance to get a copy. All because you didn't appeal to their liberal, "let's all be friends" San Francisco baloney.

Many of these sites treat their content creators even worse. You will hear decent guys complain all the time that their videos were demonetized. It's just silly. They have no competition and get away with murder. It really is time for Congress and Anti-trust to do something about it. And for the love of God, get these tech firms out of the Bay Area. The area is a big part of the reason the moderation at these sites is so weird.

Yes I am getting tired of YouTube and you report those users on there and there still on there I have fought on there and a few of those users need blocked off of that site threatening has went on with my friends and some other users out YouTube have been using racial comments and the owners need too take a look at that it's in the video's for Vince Neil that one does not leave me and stop following me from video too video I am going too file a protective order against her she thinks she can't get caught throws a fit when you report her plus says sexual comments along with her 5 other accounts on there you can not report her for abuse cause she does have a Google+ account I do. She and a few other users needs too be restricted from using there site no one is saying anything back too them they keep going on and on and on and my wife is not going too sit there and be insulted me neither or her friends by that person using hate speech racial slurs sexual comments toward my wife harassment and stalking on there following people from one video too the next calling people fata__ lezbo a dyke a $#*! that is a slander suit and defamation case my wife and I both are disabled

I've been on YouTube for a good 4 years or so now
I've been on YouTube for a good 4 years or so now. When i first joined it was a great way to show your videos that you worked hard on. But of course, Google had bought YouTube, and things started to go downhill.

I am probably the millionth person to complain about these new changes to YouTube, but I still would like to share my opinion.

As much as YouTube is still a video sharing site, the idea of the 'YouTuber' has drifted into the background. TV companies have now partnered up with YouTube. This means that rather than just us average YouTuber's videos appearing on the front page, it's nothing but media companies promoting their new shows! It's irritating!

Copyright never used to be an issue before, but suddenly thousands of videos that people have worked so hard on are being dragged off because of copyright issues! YouTube mute videos even if there is music playing in the background of someone talking, it's rediculous!

But something that really gets on my nerves about these new features are the error which reads 'This video has been blocked in your country'! Do I need to explain this! Blocking videos because of the country you live in? To me, that's borderline censorship, and there is no need for it at all!

So i'd stick to Vimeo or DailyMotion, unless Google buys them too, then we are in trouble!

I watch youtube almost every, single $#*!ing day. I use it when I'm sad, when I'm angry or happy. I watch videos of youtubers to get me in the joyful mood, but at the start of this week, it's all been blocked from me.
I am a danish citizen, ever since I was a kid I've been able to watch almost every single youtube video I could that wasn't demonitized, but now it's all $#*!ed.
I can't listen to the music that help me go through my day and you know what? It's not only the $#*!ing music that has been blocked, no.
Some videos that I have been able to watch for YEARS, has now been blocked for me. There were no copyrighted music in the video, there were nothing that could have gotten it blocked. Because other people I've spoken to online, are perfectly capable of watching it.

The $#*! is going on Youtube? Do you know how many people you're losing on your platform right now? Yes perhaps only one little small country full of millions, but it's not fair, that just because two companies had a disagreement, an entire population is now unable to watch what YouTube used to love. I'm actually $#*!ing crying because of this. Me as a 15 year old, is not allowed to watch some videos, just because I'm $#*!ing Danish?
How about you get your $#*! together Youtube, and come to a fair agreement that doesn't harm a whole country, huh?

So sad to watch Alloy crash and burn
I ordered from this company for years. But YouTube don't care. Number 1 sign a company is going down is terrible customer service. Basically, don't waste your money and time on their site and their products. I can't tell you how much I hate to say this, because I'm tall and this was my favorite site for buying fun jeans that were long enough for me. But their products are never in stock (even when you think you ordered something, be prepared for the email a couple days later saying the order was cancelled because it is out of stock). Quality was never a strong point - they were cheap, fun jeans that fit, even if you have to use a safety pin to hold up the zipper. But now it's just ridiculous and sad. If you order 5 pairs of jeans, same size, you will be returning 3 because they don't fit. And you will have a devil of a time figuring out how to return them and it will definitely be on your dime. Their customer services does not give a crap. I've tried several times reaching out over the last year, just hoping someone there cares enough to make a response, but no. Well, I did get a boilerplate response on their Facebook page basically saying 'sorry - let us know if you need instructions for making a return' - my post specifically said I had just sent back a return, so obviously they didn't even read my post. My most recent example is ordering 2 pairs of jeans, same style and size. Different color. The waist on one was 3 inches shorter than the other, and the inseam on the other was 3-4 inches longer than the other. And you will pay for their mistake, because returns - packaging, labeling, shipping costs - is all on you. Returns were never great, but they never used to be this bad. How can you be an online apparel company and not have a good returns procedure? So sad, but I won't order one more item from this company.

Unacceptable Customer Service
I made a purchase from Alloy (as I have done for years) and later made a return. I called to verify that YouTube received my return and inquire about my refund on purchase and was told that I had a balance of a little over $100 dollars to be used for a future purchase and it would be issued at my next purchase. A few months later I attempted to make a purchase and use the credit on my returns and was issued gift cards. When I attempted to use the gift cards, I found that they did not work. This entire process of making phone calls to rectify this issue took me over 6 phone calls and over 3 hours of being placed on hold. I was continuously placed on hold for up to 20 minutes without anyone getting back to me briefly before being placed back on hold. I asked to speak with a supervisor and was told that I could not speak to her. I still do not have this situation handled and have been refused the opportunity to speak with someone in management to deal/hear my complaint. Absolutely horrible costumer service, leadership dealing with customer complaints, and resolving issues with returns according to company policy. I feel like my concerns and business is not important to this business establishment.

Mislabeling products to force you to return them and pay for shipping
I used to have great success with Alloy starting in 2007. I'm 6ft so YouTube were the only place to find jeans that were long enough. About 4 years ago their jean size started to be very inconstant, one pair would fit great so I'd buy the exact same pair but somehow it was labeled as the same size but trying them on it was more like 3 sizes too small. Eventually most paris I got were labeled with the size I ordered but trying them on they were by no means the right size. I found American Eagle had extra long length so I started purchasing jeans from them.

I rediscovered Alloy recently and found they had good deals on clothes other than jeans. I got a Tall length jumpsuit and jacket for Christmas that both fit perfectly. I used to buy tall length maxi dresses from them with no problem so when I found a great maxi skirt on sale in Tall length I bought it. After receiving it and trying it on it was about 4 inches too short thus led me to think they sent me a regular length. Customer services was a joke and just told me maybe they run a tad shorter and to return it if I'm not happy. Since you have to pay for shipping to make returns and after reading reviews on the hassle getting your money back, for how much I paid for the skirt it wasn't worth returning. I'll gift it to a friend.

I was still determined to get a maxi skirt so I found another one on Alloy. On sale and it specifically stated the model was 6ft and in a reviewer said she was 6ft and the skirt was almost too long on her. Perfect, this should be long enough on my 6ft frame as well. WRONG! Again it was like they sent me a regular length skirt since it was 5-6 inches too short. I'd say I have average legs for my height so it had to be Alloy sent the wrong one.

Customer service told me "according to our website, we only carry this item in tall, perhaps the style does run a little shorter than the other skirts. You can go ahead and return the item if you do not wish to keep it, however, it would be a regular return." That was total bull$#*! since I'm the same height as the model and other reviewer. A little shorter would be an inch or 2, not 5! This was painfully obviously a regular length maxi skirt. I paid $18 total so to pay to ship it back I'd be lucky to see half my money in the end.

After reading other reviews of the company I fully see how $#*!ty their customer service is. At this point I'm done buying anything from Alloy since they aren't willing to do anything about this when it had to be their mistake, unless they are mislabeling on purpose so they can resell to someone else without loosing any money.

I left a review of the skirt to warn others that it might not actually be tall length. I have a screenshot of it being posted to Alloy under the product, but letter when I checked, my review had been taken down. It was like a slap to the face! I gave it a 3 star cause the skirt was a thick material but seems they don't want people to know the skirt runs short or mislabeled. I'm done with Alloy!

TERRIBLE! Stop Using YouTube!
TERRIBLE! You can't get a hold of anyone at their main HQ. YouTube don't do anything about the extreme group Team Gamerfood. My mother and I had to make a police report from 2 different precincts for harassing phone calls! This sick jerk made threats to my own mother! Fusoya1, James Conrad, Team Gamerfood, Youtube Name. All of these extreme trolls need to go!

YouTube's reporting system sucks! They need an IP blacklist system to keep extreme trolls like Team Gamerfood out! This is getting out of hand and more people are getting sick of them! I'm really angry at this sick jerk! These extreme trolls need to go to prison! YouTube needs a contact where you can get a hold of a real human instead of a machine under emergency circumstances like this.

If YouTube doesn't do anything about extreme trolls like myg0t and Team Gamerfood, more people are going to get sick of YouTube and leave! I'm even at the point where I'm starting to think that YouTube doesn't care about you. They only care about this $$$. I have to give them a 1 star because this review won't allow me to give them a 0 stars. If I could though, I would! Even a 1 star is too generous.

YouTube, you need to start listening to your genuine content creators and stop letting these sick and twisted jerks like Team Gamerfood run your website! Start doing something about this and stop acting like you don't care! I know there are other streamers/gamers/creators who are getting sick of these extreme troll groups! This site is TERRIBLE!

Good but not what it used to be by far..
I remember when YouTube used to be people that put out content YouTube cared about, and getting a side check was a bonus... creators never put all their eggs in one basket. The ones that put in quality showed, and the ones that couldn't afford the high quality editing and or equipment definitely shined due to personality and enthusiasm. But as time went on, more and more got concerned about money and ad revenue. Today you see countless videos of creators upset about getting demonetized and not getting a paycheck for their time regardless of the quality of content. Especially ones that not only get paid monthly by patreon subscribers, but by sponsors as well... That's multiple sources of income off a 10+min video. Usually just barely over the mark. Then on YouTube's side they will demonitize videos from creators but will still show ads on some of them (not all to be fair but still none the less) basically denying a creator a chance to earn money but YouTube itself will still make money off that video. This looks bad and makes it seem like they want to restrict how much ad $ gets paid out. YouTube itself also restricted what and who is able to get monetized to the point that it's harder and harder for many individuals to be able to get paid. It's a two way street. Then you have multi million dollar corporations starting up and backing channels to advertise as well as get paid. Not necessarily a bad thing but competition is much harder for the average creator. Then there are the alleged personal and political motivations about what and who can put content out. When only the largest creators get a voice about what content can be put on a site like this is never a good idea especially when the content they want banned is critical of their own content. (Being critical does not equal bullying) Then there are allegations of content suppression based off of opposing political views. Everyone deserves to have a voice on this site as long as it's not threatening real violence or obvious hate. On the flip side this is a site where you can watch much entertainment for anyone as long as you know what you want to look for and it will eventually, usually quickly, will put more videos that fit what you like. There are many categories too... everything from movies, commentary, podcasts, video games, to music. It's got as much gold as it does septic tank waste. Comments are the same way, it's as uplifting and funny as it is downright insulting. It's basically turning into another version of twitter.

AWFUL new design... etc.
A huge amount of advertising on video clips, sometimes you have to skip and refresh the page 4-5 times to skip, there are a lot of problems on the PC version, especially about the interface and design, YouTube create a new large and inconvenient interface that is no longer needed by anyone, the old ( the classic mode) was perfect, it was beautiful, minimalistic and even in geometry, it could also be scaled up and down to fit any size of the monitor, but that's not all the problems, recently the function of internal chats on YouTube was removed, approximately 90% of users with "" were opposed, but they still removed the chat feature. Do you think this is all a problem? (no), here's another one: on the YouTube page, where you see your recommendations and videos, the new YouTube design is now, and when we go to the creative studio, we see a partially new design, but if you go to some functions (for example: all broadcasts or phonetics) we'll see the old classic YouTube design, the question is why did Google roll out the unfinished design so which is worse than the old classic design?! In general, there are a lot of problems, I could still touch on the topic of "Live Broadcasts" and the chat, which starts to lag when you open the emoticons function, but this is a completely different story... :) (now I can conclude for myself, YouTube It was very cool right up to the moment when they added a new terrible and big design that is bloated to the full screen), thanks for reading my review, I indicated only a small part of the problems, but still, I hope this helped someone. (I'm a very old YouTube user)

The site is an EXCELLENT video sharing site, and signing...
The site is an EXCELLENT video sharing site, and signing up is free. If that isn't enough, you can even make money off your videos. The player allows you to load a video and then continue to watch it offline (the last time I checked) as long as you remain on the page. Some copyright companies have certain detection and ad system so you can to upload their content and YouTube can continue to generate revenue off it.

However, there are a few things that keep me from giving the site a 5/5. One thing is their constantly changing site. The staff don't seem to get the phrase "If it ain't broke don't fix it", and almost consistently make their site even worse. In the past 2 years I can only think of a few good changes, which are overshadowed by changes for the worse. They make their site slower, their designs worse.

Now let me get to the worst part of it: The user comments. The comments are the cesspool of stupidity, racism, homophobia, sexism and trolling (the unfunny and offensive type). I have seen so many genocidal comments on YouTube that had so many thumbs up. It has become a haven for racists worldwide. Seeing these comments make me lose brain cells, make me insecure about my race and lose faith in humanity altogether.

However, there is an option to hide objectionable comments, and you can report them. The staff are helpful and will answer your questions. They also will remove comments that violate their ToS (which includes hate speech) as long as you report them with an elusive tool.

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Based on 50 reviews from YouTube customers, company has accumulated an average rating of 2 stars, indicating that majority of customers are not satisfied with its service.
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Description: Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube.

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