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50 customer reviews of

Amazon supports fraudulent and deceptive seller - Amazing Computer Express
Amazon Prime / Amazon (whichever) hosts a fraudulent and deceptive seller - Amazing Computer Express (referred to as ACE in this note) on their website. Amazon refuses to take any corrective action against ACE even after several repeated emails and calls to Amazon's Customer "Service" department. Certain websites and other associated links for ACE default directly to Amazon, and multiple Google searches were unable to provide any substantiative information for ACE outside what has been previously described.

I purchased what was advertised as a "2020" HP Pavilion laptop from ACE in FEB 2020. I attempted to register the laptop through HP to activate its standard manufacturer's warranty on 02/22/2020 but was denied and informed the warranty expired in NOV 2019. Further investigation of HP databases uncovered the laptop was originally sold to ACE back in SEP/OCT 2018.

Amazon refuses to provide me with any contact information for their Legal or Ethics & Compliance Groups so I can formally escalate the matter. Recent investigation has revealed Amazon hosts or supports a website - where Amazon "promote" their second-party resellers. Amazing Computer Express is currently rated at 4035 out of greater than 10,000 providers. On the site there is a "bogus" link for contacting ACE; if clicked it immediately defaults to the Amazon "Sign-In" screen.

Even after nearly a dozen contact attempts to voice complaints and further concerns regarding ACE defrauding other customers, neither Amazon or ACE changed or withdrew the listing - it is still being promoted, but now with an increased price from $999 to $1159 with four units left in stock; and my negative review still associated with the product listing.

Other ACE customers have had similar issues with ACE as well and quoting three of them directly From name withheld' on March 1,2020 "The seller has this listed as a 2020 HP Pavilion and doesn't list the model # of the unit. The model # of the shipped product is 4NM71AA, with a HP warranty that expired in 2019. The seller offers $30 dollars off and a one year 3rd party warranty after this issue was brought up. This same model is selling for $200 less from other sellers. And from 'name withheld' on March 13,2020 "Repackaged and used computer covered in dust Not as described." And finally, from name withheld' on March 15,2020 "I ordered a 2020 HP was sent a 2019 winter return the item the third-party seller had me pay for the shipping sent me the complete wrong computer." Two of these were obvious issues, so "unknown" problems like mine are less likely to be discovered. These are just four recently documented problems with ACE and are just the "tip of the iceberg" - if other unsuspecting ACE customers were to perform proper research and audit their systems, they could be in for some big and painfully serious surprises.

Warning re: "New "Third party seller" policies!
Amazon used to be great for refunding or replacing damaged shipments, no questions asked. That is no longer true. I received a box of glass canning jars shipped by Amazon that was partially shattered because there was no padding in the shipping carton. None. Reported that online (Amazon now has a Bot doing its customer service Chat, not a human) and was told that because it was from a third party seller, I have to send back the shipment and wait for a refund. Absolutely no way I am going to send back broken glass, and I am not going to wait for a refund. So I requested a phone call from customer service. Agent initially did the "third party seller" thing, but I called her on it. Almost everything is from a "third party seller" now, at Amazon, so that is a BS excuse. Even when it appears in the listing that an item is from Amazon, it is usually from a TPS. Also, the items broke because Amazon did such a shyte job at packaging them for shipping. So I suggested that she refund me only for those broken pieces. She agreed, but after checking to see whether she could do that she said all she could offer was a "promotional credit" toward Amazon merchandise. Once again, I called her on this, and demanded a true refund for all or part of the damaged shipment (I had provided a photo of the broken jars, btw.) I pointed out that this issue had nothing to do with the TPS because Amazon packaged the items for shipment. I said that she could just send an entire new shipment, since I did not get what I ordered, and I have consumer protection on my credit card account. Once again, she disappeared to check on this. She came back and said she could refund my credit card just for the broken jars.

Hardly worth my time arguing, given the low cost of the items, but I hate being jacked around by businesses when Amazon are so clearly in the wrong. If you run up against this kind of thing with Amazon, stick to your guns and make them do the right thing for you. The TPS excuse is not thing but a way for them to dodge responsibility. If it is an item "fulfilled by Amazon," and it is damaged in shipping, Amazon is responsible for that, and Amazon should refund you for your loss.

YOU CAN ALWAYS REQUEST A PHONE CALL from Customer Service. Just go through the Chat screen procedure and click on the prompt that indicates you need more help. Then click "request a phone call."

What I can say..., this is most annoying frustrating experience I had buying on Amazon... I am not a happy man not all!
First time I was told to send shipping receipt to cs amazon which I did on 14/08/2019 so the refund will be processed in 2 to 3 days
Second time on 17/08/2019 I contacted when package got delivered I was again tricked with lie that I will get refund 5 days from delivered date which was 23rd August 201,
Which in fact didn't happened so I contacted back third time and associate said she will issue a refund right away of order cost and your return shipping charge which later she claimed successfully issued on 28 august 2019 on her email confirmation..., which turned out to be nothing but again a trick lie as refund didn't happen as claimed will be credited to bank account by 3 September 2019.
Then I contacted back 8/09/2019 and was put through numerous associates with nothing but lies after lies when I demanded bank transaction reference number id... Which I was positive was never initiated at first place.
Finally when I refused to give up..., lead associate admitted that transaction was never initiated..., as seller has not initiated the refund.
So demanded an apology email with all measures which would be taken on this wrong habit of lying and false assurances which has been practiced among the Amazon customer contact associates..., so that other customer doesn't suffer or go through this annoying agonizing frustrating trauma with Amazon customer care as me.
Post email there was refund request send to seller by I associate..., but then I said that I received a confirmation email stating as below
On 02-09-2019 15:31, wrote:
The seller has initiated the refund for your order **************931
The seller authorized the request on 13/8/19.
Did the seller resolve your issue? Yes no
(We'll share this feedback with the seller to help them improve their service in the future)
I again confirm lead associate if this is another lie...! He said its error on system front...; further confirming will get response from seller in 2 days processing refund
And now today 09/09/2019 what I receive is another automated email from seller on return shipping
*** What made them all to lie..., is this some kind of big scam of looting stealing customer money along with seller... in case customer somehow ignore refund emails and bank statements... this can be some serious unclaimed tricked money!
Hope JEFF BEZOS can see how each passing day his so called customer centric company along with sellers are into wrong practices of lying and giving false assurances fooling its customers!

Pretty Damn Impressed To Be Honest
I've had an Amazon account since 2016 only, and I had never been a big Amazon shopper until this year. To me, Amazon seemed more expensive than eBay, and I am ALWAYS looking out for the 'better' deal. After a few bad purchases on eBay however, I began using Amazon more and more... and the more that I have, the more and more impressed that I have grown with them. To clarify, am I saying they are perfect? No. (See below). However, in my experience so far, they try and go the extra mile to ensure an all-around positive transaction, on each transaction.

I have purchased a few electronics and they have all turned out pretty great. On my last two electronics' purchases I opted for the lower-cost options Amazon sometimes provides on open-box, used, etc. models, and again, I've been greatly surprised and satisfied with what was received. So much so, in fact, that I have not yet had to return anything, so I cannot review the returns aspect of their business.

Very recently I signed up for Prime as well (which I will be reviewing separately) and can say that I am equally satisfied with it. I have, literally, never had a bad experience with Amazon. That's A LOT more that I can say about several companies I do business with.

If I had to add cons, one is that unlike eBay or Google, Amazon does not provide a negative (-) function in order to exclude a word from a search. For example: Alienware -legacy -collectible (the dash preceding a word or term, serving to exclude it from results). While they do provide the options on the left, these are not always all-inclusive or helpful enough to narrow a search down enough. That said, it is a small issue for me and something they will hopefully soon incorporate. The other is that much like eBay did, to its detriment, it seems as if Amazon now too is opening their provider 'doors' to more and more Chinese companies with less proven track records and longer shipping times. We, as buyers/consumers, need to do a little homework regarding what we purchase and opt to purchase through not only Amazon, but everywhere.

In closing, I'd like to add that I am a HUGE believer that companies must demand a high level of excellence from themselves in order to obtain positive reviews.

If companies do things at merely an 'okay' level, why bother reviewing them? Technically, they are doing a minimum to receive a minimum.

If companies do a terrible job, then they should be reviewed as terrible, in order to save other people the headache, and so that new customers do not reward them with their hard-earned money.

Amazon, in my opinion and experience with them thus far, seems to demand excellence from itself, and so, deserves a positive review.

In relation to Order # **************530:

On 18th December I placed an order with Amazon for around £250 worth of items using their Prime 'Guaranteed Next Day' delivery service. The order consisted 11 different items (a range of toys and other gifts bought for Christmas to give to family and friends). Amazon in the past have been a very reliable and reputable company with exemplary customer service so I felt that this was a convenient and safe option to make sure I had everything arrive in time for Christmas. This, however, was the start of my Christmas nightmare.

The following day, nothing arrived. This was not an issue however, as my family were not coming to visit until the following Saturday so there was still another 4 days left before it would present any sort of problem for me. On the Wednesday, 3 of the 11 items turned up. On Thursday, nothing. On Friday morning, I finally receive a phone call from my sister (whose address the parcels were due to arrive at) telling me she was starting to get worried as most of the items had still not arrived and Amazon had to be ready and wrapped for the following day to give to my visiting family members who live in a different part of the country. Given the urgency of the situation, I decided to take a break from work and give Amazon's customer service department a call.

I initially spoke to a member of their team who looked into the situation and found that the items had indeed not been delivered, but that it should be fine and they would most likely arrive later that day. I explained my situation to them and told them that essentially if the items did not turn up I would be stuck with nothing to give to my family to open on Christmas day. I asked this member of staff to look into the situation again so that they could absolutely guarantee this, at which point the line goes quiet and a few seconds later the call terminates. Not being satisfied with the outcome, I decide to call back again at which point I get through to another customer service agent who again appears to hang up the call. By this point I was getting very frustrated but given that I had no choice I decided to call them again.

By this time, it was 3:00pm and I had already wasted around half an hour of my working day trying to sort the situation out. I then get through to customer service agent number 3, who I explain to that I haven't received my items - to which he replies that they will definitely arrive by 9pm that night. I then explain to the agent that I need this absolutely guaranteed as if they do not deliver the items by 9pm I would then not have an opportunity to go out Christmas shopping that day in order to replace the items they had not delivered. After some deliberation he agrees to go and double check for me, and, surprise surprise, he tells me that the parcels won't be arriving after all.

By this point, I was absolutely fuming. I could not believe that after 5 days of waiting on their 'Guaranteed Next Day' delivery and an hour on the phone speaking to 3 different people they were actually telling me they were not able to deliver my parcels. All of this given that they DIDN'T EVEN HAVE THE DECENCY to contact me and let me know what was going on. Had my sister not bothered to contact me, I wouldn't have even known until the following day (by which point it would be too late).

Anyway, I continued my conversation with agent number 3 and explained that I was absolutely disgusted by their level of service and that my only option was to finish work early (costing me around £50 in lost pay), travel to the town centre and spend the rest of my afternoon/evening shopping for presents that I didn't have the money for (since I had already spent it with Amazon). The initial response to this was to offer me a £5 Amazon gift card and 1 month free Amazon Prime (frankly an insult given the situation). They then offer me a refund to which I tell the agent it does not compensate me for the situation they have caused and I would be making a complaint and closing down my account (which I have had for over 10 years and spent many thousands of pounds with them on). He then decides to go and speak to his manager, and agrees that they will still fulfill the order and I will receive the items in due course, and they will issue me a full refund (which would instantly arrive in my account) for the items not yet received. Although I was not happy about having to leave work and roam around the town centre buying presents, I felt this was fair compensation and the best they could do given the situation. We then end the call and I head out of work.

I arrive in a very busy town centre and attempt to look for anything which may be suitable given the money I had on my card. I enter Toys R Us and grab some toys for my niece and nephew, head to the counter and get my card out to pay. I enter my PIN and find that my card has been declined. I then try again, but it appears as though there is no money in my account. I then leave Toys R Us (the time is now about 5:00pm) and head to the Cashpoint machine to find that my refund has not yet arrived. I go on Amazon's live chat and the person I speak to tells me that the refund will arrive in 5-7 working days. Desperate, I call one of my friends who agrees to lend me £50 (not exactly enough for 8 gifts but better than nothing). I then spend my evening around town buying anything I can so at least there is something for my family to open for Christmas (aware that the items should arrive later on and I could always try and post them later).

Christmas then comes and goes without too much bother. It comes to my attention in the first week of January however that the items had still not been delivered, so I decide its time to give Amazon another call. I get through to a customer service agent, and after saying a few words the call hangs up, so I call back again. I then get through to another agent who explains to me that my refund has been issued. I tell him that I have received the refund but I was still waiting for the items, for which he says the items had been returned and would not be sent out again. I then explain to them that I was still supposed to receive the items as per the agreement I made with them on the 22nd of December, to which he replies (surprise) that there are no notes on the system to this effect. He agrees to raise the issue with a manager for it to be investigated and I would definitely receive an email back about this in 5-7 days.

2 weeks later, I still have no email or items, so I call Amazon again. After calling them three times and being hung up on and spending around 45 minutes on the phone I am finally put through to a supervisor. They tell me again that there is no notes on the system and there has been no investigation into my case. This time, I am promised a call back the following day at 5:00pm once the investigation has been done. I sit next to my phone at 5:00pm the following day but do not receive a call. I then check my Amazon account to find a message sent saying that they 'weren't able to reach me' and they were sorry that I was 'misinformed' that I would still receive the items. They tell me I should call back again for more information about it.

I can tell you I have now given up trying to deal with their shambolic customer service team. The entire experience has been absolutely disgraceful and they should be ashamed of the way they have treated me as a longstanding and loyal customer of 10 years. I am now going to be closing my account with them and I will be posting my experience on every major review site online as well as telling all my friends and family. Amazon has embarrassed me at a supposed happy time of year and they don't seem to give a monkeys about their customers anymore. I will now be reporting them to the Advertising Standards Agency regarding their false advertising claims and I will be speaking to BBC's Watchdog about my case.


Buckle Up Boys And Girls Because This One Is A Good One
Let me start with just one word, Amazon. You got it. As a lot of you know Amazon/Kindle finally took over everything at Createspace and left a lot of us flapping in the wind. I spent about an hour and a half today trying to find how to get to where I could create an author's profile page and finally put in a request for them to call me. After taking almost an hour to call me back and then automatically putting on hold the minute I picked up and leaving me there got over thirty minutes I finally got a live body. In the meantime,
I managed to dig deep enough to find where you had to go to get to the spot where you could create the author's page and I no longer needed the young woman who answered the phone.
Yes, I was angry and yes, I had a few choice words, but Amazon weren't directed at this super sweet and kind young woman. Believe me she was. She's been getting a lot of angry customers trying to figure stuff out on Amazon of late and she was totally understanding and compassionate. After I got off the phone with this young lady I received a request for feedback. They got it too. It went as follows:

Do you think you can make this a little more complicated? I think if you try even a little bit you can find a way. If you're going to be bad at something you should do your absolute worse to make it happen. You're getting there but you still need a little more practice and I think you'll have it down pat. Yes, I'm mad. Finding where to go to do an author's page was harder than searching for diamonds, yes I have done that, then you make the process as problematic as you possibly can. I honestly wish I could find something nice to say about anything you do but so far wait, yes, I can find something nice to say. I spoke to a young lady on the phone today from Amazon about the problems I was having and she was so very supper sweet and understanding. I hate I can't remember her name but whoever she is, right now she may be the only good thing going for you.
If you don't like what I have to say, then don't ask.

Can you guess what happened next? You got it, an email. Now that was a sight to see or in this case to read. If you have any doubt about how Amazon feels about you, I can assure you that what I'm about to add to this little rant will put any doubts totally out of your head. This was their response:

Thanks for letting us know what you think about Author Central! We're unable to reply directly to Feedback messages, although we do read all of them. If you have a question or concern, please write to us at and choose any of the subjects other than Feedback.
We hope to see you again soon.

Notice the part about feedback? They asked me to send feedback but if I have any questions or concerns contact them just not about feedback. Seriously? Right now, I'm having a real hard time not telling them what they can do with themselves and the horse they rode in on. So, like I said if you hand even the slightest hope that Amazon gives one tiny, little, minute concern for you this should put that to rest for good.
What can we do about this? Unless we're brave enough to take a stand together, nothing. There's a new website called The Independent Author and it's hoping to help make our voices louder. Anyway, here is the link should you want to have a look.
If enough of us stand together we might be able to change something, maybe not, but it's certainly won't happen if we do nothing.

If enough of us
Stand together we might be able to change something, maybe not, but it's
Certainly won't happen if we do nothing.

BUYER & SELLER PERSPECTIVE HERE. Tons of cheap, bad quality items, 99% Chinese sellers
I've had an Amazon account for 11 years and I've been a Prime member since its inception. IMO, Amazon is truly a marketplace made for customers to be happy and I have no issue with that. I've been a customer longer than a seller and I've been satisfied with the support I've received.

However, I'll be shopping on Amazon much less than before. The marketplace is OVERRUN by Chinese sellers with crappy low quality products which paired with cheap prices means Amazon sell on volume/bulk and have no quality control. I've been so annoyed and had to return so many bad products, that I decided to no longer buy any household goods or decors off Amazon. These Chinese sellers also have poor English and grammar in their descriptions then try to get out of refunding you for a mistake they made. Or, they would find your email and spam you with incentives to remove reviews for their awful products.

I've read that the workers are treated extremely poorly and aren't paid well. Meanwhile, Amazon has been showing themselves to be so kind to donate to Haiti while their USA workers are working long hours with minimal pay and no benefits. The CEO is a billionaire who flew to space to place around for 10 minutes.

Any product customers return as broken or defective (whether true or not) just gets disposed. Amazon's warehouse workers don't get paid enough to care to check to see if every individual returned item is truly working. They either liquidate it or throw it out which is quickly piling up in landfills.

Even if you don't care to build a brand and you only use Amazon to make money, keep in mind that the Amazon FBA business is extremely saturated–it's the truth. Anyone out there reading this, don't fall for those fake gurus on YouTube who say they will make you thousands of dollars on Amazon through FBA. The odds of success is about 1% or less with their "students".

The number one issue with Amazon for sellers is that Amazon allows customers to return items for any reason and there's no true return defect rate for customers and their purchases. However, as a seller, even if you want to provide excellent customer service and allow returns, Amazon will defect you for it and close your listing if you have too many customer returns. Their seller support is awful and you'll be repeating your problems 50 times before anyone decides to help you.

Customers can also lie about products being defective and choosing it as a reason to return so they don't have to pay for the return themselves. In my case, I sell in the cosmetic/beauty department and customers return used makeup as "defective", citing ridiculous reasons like "I didn't like the color" or "it didn't work as I expected". They get an entire free return and I'm left in the negative from Amazon's fees. I usually also get a negative review from the customer and then my livelihood drops significantly because my products get pushed back in the search results. My cosmetic product (since it's been used) then gets thrown out by Amazon at my expense. Cosmetics/consumables should not have free returns, IMO. I've had customers who returned $7.99 items and still complain; as a buyer myself, I would never!

I've yet to experience any reputable/honest seller being able to remove silly or unrelated negative reviews on their products. In all honesty, customers complain all the time and would rant about their life in their review if they have to; this is unavoidable. It's unfair that Amazon's basic search algorithmic function only allows items with 4.0 stars or less to be hidden from buyers purely because of reviews.

**FYI, BUYERS**: Unless you're returning a crappy product to a Chinese seller making 7-figures who couldn't care less, the very few true and honest USA sellers have to pay Amazon the fees to sell to you AND if you choose a fake reason to return, the seller also has to eat the cost of those fees too. Amazon then charges the seller to dispose of your return. If you buy something from a seller for $10, the seller pays Amazon about $3~4 worth of fees, and when you return and lie about it, the seller also has to pay you the full $10 of the item which means the seller loses $14 for your return in total. You could say "this is the cost of doing business", but if you have an issue with the way Amazon treats their workers unethically, think about your how you conduct yourself a customer towards small business owners in USA!

Unfortunately, my newly launched cosmetic brand failed on Amazon because Chinese sellers have been undercutting me with their bad products. Chinese sellers often break rules, hijack listings on Amazon, scam buyers, yet all they do is re-open another store under a gibberish fake address like "jkjkjkjkjkssdjsdsd shenzhen guangzhou" and continue to sell. Most customers only care about low prices and aren't willing to pay more for something higher quality, therefore I've been unable to make a living off Amazon. I urge small businesses to supplement sales through other platforms like Etsy, Mercari, eBay, Shopify, etc. if possible because this won't last long.

Amazon's founder re-establishes my faith in business ethics
I am writing this from personal experience. Amazon is the most progressive company in the world, only and only because of its founder. I was trapped in the midst of a horrible deadlock with (formerly, a virtual brick wall with one of the most feedback-resistant customer service teams in the world! A laptop order that I had cancelled just two hours after my purchase, led to 24 hours of exceptionally frustrating calls, written communication and yet the cancellation was not actioned! Horrendous, horrendous experience! The customer care management was so untransparent and out of touch with reality that I was wondering all along if this really was Amazon that I was speaking to! In a place like Dubai, where mobile phone coverage and internet/email services are among the best in the world, Amazon kept claiming for an entire day that they were unable to contact the seller! I also received a call from an extremely unprofessional customer service manager here (from a U. K. number with dodgy call quality), who took nearly ten minutes to get the order number right and then went on to make false commitments, without any subsequent action or follow-up. All I got was monotonous emails after every call. Upon further research online, I came across multiple complaints about intentionally hiding genuine customer feedback. I was left feeling that I had made one of the worst decisions of my life, that's how bad it was! As a last resort, I googled Jeff Bezos' email address and communicated my complaint to him - of course not expecting the richest man in the world, sitting 7,400 miles away to respond to someone that he had never met or heard of before, not to mention my email being lost in the multitude of communication that a businessman and philanthropist of his stature is bound to receive. Guess what happened? The response came! It was prompt, firm and effective. In no time, the smokescreen created by the employees here was cleared and the refund initiated. Efficiently. How? Just two words - Jeff Bezos. In my experience, the greatest entrepreneur alive. This clearly shows that even today, 25 years after he painstakingly built his company, now worth more than a trillion dollars, he has not forgotten that the most valuable asset that a business can have is - its customer. The world and other global business icons can learn so much from this absolute Legend! What an entrepreneur! What a vision! If the senior-most management of an organization is as pro-active as this, then it's unprecedented rise can only be one thing - unstoppable! Thank you, Sir, for caring when you could have easily turned a blind eye. I will never forget this. For all those customers who have serious issues (as is bound to happen occasionally with a conglomerate of Amazon's size), know that the company's founder genuinely cares. From the bottom of his heart. Address your complaints to him. His communication to me stated that he was willing to take "any action necessary." Any action! I will continue shopping with Amazon, only and only because of it's founder's ethics. A day ago, this seemed nigh-on-impossible. I am deeply touched. Beyond words. Sir, thank you once again. With immense gratitude - Shijo Varghese

Prime is garbage & so is the customer service.
There is not enough characters to explain what happend.
Basically this is the second time Amazon have lost my package. The first rep wasn't supposed to refund me because I ordered the last one in stock. I told her that. She should have just let me know what was going on with my package. Last time when they lost my package I got a refund after a few days and then turned around and had to order it again. This time I saw that my tracking wasn't updating and it was a couple days late so I reached out to customer service with chat. Last time I spoke to cusotmer service it was so awful I had to leave a review on the BBB for assistance. This time same thing.
So I ask what happened with my package and the lady just messages me back "I refunded you and you have a $10 credit"
I literally specified that the phone was out of stock and I wouldn't be able to order it again. She then passed me through to the next rep without saying anything and this lady was even worse. She told me the other lady already refunded me and gave me a measly $10 credit so she wasn't going to do anything because she didn't have to. I just wanted my package to be checked up or re-delivered. She basically told me to wait until it's in stock again despite me telling her it was a birthday present that was supposed to be there 2 days prior (I pay for Prime so I'm SUPPOSED to get 2 day shipping. Now with everything going on its been a couple weeks but even before all this mess they never got my orders on time). So basically I was present-less, she is phone-less, my refund still wont hit for a couple more days, the cusotmer service lady didnt even listen to me and instead just refunded me because she's used to that solving things I guess, and then the second lady was getting so rude with me when I was telling her I was unhappy with their "solution" that she started typing in all caps. I asked if I could be connected to a supervisor and she told me they wouldn't do anything for me either. So after they completely screwed me and this is the second time I've had to deal with their trash cusotmer service I went and left another complaint on the BBB... hoping that will get me some assistance again.
Amazon is really letting me down and its interesting leaving these reviews and seeing all the others.
No company... no matter how big and powerful will survive with unsatisfied customers. There is always a newer better company that comes out and amazon will be left in the dust one day if they dont start making their customers a priority.

Here are just a couple screenshots for an idea. Can't tell which ones I'm posting because the print is too small. I took screen shots of most the conversation because I couldn't believe it.

Amazon has Blocked my Account! Didn't even notify me!
I have had an Amazon account for years! It sure would be nice and beneficial to know exactly which review(s) are supposed to be so "unusual", and that are supposed to be the problem! I haven't even written any reviews for a month, probably more. I can't even remember the last time I wrote a review or for which products. All reviews have to go through an approval process by Amazon before Amazon are even posted "live" on Amazon, so why weren't any of these "suspicious" &/or "unusual" reviews "red flagged" and "kicked back" during this initial approval process? To me, this entire supposedly suspicious and unusual review blocking of my account seems very suspicious to me. After years of buying and leaving reviews, with zero problems on Amazon... then BOOM, suddenly, I'm just blocked, no explanation, Amazon doesn't even bother to notify me about any of this.

I have left a few unbiased reviews for a free or discounted product offer, that a seller has included an offer/promotional card or label on their product to do so for the product I ordered from them. However, I have always disclosed this information in my review (just as have a lot of other buyers have done on product reviews they have left) and all of my reviews, no matter what I was offered or not offered have always been true and unbiased! I, myself rely on honest, accurate and unbiased reviews from other customers for products they have purchased on & off Amazon. I would never leave a false, untrue, biased, or inaccurate review, never! There are already too many false, fake, and biased reviews out there for products &/or scammer sellers on and off Amazon! That is another reason why I disclose in any review I write, if a seller has "solicited" me to write a review (because I feel this is somewhat unethical) and in fact, I will leave a more critical review for that product. I have several of these offerings right now, that I have not reviewed. If this is not allowed on Amazon, then why doesn't Amazon penalize and block the sellers and their accounts from being able to sell their product on Amazon? Why is the buyer/customer being penalized? I have seen so much of this in other customer reviews for years (obviously it wasn't/isn't a problem because all those reviews are visible and have not been removed or blocked by Amazon)! It seems like 80% of everything I have purchased in the past year has come with some sort of solicitation included... this is a Seller problem and not a buyer problem! Buyers have Zero control on what a Seller includes with their product when it's shipped out to them! So again, why would Amazon be blocking Buyers?

One more thing I Just found out and would like to bring to everyone's attention! I just looked and every single product that I received a solicitation card with the product or solicitation directly on the product itself, and that I still have the solicitation info for was Fulfilled and Shipped directly from/by Amazon! If this is against Amazon policy it would then seem that Amazon needs to get their own "house" in order and stop penalizing their paying customers for solicitation material that their very own Amazon employees are putting in the product packages before shipping them!

I have canceled my Prime account and other Amazon subscriptions and will not be placing any further orders through Amazon. As I am sure Amazon wouldn't want to have any further business relationship, with an all of a sudden, "suspicious" and "unusual" buyer.

Things are changing, and not in a good way...
I really used to like Amazon, but a few recent experiences are making me reconsider my Prime membership, or doing much business with them at all. First, I had ordered some items for Christmas~ I ordered on December 18th, and Amazon were due on the 20th. Then I get an e-mail saying the package would be delayed, and they were due on the 22nd. Christmas Eve morning, I contact them by chat and tell them I am hosting a holiday party in a few hours and still don't have the package. They again tell me that it is "delayed", that it is "lost in transit" but they assure that I will get the package by the end of the day (I did not), and they will refund the amount. I ask if I will still get the items if I am refunded, and that representative says that I will. Christmas morning, I contact them again and they say the package was lost, and that I need to reorder the items, but that negates the refund I was credited. I ask what they are going to do about the fact that my original package was never received, and the Christmas items we were waiting for will be arriving well after Christmas. They tell me that they will give me a credit of $5 to use towards my next order (then they say they will make it a $15 credit). However, we just recently placed an order, and I'm pretty sure they did not apply any credit to it.

The second issue is that they charged our daughter's student card (which she had registered under our account so she could get things she needs for school) for our Hulu subscription. I asked why her card was suddenly charged when it has always been charged to the same card. They tried to say that there was not sufficient funds on our card, so that is when they charged hers. I checked our account and there were enough funds in our account when they charged her card. I told them that they should have given us notice if there were insufficient funds instead of going ahead and using her card, and that they should refund the amount to her, which they said they were going to do. But today they send an e-mail saying they are not able to refund the amount to her card! I told them that is not acceptable, so we shall see what happens after this.

I definitely notice a decline in their customer service from previous years. It used to be if there were any issues (which were rare), they were resolved quickly and with limited contact. Now I've had two negative experiences in less than a month of each other, I got bounced around between at least 5 different representatives last time, and the representatives try to placate you while telling you they cannot really help you (and it is not easy to understand what they are saying, the messages are in broken English). I have seen several people on other review sites saying that they have been told that 2- Day Shipping no longer applies (even though that is what they advertise and you pay for)... if that is the case, what is the point of having a Prime membership?

Is it fraud, stupidity or incompetence?
For months I've been trying to solve a billing dispute with Amazon and Chase (who does Amazon's billing). Last April Amazon offered a free month's trial of Amazon Prime shipping and I agreed to give it a try. During that month I realized that I don't order from Amazon enough to justify paying them $14.00 a month so I called them to cancel my membership. I also brought up the fact that Amazon were charging me $7.99 a month for "Amazon Digital Services" (whatever the heck that is) and I certainly didn't order it. I was assured that they'd cancel my subscriptions and credit my account. They finally canceled the charges on my September statement but they added them back in the same statement! They had been charging me the $21.99 per month for five months and it ended up they didn't actually credit my account for even one!
Every single time I've called, I've received the run around. Amazon's Customer Service Reps (five of them!) tell me I have to call Chase and Chase tells me I have to contact Amazon! An Amazon CSR sent me an email stating that I owe them nothing but Chase refused to give me their fax number or an email address that I could forward the email to. After an Amazon Rep pulled a "we can't call Chase for you" runaround yet again I replied that Chase has refused several times when I suggested they set up a conference call between them, me and Amazon, he stated that they weren't allowed to make conference calls either. I pointed out that (1) Amazon is the one who notifies Chase how much to bill me for and (2) he knows as well as I do that Chase is not going to take a customer's word for anything... it had to come from Amazon. I argued him down so he staged the conference call. When we got a Chase CSR by the name of Rajesh (ID # L348143) on the line, he asked me to verify my identity. He asked me my email address and I gave it to him. He said my answer was incorrect so, even though I doubted that since I gave him the one they send their emails to, I held back my anger and gave him my old email address. He again told me it was incorrect so he couldn't help me. While he was talking I signed into my Chase account, went to my profile page and sure enough, I gave him the correct address the first time. When I informed him that I was starring at my profile page and I had given him the correct email address, he denied it. When I asked the Amazon CSR (who had been silent throughout the exchange) to verify my identity, the Chase Rep realized he was a party to a conference call and he hung up on me.
That's how ridiculous this whole mess has gotten. I called Amazon one last time this morning and spoke with Shahrukh (ID # I370786) and explained that my cancer meds cause memory loss and confusion and that's why I simply glanced at their statements and paid them whatever they said I owed. But it finally hit me that the last things I ordered were a microwave in February, 2018 and 2 very cheap software discs in March and since I'd paid them $40 to $60 every month, they had to be paid off by then. His solution was to credit my account for the two late charges that have been levied while I've been trying to settle the dispute. I told him that wasn't good enough because I'm not paying them another cent... in fact, they OWE ME $50.97.
I'm going to report both companies to the FTC and the BBB and when it's settled, I will cancel my Amazon account and, believe me, I will tell everyone I know or meet about this experience.

Do not count upon "Guaranteed Delivery Dates"
I am a Prime Amazon Member. I ordered a new $1300. 00 TV that I found on Amazon which was promised to be delivered "next day" on July 6,2016. The date was updated to July 7,2016 online when I checked the status online. I called and was told that it would definitely be delivered on July 7th and that Amazon would refund my next day shipping. I waited all day on July 7th for the TV. The TV never arrived. I went online and it said that it was coming by MAIL and that it was in transit! I called Amazon and asked how in the world could Amazon guarantee ANYTHING sent by MAIL to be delivered the following day... and how could they send something so expensive and fragile BY MAIL? They had no answer. The agent put me on hold and said that she would call the USPS about the delivery. She came back online and said that she had spoken with the USPS and had been told it would be delivered by 3:00 p.m. She told me that she would call me back at 4:00 p.m. to confirm the delivery. At 4:20 p.m., I had no TV and no call from Amazon. So, I called Amazon. All the agent could tell me was that, in checking his tracking information, he could see the TV was "in transit." I told him that I KNEW that much as I could see it when I looked myself. He told me at that point that the TV would "probably come tomorrow or the next day." I told him that I had reserved a man to come out to mount my TV based upon Amazon's "guarantee" and all he could say was, "I'm sorry. I know you are frustrated." At that point I told him to cancel the order and I would go to Best Buy and get the TV there for the same price. He told me that he canceled the order. I also told him to cancel my Prime Membership as well. I am done with Amazon and their delivery "guarantee" days which, obviously, mean nothing at all.

UPDATE: The Amazon Representative did not cancel the orde and it arrived the next day by mail carrier. I refused the delivery as I had already purchased the same TV from Best Buy the night before. The ironic thing about that was when the mailed TV arrived, the guy was at my home mounting the one I had bought at Best Buy! I'm still waiting for my refund from Amazon on my credit card of over $1300. 00 and filed a dispute with AMEX just in case. Amazon says it can take up to two weeks to get the money refunded as returning the TV can take that long to get to them. They did give me $100.00 on my AMEX as a "goodwill" gesture for all the issues with this order. The Amazon representative also did not cancel my Prime as I had asked them to do. I seriously think that their representatives say "Yes!" To just about everything and understand very, very little English.

Label tampering... really? (Read updates 7/18/17 & 8/9/17)
Below is a review I wrote for a product I bought from Amazon. It explains my issue. I was correct, Amazon refused to post it. I included pictures with the review as proof. The product is called Razor Cuts by Hotstuff. Suddenly it's "Currently unavailable. We don't know when or if this item will be back in stock". Here's the review:

Paul from Hotstuff ran the lot # on the bottle's label and it's actual expire date is 8/2017... Go figure!

UPDATE 7/18/17... As of today I am no longer allowed to leave reviews for products I've purchased on Amazon. When I try a window appears saying:... "Sorry, we are unable to accept your review of this product for either one or both of the following reasons: Your previous review of this product did not comply with our customer service guidelines. Amazon does not permit reviews from customers whose relationship to the product or seller may be perceived as biased".

There are dozens of purchases I have yet to review, none of which I have a relationship with the seller or product.
This is revenge for leaving this review on this site... Hey Amazon, I DON"T CARE!

UPDATE 8/9/17... Today I received an email that states:
Hello John,
This is Davin from the Communities team at Amazon.
We have determined that you have violated our Community Guidelines. As a result, we have suppressed all of your reviews, and you will no longer be able to post Amazon Community content.
We made this decision after carefully considering your reviewing account. This decision is final.
Best regards,
Davin S.

After failing to receive confirmation for my order...
After failing to receive confirmation for my order I called PrimoCameras and was put on hold for what seemed an eternity. When I was finally connected to Customer Service Amazon confirmed nothing more specific than an order to my zip code had been shipped on Friday (I ordered the camera the previous Monday and my credit card was billed Tuesday.) I was then asked whether I wanted the $50+ battery or the $80+ battery. I was a bit confused by this question having ordered a camera, not a battery. (The camera comes with the required 4 AA batteries. A set of 2500 mAh LiMH batteries with charger is ~$30 at Home Depot.) The question was not if I wanted to order this or that battery, but which battery. In response to my stupidity the guy at PrimoCameras yelled so loud that his telephone rattled, "Let me make it very clear. The battery that comes with that camera will only last about 20 minutes.", then hung up. (Rudeness must be a virtue in New Jersey.)
A short time later I called PrimoCamera and waited and waited on hold again before requesting a tracking number for the shipment. When I attempted to use the number I was given at USPS the response was no such number. I called PrimoCamera a third time to verify the tracking number and was told that this number was only for their use if the shipment was lost and was of no use to me. (I must be really stupid.)
It had now been over two weeks since I'd ordered the camera. Customer service said that my camera should have arrived by now asked whether I wanted to reorder or a refund. I asked for a refund. I then asked what might have happened to my camera. The response was that it was lost in the mail. The guy then said something to the effect that they oversold. Excuse me, which is it? A package doesn't get lost in the mail because they oversold. Either it got lost in the mail or PrimoCamera was out of stock and fed me a line complete with phony tracking number.
I received e-mail from PrimoCamera on June 1 indicating my order had been cancelled. On June 3 I called Customer Service again after seeing that the $339 I paid for the camera had not been returned to my credit card and was told I would be reimbursed by the 4th. June 4th passed and the money had still not been credited to my account. Subsequent calls to customer service resulted in disconnect after waiting on hold. When I finally reached them I was told that they did not refund money to credit cards and I would have to file a dispute with my credit card company. It took several more months for my credit card company to complete the dispute process and permanently credit the money back to my account.
I hope you're laughing by now, but I'm not making this up. I would not recommend buying from these clowns.

Kindle Voyager Nonsense!
So, my Kindle Voyager died that I purchased in Feb. 2015. I jump on chat, Amazon take me through the paces, and decide it can't be fixed. What do you mean it can't be fixed? It's just a dead battery. Oh, we can't fix hardware problems. Okay, well, I'm not paying $199 retail for a brand new one, so, what can you do? Answer: $20 off a new one. NOPE! I call, speak with a guy named Arthur. I explain everything, and he says not to worry; which immediately made me suspicious. I tell him I need to purchase it on a payment plan after he tells me he's selling me the new device for $100. He says he'll give me $40 credit to be used as the first payment, and put $59.99 in my account to be used to make subsequent payments. I made him explain this 3 times. He kept saying not to worry, and he'd send me an email with all the details and his name... just purchase the device, and he'll do all these things on his end. So, I do it and wait for the email. I get the email, and it says $159.99 for the device with payments to begin the first month and his name is missing. Now, all the messed up crap begins. I decide they lie over the phone, so I start a chat. The woman is a moron and can't understand what I said happened during the transaction on the previous day. We go around and around, and then she then says she found $59.99 sitting in promotional credits and can't be applied to payments. WHAT? What does that mean? It means the $59.99 can only be used for future purchases. I tell her that's not right, and someone needs to fix this. She passes me onto someone else who says he will refund $59.99 to my card. Hours have past, and it's like 1am. I'm so tired at this point, I'm almost falling asleep. I tell him to do so, and I'll check back the next day. I check my account & emails the next day, and nothing happened. I'm saving some of these chats since conveniently doesn't allow you to save them. I call to speak with a supervisor, and I'm already tired and frustrated. I get passed around, put on hold for 45 minutes, and hang up. I call back and get hung up on at least 5 times. Now, I'm steaming mad. I'm back to chats since people are jerking me around over the phone. I tell them someone needs to fix this, redo the payment schedule so that the device is $100 like Arthur promised me it would be. I get passed around some more.

I ask to speak with a supervisor, and I'm absolutely sure I wasn't speaking with a supervisor who blew me off. Every month, I'm chatting with people, pasting previous chats in the window from Word documents, and asking them what they plan to do. I get the device, and one of them tells me to send it back and they'll redo everything for $100. I ask him if he thinks I'm stupid, because everybody is saying something different and now I don't trust any of them. Send me an email saying this is what would happen if I send it back. He says no, which makes me know he's lying too. In September, I file a BBB complaint. Whoever answered refunds $41 because they took so long, I bought some mp3's which reduced the credit, and before I could ask about redoing the payment schedule, the BBB closes the case. So, I enter another BBB complaint about that. Nothing happens. I get into another chat whereby that rep says he will have someone from the BBB division of address the complaint. Nothing happens again after a couple of weeks. So, then I enter in a complaint with the Attorney General of the State of Washington... Seattle. Someone at sends back a double-talking response without addressing the payment plan... again. The Attorney General's office says there's nothing they can do and to go to small claims court for resolution. I send back an email with ALL the chats attached and tell them I've been deceived, and small claims court where? Washington? I don't think so! These people act like this isn't an online company and the laws of one State can govern the laws of another.

So, now decides to deactivate my device on 10/7/16 so it can't get any books online. Fine with me! It's their money they're losing out on, not mine. And for what? Just so they can do and say whatever they want to and not do right by me? I'm in dire straights, and they keep sending emails saying they want to take $80 from my card, instead of $40 twice and one payment of $20. I've spent thousands of dollars with on various products over at least 10 years, and they dare treat people like this and make me out to be a liar about the whole thing? I tell them if they were paying me by the hour, with all the hours, days, months I've spent trying to get them to do the right thing, the device would be paid for by now. My time is money too!

Nobody is a consumer advocate for online businesses, and a company as large as thinks it can do whatever they want. I think I've also written the FTC... not sure... but, they're another useless organization who does nothing about anything. Companies are running rip-shod over consumers, and are being held accountable for NOTHING! They're a monopoly, and there's almost no way around purchasing things online without going through I'm disgusted and definitely looking for other options to help with this. Any ideas, folks? Abusive and Invasive Customer service
Recently, I was in the market for some new R-12 hoses to refurbish an older AC gauge set when I happened on an advertisement from Amazon featuring all three replacement hoses for about $17+ bucks. It seemed like a good deal except for the long delay in shipping the goods but I wasn't in any hurry so I thought I'd sign up.

Unfortunately, I quickly discovered that doesn't allow guest purchases' as does EBAY, it's members only' at Amazon and your order is conditional upon membership acceptance. I received the following confirmation memo Jan 16, sent to me at our sites email address.

Order Confirmation

Hello Allen Williams,

Thank you for shopping with us. You ordered "Atoplee 3pcs (2500~500)PSI...". We'll send a confirmation when your item ships.

Details Order #**************812


Monday, February 6 -

Tuesday, February 28

This was the typical automated response however, the next day I received a follow-up email which I expected to be an actual ship date but instead my account' was frozen!

Subject: Re: Your order cannot be shipped On 1/16/ 12:24 PM, ******* wrote: There was a problem processing your order. You will not be able to access your account or place orders with us until we confirm your information.

You can help us resolve this issue by replying to this message with the billing name, address, and phone number registered to your card. Please reply from the email address registered to your account.

If needed, update your information with the card issuer.

For your security, we restrict access to your billing details to a team of account specialists. Our Customer Service team cannot access these details or provide you with more information on this issue. Amazon can only verify that we sent this request.

We ask that you not open new accounts as any order you place may be delayed.

This makes no sense unless the real purpose of being an Amazon member is to open all of your transactions to government phishers. All the personal 'verification' needed was to PING the card in amount of $1.00 to confirm its validity otherwise the card would be rejected outright. What Amazon is really saying here is that we don't trust you to be who you claim to be without outside confirmation. That's not membership, it's just abuse.

Apparently Amazon no longer limits abuse to its employees but is now including customers as Salon reports: Worse than Wal-Mart: Amazon's sick brutality and secret history of ruthlessly intimidating workers. ( "You might find your Prime membership morally indefensible after reading these stories about worker mistreatment." Don't be overly shocked, this is simply globalism and its New World Order business practices. It's the future of American business. Oh that's just sour grapes. Really? Well how about Amazon used neo-Nazi' guards to control workers in German factory?
( Oh, too harsh, still? How about the Orwellian work environment at Amazon as in Forbes' assessment, "What Amazon's Work Culture Tells Us About Employee Disengagement ( />
But what disturbs me most is the Huff Post Blog reporting a $600 million dollar deal Amazon struck with the CIA for cloud services ( which likely means the CIA has access to all purchases made by Amazon customers. The Blog further reports: ". A signer in Cincinnati wrote: "If Amazon chooses to sell out their customers to the CIA, I will never visit their site again. Betrayal shouldn't be the price of convenience." This certainly goes a long way towards explaining why Amazon would be so interested in confirming' mine and others customer information.

On Jan 17th, I called the company and spoke to a representative who was to look into the problem.' I told them what had happened and the lady I spoke with indicated that I had to respond with the email address that I opened the account with. Well, duh. I DID that and they acknowledged it by responding to the ORIGINAL email address that I opened the account with!. (Actually, I responded with both my email addresses and still received the same mind numbing response.)


We encountered an issue with your account, and have removed your access to this account because the card issuer has refused to confirm your name and billing
Address for your Visa ending in 56. You will not be able to access your account or place orders with us until we verify your information.

To resolve this issue, please allow the card issuer to grant our request, or send the information below to our secure fax line:

-- A copy of your statement for the payment card used, including the billing address
-- The last two digits of the payment card
-- Your name, phone number, and email address
You can find our fax number on the Help page: ttps :// Com/help/addressverification

We will convert your fax to a secure electronic image. To protect your information, we restrict access to your billing details to a team of account specialists.

Our Customer Service team can confirm that we sent this email, but they cannot view your fax or share more information about this issue.

You can expect a response from us within 24 hours of sending your fax. If you would like us to confirm your information with the card issuer, reply to this email after you have arranged for them to grant our request.

In the meantime, please do not open new accounts because any new order that you place may be delayed. We are sorry for any inconvenience this may have caused.

Yes, secure like Yahoo and Facebook which had millions of their 'secure' customer records hacked. And might they also be passing my business information along to the NSA or FBI as BEST Buy technical people are currently doing for the FBI? ( />
The customer rep never addressed my reply or indicated why my bank had to confirm my identity. A few days later I got another email asking why I discontinued my account. Interesting enough, Amazon's Bezos owns the Washington Post and since I have been a written critic of that intellectual rag, the Amazon episode begins to make a bit more sense.

Trump may be on to something in Donald Trump's war on Jeff Bezos, Amazon and the Washington Post Looks like has been getting a pretty cushy tax break in their rise to economic fame. (

And of course, we all know the journalistic integrity' of WAPO as in After the WaPost's Latest Shot, It's Time to Call Fake News' By Its Real Name Weaponized Journalism' ( My observation to the WAPO editor on instructions from Jeff Bezos for their news coverage is that company policy (written or otherwise) dictates news coverage just as it would with any other firm subsidiary. Don't think for a moment that WAPO isn't looking out for the Amazon billionaire's interests.

There is another possibility, the company is advertising the sale of an item they don't have and won't have available unless a sufficient number of people express interest before they order from their China supplier. In that case you might want a verifiable customer base to motivate the Chinese.

If you're an Amazon customer get prepared for more invasive scrutiny of your account information, and if you're not, don't JOIN!.

NIGHTMARE! Save your money and your sanity!
I placed an order for my daughter's prom dress on 3/9/2015, when you checkout you can select the latest arrival date, which is 1 month from order date-free of charge, if you need it sooner you pay extra shipping(rush charges). My daughter's prom is 4/11/2015 so the 9th was good. So 3/24/2015 I did a live chat to check on the status of the dress(oddly it was with JOE) anyway I was told my orders delivery date is 4/12/2015. Does anyone see the problem here? Why bother asking what the latest date is if you are going to ignore it.
Chat Transcript

Visitor: Guest
Accepted Operator: Joe

Company: rightprom
Started: 24-Mar-2015 1:49:16 PM
Finished: 24-Mar-2015 2:00:14 PM

1:49:16 PM: * Welcome Guest! Your request has been directed to our support team. Please wait for an operator to answer your call.
1:49:25 PM: * Call accepted by operator Joe. Currently in room: Guest, Joe.
1:49:27 PM: Joe: hi
1:49:39 PM: Guest: hi
1:50:22 PM: Guest: I placed an order on 3/9/2015
1:50:48 PM: Joe: okay
1:51:08 PM: Guest: My daughter is panicking that it will not be here in time for her to decide wether she likes it or not.
1:51:19 PM: Joe: checking
1:51:22 PM: Guest: It shows processing
1:51:44 PM: Guest: Ordered On 2015/03/09
Order Number: **************211
1:51:51 PM: Joe: your order's delivery date is 2015-04-12
1:52:33 PM: Guest: See then Why did I pay extra to ensure delivery at the latest date prior to that, since prom is on 4/11/2015... that is obviously not going to work for us!
1:53:08 PM: Joe: do you mean you need receive it before 11th?
1:53:29 PM: Guest: YES! She needs to wear the dress on the 11th of APRIL.
1:53:35 PM: Joe: okay
1:53:44 PM: Joe: then we will ship out your order sooner
1:53:54 PM: Joe: let you receive it before 11th
1:54:19 PM: Guest: Yes, but you just said it is scheduled to ship to us the 12th.
1:54:39 PM: Joe: we will ship it earlier now
1:55:52 PM: Guest: I guess I am just frustrated with the whole process, when I ordered there was a place to click to indicate the last date you could receive it. I did that and I indicated prior to the 6th of April, now you are saying the order is slated for 4/12 delivery date. So had I not contacted someone now, she would have not had a prom dress/ And really how do I know it will be here on time now?
1:56:25 PM: Joe: please do not worry
1:56:32 PM: Joe: we will let you get the dress in time
1:56:37 PM: Joe: we are tailoring your dress now
1:56:47 PM: Joe: we will ship it out sooner
1:57:13 PM: Guest: When csan I expect the dress to be delivered? So I can go get a back up dress, because now I am worried
1:57:37 PM: Joe: we will email you the tracking info when we ship out your order
1:57:44 PM: Joe: the shipping time is about 1 day
1:57:53 PM: Guest: If I do not have it in time for Prom, I will not accept the order and I request a refund!
1:58:24 PM: Joe: k
1:58:53 PM: Guest: I will not have her prom ruined because the dress we purchased was not received when it said it would be.
1:59:13 PM: Joe: please do not worry, you can receive it on time
1:59:20 PM: Joe: everything is okay for your order now
1:59:22 PM: Guest: Thanks Joe for all your help. I am just worried now.
1:59:29 PM: Joe: it is my pleasure
1:59:39 PM: Guest: Have a nice day.
1:59:45 PM: Joe: Have a nice day.
I e-mailed support after this chat and was told my delivery date is 4/12/2015, after I stated in my e-mail that the Prom is 4/11/2015. I have since been given a number to contact, I reverse phone look-up'd the number and imagine my surprise others had issues with them and said no one ever answers the phone nor calls back. *******411. I guess I will be out my $200 and I will have to go find her another dress, I can not let her be let down because I chose to trust a company without doing my research. I will report all this to the BBB and I will write a review everywhere I can as well.

I hope noone else has the issues we have had.

Amazon is downrighr bad for our children's future
Amazon Prime is nothing but hook and bait scheme. The products are advertised as something like... buy within 7 hours and 23 minutes and recieve your order the next day... but Amazon only tells you that you were mistaken to expect next day delivery and that Amazon informed you that the order would deliver 3 to 4 days later. Oh by the way, such email is never sent AND if they send it, it is after you had already ordered the product.

So... the Prime Member benefits?
1) videos and music (you can already get those elsewhere and quicker)
2) special offers (i havent seen any that i would purchase out of the ordinary necessity)
3) the BUY SOON AND GET IT TOMORROW SCHEME (is exactly that, a scheme. And if you try to get help from a customer service associate, they will repeat the same LIES, treat you like you are stupid, and argue with you)

Amazon Prime shipping advertisement is an out right false advertisement AND designed to squash small business sellers. Why? Small business sellers cannot afford to deliver their products the next day. By Amazon advertising that they will do that, they directly compete against their own customers (Amazon receives a large commission from them), the small business sellers. In all business, there is a strict rule that business platforms who profit from lending/leasing/providing something to other businesses cannot directly compete against those same businesses under the same platform - but Amazon does that without consequences. What's more is that when a product is "fulfilled by Amazon:, which means the Amazon charges sellers real estate and maintenance fees by warehousing the products in Amazon's storage facilities and Amazon will process the shipments on behalf of those sellers with additional commissions paid by those sellers. Small businesses will tell you that they are harshly treated and routinely punished, financially, for not shipping their products to be warehoused and shioped by amazon. The soft extortion to snall business sellers is that they are fradulently marketing and competing so eventually force sellers to use the "fulfilled by Amazon" model or to squash them out of business altogether. What is most egregious is that most of the time, Amazon does NOT deliver on their advertisements (hence the label of 'fradulent practices') and they don't care because their business model is not about environmental friendliness nor ethics, it is about sneaky and overbearing practices that profits off the back of small businesses and downright FRAUD.

My Honest Opinion About
My honest opinion.
I have been an Amazon Prime member for the last decade. I have dealt with so much garbage with Amazon it has become ridiculous. It wasn't too bad to begin with but in the last couple of years it has just gotten downright ridiculous and I think a lot of stuff is a bunch of nonsense. The straw that finally broke the camel's back for me was my last order.
I had placed a order for four different items on Friday September 6th 2019 and one of the items was given a Guaranteed delivery date for Sunday September 8th 2019. On Sunday September 8th 2019 the Guaranteed delivery date did not happen. So I contacted Amazon on live chat and I spoke to two different people, a customer service representative and then I spoke to a supervisor. Both of these people asked me to wait until the following day Monday September 9th 2019 and that would be my new Guaranteed delivery date, and for the frustration I would contact Amazon once my item arrives and I would get a FULL refund and be able to keep the item for free. On Monday September 9th 2019 the second Guaranteed delivery date that I was given did not happen either. So I had to call Amazon and Amazon told me that they had to put in an order for a replacement and my new guaranteed delivery date would be Wednesday September 11th 2019. So at this point I am having to wait three different guaranteed delivery dates before I am able to get my item. My item finally arrives on Wednesday September 11th 2019.
So now at this point I do what I was told to do by Amazon and that is call Amazon and let them know my item finally arrived and for them to issue my full refund. I was expecting this situation to go easy and smooth. YEAH RIGHT! I was on the phone with Amazon for nearly four hours and I must have been transferred about 12 different times, and having to re-explain myself every single time. I was on both live chat and a phone call trying to get my full refund. Everyone was trying to tell me that I would not get my full refund because the item was purchased with Amazon promotional credits and Amazon promotional credits is not refundable. I kept telling everyone that I was talking to that the information I was told by a Supervisor on Sunday September 8th 2019 was that I would get a full refund. Every Amazon customer service representative I spoke to tried to identify themselves as a Supervisor and tried to make up excuses as to why I was not going to get my full refund. BUT Finally I was able to get my full refund after 4 hours of being on the phone and live chat with Amazon, when someone finally pulled up my chat from the conversation that I had on Sunday September 8th 2019, and was able to see and confirm that what I was saying was in fact the TRUTH.
This means that none of the other people that I spoke to on this day cared to look at any of the information which was very nerve-wracking. I am tired of dealing with Amazon prime. They do not honor the Guaranteed delivery dates, they make up excuses as to why they will refuse to give you a full refund, they tell you that there is no one day shipping available on an item which is completely untrue.
On Monday September 9th 2019 I had to call Amazon because the second Guaranteed delivery date was not going to happen because according to the tracking number Amazon sent the item to the wrong facility and that facility had to send the item back to where the item originally came from, SERIOUSLY!? So I am on a phone call with Amazon before 11am on Monday morning September 9th 2019 speaking to a Supervisor named Melissa. She tells me that she needs to put in a new order for a replacement to be sent off to me, and I asked if they could do one day shipping and the supervisor Melissa that I spoke to told me there was no one day shipping option available. That was a complete lie! The replacement item was shipped out Tuesday evening just before 9 p.m. on September 10th 2019 and I got it the very next day Wednesday September 11th 2019 at 2:39 p.m. So if a item is shipped out Tuesday evening and I received the item the next day in the afternoon that would mean it was one day shipping, but the person I spoke to on Monday told me there was no one day shipping option available.
Again I am tired of all of Amazon's lies from the people that I speak to that are telling their customers inaccurate information, getting their customers upset and turning something simple into a complete nightmare along with a lot of frustration.
Now Amazon no longer has extensions for a month of prime membership if a Guaranteed delivery date is not met, now they just offer you all these different promo credits which are very small promo credits and you are strictly only to use these promo credits on items that are shipped and sold directly from Also returning items is a joke because the moment that an item is received by the Amazon return center your money should be refunded immediately! It's no different than when you go to Walmart with/without the receipt and you get your money right then and there whether it be cash back, or put back on your debit or credit card, or they put the amount on a gift card, you get it right then and there. Amazon wants to take their sweet time and tell you that you have to wait anywhere from one day up to two weeks before you get your refund back regardless if the tracking number shows that the item has already been delivered. In my honest opinion is just a nightmare anymore. You don't even have the option to choose which carrier you want to deliver your packages.
Where I live there is no Amazon facility and there is no option to have my items held for pick up because all of these Amazon trucks will deliver at any time during the day up until 9 p.m. in the evening. People do not want their packages just to be sitting out on their front porch for everyone and their dog to see. There for a while my packages were being delivered by UPS and that was fine with me because I have an account with UPS and I could have my packages held for pickup so at my convenience I could stop by and pick up my packages from the UPS location of my choosing. Now I no longer have that option. So you have to be stuck with the promo credits to only be used for shopping on, you do not have the option to choose which carrier delivers your packages to your address, people at Amazon will tell you one thing and when you call back to follow up on what was being told to you, then you are told something completely different by a different Amazon customer service representative who does not want to follow through or honor with what the previous Amazon customer service representative told to you.
Again this has been my honest opinion and my most recent experience with

Called a liar by two Amazon staff, despite evidence.
I tried to order four products through my Amazon Prime account. All four products were shown as Prime next day delivery, to be delivered on the 3rd of Aug 2020. When I got to my basket, I found that the order was split to three packages, and Amazon were all giving a delivery date of the 5th of Aug, despite the fact that each section had large green writing at the top saying 'Guaranteed delivery date: 4 AUG. 2020'. I could change the delivery date back to the 3rd on two of the packages, but not for one. This insisted it would not be with me until the 5th, outside the Guarantee at the top of the product. I called customer services to ask why the system was doing this, and the woman was useless, and just ran up my minutes, then left me on hold, until I'd been on the phone for twenty five minutes.

I hung up, and called back to speak to someone else. This chap said he'd have to be in my account to see what I was speaking about. He then proceeded to say that he couldn't see the Guarantee. I asked'Is this call being recorded?' he said yes. I asked 're you in my account?' he said yes. So how can you not see that Guarantee? But he kept insisting that I was wrong, and it wasn't there. I told him I was going to screen shot the page, and put it on their social media account, which I did. I also told him that when the email came through from this phone conversation, I'd be giving him a bad review for calling me a liar. He never sent the email. I was asked all sorts of nonsense questions on Facebook, given a link to a form to fill in, which claims someone will call you back in 12 hours, filled that in twice, and never had a call back. The first lady I spoke to called me back at gone 5.30pm, was rude, wanted to know if I'd had an issue? Really, what did she think I'd called her for, because it wasn't a social chat. I'd had to get annoyed and tell her to shut up just so I could explain things to her, then she was sarcastic, and proceeded to say that the phone call with the chap never happened. When explaining to her that calling me a liar when my phone records would prove otherwise wasn't great from a legal POV, she hung up on me.
Had someone from Twitter, don't use Twitter, sent me a generic email with the nonsense about ''timated delivery dates' *sigh* I'm sick to the back teeth of saying that estimated is when there are two dates eg; 3-5th, this wasn't the case, they were all next day. Then you get the nonsense that 'n't day is from the time of dispatch', no it is not. Next day is from the time I order, and it's paid for, because your site says on Sunday that I can have it MONDAY, the NEXT DAY! Otherwise from dispatch could mean some point in the distant future.

I call and speak to a nice lady called Daniela on Monday night. She gives me an email to make a formal complaint, and is thrilled that I have the screen shot, because this will help get my issue resolved. Except that email is FAKE and bounces straight back to me, so I resend it using the email link in the email she sent me. Today I have two emails, one saying it would help if I had sent my email to the right department... no kidding Sherlock, would help if I was given the right email address then... so he's passing on my complaint. Sounds great, until I open the second email, which contains a link straight back to the generic contact us page on Amazon, and the 'di'this help you buttons' at the bottom of the email, so I click NO, which takes me to the EU Amazon site, where I don't have an account.

I call customer services, against, ask to speak to a manager, and I'm assured that one will call me back in an hour. I won't have to do a thing, and this will be resolved, because I am right. Guess how that went? I was back on the phone, because no-one called me back. I insisted that this time I was not getting off the phone, so apparently I've spoken to a manager, who has done sod all, except repeat the same nonsense that everyone else has. Because apparently Amazon have the right to redefine the meanings of words. They can put any old nonsense on their site, and it means nothing at all. Guaranteed date? Pah! Could mean next year. Valued customer? Insulted, and don't give a damn. Done anything at all to rectify this? Told me I can order the NEXT DAY AVAILABLE products today, the 4th of August, and have them on the 7th of August. Are you fricking kidding me? And they have the nerve to call this a 'free premium delivery service', regardless of the fact that we pay a subscription, and all Prime products have an added fee on them. We're paying twice for this delivery service, you lying lunatics, that is neither free, nor premium!


They penalize their customers and show bad faith
I have been a prime member for over a year now. I often use coupons and promo codes to purchase my items, and you get free shipping with Amazon prime, which makes it affordable to buy things I could not otherwise afford. I do get great deals, however that does not bias my opinion regarding whether or not i like a product, whether it is a waste of money etc. That being said. I do take advantage of the opportunity to speak my mind (as evidenced by this review)
After reviewing Amazon items for almost 2 years now, I have gotten quite a few helpful votes on my reviews (35 reviews were marked helpful) which would indicate that I am not just giving a good review because of a reduced price on an item.
Approximately two weeks ago, I tried to review an item and was unable to leave a review. I got a message instead
"Sorry, we are unable to accept your review of this product for either one or both of the following reasons: Your previous review of this product did not comply with our Customer Reviews Guidelines. Amazon does not permit reviews from customers whose relationship to the product or seller may be perceived as biased."
I have not been able to review a product since, and to add insult to injury, Amazon deleted all my previous reviews! I also have discovered that I can not even ask a product question that can be seen by anyone including the sellers,
I have written several emails to request reinstatement of my ability to review. And that I be given some kind of explanation as to why this is happening. However, I have not gotten ANY response whatsoever.
In reading through the terms of the customer review guidelines, I find absolutely NO violation at all, I have not posted more "non verified" reviews than is listed in the rules, (you can not do that anyway)
In researching this issue, I find that thousands of people are experiencing the same treatment and issue. All of whom are paying prime members!

The failure to even answer my emails (or anyone else with this issue) Shows bad business practices by amazon, also to arbitrarily single out the people who have limited funds and need to use coupons and promo codes to purchase items, is reprehensible at best.

So, as I have yet to get any response, And I have since found that Amazon over charges for most items. (many are way cheaper on ebay, etc. (do a search on the item you need you will see) I am hereby warning all you thrifty shoppers who use promo codes that your privilege to write reviews will be curtailed. You will be treated like a pariah. You will be disrespected and ignored. If you want to take that treatment and PAY FOR IT, that is okay. I have moved on to greener pastures but want the world to know how LOW AMAZON WILL GO

Terrible Customer Service
I have been a loyal prime member for a decade now, but am receiving the worst customer service from Amazon.

I had fraud on my account and have been trying proactively to solve it for nearly 3 weeks now. You have major gaps in your customer service and the way you handle fraudulent charges. I was notified I had fraud on my account and my Amazon account was promptly shut down. I could not verify or deny the charges since I am locked out of all aspects of my account. Because I order a lot of items from Amazon I had no idea what was fraudulent and what was not. It took me over 2 weeks and 9 phone calls to customer service, to just get a comprehensive list of ordered items that I could verify. But alas, my account is still closed.

I replied to every email, requesting the last 2 of a credit card, but news flash - my card was compromised. I do not seem to have another active card associated with this account. Therefore I cannot give the last 2 digits of my credit card, I have tried. All I get is automated emails and no one to help me resolve the issue.

Your customer service sent order numbers, without associated items, so all customers have to dig through emails to figure out what items Amazon are. Then there are other emails with no item stated that just request the last 2 of a credit card. While I will happily pay for my charges, I am not just going to give my credit card without any item(s) specifications for Amazon to charge how they please. Especially when there was supposedly fraud on my account! I cannot seem to verify my identity with a new credit card and am caught in a endless loop of customer service agents who can't solve the issue and emails requesting credit card information (last 2 digits) that is not linked to my account.

This is such terrible customer service to a loyal customer who has spent thousands of dollars at Amazon. I have been hung up while being transferred, told totally different information by the same agents answering Amazon's phone, but each agent told me they can't do anything and to wait for an email.

My 2 Amazon Alexas are closed down, 3 Amazon kids tablets, and of course ordering. I have now spent hours on the phone trying to resolve and pay for items I ordered. It's totally and completely ridiculous and needless.

You need to take a close look at how you are treating "valued" customers, because it is beyond frustrating and deplorable.

No Way to Vote with your Wallet
My experience in buying from Amazon goes back to their very early days when Amazon were simply a discount online book store... Yes, we're talking last century here... I've watched them grow over the years and offer more and more products and services. I have enjoyed saving money while avoiding mall shopping, which I've disliked for decades.

Now, however, especially following the Great Recession, I am also sensitive to the impact dollars make on local economies. While I still spend money on Amazon, I would feel better about it if I knew my hard-earned dollars were being spent in the U.S. to support my own nation's economy, though I'm not opposed to supporting others as well, as long as they don't use and abuse workers. I'd also like to be able to choose between states in the U.S. wherein my dollars may be spent, so I can support the economies of states in which my politics are more compatible than in others, and not support the economies of states where women's rights are being abolished even as I write this. Simply stated, I like to feel good about how I am spending my money, and I like to vote, not only in the voting booth, but with my wallet as well. After all, that's really the only thing most people in power today will listen to. (FYI, I also only invest in companies that do good things without exploiting people. While there may be other investments that might provide greater returns, I will not knowingly support people and things that cause harm to others. I believe in the Karma behind The Golden Rule.)

Being the concerned shopper that I am, I recently contacted Amazon and asked how I could find out where their sellers are located (just country and/or state, nothing more). I was also interested in knowing which state's workers might be impacted by my purchases when I buy things fulfilled by Amazon (does the item ship from a warehouse in California, West Virginia, Washington state, or elsewhere). Again simply stated, I wish to feel good about my purchases by monetarily supporting certain local economies, while not inadvertently supporting others.

The response I got from Amazon went something like the ones I got from doctors' offices recently when I made some calls to find out what a procedure I may need might potentially cost. All responded by saying they cannot provide that information. Really? Doctors' office staff treated me as if I was from Mars, because apparently no one ever dares question what they charge. It was only after I explained that they may call me a "patient", but I am also a "paying customer" that they referred me to others who finally got back to me with answers.

With Amazon, the story was not so pleasant. I was treated as if I was the problem, simply for asking where my hard-earned dollars might potentially go. What ever happened to customer service and making information available so customers may make informed choices? (Note: I use the term "customer" because it is MY money being spent here. I am not simply a parasitic "consumer".)

I'm now looking to go back to purchasing things from companies directly, rather than giving Amazon my hard-earned dollars. Sad, because I typically supported new start-ups and smaller businesses on Amazon (those with 100's of reviews or less, rather than those with 100's of thousand of reviews). I liked the idea of supporting the little guy instead of major conglomerates, while also being backed by Amazon's return policy. Sadly, Amazon seems to have become one of those major conglomerates that doesn't care about their customers. And given the amount of money they have, they probably don't pay their workers anywhere near the amount of money they deserve either.

It's too bad because there are many smaller sellers who feel they need Amazon's platform to get their businesses off the ground. Because of today's outrageous real estate costs, they cannot afford brick and mortar storefronts, and they cannot afford the time and money it takes to move their own websites up on the google search platform. And while I like buying locally in my own community, there are some local businesses that think nothing of gauging people at the register as well. (Can you say $300 for a $30 two-inch agate sphere simply because you are calling it "art"?) Let's get real here. There is a balancing midpoint between cut-rate prices that exploit workers and local economies, and flat out highway robbery.

Ironically, I happen to agree with a lot of what Jeff Bezos has recently done to stand up for those without a voice. Still, after my most recent customer inquiry and Amazon's "customer service" department's response, I am having second thoughts about the company.

It is my hope that Amazon will one day soon change their policy about revealing sellers' general locations (country and state only), and the general locations of the warehouses from which they ship products themselves, so customers may consider voting with their wallets when making a purchase. But until they do, I am going to make a concerted effort to spend most of my dollars away from Amazon for now... Too bad MacKenzie no longer has much of an impact on the company...

Amazon used to be really great but
Amazons service has gone downhill and I have grown unhappy with them with my last order.
Evenflo Pivot Xpand Modular Travel System, Stallion
I ordered this stroller on August 17th. A week and a half later on Tuesday August 28th, the stroller was STILL not shipped out. I called amazon and I was assured that it would be shipped out soon and arrive by the 30th since it was a gift for a baby shower i have to TODAY (Sept 1st) Well guess what? The stroller was shipped out on THURSDAY and it's not here! I now have to go to the baby shower empty handed because Amazon took over TWO WEEKS to ship out the stroller! I have NEVER had service like this with amazon ever. Amazon used to be so great with their prompt service (I do not have prime) if I ordered something two weeks prior. Amazon also screwed up and sent me my items (of the same order) in a plain brown box without the amazon logo box that products always arrive in and I was missing two items! When I called amazon AGAIN I'm getting one of the items shipped to me at no extra charge, and the other item Amazon wanted returned. How am I supposed to return something I never got? When I spoke to customer service, the woman I spoke with wasn't very apologetic, she was rather rude and tried to give me an amazon gift card so I could repurchase the item. I said no and to put it back on my credit card. That I would not be purchasing from amazon again. All I've had was headaches the past two weeks in dealing with them. I could have gone to Target, and paid the SAME price ($400) for the stroller and had it already and would have been prepared for my baby shower that I need to go today. Thank you amazon for ruining my gift for the baby shower. I should get the $7 dollar refund that the stroller is now up for "sale" with for my troubles. After speaking with amazon about my troubles they REFUSED to give me the $7 back for my troubles and ended up giving me line after line of bull$#*! of why they couldn't give me a credit of $7.
They also deleted my review of the "stroller" (which was titled appropriately "this is a review of amazon not the stroller") because it did not meet their "guidelines", it doesn't meet their guidelines because I was speaking badly about amazon and god forbid they have any negative comments floating around, my god they might lose business.
And guess what? THEY ARE!
The stroller is now down to $385, $14 lower than the original price I paid.

***Here's the chat history with Amazon "help"/customer service***
***Here's the chat history with Amazon "help"/customer service***
***Skip to the end to get the idea of my experience.***

Messaging Assistant | Customer Service
OK, I'll get someone to help you here through chat.
2:34 PM
OK, get help through chat
2:41 PM
Shantilal | Customer Service
Hi, Mike
Navneetha here.
I'll be happy to help you.
2:41 PM
I'm really hoping there's a solution to this very annoying, unwelcoming issue.
The website has a bar/panel on the right side that will not go away, and is obscuring my view
This bar is related to the shopping cart
2:42 PM
Shantilal | Customer Service
Please allow me for a moment so that I can see what best I can do for you.

2:42 PM
Hmm... did you do something?
Looks like it went away
2:44 PM
Shantilal | Customer Service
Just to make sure you had the issue on the app or webiste?
2:44 PM
On the website
Wait one sec please
2:45 PM
Shantilal | Customer Service
2:45 PM
I removed the items from my cart...
To test... let me add them back in
2:46 PM
Shantilal | Customer Service
Sure, Can you please help me with the confirmation.
2:46 PM
Did i not confirm?
Are you getting all my responses?
The items are back
2:47 PM
Shantilal | Customer Service
Yes, So now is that issue resolved?
2:47 PM
The panel appears with items in my cart displayed
It will not go away unless i remove the items from my cart
2:47 PM
Shantilal | Customer Service
Can you please help me with the screen shot so that I can have a look at that?
Please send the email to cs-reply" at "amazon"dot" com
2:48 PM
Did i unknowlingly enable a "always show items in cart" option?
2:48 PM
Shantilal | Customer Service
2:50 PM
Just one more sec
2:52 PM
Criscel | Customer Service
Hi Mike. Sure. Take your time. I can wait within 2 minutes.
2:54 PM
Amazon cart blocking view
Email sent
2:55 PM
Criscel | Customer Service
Thank you, let me check it.
I still not received the screenshot. Can you try to send it again to cust. Service03" at "amazon"dot" com?
2:56 PM
Email sent
2:59 PM
Amudha | Customer Service
Hello, my name is Amudha. I can pick up where we left off.

3:00 PM...
3 different individuals... really?
Do you guys/gals resolve issues there, are just send the customers in a game of hot potato?
*or do you just send your customers into a game of hot potato?... is person #4 there?
3:03 PM
Amudha | Customer Service
3:03 PM
I think you're #3
So... can you help, or did you want to pass me along?
3:03 PM
Amudha | Customer Service
Let me connect you to a member of the team that will best be able to help you with this. It will only take a moment.
3:04 PM
3:04 PM
Going onto individual #4...
3:04 PM
Jimlise | Customer Service
Hello Mike, I am sorry for the inconvenience.
3:05 PM
Oh! Here Amazon are!
Hello #4
3:05 PM
Jimlise | Customer Service
How can I help?
3:05 PM
Can you help me or will you just pass me onto person #5?
3:05 PM
Jimlise | Customer Service
No, I will be able to help.
3:05 PM
Lol... 30 mins of attempting to get help...
Ok... do i have to "re-explain" my situation?
3:06 PM
Jimlise | Customer Service
Are you trying to place a Wardrobe order but you're not seeing the Wardrobe cart?
3:06 PM... so you can't access the previous postings?
This is getting really annoying man
Let me go up the string of post so that may copy what i typed...
The website has a bar/panel on the right side that will not go away, and is obscuring my view. This bar is related to the shopping cart
If i delete the items in the cart, this panel will go away
And appears only if items are in the cart
Did you get my email?
3:09 PM
Jimlise | Customer Service
I do not see an email was sent. However, would you be open to sharing your screen so that we may better assist?
3:11 PM
I can send you an email.
Did you want a jpeg or png?
3:12 PM
Jimlise | Customer Service
Yes, please send an email. We need to see exactly what is going on so that we may better assist.
3:13 PM
3:13 PM
Jimlise | Customer Service
I really apologize for the inconvenience.
3:13 PM
What email address?
3:14 PM
Jimlise | Customer Service
Cs-primewardrobe" at "amazon"dot" com.
You are also able to call *******0656.
3:14 PM
Are you trying to get out of helping me?
Did you just want to pass me onto person #5?
3:15 PM
Jimlise | Customer Service
No, I'm not. I want to better assist you because we need to see what you are seeing.
3:15 PM
So far i emailed cust. Service03" at "amazon"dot" com
Cs-reply" at "amazon"dot" com
3:15 PM
Jimlise | Customer Service
No, please email the Prime Wardrobe department.
Cs-primewardrobe" at "amazon"dot" com.
3:16 PM
Email sent
Cust. Service03" at "amazon"dot" com
Cs-reply" at "amazon"dot" com
Cs-primewardrobe" at "amazon"dot" com
All three... someone should have gotten this... this is the third one sent... no error messages on my end
3:17 PM
Jimlise | Customer Service
We provide a response window within at least one hour.
3:17 PM
Those emails don't accept incoming messages
Just found the error emails
"You've written to an address that does not accept incoming direct e-mails"
One hour?
We are in a chat
3:19 PM
Jimlise | Customer Service
Have you cleared your cookies?
3:19 PM
What do you mean one hour?
This has nothing to do with cookies
3:19 PM
Jimlise | Customer Service
Someone else should receive the email. I can't view the email you sent.
3:19 PM
Email me, i'll respond to it
This is ridiculous... is this suppose to be "help"? "support"?
You guys are just playing hot potato with your customers
Passing me along and giving me empty responses for the past hour...
3:21 PM
Jimlise | Customer Service
If you send the email, I will not receive the email, another associate will and that person will respond. Also, I send an email and you respond, someone else may also receive your response.
I am really sorry for the inconvenience. It's just that we absolutely need to see what you are seeing so that we may better assist.
3:21 PM
You are person # 5... you've yet to provide an email that accepts incoming messages...
Can you click on links?
3:22 PM
Jimlise | Customer Service
Yes, I am able to click on links.
3:22 PM

Can you see the image
At this point i feel amazon should be paying me...
3:23 PM
Jimlise | Customer Service
I am able to view the image. Is it the "h+ save" sign you're referring to?
3:24 PM
He website has a bar/panel on the right side that will not go away, and is obscuring my view. This bar is related to the shopping cart
If i delete the items in the cart, this panel will go away
And appears only if items are in the cart
3:24 PM
Jimlise | Customer Service
I will need to send this to the tech team because I have not seen this before.
The items in the cart usually appear on the right side of the page before the checkout stage.
3:25 PM
And how soon should I expect a response?
3:26 PM
Jimlise | Customer Service
Within 24 - 48 hours.
3:26 PM
Let me know once you've completed the escelation
3:27 PM
Jimlise | Customer Service
Alright, please hold.
Mike, still working on this.
Thank you for your patience.
3:34 PM
3:35 PM
Jimlise | Customer Service
Mike, once it is submitted, a response will be sent within 24 -48 hours.
Also, are you using a desktop, laptop, or phone?
3:37 PM
3:37 PM
Jimlise | Customer Service
Mike, I am chatting with a lead from Prime Wardrobe and they informed me to advise you to instead of scrolling over the image for the size chart click on the "size chart" in blue next to the select.
Mike, are you still here?
3:43 PM
This has more to do with the amazon website.
Just imagin any item in the cart. Or being viewedd
3:44 PM
Jimlise | Customer Service
Alright, I am sending this so that it may be fixed.
3:45 PM
It happens with any item... not just clothings
3:45 PM
Jimlise | Customer Service
Ok, I understand.
The lead indicated that it is something that needs to be evaluated, therefore, you may not receive a response within the 24 -48 hour time frame.
You are also able to click on this " Report incorrect product information." and fill that out. There is a part about the image and set up.
3:46 PM
I do not need the items in my cart to be constantly displayed... that window with said items blocks my view, ruins my experience.
Can you please let me know once this has been escalated?
3:49 PM
Jimlise | Customer Service
It has been escalated.
3:49 PM
How long should i expect to wait for a response?
3:50 PM
Jimlise | Customer Service
Due to an issue like this, it may be longer than 24 -48 for it to be resolved.
3:51 PM
Is there a reference number?
Support ticket #
I want to know this will be an issue I'll receive a response to. So far... the 1.5 hours I spent on this chat with 4 different individuals... isn't so assuring
3:53 PM
Jimlise | Customer Service
I understand your concern. It is that I escalated to the lead and I sent the feedback form as well. You are also able to send the feedback regarding the product on the site that may expedite the process. Right now, I am not able to provide a time frame for the response. Also, the escalation that was sent did not have a ticket number. Once again, Mike I do apologize for this inconvenience.
3:55 PM
So, you're telling me this was a waste of time?
That all this is just going to be sent into a box of emails... skimmed through... then forgot?
Seeing there is no reason they should or would have to repsond... lol...
3:56 PM
Jimlise | Customer Service
No, this is not. I wish there is more that I would be able to do at this time. The issue has been escalated and will be reviewed.
3:59 PM
But I will not receive an update to MY ISSUE...
4:00 PM
Jimlise | Customer Service
I am not able to confirm that since this may take longer than 24 -48 hours to review.
4:02 PM...
Who can?
I want an update to this issue
I do not want to be forgotten!
4:02 PM
Jimlise | Customer Service
You will not be forgotten, Mike. This will be looked into.
4:03 PM
Are we going to be here for another hour?
4:04 PM
CHRISTA HAS JOINED & WILL BE READY TO CHAT IN JUST A MINUTE... this was the worst experience I've had with customer service... I was passed along like a hot potato among 4 different individuals, 90% of the time was spent trying to "email" 3 different amazon addresses, which doesn't support incoming emails.
Finally I, ME... uploaded an image to a hosting site and shared a link... now they've escalated to an actual tech, there's no promise of a response. Only took 1.5 FULL HOURS.
4:04 PM


Too bad they chose to contract out to India instead of the USA
I've been shopping on Amazon almost since their inception back in 1994. My overall experience for the past 20-years has been great. I've had a seller and a buyer account. I've purchased hard to find items at very competitive prices. Up until the past year I've had absolutely no issues.

Notably, over the past two-years Jeff Bezos has contracted outside of the USA (Amazon was a Seattle based company) and invested literally BILLIONS of dollars in India. Wow!

Not only do I disagree with that (US companies should keep jobs in the US, this is totally selling out), but there's a reason labor is cheaper in India - it's of a lower quality.

This is my story. I had signed up for the free 6-month Amazon Prime Student membership. For some reason I forgot to cancel it after the 6-month trial and the $49 membership fee was deducted from my account (no pre-warning this was about to happen). As I didn't want Prime membership I contacted Amazon and cancelled the Prime membership. Two weeks later the same thing happened - another $49 deducted from my bank account for Prime membership. Why? I have no idea. I didn't sign up for Prime again. Not only could this have sent my bank account overdrawn but it was an unauthorized withdrawal of funds from my bank account. Wow! That's usually referred to as 'theft'.

I decided to close my Amazon account completely as I did not want to risk this happening again. Now, if you ever want to close your Amazon account you will see that there are no less than 7-steps, plus an email verification process, and then a 24-hour wait with no confirmation email that your account has actually been closed. The process is so convoluted it is literally designed to make closing your account extremely difficult. What a low-ball tactic to keep you. During the process I went online and 'chatted' with customer support. The customer support person I spoke to (Guarab) had a very poor command of the English language and did not offer anything helpful at all. Why would he? He's on the other side of the planet and English is not his first language.

I did some research and sure enough (search it up yourself - I just used Wikipedia) between 2014 and 2016 Amazon invested over $5 BILLION DOLLARS in India!

Wow! So, Jeff Bezos apparently isn't rich enough (despite his net worth of over $72 BILLION DOLLARS!) that he has to take jobs to India instead of investing here in America where he lives and where Amazon was birthed. I despise companies that do that. They're sell outs.

I would have given Amazon a one star review but I'm actually trying to be fair. Amazon served me well for 20-years. It's only been the past year that they've really let me down and, in my opinion, sold out.

Ironically, Jeff Bezos money making strategy of investing in India (let's be honest - it's not because India is a beautiful country, it's exclusively because of the cheap labor force) has backfired on him because now he's lost my custom for life! The few dimes he hoped to save by hiring cheap (and ineffective) labor from India has actually cost him his customer base (in my case at least).

Greed is a terrible thing Jeff. You can't take any of it with you. Thanks for selling out.

It's easy to get lured in by the cheap prices for new...
It's easy to get lured in by the cheap prices for new hard cover books. But I feel Amazon have gone too far. I mean, you can buy anything from baby wipes to a tire iron. Why does it need to be so big?

And when I had a problem with a merchant who overcharged me (some sort of clerical error on THEIR part) over 8 times what I was quoted to pay it took me nearly 3 months to clear it up. There is no phone number to call and talk to a live human being and I had to send email after email to try to clear it up. It was ridiculous.

But let's focus on their book review section for a moment: I really hated a book and gave it one star. The author harassed me using various aliases and, then worst of all, got to pull me one star review AND I was accused of hectoring this author. All because this one little crybaby (named Paul Cohn... look it up... I kid you not) complained. And what I found especially fascinating about this particular author is that besides writing total crap "novels" he attacked everyone who gave his book anything less than 5 stars and ALL of his 5 star reviews were from "people" who had never written another book review in their LIFE! I mean... it wasn't a best seller... it maybe sold 20 or 30 copies and it has about 10 5 star reviews that these reviewers have NEVER written another single book review.

I mean, if that doesn't reek or sound of fish, I don't know what does. And Amazon comes down on me? Well, that's just crazy. I say skip and buy local (even though I do live in Seattle, so Amazon is local for me)... because there are so many other book stores who deserve your business.

And don't even get me started on their secondary market. I recently purchased a book that was said to be in "like new" condition. When I got it the cover was torn, there was a red wine (I hope it was red wine) stain on it and worse of all! Some passages in the book were underlined in pen! So I complained 3 weeks ago and they said they would refund my money... but have they? Ope. And I'll bet you anything it will take between 10-15 emails to get them to honor their money back guarantee. That was 3 weeks ago, and I have not received an email saying that my money was refunded.

I would say this is the ONLY time I would ever say: Set fire to Amazon! (because I associate that name with a particular rain forest that is in peril).

Plain and simple: they suck... long, hard and completely.

Pathetic Amazon Customer Service & Seller
Both Customer Support & Seller are pathetic. Before making an order, I asked them if the item will be deliverable, to India(International delivery, USA to India), both customer support and seller said item will be delivered to India. But even then, before making an order, I tried to ask the same question from several customer support and Amazon all said deliverable to India. Finally, I bought $2000 amazon gift card from third party. I made an order of laptop Dell Alienware 17 R4, I used gift card, and paid rest of the amount from my debit card.

Following are the details.

ORDER # **************818

ORDER PLACED October 7,2017
Alienware AW17R4-7006SLV-PUS 17" Gaming Laptop (7th Generation Intel Core i7,16GB RAM, 256GB SSD + 1TB HDD, Silver) with NVIDIA GTX 1070

Seller ==> Beach Camera Same Day Shipping


They cancelled my order, and when I asked customer support they asked me to make order again, as there must be some mistake. So I made the order again on 10th October. Following are the details.
ORDER # **************458
ORDER PLACED October 10,2017

Alienware AW17R4-7006SLV-PUS 17" Gaming Laptop (7th Generation Intel Core i7,16GB RAM, 256GB SSD + 1TB HDD, Silver) with NVIDIA GTX 1070

Seller ==> Beach Camera Same Day Shipping


They cancelled my order again. I again talked to customer support and seller both and really this made me crazy. They were giving wrong information, offering me $5-$20 for all of this trouble. Amazon Customer Support do not value their customer's time.

Finally, I need to write mail to Jeff Bezos CEO of Amazon and then I came to know, this item could not be delivered to India. And neither they can refund my Amazon gift card as it was bought by 3rd party, and neither 3rd party allows any refund. So my $2000 became waste now. I just sent my $2000 gift card code, to Jeff Bezos, as a contribution to improve the Amazon Pathetic Customer Support.

October 9,2017 1:20:26 PM Initial Question: ORDER # **************839 has problem

October 9,2017 1:20:32 PM Lynne has accepted the chat.

October 9,2017 1:20:44 PM Lynne (CSA): Hello, my name is Lynne.

October 9,2017 1:20:47 PM KAUSHAL KUMAR SINGH: I know that

October 9,2017 1:20:50 PM KAUSHAL KUMAR SINGH: we did have a chat before

October 9,2017 1:21:06 PM KAUSHAL KUMAR SINGH: There are two orders ORDER # **************839 and ORDER # **************818

October 9,2017 1:21:12 PM Lynne (CSA): Yes we did

October 9,2017 1:21:16 PM Lynne (CSA): How can I help you?

October 9,2017 1:21:28 PM KAUSHAL KUMAR SINGH: Is this possible to cancel just one order and keep the other order as it is?

October 9,2017 1:22:02 PM Lynne (CSA): email address please

October 9,2017 1:22:07 PM KAUSHAL KUMAR SINGH: *******

October 9,2017 1:22:13 PM Lynne (CSA): One moment please

October 9,2017 1:23:58 PM Lynne (CSA): They are separate orders so cancelling one would not effect the other

October 9,2017 1:24:21 PM KAUSHAL KUMAR SINGH: ok. Another problem is. I used gift card for the payment of the both

October 9,2017 1:24:43 PM KAUSHAL KUMAR SINGH: and while remaining were paid by card

October 9,2017 1:24:57 PM KAUSHAL KUMAR SINGH: so incase you cancel the order ORDER # **************839

October 9,2017 1:25:05 PM KAUSHAL KUMAR SINGH: how will I be refunded and how much?

October 9,2017 1:25:25 PM Lynne (CSA): When orders are cancelled, the refunds go back to the original form of payment

October 9,2017 1:25:46 PM KAUSHAL KUMAR SINGH: So can you tell me how exactly I will be refunded for cancelling ORDER # **************839

October 9,2017 1:26:03 PM Lynne (CSA): It would go back exactly the way it was paid for

October 9,2017 1:26:37 PM KAUSHAL KUMAR SINGH: So can you check and tell me how exactly the way it was paid

October 9,2017 1:26:40 PM Lynne (CSA): What was charged to the card would be refunded back to the card

October 9,2017 1:26:52 PM Lynne (CSA): What was charged to the gift card, would go back to the gift card

October 9,2017 1:27:02 PM Lynne (CSA): Exactly the way the payment was processed.

October 9,2017 1:27:15 PM Lynne (CSA): You can see your payment info online

October 9,2017 1:27:18 PM Lynne (CSA):

October 9,2017 1:27:20 PM Lynne (CSA): my orders

October 9,2017 1:27:21 PM Lynne (CSA): payment

October 9,2017 1:27:39 PM KAUSHAL KUMAR SINGH: ok $48.31 was paid via gift card.

October 9,2017 1:27:53 PM KAUSHAL KUMAR SINGH: Can that be adjusted to my order id ORDER # **************818?

October 9,2017 1:28:02 PM Lynne (CSA): No

October 9,2017 1:28:04 PM Lynne (CSA): Sorry

October 9,2017 1:28:19 PM KAUSHAL KUMAR SINGH: Is this ORDER # **************839 is available for India too?

October 9,2017 1:28:25 PM Lynne (CSA): They are separate order that have been processed already

October 9,2017 1:28:57 PM Lynne (CSA): Sold by: Warrantech Available Actions

October 9,2017 1:29:03 PM Lynne (CSA): Click on the name of the merchant

October 9,2017 1:29:11 PM Lynne (CSA): They will be able to answer all of your questions

October 9,2017 1:29:29 PM KAUSHAL KUMAR SINGH: I talked to them they said they only serve US & CANADA

October 9,2017 1:29:42 PM Lynne (CSA): OK, then that is a no.

October 9,2017 1:30:37 PM KAUSHAL KUMAR SINGH: October 7,2017 4:08:29 PM KAUSHAL KUMAR SINGH: ok. Does the amazon shipping includes insurance against damage during shipment

October 7,2017 4:12:34 PM Sameep (CSA): Yes, It does but for the product which are shipped within USA. Amazon would cover the charges for damage if the product is purchased from for india.

October 7,2017 4:13:11 PM KAUSHAL KUMAR SINGH: which means, if my product get damaged in between during shipment, amazon will not be responsible for that

October 7,2017 4:15:20 PM Sameep (CSA): Yes, as you are purchasing from the product would be imported from USA. So the amazon will not be responsible for damage during shipment of the product.

October 7,2017 4:15:44 PM KAUSHAL KUMAR SINGH: how can I add the insurance over that

October 7,2017 4:15:51 PM KAUSHAL KUMAR SINGH: I can pay extra money for that

October 7,2017 4:17:59 PM Sameep (CSA): The protection plan are at the detail page of the product.

October 7,2017 4:18:37 PM KAUSHAL KUMAR SINGH: can you check this link />
October 7,2017 4:18:41 PM KAUSHAL KUMAR SINGH: and tell me any protection plan

October 7,2017 4:19:53 PM Sameep (CSA): Here is the details about the protection plan:

October 7,2017 4:19:58 PM Sameep (CSA): Please go through the link.

October 9,2017 1:30:44 PM KAUSHAL KUMAR SINGH: what do you say about the above

October 9,2017 1:31:32 PM Lynne (CSA): Your questions have been answered and addressed. You have spoken with 2 members of our management team.

October 9,2017 1:31:45 PM Lynne (CSA): Do you have a new question or concern that I can look at for you today?

October 9,2017 1:31:48 PM KAUSHAL KUMAR SINGH: that was regarding another issue

October 9,2017 1:31:55 PM KAUSHAL KUMAR SINGH: the above is new question

October 9,2017 1:31:56 PM Lynne (CSA): Then how can I assist you>

October 9,2017 1:31:58 PM Lynne (CSA):?

October 9,2017 1:32:05 PM Lynne (CSA): That isn't a question

October 9,2017 1:32:10 PM Lynne (CSA): that is part of a chat

October 9,2017 1:32:14 PM Lynne (CSA): What is your question?

October 9,2017 1:32:23 PM KAUSHAL KUMAR SINGH: Last time I talked regarding the incorrect information provided for laptop warranty

October 9,2017 1:32:30 PM KAUSHAL KUMAR SINGH: If you ignore the incorrect information about laptop warranty.

October 9,2017 1:32:35 PM KAUSHAL KUMAR SINGH: Then this is the second thing I would like to talk about

October 9,2017 1:32:45 PM Lynne (CSA): What is your question?.

October 9,2017 1:33:02 PM KAUSHAL KUMAR SINGH: I asked one of your support team about the damage responsibility during shipping

October 9,2017 1:33:15 PM KAUSHAL KUMAR SINGH: Reply was amazon doesn't provide any damage responsibility outside USA

October 9,2017 1:33:24 PM KAUSHAL KUMAR SINGH: So I asked him I can pay extra for that insurance

October 9,2017 1:33:29 PM KAUSHAL KUMAR SINGH: And he suggested me to buy WarrantTech

October 9,2017 1:33:38 PM KAUSHAL KUMAR SINGH: the above chat log is for your reference

October 9,2017 1:33:56 PM Lynne (CSA): And I am still waiting for your question?

October 9,2017 1:34:19 PM Lynne (CSA): Both of these orders are sold and shipped by our merchants

October 9,2017 1:34:32 PM Lynne (CSA): If you have questions or concerns, you need to send them to the merchant

October 9,2017 1:34:44 PM Lynne (CSA): As they are the ones that sold and shipped the orders

October 9,2017 1:34:56 PM Lynne (CSA): They are also the ones that will assist you if there is an issue with the order.

October 9,2017 1:35:03 PM KAUSHAL KUMAR SINGH: ok plz cancel this ORDER # **************839

October 9,2017 1:35:33 PM Lynne (CSA): Shipment #1:1 item shipped on Saturday, October 7,2017

October 9,2017 1:35:40 PM Lynne (CSA): Shipped orders can not be cancelled, sorry

October 9,2017 1:35:48 PM Lynne (CSA): You will need to contact the merchant

October 9,2017 1:35:57 PM KAUSHAL KUMAR SINGH: Excellent

October 9,2017 1:36:43 PM KAUSHAL KUMAR SINGH has left the conversation.


October 9,2017 12:32:20 PM Initial Question: Incorrect warranty information provided by Amazon Support Team on ORDER # **************818

October 9,2017 12:32:28 PM Lynne has accepted the chat.

October 9,2017 12:33:08 PM KAUSHAL KUMAR SINGH: Hello

October 9,2017 12:33:19 PM Lynne (CSA): Hello, my name is Lynne.

October 9,2017 12:33:22 PM Lynne (CSA): How can I help you?

October 9,2017 12:33:41 PM KAUSHAL KUMAR SINGH: I have been provided incorrect warranty information from the Amazon Support Team. I asked them before making order.

October 9,2017 12:33:55 PM KAUSHAL KUMAR SINGH: I don't want my order to be cancelled as I need that urgently.

October 9,2017 12:34:20 PM KAUSHAL KUMAR SINGH: this is the log of chat

October 9,2017 12:34:20 PM KAUSHAL KUMAR SINGH: October 7,2017 1:26:53 PM KAUSHAL KUMAR SINGH: yes

October 7,2017 1:26:58 PM KAUSHAL KUMAR SINGH: I mean I am looking for warranty

October 7,2017 1:27:10 PM KAUSHAL KUMAR SINGH: Means if anything happen to my laptop I can visit to Dell Service Center

October 7,2017 1:27:31 PM KAUSHAL KUMAR SINGH: so I am looking for warranty. Does this item includes warranty in India?

October 7,2017 1:29:56 PM Edwin (CSA): Yes, it has the warranty, Kaushal.

October 7,2017 1:30:08 PM Edwin (CSA): I've checked that again for you.

October 7,2017 1:30:19 PM KAUSHAL KUMAR SINGH: how many years?

October 7,2017 1:30:57 PM Edwin (CSA): Yes, it has 2 year manufacturer warranty.

October 9,2017 12:34:42 PM Lynne (CSA): I have access to all contacts with amazon, but thank you

October 9,2017 12:34:54 PM Lynne (CSA): If you are wanting to not cancel the order, how can I help you?

October 9,2017 12:35:19 PM KAUSHAL KUMAR SINGH: I need compensation as now I have to pay more for the warranty to the Dell India

October 9,2017 12:35:35 PM KAUSHAL KUMAR SINGH: Neither the product has 2 year warranty neither it has international warranty

October 9,2017 12:35:48 PM Lynne (CSA): Email address please

October 9,2017 12:35:56 PM KAUSHAL KUMAR SINGH: *******

October 9,2017 12:36:44 PM Lynne (CSA): One moment please

October 9,2017 12:38:56 PM Lynne (CSA): Thank you for waiting,

October 9,2017 12:39:46 PM Lynne (CSA): Looking at your account I see that you spoke with Michael W. A member of our leadership team this morning, and he advised you that we are not able to offer you the requested compensation for this order.

October 9,2017 12:40:19 PM KAUSHAL KUMAR SINGH: Well, I need to leave in between so I didn't continue the chat

October 9,2017 12:40:24 PM KAUSHAL KUMAR SINGH: you can transfer this chat to someone senior

October 9,2017 12:40:52 PM KAUSHAL KUMAR SINGH: Because this incorrect information related to the warranty was provided to me by 2 different Amazon customer support

October 9,2017 12:41:06 PM KAUSHAL KUMAR SINGH: And all before making an order

October 9,2017 12:43:11 PM Lynne (CSA): One moment please

October 9,2017 12:46:32 PM KAUSHAL KUMAR SINGH is on hold.

October 9,2017 12:46:32 PM Lynne (CSA) is no longer connected.

October 9,2017 12:46:32 PM This chat was transferred.

Transfer Notes: Order ID: **************818, customer was speaking to supervisor but had to leave chat. Was given incorrect warranty info on MPM order. Wants warranty compensation

October 9,2017 12:46:37 PM Rachel has accepted the chat.

October 9,2017 12:46:37 PM KAUSHAL KUMAR SINGH is off hold.

October 9,2017 12:47:01 PM Rachel (CSA): Hello, my name is Rachel. Please give me a moment to review the previous correspondence.

October 9,2017 12:47:06 PM KAUSHAL KUMAR SINGH: sure

October 9,2017 12:49:18 PM Rachel (CSA): Thank you for your patience.

October 9,2017 12:49:32 PM Rachel (CSA): I have reviewed your chat. I'm looking over your order.

October 9,2017 12:49:40 PM KAUSHAL KUMAR SINGH: ok

October 9,2017 12:51:44 PM Rachel (CSA): Since your warranty was purchased from our third party seller we will need to contact them and request that they cancel the order and issue a refund since the warranty does not meet your needs.

October 9,2017 12:52:01 PM KAUSHAL KUMAR SINGH: no I don't want order to be cancelled

October 9,2017 12:52:17 PM KAUSHAL KUMAR SINGH: Becoz in order to make the order, I bought the gift card.

October 9,2017 12:52:28 PM KAUSHAL KUMAR SINGH: Now if you cancel the order, you will refund me gift card which is useless for me.

October 9,2017 12:53:30 PM Rachel (CSA): If you do want to cancel the order and get a refund, then we do not have any other options for you.

October 9,2017 12:53:49 PM Rachel (CSA): The item you purchased does not belong to There is a different process.

October 9,2017 12:54:28 PM KAUSHAL KUMAR SINGH: I understand that. But I confirmed this from 2 amazon support team, before making an order. They could have said they don't know but they said it has international warranty and moreover one of your support team said 2 years warranty

October 9,2017 12:56:03 PM Rachel (CSA): I do apologize that you were given incorrect information. I can make that is addressed. However, if you intend to keep the warranty payment is necessary.

October 9,2017 12:56:36 PM KAUSHAL KUMAR SINGH: " However, if you intend to keep the warranty payment is necessary." What does this mean?

October 9,2017 12:57:13 PM Rachel (CSA): That means if you do not want us to cancel the refund, we will not be able to refund it.

October 9,2017 12:57:49 PM KAUSHAL KUMAR SINGH: I don't want order to be cancelled

October 9,2017 12:57:57 PM Rachel (CSA): Ok.

October 9,2017 12:58:01 PM KAUSHAL KUMAR SINGH: But I would accept any Amazon Gift card as compensation.

October 9,2017 12:58:04 PM Rachel (CSA): I will not cancel the order.

October 9,2017 12:58:21 PM Rachel (CSA): For the misinformation, I can offer you a $5 promotional credit.

October 9,2017 12:58:34 PM KAUSHAL KUMAR SINGH: wow $5, are you kidding?

October 9,2017 12:59:06 PM KAUSHAL KUMAR SINGH: I need to pay around $400 to Dell to upgrade the warranty thing

October 9,2017 12:59:15 PM KAUSHAL KUMAR SINGH: to get the international warranty for 1 year

October 9,2017 12:59:19 PM KAUSHAL KUMAR SINGH: even more than $400

October 9,2017 12:59:39 PM Rachel (CSA): As previous agents and supervisors have informed you earlier, we can not honor that request.

October 9,2017 1:00:05 PM KAUSHAL KUMAR SINGH: So you mean, the Amazon support team can give any wrong information to their clients, and a client don't have any right to be compensated.

October 9,2017 1:01:07 PM KAUSHAL KUMAR SINGH: Can you transfer this call to anyone senior?

October 9,2017 1:01:11 PM Rachel (CSA): We have given you the option to cancel your order, so that may be you can find one that will better suit your needs. I also see that other agents have offered you promotional credits, as well.

October 9,2017 1:01:47 PM Rachel (CSA): I am a supervisor with Amazon, the supervisors above me, at my site do not take talk customer chats or calls.

October 9,2017 1:01:54 PM KAUSHAL KUMAR SINGH: I need $400 Amazon Gift card as compensation, as I need to pay $400 for the Dell Warranty.

October 9,2017 1:02:10 PM Rachel (CSA): Again, we are not going to be able to offer you that.

October 9,2017 1:02:57 PM KAUSHAL KUMAR SINGH: Why?

October 9,2017 1:03:52 PM Rachel (CSA): It is not warranted in this situation. I understand that this is frustrating. We have given you the options that are available to you.

October 9,2017 1:04:04 PM Rachel (CSA): But we can not give you a $400 gift card.

October 9,2017 1:06:14 PM KAUSHAL KUMAR SINGH: Thank you for you superb customer service. I hope if you keep this up, you will soon lose trust of many of your customers. Good Luck. Never going to come back to Amazon ever.

October 9,2017 1:07:07 PM KAUSHAL KUMAR SINGH has left the conversation.


October 9,2017 4:59:35 AM Initial Question: Compensation against the incorrect information provided by Amazon Support

October 9,2017 4:59:42 AM Vinay has accepted the chat.

October 9,2017 4:59:47 AM Vinay (CSA): Hello, my name is Vinay. I'm here to help you today.

October 9,2017 5:00:00 AM KAUSHAL KUMAR SINGH: hello

October 9,2017 5:00:03 AM KAUSHAL KUMAR SINGH: can you check my chat log

October 9,2017 5:00:08 AM KAUSHAL KUMAR SINGH: with the Amazon support

October 9,2017 5:00:09 AM Vinay (CSA): I'm sorry to hear that you have received the incorrect information from our representative.

October 9,2017 5:00:27 AM KAUSHAL KUMAR SINGH: October 7,2017 1:26:58 PM KAUSHAL KUMAR SINGH: I mean I am looking for warranty

October 7,2017 1:27:10 PM KAUSHAL KUMAR SINGH: Means if anything happen to my laptop I can visit to Dell Service Center

October 7,2017 1:27:31 PM KAUSHAL KUMAR SINGH: so I am looking for warranty. Does this item includes warranty in India?

October 7,2017 1:29:56 PM Edwin (CSA): Yes, it has the warranty, Kaushal.

October 7,2017 1:30:08 PM Edwin (CSA): I've checked that again for you.

October 7,2017 1:30:19 PM KAUSHAL KUMAR SINGH: how many years?

October 7,2017 1:30:57 PM Edwin (CSA): Yes, it has 2 year manufacturer warranty.

October 9,2017 5:01:09 AM KAUSHAL KUMAR SINGH: before making an order, I asked amazon support that, if it has warranty so that I could entertain that in India Dell Service center

October 9,2017 5:01:21 AM KAUSHAL KUMAR SINGH: and support team replied me yes it has, and so I made the order after that.

October 9,2017 5:01:31 AM KAUSHAL KUMAR SINGH: Moreover I also asked the number of years it has the warranty

October 9,2017 5:01:34 AM KAUSHAL KUMAR SINGH: support team replied 2 years

October 9,2017 5:01:39 AM KAUSHAL KUMAR SINGH: Both of the information is wrong

October 9,2017 5:01:59 AM KAUSHAL KUMAR SINGH: I already made the order, and I don't want this order to be cancelled

October 9,2017 5:02:14 AM KAUSHAL KUMAR SINGH: The product has only 1 year warranty and is valid only in USA

October 9,2017 5:02:22 AM Vinay (CSA): Please give me a moment while I look into this.

October 9,2017 5:02:27 AM KAUSHAL KUMAR SINGH: sure.

October 9,2017 5:03:28 AM KAUSHAL KUMAR SINGH: My compensation term is, since Amazon provided me incorrect information, I need 2 years international warranty, and any extra charges for this has to be paid by Amazon.

October 9,2017 5:04:44 AM Vinay (CSA): Thank you for being on hold.

October 9,2017 5:05:16 AM Vinay (CSA): I'm very sorry to inform you that we are unable to provide the warranty for two years or cannot pay for any extra charges.

October 9,2017 5:05:40 AM Vinay (CSA): I've forwarded this issue to our higher officials, so that they can take an action on the representative who has provided the incorrect information.

October 9,2017 5:06:06 AM KAUSHAL KUMAR SINGH: The action is not going to fix my problem. Becoz to make this order, I first bought Amazon Gift Card

October 9,2017 5:06:07 AM KAUSHAL KUMAR SINGH: of $2000

October 9,2017 5:06:18 AM KAUSHAL KUMAR SINGH: then I made the purchase using Gift Card + remaining amount by my card.

October 9,2017 5:06:26 AM KAUSHAL KUMAR SINGH: I don't want this order to be cancelled as it is my urgent requirement.

October 9,2017 5:07:12 AM KAUSHAL KUMAR SINGH: Secondly, you can clearly see in the chat log, I asked it multiple times, using warrant in india, international warranty

October 9,2017 5:07:19 AM KAUSHAL KUMAR SINGH: and your support team took few minutes and replied yes

October 9,2017 5:07:58 AM Vinay (CSA): I completely understand your concern and I'm very sorry about this situation.

October 9,2017 5:08:46 AM KAUSHAL KUMAR SINGH: Well I need the compensation.

October 9,2017 5:08:55 AM KAUSHAL KUMAR SINGH: I would like to talk someone in the higher authority

October 9,2017 5:09:16 AM KAUSHAL KUMAR SINGH: Please forward this chat to someone in higher authority

October 9,2017 5:09:19 AM KAUSHAL KUMAR SINGH: I would like to chat right now

October 9,2017 5:09:51 AM Vinay (CSA): Even if I transfer the chat to our higher officials, they will inform you the same thing.

Would you still want me to transfer the chat?

October 9,2017 5:10:20 AM KAUSHAL KUMAR SINGH: No problem

October 9,2017 5:10:25 AM KAUSHAL KUMAR SINGH: Please forward this to higher authority

October 9,2017 5:10:28 AM Vinay (CSA): Surely.

October 9,2017 5:10:29 AM KAUSHAL KUMAR SINGH: and also let me know the designation

October 9,2017 5:10:31 AM KAUSHAL KUMAR SINGH: of the higher authority

October 9,2017 5:11:00 AM KAUSHAL KUMAR SINGH is on hold.

October 9,2017 5:11:00 AM Vinay (CSA) is no longer connected.

October 9,2017 5:11:00 AM This chat was transferred.

Transfer Notes: Cx was given wrong info about warranty of an item. Cx wants compensation

October 9,2017 5:11:09 AM Michael W. Has accepted the chat.

October 9,2017 5:11:09 AM KAUSHAL KUMAR SINGH is off hold.

October 9,2017 5:11:29 AM Michael W. (CSA): Hello this is Michael W. I'm a member of the Amazon Leadership team. Please allow me a moment to review the correspondence between you and the previous agent, so I can get a better understanding of the situation.

October 9,2017 5:11:36 AM KAUSHAL KUMAR SINGH: Ok

October 9,2017 5:15:29 AM Michael W. (CSA): Thank you for your patience, Kaushal. I'm very sorry to hear you were provided incorrect information regarding a product warranty. Just to confirm, is this for the Alienware Gaming Laptop you purchased?

October 9,2017 5:15:40 AM KAUSHAL KUMAR SINGH: Yes

October 9,2017 5:15:45 AM KAUSHAL KUMAR SINGH: ORDER # **************818

October 9,2017 5:15:48 AM KAUSHAL KUMAR SINGH: this is the order id

October 9,2017 5:16:07 AM KAUSHAL KUMAR SINGH: I don't want the order to be cancelled.

October 9,2017 5:18:52 AM Michael W. (CSA): I fully understand, Kaushal. I'm still reviewing the previous chat transcript. Just a moment, please.

October 9,2017 5:19:01 AM KAUSHAL KUMAR SINGH: Ok

October 9,2017 5:22:36 AM Michael W. (CSA): I do see the information that was provided in your contact on October 7,2017 prior to placing the order. Once again, I'm very sorry for the incorrect information you were provided, but the terms of the warranty are through the manufacturer, not Amazon. Since the order has not shipped, it's still possible for us to send the seller a cancellation request.

October 9,2017 5:22:57 AM KAUSHAL KUMAR SINGH: First of all I don't want the order to be cancelled

October 9,2017 5:23:23 AM KAUSHAL KUMAR SINGH: Secondly, yes it was prior to placing the order. I made the order after getting all those information from your support

October 9,2017 5:23:41 AM KAUSHAL KUMAR SINGH: Had your support told me the correct information, I could have looked into other alternatives?

October 9,2017 5:23:58 AM KAUSHAL KUMAR SINGH: But since I was filled up with incorrect information, I made a purchase of $2000 amazon gift card

October 9,2017 5:24:12 AM KAUSHAL KUMAR SINGH: and then I paid the remaining from my card.

October 9,2017 5:24:33 AM KAUSHAL KUMAR SINGH: Two incorrect informations were provided

October 9,2017 5:24:38 AM KAUSHAL KUMAR SINGH: 1st it has 2 years warranty

October 9,2017 5:24:44 AM KAUSHAL KUMAR SINGH: 2nd it has warranty for India too

October 9,2017 5:25:01 AM KAUSHAL KUMAR SINGH: If the support team doesn't have answer they could have said me to talk to seller directly.

October 9,2017 5:25:27 AM Michael W. (CSA): I completely understand, but we cannot force the manufacturer to honor a warranty that's being shipped outside the US. In terms of compensation for the incorrect information, I'm willing to make a one-time exception, and issue a $50 Amazon promotional credit to your account. You can use the credit towards your next purchase that is shipped and sold by

October 9,2017 5:26:23 AM KAUSHAL KUMAR SINGH: Well, I know you cannot force the manufacture, but dell provides premium support for international warranty, but that costs extra fee, So if you could compensate the seller the cost of premium support for the laptop which includes international warranty for 2 years.

October 9,2017 5:27:18 AM Michael W. (CSA): Do you know how much the premium support costs, Kaushal?

October 9,2017 5:27:28 AM KAUSHAL KUMAR SINGH: please talk to seller,

October 9,2017 5:27:40 AM KAUSHAL KUMAR SINGH: better he tell you instead of me giving some kind of incorrect answer

October 9,2017 5:28:13 AM KAUSHAL KUMAR SINGH: If Amazon will pay for 2 years international warranty, then I will feel myself compensated for the incorrect information

October 9,2017 5:29:26 AM KAUSHAL KUMAR SINGH: I will need to leave now. Please send me the copy of this chat to my email. And also mail me the further details about your actions for compensating me. Thank you

October 9,2017 5:30:42 AM Michael W. (CSA): I've looked through the correspondence between you and the seller, and I'm afraid I see no mention of premium support in regards to the warranty.


October 9,2017 3:51:42 AM Initial Question: Does this ORDER # **************818 includes warranty?

October 9,2017 3:51:48 AM Cyndee G. Has accepted the chat.

October 9,2017 3:51:57 AM Cyndee G. (CSA): Hello, my name is Cyndee G. I'm here to help you today.

October 9,2017 3:52:01 AM Cyndee G. (CSA): May I have your name please?

October 9,2017 3:52:37 AM KAUSHAL KUMAR SINGH: Kaushal

October 9,2017 3:52:57 AM Cyndee G. (CSA): Good morning Kaushal:)

October 9,2017 3:53:11 AM KAUSHAL KUMAR SINGH: Very good morning

October 9,2017 3:53:25 AM Cyndee G. (CSA): Let me take a look at your item and see if it has a warranty

October 9,2017 3:56:38 AM Cyndee G. (CSA): According to the questions and answers it does. "This system comes with a 1 Year Hardware Service with Onsite/In-Home Service After Remote Diagnosis which is valid only in USA." However I might suggest contacting the seller to be sure. Here is the phone number or you can make your request here />
October 9,2017 3:56:52 AM Cyndee G. (CSA): I can also email the seller for you if you prefer?

October 9,2017 3:57:25 AM KAUSHAL KUMAR SINGH: So the warranty is not valid in India

October 9,2017 3:57:57 AM Cyndee G. (CSA): I did see this with that other part I that was part of what I mentioned above. "You need to upgrade the warranty to premium support to claim it internationally"

October 9,2017 3:58:12 AM KAUSHAL KUMAR SINGH: How to upgrade that to premium support

October 9,2017 3:58:30 AM Cyndee G. (CSA): We can send the seller a message to request that information.

October 9,2017 3:58:55 AM KAUSHAL KUMAR SINGH: Because I asked the same before I made the order, and the Amazon Support told me that it includes warranty and it will be valid in India too.

October 9,2017 3:59:07 AM KAUSHAL KUMAR SINGH: I even asked him, does it already have international warranty

October 9,2017 3:59:15 AM KAUSHAL KUMAR SINGH: and your support team replied yes it has international warranty

October 9,2017 3:59:50 AM KAUSHAL KUMAR SINGH: If you could see the logs, you will find that easily.

October 9,2017 4:00:34 AM Cyndee G. (CSA): I am sorry we are not the seller of this item. I only can give you the information I have found on the website. I can send the seller a message on your behalf to get a more clearer picture than just this "This system comes with 1 Year Hardware Service with Onsite/In-Home Service After Remote Diagnosis. You need to upgrade the warranty to Premium support to use the warranty internationally. "

October 9,2017 4:01:10 AM KAUSHAL KUMAR SINGH: I understood that you are not the seller, But in that case how one of your support team said me the warranty will work in India too

October 9,2017 4:01:26 AM KAUSHAL KUMAR SINGH: Even when I asked them does it include international warranty.

October 9,2017 4:01:47 AM KAUSHAL KUMAR SINGH: I even shared him the link before making an order.

October 9,2017 4:03:11 AM Cyndee G. (CSA): I see when you contacted us yesterday we referred you to the manufacturer for more information.

October 9,2017 4:03:33 AM KAUSHAL KUMAR SINGH: true. Just look into couple of chats before

October 9,2017 4:03:48 AM KAUSHAL KUMAR SINGH: As I talked to many support team, as I have this problem before too with Amazon providing me incorrect info

October 9,2017 4:04:13 AM KAUSHAL KUMAR SINGH: If you could mail me all the logs that I talked with Amazon support, I can point where we had the discussion

October 9,2017 4:04:28 AM KAUSHAL KUMAR SINGH: The chat includes where your support team, told me it includes 2 year warranty

October 9,2017 4:04:31 AM Cyndee G. (CSA): As far as this item I would contact the seller directly or the manufacturer for a clearer picture regarding that warranty.

October 9,2017 4:05:33 AM KAUSHAL KUMAR SINGH: No need to contact seller,

October 9,2017 4:05:39 AM KAUSHAL KUMAR SINGH: I will contact him myself

October 9,2017 4:05:59 AM KAUSHAL KUMAR SINGH: but can you send me all chat logs that I did with the Amazon Support in last 72 hours

October 9,2017 4:06:34 AM Cyndee G. (CSA): Sure I can send you those logs.

October 9,2017 4:07:07 AM KAUSHAL KUMAR SINGH: how long will it take to receive them?

October 9,2017 4:08:17 AM Cyndee G. (CSA): I will have those to you shortly.

October 9,2017 4:08:29 AM Cyndee G. (CSA): Are there any other concerns I can address for you today Kaushal?

October 9,2017 4:08:43 AM KAUSHAL KUMAR SINGH: no. I will have my concerns after having chat log. Thank you


October 9,2017 3:51:57 AM Cyndee G. (CSA): Hello, my name is Cyndee G. I'm here to help you today.

October 9,2017 3:52:01 AM Cyndee G. (CSA): May I have your name please?

October 9,2017 3:52:37 AM KAUSHAL KUMAR SINGH: Kaushal

October 9,2017 3:52:57 AM Cyndee G. (CSA): Good morning Kaushal:)

October 9,2017 3:53:11 AM KAUSHAL KUMAR SINGH: Very good morning

October 9,2017 3:53:25 AM Cyndee G. (CSA): Let me take a look at your item and see if it has a warranty

October 9,2017 3:56:38 AM Cyndee G. (CSA): According to the questions and answers it does. "This system comes with a 1 Year Hardware Service with Onsite/In-Home Service After Remote Diagnosis which is valid only in USA." However I might suggest contacting the seller to be sure. Here is the phone number or you can make your request here />
October 9,2017 3:56:52 AM Cyndee G. (CSA): I can also email the seller for you if you prefer?

October 9,2017 3:57:25 AM KAUSHAL KUMAR SINGH: So the warranty is not valid in India

October 9,2017 3:57:57 AM Cyndee G. (CSA): I did see this with that other part I that was part of what I mentioned above. "You need to upgrade the warranty to premium support to claim it internationally"

October 9,2017 3:58:12 AM KAUSHAL KUMAR SINGH: How to upgrade that to premium support

October 9,2017 3:58:30 AM Cyndee G. (CSA): We can send the seller a message to request that information.

October 9,2017 3:58:55 AM KAUSHAL KUMAR SINGH: Because I asked the same before I made the order, and the Amazon Support told me that it includes warranty and it will be valid in India too.

October 9,2017 3:59:07 AM KAUSHAL KUMAR SINGH: I even asked him, does it already have international warranty

October 9,2017 3:59:15 AM KAUSHAL KUMAR SINGH: and your support team replied yes it has international warranty

October 9,2017 3:59:50 AM KAUSHAL KUMAR SINGH: If you could see the logs, you will find that easily.

October 9,2017 4:00:34 AM Cyndee G. (CSA): I am sorry we are not the seller of this item. I only can give you the information I have found on the website. I can send the seller a message on your behalf to get a more clearer picture than just this "This system comes with 1 Year Hardware Service with Onsite/In-Home Service After Remote Diagnosis. You need to upgrade the warranty to Premium support to use the warranty internationally. "

October 9,2017 4:01:10 AM KAUSHAL KUMAR SINGH: I understood that you are not the seller, But in that case how one of your support team said me the warranty will work in India too

October 9,2017 4:01:26 AM KAUSHAL KUMAR SINGH: Even when I asked them does it include international warranty.

October 9,2017 4:01:47 AM KAUSHAL KUMAR SINGH: I even shared him the link before making an order.

October 9,2017 4:03:11 AM Cyndee G. (CSA): I see when you contacted us yesterday we referred you to the manufacturer for more information.

October 9,2017 4:03:33 AM KAUSHAL KUMAR SINGH: true. Just look into couple of chats before

October 9,2017 4:03:48 AM KAUSHAL KUMAR SINGH: As I talked to many support team, as I have this problem before too with Amazon providing me incorrect info

October 9,2017 4:04:13 AM KAUSHAL KUMAR SINGH: If you could mail me all the logs that I talked with Amazon support, I can point where we had the discussion

October 9,2017 4:04:28 AM KAUSHAL KUMAR SINGH: The chat includes where your support team, told me it includes 2 year warranty

October 9,2017 4:04:31 AM Cyndee G. (CSA): As far as this item I would contact the seller directly or the manufacturer for a clearer picture regarding that warranty.

October 9,2017 4:05:33 AM KAUSHAL KUMAR SINGH: No need to contact seller,

October 9,2017 4:05:39 AM KAUSHAL KUMAR SINGH: I will contact him myself

October 9,2017 4:05:59 AM KAUSHAL KUMAR SINGH: but can you send me all chat logs that I did with the Amazon Support in last 72 hours

October 9,2017 4:06:34 AM Cyndee G. (CSA): Sure I can send you those logs.

October 9,2017 4:07:07 AM KAUSHAL KUMAR SINGH: how long will it take to receive them?

October 9,2017 4:08:17 AM Cyndee G. (CSA): I will have those to you shortly.

October 9,2017 4:08:29 AM Cyndee G. (CSA): Are there any other concerns I can address for you today Kaushal?

October 9,2017 4:08:43 AM KAUSHAL KUMAR SINGH: no. I will have my concerns after having chat log. Thank you_____________________________________________________________________________... />
October 8,2017 12:17:01 PM Lisa J (CSA): Hello, my name is Lisa J. I'm here to help you today.

October 8,2017 12:17:22 PM Lisa J (CSA): Hey there.

October 8,2017 12:17:32 PM Lisa J (CSA): Just a moment while I take a look for you.

October 8,2017 12:17:37 PM KAUSHAL KUMAR SINGH: ok

October 8,2017 12:19:49 PM Lisa J (CSA): Okay, you'll need to go to the manufacturer for the specific warranty. They can be found here:

October 8,2017 12:20:25 PM Lisa J (CSA): Is there anything else I can assist you with today?

October 8,2017 12:22:31 PM Lisa J (CSA): As our chat session has now been idle for 5 minutes, I am required to close this session. If you require any further assistance, feel free to contact us again.

October 8,2017 12:22:36 PM Lisa J (CSA) has left the conversation.___________________________________________________________________... />
October 8,2017 5:53:24 AM Abishek (CSA): Hello, my name is Abishek. I'm here to help you today.

October 8,2017 5:53:35 AM KAUSHAL KUMAR SINGH: Hello above is the Order id, I made yesterday

October 8,2017 5:53:56 AM KAUSHAL KUMAR SINGH: While I was sleeping, I got missed a call from Amazon.

October 8,2017 5:54:04 AM KAUSHAL KUMAR SINGH: Is there anything urgent, that I missed regarding my order.

October 8,2017 5:54:05 AM KAUSHAL KUMAR SINGH:?

October 8,2017 5:54:21 AM Abishek (CSA): Thank you for the order ID.

October 8,2017 5:54:29 AM Abishek (CSA): Let me check this for you.

October 8,2017 5:55:18 AM Abishek (CSA): Thank you for waiting.

October 8,2017 5:55:45 AM Abishek (CSA): Upon checking, I can see that your orders are placed sucessfully.

October 8,2017 5:55:52 AM Abishek (CSA): Everything going on well.

October 8,2017 5:56:04 AM KAUSHAL KUMAR SINGH: OK. But what about the call that I missed from Amazon.

October 8,2017 5:56:09 AM KAUSHAL KUMAR SINGH: You guys must have called for some reason.

October 8,2017 5:57:26 AM Abishek (CSA): I just checked your account, there is nothing wrong. Everything going on well.

October 8,2017 5:57:42 AM KAUSHAL KUMAR SINGH: Ok thank you

October 8,2017 5:57:44 AM KAUSHAL KUMAR SINGH has left the conversation.___________________________________________________________________... />
October 7,2017 5:58:03 PM Ruben (CSA): Hello, my name is Ruben. I'm here to help you today.

October 7,2017 5:58:13 PM KAUSHAL KUMAR SINGH: hello I have made 2 orders

October 7,2017 5:58:22 PM KAUSHAL KUMAR SINGH: ORDER # **************818
ORDER # **************839

October 7,2017 5:59:13 PM KAUSHAL KUMAR SINGH: So does that mean SMART GUARD will pick my order ORDER # **************818 and deliver it to me?

October 7,2017 6:00:24 PM Ruben (CSA): I see that one is a laptop and the other is insurance plan for the laptop, Am I right?

October 7,2017 6:00:30 PM KAUSHAL KUMAR SINGH: yes

October 7,2017 6:00:56 PM Ruben (CSA): They both will be delivered to you as two separate orders, Kaushal.

October 7,2017 6:01:20 PM KAUSHAL KUMAR SINGH: ok. So does that mean during shipment if anything happens to my laptop. Then Smart Guard will be applicable on it

October 7,2017 6:01:54 PM Ruben (CSA): Yep, That's right!

The Smart Guard will cover the expensed if anything happens to laptop.

October 7,2017 6:02:17 PM KAUSHAL KUMAR SINGH: And will the laptop be delivered to my door step, or I need to visit some custom office

October 7,2017 6:03:04 PM Ruben (CSA): It will be delivered to the address that you have given while placing the order.

October 7,2017 6:03:20 PM KAUSHAL KUMAR SINGH: Will I be charged anything else, like custom duty etc.?

October 7,2017 6:04:54 PM Ruben (CSA): You wouldn't be asked to pay anything.

October 7,2017 6:05:33 PM KAUSHAL KUMAR SINGH: I checked my bank account, the amount has not yet been deducted.

October 7,2017 6:05:56 PM Ruben (CSA): You will be charged once the item ships, Kaushal.

October 7,2017 6:06:49 PM KAUSHAL KUMAR SINGH: does that mean I could be charged even more than what was mentioned?

October 7,2017 6:07:23 PM Ruben (CSA): You will be charged what is shown as the price at the time of placing the order.

October 7,2017 6:07:58 PM KAUSHAL KUMAR SINGH: Ok. I have made an order of more than $2000. Will there be any discount for me on my orders?

October 7,2017 6:08:02 PM KAUSHAL KUMAR SINGH: As I talked previously someone

October 7,2017 6:08:19 PM KAUSHAL KUMAR SINGH: he told me he will try to adjust that by talking to shipment

October 7,2017 6:08:49 PM KAUSHAL KUMAR SINGH: I don't need any cashback. If you could make discount over my current order, I will be very happy

October 7,2017 6:10:18 PM Ruben (CSA): The thing is the laptop you have ordered is sold and shipped by a third party seller and we don't have any authority on their inventory and shipping. The third party sellers on amazon work independently. So I'm afraid I can't add any discount to the current order.

And moreover we don't have an option to do so as well.

October 7,2017 6:10:45 PM KAUSHAL KUMAR SINGH: May I remove my cards from amazon. As I already made the orders

October 7,2017 6:11:15 PM KAUSHAL KUMAR SINGH: or do I need to keep my card into amazon account until unless you charge me

October 7,2017 6:11:54 PM Ruben (CSA): Please wait till the orders get charged Kaushal.

Once the items are shipped, you can remove them so there won't be any problem to your account.

October 7,2017 6:12:12 PM KAUSHAL KUMAR SINGH: ok thank you

October 7,2017 6:12:38 PM Ruben (CSA): You're welcome.
Anything else that needs my assistance for today?

October 7,2017 6:12:57 PM KAUSHAL KUMAR SINGH has left the conversation.___________________________________________________________________... />
October 7,2017 3:46:47 PM Sameep (CSA): Hello, my name is Sameep. I'm here to help you today.

October 7,2017 3:46:58 PM KAUSHAL KUMAR SINGH: here is my order summary

October 7,2017 3:46:58 PM KAUSHAL KUMAR SINGH: Order Summary
Items: INR 146,562.90
Shipping & handling: INR 15,475.69
Total before tax: INR 162,038.59
Estimated tax to be collected:* INR 0.00
Order total: INR 162,038.59

October 7,2017 3:47:07 PM KAUSHAL KUMAR SINGH: My country charges import duty

October 7,2017 3:47:29 PM KAUSHAL KUMAR SINGH: so do I need to pay anything else than the order summary?

October 7,2017 3:47:44 PM KAUSHAL KUMAR SINGH: Or amazon will take care of the import duty and the import charges are already included to the order summary

October 7,2017 3:49:04 PM Sameep (CSA): I will check the product details and get back to you. I request a minute to check the details.

October 7,2017 3:49:25 PM KAUSHAL KUMAR SINGH: sure

October 7,2017 3:52:37 PM Sameep (CSA): May I have the order number please?

October 7,2017 3:53:15 PM KAUSHAL KUMAR SINGH: I am still reviews the order

October 7,2017 3:53:18 PM KAUSHAL KUMAR SINGH: I have not placed it yet

October 7,2017 3:53:33 PM KAUSHAL KUMAR SINGH: I need the confirmation from your side if I need to pay more than what is mentioned in Order summary

October 7,2017 3:56:15 PM Sameep (CSA): Thank you for valuable time.

October 7,2017 3:56:37 PM Sameep (CSA): The import for the port has to be paid the customer.

October 7,2017 3:56:48 PM Sameep (CSA): *product

October 7,2017 3:57:17 PM KAUSHAL KUMAR SINGH: sorry didn't get it

October 7,2017 3:59:14 PM KAUSHAL KUMAR SINGH: can you repeat?

October 7,2017 4:00:49 PM Sameep (CSA): Referring to the above summary, You may not need to pay any extra amount for the product.The amount in the summary is the final price of the product.

October 7,2017 4:02:01 PM KAUSHAL KUMAR SINGH: I see usd to inr is 65.44. Why amazon rates are 69.26

October 7,2017 4:06:49 PM Sameep (CSA): The bank will charge you the conversation rate if you are placing the order with international card. I would request to call your bank about the conversion charges.

October 7,2017 4:07:20 PM KAUSHAL KUMAR SINGH: does the Amazon Prime offer applicable on International shipping

October 7,2017 4:07:55 PM Sameep (CSA): No.It would get applicable within USA

October 7,2017 4:08:29 PM KAUSHAL KUMAR SINGH: ok. Does the amazon shipping includes insurance against damage during shipment

October 7,2017 4:12:34 PM Sameep (CSA): Yes, It does but for the product which are shipped within USA. Amazon would cover the charges for damage if the product is purchased from for india.

October 7,2017 4:13:11 PM KAUSHAL KUMAR SINGH: which means, if my product get damaged in between during shipment, amazon will not be responsible for that

October 7,2017 4:15:20 PM Sameep (CSA): Yes, as you are purchasing from the product would be imported from USA. So the amazon will not be responsible for damage during shipment of the product.

October 7,2017 4:15:44 PM KAUSHAL KUMAR SINGH: how can I add the insurance over that

October 7,2017 4:15:51 PM KAUSHAL KUMAR SINGH: I can pay extra money for that

October 7,2017 4:17:59 PM Sameep (CSA): The protection plan are at the detail page of the product.

October 7,2017 4:18:37 PM KAUSHAL KUMAR SINGH: can you check this link />
October 7,2017 4:18:41 PM KAUSHAL KUMAR SINGH: and tell me any protection plan

October 7,2017 4:19:53 PM Sameep (CSA): Here is the details about the protection plan:

October 7,2017 4:19:58 PM Sameep (CSA): Please go through the link.

October 7,2017 4:21:34 PM KAUSHAL KUMAR SINGH: ok so if I add 1 year protection it fine then?

October 7,2017 4:21:50 PM Sameep (CSA): Yes.

October 7,2017 4:23:09 PM KAUSHAL KUMAR SINGH: SmartGuard 13-Month Laptop Accidental Protection Plan ($2000-$2500)
Quantity: 1 Change quantity of SmartGuard 13-Month Laptop Accidental Protection Plan ($2000-$2500) from 1
Sold by: Warrantech
Gift options not available.
Choose a delivery option:
Oct. 12-13
FREE Standard Shipping
Oct. 11-12
FREE Expedited Shipping

October 7,2017 4:23:15 PM KAUSHAL KUMAR SINGH: what does this mean,, choose a deliver option

October 7,2017 4:23:21 PM KAUSHAL KUMAR SINGH: free standard shipping and free expedited shipping

October 7,2017 4:25:43 PM Sameep (CSA): Free shipping would take time for delivery would have no extra charge for shipping. The expedite shipping delivery will be done on priority basis would less time for delivery compared free shipping, Expedite shipping would have some charges for delivery.

October 7,2017 4:25:54 PM KAUSHAL KUMAR SINGH: hey can you cancel my order

October 7,2017 4:25:56 PM KAUSHAL KUMAR SINGH: I placed it by msitake

October 7,2017 4:26:31 PM Sameep (CSA): Please help me with the order number so as to cancel the order.

October 7,2017 4:26:46 PM KAUSHAL KUMAR SINGH: ORDER # **************232

October 7,2017 4:26:49 PM KAUSHAL KUMAR SINGH: ORDER # **************442

October 7,2017 4:26:50 PM KAUSHAL KUMAR SINGH: both

October 7,2017 4:26:57 PM KAUSHAL KUMAR SINGH: please make sure I don't get charged for that

October 7,2017 4:28:07 PM KAUSHAL KUMAR SINGH: very very thank you

October 7,2017 4:28:11 PM Sameep (CSA): Cancelled the order

October 7,2017 4:28:24 PM Sameep (CSA): My pleasure to be at your service.

October 7,2017 4:28:29 PM KAUSHAL KUMAR SINGH: ok did you see my order. It include individual ORDER # **************442ORDER # **************232

October 7,2017 4:28:31 PM KAUSHAL KUMAR SINGH: what does that mean

October 7,2017 4:28:43 PM KAUSHAL KUMAR SINGH: does that mean my laptop will be shipped by Smart GUARD

October 7,2017 4:31:18 PM Sameep (CSA): Smart guard is the name of the protection plan.

October 7,2017 4:32:36 PM KAUSHAL KUMAR SINGH: so that would be applicable to my laptop

October 7,2017 4:33:19 PM Sameep (CSA): yes

October 7,2017 4:34:58 PM KAUSHAL KUMAR SINGH: is return policy applicable on this laptop

October 7,2017 4:35:08 PM Sameep (CSA): Yes

October 7,2017 4:35:19 PM KAUSHAL KUMAR SINGH: any limit of days?

October 7,2017 4:39:04 PM Sameep (CSA): Amazon return policy would be applicable for the product.

October 7,2017 4:40:04 PM KAUSHAL KUMAR SINGH: may I use gift card for $2000 payment

October 7,2017 4:40:11 PM Sameep (CSA): Please follow this link: />
October 7,2017 4:40:49 PM Sameep (CSA): could you please help me with the gift card amount.

October 7,2017 4:40:52 PM Sameep (CSA):?

October 7,2017 4:41:15 PM KAUSHAL KUMAR SINGH: $2000

October 7,2017 4:42:09 PM Sameep (CSA): Yes, You can use amazon gift cad for the purchase.

October 7,2017 4:42:25 PM Sameep (CSA): If you have any other gift card, Please do enter it while placing the order and check it it gets accepted.

October 7,2017 4:42:55 PM KAUSHAL KUMAR SINGH: does amazon accept payment via bitcoin

October 7,2017 4:43:53 PM Sameep (CSA): We accept credit cards, debit cards, payment from U.S. checking accounts, Gift Cards, Amazon Pay Stored Balance, the Store Card, and the Amazon Prime Store Card. Here are the credit cards we accept:

-- American Express
-- Diner's Club (U.S. Billing addresses only)
-- Discover
-- MasterCard
-- Visa, Visa Electron, and Visa Check Cards
-- Eurocard
-- JCB
-- China UnionPay (credit card only)

October 7,2017 4:43:58 PM Sameep (CSA): You can learn more about these payment methods on our Help pages:

October 7,2017 4:44:24 PM KAUSHAL KUMAR SINGH: Ok. May I have discount coupon

October 7,2017 4:44:32 PM KAUSHAL KUMAR SINGH: I want discount coupon to be adjusted on this

October 7,2017 4:44:50 PM Sameep (CSA): I would have loved to help you with discount, As of now we are not running any discounts on this product.

October 7,2017 4:47:00 PM Sameep (CSA): Are we connected?

October 7,2017 3:19:19 PM KAUSHAL KUMAR SINGH: Hello, I am purchasing first time something from Amazon global

October 7,2017 3:19:22 PM KAUSHAL KUMAR SINGH: amazon.com______________________________________________________________________... />
October 7,2017 3:19:41 PM Prabhu (CSA): Hello, my name is Prabhu. I'm here to help you today.

October 7,2017 3:19:41 PM KAUSHAL KUMAR SINGH: I have already shared the link above and the shipment has to be done to India

October 7,2017 3:19:59 PM KAUSHAL KUMAR SINGH: Following is the order Summary

October 7,2017 3:20:00 PM KAUSHAL KUMAR SINGH: Order Summary
Items: INR 146,562.90
Shipping & handling: INR 15,475.69
Total before tax: INR 162,038.59
Estimated tax to be collected:* INR 0.00
Order total: INR 162,038.59

October 7,2017 3:20:15 PM KAUSHAL KUMAR SINGH: India charges duty on the imports.

October 7,2017 3:20:18 PM Prabhu (CSA): Yes.

October 7,2017 3:20:26 PM KAUSHAL KUMAR SINGH: So I don't see any import charges you have included in your order summary

October 7,2017 3:20:36 PM Prabhu (CSA): Could you please stay connected for 2 minutes while I check that for you?

October 7,2017 3:21:04 PM KAUSHAL KUMAR SINGH: yes

October 7,2017 3:24:38 PM Prabhu (CSA): Thank you for patiently holding and I'm sorry that I took so long to get back to you.

October 7,2017 3:25:07 PM KAUSHAL KUMAR SINGH: not a problem

October 7,2017 3:26:41 PM Prabhu (CSA): For some orders import fee will be included in the Shipping & handling fee

October 7,2017 3:27:00 PM Prabhu (CSA): Thats the reason the import fee is not calculated.

October 7,2017 3:27:44 PM KAUSHAL KUMAR SINGH: How do I know if the import fee has been included in my order summary into shipping & handling

October 7,2017 3:29:10 PM Prabhu (CSA): If the import fee is not calculated at the check out you will not be charged after that. Please don't worry.

October 7,2017 3:29:50 PM KAUSHAL KUMAR SINGH: So you mean if the delivery is done to my country, I don't need to pay anything extra otherthan whatever is mentioned into order summary

October 7,2017 3:30:29 PM Prabhu (CSA): If the order is placed you will not be charged.

October 7,2017 3:31:21 PM KAUSHAL KUMAR SINGH: I talked another support from Amazon just 15 minutes before. Her name was Amy

October 7,2017 3:31:49 PM KAUSHAL KUMAR SINGH: If the custom charges import duty, then I need to pay that

October 7,2017 3:33:32 PM Prabhu (CSA): I'm sorry about the incorrect information you've received. I can assure you that once the order is placed you will not be charged any import fee. You can also contact the seller to clarify.

October 7,2017 3:33:37 PM Prabhu (CSA): />
October 7,2017 3:33:47 PM KAUSHAL KUMAR SINGH: Thank you.

October 7,2017 3:33:51 PM KAUSHAL KUMAR SINGH: May I get some discount

October 7,2017 3:33:56 PM KAUSHAL KUMAR SINGH: I am using amazon for last 4 years

October 7,2017 3:35:45 PM Prabhu (CSA): I am very sorry. I wish I could issue some discount but my system will not allow me to do that.

October 7,2017 3:36:47 PM Prabhu (CSA): I hope you understand my limitation

October 7,2017 3:36:52 PM KAUSHAL KUMAR SINGH: no problem. Can you just tell me the Dell Laptop warranty included in this />
October 7,2017 3:38:03 PM Prabhu (CSA): We should contact the seller directly for warranty information for this product. You may also be able to find warranty information on the manufacturers website.

October 7,2017 3:38:25 PM Prabhu (CSA): Personally I would recommend you to contact manufacturer in india.

October 7,2017 3:38:47 PM KAUSHAL KUMAR SINGH: But I am ordering this item from USA. Will that effect my warranty?

October 7,2017 3:39:17 PM KAUSHAL KUMAR SINGH: from USA I mean, the origin of this item is USA New Jersey

October 7,2017 3:40:13 PM Prabhu (CSA): I am positive it will not. But please clarify with the manufacturer.

October 7,2017 3:40:46 PM KAUSHAL KUMAR SINGH: ok

October 7,2017 3:40:49 PM KAUSHAL KUMAR SINGH has left the conversation.___________________________________________________________________... />
October 7,2017 2:57:57 PM Amy (CSA): Hello, my name is Amy. I'm here to help you today.

October 7,2017 2:58:22 PM Amy (CSA): Please give me a moment to answer your above query.

October 7,2017 2:58:31 PM KAUSHAL KUMAR SINGH: I am buying this laptop

October 7,2017 2:58:33 PM KAUSHAL KUMAR SINGH: />
October 7,2017 2:58:52 PM KAUSHAL KUMAR SINGH: I see around 10% extra charges on shipping & handling

October 7,2017 2:59:24 PM Amy (CSA): May I sk if it's being shipped to US or internationally?

October 7,2017 2:59:31 PM KAUSHAL KUMAR SINGH: Shipped to India

October 7,2017 3:00:30 PM KAUSHAL KUMAR SINGH: Order Summary
Items: INR 146,562.90
Shipping & handling: INR 15,475.69
Total before tax: INR 162,038.59
Estimated tax to be collected:* INR 0.00
Order total: INR 162,038.59

October 7,2017 3:00:50 PM KAUSHAL KUMAR SINGH: what is estimated tax to be collected

October 7,2017 3:03:20 PM Amy (CSA): When shipping internationally and depending on the speed of shipping the charges will all be different. There is no tax for this item

October 7,2017 3:03:56 PM KAUSHAL KUMAR SINGH: what if my country charges import duty

October 7,2017 3:04:01 PM KAUSHAL KUMAR SINGH: As India charges import duty

October 7,2017 3:05:00 PM Amy (CSA): If there is an import duty charge you will pay but 60 days after the item has shipped you will automatically be refunded the import charge.

October 7,2017 3:06:16 PM KAUSHAL KUMAR SINGH: means?

October 7,2017 3:06:36 PM KAUSHAL KUMAR SINGH: means if you ship item to my country

October 7,2017 3:06:41 PM KAUSHAL KUMAR SINGH: and if they charge you import duty

October 7,2017 3:06:49 PM KAUSHAL KUMAR SINGH: who is going to pay that extra charge

October 7,2017 3:08:13 PM Amy (CSA): If there is import fee for the order then it will be part of the order total but Amazon will automatically refund the import fee back to you after 60 days the item ships out.

October 7,2017 3:10:03 PM Amy (CSA): I don't mean to rush you, but we've been idle for 1 minute. I want to make sure our chat's still connected. If you aren't able to respond in 1 minute, this chat will close.

October 7,2017 3:10:09 PM KAUSHAL KUMAR SINGH: sorry wait

October 7,2017 3:10:48 PM KAUSHAL KUMAR SINGH: I don't see any import fee in the order

October 7,2017 3:10:56 PM KAUSHAL KUMAR SINGH: I see a message
Please note that your country may charge import duties, taxes and fees that you may have to pay ahead of delivery.

October 7,2017 3:13:08 PM Amy (CSA): Yes that is correct.

October 7,2017 3:14:04 PM Amy (CSA): So if your country does charge you import fees it will be part of th order total you have to pay.

October 7,2017 3:14:37 PM Amy (CSA): Meaning before you receive your delivery of your item you will have to pay the import fee.

October 7,2017 3:14:45 PM Amy (CSA): But it will be refunded back to you.

October 7,2017 3:14:58 PM KAUSHAL KUMAR SINGH: wow. You mean all the import fee will be refunded back

October 7,2017 3:15:38 PM Amy (CSA): Yes.

October 7,2017 3:15:43 PM KAUSHAL KUMAR SINGH: thank you

October 7,2017 3:15:46 PM KAUSHAL KUMAR SINGH has left the conversation.___________________________________________________________________... />
October 7,2017 2:35:13 PM Amanulla (CSA): Hello, my name is Amanulla. I'm here to help you today.

October 7,2017 2:36:22 PM KAUSHAL KUMAR SINGH: Can you tell me custom duty charges?

October 7,2017 2:37:57 PM Amanulla (CSA): Kaushal, When you place your order, you will see the import charge for some amount. But that is just an approximate charge. They will make use of it to clear the customs and refund the balance amount back to your card in particular time period.

October 7,2017 2:38:47 PM KAUSHAL KUMAR SINGH: Yes. But its asking me for the card. I don't want to add card before seeing the custom charges

October 7,2017 2:40:06 PM Amanulla (CSA): Kaushal, we could not see the exact custom fee charges. So that, we charge you approximate. It may vary depends on the item ordering. You will see it in final checkout page.

October 7,2017 2:41:07 PM KAUSHAL KUMAR SINGH: I did the checkout, but its asking me for the card. I don't want to enter my card details before checking final cost

October 7,2017 2:42:19 PM Amanulla (CSA): Before you enter the payment information, we could not see the final page. We have no exact duty charges information now. You no need to worry about charge. We always charge actually when your order ships.

October 7,2017 2:43:07 PM KAUSHAL KUMAR SINGH: Do you have any idea on the basis of delivery of this same laptop to someone in India?

October 7,2017 2:43:20 PM KAUSHAL KUMAR SINGH: Because I need an estimate custom charges

October 7,2017 2:44:53 PM Amanulla (CSA): I have no information of such orders now, Kaushal.

October 7,2017 2:45:16 PM Amanulla (CSA): I suggest you to search in Google. So that, you can find any related customer comments.

October 7,2017 2:46:05 PM KAUSHAL KUMAR SINGH: I talked Amazon support 5 minutes before and he said me that the price includes custom duty

October 7,2017 2:46:25 PM KAUSHAL KUMAR SINGH: and now you are saying it doesnt include any custom duty charges and charges will be made when shipment arrives to my country

October 7,2017 2:47:22 PM Amanulla (CSA): Charge will occur when you place your order, Kaushal,. This will be approximate charge. Once the order clears customs process, remaining amount of your custom duty charges will be refunded back to your card.

October 7,2017 2:47:40 PM Amanulla (CSA): In general, we authorize the charge and do actual charge when order ships.

October 7,2017 2:48:18 PM KAUSHAL KUMAR SINGH: so whats the approximate charge

October 7,2017 2:48:23 PM KAUSHAL KUMAR SINGH: of custom duty

October 7,2017 2:48:46 PM Amanulla (CSA): Kaushal, you will know the approximate charge when you go to final page.

October 7,2017 2:50:01 PM KAUSHAL KUMAR SINGH has left the conversation.___________________________________________________________________... />
October 7,2017 1:11:48 PM Edwin (CSA): Hello, my name is Edwin. I'm here to help you today.

October 7,2017 1:12:23 PM Edwin (CSA): Let me check this for you.

October 7,2017 1:12:27 PM KAUSHAL KUMAR SINGH: thank you

October 7,2017 1:16:19 PM Edwin (CSA): Kaushal, I've checked with your item as see that the order total is calculated based on the address you're referring to and the shipping speed you selected.
In this case, please go ahead and select your address and shipping speed and so that you can see that exact amount during the check-out page.

October 7,2017 1:17:45 PM KAUSHAL KUMAR SINGH: I have added it to cart

October 7,2017 1:18:02 PM KAUSHAL KUMAR SINGH: price is still $2,116 but I believe there must be custom duty

October 7,2017 1:18:06 PM KAUSHAL KUMAR SINGH: which I am still missing

October 7,2017 1:19:56 PM Edwin (CSA): Are you seeing the import fee at check out page?

October 7,2017 1:20:37 PM KAUSHAL KUMAR SINGH: Its asking me to add the Card

October 7,2017 1:20:41 PM KAUSHAL KUMAR SINGH: I don't want to add the card now

October 7,2017 1:20:52 PM KAUSHAL KUMAR SINGH: I would like to see the cost without adding card

October 7,2017 1:21:27 PM Edwin (CSA): Okay.

October 7,2017 1:22:42 PM Edwin (CSA): Kaushal, the amount that you're seeing on the cart is the order total for your item and it is included all the custom duty fee and other charges.

October 7,2017 1:22:51 PM KAUSHAL KUMAR SINGH: Wow thats great: D

October 7,2017 1:23:31 PM KAUSHAL KUMAR SINGH: So this laptop is originating from New Jersey to India. Will that laptop include international warranty, as I will be using that in India?

October 7,2017 1:24:41 PM Edwin (CSA): Just to make sure are you referring to the protection plan?

October 7,2017 1:26:26 PM Edwin (CSA): I hope we're still connected?

October 7,2017 1:26:53 PM KAUSHAL KUMAR SINGH: yes

October 7,2017 1:26:58 PM KAUSHAL KUMAR SINGH: I mean I am looking for warranty

October 7,2017 1:27:10 PM KAUSHAL KUMAR SINGH: Means if anything happen to my laptop I can visit to Dell Service Center

October 7,2017 1:27:31 PM KAUSHAL KUMAR SINGH: so I am looking for warranty. Does this item includes warranty in India?

October 7,2017 1:29:56 PM Edwin (CSA): Yes, it has the warranty, Kaushal.

October 7,2017 1:30:08 PM Edwin (CSA): I've checked that again for you.

October 7,2017 1:30:19 PM KAUSHAL KUMAR SINGH: how many years?

October 7,2017 1:30:57 PM Edwin (CSA): Yes, it has 2 year manufacturer warranty.

October 7,2017 1:31:30 PM Edwin (CSA): And you can contact the manufacturer directly through the link, />
October 7,2017 1:31:50 PM KAUSHAL KUMAR SINGH: how may I extend the warranty?

October 7,2017 1:33:21 PM Edwin (CSA): Kaushal, in this case, I can help you with the direct contact number of the manufacturer, which helps you to know more about the warranty.

October 7,2017 1:33:48 PM Edwin (CSA): And here is the contact number for the manufacturer you can contact directly, *******224

October 7,2017 1:34:11 PM KAUSHAL KUMAR SINGH: thank you very much

October 7,2017 1:34:16 PM KAUSHAL KUMAR SINGH: last questions, regarding gift card

October 7,2017 1:34:19 PM Edwin (CSA): Youre very welcome.

October 7,2017 1:34:34 PM KAUSHAL KUMAR SINGH: I am looking to buy amazon gift card. Does the gift card has any country restrictions?

October 7,2017 1:34:39 PM Edwin (CSA): Feel free to ask.

October 7,2017 1:36:02 PM Edwin (CSA): Yes, there is no country restriction to buy the amazon gift card and please be assured that the amazon gift card can be used only in

October 7,2017 1:36:35 PM KAUSHAL KUMAR SINGH: yes sure. Whats the maximum amount of a gift card?

October 7,2017 1:37:03 PM Edwin (CSA): Let me check that.

October 7,2017 1:37:55 PM Edwin (CSA): The maximum amount is $2000. 00

October 7,2017 1:38:36 PM KAUSHAL KUMAR SINGH: Can you check this link?

October 7,2017 1:38:39 PM KAUSHAL KUMAR SINGH: />
October 7,2017 1:38:52 PM KAUSHAL KUMAR SINGH: I have succes

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