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Reviews Shopping, Marketplace Amazon

50 customer reviews of

Why don't see your Amazon many illegal business operations...
Why don't see your Amazon many illegal business operations and human right violations?

I need this answer. You treat others illegally, and then again do this same law violations to me.

I will let every one know what you Amazon does law violations. Why don't focus on improving your sale stuff quality, but screw a customer, and beat it harshly and rudely?

Your rudeness and illegality will finally punish your own business. I don't know who is your name. If you have any humanity and morality, please leave this wrongful sale company and find a good company to get a bright future.

I already check with lawyers. Your closure of my account violated the law. Your own illegal policy should be erased without delay.

Your store has only 30 days return. Your store should keep its return without reserve. I always do return legally, without any way to like your Amazon does always in law violations followed by many lawsuits.

Amazon has return policy, you should fulfill it. If you can't fulfill it without reserve and can't afford returns, you can close your business; and stop deceiving us customers from telling them your return policy, but don't keep it.

As I restate it again. I never do anything wrong, I just do any return legally and follow the law. If your Amazon can't offer returns to customers, you can close your business immediately. I believer there are lots and lots of business operators and online stores can do this very well without rudeness and illegality like Amazon always does.

If you don't want me to return your garbage and defective quality products, you can notice that I can't return them beforehand. So I will not return them, and throw these garbage away and destroy them.

But you can't close my account after I follow legal procedures to return bad quality garbages. This is illegal, rude and bestial!

As I said again, if you can't afford return, why you deceive me to joint Amazon prime membership?

If you don't want to fulfill your return policy, why you allow me to return garbage, and then close my account? This is illegal!

If you don't want me to return garbage, you can tell me; I will throw them away without return.

But you should never treat any customer like this: you allow their return, but you close their accounts. Amazon do everything legally, but you treat legal customers illegally and rudely.

As I say it again, you should reopen my account. I want my account reopen is not because I want to further buy anything from Amazon, but it's for justice and rights!

Your sale company Amazon, a buy-sell online company has this rude and immoral and illegal policy; what you should do humanly is to correct that old and illegal policy; but not allow it to hurt more and more people. I see online many customers account was closed. We will together fight for justice and rights.

You should stand on the right side, and do everything legally. If you don't allow a customer return, you can stop that; and put your non-return policy on the product page; if you want to have it, you should fulfill return policy all the time without discrimination and inequality.

As a legal customer, please reopen my account. Don't do illegally and wrongfully again and again to people. If you don't want to obey the law and fulfill your promise in US, please close your online store and go somewhere like North Korea to do whatever you want to customers; but never do illegally in US. Lawyers have their ways to punish and put sale stores on the right track, and uphold customers rights.

Say it again, Amazon has 30 days return policy, it must fulfill it; if a sale store Amazon can't fulfill it, you can say non-return policy in your virtual non- physical website. But you never do this to customers: allow return, but close their accounts and force them shut down. This is not any customer's fault; they return garbage stuff, because Amazon has return policy and also lots and lots of defective and bad quality stuff full of Amazon. No one want to waste their time on any return, if not without any way to keep garbage stuff.

Like on Ebay, many sellers sell their stuff without return policy, people buy them also without return. But if any store has return policy, that store has to follow the rule and also the law to fulfill it. Don't treat customers like naive chicken.

You have this policy, you should fulfill it; you can't fulfill it, please say you don't have return policy; let customers choose it. You should not close any legal customers' account. I don't steal any credit cards, I don't return mis-presented stuff, I never claim non-lost stuff. All of my purchases and returns are completely legal, you don't have any way to close my account. As I said it again, if you don't want return, you can say it and stop it, but can't close any customer account.

Only because of legal return, you Amazon close a customer account; it totally shows your Amazon does NOT respect and obey the law and business rules. This law violations will get punished and law sued.

Please must reopen my account, for saving Amazon from badness and law violations, and for justice and human rights.

Each time, I contact Amazon, there is a real name for communication. But why always no name on this email, suspect what's wrong with your inside systems?

Please put your NAME in the email. I must know who treated me like this illegally, who did destroy Amazon reputation and ruin Amazon with such illegal closure behavior!

As for $50 credit, it's not a promotion or something as you deceived, it's a compensation for a seller cheated me on Amazon for my money without any product sale. That seller cheating nearly damaged my daily life during those days.

Why not improve your sale system and prevent seller's cheating, but focuses on a legal customer's return? All my purchases and returns information are all my private information, why you record and track all my private information? You Amazon want to sell them for another money, like lawsuits were under way against this anti-human rights?

You should focus on product quality and seller's quality, this is the best way to get Amazon cash and competitive to other many stores; but never put any finger on any legal customers who always follow Amazon's return policy and obey the law.

You put your finger on a legal customer, please move away your illegal finger, and treat a customer legally!

If your Amazon's fault to allow return, but not customer's fault. Any return is just followed within 30 days return range. All returns are legal!

If your Amazon can't afford customer return, please stop return policy and say it in your still running website.

But never do this again: you have return policy, but don't fulfill them.

It's your Amazon's fault, not mine. Please reopen my account, correct Amazon's illegal behavior.

They BLOCK negative reviews! BEWARE!
I have been a huge Amazon fan for years... Prime member for years... almost all on-line shopping dine through Amazon. I have relied heavily on their customer reviews because I felt that Amazon were an HONEST evaluation of a given product. I discovered this week that their reviews are a LIE. They CENSOR and BLOCK negative reviews of verified purchases. This is OUTRAGEOUS. I am shocked and dismayed and wish there was some way I could tell the public at large that AMAZON REVIEWS ARE A SCAM. They will block negative reviews so that people will continue to waste their money on junk products.

Here is the story and the proof.

I purchased a stupid Christmas beanie cap on one of their Black Friday lightning deals. It was only like $6 or $7. The fabric has Christmas lights around it and they supposedly lit up. I thought my high school daughter would get a kick out of it. Despite being Prime, it took like a week to arrive (their "2 day guaranteed free shipping is another scam which has frustrated me, but not like this... not enough to make me quit the convenience of Amazon). It shows up yesterday and I pull it out of the package and discover that - not only does it NOT light up, it has zero wires and no battery pack. There is a small pocket sewn in the inside where the battery and switch are supposed to be, but again, there are no wires and no battery. It was cheap and I didn't really care enough to return it, but I went onto website to leave a review. (I will generally leave reviews on products that are either 5-star fantastic, or 1-star terrible. I think those experiences are most valuable to other shoppers.) I went into my account and started my review by clicking the one-star button. This should have allowed my to then title and explain my poor review. Instead, I git a message saying that Amazon could not accept my review if this product (mind you, all I had done was click the one star button.) They said that they had some unusual review activity' so they were blocking reviews of this product. I went back into the product image and lo and behold, I see the questions and comments part, I discover that multiple customers received hats just like me. No wires. No battery. And they were also very upset that Amazon was not allowing them to review it. So I sent Customer Service an email expressing my dismay at them blocking honest reviews of products by verified customers on their website. It took a full day (not the 12 hours promised) to reply, but this was the response:

Hello Stacey

This is Deleon from Communities.

We couldn't accept your review for Windy City Novelties LED Light-up Knitted Ugly Sweater Holiday Xmas Christmas Beanie - 3 Flashing Modes (FA La La Beanie) because we detected unusual review behavior on this product. We place limits on reviews to preserve trust in customer reviews. This can include limiting submission of all reviews or limiting reviews to Amazon Verified Purchase reviews.

For more details, please see our Community Guidelines:

For more information about Verified Purchase reviews:

We look forward to seeing you again soon.

Best regards,
Deleon A...

Thank you for your inquiry. Did I solve your problem?

If yes, please click here: />
If no, please click here: />
Your feedback is helping us build Earth's Most Customer-Centric Company.

Thank you.

---- Original Message: ----

12/01/18 17:18:07
Your Name: Stacey
Order Id: **************852
Selected Order Items:
Windy City Novelties LED Light-up Knitted Ugly Sweater Holiday Xmas Christmas Beanie - 3 Flashing Modes (FA La La Beanie) - **************852
Comments: This "light up" hat came with zero wires and no battery pack. Looking at the customer questions/answers, this has happened to a lot of people who ordered this as one of your Black Friday deals. I went to leave a review and it says that Amazon cannot accept my review of this product. What?! You are deciding that customers cannot review a product if something you are selling is total garbage? It is not worth my time nor energy to return it but I wanted to be able to at least warn other customers about this product. I have always relied heavily on customer reviews and is why I have always been a fan of Amazon despite numerous frustrations with shipping expectations that you set but rarely meet. Now I know that your reviews are a fraud. You shut down reviews of products that do not even meet basic standards. This company should NOT be allowed to sell through Amazon AND you should allow every verified customer to review any and all products that they have purchased. Shame on you. I will likely quit Amaxon because of this and will post on a review website that you are sensoring and blocking negative reviews.

The bottom line is this: Amazon is a DISHONEST COMPANY who is censoring customers reviews to protect their bottom line. They want everyone to waste their money on this stupid garbage hat because it makes them money. They want us to believe that the reviews we read are real and are from verified' customers, but they don't tell you that it ya all a lie because they pick and choose which reviews to accept. It is really a disgrace. They were the first company to publish customer reviews in 1995 and now they have lost their way. SHAME on Amazon. I will miss the convenience of shipping with them but I cannot support such a loathsome, dishonest company any longer. I hope all who read this will boycott Amazon as well.

I have had a Amazon buying account for years now, mostly...
I have had a Amazon buying account for years now, mostly buying books and mp3's with relative satisfaction. I had always sold strictly on for 4 years now and have always been happy with my experience there. So last week I decided I would try selling on Amazon. I set up my seller account, listed 5 items for sale and figured that would be it. I'd check it every day to see if any of my items sold. The next day I checked it and to my surprise, Amazon stated that Amazon had suspended my account because of policy violations. Upon further inspection I found out that they had suspended my account because they had linked my account to another suspended seller account. I thought this must be a mistake as I don't have nor have I ever had another amazon account. Nor does anyone living in my household, ie my girlfriend. After emailing amazon and explaining this I received a form generated email back from them stating that while they could not share any info on how they relate accounts or what account I am supposedly related to they had significant proof that I was linked to another account. After many emails I finally called there customer service and was told in exact words, there was nothing they could do to help me. I asked if there was a superior I could talk to or anyone who could help me and was told no, that department does not respond by phone. At this point I was getting very frustrated, and after a few more emails back and forth, with every single amazon response being another form generated email, I finally contacted the better business bureau. Well, alot of good that did. Amazon gave them the same bulls&*t response they gave me. So I asked, if someone is using my name, bank account etc, shouldn't they tell me what this so called account is I am linked to so I can put a stop to. Well, Amazon does not give any info on how they link accounts, I'm just supposed to take there word for it that I am linked to another account. Finally I contacted amazon to close any and all accounts related to my name and after probably 10 emails and 4 or 5 more phone calls, all just to get my damn account closed, because I WILL NEVER, EVER, EVER shop their crap website again, I finally managed to get my account closed for good. I don't know who the hell amazon thinks they are but this is one website I will never be visiting again. I have sold on Ebay for 4 years now and have a 99.7 percent rating on there, and have never encountered anything like this at all. If I have to call Ebay, I am always able to talk to a live person who usually can solve my problem in a matter of minutes. Amazon has poor customer service at best. AT BEST! I am not the only one with complaints like these either, google AMAZON SUCKS and look at all the pages. Many, many sellers with similar stories and alot of even worse horror stories about sellers having their money held for months on end, their accounts closed for no reason. Someone needs to file a class action lawsuit against these clowns and end their reign of terror.

Taking Money Four times
With most of these on-line companies, one have to be careful, especially in international transactions. Amazon take money out of the buyers from two sources - both not very ethical, and I assume they take their cut directly (or indirectly) from seller too - which naturally in the end I (buyer) would bear. And also there is interest on the money kept in their account (which they give to seller after significant time).

So first rip on my wallet is through the 'Cut' money on transaction - from the seller.

Second rip is through exchange rate - Just for example - as on today (this instant) the exchange rate is INR 70.92 per USD, Amazon currency Converter says it is 75.01877... i. e. It is 5.78% more than the regulator.

Even worse is the Excise portion - the item (DVD) - Excise duty for import - as per Government is - altogether 29.57% on CIF Value - since Amazon is charging it, one should assume that's what they should maintain? No, they put about 43.5% (just I have put one trial - where Basic+ PP = CIF value is $21.48 and the Import Fee Deposit is $9.37)

This they had been always charging (I have asked for clarification, which naturally never came, despite persistence) - they mention it would be refunded if billed extra - which they never did - at least in last 4-5 years.

Since the Shipping and handling is already considered and isn't really insignificant: $7.99 on $13.99 item, one can't even justify it as the Courier's cut.
A simple calculation, with the Actual - Government/ regulator notified rates show they are overcharging - in this two aspect itself by 17.25%

This is in addition to another around 15% (If I am not wrong) they are taking off the seller

Plus the interest corresponding to transaction-time - this we may not really consider - but when there is huge money movement, an average balance of us, is always in a/c, on which it earns interest - which, as per web is average 3 weeks.

Recently I purchased an Item from Amazon market place - where I don't have to pre-pay the Excise - and the customs bills it - and I pay it to the courier. In this case it was two respective state-posts - and hence (though quite illogical), there was a penalty too - as If I was trying to sneak in the item - funny, considering it was Government Postal Services which were in operation. Still, even with the penalty - total excise came out to be just around 40% - definitely less than even the un-inflated Import duty deposit of Amazon.

I wonder don't these come under unfair trade-practice - if one don't want to call it outright cheating?

Unfortunately - thanks to the other shady operator, I am unable to buy from many other market places - who are only through paypal - and forced to either amazon or those who sell through googlepay. This is the only reason I have given 2* instead 1* or preferably even less. There is usually no choice when you want something from offshore. Onshore, we have quite a few, many with better ethics, but they are not interested in importing on behalf of.

I wonder why these don't get linked to direct bank-cards - or tie up with Master/ Visa. Many of these marketplace sellers seem to be authentic - I had been on with them for years, and I could afford to have confidence on quite a few of them.

Amazon Insider Account Access
My complaint is against Amazon as a company and the practices in which I believe violates federal statutes pertaining to online transactions and privacy rights. At minimum, their actions places customers in a position of having no recourse in disputing or even proving an online transaction or purchase.

I was alerted by Amazon via email, that Amazon have "reverted" my account to a previous state based on the "perception" of fraudulent activity on my account. In short Amazon took it upon themselves to reset my account to a previous state. This reset removed all current addresses I may have added to include any contact information. But most important it "removed" any and all information of recent purchases as if these transactions never took place.

By Amazon resetting my account to include deleting my transaction history to me seems to be illegal or at minimum a questionable business practice. Example of the issues created by them deleting my transaction history for recent transactions. I purchased a vacuum cleaner, now if that vacuum cleaner developed a problem I, based on their account resetting actions have no recourse to resolve any issues. I cannot contact Amazon customer support because the transaction number and order number no longer are listed under my account, it was removed by Amazon. I cannot prove it was purchased by me or delivered to the address delivered to because my addresses on Amazon was also removed, by Amazon. I cannot initiate a return or refund as this relies on the order and transaction number which no longer exists in the Amazon system. In essence Amazon has wiped out all history of the transactions in their system. I cannot imagine this to be a legal action.

I did contact Amazon customer support on 7 Dec at 8:30AM CST and spoke to a rep. All she would provide is her first name. She had no answers as to the issues that took place other than to respond that based on suspicious activity my account was reset and that I would have to wait for the fraud department to contact me in 24-48 hours. I, over the last two weeks have been required to reconfirm my address changes with amazon several times. I have been required to confirm login activity via a One Time Password (OTP) sent to my cell phone from Amazon before accessing my account. In short, over the past two-weeks I have verified my information and activity several times with Amazon thus, I cannot see how any Amazon could perceive fraudulent activity.

But for the sake of argument less say Amazon did perceive fraudulent activity. Is the correct action to reset one's account to a previous state to include all recent transactions and online purchases? Thus, making it impossible to resolve any product issues or even being able to prove that a transaction even took place. I would think the proper course of action would have been to freeze one's account until recent transactions could be verified. The verification process should have been notifying me or contacting me to confirm or deny the transactions and not resetting my account to a previous state and deleting all my recent and deemed to be fraudulent purchases. In hindsight, this does not even make sense.

Now what if some of the transactions were in fact fraudulent, I cannot even dispute them because they no longer exist in Amazon's system. To me Amazon's actions is no different than if my account was hacked, abused, and all traces of the abuse was removed. If Amazon's processes and procedures allow for such insider-attack actions, then who is to say Amazon personnel cannot order items, have them delivered to an address, deem the actions as fraudulent and then wipe all history of the transactions from the record. Thus, leaving the account holder no method to dispute the charges shown on the payment method in the Amazon system. Which by the way was the only thing Amazon did not reset, they retained my recently updated payment method?

Amazon took it upon themselves to just reset my account and remove all history of my recent account changes which included addresses, contact details and recent transaction history. Amazon's only method of notification was after the fact; thus, leaving me in a position of no recourse if I have issues with any of the products recently purchases as they no longer exist in their system. The customer support has no answer other than to wait for someone to contact me maybe, in 24-48 hours. In either case I feel this practice by Amazon is illegal and should be addressed by Amazon. A brief search on the Internet has revealed many such cases as the one I am bringing forth today.

I think Amazon, should be required to explain their actions on resetting accounts. They should be required to prove the legality of such actions and this actions should be publicly noted on their website as well as in the policies visible to the billions of Amazon customers.

From Dream Dress to Night Mirror
At first AmazonProm looked like an answer to a prayer. My daughter searched for a modest prom dress that would not drain our account. The reviews were good, the price with alterations $250 was good, the 7 day full refund policy was good and Amazon even said if it wasn't right, they would pay for alterations. What could go wrong? The dress arrived quickly and our daughter modeled it for us. The dress was beautiful except for flaws. The left shoulder was ½ inch high, the neck 25% over rather than in the 50% center and the zipper went ½ way up the back and then skewed off to the right.

We went on chat with AmazonProm and were put in touch with support via email. We sent pictures. Their response was that it looked like she wasn't standing up straight. We took the dress to a local cleaner and an estimate of $70. That would not fix the dress but make it usable. AmazonProm offered to pay only $35. I said "after seeing the pictures, a reputable company would have asked for the dress back and sent a replacement". They didn't respond. As a matter of fact, there were long periods of time that they didn't respond. I think they were trying to let us slip outside the 7 day return policy. We said we wanted to return the dress. They advised us against it because of the shipping costs, loss of revenue, and again offered $35 for alterations. On the 6th day we requested return information and a full refund. They refused saying that it would cost them too much. I later found out that the reviews my daughter read were on the AmazonProm web site and were probably biased or filtered. I found reviews off the site that were more like my experience. I showed this review and told them I would post this review if didn't uphold there policies. They responded and asked me to calm down and that we could work things out. Again I was reasonable but they refused to take the dress back. They reminded me that they would lose money and offered me $35 for alterations. They have a hard time understanding who the victim is and who the thief is. I closed negotiations. They sent one last email offering again $35.

One interesting thing about their web site was the special deal meter. We placed our order in the final hour of the deal. Once the meter reached zero, it started over. They sucked us in. Also I will be posting this review on their web page. If you can't find this review, they must have filtered it. On a final note, we were under the impression that this was not a Chinese company. It did not bill as a Chinese company. The dress was manufactured in China. Also, they would not accept American Express, that should have set a flag for disaster.

My last two purchases were from AmazonProm and DhGates. Both purchases ended in disaster. Buy American, from your local mall or stores. Stay away from the Chinese on line stores. It's sad that the Chinese government lets this type of thing go on, it's going to hurt them and other reputable businesses in there country.

Since January of 2014 to date, March 2016, we have placed 207 orders with Amazon. It has been, until now, an extraordinarily good experience. We have a great deal of respect for Mr. Bezos and what he has done. This particular experience, however, was awful! I thought that, since we had faired so well, maybe a larger item would work too; so, we ordered this Samsung dishwasher with installation and removal of the old washer. Words fail me. I had planned to aggregate all of the failures and miscommunications of this transaction like some prosecutor in a courtroom for others to read, but I am tired of thinking of it. So, here goes with an unstudied, less calculated recap: from the inception of the order we received multiple e-mailed correspondence as to the delivery of the product and the delivery of the ordered installation from at least four disparate sources. There have been at least six different business entities and Amazon agents involved in the entire process: (i) Plessers, whoever that is; (ii) AM Home Installation, or something like that; (iii) Amazon, of course, who by the way disavow any responsibility once the money has changed hands, choosing rather to turn both the work and all appeals for help over to various other amorphous agencies; (iv) Nathan at *******856 I have no idea how I came to be in touch with him, but at least to his credit he revealed surprise at how the order had aged; (v) some man from New York named Miguel Santos, who reluctantly later identified his agency as Infinite Installations and himself as customer service agent for Amazon, that I talked to with no good outcome (At one point, Mr. Santos sent me an e-mail with an Amazon telephone number to call for customer service; it turned out to be a non-working number); and not least (vi) the named agent now representing Amazon for the claim. From the beginning delivery was promised in the e-mails, but the installation dates supplied by each mail preceded the delivery date stipulated in the respective communication! In an e-mailed response, I asked how you could install a product not yet delivered, but never got an answer to that or any other question. With each mail, the delivery-install dates kept changing, each time with an install date which post-dated the delivery date! Finally, this AM company arrived 5 hours beyond the promised four hour window. I let the guy come into my home with the machine. He was clearly harried and seemed uncertain of himself. He brought the new machine into my home, banging our custom front door as he entered. When the subject of removal of the old dishwasher came up, the guy said Amazon were not responsible for removal of the old washer. NOTE: THIS WAS ONE OF THE IMPORTANT PARTS OF THE AGREEMENT WE ENTERED WITH AMAZON! I then refused delivery and asked him to leave our home. At first he wouldnt leave. I insisted that he go. Miserable experience! The left hand seemed not to know that the right hand even existed, much less what it was doing.

They have now charged us $600 and left us to deal with another third party for ostensible resolution, bringing the total of different involved parties to at least six. To anyone who might say to us that we should have known better, this is Amazon, we would say, you are absolutely right. We should have known better. We know now. Small purchases have been great for us, and we will continue to buy these items; we will avoid complex buys in the future, however simply they are presented.

I was interested in seeing what kind of response we might get from other Amazon customers. In the main, I agree with what I have read: for small items, Amazon is great! Could not agree more fully. Thus far, however, no one has shared an experience substantially similar to ours that went well for them. Buying a $1200 dishwasher and having it installed in your home is not like buying a small commodity. Our experience was confusing and very disappointing. Amazon did not act as a third party overseeing the process to ensure good service. This is simply not true.

P.S. (160407)
We have the final disposition of this matter. We originally paid Amazon $1,131.00; of that amount Amazon returned to us $1,083.40, keeping $226.20.

Post-Script #3 (160503)
Before finding ReviewFeeder and making this post, I tried to first post this review on Amazon. Someone who did not identify themselves denied the review; their only comment lay in the following excerpt with quotation marks outlying: "We have a great deal of respect for Mr. Bezos and what he has done." The intimation from this censor(s) seemed to be, we only accept complimentary reviews, seemingly suggesting that it would be ok for me to say nice things about them. That response set me on this quest.

Shopping ok, forums are disgusting
I'm not a huge Amazon shopper because their prices are generally higher than my other options but I always check. I do have Prime and love using their music app. I also like the movie and tv show apps and I even have a Fire Stick which is side loaded. Customer service about order issues is great.

As for shipping, I'm literate enough to understand that if something may not be in stock or that it may not be sorted into the warehouse yet and that there may be a delay and shipping times start when the packages ship. If I am not a Prime member then I won't receive as fast of shipping because I can't get faster shipping than those who pay for the faster shipping option. That would make no sense! I know that a package isn't late until the expected delivery date has passed. Amazon can shipping the day before the expected delivery date and still get it on time many times. I know to double check the expected delivery date on the checkout screen as that will show me the date and if I choose to procede, that means I accept that day. It does not mean I see the date but hope it arrives sooner and if it doesn't I throw a fit. Also, this delivery date will tell me if a third party seller is in another country. If the expected delivery date is a range of 2 weeks 3 weeks out, it is not in my country.

Amazon does have some add on only items. These will only be able to be purchased with orders over $25 sold and fulfilled by Amazon. It can include all add on only items. These items aren't big sellers and cause losses by making them available to be a single item delivery. Instead of increasing the price, Amazon offer it as an add on item. Would you drive 20 miles to the store to purchase a pack of gum? Most add on only items have a list of other sellers on the right hand side. These are either higher priced or have a shipping fee. Sometimes the add on only item will ship by itself if it's in a different warehouse than the other items. This doesn't make the add on only feature a waste. That means the entire order made shipping and handling it not be a loss for them.

The rest of their customer service departments are not helpful. Reports aren't taken seriously and often ignored. They allow abuse in their forums and also allow some very nasty posts to be posted as well as bullying and public shaming while removing the dumbest of things.

There is a group of nasty, dirty, hateful old ladies and a some men that think these women are the fake photos they share who spend their entire day looking for reviews to make fun of. They then share them on the forums so others can go look and downvote that reviewer. They write nasty comments on the reviews and Amazon allows it. People should not be afraid to write reviews.

Other forums are fool of the most disgusting posts with inappropriate language and subjects. Amazon allows in even though it looks horrible on their behalf. Is it that their reps don't understand English enough to know that eating poo isn't an appropriate topic.

Also, Amazon allows fake profiles that are attacking sellers and products for no good reason. They write rude questions and reviews even though they don't own the products. With heaps of evidence sent to them, they still let these nutjobs play on Amazon.

Lastly, Amazon is removing reviews and reviewing privileges of people they believe are violating their TOS but many people never violate their TOS and lose their reviews while people obviously violating their TOS and having been reported countless times are free to write their garbage reviews.

Amazon priorities are a total crapshoot. After my Prime membership is up I am going to be cutting ties with Amazon because I won't be out anything. I can get my items elsewhere with no problem. They have gotten their priorities so out of whack lately and out sourcing their employees isn't helping them with these issues as they don't understand English when you contact them.

You know this is the worst buying experience I have...
You know this is the worst buying experience I have had in my entire life and I'm 63 yrs old. I have had better experiences buy a used car then it was dealing with Amazon on this. First off I will never ever purchase another product from any of amazon's affiliates.
When you sell a product you ought to have someone there that can answer questions on what the products limits are. I called amazon before I purchased this unit and the person could tell my absolutely nothing on what the product could do. Explained to the person what I was going to use the product for and Amazon said it would do just fine. I also called the manufacturer to see what they said about it too and was told the very same thing. After I had 2 units both of them damaged and had to be repaired by me to make it look decent. Took me probably 2 hours to straighten the sleeves on the units. Without any compensation whatsoever for doing it. I could have called the service center and had them come out and fix it I guess but of course the nearest one is 4 hours away and that would have cost you guys a bunch of money but I fixed them myself.
The worst thing about this whole deal is I bought the unit for a new building and there was a hole cut in my wall to fit this unit. Now when I find out the unit isn't anything close to what I need to do the job I wanted it to.
I have a hole in my wall where a different product will not fit. So I have to have the contractor of the building to come out and replace a bunch of wains coating and insulation. This was not free so I not only did all the repairs on the unit taking it in and out of the building several times I had to get my building fixed.
And then the returning of the product was another thing. You advertise this unit as being 150 lbs. and it was 195 lbs so UPS wouldn't ship it back to you. I got the first one all packaged up and they picked it up.
The next day it was sitting on my front porch on it's top. I couldn't even get out of my door since the unit was placed in front of my door. So being 63 and having to try and move this 195 lbs package off my porch was another interesting undertaking. So had to go buy some 2x4's and build a ramp to get the package up and my truck. So there was another expense. The 2nd one was the same way, you sent a tag from UPS, they picked it up and brought it back the next day.
I hope all your customers aren't treated this way or your company will go the way of your first phone a failure. If I can post this message on your website I surely will because this is totally an unacceptable way to do business in my opinion.
I also very mad at all the run around I have been getting on getting the refund. Was told the first time the credit you gave me for the bent up sleeve was compensation for the work done on the unit and the full price would be credited back to me if I didn't want to exchange it but that was another fib I guess because it sure wasn't.
I'm sure no one will read this unless I can post it on Amazon's website someplace or somewhere I can give you a rating on your business.

Thanks for nothing, thanks for all the run around and thanks for all my added expense to get heat in my building.


Great when it works but fails miserably on Customer Service
Brought this below (copy pasted from title of listing)
Samsung Galaxy Watch3 Stainless Steel 45mm Bluetooth Smart Watch Mystic Black (UK Version)
Note in the actual title it states UK version yet I can only set to Bulgaria, Cyprus, Czech Rep, Greece, Hungary, Poland, Romania or Slovakia, no Uk region option whatsoever.
Why do manufacturers bother with regions? To my knowledge it's because some content is not allowed in some and is in others.
After 3 hours on live chat/phone and Samsung who tell me it cannot be set to UK, Amazon offer just a refund of the prime day discounted watch, meaning if i want a watch I no longer benefit from the prime day discounts that I waited 2 months for...
I tell them I don't want a refund just what I paid for but after 2 or 3 reps, one who claims Amazon spoke to a manager they offer nothing but a refund, no correctly working watch...
So the biggest retail juggernaut on the planet has the worst regards for it's customers, how did they become number one? I would have expected at the very least a refund and offer to buy direct from them at the prime day price they had that watch at but according to them despite admitting that their seller is in the wrong they expect me to either go without the watch or to pay the extra £50-£60 to get one now I have missed out on Prime day...
The lesson is people, do not trust 3rd party sellers and support local businesses because those smaller companies remember where they came from and who it is that butters their bread.
Personally me and my family have spent a fortune on Amazon and to get treat like what? For them to falsely advertise something and then blame the buyer? Truth is Curry's might have been slightly more expensive than Amazons offering but it turned out to be a total Con where I am now expected after being on the phone/chat for 3 hours to go to the post office, spend on packaging and to then wait 5-7 days for my money back without ever getting the product from them, kind of defeats the object doesn't it...
Edit: in the end i noticed a live chat was still open, where the phone had taken over, they offered me a £10 promotional voucher yet the full length process on the phone offered nothing. Still doesn't even nearly make up for missing out on the prime day deal that I waited 2 months for.
I'll now wait 5 or 6 weeks for Black Friday and go local but Amazon would do well to remember that it's word of mouth and customer experience that keeps them where they are...
What difference does it make to them to honor a price from a few days ago where they are clearly at fault?

EBAY is better
I will give summary of several issues with Amazon delivery first:
1- Sometimes Amazon delivery person brings my package, set it on the floor, takes a photo of my package, leaves for about 2 minutes than returns and take the package back. I have not received refund or replacement on any of my packages that were stolen by Amazon in above described manner because Amazon would claim that package was delivered for sure.
2-Amazon delivers my packages supposedly, sends notification of Delivery, Amazon post a photo of my package Delivered but I don't find my package, I do however check in my Amazon account immediately after not finding my package and there I would find that Amazon Delivery person has left my package at someone else's door! On this this type of incidents Amazon for most part has replaced contents of my mishandled package but some refunded because there wouldn't have option to replace with exact same item.
3-Amazon would text that package was delivered, I would find package but tampered with and Amazon would deny that package was tampered and claim that they have cameras in the Delivery trucks but thankfully just this last weekend the Delivery guy messed up and took a photo of my package in front of my front door that shows that my package was tampered with and the Delivery persons foot is in the photo. Amazon tape was torn and it shows trace of one side of the lid being lifted than put back under the one half of the torn tape. Currently Amazon is investigating for 72 hrs they say before they can make a decision.
Two items were marked as Delivered in that same box but I only received one.
Lesson learned: check for take screenshots of your order delivery status that shows in your Amazon, especially if they upload a photo of your delivery spot / door / patio.
4- Sometimes my package arrives and an it or few would be missing but when I report it to Amazon they would tell me that they have surveillance over the packaging stations in the warehouse and they have proof of all items being put in the box but TikTok video posts by Amazon warehouse employees show a lot more and counter Amazons response.
Such video posts also show Amazon warehouse employees slamming small packages with electronics in them on the packaging table.

Last for now but not least, I have encountered up to 5 of Amazon Delivery Vans that get together in a remote area away form obvious public view and opening the packages than retapping them back.
This has me believe that every package Delivery company does same and steal customers items.
I tired

On more thing, Amazon often refuses to publish my reviews on Amazon about the items that I purchase.
Another thing, Amazon has verbally criticized me about returning half of my orders ‍ I don't think that it's a crime or illegal to return as many items as customers wants to return if items are anything even slightly other than described.
Another thing. When Amazon instructs that the return is just dropped off at UPS and or Kohl's for such business to package and label the returns instead of customers, packages will end up label with wrong label. Take my word for it or wait til you experience such ordeal.
I am seriously tired now

Not the best experience.
Amazon is not the first website that I would order an item from. Amazon has a tendency to deliver packages days after it was scheduled for delivery. Sometimes Amazon don't even ship your package until the day that it was supposed to be delivered to you. If it's an important item that you drastically need in a hurry I suggest shopping somewhere else. They are sometimes very unreliable, their customer service can use some improvement, and their delivery times are usually unpredictable to say the least.

I ordered lights to decorate my dorm room off of amazon and I never received my order from them. When I first ordered it they told me that it would come within 4 to 5 business days: however, that was not the case. My lights did not ship until the 4th day of me waiting for them. I waited a couple days to see if my package would come. After about three days of not receiving my "shipped" package I decided that it was time to take matters into my own hands. I first called the delivery company that was supposed to drop off my package and they said that they never got a package for my address or name. I then decided to email amazon and they replied back saying that my item was shipped to the postal service that would be delivering it. Although, they said that my items were shipped I still did not receive them days later so I decided to call the company to and find out why.
The first time I gave them a call I was on hold for at least 30 minutes waiting to talk to a representative. After being on hold for a significant amount of time, I was told that there were no available representatives to talk to at that time and that I should call the next day. The next day when I called I was on hold for a while but I finally got to talk to someone about my order. I was told that my order had been sent back because of an unknown error. I never got an email or notification saying that the order that I have been waiting on for weeks was sent back. When I asked why my order got sent back the representative told me that she was not sure why but sometimes it just happens. When I asked for my money she told me that I had to email amazon or go to the website and click on "about refunds" and ask back for my money there. So I emailed amazon and asked them for a refund due to the fact that my package got canceled but I never got my money back. The next day they emailed me and said they would refund me my money back within 24 hours of my initial email. I waited for the money but it never went back into my account so I emailed them again and this time they didn't respond until days later saying that, once again, they would send my money back to me.
After not receiving my money a second time I just decided not to worry about it and just decided to be cautious of where and what I buy online. Next time I know not to rely on Amazon so much for my online shopping. Next time I know to be cautious and what sites I shop on. If you do decide to shop on Amazon just be mindful of what you get and who the seller is that you are getting the product from.

Went downhill fast
I have been an Amazon customer for many years and I am now a business owner and buy a lot of stuff weekly on the Amazon Business site. Searching for products have become overwhelmed with strange sellers. There is a lot of international sellers, which is great, but its very easy to order something and wait a couple weeks for it to arrive only to find it was shipped from China and will take much longer to arrive. I have learned to check where the item is coming from and look at the expected delivery date, but many people don't look for that. My wide fell victim to it recently when she ordered a chair only to find it was coming from China. The order was actually sent to the wrong address, so someone on the other side of the country received a free chair I suppose. :) I followed the tracking until it was delivered. We were refunded promptly, so no complaint about the refund process. It was right-on.
The search results are scattered with "sponsored ads" that are out of place in the results. The search results usually will sort properly and sometimes do not. If you sort by price low to high, for example, it will not actually do it all the time.
The feedback system has broken. I have had sellers cancel my order and them lie about the reason. How do I know Amazon are lying? They cancel the order with the reason "cannot ship to the address given, please reorder with the correct address". Then you go to reorder, thinking you made a mistake, and surprise, surprise, they raised the price of the item. My address has not changed and I order regularly. When I wait the three days, which is required before you can leave feedback for a cancelled order, there is no option to leave feedback for the seller. I contacted customer service. They were very nice and forwarded the problem to tech support, but the problem remains. When I look at the profile for that seller, it shows they have 5 star, 4 star, and 3 star reviews. But if you try to look at the 3 or 4 star reviews, the page shows an error that there are no reviews matching the criteria. It's like the reviews that are not 5 star are blocked. It's not cool. These sellers need to be kicked out. I am tired of dealing with this type of thing. You get it a lot on Ebay, but never had a problem on Amazon until the last year or so.
I hope something is done about the problems at Amazon, because they are going downhill fast and they may have just lost a regular customer who buys a lot of stuff.

Amazon marketplace has fraudulent companies selling through their website
I purchased a 65 inch SUHD TV through I purchased within their marketplace sector of their website. The TV was delivered damaged. Amazon has refused to help.

Here is the main problem.

Amazon marketplace is a wild west of vendors that apparently have no vetting process and some are not even companies. This was my experience. I purchased the TV from a vendor called Infinity Loop. Infinity loop initially talked to me and gave me a phone number when i reported the damaged TV. I called and the warehouse didn't even know who Infinity Loop was. I had to explain my purchase from Amazon and the operator directed me to a rep. That rep said Amazon would have get the owner to call back. Well that never happened. They stopped communicating all together. I had to use Amazon messaging (dozens of attempts to get them to respond). I eventually contacted Amazon who gave me a warm and fuzzy about helping me. Well after. Several supervisors and several warm and fuzzies they eventually said they couldn't help and wouldn't continue to respond.

Here is the problem. I received the TV damaged. It's obvious by the pictures it's a forklift punch through the box and into the screen. I asked the driver about the hole in the box and he told me it happens all the time and put my hand through it and check. He assured me the TV's are always fine. I checked and only felt that soft velvety cover they put over the screens. Nothing at all made me think that the screen actually was touched. I was in the process of moving and didn't unpack the well packed TV just to repack it for my move. My mistake. I should have unpacked and checked it. HOWEVER it doesn't change the fact it was delivered DAMAGED. When i unpacked it i saw a small tear (about the size of a dime) in the outer cover. I took the cover off and found the deep gouge in the screen but no cracking or any other visible damage. I plugged it in and the screen was totally unusable. Since then it's been a very disappointing experience with Amazon. No matter what evidence I've sent in regarding the size/shape of the hole fitting a warehouse forklift fork... the link between Mizari and Infinity Loop... the shipping company acknowledging the damage likely happened while in their control (only Mizari can file a claim as the account holder)... my horrible experience trying to work with Amazon customer service... they disappeared and forced me to seek legal advice.

I've had to file a small claims case against Amazon to try to get my money back.

Infinity Loop doesn't exist. There is no business license for them anywhere. I did research the warehouse and phone number and found out they are actually called MIZARI Enterprises. Mizari denies any knowledge of Infinity Loop. Mizari and Infinity loop have the same address in Commerce CIty, CA and have the same phone number. The shipping receipt has Mizari's address on Wilshire Blvd in Los Angeles. Mizari shipped the TV. The shipping company confirmed this. It's amazing to me that AMAZON is defending MIZARI and their fraudulent marketplace vendor INIFINITY LOOP and not their customer.

Amazon marketplace is a huge gamble and risk should anything go wrong

Worst Experience Ever! Lost a customer for life!
This was the worst experience I have ever had! I ordered 700.00 worth of merchandise. A BOB stroller worth all of the accessories. I even called the customer service rep to make sure it wound be delivered in 2 days. The rep assured me that all was well. On the day it was supposed to be delivered I Called cuter service to see what time it should be arriving since it wasn't showing up as shipped on the website. Then Amazon told me that it would bit be arriving until the next day. Which was to late because I needed the stroller to take on our trip for my disabled grandson.the customer s r vice rep told me that they deliver to hotels and made arrangements to have it delivered to the e hotel we were booked at for the next day. The next day I checked on the delivery as we were running late to get to the hotel. Now customer service treks me that it won't be delivered until the following day because the shipping address was changed. I was beginning to get upset by the ever changing shipping dates, but after sending even more time on the phone being put on hold and then talking with a supervisor it seemed that everything was cleared up and that they would ship or the following day after we arrived at the hotel which was still okay because we would not need it yet. So we arrived at hotel and wait on the following day. I decided to call customer service yet again to see what time it would arrive. Now I am told it won't be shipped that day either. So Alan I am out on hold while I wait to speak to yet another supervisor. Supervisor now informs me that there has been a fraud hold put on my order and that it can't be resolved until the following Monday Which would be exactly 7 days since I ordered this with a one to 2 day shipping time promised. I was livid. What? A fraud hold? Because it was a high ticket wad already approved, but as one other customer review stated, apparently they put fraud holda on any high cost item. They told me I could go ahead and cancel the order, the 2nd time they suggested it, by the way. It seems that they don't want my business. I cancelled the order, then received an email that my order had shipped. Now I had to re-contact customer service to inform them of seems they cancelled my stroller and we're planning on shipping all of the accessories to the hotel after I would have already checked out. So I bag to spend more time on the phone to get them to find the order and stop the shipment. I ended up renting a BOB stroller for the weekend From a local conpany in Santa Cruz. I WILL NEVER EVER DO BUSINESS WITH DIAPERS.COM AGAIN! THEY LOST A REALLY GOOD CUSTOMER FOR LIFE!

Six months logistics has not delivered 102 items
Six months logistics has not delivered 102 items I have begged every which way and every single department for help. Nobody can make these drivers do what Amazon are supposed to. Two days ago I had four deliveries coming from Amazon all through their logistics team. Not one of them made it here. Sure some of them were delivered but they were not delivered to me and the pictures showed they weren't delivered to me. They've agreed and confirmed when logistics looked at their map that their deliveries are close but they are not to me and yet, I pay so much money for these items and I have to wait two days knowing they aren't coming back before I can get refunded but nobody has stopped and said hey, there's a big problem with our delivery people. I'm fed up I've had enough. I've spent 97 hours on the phone with them in six months. One time they gave me a $10 promotion credit. Over $3000 worth of products have not arrived but were delivered to other places. I have proven that they are not delivered to my house and that I don't have a damn and I've even cut down on subscription products through Amazon. The worst of it is is that I was recovering from 2 1/2 years of cancer treatments just as Covid hit. So that lying about they were doing their best for their most vulnerable Customer, one package was thrown over a concrete fence and into an alley here in Philadelphia and I was told at 10 PM on March evening, to go go Over $3000 worth of products have not arrived but were delivered to other places. I have proven that they are not delivered to my house and that I don't have a damn and I've even cut down on subscription products through Amazon. The worst of it is is that I was recovering from 2 1/2 years of cancer treatments just as Covid hit. So that lying about they were doing their best for their most vulnerable Customer, one package was thrown over a concrete fence and into an alley here in Philadelphia and I was told at 10 PM on March evening, to go look for it... 91 hours on the phone and countless hours of messaging and nobody has corrected these drivers. I've never had a problem with FedEx and I've never had a problem with UPS and I've never had a problem with the US mail only Amazon logistics. And clearly some other drivers find my house because it's on the corner of a major street in a major city but the others, they just don't care and neither do their supervisors what can I do about this

Amazon is CHEATING customers!
On January 5th Amazon post a nice deal on a Graphic card Nvidia GTX1080 from Asus (see the picture below), I decide to buy the item so I did what normally I do just a few clicks and that was it, Amazon send me a email that said the item is out of stock at the moment so they will send the item to me as soon as they have it available and also they will charge the amount only at the moment of sending the item (they too 12 Euros only from my account at the moment of make the order of the item).

Today January 8th send me an email saying "THEY ARE SORRY" but the item was cancelled by them because there was a "error" on the price (Which is not my problem because I didn´t do anything wrong more than be a regular customer who bought the item and is waiting for it as a responsible website they claim to be).

What makes me think they want to cheat customers with this prcie changes, if there will be a "mistake" the system shouldn´t allow me to buy the item I think... but imagine if I take an item on X price in their website (which I use to be a customer for several years and I will stop after this) and I pay less than the price because is "my mistake" they wont send me anything right? So now that is THEIR fault I will be without the item when I didn´t to anything wrong just click on the item and give all my personal data and card number to get the product that THEY post in that price, so basically they are forcing me to pay extra for the same thing when they post it on their site at X price now they want more for the item.

Here is the email they send me today (is in French you can translate in google)
2018-01-08 14:55 GMT+01:00 <*******>:

> Bonjour,
> Nous vous informons que larticle *******234 que vous avez choisi sur
> a fait lobjet dune erreur daffichage de prix.
> Malheureusement et pour une raison indpendante de notre volont, le prix
> affich de larticle au moment o vous avez pass votre commande tait trs
> infrieur au prix auquel nous souhaitions vendre cet article. Nous avons
> donc t contraints de retirer cet article de votre slection.
> Sachez que votre compte bancaire n'a pas t dbit du montant
> correspondant cet article.
> met tout en uvre pour que chaque client bnficie d'un service
> de qualit irrprochable et des meilleures offres. Nous vous prions de bien
> vouloir accepter nos excuses pour le dsagrment caus et vous remercions
> pour votre comprhension.
> Cordialement,
> Service Client
> Veuillez noter que ce message d'information a t envoy partir d'une
> adresse ne pouvant recevoir d'e-mails. Merci de ne pas y rpondre.

Who is responsible for this? I don´t know and honestly I don´t care either, I just want them to assume their issues and send me the item at the price I saw it and order it. BE SERIOUS AMAZON!

PS: Personal data was erased from the picture for obvious reasons.

*UPDATE 18/01/2018*
Until today the website haven´t show ANY interest in give back the amount they took from my bank account and they don´t answer any communication channel I did try, BE AWARE PLEOPLE this website have a total lack of respect for the customer and they will cheat you as much as they want!

The worst shopping experience of my Life and I'm 82, and they protect frauds
Amazon is a thief just like their sellers, and worse, Amazon endorse their thief's

My worst shopping experience ever and I'm 82, and it was/is
At They are as big a thief as their sellers. They and the
Seller ripped me off for over $708.61, about 140.00 more! It was a
Huawei P20 Pro cell phone that I never got. And they: and
New And Mint Condition Collectibles Attn: Ronen Gold, 400 W. Belmont,
Chicago, IL committed a case of fraud against me. Chase Bank/Amazon/Amazon CC 12/21/2018Attn: Customer Service Ref: Bonneville County Sheriffs Case # 201840833Ref: Claim ID: C-*******465, Ref. CC 8636 To Whom It May Concern: The
Above claim with you has been turned into the Bonneville County
Sheriff's Office and is case File Nr. 2018-40833 and is being handled by
Sergeant J. Martin at *******375. The FBI has also been notified and
May also become involved as well since this case involved three or more
States and many more people as well, maybe hundreds. This operation has
Been going on for some time and continues to this day with new fraud
Cases being added every day by the crooked sellers under the umbrella
Provided by which allows them to operate with impunity, and
Rip off Americans every day for hundreds and thousands of dollars and
Amazon and Chase Bank also say it's not their responsibility. Chase
Has not retrieved all my funds from Amazon and Amazon has made no
Attempt to refund my funds. They have given me about a dozen different
Excuses, all different, all meaning nothing. Everyone says something
Different than the last person, adding up to nothing being done. Some of
The excuses they used were: You filed the claim too early, also too
Late; I changed the dynamics of the order, I haven't returned the phone,
The case has been closed, we're waiting for the seller to respond, you
Have to write to the seller, you are owed a refund, we'll send you
$200.00 a week, we put $100.00 into your account for your problems
(Sierra), I put $50.00 into your account for your problems, (Stephan),
And no money was deposited into my account.The seller: New and
Mint Collectables located at 400 W. Division, Chicago, IL has a long
History of fraud on the internet which continues today and tomorrow.
Amazon is protecting them from repaying or delivering the products
Promised to the buyers. There are many examples of this on Amazon's
Website under the seller's companies name which is owned by Ronen Gold,
At 400 W. Division, Chicago, ILThe sad performance of Amazon (Dec. 11th/18) 12/11/18In
All my years, 82, never had I ever had such a bad shopping experience
As with you; the crooked seller you allowed to operate under your
Umbrella for so long, and your staff who tried to mislead me, lied to me
So many times and didn't do their jobs properly. I'm talking about my
Experience in buying a Huawei P20 Pro cell phone from your seller, who
Was/is a thief and sent me a piece of junk phone for my $709.00; in Chicago. The way your staff handles
Problems like this is deplorable, and shouldn't be handled like it is.
You treat the buyer like he's the thief, and give the thief so much
Leeway that he can get and do just about anything he wants without any
RATING. And now I see you can't even find a trace of him on your site,
But you're a little late, it appears he's already made off with the
Money and you expect me to absorb the loss, and you have no penalty.
Then you have the audacity to have someone send me an email stating: Hello,
We have closed your claim for order **************863 because we have
No evidence that the seller received your return. The seller has not
Received the return, and the information you provided does not prove
That the package was delivered to the seller. As a result, this order is
Not eligible for the A-to-z Guarantee. If you need to return an item in
The future, we recommend following these best practices to be sure that
The seller receives your package: -- Include the order number on or
Inside the package. -- Insure the package. -- Use a signature
Confirmation delivery service. To learn more about coverage, visit our A-to-z Guarantee Help page on our site. Amazon. C/a-to-z-guarantee.-- Date of Claim: November 23,2018Sincerely, and
There is no name on the message, so it makes it impossible for me to
Contact them. This whole thing would have never happened if you had a
Good IT man in your employment. I thought I was placing an order with
FGS Trading, and because I changed the color of the phone from Black to
Twilight, without my knowledge, it also changed the supplier to the con
Man that has been hiding under your umbrella for who knows how long and
Allowing him not to deliver a package or the wrong thing, as he has done
In the past, and you allowed him to continue his fraud until he
Defrauded me out of $709.00 dollars. And you believe him and not me;
That I returned the cheap piece of garbage to him. Well, there was a
Police officer here and he saw the package before I sent it out. And my
Postal guy will remember the package going out as well, I made sure of
That. I also made a report to our sheriff and to the Chicago police as
Well. And maybe they'll find him even though he used a false address in
Chicago. I'm sure they'll find him at the end of the trail which he'll
Leave behind. And you still owe me the amount mentioned above, because
Even some of your staff has told me I did everything correctly, and
Should have received my money back, as you state in all your little
Regulations that also say I should have received my money back in 7 to
10 days and haven't. Are you that greedy? SincerelyJerry SinkovecP.S. Beware of Amazon and their sellers!

Amazon is a thief just like their sellers, and worse, they endorse their thiefs

My worst shopping experience ever and I'm 82, and it was/is
At They are as big a thief as their sellers. They and the
Seller ripped me off for over $708.61, about 140.00 more! It was a
Huawei P20 Pro cell phone that I never got. And they: and
New And Mint Condition Collectables Attn: Ronen Gold, 400 W. Belmont,
Chicago, IL committed a case of fraud against me. Chase Bank/Amazon/Amazon CC 12/21/2018Attn: Customer ServiceRef: Bonneville County Sheriffs Case # 201840833Ref: Claim ID: C-*******465, Ref. CC 8636 To Whom It May Concern: The
Above claim with you has been turned into the Bonneville County
Sheriff's Office and is case File Nr. 2018-40833 and is being handled by
Sergeant J. Martin at *******375. The FBI has also been notified and
May also become involved as well since this case involved three or more
States and many more people as well, maybe hundreds. This operation has
Been going on for some time and continues to this day with new fraud
Cases being added every day by the crooked sellers under the umbrella
Provided by which allows them to operate with impunity, and
Rip off Americans every day for hundreds and thousands of dollars and
Amazon and Chase Bank also say it's not their responsibility. Chase
Has not retrieved all my funds from Amazon and Amazon has made no
Attempt to refund my funds. They have given me about a dozen different
Excuses, all different, all meaning nothing. Everyone says something
Different than the last person, adding up to nothing being done. Some of
The excuses they used were: You filed the claim too early, also too
Late; I changed the dynamics of the order, I haven't returned the phone,
The case has been closed, we're waiting for the seller to respond, you
Have to write to the seller, you are owed a refund, we'll send you
$200.00 a week, we put $100.00 into your account for your problems
(Sierra), I put $50.00 into your account for your problems, (Stephan),
And no money was deposited into my account.The seller: New and
Mint Collectables located at 400 W. Division, Chicago, IL has a long
History of fraud on the internet which continues today and tomorrow.
Amazon is protecting them from repaying or delivering the products
Promised to the buyers. There are many examples of this on Amazon's
Website under the seller's companies name which is owned by Ronen Gold,
At 400 W. Division, Chicago, ILThe sad performance of Amazon (Dec. 11th/18) 12/11/18In
All my years, 82, never had I ever had such a bad shopping experience
As with you; the crooked seller you allowed to operate under your
Umbrella for so long, and your staff who tried to mislead me, lied to me
So many times and didn't do their jobs properly. I'm talking about my
Experience in buying a Huawei P20 Pro cell phone from your seller, who
Was/is a thief and sent me a piece of junk phone for my $709.00; in Chicago. The way your staff handles
Problems like this is deplorable, and shouldn't be handled like it is.
You treat the buyer like he's the thief, and give the thief so much
Leeway that he can get and do just about anything he wants without any
RATING. And now I see you can't even find a trace of him on your site,
But you're a little late, it appears he's already made off with the
Money and you expect me to absorb the loss, and you have no penalty.
Then you have the audacity to have someone send me an email stating: Hello,
We have closed your claim for order **************863 because we have
No evidence that the seller received your return. The seller has not
Received the return, and the information you provided does not prove
That the package was delivered to the seller. As a result, this order is
Not eligible for the A-to-z Guarantee. If you need to return an item in
The future, we recommend following these best practices to be sure that
The seller receives your package: -- Include the order number on or
Inside the package. -- Insure the package. -- Use a signature
Confirmation delivery service. To learn more about coverage, visit our A-to-z Guarantee Help page on our site. Amazon. C/a-to-z-guarantee.-- Date of Claim: November 23,2018Sincerely, and
There is no name on the message, so it makes it impossible for me to
Contact them. This whole thing would have never happened if you had a
Good IT man in your employment. I thought I was placing an order with
FGS Trading, and because I changed the color of the phone from Black to
Twilight, without my knowledge, it also changed the supplier to the con
Man that has been hiding under your umbrella for who knows how long and
Allowing him not to deliver a package or the wrong thing, as he has done
In the past, and you allowed him to continue his fraud until he
Defrauded me out of $709.00 dollars. And you believe him and not me;
That I returned the cheap piece of garbage to him. Well, there was a
Police officer here and he saw the package before I sent it out. And my
Postal guy will remember the package going out as well, I made sure of
That. I also made a report to our sheriff and to the Chicago police as
Well. And maybe they'll find him even though he used a false address in
Chicago. I'm sure they'll find him at the end of the trail which he'll
Leave behind. And you still owe me the amount mentioned above, because
Even some of your staff has told me I did everything correctly, and
Should have received my money back, as you state in all your little
Regulations that also say I should have received my money back in 7 to
10 days and haven't. Are you that greedy? SincerelyJerry SinkovecP.S. Beware of Amazon and their sellers!

BEWARE! I had the most bizarre experience with this company today. DO NOT ORDER ANYTHING FROM THIS COMPANY.

I ordered a Nikon D90 package which seemed to be an amazing deal on line Tuesday night. At the time of my order I had not researched Primo Cameras but the next day I decided to google them just to confirm Amazon were ligitimate. I read a lot of terrible reviews but some good ones so I hoped for the best.

This morning I received an email from Brian of Primo Cameras advising to call to confirm that I made the purchase. I called Brian and we confirmed the order and then he asked me which battery I would like. I told him I wanted the one that came with the package. He started getting rude and told me that the battery only lasted 1/2 an hour and that I could purchase the 2 hour or 5 hour battery. He told me the cost and I said that I was good with the one that came in the package that I ordered and that I would buy one at London Drugs if I was unhappy with that one as they sold them for the same price. He then started getting really angry and yelling at me. He told me he would do me a favor and throw in a different lens than the one in the package. I advised him that I wanted the one that came with the package and now he was super angry. I could not believe this guy's attitude. He was so angry, telling me I didn't do my research and if I had than I would see that that lens was discontinued. When I asked him why he was yelling he just started getting more irate and rude. I then told him that I want to cancel my order and the guy blew a fuse. He told me that he would cancel my order but he would charge a cancellation fee. I told him that I was going to call my credit card company and make sure there was no charges. He told me I couldn't do that and that there would be charges and that he would notify the credit bureau if I didn't pay them. I hung up on him and before I called my credit card company I decided to call Primo Cameras again and let the owner know what a cuckoo this guy is.

The person who answered the phone sounded like Brian so I asked him if he was Brian. He said no and that he was the manager. I then asked to talk to the owner and he told me that the owner is in Hawaii and he can't be reached. I proceeded to tell him how disappointed I was with the company and I was originally looking forward to getting my Nikon D90 until I spoke with Brian and how terrible he was. The so called manager then said that he was looking at my file and that I was treating Brian poorly and yelling at him. Okay, now what grade is this guy in? I'm pretty sure it was Brian I was speaking to pretending to be the manager. Anyhow, I then told him I canceled my order and there better not be any fees charged to my credit card and that I would be writing a review and warning people not to shop there. He then said to me "that's fine, I will be putting your credit card information on the internet".

I called my credit card company and advised them of Brian's threat to put my credit card number on the internet. After speaking with them, I emailed Brian and confirmed that I had canceled the order and that there better not be charges and if there were any suspicious charges to my credit card it would come back to PRIMO. I got an email back from Brian saying that there would be no fees but that it wasn't him I was speaking to on the phone today... it must have been someone else. This company is not to be trusted.

(Fifth update.) I've been purchasing from Amazon fairly...
(Fifth update.) I've been purchasing from Amazon fairly heavily for years, not because I think it's the best source for merchandise (although it often is) but because its gift cards are the reward of choice for my participation answering queries for [which I've also reviewed for ReviewFeeder].


1. Price. Prices are generally excellent, and some purchases are tax-free. Many items are "eligible for free shipping," meaning that Amazon will not charge for shipping such items if their total price in one order is $25 or more.

2. Return policy. Return policies are easy and quite generous, and with items shipped by Amazon the company pays for return shipping, or may even waive the need to return the item at all.

3. Promptness. Shipping is always prompt, even when free.


1. Support. I've now downgraded my star rating because of the increasingly terrible customer service. The good news is that phone support is usually, perhaps always, available. The bad news is the quality of that support:
(a) Thick accents by agents apparently based in other countries--even supervisors--make their advice largely unintelligible.
(b) Even when one can understand them, too many of the support personnel seem entirely clueless, taking the customer's time to no good end. Escalating to a supervisor sometimes works but often does not; and written support, usually provided as boilerplate, is usually still worse.
(c) Inquiries to Amazon's sellers must almost always be made via Amazon's online form; and, incredibly, Amazon cannot track such inquiries or follow up unless the purchase has already been made.

2. Product descriptions. These are wrong much too often.

3. Product search. The variety of products available is overwhelming, and Amazon's product search engine is awful. For example, a search for a "queen-size single fitted sheet" yielded many hundreds of results (as I recall, about 1,400!), pointing to sheets of various sizes, nearly all sheets sets. Of all those results I found only 1 that matched my search criteria. One suspects that Amazon deliberately fudges search results to offer more choices, with the goal of increasing sales.

4. Merchant reviews. As of last check Amazon allows reviewers without significant limitation to withdraw their reviews. This policy encourages merchants -- many of whom depend on Amazon for patronage -- to go after reviewers whose reviews are not favorable in order to buy them off. This has happened to me.

The consequence of these minuses is that you could easily spend hours trying to meet your need, which may in the end be unfulfilled or, even worse, fulfilled badly.

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Based on 50 reviews from Amazon customers, company has accumulated an average rating of 1 stars, indicating that majority of customers are not satisfied with its service.
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Description: Amazon sells everything (almost).

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