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Auto Anything

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50 customer reviews of

Shop Elsewhere
Ordered seat covers, card was charged and received a shipping date. Weeks later got a new shipping date for a month later so I did a live chat and cancelled my order. Got an email on the cancellation saying Auto Anything were confirming with the warehouse the item hadn't shipped. According to to the guy during my live chat my seat covers were made to order. They are sent from the manufacturer in Anaheim. 8 1/2 hours later an email comes saying my covers have shipped. Really? A shipping label was created in San Diego and as of now 30+ hours later FedEx still doesn't have the package. The stuffs supposed to arrive here tomorrow and they're telling me I can send it back for a refund. After seeing other reviews that looks like another headache. I don't expect it to arrive tomorrow anyway but look forward to another run around. Do not deal with this company. I took pics of the live chat conversation and have records of everything else. Do yourself a favor read the reviews and look elsewhere. I wish I had.

I don't recommend it AT ALL
I've ordered a catalytic converter for 400$ with over night shipping for 20$ in April of 2015, for Buick rendezvous 2004 federal emission, first thing I was told it comes with a brand new oxygen sensor " didn't find it " when I called about it Auto Anything said no we didn't say that and our sale manger reviewing the phone record to check, I knew it wldn't be there. But it's not a biggie I still got the old one. The part I ordered it shld been DIRECT FIT that means I don't have to do any modification to it just simply remove the old one and install the new one that didn't work with the one I got.
The neck pipe where it gets bended to meet the catalytic was way different than the original one so?
I had to cut the CC's pipes from both sides " in and out " and install it on the old one.
Next time I'll get the commercial part and still can save 300$ at least not even mentioning the additional labor. Don't let'em fool you out by direct fit cuz it's not gonna fit

Wrong parts, wrong attitude
I ordered brake pads front and rear and front rotors for my Honda Accord (EBC Ultimax rotors, Greenstuff pads). Shipping was prompt, recieving the rear pads a day before the other parts arrived, I decided to get to work. After much tribulation and cursing there was no way the rear pads were going to fit. The tabs that sit in the caliper were correctly sized, but the pad was too wide by the tune of an 1/8th inch or so. Hot out, pissed, old pads back in. Set it aside for a week or so. Didn't attempt front for fear of having more grabby pads on one end of the car (the EBC pads tout additional performance characteristics) and didn't want the time commitment without guarantee of those parts fitting either. In the meantime, I'm having outpatient surgery for a past work accident on my hip. After roughly 2 months I call their customer 'service' number and explain my situation and request to purchase 2 power stop brake kits- Calipers, pads, and rotors for the front AND rear of the car if Auto Anything would agree to take a return outside of their 30 day policy. Gaining them another ~ $200 in sales over and above the original purchase. After politely asking several times I was told to call EBC to make my own exchange for the original parts sold. Rock Auto has my next order and those Brittish designed pieces of $#*! are going in a dumpster somewhere alongside my future business with this company.

I ordered some seat covers. I put in all the parameters of my vehicle, year, make model etc... No where on the pictures of seat covers does it show the seat belt mechanism on the driver or a passenger seats. I receive the seat covers and surprise Auto Anything do not fit. I sent them back and get an email saying that I will have to pay for a 20% restocking fee because THEIR website listing is misleading AND incorrect. Then they say the returned item must pass an inspection before the final refund will be processed. I wrote in my return email that they will probably bang me for more money because the plastic bag was not closed properly or the seat covers were not stacked in the order they were sent or the shipping label was askew or the box was taped wrong or some other BS excuse. I also said the $ 50 or so dollars they are charging me should go towards a back brace for the person who has to restock such a heavy 4 pound box.
I disputed the charge to my credit card and filed a complaint with the BBB, it sounds like they are on a first name basis with the BBB with all the bad reviews.

Buy form a real company like amazon.

Misleading Advertising
Auto Anything has misleading descriptions on the items Auto Anything sell. I ordered a set of side steps for my truck that were advertised as 4.75" wide. I received them only to find out that they were 7" wide?
Double checked the listing and they were described as 4.75". Called their customer service and requested a return and refund of my monies because of the incorrect description.
Was told that the listing described the steps as 7", I reexamined the listing and found in small, unbolded font what they were talking about. One's eyes doesn't see this and continues down to the larger and bolder font description. The description listed
Describes a different Havoc sidestep, the HS2 that has the 4.75" steps, not the HST model.
Long story short, they'd take them back but I'd have to pay the $77 plus shipping, WHAT? Their mistake but I'd have to pay for the return shipping?
Talked to the "claimed to be" customer service supervisor and argued with him to no avail but he did reduce the shipping to $50.
This clearly wasn't my mistake, I will never ever order anything from them again and will do my best to inform others to steer clear of this company.

Read their Return Policy before shopping here, I wish I did
Bought a custom windshield sunshade for $65. It fit terribly in my vehicle, so I put it right back in the box to ship back for a refund. Auto Anything charged a 20% restocking fee $12 and a return label fee $15 for a total refund of $38.

They must know how ridiculous this is, as there is a big red "KEEP ITEM" button right next to the "RETURN ITEM" button - almost as if they want you to eat the rest of the cost since you're getting shafted so blatantly already. There is no way to bypass this: it's either the "refund", or an even exchange. See for your yourself:

The restocking fee is a flat 20% so it would be even less worth it on a higher cost item, regardless whether or not the "return label fee" is flat or not, which I will never find out since I will never shop here again.

You're far better off at some other place whether it's online or not, keeping half of my money because an item didn't fit my vehicle well enough is unbelievable in this day and age. Wish I saw all the other reviews here before I shopped here instead of after, could have saved both money and time!

Terrible business
Placed an order for an atv winch on the 7th, was promptly charged for it. Was given a shipping date of the 10-14th. 14th came, no shipping info provided, tried calling, chatting and emailing several times, no response. After getting disconnected through chat multiple times, I was told "you just need to wait, we'll email you when it ships." Mind you, I was able to receive no less than 12 spam emails from them trying to sell me more items. After exhausting all options to contact them, I left a bad review, was contacted immediately by customer service. Explained how poor their communication was, my payment already being taken and still no shipping info. No apology, no explaining, just an excuse and that my ship date got pushed back again to an est date of the 24th. Now it's the 21st, no email, no communication, Auto Anything have my money and I have no product. This process has been nothing but frustrating, and full of excuses blaming the manufacturer for pushing back shipping times and ignoring my emails.

Terrible wait times and no communication
So i ordered a brake set a couple months ago while Auto Anything were on sale, a week goes by and i get an email saying i need to accept the revised shipping date which is a month from when i ordered the brakes, i accept. A week after i accept i get another notification saying the order was cancelled because i didnt accept the revised date. I went through a whole $#*! show trying to figure out how to re order the brakes and still get the discount. After i order them it says i will get them in a week, cool. After that week i get a revised shipping date notification AGAIN so i accept it, its about a month out. I wait till the day before i was supposed to get them and they said they cancelled the order because they dont know when they are going to get the brakes from the supplier. So here i am running terrible brakes on my car for 2+ months all because they couldnt put on their site that they are out of stock.

Be weary of ordering from this company.
I don't like to share too many negative shopping experiences, but this time I have to. I ordered from AutoAnything on the 16th and I really wish I had read the online reviews before I made my purchase. Google companies before ordering.

I called the company on Saturday, because I had tracking numbers that said 2 of the 3 packages we were expecting were already delivered on Friday. Hmmm... We only received one package. Well, we are leaving Wednesday morning (just 4 days away) so if our package is lost and we need to order a hitch from another company we need to do it right away. So we called the company to find out what was going on.

The man on the line said that the two packages we were missing, had been shipped but were still in route. Only 1 package had been delivered. The other 2 packages would be delivered soon (our receipt said delivery 4/19-4/23). Ok awesome, as long as they're here by the 23rd we're great.

Today, a second package arrived. AWESOME! So excited. We rushed home to get to work on installing the hitch. Nope. No hitch kit.

I called today. Same man I can barely understand on the phone. Said the package was already shipped and he didn't have a shipping number. After a 30 minute hold, he said he's going to "call the manufacturer again." Ok. I'm on hold again. Man comes back on the line and said our item is out of stock with the manufacturer. That Auto Anything "must have sold my item." But, 30 minutes ago at the beginning of our call, he said that he called the manufacturer and that they already shipped my item.

What. The. Heck. Man.

Then, I talked to the glorious Supervisor Frank, just as he was sitting on his throne of lies. And let me tell you, this man does not CARE about you, your money or your order. Not in the least. He's just there to answer all the complaint calls and to tell you that you're a dumbass for ordering from their company and there isn't $#*! they can do about it (or that they will do about it). He said "we sell items that are in stock."

Then, how is my item out of stock Frank?

End result? They took my money. I have no idea if or when the item will be shipped. I may get a return on my funds in 48 hours if the manufacturer releases my order. I get to pay at least $100 for last minute shipping with another company.

This site is the pits
I made the stupid mistake of ordering in brake pads from this yahoo outfit. I tried to go with Amazon but could not find my car there. So, I bought these brake pads. I finally got my car model on amazon and the price I paid on Autoanything was a whopping 40.5% higher. FOURTY PERCENT HIGHER. Amazon has free shipping with 2 day delivery and makes returns easy with no restocking charge. After waiting forever (autoanything's message always say "your call will be connected in 10 minutes". A massive joke you will sit there listening to the worst music of all time. In fact, I believe Auto Anything do this annoying music just to have you hang up. This outfit does NOT offer email, thus you are stuck on the phone visibly aging) I finally got an real person. She told me there would be another 20% "restock" charge. When I explained that amazon has vastly lower prices on the same brake pads with zero restocking charge, she basically just blathered more blather.
DO NOT BUY ANYTHING FROM THIS OUTFIT. Search and I am 100% sure you will find a much better deal somewhere else.

I have placed orders from autoanything on two occasions
I have placed orders from autoanything on two occasions. I will NEVER do that again. The first time Auto Anything shipped 80% of my order and neglected to let to know that the other 20% were not shipping for another 3 weeks until I called them wondering where my missing items were. Online it stated these items were in stock when I bought them. And then guess what, it happened again with another maybe sorta possibly 3 week wait, they couldn't be sure. I realize that stuff happens in the warehouse, but at least other parts stores let you when they are shorting the order, an estimated ship date, and maybe even do something nice for you. Autoanything does nothing, doesn't care, and can't even tell you anything more than an approximate ship time. AND their website still lists the missing parts as being in stock. Ridiculous. No other major online parts store does business in this manner. Save yourself a LONG LONG wait with no foreseeable end.

Lie about in stock items then give you the run around
On 7/30/19 I ordered floor mats for my car. There where 105 dollars. I was Auto Anything where in stock and would ship on the 31st. I then got an email 3 housr later saying that there was a delay and they would ship on the 5th. I called customer service and asked them to void the transaction or find me floor mats that where in stock. They said they can not void the transaction or transfer my money to another product. So i decidee to wait. Then on 8/5 I get an email that they order has been delayed more and it is scheduled to ship on the 13th. I called customer service again and was told if I cancel my order it will take them 2-3 business days to proccess the cancelation then 2-5 to go back onto my card. So today 8/7 I was told that they would proccess my refund today or tomorrow. I BELIEVE THAT THEY TELL YOU THAT EVERYTHING IS IN STOCK SO YOU WILL BE DETEARD FROM CANCELING SINCE THEY HAVE YOUR MONEY. I think they should have offered a discount or transfered my money to another floor mat that was really in stock.

Please save yourself the hassle and go somewhere else!
Absolutely terrible. I wish I would have seen these reviews before spending over $1k with them. I bought a Hullavator and crossbar kit in August to be able to transport a kayak. I used their online fit guide AND live chatted with a rep to double check and make sure that I had the correct parts for my vehicle and that everything would work together properly. I was assured that Auto Anything would. I ordered my kayak in September and it arrived in the beginning of October, delivered to REI. I put the fit kit and crossbars on top of my Edge. Only once I tried to install the Hullavator did I learn that the crossbars were too short and I could not attach the Hullavator. I contacted Auto Anything via live chat and the customer service rep stated that they definitely needed to exchange the crossbars even though it was out of their exchange window because it was their error. He told me that I had to call back during normal business hours and that they would take care of that. I have the chat transcript saved. So I called on Monday or Tuesday and was told that I was stuck with the crossbars that I had because I was past the exchange window. I advised them that I spoke with a rep about this via live chat and that he agreed that they should be exchanged. I asked to speak to a manager and the manager told me that they had to contract Thule to see if they could make an exception. He said it would take one or two days. It's been a week. Oh, and I had to spend $60 to rent a box truck to bring my kayak home, which was just great. I honestly just want to return everything and get my money back for everything at this point because I am so irritated with this company. I want to exchange these crossbars for the ones that are the correct fit for the hullavator at NO additional cost to me, with the exception being if the longer bars cost a little more. I will pay the difference for that, but I they need to make this right and pay for S&H. Regardless, I won't be using this place again. What poor service.

Don't do business/horrible customer service/took money but no records of order
When call was made to locate my order, there automated phones stated I'm 30 minutes out. I was on hold for just over an hour. Then I was told by sales that Auto Anything can not do location of packages so they transferred me to a different department. That department was a 3rd party answering call center that still couldn't get any answers. Was told that she would need to call the manufacture on Monday being it was a Saturday and not open. I ordered 2 items June 5th. First item was receiver hitch with a delivery date no later then June 19th, I called on the 20th and got no where as stated above. Second item said it was going to be no later then June 23rd and came early. I said I wanted to cancel order and get from somewhere else. I had other options to get it in 4 days but tried to save $10 bucks. Not worth it. I believe this company is a drop ship company only with no direct info when you need it. All third party answer call centers that don't know nothing crap!

Why tell customers that a part (denso O2 sensor) is in stock when it isn't? I ordered and Auto Anything did match the lowest price found (including shipping/taxes), so I will give them that, but 2x since then I have received 2 different emails... the first about 5 hours after ordering, saying that the shipping date has been delayed, first they pushed it back 3 days, then on the day it is supposed to ship... they send another email saying the shipping date has been pushed back another 5 days. To be perfectly honest an order being pushed back by a week isn't a big deal, however I don't trust that when that day rolls around I won't be getting another email saying the shipping date is changed again. Obviously reading the other reviews on this site, I can tell that this happens a lot... or worse they send you the wrong thing. I talked to customer service and canceled the order and then ordered from another store. I guess the moral of the story here is don't order from this store if you'd like your purchase any time soon.

Sent me a pair of warped rotors and refuse to refund the money
So on 06/24/2017 I bought a brand new pair of rotors and pads from them, and I installed in on my 2013 Camry. Right after that, my car started making a super loud noise while driving, and it felt as my car was jumping while driving. I contacted them for the return, and Auto Anything refused to refund my money and said that I did the installation wrong! I've been fixing cars for years, and changing a pair of rotors and pads are not liking swapping an engine! Anyway, I was on rush to go back to work, so I had to bring my car into a Toyota dealer during my working hours to change to OEM parts which doesn't make any noise or make my car jumps while driving right after I left the dealer. ALso, there was no breaking period for the OEM parts from Toyota while Autoanything kept saying I did the breaking period wrong! Long story short, the parts from Autoanything were defective at the beginning which caused my car making a loud noise and jumping right after I put them on, and I replaced them with OEM parts from Toyota which didn't make any noise or my car jumps at all.

Bait and switch
I ordered a cold air intake on 11/27/2019. I noticed that it was very cheap price wise compared to other sites. I called customer service to confirm that the price was in fact correct. Customer service CONFIRMED that it was the right price for the entire assembly. After placing the order, all confirmation emails indicated that it was the entire assembly. On 11/29, I received an email saying it was shipped, again confirming that the entire assembly was coming I checked the tracking number with FedEx where it indicated that it was only 2 pounds, which is way too light. I called customer service again to confirm, who then told me that it was "their bust" and that Auto Anything listed the part wrong which misled me to think that it was the entire assembly, even though I called customer service to order it.
This isn't right, I was assured that I was getting the entire assembly, they took my money, then shipped me an entirely wrong part. I even asked if they could send me a comparable cold air intake to make it right, which they won't even offer to do so.

Returned and Replaced Item
I ordered rwo Great day centerlok overhead gun racks for hunting from autoanything. The item quality and fit was not great at all. I returned the items one opened and properly re-packed and the other unopened to find out that Auto Anything wanted to charge me 15% cost on each for restocking plus $15 per shipping label. I decided to avoid the fees by doing an exchange for some Air Lift air bags and they shipped me a used item. Everything in this kit was theown in the box, nuts an bolts everywhere, scratched up brackets, and missing hardware. When I called them, they blamed it on the manufacturer. I called Airlift and they said they do not ship used Items that have been returned without refurbishing the kit. Again I contacted Auto Anything and am awaiting a call from the manager that has yet to happen for two days now. This company is trash, do not waste your time. Use Real Truck, I have had no issues.

Promise dates and more promise dates, where does it...
Promise dates and more promise dates, where does it end? Order entered on 12/14/14 and PayPal immediately charged. Ship date was set at 12/18/14-12/23/14. I received no notification of shipping and emailed an inquiry. I was told that the ship date is scheduled for 12/23/14. Well that date past and Auto Anything said that issues beyond their control caused the ship date to move to 12/29/14. Then on 12/30/14 they advised that the order from one of the items would be 1/9/15 and the other item was 2/5/15. I canceled the order and it will take 5-7 business days for a refund. Wow, Auto Zone has trained these people well, but at least I have the option of avoiding this on line vendor and to avoid any purchases from Auto Zone. Auto Zone is the closest of the 3 auto suppliers in my area, but I will drive the 1.5 miles additional to pass on the business. I am in transportation at a major supplier and if I made promises like this I would be signing up for unemployment after my next pay check. Thank you for making my wife's Christmas a total disappointment.

There Mistake but I pay
I purchased a set of running boards for my truck and was sent damaged boards and Auto Anything were the wrong ones.So I called several time and they finally sent another set out. But they were the wrong ones again.So I called several times and told them the right running board # to send me, and they want me to sent the good set back that doesn't fit my truck and give me a refund for 513.00 but I paid 546.00. Isn't that great, I was dealing with idiots for 2 months and got a major run around which they said it was there fault, No Kidding, but they want me to find a 8ft box and send them back. I live in a apartment and don't have the room to store a 8ft box.So to sum it up I deal with idiots for 2 months, spend more of my time to repack and ship there mistake back to them so I can be refunded 30.00 less. I will never buy a thing from these idiots again. Beware unless you have time and money.

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Auto Anything Rating

Based on 50 reviews from Auto Anything customers, company has accumulated an average rating of 1 stars, indicating that majority of customers are not satisfied with its service.
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Description: America's Leading Auto Accessories Company:

Address: 92111


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