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50 customer reviews of

The moderator laurenercsp6fpli.
Moderator, laurenercsp6fpli, won't leave me alone. She has deleted over 3 of my answers in the same hour. This leads me to believe she took down one of my answers for a logical reason but then proceeded to go to my profile, look through ALL of my answers, and take more down. I'm sure she had a reason to take down one, but not to go to my profile and take down more. I have moderated for many sites before and understand having to take down mistakes, but upon looking over the answers she took down, Brainly didn't apply at all to the reasons she took them down. For example; Someone asked what the best way to answer the questions to an article. Said person didn't mention any specific questions. I responded with something along the lines of "Look back at the text! Looking back in the text and finding statements that you can back up with supporting evidence is the best way to answer questions on an article." Of course, this got taken down for not being helpful.

I don't think she deserves to lose her job or anything, but she definitely isn't doing her job RIGHT.

It's horrible 1st of all because most people might use this for cheating on tests(I don't) and whatnot since people always give the answers. 2nd people will answer the stupidest answers and Brainly get points for doing that. 3rd people always use the site for other things like inappropriate stuff and other things and the questions won't get removed. 4th and last of all when you ask questions some people will randomly report your question for no f reason and I even got a warning just for a simple math question what the f.

Insulting website that wants you to pay for services it doesn't provide
Brainly can be really useful, but it's also insulting garbage that thinks you're stupid enough to buy into its subscription bull$#*!.

On Brainly, the people who give the answers are mainly students. Nobody on the site, at least from what I can tell, is a verified expert. These answers are from students who are not mutually affiliated with Brainly in any way. In that respect, Brainly is essentially a message board. Message boards are usually free to use by anyone.

Except this one wants you to pay to use that message board, otherwise it's going to block the answers behind a bunch of $#*!ty ads. The answers that the site isn't providing. The answers that don't come from experts in the fields. What a lazy, greedy, trashy company. Brainly can't even be bothered to put the effort in providing services that warrant it being paid, such as answers that actually come from verified experts. Yes, there is such thing as "verified" answers on the site, verified by "Brainly experts," but I must ask, who are these experts? I have had "verified" answers be incorrect as well. So I wouldn't always put a lot of trust into that.

Brainly can work, but it's also very faulty. It's entirely possible to get a wrong answer from someone. If the site didn't force you to pay a subscription in order to use it without wanting to blow your head off, I would be fine with that. But no. These greedy pricks want all the money without putting any work into anything. $#*!s.

Good website, but annoying
It's a great website to get the answers to your questions, there's always many people on the website so you'll probably get a question of yours answered relatively fast, that's one of the positives for Brainly. However, I'd say that's where the positive side of the website stops, while it gets the job done (your questions answered), it prevents you from seeing answers if you're 1. Incognito, it's a bit irritating, and asks you to make an account, so I simply do that to evade it then. 2. after you search for two questions, it asks you to unlock a 7 day free trial. Why do I need to buy answers? Shouldn't questions just be answered on the spot? Brainly do provide the alternative for it, which is watching ads to unlock your answers BUT I WATCHED THE 30 SECOND AD and my answer wouldn't be unlocked despite me clicking on it and only redirected me up to the top answer saying I should unlock Brainly plus. The only reason I even bothered with Brainly is because there's more answers available on it then another service I use with less people.

Bad website
This website was good earlier but now it forces everyone to download their app and then only we can see the answers. Also 65% of its answers are wrong so you can't fully rely on the answers on their app therefore, there's no profit of even downloading the app. I'll will not suggest this app for the use. Because you can't force anyone to download your app. Either you remove your website or let the children see answers on the website without downloading it. It is very irritable when you can't see answer in the website. Please do something about it.

It's okay (but still pretty bad)
The amount of ads and the amount of money this site wants you to pay and view is ANNOYING and just downright stupid. Especially with the answers. Sometimes the answers are right, but 50% of the time they're wrong. And you have to watch an ad to get an answer? IT'S EVERY SINGLE TIME. At first it was bearable, but now its just too overwhelming. So basically, use this site if you're ok with an overbearing amount of ads, fake answers, and overall bad time.

Brainly will not refund you. Brainly often do not get the answers that you want, yet they get your money. The problem (or good thing for them) is that they have a gimmick that does attract people (especially during a pandemic).

However, if you ever have a problem, they will not give you the respect of a person who chooses to spend their hard earned money on their services.

Bottom line, don't do it... Don't use or pay Brainly.

I hate this website i was stuck on few math problems and i needed help, Brainly kept telling me "pay" when a kid or anyone is trying to get help HELP THEM. I failed my quiz because of brainly I can say that they help you A LOT and they explain very well but you seriously need to pay when a anybody is just trying to get help?!? What if it was you who didn't have money? And my friend said that he got it and PAYED for it and the website still didn't give him answers.

Does not help!
There is good and bad news about brainly. Good news: if you manage to sign up then people give you OK answers to your question.The bad news is: it does not let you sign up on (use instead) and people use it as some sort of online forum like Twitter. All the questions are either in a foriegn language or are a message to someone. I have spotted multiple links to Google Meet and people have even created their own code language to send private comments to each other. Other people say it's like a dating website and they're true!

Moderators Who Suck at Their Job & Bad Points System
Do moderators of Brainly "work" for free or something? Why are Brainly so bad? Moderators abusing their power is still a thing of the present after months and months. Yet Brainly is seemingly doing nothing about it. An example of bull$#*! things they do on a regular basis is deleting A LOT valid answers/questions. I also see many wrong answers that I KNOW moderators see, and do nothing about it. In some cases, I was able to find the right answer. So I posted it knowing it's correct with intentions to help others. Unsurprisingly, within a day or two it gets deleted by a mod. Mods who delete my answers will usually snoop around my account and delete more of my valid questions/answers. I tried to contact Brainly about these things but they were very unhelpful. Another thing, the points system in Brainly really sucks. It basically encourages people to answer questions without trying. Which is why I get so many answers that are literally gibberish. All they want are the free points. Allowing 2 people to answer is often useless as well. Just about every time I go to a question, the second answer copies the first one. Again, all they want is the free points. Great job Brainly team.

I would rate it zero stars if I could. Let's start with this: it has the potential to be a great website but no. Every time i ask a question no one ever answers it correctly so there's no point. Even "verified" answers are incorrect. Also, someone told me to be a verified answer so I applied 4 times and Brainly never got back to me. Ok so it wouldn't let me sign into my account and my password was correct. I ALWAYS say sorry we can't complete your registration at this time. UGGGG

Worst App Ever
This is the worst app I've ever had.
First of all, people spread span there, posting rubbish.
And if you really have doubt all the answers given are wrong and people add their answers just for getting points not for helping people.
Plus most of the do not answer in a proper language and use slangs.
If you even thinking of just trying this app then you are going to regret it once you have read the question or got an answer to your question.
Other apps like Topper, Doubtnut etc. are far better.
So all in all this is the worst app ever.

Literally terrible
Brainly is a terrible place if you are young and want to learn more. It is filled with simps who send google meet links and other inappropriate stuff (when I say inappropriate, I really mean it). Many questions will receive an answer within a few minutes, most of them will be inapplicable answers. It is a common practice as answering will get you points. Brainly don't even check the authenticity of answers.

Moving on, if you wish to answer questions, this is no-go zone See medias attached for detailed references.

Absolutely Terrible
This Website is TERRIBLE! I suggest NOT to Sign up on Brainly OR purchase Brainly Plus. Brainly Are REALLY good at scamming kids into buying brainly plus when It doesn't help at all. I was sadly one of those people that bought it and they still LIMITED my answers. I emailed them and asked them to cancel my subscription and they said they would and that I'd get a refund. They DID cancel my subscription but never gave me the refund. They also promise 15 free answers a day if you sign up? Right? Well my friend used up those 15 questions one day and STILL TO THIS DAY has no more free answers- this was a month ago. There are a LOT of scammers on there too! Like- I know, brainly doesn't control them, but I WATCHED A WHOLE AD AND ONLY GOT "Mark me as brainliest please" and it really pissed me off. I Would NOT USE this website, and I highly advise you stay away from it!

Terrible customer service
My phone broke and had to purchase a new phone. U would think all I would have to do is download app and login... nope. I sent a email requesting for it to be fixed from the email linked to the account I purchased it under. Brainly claim I didn't have a PayPal under that email. Sent a screenshot of the transaction and it still wasn't enough. 7 days 6 emails still waiting for a solution on a 25$ purchase for an app that only helps 65% of the time. The app itself could be awesome with a few tweaks customer service needs a complete makeover! Like seriously they need a big meeting! Think twice before you download this company needs some work...

Has Potential, But Needs VAST Improvement.
The site allows you about two free answers daily. After those two answers are used, Brainly will place 30-second ads, sometimes double ads, on upcoming answers. After a few of those ad-powered answers, it just blurs the answer. If you want answers anytime, you will have to pay $2-3 USD every month.
Some of the moderators are unreasonable and harsh. For example, I reported an answer that violated the Honor Code, as it was copied STRAIGHT from Google. That answer was both marked brainliest and soon after my report, expert verified. I was very frustrated. One of MY answers was taken down by a moderator named "Katie" because it "violated community guidelines" when it absolutely DID NOT. I looked through the community guidelines and honor code and I found absolutely nothing against my answer. It was a simple statement that came without explanation, just like some other answers on the site. It did not have any language, statements of negative intent, plagiarism, etc. There is also a particular moderator named "JonHenderson55" who has been described as "unprofessional." I agree. This moderator gave me a warning- which others can see on your profile- for answering someone's question with a quote from another question. I wanted to help and I was not aware that this violated community guidelines. His removing my comment was reasonable, but a full-on warning for something I didn't know was against the guidelines? I think a warning should be given to someone who has SERIOUSLY and intentionally violated guidelines. He also deletes a majority of comments under his answers.
Even former moderators have warned against relying on this site.

Overall, I believe that Brainly has potential because it serves as a friendly, safe hub for students alike to help others.
However, this site seems to rely a lot on the students answering questions rather than the moderators and "experts" verifying answers. I like that there is a voting system so you can see which answer is the most credible, but to me $2-3 a month for student answers is not worth it.

Paying for Education
I am a 16-year-old student in Florida trying to get some help in math and science. I thought Brainly would be a good website until the ads showed up. Brainly is loaded with a crap ton of ads and promotions. For almost every question you have to go to, it will give you a 30-second ad and then another one about Brainly Plus. Brainly even have a button that says "Ask your parents" as if they are a credit card. If I had my own company for teaching students new things I wouldn't put a price on their own damn education. This just shows how much low effort Brainly used on their website. Nobody on their team has the option to solve answers directly, but instead, they need the customers and guests to answer the questions for them. Most of the time the answers are right, but the company's greed is unbelievable.

It's not brainly its the users
Pretty sure the photo says it all. The users on brainly are ridiculous and don't understand that the people like me were there for our education and to succeeded not for them to go around acting like their sh*t doesn't stink. Recently the users use the app as if its a dating site or a meme page when it isn't. You can report people on brainly but that's about it. There's no penalty or anything that can stop idiots like the one in the screenshot. Nothing good comes out of a scam so don't get this app if you want serious answers. An Honest Review.
Ah yes, good ol' Brainly. It's a good website; I get a lot of my answers from here and I also answer other people's questions as well, and it has helped me get through the majority of the 2020-2021 school year, especially since I'm doing virtual school now instead of in-person learning due to the current crisis, and my grades have significantly improved ever since. However, in some instances, whenever I ask a question and I give it a lot of points (which can range between let's say 40-100 points), it can get quite interesting.
I asked a question regarding the drama "Antigone" (which is what I'm learning about for my English class), I decided to be generous and gave the question 100 points (which means that two people can answer the question and Brainly both get 50 points). I got an answer from one person that said "idk but good luck". Of course, as soon as I read it, I reported the answer and it got taken down shortly afterwards. But that same person re-answered my question by saying "I might be able to answer this but I am not sure." Then another person answered my question, and the answer they gave was very detailed. I was going to mark their answer as Brainliest, until I copied their answer to my clipboard and pasted it to my Google search bar, and I got a pleasant surprise; the answer they gave me was from Wikipedia, and we all know how teachers are about Wikipedia.
Of course, I wasn't really surprised about my experience. I mean it's the internet after all. It was quite obvious that they both answered my question for the sole purpose of obtaining 50 points. I just want to say that If you want a good answer from Brainly, you kinda have to cross your fingers and hope you get lucky enough to get a good answer instead of some troll that just wants points. But at the same time, be sure to not use up a lot of points for a question (like I did) because that will increase your chances of getting unhelpful answers.
The thing is, if you use a little bit of points to ask a question, it has higher chances of being ignored and left unanswered, but if you use a lot points to ask a question, you'll get answers, but most of the time it's just people who'll give you an unhelpful answer for the points.
In conclusion, the website has good intentions, but the users on this website are kind of a problem. So just be aware of what this website's users have to offer.

I would give 0 stars if possible. DO NOT USE.
I attempted to use Brainly to help me with an online class I was taking, one answer every 30 minutes was annoying so I signed up for the "7 day free trial" Brainly took my card information and then the screen kept loading for an hour so I gave up and closed it. I received an email saying that everything was processed, but then I wasn't able to use the free trial. The site didn't even recognize that I had signed up for it. Yet I received an email saying I was going to be charged. Looking for help, I contacted them via a reply to the confirmation email they sent me because 1. They don't have a phone number and 2. Their online help desk never responded to me. I received one email back asking for more information and saying that the problem would be fixed. I sent the information, no response. So now, the website won't even recognize my email in their system. I got the app and was able to sign in without a problem. But, YOU CAN'T CANCEL YOUR SUBSCRIPTION ON THE APP. Not to mention their website crashes anytime you even think about accessing your account to cancel your subscription. I have responded to every email they sent me hoping for another response, and submitted more requests via their website. No response. DO NOT USE BRAINLY.

Good idea, but people are $#*!ing stupid
People half the time don't even $#*!ing answer the question and $#*! like this happens frequently, just use

I $#*!ing paid premium for this $#*!


Oh boy. Oh boy. Let me tell you all a STORY.

Here I am, doing my work, asking a question, then I get a notification to pick which answer on a question I DESPERATELY need and I click on it. And it's gone.

The mods deleted it.

The reason section is blank.

$#*! this website. Use

Don't Reccomend
The moderators are annoying. I understand that Brainly are only trying to keep in the good answers but this is what made me mad. Okay so I am in Geometry class and I used this website to help me with my homework. And I put my questions in and submitted it. And I put it as the topic of Geometry since I am in Geometry class. And I kid you not 2 days later they got deleted. And the questions didn't ever get answered which also sucks. I apparently put them under the wrong topic. Now why on God's green earth would it not be Geometry? In Geometry you learn Geometry! And questions never really get answered that often. And if they are they are either wrong or answered when the homework or assigment is already turned in. I couldn't find the work nor image of the problem that I had asked to prove that it was in fact Geometry related stuff but when I do, I will make sure to add it on here. In general I don't reccomend getting this unless you want a incorrect answer or to have your problem answered in 2 days or more. You may get better luck than me on there, who knows. I don't think the general concept of the website is a bad idea, I just think they should choose better moderators rather than people who have answered the most questions and gotten them right apparently. That doesn't make a good moderator. And it is annoying that they have points on here when you answer or make questions. That is going to prompt people to answer it but that doesn't mean they will get it correct. I would remove that if I were them. scam of bullies!
JonHenderson55 is plagiarising work himself. Therefore, he is feeling guilty and accusing the innocent of his own actions. This PUNK needs to be charged with defamation of character, It is a shame that has little girls like this behind the scenes. JonHenderson55 is very unprofessional and unethical. Perhaps even a disgrace to the human race. This PUNK doesn't have anything better to do than to harass people. My advice to anyone going to is to stay away from this corrupted, lying, and cheating organization. Good luck!

As a moderator on Brainly, I can attest to the low quality answers.
I have been a moderator on Brainly for quite some time now. Brainy used to be a decent homework help site. Now it's absolutely garbage. As I've had to moderate answers, I can tell you that most answers are just random guesses by people trying to get points. A lot of the questions asked are by bots that ask one question. Now Brainly requires your to pay to view low-quality answers. Which is absolutely ridiculous. As a moderator, I say to steer clear. Try other websites such as or

Brainly provide much better help (and not random users guessing to get points) and don't charge you money.

Brainly has changed a lot, and unfortunately it wasn't for the best. I'm not sure why they needed to charge money when they get so much grant funding. Perhaps it's greed.

Well, it has its perks, but the moderators suck.
So Im gonna start off by saying that i used to love Brainly, but now, it sucks. I have enough points, so I dont have to pay (and If you help other people with questions, you dont have to pay either) but its the moderators and customer support that is annoying me. The moderators are so picky about what is posted, and Brainly delete so much stuff. I have read their policy on posting and answering questions, and loads of questions that are deleted are allowed, but removed for no reason. I have reached out a couple times to moderators and Brainly staff, but they never reply back. They always ignore feedback. I suppose there are good parts on there, but the moderators have ruined the site. I get they have a job, but lots of them are abusing their powers, or doing things that arent allowed (liek plagiarizing answers). So I guess I like brainly, because I can get a good amount of help, but just watch out for the mods.

$#*!ing useless
What a piss poor $#*!ing site. It promises answers but 9 times out of 10 no one answers my $#*!ing questions unless theyre easy asf, any question remotely difficult is ignored until its sinks to the bottom never to be $#*!ing seen again. And the site is filled with $#*!s desperate for those $#*!ty points that are mandatory to ask questions, so Brainly give you bull$#*! answers. And thats not even going into the lonely 12 year olds asking for a date on $#*!ING BRAINLY of all sites, goddamn. I got my hopes up thinking this would help me out with my homework but boy was i $#*!ing wrong. My hopes were dashed and my time was wasted. Bad site all around, youre better off going on reddit and asking your questions on one of them homework help subreddits. Jesus $#*!ing christ, what an atrocity of a website.

The website started off as a good idea to help others... i used it a lot to try and help others with things Brainly didn't understand, but f u c k i n g brainly moderators had the F U C K I N G audacity to mass delete my answers to questions which I spent hours to help others with. Their moderators are abusing others by deleting legitimate answers to questions whilst they are ignoring the B U L L S H I T others put on the website. I'm never going back onto this website, it was a waste of time I'm never going to get back. F U C K YOU BRAINLY YOU DUMB PIECE OF S H I TS

Brainly is a Question Answer site.
Brainly makes you complete captcha's over and over again, over 5 times sometimes.
Also brainly made me get a 20 on school work, I was asking for help, and Brainly gave the wrong stuff. Good thing I could retake it a few times.
Brainly is a sucky site I would not recommend using.
Also, some people just use brainly to talk when they are bored, and sometimes they are really rude and just post random stuff for an answer because they want the points, and I report them, but brainly does nothing about it. I think one star is reasonable for this site. STAY AWAY FROM BRAINLY.COM

Think twice about letting your children use it after reading this QnQ haha sounds like click bait
FAT EDIT: i changed it to 2 stars because the website has a good concept for its existence but the people on there are toxic
I saw another review and i thought to edit this saying that the users on brainly are the problem, not necessarily the website k bye tEEhEE: 3))
Everything wrong with this website (almost everything):
"u should say that um peeps dont deserve other people to answer their questions because Brainly should be smart enoug to do it themself"
"It's actually pretty good but some people are just a little... um you get the idea."
And this was the request I posted on brainly originally:
I'm writing a review on and I need suggestions on what I should say. By the way, I'm giving this website a 1 star. I want to include the fact that people are trying to get others into a meeting with them on a website that has children on it.
Yes, you read that last part correctly. I am a bLeEp-year-old child trying to retrieve help on a website where there are adults trying to get others into their meetings. These adults encourage CHILDREN to show their bodies on camera.
Other problems with this website:
People spread their personal information on here (address, socials, etc.).
Not everyone is willing to come up with a proper answer (ex: many only answer questions for the "points" they will earn after).
MANY and when i say many i mean MMMMMMAAAAAANNNNNNYYYYYY people post questions like these:
"ooof im bored, anyone wanna talk.-."
"anyone got padlet?" [padlet is a social media platform]
"Hi everyone here are some free points!"
"Zoom meeting in progress my sister is waiting right now. Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: ### #### #### Passcode: ######"
The id and passcode were removed on purpose btw (0-0').

Brainly is a good but sometimes annoying website.
I usually use Brainly when I get stuck on a hard answer and my teacher isn't is the call and my mom forgets how to solve the answer. Brainly works some of the time but when I have a specific answer, brainly says that there is no solution to it and if I wanted to make one, I'd had to sign up first and send the post. You'd think I'd knew how to sign into a website, but almost every time I used my personal email or my school email, it always says that the services are down and I can't make an account. I don't know if Brainly themselves permanently shut their service or that I can't sign in with both my school account and my personal account.

Also another fact is that everytime I look up an answer it says that I have to watch two 1 minute ads (sometimes 3), In which I kinda get it because Brainly doesn't want other kids to look up the answer instead of actually learning. But about 97% of the time it always does that, and it rarely lets me look at the answer without watching two 1 minute ads, and it gets annoying very quickly if you aren't actually cheating

However, I'm glad this website exist because like I said, it helps me figure out hard questions that aren't found in other websites, but again it's a good but sometimes annoying website.

-Cason Pilman, 6th Grade Student

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Based on 50 reviews from Brainly customers, company has accumulated an average rating of 1 stars, indicating that majority of customers are not satisfied with its service.
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Description: Brainly is the place to learn, for students, by students. The world? ۪s largest social learning network, and our Brainly app bring high school and middle school students together to make learning outside the classroom highly engaging, effecti...

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