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50 customer reviews of

Horrible experience
Brainly charge me $25 for a subscription that I never signed up for. I'm on the fact that they charge me a week well they said it was a free trial. So I can email them with the confusion of why I got charged $25 to my credit card and I got no email back for a week and then after week they just asked me more questions about my account I told them that when I logged into my account it said I had no active subscriptions so pretty much they took my money and left it at that so I then emailed them for not the third time but the fourth time and I insisted on them situating my problem or I was gonna go to my bank and I was going to get A refund to my bank because I was unauthorized charge on my card of $25 and it's absolutely just ridiculous that they don't reply to the emails and there's such bad customer service representatives. I would never ever ever ever ever use this website again I would not trust it with your credit card and I would most definitely not trust the customer service to handle your issues.

Parental warning!
This site is a sexual grooming site! Brainly got their claws into my daughter! Someone pretending to be members of the kpop band BTS was communicating with her on a chat thread. They told her they could only talk in the early morning hours between 12:00-5:00AM because that is when it's daytime in Korea. They did the usual grooming, asking questions about her looks, age and saying how she was special and pretty. They said she was hot. They said that age wasn't a thing to them because it was only a number. They only way I found out about it was when I woke up in the middle of the night and found her asleep with her laptop turned on on her lap with the chat room open. Parents beware!

Worse Website Ever
Brainly blocked me for using their site while I was giving their site much needed traffic. I'm sure Brainly don't read reviews because the staff is up themselves, but the amount of ads they have to put on their website just to stay open is hilarious. Quizlet is a far better alternative which simply allows you to create an account for limitless access to information. Brainly charges big bucks to use their excuse of an educational website.

Trash and unfair asf
This website is literally trash. Imagine trying to make people pay a minimal amount so Brainly can get help on an assignment lmfao you crazy asf. Thought brainly was literally for helping but after 1 ad i be getting this "30 mOrE miNuTEs TiLL yOuR nExT fReE qUeStiOn" BS. Even with different accounts brainly still finds a way to make you wait 30 minutes lmao. A WHOLE separate account different information and anything. Yeah aight brainly. I'm not even gonna bother trying brainly plus cuz apparently that's a scam too. Brainly's probably out here making up all these positive reviews on their site because there's NO WAY this site gets real incredible reviews so much lmfao. Anyway yeah the websites garbage, thanks for not helping me on my assignments brainly, i forgot that's not what your website is for

This site it $#*!
You cant see a good 87% of the answers to the exact question you asked without having a big ass add in the way and if you press skip so you can just watch a video the video will never load and it takes off the total amount of questions you have for the day when that happens so you never get your answer I recommend going to if you want a good site to get answers on

I know now that most students are sitting at home and most of them will be online most of the time on their classes provided by their schools or own learning platforms like this or like many others. The access each one of them has to give meeting codes and to do anything online has increased without parent's attention. I am sorry to say this brainly was my favourite app till now. After the pandemic started I hate myself to go to that site because it is full of blunders like join that meeting join this meeting, here is the meeting code, only girls join etc... and whatnot. This platform has become the worst. It has a very high place in the daily education of a child among millions. It is the best app and no one created such a wonderful app. I really want to say this, because of this it's gonna be worst. Thank you and I hope all of this would change

Questions being deleted...
I asked a perfectly normal question and i got deleted by the site 2 min after! Like what the heck!
This was my question:
Read through the different plants that were found. Name 2 of them and explain the story that went along with each plant. PLEASE HELP MEEEE.
And it said this was the freaking reason:
I'm sorry for not being able to help you more on this but this kind of contents are not allowed ߷߷
Like wtc

Don't Waste Your Time
Don't waste your time. Asking a question on Brainly will just get you a bunch of people saying "idk just here for the points" or giving you a dumb answer that's completely wrong and they'll then ask you to mark it brainiest. The moderators are absolute garbage, and delete legitimate answers for no reason. The only useful feature of this website is searching up answers for already asked questions. But if your question isn't there, you're out of luck. There's probably about 6 people on the entire site who are above the age of 11 and are actually going to try to help you. Also, answering questions makes it so you don't have to pay to see answers, so don't bother giving your money to this $#*!hole. Might as well just become one of the people responding for points. The moderators will delete your answer either way.

The ads and the inaccuracy
I've been using brainly for a while now and there is one thing that is constantly a problem. I'm doing a test and I use brainly on every question. I end up getting a 60% and I spend 20 minutes watching stupid ads. If you're gonna make us sit through and watch 30 seconds of ads for every question just to give us an answer that isn't right 40% of the time, it just isn't worth it. I also find it ironic how Brainly are saying be honorable and your teachers will love you if you use this. My teachers would fail me if they knew how often I use this stupid website. Also you're honorable policy is a waste of time so just stop trying. Also your honorable policy is making people not use brainly, therefore losing you money because not as many people are watching your stupid ads. Basically, this website might seem like it's a good website at first look but once you get down to it you guys are just penny pinching liars that steal our time and give us wrong answers.

THE worst!
1. I hate Brainly. Every time I ask a question, people just say "don't know. Thanks for the free points tho and mark ME Brainliest." It's annoying.

2. I actually got sexually assaulted on Brainly. I'm 12 and the guy who sexually assaulted me is 19. I feel disgusted because I thought it was supposed to be a learning environment. But I guess I was wrong.

3. People are sending links to "hot and s*xy girls" google meetings and stuff.

What every you do, do NOT get Brainly. It's not worth it. Trust me. If I can give this website 0 stars, trust me, I would.

Very unfair, I honestly wouldn't recommend using it
When people need extra help is great to go on brainly until you search up more than 2 subjects or questions and by the third you either get bombarded with useless ads or asked to pay money. Its not like the people at brainly are the ones teaching us. Its the people who use the website that do the work. So technically, since Brainly aren't doing anything, they shouldn't be asking for money. The people posting the answers and the helpful advice should be the ones getting paid if anything. If you ask me its a selfish move.

Trash greedy website making me have to use dev console to rip answers out of website data
This website has pushed me to the limits, with attempting squeeze money out of you for answers for questions. I should not have to take steps such as going through the page elements to find the answer in the scripts of the website. An easy reliable way to find your answer to your question is to press left control + shift + i while on the question you wish to answer. Then click on the right side of your screen (the elements of the website) then press left control + f and a search box will appear on the elements, paste "Upvotecount" into the search box, there is your questions answered.

I gave this a 1 star because most of the questions that i ask dont even have a answer! In i type in my question and Brainly give me another question when i didnt ask that question. They let people who dont even know the answer, answer the question and it really wastes my time. Also i dont even know why this cost money this website sucks. Also these people think this website is to play. And they just answer questions to get free points to level up.

Ads, ads, restrictive, just bad.
When I say just bad, it means mainly that sometimes the answers will be just flat out WRONG and in general, there's too much crap on the sides of the screen, ads ads and more ads. If you try and get more than ONE answer I think every day, then you have to watch an ad. But today, I got on it for one answer, and then the second time, I needed to do some "interactive ad" BS that didn't even work and it was literally a white screen I was looking at for 30 seconds. Then after that, I HAD TO WATCH ANOTHER 30 SECOND AD, BUT I COULDN'T FAST FORWARD IT.

Constant self - promotion and abused by cheaters
As others have stated before, is a thoughtful website that attempts to engage students and assist with their learning, yet the constant self - promotion and paywalls are quite ridiculous. Users should NEVER have their right to learn valuable information denied simply because Brainly do not pay a website. I was once even stuck on a Lysol advertisement that wanted me to complete a puzzle.

While me and others use to better grasp our source material and better understand our learning, this service is poorly moderated and abused by cheaters. Cheating does not help others learn, and Brainly is partially responsible for this type of behavior because they do not have real guidelines or standards enforced. should allow students to access UNLIMITED information without having to pay them, and instead like Quizlet, use their "Plus" service to allow benefits, not simply lock away valuable information.

For the meantime, students should check out more reliable websites like

Downright Terrible
This is not a good place to study, ask questions, or help others. There are lots of inappropriate language, terrible answers, and lots of judgement. When you ask a question, only few take you seriously. Some just answer with incomplete answers just to earn points. You can't even do anything besides reporting them. Can't delete the answers or tell them to stop. If you're lucky, you may be able to get some answers, but overall, not a good site to get answers.

Brainly is not a good app.
First of all Brainly does not give accurate answers. A lot of the answers I got of of Brainly gave me bad grades. A lot of Brainly users are rude and careless. I have had a lot of times where I would give users correct answers and Brainly would be rude and use rude words and tell me I didnt explain it good. There are a lot of pedophiles and creeps on brainly which is frankly not safe at all because a lot of kids use brainly for school work. Brainly users do not use Brainly for the right purpos. Some brainly users use it as a social app and not what its real purpos is. Therfore brainly is a TERRIBLE app.

Avoid at all costs
It should be clear now that your data is marketable. In other words if something is 'free', then you are the product. The only possible use I can find for Brainly, is that it serves as a stark and cautionary illustration of this.

Users are asked to sign up using Facebook or Google. This is immediately a red flag. This suggests collusion between Brainly and those unscrupulous entities to whom your data is a commodity.

The site itself is a zoo. Anyone no matter their lack of qualifications can answer questions.

If you sign up and answer questions, then Google and FB have access to your search history and other preferences.

My only regret here is that there is no option to give zero stars, or 'minus' stars.

The most horrible and desperate site I've ever been on.
1. The users are terrible. Whenever you ask a question that you want a real answer on, Brainly go on there and type things like "no", "nfieurqgjoiewnlrhirfuqemiu", "sorry, I don't know", and "*nothing*". Fun fact, answering is optional! If you don't know, don't answer! It's THAT simple! All they want are stupid points and they don't care if you need help. And the second person just waits for the first person to answer, then copies them. Also, the questions they ask. They ask if you want to go on a Zoom call with them and they put a code and either put "GIRLS ONLY!", "BOYS ONLY" or "I'M A GIRL". Who in the world goes on a Zoom call with a stranger? And WHO CARES if you are a girl? What, do you want a boyfriend? Because I haven't heard of ANYONE who tries to online date on a school site, not to mention the disgusting boys I've met on there (plus you could be talking to an 11-year-old who says they're 17).

2. The moderators and the verified users. Whoever made Brainly probably got all of their friends and invited them to become a moderator or verified user. Do you know how there are verified answers? Even THEY are wrong. I've come across many verified answers, and they were at least 1 or 2 stars. And for the moderators, they like to abuse their power to a level higher than the highest level. When you answer a question, and it's a real answer with a good explanation, they delete it. And if you ask a real question, NOT SPAM, they delete it. If you write a question exposing them, they'll delete it asap. So if you contact them, you'll never get a response.

3. The dumb ads. There are so many ads on there that block some of the questions. If you're not a part of the website (a user), then they'll blur the answer and ask you to watch ads. After you watch the ad and you accidentally click on a user profile and go back, the answer is blurred again so you have to watch more ads. And the website literally BEGS you to join premium so they can take your money with no refunds. When you use an ad-blocker, a message pops up saying something along the lines of "We noticed you're using an ad blocker. We know, you didn't come here for ads. But enabling ads helps us give you more access to Brainly! Please consider whitelisting us!" and there's a button, "YES, I'LL WHITELIST BRAINLY NOW". "Helps us give you more access to Brainly", huh. It doesn't change a thing with or without ads. You just want more money. So the notification keeps popping up on the top of the screen, but you'll get used to it.

4. How desperate are they for money? A lot. More than the word itself. Here are the ways they attempt to persuade you. Number one, they keep hassling you to join premium every single time they make you watch an ad. Two, they want you to disable your ad blocker so that they can get that "ka-ching"! Three, if you join premium and cancel soon after, you don't get a refund so they just take your cash and get on with it. Four, they try to be "relatable" in their ads with their tone of voice and word choice.

Don't use the website. Don't download the app. Don't get premium. And lastly, just don't do Brainly. It's like selling your soul to the devil, as another reviewer said. This is all by my experience, but if you want to use it, that's all on you.

Utterly $#*!ed
First question.
Why does this even exist? It's literally just a way for some kid who wants to avoid their work and not get smart to go online, type in a question, and immediately get the answer.
Second question.
The site is way too easy to "hack" or trick into thinking you are answering a question, but just typing a random phrase long enough to be seen as an answer, and you still earn the points.
Third question.
Who even thought of the site and why?

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Brainly Rating

Based on 50 reviews from Brainly customers, company has accumulated an average rating of 1 stars, indicating that majority of customers are not satisfied with its service.
Overall satisfaction rating

Description: Brainly is the place to learn, for students, by students. The world? ۪s largest social learning network, and our Brainly app bring high school and middle school students together to make learning outside the classroom highly engaging, effecti...

Address: 79 Madison Avenue, 10016


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