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Reviews Relationships, Dating Cupid

50 customer reviews of

One star only because there is no choice for ')' or...
One star only because there is no choice for ')' or 'minus' This site is a complete rip off. The woman start contacting you BEFORE you have a photo or description up. Ok, so maybe that is a mass mailing.
BUT once you start talking to them, Cupid all want to have cyber sex or take you to their site. BUT they are too shy to meet AND they don't really answer your replies, they just direct you to sex chat. ODDEST thing was, I had 3 of them in the same day use the very same very rare slang word!

Then when I said 'tell me your name and if you can meet me sometime or do you just want to cyber sex', they all had a very similiar 'got to go' standard response.

I have called my bank and had my debit card cancelled, before they do what i have read on the other reviews... OVER CHARGE.


Changed my mind about online dating
Originally, I thought that online dating would be tricky but it really wasn't. I found that joining took no time at all and when I eventually started using the service, I was able to meet new people every day.
One of the most useful features for me was the matchmaking service. I loved the fact that the site took care of some of the hard work for me by recommending singles who live in my area! I would say that users should think about their membership because online dating is not going to change your life overnight. Therefore, I would advise them to sign up for longer as it will make things easier.

I stumbled upon this website through facebook and i...
I stumbled upon this website through facebook and i think its a pretty cool site where u definately meet real people offcourse for a small membership fee which is quite acceptable.the only thing u should be aware of is cam models who also create a fake profile and then will rip u off by asking ur card details on the links she sends so please avoid that people. The only drawback this site has is Cupid have some sister companies like girlsdateforfree and adultfriendfinder and all whichh has almost the same members u have on cupid so doesnt make sense becoming a member on those site.

On this site i was continually inindated with letters...
On this site i was continually inindated with letters from the immigration scammers but on one occasion i had a letter from a british man who i was wary thinking he was an immigration scammer but after 3 weeks of spending time everyday with him and giving him my email and eventually allowing him on my facebook page he started asking for money at first it was a donation for a widow of a man that was accidently killed at his industrial site which i sent 178.00 canadian for and then one week later he sent me a request for 85,000 dollars to pay his taxes so he could leave britain and come to canada. I refused and asked him to send me a copy of his passport so i knew his real identity and he sent me a forged copy of the passport the deges of the pic were visible and the writing was so blurry i couldn`t read it but when i zoomed in it wasn`t even ihis name on the thing. I wrote immediately to cupid on saturday and didn`t hear back wrote them again yesterday and Cupid said nothing could be done so i threatened them with police action and finally they said they would investigate and remove his profile but it is still there as of now. My point is if he were on the street i could have him charged with fraud and attempting to extort money but being on the internet these crimes are going on all the time. Is there any suggestions you could give me to prevent this the next time?

I catch virus
I was a member for 2 month, one day I opened one letter and under it was note from site that letter concise virus I wonder why that note was not posted before I opened letter?
So, I catch virus from that site and Cupid deactivate my page as affected by virus but where is my fault they didn't protect their site?
And what is most weird site ask to sent passport and after I sent it they didn't open my page so why they ask for passport if they even never look up it?
I don't understand what their support do at all, they are useless, they ignore people and site is not safe. And one girl I know paid them for 3 month but they deactivated her without any reason after 2 month so what is that? Girl can use your site for 2 month only? Would be nice to see your reply...

Another Scamming dating site full of spam/ fraud profiles and algorithms
BEWARE BEWARE BEWARE save your money
First of all if I could leave it a 0 i would
I joined this site and before i ever added photos or pictures I was bombarded with messages and profiles trying to communicate with we site unseen, and without anything information in my profile ever even being filled out. Over 25 messages and 20 bells. Then when you try to look at messages, or profiles. The site blocks you unless you pay. Then when you try to delete your profile/ account, the site won't let you until you jump thru a hoop and get a code emailed from the site?

Also site does not verify hardly any accounts, a lot of accounts have a phone number for the members name,, and after reading more if you are a paying member, you can pay more for protection on the site from fraud profiles(Update site never deleted my acount)
Can't delete your account I guess

This site needs to be shut down! I signed up for THREE days for $2.97. After two days I see a charge in my bank account for $29.99. I called to dispute and Cupid were rude and absolutely will NOT refund that money because I didn't read the terms and conditions. They said an email will be sent to me in 24 to 48 hours. Ok? And what is that going to do? All foreigners hard to understand. Infuriating. I think I need to change my bank account because I'm afraid these thieves will take more money even after cancelling.

I used to be a site moderator on this site,, would...
I used to be a site moderator on this site,, would i recommend it, NO,, Cupid have a free app to chatrooms which allows any douche bag to enter and abuse any member,, when i asked for these profiles to be removed, was told it cant be done as they have a cellular account, which they cant block the IP address,, surely the best thing would be as i suggested, block free access, then they would have genuine people instead of the foul mouthed morons that are on there now!

I signed up for free...
I signed up for free... immediately I got a few people who were "interested" even though I never even put a profile pic. The one response was obviously fake because it made a comment about a pic. I never posted. Then... the other lived on the opposite coast of me... when I went to reply. It said I had to upgrade my account to a paid one in order for her to see my email. I'm not saying the entire site is a sham... but if u r truly interested in meeting someone real without paying. This is not the site.
No way would I open my wallet for this site. I stay free membership. How's this for part of a message sent to me? "Well am a mixed race my father from Thailand and my mother from Ghana but I moved to my mother now in Ghana since my father died in a car accident and lost him life." Just waiting for the, "I'm in need of money... " message.
A lot more sophisticated than emails from Nigerian jungle Lords saying Cupid want us to help them with sharing $100,000,000 worth of locked funds in an offshore bank account.

(ZERO STARS) Before I joined this site (3 day trial)...
(ZERO STARS) Before I joined this site (3 day trial) I was getting 9 or 10 messages and about 5 chat requests a day, so I paid for the '3DT.' Only to find that not even one of these women(s) were returning my replies. Alarms started ringing in my head here, the site tries to reel you in like a fish by sending you bogus and completely FAKE messages and chat requests alike. But on one other occasion I was using the SMS chat service. (short story) I asked the girl to meet and she made up some $#*!&bull story about 'staying friends and that she felt safer texting me instead.' What a load of bull... What I'm more pissed off about now, is the fact that I was suckered into using this site not once, but twice! What a load of BS! Stay away! DON'T WASTE YOUR HARD EARNED CASH!

Till the time you are not the member weather gold or...
Till the time you are not the member weather gold or platinum u ll b getting lot of request 4m the member but the time ya become a member all dos request ll b stopped and the same pictures and the id ya can find on the different site gals date 4 as dos id r fake to make members and take the membership amount.
Ma suggestion 4 dis site. Is ya are have a chance of 95% to b get cheated. So please don't log on 2 dis site.

This site is an escort service
This site is an escort service. When i figured this out less then 24 hours later I requested my money back and was denied! I did not get responses to my email either! There is not a phone number to talk to someone. Everyone who tried to get in touch with me were from other countries looking for business for their sites related to escort! I would rate ZERO stars. Please do dot get ripped off by this scam and report to the Better Business Bureau! The site states it is for dating but when your card is charged it comes up Pink Cupid Dating and ESCORT service!

Before we pay, we get a lot faved, views, likes, messages from attractive women. Once we pay, Cupid disappear and never respond, if we ask a direct question, we get a auto reply, that makes no sense. The fake faves, etc is used to hook us, to pay. This should be illegal, websites should be held to the same standards as any business. This is false advertising and theft! I know what type of woman, would face me, like me, etc. It is so obvious when they are ghost profiles. The owners of this site needs to be held accountable and arrested! SCAM! SCAM! SCAM!

I found someone to talk to on this site and have been...
I found someone to talk to on this site and have been talking for a long time. He ask me for money in the amount of $400 USD and being stuipd I sent it to him. Then he said he loved me and after a while I said I love you to him too. Then he began asking me for larger amounts, and I sent more money. Now I know I was thinking with my heart not my head. I told him to leave me alone and now he is asking me for more money and I said NO MORE MONEY. I was so stuipd

What a rip off scam!
This site is a complete joke I have been hammered with nothing but fake fraudulent messages since I gave them my credit card number. One person I was talking to gave me their cell phone number and it was a area code that is near where I live we didn't even message for two days and she was calling me honey and baby and sweetheart and then all the sudden she needed money because she couldn't cash her check because the bank was holding it for some unexplained reason and she was hungry and needed food. I actually knew it was a scam around about the second text message because of the poorly translated English after she told me she was in West Nigeria to take care of some late parents property then I absolutely knew it was a scam I kept on with it just because I wanted to make the person feel like a complete idiot which I'm pretty sure I ended up doing I have yet to see one real profile Cupid are all fakes you can tell by the names cute lioness happy princess joyful tiger they all have these sorts of names with the exception of a few but those are fake as well I'm doubting I'm going to get any of my money back but I did ask to cancel my account I was reading before I signed up and I have 14 days to cancel so not sure what's going to go on there but I would steer clear of this I think it's actually owned by the same people that are trying to scam you out of your money so you're basically getting double scammed best of luck!

DO NOT GIVE THEM CREDIT CARD INFORMATION! If you sign up for the trial period and then cancel before the deadline, Cupid will continue to charge your credit card a monthly fee. I am in a four month nightmare with my credit card company trying to get them to stop accepting the charge. My next recourse is to contact the Attorney General's Office and report internet fraud. If you research " scam", you will find others having the same issues when they try to cancel membership.

Steer Clear: Fraud
I paid for a six month membership upgrade. I received an email confirming that my membership had been upgraded. Logging in I saw that indeed it had been upgraded.

Logging in a day later I was back at free membership.

I contacted support requesting them to look into it: no reply.
I contacted support again 24 hours later, still no reply.

I cancelled my membership, requesting a refund.
Cupid told me, that my payment had not been received and they were not going to refund my money.

So my money is gone. My advice, stay away from this site.

I payed for a three month gold description
I payed for a three month gold description. It turns out you can send emails and chat requests, but ONLY OTHER GOLD MEMBERS can read it. Non gold members can see that they've been sent an email but Cupid can't read it or respond. This promps them to pay the money for gold membership, as id did me. Except that the message I got was some generic bull$#*! from someone who was spamming it to everyone. The point is, ONLY GOLD MEMBERS CAN COMMUNICATE, and THEY CAN ONLY COMMUNICATE WITH OTHER GOLD MEMBERS. Thus, YOU CAN ONLY TALK TO, AND POTENTIALLY DATE THOSE WITH GOLD MEMBERSHIPS, THUS EXCLUDING 90% OF THE PEOPLE ON THE DATING SITE. YOU CAN ONLY DATE A TINY FRACTION OF THE PEOPLE YOUR SUPPOSE TO BE ABLE TO!
Complete rip-off! is the only site, I believe, where free members can still communicate with gold members, as long as the gold members contact them first. However, even this might be a mis-communication, so don't take my word for it!

I Found It Fine
The below applies to my experience in New Zealand, as we are a small rock in the pacific we probably have less scammers as it's harder to scam us due to geographical location.
I joined Cupid in New Zealand a couple of years ago and found quite a few women and went on first dates with them. Yes there are scammers on the site, I came across plenty, but, it's not the sites fault, you soon find out Cupid are fake by asking their location, then you ask them a question about their location that they should easily know. If they can't answer it, they are not from around those parts.
I was just hitting the on line people and started chatting.
And guys, if your 50+ or so, don't go thinking a hot 26 year old with a large lung capacity, and a body that works out every day, is going to want to pop anything of yours in her mouth, go for something in the ball park, not in Disneyland, you'll have less issues.

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Cupid Rating

Based on 50 reviews from Cupid customers, company has accumulated an average rating of 1 stars, indicating that majority of customers are not satisfied with its service.
Overall satisfaction rating

Description: Sign up for free to dating site Browse local singles, start chatting now! We have a large database of singles waiting for you!

Address: 2814 W. Wood St., 38242


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Cupid is not registered on BBB. Therefore, this business has no BBB rating and accreditation.

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