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50 customer reviews of

Daz3d is Great
I have been using daz 3d for over six years and i may have spent 100 bucks out of pocket for content i just had to have. Daz3d has free content available if you go to the search bar and type in 100%. Most newbies dont know that. Also daz has specials i have gotten several of the bundles for free you just have to be able to check frequently. I have never had a bad experience with customer service, i bought my first content and it wouldnt download and daz worked with me until we figured out it was my firewall preventing it. I highly recommend daz3d. I do wish there was an auto rigging feature like on maya but oh well, maybe in the future?

Please remove the locked banner (product-top-banner) on top of the product pages. It is very wasteful in terms of screen real estate and leaves hardly any space to watch the actual product on smaller screens if you cant go fullscreen (F11) with your browser.
I noticed the update of many products via dim. Appreciated. However some products do not have resolved issues (e.g. 42077) I'd like to know why the update and what's changed.

Had a very good experience on the browser, product...
Had a very good experience on the browser, product page, cart. Bad experience with the store page because I can't filter the products properly for my Wishlist items. Daz is relying on a chrome extension for filtering and it doesn't even communicate with the owner the site updates, so hundred of customers including me were left without vital filtering on the store page. I had to modify extension javascript code in order to make it work. Also the products do not contains game developers vital information like number of polygons, so for me now was a lucky day that I got a nice item I can use in my game and not have to return it.

There is zero feedback about your products
There is zero feedback about your products. There is no way to contact the developer. Every purchase is a gamble. I expect over 20 percent of my purchases to be wasted money. The DAZ store and system is very nice and I would prefer to get all my assets through DAZ but I do not like to gamble. There fore I use Renderosity and other asset stores.
I understand that there is a guarantee but it is so well hidden that saying you have a guarantee is a lie. Also, any waranty period is over by the time I am able to use and test the assets.

Daz 3D will take your money and waste your time
This is a company that seems to feel that customer service and tech support are completely unnecessary. The interface is somewhat difficult to sort out and although their pre rigged models sound great, It is difficult if not impossible to get them to load correctly. Attempting to then get help from DAZ after you discover that your purchase is not working puts you directly into telephone answering Hell where an operator informs you that Daz3D cannot connect you to anyone that can help. Instead they offer to submit a support request that they then inform you will take a week to get a response. This is not a good company to work with. I would suggest that they be avoided all together!

Burn money.
Money thrown away and cheating, Daz3D keep selling products on the site that need to buy plugins to work, then you will see that there are no more plugins for sale, masters at selling products that don't work, sell products that only work using other products on the site that just disappear from the site, burning money is more fun and less stressful than buying products from that company!

Very good service from DAZ-3D
Thanks for the survey, it should be done more often.
- I am not entirely satisfied with the male bodymorphs.
Pre-made morphs for the whole body would be helpful.
- There is too much steam punk and cyber punk on offer, I miss it
The sophisticated and contemporary aesthetics and eroticism in the classic and conservative clothing of the female character.
- I miss the possibility of correctly placing the trouser belt.
- The selection of classic women's boots is not ideal.
+ The commercial processing is excellent, the
Customer service is very good!
Don't forget male accessories for the erotic scene either, this could be a market for you.

DAZ-3D is a great company, Greetings to Salt Lake City from Germany!

Their goal is to make each update worse...
I began using this software years ago with release 4.8. The current release is 4.15. I use DAZ as a hobbyist making graphic novels and comics for entertainment. Seeing production time go from a week per issue to nearly 3 months is frustrating as a hobbyist, if I was trying to make a living with this, I would already have been forced to use something better.

This software has been getting worse with every update. There are endless pages of forums dedicated to the problems people have with the software, and Daz3D seemingly browse them relentlessly searching for things to make worse.

The first major problem that is well known to the DAZ crew is load times. By determining all the things you shouldn't do, and incorporating them into DS, load times have dramatically increased. The scene I am waiting on right now took 2 hours to load in version 4.15. When I first created it in 4.10, it took 2 minutes to load.

The second major problem is the "duh" moments. For example, I've been waiting 50 minutes now for DS to delete some items from my scene. As it often does, the screen has grayed out, is "Not Responding" and is doing absolutely nothing. This happens ALL. THE. TIME. There is no reason for it. The wait time varies from a minute or so to an hour or more. In resource monitor, you find it is holding onto the RAM, not doing anything (0% CPU usage) and analyzing the wait chain shows 2-3 threads "Waiting for network I/O to finish." The problem? There is no network I/O to finish. Sometimes it helps to shutdown DS and restart it, but then you're possibly hours down the line before you're back to work anyway.

Crashes are frequent, and they have ensured it takes13 acts of Congress and 45 acts of God to submit crash reports so that they can be sure to prevent learning from problems. The frustrating thing is that it is almost always the same two errors, and if they gave a damn, they could likely fix them. These two problems have persisted since 4.10, and there is no sign they intend to ever fix them.

To highlight my biggest issue, and one that is common amongst users as of late:
In 2015 I was averaging 14-30 renders per day. Today, with a computer that is far superior, re-rendering the SAME scenes, I am lucky to manage 3. That was with 2 instances of DAZ running, Hexagon, sometimes Blender, Firefox with 5-12 tabs open, GIMP, and often several other programs running. Right now, DS barely works when it is the only thing open. It often grabs every bit of RAM available for no reason at all, then crashes because there's none left. In version 4.10, the scene I have open right now used 1.2 GB of RAM. It is using 15.225 GB of ram in 4.15. Same scene, only difference is the version of DS. They also forced us to a single instance only, because they knew how helpful that would be in reducing productivity for those who have to get things done. And because, apparently, they don't know how to instantiate the temp files into a per-instance folder, so opening a scene in a second instance could overwrite temp files for the first scene and cause problems. So now you have to run the release and the beta if you want to get things done.

DS has horrid resource management. I've loaded a single asset, and then left the program alone. Starting at 560 MB of RAM, it sat and over 2 hours consumed 28 GIGABYTES of RAM, then forced itself to take over RAM that was in use by the system and crashed the computer. It has done this many times, and DAZ doesn't care. Often times the only way to get your RAM released is to close DS and restart it. Because it seems they forgot to write the part of the code to release memory when it's no longer needed. It also uses postgresql. Exe for some of the content management features (which seldom work), and to do that, it seems it needs 6-18 instances of postgresql. Exe running between 800 MB and 2 GB of RAM each. I think that a supercomputer would struggle with DS at times, and the guys at DAZ want it that way.

And new in version 4.14, and carried through to 4.15, you can quit DS, but you have to open Task Manager and end process to really close it. (You can never leave... bwa ha ha ha ha haaaaaa!)

They format their assets so they can't be used with other 3D programs and rest on that fact to force you to put up with their garbage software. And it is often much more expensive to buy models from DAZ than from other sources ($20-30 for a DAZ asset, $6-10 for the same thing for the other guys).

DS is "free." And it is WAY overpriced.

If Poser made it possible to use DS models, I would happily pay the $250 and use it. I'd be happy to pay for DS! If only it worked. As it is, like many I'm sure, the only reason I'm still bothering with DAZ and DS is that I have a huge and expensive library of models that I can't use with any other software. But I'm getting closer with each release to just calling it a loss and making the switch.

If you're looking to get started, don't let the "free" get you. You will quickly be buried in thousands of dollars of proprietary models and hating DAZ Studio.

I started this damned task at 1815, it is now 2111, and I am giving up on it ever deleting my items. I have to now force close it, restart DS and hope this time it will actually delete my items. I might even be done with this crap before tomorrow night. Don't bother with DS. Plant quarters and grow money. You'll have more success and be happier.

You can spend THOUSANDS of dollars and they will take it all away if they want to...
I used to be a big fan of Daz3D, Hexagon, and Poser suites. I was a Platinum Member for years! I was active in the forums and helped out all the new people as best I could. I am currently seeking legal counsel because Daz3D changed my password at an administrative level and locked me out of the network completely. They erased my purchase history on their end to punish me (my words not theirs) for words exchanged when I was trying to cancel my premium membership a few years ago (which I did apologize for then and did again in recent communications, as I was under the impression that it was squashed there, nope, it was obviously personal). I did not realize any of this until now, my hard disk took a dive and I lost all my modelling software and assets. I decided to stop by and see what I could utilize now out of my assets, and I realized that my account had been locked, obviously since over three years ago...

So - a great product, but a terrible business, with completely dishonest practices, and moderated by petty people. They will steal from you and not think anything of it! They got me for thousands in the end, and I have zilch to show for it...

Nab the free goods and run!

(I will update this later, as I am waiting on a records search from my bank and PayPal now, the bulk of my purchases took place between 2010 and 2012, I will get screenshots of the lists to show how much I spent)

The DAZ3D Fraud and their Webshop Fraudsters
DAZ3D censors it's own users, the moment you leave a truth full review. And most are One person with 30 accounts, that keep on boosting up it's value. And easy use! Why?. It's for free? Why censor bad reviews. Actual complaints. And lycencing issue's. No support. Apart this faker here! But why the continues upgrades and adverts, and phoney You Tube tutorials. Daz3D most get something out of it. If it's not giving support. But new releases. And new upgrades are promoted all the time... and their Store or webshop. Are all the same clique using different names and real trouble to get content back when purchased, that doesn't work as proposed, as the the whole Software is a scam, then some say, it's because creators, aren't given support LOL, you know that straight away. But they are selling crap, year after year! Must be spyware. I try to get it off my Computer, and liked many others, their were files all ovder tghe place left from DAZ at the strangest, to me places... and Google and You tube are censoring the negative reviews also! Check how hard it is to find negative reviews on You Tube or Google as a whole! Why it's free, you don't like, move on, apart from people getting ripped in their half working store, nobody would mind, but why the false pretence to be a major player, with plug ins left and right add ons being created, by the same software clique, and to create workflows with other software. Whilst knowing it's a complete fraud? Is my question, and I don't even care to know the answer... only, people should let others know. Instead of getting in to it under a very false pretence to be genuine, why make such a ''appealing website. If you know those results are not achievable with that software you promote! They even say it them selves in their forum, that it will be aprox. Were the renders are concerned, and at it best, looking like a bad 80's Max Headroom like animation video!

The search functionality is pretty bad, terrible even
The search functionality is pretty bad, terrible even. There needs to be more significantly more subdivision of categories and more oversight to put things into standard categories (naming authority control, as we librarians call it)-for example, if I'm looking for Christmas items, I have to look for "Christmas," "Xmas," "Holiday," "Festive," "Merry," "Santa," "Gifts," and "Presents and that STILL won't get the Toymakers' Workshop. If I'm looking at a sale and would like to narrow it down to Hair for G8, I can't do that. I often want to look for environments or props in sales, and exclude characters, hair and clothes and I CAN'T DO THAT. I spend a metric $#*!ton of money with DAZ... and I would spend *more* if I could FIND WHAT I WAS LOOKING FOR.

Fantastic, if you're tech savvy enough to solve all the problems it comes with
First off, the programme installs wherever it pleases, but it's possible to relocate it after the fact. Once you get into the programme and figure out how.

Daz Studio can't seem to consistently connect to its Content Manager, but after spending ten hours on the forum, and uninstalling and reinstalling the software half a dozen times, you'll find a solution.

Sometimes DS loads quickly, and sometimes it will spend half an hour first connecting to, then updating, its Content Manager. Other times it will just get stuck while updating the CM, and you'll have to kill the program, in which case its database will be damaged, and the next time it loads it will take foreffingever to rebuild it. In this case, it's easier to uninstall the CMS and reinstall it.

Sometimes the Install Manager will just disappear in the middle of downloading content. Sometimes it doesn't load at all, although in both cases it ill appear in Windows' Task Manager. Don't be fooled, though: it's not still downloading your files in the background. This would be odd behaviour, but still useful.

If you're lucky, you can find solutions to all these problems (and more!) online, whether in the forum or elsewhere, but you'll never find help from anyone who produces or sells the software, because while the *content* costs money, the software is free, and frankly Daz3D can't be bothered to support it.

Daz Studio seemed like a good idea, and i was even prepared to pay for the content. But after a week of trying to fix someone else's sloppy programming and incompetant implementation, i'm moving on. The only real disappointment here is that i don't have something physical to break in half, or crumple up and throw across the room into the trash bin, or carry outside to the parking lot and set on fire. After all my wasted time on Daz Studio (4.12), being able to physically destroy it would have been very satisfying.

My experience with Daz3D
Very satisfied with the service, products and sales. I have been a graphic artist for over thirty years and worked extensively with Adobe products. Then I discovered blender which eventually got me interested in 3D art and led me to Daz Studio. I downloaded Daz Studio which is free and discovered a whole new art medium to work with. The products are great and the community is wonderful when it comes to learning how to render using Daz. I am also a Platinum Club member, which I highly recommend, since it provides you with great savings, and yes there is always a sale.

A few months ago I reviewed the DAZ3D website, and...
A few months ago I reviewed the DAZ3D website, and although my review was not stellar, it was meant to be only for the time period in which the events I described were occurring. The hard working folks at DAZ3D have since fixed nearly all of those problems. As the software and products used with them are awesome to say the least, I have never stopped visiting the site.

At this time Daz3D have a super deal in progress in which they are offering much of their most up to date software absolutely free. I acquired DAZ Studio 4 Pro, Bryce 7 Pro, and Hexagon 2.5 Pro, all for free. That is over $800.00 worth of software. With all the other products that are also free in their store, the value of the stuff I have downloaded from them for free is well over $1500. 00!

Previously, I gave three stars for this site. I am now pushing that up to five, because the people at DAZ3D have shown me that they work diligently to fix problems, help customers with theirs, and make the experience as pleasant as possible.

I highly recommend this site to any one who wishes to get into the digital arts. The availability of software and supporting products there is awesome. There are many other features that are great as well.

Just one thing that is a bit of a problem that seems difficult to handle is the fact that manuals are scarce for their most popular software, DAZ Studio. There is a WIP version available but it is broken up into several PDF files and the subjects covered are missing key information in many of those files. Really the best way to learn about the software is through tutorials found on various sites across the web. Of course you have to sort through these tutorials to find the ones that are easy to follow. Even with that being a problem, the software is still fairly easy to use, and I discover new things about it all the time.

Thank you,
C. Major.

Be carefull about their membership!
I was charged for a membership that I did not wish and I had to dispute to get my money back. Daz3D eventually refunded my money so they did the right thing, but you have to read carefully all the text as once you subscribe to their membership it will be auto-renew unless you cancel! If you paid with paypal, you must cancel on the paypal site as well as on the Daz site.

Their software is fun to use but if you really wish to enjoy it, you will need to buy more content and it is easy to spend a lot of money quickly that way. Good thing the software is free because that help a lot with cost of purchasing content. I bought for over 300$ of content so far. Just be aware of this. If you wish to try it at least it is free.

Unfortunately, still no reliable way to hide products...
Unfortunately, still no reliable way to hide products that I have already purchased, especially if Daz3D are / were part of a bundle. >8(((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((

As a customer who has been buying from DAZ for a very long time, I very often feel not really appreciated.
"Weekly Freebies" are rarely of interest to me, as I already own these products, or they are from categories that do not interest me.
Discounts / Coupons I cannot use because I already own these products or other conditions prevent it. >8(((((((

The "Platinum Club" - or meanwhile "DAZ+" - is also becoming less and less interesting.
All too often the Monthly Coupon and even more rarely the Monthly PA Coupon are of use to me. >8(((((((((((((((

Bundles are, from my perspective, often put together senselessly.

Coupons and discounts rarely are clearly described / explained.
Say: Too often I do not understand with which deductions I can really count.

Some actions (Flash Sales) run at times that obviously do not consider that the DAZ Shop is available worldwide and that there are highly different TIME ZONES. >8(((((

"Daz3D is completely FREE
Yes, it's free but in all of the most basic tutorials, will demonstrate how to "click here" to buy the figures for $10.95 (or more) each. ALL of the items Daz3D show, you must pay for. I think I can make a box for free and paint it solid blue. When you go to click on something, it is from a huge list of items, each one costing money. The Library of items they show (figures, clothes, props, textures, etc.) would require over $500.

The library they show you in your app were NOT downloaded; they are advertising their products. I couldn't find one free figure, so I just stopped and now I'm online, Googling around, looking for just ONE free figure that doesn't look like a 10 year old created it. That's how I ended up here.

More time trouble shooting than creating
Like other reviewer said, endless bug/glitches/code base, and I can't see the light at the end of the tunnel. When Daz works, it can be a great 3D tool, the concept behind it and the eco system are great. But most of time even the most basic function of rendering in this tool just utterly refuse to work in Daz, 2 month of using it it's always one catastrophic Technic issue after another even on a reasonable latest rendering rig. Whenever there's a graphic driver update, Daz override resource usage and put the entire workload on CPU leave my GPU isolated that nearly killed my PC and hog my system. After I manual fixed that, boom IRAY engine fail to render, only 1% of time it works, 2 month using it, I find myself spend 90% of my time troubleshooting Daz then actually creating things. Using a buggy, none functional mess like Daz is totally anti productivity and I wouldn't recommend it.

And their official tech support is nearly none exist, Daz3D rarely reply your email, censor your comment on the forum and leave you in the dark when you need them the most.

Some latest rendering error log shows how fail Daz's iray engine is it basically telling you, "nope! Nope and nope! I won't work"

Full of bugs and glitches and bad programming
I've been working in 2 D since Corel's first version came out. This is my first 3D program and it sucks. Newest version, 4.12 64 bit. For starters, the tutorials that come loaded with it were made with the beta version and the screens are completely different, so nearly impossible to figure out unless one has experience with older version, but still, nothing is in the same place. Most of the YouTube tutorials are made with old versions too.
Worst problem: the renders do not look anything like the working version which you may spend days posing, applying skin texture, makeup, eyes, and body morphs. The lighting will not even approximately resemble what you've created. DAZ forum gurus admit that it will only be an approximation and only good for posing. Well, what the hell is the point then? Do my 2D renders and prints look like what I've created on the program? You bet Daz3D do and have since the very first version. Same with Photoshop though I'm far from expert on that program.
One eye morph will overlay the first and the combination will look like crap. Add a morph expression and it changes other facial morphs you've added.
This program is marginally good for someone who wants to purchase the morphed character, clothes, and backgrounds and just pose the character. In other words, a toddler's program for someone who wants to play with dolls.
Want help from the company? Don't count on anything at all. If it comes at all, it will be days or weeks after you ask for it. DAZ forum members who will respond to you have been using this for years and have been through several generations of it. Perhaps the early versions were easier to figure out.
The photos are of the latest glitch in renders after using the same settings for half a dozen decent renders that I could correct in Corel. This one is useless.

Just some words to tell You that DAZ 4.20 is SMASHING...
Just some words to tell You that DAZ 4.20 is SMASHING!
WIth my past version, to abort a render procedure it took around 10 mn, to save almost 6 minutes. NOW, to abort, it takes some seconds, to save, this is immediate.

I just made a small difficulty to change. The download needed two attempts, same for installation which the first attempt had failed. This version runs very well on my old computer.

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Daz3D Rating

Based on 50 reviews from Daz3D customers, company has accumulated an average rating of 2 stars, indicating that majority of customers are not satisfied with its service.
Overall satisfaction rating

Description: As a leader in 3D technology since 2000, Daz 3D empowers 3D artists and designers with a free, comprehensive software suite and a massive 3D marketplace with over 5 million inter-compatible assets for Daz Studio and other 3D applications. We offer hobbyists and professionals the tools they need to create high-quality 3D renders and animations featuring customizable content that can be exported anywhere.

Daz 3D believes in an artist-friendly approach, paying over $100 million to our global network of contributing artists. Our users create more than 20 million images and animations annually using Daz 3D’s premium selection of products. With over 4 million downloads, Daz continues to drive efforts at the forefront of digital creativity and expression.

Address: 224 South 200 West, 84101


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