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Reviews Shopping, Auction DealDash

50 customer reviews of

I spent $30 on a bid bundle and spent probably 75 on a Walmart card. Just about that time a needless popup saying I gad reached level 5. So what. I move to clear it and the WalMart auction is done. I search and I wasnt even listed as a bidder yet I was leading at the time ans the only same auction found. I couldnt enter because it read no new bidders. RIP OFF. Save your money! DealDash lie.

Tough Times
It seems to me that there Title speaks of Easy to win auctions. I have had nothing but heartache dealing with these auctions. You see I would spend so much money on bids, just to lose them all! Every auction I entered was an all day, or all night one. Hundreds, and Thousands of bids, lost for small items like: Bed Sheets, Towels, Wine Glasses, etc. I tried mixing the time of day to enter. It didn't matter. I would look at previous winners, and scream! How DealDash win at $1, 3, 5 just makes my blood boil!
There customer service dept. has been very heart felt with me. They helped me out several times. I can't Thank them enough. I just wish I didn't spend so much!

Terrible- in my opinion they are crooks
After spending a good amount of money I was sent a message from "customer service" saying DealDash closed my account for an unknown reason. I emailed back multiple times regarding the reason and also to get my money refunded for the bids I had not even gotten to use (a good couple hundred). I was rudely responded to after quite a while finally and was told I had multiple accounts which is definitely not true. I also told them this and got treated like some kind of criminal. I am livid because I did nothing wrong and the items I did win before this incident were never sent to me either. I would have to say it was at least $100 if not more I had in bids and also the items that were never sent. I am posting this for others to take as a warning. These people are crooks and liars. I felt like the scum of the earth based on how they responded to me and also for the accusations. I will be spreading word on every site I can about this horrible crooked company. Please do not give them any of your money as I have learned the hard way.

It's Rigged...
New to this... seems jigged to me... when I place a bid... regardless of the seconds left to be at five or four or three or two it matters not... and there is no smooth way to just place a bid it will come up with different words or options and then of course the time goes by I just don't think this is anything that's for real. And unfortunately I bought seven dollars worth of more tokens... also used up quite a bit of time this morning watching it. I guess this is just not for me. Unless there's a really good tutorial and I come to see you differently I would say it's a rip off of time and dollars and MENTAL HEALTH...

Happy New Year 2021!
Deal DASH belongs in the year 2020 with all of its surreal scary hard to wrap head around... & what
Is legit... what is not or overblown... politics. Covid is real, just not honest. This deal dash is real DealDash even have $ to run TV adds... but it's not honest.

It used to be worth it.
When I started years ago, I bought the $30 in bids. Each day you return, and bid, you get 15 free bids. It keeps you coming, and I won n bought several things including 2 skillets, toddler rocking lamb, blue tooth record player, the list goes on. All for awesome deals!

Now DealDash cancelled the returning bids. Now you get your bids each day refunded for up to 30. Now let's think this thru. You are NOT going to win anything with 30 bids. Sometimes you get lucky, but 100; is my fav amount. You pay for the bids, let's say you pay $30 n get a lit. Then you lose n you are back to 30.

The items they have to bid on are, pretty much, only worth what you are paying in bids. Go to Amazon! It was good before but it's a rip off now. Not worth it.

Receiving the Wrong Item Was a Disappointment
Purchased a Buy Now item for a lot of money. Received the wrong item. Was told my situation would not be corrected until I sent the wrong item back. I had to stand in line at FedEx to return the wrong item, then report this back to support so I could have my correct item sent. I was pissed that as a long time customer I had to jump through hoops to get my stuff. Then as a thank you I received 100 bids. I would appreciate more compensation in bids. I spend a lot of money with Deal Dash.

Great Savings
Deal Dash is a great way to pick good products. Over the years I have won a number of different actions. I even won a Bike. There are a number of ways to win free bids. Just logging in each day and placing a bid will earn you bids. If you give a review you earn bids. There is a timer at the bottom which keeps track how long you are in first place and when the bar is full you earn bids. You can also exchange items you have won for bids. Best Action site I have seen online

Deal Dash?
I have gotten a few good deals. The draw back is the people that have monopolized the site with wealth and bidding in a way to make others lose out on time for free bids or having more bids than the average person can contend with. The auction of BID PACKS, seems to be a way to get poor people to try and BUY more bids with BIDS DealDash already purchased with the hope of being able to get a good deal on REAL merchandise. I would like to see more variety in the products offered. Love to get a set of knives and some of the fishing gear. But more BID PACKS are on auction than the good stuff causing a BIDDING WAR for those scarce items.
Thank You for hearing my feed back. Hope it helps.

Greedy Inconsiderate Bidders
Customer service is excellent. Items are over valued, but worth bidding on if you can get at a decent price. The fountains are the worst.

HOWEVER, too many power bidders who are just greedy. Uncle Tan is the worst. Two cars, endless big ticket items, just a horrible player and DD has yet to figure out how to stop him. If there us a nice new item, the power players win. There are several others, all have no sense of fair play. I rarely play anymore. Why bother. It just isn't that much fun anymore. Need to limit the items that can be traded for bids. That way, you only play on the items you really want to win.

DealDash do not say DealDash penny is really. 20 cent. For every dollar you bid is 20 dollars. One day FCC will step in get them for false add of penny site. No one ever got nothing for a penny. I hate the T. V. lie. I won a new bike for $10. Telling a total lie. The $10 was really dealdash plan of $200 in real time money. Why dose DealDash tell lies and try scam like penny site lie.

Don't believe that you're getting a good deal.
It's not what DealDash show you on television AD, you would have spent a couple of hundreds of dollars before you win anything and then you will give up after all the money and time and you get nothing in return. 2 hours later I get emails saying the this item is sold for a lot higher than I left it, it would've cost me a lot more money to even win anything. So the bottom line is not true and it will cost you more than think.

Loose the bid keep your money!
I have done many auctions in my life, dealdash is the only auction that when you bid and you don't win you loose all the money you were working with! This is NOT the way real auctions work! Since when that when you bid and don't win you loose your money. This is nothing but a scam & big money grab! I would not recommend this auction site to my closest friend! It's a steal your money auction!

Interesting that almost all the high ratings talk about great customer service only. The way it works is obviously not worth it. Only one person wins, so the likelihood of you spending money for nothing is high! Every bid costs 60¢ whether u win or not, and everytime someone bids it adds time to the bid. So it's not like you can try being the highest bidder when the last second hits. You're stuck having to keep bidding until everyone else stops. At that point, you may have bid a thousand times and spent several hundred dollars JUST bidding. Get smart people!

Was stupid enough to give them my credit card which should have been a red flag when that was the second thing to do after creating a user name. I didn't bid on anything and really and all the things to bid on was not available until 3 and 4am In the morning so I decided to cancel, DealDash didn't have a option but did find where I could remove my card. Check my balance on my card and $25 was gone smh. Dont do it, no stars if it was option!

My Deal Dash experience
I have won the ability to purchase some nice items at good prices through Deal Dash, and for that, I am grateful. It's a fun bidding site and the daily challenges and specials keep me interested. There are items of very good quality on Deal Dash, and rarely have I been disappointed with the quality of my purchases. I do wish to express frustration with those bidders who bully others by setting their profiles to be intimidating. In addition, there are a few seasoned bidders who attempt to "talk" to other bidders, even using further intimidating techniques. It is truly in poor taste, in my opinion, that this is allowed. I wish that each bidder would follow Deal Dash's request to "write something friendly about yourself here," or to write something non-threatening, if DealDash don't care to get at all personal. I'm not easily offended, however, I, like many others, can be intimidated against bidding on items. I do know that there are several people whom I will not even bother bidding against because I know them to be bullies, (which is not okay), or have simply done my homework and know that there is no way to win against them, (which is okay, because they work at winning). All in all, I like Deal Dash. My adult children's Christmas will be quite good because of my Deal Dash use, this year.

Is was honest but now I just don't think it is
In the 2016 and 2017 I won a lot of items and some for a few bids. I run a non-profit animal rescue and we expanded and I was too busy to bid for most of 2018. I went back about two weeks ago and noticed than people (BOTZS?) are paying 37.68 for a 25.00 gift card WHAT!
How do you pay 12.68 more than the value? That was the price NOT the price and bids and NO it was not a 50% price day. Either people are REALLY stupid or something is funny here. I will not be back.

Scam is one word, but says it all.
So you log into dealdash and DealDash decide what you can and can not bid on. For instance if you got 100 bids and went in they will let you win something trivial like a 10 dollar gift card to Burger King or something that costs them nothing to give away. That way you can't say you got scammed because they will claim you won an item, even though you can not really win the bigger items you want to. So then you buy more bids hopeful to bid on bigger things, but someone will always outbid you because they have computer systems set up to auto bid. I personally think they are fake bidders to drive prices up so the average consumer will pay big money for low cost merchandise. DealDash is a for profit company, they won't take a loss on anything so remember that if you decide to give away your money.

I can't believe how fraudulent this is. I decided to try it. Bought 250 bids@ 12c each ( 30 $). I started bidding on a product that had 18$ value. I lost 28$ still bidding, just trying to make a point. The way DealDash do it, the bid is at. 01 increments, but your bidding is at 12 c increments, so for every increase of 1 $ in price, you are putting 12 x 100 = 12 $. So in the above example, 15 people bid about 300$ for an 18$ item. One bidder won the lousy item at 19 $ ( he/ she had to put more than 35$ actual money, because i quit after losing 28$), and the rest lost their money.It's the most scandalous rip off. Save your money. Don't be fooled with those tempting commercials on TV. PLEASE, DON'T DO IT!

Uneven Playing Field on DealDash?
The house rules state that Team Play (2 accounts working together to run off other bidders) is strictly forbidden. As DealDash do this they keep increasing levels and receive free bids. They exchange their wins for free bids. They can then use these free bids to pull the scam again and again and again. I watched this happen over and over again. I noticed one user who was obviously doing this had won an automobile after placing hundreds of thousands of (free?) bids on one auction.
I have to wonder how many people are scammed out of paid-for bids by a person who has a million free bids to use?
The site says they use sophisticated software, monitoring systems and safety protection measures to detect bidders who are not complying with this policy.
I don't know how sophisticated it can be. I spent an hour looking at recently won auctions and found dozens of probable Team Play. I can only see the last 80 seconds of bidding and see the same thing (and sometimes the same bidders) winning with the same pattern:
3 people using BidBuddy, one finally gives up and then another drops out seconds later producing a winner.

Cost me $36 to bid and got nothing
Bid on 3 items. Lost all 3 auctions, one of which was down to 4 bidders and was supposed to be locked on new bidders, yet one bidder that started bidding at the beginning of the auction joined back in on the bidding 45 minutes after the No New Bidders. Expensive lesson! I will never go to this site again. Back to EBAY where you can bid for nothing and if you loose the auction, it costs you nothing.

Horrible rip off
So DealDash make you buy bids to bid on an item. Its close to impossible to even win anything since every bid is worth a penny in bidding value. Then even with 500 bids ok so that means you can bid up to 5$ worth of bids. These items are cheap junk and the only valuable items I've seen are "more bids". But what good are bids if the items are junk. Do not spend money on this site.

Fun sit for bidding as a game. Getting the best deal with an element of chance.
I have watched DealDash evolve over the years, as DealDash adjust the rules to make the game more fair and honest. That is a really hard thing to do since everybody's idea of what is fair is unique. They keep adjusting the rules which makes having a system, like counting cards in blackjack, almost impossible. In order to win, you have to know something about the other bidders, and play on your gaming intuition. That makes the game fun. However, there are some "crazies" who will bid until they win, no matter how much it costs. If you don't know who they are, it can really mess things up. If you do know, then nobody else will bid and the house looses big time. If you would limit bidding on and item to when the cost of the bids reaches suggested retail, these guys would be put out of business and the "sane" bidders and the house would be better off. If a bidder is clamped they can just buy the Item and get all of their bids back.

Fun and exciting
Deal Dash products aside, it's a good deal of fun. You try to develop a winning strategy and start bidding on the items that appeal to you. Sometimes your strategy works and other times it doesn't but once you start and commit to win it gets exciting. The great thing is Deal Dash will return your bids if you Buy it Now if you lose the item. That's incredible and it keeps you engaged hoping to win the next time.

Dealdash bidders bid 600 to win 350 bids scam
Dealdash is a scam. A customer bids on bid packs that you cant win. I have entered 100's of bid pack auctions trying to figure out why bidders are bidding 600 bids to win 350. I spent time trying to understand whats going on. The only way to win is to just buy the bid packs. I have won this way exclusively. I won a $170 set of bed sheets for 800 bids. The set of bed sheets could have been purchased at walmart for $9.99. I just want to warn people about dealdash. Watch out for any company that claims to be fair and honest. Deal dash is a scam. Dont bother to waste your money.

Kitchen knives, knives, knives!
I have used DealDash for many years and I have always had good experiences with them. The items I win always arrive quickly and in good shape. Lately I have just been bidding on the Kamikoto knife sets and I have not been disappointed! DealDash are good quality knives displayed in beautiful boxes and arrive very quickly! DealDash is an honest auction site and if there are any problems they are very quick to respond and resolve any issues that might arise. I highly recommend this site if you like to spend your entertainment dollars in this way and get some great deals!

Somewhat dissatisfied
It's disappointing to experience how the bidding process can be ruined by how easy it is for others to shorten your bid time so not only do you waste a bid but it doesn't count on the timer to gain more bids. I also have lost out on a couple of items because the system locked up while trying to add in more bids which allowed someone else to win the item. Not sure if I will continue as the "Fair and Honest" bidding site isn't necessarily true.

This site is trash! It cost money just to bid, you bid on items that if you don't win you basically spent money for nothing and to top it off the same names always win. Something not rite about this site. Save your money. I started with 250 bids and you earn bids as you go. So tell me who the hell spends over 250 bids to win 225 bids and still pay? It makes no sense. Check the pictures out as proof.

New bidders pop up even after it is closed to new
Not pleased w the site. Spend way to many hours trying to win something is ok BUT to be in the bidding from the first penny spent and watch every single name come across and after it gets to a point where no new bidders can join. You start to see new names pop up that NEVER bid before... Not for me to loose money like that. This was from my first bid and not happy w how this works. Seems more of a STEAL than a DEAL..

How much did DealDash really make?
What a scam! Let's start with the hook; DealDash does "sell" items at below MSRP. Now here's the part where DealDash make their money; some of these "Auctions" can literally take days for an item to sell. Let's look at how it works, the price of an item goes up $0.01 every 10 seconds, that's $0.06/min but DD gets $1.20/min. Let's just use a full 24 hour sale. In 24 hours DD charges bid fees in the amount of $1,728 no matter who the bidders are. During that same period the "sales" price rose to only $86.40. An item that "sells" for $800 would take almost 10 days to complete the auction. In a real auction there are no bid fees so if someone bids higher it doesn't cost you a thing. That's a fair auction, DealDash is a variation of the well known Pyramid Scheme. Do the extra math, numbers do not lie.

Rapid Replacement
I recently won a bidding on DealDash. However, about a week later, the consumer services called me to mention that the product I have won had run out of stock according to their supplier. Despite this, DealDash tried to compensate with various substitues of a similar value together with a free bid package to make up for their mistake. As the options provided were really good, I choose a different set and it arrived through FedEx in two days which impressed me a lot! Appreciate your services greatly!

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DealDash Rating

Based on 50 reviews from DealDash customers, company has accumulated an average rating of 2 stars, indicating that majority of customers are not satisfied with its service.
Overall satisfaction rating

Description: Bid on auctions and save. All auctions start at $0 with no minimum price reserve. Everything must go! DealDash is the fair and honest bidding site. Founded in 2009, millions of bidders have enjoyed Deal Dash auctions since.

Address: 200-11670 Fountains Drive, 55369


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