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Reviews Shopping, Auction DealDash

50 customer reviews of

Just handful of their elite bidders win.
I have won a few nice things and customer service people are really nice but DealDash do nothing and the beat goes on. You have a few of their Elite bidders who win every bid they enter. Fair and honest, I don't think so. There is one person, I assume this is a real person who wins day and night. This person must have their own Walmart and now I see they are in the car business. Doesn't these people see they are ruining their own business with the same people winning every day. I have complained and they ask who, like they don't know. I have to bid 300 bids to win my daughter a cheap ring when this person can win a car for under $200.00. It is disgusting, we don't have a chance, why they let this continue is beyond me if the person is real. No one will bid against them, hence they can win a $4500. 00 item for $3.00. I went back at all prior bids and this same person had won every single bid on the board, come dealdash. That is fair and honest alright, what a scam.

Older bidders have a distinct advantage.
Bidding is fun and exciting. However, there is a flaw in the system. The older bidders have thousands of bids and usually dominate the auctions. DD has tried to address this to their credit, but still has a way to go. Perhaps go to every 60 days someone can win a particular item and include all alike products and sizes. I believe this will go a long way to making this site more honest and fair.

I wish i had more time to bid all day with yard work and house work andwith my wife and i both have cancer with doctor visits and tests we are on the go most of the time. But i will tell you the first time i got on your site i won two things the first time i was on i wish i could get on and win more great bidding site i have recomened to others keep up the good work guys i love the site. Mike palm

Stay away from this site.
I agree with others that there are few bidders on DD that will spend thousands of bids to win and I also think that DealDash work together with DealDash. They get unlimited number of bids from DD and thus they can bid as long as they want. I have lost over $10,000 dollars on DD before I realized that DD will never let me win an item really worth winning as for example an iPhone or McBook. Once I was bidding on an iPhone and I already spent around 5000 bids which is equivalent to $600 when Uncle Tan jumps in and he won an auction. I emailed the customer service but was only received an apology and was told to try another auction. That is $600 down the drain. I think people really should wake up and see what DD really is.

Frustrating and seems like fake
I am so frustrated with this auction and i'm starting to realize that some of the reviews are true that there are a lot of fake accounts to drive up the prices. I have been bidding on a 850 bid item for a good 3 hrs, lost 416 bids on it decided to leave when yet another person joined to bidding process. The person who was originally bidding with me is still one now, 4 hours later. She never left, kept bidding. By my estimation, she would have lost well over 1000 bids, yet she is bidding on a 850 bids - how does that make sense. I won by "some miracle" 100 bids right when i joined and a $10 Dunkin donuts gift card right in the beginning and ever since then, loosing and loosing. Don't waste ur money people

Deleted my acct within 2 minutes. Was charged $210 with no notice or reason
I made an acct to see if I could find a deal on a ps4. The moment I got on the site the home page just seemed fishy' so I googled to see if it was a scam. Didn't like what I read so deleted my credit card info from the site and exited. Was only on the acct for approx 90 seconds. 2 hours later my bank calls me to confirm some possibly fraudulent transactions on my credit card. Deal Dash charged my card 3 separate charges for $70 EACH. My bank is currently disputing. Deal Dash is some bullsh*t, smh

Best place to burn through a lot of money fast!
Deal Dash is for entertainment purposes as far as I am concerned. I can honestly say that I spend less money at the casino because the chance that I will hit a jackpot payout is much greater. I find it odd that when I logged onto DD I was able to recognize a lot of other bidder names. No matter the time day or night, those same bidder were bidding on 3 or more auctions. Not good since DealDash constantly seem to win the 9000, 8000, 5000 etc. bid packs so they have thousands more bids than I do so there is no point in even bidding. It's a waste of my bids (the ones I bought with cash). I use my bids wisely. I also noticed that those same "high rollers" are driving up the bids because they are greedy and can't seem to allow newbies to win (not even the small bid packs like the 100,125,150's) really?
I know I can't be the only one but I have noticed that the countdown clock experiences 2 -3 second delays when I am the highest bidder. How convenient. I think things would improve if the software was changed to not allow bidders to bid manually. Bidders will bump other bidders and the other bidder will not get those precious seconds added to their time. Someone needs to fix that because it is not fair to the other bidders, it also increases the cost of the bid.

It All Started Good...
My experience has been mixed here, first things were Good... price, shipping, delivery and product. Then it slowed down, meaning I have not received 2 winning items since April and it is July now. Finally, the last item I did receive was a ring, I even gave a great review, now that has changed since it turned my finger brown and green 2 weeks later. So, yes, it has been a mixed experience for me on DealDash.

Great deals if you can win.
DealDash say it's fair but I don't believe that it is fair they make you by all these beds and no matter how many did you put down I feel like I still can can't win anything because everybody has more hits than me I've already put $60 into this website but I've got $30 in gift cards two of which I won't even be using so I feel like I've wasted my money and I don't think I'm going to go back to it.

Nothing "Fair & Honest" about this site.
Having been a member/sucker since Dec. 2016 it came to my attention there are 30 or so players who win 98% of ALL the "high end" merchandise. (I question there pricing) As mentioned by others DealDash seem to have Unlimited Bids, hence you haven't got a prayer of winning those items. Many items are marked as"1" meaning you can only win the item once, that is a FARCE. The 98%ers I mentioned win these items numerous times, generally with at least 6 months between wins. I contacted DD about this & was told they were winning same item but NOT from auctions marked as "1". BULL!

Not really "fair"
I would have enjoyed this experience so much better if DealDash got rid if bid buddy. Not quite the fair play that they advertise. It ends up becoming a bidding war between computers and the one who is willing to pay for more bids "wins" I get that's how they make their money. I still think it would be way more fair to do away with bid buddy and have to manually place your bid. I won't be back nor will I be referring to any of my friends

Phony past winner info and competing with bid bots makes winning at a fair price almost impossible
In my experience auctions are far from fair or honest. The past winners info lures the bidder in but the actual amount needed to produce a winning bid is MUCH higher. As an experiment I entered 25-30 auctions, and at least 90% of the time the bidding reached totals 2-3 times the average amount required to win earlier auctions for the same item. New bidders seem to pop up out of nowhere when it seems like you are close to a successful outcome. Seems likely that bot bidding is going on.

Fair and Honest
The reality is that Deal Dash is honest and fair. Not unlike slot machines in Vegas which are also honest and fair. A difference is that with slot Machines is that you usually win some of your money back that you normally put back in the machine. This is done over and over until you run out of money. With Deal Dash You buy tokens in order to bid on items. You can also bid on more tokens. If you actually win a bid you still have to pay the price of the auction on top of the cost of the tokens you use to bid with. So you may be able to buy an item for pennies if no one else is bidding. However, most of the time the cost of the item while increasing in cost by one penny at a time is costing the bidders 12-14 cents per bid. Several bidders are spending lots of money, only one will win. Often times the winner ends up paying more than the worth of the item being bid on. If all the bidders auction losses are calculated into the formula the actual net cost increases significantly. It's very easy to lose several hundred dollars in order to win a $100.00 item for 3-4 dollars. The site gives away tokens generously if you're actively bidding to entice you to keep bidding. Most of the prizes while DealDash may be good quality, are things that most don't need or really want. You can trade the object you've won for more tokens.
Essentially you buy tokens to bid on tokens in order to get more tokens so that you can bid on thing you don't really need or want and trade back for more tokens. Unfortunately, just as with slot machines you run out of tokens and have to buy more. This profit concept is not hidden from the user but the excitement of the big win keeps people coming back for more. Deal Dash is paid for entertainment just like slot machines. People love to lose their money in an effort to win big. If this is what you're looking for, go for it but know that whatever you win for pennies will cost you dollars. Remember that there a lot more losers than winners and everyone takes their turn losing.

Truly a Fair and Honest Bidding Site
I have been a Bidder on Deal Dash since 2014 and my experience with the Bid Site has been awesome! Deal Dash is truly a Fair and Honest Bidding Site. Deal Dash has numerous items to bid on and DealDash constantly adding new and unique items to bid on. On the rare occasion that I've had to contact their Customer Service Department, I received excellent Customer Care, an expeditious resolve to the issue I needed to be addressed, a the staff is both professional and kind. I highly recommend Deal Dash: joining them will absolutely be worth you time and money.

An Entertaining Way to Pass Time
For me personally deal dash has been a fun way to pass the time even though I don't win as often as when I first created my account. Also, any time I ran into any kind of issue the customer service was always very pleasant to deal with. However, if I could change one thing about Deal Dash, it would be the availability and frequency of when and how many free bids one could obtain - and all issues pertaining that area. Other than that, it is a nice site, as long as you are okay with losing majority of the time, but hey, that just makes each win that much sweeter!

This is a big rip off
You will have a hard time bidding against the same old people that will have bids unlimited to out bid you and what make it so bad, Deal Dash tell you that DealDash can't bid on the same thing once they won that item THAT IS THE BIGGEST BS! If you really want an item on Deal Dash, Go on Ebay or Amazon and you will find the item you want at a much cheaper price that actually the same bidders that are on Deal dash and are reselling it on the Internet. What a nice racket!

Not as fair & honest as they claim.
Been on dealdash for a little over a year & haven't had too much to complain about until recently when it was clearly obvious that I should have won an auction at a certain price but didn't. As can clearly be seen, 14 seconds ticked off between the times of 04:56:13 & 04:56:27. I don't by their explanation of internet refreshing or whatever. Haven't done a lot on here since that fiasco. Just hoping DealDash are a little more honest in the future.

Don't waste your money on the bids. Once you are the highest bidder, you still have to pay for the item. If you have nothing better to do with your life, then dealdash is the place to be because you can spend hours bidding. All in reality, it's a very deceiving website that just takes your well earned money that you work so hard for. Just don't do it. I would preferably like my money back, but I know that won't happen.

DealDash is a scam!
DealDash is a scam. You pay a ridiculous amount for bids that are only worth a penny. I used 827 bids just to try to win 950 bids. I felt like I had to keep going because I had already wasted $50 so quickly. Even the people that win end up paying way more then the product is worth when you add up how much DealDash paid for bids and the product. I saw someone paid $40,000 for a truck that was worth $27,000. I will never use this site again, and I will tell everyone I know to never use it too. I forgot to mention, I was charged $78 just for signing up for the site to start off with bids. I just wanted to check the site out first. I made the mistake of buying a second package for $38 because it said the bids would be worth 13 cents, and they weren't.

Avoid this scam company at all costs!
I waited 2 months and didn't get what I "won" (you have to PAY to bid). Finally support told me that I am "suspected of fraud" and that I won't be receiving my items OR a refund until their "investigation is complete." - I wrote the Attorney General and BBB and will sue them for a refund if I have to. Avoid this scam company at ALL costs!

Response to DealDash: I already did get in touch with you. My review reflects what your customer service already told me!

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DealDash Rating

Based on 50 reviews from DealDash customers, company has accumulated an average rating of 2 stars, indicating that majority of customers are not satisfied with its service.
Overall satisfaction rating

Description: Bid on auctions and save. All auctions start at $0 with no minimum price reserve. Everything must go! DealDash is the fair and honest bidding site. Founded in 2009, millions of bidders have enjoyed Deal Dash auctions since.

Address: 200-11670 Fountains Drive, 55369


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