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50 customer reviews of

Like a ghost
I think this is amazing... and I think that my privacy for my family and I are FIRST... it's NONE OF ANYONES business of what I do, where I LIVE, especially when my wife and children are involved in these sites. To me it's a SAFTY concern. And having a brother in law who use to be a sheriff and looking me up really just set me off... thank you all at delete me... keep doing your thing and keep me off of ANYTHING AND EVERYTHING... outa site outa mind.

So Far, So Good
I joined DeleteMe over a month ago after a frightening discovery of how much of my personal information was available online. DeleteMe has sent opt-out notices to countless websites that contain my info, saving me time and worry, and keeping me informed of their progress. I am optimistic that my personal information will be secure in a short time.

Awesome Service
I never knew there were so many websites with my personal information. 39 web sites had data about me so it's no wonder I have gotten so much spam, phishing and phone calls.

The price may seem high, but what is peace of mind worth to you? If people have access to your data you are just inviting a computer hack. I think this is some of the best money I have ever spent.

Deletion Done Right
A lot of people misunderstand what a DeleteMe Subscription does, and how diligent and professional this company is. It is nearly impossible to completely wipe your identity from data collections websites, and remove your digital footprint entirely. What DeleteMe does is something everyone can do on their own, but without the efficiency and repetition that this company provides. Continuously submitting lengthy and arduous Opt Out requests are effective, but DeleteMe have to be done repeatedly. The simple truth is, your information will continue to re-populate in these databases indefinitely, and remaining active and vigilant is what this company does best. Over the past year, my DeleteMe subscription has significantly reduced my stagnant personal information from being easily found and exploited online. I have spoken personally with the professionals who confidently addressed my concerns, and have been extremely informative and communicative throughout this whole process. Needless to say, I will remain a satisfied and happy customer so long as this company continues to perform as stated. I strongly recommend their services!

Great Job Do Far
I will update this review in 6 weeks, however I sm extremely satisfied so far with delete me. DeleteMe are doing exactly as advertised. It's only been approximately 3 weeks and I am already seeing results. I want to wait the 6 week mark for a full review but I am so pleased with the removal of my personal info from the internet that I couldn't wait. With so many scams and solicitations I feel more safe.


Absolutely Incredible!
I have had the pleasure of working with DeleteMe since June 2020. DeleteMe have been incredibly thorough and it all it takes is a little bit of time while they do all the work behind the scenes. I was removed from aggregators that I had not known even existed. Their customer service is extremely professional and is willing to answer questions and offer genuine advice to services they may not be able to provide. I appreciate them fully and would not have had nearly the energy to do even 1/1000 the work that they do. If I could rate them 6 stars I absolutely would. I hope they continue strong long into the future as this is an indispensible service.

I never realized so many sites existed. And how DeleteMe work and above all how they put the public at risk. But when they go about their business they are creating for their own children and grandchildren to future generations the same enviroment.

I say watchdog groups such as yours come into existent to clean up what was good initially and that as time progressed became a tool of greed and misuse as we now see. Accountability is no longer a driving force in our dealings with each other. Today in the 21st century people honestly feel, as I personally see it, that they must sell and obtain money for their employers at any cost!

I am glad I found your organization and as far as you can help is more than enough. Carbon copy concept really is alive and well! Nothing really changes, it merely evolves!

Thank You

So Happy to have you guys in My Life!
I'm so very grateful for you guys.
Both my husband can't feel more secure about our information being off of the internet.
I had someone from the past that was a threat to my life and kept tracking me from things that were posted by the internet. It was a constant concern and threat and now we can sleep at night knowing those days are over, thanks to you. We do everything to keep our names off of the internet, no social networking whatsoever, but still personal information kept popping up. Thank You Guys from the bottoms of our hearts!

My gf used deleteme, owned by Abine, to get rid of...
My gf used deleteme, owned by Abine, to get rid of an untrue review of her shop that her competitors put up and she was really happy with their service. I have more experience with the software end of Abine because i've been using chromeblock since it came out. I like that it's hands off unless i want to see which trackers i'm blocking, but it lets me do that, too. All in all, great customer service and cool software.

Pricey, but It Works Great and the Customer Service is Awesome!
Overall, I am very pleased with my purchase! It was a bit pricey, but I saved some money by buying a two year subscription and by using a discount code. The prorated refund policy gave me peace-of-mind with my purchase, but after experiencing the service, I will be remaining a member! One of my favorite parts about DeleteMe is that if it does not remove from a specific site that you find your information on, you can email customer support and DeleteMe will research the site for you and either remove the information or instruct you on how to remove it yourself. It is basically a concierge service. Well worth the money!

They do what they say they'll do...
DeleteMe was upfront and told me exactly what DeleteMe could/would do to get my personal info off the web while also telling me those things they didn't have any control over. DeleteMe provided timelines of what to expect after I enrolled and they've followed through on all the deliverables. It's only been six weeks but I can already see my personal information is now almost completely invisible on the web. These guys provide a great service at a fair price.

So Happy I decided to Use DeleteMe!
I am so happy I decided to join DeleteMe! It is such a relief to have my personal information removed from the internet and it happened within days! Allison (who works at DeleteMe) has been so incredibly helpful! She even helped me remove my information from sources DeleteMe do not work with at no additional charge! Fast quick response time and I feel like I got my privacy back! Thank you DeleteMe and thank you Allison for being so incredibly helpful. I feel a big weight lifted off my shoulders! Do not even think twice about using this service, they are top notch and get the job done quickly! Thank you!

I am pleased with the deleteMe services DeleteMe have provided, to help me protect my personal information. I have informed friends on how your information gets sold to a variety of sources. I have tried looking up my name and I noticed that it was not that easy to find me like before so I highly recommend that if you care about your identity you should use deleteme to remove your information.

Highly Recommend!
Too many sites are giving out my personal information. My personal information was identified on 34 different sites by DeleteMe. DeleteMe began removal immediately. They continue to monitor and remove information on an ongoing basis, along with status updates. They are very thorough and efficient! I would highly recommend using any or all of the services they provide.

Love it so far!
Although I just signed up last week. I've already been given a report on progress being made. I paid a company called My Content Guard that is basically a scam. DeleteMe took my money and told me I'd see results in a couple weeks but MONTHS went by & they stopped emailing me back, etc. It even stopped letting me go online and log into my account smh. So seeing progress already from this company after a week of that is AWESOME!

Highly recommend them
I've had deleteme for about a year, and so far I've been very happy. DeleteMe have an amazing customer service team- they are thorough, quick response time, they always have an answer or solution. They send you a report every 3 months of what they deleted. They have expanded in privacy-centric services just in the short time Ive been with them. I'm giving them 4 out of 5, but they earn those 4 — big time. The 5th star is not given only because 1) they only work to remove info off around 40 data broker sites, and there are well over 100. Secondly, they occasionally miss an online virtual crumb, or when your data is refreshed after awhile, it's on a site previously opted out of. The team is very efficient, but not perfect. Just let them know, and they take care of it (if it can be deleted, they will). It's nice having a company centered around privacy that understands not everyone wants their information bought and sold by the big data brokers. The time and effort to send emails and by regular mail to ‘Opt out' of those 40 sites for and monitor it, it's a great value. I highly recommend Deleteme.

Why Are They Asking Me To Rate Them Now?
I purchased the service a couple of months back, DeleteMe said it will take time, and I'm fine with that. If I needed to expedite it because I was in danger or something, I would have gone to the feds. They've sent me a couple of updates about sending requests, but as far as I know, there have been three takedowns so far. I see on my report page that many opt-out requests have been sent, but it says 'Information Not Present' for the site I really wanted it removed from. I told them why it would look different there (which I why I want it gone due to the refusal to fix the innacuracy and refusal to delete my information and borderline extortion). I think it's a bit premature to give a final review. This will change in the coming weeks if allowed based on their performance and compliance with the request regarding the site I bought the service for in the first place.

So far, has been very easy to use
I had been meaning to use your service for a while. I purchased the DeleteMe subscription and entered my name and places I'd lived; in cases where I didn't know the old addresses from memory, DeleteMe allowed me to enter just the city and state to get started on deleting those old records. I got notifications within a week or two that removal requests had been placed with some of the people-tracking websites. I got my first DeleteMe report, which showed which websites they'd found my information on (I had no idea it would be so many!), what type of information, and in some cases estimated time it would take for the request for information removal to go through. I'm very happy with the service.

There is no update
This is a stupid ass service if your not going to constantly update me on what's being deleted or not. I shouldn't have to wait for MONTHS when your telling me that these places have different time lines. I should be updated for every update or every site you have removed my information from. Not wait months to get a report that should be constantly updating me.


And then he disappeared...
I noticed a huge difference in web results, reverse phone number checks, etc where my name/background was involved, which I wanted quashed because honestly I'm sorta on the run from creditors. I'm glad DeleteMe don't still have pauper's prisons, if you know what I mean. I also like that potential future coworkers can't readily get dirt on me through places like Spokeo, which I've used myself to sneak peak some concerning things with former significant others. Naturally, these folks don't own the internet so they can't remove you from everything, but they do a great job with everything they detail on their website.

I also use the parent company's product "Blur" on Android and Windows and prefer it to LastPass because of the "masking" features and it just behaves better generally, though I actually still use both depending on the interface of wherever I'm trying to get into.

Great idea and dedicated team. Needs more target focus.
Great idea. Badly needed in our electronic world of information. High profile active business users who need it the very most may feel a bit disappointed. Less active people early in their careers have much less baggage and life experiences and will find it adequate. Corporate senior officers need much more active attention. In my case, 14 breaches in less than one corporate quarter is not an effective or expected security result. One breach is too many. It maybe fine for much less business active adults. Successful influential leadership individuals need much more assurance that all security is fully operating without constant worry or concern. Capture that class, and their subordinates will follow in mass.

Love it so far!
Although I just signed up last week. I've already been given a report on progress being made. I paid a company called My Content Guard that is basically a scam. DeleteMe took my money and told me I'd see results in a couple weeks but MONTHS went by & they stopped emailing me back, etc. It even stopped letting me go online and log into my account smh. So seeing progress already from this company after a week of that is AWESOME!

Tom's hardware recommended two services, this one and...
Tom's hardware recommended two services, this one and one other. Both seem reputable and the other one was a lot more in depth, but also for a whole bunch more money. This service seems like it will have a good bang to buck ratio. Also, with the amount of information I was able to throw in there, I felt good about the service that will be performed.

Google killer
We are tired of google and others selling our private information. DeleteMe must be stopped. Deleteme goes a long way to destroy google's Inherently evil nature and those that sell what is not there's to sell. Would like to see technology that destroys Google servers and decimates the servers of those selling private information. Imprisoning the executives of Google and these malicious companies with LWOP should be a priority.

A Google search of my name came up with hundreds of...
A Google search of my name came up with hundreds of links to offensive sites. The various domain owners were listed from New Jersey to Latvia. Google stipulates that for them to remove the links, you must first contact the spammers PERSONALLY and request the deletion! Can you imagine doing that?!? The "deletion-specialist" at Abine, who also happened to be an attorney, was absolutely great! She actually contacted these people, and before long, the links revealed "Error 404" messages, opening the door for Google's monthly "crawl" of the web to eliminate them.
We're talking hundreds of offensive links! My name was Mud and now it isn't, Thanks to Abine. Hearing the recommendation of this company by Wall Street Journal reporter, Julia Angwin, on the NPR show, "Fresh Air" was a pivotal moment in time. Thanks Abine!

I've been using DeleteMe for a while now and I believe this is a service everyone should have, I have this service for myself and my husband, DeleteMe has met our expectations! Great customer service, and best of all our information is not on the web, it would take me months to try to get these sites to delete our information and DeleteMe does it all for us!

I was skeptical but this is one of the best decisions I ever made
Before taking my privacy seriously, I was the top result on every search engine. I have a very unique name and despite deleting all social media's and constantly scrubbing, I felt like I was fighting a losing battle trying to manage and opt out of these data scraping websites on my own. Every time I got rid of one, another would pop up. I didn't even think it would be possible to get my info removed.

It's been maybe a month and almost all of my information is GONE. Disappeared, poof. The info that isn't gone are dead links that lead to deleted pages and my addresses have finally been removed from search engines. I also had a very unflattering mug shot from 9 years ago (the charges were ultimately dropped) that was listed on one of those extortion websites. I had provided proof that the charges were dropped and the website refused to take the mug shot down and it appeared the web master just abandoned the site.

I knew for a fact that there were potential employers had googled me and I lost out on opportunities because of it and thought this image would always haunt me. I don't know HOW DeleteMe did it but it is completely removed from the search results.

Highly recommend this service and I'll be purchasing it as gifts for friends and family.

A trustworthy company
I wanted to get my public information off of people searches. I found and was skeptical but only found them to be extremely personal, helpful, resourceful, efficient and successful. I recommend this company
It does not happen overnight but I got some of my information off of the Internet within days and some companies take longer than others but DeleteMe were helpful in posting links for me and also forwarding links to other companies.
I recommend them and my special thanks to Andrea

Very Pleased
All I can say is I'm a fan of Delete me! I signed up several months ago and found my online records soon disappeared from the web just as I hoped. The only site that persisted to list my personal information was My Life. I emailed Delete Me and DeleteMe went the extra step to remove the My Life information as well. Bottom line_ they do a great job! Kevin

Certainly not at all "White Glove Support and Satisfaction Guaranteed"!
I enrolled my wife and I in mid-august 2020 due to the promises made about the effective removals of one's files. The sent a "report" within 24 hours to each of us that DeleteMe had located both our names and had contacted the data companies in question to remove our names.
After a month, I did some checking, using the names in deleteme's reports. I found my name in one major database (Intelius). As I'm a member of Intelius I contacted them, and was informed that they had not received any requests in my name, and that if they had they would have sent me an email to that effect (I did receive emails from some others like Whitepages and was subsequently removed).
I contacted deleteme explaining the situation and asking them to take another look at their report, as I wanted to ensure the removals had been requested.
I received a prompt auto reply within an hour, followed by a reply from their customer service department. They simply cut and pasted an inadequate explanation by way of a screenshot (which is no proof at all incidentally), and provided a one line, rather glib answer.
No explanation, no interest in what might have occurred. Simply an extremely poor and what they believed to be, worthy, reply. I sent another email reiterating Intelius' stance and explaining that Intelius took precisely 5 minutes to remove me when I filled in the request myself. Nothing to do with my membership, just an automated feature that works far better than deleteme's, obviously.
No replies from deleteme incidentally, they're done with me. This is the so-called white glove expert service? What tosh! They obviously use data input people to do the grunt work of sending in requests, and there is absolutely no back up from anyone with any inside knowledge when you need it. They drop you. $129 per person and this is what you get from deleteme.
I would save yourself the trouble, contact the data companies yourself, and use the $129 each person to buy yourself something nice. Deleteme is not "white glove", not a "partner" and not worth a single dollar.
They may provide good service if you are lucky, but who wants a lucky dip for that sort of money? Deleteme is only as good as their customer service. Regrettably they are all about the sale and little else.
I'm reporting them to the MA Attorney General's office about this.

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DeleteMe Rating

Based on 50 reviews from DeleteMe customers, company has accumulated an average rating of 4 stars, indicating that majority of customers are satisfied with its service.
Overall satisfaction rating

Description: DeleteMe is a hands-free subscription service that removes personal information from the leading people search and data broker websites online. We make easy-to-use online privacy tools for consumers to control the personal information that companies, third parties, and other people see about them online. DeleteMe specializes in removal from Whitepages, plus other leading data brokers like, and DeleteMe knows how remove personal information from Google search results by removing your PII like name, age, address, phone number and email address from leading data broker websites.

Address: PO Box 410009, 02141


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