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Dream Singles

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Reviews Relationships, International Dating Dream Singles

50 customer reviews of

I'm glad I met her here!
I like this site. The only drawback is that it is paid. For a long time I talked with several women, after which I was able to meet with them in Kiev. I had a relationship with one of them, Natalya 5228567, but we had to leave because I like a quiet measured life, and she wanted to travel from state to state across America to find the best city for her life. I invited her to live with me in Portland, but she did not like this city and she went on her journey. I don't know where she is now, but I hope she finds a worthy person for her life because she is an amazing smart and educated girl who has a taste and damn charm.
I'll put a solid 5 on the site, because the girls from Ukraine are really amazingly beautiful and behave very well-mannered at meetings.
I hope this site helps you meet someone.
Good luck

A Dream Marriage experience is what you make it
Okay, where to begin? I just returned from Ukraine this weekend. Ukraine is like living on the polar ice cap during the winter.

I was not born yesterday, and I'm the type of guy that when something appears too good to be true, or seems too easy, I become very skeptical. I have read all the horror stories about women on Dream Marriage (DM) who scam guys, or not showing up when a guy travels to Ukraine to meet them. Yes, I'm sure those stories are true, and have happened. However, I think the DM website, and it's purpose, and obligations to it's members needs to be put in it's proper perspective here.

What is the purpose of DM? Yes, it is a business, and like all businesses it expects to make a profit. I have no problem with that. I do think DM sets themselves up for a lot of criticism by charging members for each letter Dream Singles write, or video, chat, etc. DM is located in the U.S. and the women are located in Russia, and Ukraine. That translates to mean DM must partner with local businesses to produce these women. I don't object to that either as long as DM does their due diligence attempt to verify these women exist. I realize there are limitations on how DM can verify these women. If a woman lies, I can see where that can be a problem in the verification process. However, if a member pays for contact information, and the information is not correct, I feel DM should reimburse the member that fee if the member receives the wrong information.

I fully understood DM was only a medium to possibly meet a woman I would be interested in. I knew going in there are no guarantees. I only expected that I was dealing with a level playing field. I was also aware there would be women that are trying to scam guys on DM but you're going to find those type women wherever you go. If you are trying to meet women, it just goes with the territory.

Now for the guys that let the little head think for the big head, you are always going to have a problem. If any guy is stupid enough to think these women are going to jump into his arms, and go back to your hotel room when they first meet you, think again. If that is what you are thinking, then you deserve what you get. It all boils down to common sense, and whether you use it or not.

I am also sure that along with the women scammers, the women also get the real loser perverts that contact them on DM. So it works both ways.

The bottom line for me? I traveled to Ukraine. I met the woman I corresponded with. She was just as beautiful as her photos, and very nice. I enjoyed meeting her. We seemed to hit it off well. I am still communicating with her. Is the relationship going to continue? Time will only tell. However, DM met it's obligation to me. Whether a relationship with this woman develops, or not, is not the responsibility of DM. That is up to the people involved. DM did their part, which is all I can expect.

So Dream Singles girl are very in to you, but you have to use the site. They call you anything, but only if you use the site. So long you are paying, anything is fine, but if you get their contact information, they don't will react properly. If you writeing emails, you get maybe one sentence, how the girl missing you and a lot of letters on the site, even you tell the girl you aren't aible anymore to read, because you wanna focus on her and don't want destractet by other girls, they still writeing you a lot on the site, but never an propper email, Aso any other contact you wanna made, outside the site, get blocked, social media (like she will be there any day, but she don't will accept any request from you. If you spend a lot of money to get to know the girl, you will never know her, because she will hide a lot (like I made this expirience with any girl i met, so maybe one or two aren't so, but to find them, you have to spend a lot of time and money.
So the service the site giving you and the promises are worth nothing. If they would be real, they would act different (you will never get a video from the girl, where she is saying your name, dear man etc. just not you, why is taht so, because she done this for a lot of man and you aren't special, specialy when she is telling you that(because if you where, she would act different)).
If you think you will have a different expirience, wait 6 month and we will talk again, im am 99% shure that you will have the same expirience (and the 1% are the lucky ones, which find a real person, but shouldn't be that result opposite? Specialy when you see, what the service is, the site provide or are they telling you that, just to make you feel save and spend money? And maybe this is the main reason, they never use they normal channels of communications. Even they tell you, they love you, if you just wanna communicate per email, it will not work, she will not use it and fpr customer support, this is normal, so it is normal that you have to pay to communicate with a lady that have write you, that you are the only one for is not a scam, it's just like a escort service, you will pay the same prices and will get a lot of virtual complliments, but no more and your lady will doesn't response on any hint in this way or as i say before, the will ignore ALL of your emails, but you are the one with to less faith, just you loose more and more of them, if you spend more and more time with the girl, because it doesn't will get serious (but you can read 100 times that you are the only man in the world for her))

Specialy the girls the show very interestet in you and you find them on You will never get an answer. You will send them messages there, but they will never refer to it. Aso the customer service speaks about internet services are bad in ukraine, but when is so bad, how the girls use social media or they have no computer (really, i chattet with the girl at home (i see her in the video)) and when the don't communicate beside the site, they telling you some standard reasons, which are a lie (she is useing her mobile to connect over the site to chat with you, but she can't use her mbile to write an email, internet is so bad, but as i say, social media and the dram marriage site, the always can reach). So if you wanna get message from hot girls and a lot of attention, you will pay for it, don't expect more.

You can read all the others review. All 5 stars are just the site, but never any mention about expirience abroad the site and so will it be, you will never have any expirience beside the site.

My favorable experience on
Last year my marriage fell apart. About 15 years ago, I spent some time learning to speak Russian. And that's when I discovered there were services designed to introduce Western men to Russian and Ukrainian women. Well, after my marriage went south, I spent some time on several American sites, trying to meet women. I kept running into fakes. Then, I received an email advertising a competitor of Dream Singles. I seemed to run into several fakes on that site as well, and that's when I discovered Dream Singles. Initially, when I signed up for an account on Dream Singles, I didn't go with the paid version. I didn't even go with the trial version. Instead, I went with the free version. This allowed me to get a feel for how the site worked. Also, as a nonpaying member, I was able to save many favorites, and read many profiles. I was even able to read all the letters I was sent. Eventually, I was sold on the site, and decided to try out the three-day free trial. I loved it! I was able to try out the letter writing experience, as well as the chat experience. I was so pleased with my experience, that I then signed up for a paid account. And I'm happy to report, that I have met several beautiful women. I wouldn't be surprised if I end up marrying one of them. So, in conclusion, if you're looking for a beautiful wife, maybe from Russia, maybe from Ukraine, you would be smart to check out the site. And like I say, you can try it out for free. At least, that's what I did. Good luck.

I have been a member of this website for well over...
I have been a member of this website for well over two years now and I can give it an unqualified "thumbs up".

I just returned from 10 days in Ukraine where I had the chance to meet many of the women I first met on "Dream Marriage". Not once did I feel that I was being scammed.

On the contrary, all of the girls that I met were very nice and actually looked like the pictures in their profile. With this website, what you see really is what you get.

Also, the customer service here is excellent. Dream Singles were of great help in setting up dates and providing interpreters for me and they were always very quick to respond to any inquiries that I made of them.

I really do believe that they try to do things the right way. They thoroughly vet the girls that use their service and they impose very strict rules on the agencies in eastern Europe that they use. The girls are not allowed to ask for money under any circumstances and members are urged to report any who do.

My strong suspicion is that the problems reported by those posting negative reviews here lie with the posters themselves and not with the girls or with Dream Marriage. As long as you are honest, conduct yourself like a gentleman, and don't act like a jerk, you will have no problem. This is not an escort service, so don't go into it expecting easy sex from the ladies here.

I will continue my membership and I am working hard to improve my Russian language skills so that when I go back to Ukraine again I will not need interpreters.

In my opinion, this is the best site of its kind on the internet.

If you Pina coladas...!
Yes... if you like meeting attractive, fun, caring, and intelligent women?, go to Dream-Singles.
I have been a member for years and I have about 4,000 friends and a handful of very close friends and yes One particular lady whom I will meet soon.
This is my experience on the site, will it be the same for you? Thats for you to find out.
Sign up for a membership, write a lady who catches your eye, TIP: be a gentleman! See what happens.
Two words to remember that mean the same thing Дякую and Спасибо or simply write thank you.
Dream-Singles is a Fantastic site to meet a lady from abroad. The site is very secure and safe for all members and the staff are very helpful.

If youre a man in search for your lady and you are searching overseas for a great woman. Utilize this site and go find her!
I have and Im sure you will too!

Will everyone?

Thats is love my friend, it is a gamble no matter where you find it and from who?

Take the step and join find out for yourself!

Thank You Dream-Singles!

Dream singles "Dreamboats"
I am a blue-collar worker in Missouri USA and Dream Singles could make any man feel as though he has just come ashore to "Lovely Ladies Paradise Island"... You are immediately surrounded by interested lovely women who all want to talk to you and with most age doesn't seem to matter... Make no bones about it I am only looking for one lady among them whom I can love for the rest of my life-time but Dream Singles provides such a variety of lovely, intelligent and (genuinely) single women to choose from... This site is extremely "user-friendly" and very accomodating with its sterling membership level offers Great offers such as "unlimited free email opening", some free flirt offers, introduction and follow up emails, along with great discounts on intro letters and videos... All of the tools which could make the start of your budding online romance, oh so sweet a dream deal!... As a place to find that certain woman whose serious about a relationship, I'd say that Dream Singles is a site I could recommend.

Amazing website
It is amazing website just follow this steps
1 Update Your Picture

"A picture is worth a thousand words" We cannot stress enough how important personal photos are to include in your profile. More photos will cause ladies to spend more time on your profile and make your profile more memorable.
2 Be Honest

Honesty is the key to your success. Make sure your profile is a true representation of who you are. Be as honest as possible when writing your profile and you have the best chance of success. Do not fake anything, because sooner or later the truth will come out and you have waster your time and hers.
3 Write Your First Letter

There is no excuse for a boring first letter. Make your letter personal and interesting to read. Be creative, make your letter stand out. However, do not make it too long or hard to read. Remember, she has other emails to read. Make sure she will finish yours.
4 Get A Better Image Of Her

If a picture is worth a thousand words, imagine what a video can do for you. Watching a girl live on her pre-recorded Introductory Video will give you an opportunity to get a better image of a Russian lady you are getting acquainted with and to make sure she is the one to go for.
5 Send A Personal Video Letter

Don't just exchange messages and pictures, exchange - videos. It is a different and unique alternative to sending a regular message and you better believe she will appreciate it! Simply attach your personal video in your message to her and wait for one back.
6 See Her Live!

Live Chat is a great tool you should definitely use to get better acquainted. However, adding Live video to your chat sessions will help you get a better sense of which Russian women are online for you. Live Video Streaming enables you to view the lady members while chatting with them via Instant Message.
7 Hear Her Voice

When using Voice Chat service with Live Video, you'll be able to see and hear your lady simultaneously. This is the closest you can get to mingling in person without having to travel to see her. Take your communication to a whole new level.
8 Ask For Her Number

After you have accomplished all of the above and she is still the one, you are ready to take your relationship to a whole new level. Or you might be ready to take that next step and go visit her in her hometown. Go ahead and ask her for her personal contact information and see where it takes you.
9 Keep An Open Mind

Take time to learn about her and her culture. Remember that you two come from two different backgrounds. Do not assume - ask questions. Stay open, be understanding and keep a positive attitude!
10 Don't Give Up

Remember, when one door closes, another one opens. Believe in love and yourself. It takes time and patience. Only you have the power to make your dreams come true. Get inspired - see these Happy Couples who made it!

Pictures are/may be real, everything else is so obviously fake.
We all know these sites are a scam, but just to confim it, I noticed pictures of a friend of a friend of mine on the site. We aren't close friends but we definitely know each other and partied together. One of her pictures was even of her in my apartment in Amsterdam! So I tried the free trial in the hopes of talking to her (we lost contact a couple of years ago). But the "free" trial wasn't so free, I ended up paying $60 for a total of 8 email messages. And of course she didn't remember anything about our common friends or hanging out together. Instead she (whoever was writing the emails) kept stalling and saying she forgot in an effort to get me to have to write back more (and thus pay more). So 3 days and $60 later, I can confirm that this site is totally fake! These may be pictures of real girls in that Dream Singles exist, there may even be some valid video calls (I wasn't about to pay the $100s of dollars needed to arrange that). But I hate to break it to you, they're not there for you. So if you like looking at pictures of beautiful women, having superficial conversations with anonymous writers, and throwing your money away, this is the perfect site for you! It is too bad these sites have to exist, I just hope my friend made some money on it though.

Settle for nothing but the truth!
I Have been a member of DM for just a few months now and at first I thought all was a dream come true, that is until I started to research... I have now documented and saved my findings via screen shots of the so called single verified female members of DM who have been constantly contacting me on wishing to know me and be with me.
In the beginning I had overlooked these findings because I was not looking for them and like all men on this site, I am honestly and seriously searching for my right partner.
Out of the 2000 plus letters I have received so far I have communicated with just a hand full and with their continued letters I have noted that with each letter it has appeared to be written by a different person almost each time... some letters are well written and very eloquent in their wording, but as time has past the spelling and grammar has degraded to that of a grade school child... a far cry from how certain certified members began writing me.
With live cam chat I have also noted that our chat was not in time with certified members cameras ( my screen would state that the member was writing but in plane view their hands were nowhere near a key board and were actually looking around themselves as though others were in their room talking to them) and MOST unsettling was my experience during one of these live chats where I was told Dream Singles were at home on their laptop, was when the live feed glitched and suddenly there was another COMPLETELY different woman on the screen typing the message to me and when I quickly typed on what was happening the cam feed shut itself down and I was given a reply in the basic chat that it was an old file saved on her laptop of her friend.
With this happening I took it upon myself to look deeper into this highly recommended dating site... I have now found MANY of the certified single female members on other sites related to dating Ukrainian and Russian woman... their profile write ups are relatively the same as on DM but their profile names have been slightly altered but their photos are exactly the same as on DM as well as some intro videos... some have actually contacted me on these other sites with no clue that they have been in contact with me for some time on DM.
Now I am not saying that ALL certified members are not legit, I had put out a request to some to verify their legitimacy and true intent by sending me a personalized photo of themselves with proof of time and date taken via cell phone, but sadly out of all those asked... only two had agreed... my hope now is to continue to with these two to learn their true intent and legitimacy.

Cost against deceipt
Good evening, I was a member of this site from 01/2014, till approx. 10/2014, what I found was, a lot of beautiful ladies that were willing to chat with me (even without a profile picture at the start:-)) quite comical.

Eventually after chatting to a few ladies over the first few months, I found a nice girl that was willing to chat, she was interesting, funny, and as most Ukrainian girls, she was very beautiful.

I spent a lot of Money chatting to her on Video at DM site, I could never get her to go to Skype etc, only the site. After a few months of chatting on the site, she text me on the phone, and said, lets chat outwith the site and use Skype.

She told me a few things of the site, the moral wrong doings etc, that if the girls do not reply to mail that men send, Dream Singles have to pay the agency, this was one of them, Later in the chatting, she said I have a secret to tell you, she then said, it was not me that wrote to you, someone else was writing on her behalf, not because her English was bad, its just the site, people at the agency use her profile, and write to men.

This poor girl felt ashamed for the deceipt, they were not allowed to chat on Skype etc, everything had to be done on the site, so that men will spend their money, she stated that she got no remuneration for this from the site, I don't know they do it.

In the end up, I still chat with her at present, and I feel like a lucky man, as we have met, we have decided we want to be together, and I go back to see her very soon, we chat constantly on the phone, Skype etc, and she has turned out to be an absolute gem, I forgave the deceit and I hope now that the relationship will grow.

Take what you want from this mail, there are a lot of scams on this site, but if you are lucky to find an honest woman, with morals, then I can assure you, like I am, you will not be disappointed. But please remember, there are women trying to fleece the life out you on this site.

Best online dating site for beautiful women
When I decided to try the online dating scene I had no idea where to go but I knew the type of girl I was looking for. I happened to come across the Dream-singles website and it has been the very best experience that I have ever had. The girls are ALL so very gorgeous, the services that the website offers are second to none. There are All the necessary tools for the fantastic online dating experience. There are translation services provided for the in person dating experience. There is provision for the apartment rental for the stay in the area of the girl you are going to see. There are mixer tours that you can attend to meet many different girls at one time which is a fantastic party atmosphere. There is online video chatting which makes the online experience very special. The cost of dating online with Dream-singles is very fair considering the quality of service that is given. The customer service is great as Dream Singles are always willing to help make the dating experience go smoothly. For someone how is looking to find the girl of their dreams, I would most definitely recommend using the Dream-singles website. I have been with them 11 months, found the girl of my dreams and plan to be married soon. I use the chat service mostly to stay in contact with the woman of my dreams and we have developed the most fantastic serious relationship... The dream-singles online dating site is fantastic...

REAL EXPERIENCE using this site...
REAL EXPERIENCE using this site... Listen Up All Men even thinking about spending money on this site... My goal is to make sure you never spend any money on this false adventure. I want you to know that Dream-Marriage is all smoke and mirrors. What you think is Love is a FANTASY created by the owners of this site to take your money and get as much of it as Dream Singles can. If I can stop you from spending any money then I hope to crash their revenue and eliminate it completely FOREVER. This is how upset I am and you need to hear my story before you WASTE YOUR MONEY, which is guaranteed. Why do I make that guarantee? Because once you spend money to contact an employee or paid college student or married woman posing as single, you are burning that money and there's a 99% chance you have already contacted a fake profile on Dream-Marriage. I. e. A beautiful woman that exists in reality but is NOT the one in the profile replying to you or chatting with you. If they are live on cam then they are either recordings or they are "in" on the scam because they are getting paid. Simple as that.

I used DM for almost a year from 2011-2012 and got contact information for 3 women after getting over 9000 letters in that time. I thought I was in heaven having to select someone I would like to have a relationship with and narrowing it down to 3. That is 3000:1 ratio of thinking about it and communicating with over 100 different women as I sorted out who I was really interested in from 9000 letters.
Then in 2014 I used DM again from mid-March to beginning-June taking what I learned from what I thought were previous mistakes and seeing how I would fare on another attempt for love.

Keep in mind I was always honest with the ladies and the letters written to me ALWAYS seemed like the ladies were legit. Now I realize these are professional letter writers that have deep understanding of psychology and pulling on men's heart strings. Love, Lust, the whole gamut!

I have letter archives which prove my correspondence and the "LOVE LETTERS" from ladies which will show any intelligent, honest, and fair judge in a court of law how I was genuine and how these letters of love were what you might find from someone actually in love. The generous use FROM these ladies of "I love you" and terms of endearment, "I miss you", etc. etc. All point to feelings thought of to be real. When in fact these are far from truth. How did I discover everything is a scam? I gave it my best "benefit of the doubt" open-minded belief to trust these women until I could verify they were not genuine. How did I verify? Well 2 of the women that had "obvious love letters" to me removed their accounts soon after I asked for their personal emails and wanted to chat outside of DM, such as on Skype. That was a red flag for me BIGTIME but I continued with the 3rd lady and sure enough the same thing happened. She stopped emailing me, didn't answer direct questions about communicating outside of the site, and continued to have her profile up and would be offended when I asked if she was getting paid to answer letters. (Now I figure they had a boyfriend, were married, didn't want to continue the scam anymore, or were found out by another member so their profile was removed out of the blue after investigations or complaints)

How much did I spend evaluating this? After over 50 letters to each woman and over $1200 in 2011-2012 as an honest attempt to get to know someone... I was left with nothing but LIES. Then in 2014 I tried again for 3 months, this time using only the Platinum plan to get 30 follow-up letters (best value cost per letter) and then would stop writing until the next month for it to renew. Keep in mind I also emailed Customer Support and asked that they don't reset the follow-up letter counter because those 30 follow-up letters were PAID already and they said that's not their policy and it would be forfeited if not used. That's a scam company's type of response. A REAL legit company would allow you to keep what you paid for instead of milking you dry. So after communicating with a few more women and giving them my contact details through text in an attached picture... NONE out of 7 more women would contact me outside of DM even after I sent them my info. They would not even respond that they got the picture with the info when I directly asked them if they saw my picture. NONE. That's when I knew every single one of them was there to make money and just respond to letters, or worse... they were the actual agency writers and not the woman in the profile. I even sent gifts (flowers) from a local florist that had Video and Picture confirmation, not using the gifting system of DM. DM charges you 4-20x the normal Ukraine price for their gifts! The woman did get the flowers I sent from an outside company but I knew she was "in the scam" because she sent me pictures of those flowers in a DM email MANY DAYS AFTER. This was on her birthday and IF she was in love with a guy (me)... don't you think any honorable, decent lady, that got $150 worth of flowers would send you a love letter thanking you? Noooooo, this girl waits a few days after her birthday and sends a short 1 paragraph letter saying thank you. I watched her profile and she was online each of those 4 days after her birthday and she could have responded easily in less than 2 minutes. You mean to tell me someone you're in love with doesn't deserve a thank you that only takes 2 minutes to write an email? SCAM. How else do I know it's a scam? Because this lady I sent the flowers to claimed that she was not on the Russian social media sites: or She claimed that those profiles I found of her were fake and someone must have stolen her pictures. I said to myself ok that's fine. Then I emailed her to create an account so we could chat on there. She never replied to my request. To strengthen my case even more, I added her supposed "account that was not her, but had her name and correct birthday" lol and that profile never accepted my friend request. The day after I tried adding her, the name on the profile was changed to just her initials which I think she did so no one could search for her name anymore with the search engines. The clincher here was that on it shows when someone has visited your profile. So my lady's cousin (who in Ukraine/Russia are called their sisters) saw that I visited her profile and requests to be my friend, maybe because I'm from the USA, don't know why. I'm like "great, I can ask her if she knows my lady" She confirms she knows her as I stated her name, birthday, and city in which she resides. Totally cool cousin who was very young and computer savvy and I think she was honest about her older cousin because she requested me to be on her friends list. (<15 years old innocent girl who I don't think would lie to me) Thank goodness for Google Translate that I was able to fish for this confirmation from her. On this cousin's profile, and her other cousins' profiles that show my lady as a relative, I find actual pictures of my lady! Untouched, everyday pictures, not the glamor shots you see on DM. Lol So YES, Dream-Marriage is a complete scam.

Here is how they do it:
* The company CONTROLS every email, every single letter under the guise of language translation. What this actually means is they FILTER everything out and leave out any reference to Skype, Personal Email, and even Attachments. So there will NEVER be a chance for you to contact your lady outside of their site because everything is block/deleted/removed before your lady even has a chance to read your letter. That's if she's even real! Most likely about 95% she's already in on the scam and she's just following along and pulling your chain like the little sucker dog you are. How do I know all this because I used sly tactics in multiple emails with "clues" that any warm blooded, semi-intelligent, woman would understand even after Google Translated from English to Russian and back to English to make sure it made sense. Much text was blocked or never received according to the lady and she would reply back with huge empty text spaces where I believe she was replying back to me with her info but it was deleted by because they DO NOT WANT YOU TO CONTACT your lady outside the site at all. This company is not about happiness and marriage but to get every last cent you have until you wake up and smell the coffee in sheer stupidity.
Now I did contact a "cute" woman who was totally legit and I found out she was real (in that <5% of women on the site) because she told me she was going to a different country for work and she emails me constantly many, many, many pictures of her new place with actual untouched photos of her in everyday life. I asked her if she translates her own letters and she said YES. She specifically asked that no one from the agency translate her letters because she didn't want anyone reading her confidential personal info and emotions. So yes, there are real women but you will have to sift through an OCEAN of fakes! Who the heck wants to do that and waste thousands upon thousands!?!?! I sure don't. But I was stubborn and wanted to TEST EVERYTHING FOR MYSELF and didn't want to believe the warnings at first because I sincerely wanted to fall in love with a beautiful woman from Ukraine. I'm in my 30s and the women I was communicating with were 18-36.

* Video chats are recorded or are live but have human translators that are there and part of the scam. If you don't ask them to verify if they are live such as flashing the peace sign, touching their nose, waving to you with the right hand and then left hand, basically any type of motion for you to verify it's live... then you are probably watching a recording or she is in on the scam. How do I know? Because my lady told me her computer was stolen and she had to go to the office to use the web cam. Then on the web cam session, it had living room furniture with a pillow and teddy bear. Absolutely no company in the world has that as office furniture as the background so she was caught in her lie! It was a home setting RECORDING. If you're still not convinced... the clothing she was wearing was not work clothes which obviously any background could have been an office (which it wasn't) but the clothing alone would give away that it was a complete lie because this was in the morning Ukraine time and she was dressed casually like she was about to go to sleep. Most know that the culture in Ukraine is to always look your best before going out and many Americans find themselves underdressed because we dress casual when going out. Ukrainian women on the other hand, dress well when going out because they are a poorer country and most prized possessions are not a car or luxury items but very beautiful clothing. It's the culture there to look good always when you don't have many material possessions like in the USA.

* Even if they say "excellent" English, their English will be so bad with grammatical errors and wrong pronunciation that you will think you were talking to a girl in grade school. Therefore if they say "intermediate" English or "basic", that really means NO ENGLISH and if you call them on the phone, which I have, you better know Russian fluently because they will hang up on you if you can't talk in Russian. Then in letters they will say it was a bad connection or they had no more cellular minutes. I even learned basic phrases for a phone conversation and I was hung up on 4 times. Either the cell signal in that part of Ukraine was really bad or she didn't want to talk to me. I think she didn't want to talk to me because she really DOESN'T KNOW ENGLISH even though she put "intermediate" on her profile.

Test everything yourself like I did. I SPENT OVER $1800 so you don't have to. DO NOT GIVE DREAM-MARRIAGE ANY MONEY AND LEARN FROM ME, PLEASE! I gave it a honest attempt to find love.
I'm just a guy like you and I happen to find eastern european women some of the most attractive in the world. That's why I was searching for a wife on DM. What man doesn't want a beautiful wife? My preference is for Ukrainian, Czech, Polish, and any of the Slavic women of the world. I know my profile was getting lots of hits after getting 9000 emails in 2011-2012 in 10 months and 4000 emails in 3 months in 2014. There's something not right with DM and I proved it to myself with REAL EXPERIENCE. I say these things to give you the facts and tell you that even being popular or not popular on the site, you will get scammed just because you're on it. I actually opened another account just to test the waters TO VERIFY EVERYTHING. I made it simple not trying to woo any woman in the description and posted no picture. I would still get emails! Not as many but I knew their scripts were running for their chat windows because the chats were initiated with Hello "No Name" or "Hi sexy %name%" Think about it... how could they think I'm sexy with no pic and how could they say a name without a name! HELLO! SCAM! With the text of "No Name or variable %name%"! Think about it. How could a woman on your favorites know you were online the Micro Second you got on!?!?!?!? Easy, they have their software initiate their PAID CHAT to message you instantly as soon as you get online because they are BOTS, or have their "employees" standing by. Get it!?!?!? Lol I logged on at Ukraine Time 3am, 10am, 7pm, anytime of the day to test test test test test and I still got instant chat requests because their software is DESIGNED THAT WAY. To suck your money from the suckers that we all are that use the site!

Don't be one. Go to a legit site that you pay for contacting your lady right away. Such as /
Get on Skype, Web Mail correspondence that's FREE, etc. etc. Etc.

Educate yourself on Russian women FROM a Russian woman who married a foreigner:

I also researched a lot on tours and is legit as well. Watch ALL the videos there and you will know what I'm talking about.
There are legit and honest women looking for love... just like all the men paying on DM with their cash proves they are legit with their hard-earned money. The issue here is finding the honest women that are looking for love and you either find a woman that is communicating to you for FREE, which shows there's no financial incentive to talk to you and she's REAL or you go on a tour like on DreamConnections where everything is taken care of... personal translator, Ukrainian cell phone, multiple group meetings, and individual dates, etc. Do it the right way, and I think any genuine man can find real love. I know I'm going to do it much, much, smarter after learning from MY OWN EXPERIENCE. LEARN FROM ME and don't give DM one cent and tell everyone you know and tell everyone they know to stay away from the scam site called I will have fulfilled my destiny to remove all revenue from DM if you as a smart, honest, genuine, real man looking for love NEVER goes on that scam site and NEVER pays them one cent. Thank you and I wish you the best in finding your love.

My stats (DO NOT FOLLOW ME and stay far far far far far far far away from
* 14000+ emails received
* 500+ emails sent
* 4 contacts requested after narrowing down my choices and who I would literally go and visit if I didn't realize everything I have written in this review

RUN AWAY FROM DO NOT EVEN THINK TWICE. Tell everyone you know my story and how it is a scam. Don't live in denial if you are already on that site. Cancel your subscription immediately and get a refund if you can. Don't look back. Consider your money burned and wasted and go find a real woman that talks to you for FREE and meet her in person after free email, or go on a tour and talk face-to-face for real chemistry but that will cost you $7000+. I learned the better way and I'm going to use,, or, find the real woman of my dreams that can communicate with free email and Skype, get to know her well if we are a match, go visit her and then bring her home. Cost: Plane fare (2 visits minimum, Initial + Take her home trips), 6-8 months wait for USA K-1 Visa (<$1500), 4 months green-card, 4 years US Citizenship, Free email and Skype TOTAL <$5000. Multiple romantic dates or wedding not included. ;) Plus I'm learning Russian fluently so I avoid the translators and everything else that comes with that!

The $1800+ I spent I could have been in Ukraine and met the woman of my dreams already. What a shame. DO NOT FALL FOR THE BEAUTIFUL WOMEN that are too good to be true IN A VIRTUAL WORLD.

FIND THE REAL ONES if you listen to me and learn from my personal experience.

I give the company ZERO stars for wasted money but it gets 2 stars for the hot women. ;)) )) Don't get suckered in like I did! Read this over and over again until it sinks in.

Prevent yourself from getting scammed:

Read "Odessa Dreams: The Dark Heart of Ukraine's Online Marriage Industry" by Shaun Walker to learn the truth. />
Common sense will only get you so far when intentions are not conducive in finding an honest partner.

Fly to Ukraine, speak to her in person, and ask her point blank did she negotiate a cut from the taxis, stores, restaurants, etc. Use your sixth senses and judge the sincerity in her eyes! If you've been there for awhile you might learn the going rates for typical things that will help in avoiding the rapidly diminishing wallet and will become your new "common sense" from experience.

Love Me or Love Me Not Documentary On Mail Order Brides in Ukraine and Russia /> Watch Very Carefully for the UGLY TRUTH! The entire scam is completely revealed from insiders. The real stats show <1% of men actually get married because the entire setup are 99% lies.

You are paying for a fantasy!
You would be very wise to listen and run!

Dream-Singles - Not legitimate
I received a photo from the site that had been accidentally sent. It contained a screenshot of the information about a queue of letters from the site being sent by a man whose name was listed, with the letters queued to be sent at identified times. You will find that you receive format letters that are written to emotionally manipulate you. Dream Singles will indicate you have an exclusive contact with the person when that profile will have contact with multiple other men, often saying exactly the same thing they are saying to you.

If after all of the information that you see online confirming this site is not legitimate, you still pay them money then you will in all likelihood find you are simply wasting your money, just like all of the other men before you.

The recent research that I have undertaken online indicates that the pay for chat and pay for letter sites in Ukraine are generally fraudulent. They purchase profiles, the girls or 'translators' are paid (not very much) for contacts and these operations are generally run by people who have connections to Russian, Ukraine and Donetsk mafia groups.

There are agencies that have been set up that specialise in this activity with people (men and women) in an office chatting with multiple men online. So you could be sharing your deepest emotions and intimate feelings with a guy sitting at a laptop in an office.

Even if you ensure you are making contact with a real person when you meet with them in Ukraine you will be required to have an overpriced translator attending, the girl will probably not even know who you are and will have no intention of developing a relationship, and you will be taken to an overpriced restaurant where they benefit, the taxi driver benefits and the girls with you benefit. This was my experience in Kiev last summer and they wanted me to do it again two days later. It was clearly just a ruse to make money from me.

These operations have become more professional over the last few years but they are being investigated by the Ukraine authorities now. They were getting away with it because they were supported by corrupt police and politicians but given some have been supporting east Ukraine separatists they are in effect traitors to their own country so their protection is evaporating.

The people who work for them should have a bit of a look at themselves too. Seems like they must be sociopaths to be so willing to emotionally manipulate people for money.

The number of positive reviews should set off alarm bells. It is just another sign that you should not trust this company.

You have probably worked hard to earn your money. Giving it away to these fraudsters is a terrible waste. If you are looking for real dating then maybe look elsewhere. If you are looking for entertainment then this is what you get. But you need to realise that the chances of developing a real relationship are pretty small, almost zero.

Long over due Thank YOU!
This long over due thanks to Dream Marriage is being shouted by me to as many friends as is possible as the best possible place for the most desirable and willing women in the world! After ten years of being on many various sites both in the USA and abroad, Id say by far Dream Marriage should receive a five star rating the world over. Unlike Russian dating sites controlled and manipulated by dubious powers in the old Soviet, Americans manage Dream marriage for Americans and for Ukrainian women interests. Dream Singles screening process for lovely Ukrainian women are commendable. The facts prove themselves.
Ten years prior to joining Dream Marriage, I barely had someone contact me or found me attractive and desirable as I wrote to hundreds of women in US dating sites with little or no reply. Since being a Dream Marriage member beginning in March 2015, I have had over 1000 women contact me and hundreds have proposed to me! I now have a clear cluster of 25 women as a possible marriage partner to choose from of, not just pretty women, but of the most beautiful women in the worldmuch better looking and personalities more humble.
If you guys reading this have a hesitation in joining Dream Marriage, I urge you to jump in and enjoy being popular with Ukrainian women almost effortlessly and instantly. All these unpretentious women need and want from you is your love.

Scam. Many of the girls are employees, get payed to chat, talk and date YOU.
I have been a member on the website for +10 years on and off for 6 month now and then.
I used their service many times and did meet some of the worlds most beautifull girls on dates in kiev, kharkov, odessa.
In the start everything went well with talk and dates but once i found out many of the girls get payed to be there and actual dont even write their own letters and asked questions i was kind of black listed.
I was still able to talk to everyone however people no longer show up on dates.
I also startede experiencing girls who made fake comments on our dates and said untrue things about me properbly since i found out Dream Singles where being payed money to date me.
Many of the girls are on many other websites as well, and its simply humanly possible to reply all men who write to them even if they sit online 12 houres a day = you are talking to employees.
That is also why you on 0 websites can have your dating profile deleted since they need them to quickly readup on the old corrospondance in case you show up on another website and talk to the girl there as well.
Somtimes hower the girls do also have their dating profiles stolen and sometimes the girls them self are victims of identity theft and abuse by the dating industry.
Its all about money and honestly almost nobody get married, and especially NOT the model looking girls.
Lets face it if you are pretty in ukraine/russia you can go to any club and easy find a wealthy man and have a good life. There is no real reason to marry a west man.

I honestly cannot recommend you to use this firm its a big scam.
Yes the girls are real BUT you are often just talking to an employee who pretend to be the girl on the photo. It work in such a way that example a student come to a local marriage agency in her home country and they give her for free a professionel photo foto shoot and then post her profile online.
Next they "sell" her profile to one or several dating websites and now her local agency get x money for this + translators and dates the agency also get x money pr chat, letter, date, gift.
And in the end the girl also get x money.
Before a date the girl get a review of the corrospondance and the translator is there to help her with translation but also with advice and controling the conversation.
THat is also why you will NEVER be able to be alone with the girl not even on date 3-4 and if you suggest to use your own translator no girls will show up. One reason is they get a cut of the translation fee that is 40 usd. An ordinary translation firm in example kiev ukraine charge like 10-15 pr hour, but the dating agencys take up to 40usd for mediocre translation.
Its easy to prove that something shady is going on, since allot of the girls sit online ready to chat all night and often 24 houres a day month after month. I wonder when they sleep or go to work.
Also its kind of funny that the girls letters and what they do in their life do not match what the girl is uploading on instagram and other social media.
In my +10 years on such dating websites 99% of all girls have wanted to know me and that just indicate that something is very wrong compared to ordinary dating websites where like 1 out of 50 want to know me.
Also during all +10 years 100% of all girls have replied all of my letters withing 3-4 days and we are talking guess +500 letters during all these years. Aint it funny that nobody did not want to talk with me or stop corrospondance?

Stay away both the girls and the dating website is criminal and know very well that they are scamming people. And dont belive all of the good reviews here most of them are fake and not real.

I have reported the firm to the police multiple times and still working on shutting them and the entire industry with east european girls down. The entire industry is more or less one big scam.

Scam or not?
Warning this has now become a long review:

Whether the site is a scam or not it is down to you to decide from your own personal experiences, for some you can actually find love as long as you go into the site with your eyes open and have realistic expectations! If you are 60+ and look like elmer fudd you cannot seriously expect to have a genuine relationship with a stunning 20 year old model.

Now it is easy to get carried away and lost in a dream world and end up spending $5,000 or a lot more, especially when you have a girl that could easily pass as a Victoria's Secret model, telling you she loves you. But ask yourself what on earth does a girl like that want with a guy that is older than her father? (I know guys that have done so and ended up with huge credit card debts). And this is BEFORE you actually get to Ukraine to meet one of the girls.

Yes the site has some genuine girls. But unfortunately the site also has quite a lot of profiles that are not as genuine as Dream Singles should be. The main problem is the local agencies, some are genuine, but a lot are just in business to make money from guys that are gullible.

How the business model works is a percentage of the money you spend goes to the local agency and a larger percentage is kept by Dream Marriage, this business model encourages the local agency to hire more models and translators to chat to guys, this encourages a lot of fraudulent practices by local agencies.

Take one of the local agencies in Ukraine for instance, the "IF Love" Agency. It has local offices in several cities and has a large number of stunning girls on its books, it creates profiles on both DM and Anastasia Date. This agency is always advertising for more and more "Translators and Administrators". Not advertising for girls who want to find love abroad, but advertising for "translators or models". When you call them and discuss the work, they tell you quite candidly you can earn good money writing letters to guys on the internet, not "video chat" but writing letters on behalf of the models. They tell you it is a good way to earn extra money, and the more often you encourage the guys to write the models the more you can earn.

If you still have doubts check them out for yourself

This is from the v. k profile in case you cannot read Russian

Personal information
Welcome to cooperate active communicative people. With a great desire to work and earn money!
For the model and translator vacancy is open all the time!
About me:
We are an international agency "IF Love" work with people for more than 6 years in different cities of Ukraine!
Help people in fulfilling their desires and dreams. The second half, the fans, beauty contests, additional or basic decent income. This and much more... It all depends on you! Our task is to help YOU!
Work Lviv, Jobs for Students Ivano-Frankivsk, Work Lviv Lvov Ukraine, Business on the Internet earnings at home., Of the Ivano-Frankivsk, Business Kiev Ocinka Baraholka, Work Ukraine Business Ukraine Obyavlenyya, Ads Advertising Jobs lease add Lviv, Jobs Chernihiv Chernigov Ocinka Business, Business Kiev Kiev Work, work for students Kiev, Ocinka Business in Ukraine Kiev Odessa Kharkov, Business Kiev Kyiv work, work in Dnepropetrovsk, Jobs ads advertising work

This Agency and several others have been reported to DM Management, but my personal view and it is just MY PERSONAL VIEW, is that Dream Marriage management turn a convenient blind eye to what goes on so as not to kill the golden goose. I have not heard of one single agency loosing their contract with DM or Anastasia Date, all that happens when you do report a local agency and provide evidence such as this; is that the incriminating VK profile or advert gets deleted.

Hope this helps some._______________________________________________


Considering the strong response from DM, that my review was false/misleading or a Scam review and provided no evidence, I feel compelled to respond and encourage others to review the evidence for them selves and make up their own mind.

Firstly I did not state that DM is a scam, I merely stated that some of the local agencies are not genuine and some of the profiles on DM are not all they seem. I also encouraged people that read the review to make up their own mind. I also encouraged Dream Marriage members and potential members to use your site with an open mind and to approach things with a firm grip on reality and not expect a stunning model to fall for someone that is also a lot older than the girls own father and is neither handsome or a millionaire, yes occasionally it can happen, but it is a very rare occurrence. If you cannot accept that as a reasonable statement then most people can make up their own mind about your response to a legitimate comment.

Now we come to the facts, you deny this agency is a local affiliate of yours, so can you please explain how so many of the girls registered with this agency are listed on your website? A simple look at the IF Loves list of models (I use their own term for girls that are registered with them) are also girls listed on your site? Can you also explain why IF Love tells potential translators and models they will be replying to guys from DM and others?

I will not provide direct url links between girls registered with IF love and there profiles on DM as that would be unfair to the girls. But guys reading this review can look for themselves, a simple browse through IF Loves vk profile and site will show you just how many girls are listed on Dream Marriage, IF love also shows the girls complete profile photo shoot and not just the pictures used on their Dream Marriage profile. Are you trying to suggest this is all a massive coincidence? Because this is not the only local agency that has girls with profiles on DM and is also advertising for models and translators as an easy way to earn additional money, I just chose to highlight one of the most blatant examples.

If DM had of responded to my review with a fair response stating they would look into the evidence more closely or tried to distance themselves from this local agency in a more polite and balanced way, instead of trying make a personal attack against me, then readers of this review would more likely have accepted it was either one bad local agency or a misunderstanding.

Now readers of this review can make up their own mind about DM.

Update 2:

After several months in Ukraine on business, I return home to emails saying this review has been read 3000 times, What is a surprise is so many members feel the need to question the integrity of the site and feel a need to read site reviews such as this one.

I commend Dream-Marriage for removing the original and aggressive response to my post and posting a more carefully worded response.

You asked for evidence, yet the original post I made gave you direct links to the evidence that one of your local affiliates is actively hiring translators and models from VK, that VK profile was suspended for a while due to "Suspicious activity" yet the profile is now active again and both the agency and its administrators are actively recruiting Models and Translators to write to guys on dream-marriage.

We contacted the agency to enquire about the work and they clearly stated they are a Dream-Marriage affiliate and that if we worked for them we would be answering letters from guys on Dream Marriage. As suggested in the VK profile they stated the work can be lucrative and the more we encourage guys to write to the models the more we can earn.

When I or others have provided evidence to Dream-Marriage directly in the past of girls misdeeds, Dream-Marriage support always replies with a stock answer that "the girls account has been hacked". Yet the girls account has always stays active.

So the question is will dream marriage suspend the agency and the profiles of the models it has hired? Or will your local affiliate be allowed to carry on hiring Models and translators to write endless letters?

When Dream-Marriage has revenues in excess of $12,000/day I suspect the answer will be no the affiliate and models will not have their accounts suspended.

Update 3:

I have just received an email from Site jabber telling me that this review has been read 4,000 times, which I find really surprising. But it just goes to prove that despite the recent rash of positive reviews listed for Dream-Marriage quite a few guys still have a lot of nagging doubts and questions. I have also received messages via this site questioning the veracity of my claims about translators, local affiliates and the business model.

Well here is an article in the Kiev Post, An English language paper in Ukraine />
"A portion of the money male clients pay for chats is transferred at the end of every month from the international dating portals to the smaller dating websites located in Ukraine that have provided them with verified profiles of real women."

"the translator gets 40 percent of the earnings from each profile they operate."

Additionally it is only fair to warn you that the site seems to have signed up quite a few professional escorts recently. Now I am not blaming dream-marriage before anyone starts shouting for lawyers, this maybe entirely due to unscrupulous local affiliates. I suggest you do a reverse image search on a selection of the the photos the girls send you. Use instead of google as it is better for searching Russian language websites

Then click the camera icon at the top right and drag and drop the image or copy and paste the image url into the search box.

Now to end on a positive note, some of the girls on DM are genuine, not all, but some, so if you are prepared to spend a LOT of money chatting to lots of girls trying to find the ones that are genuine, then sure you can find love. A couple of guys I know have married girls that worked on Dream-Marriage, they are even listed on the site as success stories, but these guys spent $7,000 and $12,000 each to find a genuine girl. Caveat Emptor applies.

Update 4:

It has now been a long time since I wrote this review and today I got an email from ReviewFeeder telling me this review has been read 76,446 times, making it one of the more popular reviews of dream-marriage. I guess a lot of guys have some serious doubts about this site to feel the need to research these independent reviews, the mere fact so many have doubts, this should also reinforce my reviews message of buyer beware.

Men Don't Know What They're Missing
I became a member of this site, and was skeptical at first. So after meeting a girl, and corresponding a few months, I decided to go an visit her in Ukraine, to be with her in person. I decided tho, to immediately start to learn to speak Russian, just in case, as I thought it might be helpful. I went and met her, and she was even nicer in person, than on the website. And I was shocked to see al the beautiful woman in Ukraine. Many tho, don't speak English, so I was glad I could at least say some words. Not that I was flirting, but just coming in contact with them, uplifted my spirits, so wanted to let them know, I was trying to learn their language. After my 4th trip there, I broke up with my girlfriend, due to me having health problems. After a while, I joined this site again, and soon found someone else. Now, I am planning on going back to Ukraine to meet her. I have also just returned from a trip to Moscow. I thought Ukrainian women were better looking, and friendlier. However, I was impressed with Russian woman also. These countries have cultures different than in America. As for finding a girlfriend, or a future wife, it is much easier to do, with Russian/Ukrainian women. These women are so nice and friendly, you have to "see it to believe it", as the saying goes. I'm thankful to Dream Marriage, for their services and providing introductions. William

Definitely not a scam in my eyes.!
I have been a member of DM a long time probably since August - 2011 and still a member now. I've probably spent in excess of a couple grand in money. From a cynics point of view yeah for the amount of time I've been with DM I have only ever attracted what seems to me as a scam, the first girl I chatted to was for about a year or so everything seemed normal and I was planning a trip so I set out to request her details, she denied my request with DM saying she could not speak a word of English and she needed to remain with the site/ agency as an interprater wrote her letters for her, that set alarm bells of for myself really at first then I kind of stopped writting after a while because I started to get letters from her but Dream Singles were titled to diferent mens names when I questioned her about it she denied that she didn't understand what I was saying and if an interprater were writting letters for her shurely he'd of told her what I meant by the questioning. So I stopped writting all together to her. After of months of not useing the site DM and an email from DM telling me to use a promo code to come back to DM site "comeback300" I did and I had hundreds upon hundreds of letters from this girl I stopped writting to months ago and there were things like I have got to leave my home because I've lost my job can you please send me money if you love me... yatta... yatta. She asked for money to be transfered via western union, however the money order she requested was not for Ukraine it was for the Phillipines. She was blocked and with the promo code "comeback300" I decided to start a new search, and again for a 2nd time, a 3rd time all the way upto about 5 times I got hit with a similar thing of being asked for a plane ticket or money or pay a ransome for her release from men who were holding her against her will. All in all I'd imagine that most of the cynics that write its a scam would be on the money it is.

But I persaveared with it and gave it one last try. And I laid it on the lines that I have been conned and asked for money and if she were such a person to find another mug to con. She was a little upset for me to suggest such a thing and that her actions were sincere. I've been chatting with her for a longer time than the others that just wanted my money. This girl I have that feeling its completely all above board, what I mean is before I knew when I was being conned because it was always the same sob story and after a while you just know its going due South. But this girl I dont get that. She worries when I don't write, because of my work Im not always in a position to write to her but she knows the reason and accepts. I suppose when I cant write for long periods of time all she wants is to read my words and see a new picture of me and that will fullfill what she wants and to be honest its made our relationship very strong. Strong to the point I knew she was having dificulties with obtaining an international passport. As passports in Ukraine are relatively expensive specially a first passport. (On the site DM it says passport verified, and you shouldn't confuse an international passport with a Country passport/permit which only allows travel between their own cities of there own country) However I knew she was having dificulties obtaining one and a visa aswell as she needed me in her life she needed to see me and I was having dificulties with a stay of leave with work and travelling out to Ukraine to be with her. So she wanted to come to the UK, So I made it clear that she had to let me pay some or all of her passport/visa cost and her reply stunned myself. She wouldn't/Couldn't accept money off of myself. And for me that was the sign this time it was real.

The only Quarn I have with DM is the pictures of the girls on there profiles are not true representations of the girls what so ever, okay the pictures I recieve from my girl are that of her on her profile page, but she said herself she could not afford to look that dolled up everyday not even for maybe one day a year. Most of these girls don't earn alot of money compared to our earnings in the UK or USA. An accountant in Ukraine probably earns in a year what an accountant in the UK earns in a week and thats the diference between there economy and ours.

Everything I have written here, would point at me to being stupid or very very stupid. But I have found my true love I believe very much so as she does to and some times a little patience goes a long way to finding the path you want to be on, and if doesn't work you can always pave a new path for yourself.

So thank you DM for giving me the opertunity to find my life long partner Maria. :)

Are the girls real?
I noticed a lot of these girls are online 24/7! There is a woman on the Dream Singles site that I communicate with on another site! I was chatting with her about a week ago and we both saw each other on camera! She was wearing a black dress and her hair was curly! Then I noticed that she was online on Dream Singles and her camera happened to be on also! So, I clicked on her cam and saw that she was dressed differently! She was wearing a black silk night gown and her hair was straight! Not curly! The back ground looked like it was day light! I also noticed that when I was watching her on cam on the Dream Singles site, her camera looked as though it was replaying over and over again! Like it was a recorded video or something! I also noticed that when she's logged off the site, her cam light is still flashing! Weird I know! Maybe some of you guys seen and noticed something like this? Well, this is my experience on the site! Most of these women have other profiles on other dating sites as well! So, guys who are communicating with any of the women on this site and you think that she's in love with you and she wants to be with you? Better check out the other sites! I'll guarantee that she's there and she's online expressing her love for other men!

It's a TOTAL Rippoff! STAY AWAY from "Pay Per Letter" Sites!
NOT ONE TESTIMONY ON HERE tells you how much its going to cost you to meet a woman on "dream-singles"... WELL HERE IT IS...

To get a womans contact details...
A man MUST HAVE retained a paid membership for 3 consecutive months or more & MUST HAVE at least acquired 1,200 credits per lady to obtain contact information. (Less than 3 months & its 2000 credits).
You also have to make a call to the girl in question!
THEN THERE IS an administrative fee of 100 credits for paperwork performed by the independent local representative.
ALL THIS COST & you haven't even met the lady face to face.


DO A GOOGLE SEARCH... see for yourself.
10,000's of testimonies about how This SITE and ALL OTHER "Pay Per Letter" SITES SCAM foreign men! SERIOUSLY... Do a google search and see the countless complaints/tesimonies about these scamming sites that charge per letter/per minute chat.

Stay away from ANY SITE that charges "Pay Per Letter". It's a scam site.
Be SMART GUYS... only join MONTHLY PAY SITES (with all chat, letters included).
Youll also see the pictures are more genuine AND REAL... none of these glossed up pictures.

YOU'LL FIND "most OR all of these positive testimonies" are done by employees of the site/s OR by some guy who lives at home with his mum & has never had a date then gets on these sites and thinks all the women want him!... WRONG!

MANY PROFILES are also on other well known scamming sites like Anastasia dating, Charmdate, GlobalLadies, Jump4Love, Victoria Hearts, worldwide-internet-dating (4-6 sites are under this dating site) etc etc etc. & their profiles have different information.
The letters & chat questions the foreign guy receives are mostly generic & automated, Not of a personal nature, the dating agencies (not the sites) who communicate as if they are the woman herself OR from women on these scam sites who work for a commission just leading the foreign guys on to get money out of them!
The longer the "dating/marriage websites and local dating agencies" can keep the foreign guy corresponding the more money they make"!
The LOCAL dating agencies "HAVE THE POWER (not the dating/marriage websites) BECAUSE:
* THEY SUPPLY the "dating/marriage websites" with the profiles
* THEY CHARGE FOR "EVERY letter/ EVERY minute of chat.
* THEY CONTROL ALL COMMUNICATION (use their own interpreters to manipulate correspondance).

BEFORE YOU DECIDE... LISTEN TO THIS INFO... tells you how it really is! (this is strait on) /> /> />
BE SMART or BE STUPID... the choice is yours!

P.S. Ive been stung in the past and have since spent nearly 12 months doing my homework on these scamming sites! (I am not an agent or affiliate and have ABSOLUTELY NO association with any of the above links)

P.S. When I joined this "dream-singles" site (as a free member) & other "Pay Per Letter" sites, I NEVER HAD a profile or pictures... YET... I got a heap of letters from women NOT ONLY FROM THIS SITE but ON EVERY SITE I JOINED!

Hi Guys
Hi Guys,

Ive been fool enough to use DM for 5yrs. Ive done over £12.000.00 pounds in this time... i was TOTALY ADDICTED to the beautifull women on here and have struckmup many regular contacts. So much so i went to frozen Kharkov in Febuary 2011... well we had months of lovely chat and although she coulnt speak english her mate would be the interapture,, when i arrrrived she went from the warm caring lover to be that promised to stay with me to a ice cold Madam!,, i was dumped in a horrid tower block and meet the my lady each evening and was fully expected to oay for her and her friend to do the lingo! I found out later i was paying tripple the cost of an official interapture like £40 a day! She was not interested it was minus 20c and so was her heart... to add insult to injury i gt puled by customs at the airport and Dream Singles had $100 of me to let me go or else! They may find something in my bagae that would mean a long stretch in a cell simililar to what i had just spent four hellish night in!,,,, we no longer keep contact!. As i have such an addictive personality i found another beautiful klady,, i made sure she speak english but refused to exchange details!,,, so i promised to meet her all expensive paid trio to Samui Thailand... Bingo i got her details. Then at the last minute i pulled the deal. Straight away her attitude changed! I have her ADDY So we can chat,, but says we must chat on the site because its easier!,, so thanks to finding this review site i can honestly say its all BS!. I JUST SO ADDICTED TO CHATTING TO THESE GORGEOUS GIRLS!. BUT HEY OVER 14 K LATER IM OUT!... in fact im off to thailand again where as you know for $40 you can have a girl 24/7. Ok its not love but neither is DM!... SHAME. THEY ARE STUNNING AND WHEN YOU LOOK AROUND YOUR LOCAL AREA alll you see are mega fat arsed slags! And the ones that are fit know it!... so im calling it a day!... im sure maybe a few girls are genuine?. But id rather just wait. Who knows whats rund the corner of your local store?. Just grow some balls and ask her!... not like me and burn a lot of $$$$ for jack $#*!!... saying that i do have it to spare and on a Saturday night if you can afford a fun chat then go for it! Just dont get ya hooes up as i did!... off to Thailand now where 14k will keep you fun friendly company for about five years!

Something different to try
Hello. As I was looking for something different to try in term of a new dating website, tired of the same deceptions and promises that never give us satisfaction
In something concrete, so I decided to try This dating website, is done perfectly in the most intuive way to let you begin your new journey to find
Real love in a different way. The ladies that are there are so gentle and open minded at the same time. Dream Singles are all educatd and ready to bring to you something concrete
In a dynamic and enjoyable way to communicate and to seduce each others, on the road to a concrete relationship that they look for, just as you. With the common goal
You will become happier, with the conviction to had done the right move at the right time, and at the best place for it around! Its a total game changer, try it and you will
Be convainced for sure!

European Citizen using Dream Singles to find a non EU citizen and starting a life together in Poland
I am an European citizen living in Poland under EU laws and rules. I am not Polish.
As most date site are designed for America and their immigration laws This review has no legal binding with American laws and immigration rules and treaties.
As I live in Poland and this site deals with Ukrainian citizens and Russian with other non EU countries as well.
Only Ukrainian citizens can legally enter Poland live and work freely in Poland as the two countries are twinned through History.
In using this date site and finding a partner in Ukraine than Dream Singles can live with you in Poland.
After three years live in Poland then you can live within the EU state legally and freely there are other way also, but this is the main way. I will advice an EU citizen thinking like me to check your own country rules on immigration as well as the EU rules as I know the EU are trying to change the time span of 3 years down to a lower setting
This date site has a good and bad side to it but I have found when I have contacted the customer service they have helped every time, I have to say they are good as I had an issue and I contacted the site to see if they could help and they did in keeping two of us together
As a date site they are trying to bring people together. I applaud Dream Singles for doing that I will not go into details as that would not be fair.
If I was to give a negative it can take a long time to finding her the right person and remember this, it also applies to the other side to. So costs do mount up and it can get expensive but as it has been said to me you can spend thousands traveling to events and come home empty handed. So yes it can get rough but that is what makes the world go around.
You must keep your head and know what you want and who you want in a partner to succeed

Impossible to meet or share information
I live in Australia and have been on Dream Singles for 8 months.

The only way to meet a lady is to book and pay the site a lot of money for a 2 hour date with them present (would cost me about $8000AUD for a 2 hour date).

Since Covid it has not been possible for me to leave or return to Australia since March 2020.

I wrote to the site asking if Dream Singles could provide an alternative way to meet or for us to communicate and they said NO that I have to wait until Covid is gone.

They forbid any direct contact so the only way to stay in contact is to keep paying and paying. So far it has cost me around $2000 just for emails. Their chats and video exchanges are very expensive so I refuse to pay.

I have met a few lovely ladies and one in particular but I am going to leave the site as I see NO way we can meet or communcate outside this site.

I warn any man do NOT join this site.


Instant gratification!
My experience with Dream Marriage has been a good one from the start. I have exchanged many letters and conversations with ladies who are honest and open with their feelings. One of the advantages of such a site is to be accepted emotionally and learn more about a culture that I have found fascinating. It prompts me to learn the language and gain a better understanding of my desires and dreams as well as those of the women I choose to communicate with... a very important plus... to learn about a culture and gain insights of how those women live!
This will enhance most relationships and certainly will enhance any travel experience Dream Singles may lead to... To know more about the people you intend to interact with in a culture different from one's own expands your own experience in life. To travel to Ukraine, for example, makes for a more complete understanding of your journey in life and a more in-depth perception of how your lives blend into happy future! Dream Marriage is always provides helpful support along the way.

Girls are being paid for chat: 0.12 USD per minute...
Girls are being paid for chat: 0.12 USD per minute for ordinary chat, 0.24 USD per minute for video chat, 1 USD for answering the letter. As far as I know there is a limit of 0.36 USD per minute for chat if a girl chats to few men at the same time, but still it's a lot of money, over 20 USD per hour. Quite good wages even for America. No girl will confess that she is being paid, just because Dream Singles don't want to lose admirers. Wast majority of women here are to make money and not to find love. Whats even worst that instead of real girl you could be chatting to local marriage agency employee and the real girl appearing on video chat only once a month. If you need proof you can google yourself for Russian or Ukrainian forum sites where local marriage agencies, representatives of Dream marriage and other Russian mail order bride sites, discuss their business.

THIS SITE SUCKS! The ONLY REASON, I AM SURE, the this site has ANY good reviews is because Dream Singles give away FREE CREDITS to BUY positive reviews!
If you are looking to meet a Slavic woman for marriage or a long term relationship, use ANY other site EXCEPT dream marriage. They are PIECE OF $#*! RIPOFFS! I recently tried to renew my membership and they attempted to charge me 4, yes FOUR, GOD DAMNED TIMES! Then they gave me credits, unbeknownst to me, rather than renewing my membership. I read 15 letters (which would have been free, unlimited, and not used credits, and watched one video letter and my credits were gone. When I complained to them on Aug. 24th, these COCKSUCKING, ENGLISH ILLITERATE, LYING MOTHER $#*!ERS sent me an inbox message saying they hadn't received/taken any payments from me since July 12th. I've got a GOD DAMNED $99.00 CHARGE to dream NIGHTMARE iage, dated August 17th, on my bank statement and had to call my bank to deny the other 3 charges, LYING PIECES OF $#*!!

I don't usually like to fill out surveys, but I've made an exception here. I simply have to mention how excited I am about this site!

I've been on other dating sites before, and I've almost never gotten any responses. After joining THIS site, I've received so many messages in from charming and beautiful ladies, I can't even read all of them! I feel like a Hollywood star, receiving fan mail from my adoring public!

I've only been on this site for 2 1/2 months, and already I've found the girl I want to marry! Hands down, this is the BEST dating site I've been on.

The only downside is having to buy credits in order to send emails, chat or watch certain videos. It's almost worth it, though. Especially since I've found my true love.

These women are so beautiful! Dream Singles also seem really sincere to me.

I highly recommend this site. WOW!

Site has issues, but it is not all bad.
I have been on Dream-marriage now called Dream-singles for years, I do agree with most of the reviews as far as it being expensive. I do also think there are some messages that are computer generated which is why so many messages are sent. I try to just focus on one or two women due to the cost of the site. I have spoken to women that have tried to use me for money, and others that suddenly just happen to find boyfriends in their own countries. Some have just disappeared from the site altogether. My frustrations with this almost drove me to delete my profile.

Until I started talking to this one woman on there last year. Really enjoyed our conversations, she remembers everything I tell her, even if I have forgotten I have told her. We finally met in Kiev in May, she is exactly who she says she is, looks exactly like her photos, and has never asked me for a dime. I did see a video after I met her of a woman explaining how you can tell if a Ukrainian woman is interested in you or not. One of things she said is, Dream Singles will not ask you for money, because they want you to know they are interested in you, not your wallet. This woman has been the first and only woman I have ever met in person from all my years on the site. All I can say is she is worth all the hassle I had to go through and I am glad I stuck around.

Now I don't expect everyone will stick around on this site as long as I did and deal with the issues this site brings. There are some issues and Dream-singles needs to work on them, such as the pricing, the scammers, the constant site outages. However there are some good women on the site. It may take some time to weed through the time wasters, but when you find your match it may just be worth whatever you went through to get there.

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Based on 50 reviews from Dream Singles customers, company has accumulated an average rating of 3 stars, indicating that majority of customers are satisfied with its service.
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Description: At Dream Singles, we thrive on bringing couples together to find true love and happiness. Since 2003, we have provided a platform for singles to connect in over 200 countries. We set the bar high in online international dating, as we hold the 2015 iDate Award for Best Niche Dating Site. Over the last 18 years, Dream Singles has created thousands of success stories. Because our services promote the most genuine meetings, it enables our members to develop endearing and lasting relationships.

Address: 9120 Double Diamond Parkway Ste.3988, 89521


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