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Dream Singles

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Reviews Relationships, International Dating Dream Singles

50 customer reviews of

Complete scam
Your wasting your time if you think these women are real or are truly interested in you

My story I got on with the hope that it was real atleast some of the women were real I met a gorgeous women on there perfect 10 her name was Aleksandra her and I talked for over two years even exchanged contact info and email off site at times but as time went on I started getting serious red flags like the fact that when I had her email and we could talk off site she insisted that we communicate mostly on the site and said it's because she didn't understand how to use email like come on who doesn't know how to you email? And then I decided I would take the plunge and book a trip to kiev to visit her for a week and asked her before I bought the plane ticket if she would like to see me and spend time together her answer was yes so of course I bought the plane ticket found an apartment in Kiev booked the apartment for my stay and I did so 9 months in advance so that it would give her time to request off from her job for the week I was going to be down there so her and I could spend time together 2 months after I Booked and payed for my trip she starts saying she didn't know if she was going to have time to take vacation prior to her saying a couple of months back she could and as time went on her behavior towards me changed and slowly got worst till it got to about a month before my trip and she started messaging me on the site telling me that she was going to have to get off the site because she was hiding from a man that stalked her on the site and somehow got her info and called her parents and then the next day she was still on the site and came up with a different excuse that her friend had a brother that was obsessed with her and that she had no feelings for him so he killed himself because she wouldn't be with him and it really made no sense and it started big arguments between us and we made up after our arguments on the matter but she was still acting shady a week later 3 weeks before my trip she deleted her profile so I contacted the management staff at dream singles and informed them that I felt she was a fake and that she was one of the women getting payed by agencies to talk to men and I get an email from her off site saying that the site was trying to charge her 5000$ for fraudulent activity and she tried to play the go talk to them so I won't be charged non sense and I fell for it again shortly after that email I never heard from her again and I had to cancel my trip get refunded from both the apartment I rented and the plane tickets both which weren't cheap by any means and lost out of that 800$ plus the thousands I spent on the site talking to her.

My advice if your on that site get off save your money and save yourself from heartbreak because its like the saying goes if it seems to good to be true it's probably because it is this site is nothing more than another scam mail order bride site and even if you do meet these ladies it's only because you did it completely through the site and set it up through the site but if you try to set up everything by yourself with no assistance from the site the women vanish and are nowhere to be found the reason is because the site is paying them to show up for a meeting with you these women don't even talk to you Dream Singles have people talking to you for them and when the meeting takes place through the site they are briefed on Past conversations you had on the site so they can act like it was them talking the entire it's all in the end about money and your just being played steer clear of this fraudulent site it's not worth the pain and the suffering it causes

And to point out this is a real person with real experience on the site not someone from a competitor trying to right a scam review this is absolutely genuine

Dating made easier
Ii was not sure what to expect joining a dating site just cause I've Heard good and bad about people's experiences but I had a couple good friends from church that talked me into trying it and so I found Dream singles and couldn't believe the response I received from this site lots of beautiful woman and all I had to do is my profile and got messages the same day! Now I get so many wemon who want to meet I can't even check the messages fast enough to keep up. But no need to be cause I've found the write girl very sweet smart educated probably makes better money than me but who cares about that. Life's much easier with a good partner to share it with and I almost married the wrong one. Im thinking that this site has changed my life when it comes to meeting the write girl to share the rest of my life with. Thank you Dream singles. Anyone reading this my advice is to just be honest about yourself in your profile these wemon just want a good honest loving man

I am not sure since I feel many woman are not here to get married or meet but rather just chat or exchange letters. I often get generic replies to letters or when I do write I get one non generic letter but the next letters after that go back to the generic type of letters where Dream Singles say nothing specific. I think many of the doctored up photos are more often than not worse than real or regular photos as it seems there is an industry here. I get concerned some are limited on what they do from the local agency with smacks of the old Soviet days where there is a certain amount of control instilled since there are many interests here.
I have hope though and time will tell as the above are my concerns. Yes it makes it hard to chat with the ladies for the prices as well versus I would chat more if the prices were better especially considering how much money I have spent on the different sites including this one. I do not like it when a lady is in the video chat and someone else is typing and she is not at least acting like she is answering the question. So in other words I am chatting with someone else while looking at the lady I am interested in. So again I am not getting to know the person I am interested in.

The website, Dream Marriage, allows us to travel by Russia and Ukraine without moving the sofa in our living room. But the issue is even more exceptional because it allows us to meet the most beautiful women and sweets that exist, Russian and Ukrainian. If beauty is unusual, still it stands more character, so sweet that any man can do without glucose if you have beside a woman from Odessa, Kiev or Moscow. A relaxed conversation with a Slav woman feeds more than eating a jar of honey and rises higher than a zen spirit life. Beautiful, kind, sweet, intelligent women who will make you dream of that in exchange for a few coins. Happiness was never so cheap. First came God to plant in Russia and Ukraine to the purest and most beautiful women in the world and then came the website Dream Marriage to reap the rewards. This website is produced by both the harmonious union of the divine and the human. The man who gets to marry a Russian or Ukrainian woman is so levitation, closer to heaven than earth.

Have you or did you give money to a person on this site?
Did you get your account suspended or evicted and locked out, after giving money to one of your lover? However your lover is still on the marriage site is not affected?
It seems this site protects the women from being kicked out but you aided your lover and got locked out of the site

Have you ever ask yourself why the agency doesn't kick the women off for begging money off men, but the men who aided the women suddenly gets kicked of the site or have their account suspended?

Suspicious? This happen to a police officer, 2 sheriffs, a country judge, and FBI

Your lover is still on the site right?

Who broke the law, the beggar(your lover) or Aider (you)?
Who ask for money first? Your lover
Who gave out the money? You!
So why are you being kicked out? Your account locked!
But your lover is not! Why?

And these womens may use the agency to get more men for MONEY and you (marriage agency) are helping them females account by not evicting them or cancelling their account, YOU ARE NOT HELPING AND MAKING IT WORSE FOR YEARS NOW!

And endangering male users
This happens to many times

We will gather resource and collect intel with special hackers involved leading to for special investigation, it is believed some say the agency is rigged!

I would not recommend this web site from my experience
I would not recommend this web site from my experience. I used it on and off for one and a half years. I wrote to many women on it. Dream Singles seemed interested in me, however I did not go to the Ukraine to meet any of them. A few months ago, I was reading some of the many letters that I received, and I just happened to read a letter which was identical in wording to the one that I had just read. These two letters were from two different women in different cities. So how can that be? Obviously these letters are being made up by a person working for dream marriage, and the person made a mistake and accidently sent out the same letter twice to myself. So I agree with the others comments that the whole site seems to be a fraud, designed to make money from unsuspecting men who want to believe that these attractive women are interested in relationships with them. Also I paid for contact details for one woman and send her a text to her mobile, expecting a reply back on my mobile but she did not sent me back a text, yet she had written to me several times on dream marriage ( if it was really this woman who was writting the letters?) Another woman who I also paid for contact details for, I sent her a text message in Russian, so it would be easier for her to understand. She then replied on the dream marriage web site and said it was too expensive for her to text me. That was simply not true, texts in the Ukraine are cheap to send. She was lying to me because she did not want to text me, she wanted to keep me writing to her on the dream marriage web site. I did not write to her again. So from my experience I would not recommend this web site at all.

The contact centre seem out of touch with the clients needs especially when you need to sort a problem It is also worrying that Dream Singles are in the same region as Victoriahearts both based Reno Nevada.
You spend a lot on mails but then you get this from them:
Attempting to visit any Lady on our site without following proper protocol is asking for disaster. We have very specific procedure here for any Man meeting a Lady Member of our not likely to meet you if you don't follow the rules because then she would be guilty of violating the rules and subject to deactivation of her account here as would you.

Just more money requiring them to arrange your date and the accommodation at there inflated prices!
So they hold the ladies sort of hostage and not to make arrangements with the men plus often the mails are in american english as a short mail and then the proper mails from the ladies have grammar errors so as if you are talking to 2 people.

Dream-singles works as a brokerage.
It use a affiliate scheme with the marriage agencies in Ukraine so to have there ladies and list them on Dream-singles web site to advertise.
The deal is Dream-singles the pays a commission to the Ukraine marriage agency for all communications, gifts, chats, translations, visits and accommodation arrangements and more.
The ladies in many cases are on basic Ukraine wages of approximately 130$ a month from there normal official employment.
But the deal is that the ladies will receive a small % of the Ukraine marriage agencies commission which helps there living costs and occasional if they are sent gift as well from the men that they correspond with.
So the ladies are required to be on line for 6 to 8 hours every day or more time if they have it to chat to as many men as possible each day and the men feel they are real and developing a new relationship when in fact the goal is to make the men spend more money through Dream-singles, so that they and the Ukraine marriage agency get more commission each month from Dream-singles.
There are a few ladies who are genuine and looking but a very large % are just in it for the money to pay there Ukraine daily living costs.
You only find out when you make your own arrangements and the lady suddenly says no to a meeting or goes silent, as the meeting causes a real complication for the ladies future commission deal with the agency.
As Dream-singles say you must book all through them and arrange the meeting through them as its there protocol.
So if you get caught by this then make formal complaint to Nevada Attorney General

Marriage Bound
I came to Dream Marriage to find a wife. I was married for 40 years and I thought I was happily married, however my wife was not. When she entered her late fifty's she went into menopause and decided she wanted to be alone. After months of therapy I finally listened to the therapist and divorced her. The therapist told me that she saw me happy with another woman that could bring love to me in a way that my ex was not capable of. So I see this advertisement for Dream Marriage and I join. There are literally thousands of women that are willing to marry. I received 30,000 messages. I have spent an obscene amount of money however I have found several loving woman that are willing to marry and come to my country. If you are serious about finding a wife and willing to learn accept a new culture. There are endless opportunities on this site. Be prepared to spend 15 to 20 thousand dollars. I am grateful I have found love and if you want to find a wife it will happen on Dream Marriage.

Bait & Switch
I wrote a very positive review about Dream Singles during which I was virtually involved with someone on that site. I finished it with "To be continued". I have to say after I scheduled a visit and date with my chosen lady, and on the scheduled date, I met with the interpreter that said she was with the agency named Alina, and that Marina was on her way. She filled me in on all the little details, and then she entered the restaurant. I met her for the first time. It was her no doubt. The translator had her sit next to her not me. Face to face I was involved with a long conversation with the translator, and watched Marina timidity sitting not making any eye contact. That should have been a red flag. After which the waiter was bringing all kind of various foods for us, including a couple of expensive drinks. Again Marina was really not included in any part of the dialogue. A few hours of not really speaking with my intent, we left the restaurant after be given a very large bill for what was suppose to be a simple meet and greet lunch. That alone cleaned me out of what hard currency I had. I had to pick up the difference on my credit card. During a brief walk, Marina was always walking next to Alina the translator she apparently knew personally. I was at a distance behind them. If I would have stopped and sat down, Dream Singles would have kept walking. Red flag #2. We got to a travel car thst taked you up several flights of stairs. Unless you were a decathlon athlete, you have to take the travel car, which they waited for me to pay. Then came the good part. Alina started to complain that she was already into 4 hours of service as a translator, and was expecting to be payed. I told her the agency was compensated for this date already for 2 hours. I told her she would have to deal with Dream Singles agency. We wound up at the local bank, and she became very insistent on being paid. I didn't want Marina to get a bad impression on this, so I agreed to pay Alina the 2 hours that came to about $70.00. Marina was just sitting there staring into space during all this. But as soon as we left the bank, I have never seen such a Bait & Switch maneuvere pulled off so smoothly. Alina had cash in hand, Marina came around, Alina handed off a good portion of the cash I took out of the ATM, and immediately got in a cab, and said "Bye", after which Alina got into an Uber cab and left. BOOM! There I was, stranded in the middle of Kiev down town, with just enough to get back to my apartment. I kept saying to my self "What the $#*! happened?" Then it dawned on me, and I remembered a similar story told My some other poor guy. Incredible! I had a lot of faith in Dream Singles, and it turned out that all the stories about this site is true. It's a company endorsed scamming operation pimping the locals as money making commodities. And was proven in front of me, being compensated by the agency. I was told about this by my wife's friend who is Urkraine, that the good portion of this country is on the take through companies here in the US, especially Dream Singles based in Reno NV. I'm thinking of sending a letter to the Nevada District Attorney about this. This is fraud at any angle you look at it.

Diana 3846226
I have been with dream marriage for years now. I received this letter the other day. From what I thought was a lady? Or was it really from a man? Would a lady write this? For what reason would she write this? I wrote to dream marriage Dream Singles have deleted her from the site. Is it a scam agency? Is our money just being wasted on what we think are women. A reply from my letter would have been nice, thanks for making me feel like a loyal customer.

"You're reading this letter, which
Hasn't written by this beautiful woman on the photo!
And even not by the woman and the man! I am a translator and I work in marriage agency of M-Brides in Ukraine. The marriage agency is make fool the foreigners. Why? Because all the women on this site are fake! They don't real! They are all men! Don't you guess yet? The translators are pretending themselves by the women and writting to the men. Their task to hold as long as possible in a chat the men. Because for foreigners the chat is paid and messages for them paid, too. But not for Ukrainians! There are many kind of agencies like this.
We were forbade to turn on the webcam and microphone and to give any contacts.
I'm writing this letter because I was deceived on money. They didn't pay me a salary. Yes, it's always because of money... $#*!ing money! I hate these papers!
I know what expect me for this letter... But I don't care!
My name is Monte Cristo. And this is my revenge...

Despite all the scam report's, i have yet to read anything...
Despite all the scam report's, i have yet to read anything that suggest it is actually a "scam". All i have read on here is mostly pissed males who didn't get the barbie doll slave Dream Singles were lusting after.

I have been on DM for over two years and have had nothing but the best experience. I'm not a gift sender, chatter, or video sender/receiver. I purchase 30 follow up letters a month and that is it. Because the gifting/chatting part of it is questionable, expensive and frankly, meaningless. No woman wants roses or gifts delivered to her by a strange man, they want the man who got those gifts, to deliver them in person. My advice save your money, and buy her the gifts when you're there. Remember odd numbered roses or other flowers and never black. Black roses and even numbers are for funerals. Remember that.

I have been talking with a very lovely young woman thru Dream-Marriage for the last two years. She was one of the first lady's i made contact with. After our first meeting in her hometown of Sumy, in the dead of winter, a winter that broke 100 year old records there, that visit lasted a week, but was originally for two days, i got snowed in. Even the railroads were not operating. We both had a lot of interest and admiration for each other. She, and the agency there in Sumy went out of there way to help me in any way possible. The agency even paid for a driver who was brave(or stupid) enough to face a winter storm to get me into lodging in Kiev, so i could catch my flight home.

DM's Sumy agency also has one of the best translators i have ever met. Her command of the English language was astonishing. She even scolded me for using "worser" to describe the "worse" weather i have ever personally witnessed. I felt like a 5th grader again in English class. I'm from South East Texas, we get snow maybe every 25 years and it's back to 90 the next day.

To date i have been to Sumy, Ukraine 3 times. Once for a week, the second time was for two weeks, and this last month i was there for three weeks. We had a great time. We still use DM for it's translation service, well let's face it, her English is as good as my Russian, and it's horrible. We can have normal conversations, but for anything complex a translator is needed. And Google translator is the biggest garbage out there. Only a "live person" can do a proper translation. Yes i know DM uses Google translate, and some of it's affiliated agencies for chatting online, another reason to avoid chatting.

It is really pretty simple. If you can't get a woman here, you can get one there. If you can't get the younger, taller, slender blond here, you will not get the younger, taller, slender blond there, she will however, show up for lunch and gifts and take your money. Remember that. It's all common sense. Just use your "other" head to think with.

OK Dream-Marriage I got your reply to my post. So you say your site is lagit? This most recent reply I received by your fake program proves my point. "hi {name} i am a photographer, i will work and practice in your country so u can take a few fotos from me which u like)) i am bad girl". Lonley guys beware

OK I gave Dream-Marriage a try and in time found out that this site is a scam. The site uses a program for the so called lady to ask questions. In many cases It say hello *NAME* how are you, or Hi &name& how are you. The program fills in the user name but sometime the program messes up and you get to see the text it suppose to auto fill in. One lady I spoke to last year at great lengths is still there and she doesn't remember me at all. I found that interesting seeing that I almost went there to meet her. Also, some of these ladies are always on line. I'm sure Dream Singles have lives other than Dream-Marriage. Bottom line guys this site is a scam. It uses a program to chat with you. Real time gratification is impossible and therefore too good to be true, so it's not. Don't fall for this sites elaborate program and pretty faces. You're being scammed!

My relationship with Dream Marriage
My experience with Dream-Marriage like any relations has been rocky at times but overall exceptional. Service has been prompt and at the same time very satisfying over the past 4 years I have been a member here! I have been a member of many different dating sites and have to say I find Dream-Marriage the best. Though no site is perfect I think Dream-Marriage is as close to perfect as it is possible. Dream Singles do their best to keep scammers off this site and I respect them for that effort. I think also that they are big enough not to have to resort to paying members to communicate with men encouraging them to purchase more credits to communicate with the women here at this site. I believe that Dream-Marriage truly wants to join lonely souls eventually into a happy marriage and a growing happy family. It is also a site with class and not like the many sites I have been a member of in the past!:-) Though I think that they have too many rules I respect them.:-)))


First, I served as a judge for the Florida BPR. The Florida BPR is the judicial arm of the Secretary of State. Every state has a BPR which regulates businesses and prosecutes unethical businesses. All state's BPR's are tied directly into the U.S. Federal Trade Commission (FTC) which by the way is the most powerful judicial system in the U.S. As a business you don't want the FTC unhappy with you.

That being said, I used to investigate and prosecute unethical businesses that committed fraud. Dream Marriage is a classic example of Internet fraud.

Taken in it's full context "Dream Marriage" is a scam. The scam strategy is simple. Mislead men into writing emails (letters)@ $6.00 per email or con men into chatting online at up to $2.00 per minute. I tried keeping an open mind when I joined two months ago, but I only chatted less than 5 minutes testing the waters so to speak. Are there legitimate women on Dream Marriage? I guess it's possible but I sure didn't find any.

It is a well known fact that organized crime in the Ukraine and Russia control much of the Internet or business doing business through the Internet. Russia and Ukraine dating services is one of their favorites.

When you see a good review of one of these scam websites, in spite of seeing a 50 to 1 ration of bad reviews vs. good reviews, don't buy the good review. This is another common tactic used by these scam websites. These scam websites employ people who's only job is to neutralize any bad reviews by claiming Dream Singles had a great experience. Not only that but these same scam websites set up bogus review websites with phoney reviews stating how great their experience was as a member. Again, don't buy the bogus good reviews when you see the numerous complaints. The bogus good reviews have even occurred here. A good giveaway to bogus good reviews is you will see dates they were posted in close proximity.

Dream Marriage is a U.S. internet business that has partnered with Ukraine and Russian dating or even escort services. These outfits are all smoke and mirrors. Two months ago, I joined another service like Dream Marriage. There is now a criminal investigation going on against the scam service involving the U.S. Attorney, the FTC, and as always the IRS. I can't mention the scam outfit, but I am sure some of you have heard of them or perhaps even been a member. This investigation immediately exposed the common method of operation of these scam outfits. They have pictures on their website of this large office, when in reality their address is a UPS mail box in a UPS store. That is typical.

Dream Marriage girls are paid for each letter or email they con some man into sending to them. The Dream Marriage girls are paid for each chat conference. I was contacted by women claiming to be a cardiologist, lawyer, engineer, etc. What was hilarious was the cardiologist posted an MBA in their profile and the lawyer claimed "some college". Yet you would see these same bogus professionals online during normal business hours, or even 2:00 am on weekdays Ukraine time.

With Dream Marriage it was easy to see that several different people were writing letters for the same woman in the profile. It was so obvious it was laughable.

The Florida BPR used my username and password to get into the other scam dating website. It was very entertaining what they disclosed to me as I have a friend still on the board as a judge (commissioner). The FTC is now in the process of targeting these scam websites for prosecution.

So if you want to help put these garbage fraudulent websites out of business, contact your state BPR or secretary of state office and tell them of your experience. In addition, explain how much money you were swindled out of by these crooks.

The sexiest hottest chick in the world!
Sorry for the non-believers and cynics... this site is real and the girls are real! I met one 5 1/2 months ago in Kiev, have been back to the Ukraine five more times (six in total), to spend time with her (usually a week at a time), this 21 year-old bombshell is the most beautiful girl, that I have ever seen! If Alessandra Ambrosio is a 10, Mila is an 11! Knows it too, so patience was required, as was a good and thorough and repeated demonstration of love, care, kindness, and respect. You're not going to win an A-list goddess like Mila, with just a few letters. Get over there, meet your dream girl in person, treat her like a princess, and fast-forward a couple of months and a couple of visits later, and if gods are willing, she will have set her heart on you by then... and you will have love and lovemaking beyond your wildest dreams, and the most faithful loyal girlfriend and future wife, that you could ever imagine and dream of! My last four visits have been out of this world good and mind-blowing... guys like me who know... we can't wait to get back on the plane to get back over there, and we look for every excuse to stay an extra couple of days and miss our return flights, when vacation time is up. Mila's coming to Florida, to spend time with me this spring and to Canada to spend more time with me and meet my family this summer, and that will just be more icing on the cake! I've met her whole family already in the Ukraine, and Dream Singles host me and regard me like a king!
The site is real! Is it perfect? No, of course not, nothing in life is... Is every girl legit? Of course not. But most of them are! A few bad apples can ruin it and make for a considerably bad reputation. But most of the girls are angels and goddesses and beauties beyond your wildest dreams! Just have the guts and courage to get over there, learn the language, and blow off all your negative thoughts and suspicions and mistrust. You go over there sincere and legit, with self-confidence, some Russian and/or Ukrainian under your belt, and some benevolence attached to optimism and trust, and you'll find and win your goddess! Cynicism and mistrust under your belt instead... these girls will sense it a mile off, and no good will ever come of it.
It also goes both ways... probably 90% of the guys on the site are legitimately sincere and interested in finding their dream girl on the website. But a few dorks can give us guys a negative reputation in general, in these girls eyes. Rudeness or crudeness in initial letters? An absolute turn-off to these beauties. Then in person meetings and visits? I've met girls there who tell me of the great lengths they went to, to meet a guy and invest their hearts towards a potential relationship, they eventually meet, and the guy won't even pay for their lunch...
You'll never win your 9,10 or 11, if you behave like that...

Fake & scam dating website
To check if it is legit I made a basic account without a photo, without description. Two days later I got 30 messages from beautiful girls. Couple days later, 70 messages. All girls were well dressed in expensive clothes, and had professional photo sessions. Mostly models. Why this kind of girls should look for a partners abroad? Unusual, right? 70 messages. But to read them, you have to pay. Obviously, at that moment I was pretty sure that it is a scam.

To onyone who would like to pay for this service: Try to meet a real Russian girl via real dating websites. Try to create a profile without photo, without description. If anyone is so stupid to belive that beautiful woman will write a message to empty profile, then I should say that he deserve to pay for this kind of scam.

Think before pay.

Great site
I came to this wonderful site after a series of failed relationships. Women on this site were looking for the same as i was, to be loved for the person you are, stable and caring relationship, something of what women don't seem to want anymore, a traditional English gentleman at heart. I'd joined this site in 2011 and in the first day received hundreds of letters from beautiful women who wanted my attention. Most asked why a man of my looks needs to use a site like this and why am i a single man in this world and my answer was purely for the same reason Dream Singles were.
One day like an angel falling from heaven there she was, i was at work at the time so didn`t have time to write but not to loose her i added her immediately as a favorite, and sure enough by time i finished work and got home I turned on my computer and i saw her first letter to me she was everything i imagined and as it goes the rest is our history and were now planning our future together.

This site is truly great and i feel i owe my life to them however much money i spent i found my true one as she found her true one.

Thank you Dream Marriage for bringing me to be with Alisa.

Who is writing these rave reviews? This site is a JOKE!
All you need to do is create 2 profiles to see how pathetically fraudulent this site is. Sign up for their $1 instant access so you can read & write messages and watch what happens!

I was a member for about a month. The nonsense was apparent from day one. So I decided to create a second profile at 9:00 PM (my time - 4 AM Kiev time) and by the time I finished, I already had several hundred messages in my inbox!

Seriously... there are that many women awake in Kiev who type LONG LETTERS that fast? At 4 AM?

Yes, there are beautiful "models" there. But that's all Dream Singles are. If you write to a woman (and I encourage you to pick a few and "like" them... the same ones for each profile) and see how the replies are exactly the same. You might get one line at the beginning that is specific to your letter, but the rest of the letter will be identical in each of your in-boxes.

They use an algorithm to insert your name into pre-loaded messages with accompanying photos (and not a good one because in most cases the font doesn't even match) and you will also be barraged with constant requests to "chat" which costs you even more money (in the form of over-priced credits).

AVOID THIS SITE AT ALL COSTS. They claim the women are "Verified" but by whom? The scumbags in Kiev or Odessa? This site follows the same tried and true formula of so many fraudulent sites. Gorgeous women, constant attention to lonely men to make them feel wanted and before you know it, you've wasted a ton of money chasing a "Dream".

Watch the documentary "Love Me" on Netflix. It is about other (but similar) dating sites and you will see what a crap shoot it is. Good luck. Forget their "Singles Tours" also. Best bet is just to fly yourself to Kiev or Moscow and see if you can meet someone on your own. Please don't be fooled by this or any other sites like it.

Do yourself a favor and take my $2 challenge. Create 2 profiles (you will need 2 different email addresses) and take 3 days to find a few girls, write to them (you get 10 free messages per account on the 3-day trial for $1each) and see for yourself.

My last profile I used the first name of "Boris Badinov" and last name of "Smith". It's hilarious to get messages written to "My Dear Boris Badinov" or My Hot Boris Badinov" because obviously, they are not written by a woman. LOL

Fake Profiles - You are not talking to the girl in the photos
Recent incidents on this site. I was in contact with Maria (4381559). I identified that photos being sent were not even of the girl but from a Canadian model - DS admin told me that it was the fault of the "translator". No action was taken. Dream Singles just stopped the photos. Maybe they are using them again? If you are talking to her and she sends photos wearing LuLuLemon sportswear you know it is fake)). I spoke to Julia (3661137) for months. I then found her on Instagram - mo_na2016. In chat she advised me she was in Kyiv when at the same time she was posting videos/selfies of her time in Portugal. Clearly I was talking to a "translator" all the time. After I complained they sent me a video recorded by Julia (after she got back from Portugal). She spoke in Russian so they sent subtitles which stated that she said that she had been speaking to me. I translated the Russian and she did not say that at all. They just made it up and wrote it on the video. When I complained the admin person advised that it was written on the subtitles so that was all that mattered even though Julia did not say it. This site is full of fake profiles run by people pretending to be the girls. They will also use whatever means available to manipulate you emotionally so you continue to spend money on the site. They send out fake letters using fields that will use your name from the information you put on the site. These letters might seem personal but they are not. You are simply being misled. I have seen many times when the person running the profile made an error and sent a letter which says something like "{name" instead of my actual name because they made an error in listing the field. If you think because they mention your country in the letter they are writing specifically to you then think again. It is the same method. They use the field {country} and the country listed in your profile is added to the letters. I have attached one from a woman claiming to be a mechanic where the writer made an error and put in {county} by mistake. The women send out standard letters. The Olga profile said she was planning a trip - sent to multiple men (2 examples shown in the photos). You can even get the same letter from two women. I have attached examples of the same letter from one woman from Ufa and one from St Petersburg which are completely different parts of the country so there is obviously a central point where they send the fake messages from. Another example is Aliona (3751132) who lives in Moscow but wrote a letter about flying in snow and landing on the roofs of Kiev - so presumably written by somebody based in Kiev. It is likely there is a major hub where these letters are produced in Kiev. This is just a fraud based business. To be honest, I doubt that there are any genuine female members on this site and that all the letters are written by people employed for that job. Most profiles will use anything to try to connect with you. Some women use their children. Some will use illness. Some talk about trust (that should set of alarm bells immediately). Some will try to use a difficult experience in their lives. One extreme version is Lubov (5497059) who USED THE DEATH OF HER PARENTS. I attached a letter where she says she is only communicating with one person but at the same time the profile sends out many letters to other male profiles. Clearly it is a lie and clearly she is willing to accept anything as an acceptable way for her to make money. This woman has multiple online profiles. You would simply be helping her fund her buying furniture for her new apartment in Dnipro.

Fake Profiles contact 2nd Profile
I had setup a second profile to filter out "women" I was interested as I thought I had been gamed by translators for running out of letters as to get me to use chat and like services.
I incidentally setup a second profile to respond to flirt to notify the women that I was still interested but was not going to spend more money but to flirt with and to wait for my subscription renew.
Further, the second profile has had a 100 profile flirts though there is no picture and the women who send the flirts it Dream Singles are even woman have confirmed or verified profiles as if their passport and public records where used to verify their idenitiy. But when you dig deeper and look at the women who sent the flirtand her email history over ten that I checked had not even written a letter in their email history and some have different backgrounds even supposedly older women taregting older men, divorced, with children, the ones with less likelihood are used as a ruse to create a varitey in profiles and to create the pressio that the odds are increased in your favor.
I wrote a review on the Better Business Bureau. Now mind you I have spent thousands on sites like this considering it as a gamble as my background is a Stockbroker.
Their are like criminal gangs from my study who are also preying on you and studying your web browsing behavior to make you spend your money as well.
The corruption index speaks for itself about Ukraine. My parents country, Nigeria, ranks up their with them in corruption. If you look at it from that way you will see the manywoman and the some of the citizens feel they have free reign and no consequence of penalty for scamming men of what seems to be a billion dollar indsutry in general and in scamming.
The owner or this site will ask me why didn't I get in touch with her first as a justification she would likely hide the problem so I say it to others.
I am sure there is a budget for the data in the form of emails and pictures for such a poorly run company and if all the men where to concertly refrain or withhold their subscription the fruit and inner workings of what is going on in such a wide spread problem would make it surface by a company losing profits. It would be like the bankers during the US mortgage crisis. If potential business faliure can show their real workings so can that or businesses like dreamsingles when men to inciting women to scam buy frequenting such sites and also by their own personal conduct which also invited them from my experience and perspective.

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Based on 50 reviews from Dream Singles customers, company has accumulated an average rating of 3 stars, indicating that majority of customers are satisfied with its service.
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Description: At Dream Singles, we thrive on bringing couples together to find true love and happiness. Since 2003, we have provided a platform for singles to connect in over 200 countries. We set the bar high in online international dating, as we hold the 2015 iDate Award for Best Niche Dating Site. Over the last 18 years, Dream Singles has created thousands of success stories. Because our services promote the most genuine meetings, it enables our members to develop endearing and lasting relationships.

Address: 9120 Double Diamond Parkway Ste.3988, 89521


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