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50 customer reviews of

I really wanted to like Fiverr...
I really did, but my very first experience was a bust and now I'm worried about their service.

I went on Fiverr looking for someone to help me with my landing page. At first I was very optimistic and elated by the prices and values. I even started thinking about sourcing all my work there.

The first few people I messaged took a day or so to message me back, and with a deadline I needed help fast. I then created a request and a person responded saying Fiverr would create my page for only $5 bucks. I thought, "wow this is great" without realizing very few people will do quality work for that amount of money. This guy promised me a nice squeeze page in less than 24 hours, and after giving him my WordPress info and waiting almost 2 days, I can tell you the site looks nothing like what I asked for. It doesn't even look like a sales page so much as a bunch of mumbo jumbo put together. Granted, he tried, and he gave me some useful images but it's no where near what I requested. Part of me feels I should have known better than trying to trust a $5 service, but the other part feels these people should be able to create what they offer. So, I paid this guy for his time and asked him to exit my WordPress account. Two days wasted but a good lesson learned.

Since then I have tried to take up other services but now I'm not as open to it. I realize there are some really good artists and designers on there simply trying to make a buck, but for every one good seller there's a few shady ones that may waste your time.

My tip to you is that you have standards while performing your search, and try to avoid paying until a sample of your requested work is completed. Furthermore, if you need word content on your site, or have a lot of info to explain, try to find someone very fluent in English or you will have issues. Last, someone may advertise $5 bucks but most services cost more than that. $5 is for most to simply look at your work, and depending on your work load your fee can go up substantially, so in some cases you may be better off looking for someone reputable.

I feel my time has been wasted but hopefully I'll find what I'm looking for.

Total Crap
I worked on fiverr for more than 1 year and believe me, it's not worth it
You can earn some money, that is true, but many times it's not worth the hours invested
This depends where you are coming from, it's profitable for people living in very poor countries where 10-15$ dollars is called a payday
But as tempting as it seems to pay 5-10$ for services, don't bring your hopes up, because Fiverr is full of so called ''professionals'', when in reality most of them are indians with little to no skills at all

So keep in mind when ordering on fiverr that at the end of the day you receive what you paid for, which might be low quality or stolen work
I'm working on multiple platforms as a freelancer and can tell you that working on fiverr was the worst experience so far

So you can get a more in depth perspective of my personal experience
As a seller: On this platform everybody is expecting high end professional services for 5$ or even for free
This comes from an animator/illustrator who had more than 150 orders in a period of a year or so

As a buyer: Most of the sellers are scammers, stealing work and re-selling the same product over and over again

Customer service is pretty useless as well
Fiverr is aware of all the bull$#*! that is happening on their platform, but Fiverr don't give a damn as long as they are making money
Their promotion attracts mostly cheap ass customers that believe that anything above 5$ is too expensive and outrageous, putting pressure on sellers to lower their prices while providing good services
People will try to take advantage of you and even get work for free, or in case you are a buyer, they will try to get away with your money

I had good and bad clients, mostly bad

I stopped working on this platform because by doing so, i was promoting a company of thieves and scammers
Also remember that fiverr is taking 20% from your total earnings

Fiverrs MANUAL INTERVENTION of search result ordering
This complaint is regarding Fiverrs MANUAL INTERVENTION of search result ordering for seller gigs and lying to it's seller stating Fiverr do not do this. Evidence attached to this complaint.

I have been a seller on Fiverr for over 6 years now, it is my full time job and my welfare depends on this service.
I am a level 2 seller, I should be a top rated seller, but they removed that feature. I have made over $28,000 on this platform, of which, Fiverr have also profited with 10% at $2,800. I have attached screenshots of my metrics which show my reviews are 4.9/5 (based on buyers experience), 100% response rate, 100% on-time delivery and 97% order completion rate. These metrics are better than 99% of sellers on Fiverr.

However, on August 15th. My messages stopped. My orders stopped. I was also appearing on the LAST page of the search results overnight. This literally happened overnight, at the click of a finger.

I created a request with Fiverr about this issue:

I was told by SEVEN members of staff that they CANNOT influence the positioning of gigs in their results. This INCLUDES responses from a Team Lead AND a Shift Manager. See attachment:
I had a final concern stating this was not right and something was very wrong. However, my support ticket was just closed out manually by "Santiago | Shift Manager" totally ignoring my concerns. 3 days had NOT passed in this time, so it was not automatically closed.

Naturally, I immediately raised another ticket:

I re-iterated the problem to them. I provided screenshot evidence of my search position changing to the last page. I provided screenshot evidence of no messages received. I provided screenshot evidence of no orders received. THey continued to say things along the lines of: "I absolutely understand your concerns regarding your Gigs and after further review, I can confirm that everything is fine. And your gigs available in search. As mentioned in the previous request."

I pushed and pushed because something was VERY WRONG here. Screenshots do not lie. I have been doing this SIX YEARS. My messages/orders have NEVER stopped ONCE, NOT ONCE! Until finally on "Yesterday at 09:43
" Oscar said "If necessary, Fiverr may conduct a manual review of your service, typically when we get complaints about the experience working with you. If we find that the actual experience users are having with you is not appropriately reflected on your metrics, we may take action to help you improve on those areas. This is why your gigs have been pushed back in search." (See Screenshot:

Oscar then went on to say that I had to advertise in order to bring my gig back to the front of the search. This sounds REALLY BAD and Fiverr could get into so much trouble for this practise.

I opened a support case presenting these screenshots with Fiverr. It was instantly closed. No reply. Nothing.
See here:

So my complaint is as follows:
1. Fiverr customer support is lying to it's sellers stating that they cannot influence search presence for gigs. See attachment: "Fiverr Lying about being able to manually change search presence. Jpg". They closed out my ticket when I had concerns over my search presence making me feel like I was wrong. (See request #4586391). They even threatened me for wasted customer supports time. (See #3991138 where Roberto states: " This has been addressed several times now and you are currently spamming customer support, we ask that you refrain from doing so as this will cause your account to be reviewed by our support team. ")

2. Fiverr is hand picking sellers and manually pushing therm back in the search as 'punishment' without any explanation or anything. If my service is so bad, then WHY do I have 4.9 star average reviews? WHY do I have over 1000 reviews? WHY is my order completion so high? WHY do I have 100% response rate? Reviews speak for themselves. Reviews are a fair and balanced way of ordering search presence based on buyer experience. See request #4629543

3. Fiverr do not mention ANYWHERE in their terms of service that they manually punish sellers. My attachment shows SEVEN staff members stating they CANNOT do this.

Fiverr cares only about Fiverr, not customers
After my first attempt at a getting a book cover done ended in disaster and missing a distribution deadline due to the Fiverr Seller's inability to understand simple English instructions, I got a refund for the full amount.
But that terrible experience costs sales for a book we were doing for Christmas distribution.
After a 24 hour delivery was promised it took 10 days to end up with very poor quality work that was rejected and I got the refund. That's not what I wanted.
2nd Attempt with Fiverr.
After a rocky start, the 2nd Fiverr Seller was much better but I have to wonder why people who seem to have no basic design sense are graphic designers. Simple things need to be spelled out in the extreme. Things like u don't need a huge publisher's logo in the bottom back cover corner. You shouldn't put the author's name right on the very edge of the cover.
After several revisions the 2nd attempt did end up working out. However, it was December 28 by then and many lost Christmas sales.
I was so amazed and grateful the 2nd Fiverr Seller managed to complete the job, I actually gave them a bit more money.
But it's not the money that's the issue. It's the lack of quality control.
Anybody with a computer can join Seller and claim to have a skill.
WARNING: Fiverr does not pre-check work of the Sellers. Fiverr rely solely on customer reviews so if you can get on a few different machines and get some friends to give you 5 Star reviews, you look like an expert. It's fraudulent and irresponsible behavior on Fiverr's part but all they are interested in is their 5%. Their policies are entirely about them, not the customer. So I would say try it if you must but don't spend much and don't expect much. In fact, if it's a design project, may as well get Adobe InDesign and learn to use it yourself. It's what I plan to do.
Overall Fiverr is about making money for Fiverr and has no interest in the quality of work done by its Sellers. With Fiverr you are totally on your own. But if it doesn't work out, threaten legal action and you'll get your refund sent quickly.

A prime site for low cost, low quality work. And a complete SCAM!
I am an ex-Fiverr freelancer, and I say ex- for a few very good reasons, from all perspectives - freelancers selling gigs, customers buying those gigs, and the company itself. Let me enumerate why I left Fiverr.

1. Actual freelance work is generally hard to get in the first place if you're just starting out, unless you are willing to "SELL! SELL! SELL!" your product or service at a rock bottom price. In other words, about $1 USD/hr. The only way around this is to induce your "upsell", or else farm out your work to even lower paying workforces. Note that there is also a good chance that your "client" is in fact just another Fiverr worker, looking to act as a broker, and scouting out new talent. This is what happened to me. Fiverr were simply taking my work, making a few tweaks, and upselling to another client at a higher hourly rate.

Also, know up front that Fiverr will take a dollar out of every five dollars (not gigs, actual amount paid - $5 gig you get $4, custom order $500 gig, they get $100 etc.) so that's 20% of your earnings gone right there. Not only that, they will charge you additional money to transfer your money out of your Fiverr account to Paypal (who also might charge you, depending on how you've set your account up.) Fiverr will happily retain your earnings for a full 2 weeks (10 business days) before you are paid for your work. Excellent business practice, guys - nice way to scam your workforce!

2) I've never been an actual buyer on Fiverr, but pretty much all the issues that everyone else has brought up is right on the nose. Low cost equals low quality, in general. Not to mention copyright issues, communication issues, payment issues, and the overarching ethics of doing business this way.

The sweetest part about this? They also have a (imho) fishy payout schemes like Payza and Payoneer which issue you a debit card, on which there's also a fee.

As you can probably tell, I'm not happy with this business in the least.

Fiverr is excellent value for buyers or sellers
I have been a Fiverr buyer for 3 years and a seller on Fiverr for 30 days.

Fiverr is a platform where you have independent individuals (not employees) that can be very talented, at the very least saving you a lot of time outsourcing tasks at the cheapest rate. As with any other website where you hire a freelancer, it is up to you to screen candidates before hiring them. Fiverr protects the buyer and seller as much as possible, but you also have a responsibility.

If you buy a Gig, you can cancel if the seller does not deliver in the agreed time. The seller has to mark the job as completed and you have to accept it or reject it. If you don't do anything, the job will auto-close in 3 days as if you agree that it is completed. Never accept jobs that only delivers after the closing date, that does not make any sense to do that.

For Sellers, Fiverr keeps your payment for 2 weeks and takes 20%. Amazon, for example, keeps your money for 6 weeks and keep at least 30% of your payment. Fiverr both have a clientele of ready buyers and they provide you free exposure or traffic.

My experience with buying Gigs have been above average value for the money spent.
Yes, there were duds, people who didn't deliver, but that is a tiny percentage. I have never lost money with Fiverr.

Like any other company, Fiverr has terms of service, most of which are common sense, such as, for sellers, no fake accounts, no fake orders and reviews for your own Gig etc. If you ignore these, your account will be suspended. Play by the rules, this protects both buyers and sellers.

If you're concerned that you'll lose $5 by trying Fiverr, then don't use it. But also consider that everything new has a learning curve, you don't stop at the first bad experience, when I cancelled orders, I simply got another Fiverr user to do the job. If you're starting a business, try and get the vision of what Fiverr users can do for you.

If you're not experienced in buying outsourced tasks or not willing to do due diligence and search for the best candidate to do the job, then this is probably not for you. If you're a business person who values your own time, I'd love to know of another service that is available at such a low rate and high value. Thank you Fiverr.

Complete ignorance
You may wish to file a report with the appropriate authorities and/or your regional fraud reporting center such as the Internet Crime Complaint Center ( You may also contact the Federal Trade Commission (FTC), which handles complaints about deceptive or unfair business practices. To file a complaint, visit, call 1-877-FTC-HELP, or write to the following address:
Federal Trade Commission
Washington, D. C. 20580
If your complaint is against a company in a country other than the United States (which is the case of Fiverr), you can file it at You can also find information on where to report in locations outside the United States at

In the opinion of their staff member 'Federico', preparing students for the writing paper of the IELTS exam is, and I quote, "(...) taking part in doing someone else's academic work (which will likely be submitted as the student's own work) you are actively taking part in a violation of the integrity code of most, if not all, schools and academic institutions. This behavior can lead to the suspension or expulsion of students. Fiverr does not allow taking part in such fraudulent activities". My gig was denied on this basis even though their decision follows a pattern of ignorant assertions.
Instead of making unfounded/ridiculous assertions, this staff member should familiarize himself with what IELTS writing preparation really is or ask someone else with half a brain to explain to him what it is.
The essays written in preparation for the exam are written on random topics and cannot be submitted. At not stage, an essay is written for the student to be submitted as their own, as there is no submission of essays. The students are to be in person at the Exam Centre on the day Fiverr are undertaking the exam. The exam centers do not let them know what topic they will be covering on the day. Consultation of materials is strictly forbidden on the day of the exam.

There is no fraudulent behaviour on anyone's part as my gig was to correct their written essays, marked them and provide them feedback so that students can improve their knowledge of essay structure and understanding of the marking criteria before their real exam takes place. I don't admit that Fiverr, or anyone else, make defamatory statements on my character, given that I am not doing what they claim I am doing.

They obviously have no clue on what IELTS (International English Language Testing System) is about. The gig is obviously not for the submission of academic work but yet for the PREPARATION of students for the writing paper of the IELTS exam, work which cannot be submitted, at all, as their work.

A mixed bag...
Fiverr has given me both some good experiences, and some bad experiences. My industry is book publishing, so I mainly deal with editing, proofreading, artwork and translations. I will list the good and bad and let you make your own opinion.


-the way gigs are set up, you have an idea, before you inquire, how much your job might cost.

-the star-ratings give you an idea if other buyers had a good experience.

-easy payment options through your credit card or Paypal.

-transfers the payments automatically into foreign currencies so you don't have to walk around with a calculator or deal with the daily currency fluctuations around the globe.

-I've had some really positive experiences on Fiverr and met some great, hard-working sellers.


-Fiverr doesn't hire or screen their sellers. The rating system is crowd-sourced by other buyers. It's possible to game the system with reviews.

-You get what you pay for. Seriously! If somebody is charging far less than others for the same job and isn't a brand-new seller, it should send up a red flag. On the other hand, if somebody is brand-new, you may or may not want to take a chance on them. Give them a SMALL job, see how well Fiverr do, before you hire them for something more important.

-There is a 5% processing fee on top of whatever you gig-cost is which is not clearly spelled out. Once you get bitten, you learn to incorporate it in when bidding on an offer. It's not an unreasonable fee, especially since you are often dealing with credit card merchant fees or foreign currency conversion fees. It's the lack of transparency to spell it out beforehand which makes this 'meh.'

-Fiverr doesn't differentiate between 'quickies' and professional-grade work. For example, if I need ad-copy quickly translated for a quick $5 gig, that work is different from a job where the translator converted a 150,000 word novel. And yet both count as a single rating with the same weight. That could be improved so the truly great sellers rise to the top. It would also help me, as a buyer, because when I contract for a big job, I want to know the person did similar work. I dunno... maybe REQUIRE a longer survey for bigger jobs, send a 'REVIEW THIS' email followup with specific questions?


-sellers are heavily skewed toward people who want to make a quick buck doing lots of quick $5 gigs, so if you have a larger job, you might end up with a lot of people who are flaky.

-You get a lot of amateurs on Fiverr, people who bid on a big job, and bit off more than they can chew. But that doesn't show up in the ratings except you may notice lots of 'not delivered on time - cancelled.' Always look through the reviews, try to discern what kinds of jobs people did before you buy.

-If you cancel your order, Fiverr keeps the money in your 'account.' They don't refund the money. You have to use it for another gig. Now this isn't necessarily a deal-buster for a small job, but when you work like I do with larger scale translations totaling hundreds or thousands of dollars, it's a bad business policy. It discourages me, as a buyer, from bidding out larger jobs on Fiverr.

-For a job such as translations, where the buyer is completely at the mercy of the translator to do an accurate job, there are a LOT of shysters on Fiverr who simply cut-and-paste your document into GoogleTranslate or BabelCube and you have no way to know unless you hire an independent editor to do a second pass-through. Again, for me, as somebody who would LIKE to bring bigger jobs to Fiverr (totaling thousands of dollars per job), it gives me pause in using them for the bigger jobs.

-Due to the quick timeframe when you are expected to pay the seller after delivery and then rate them, by the time you realize you've found a second set of eyeballs to proofread your work and realized you've gotten a translation that is so bad you cannot use it at all, there is no way to go back and make it known in the crowd-sourced ratings.

-What gets RATED is essentially 'did this seller deliver on time' and not QUALITY of the job.

-If the seller needs more time to finish the job for a legitimate reason and you want to GIVE them that time to extend the deadline, Fiverr doesn't have a way to create a mutually extended deadline. It's either cancel the job (in which case the seller gets dinged on their reviews) or hold your breath and hope they deliver it after you've already paid for it.

-For translation and editing, MOST sellers advertise they'll give up to 'x-number of revisions' for a writing/translation gig. However, for the most part, when I've gone back to these sellers to get the revisions (usually simple stuff, the proofreader spotted some typos or grammatical errors) they essentially disappear. There is no way to rate the 'follow up' rate or enforce it.

-Fiverr sellers have an unofficial 'blacklist' for buyers who leave a negative review for shoddy work. So you will find, after leaving a negative review, no matter how shoddy the work was, that all of a sudden your quote-inquiries don't get answered, or they'll get answered, but then a few hours later the seller will back out of the work. As a businesswoman, I expect to get what I paid for. I am very flexible and reasonable.


-If you have money leftover in your account, you can only USE that money if you hire a gig for the EXACT SAME AMOUNT OF MONEY OR LESS. So if you cancelled a gig for $45 because the seller failed to deliver, but the more competent guy you hire to replace him wants $50 to do the job, you have to PAY ANOTHER $50 FROM SCRATCH and can't use that $45 sitting in your account, which you already paid the fees for, plus $5. This is outright stupid bad business policy. Seriously?

I've tried 3 times now to work with people on FIVERR and each has been a disappointment from either the supplier's inability to deliver a quality product. The supplier's understanding of WHAT their obligation is in supplying a quality product and not just take a client's money. A timely turnaround on project and fulfilling of agreed upon revisions AND the company's failure to reply to complaints and information of inferior seller service. Also good luck getting a human respond from this company's side. The last attempt was the best and I went to extreme lengths to chart out exactly what I wanted a vocalist to sing which resulted in them asking for an extension, which I gave them. When I received the vocals for the music I was working on, the audio tracks were equalized extreme trebly and there were digital artifacts including feedback from the headphone bleed because of the extreme treble on the tracks. I heard auto-tune "cher effect" which I know was an accident but when I brought it to the attention of the supplier I was told Fiverr would recut the vocal and take care of it. Now this should have been a quick turn around as everything else with the performance was acceptable. FIVERR has buttons that you can press to APPROVE a purchase or REQUEST REVISIONS. Since everything was going reasonably well with this particular seller I simple clicked NOT READY TO APPROVE YET as seller and I were talking about corrections to be made because the performance was acceptable, the audio engineering wasn't. FIVERR automatically CLOSED OUT THE ORDER. Now this present a whole other set of problems. You can't refer back and comment in the actual order anymore and YOUR MONEY IS RELEASED TO SELLER. Now you have no leverage because the seller is now on to another client if that's what they choose to do and all you can hope is that the seller is an ethical person and honors the agreement you had with them. To this point it's been 6 days since FIVERR closed out the order and while the seller and I have been in contact and they say they're going to provide the corrections, I'm stuck on a project waiting for someone to do what they said they'd do which should have only taken maybe another 2-3 hours at the most. In pre-covid times I'd have called in a session vocalist to the studio and had them sing what I wanted and they wouldn't have been paid until a satisfactory performance was obtained. I'm all for working with anyone to get the job done if they have the skillset to work on my level. I've been in business over 30 years and there's a reason for that, I do what I say I'm going to do in a timely manner and if for WHATEVER reason I'm unable to complete task quickly I let the client know. FIVERR makes a commission off the sales and essentially doesn't have to do anything other than act as a router. I've seen no evidence that they look at the complaints which after my first foray I've given feedback to them about the seller's ability or lack there of and I've gotten no reply. I'm on a deadline for completion of this song demo and I'd thought I'd found someone to work with and honestly I believe if my money hadn't have been released to this seller on June 26th I believe as of July 1st which is when I'm submitting this to your site I'd already have the corrections needed and I'd be on to the next song but because the money's already in their pocket... or spent. I'm at the mercy of someone who could possibly NOT finish what they've start which puts me back to trying to find someone else and pay more money for a in person session or on another more reputable site.

Seller holds image hostage, Bullied by Fiverr
I purchased online services from Fiverr for tshirt design. The seller waited until the day the project was due to send me thrown together image after thrown together image - no real thought given just to meet the deadline and get paid.

After going back and forth with the Fiverr Seller and Fiverr, to get a refund after the seller did not deliver as promised by the deadline. The seller then held my images hostage because I did not give him a perfect 5 stars in all categories (have screenshot), Fiverr cancelled my account in the middle of other gigs (email messages) I have going on. Fiverr did not refund me for 2 of the projects that were ongoing. I did not violate the terms and conditions I STATED the options I had for recovery. Fiverr didn't like the fact that I kept pressing the issue to get my money back so now they are retaliating against me.

I have a screenshot where I was told, by the Fiverr customer service, that filing a dispute was against the terms (I have screenshot of the seller filing the initial dispute)and then Fiverr deactivated my account in middle of a website being built and an image design. Fiverr has bullied me after I was bullied by their seller. In the many screenshots, I have one where the seller told me I was wrong in what I wanted and told me what I should have asked for. He then sent me what he wanted me to have and said, "here take it". The image he sent was not a complete image with just the word mother. Because both the Fiverr and Fiverr seller have both tried to strong arm me for standing up for my rights I am being punished by having my projects shut down in the middle of them. Then Fiverr has not refunded all my money that is owed to me. I had to contact my bank to have them step in.

As Fiverr is again unwilling to see the error in how this issue was handled and now my project is dead in the water. I am going miss my project deadline, have to find another graphic designer and I am loosing days worth of web design work that was cut short due to Fiverr overacting.

This all started because the seller wanted a higher rating then what he earned with the quality of his work and service he delivered to me.

Sellers! Be Aware! Fiverr is a complete scam
Fiverr is for the buyers and scammers, not for the sellers. This is why sellers profiles include feedback system and the buyers profiles have no such option. It encourages the buyers to scam more. Before getting started with any buyer, you cannot understand what type of a person he or she is (as it is not reflected through the reviews posted by the buyers)
Why Fiverr is scam
I) Fiver is headquartered in Israel (12 HaOmanim St. Tel Aviv, Gush Dan 6789731, Israel) which has no state and obviously the state Attorney General to complaint about the cheating and scamming practices of the fiverr people. Taking this opportunity, a group of American scammers have founded it in Israel.

Ii) Fiverr has no rating display system for the buyers. This is why Fiverr dont bother a bit about picking up an artificial quarrel with the buyers to get their work done for free. If you complaint to their customer support department, they will tell you to discuss with your buyer and settle the matter. At last they will cancel the job and allow the buyers to go away, taking their commission for the work.

Iii) Take a close look at each job posted on fiverr, you will find that a vast majority of these jobs are fake posting to create an impression that it is a very popular freelancing platform.

Iv) Dont do bulk work on fiverr. When you do bulk work on fiverr, a buyer (may be a fiverr people) will approach you with a tantalizing offer. When you get started with it, he/she will pick up a fresh quarrel and inform the matter to the fiverr team. Fiverr team will make your withdrawal option null or disable and at last Fiverr will cancel your profile when all payment get cleared.

V) In spite of doing all works perfectly (A-Z), buyer and fiverr team can cancel the work with no proper reason and explanation. In that case, you will not receive the money for the work but get a negative review on behalf of the buyer.

Vi) Even after a longer period of time, any buyer (for whom you have worked) can express dissatisfaction about a work and the amount paid for the work will be deducted from your account. If you dont have any balance in your account, your account will show (-) minus balance.

Besides, there are so many disadvantages for the sellers. Fiverr is always against the sellers. Just do work on it and let me know- if anything proves wrong.

New Rating System makes it impossible to grow your fiverr business now.
As a buyer, there's so much on offer at fiverr, worth looking around. Message a seller whose gig you like to get an idea as to how quick Fiverr respond, and how professional they come across.

As a seller, my advice is to stay away from Fiverr, at least read this and some of the other seller experiences, this way you're familiar with the way fiverr operates, which too often just don't make sense.

It's easy to get carried away with the Fiverr Hype about "doers" and the freedom of your own business, but what people need to realize is that with fiverr, you're not really running your own business as such, you're basically working for fiverr, they call the shots, make the rules, change them at will, have no accountability back to you or any other of the sellers, there is a complete absence of communication, collaboration, aside from the forum full of fiverr shills - don't dare say anything critical about fiverr, your posts are deleted within seconds, and you blocked.

With Fiverr, you are not working for yourself. A buyer places an order with you, makes payment for the order, which is held in escrow by fiverr until you complete and deliver the order, and once accepted as complete by the buyer (or after 3 days if buyers do not respond, and plenty do not), fiverr clears the payment to you, but you need to wait a whopping 14 days to have access to your funds.

If you look at the gigs and people featured on the front page of fiverr now, you'll notice the vast majority of them (including myself) are showing up as "new sellers" whilst a year or two ago, most would be level 2's with a few "Top Rated Sellers", and that's despite many of them (including myself) having been with fiverr for years (I started in 2010).

FIverr do absolutely nothing to help and encourage its sellers to upscale and grow their businesses. In fact they do exactly the opposite, by changing rules that directly impact your earnings, implement systems such as the new ranking system, over which you have absolutely no control over.

If you look at my fiverr page - - been with fiverr since 2010, earnt near $20'000 so far, although the income is now diminishing as a result of fiverr's seller ranking system which is nothing short of bizarre.

In short, fiverr is the only place I've ever heard of where you can work hard, respond quickly to buyer enquiries, deliver quality work on-time all the time, and get review after review that's 5.0, with the occasional 4.9 star reviews like these: (note the common thread, QUICK delivery, QUICK response).

* Very quick to respond, gave me exactly what I wanted and kept it quick and simple. Would recommend!

* Fast service. Ordered before I went to bed and woke up with it complete! Used for an intro to an escape room type lesson for my class. My students are going to love it!

* Simple and fast

* I bought this for a meme video. I'm very happy with the result! Rog created this very quickly and exactly as specified.

* Rog is the king. Delivers 100% accuracy every time, and extremely quick. True professional and top lad.

I was starting out running my own Adwords banner and buying ad space on meme and gaming sites to promote some of my more funny and novelty gigs and to boost my business volume and build my ranking and reviews.

I work in sales and marketing as a marketing consultant to local businesses, and I stress that customer satisfaction is absolutely paramount, they must perceive good value for money, and they must simplify and streamline their business operations to ensure they always deliver on-time.

My fiverr business model is very simple, first thing in the morning, I answer all inbound messages, check my notifications, bring up the jobs to be done and complete them, and if during the day any express orders come in, I shoot them at night, then also check messages and notifications before calling it a night.

This has been my daily business routine except on holiday mode, and as a result, buyers are initially quite surprised as to the speed of delivery of my orders, hence constant raving good reviews.

You'd think fiverr would be right behind me, considering that of every $5 I earn, they take a whopping $1!?!?!?

I invested heavily back into my fiverr business with new LED lighting and semi-professional 4K camera equipment, a $329 Rode noise cancelling, studio microphone, when I reached "Top Level Seller" status. I thought I'd springboard this business, as incoming orders were on the increase after I invested in some more banner advertising to promote my gigs (remember, I'm doing the advertising and promoting whilst fiverr is taking $1 out of every $5 I earn, whilst scheming ways to screw their sellers)...

Which they did, by finishing and disallowing the category "Testimonials & Reviews by Actors", and my income and revenue dropped some 20-25%. Stupid idiots at fiverr aren't realising that I get people asking me in messages "hey do you do testimonials", and I say yes, of course. It's just fiverr has removed that category.

Without those gigs, my revenue dropped, and I was no longer meeting the requirements to be a "Top Rated Seller" anyway. I'm not even sure if that means anything different to being a level 2, you're still being stung for $1 for every $5 you earn, looks cool having that top rated badge though.

Anyways, back to Level 2, and I keep doing the same thing. Shooting videos once or twice a day, responding to messages twice a day, and often in-between using the app, responding quickly, delivering on-time, 100% and getting the reviews to back this up.

Another month passes, no response from customer support, and I'm demoted to Level 1.

Now I'm "No Level" - just like a new person that's just signing up as a seller for the very first time, what's really bizarre and weird is when you look at my fiverr gigs, even though I'm a "New Seller", you can see thousands of 5.0 star reviews, the odd 4.9, and one review after another raving on about how great this guy is, how he responds so quickly, delivers fast, always on-time, and total satisfaction.

It's a similar scenario with other demoted sellers, I don't know what fiverr is trying to achieve on its front page where some gigs are shown and featured. Now it's primarly 'new sellers', most of whom have been here for years, previously being Level 2 and TRS's, now cut back to size with a 7 gigs (services offered) limit (limiting income potential)

All I can say is that it's clear to see fiverr is run by a bunch of complete morons who have absolutely no idea how to grow a business, instead doing precisely the opposite, by complicating things, screwing things around, directly impacting the income of its sellers (and in turn also declining THEIR revenue inflows)

Bizarre! Like i said in the beginning, you're not running your own business by being on fiverr. Now I run a t-shirt business on-line on - that's running my own business, because nobody can change the rules to reduce my income, my website, my marketing, I actually get some marketing support from PayPal. Fiverr gives the website and app, and the whole thing works well, but until about a year ago, it has becoming more difficult and expensive (as far as my banner ad spend, promoting my gigs), and I haven't done any external advertising for my fiverr gigs aside from my own facebook and instagram pages. Before I'd be earning $400+ per month on fiverr, spending $70 to $100 on google and facebook ads promoting my fiverr services, and getting quite a few click-throughs, fiverr should be supportive towards its active and longest-serving members such as myself, not continually mess things up and make it harder and harder to earn a quid.

GIG TITLE: I will do everything related to Google Maps API for $5 | in Web Programming |

Waqas_lateef | Level 1 Seller | |

14:14 APRIL 14,2015 - Me

Due to not hearing from you on Apr 13... I went ahead an opened a project at

Your offer states: I will do everything related to Google Maps API for $5...
Therefore I assume this project is 1-GIG... nothing on your offer page or messages indicates different.

Can you accomplish the above?
What is your time table?

Thank you in advance for a prompt and detailed response...

14:14 APRIL 14,2015 - waqas_lateef

Hello Alan,
Ok, I understand the details. About point 8, did you mean turn by turn directions, because this is what google maps api can provide. About the price, Do you really think that this project deserves $5. $5 is the standard charges to create the gig on fiverr. I will charge $600 for this project. I am a student and I usually work on weekends. I have a little too much on my plate this week. So I believe I can deliver you next weekend. Till 27 of this month. Is it ok with you?...

14:48 APRIL 14,2015 - Me


14:49 APRIL 14,2015 - waqas_lateef

What number did you had in your mind?...

15:22 APRIL 14,2015 - Me

YOUR GIG TITLE: will do everything related to Google Maps API for $5... />
16:32 APRIL 14,2015 - waqas_lateef

Alan try to understand. Go to fiver and search "Google Maps API", and see all the gigs. And then tell me if there is any person or gig which is not stated with $5. All the gigs starts from $5. But there exist the concept of "custom order" where you can ask the seller to do a big project for good and deserving price, that Fiverr both agree on...

16:34 APRIL 14,2015 - Me

That was NOT once mentioned by you. Your TITLE is DECEPTIVE. Your approach was DECEPTIVE...

16:41 APRIL 14,2015 - waqas_lateef

I am sorry, if that caused any inconvenience but I do NOT agree with you. I did NOT deceived you and neither could I think of doing that to any of my clients. I believe in honest means of earning. It is mere disagreement on price of the project...

18:00 APRIL 14,2015 - Me

> It is mere disagreement on price of the project.



- You do not provide PRICING DISCLOSURE as do reputable Fiverr Sellers.

- You deny and argue with the FACTS.

Nothing about the above is HONEST.


*** END ***

New POOR Rating System
Fiverr has had a SERIES of changes over the years... been with them for 4 years now. However they've implemented a new system that will negatively affect all sellers (unless you're processing quite a few orders daily).

For 2018 they've started a new MONTHLY REVIEW of your account activity and Fiverr check everything from sales, response time, reviews, income etc. So if you're not making up to the standard they set in sales your account would be automatically demoted and subsequently have to remove any gigs to fit into the new lower category.

I've been Level 2 since maybe 2 months after joining (cant get to Top Seller because that too is controlled manually by Fiverr and they "know" who they want and don't) and have well over 200 FIVE STAR reviews. During the last month I received 2 negative reviews not because of poor service but because both customers requested an addition which I couldn't physically perform. So because of something as simple as this they also downgrade your account.

So if you have a perfect record or if you're late with replying to messages, cancel gigs or just don't make enough you can go right back to the beginning as a "NEW SELLER".

I asked them directly about this and they've indicated that's just how the system is and basically it's up to you to maintain it. Oh and it's basically quite OK for you or your competitors to order gigs and leave negative reviews to get them downgraded too.

I'm sure this new monthly review was just a way for them to push sellers to make more money so FIVERR in turn would have a higher profit... however they failed to realize SIMPLE LOGIC... that if they keep demoting sellers (1) the same sellers would get less sales at a lower level than before and with less gigs, and (2) sellers would seek alternate freelancer site.

PeoplePerHour for instance has a similar rating program BUT they DON'T downgrade sellers and they DON'T reduce your number of hourlies (gigs).

Fiverr needs to one day get it right!

As a freelancer you have to start small and start smart, but...
I was a member of Fiverr as a seller but had a gig that never sold. Then, I decided to get serious about Fiverr and found a way to start with smaller cheaper gigs and work my way up. I now get $100+ for most of my gigs, I have 121 5* reviews, I'm a 2nd level seller, and I've made almost $7,000 in 11 months. This helps supplement my full-time local business with business that I get from all over the world.

Yes, sometimes customer service isn't exceptional. There's an occasional scammy buyer or some seller throws an offer at me without so much as a "hello" -- but that's the fault of people, not the platform. I don't have a monthly fee to Fiverr, I don't have to pay to pass tests to qualify for gigs, Fiverr don't charge me their fee when I land a client on Fiverr. I get great reviews and many repeat customers because I over-deliver.

Update 3/6/17: A few updates, now over $10.5K on Fiverr. 193 reviews. 237 orders. 19 cancellations. Profile: eclectictllc

In reading more reviews and complaints about Fiverr: I won't say Fiverr support are angels, because that's untrue. Make sure you're paying a reasonable amount for what you're going to get, and maybe you'll get higher quality sellers. If you go to Fiverr thinking you can get a whole novel edited for $5 only $4 of which goes to the seller, what do you expect the quality of the work to be? You have a huge pool of talent, and the more talented people are going to demand a better price for their work. You do truly get what you pay for. If you think that Fiverr staff are terribly motivated on behalf of $5 buyers who are out to rip off sellers, you're probably wrong. There are many buyers who are dedicated repeat customers on Fiverr, and do large projects with sellers. I know, because I'm one of them. And I know other people in my local business community who have built up relationships with Fiverr sellers. Find someone, vet them, talk to them, start with a small project and then work up -- both in size of project and fee scale -- to larger projects with your trusted sellers. It's how you create a relationship ANYWHERE in the business world. And Fiverr and Fiverr sellers are businesspeople.

World's bad customer services
Fiverr have world's bad customer services for sellers.

Fiverr never help seller, they treat seller like nothing, they think seller is there servant, but they never thought its because of seller's good quality and hard work they are doing there business.

They have very bad policies regarding the seller.

If seller have enemy in real life and if he complaint on fiverr that he is my enemy fiverr will close the seller account.

They are giving 100% support only to the buyers not to the sellers.

Buyer can do anything to the seller, he can take work from the seller. And then ask easily for refund and post negative feedback.

Fiverr seller is giving 20% of the order to the fiverr and other payment transfer deduction but seller is not secure at all.

If i hate any seller i can make a new account as a buyer and make a order to the seller then i will contact fiverr $#*! team they will close the seller account for no reason.

If buyer is drunk he will abuse seller and post negative review without any reason and fiverr support team never help the seller to sort of the feedback issue.

Now fiverr introduce new system on ever month they check seller performance if the performance is below 90% is down they are removing his badges. BUT WHY?

If you cancellation system is weak and bad, if you dont give rights and power to the seller and you don't have solid agreements while creating order. Then why are you removing badges.

Buyer can order and he can ask refund even just minutes after order if he change his mind here seller have to pay him back and cancel the order at the same time but fiverr downs the sellers order completion ratings which is 100% BAD thing on fiverr.




So improve your ordering and feedback system...

Before Start work on Fiverr Think twise
Before Start work on Fiverr Think twise.

Hello Support Team,

THIS IS AN URGENT MATTER AND I WANT YOUR ATTENTION TO OUR PROBLEM THAT WE ARE FACING DUE TO YOUR UNPROFESSIONAL BEHAVIOUR. I have submitted tickets for numerous time and that too for the same reason.WE ARE HERE FACING A SERIOUS & MAJOR ISSUE OF GIGS DEACTIVATION and WE NEED YOUR RESPONSE ASAP. I am astonished that your team is not helping out and had left us hanging in between by not responding to our tickets.IS THIS THE PROFESSIONAL WAY TO TREAT YOUR CUSTOMERS?

If you arent aware of the reason then Let me again summarise it for you. I have been told that we are operating mass accounts from the same IP and thats why the gigs have been deactivated. COME ON! ARE YOU SERIOUS? Since 8 months, We are working as a freelancer on your portal from India, giving our 100% to become a Top Rated seller from level 1 and What you are doing now is FLUSHING THE WATER ON OUR HARD EARNED EFFORTS.If you dont know then We are using shared internet connection in our commercial complex where our office is based and Looking at your portals popularity, There must be various Fiverr accounts that are operated by different freelancers from our complex.We cannot check with each and every person working in our complex whether Fiverr are having Fiverr accounts or not. So do you think that it is the right way to check the authenticity of a person just from the IP address? If your answer is YES then I highly recommend you to use some authentic procedure like requesting legal document(Driving license, voting card, etc) while opening any account and i am sure it will save you from blame of deactivating accounts just on the basis of IP address. Even you can use verification by video calling in the same manner like other portals are doing. I can show you legal documents for our account verification or you can video call me on Skype and confirm my identity.

By the way, Do you have any standard policies regarding the verification of person that is operating any particular account? Because i havent came across with any of such notification from your side at the time of opening my account and if it is not like that then i will make sure that you face a legal action from authorized entities to protect my customer rights.

You does not follow standard procedure for verification and YOU TREAT YOUR CUSTOMERS IN A UNPROFESSIONAL MANNER and that disappoints to me a huge extent and even WHAT I CANNOT DIGEST IS YOUR AUDACITY TO DEACTIVATE MY GIGS WITHOUT NOTIFYING ME, after all its my Fiverr profile. Right? Dont i have the right to be notified prior to deactivation of my gigs?

But one thing is certain that You have done serious damage to my business and i cannot allow that. Though you not notified to me but i am notifying you that if i am not getting response from you guys within 48 hours and then i will have to take this matter into court.And I assure you that you will land yourself in a huge mess if my gigs are not activated within 24 hours.

I am also planning to switch my business to some other portal where customer is well served, NOTIFIED PRIORLY, having FINE SENSE OF VERIFYING CUSTOMERS. Also, i will not recommend your portal to any of my friends. I dont want to ruin my reputation among my friends by recommending portal who doesnt even care to respond to client's query.


Spiteful and vengeful
I ordered a gig from sammetcalf7 for reviews.
He did not deliver on time more than 2 days late after trying to reach him serveral time to find out what was going on I cancelled the order, I told him I would re order and pay him for the facebook reviews as he did fill that part of the gig and review him positively for this, but the google he was unable to keep the reviews on Fiverr kept getting taken down and he could not fulfill it, I didnt give him a bad review fiverr did on my behalf when I canceled the gig I would of given him a chance to fill the order if he would of responded, so after I canceled the order he writes me back saying this is not good, and then magically on google plus he uses one of his fake accounts to post a negative review about us
As well he went onto our Facebook page and gave us 100 negative reviews 1 star ratings in 1 hour, this has gone way out of hand and now hes set out to destroy our online reputation due to he could not deliver on a job... this is the ticket i have submitted to fivver 3 days ago and still no reply complete joke, i also just updated my ticket today letting them no this issue is still on going and they need to contact the pathetic seller and make this stop and still no response just sais ticket open This is still not resolved he again just tried to write a bad google review, but i have flagged him with google and they caught it and removed it again, this is getting pathetic stay away from fiverr!

This is the following correspondence from the support team. AGAIN no HELP STAY AWAY!

Sheana Friday at 14:38
Hi there,
I've escalated this ticket over to our Marketplace Support Team for you. If you have questions, or have additional information that might be useful as we work on this ticket, you can review the status of your request and add additional comments by following this link #1165566.
If this issue has been resolved, you are welcome to close your ticket request. Thanks!
We appreciate your patience.

Ana Yesterday at 12:10
Hi there,
Thank you for reaching us. I have just reviewed order #FO53E3630B83 and i see that it has been already canceled by you. In this case, please, let us know if there is anything else we can do for you and we will be happy to assist you.
Thank you

ME Yesterday at 13:06
Hi, i didn't want my money back that is not what i care about, i care about you guys taking accountability for your sellers and correcting this issue, he should not have the right to be a certified seller on your site if this is how he is going to react by posting 100 Facebook 1 star ratings and trying to post negative reviews, that is childish and pathetic, i will be copying all links to this to many review sites to show what customer support at fivver gives, if i wanted money back and wanted to cancel the gig i don't need your help i was able to do that on my own,. The point of writing a complaint is to have the issues rectified or have the seller removed

ME Yesterday at 14:30
Again he is trying to post negative reviews, you guys are not doing anything to resolve this

Ana Today at 14:36
Hi again,
Thank you for bringing this to our attention, your request will be forwarded for review to our Trust & Safety team. Due to our Privacy Policy, we are unable to share any further details of the review or actions we will take against the reported individual. We thank you for understanding.

And they marked my issue as resolved after this message

Scam, fraud and fake is a big part of business model
On November 5th. 2021 a customer service representative of confirmed me that buyers are not allowed to leave a review on sellers at if an order is not accepted by buyer i. E. order is requested by buyer to be cancelled. This means buyer can't leave a negative review on seller due to very low quality of work from seller's side. This also means that sellers rankings at are fake and is a direct participant of scam, fraud and fake.
I do not recommend to find a freelancer and pay thru
Why I am writing it? Because 2 times I placed orders at and 2 times sellers confirmed Fiverr can make these orders. But a result of their work was just even more terrible than I could imagine: a very primitive (poor quality) of their work or a work completely different from order requirements. When I asked them to return me my money because of the very low quality of their work they declined it. I was in status of a person who paid in full and didn't receive anything for what I paid for.
This means sellers at don't have even basic skills to do their job but they easily get their money. Thanks to If there were negative reviews on these sellers at I would never choose these sellers and don't pay them for nothing. There will be more and more buyers at who will choose sellers with "nice" rankings, pay them and go in troubles as me just because scam, fraud and fake is a big part of business model.
As a confirmation of the above, below is a chat with the customer service sales representative:

Bobshaw208Wednesday at 14:59
Good afternoon,
Ahmii025 confirmed me that he can accomplish my order based on my requirements. He didn't make anything according to these requirements. I requested him to cancel this order and refund me my money. He declined it and promised to send next day but didn't send it as promised. Now he've sent me something which is completely different from the requirements of this order. I asked him to cancel this order again and refund me my money and he declined it again.
I don't want to work with this person as he can't do what has been requested in my order.
Please cancel this order and return me my money.
Also, how to leave a review on this person ahmii025 at to share my opinion with others?

TabithaWednesday at 15:12
Hey there Bob!

Tabitha here. I'll gladly assist you with this issue!

I can understand your concern, but not to worry, I will gladly check this for you!

As I understand, you are not quite satisfied with the work the seller provided.

So that I can better understand what requirements were missed, visual or technical, can you please clarify this further, possibly with some examples (a list of mistakes, screenshots of design flaws or lack of functionality, comparisons with the requirements...)?

Could you please provide a comparison of what should have been done and what has (not) been done from the seller's end which does seem to be within the service offered through Gig description?

It can be done in the form of some documentation, screenshots of videos, that point out how the order wasn't done accordingly.

Also, I want to point out that you can request revisions from the seller and ask them to do additional work. For future instances, kindly check our articles about How do I reject a seller's delivery? (Requesting revisions) and Using the Resolution Center for more information about this topic.

If you want, I can also reach out to them in order to let them know that you'd like the delivery to be corrected.

I appreciate your cooperation in regards to this, as it will help me with reviewing this with more understanding and assisting you accordingly.

In anticipation of your response,________________________________________
Tabitha | Customer Support |
Please review our Fiverr Online Safety Tips.
Try FREE Invoicing, Proposals, and Time Tracking from Fiverr workspace.

MagdaYesterday at 11:08
Hi Bob,

Magda here, I'll be assisting you today.

I'll be happy to look into this issue for you.

I can see that you've reached out to us yesterday, and my colleague did indeed respond to you, did you not receive the email?

In case you did not, I am sending it to you once again:

As I understand, you are not quite satisfied with the work the seller provided.

So that I can better understand what requirements were missed, visual or technical, can you please clarify this further, possibly with some examples (a list of mistakes, screenshots of design flaws or lack of functionality, comparisons with the requirements...)?

Could you please provide a comparison of what should have been done and what has (not) been done from the seller's end which does seem to be within the service offered through Gig description?

It can be done in the form of some documentation, screenshots of videos, that point out how the order wasn't done accordingly.

Also, I want to point out that you can request revisions from the seller and ask them to do additional work. For future instances, kindly check our articles about How do I reject a seller's delivery? (Requesting revisions) and Using the Resolution Center for more information about this topic.

If you want, I can also reach out to them in order to let them know that you'd like the delivery to be corrected.

I appreciate your cooperation in regards to this, as it will help me with reviewing this with more understanding and assisting you accordingly.

In anticipation of your response,________________________________________
Magda | Customer Support |
Please review our Fiverr Online Safety Tips.
Try FREE Invoicing, Proposals, and Time Tracking from Fiverr workspace.

Bobshaw208Yesterday at 11:16
Good afternoon Tabitha,
My order has detailed requirements with examples of what I need. The Seller made a work of the lowest quality and completely not the same as requested.
Below are screenshots of my chat with him.
Again, I don't want to work with this Seller anymore and request YOU to cancel this order immediately.
Also, there are a lot of resources in the Web with very negative reviews of Fiverr: there a lot of scam / fraud sellers with paid reviews not from real buyers (fake reviews). I undertstood that I have my problems with the current seller because of the same reasons. My question is: do you struggle with fake reviews? If yes, how you can explain problems with current seller? How buyers can leave negative reviews at Fiverr? If yes how it can be done? How I can leave a review about this seller? If I can't leave a negative review at Fiverr that means you cover fraud / scam and fake and it should be handled by Israel police and related Israel government departments.
Below is my chat with the seller:
We have your back
For added safety and your protection, keep payments and communications within Fiverr. Learn more
28 Oct, 12:08
I need a 3d model and drawings in SketchUp based on photograph and dimensions of chandelier.
This message relates to:
I will build sketchup 3d model and make realistic renders on lumion
28 Oct, 12:08
28 Oct, 12:08
Show me the pictures
28 Oct, 12:11
28 Oct, 12:23
Dimensions 527x527x1727 mm (WxDxH)
Download All
WZ_RC5040FRCG (1). Png
(439.85 kB)
WZ_RC5040FRCG. Png
(450.24 kB)
28 Oct, 12:23
These dimensions for chanelier without chain and celing canopy
28 Oct, 12:23
I need drawings with dimensions of all visible parts
28 Oct, 12:23
Dimensions of all parts, its shape and proportions must be the same as in the photographs.
28 Oct, 12:24
This is the quality level of drawings i need
Download All
302503-LED-77-II0397_1. Jpg
(212.61 kB)
SBA3620. Skp
(4.58 MB)
Wall Sconce SBA3620 LAYOUT. Pdf
(14.2 MB)
28 Oct, 12:37
28 Oct, 12:37
28 Oct, 12:39
Yes it can be done sir
28 Oct, 12:39
Till when you need jt
28 Oct, 12:39
28 Oct, 12:41
Are you there sir
28 Oct, 12:54
In 5 days
28 Oct, 12:55
That will be 80 usd
28 Oct, 12:55
Model plus drawings
28 Oct, 12:59
Ok. I will send you a message
28 Oct, 13:00
Should i send you the offer?
28 Oct, 13:03
28 Oct, 13:03
29 Oct, 8:31
Good afternoon
Ready to work on my project?
29 Oct, 8:33
29 Oct, 8:33
Yes sir
29 Oct, 8:35
Dimensions, proportions, shapes of each part of chandelier should be exactly the same as on the photograph. I don't accept other options.
29 Oct, 8:38
Okay sure
29 Oct, 8:38
Send me an offer
29 Oct, 8:39
Here's your Custom Offer
I will build sketchup 3d model and make realistic renders on lumion
I will model and provide you drawings of your chandelier
Your offer includes
4 Days Delivery
3D Modeling
View Order
29 Oct, 8:48
Are you there
New Messages
03 Nov, 21:12
That's not the way man
Fiverr| Only visible to you
Seems like you already have an active order with ahmii025. Continue your conversation over at the order page or send a message here instead.
Below is my chat with the seller in the Order Page:
29 Oct
You placed the order
29 Oct, 8:49
You submitted the requirements
29 Oct, 8:50
View requirements
Your order started
29 Oct, 8:50
Your delivery date was updated to 2 November
29 Oct, 8:50
29 Oct, 9:55
I need a 3d model and drawings in SketchUp based on photograph and dimensions of chandelier.
Dimensions 527x527x1727 mm (WxDxH).
These фкуdimensions for chanelier without chain and celing canopy.
I need drawings with dimensions of all visible parts.
Dimensions of all parts, its shape and proportions must be the same as in the photographs.
WZ_RC5040FRCG. Png
WZ_RC5... png
(450 KB)
WZ_RC5040FRCG (1). Png
WZ_RC5... png
(440 KB)
Collaborate On Files NEW
Leave your feedback for the seller directly in the file and share with others to get their feedback.
Click here to get started.
29 Oct, 9:56
Ok sir
Translate to English
29 Oct, 9:57
This is the quality level of drawings i need:
302503-LED-77-II0397_1. Jpg
302503... jpg
(213 KB)
29 Oct, 9:59
Yes sure
29 Oct, 10:00
This is jpg not the drawing sir
29 Oct, 10:02
2 Files
SBA3620. Skp
(5 MB)
Wall Sconce SBA3620 LAYOUT. Pdf
Wall S... pdf
(14 MB)
29 Oct, 10:05
Ok sir
Translate to English
30 Oct
30 Oct, 18:00
Check this out!
Chand. Pdf
Chand. Pdf
(81 KB)
30 Oct, 18:18
This is not the same as in the photographs.
30 Oct, 18:19
Original is not so elongated as yours
30 Oct, 18:20
Sir actually it's a closeup picture that's why it seems elongated
30 Oct, 18:20
Also, it should be 3d model
30 Oct, 18:21
Check this one sir
IMG-20211030-WA0023. Jpg
IMG-20... jpg
(54 KB)
30 Oct, 18:27
I need 3D model to comment. No comments on this jpeg.
30 Oct, 18:27
Ok i can share
Translate to English
30 Oct, 18:27
Translate to English
31 Oct
Ahmii025 delivered your order
31 Oct, 11:00
Ahmii025's message
Hi bobshaw208,
Thanks again for your order! Your delivery is enclosed. If there are any problems, please let me know. I'll get back to you as soon as I can.
Thanks again and have a great day!:)
Chandl... zip
(22 MB)
31 Oct, 16:13
Are you there sir?
You requested a revision
31 Oct, 17:42
Good afternoon
1. My request is a 3D model in SketchUp. I don't accept 3D Max.
2. Your model is too far from the original photographs. In the photographs attached there are just a few discrepancies (highlighted in red circles) of many others. You should rework it. I request you to return me my money If you can't make model the same as original one.
3. Besides of the above you should provide detailed drawings with dimensions of all visible parts.
IMG_E7578_2_. JPG
(2 MB)
IMG_E7581_2_. JPG
(2 MB)
IMG_E7582_1_. JPG
(2 MB)
IMG_E7580_1_. JPG
(2 MB)
IMG_E7584_1_. JPG
(1 MB)
IMG_E7585_1_. JPG
(2 MB)
31 Oct, 17:46
Ok sir you will get the revised file tomorrow
31 Oct, 17:51
And for that much detailed drawing you have to pay 20 dollar extra
31 Oct, 17:53
You sent me that pdf after the order
That was not discussed before
You declined ahmii025's offer
31 Oct, 17:55
31 Oct, 17:52
I will create detailed drawing as per your sample
2 days
31 Oct, 17:59
All requirements has been sent in the initilal and following messages. Any price increase is not accepted. The order is cancelled. You are requested to return the money for this order.
31 Oct, 18:00
Oh i have seen that
31 Oct, 18:00
The order is not cancelled
You will get the revisions by tomorrow
31 Oct, 18:02
I have sent you sample PDF before order placement.
31 Oct, 18:02
Yes i have seen that
31 Oct, 18:02
You will get that by tomorrow
1 Nov
1 Nov, 20:04
Tomorrow is almost end
2 Nov
Ahmii025 declined your cancellation request
2 Nov, 17:24
Cancellation Request
This request was opened on 2 Nov, 9:52
Resolution request:
I want to cancel my order
Your reason:
The seller is not qualified to do the work I requested
Message to ahmii025:
Requirements of this order were a 3D model in SketchUp and drawings with dimensions of all visible parts of chandelier. Nothing has been done by the seller.
I request to return me my money immediately.
In case there's an issue, we always encourage our members to first communicate directly to find a solution. If you need further assistance, our Customer Support Specialists are here to help.
Ahmii025 delivered your order
2 Nov, 17:25
Ahmii025's message
Here is the revised version
Chandlair-1a. Pdf
Chandl... pdf
(933 KB)
2 Nov, 17:25
I am sending the SketchUp and 3ds max file too
Ahmii025 delivered your order
2 Nov, 17:57
Ahmii025's message
Here's the SketchUp file
Chandlair-1a. Pdf
Chandl... pdf
(933 KB)
Note: Respond in the next 3 days or the order will be automatically approved and completed.
You received your delivery from ahmii025.
Are you pleased with the delivery and ready to approve it?
Yes, I approve deliveryI'm not ready yet
Ahmii025 declined your cancellation request
3 Nov, 14:52
Cancellation Request
This request was opened on 3 Nov, 14:47
Resolution request:
I want to cancel my order
Your reason:
The seller is not qualified to do the work I requested
Message to ahmii025:
You are not qualified to handle my order. I don't want to work with you any more and request you to return me my money immediately. I am cancelling this order.
Ahmii025's response:
No i will not cancel it
I provided you all that you need
In case there's an issue, we always encourage our members to first communicate directly to find a solution. If you need further assistance, our Customer Support Specialists are here to help.
Have something to share with ahmii025?
Local time: 13:14

Bobshaw208Yesterday at 11:24
Below and attached are mн order requirements that has been sent to the seller for review. The seller reviewed it and confiremed he can do this work.
I need a 3d model and drawings in SketchUp based on photograph and dimensions of chandelier.
Dimensions 527x527x1727 mm (WxDxH)
These dimensions for chanelier without chain and celing canopy
I need drawings with dimensions of all visible parts
Dimensions of all parts, its shape and proportions must be the same as in the photographs.
This is the quality level of drawings i need
O WZ_RC5040FRCG. Png (500 KB)
O WZ_RC5040FRCG (1). Png (400 KB)
O 302503-LED-77-II0397_1. Jpg (200 KB)
O SBA3620. Skp (5 MB)
O Wall Sconce SBA3620 LAYOUT. Pdf (10 MB)

Bobshaw208Yesterday at 11:32
Attached are files of "completed" work from the seller. Nothing related to the order requirements!
O chand. Pdf (80 KB)
O IMG-20211030-WA0023. Jpg (50 KB)
O chandlair-1 (1). Zip (20 MB)
O IMG_E7584_1_. Jpg (1 MB)
O IMG_E7580_1_. Jpg (2 MB)
O IMG_E7582_1_. Jpg (2 MB)
O IMG_E7578_2_. Jpg (2 MB)
O IMG_E7585_1_. Jpg (2 MB)
O IMG_E7581_2_. Jpg (2 MB)
O chandlair-1a. Pdf (900 KB)
O chandlair-1a (1). Pdf (900 KB)

MagdaYesterday at 17:54
Hi there,

Thank you for sending the images.

I've gone ahead and canceled the order for you.

The funds were placed into your Fiverr Balance and can be used for future purchases or refunded back to your original payment method (per your request).

If you decide you wish a refund back to your payment provider, you can let me know, or use this link:

I'm here if you need anything else.

Have a nice day,________________________________________
Magda | Customer Support |
Please review our Fiverr Online Safety Tips.
Try FREE Invoicing, Proposals, and Time Tracking from Fiverr workspace.

Bobshaw208Yesterday at 18:23
Good afternoon Magda, do you struggle with fake reviews? If yes, how you can explain problems with current seller? How buyers can leave negative reviews at Fiverr? If yes how it can be done? How I can leave a review about this seller?

MillerToday at 04:43
Hi Bob,

Miller here this time around, I will be assisting you further.

Feedback can be left only on a completed order, so since this one is canceled, you will not be able to do so.

Users are allowed to leave feedback on orders up to 10 days after it is marked as complete. Once this timeframe is over, the option to add feedback will no longer be available for either buyers or sellers.

Please refer to the following link for more information: How do I add feedback to an order?

We're here if there's anything else we can help you with.

Kind regards,________________________________________
Miller | Customer Support |
Please review our Fiverr Online Safety Tips.
Try FREE Invoicing, Proposals, and Time Tracking from Fiverr workspace.

Bobshaw208Today at 09:32
Not allowing buyers who canceled the order to leave a review regading seller making sellers only have good reviews not negative reviews. This means partisipating in scam, fraud and fake at This should be a reason for investigation from Israel police and Israel government departments.

Read the Fine Print
Almost signed in and then backed off -- far away. Undoubtedly, we are all used to the EULA that basically says any company can rob you blind on general principles. That's bad enough, and as a freelance writer with 20 years-plus of dedication and passion and new learning in the field, I'm turning more and more "EULA copy-n-paste companies" down, whether a buyer or a seller and regardless of what Fiverr are selling or how bad I want it.

Fiverr(TM) stays pretty even -- having rewritten the EULA to a point where they aren't taking everything -- at least on the surface. That was well done. However, scroll way down to the bottom and you see this cute little statement that says that "they can use content for marketing purposes -- or any other purpose" -- that screams third-party vendors and absolute intellectual property control, even though they say earlier that the buyer gets intellectual property. I'm good with that latter part. If I ghostwrite, or do an edit for a client on a business document or thesis/dissertation, then I expect, since I was paid as a contractor, not to retain any rights. Fiverr(TM), however, has made it clear that they can use any portion for any purpose. That means the company owns your work that you either created as a seller, or contracted as a buyer. In essence, Fiverr(TM) gets everything for free in terms of content, and still charges fees.

In the words of Kyle on Southpark(TM) -- I say "Shenanigans!" to this carnival rip-off.

As a highly-qualified writer, I'll go back to my own website and control. I'm disappointed. I heard good things about Fiverr(TM)

Please everyone -- it is like having a root canal during a tax audit while seeing your car being towed away in your peripheral vision as you lay in the surgical chair -- but read the "terms" of these new start-ups. The thirty minutes you'll lose going line by line will save you that much in the anxiety you'll face later. Companies like Fiverr(TM) have got to learn -- it's not all about them. Not any more. There are too many professionals'
Out there who will find another way.

Great company with a major flaw
First, I'd like to start out by saying that I have used Fiverr for a long time. It has given freelancers around the world a platform to find customers quickly. I love the idea behind Fiverr, I like its platform, and sometimes even the customer support.

Recently, I started selling through Fiverr's "Logo Maker" feature which is in the beta. However, after receiving two warnings in quite a quick succession, my account was temporarily disabled while Fiverr perform an account review. Both of the warnings were for essentially "pliagiarism". Here's the thing, we have professional designers, who have worked with some of the biggest companies around the world. Not only do we create original work, we check our work for copies via reverse image searches before uploading anything for sale to Fiverr.

Each time we received a warning from Fiverr, we were not given any additional information on what other design exists that is similar or the same. As a designer, you can easily come up with a similar or sometimes even nearly identical design as someone else. As a great designer, you'll have your logo stolen and sold by other designers. There are many different scenarios. However, without knowing what the other design is, it's impossible to tell.

After reviewing our account, Fiverr disabled it permanently citing us as having violated their terms of service.

We are a professional team of designers with a combined experience of 100 years in design. It is possible that someone stole our work and had posted it somewhere and it could've been explained or resolved quickly by letting us know where the work appears.

Additionally, the design was flagged by their automated system. The two warnings were automatic. The system could have made an error as well. Maybe at least 1 of the warnings was not accurate, and thus, our account would have not been closed permanently.

At a time where we relied on income from Fiverr to get us through this rough time we are all going through, we found very little compassion or even effort to try to resolve anything.

We'd love for Fiverr to take a few minutes to discuss how to reenable our account. We want to continue to bring value to the platform and its customers.

Fiverr Review: Rating it 8 out of 10
Fiverr Review
Fiverr ReviewFiverr is the largest online marketplace for freelance services, connecting businesses with freelancers providing digital services in more than 300 categories.
The main mission of Fiverr is to change how the world works together.
As a result, Fiverr provide a platform where customers can find relevant freelance services for their projects and order from their preferred freelancers worldwide.
What Are Fiverr Gigs?
On Fiverr, you as a freelancer are called a seller. Fiverr gigs are services that you're offering to clients. When you create your Fiverr account, you need to list your gigs, and buyers who are interested in your service will ask questions and purchase them if they are satisfied with your offer.
The gig prices on Fiverr vary from $5 to $10,000 depending on what service is offered.
You can currently offer gigs in the following categories:
·Graphics & Design
·Digital Marketing
·Writing & Translation
·Video & Animation
·Music & Audio
·Programming & Tech
Each of these categories contains 30 subcategories, so it should be easy for you to find the gigs you can sell on the Fiverr marketplace.
And what's best about Fiverr is that you can set your pricing for your gigs and even offer upsells.
Is Fiverr Legit & Safe?
Yes, selling your services through Fiverr is completely safe and legit. The platform is protected with an SSL certificate that protects your billing and personal information.
In order to ensure both sellers' and buyers' safety and satisfaction, Fiverr works as a middleman, holding your payment in escrow before you deliver the order.
However, not all clients may be honest and trustworthy on the platform. In case your client refuses to pay you for the service you've provided, you can contact Fiverr customer service to help you resolve the case.
Moreover, more than 4,000 Fiverr reviews on trustpilot total the score of 4.1 out of 5-star rating. But negative reviews mostly belong to clients who state that they received poor services from freelancers on the platform.
Fiverr Features
Fiverr is all about creating a safe and convenient freelancing platform. That's why it provides various features to ensure you feel safe and comfortable working through their site.
Freelance Marketplace
The main feature of the Fiverr platform is a freelance marketplace. Freelance Marketplace is the part of Fiverr where sellers find gigs you as a seller has listed.
After the client finds the gig they're looking for, they have an option to make an order immediately. They can also message you before they do so to ask any questions they might have.
Custom Offers
Some clients may have specific needs. That's where the custom offers option comes into play.
A client may contact you through your existing gig, asking if you can provide the service they need. And as the service such clients need differs from your gig description and pricing, you can send them custom offers.
Private Communication Platform
To make things simple and protect your rights, Fiverr provides a private communication feature that's built into the platform.
The built-in chat option allows you to communicate with your clients both from the Fiverr web version and mobile app.
Ratings & Feedback
The ratings and feedback feature is the key to your successful freelancing journey. After delivering each order, clients rate your work and provide feedback.
All of the feedback is recorded on your seller profile. And potential buyers choose freelancers they want to order from after reviewing your rating and feedback.
That's why it's important to always deliver high-quality service so you collect some excellent feedback.
Secure Payment Gateways
To ensure a secure payment system Fiverr provides 3 safe payment gateway options to withdraw your freelancing earnings.
·Fiverr Revenue Card - a Fiverr MasterCard, that's supported by Payoneer
·Bank Transfer (Direct Deposit for the US)
Seller Protection
In case you may encounter fraudulent clients, who make chargebacks, claiming they didn't receive the service, Fiverr protects you by resolving the case in your favor. As a result, your funds will be back into your account within 7 days.
Fiverr Learning
Fiverr helps you level up your skills by providing a Learn from Fiverr page where you can find interesting online courses in different categories.
How to Make Money on Fiverr?
Step 1 - Create Your Seller Profile
Your profile is probably the most important part of your Fiverr journey.
Your seller profile is the first thing buyers see when deciding who to order from, especially if you have no feedback on Fiverr yet.
So it's important to make your first impression a good one.
Apart from providing a short description about yourself, make sure you showcase your experience, skills, and history on your profile.
Step 2 - Create Your Gigs
After you've filled out your profile that leaves a good impression, it's time to create a gig and lists it on the marketplace.
At this step, you'll need to provide all the information regarding your gig, such as:
·Information on your service - What will the buyer get? How long would it take you to deliver the order?
·Requirements - what information you need from clients to deliver your service.
·Your pricing.
Gigs usually have cover photos that are usually the first thing that grab buyers attention. So make sure your gig image is appealing and relevant to the services you provide.
Step 3 - Browse Client Requests
While applying to jobs is not the main feature of Fiverr, they still offer the section where you can find client requests and offer your services.
This section is especially beneficial when you're new to the platform and looking for first few jobs.
Step 4 - Accept Client Requests
At times, clients will communicate with you before ordering from you while other times they will just purchase your gigs. Either way, you need to accept client requests and let them know you've received their order.
Step 5 - Deliver the Service & Get Paid
The last step in the process is to deliver the expected service to your clients after which you'll get paid.
Payment processing takes time and your funds will remain in a "pending" status for a 14-day clearing period. Fiverr also ensures client satisfaction in this time frame as well.
Fiverr Seller Fees
Creating a Fiverr seller profile and listing your gigs is free.
However, when your gig sells, you're automatically charged $1 for every $5 you make or 20% of your order total.
·You're selling a service at the price you set and not your time.
·Remain anonymous - Fiverr allows you to remain anonymous and don't reveal any personal or contact information of yours.
·Upsell opportunities. You can increase your Fiverr earnings by offering your clients upsells. E.g. You can offer less delivery time for additional payment.
·Seller protection. Fiverr ensures your and your funds' security on the platform and helps you resolve the case with fraudulent clients.
·High selling fee - 20% of each order.
·Automatically accepts orders
Click here to buy any service of your choice on Fiverr at an affordable price>>>

Extremely disappointed
Gosh! These are really some bad reviews that I was not expecting. However this means I am not alone. Now my experience...

The so-called "top class logo designer with 5 years experiences" first started off with a very friendly "customer service" and emphasized on providing 100% satisfaction and to hint that it has to be a 5-star review that should be given once the case gets closed. Yet at one point in the beginning, he even closed the case without any mutual agreement. I guess he simply wanted to a NICE record of a fast turnaround. However the first draft looked more that an ENHANCED internet image with the company name. We were expecting, well, more than that quality of course, given the "impressive profile introduction" that the designer claimed to be. Naturally we would want changes. We had even added on the changes fee of USD20. Now with the designer's attitude changed completely citing that it is not fair to him to incorporate the color changes and we need to add on another payment. If there was a clear communication right from the start to limit the number of changes, we will gladly abide. But there was nothing said. Sad to say, it feels like being SCAMMED.

Now, the designer simply closed the case without our agreement. At the end of the day, he only wants to have the 5-stars reviews published on his profile. This is a dirty trick.

I guess there could be genuine designers out there in Fiverr doing REAL PROFESSIONAL work, but it really depends on your luck on who you have picked. With this bad experience, we will NOT be back on Fiverr again. My thoughts, unless you have a real recommendation of a good designer on Fiverr, do not go there and instead go for real professionals and pay a few more bucks to get the value of the work. After all, it's the ARTWORK of your company brand. Do it well.

My lesson learned. I wished I'd known better, earlier.

Good luck, people! =)

VERY Frustrating!
I recently wrote a book that needed a cover and someone recommended Fiverr. I was told it was hit and miss, so I tried several designers just to see what Fiverr came up with. I figured at five bucks a pop it was worth a shot. They were all pretty terrible. It was worth a try, but I had just about decided to spend more money and use 99 Designs when I got the last cover I had requested. It was perfect and I was elated to save the $299 that 99 Designs would have cost! Then the nightmare began. Because I did love it, I purchased extra services - then the designer went MIA. After two weeks of frustration (during which I missed a deadline), I contacted customer service and at the same time sent the e-cover (which was complete) to a different designer to covert into a full print cover (he did and it was usable). Well, apparently since I purchased extra services from the original designer, my "completed" order (with the ebook) was no longer considered complete and according to customer service, I didn't own rights to the design, but if I hadn't ordered the extra services, I would have! Go figure. So not only was I now out $60 for the extras I purchased from the original designer plus the extra fee I paid the new guy to convert something apparently I don't own, but I was now also out over two weeks of time, energy, frustration and lost the design I wanted. (not to mention another $25 fishing for ideas).

As of this writing I have not received a penny back from Fiverr although they acknowledge the designer did not follow through and I'm supposed to get "something" back at some point. Although their customer service team is responsive their hands are tied. There is absolutely NO protection for their customers, and NO communication of several "glitches" in their system that can negatively impact you. I was not even able to leave a negative review for the designer since you are only able to leave reviews once the order is complete (Wondered where all those five star reviews come from? That is why!)

My advice is that if you are just fishing for ideas and have no timelines or deadlines, for five bucks--go for it. But if you need services for something that actually matters, stay FAR FAR FAR away. Fork up the cash and use a professional service from the beginning, it will actually save you both time and money in the long run.

Horrible for freelancers
I opened a seller account to set up a few freelance illustration and writing gigs. 99% of the customers are too cheap to even pay beyond the basic $5 and will try to force you to give them work for free or "Samples." Fiverr will also turn around and use the work for commercial purposes or resell them when your gig T. O. S states specifically that they have no right unless they pay the extra licensing fee.

Customers also force you to do free revisions for completed work that they initially gave a five star review for and personal messages of praise for such a good job you do with your work. Believe me when I say it. They will twist your arm to get free work out of you and hold you hostage with threats of bad reviews if you don't.

Speaking of ratings, they're an elaborate joke. You can be the nicest seller and give the best work possible, but they'll still give you mediocre reviews.

Customer service is non existent. I've only gotten automatic replies from bots with regurgitated info that has nothing to do with your issues. I never once was able to get into contact with a living human being. They don't even have a phone number.

After a while of dealing with this website I decided to pause my gigs and take a few months off to focus on a full time art job I was offered and get my sleep schedule rearranged so I can work on Fiverr and my full time at the same time.

A few months turned into five months when I finally felt ready to come back to Fiverr. Lo and behold, when I tried to log in my account was restricted. I figured they restricted it because I was gone for so long. I went to customer service to get into contact with them and I couldn't even submit a support ticket because I'm not even able to log in to begin with.

Their customer service frustrated me a bit too much over something so simple. This website is obviously not worth my time, so I'm not bothering anymore. At least I won't have to deal with shady people anymore. Good Riddance.

You get what you pay for! And Fiverr keeps your money forever!
If you believe that you are going to get high-quality work for $5, then you are sadly mistaken. As another reviewer said, choose your provider carefully. I've used Fiverr on five different occasions and each time, I have been disappointed.

The quality of the work was okay. The ability to offer work for $5 comes from the fact that providers are rehashing the same content over and over again. If you want something that requires more work, you will pay more. However, there is a limit to what some will do.

Many seem to operate on a Walmart mentality, preferring 100 customers paying $5 over a client who pays $50, so don't expect to pay your way to a better outcome. Based on my experience, the providers I came in contact with were focused on quantity, not quality. And hey, for $5, what do you expect? Even with the service add-ons, which can push you into paying hundreds, don't assume everyone will provide quality service.

One of the things I don't like about Fiverr is that you never get your money back. If you pay a provider for a service and something happens where the service is cancelled or undelivered, FIVVER KEEPS YOUR MONEY FOREVER. The only way to access your money is to hire another provider, and that provider's service must add up to the exact amount of your account credit. If the amount differs, Fivver will charge you again and ignore any credit you may have.

Their customer service is almost non-existent. Expect to wait 2-3 days before you get a reply, if you get a reply. If you even dare to fill out a customer survey detailing a negative encounter with a rep, expect an email from that same rep telling you why Fiverr did what they did. Nightmare.

I'm not saying to run from Fivver. I like Walmart. Even though I hate shopping there at times, I can't resist the bargains. I feel the same way about Fiveer.

There are some decent Fivver providers who will deliver services that you can't get for $5 in any market. Just make sure you read Fiverr's terms of service, and thoroughly vet the service provider before paying any money. Remember, your money will NEVER come back to you. Therefore, proceed with caution.

I had a nearly identical situation described by Dan M. (10/15/17). I chose a seller to design my WP Website. He had 5 star reviews, and sent me beautiful examples of his work. I worked hard to negotiate the terms / clearly communicate.The seller was 5 days late with the initial delivery. When he delivered the site, it was an absolute joke. There was 1 image used for the entire site. He used black / block style font when I specifically asked for a particular style. Every page was identical. The alignment of the paragraphs was sloppy. He used a WP Theme of his choice without consulting with me despite my specific request to use the WP Theme I purchased. Interestingly, my repeated requests were ignored by the seller. He promised changes based on my feedback - went silent for over 2 weeks. Fiverr told me that I needed to allow 48 hours for the seller to respond. After 96 hours & no response, the seller delivered another substandard revision. Fiverr refused to acknowledge that the seller failed to provide the service according to the terms we negotiated. My repeated requests for assistance from Fiverr were ignored. Whats laughable is that Fiverr swiftly disabled my account after I filed a dispute with PayPal for violating Fiverrs Terms of Service. Apparently its ok for Fiverr to violate their agreement/ assurance to buyers. Fiverr clearly state that a sellers failure to deliver the service within the designated time frame and according to the agreed upon terms gives them the right to cancel the order. I received an email that my account would be permanently disabled unless I withdrew my dispute with PayPal. The challenge is that if I withdraw my dispute, I relinquish my right to re-submit my dispute if Fiverr fails to resolve it. Whats most frustrating is that I am now more than 3 weeks late for my site. It is time I will never get back and a level of frustration that is maddening. I feel ripped off and bullied.

Hello, my name is Anthony. I'm a 25 year old CEO with a Bachelor's Degree in Sociology and my own global music marketing company. I have been a top ranked seller on Fiverr for over 3 years with close to $70k in sales. When you type in music promotion or music blogs on Fiverr we are the top search result. My business was founded on Fiverr several years ago and I absolutely loved Fiverr. I continued to grow with this company as Fiverr evolved and all of our gigs were top rated with thousands of five star reviews.

Fiverr transformed my life in a multitude of ways. I have used the revenue I generated on your platform to travel around the world and pay off student loan and credit card debt. I was very surprised when my account was unexpectedly closed due to what appear to be simple misunderstandings that Fiverr does not seem to want to work with me to rectify. To add to this, Fiverr has no working phone number and the only way I was able to speak with a supervisor was by doing a lot of researching, finding the personal number of an ex-Fiverr employee, calling him at home and getting the contact info for a current employee, there whole system sucks! For a multi-BILLION dollar company you would think they would have a WORKING PHONE NUMBER, but clearly they are only concerned with cutting cost and increasing profit, a business like this is doomed to fail in the future. The owner's are simply way too greedy! They jacked the fees up to 20% for buyer's and seller's, meaning they keep 40% of all revenue you generate, this is insane! Also, when I reached out to the CEO on Twitter to try to get assistance and explain the issue, he blocked me!

Anyhow, back to the issue at hand here. My Fiverr account Bosshogg777 was closed about a month and a half ago due to what 'Jay' (head of Fiverr customer support) said was multiple TOS violations, which I firmly do not believe occur as depicted.
I've been a freelancer on Fiverr for over 3+ years with over $65,000 in sales. Jay mentioned my account was closed for low quality of service, mis-delivering orders, and multiple chargebacks. To clarify, I was a top ranked seller on Fiverr (#1 in music promotion) for 3+ years with over $65,000 in revenue. If we rendered low quality deliveries or mis-delivered orders, we wouldn't have an average rating of 4.9 stars and have thousands of clients, many of which are repeat clients whom we've developed personal relationships with over the course of several years.

The only time I mis-delivered an order is when the buyer didn't provide the gig requirements in time so I simply sent him a message requesting that the buyer provide the info required so we can complete the gig. I was unaware this is a TOS violation and that you can use the resolution center to request additional time if the buyer doesn't respond or send the gig requirements in time. I didn't know where this feature was located on the site but now I see it has been included with the order. This in itself should not warrant having my account that I built up for years permanently closed. I do take responsibility for this, but in my defense this occurred one time, not multiple times and was simply due to my ignorance which is no excuse, but certainly shouldn't warrant the closure of my account.

To further expand on this, Jay said we received 25 chargebacks over the course of 3 years and he said this was solely due to poor quality of services rendered. However, I disagree with this firmly because all of these buyers left 5 star reviews and never mentioned to me or Fiverr that they had an issue with there order or wanted a refund. They engaged in deliberate and intentional fraud in attempt to get services for free. We should NOT be penalized this and there is nothing to substance the claim that the chargebacks were due to low quality of services.

Currently, Fiverr has no system in place to protect buyers from sellers doing chargebacks because you require no in depth level of security, such as requiring a buyer to submit a copy of there driver's license or identification card to verify there identity when they sign up for an account.

Essentially, the only ramification the buyer will face is potentially getting a warning or having there account closed. However, that doesn't suffice and they could simply sign up for a new account and do the same thing again to other sellers. This is a severe vulnerability with your site that should be addressed immediately and I certainly should not be punished for chargebacks due to fraud. In addition, 25 chargebacks on 6,000+ orders is a very LOW percentage, less then 1/2 of 1% of all orders we've completed over 3+ years. I personally do not like chargebacks and I take a loss every time this occurs but it is infrequent and I write it off as part of doing business online. I would like to work with Fiverr on implementing news ways in which we can protect buyers from chargebacks and improve the overall security of the Fiverr marketplace.

Does mis-delivering one order because the buyer didn't send the gig requirements in time and having less then 1/2 of 1% of all orders we've result in chargebacks warrant having our top ranked seller account closed? I do not understand the logic behind this decision considering my business was founded on Fiverr and we have generated a tremendous amount of revenue for Fiverr. We have excellent metrics and customer reviews and our revenue has increased greatly every year. All of our gigs have thousands of 5 star reviews, many of which are from repeat clients. We have made nearly $70,000 in sales over 3 years and this number would have continued to increase if our account wasn't closed.
Fiverr generates 40% of all revenue from buyer and seller fees. The amount of revenue I've generated for this company from my high sales should be recognized as well as all of my hard work and diligence with delivering orders on time and having excellent reviews and metrics. I do not feel like I am being treated fairly or with respect, nor do I understand why they would want to close my account rather then work with me to rectify any issues.

I do appreciate the opportunity to make a new account, which they have reluctantly allowed me to do, but starting from scratch will take years to build back what I have lost. Imagine if someone took away your whole Fiverr business and told you to go found a new company and you lost access to all your clients and revenue. This has also put me in a very bad predicament. I'm a U.S. expat living overseas and I work remotely. I depend on this income to survive. Now all of my credit cards are maxed out and I've missed multiple payments because I've had my livelihood taken away from me. I went from making $3-5k a month to $200-300. It is so bad sometimes I don't sleep at night or wonder how I will pay my rent or buy groceries. I wouldn't wish what happened to me on my worst enemy.

In addition, they are preventing me from accessing nearly $2,000 in revenue from sales I've already COMPLETED for 90 days! This in itself should be illegal!

I've taken many losses in life from watching my father pass away suddenly from a massive heart attack when I was 10 years old and having to be the man of the house and raise my younger siblings to watching my mother go through chemotherapy for breast and skin cancer and losing several family members and friends to drugs, violence, and death but I do not feel like I should be punished for simple misunderstandings that can be corrected. This whole thing has turned my world and life as I knew it upside down.

I eat, sleep and breathe Fiverr. If you look at the thousands of reviews we've accumulated on ALL of our gigs, you will see I only provided the highest quality of services, hence the thousands of positive reviews, comments, and average rating of 4.9 stars on all of our gigs.

What they have done to me is beyond fathomable. Now I am in the process of pursuing this legally and have an attorney who will ensure they get what they deserve.

It should also be noted this company, Fiverr, and it's CEO Micha Kaufman have an F rating with the BBB as well as numerous complaints.

#fiverr #michakaufman #bosshogg777


Customer Service like it's 1989! (my follow from 3 days ago!)
Im really now just getting word from customer service. Since an inquiry was made 3 days ago.

I really hate to say this. Really burns my heart to say: this company customer service sucks. Here's why. Fiverr have a good service. A very nice concept. But i will shy away from this one. I am so pissed at their customer service i think i will need a drink to relax me! I need to make this be known beyond just the ReviewFeeder community. I personally feel as if this and other similar companies feel as if they can make all the millions they do and provide absolutely crappy service to folks here in the Western area.

Well Fiverr you need to do better, maybe for your fans on the Eastern World, Tel Aviv and your surrounding neighbors, that would be acceptable. I don't think i would communicate with this customer service even if you paid me to.

Here is my response to customer service this morning:

I'm very very very displeased with your customer service. I don't think I'm interested in using the service of the website for fear of delay and inconvenience that I might have to wait days before I can get someone from customer service get back to me, and freelancer refuses to start working based on the fact I can't make or process payment. I've dealt with many many tech companies, large and small and I should say this one is the only in a long long time, perhaps in years that let me feel so dissatisfied with the service, I almost felt angry as I ended getting no work done and missing schedule as a lack of time customer service, come on guys, we are living in 2015 here. You're at least the equivalent to a Fortune 500 company. I believe your customer service platform should surely reflect this and this is just a little advice from a guy who probably doesn't matter.


To which the response was:

Thank you for the reply and for sharing your thoughts, Clive. We're terribly sorry to see you disappointed.

Your request had to be forwarded for a further review by our Technical team and sorry it took longer than expected.

I'm forwarding your request as a feedback and suggestion to our Product Management for their consideration.

To that user Nicky that gave them 5 stars and spoke about the platform. Yup they have a great website but, have an issue with their customer service team and then get back to me. To say it's pathetic would be a grave understatement.

Worst Customer Service Ever
The customer service reps at Fiverr are simply the worst. I am specifically speaking of the women based on the female icons Fiverr are allowed to represent themselves with. They rigidly handle matters and us very little common sense if any. You have to explain the simplest of issues to them in many different ways and still they may only realize only a small part of the matter. Resulting in getting absolutely nowhere. I have been a seller on Fiverr for two years and it has not gotten any better. Well it did for a short moment and went backwards.

Furthermore the more Fiverr upgrades their system the worst it is getting. My account is constantly effected by their upgrades resulting in the inability to get my clients their files that have been paid for and if a buyer cancels a sell or the sell is cancelled the buyer is penalized. I was penalized in several ways one specifically not be able to contact inquiries in my inbox because to keep a sell from being cancelled I provided a client with my email and a Dropbox link. None of this was taken into consideration as Fiverr's system was not operating properly. Fiverr never takes responsibility for any of their wrong doing or technical issues and rarely fixes the matter. I do know this is prohibited via their TOS however considering their system was functioning improperly I would have thought they would have taken it under advisement at least. So no matter what losing the sell or saving the sell I am penalized.

Fiverr is a great system for novice and professional sellers alike. You just have to weed out a lot of the matter to get to the professionals. There are many scammers who are buyers and sellers on Fiverr and you constantly have to find ways to protect your own work because Fiverr will not back you as a seller. There are those who come to Fiverr expecting to pay $5 for work that is worth hundreds and Fiverr will not back you as a seller when they buyer gets upset about it. They will tell you that you need to be better at your customer service. Ha! Isnt that ironic.

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Fiverr Rating

Based on 50 reviews from Fiverr customers, company has accumulated an average rating of 1 stars, indicating that majority of customers are not satisfied with its service.
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Description: Fiverr is the world’s largest marketplace for creative and digital services, including graphic design, copywriting, voice overs, and music and film editing.
Fiverr is changing the way the world works together by giving entrepreneurs, freelancers, small businesses and even enterprises the resources they need to get things done.


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Fiverr has A+ rating on BBB

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Fiverr is not BBB accredited

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