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50 customer reviews of

My own experience on Fiverr as a buyer
I have a very bad experience of Fiverr as a buyer. On Fiverr you are gambling. You will win or you will lose.
Here is what I have learned as a buyer on Fiverr.

1) You cannot trust the seller even if he has brilliant reviews.
2) Fiverr is just a money making machine and this company does not at all care about its customers.
3) Customer service has no phone number! So you cannot speak to a real person but just write.
4) Customer service is using templates(!) when answering your messages and nobody cares or nobody reads what you are writing and what problems you have. You get the same "predesigned template" responses all the time.
5) Though it says on Fiverr's website that Fiverr have Customer Support 24/7, it's not true. To my 1st email for help I got a response after 4 days!
6) You as a buyer will never get a refund if something goes wrong with your order.
7) The seller will NEVER CANCEL your order (as per my experience) as the seller's ranking will be negatively affected.
8) If you will not be happy with your order revisions, you will be told all the time by the seller and Customer Service that "the seller has delivered everything which has been associated with the original scope of work"! So you will never be able to convince them that the things you are requesting to be done are related to your original order.
9) The seller, the buyer and Customer Service have 3 days to reply to messages. In case you as a buyer will forget to reply to the seller within 3 days, your order will be automatically marked as completed and your funds will be transferred to the seller.
10) If your order will be cancelled you will not get your funds back(!) but they will be refunded to your shopping balance on Fiverr!
11) Your dispute on Fiverr can go on and on and on for weeks without any results.

Finally, if you are a gambler and do have time and can afford losing money you might want to try Fiverr. As for me, I cannot afford losing my time, my patience and my money twice. So I will stay away from Fiverr.

Little reward for a lot of work.
I feel like fiverr is really just a rip off. I did some design services, such as really small illustrations. I thought it would be a good and simple way to make some cash on the side while honing some skills. WRONG. The type of buyers on that site, I have found, expect a whole lot out of your for so little pay. You can increase the price on each service you are selling, which makes sense, but most buyers don't even bother to read and expect your highest level of service for $5. Then fiverr has not even given you the functionality to upgrade to the level your buyer needs! You are stuck with doing high level job for $5 unless you can convince your buyer to buy another level service. The mobile site is even worse. It has about 30% of the features on the website. Terrible. How are you supposed to do your business in a timely manner, like Fiverr repeatedly hound you to do, if their mobile site is less than functional? They also send you a lot of annoying emails. You can opt out of some such as the marketing emails, but if you have a buyer who doesn't respond after a few days, fiverr will repeatedly send you emails everyday to say you need to "work on your job" and not to leave your client hanging. Its even worse when you've gone past your deadline for reasons out of your control. That is BS and way too many emails. Once you've finished your job, you only get 80% of your payment. So if you work for $5 you are actually getting $4. I did at least 5 jobs and only ended up with $32. Not worth my time. The site is not intuitive at all. It is way too complicated for a site that sells $5 jobs. I really feel like there is too much extra "stuff" that gets in the way of navigating the pages and understanding your profile and gigs. Also, anytime you'd like to make a change, a payout, or anything other than adding a new "gig," they make you confirm with an email. So, you have to wait for the email to come, which isn't right away, just to make simple changes or get your money. Overall, I had 10x the headache than reward with this site. If you don't mind doing a lot for basically nothing, then you'd probably like this site. Otherwise, you're better off going to a real freelancing site where the buyers actually expect to pay out for decent work.

Stay Away from Fiverr, it is a SCAM!
This is another bogus site offering freelance services.

1. Most of the "sellers" are rogues - poor to no services will be delivered
2. Fiverr will submit to you for review that order is completed even when they had just started work
3. When order is submitted for review, it is so that Fiverr's system kicks in to automatically mark the order as completed after 3 days. You will not receive any notification in the email.
4. Once the system marks the order as completed, money is released to the seller 14 days after. You can only cancel order out of mutual consent with the seller.
5. When you query Fiverr for such a bogus process, customer support is quick to pull up terms of service that you will probably be seeing for the first time and telling you that orders are only refunded back into your "shopping balance". But this BS and bogus if you fall for it. They have no right to hold on to your funds as it violates the credit card industry guidelines for merchants or with PayPal.
6 Fight for your refunds, they will try to buy time. They will put restrictions on your accounts saying that opening a dispute with PayPal or your Credit Card company is a violation of their bogus "terms of service" They will urge you to close those disputes for the matter to be resolved, if you fall for it, you lose your right to fight for a refund through those channels as for example in PayPal, closed disputes cannot be reopened or escalated to PayPal Claims.

My advice, just stay away. It is rather unfortunate because I would imagine that there are some genuine sellers with honest intentions to deliver good service but really they are like the remnants. My advice to such is to leave these fraudsters and go to platforms such as Upworks.

My advice to Fiverr, you may have been scamming some but you cannot scam all. I am coming for your head. I will see that your service is shut down and you criminals tracked down.

May I tell you that I've been misled?
Fivrr seems to make a promise on which it does not deliver; a contractual agreement with a motivated young artisan to utilize their ingenuity to produce a professional piece of work. I don't want to make the classically unAmerican mistake of the deriding an entity of free enterprise but, Fivrr is a pyramid scheme rolled out in online form, and it's most successful contractors produce its most mediocre services. You do not become featured on fiverr for producing high-quality work for employers who can vouch your commercially safe and tested ability to perform your duties. You become successful and highly featured in the listed results for sellers by producing extremely sub par and sub intelligent, half assed, nearly automated feats of anti-imagination. Taking a piece of clipart and combining it with a font is considered logo creation. Taking a ramshackle resume and throwing it through a word processor is considered resume editing. Taking a useless copy and slapping it onto a premade template is considered resume creation. I have had several experiences with fivrr and can testify that the results' most outstanding and enduring quality has been that Fiverr are bad. Merely bad. The "gigs" could be performed by a Low-level computer program; and most likely are, in many cases. The focus for the sellers is on quantity, not quality, and it is very difficult to place who, if not an endless supply of dissatisfied customers, they're for. There are few people I'm sure who lack the ingenuity to use Photoshop who still desperately require and can make any use of a corporate logo generated by its most rudimentary functions. And few prospective employees entering the job market who don't understand where to find basic resume templates in word processing tools who have any success with their low-quality resume. Fivrr is a philosophers stone; it takes the form of whatever you most desire. What it rewards you with is only the illusion of having it. I urge you dear readers to consider that all that I have said is true. Thank you.

The Sellers Side, also a nightmare.
So I see a lot of reviews about buyers being scammed, and I totally see why. Fiverr is a good idea that's been executed poorly in all aspects, and I'll tell you, it's no cake walk for a real seller either. While having to compete with the cheaper copywriters and crap that run rampant across the website, the system in place where your exposure is totally dependant on reviews, while not unusual itself, is heavily influenced by that first review. My integrity as a seller is greatly influenced by the first review I get. With that comes the seller system where we don't get to pick what we can or can't take; if Fiverr order it, it accepts, with no regard to our work load, POOR money management wherein if you complete an order early, you still have to wait for the due date to pass, PLUS two weeks to process and lost profit and it's just not worth it when you need the money NOW. There's also the matter of declination, which negatively impacts your page if you have to turn down someone, and the content timer where your maximum limit is 30 from (auto) accept or you get bad marks that pressures the sellers into rushing or becoming overloaded. Granted, there are some sleazy folks floating, but it completely washes away the chances or real work getting accomplished, and some buyers are just as cheap as the sellers.

Case in point: I have two gigs set up, one for simple pencil story board for visual context, to turn script or novel into light cartoon format; and actual comic work, drawn, inked, etc, for two difference prices and extras. A customer began hounding questions about quality and such on the story board, which I gave a guarantee to, then asked if I can add ink to it, and I ago redirect him to the other option, after he claimed it was a story board for a film project.
Storyboards don't require high quality ink.
He now refuses to explain what the project is for, and instead of giving character designs, he insists on cutting a pasting ideas from copywrited images rather than make his own. From an artist standpoint, it's unbearable due to the copywriter fears, and his amoral lack of creative and poor writing ability, as well as his attempts at returning to "story board plus ink" instead of proper comic, which is more expensive, so it have given me a harsh sense of malice for my skill having to work with someone so unprofessional as to use "lol" in correspondence. He eventually bought the proper gig, but it left me two weeks to complete almost 20 pages, and desperate for money and that lauded first review, I had to comply, only to find out how in creative and fishy he was, as well as it would take a month to get my money, complete or no, and what originally started at $55 became $44, then $42 some odd through PayPal, etc, whereby I am trapped between quality of work, quantity of work, price and time, to either list realistic expectation of maximum days (29) and wait that long for money I need now, and push away buyers who want it "quick" or list impossible odds to make ends meet and have disgruntled buyers.
It is not a good system. It is not worth the heartache and stress. Sell on Etsy, sell on DeviantArt, sell anywhere but here.
For here there be bull$#*!.

This Review SUMs up FIVERR - AND WHAT YOU NEED TO KNOW, Going in!
Let me open by saying that I do not* leave negative reviews simply because. When I enter into a contract for business, and that contract is met with professionalism, I give the proper feedback. However, going into, I was seeking to have work done on one of my many* books. The correct thing I did was look at the fiverr freelancer's options, before contacting them. (80% of them had horrible reviews) I chose the one who had only 1 neutral review. Where I goofed up was, NOT looking at fiverr's reviews overall, which were 98% negative and ALL ACCURATE. I hired a freelancer to do work for me, only to find out in a few days that the task I needed done, was an easy fix. I GOT LUCKY* - Let me type that again, I GOT LUCKY, as the seller / freelancer, agreed to cancel the contract and refund my money. And this* is where things began to get interesting with
I could not help but feel that for the work that was being offered on the site, truly professional work*, the sellers were not asking much at all. People, hear me out... YOU GET WHAT YOU PAY FOR... Yet after the cancellation, I had to GO IN again, and request a refund to my Credit Card, from the Customer Support. (Go back and read that again.) That would be like returning something to Walmart, (who entertains FAR MORE clients on a daily basis - and has a QUICK refunding process) and the Customer Service people telling you, "Oh, well to get your money back for this DEFECTIVE product, you have to go behind the store and talk to the Great Oz, who sits behind a Curtain."
People - Fiverr ONLY refunds money ONCE* if that. As far as I read, Fiverr will refund your money for a cancellation ONCE - and that is IF - and ONLY IF - the seller agrees to it.
RUN - LIKE - HELL from this site! is most likey run out of someone's basement, or a small building, by people who do not have the brain power or intelligence to place the square object through the right opening. (Something we all learn as CHILDREN)

Don't use Fiverr!
The customer service is terrible. Fiverr will terminate your account with only one warning and not really give you a chance to fix the problem. They told me I had a "severe violation" by saying that I was selling reviews because I was beta reading and had added in my gig that I'd leave an honest review if asked. I wasn't selling reviews or high ratings or anything like that. I told them that twice but couldn't get my account back. And for a supposed "severe violation" they don't have anything in their terms of service except a small part that said something along the lines of "must not violate the terms and conditions of a third-party website." How was I to know that offering an honest review as well as what I was actually being paid for is an apparent violation of another website? Maybe that's just me.
Other reasons to not use it are it's a lot of work for very little money. It's hard to be able to have high prices while you're a low ranked seller and you have to make $400 before you can even raise up. Plus the site takes a percentage.
The buyers can be pushy and you just have to deal with it. For some reason they also expect the sellers to rate the buyers and vice versa to see ratings, which is just strange in my opinion. There's not an easy way to even contact customer support and there's not an easy way to extend time on a gig if you need to.
And even if you have all good ratings and hadn't had prior issues, they apparently don't give a person a chance to fix whatever the perceived violation is. I worked my butt off to get only like $30 at the most by taking notes on books, editing them, and answering questions only to get terminated because I offered to leave a review. I only had to people ask me to leave reviews and I made nothing on those orders because I purchased the books separately. (Again that's probably just me). I was paid for notes and editing, I left a review because I liked what I read and was asked to, and if that's such a violation it should be more clear in the policies.

Fiverr supports sellers who are dishonest, as long as they make money for Fiverr.
I recently joined Fiverr, as a buyer. I wanted some illustrations done for my children books, that I had written. I also made some wrong moves, thinking that the sellers are honest and professionals. Two of the sellers on Fiverr, (who also had glowing ratings), are nothing but thieves. Fiverr refused to return my manuscripts, which I had also foolishly sent to them, to illustrate. Those two sellers are, 1. An Indian woman (who also used a much younger picture on Fiverr) name "aparnapandabera". Avoid this thief at all cost. She is arrogant, rude and unethical. My repeated requests for her to return my mss, were ignored by her. 2. The other seller's name is lunaitme. She is also a thief. She told me that other sellers could have "copied my manuscripts", and I am sure that she herself did just that. Both of these sellers has so called positive reviews on Fiverr. I could not leave them a negative review. Please ask for samples of their work and you will see that their actual drawings are so crappy, that even a kindergarten student can draw much better. What they do is to show a lot of vector art on their profile page and their drawing skills are so low, that you will gasp at the actual results. Any system, like Fiverr, that asks you to pay upfront (via credit cards, or paypal, or a Fiverr's account), before the artist actually does the work, is suspect. It is a great mistake, because you don't know how skilled those persons are. Many of them are not. I can do vector art myself and have also done the graphic designs, for my books. I also don't advertised myself as an illustrator, because of that fact. (And I have the books to prove my skills in regards to that fact).
I used Fiverr because it is supposed to be cheaper and save you a lot of time. I was wrong. I got quotes for those illustrations, at $550.00. I kid you not.
Another thing I find is that I could not sell on Fiverr. I tried to sell and it kept creating all kinds of problems for me. If I tried to type in my writing skills, such as creative writing, Fiverr's stupid system would not let me do that.
And last, but not least. NO SERVICE ON FIVERR, IS FOR $5.00. As it claimed. Don't believe me?, then try buying some service on Fiverr and see if you actually pays $5.00, or anything close to that amount. That figure quoted by Fiverr, is to actually get you on to that site, but the rates are nothing close to that. $5.00 is just one tiny part of the cost. If you want the full service, form the seller, then you also be prepared to pay a lot more money. Don't trust certain sellers, like illustrators on Fiverr. They can't draw and uses digital technology, to rip you off.

I would like to WARN all of you who desire to work online as a freelancer. No matter how skillful you are. No matter how unique your skills are. No matter how honest and dedicated to your work you are. JUST DON'T WASTE YOUR TIME ON FIVERR. Two years ago I started my journey on fiverr as a seller.

Experience as a SELLER: I worked 24X7 since the beginning and within 3 months reached their Level 2 band. I had glowing 5 star reviews. Trust me I never bothered any buyer to review me. I was quick in my work and answering them back. I was not a top seller but I had steady sales and happy customers. Problems started after 5 months. By chance I created a gig which was unique on fiverr. Nobody had it. Soon it was getting lots of attention, queries and sales too. It was immediately copied by others. Suddenly one day fiverr cancelled my unique gig without giving any reason. When I contacted support Fiverr gave weird reason that enforcement team reported my gig and they cancelled it. I asked them how come their so called enforcement team not reporting other gigs who had copied mine and only reported mine. They did not answer. Then I noticed one of the other copied gigs suddenly gaining lots of reviews overnight. So I understood that fiverr has their own people working as sellers. They just stole my unique idea, cancelled my gig, created same gig to their own seller and increased number of positive reviews for that seller they wanted to highlight. When I questioned about it, they did not answer me anything and guess what, they started rejecting my other gigs one by one. In less than a week they removed my 5 top selling gigs. Further checking the gig analytics I noticed sudden drop in traffic to my remaining gigs. I contacted support for it, again they said my other gigs are not found compliant after being reported by users. Eventually they cancelled all of my gigs by the end of that fateful month and whenever I tried to recreate any gigs they kept canceling it. Finally they deactivated my account too. All this was not enough, here is the worst part. I had not withdrawn my 5 months hard earned money which amounted $12699 due to bank account issue and I didn't have any other mode to withdraw. I never imagined of any problem as I was busy and still happy doing my work so I delayed fixing my bank connectivity issue. They kept all my money too and never bothered to reply my emails. Needless to say all my 6 months of hard work was in vain.

ADVICE For You: Simply AVOID FIVERR. It may help you get little pennies but if you start getting more sales then FIVERR WILL STEAL YOUR IDEAS, MONEY and RUIN you completely.

I hope my unfortunate experience helps you all.

Oh the pain of "creativity" of a job on Fiverr
I had many friends recommend Fiverr so I checked it out. Looked like fun! Choosing a graphic designer to do a 5"x7" double sided postcard for me was exciting. I chose a guy who I felt had all the fun and creative graphic postcards and got started on my first $5 purchase.

The first communications were so weak and confusing that I was getting scared. I wanted to cancel right then and there. What happened is that I sent in the requirements with my photos and threw in some notes and all I got back was "helo. Hi" There was no response to anything in my first email and it felt weird.

The first draft was a post card design that I could have done myself on vista print. All my specifications were ignored. So, I marked up the postcard with notes, sent it back, and sent an email that I was disappointed that this did not look like any of his gigs posted. I gave specific examples of the postcards that I liked. His response was a sad emoticon.

I got the second draft and only some changes were done and those changes were again the same simple plain stuff as the first and not very noticeable. I could have done those changes myself.

I sent a message to the seller and told him that I was really unsatisfied and to keep the $5. I gave him a horrible review.

Now, as I am writing this, I have received 8 well written and clear emails from him (more are coming as I just wrote that last sentence). He's said that he was shocked and upset that this was not to my satisfaction. What could he do to fix it. Now that the bad review went through for him, he is begging for me to remove it because it's lowering his rating and he can't accept other posted jobs and will fix anything that I need. I would like to add that the email response is so much quicker now. The prior two answers he gave me took 24hrs each time.

I came across this site because I was so mad and frustrated about what I got and googled complaints. I realize now that I should have been more savvy on what I was purchasing and who I was purchasing it from.

Why Fiverr Is a Complete Scam?
Help & Education Center

I am going to write you my very bad experience with the client named Hseaton and his current order with me on fiverr.
The client gave me a task of JPG to HTML. When I asked him for the PSD files, he said I do not have any PSD files. These JPG files are created programmatically (I would request you to check whether the client has got these these JPGs done by other seller on Fiverr and did not pay for these. This is why the seller did not give him the PSD files).
Further, he added you have to work on system-generated screen and I need more colour idea and design more with polished effects. I have done his task and converted JPG to responsive html but he come up with some changes.
He wrote me this:
"I would like for you to introduce new design to this. Please consider using different colors, shades, and perhaps shadows? Also, I need the column header, and the icons below it, to be centered.
Also, the menu section is too wide. That should be as narrow as possible so we can use the main area to display active information."
I did it accordingly and shared the link with him.
He wrote me
"Please make this 'shadow' less dramatic, it looks like you've split the holding element in half. Just make it a little more subtle.
If we give you ftp access to the real pages, are you able to go in and re-style this way?"
Just look at the cunningness and dishonestly. Although he has assigned the work on fiverr, he is telling me to do the work on his server.
Again, he asked me to add more colours effects and shadows. I followed his instruction and I did it.
He was very happy with the work and wrote me
"great. Please do the other screen, then we're ready to implement in the actual pages.
Thank you!"
He said great work and carry on with the other screens. Cunningly, he asked me to transfer files to his server. I did not reply. Order is running and not completed yet how I will transfer all files to client server?
I think he knows how to download the html following the link. I am sure he has done the same and stolen the work in this way.
As soon as he was able to do this, he wrote me:
"Actually Samaptiray, this really isn't good enough. All you have done is add some fades and gradients to the design I gave you. We are paying you $150 for more than just that. I need to see a completely different approach. Some actual design. If you cannot do that, we should cancel this job."
He is telling me great work and asking me complete the rest of the screens and later telling me is not good enough for the second part. Just think about the level of dishonesty and cunningness.
Most unfortunately, the client is asking to cancel the project every time without any proper reasons.
I have changes more than 4 times but he is always telling me to cancel the order without any proper reasons. I think client is totally a dishonest person and when he had seen the html design he download the total html file and now want to cancel the order. He got the file that he wanted. He did not say what he wants in the design. I have invested lots of time in his design and now ready to complete his order but did not get any positive response and cooperation from the client. I am requesting you kindly handle the matter carefully and help me solve it.
Kindly follow the attachments and conversation link

With regards,

Screen 1. Png (50 KB)
Screen 2. Png (100 KB)
Screen 3. Png (70 KB)
Complaints. Docx (20 KB)
Screen 2 (1). Png (100 KB)
Avatar * September 12,2018 22:54
Hi Samapti,

I'm very sorry to see that your experience with this order has been less than positive and I completely understand where you are coming from.

I reviewed the order, and I see that you've followed up with the buyer to advise on the revisions made and that Fiverr are yet to be responded as they got back to you.

We cannot force your buyer to accept the order if they have issues with it, so you will need to persuade the buyer to accept your work, or negotiate for an agreement with your buyer.

May I recommend that you draw up a list for the buyer, showing that your work has been fully completed in accordance to their initial work requirements, and let us know how the buyer responds?

Please follow up with us in the next 24 to 48 hours with any changes or updates on this.

Warm regards,
* | Fiverr Customer Support
Please review our Fiverr Online Safety Tips.
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Fiverr Customer Support

Avatar samaptiray September 13,2018 15:09

Thank you very much for your response and valuable advice on it.

I am highly interested in completing the order. Only for this reason, I have done the work more than four times and made several changes according to his needs and guidance. However, I am receiving no positive approach, attempt and co-operation on behalf of the client. He is more interested in canceling the project without any proper reason. In spite of my relentless efforts and requests to write me the design idea what he has in his mind and some samples that he likes the most, he is sharing nothing with me and sticking to his point, "please cancel the project".

He sent me a cancellation request, writing me this

"I think we do not have agreement on what I need, and it is better to cancel early than continue. The layouts you sent are just copies of our designs - adding purple was not a reasonable solution, it shows that we are just not a good match. Please accept this cancellation and spend time with customers who are more suited to your design style. Thank you."

When I am asking him why cancellation- I have done the job exactly as you instructed and you got changes done by me more than 4 times until it fitted his needs, he could not explain the reason why he needs cancellation.

The matter of fact is that he got changes several times until he met his requirement.

This is why he wrote me

"great. Please do the other screen, then we're ready to implement in the actual pages.

Thank you!"

I am sure his requirement has been fulfilled and he got html code from from the link that I shared with him. He has downloaded it and copied codes from the view sources. This is why why he is desperate to cancel his order.

He did not explain why he needs cancellation. Till now I am ready to do work on the order but he is not telling me what he actually wants.
When I have asked him, "What do you want?" What design layout in your mind tell me I am ready to do that because we are professional. But the Client is insisting me to cancel the order.

Please take some initiatives so that the client cannot go with the work without paying nothing for it. Please think about my hard labor for it.

We are here in fiverr to complete an order. However, it is not possible if a client has any bad intention in him.

If a client is an honest person and he cooperates us, we can defiantly deliver him a satisfactory work.

With thanks,

Avatar * September 14,2018 05:00
Hello Samapti,

I completely understand your frustration because you have delivered what you promised in your Gig description. As you mention in your email, you have dedicated time and hard work in this order.

I would strongly suggest that you try to reach an agreement with your buyer regarding this order and explain to the buyer what you have done and the revisions that you have made.

Please let me know how things work out.

Kind regards

* | Fiverr Customer Support
Please review our Fiverr Online Safety Tips.
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Fiverr Customer Support

Avatar samaptiray September 14,2018 06:18

Thanks for your suggestion and very good advice.
Please follow the conversation link
The client got several changes done until it fulfill his requirements exactly and wrote me
"great. Please do the other screen, then we're ready to implement in the actual pages"
After that, he stole all html part by downloading and copying code from the view source.
Only to get the work free, he does not want to pay me anything. He is a professional scammer. This is why he does not want to reach an agreement.
This is why he wrote me this
"I sent you ideas of how we might design, as you asked.
I don't care how hard you say you worked, this looks identical to what we gave you, except some color changes. I will not pay for this."

With thanks,

Avatar * September 14,2018 08:40
Hi Samapti,

You are welcome!

I am sorry to hear this. Thank you for bringing this to our attention. We are reviewing the buyer's behavior with our Trust & Safety Team. Just so you know, we can't disclose any actions that may be taken by our Trust & Safety Team due to our Privacy Policy.

Please continue communicating with the buyer to see if you are able to reach a mutually beneficial agreement regarding this order.

We are sorry for the inconvenience.

Kind regards.

* | Fiverr Customer Support
Please review our Fiverr Online Safety Tips.
Try FREE invoicing and proposals from AND CO.
Fiverr Customer Support

Avatar samaptiray September 14,2018 10:22

Thank you so much for your kind cooperation and strong support. Please do the needful and take necessary action against the guilty.

With thanks,

Avatar * September 14,2018 11:51
We will.

Kind regards
* | Fiverr Customer Support
Please review our Fiverr Online Safety Tips.
Try FREE invoicing and proposals from AND CO.
Fiverr Customer Support

Avatar samaptiray September 15,2018 20:57

The client is sending me unnecessary revisions without any proper reasons and without giving me the design idea that he has he in his mind and sending me sample that he likes now even after getting the work done more than 4 times.

Please follow the previous messages, I have already done the work more than 4 times until it meets his needs exactly.

Else he did not write me this

Great. Please do the other screen, then we're ready to implement in the actual pages.

Thank you!

21:53September 10,2018"

I have written him this

You liked my work and approved it
"great. Please do the other screen, then we're ready to implement in the actual pages".
And finally asked me to it to your server

"are you able to go in and re-style this way?"

Unless you approved the work and liked it, you would never write me

Great. Please do the other screen, then we're ready to implement in the actual pages".
"are you able to go in and re-style this way?"


Avatar * September 16,2018 03:22
Hello again,

I understand this can be frustrating, however, I do need to ask you to keep this professional, it is not ok to threaten the buyer with their websites or doing religious comments as this will not help the situation.

We are not able to force a buyer into accepting an order they are not satisfied with, I strongly suggest that you try to reach an agreement with your buyer regarding this order and explain to the buyer what you have done and the revisions that you have made.

* | Fiverr Customer Support
Please review our Fiverr Online Safety Tips.
Try FREE invoicing and proposals from AND CO.
Fiverr Customer Support

Avatar samaptiray September 16,2018 06:33
Hi *,

I have already told you that I have tired but failed to reach an agreement.
On 19:50September 13,2018, he wrote me, "I am not paying for this."

This is why I am requesting if you can motivate him to reach an agreement with me that will be better.

I am not threatening him, I am telling him to be honest and not to steal other's labor.

In comparison to * your reply message is very unfortunate and frustrating as well. I would request you to read the previous messages and the replies from the other customer case executives. I hope you can understand the reason of frustration.

* (customer support executive) wrote me

"Thank you for bringing this to our attention. We are reviewing the buyer's behavior with our Trust & Safety Team. Just so you know, we can't disclose any actions that may be taken by our Trust & Safety Team due to our Privacy Policy."

Could you please let me know what are their findings?

With great regret,

Avatar * September 16,2018 14:50
Hi again Samapti,

Thank you for following up. I am very sorry but we cannot disclose this information due to our Privacy Policy. I am sure you must understand this.

Please compile a list of what the initial requests were and your work and submit this to your buyer so misunderstandings can be avoided.

* | Fiverr Customer Support
Please review our Fiverr Online Safety Tips.
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Fiverr Customer Support

Avatar samaptiray September 19,2018 17:39

This is to bring to your attention that as the order no FO710BE3712D4 has been canceled by Firverr team. All my efforts and labors have gone to ashtray. What I have received as the reward of my hard labor is only a negative freed back.

Follow this link

As I have received no money for the work and the order has been canceled by the fiverr team itself, I think it is very illogical and unethical to keep the feedback of the client.

Please follow the attachment to know how I have suffered and received only a negative feedback as reward of my hard work.

This is why my earnest entreaty to you please remove the feedback of the canceled order. Else I have to leave fiverr permanently with this very bad experience.

With great regret,

Fiverr customer support. Png (1000 KB)
Avatar * September 19,2018 21:01
Hi Samapti,

We have reviewed your request to remove the feedback placed on this order by your buyer. Unfortunately, your request to remove this rating does not meet our Feedback Removal Policy. If there is a difference of opinion regarding a feedback left by a buyer, then we suggest contacting the buyer to understand how they rated your services.

Keep in mind that it is against Fiverr's policies for Sellers to solicit feedback changes from Buyers in exchange for refunds, discounts, upgrades or any other type of additional benefit.

Kind regards
* | Fiverr Customer Support
Please review our Fiverr Online Safety Tips.
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Fiverr Customer Support

Avatar samaptiray September 20,2018 07:09

Either give me the money for the work or remove the feedback.

Previously, I did not believe these reviews given below:

Now, I believe these are the honest reviews. These are real reflections of their agonies and their true confessions of being robbed.

With great regret,

Avatar samaptiray September 20,2018 07:30

How unfortunate and no-cooperative you are. You have helped the buyer to steal the work and taken full responsibility to cancel the work. However, you cannot take the responsibility of feedback removal. As the order is canceled and I have not received the money for the work then why this review.

Are you joking with me?

With great regret,

Avatar * September 20,2018 14:57
Hello again Samapti,

We are truly sorry to hear that you feel this way, however, the review that has been left for this order was an honest review of the experience this buyer had with you. We are unable to remove such reviews, even if the order gets cancelled.

In Customer Support it is our role to remain neutral, and we are unable to take the side of the buyer or the seller in cases where there are no violations of our Terms of Service.

I can see that you have replied to the feedback publicly, so that prospective buyers can see your side of the story, and how you handled this situation as well. Please remember that it is not always possible to please every buyer.

Kind regards,
* | Fiverr Customer Support
Please review our Fiverr Online Safety Tips.
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Fiverr Customer Support

Avatar samaptiray September 20,2018 16:57

This is my humble request to you as Fiverr team took the full initiative to cancel the order, it is their moral duty to remove the feedback. Else I cannot help leaving Fiverr permanently with a bitter experience and sharing my experiences with others.

Just think my work has been stolen
Fiverr has canceled the work

What I have received is only the negative review for my hard labor. Just think how injustice is this.

With great regret,

Avatar Maria September 20,2018 18:26
Hello again Samapti,

Although I completely understand your concerns on this matter, please note that we are unable to remove feedback from this order as there is no TOS violation.

All feedbacks remain on Gigs, even if orders get cancelled.

Kind regards,
* | Fiverr Customer Support
Please review our Fiverr Online Safety Tips.
Try FREE invoicing and proposals from AND CO.
Fiverr Customer Support

Avatar samaptiray September 21,2018 08:19

Send the matter to the quality control team. Don't keep it within you.

With great regret,

Avatar * September 21,2018 14:31
Hi again Samapti,

Please note that this case has been reviewed multiple times and the feedback will not be removed from your order. No one is more sorry than the Fiverr team when the feedback a user receives is disappointing. Sometimes, despite our best efforts, we fall short of meeting a user's expectations.

That said, we rarely remove the feedback a user provides us. It is one person's opinion, and yes, it can be subjective, but it is in fact the way that user feels.

While we wish we had better news, we hope you will continue to produce excellent work.

Kind regards,
* | Fiverr Customer Support
Please review our Fiverr Online Safety Tips.
Try FREE invoicing and proposals from AND CO.
Fiverr Customer Support

*Personal information redacted by admin

This company has NO INTEREST in satisfying customers, only in collecting money.
My review is based on one experience but it was enough for me to see how Fiverr work. I choose a seller with almost 7,000 5-star reviews for a 300-word blog article. His profile described how passionate he was about writing and providing interesting content."with so many great online reviews, how bad can he be?"

I provided a clear outline of what should be covered in the article and several websites where they could research the topic and find all the info they needed. Even though the seller had such great reviews, I still didn't have high expectations - I just needed a decent write up.
The article I received was such low quality, though. Poor grammar, lots of repetition, no mention of the key requirements in my outline - high-school level writing - and that is giving it too much credit.
When I complained to the writer, he said it was written by one of his newer writers and he has so many writers he can't look at them all. (What about his profile that implied he writes all the articles and was passionate, etc etc.?) He also said, "I try to only hire American English speaking writers, but since I only correspond with them through email, it is hard to say sometimes." I realize now that he is farming out the work to people anywhere in the world, he has no quality control. I don't know how he has managed to get so many good reviews, but I do know that it was impossible for me to leave a bad review.

AND - this guy was probably one of the good ones, because at least he responded to my criticism and offered me a refund (it's not really a refund, it's a credit since I don't get the money back.)

So, who wins in this situation? Fiverr does - they get to keep my transaction fee and they will get the $5 I was "refunded" because I will never use that credit.

I understand their business model now: Fiverr doesn't care about quality. At all. They make money on every job, no matter what happens. The vendor profiles are complete lies - they make it sound like they are doing the work but they are just farming it out to whomever, with no quality control.

I had low expectations and was willing to lose this small amount of money so I am not really upset, but I feel bad for those who got hurt more severely.

What can be done to stop these scammers?

They won't change my email address!
I am totally frustrated with the so-called support, which I am not obtaining from Fiverr

I have been a member of Fiverr since 10 April 2013 - I reside in Portugal and unfortunately my email provider suffered a virus attack and as a consequence my sapo email address was made redundant and I was forced to arrange a new email address which I did effective from the 23 March 2015

I am able to enter my Fiverr account see all my past transactions and payments etc - see my Fiverr name - Kidson and when I go to change my email address I get a message saying; "For the email change to take effect, please follow instructions in an email sent to the original address (---------) Since the original address does not exist clearly it does not come through to me and presumably FIverr must receive a failure notice

When I advise support of the foregoing Fiverr then ask me to submit a scanned copy of my passport - never asked for or required when I first registered back in 2013 and I am just not prepared to entertain this request - then ask for my Paypal details which I again refuse and they also ask me for my Payee ID associated to your Fiverr Revenue Card - which I have never had

Following more exchanges with the support team I am told

For security purposes, we are not permitted to change any information on an account without a copy of a government issued ID.

All I want to do is change my email address which I have had to do with many many other sites following the change to my new email address and no problems with anyone else - only with Fiverr

I have no wish to change any other of my personal details - Only my email address - as my old one no longer exists

I can see all of my records I placed 19 0rders - 1 Cancelled -

I can see the details of all the orders I placed - how much was paid and when etc etc - but I am not permitted to change my email address - which means if I wish to place a new order or query something with the seller I would have no way of communicating- its all so ridiculous

I have asked for someone with a degree of sanity to intervene so I can continue to use my same account, which I have held since 2013, as the only change I am seeking – is an email change - as the old one no longer exists!

A complete SCAM! Nothing more than a SCAM!
You go to their website and make you undergo just 3 SIMPLE STEPS and that is where it all begins getting scammed or WASTING your $5 for something you thought was so simple and would give you the results you wanted. Yet because Fiverr we're so promising that you didn't blink an eye and registered quickly since it's only $5 you need to put in and never realized what you were getting into. Imagine how many people registers their $5 to them and don't get what they knew they were supposed to have. And not everyone will give a review on their experience because it may only be $5. But some people who actually experience all their scam scheme will provide their experience on Fiverr.

They say they have a lot of gigs, "I will create, I will record, I will design, whatever they can do to scam you." They claim to boost your traffic for you to get more sales. Well, honestly you aren't because the only sale happening is for Fiverr which is your $5. And although they act like they do value your business while dealing with the other side, they just act and will eventually refuse your idea and once you make that refund. It doesn't go back to you but instead goes to Fiverr.

Don't trust the 5 star reviews that you see as well as the good commentaries because in order for them to scam more people, they have to get fake people, fake high rate reviews and fake accounts to convince real people to burn their money for their own benefit.

Also under comments you'll only see the option for "Was this helpful?" - YES is the only option for you to click which obviously is BS because what they tell is completely different from what you expect them to do.

Honestly, there isn't much to say about them because all they do is convince you to register to their 3 easy steps for you to get scammed and will make it hard for you to even make a refund even if you get to talk to CSR who is also aware of what Fiverr does and will just let you down and avoid you as much as they can.

If you are looking into real opportunity to make online business and drive real traffic the honest and legit way, give yourself a chance to check out: where you are able to get an overview of the online business. THEY will not get money from you, and what they do is TEACH you how to START an online business, TEACH you how to drive REAL TRAFFIC without paying anything, TEACH you ways to have your website be more informational = more sales than look more promotional = less sales, plus you get the opportunity to get in touch with the community including the 2 co-founders of the company who are online everyday to support anyone needing help. Here you get to do a business of your OWN interest and promote what YOU want! Enjoy 7 days trial without having to enter your credit card info and let me know what you think. Because there is nothing as LEGIT you doing your own online business.

Fiverr for sellers
During my 9 months on Fiverr, as a seller, I have been bullied, offended and humiliated by some buyers whose main pupose was to take advantage of how the site allows them to obtain free work. It is quite common for a buyer to manipulate any sale by threatening to leave negative feedback.
Without any warning or a courtesy email, Fiverr decided to recently restrict my account which, following my enquiries to their cutomer desk, Fiverr allege that, and I quote, "we've received several complaints from your previous buyers regarding the performance of your services on Fiverr. After further review of your previous order and account history, your account has been disabled. Fiverr condemns bullying, harassment, and hate speech towards others. Taking in to consideration multiple factors, we can not allow sellers on our marketplace who offer poor experiences for buyers.
Please contact us again after a safety period of 45 days to learn how to withdraw any available revenue from this account."
To clarify, I had a 100% score from 59 five-star reviews and repeat business from multiple buyers, which it is not a reflection of poor performance. I have been a exemplary seller and I am too against bullying, harrassment and hate speech towards anyone, especially behind a computer screen. If Fiverr believes that getting sellers to be manipulated by the actions of some of their buyers will help the site, perhaps time will show them differently. I would also like their services to provide me with the details of the complaints they mentioned (which I have asked them already and have not been provided with as yet) so that I can take the matter further and defend mysef and my good name in the appropriate setting.
I dispute all of the allegations made by Fiverr, especially but not exclusively those of providing a poor experience to buyers and would like to have this matter assessed by their legal team prior to taking it to a law court. As it appears account restrictions on their site are directy and indirectly connected to breach of their terms of service (which are not substantiated by the communications with the buyers that potentially made these alleged complaints). It is astonishing to see this account disabled.
The "previous order" that Fiverr mentions in their response to me was of a buyer that had his sale review REMOVED 3 TIMES for breaching Fiverr's terms of service. I will omit this buyer's ID for legal reasons.
I would like to clarify that a mesage was sent to this buyer stating: "As per this gig description, I only provide a PDF file... Please specify the changes you need to make to the original document and I will amend it accordingly. Regards.". The buyer never requested any changes and started making big assertions to the effect that, and I quote, " The format sent by seller is not editable and thus is useless." in a attempt to cancel the order mutually and despite knowing, from the gig description, that the final gig was only to be delivered in pdf. I responded by stating that, and I quote, "the terms and conditions of sale are clearly described. You are attempting to obtain something that you're not entitled to and, therefore, I am not accepting the cancellation of this order. If you need to amend/edit the document in the future you'll need to do it through me. I have delivered the an employee handbook to you, in pdf format, as specified for this gig for which I charged you $15". It seems that Fiverr believes this is providing a poor experience but is it? And to whom?
The "several complaints" that Fiverr mentions in their response to me are, most likely, and in my opinion, coming from the same buyer. Strangely enough, after a few months of not hearing from a previous buyer that purchased the same gig as the person specified above, this buyer asked me, in similarity to the above, whether I could provide them with a 'word file', despite them knowing that my gig description states that such service is not available. Coincidentally, These two buyers are located in the same country too.
I would like to point out that Fiverr is based in Israel.
As I am a lawyer myself, I will urge all of the unhappy former Fiverr members, that have legitimately been treated unfairly, to team up with me in a class action against Fiverr.

As a freelancer myself: HORRIBLE, STAY AWAY FROM IT!
As a freelancer myself: HORRIBLE, STAY AWAY FROM IT!.
If you are a proffesional and have been working as a freelancer in other webs or with agencies you will find this place as ridiculous as I did.

Lets get started with the only Pro:
- (Some) Friendly Buyers with nice ideas. Period.

Now the Cons:

- 20% commission, you paid dear not the buyer. Pretty high for $5 huh?.

- Fiverr works by levels:
* 0 - You can only work per 5
* 1 - $5, $10 and $20 are allowed
* 2 - $5, $10, $20 and $40 are allowed
Top rated seller - Fiverr choose you. In order to be picked you must be a good boy okay? Oh, and did I meantion you MUST overdeliver and make free revision to be choosen? Yes, and all for $4.

- Silliest rules you've ever read:
* No portfolio url, only web allowed is Flickr. If you post any other portfolio prepare to lose all of your levels and perks, oh, if you are new forget about leveling up soon.

* Skype, mail, message, contact, etcare bad words. You get a red warning for writing it.

* Vacation time for your account only for 28 days per year (Yes! As if you were actually working on a real job!)

* Any mistake, even post an innocent url means get your levels removed and the tags from your gigs, also your gigs do not appear on front page. Fiverr support does nothing about it.

* 5 star rating system for a $4 USD work. I mean, really?

* Paypal buyers can pay and ask paypal to refund. Yes! FIVERR HAS NOT GUARANTEED PAYMENT FOR FREELANCERS!. Support does nothing about it.

* If you need to 'suspend' your gig for any reason you must acknowledge that doing means for it to lose ranking on the search engine, even if it's the best out there.

* You cannot choose with who you want to work with, people purchase your product and if Fiverr ask apples for a gig that sales watermelons, guess what happens? YOU, as a seller, lose perks, cannot level up in the near future and get bad rating. Just what you read.
I may be probably missing lots of things, but that is my experience on Fiverr, month and half, 77 sales, 100% positive review still level 0 for posting a link to my behance portfolio. As I said on the beggining of the review. STAY AWAY from it, unless you want to stress out and work extremely hard, with hard rules only for $4.

Terrible service
2 months after I had completed an audio book recording with narrator Michael Goodrick, the reviews started coming in - 100% dissatisfied with the narrator. I complained to the host FIVERR and Michael Goodrick and Fiverr both basically said - 'tough sh.' - that it was after the 3 day completion period. While I can understand this portion, I would think for good customer service, they would take some positive action. Wrong. They hid behind the '3 day approval period,' which, for an audiobook is unsat and unrealistic - ever try to approve every word in a 278 page document in 3 days? Here's some of the complaints:
Jarvis audiobook reviews--- Michael Goodrick Narrator
Book: "All Present and Accounted For"
From Mary C:
Hey... You should talk to your publisher about the person who they chose to read your book. There's already a negative review about the guy on Audible, but now that I've started it - I can see why the other person complained. The guy isn't the best "reader", let alone he misses critical things, like instead of saying "Lieutenant" when it says LT - he just says LT... you can figure it out, but damn. I listen to quite a few Audible audio books and I have to say this is the worst reading of a book I've experienced yet. The intonation is off. Sounds like they hired a high school or college student to read it... and you can tell that he's just READING it. I guess it's better than having a computer read a book... LOL
Great story but needed a qualified narrator
I really enjoyed listening to this story because I myself spent 3 years serving on the USCGC Morgenthau (sister ship to Jarvis) as a Machinery Technician in the Engine Room. I could actually visualize the turmoil the crew would have endured during this causality. I would highly recommend this book to any 378 Sailor.
My only complaint would be that the narrator obviously had no background experience in the Coast Guard or Navy and so mispronounced many of the terms using phonetic pronunciation instead of common terminology found in the Coast Guard and Navy. Examples included: Corpsman - corpse man, Boatswain mate - boat swan mate, Lieutenant Commander - L C D R he would spell out the letters and Lieutenant JG - L T J G.
Please find someone else to read the story
It was painful to listen to this story. The narrator mispronounced many of the words, using phonetic pronunciation instead of common terminology found in the Coast Guard and Navy.
Examples included: corpsman - corpse man, boatswain mate - boat swan mate.
Lieutenant Commander - L C D R he would spell out the letters
Lieutenant JG - L T J G
And then the staccato delivery, no smooth flow.
Overall a good story that is little known today
Great Book, Poor Narration
Loved the book and being a CG cutter vet, could envision the drama that unfolded. However, the narrator was horrendous in his mispronunciation of basic nautical terms and military jargon. It was painful to hear him pronounce ensign over and over again along with so many other terms. I felt the narration really distracted from the excellent content. Seriously, I can't believe a narrator with little or no experience in military terms would be selected to narrate this book.
Email: Bob Mislan
I swear I have never heard a more painful book narration as I have with your book. I commute about 2 hours each day and have listened to 60+ audio books and this narrator by far is the worst. I can't believe anyone could mispronounce so many terms and if I hear him pronounce ensign, helo or mariner one more time I'm going to scream!
On a brighter note, I am loving your book and almost finished. I may have to buy a hard copy for a more enjoyable experience.
Some examples below:
Routinely mispronounced:
Ensign = en-sign
Commandant = command-ent
Helo = hello
Mariner = mareener
Identified rank by letter only: LCDR, LT, LTJG, etc.

Additional scamming info
I am writing this review in order to add additional info to a previous review I wrote. My first review is still extremely accurate to how my experience with this website went, but I need to add two more elements to how fiverr will screw you over.

Problem one: fiverr has no customer service. No number is provided. The only contact info is an email. On top of this the only response you will receive is automated and sketchy. I put in two separate complaints using their customer service email and received two identical responses from different customer service reps. Fiverr has gone as far as making up fake names for fake reps that send you automated email responses days after putting in requests. This leads me to conclude that there are no service reps that actually exist. If you ever have customer service problems on fiverr you will never get them resolved.

Problem two: fiverr has very sketchy terms in their customer agreement. If you attempt to retreive funds from fiverr that are stuck in your "shopping balance" (refer to my previous review) fiverr you can put in a dispute with pay pal or your credit card service. Fiverr will send you another automated alert from a fake rep saying that this violates your terms of agreement and to promptly retract your dispute. So fiverr has found a very crafty way of keeping disatisfied customers money with the tactic. You can choose to keep your dispute active, but know this bit of sneaky information ----> If you do retract your dispute with pay pal you can not re open it. Do not retract your dispute in fear of breaking your agreement. Your best chance of retrieving your money is by letting this dispute continue. Hopefully your money is returned because fiverr must deliver the product that you payed for in order to keep the funds.

Please refer to my previous review for further information. I am writing these reviews because I don't want other people to fall into their traps.

I know people who have had really great experiences on Fiverr but mine was mediocre at best.
I will not name the Fiverr I worked with as this person truly wanted to get better BUT some of the tactics used were less than professional.

Here are some tips to watch out for...

- Make sure you know exactly what you need AND the technical language to get what you need. Most gigs will have extra cost add-ons but are vague in what Fiverr entail.
- The videos posted on a Fiverr gig sites as examples of their work are not necessarily done by that person. Make sure you ask if the sample video is theirs.
- The star rating system can be flawed. My Fiverr asked that I rate them before the project was done... they did this by closing out the project and starting a new one when I asked for fixes. This was very unprofessional and I refused to rate them until I had the finished project in hand. I think it's a way to get around the company restrictions and to get more ratings since you'll be asked again on the second project once it's finished.
- I was also pressured to give 5 stars. Once I rated (at 3 stars) I was emailed multiple times to "please change my rating". This is understandable since a bad rating can really hurt their chances of landing a gig... but I'm making you aware that it can happen.
- I was not satisfied with the end product and decided not to use it. You can get a refund if you are not satisfied but because our working relationship was positive I did not want to do this and chalked it up to the price of doing business... tax write off.
- Prices can change once you agree to your gig. I work in the same industry that I was asking the Fiverr to do work for. My instructions were clear and specific. When questions were asked if they could create an asset that was most important to my project, the Fiverr confirmed that they could do it. Two days into the project, I was told they couldn't do what I had asked for unless I paid over $100 extra... which I now know couldn't be achieved even if I'd paid... which I didn't. What I did do was downsize my request and ask for less than what I thought I had originally paid for.
- On a positive note - The Fiverr I worked with was probably green. They communicated with me extremely well and wanted to make sure I was happy. I provided most of the assets they needed so it was an easier gig than most I would think. I was very easy going with them the entire gig letting them take as much time as needed. They claimed they worked through the night and that they bought new equipment for what I was asking for. I don't know if either of these statements were true but I'll lean towards the positive.

I'm both a seller and a buyer on
I'm both a seller and a buyer on As a buyer you have to be cautious because there are a lot of scammers on the internet, not just on this site. Most will pull the same scam, offer you an unbelievable deal with a few days completion. Fiverr then send you a job completed notice, but in the text say they have started. If you respond without first clicking the button to say you have a problem, you will have accepted that the order is completed. What you need to do it click "Reject Order" if you do not get what you ordered, or you're suspicious of the seller's promise to deliver when he or she says it is done. That way the seller either delivers or you get your money back. Also, if you stick with Level 1 sellers or above, avoid sellers that have sold nothing, and stay clear of sellers with a rating of less than 90% positive ratings, you will be OK.

As a seller, you have to be careful to always produce what you say you will, by the deadline you indicate it will be done. If you don't, you may have your account downgraded to a lower approval rate of suspended completely.

I read a lot of poor reviews sighting customer support communication as a problem. This is my one area of contention with, they're slow to respond sometimes, but do so eventually. Unfortunately, if you are trying to report a con artist abusing their service, this delay can give the cheaters days to victimize more buyers. is far better than most micro-job sites though. With one I can not even get them to fix my log in, which is never a problem with I am told an email was sent with my new password, but it never arrives. Obviously I do not bother with that site, but I wish I could access my account to suspend the gigs. Others my beef is with the delays in payment for gigs I sold. So far all have paid, but whenever they get around to it. has always paid me instantly once I did request funds be transferred. As well, all monies owed me were refunded money for gigs that I rejected or were not done on time immediately.

I only ranked the site 4 stars out of five only because they really need to improve their communication, and because every few days there seem to be technical glitches. None serious, but with the poor communication, glitches too are enough to cost a star in my opinion... But what I can not do is fault this company for scammers abusing their service. Crooks online are everywhere, and as long as they are suspended once found out the website owner has done all they can. Anything online is a case of. "Buyer Beware".

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Based on 50 reviews from Fiverr customers, company has accumulated an average rating of 1 stars, indicating that majority of customers are not satisfied with its service.
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Description: Fiverr is the world’s largest marketplace for creative and digital services, including graphic design, copywriting, voice overs, and music and film editing.
Fiverr is changing the way the world works together by giving entrepreneurs, freelancers, small businesses and even enterprises the resources they need to get things done.


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