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Flagship One Inc

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Reviews Autos & Vehicles, Autos, Auto Parts Flagship One Inc

50 customer reviews of

Bait and Switch! Don't use these people.
Everyone says it, and so will I... with I could review with less than 1 star!
I ordered a new ECM (computer) for my car. I received a new unit and blank keys. I had the keys cut with my original keys. I installed the unit and "synced" the new keys to my car. It was working fine, except the cruise control now did not work. Flagship One Inc responded by offering a replacement / or repair of the unit. I attempted to have them send me a new unit with new blanks. I even offered to "buy" a new unit and they could refund me the cost after the RMA got back to them. They said it would cost 20% stock fee to do that and $90 new key fee. They could not do that because the "lifetime" warranty is a one time deal. There is no refund or warranty on the replacement item! Therefore, I was required to send back my keys for testing and re-syncing. This I did. They sent me the new/reprogrammed unit 10 days (5 more than promised) latter. The box contained the new unit and a set of blanks, and NO original keys! They destroyed the keys. Now I have to spend $160 to get new keys made.
They stated I damaged the keys from improper cycling: 1. That did not come up until after I had contacted them because the box had no keys to trace. 2. If they were damaged and did not work correctly then the car would not have started and ran for a week the only issue was the cruise control. 3. It's not a very complicated procedure you turn the ignition to on wait 3 seconds turn it off, start cars normal. I did the procedure correctly if there was a problem between the communication of the key and the ECM that's on them and their programming. Besides the electronic communication between the keys being not functional is not the issue, I would have probably (grudgingly) the $90 for a new set of keys if that was the problem. The problem is they did not send the old keys back! There was no way to make a copy of the key. Claiming this wonderful gesture of giving me free keys does not solve the problem that they created. First of all there was no communication, except from me to them. Secondly, they sent me a new unit with blank keys and no keys to trace. Then the hide behind "warranties" and policies and in the end say that I just "need to get locksmith". I would not have even come here to write about them if they would have owned up to it and refunded my money!

Ordered My TCU on May 11 2020. Still Waiting, and not patiently. Do not Trust these people.
Ordered my TCU on May 11 2020 was told
Ordered my TCU on May 11 2020 was told the part was on the shelf and ready to ship in 3-5 days. I placed the order my payment cleared within an hour. After a week of no response and no part being delivered I started to look into it. At first I was getting weekly emails saying that the part was in test and programming and would ship soon. After 3 weeks of this and not getting response to my replies. I started calling some time multi times a day, and on multiple phones. I would end up on hold for very long periods of time, and would then be transferred to an Account Manager, that never responded to on voice mail message and never once picked up the phone. I started leaving posts on their facebook page, just to see them disappear in a couple hours, heaven forbid anyone question their supiority as the Premier and most reliable electronic module supplier in the world. Started looking at their website interesting Flagship One Inc only have 5 star reviews but the BBB has given them a B Rating based on over 650 complaints about poor customer service. After 8 1/2 weeks I finally got an email from the Account Manager, saying that they created a new tracking label, and would ship the part overnight withn 24-48 hours. That was 96 hours ago. Still no word, no tracking number, NOTHING. I like 650+ other have left a complaint at BBB. Still nothing. Yet you look at their website and facebook page and you will see "The #1 most reliable Electronic Module supplier in the world is here for you during times of uncertainty. We would like to assure all our customers that we are 100% operational and working hard to make sure that the fulfillment process is seamless." Everytime I call or get any kind of response I am reminded that they are short handed due to Covid 19, and experiencing a large number of orders to fill. If they cannot fill an order that is 2 1/2 months old why in hell are they still taking more orders. How can they claim to be 100% operational and providing Seamless Fulfillment. How can a company that claims to be "The #1 most reliable Electronic Module supplier in the world" continue to make these claims when they have a B rating at the BBB and over 650 complaints.

Scam artists
Well I ordered from here because I needed a computer for my Jeep quickly and didn't have time to part a junk yard and have it flashed. A week goes by and nothing, two emails until I got tracking information that took another week to get to me. I get the computer and it looks like it was packed by a 3 year old, not to my surprise the computer didn't work. I call them up same day and get the "you account manager isn't here but I'll forward your issue to them" line. 3 days I wait and get nothing, I call and am given the run around but held out hope that a replacement was on the way. A couple days go by and I call back and I am put on hold for 45 minutes (yes I sat and waited.) no one ever came back to the phone. I call back the next day and no one even answers the phone, I call from my wife's phone not 5 minutes later and I get someone who looks up my account and immediy puts me on hold for another half hour until I hung up. It took me filing a claim with my bank to get them to take the computer back to which Flagship One Inc kept more than half of what I paid for it.

Lesson learned...

Do NOT do business with these scam artists.

Not my first go around with these incompetent liars.
First everyone must understand I have a shop and people depend on me to repair their cars. Please for your own piece of mind DO NOT do business with these CLOWNS.
Of course I am pissed! I've given this company enough consideration for their faults. I place the order on the 10th of July and an email was sent regarding the Vin# the following day. I responded with a call to give the Vin the following day. After waiting three days and not seeing the order had shipped I called back to customer service. Flagship One Inc stated they still do not have the Vin. I gave it again and three days later can not get an update other than it has gone to programming. Today is the 24th and the customer service agent states they just got the Vin two days prior and the unit has gone to programming.
Now about the customer service. Liars and idiots. Don't waste your time calling they will put you on hold
And never return and the line drops the call. I canceled my order. Just don't use this company and you won't have to deal with the frustration.
Don't fall for the owner responses. These responses have been the same for years. Read what the idiot wrote below. The stupid ass could call me, if he was genuine about his words. He has my contact information. I am a Christian but I want everyone to know these people are all Asses. I cannot say it enough these people are really A holes.

Terrible company and customer service. BEWARE! Stay away!
The PCM (Power Train Control Module) on my son's Jeep went out. The dealership informed us that Jeep no longer made the part so it was up to us to either get this unit repaired or find a new one thru aftermarket.
Since there were no local repair shops able to do this work, we search the internet and found Flagship One out of Lynbrook, NY on Friday, August 14th.

During the online chat on their website, Flagship One Inc assured me they could repair the PCM and if not, my money would be refunded. During the phone conversation, when I place the order, I TOLD THEM I WAS GOING TO CONTINUE TO SEARCH FOR A NEW PCM and I asked IF I DID FIND A NEW UNIT, COULD THIS ORDER BE CANCELLED. I was told yes.

I found a new PCM over the weekend, so on Monday, August 17th, (the next business day), I emailed them stating that fact and told them to cancel my order and to please send me an email me informing me that my credit card had been credited the full amount. OUR PCM WAS NEVER SENT IN TO FLAGSHIP ONE. THEY DID NOT DO ANY WORK ON OUR PCM.

After several days, I did not hear back so I contacted them via their website chat and explained the situation AGAIN. They assured me a credit would be applied to my credit card ASAP. I asked if I would receive an email verifying that and was told yes.
I did not hear back, so I contacted them again via chat, they apologized and I was told the same thing, my credit card would be credited and I would be sent an email verification. Again…OUR PCM WAS NEVER SENT IN TO FLAGSHIP ONE. THEY DID NOT DO ANY WORK ON OUR PCM.
It is now in the hands of my credit card company to dispute and hopefully file a complaint. I doubt very much if any of the published high reviews are even legit.

My Biggest Parts Mistake!
I ordered an ecm from Flagship One in March and was sent the incorrect part that wouldnt start the vehicle and lacked the proper option functions for the truck. I attempted to contact their tech support and without ever doing so, was issued a return form. I filled out the form and sent back the part, which arrived there on April 30. Since then, I have repeatedly tried to contact them about the status of this return by phone, chat and email, with no success. One time Flagship One Inc left me on chat hold for an hour and then went home for the day and left me hanging there. Yesterday, they left me on voice hold and hung up, then when I called back they left me on hold until their voice mail came on. They are incorrigible regarding customer service, about the only thing they do fast is take payment. Currently my return is "lost". The only time I spoke with a human over there, she used covid19 as an excuse. I, however, have read tons of negative reviews dating to long before the pandemic, so that is a line of crap. I wish I had read some reviews of this rip off operation before I purchased. STAY AWAY FROM THESE BUMS AT ALL COST!

Worst service ever!
I ordered a ECM form FlagShip1 on eBay on Jan 4th 2022 and Flagship One Inc charged my card right away. They sent me a USPS tracking number on Jan. 5th and said it would be delivered by Jan. 12th. I called on Jan. 13 to see where my ECM is and they said that they refunded me because the ECM they had wouldn't program. I gave them a negative review on eBay. They called me back and apologized and said that they have another computer for my vehicle and if I would remove the negative feedback they would let me reorder and give me a $50 discount on it. I agreed to their terms and gave them my credit card info again. They said everything was good. Then 5 minutes later they called back and said they can't process the order until I remove the negative feedback. I asked them how to do it, and they said to go to eBay and revise it the same way I added it. I went to eBay and it doesn't work that way. EBay said the seller has to initiate the request for revision. I told them this and the next day they sent the request to me. I revised the negative feedback and called back on Jan. 18th to reorder the ECM. On Jan. 18th They took my money again and said they would ship the ECM by Jan. 21st. I called on Jan 24th to see where it is and they gave me another tracking number and again they said the ECM they had wouldn't program and they were going to try another one and it would be 2 to 4 days until they could have the programming done and ship the ECM. I asked to speak with a manager and was told the manager is not available and they would leave a message with them for me. They have taken my money twice and given me the run around and I still don't know when or if my part is going to come.

Really callous customer service.
Really callous customer service. Definitely won't be ordering here again.

I'm not a professional mechanic, I'm a normal guy who's busy with life. I try to save money by doing some auto work myself when I can. When it came to switching out my car's ecu I decided it should be a job I could do myself. I ordered the ecu from fs1

After ordering the ecu from fs1 and doing the swap it wasn't communicating to program keys. I took it to a locksmith and dealership and neither was able to establish communication with the ecu. I contacted fs1 who issued an rma. Seems good enough so far.

Communication was lacking with fs1. I had to contact them multiple times to get the rma issued and had to pay for the shipping to return the faulty item myself.

The new ecu had the same problems, no one could get it to communicate properly to program keys. I did what I could to research what the problem was, but decided to give in and just let the dealership do the parts and repairs. Not cheap, but whatever.

Then I contact fs1 to return the ecu. Flagship One Inc say they refuse to issue a refund because it is out of their 30 day refund policy, even though the item was reported faulty to them and spent over 2 weeks of that time in transit for an RMA. The person I chatted with said they were the only supervisor who could do anything, but that they weren't going to do anything about this. They would do another RMA - even though after 2 failures from them I just paid for the dealership to do everything for me.

I don't need another bad ecu from them, at this point I just need my money back.

Over the games
This has got to be on my top three companies that are the worst to deal with out of an easy 500 companies I have dealt with and my auto experience. I have asked for assistance how about some information simply on a PCM and in a 45-minute., I have been transferred at least six times through different people having to call back having to be put on hold then hung up on been put on hold and hung up on been transferred back to the same named person who doesn't get back in touch with me. And when I asked for the phone number or contact number for the CEO I get put on hold never to be picked up on again. So Flagship One Inc wanted me to sign a document previously for the warranty on the item which I did and they charged me for the PCM but nobody wants to talk to me about the PCM or any other questions I have. It would be my advice to possibly look for another company if possible they can actually do the job or has people that want to do the job because he values of this company and this Corporation fall far below that of anything I have ever seen. They feel they have no obligation to speak with you or assist you once the transaction is completed, or at least this has been my experience in dealing with them.

Junk ECM PCMs reprogrammed, nothing but problems

Customer service just uses double talk to buy more time.
Soooo Slow and Flagship One Inc lie! Took a total of 3 weeks for delivery (15 business days). During this time I received an email saying it would arrive in 2 days. It arrived 16 days after that email. When I used the chat feature of FS1inc site they told me (mansplaining) it was due "to unit being in final stages of programing". I think they told me that because I was using my wife's account. It takes at most 20 minutes to program (not days). Soooo the part arrives, works for 2 weeks nd is now broken. As a result I contacted FS1inc this past Monday, I filled out the email info. I called on Tuesday to get an update. FS1inc said the tech would call me back within the hour. 22 hours later no call back. I am currently on the site chat with customer service. They sent me statement form the tech asking that I redue the Return Merchandise Authorization. 30 minutes so far on the site chat with one simple question "When will me new part be sent out". NO RESPONSE Finally came back and told me I had to fill out new RMA, that the tech needs the same codes that I all ready sent, resent. That the new part will not be sent out until tech reconfirms ( what they all ready confirmed) FS1 inc called it prescreening. THey still can not answer when new part will be sent out. HORRIBLE RUN Away!

I ordered from them on May 12,2020 and was given an expected arrival date of my ECM in 7 to 10 days. TWENTY ONE DAYS later and after multiple phone calls later I finally received my part. The part was installed by a certified mechanic who informed me that the part received was non working and would require being sent back. After more phone calls where your forced to call a switch board who identify you by caller ID and know what you ordered and when you ordered it and what you ordered it for. You are told your "account manager" is unavailable. Andy P is never available, and there is also NEVER a supervisor available either. I spent hours on hold or trying to call them and get through. I would receive emails written in broken English asking me to be patient while I was first waiting for my part. Then while waiting for a return shipping label to be emailed to me I wasted days on the phone attempting to speak to a supervisor and was NEVER allowed to. I am still waiting for my part today June 8 2020. I have been without the ability to drive the vehicle since May 11 when it broke down. I have been losing money each day the vehicle sits immobilized.

Worst company ever
I ordered an ecu from this company not thinking it would be any problem. I got an email one week after saying "we apologize that your product hasn't been shipped yet, it will be shipped in 1-2 business days". Exactly one week later I received the same email so I tried to call 7 times and left 3 voicemails within 4 days and got no answer or response. Another week after the last email I got the same email again! A couple days later I do finally I got through on the phone and the said the exact same thing as the email "Will be shipped in 1-2 business days". I asked to cancel the order and get a refund and Flagship One Inc told me "We can't give you the full refund due to us spending time trying to program your ecu". I explained that's like going to a restaurant, not getting served but still giving a tip. After our back and forth conversation and not accepting a partial refund l, they finally agreed to give me the full refund. I don't even recommend this company to people I hate.

This company is a joke don't deal with them
This company is such a joke Flagship One Inc say they have computers in stock and They can have you a computer programmed within 7 days, that is a joke by itself it does not take that long to program and test a computer, All you get is a run around about your computer is in the final stages of programming and they will get with your account manager to update you and then you never hear from them until you call them back again, and it is the same excuse that it is in final programming 3 weeks later, they have actually told me they have computers and stock and then called A company ideal with looking to buy one off of them, I Was also told how they bought a computer off of one of the salvage yards always yards and complain and complained about the price of a $100 for the unit while they charge $526 to the customer for the unit, And once they received the unit from the salvage yard they put the bad components from the computer they have in it and send it back to them and want a refund. Don't feel with them, the few good reviews they do have come from people in there hometown area, I would not doubt if it was the employees writing reviews for there own company

Stay away! Poor quality and slow service.
Be very careful with this company, especially the quality of their products, time to deliver it and their unilateral 30 days return policy. Placed an order for 2007 SAAB ECM and was promised plug and play based on VIN #. Flagship One Inc called me a week later to request original ECM to be mailed for programming. I finally got my new ECM on 26th day after contacting them for status. It didn't work. I spoke to a rep and the management many times and they agreed to take it back. I offered to drop it off at their place as 30 days return date was approaching. They stated not to do anything until RMA papers will be emailed and my rep Tanisha spoke to their management who promised to credit money to my account even if they will receive a part after 30 days. RMA was filed right when I receive it, but shipping label was emailed 6 days after. They deliberately taking time to delay everything past 30 days. After I mailed the part and requested a credit they ceased communication with me. Had to file a dispute with my credit card.

Unparalleled customer service? Plug and Drive? HA!
The answer to these 2 questions is NO WAY! Paid for part on June 21,2020 and car is sitting (today is AUGUST 18,2020!) I have been hung up on FOUR times (and never cussed at one of them). Been placed on hold for more than 1.5 hours over the course of several phone calls. Their claim of "unparalleled customer support" is total BOLOGNA! I had to REQUEST the "re-learn procedure" which took several calls and days to receive and my car still wouldn't start. Took days to get the email with an RMA# and then their excuses of why Flagship One Inc won't send a replacement working ecm began. Their claim of "Plug and drive" is total BOLOGNA! Going to have to get my lawyer involved now. DO NOT BUY FROM THIS COMPANY!

Now just a tidbit of my personal observation... isn't it odd that on some review sites a negative review is posted and the following review is a five star... another negative review then another 5 star and so on. Coincidence? I THINK NOT! Fraudulent 5 star reviews?... BINGO!

Review of FLAGSHIP-1 Car Parts
I purchased a (FLAGSHIP-1 INC.) PCM ECU Engine Computer for my 2004 Chevrolet 2500 Pickup (a Programmed Plug & Play Unit) in March 2021.
It was ordered online from FLAGSHIP-1 INC. and delivered to my home. Delivered Cost= $134.

I installed the unit using FLAGSHIP's installation instructions (Instructions were not included with the unit). I had to call & go online to acquire the instructions. After installation, I called FLAGSHIP to report that my Pickup Truck would NOT START. The company said their Installation Technician was busy, but he'd call back that day (He Never Called Back).

I called again the next morning, asking again for a Technician, and was instead asked to fill-out a Complete Report (which I did & returned to them). Again No Technician called back to assist me after that.

I asked 3 times for Technical assistance (because my truck would not start), but no one ever contacted me again.

I looked into RETURNING the non-working FLAGSHIP-1 PCM ECU Unit, and learned that there is a ($20 Restocking Fee), PLUS (a $85 Non-refundable REPROGRAMMING FEE), so the total cost to RETURN THE ITEM (not counting Shipping) would be $105!

I will never recommend FLAGSHIP-1 INC. because their Customer Service is terrible! Also their Return Policy is totally unacceptable!

An unhappy customer.

NO communication! NO customer service! NOT a good business! LOOK ELSEWHERE!
I purchased a Integrated Power Control Module Fuse Box for my 2013 Ram 1500 part # P68089578AD. The first unit arrived but was not working properly. It made multiple systems in my truck either come on, like the wipers, or not work at all. Anyway, I contacted FS1 and spoke to one of their overseas service rep I was told to fill out their RMA so the unit can be returned and replaced. I was sent the RMA and I filled it out as required. I had to pay to have it shipped back because no shipping label was attached and I could not get in touch with anyone at FS1 to help me ship it back. So that was $47 out of my pocket. THEN I go online a week later wondering where the unit is because I haven't heard anything from FS1 and turns out it's still at the local UPS warehouse because FS1 is no longer at that address. So I called and actually spoke with someone that seemed to actually be at the store location and was told that the issue is between me and UPS, and that FS1 can't help resolve this type of shipping issue. Wow. So I called UPS, paid an additional $21 and had the package delivered to the correct address. Then I waited. I heard nothing from FS1. No call, no email, no nothing. So after 5 days I check and sure enough the unit was delivered days prior. So I call their overseas customer service department and was told the manager for my account is not available. This went on for a few weeks. Then finally, out of the blue, with no communication, a replacement unit delivers. Like 3 weeks late but whatever. I open the box and the unit is trash. Caked in dirt, scraped all over and a piece of plastic had broken off and was floating around in the box (the box was not damaged). This unit was 100% removed from a junk yard vehicle. Anyway, shockingly it was no good as I had even more issues with my truck when I plugged this unit in. The traction control and tow buttons would not engage yet the button lights were on; air conditioning would not work yet the ***** lights were on; windshield wipers going at high speed and would not turn off, etc etc etc. So I do the entire process again. Call them and get a correct addressed RMA this time that actually had a pre-paid shipping label as one would expect. I did my part and shipped it back. That's been 3-4 weeks ago and no word from FS1. I've called, chatted, posted on Facebook, whatever I can do to try and get reimbursed for my shipping fees and find out what the heck is going on with this 3rd unit. No luck. I was again told that the manager was unavailable but someone would get back to me. Never happened. I have pictures of the second unit that was removed from the junk yard, I have all the chats from their overseas customer service reps, I have both RMAs and the first one showing the incorrect address, I have called every number in the book for these people and no one has helped. The issues with this company run deep. Not only is their customer service horrible but Flagship One Inc lie just to get you off the phone. Then their product does not work after all of that. The ONLY part of the entire process that went smoothly was me calling in the order and them taking my money. Other than that it was all junk.

Flagship One - Your the Best
This review/memo is an atta boy for Flagship One Inc. supplier of programmed PCM/ECM modules. At first I was a little skeptical about ordering a PCM from a company in New York so distant from me. I also looked at a company (Imperial Car Computer Exchange) in Cary, NC. I unfortunately ordered a unit from Imperial. What a mistake. I had to take the unit to a tech through O'Reille auto parts. The unit had a circuit burned out and the tech couldn't even erase the program in it. The unit was also the wrong one and kept giving false readings causing me to spend a couple of thousand dollars in repairs.
I then took a chance with Flagship, feeling very nervous. Customer service was outstanding, proper questions answered. Flagship One Inc took the time to look for the correct part number. Sure it took a little bit to get it, but when it finally came, I installed it. Had to get a locksmith to reprogram my two ignition chip keys. Once started, the car ran like new. The old computer from Imperial would not allow the air conditioning to work at all. It would come off and on. Engine jerked in traffic and tried to stall. As I said it gave false readings.
I am so happy that I took a chance with Flagship. Flagship, you guys are the best and I will recommend you to anyone I cross paths with that needs a module of any kind. Thanks lots.

Module descr: AR3A-12A650-VB 2010 Ford Mustang PCM

Albert T Pelaez

Alhambra, Ca. 91803
Invoice#YC H573031
Dated: July 16,2020

Do not purchase from this company! I purchased unit for my Audi A8. It was four weeks late getting here then it had the car in safe mode meaning no start. My mechanic called then for help and their response to him was that Flagship One Inc didn't know how to resolve that situation. So I called the company for a refund And they sent me forms to fill out. Three weeks later I hadn't heard anything from them. I called today and they said I couldn't get a refund because it had been over 30 days. Their website doesn't say anything about that it says it has a lifetime warranty. I needed my car up and running so I purchased one locally and it functions perfectly. They wanted me to send it back for a store credit minus some BS fees. Why would I want a credit from a company for future purchase when they can't send out a product that works. If I did send it back for replacement my car would be down probably another four to six weeks. These asshats a very rude. Don't let their lifetime warranty fool you because it's not what they claim!

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Flagship One Inc Rating

Based on 50 reviews from Flagship One Inc customers, company has accumulated an average rating of 1 stars, indicating that majority of customers are not satisfied with its service.
Overall satisfaction rating

Description: Flagship One, Inc is the most reputable supplier of refurbished automotive control modules worldwide. We have been established for over a decade and have developed robust relationships with all of our clients. In order to maintain our lead as the top supplier, we consistently strive for excellency in quality-support for our clients. Our seasoned representatives are professionally trained and will go above and beyond to meet expectations. We are growing at an accelerating pace each year and consistently strive to cement ourselves as the industry’s price & quality leader – one customer at a time!

Address: 19 Wilbur St., 11563


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