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50 customer reviews of

Got what I wanted out of my membership
I live in a remote area with limited job opportunities, so I was hoping to find a remote job. I've been in administrative positions my whole career. I figured a Virtual Assistant job would work well. However, after interviewing for a few VA positions, I decided to transition out of administration altogether. Through FlexJobs, I applied for a customer service job. The employment agency, Aerotek, got me a temporary CSR position in a call center. That assignment led to a job offer for a FT permanent job starting in January. Looking forward to my new career at Morneau Shepell.

Flexjobs is easy to use and professional
Flexjobs is easy to use and professional. I did find that there was no response from applications I submitted through Flexjobs - where as other sites I heard back regardless of the direction FlexJobs pursued - so that was a little odd and did concern me if my applications were even reaching the prospects. I hold faith they were, but perhaps that feedback will be useful in some way.

I had a great experience with FlexJobs, even though...
I had a great experience with FlexJobs, even though it did not lead me to the job I just recently accepted. I was intending to take advantage of the career counseling services soon. I also read many articles that really helped me stay motivated to job hunt, and gave me valuable advice concerning job interviews. Simply having my profile filled out on here and the ease that allowed me to apply for jobs took a lot of grief out of the application process and gave me a confidence boost.

Horrible support
Their satisfaction guarantee is only good for four refunds. After that, you're labeled a chronic caller and the guarantee is kaput. What about if you're not satisfied about the guarantee? If you complain, FlexJobs will retaliate, lie and ban you despite patient and professional attempts at enduring their unprofessional and aggressive support for over a year. Clearly you can see that whoever provided the response in the BBB setting employed some very hateful language. The BBB is not the place to retaliate and ban your constituency no matter how angry you are. That is the last place to throw a temper tantrum. This clearly displays the organizations toxic and immoral culture and my values just don't, and never will align with theirs. See photo.

I have a great time using Flex Jobs and will recommend...
I have a great time using Flex Jobs and will recommend and use it again in the future. Interface is easy to use. There are still a lot of job postings that are not actually remote when you click through to them. (Not necessarily FlexJobs fault) but maybe there is an additional screening process to help with this. Also, the job title search terms could be more accurate. Only reason I'm putting 4 starts and not 5. Love it otherwise and overall very satisfied. Will continue to use for future job hunting! <3

I think this service is great and gives people access...
I think this service is great and gives people access to a lot of jobs that aren't available from other sites. The one thing that could be tweaked is filter/search features. I was looking for positions related to educators, and the Education Consulting section has a ton of jobs that are teaching/training in professions completely unrelated to education. I understand the overlap, but if there's a way to separate those, it would be helpful.

I know flex job is the best site for a remote job I...
I know flex job is the best site for a remote job I have subscribed for an online job and I want continuous my account, but I have a big problem I have no money nowadays., I have lost my job in Covid-19
I searched for many jobs but it is not easy for me
In a flex job, two problems are faced one, it is paid and second, it's not easy to process for everyone
Sorry for the inefficiency I really like flex job but nowadays I can't
I will join again now my Have no money because

I love flex jobs and have used it successfully to get...
I love flex jobs and have used it successfully to get a job before but being that I am currently unemployed and living off of my savings, $50 is a price I cannot afford right now since my renewal coincides with my unemployment. Flexjobs has been great in providing trustworthy job postings in the past but I will have to manually search on Glassdoor for now. If a promo becomes available, I'll most likely renew.

My main gripe with this site, is some of the entry...
My main gripe with this site, is some of the entry level jobs, do not feel like entry jobs, looking for years and years of experience. Perhaps I am just out of touch with entry level jobs, and aside from that this was a great site, laid out cleanly, and despite the 15 $ a month price tag, it was worth it to steer me down the right path, so although I did not find a job here, it was still worth the price of admission. Highly recommended.

FlexJobs is great!
FlexJobs is great! I found I never got a call on ANY of the jobs I applied for.

2020 was a very tough year for everyone, and even though I was qualified for the positions I applied for the job market was extremely saturated with folks out of work. After being unemployed for over I year, using up most of my savings, I found work through an alternative source.

If things go south in 2021, I'll be back. Thanks again for a wonderful service, that gave us all hope while weathering COVID! Cheers!

Flexjobs has been great!
Flexjobs has been great! I found my first 100% remote job through Flexjobs, and that led to my current position. When I first started with Flexjobs I was making $55,000/year in a dead end systems admin job. I jumped from there to $85,000, promoted to $107,000, and now I'm making $120,000 in a job that was referred to me by a colleague at that job. So I have more than doubled my pay in only three years by using this site.

Haven't used Flexjobs right now, as I just clicked...
Haven't used Flexjobs right now, as I just clicked on the payment button. However, I'm here because I really liked Flexjobs last time I used it, 2-3 years ago.
I had lots of interviews, all the people I interviewed with were very pleasant and knowledgeable, and all job suggestions were relevant to my skills.

Basically, all other job-searching sites I used so far, left me with a very bad impression, and FlexJobs was far above.

I'm glad to pay for such services!

Only for those with a Bachelor's Degree
When medical issues for me to leave the world of retail management, I tried my hardest to find remote work, especially part-time or freelance as I spend a lot of time building my own business and writing my next book. I heard that FlexJobs was a good place to find the jobs for which I was looking, but almost everything I saw on there requires a Bachelor's Degree.

I have an Associate's Degree and many years of experience, which unfortunately does not translate into a Bachelor's. I also had listed that I could not travel, and yet I kept getting matched to jobs that required travel. Employers also listed jobs as "100% remote" even when FlexJobs said in the job description that it was not a remote job, or at least not entirely. That's fine for something local, but I'm not travelling all the way to San Francisco from Pennsylvania to work one day a week. I couldn't even if I wanted to.

I guess if you are desperate and have a Bachelor's Degree, then you could probably find a job on there. I am attempting to continue my education, but I will use free jobs sites going forward since this was just a frustrating experience. I'm just glad that I was able to get a huge discount on the one month I paid for and that it was easy to cancel the auto-renewal.

I think it's a good site and service, but sometimes...
I think it's a good site and service, but sometimes I felt like jobs sent to me did not match what I wanted to do. It was good to see some variety, in case I did not think of a job that exists as being an option, and then Flex Jobs throws it out there, and who knows? Maybe it might be a good opportunity that I just didn't think of. However, sometimes I would get jobs after having filled out my information about my career and interests, and I would wonder how that fits those. Also, I think the website could be a bit more user-friendly. Sometimes when I would click Find Jobs, it would take me a minute to know what I was seeing and what the criteria for the search was.

I have enjoyed the webinars with their valuable information...
I have enjoyed the webinars with their valuable information about job hunting, writing a resume, preparing for an interview, cover letters, and applicant tracking systems. You have a wide variety of jobs. Unfortunately, I did not see anything during my subscription period that appealed to me except for one job which was pulled a few days after it was posted. I would like to see FlexJobs offer internships as those can be so valuable in landing a permanent job. Please consider doing that. Thank you.

I loved looking through all the options available on...
I loved looking through all the options available on FlexJobs. I meant to expire my account when I started my new job on Nov. 1,2021, but I forgot. I will continue to look through the website in case I find a work-from-home position. I was hired by the State of IN so I have excellent benefits but I'm not working from home. I think FlexJobs is a great place to search for a job.

In the week trial, I've found the service excellent
In the week trial, I've found the service excellent. The price is fair and good, but I have no work so I have no income, so I can't afford to do more than the free 1-week trial. I was just logging on to cancel when the offer was made for an extra week free and then cancel automatically. This kind of customer-first experience, especially knowing that people are using your site to find work, shows a lot of empathy on your company's part. I love that. If I had funds available, I'd keep using it. Thanks so much.

Need to list salaries on all job applications
Need to list salaries on all job applications. Should be a requirement for any employer/contractor. Because if I'm gonna spend 30min-hour applying to their company? I need to at least know from the beginning what type of monetary compensation FlexJobs are offering. Because if I find out it's not enough only AFTER I apply? I've now wasted hours of my time applying to jobs that don't meet my salary requirements.

This was an amazing partnership during my job search
This was an amazing partnership during my job search. I found the sight to be resourceful, inspiring and very educational. It supported self-development goals I have as well as encouraged me through the impact of the pandemic on my career reset plans. I have already referred family and friends to this site! Thank you so much for being here on my journey. I will choose it again in the future for support.

The job market covered by flexjobs seems to be primarily...
The job market covered by flexjobs seems to be primarily based in/for the US. I am assuming that the Canadian market remains a fairly new market for flexjobs and there might not be a huge need from Canadian companies. Therefore I will not and cannot criticize the reality and use of flexjobs for Canadian job seekers, as I noticed availability through the website despite a lower rate of available job postings. Thank you!

On one end of the spectrum there were too many low...
On one end of the spectrum there were too many low quality jobs (part-time, no benefits), and on the other end of the spectrum there were too many jobs wanting exceedingly high qualifications. I have over 18+ years experience in administration, including working remote, and I was never able to find a good match. I even stumbled across a couple of jobs that wanted to hire writers to write fake pieces. I have integrity and did not apply.

FlexJobs is great for searching for remote jobs
FlexJobs is great for searching for remote jobs. The difficulty I had was trying to find good part-time jobs that fit with my experience. I've been unsuccessful so far. The jobs I'm interested in are all full-time and it would be extremely difficult to work full-time while also attending university. It would be nice to be able to search by company type, too, as I'm interested specifically in language-learning companies.

Though I did not actively use the site much, and I...
Though I did not actively use the site much, and I think that it is more useful for people more business oriented (I am creatively minded and prioritize those pursuits). I do find the skill tests very useful, especially for people who have skills that are not reflected in their work history. I love that feature, and all the helpful options you have. If I did not need to watch my budget, or if your subscription cost less, I may have kept this. Your service is well worth it for people who use it often. Thank you for your useful site.

Loved everything about FlexJobs
Loved everything about FlexJobs. The research done by its employees about each company listing jobs was very helpful. Only wish is that more companies are added. A Google jobs search offered many more listings for remote jobs from Fortune 500 companies. I used both sites extensively and preferred Google over this site because of the number of results returned and the price (free). I would still highly recommend FlexJobs to others due to the career and resume guidance offered, it's just not what I needed.

This site feels like a nice curated job search experience...
This site feels like a nice curated job search experience for educated people in the professional field. I myself didn't match up with a many jobs on the site because I don't have the education required for many of the listings. But for someone who has at least a bachelor's degree from an accredited college, there would be much more available. Good site, I wish I had more qualifications that fit.

Excellent curation of job postings
Excellent curation of job postings. Job searches can be just about as detailed or simplistic as the candidate wishes. Searches can be saved, so a hunt for the same criteria can be repeated easily, saving time and frustration. Career Coaching resources are also well structured. The coaching provided offers valuable guidance in understanding many of the modern day hurdles applicants face in digital screening practices and how to overcome them to get their resume seen.

Great experience & have no problem renewing my account...
Great experience & have no problem renewing my account with an email telling me it's due! However, I received no message that it was due or that it would be automatically renewed; nor did I receive a receipt telling me you did it at 3:01 am in Hillsborough, CA on 10/2. I didn't know until I was called (for the first time ever) by my CU to check a potentially fraudulent charge! Of course I hoped it was legitimate since I have a relationship with Flexjobs, but I had to verify. I frantically checked email but discovered nothing to tell me I'd been charged. I finally got signed in to computer>to email>to search>to flex jobs to see when my subscription ended... all while I kept telling my credit union to repeat the information again and again until I could verify the info. Perhaps I am over-reacting; but yesterday, I received two notices about compromised data... from Neiman Marcus & a large private entity, so one just can't be too careful. Due to this experience, I am changing my subscription to expire, so that I can manage my own payment.

Love the variety of jobs and they don't feel like they...
Love the variety of jobs and FlexJobs don't feel like they are spam accounts. I feel that most of the job roles that fall in my category or I have searched for require a bachelor's degree, which I don't have. However, I do have nearly 20 years of experience in billing, including management, so this requirement seems irrelevant in my opinion. I understand it's a good screening tool, but I was unable to apply solely for that reason.

I found many jobs to apply for using Flexjobs but unfortunat...
I found many jobs to apply for using Flexjobs but unfortunately was never lucky to be offered one. When I first started on Flexjobs I was on unemployment after being laid-off. I was applying for at least 5 jobs a week because of the unemployment requirements. Often I would apply for jobs that had skills I did not have on my resume, but I did have a good number of interviews but no job offers because of my lack of a skill FlexJobs were looking for. Once my unemployment ended, I tried to only apply for positions that I met all skill requirements. The number of positions available dwindled greatly and I only had 1 interview in 6 months, this also included the months of Covid.

The site itself is brilliant
The site itself is brilliant. I love that being a paid service means that the job offers shown are for real.
But I was looking for a very specific kind of job, with the ability to work online from a 3rd world country... and very few such openings came up, so while it was helpful, it is not helpful enough to keep spending on subscriptions for. (Remember that for me, the subscription amount is 160 times more significant due to the conversion rate from PKR to USD).

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FlexJobs Rating

Based on 50 reviews from FlexJobs customers, company has accumulated an average rating of 4 stars, indicating that majority of customers are satisfied with its service.
Overall satisfaction rating

Description: FlexJobs is committed to helping people find a better way to work. As the leading online service for professionals seeking remote, flexible schedule, part-time, and freelance jobs, FlexJobs offers opportunities in over 50 career categories, ranging from entry-level to executive and freelance to full-time. FlexJobs also sets itself apart by providing job seekers with a better, safer, and more efficient way to find professional and legitimate flexible jobs. Having helped over three million people in their job searches, FlexJobs has appeared on CNN, CNBC, TIME, Forbes, The Wall Street Journal, Fast Company, and hundreds of other trusted media outlets.

Address: 4845 Pearl East Circle, 80301


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FlexJobs is not registered on BBB. Therefore, this business has no BBB rating and accreditation.

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