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Reviews Education, Tutor Grammarly

51 customer reviews of

They Want Access To EVERYTHING
I installed Grammarly on my iPad after seeing the ad on YouTube, but then it took me to a permissions area under the Settings and wanted FULL ACCESS TO EVERYTHING. It won't work without the full access.

I'm an author and I really don't want anybody having access to novels that are yet to be released, nor the outlines for other novels. They're something that I don't want stolen or distributed about the internet before they're published.

The permissions for Grammarly say that Grammarly want full access to anything you write, or have already written. Basically, everything you type on your device goes to them. That's on the free version and is quite frankly a very scary prospect. I instantly uninstalled it.

Although they say they won't take credit card details, reviews deny that claim and I can't see how they'd be able to take one lot of your data and not all of it. Really think before installing this program and just how much of your private life they're taking through the data on your device.

Fighting in the jungle of the English language.
Grammarly is for me a game-changer. The software has given me the self-confidence to go on writing, but it has also made me lazy. I try hard to write correct English but sometimes, only sometimes, I just leave it to Grammarly. I look anxiously at your reports. How did I do? Through the many pages, I can feel slow progress. Am I really getting better? The Internet and smartphone writers may have ruined the English language or is it just a development? A language is like a living animal. It does not stop to grow and develop. It is just me who is left behind. English has come a long way since Bernhard Shaw, or was it his wife? Grammarly is a friend but it can also be an unfaithful mistress. Correctly spelled words are left untouched even if is the wrong word. Maybe it is too much to ask? One thing though, Grammarly will always give me an easily understood explanation of my faults but also a pat on the shoulder. Thank you.

Very Elementary
Most of the fixes it recommends, I can easily find myself, including some of the premium/advanced ones. Overall a rather elementary 'grammar fixer.' Wouldn't recommend wasting money on Premium, and personally don't allow Grammarly into Google Docs. Why? It helps with spelling and punctuation when you are writing, but doesn't help with the flow, style, fact-checking, and all the other necessities needed to peer review an essay or report.
Otherwise, this would be great for a middle school/elementary school kid who needs to get spelling and punctuation correct. But Microsoft Word and Google Docs already do an ok job with that.
Wouldn't recommend to a high school student, and never a college student who needs good writing style.
The only reason I still have it installed is that I enjoy seeing how many words I type every week. It's a good motivator to keep me writing. But the real purpose of Grammarly isn't worth it.
This is just my honest opinion, try it out for yourself to draw your own conclusions.

-A Slightly Dissatisfied but Understanding Teenager

Very helpful in writing proper emails and a learner tool.

Slow service, considered to be frauds
I used Grammarly for a year. Everything was great, it helped me a great deal during my first year in uni, never let me down, I even advised other students in my faculty to pay the premium subscription. It's useful if you have to write academic papers and not too expensive. However, I am in my second year now, and my schedules are super full, I have to write way more than last year and study a lot. So it came to me as a surprise that my payment for the second year has not gone through. At first, I was just anxious and stressed, tried to pay with 3 different cards all corresponding to 3 different banks. All of them got declined. I knew that all of them have money in and are usable for online and international payments, so naturally, I got mad. I tried again and again and nothing would change. Then out of anger, I wrote a message, then realized that I won't get an answer on time anyways. When I need something I need it then and there, so I can't afford to wait for days. Add a freakin live chat option FFS it's the 21st century everyone does that! Why do I have to wait for days!? I'm a student I don't have an hour to feed myself, do you really think I can just put my work on hold for days? Ok, anyways... I then contacted my banks, YK maybe Grammarly know something. Turns out that yes all of them are rejecting my payments because this company is considered to be fraud, due to consumer complaints, thus I can't pay for the service anymore unless I ask for payment details and do it manually and even then the bank can still reject my payment. Do I really have to suffer because they can't hold a normal public image? Do I have to pay the price for their inability to remain internationally trustworthy? Plus why the hell, can't you add the payment details on your webpage, or on that same page where I am supposed to enter my cards details? And add an option to pay with Ideal already, so people in the Netherlands can pay for it with a Dutch card. Is it really that difficult? People want fast and reliable service, is that really such a hard concept for you to grasp? I know that this review also will gain the necessary attention only in 9 days so probably I have to look for a different company, which I sincerely do not want to do, but I am left with no options. Hopefully, people will consider this before buying, maybe next year also your bank will refuse you an option to pay for this service.

Magical way of structure Writing skills
I have found the app most customer-friendly and great support for improving writing skills. Recently, I have attended a blended learning course offered by our university's college of nursing due to the COVID-19 lockdown situation to continue education activities. One of the assignment was to choose a topic which supports learners and educators way of learning online. I have chosen the topic of online learning skills. In which I have introduced Grammarly Application and its advantages to the online group members and advised them to subscribe. In addition, I have introduced and demonstrate Grammarly Application to a newly inducted badge of SBN Nursing students as well and share with them that How much it's helpful in supporting English writing skills.
Kindly identify such affordable package interm of Students and teachers of developing countries like Pakistan and Asian countries so we could afford it and get benefited too at the moment subscription fee we cannot afford we using free trials offered per week. If you could help us as I hope you do not discriminate your users whether western or eastern continents.
Ms. Sadia Farhan Khan (SFK)
Nursing Faculty,
Islamabad, Pakistan

Grammarly teaches bad writing!
Grammarly is utter garbage. It's touted as a software for 'writers' - it is actually a software to teach people how 'not to write'. You see that sentence I just wrote? Grammarly would find fault with it, telling me that it was 'difficult to read'. Yes, it is indeed difficult to read - if you assume that the human race all have the average intellectual power and reading capabilities of a $#*!ed chimpanzee! If you listen to Grammarly's suggestions, you will lose all sophistication in your writing, and sound as if you were writing for kindergarten children - or those said chimpanzees.

There's no need to underestimate the human race - remember that in $#*!ens' time, even the man on the street could understand and appreciate his works. $#*!ens, Thackeray - take any or all of the great writers, the MASTERS of the English language - and Grammarly would find fault with almost every sentence Grammarly wrote.

Grammarly should stop putting their silly, stupid advertisements up all over the net. If any of them survive into the future, archaeologists will use them as evidence that humanity in this age, and taken as a whole, were almost illiterate - and perhaps even regressing in terms of evolution back to the chimpanzees I mentioned earlier.

And that was a message written without the aid of Grammarly.

Stay away from Grammarly
Let me start with their tricky way to have you purchase their product. While Grammarly display 3 steps during the time of purchasing their product, it does not take you through every step. Their page makes you type in your credit card for step 1, and then you automatically purchase it. While thinking that you will go to step 2 to pick your package, and then to step 3 to confirm payment. Nope! Not with Grammarly! Furthermore, I purchased the membership for $30 for premium service and then I paid $32 to have what I thought was a human proofreader. The service was quick to get me my proofread paper back, but I would get back an absolute disaster of a service. It destroyed my paper and made my paper make zero sense! So I wanted my money back and to be done with this service. I emailed them a request for my money back, and they denied me a refund! So after having their service for less than 24 hours, and getting the worst service on a proofreader. Im currently out $65 in the matter of 24 hours for this horrible service. If anyone knows what I can do to get my money back, and to make more people aware about this service, PLEASE let me know! One last thing to new readers... STAY AWAY from Grammarly!

Not a good app, don't get it. It's not as good as they make it sound!
This app is absolutely worthless to writers like myself. It kept freezing my computer to the point where I couldn't hardly send emails. Also, the page number limit is ridiculous if you are writing a novel. Not to mention, it does not do italicize, bold, underline, size font, page breaks, font style, or page numbers. It also did not underline the correct words, usually the words in the next line below the one it was correcting. It's a stupid app, and the sellers of this app need to stop making this app sound so perfect. If you get this app, you most likely regret it like I did. I had it for a day before I deleted it. It was that bad. Also, it doesn't work on google docs, which is where I do all my writing, as well as some of my other friends that are also writing books. Don't get this app, it doesn't do everything Grammarly say it does, and freezes your computer. Someone needs to make an app that actually does what they say it does and that doesn't freeze you computer.

Only Useful If You Flat-Out Suck At English
I tried Grammarly back in its very early days (before customers started getting hit with sneaky auto service charges) and was completely and utterly underwhelmed. Grammarly is useful perhaps to non-English speakers or to many of the unfortunate youngsters of the current generation who slept through English Composition classes and take the majority of their grammar rules from colloquial text speech and emoticon use. For the portion of the population either well-educated or well-experienced with proper written English and basic composition, Grammarly is entirely obsolete. Not only are its grammar suggestions limited to the most obvious grammar flaws, but I was astounded by how many grammar errors it detected that were not errors at all and would have resulted in a grammarly "fix" that would have actually made the structure of the written works even worse (for example, the proper use of semicolons seems to be outside of Grammarly's abilities and it frequently detects sentence fragments that are not actually there.) In short, do not use this tool unless you want a program that serves as no more than a screaming sign of your own English incompetence; proper English users will get by with Word or just fine without this useless program.

Good alternative if you don't have anyone to read your essay.
Ok, I see that the consensus of the service is negative due to people relying on it too much. This site is reliable for catching some mistakes in your paper, but it's definitely not to be used as an actual real life editor! What you write should be edited by YOURSELF first and try to see if your writing makes sense to the person who's going to read your paper. Sentence structure and transitional words is what makes a paper readable, not a website that spots a misused comma.

The non-premium version catches a decent amount of mistakes but it's the premium service that locks the majority of your mistakes behind a pay-wall. In my opinion, I think it's worth the $30 for the month, it catches a lot of my mistakes such as commas, active-passive verbs, sentence coherence, etc.

This website is a good alternative if you don't have a person that can physically edit your paper. It is always best to allow a knowledgeable person to help you understand your mistakes.

Faulty software, trial period is a lie!
Agreed to purchase a trial period subscription this morning and used it to write a paper, Grammarly indicated that my paper was great, very few mistakes and I corrected those few things. I went ahead and submitted to my instructor. Then I decided to play with the program and uploaded my paper on the grammarly site and all sorts of errors popped up. I cant believe one portion of the program said everything was correct and then a second part of the programs said I had countless errors. I am livid not only did I get charge 30 dollars for a program that did not work, my grade in the class is now jeopardized. My second complaint is that I was told I was signing up for a 7 day trial period but I was charge before I could even decide if I liked the program, which I dont. I want my money back, this was a total waste of time and money! Dont be fool by their offer of a trial period, you will be charged right away!

It's not that great and they scam.
First off, I was okay with grammarly for a while, then over time it became a bit redundant. Even now it is telling me to put commas everywhere in my sentences. If you really follow all of their suggestions, your work will look like you don't understand the basics of English grammar, and even more, you'll get some fairly crappy suggestions to words you've used too often that make no sense in the context.

Now after saying that, let us talk about their scamming. I joined under a $70 plan and thought about renewing because 'hey it's only $70!' But then of course when the time came to renew, the site decided to charge me $140... without giving me any warning of the change. Seriously? What kind of company is this? Btw the whole situation has caused an issue with my bank account right now and I'm in the process of refuting their charge. After reading a few other reviews though, I'm getting concerned that I won't be seeing that money returned to me anyhow.

This company sucks. I don't really care about the money I spent on it (in the past) but when Grammarly try to charge me double without telling me they'd raised the prices? That's low. I can't wrap my head around it. I mean you have to know you're scamming people if you format your business in this manner. What are these people getting at? Oh, money, that's right. Not helping others. That might be a kind and ethical thing to do.

(Edit: I got a refund from them - after talking with my bank, paypal, and their customer service)

Not a Happy Customer!
I bought the year after a free trial. A big mistake! I'm a writer and wanted my manuscript checked and edited. I use Microsoft Office to write my novels. Well, after Grammarly highlighted in green I started to make corrections for it to constantly freeze my computer up, freeze my document with each correction that was made. Also. Being a paid customer my clicks to correct are limited. And it shouldn't be. No phone number to call customer service, but yet Grammarly claim to have 24 hour customer service. That's not true when a person is assigned to you through email only. Please, don't waste your money on this online service
It's not worth all the aggravating and time consuming effort to correct a document or manuscript. It's garbage and a piece of worthless crap. If there's an editing program to purchase on Disk please let me know. I do not recommend Grammarly to anyone. All of us can't be wrong. It's not a great, wonderful program. It's a waste of money. It's going to take me hours, days and maybe months to sit through this aggravating process to edit.

Is this a scam? Be very cautious about purchasing this program.
My 14-year-old daughter accidentally purchased this program last Sunday. She meant to purchase only one month with the understanding that it was $11.66 a month. She did not need the entire year because she only had one month left in school before summer break began. When she discovered her mistake which was the most 10 minutes later, she canceled the subscription. Unfortunately, Grammarly charged her a one-year subscription and stated her subscription would end on 4/15/19.4/15/19? A year later? We expected to be reimbursed but here we are, 4 days later and no reimbursement. We called the customer service number which took us to a phone tree only to discover no one would answer and it redirected us to the website. My husband sent an email explaining the problem and "NO One" responded. I contacted my bank and advised them of this situation. Grammarly submitted this to the fraud department. Grammarly, if you're reading this, you should be ashamed of yourselves. For those who are considering purchasing this program, be aware, as their customer service department is nonexistent. Take heed of the other negative reviews.

Update. Today, 4/19/18, Grammarly sent my daughter an email stating they would refund her in the next 10 business days. I guess banks have more weight on these kinds of matters than I do. We shall wait and see if the money is credited back to her.

Very disapointed in the quality of this app
I started using Grammarly sporadically late last fall when I got into the literature review section of my dissertation. I really only wanted a "second set of eyes" to review things when I didn't have a live set available. Last week, I decided to use it for 2 documents that were over 100 pages each. Thankfully, I checked them again myself before submitting them. Not only were there glaring grammatical errors that Grammarly had missed, there were MANY instances in which it had misidentified a subject in a sentence and, as a result, had tagged the verb as incorrect. I'm a former middle and high school English teacher. If I know NOTHING else, I know the rules of subject/verb agreement. I was also surprised and dismayed at Grammarly's overuse of commas, as if Grammarly are the only form of punctuation in lengthy or compound sentences, and it's identification of "passive voice" everywhere in the documents-- including where it didn't exist. It also wanted to remove commas (along with semi-colons) from places that required something to acknowledge dependent/independent clauses.
Sadly, I paid for a year's worth of this service. It's a decent spell checker so I may leave it installed but I will no longer use it as a review tool.

Very, very good!
I have read some fierce reviews about the Premium variant of Grammarly-mostly on the subscription. Luckily, I am only using the free one and no, my take on Grammarly is a good one- some complaints yes, but still, a positive review. Honestly speaking, I love Grammarly. It's quick at corrections. Whether it's spellings, punctuations, self redundancy, you name it. However, I couldn't help but notice that, it delayed on certain mistakes or that the synonym suggestions (which is one thing I greatly love about Grammarly) couldn't always work at all or that some parts of the Grammarly Assistant are way too compact-with words overlapping each other. These are just tiny complaints that one can easily manage. However, worth airing out some criticisms that I faced. Fingers crossed Grammarly get my review and fix them especially the last one. Overall, Grammarly is aesthetic, amazing and astounding. The free version feels more of like the Premium version; one is only reminded that it's the free one with the endless, Premium Advanced corrections (which can get pretty annoying sometimes knowing that you can make better corrections and write more competently but can't afford it) It's been around 3 weeks already with Grammarly and my experience with Grammarly couldn't be better. From the tones detector to the achievement badges and the weekly writing updates to the Grammarly Assistant and other small, useful add ons that they necessarily don't mention to you, though they let you discover them, make the whole experience worthwhile. Grammarly is a proficient handyman apt for those who dare to take writing seriously, designed with gusto and efficiency with an intended purpose of unleashing your deepest potential and making you the writer you never knew you were. And the truth is... it works.

Uhhhhh its good
Basically, the app itself is very good. But for someone who can spend much on just an APP, there's not much you can do. With the purchase of a few things on the app, I'm sure it's very helpful. If you don't have much to spend then this is not your app. The add-ons are very expensive and Grammarly enforce that there suppose to be amazing. If you don't buy any subscriptions in the app, it is quite helpful. When I first downloaded the app though, I realized the hype, was not it. To really get the REAL experience and help in your writing, you have to pay A LOT. I will say it didn't help me in fixing little things in my writing. Well in conclusion, if you do not want to pay anything and still use this app, it fixes little things, but still makes your writing better. If you want to pay and use this app, it probably will help your writing, but the amount you have to pay for an app that corrects your writing, I don't think it's worth it. This is all I had to say, and good luck with the app if you download it! I will say many people did not like how it just took your money without notice if you purchased and subscription!

Free Grammarly handles creative text poorly and holds back some free feature items for Premium
I have been testing Free Grammarly for about a week now, primarily with previously-proofed manuscript chapters. I wanted to see if it was worth the investment. However, I have found significant flaws, and more than one outright deception.
Without upgrading, the preferences for creative writing are locked, which means that colloquial dialog is constantly flagged. The algorithm appears to be comma-crazy too. Commas everywhere, and my editor agrees this is nonsense.
But let's discuss that Premium grammar checker.
I stumbled onto this by accident when Grammarly decided to promote their Premium fixes on one of my chapters. (By the way, the 'promotion' brought my $1400 laptop to a crawl.) First thing it did was flag every quotation mark. Every one of them. 88!
I thought this was a font issue and changed it but to no avail. I thought indentations might work, but Grammarly doesn't indent and the Premium flags indentation. Not convenient.
The most insidious discovery was how Grammarly hides some of the free feature fixes from me and reserves them for Premium, such as extra commas, commas a professional publishing editor said were unnecessary. I discovered this by fiddling around on the page promoting the Premium and watching the number of fixes rise or drop depending on what I did. Should I pay $25 a month for fixes my editor would delete?
The final thing I did was to paste in Chapter 1 of The Great Gatsby. Grammarly only found 41 grammatical errors ("To-day", for instance, which still flags as an error on their 'web checker'. I shall uninstall it in a few minutes).
Now, if ol' Scott Fitzgerald would only upgrade to Premium Grammarly offer an additional 81 fixes that will make his story-telling shine!
This product is most-deservingly NOT recommended.

A poor choice for students.
I fiddled about with grammarly briefly after beginning post secondary education. The results were underwhelming, but I figured it makes sense for a free service. Later on the sent a coupon for a cheaper subscription so I figured why not try it? I paid for a years worth mistakenly, then realized my mistake and checked to see if it was worth it.

It was not worth it, as this only checks grammar at a very basic level, and does not understand quotations very well. In most of my test documents it barely detected listing errors, sentence fragments and runons. The most you will get of this is a thesaurus and an education at basic level.

I contacted support to let them know I was dissatisfied, and ask for a refund. Note that Grammarly has a "no refunds at any time" policy. Unfortunate, given their high cost and student sided advertising. I can not recommend a service like this to anyone, given there is no way to ensure you will get value out of your money. It basically has resorted to predatory tactics, instead of excellent service in all aspects to get customers.

Hope you like spam and paywalls.
Grammarly is utterly useless if you can't afford to pay for their "premium" service. I used it briefly once to check a review I was writing for a podcast: the free version detected "advanced errors" such as plagiarism, which I was pretty worried about. Tried to fix it, got sent to a page that asked me for money, after Grammarly swore up and down that they're a totally free service. I deleted the extension off of Chrome but I still got spammy emails saying things like "see your weekly report" -- clearly lies because I hadn't even used the extension! Finally I found out that there was an "account" on their website I didn't remember making, and I managed to delete that, but now I still see ads for their Youtube page on unrelated videos, even with Adblocker and an extension to block specific Youtube channels!

I am now genuinely concerned that this P. O. S. Somehow infected my computer with malware. Stay far, FAR away.

Check fields!

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Grammarly Rating

Based on 51 reviews from Grammarly customers, company has accumulated an average rating of 2 stars, indicating that majority of customers are not satisfied with its service.
Overall satisfaction rating

Description: Millions trust Grammarly? ۪s free writing app to make their messages, documents, and posts clear, mistake-free, and effective.

Address: 548 Market Street, #35410, 94104


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