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Reviews Health, Shaving Harry's

50 customer reviews of

Bald and happy
Shaving your head is terror on razors, I have been shaving my head for over 12 years now. I've used some expensive store bought razors that were ridiculously overpriced. I have been with Harry's since 2014 and I couldn't be happier.

I have taught all three of my boys had to shave with Harry's razors. In fact A true me to handle and eight blades have been amount their 14th birthday presents.

And also I have given my dad and my brothers harry's gift sets for Christmas. As far as I know Harry's still use them today.

I recommend Harris to anybody who ever asked me about shaving. Being a bald guy seems I always get questions about shaving and among them is what raisers do I use. Since 2014 I've always proudly Expressed my gratitude for Harry's.

Best ever!
I started shaving my head long before it became fashionable and have shaved my head and face with every type of blade available. From shaving with a straight razor and then to safety razors (if you're old enough to know what Harry's are) to the popular 4 and 5 blades available on the market in the past decade. For a quality shave at a great price you can't beat these blades. I've been using Harry's razors for the past few years and they provide a smooth, comfortable shave every time. They are easy to order and always arrive in a timely fashion (which to say, is quicker than their shipping estimate). If you shave and haven't tried these blades you're missing out on one of most "no brainer" experiences a man can have in life. It's that simple.

You NEED this!
Listen, if you're reading reviews, you already know you don't want this... You NEED this! Why? Well dummy, because you need to up your shave and grooming game in the most epic way. Don't worry, you just need a nudge. This is where I come in. I too was living in the dark. Thankfully, I finally took the leap and it's turned me into the majestic man I am today. As a prior military puke, I shaved with crappy disposable 2-blade razors and even cheaper shave foam. Sad, but true. Do yourself and those around you a favor. Grab Harry's awesome lathering bar soap and wash your fifth point of contact. While you're at it, wash your dome with their relaxing shampoo. Follow that up with a can of their ever so gentle shave foam and lather that ugly mug of yours. Nothing says "I'm a dirtbag" more than a face full of poop filtering face pubes. Luckily, you're going to invest in their quality blades so you can move forward with removing that disgusting unprofessional growth of man stubble from your face. Heck, your significant other just might begin paying attention to you again. You know, like how Harry's did when you gave a crap and actually took care of yourself. Make the executive decision and just do it already. Freedom reigns and Harry's rocks!

Best men's products ever!
I've been using Harry's products for a little over three years. I'm 61 years old with a course beard that has always been difficult to shave without leaving red bumps. Harrys has saved the day! I can't say enough about the quality of the razor and the rich quality and moisturizing aspects of the shaving gel with aloe and the post shave balm with aloe. Just recently tried the soap and the post shave mist, I'll be re-ordering those as well. And best of all, if you ever run into any issues with your product or delivery, you should reach out to Katie on their customer service team. Katie is the person you always hope will answer the phone or your email whenever you have an issue with something. Thank you Katie-I'm a Harrys customer for life because of special people like you!

Good product, great support, fair price
I've been a Quattro Pro guy for years, and I appreciate a well made cartridge shaver. However, when it was time for my son to start shaving (sigh), the cost of those cartridges made me roll my eyes. Noticed an ad for Harry's, and I liked the idea of the free handle and free shipping, so I gave it a try for him. Then I tried his once myself.

The shaver is really good, attractive, and easy to use. The blades seem about as good as the Mach 3, possibly as good as the Quattro Pro's, and the price is about half.

Harry's are not a sell-it-and-forget it firm, either. They understand that making customers happy is job one. You will get check in emails from customer support -- not too many, but enough to know they are aware of you, inviting help with any problems, questions, or other issues. I wrote them a couple of times about very minor things and the response was swift, personalized, meaningful and friendly. You'll also get a few of the usual ads and offers. Again, not so many that you feel inundated.

Overall I'm impressed. When I run out of my own cartridges, I will probably switch to Harry's as well.

I've waited all my life for Harry to come along!
I'm 74 years of age. I have always used a wet shave. For most of my life I used a Gillette safety then maybe 20 years ago stopped to the Gillette Mach 3 which was a compromise. Recently the blades have increased in price and certainly don't last as long. So I sent for 'Free Trial' with Harry. It arrived in 2 days and what an incredibly comprehensive and professional package it was. Not only does it feel right in the hand it does a superb job. The absolute bonus is the extra blade on the back to trim under the nose and the sideburns. Simple but pure genius. I've waited all my life for such a user friendly razor. I recommended 'Harry' to my sons a two of them have tried them and agree with me. The whole online offer and presentation is a brilliant lesson in direct marketing which in this case is backed up with a brilliant product at a very competitive price. Thank you 'Harry' you have made my daily chore much more pleasurable efficient and simple.

It's better used as a paperweight.
The razor doesn't work well for a technical reason. The plastic that permits the razor head to swivel is too stiff; as a result it takes too much pressure to bring the head in full contact with the skin. To solve this design flaw, one must press harder or "swivel" one's hand instead; a rather awkward and not very effective process. Since the handle can't be used with other razor heads consider the paperweight suggestion.
Response to Harry's contact.
While I'm sure your advice is well intended, it ignores the fact that the pivot (plastic) is much stiffer than your competitors, i. E. push it with your finger To expect customers to practice with your product suggests that you don't understand human nature; look at your reviews. Suggestion: Either reformulate the plastic ("softer") or make the pivot point thinner. If you make the change, let me know

Hey, we're just cutting hairs here!
Fortunately, I met Harry's the first year in business and it has been smooth, VERY affordable, shaving ever since.

At the time, I quite pissed off at spending upwards of $4+ for razor blades and quite frankly knew where I was being cut!

I found Harry's online, while looking for economical alternative shaving opportunities and initially bought in with the basic starter kit, under $10 at that time. Man! I could NOT believe how un-invasively smooth that first shave was and thought "well let's see how long this deal lasts?".

Since that first Harry's shave, I am still a very impressed, more-than happy shaver.
Over the years I have presented well over 20 "starter kits" to friends during Holidays as the best, simplest, yet most advanced, gift a guy, who doesn't know Harry's, could ever receive. Always confident that I was introducing my friends to product Harry's could make theirs for life.

Thank you very much for years of GREAT shaves!
Joe Craven

Great Customer Service and User Friendly Website
I am impressed with Harry's customer service and each representative's kindness and helpfulness. It seems that Harry's embraces the motto, "The customer is always right." The quality of the razor blades surpasses that of any I have used. I do wish, however, that there were a way to have a sharper single or double blade on the back that would be more effective at shaving the area underneath the nostrils and above the upper lip that is so hard to shave efficiently and effectively with the single-edge blade that is there. I find that it is not user friendly; it cuts my skin. Of course, the multiple blades are not designed for such detail or for trimming or making sideburns even. I do like the flexibility in delaying or expediting one's shipping date for upcoming orders and adding items to the orders before each one ships. The site is quite user friendly.

I just want to address the comment below regarding the "Core Membership." Harry's regular price for eight razor blades is $16.00. Everyone receives eight blades at a discount for $15, however. So, 10% discount is applied to the original amount, which makes for a discount of $1.60 for Core members ($14.40). All other products are discounted 10% for Core members.

Harry's Razors = Hoverboards, Samsung Galaxy 7's, The Edsel
I was going to give Harry's razors a second chance after buying into a set months ago and nearly running out. I figured after so many complaints, Harry would have fixed the auto-break installed into the razor head and started manufacturing sharp razors instead of the chain saws I received.

Fortunately for me, Harry decided to administer the coup de grace by pulling one of the oldest marketing ploys since P. T. Barnum started his circus...

A set of 8 was advertised for $16.00 along with a coupon for $5.00 off. At checkout the payment read $16.00 before applying the coupon. When I entered the coupon code instead of the price decreasing to $11.00 it shot up to $21.00 then down to $16.00 again. That low-down trick took the cake for me.

Bottom Line: RUN, don't walk from Harry's Razors. There's a reason why they're cheaper than Gillette. Same reason you can get Hoverboards and Galaxy 7's at firestorm prices nowadays.

Harry' Incredible Blades
I have been using Harry's Razor Blades for almost ten years... I can shave with one blade for over a month at a time. It is amazing! The cost of the blades is high however it is still more cost effective than any other blade system. I've long been appalled by the state of cartridge razors. Not only are Harry's absurdly expensive, they also are strangely designed and marketed. It's like the entire razor industry decided that razors should be associated with lightning fast speed and futuristic design. Razors are named "Mach 3," "Fusion," and "Turbo," and they look more like the spaceships from a Sci-Fi show than grooming instruments.

Not to mention, would-be shavers are faced with the lose-lose dilemma of choosing between incredibly expensive cartridges that offer a good shave and affordable cartridges that will shred your face. Empty wallet or hacked up face— take your pick.

Anyway, I digress. The point is, most cartridge razors are ugly and a terrible value. It's time someone brought some class and affordability back to cartridge razors.

That's why I was so intrigued when I saw Harry's razors. Harry's seems to have grasped the above crisis of cartridge razors, and they are dedicated to making cartridge razors attractive and affordable again. I decided to give them a try and share my findings with you.

Why Harry's Is The Best
Quality, affordability, convenience, and the best customer service. The blades are the best, offering a clean comfortable shave without exception, and additional products only enhance the luxuriousness. There are no gimmicks, no bells and whistles. The cost is fair, with no hidden fees or charges - solid all-around. I mentioned the customer service which is centred around a bespoke model that really prioritizes customer satisfaction. The customer experience team knows what they're doing, as they've been able to consistently deliver results over a long period of time.

All in all Harry's has definitely earned my business. I'd recommend giving them a try if you want a great shave and top-notch service for a great price.

I have been a Gillette user since my first shave. One of my biggest issues regardless of how much I paid up for their product was the closeness of the shave and the number of shaves I got from one razor. Now to be honest I saw these advertisements for shave clubs before and I never thought Harry's could compete with my trusty Gillette razors. So as a result I never really paid them any attention. But, when I received a free kit offer through the mail, I figured what do I have to loose. And Wow! The very first shave was like nothing I experienced before. After shaving using Harry's shaving gel and razor my face was so smooth and fresh I was blown away. Then I applied the fresh scent of the post shave balm and that was so refreshing and soothing to my skin, it felt like I had a professional barber treatment. I normally never take the time to rave about a product on line. But, with Harry's product and shaving plan I felt the need to shout it out to the world. I can honestly say I will never use anything else on face ever again.

Awesome products with the ease of online ordering
I have been a Gillette consumer since the age of 13. My father was actually a designer for Gillette for many years. So I would be considered an experienced shaving consumer. Being such, I found myself running to the store when I ran out of blades. The Gillette blades are so expensive. I decided to switch to Harry's because of their simplistic design and packaging concepts. I also found the ease of an automatic shipment of blades and shaving cream every other month to be reasonable and one less thing that I had to keep track of. I have since broadened my experience with additional Harry's men's products, such as the bar/soft soaps. I have also found the gift surprise package offerings to be beneficial as well. Even though the blades are not at the quality of the Gillette product, the quality and ease of ordering through Harry's is more than enough to satisfy any shaving needs that men need today. I highly recommend this product.

8 Great Glades + Refund
Here is my long overdue review update. After getting the new blades I started to test them right away. Harry's were sharp and after many many shaves, using 6 of the 8, I found them to be of good quality and design (better then the last ones I had). I shave 6 days a week so each lasted about 6 shaves which was very good. I do shave different then most. For the first couple of shaves I go against the grain which is very hard on your face. But my beard grows in every possible direction so to get a clean shave I have to shave against the grain. But at the end of the week I shave with the grain which is not as clean. Such is life...
In the end I would have to say Harry's blades are no worse than the competition but cost less. I believe they are better in design. For those who are having issues I say to you, there is no such thing as perfect. If the blades don't fit you then change to something that does. Harry's is a young company and they do make mistakes. They made one with me but they corrected it after I hit them over the head a few times. But they got it, or at least I hope they did. The customer is NOT always right but you still must listen to them. I got my money back for the last order and they sent me 8 blades for free.
After finding a bent blade in one of the competitions blade packs, I wont say their name but it starts with a G, they ignored my complaints. They wouldn't even talk to me. Harry's did. Sometimes it's customer service that keeps a customer. Sometimes it's a great produce. It's very cool when it's both.
If something better comes alone, I might take a look but for now I'm staying with Harry's. And by the way, no, I don't work for them. They couldn't afford me :).

Rock solid
I've been a Harrys' subscriber for a few years now and Harry's have always been rock solid. I really enjoy the flexibility that Harry's has for their subscribers. No Shave November? No problem with skipping or delaying an order. New girl likes you clean shaven? Bump your order to get twice as many razors. Want to roll the dice and try a new product? Cool add a mystery item to your box. It's great. It also never hurts that they somehow knew orange was my favorite color and have an orange handle.

Apart from how flexible their plan is, their customer service is always top notch. I recently moved and through my own fault, I didn't catch that my box was going to my old address. I emailed Harry's and they made it right.

Lastly, I love the fact that they help with the stigma surrounding mental health. Harry's knows that sometimes its ok to not be okay, and they are an advocate and partner with organizations that provide mental health assistance for men. There may be other subscription services out there, but I'm a Harry's guy.

The shaving solution I didn't know I was looking for!
The products and service are first class, but the overall business model is the perfect all-in-one-place solution to my shaving needs. Harry's has shown me I DID have a problem, which Harry's offer their distinctive resolution of. My problem was evidenced by the fact that I have constantly changed my shaving products, mixed and matched blades and creams etc pretty much all my life, I never was a single Co customer because no one Co offered all the products I needed at the price point I was prepared to pay. The blades are perfect. The shave cream is wonderful, The razors are simple and ergonomic. The face cream, the best I've used (and I need good cream!). So that's it. Harry's is the only shaving solution most of you will need, unless you have very very particular and special needs. It wont work for everybody, but should work for almost everybody. What more can I say?

Not Happy... No Customer Service
I'm not happy with your blades from my last order. Many times I can
Shave with the same blade 4 plus times before I need to change the
Blade. With my last order of blades, most of the time I can only shave
2 times before the blade rips up my face. Some of the blades I could
Only shave once before I had to replace it. The blades seem to be

I've been a customer for a while now and was very happy with your
Produce. It's as if you quality has dropped.

After emailing Harry's, the person that answered me didn't bother to read my email in full. Their answer was stupid to say the least.

Harry's lost a good customer because all they said, like on here, they will send it to R&D. Nothing for the customer... all for them.

Harry's make me Happy. And my face is happy too.
I signed up for Harry's back before the Internet was invented. Kidding. But it was a long time ago. The reason we have the internet is so that we can have Harry's. I was so tired of buying expensive blades with all types of gimmicks. Many of those products didn't even work for me. Harry's blades just work as expected. No need - ever - to buy a new handle, unless I want to. I also use their shaving gel (with Aloe). That stuff is ridiculously good. Consistently good and better than any of the gels I've tried. My biggest complaint: the can of few never runs out. I have 4 bottles just sitting there. It will be 2030 before I have to order more.
Customer Service? Awesome. We had one error caused by my gaff that Harry's resolved immediately, no questions asked.
Thanks Harry's!

Harry's going above and beyond!
I have kept my plan going with Harry's for over a year now and I intend to keep it going. I am very satisfied with the quality of the product but most importantly the convenience that comes with their service. Being able to delay orders rather than be locked in regular shipping intervals meant that I never need to cancel and order, just delay it if need be. The shippment is always on time, and it always feels like someone put an extra effort in packing it making sure that everything is tightly packaged. During the pandamic period, I was happily surprised and quite moved by the voluntarily additon of a sanitizer solution courtesy if the company. It shows that Harry's do care about their customers and that they're willing to put a personalized guesture to retain their customer base.

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Harry's Rating

Based on 50 reviews from Harry's customers, company has accumulated an average rating of 4 stars, indicating that majority of customers are satisfied with its service.
Overall satisfaction rating

Description: Shaving is evolving. Never buy overpriced razors again. Get Harry's German engineered blades and shaving cream online for a fair price.

Address: 75 Varick St, 10013


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