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Reviews Food & Drink, Dining, Food Delivery HelloFresh

51 customer reviews of

So many disappointments
Portion sizes so small we're still hungry after each meal. Had to supplement with other ingredients and add more meat. We're normal sized people - not overweight - but meal sizes are more for children.
Food quality left something to be desired. All fresh produce is extremely small. No expiration dates on any meat. Totally unacceptable. Not cool that we have to trust that the meat is fresh. I don't trust my health to a company that refuses to give proper expiration dates.
Talked to customer service about canceling a box. She confirmed it was done and that a refund was processed. Wasn't true. Box arrived and no refund was issued. Contacted CS again who said "oh darn. Hate that for you. We can only authorize 50% refund." I had proof of my conversation but HelloFresh refused to accept my screenshots.
I unsubscribed from email and am still getting emails. The last one had no unsubscribe link at the bottom which is a violation.
Every single thing that could have been good with HF was much less than acceptable. So good bye and good riddance.

Good Luck Cancelling
I would never recommend hellofresh to anyone. Aside from the meals being mediocre (I'd give 3 stars based on the quality and quantity of the food), the customer service is terrible. After cancelling my subscription, I got a notification a few days later that my box was on the way and my card was charged. Obviously I thought WTF because I had cancelled my subscription. After talking to customer service, HelloFresh claimed that because I never received a cancellation email form them, that they couldn't verify that I had cancelled. So, obviously it was my fault, even though I had cancelled appropriately on their website.

TLDR: Contact customer service directly if you want to cancel your subscription because it SURPRISINGLY might not go through if you follow the online cancellation instructions.

Oh yeah, and the same exact thing happened to my friend. Guess it's not just me.

Their competitors are better.
Plenty of vendors like Hello Fresh out there that allow you to deactivate your membership without the cumbersome task of pausing each meal every week. To be honest, I might have tried Hello Fresh again in the future had HelloFresh given that option. All my pausing for 2016 was undone with the year change, so bad coding is an issue all over this side (or was it intentional?).

The food is subpar for $10 a head. Meat isn't ever packaged correctly, and I had steak arrive that was brown around the edges. Bleh! The meats will leak blood and other goo throughout the box, which is why I assume they started white boxing all other meal ingredients.

Speaking of ingredients, I dare you to find me an herb that they mail that hasn't been crushed and isn't wilted and worthless in many dishes. The product they send out should be inspected by a government entity, TBH.

Again, I'm a subscriber to many other meal delivery vendors and Hello Fresh is by far the WORST.

Do your research first, and remember if you do sign up and decide to cancel at any point Hello Fresh keeps the $69 signup fee and makes you pay that again for re-subscribing. Hello Fresh is the ONLY one that does this. They also make the process of canceling incredibly hard, so be prepared for that.

(PS- Customer service is F+ to match their food quality and they will continue to harass you with newsletters till the end of time. You have been warned!)

Spam calls, bad ingredients, worst customer service
We tried hello fresh but we didn't like it. The reasons are simple, ingredients weren't fresh, the package of meats were damaged and the liquid got everywhere; the ingredients we received were mostly old, even the signs of getting rotten. Obviously we contacted the customer service, but it was the worst customer service I've ever had. That person was cold-blooded and showed no signs of sympathy. I asked for refunds but the reply we got was "talk to Groupon" (and yes, we tried HelloFresh cuz Groupon had a deal). Both of my husband and I were upset but we thought at least we learned our lessons and we thought we were done with HelloFresh.

However, we were too naive. My husband and I are currently on vacation overseas, I got calls from a similar phone numbers and no-call-ids, when the same phone number showed up again I decided to pick up, and it was HelloFresh and asking about the experience. I straightly told the girl what happened and we will not give another try. I thought I was clear, but my husband started to receive calls from HelloFresh, after he showed no interested in purchasing the meals, he started getting calls from a no show id, and it was HelloFresh. Since then, both of us have been receiving spam calls from HelloFresh. IT IS EXTREMELY UPSETTING.

If you're want to try out HelloFresh, I really hope my review can help you to see a different light.

It's a scam, don't buy it! STAY OUT OF HF! RUN!
I got my first HF box and I can send my friends "free boxes". So I sent one to my flatmate. As far as I recall, Hello Fresh did not specifically wrote on its advertisement that a free box cannot be deliver to the same address (just confirmed with a Hello Fresh staff on the phone yesterday. He told me HelloFresh will NEVER write such thing on the poster. So isn't it a scam then?). I called yesterday after reading the HCM international email (third party HF use to chase after payments) and that same Hello Fresh staff told me I did not get the "free box" discount, therefore I need to pay 41.99 for that box. However I do have bank records showing I got a box for free but later Hello Fresh returned the shipping fee and demanded me to pay 41.99. Just we thought Hello Fresh will never deliver the box because the transaction failed, it did (this box is not a subscription, the box should never be sent to the address). Now the company asked HCM as a third party to get involved on this issue (they send multiple emails and because I don't check this inbox frequently, HCM raised the price to 47.99, they simply added 6 pounds on top of the original price), I could not agree with such forceful action. Therefore, called wanting to speak to a manager at Hello Fresh. It's been 2 days and I haven't received the manager's call. Apparently the manager needs to investigate the issue before giving a call back...

It started off great... Buyer Beware!
It started off great - fresh, easy to cook food sent to your doorstep. What's not to love? Apparently, a lot can go wrong. A few weeks in I receive a box with improperly sealed meat and vinegars, with juices soaking through multiple meals. Ew. HelloFresh gave me $35 in credit for the trouble. It sounds ok but remember this for later. The very next week, I find a delivery slip saying I was missed. I work from home all day and no one rang. When I contacted customer service they first said I didn't have my callbox information but when I questioned how delivery were able to ring me on previous weeks they said "Yes, I see." but wouldn't do anything to help. They wanted me to go on my own time, 50-min and 50-min back to get the box from the Purolator office. Unbelievable. I know Purolator sucks but you chose them as your carrier - take responsibility. Now remember the $35 credit? I can't use it until I use up all of my discounted boxes first. So I'm really out ~2 boxes at the end of the day. "Smart" business plan but angry and insulted customers!

If I could give NO stars to HelloFresh, I WOULD!
So, quite honestly, I was all ready to tell people that I liked Hello Fresh. I mean, is it REALLY their fault that my preteen son didn't enjoy most of what HelloFresh sent? No, surely not! However, I am not a firm believer that this company is poorly run and has inept, RUDE, customer service.

I cancelled my subscription the week of July 4th because, as stated above, my son did not enjoy the food. On 7/13, overnight, my account was charged $69. UGH! I called customer service to sort out the mix up. I was assured, by Saneeta, that they would fix this for me and she apologized for the error in charging. I was satisfied and agreed to wait for my refund to hit.

Fast forward to 7/20... NO refund yet. NO call. NO nothing. I contact Hello Fresh and speak to Samantha who tells me Jesse (the supervisor) will call me. Jesse never calls. Samantha calls back and says they will not refund my $69, but they can "meet me half way" and give me half the money OR they can give me another box. WHAT?! NO! NO WAY! Give me my money!

I call back and ask for Jesse. I am livid by now. Jesse tells me the same thing Samantha did. I told Jesse I will now give them poor reviews on EVERY site and I will get my money back through my wonderful bank. Now, the charges in the process of being reversed and I am making good on telling everyone about my bad experience.

STAY AWAY from these people. They are scam artists and will NOT honor cancellations or refunds! Ridiculous!

Wont give redfunds. Bad customer service
Avoid if you want to try before you commit

You commit to a second box before you've tried your initial free one... Really, really poor as HelloFresh blame this on having to order the good for your second box before you try your first. They will not prompt you to choose your meals for your second box. So I've got to pay for a box of meals without selecting or see what I'm getting!

The FREE trail is structured purposefully to catch you out it would seem. I actually got an email today that says they are changing their email structure so you get this the Sunday before your Wednesday cut off. So evidence here they haven't been doing enough to make the process clear- they should therefore honour refunding people who felt enough communication was not made before this new email schedule roll out. Looking at reviews would seem this change is due to Frequent dissatisfaction.

Jamie Oliver should be wary of promoting this as there are a fair amount of disgruntled users. Worth also mentioning although they claim to adhere to the 14 day cooling not off period (which made me feel safer about trying it out), they then counter this by saying it's not applicable to fresh goods...! So no kind of buyer protection here.

Love the convenience and the food!
I have had 6 meals from Hello Fresh so far and every one was delicious! It takes me a little longer to complete the meals than their estimated time, but I'm going to try cutting up the veggies all at once for the week's meals to cut down on prep time. Many times, there are veggies left over after my husband and I are full and even after feeding a little to our toddler.
This service is great if you like veggies (and don't mind smaller meat portions than what you'd get at a restaurant, but still big enough) including carrots, bell peppers, green beans, yukon potatoes, parsnips, sweet potatoes/yams, and arugula... which seem to be prevalent in the recipes.
I just had a tiny bit of mold on one of the garlic cloves, but no problems other than that. I do wish there were less carrots & parsnips and more broccoli or something else green. The meals come to $11.50 each for our plan... 3 meals/week for two people totaling $69 (includes shipping). It does sound like a lot, but it helps us eat healthier food and eliminates at least one grocery store trip a month, so I don't mind paying a little more for the benefits.

Horrible! Zero Stars!
One of my coworkers decided to help me out with a free box (due to a rough time) of HelloFresh and 2 weeks later I have not gotten my box. At first I was like this all sounds sooo great! But after speaking with people who don't know what HelloFresh are doing and then with people who act like you're stupid I don't even want to continue this after I finally receive the free box! First of all... I just moved to this Apartment Complex... they denied me because someone else at the address (entire apartment complex) or apt #... they don't know... ordered a box. Really they should improve their system and boot people out after a year! Then I attempted to use my bank card and it got denied... so I tried to use my other bank card and it got denied... but it took my credit card so they only take credit cards! Makes no sense... but when it would finally take my payment method the coupon for the free box was denied! So they made me make a new account... pay for the box... and refunded me! But stupidly refunded me the entire amount, including shipping of 7.99 in which he said that 1.00 would be kept for shipping... I didn't get my box... and so I called and they supposedly took care of it and re ordered the items... and told me he would refund the shipping fee... everything seemed to go well... the delivery says it's on its way today... however I noticed that the order is wrong... so I call and they tell me that the system says it's on its way... but it's really not on its way because the shipping wasn't paid for... in which the guy previously told me that the shipping was refunded to my bank account... it wasn't... so the person on the other line proceeds to tell me that I need to pay the shipping fee... I tell her that I'm going to check my account... she tells me that their is no need for that... ummm? Yes there is... so then the lady continues to repeat the same stuff over and over like I didn't hear her the first time while I check... and I see that they refunded me the entire balance except 1.00 which the person said was going to be for shipping. They made the mistake... it was supposed to be 7.99... they refunded me. My chase card has a zero balance. I can't use my other cards because they won't let me! So I end up asking for a supervisor... which I asked for last week and no one called me! So I ask to speak with one now since I received no phone call and they said that they have to make a request! I did not receive a phone call before and I don't know why they think I would now! So then I end up hanging up and calling another person... this one refunds me the dollar but then she says the reason as to why I didn't recieve the first one was because it was damaged... but I still need to pay the shipping fee... so here's what I don't get... I paid for the package and got everything refunded including the shipping fee before the package was damaged and the reason why it wasn't sent out was because... I didn't pay shipping? The package was damaged... that was the reason why it wasn't sent! This company is complete bs.

Not impressed.
I received my first box two days ago. Since my friend/co-worker was really impressed with this service I thought I would give it a try since she offered me a coupon for a free box. First, the box was very heavy due to the large ice packs inside. These of course had melted a bit and the bottom of the box was a bit soggy. The box was neatly packed but the smaller boxes inside were wet on the bottom due to the ice packs.
The first meal I chose to make was the Jerk Chicken with Peaches. The peach was rotten. I had to use my own fresh peach. The recipe was easy to follow and everything turned out ok. It was plenty of food for my husband and me.
The next day I wanted to make the steak with chipotle sauce. I opened the box with the "fresh" ingredients and the ear of corn was spoiled. The onion was growing sprouts, and the can of chipotle peppers appeared to be about 10 years old! It was dented, dirty, label torn, and expiration date/code was worn off. I certainly would not have purchased this in a grocery store.
So, I put the meat in the freezer and discarded all other ingredients. Needless to say I have cancelled my subscription.

Customer Service is Terrible! Charged for food I didn't want!
I am absolutely disgusted with HelloFresh. I opted to skip my delivery for 9/23. I made this selection on Saturday 9/16 through the HelloFresh app linked to my account. The deadline to make changes was 9/18. I made my changes ahead of the cutoff. Today, I noticed a full $59.95 charge on my account for HelloFresh for a delivery for 9/23! I called customer service to let them know there was an error. I skipped 9/23 and made meal selections for 9/30 and 10/7 while on the HelloFresh app on 9/16. I was informed by Jose, that there is nothing HelloFresh can do. I will be receiving a delivery of items that I do not want and will have to pay for said items. I asked to speak with a manager to see if there was another resolution. I was placed on hold for 15+ minutes and then hung up on. I have cancelled my subscription. I was pleased with the packaging and product and looking forward to my 9/30 and 10/7 deliveries. HelloFresh customer service is anything but a service. Buyers beware!

Not sure what has happened to this company
First started with Hello Fresh all was good and enjoyed the service and price and quality. Then I assume a change was made with their operations people. First, packaging changed and our 4 dinners were squished into a box crushing them inside. Got a credit for that one. Finally changed back to larger box. Then changed ICE vendors apparently and had situations where box did not stay cold, that was fixed and also credited. Then delivery issues. Missed our delivery, got credit for that, came next day. 3 out the last 7 weeks box delivered to wrong address. I drive around neighborhood to get my package. Got credit for that. Lots of credits, don't think I am alone. So while HelloFresh always make good with credits, the hassles are annoying. Told them I will not drive around looking for my box anymore. They don't use UPS so whoever their service is has trouble reading numbers I guess. Anyway, it is a shame, because it started out so well. If issues continue I will have to move over to another service.

My first and second orders with HelloFresh were absolutely wonderful: fresh produce, measured ingredients, an easy-to-follow and fun recipe, and appropriately wrapped to ensure freshness. The nightmare occurred when I was charged over $1800. 00 in one day for one week's meals. When I attempted to resolve it with MANY PHONE CALLS, each time I called I was told that there were no extra charges, yet my bank account (which was in the red as a result of this) showed otherwise. When I sent emails to them showing the bank account statement, HelloFresh told me that they needed more, that the bank would need to call them. It is a shame because the product itself is exceptional; yet, many of the customer service representatives (not all) kept me running in circles, and there was little concern or sense of urgency to help me resolve this. I have not heard anything from HelloFresh regarding an apology for the financial mess that they created. I have only received standard requests for ratings.

Good food, horrible customer service.
I used a discount code from a Youtuber to get $80 off my first several boxes. My husband thought HelloFresh sounded expensive and didn't think the food would be good, however the first box was already on its way. I cancelled the next orders. I got the food, cooked it, my husband thought it was good but would want to see more options to see if it was worth it. I wanted to pick up where I left off with my coupon which was revoked from my account. I messaged the customer chat and the girl told me due to the wording in that Youtuber's discount code I may be able to continue where I left off. I was on hold for 20 minutes with her on the chat, and she told me basically after getting my hopes up that she could not apply the discount again.

So my husband tried opening a hello fresh account and he picked out the food and it was good to go with the discount again. Got an email the day it was suppose to ship out saying "your household has already tried hello fresh so we're deactivating your account and refunding you" which is so stupid because he is his own individual.

None of this would've happened if HelloFresh honored the coupons. Haven't tried more than 3 meals, but if you mess up in any way you don't have extra ingredients to fix your meal - kind of screwed. I have to using my own ingredients to fix some stuff.

Overall, disappointed and would not pay full price to do it without knowing there are more than 2 meals I liked.

We ordered 3 meals, husband and I liked 2 out of 3. That's the only reason they're getting two stars.

The pasta dish seemed like a waste because it was something I could've easily picked up from the store.

The other thing I HATED was that they say they provide everything you need, but for most dishes they require you to provide oil, salt, pepper, and specific things like a zester which not everyone has on hand or may be low on supply.

Best meal delivery on the market!
I am shocked to see so many bad reviews. My husband and I are amazed at the quality of food!
Just a bit of our history, I have been responsible for meals for 42 years, and after our kids flew the nest I have struggled to cook for two with no waste. I finally threw up the white flag as I was throwing away half of what I spent a week. I also just never could come up with delicious recipes for two. I started trying different plans. What a nightmare of flavorless food I have found before stumbling on to HelloFresh!

I was not thrilled with having to actually prepare it, after trying various heat and eat meals I learned a little effort makes the difference. The half hour cooking meals usually take me 40 minutes but now I appreciate this option as there is no comparison!

First thing I noticed is the quality of fresh fruit and veggies you receive. You will not find this quality anywhere the public can buy because I shop for quality everywhere and never find anything similar. The recipes are to die for... scrumptious, fresh food that is just like eating in high end restaurants at a much lower cost. The no waste feature of their plan has saved me at least $100 a week, not to mention the time and headache of trying to think of "what to cook for dinner tonight" which was the first thing that popped in my head upon awakening every morning. I am also learning new recipes and the simplicity of just cooking fresh, wholesome, simple foods that are full of flavor! Each meal has been so well balanced my hubby and I do not snack all night like we use to trying to satisfy our hunger or taste buds. The proportions are generous, we never leave the table unsatisfied! I look forward to dinner now where it use to be the biggest dread of my day! Thank you Hello Fresh for your phenomenal meals and plans that fit our budgets! You have customers for life as I can not imagine not having this amazing service! Thank you!

An absolutely Disappointing Experience
I got my first box today around 6:45pm. I had been tracking my box all day because the tracking log was showing that the box was out for delivery since 4:45 am.

By the time I got my box, the food was at room temperature; the ice packs had melted inside the box and water was leaking to the point the outside of the actual box was already wet and falling apart.

One of the dishes in my box was Cob and there is NO way I would eat fish that has been exposed to room temperature all day. So, I called customer service to ask for a refund for the food I had already put in the trash as I don't wish to get food poisoned.

If took a while "to convince" these people that a refund was the best way to go here as I don't wish a free room temperature box of food delivered to my door next week. HelloFresh "made an exception" and I am supposed to receive a refund in 3-5 business days... So all things being equal, there is always the option to disputed the present and any potential future charges with my credit card... So, let's hope that we don't get to that!

Customer service was good and helpful, yet the quality of product and delivery was poor.; vegetabkes didn't look fresh, but mostly groused; meats were room temperature and overall packing was poor. This is not a service that I would recommend to anybody I know. I was expecting better... What a disappointment!

Hello Fresh has terrible delivery service
BAD SERVICE... The food is good, however every 3rd or 4th delivery doesn't show up. HelloFresh use unreliable no-name delivery service and half the time the food is"lost in transit" or shows up a day late with the ice melted so the food is no longer cold and fresh. When you call to complain, good luck getting thru to them. My last delivery didn't show up, I called and held for 25 minutes, hung up, called back a few hours later, held for 11 minutes, hung up, called back again held for 15 minutes... But they are very reliable on taking your money. They took my payment of $65 plus $7.95 for shipping and the food never showed up. Good luck getting in touch with them to get a refund. I'm being kind by giving them 2 stars because the food is good but they are VERY unreliable on the delivery. I guess they never heard of FedEx or UPS, or just plain old USPS would be more reliable then the delivery service they use. This is the 3rd time that my food didn't show up. It's been 2 days and I'm still trying to reach them to get my money refunded. Putting customers on terminal hold is the sign of a very poorly run company. You're better off having your local grocery store deliver - at least they'll show up with your food.

Easy Meal Prep for the Non-Chef
I am surprised by the amount of negative review. I've always received fresh veggies and meats. I work from home so my boxes don't have a chance to be in the elements for an extended period of time - that said you can schedule what day your delivery comes and plan accordingly. Anyhow, after my discount first box I knew I'd be charged for subsequent boxes unless I paused a week or I called to cancel the service completely. There was quite up front in the information presented to me and I think pretty par for the course as far as ordering on subscription anywhere. I've loved most of my meals, and the ones I didn't like were more just personal preference. I currently have my account on hold now due to my kitchen being gutted for renovations but I'll be back. I've dealt with customer service once and was pleased with their responsiveness and friendly manner.

Our first (and last) experience with HelloFresh
I wanted to share our first (and last) experience with HelloFresh.
After not receiving our first box on time, I contacted customer service for an explanation as to why our box was late and why we werent notified. Had I been notified, I may have been able to stop for groceries on the way home. Instead, we had to order take-out at the last minute as we had not purchased meals for the week.
I heard back from customer service the next day; the customer service representative called me Sarah, despite the fact that my name is in my email address and signature. I was offered a credit for next weeks box due to the late delivery, and I was told that the box would arrive on Wednesday; however the contents would likely be unusable per their message:
Our packages can withstand up to 72 hours in transit so please throw out the produce and proteins in your box, no need to send them back if HelloFresh are unusable. Since you were unable to enjoy your meals this week, I have placed a full box credit on your account to cover your next scheduled delivery.
Wednesday came and passed; we still hadnt received our box or the credit promised, and after about 6:30pm I disappointedly replied again to customer service requesting a refund and to cancel my account. I did not receive a reply. Another night of take-out. It seems that HelloFresh doesn't understand that when families rely on a meal delivery service, they often dont plan and purchase a backup meal with perishable food that may expire if not consumed in time.
The box arrived Thursday; four days late. I called the hotline and spoke with a very friendly representative. She made absolutely no attempt to apologize or recover the situation, and put me on hold for some time. After she came back, she very cheerily informed me that she had cancelled my account and had received authorization for a refund.
A few short minutes later I received an email confirmation from the same CSR I had just been speaking with. Interestingly, both CSRs gave me the same line:
Thank you for reaching out and bringing this to our attention. I truly apologize for the delayed delivery! I have passed the feedback along to our shipping team to make sure we prevent this from becoming a trend.
From the majority of the reviews Ive seen online, this has absolutely become a trend.
I was off-put by the upbeat tone she used during the entire conversation, and frankly I dont get the impression that HelloFresh takes these kinds of concerns very seriously. Really disappointed as we were excited to try this service. Well be sticking to traditional grocery shopping for now.

Rude customer service, impossible to cancel
The quality of support I received was subpar. This entire company is a scheme and simply in it for money. The person I emailed was kind, however my problem was not solved to my satisfaction. I have filed fraudulent charges with my credit card company as HelloFresh has now made two unauthorized purchases on my account after I cancelled twice. Apparently unless you plan to receive HelloFresh for eternity you should never sign up for this service as it is completely impossible to actually cancel. I went through the cancellation policy twice, finally received a confirmation email but was somehow still subscribed to their service. The manager I spoke with when I called to follow up on this situation was very rude, would not allow my husband to say a word. I am extremely disappointed and very unsatisfied with this service. If I wanted to donate $60 to a company I would have picked a charity not a sham of a company that is HelloFresh.

Beware of free promotion. My friend sent me a link to get 2 free meals to try out the service. When I signed up, according to the representative I talked to, at the bottom of the enrollment process it signs you up for a subscription. I was unaware because it does not flag you or ask you if you are sure you want to enroll in a weekly delivery. The next week we received a box of 2 meals and a charge on our credit card for $70! I called customer service and HelloFresh offered to do nothing they said it signed me up for the service when I enrolled for the 2 free meals. I should have noticed it. So now I am stuck paying $70. I have sent a complaint into customer service and all I keep getting are automated emails wanting to know about their service?! No one will email me back or respond. I am starting to believe this company does not have a live person working for them. Horrible company and all they do is want your money. Beware of signing up for their "FREE" offer.

Flavorful meals but pricey and not always fresh
I trialed Hello Fresh for 2 weeks and really enjoyed the flavor of all the meals. I love trying new grains, vegetables, and seasonings and got hooked on a few new food items in just the 2 week trial. I did cancel my subscription after 2 weeks, however, for a few reasons. First, the freshness of produce left something to be desired. In my first week, an onion in one meal kit went bad and molded within 3 days of delivery. In the 2nd week, my "fresh" carrots went completely limp and bad within 4 days of delivery. I have carrots in my fridge from 3 weeks ago that still aren't limp or bad so I'm not sure how the Hello Fresh produce is spoiling so quickly unless HelloFresh are using poor quality food to begin with. Second, I had missing ingredients in 40% of my meal kits from both weeks of my trial. I understand a missing ingredient now and then but the consistency concerned me, especially for the price of the meal kits. If I am paying a premium price for someone to compile and ship ingredients to me, I don't want to have to go purchase or make missing ingredients on my own. I contacted the company about the missing ingredients and was given a $17 credit on a future box. Not very helpful given that I've already cancelled my subscription. Overall, I can't recommend Hello Fresh to friends and family and I won't be resubscribing either. Between missing ingredients and poor quality produce, it's just not worth the premium price for this subscription.

Hello Fresh SUCKS!
First off, their customer service & offers on those survey sites are worse than terrible. I tried the "special offers" (get 14 days for FREE! Deal) & then I saw the menu when I selected "pescatarian" - only one meal had fish and everything was ALL VEGETARIAN - I AM NOT VEGAN! Okay…so I called to cancel and that lady COULD NOT find my account even though I had email confirmation! Apparently, if ur Apple ID was used it disguises ur actual apple email account name. Nevertheless, and even tho I received a cancellation notice, Hello Fresh continued billing my account TWICE! Then I called 3x before getting a really nice, knowledgeable customer service rep who cancelled it AGAIN but she said since to late to stop the scheduled box I received the box and inside, every since recipe was vegetarian, only one had any fish in it! I AM BEYOND PISSED! I do not like all this vegan stuff and it takes up space in my fridge. I HATE to throw out food but I don't eat 90% of these! I will NEVER use or try HELLO FRESH EVER again! Their tropes are horrible too!

Don't bother picking a menu
HelloFresh pick the food. You call and change it to what you want and they change it again. Bah!

HelloFresh Coupon Nightmare
I honestly usually don't write reviews unless I have a really wonderful or really terrible experience. And I don't leave bad reviews unless I've given the company at least 4-5 tries to correct whatever issues I'm having. But unfortunately, the customer service here is TERRIBLE, or pretty much non-existent, and I don't want others to have to go through the same problems I have.

I recently moved and received "6 free boxes and free shipping" as a welcome package shortly after I changed my address with the US postal service. When I went to use the link, I picked my meals and went to check-out. I clicked back to make a change, however, and when I went to go check out fully, the link was expired. So I called into HelloFresh, explaining the problem. The gentleman said he couldn't find the code I used but gave me another coupon that promised to do the same thing. Except when I went to check-out, I saw I was being charged the $8.99 for shipping.

So I called in again. The next rep said she could get me the free 6 boxes, but couldn't apply the free shipping. But I should pay it and would be reimbursed. A little backwards, but I'm busy and don't have time, so fine- I'll do it.

I have the luxury of being able to go to the office or work from home and I live in an apartment complex, so I decided to stay home on the day my food was to be delivered; I didn't want someone taking it or it to sit out in the hot Florida sun for long. Then I get a call from my roommates back home- after all of the reps going in and "fixing" things, my box was sent to my old address HelloFresh had on file from when I used HelloFresh over a year ago. Even though the whole point of the promotion was because I moved. It *also* arrived a day early- so even if I had stayed home from work, it wouldn't have mattered.

The whole point of getting this is because I'm very busy with a new move, new work, and I want to eat healthy and didn't have a lot of time. I had tried HelloFresh a while ago and honestly wasn't very impressed at the time. One of my zuchinnis had mold on them, and a lot of the other veggies and fruits were bruised- far from fresh. The meals also take a little longer than I'd like. But I didn't want to do a trip to the grocery store or look up meals for the week, so I figured I'd give it a shot again.

Since then, I've spoken with 2 other customer service reps, asked them to remove my card, change my address, and send my original box to the correct location. After the 4th rep, I asked to speak to a manager to get my issues resolved. I was promised I'd speak to a supervisor or manager, but was instead sent to voicemail. I left a message over 2 weeks ago with still no response.

I have yet to receive a HelloFresh box, and now my card is being charged weekly for something I'm not getting. At this point, now I'm contacting my bank to reverse the charges and will be reporting my issues to the Better Business Bureau. I went to use HelloFresh because I was looking to make things a bit easier during my move, but it's only created so many more problems.

I know there are other companies that do the same thing. I'm not sure if these issues are common with delivery meal-preps, but I would honestly save yourself the trouble and look up quick and healthy meals on Pinterest. I prepare a lot of meals with few ingredients that don't take a lot of time, my grocery bills are down, I know the food is going to be fresh, and it doesn't take too much time shopping or with the meal prep.

But I hope this helps, and better luck to all of you nice folks!

Insulted multiple times & discriminated against!
Alyssa and Sean were extremely condescending when I requested a refund. Alyssa gave me a hard time because I have had other accounts with HelloFresh in the past that ended terrible because a manager mistreated me and I left a review on every outlet I could find. HelloFresh reached out and gave me a few free boxes because HelloFresh understood they were terribly in the wrong (long story short, they made my 74 year old father in law cry by making him feel like a poor Latino trying to "work the system" and get food WHEN HELLOFRESH GIVES FREE BOXES TO NEW CUSTOMERS TO TRY THEM OUT! But because he spoke Spanish this lady laughed LITERALLY LAUGHED at him saying "people like you try to steal". I canceled my new account because I do find HomeChef to be a lot better ESPECIALLY in customer service. This morning I see I was charged over $78 from HelloFresh and when requesting my money back Alyssa acts as if I was in the wrong, I could feel her smirk through the phone! I get on chat to see if someone else could help and then Sean says its up to my bank now for my refund. I missed a phone bill payment due to HelloFresh dropping the ball yet again, confirming I was right to switch to HomeChef and also stupid for giving them another chance. FYI ALYSSA, a HelloFresh manager told me to use a different email, create a new account, so that the discount codes I was given after being mistreated the first time could go through!


Poor customer service
I signed up for a plan with Hello Fresh for 3 meals for 2 people with the $90 off promotion and received two boxes under this promotion. The first box was $30 off. The second was $20 off and subsequent boxes would have been $10 off.

There were damaged ingredients in both boxes received. I had a crushed zucchini, squishy carrots, spilled rice and beans, spread across three meals. The first box arrived with the insulated bag on the interior of the box open, and it's warm out so the ice packs and the entire order were warm.

I gave the recipes shot anyways, subbing ingredients I had at home for the damaged ingredients. The portion sizes are very small. For example, the chickpea curry bowl meal came with 1/2 cup of rice for 2 people. That's only a single serving of rice for two people!

And while the directions are easy to follow, there's a lot of chopping and a lot of separate pieces to prep and cook. Each recipe has resulted in about twice the estimated prep time and two dishwasher loads of dishes. Trying to juggle a full-time job and a newborn, and then having to spend over an hour cooking a single, tiny meal, that leaves me hungry and having to cook something else afterward is NOT worth it.

I contacted customer service and HelloFresh credited my account for the damaged ingredients but their policy is they don't apply credits to boxes until all discounts are used. At that point, I decided to cut my losses and cancel my plan.

I received an email from FedEx today that a third box was shipping and saw they had charged my account for a third box after I thought I had canceled my plan. The first two boxes were preceded by emails letting me know I was getting shipments and giving me an opportunity to make changes. This one was not, so I didn't know I was going to get charged for another box. This third box is for two meals for two people and is the first box of an $80 off promotion that I was not aware I signed up for? I'm very confused.

I contacted customer service again and was refunded for the damaged ingredients in the first two boxes that time, but they refused to refund me for the box I didn't knowingly order.

To top it all off, the meals are expensive, even with a discount. I can get more food for the same amount of money ordering takeout and then I don't have to cook it myself.

I could see something like this being a good idea for someone who is looking to add variety to their at-home menu without having to do the meal planning that comes with it, but overall it's not worth it.

Two Acivated accounts
We started with one of the 29.95 offer. We decided we did not want to receive any further deliveries. Once we our box we did enjoy the meals. So, on November 5 we decided to reactivate our orders. That same afternoon I received a phone call from Hello Fresh offering us a $10 discount to activate our account. I explained to the rep that I had just reactivated my account.

The rep continued on about giving us the discount. Of course I accepted. We discussed the delivery for the week of November 20 delivery. I told him we did not want the delivery. He asked if we wanted to donate the delivery. I said yes.

Now onto week of November 13 we have received two boxes. I called Hello Fresh to find out why we received two boxes this week. We have six meals setting in our refrigerator. The rep said we re-activated two accounts. I tried too explain to hear what happened. But, she would not listen. She kept saying I understand but you activated to accounts. She did agree that one of the accounts shows next as donated. Again, I said I did not activate two accounts. She did not and would not listen.

I asked to speak with a manager. The Team Lead got on the phone and again I explained the situation. She did not hesitate and came back with "You activated two accounts." I tried to ask question about the person that called me. She said a Hello Fresh Team member as no access to my account information. She than kept saying "is there anything else I can help you with."

I asked for a manager. She said there is not a manager available. I kept pushing the subject. She then came back with "I do not have the capabilities to transfer you too someone else. " I was very upset now. The team lead fed me a line. I am being bulldozed and I do not like it.

I should not have too pay for Hello Fresh's mistake.

If you decide to cancel they will continue
I am currently on the phone with my CC company to block this merchant. I cancelled the subscription the day after I signed up, HelloFresh still sent a box. I contacted their error department and they agreed that the subscription should have been cancelled and their was an error in their system. They told me to keep the box and they would refund the money; at this point they had charged my card twice, they did send a second box, and I went ahead and thought ok, they charged twice I would get two boxes and that would be the end of it. Well the boxes stopped for about 2 weeks and now I came home to another box on my front step for food that sounds down right disgusting. The first box they sent was surprisingly good but the second box was not. This third box looks horrid. So unless you plan on staying with this subscription for eternity I would advise to stay far, far away.

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Based on 51 reviews from HelloFresh customers, company has accumulated an average rating of 1 stars, indicating that majority of customers are not satisfied with its service.
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Description: Delicious, pre-measured ingredients and simple, chef-made recipes that we deliver to your doorstep every week. Extra flexible for your busy lifestyle.

Address: Germany, 94304


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