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Reviews Food & Drink, Dining, Food Delivery HelloFresh

51 customer reviews of

This company is the WORST! I had a coupon for a discounted week so I used it and then suspended the account immediately. The meals were OK. Four weeks later the account reactivated itself (according to the call center that was in the agreement but how about an email heads up). The red bell pepper in one of the meals was moldy and that meal was a waste. The next week nothing came at all so I thought it was a fluke but I found out it was still billed to me. HelloFresh said they would discount the meals I never received and that they knew I never received as a "courtesy". Then, even though the meals were still in their warehouse, they refused to refund a pending delivery. I think they would have charged me for the week I did not receive if I wouldn't have called even though they know FedEx didn't pick up that week. This is a SCAM and not worth it at all. The meals aren't nearly as good as Blue Apron. Phone customer service is TERRIBLE. STAY AWAY!

Got two boxes, some produce was frozen and I was unable to use them or cut away most of it.
Second week of two boxes and it was horrible! The peppers that HelloFresh sent me where either mushy (as in liquid running in the bag) or wrinkling, which means to me that I had to cook them that day. Green onions on all the tops where black and molding. Garlic got frozen and became mushy after it thawed out. The key components to each dish I had to throw away. The only thing worth keeping was the seasonings. Even the meat was swimming in liquid in their vacuum sealed bags.
So I called to get my money back on at least the last two I got. I was refused a refund, all I would be able to get was $20 refund on my card and a $20 credit to an account I was never going to use again! They even said that I could send pictures to "verify" and show their shipping department, but when I asked if I go through all this and it is what I am saying it is, I will get my refund? She basically told me no. So I hung up on her.
It's a scam. Don't waste your money or frustration

Hello Fresh a TERRIBLE meal subscription service
Since I started the subscription, I have had problems. The first delivery was missing important ingredients. The second delivery the meals were not what I ordered on the HF app and the meat packaging was leaking though the bottom of the box. The third delivery contained spoiled salad greens that could not be used. This time I was not able to login into the app or the website, after multiple attempts to reset the password. HelloFresh sent meals that I can not eat and I was told they don't accept returns! I was going to refuse delivery but the box was left on my porch without anyone ringing the doorbell. Customer service only responds by apologizing and offering a credit but not this time. I have cancelled the subscription, and will pursue a refund for the last delivery through PayPal. Stay far, far away from Hello Fresh. The menus and preparation instructions are well done, the actual service is TERRIBLE!

A Complete Scam
I was interested to try a meal delivery service but it was so expensive I was hesitant until I got (about 100) 6 meals for $20 cards. I decided to bite and chose my three meals. About a week later, we received them.

I was surprised how heavy the box was. After opening, I realized that 98% of the weight was dry ice. The meals were exceptionally small. The "steaks" were of low quality and only about 3.5 ounces each. The shrimp, for which I paid an additional $15.98 for two meals, were the cheapest variety of very small shrimp and there were very few of them. Add to that, I did not realized this was an extra charge until I saw my credit card charge since HelloFresh DON'T TELL YOU ABOUT ADDITIONAL CHARGES when you check out.

So, overall, it is a lousy and very expensive service. For half the price of what it would have cost without the coupon, I could have purchased 3 times the food from a quality grocery store (e.g. Whole Foods)!

Don't waste your money on this "service" since it is overpriced and of low quality.

Very poor delivery of product
We started using Hello Fresh in the beginning of May, 2017. Because I'm not home during the day I had it shipped to my business address. The first several deliveries were great. HelloFresh arrived in the mornings and I was able to refrigerate them until it was time to head home. Unfortunately, the deliveries became more and more problematic. They now have serious problems with their delivery service. The box that arrived last week was left in the direct sunlight (the carrier just left it outside the front door of the business, never letting anyone know it was there) - the ice packs melted but luckily the food remained cool. When yesterday's shipment had not yet arrived by 3:00 pm. I contacted the company via their on line customer service chat because it was so late and after waiting quite a long time the customer service rep who was supposedly helping me suddenly left the chat without helping at all. I tried back and the second person was more helpful but told me the box should arrive by 9:00 pm! I told him that the company where it is delivered closes at 6:00. If that wasn't bad enough I told him that I had planned it for that evening's dinner! He asked if I had indicated that the box was being delivered to a business when I'd first signed up which I had. When the box hadn't arrived by 6:00 I left. I was told it would then be delivered today. As of now (3:20 pm) it has not arrived. This box of "fresh" food has now been out for delivery for over 32 hours. I'm sure the food has spoiled since the trucks are not refrigerated and it's about 90* here. I'm cancelling and am going to give Blue Apron a try. The food was good but if it doesn't arrive when expected it's not a good option at all.

Tasty Food, Bit Too Much Work for Me
Hello Fresh is a service that delivers the ingredients for meals you select. HelloFresh had a special price for 4 weeks, so I thought I would try it so my husband and I could cook together. Hahaha! He didn't get into it at all.
To explain how it works, a customer can choose the basic plan, a veggie plan or a family plan for however many meals a week you want for however many people you want to feed. I chose 2 meals a week for 2 people, and after the first week, it came up to about $27+ dollars a week, on the special. They send all the ingredients to your home, along with directions on exactly how to make each meal. Every meal was DELICIOUS.
I do NOT like to cook. It's time consuming and messy.
I ended up cancelling hellofresh because it was just too much work to make the meals.
However, their recipes gave me great ideas that I can simplify and use in the future.
And I have to say that all the deliveries came on time, even though i now live outside a small town in Wisconsin, and the winter here has been brutal!
I may sometime get back with HelloFresh and just order 2 meals for 2 people per month. They have very flexible plans. I maybe can handle complex meals twice a month.
But remember, i don't like to cook, and haven't done much cooking, so what's complicated for me may be simple for you.
It was easy to cancel, which I appreciated.
So I believe they are a good company, but it's just too much work for someone who hates to cook.

Consistent poor customer service
After signing up I called for some support. HelloFresh were helpful and logged into my account to assist. Come to find out, the rep "forgot" to log out and changed my address when she was talking to her next caller. Changing my address without my consent is a huge violation!
After that, each week something went wrong and each time I called, I was met with poor customer service. There was no effort to "take care of the customer" but it was more "do the bare minimum and hopefully the customer will stay". I even followed up with emails hoping that an official written communication would prompt better attention. It did not.
Finally after I was done with this poor service, I cancelled my subscription. I figured I would send one more email review and hope something positive would come of it. They never even responded!
The one star is completely for the customer service and experience. In truth, the food was actually very good. But if I'm paying for a service, I expect to be treated with respect and like they actually want to retain my loyalty. But each phone call and email only served to reflect they do not care to put any effort into taking care of the client.
I look forward to going to a competitor and hopefully finding a better experience!

Poor quality, uninspired recipes
First, I realized that once I committed to try this, the company has very clever software that really tricks you into accepting food you don't want. You really never receive a clear notice that "it is time to review your next order". It is buried subtly in promotional e-mails. And you have very little time to skip or change the order. My suggestion if you want to give it a try... CHECK YOUR ACCOUNT EVERY DAY TO SEE IF YOU HAVE A NEW ORDER TO REVIEW! You have to check frequently!
Second, the food is very uninspiring and of low quality. My last 3 meal shipment contained about 12 oz each of ground beef, chicken cutlets, and port loin (a few medallions) that I could buy in the store for about $15. The rest is just filler. Check vegetables closely. My asparagus, carrots, zucchini were old and wilted. I had to use fresh stuff that I had in the fridge. THe leafy vegetables were wilted and within 2 days of their expiration date when I received them. The menus themselves are uninspired and unimaginative. Heavy with chicken and ground beef... lots of Mexican recipes (if you want that as a regular fare, you may like this food). Very spicey. Two of our first 3 meals we both woke up in the middle of the nite with diarrhea and stomach cramps.

Dishonest practices
I, like many reviewers, received a free promotion from a family member. We put it in and scheduled it for last week. The meal was fine - the produce was kind of so-so but whatever. My family ate it.

We were still on the fence whether it was worth it or not though. Last week we also ran into a Groupon for a discounted box of Hello Fresh, which we jumped on. I didn't even give much thought to it until I logged in Monday and discovered it had already shipped out this week's Hello Fresh.

What? I didn't even know I was signing up for a subscription when I tried it! To make matters worse, there was no notification/email sent that it was made OR that it had even shipped!

Needless to say, I feel duped by Hello Fresh. Sure it's a fine concept, but this practice is shady at best. The fact that others are complaining about it too makes me question the honesty of this company. You can better believe I'm going to watch the company carefully once I cancel and report any fraudulent charges if HelloFresh don't honor that I close the account.

Listen part 2
I ended up getting my box. I thought that HelloFresh would at least send good food. They should file for a DBA as Back of your pantry.

I ordered the veggie box and received 15 carrots in sum. For the curry box they only sent a tablespoon of curry and a can of coconut milk, pack of jasmine rice, acorn squash, tiny brown onion, soy sauce?, a half rotting ginger, parsley?, and 3 carrots. I have question marks after some ingredients because they don't make sense. I didn't even get any recipes. Maybe my standards are high, but I firmly believe that Hellofresh offers bad service. You're paying for shipping, packaging, and overhead. I guarantee that the one curry box cost less than $5. Each box looked like it was less than $55.

I'll go on but I made my point above. The mac and cheese pack came with with a full pack of carrots?, shells, 2 small packs of cheddar cheese, and 3 cartons of 4oz milk. No recipe. My minestrone soup box came with half bunch of kale, a small brown onion, box of canellini beans, 5 carrots, and 2 cloves of garlic. Where's my base? Yea. I am not doing this again.

Dreadful, poor quality food ingredients with limited best before dates
I'm giving hello fresh one star as that's the least i can give, but some of the customer services people are ok.
I am so fed up with hello fresh, HelloFresh started off well but have just gone so down in regards of quality & service.
Yet again I am throwing ingredients away due to very limited shelf life. Meat products tend to have to be used on the day of delivery. Such items would have to be discounted or remove from supermarket shelves but hello fresh seem to think this is ok. I've have received very poor quality vegetables as well which have gone off very quickly. Also issues with delivery. Changed my delivery day on the day it was due to be delivered without any reason given.
Also hello fresh has now removed the individual food bags they previously used and all dry & vegetables are just thrown in the box.
I would seriously advise against hello fresh, £10 for two meals for which out of date or same use by date for meat & poor quality, they have a bit of a cheek to call themselves hello fresh when this seems to be very far from the facts. I can get two can dine in from M&S for £10 with quality fresh ingredients.

Disappointing Customer Service
I contacted Hello Fresh customer service via the online messaging feature because it was too late to call. I explained how I saw an email notifying me that a package was being delivered, but explained that I had not ordered this package and that the food was not selected by me. HelloFresh told me it was too late to send it back.

I asked if they could do anything to help me because I thought I had pushed cancel for this period and I didn't choose this food and cannot eat these options. They said I had canceled the previous 12 weeks but after that it auto-renews to automatically select an order for me. I told them I didn't realize that is how it worked. I thought I was able to cancel all the future and just select when I wanted to make a shipment, but I misunderstood how the company works. When I did it before, I thought it was all in the red. I also did not get emails notifying me in advance that an order was upcoming. I only received an email the day before telling me the shipment was already on its way. I didn't feel that I had a chance to even try to cancel it.

They told me they couldn't do anything for me and I told them I don't think that is a good practice and if that is how the company works, taking money from the customer with no regard for their happiness with the product, I would like to cancel my subscription. Their response was to say goodbye and essentially "hang up" on our conversation.

Today, I called Hello Fresh customer service and spoke to a manager. They essentially did the same thing. The only difference was to cancel my subscription for me when I asked. Otherwise, they did nothing for me and gave me absolutely no incentive to stay on with their service. There is a lot of competition out there and many other services like this, and there is no way this company will last with service like this- I was shocked at the lack of care for my issue, especially because this is the first time I have had an issue. You could tell they just wanted to be off the phone and finished with the conversation, they were not worried at all that they lost a potentially long-paying customer.

HomeChef is a MUCH better option!
Thanks Jo for the amazing review!

I really needed to find a more convenient way to get back to loving to cook in my kitchen…
I ended up finding another service, HomeChef, which originally started over in Belgium but is now available across the United States, Australia, and other countries. I have tried a number of different "dinner subscription boxes" and this one TOPPED MY LIST!

I started looking for a way to try this service pretty cheap, because I already pay too much for groceries, and I found a great deal for HomeChef!

I got $30 Off and Free Shipping on my First Order by using this offer link: https :// www.homechef. Com/%69%6E%76%69%74%65/kQWAUbAMrJo

That made my first order only $29, perfect to give it a try! In my first order I got the Raspberry Chipotle BBQ Chicken and it was SO good! The other meals included a Mushroom and Swiss Beef Burger and Sous-Vide Baby Back Ribs. HelloFresh were all very easy to make in MY OWN kitchen and my whole family loved how they tasted! I now get it every week because it is SO convenient, tastes AMAZING, and I get to try cooking new things that I would have never made before…

I just thought I'd post it if anyone else is looking for a deal to give it a try.

Poor Quality and missing ingredients
I have used HF on and off for 2 yrs. HelloFresh started great but have failed in the last six months. Missing or 1/2 portioning of ingredients, frozen items that are not supposed to be frozen, moldy spices and vegetables especially beans, crushed tomatoes, avocados that don't ripen til 2 weeks after receiving them, wrong meal or wrong recipe card. My ingredients come out of the Edmonton area and their quality control has diminished greatly. I'm tired of phoning their customer service line to let them know they are not delivering a quality product here in Alberta. Yes they give me a partial refund on the meals box each time but I don't want to have to complain. It's time consuming and frustrating to get through to them and then I still have to go to the grocery store to replace the ingredients they hooped up on. I finally gave up sending complaints and started keeping some extra ingredients in the house in case but that doesn't help with the fresh ingredients. The final straw came when they sent frozen eggs for the egg salad sandwich lunch my teenage daughter wanted to try for her school lunch. Because the eggs came frozen so when my daughter made the sandwich filling it was runny and the egg whites were rubbery. I called, complained and canceled my account. In general I liked the idea of meal kits as it frees up time and allows my teenaged to easily prepare meals when I can't. I also liked the variety of meals they have but with such poor quality kits I never know what I'm going to have to deal with so I won't be going back.

Don't waste your money
I received a 3 meal trial from HelloFresh and the quality was mediocre at best. The vegetables were on their last leg and if all 3 meals were not cooked the day I received the package, would have been inedible. I paused the account for 3 weeks due to an out of town work assignment and didn't get back online in time to cancel it or pause it again online. I contacted them directly and was told that because my shipping label had already been printed, it was too late to suspend the next shipment. The product was still in their possession but HelloFresh printed a label - in this day of technology, that constitutes their inability to suspend shipment? As I was out of town, a neighbor posted notes on my door and caught the delivery driver and refused the box. I was still charged for merchandise that was refused/not delivered. Their CS people are very difficult to deal with, their product is expensive and of sub par quality. I have tried other services like this one and both their prices, products and services are far superior. Don't waste your money!

I'm done with them!
Activated my subscription last week and surprise, I got an extra fees 3.98$ (plus the 1$ fees for re-subscription) on my PayPal account!
I called them to understand what's going on and HelloFresh pretty much told me that it is what it is...
Apparently I got a premium meal, which has premium quality ingredients the "helper" said "that's why we charged the extra, because of the premium quality of the ingredients for that premium meal"... but... HelloFresh is not suppose to be all about freshness and premium ingredients in EVERY MEALS?
So, I pay for my boxes to get fresh ingredients to make good meals but apparently, just like that, they can decide which ones are better than others so they can charge whatever extra fees they want, whenever they want... well, I call that stealing!
Plus the supposedly premium meal I selected without even knowing, had no indication whatsoever saying that it might have extra charge for it, either in the page of the meal itself or the total of the receipt... you just have the "nice" surprise when you receive your invoice from PayPal.
So... 4.98$ (It doesn't take many customers to make 100$) in extra that I had to pay because, like the help center guy said, "it is what it is, it's the system"
I'm going with Goodfood now and will not recommend HelloFresh again.

Ordered vegetarian meals and received meat- No refund provided
I tried Hello Fresh for the first time this week. Their website is completely misleading- I entered my credit card expecting to be able to pick my meals for my first box, only to find out that everything was meat based. On Feb 8th I found the option to order my meal kit and I opted for all vegetarian meals. I thought everything was good (I even have a screenshot of my order confirmation page that says I'd be receiving vegetarian meals), but when the box arrived (Feb 22nd) it contained 3 meat-based meals. I was on hold for 20 minutes to chat with a customer service rep only to be told that even if you change your meal preferences it doesn't guarantee that the order will go through (this goes against the terms on their website that says meal selections must be made within 4 days of shipment). The company offered me a credit to use on my 5th box. Such a joke- why would I continue to use the service with no guarantee that the correct meals would even arrive. Now I have a bunch of meals I can't eat and I'm out $20. If you care about what you eat don't order from Hello Fresh.
UPDATE 3/8/21: Hello Fresh contacted me and offered to refund the amount I paid on my first box and to provide a second box for free. For my second box I ordered the vegetarian menu and the correct food arrived this time! The meals were tasty, but unfortunately the box arrived damaged. The eggs were broken and the zucchinis were so badly bruised that HelloFresh were leaking out of the bag. We decided to cancel the membership because of the shipping problems.

Terrible Customer Service
While the quality of the food is great, don't expect the same from the customer service. I was given a trial offer of this site from a coworker, and when I went to cancel it as it's a recurring payment, the earliest cancellation date was the week after my trial. As my trial offer didn't give an end date, I thought nothing of it until I saw I'd been charged for that week. I contacted their customer service about it asking for a refund since I'd already cancelled my membership with them, but HelloFresh said since I'd chosen the week after my trial (the earliest available time I could choose mind you), that they weren't able to give me a refund. So I replied to them again through the same email thread, just to get the exact same email back! Again, the quality of the food was good, but if you have any issues at all with your order or cancellations or anything that requires an interaction with their customer service, forget about it. Incredibly unhelpful, and makes me cringe that I have to even call what they did "customer service."

Not fresh... Too Much Packaging... Too Much Time
I tried 6 hello fresh meals. I've had to toss away moldy produce in 30% of the bags. HelloFresh use a ton of packaging for shipping and for all the ingredients. If you order meals for 4, you get double the items for meals for two. The meal preparation seem to be designed to waste time. Too much prep, overly complicated steps just for the sake of it and poor directions. The meals take longer to make than they state. This may be nice for someone starting out and doesn't already know how to cook and doesn't keep normal ingredients on hand. They do expect you to have things on hand at home like butter or vegetable oil, but will package up a table spoon of flour or grated parmesan. The meals taste good if you don't have to throw away produce, but for the effort, save your time and get carry out or meal plan with recipes and have those ingredient delivered.

Basic food, needs more veggies in the 'meat' box
I received 3 meals for 2 as a gift. I was not given any option online to choose the meals so I guess HelloFresh assume you do not have any allergies or aversions to anything. The food arrived fresh (with plenty of ice left in the packs) and the recipes are easy to follow, but then it was very basic meals I received (roast pork & potatoes, steak salad, chicken with grain, tomatoes & mozzarella). You have to supply your own olive oil, salt & pepper. The meats were apportioned at 6 ounces per person - not enough for my husband or anyone who has a physical job or is in athletics. Definitely lacking in veggies. I had to augment every meal with more vegetables. The pork meal only supplied one tiny zucchini. The steak salad had greens, one bell pepper and two tiny scallions - sad. I will not be using this service again. I am better at planning more complex recipes/meals for less $.

Produce consistently bad quality
Was really hoping this would work. I love having the food delivered and the recipes were pretty good. Each recipe only has a handful of ingredients so it would be worlds cheaper to get the items from the store but I still would have kept the subscription for convenience of the vegetables were not such horrible quality. Every zucchini was rotten on one end and limp and old, peppers rotten inside, ginger was always dry and one was even slimy! The carrots were terribly small and limp and old, green onions were slimy and old, limes often old and skin brown. It was like pulling veg out of my fridge that had been left in there for months. Unfortunately I had to throw the vegetables HelloFresh provided away frequently and the program is already expensive for what you get of you were to receive the best quality produce. I would NOT recommend this to anyone.

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HelloFresh Rating

Based on 51 reviews from HelloFresh customers, company has accumulated an average rating of 1 stars, indicating that majority of customers are not satisfied with its service.
Overall satisfaction rating

Description: Delicious, pre-measured ingredients and simple, chef-made recipes that we deliver to your doorstep every week. Extra flexible for your busy lifestyle.

Address: Germany, 94304


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