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Intoxalock® Ignition Interlock Device

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Reviews Business, Legal, Legal Services Intoxalock® Ignition Interlock Device

50 customer reviews of

The only thing I can say that is slightly positive is Intoxalock® Ignition Interlock Device make sure and take their $105 plus $40 lockout fee every month. I had complications from a surgery and didn't drive for 5 months but they still got their money. Not only did I have to replace my battery but now they are saying I have to tow my vehicle to the service center to get it recalibrated. I have had nothing but problems from day one and I would strongly suggest to start clear from this horrible company. #1 Go with someone cheaper. #2 Go with a customer service that actually does something instead of leaving you on hold for 1.5 hours. #3 Go with a company that doesn't straight up LIE and say they are transferring you to a 'senior technician' and just put you back into the que because senior technicians aren't even a thing.
I wasn't aware that there were other options for interlock companies and it's worth it to pay the $300 and something dollars to get it removed and go with someone else. Oh. I forgot to mention that it was $315 and a 45 minute drive to get it installed in the first place.

Intoxalock He is the shadiest company you will ever deal with
When dealing with a DUi, there is a lot you have to navigate. Your own personal responsibility, your relationship with alcohol, and the damage you've done to the community at large. One thing you don't need to have to deal with, is a sketchy and shady interlock company, that will pinch you for every penny, especially when it comes to pre-scheduled maintenance, and hitting you up with Fine after Fine despite the fact that you had already made your scheduling time clear. This is the kind of company that won't respond to phone calls, if you're lucky enough to get someone, or on their ineffective app, which Intoxalock® Ignition Interlock Device tout constantly with their robot caller system, get it somehow never gets through. I advise anyone who has the ability, not to use this horrible company. They will swindle, lie, and cheat every step of the way. Dui's are serious, and you should reevaluate everything about your life after you receive one, or the last thing you should do, is add some money grubbing, horrible, all for profit corporation to your list of troubles when you're dealing with this a life-changing dilemma. Don't drink and drive, but if you are caught up in the system, evaluate all of your internal and external problems, and then gain your driving freedom, Without the use of this swindling horrible company.

Bull$#*! company with even worse representatives
No one knows wth Intoxalock® Ignition Interlock Device are talking about at this company. Their solution is to just transfer you back and forth to one another. No one knows any answers to any questions. They are rude and very short. They have no customer service at all. All they care about is your money. I wouldn't refer this company to my worst enemy let alone any friends in need of this service. Angie from collections extension 276 was the most smart assed and ignorant person I have ever spoken to. She obviously doesn't know her head from a hole in the ground. Even after I paid and returned the equipment I can't get this company to send a simple letter to PennDOT! What a freaking joke of a company. Oh and by the way Angie in collections is the head of the company with no one to answer to, she has no one above her and she has th final word on all matters at intoxalock. If that was the case you wouldn't be making 8$ an hour to answer phones.

Horrible customer service -not even court mandated
HORRRRRRRRIBLE company. I called to set up intoxalock on my car that my 21 year old is driving. We were concerned about safety but our action was not due to legal problems. I called and ordered the service, I provided a credit card and all of my personal information and I set up the service to install the device over the phone. I was told I would receive an e-mail with instructions and a rebate. NOTHING arrived-then when I called to get information-I was told "you are not authorized on the account" so my car, I am paying for it and I am not authorized to get information because when my daughter went to set up the account (the person with the disease of alcoholism went for the install-she ended up on the account-not her car-not her credit card? And she did not set up the account-so AFTER 6 Hours-and many written attempts-I still have no resolution-my daughter is still primary on the account--worst customer service I have received in many years-my daughter will cooperate in any way but good luck if you want to get this company to provided you an intelligent being on the phone to resolve a problem.

Hung up on me and failed to notify secretary of state of device installation
I have had the device on my car for about two months now. I have done everything perfect, made the payments on time, got the device calibrated like I'm supposed to. I received a letter in the mail today from the secretary of state telling me Intoxalock® Ignition Interlock Device got notice that "I have failed to install the BAIID device in my car" and I have 6 days to install the device and if I don't they will cancel my permit. Meanwhile I HAVE THE DEVICE IN MY CAR AND I HAVE BEEN USING IT 100% CORRECTLY. So I called Intoxalock 24 hour help line. The guy basically told me I have to wait until Monday and "I should be fine driving to work the next few days". That answer didn't sit to well with me, I should be? This is my life and freedom at stake here and that is all he could tell me. Then he got mad at me and told me he was hanging up on me. I tried to ask him his name and that is when he hung up on me. So now I'm am in a position where I have done EVERYTHING CORRECTLY and Intoxalock is telling me that I should be ok to drive to work and I should be fine. I need to know that I am 100% good to drive because this is my life and freedom at stake. So now I am in a state of limbo because of some miscommunication between Intoxalock and the Secretary of State. This is terrible business and I am just shocked that the customer service agent just hung up on me. If I had any idea how this company operates I would have gone with anyone else. Not too mention the random charges that constantly show up on my billing statement with no explanation of what they are for. A random $3.00 charge here, a random $7.00 charge there. These little charges add up in addition the the money that they receive every two weeks from me. Avoid this company at all costs. So what am I paying you for Intoxalock if the secretary of state doesn't even think I have the BAIID device in my car? I am just baffled as to how a company can be so incompitant that they can let something like this happen.

Should get a negative # review
I wish I had looked up the reviews first. Worst mistake ever. Have it on for 6 days and already have me in lockdown for 3 violations that the installer never heard of. Didn't use my car for 2 days and put me in lockdown because it said my unit wasn't charged enough! Not my fault and no way to charge it. What do people do when Intoxalock® Ignition Interlock Device go on vacation and don't use/start their car for a few days or a week? Apparently you can't do that and then they want $75 to get it recalibrated. So you're getting penalized for not driving you car! Makes no sense. Now this 3rd violation said that the devise was disconnected! I had it recalibrated after the bs low battery situation, drove it home. Then next morning was locked out again saying it was disconnected. No one was even in the car or tried to start it. Complete money making scam! And customer service sucks! No one answers and then the last guy legit hung up on me. Go somewhere else! Anywhere is better than them. I have 6 months and 1st week is complete hell! If I don't get satisfaction, I'm going somewhere else

Hidden fees and other bs
I was lied to from day one. I was told Intoxalock® Ignition Interlock Device are a transparent company, with no hidden fees. Lies! I can't even begin to explain the crookedness of this company. I have been locked out for nothing, more than once. My wife and I made a trip last Christmas season to do some shopping about an hour away. I drove there, obviously my car started. We shopped for 2-3 hrs and didn't eat or drink anything. I was locked out for nothing. Similar things happened over the year, like cold weather killing my battery, and being charged for not even driving. I was due to have the device removed 11/22 and because they are so slow and trying to rape you for every cent, it took an extra month to be removed. Last week when picking my son up, I blew in it for the 3-4 time in 30 minutes and breath didn't register. I was able to blow in it minutes later and passed. They know I wasn't drinking, due to the fact that it finally did go through and told me the fee for the lockout would be waived. It wasn't and I was told, it was due to previous bs lockout. I know that this is supposed to be an inconvenience, but this company is the WORST! I highly recommend going elsewhere. Last thing, I called on Monday to schedule removal and customer service put me on hold to call garage. When she came back on, she lied to me and told me, the garage didn't have time to get me in and unfortunately I had to take it in to have it calibrated on Monday and back in on Tuesday to have it removed. When I asked the guys at garage, they informed me that not only did they have time to remove it, no one from Intoxalock called. I'm sure this was a ploy to get more money from me. I wouldn't recommend this company to my worst enemy. You've been warned!

Several lyes that has cost me$. &gas & time
Well intoxalock has cost me. A lot of cash out of my pocketquestion additional couple hundred in fees that Intoxalock® Ignition Interlock Device said they would pay. With a PO number to comp out the $30 recalibration. I had to first get it calibrated within 2 weeks after having it not 2 months. Said I missed a ball. Which I did not. Took me an hour to get ahold of somebody. Then drive quarter mile down the road. And then stop to go to the gift cigarettes at a store. Here in Sonora California. They keep saying that the comp it out and then they get there and they say they don't do that when they have done it they keep choosing from one straw to the next first I going to do it and they're not they don't do it and sometimes they do if they cannot make up their mind what the freaking with straw in their head they want to pick they can't keep their story straight the customer service people are the worst ever they totally suck don't ever do this company they will piss you off go to a different company and Mabel cost you money and time take care. God bless and have a great day. Yours truly *******

This company is A SCAM! LEGAL THIEVES.
Yes. Its the law. Of course. You install it costs an arm n leg. You MAKE ALL YOUR PAYMENTS/CALIBRATIONS ON TIME. You do every single thing your asked to do. And to NO END. GET $#*!ED.

Within TWO months of service, my box would repeatedly lockout when NO ONE was present in the vehicle. Therefore after multiple lockout fees and constant support with theyre overseas technicians. I was promised a NEW BOX WITH LOCKOUT FEES DISMISSED@ 89.00$ A POP. Four to be exact. So yeah. Pretty penny. Then take it to service center only to have it calibrated and no service center in town has a box available to replace it in which I returned to the truck with the Box and replugged it in only to find out the box was dead and my truck was dead. Then after support again I was advised to get the vehicle towed to another service center in which I paid the $105 fee to have my truck towed to another service center then I was responsible to pay for the new box because of their own faulty equipment. Then another two months down the road the same problem arose only to find out that I would have multiple lockouts happening while I was not present in the vehicle no horn honking no lights flashing no warning now here it is July and I have $380 worth of lockouts that I had nothing to do with in my truck is warning me of immediate service for once again their faulty equipment. I'm required to pay $50 for an inspection fee to see if the box is the problem which of course it is because on every occasion I've been advised to blow I have done so with no delay only when I'm not in the vehicle does it pull this b******* so I feel completely taken advantage of and I hope everyone can see this and understand that these are the biggest scamming people in the industry choose lifesaver or any other company before dare getting locked in with these $#*!s.

Horrible service and fees
I get nothing but fees added on because the customer service is horrible. I had just gotten it installed and made a few errors and each time Intoxalock® Ignition Interlock Device charged me the lock out fee. I explained what happened and still. I was on hold numerous times for over 45 min. Missed my appointments twice. Car would not start it would ask to blow so I did and then it would say blowing and turn off. It should say sampling and passed. This is going on now for awhile/ and no help. You have to blow 4 to 5 times to get it finally passed and not just say blowing. Also it goes off a lot in short drive a and long drives. Almost got into 2 car accidents. And I feel out of breath. I get I got myself into this but I still deserve the help and not get robbed of fees. The device itself is huge. There are many other companies with less fees and smaller device. I am changing my devise and I am afraid to ask what they will charge to uninstall. 1,000 maybe. Never in my life have I encountered this service. I am a hotel manager if I sis this I would be fired. Thank you hope this helps others not make the mistake.

Breach of contract, don't do business with Intoxalock
This company will put you at risk of violating your probation. I have a in home unit because I don't drive and I have a contract with this company and I paid shipping fees for them to send me a calibrated hand unit every month as required by law every 30 days a calibration must be done so I can submit breath samples. For almost two years Intoxalock® Ignition Interlock Device met the agreement and sent a calibrated unit every month; at first it was a couple days early for months and then it started coming right at the deadline for a long time. And then, last April the deadline for the calibration came but the unit didn't come at all. So I called customer service to find out why UPS hadn't delivered the unit yet. After sitting on hold for close to an hour a rep comes on the line and tells me that it wasn't even sent yet and they didn't know why. I explained to them that this error is going to cause me to miss a breath sample and put my probation at risk and the agent really didn't even care at all. I tried to find out why it wasn't sent and they couldn't give me any info. We came to the conclusion that I would need to go to a local service center in the morning and get calibrated. Being desperate to get the issue resolved I said that's fine and I asked for the address of a service center and made sure they sent a work order to that center because I already paid and I don't want to get double charged. They told me where to go and assured me that the service center knew I was coming. The next morning I get a ride about 45 mins away from my house and head to this place which turned out to be a lawn mower show in the in a remote area, looked like someones shed. And I go inside and the lady behind the counter says. We don't service those here any more. She told me they have been telling Intoxalock for six months to not send them equipment anymore with certified letter and the hole nine yards. At this point I am pretty upset with intoxalock because it's clear that they are imbeciles. So I call customer service again to find out why they sent me to this place and where is another service center because they don't seem to understand that my freedom is in jeopardy. So they find another location an hour drive away in the other direction and I get to this place and they calibrate the unit and they want me to pay for it. I told them that intoxalock made a mistake and you should have a work order stating that it'; s already paid for. Well they do know of any work order so I wait 30 minutes and I am explaining that I am supposed to have these sent to my house and that's what I pay for. So they got tired of dealing with me and told me to go ahead and take it. That's a long story but that was April and now in June on Friday night UPS never came with my calibrated unit. I called customer service and they said it was never sent. I am convinced that the reps that answer the phone don't even really work for intoxalock, it has to be some third party answering service because they don't know anything, they can't explain anything and they don't have the solutions. I talked to a guy for a hour trying to find out why they are so incompetent with logistics. I was told again that I would have to go into a service center and I asked the agent to send a work order to the service center and copy me on the email. He told me that he couldn't share that info with me. Then Saturday I find out that the center isn't even open on Saturday and I get a nasty email from Intoxalock about how I missed a calibration date and I am locked out of the system. I called and asked them what is the meaning of an email like that and they had the nerve to tell me that I missed the deadline and now I had to go to a service center. And I bout lost my mind with them. I think this company should be sued for neglygents and brought up on investigation by the DA because this kind of incompetents is going to ruin peoples lives. This is partly the states fault to for allowing a third party state agency be unaudited and put peoples lives in jeopardy

***STAY AWAY*** Customer service is terrible. I strongly regret selecting this company and feel stuck because of the court order. If I had known, I would have never done business with these people. For almost a year, right after device was placed in car, my car battery began to die up to 4 times a day. I called numerous times to report to call center and to service center. Advise provided did not correct issue. Finally 11 months later after dealing with this daily nightmare, I was given correct diagnosis by a different service provider but am now being charged for a "lock out" fee by Intoxalock. I called to ask why I had an additional $100 charge on my monthly bill and was told my car went into lock out when car toys was looking at it, but that it was still my fault and responsibility, despite my numerous requests for help in trying to resolve before that happened and despite the fact that it happened while car toys was working on it. I could not possibly be more disappointed in a company, the product, or the service provided. And the company itself seems to not care because Intoxalock® Ignition Interlock Device know their equipment is court ordered so the consumer is forced to continue to have device in car. Do yourself a favor and choose someone else. I wish anyone who took the time to read this the best of luck with another company.

Terrible Customer Service
This is by far the most terrible customer service i have ever experienced. Intoxalock® Ignition Interlock Device require you to service the devices every 30 days or so but all the service centers in my area have been closed for the past 5 days due to inclement weather. I called yesterday and was on the line for over and hour and the rep told me they had extended my service due date. I went out to the car later that day and saw that it had not been extended. I called again, was on the phone for well over an hour again and was told be a supervisor that it would be extended. I woke up this morning and went out to the car and it was still not extended. I have now been on the phone with customer service for over an hour. They are telling me that my only option is to have the vehicle towed to a service center because they are unable to connect with the device. Well... i cant have it towed to a service center because they are not open and will not be open anytime soon due to the weather. So i am now without a vehicle. The customer rep that i spoke with said that it was "my decision" to wait until the last minute and miss the due date, but i the service centers have been closed for 5 days so not sure how that is my problem. I would NEVER recommend using this company. It has been an absolute NIGHTMARE.

The worst customer service I've ever encountered
Until this evening I had been without my truck for a day and a half. Initially I was comforted by a customer service rep Nate. Then he did what everyone there has done. Told me he'd call me back in 20-25 minutes and did now. I frantically tried calling him back as I sat in the service center parking lot. I had replaced the battery in my truck by myself the night before because there service center had the truck for 6 hours and did nothing. After speaking with them at 9 am when Intoxalock® Ignition Interlock Device opened I was told they would "try to get to it today." At 2.13pm i called the service center to check on the status and was told "they'd call me back in 30 mins and the vehicle was in the garage being finished up." The problem was that I was sitting in the parking lot looking at my truck when they said this to me. The truck had not moved. I also had left the keys in the cab of the truck the night before. I walked in to the service center and asked how it was going? They said the truck is fine and the engine cranks right up but they couldn't start it because the spare key I had hidden in a magnet box outside the truck for them to access the cab doesn't have a chip. I replied, " that's correct, and I told you where the chipped key was at 9am." I went out to the truck and the let's we're exactly where I left them. I almost drive off. They did not perform the diagnostic they told me they did, they did not pull the truck in the garage like they said they did, they did not communicate with me the way they said they would. I paid $106 and lost almost 2 days of work for them to tell me there was nothing wrong and the new battery I put in solved the problem. I've contacted my bank and reported fraud after paying because I didn't want it to end in a fistfight. Intoxalock has been unreachable during this whole ordeal and could care less that their service centers operate this way. Do yourselves a favor and go literally ANYWHERE else.

I have issues with intoxalock DEVICE! I have to jump my trucks battery almost EVERYDAY! This has been happening from the start. Well it took 2 weeks for it to start draining my old battery. Bought a new Battery and what happened? 2 1/2 weeks later. I had to start jump start my truck again! Intoxalock tried adding a penalty for TAMPERING with the device. Luckily I reported the maintenance. So I call INTOXALOCK AND ONCE I FIGURED OUT HOW TO QUICKLY GET SOMEONE ON THE PHONE,. I ASK THEM if I could have the place who installed this Blow machine to look and figure out why my BATTERY is draining like it is. When I spoke with VAL's automotive Intoxalock® Ignition Interlock Device said sure but we will no longer accept anymore PO'S from intoxalock! Why because INTOXALOCK OWES VAL'S AUTOMOTIVE alot of $$MONEY$$ FROM other work they have done for INTOXALOCK. I CALL BACK TO INTOXALOCK TOLD them what Val's automotive said. And instead of them paying there bill. They want me to go 1 1/2 hour away to another service center. So I would have to miss a day's work and waste GAS to drive clear over to the service center. This is the worst COMPANY I have ever dealt with. And further more. What ever dumb Ass said approved these devices safe to USE while you are driving. Well they need to ride with real people who have to use them. These devices in my opinion or I will say the one I have with intoxalock is more OF A HAZZARD THAN DRINKING AND DRIVING! THE mouth piece falls off all the time. Instead of paying attention to the road you are looking on the floor board for the mouth piece almost hit a parked car run a STOP SIGN AND GET PULLED OVER BY THE COPS. LOL AND YES THIS IS A TRUE CASE SCENARIO! This device is a DISTRACTION IN MY opinion. It is like people with a DUI we get TRIPLE THE PUNISHMENT. GRANTED I PUT MYSELF IN THIS SITUATION, BUT MY DUI WAS BACK IN 2006. I JUST GOT A VEHICLE MARCH 30,2021 HAD TO HAVE THE BLOW MACHINE. I LOST A VERY PAYING JOB BECAUSE OF THIS DEVICE. BECAUSE MY TRUCK WOULD NOT START AND MY BATTERY CHARGER'S THEY QUIT WORKING, SO I MISSED DAYS OF WORK AND WAS LATE MANY DAYS. MY MANAGER WORKED WITH ME AS MUCH AS SHE COULD, BUT I ENDED UP BEING FIRED! WENT FROM 40 HRS A WEEK TO A 27 HOURS A WEEK MINIMUM WAGE JOB.

Worst Customer Service
I highly highly recommend using SmartStart if you have to get an interlock device installed in your car. I have used SmartStart and Intoxalock, Intoxalock is the worst by far.

Let's start with the fact that customer service is TERRIBLE. I have been on hold for 45 minutes MULTIPLE times and everyone sounds like Intoxalock® Ignition Interlock Device hate their job. All they ever tell me is to "follow up in 2 days" not to mention they talk to you like you're an idiot.

Their fees are extremely pricey compared to Smart Start. Overall I pay about $140 for the device a month. SmartStart I was paying $86 a month, huge difference. And the calibration process is ridiculous. I mean you have to call them every time you need to calibrate your device to send a work order to the nearest shop that serves intoxalock. They never know how much it'll be -that is based on which shop you decide to go to.

AND here is the worst part, if you happen to forget to calibrate your device on time and get locked out, you have to get your car TOWED to the nearest shop to get it calibrated. An alternative service they offer is paying about $100 to have a service center come to you to calibrate your device and get your car back on.

When I was with smart start, this was not an issue. They would unlock my device for two hours to allow me enough time to get my car to the nearest smart start station and calibrate it.

Now that I have a work order from the judge releasing me of the unit, they SWEAR they have not received it the THREE times it was sent over to them. I mean I have been calling them everyday for an update and all I hear is "we have not got it yet, please follow up in 2 days." They do not accept the DWI Dismissal Sheet, you have to send them the Court Order signed by judge to get it removed.

FYI SmartStart will removal with a dismissal sheet because it is OBVIOUS that the unit is no longer needed. This company is a SCAM.

They were so helpful when it came to contracting them and they make billing so easy, you can download an app to make payments! But when it comes to getting any questions answered - LOL

It's funny how they did not even ask me for a court order stating I needed the device installed in my car when they took my money initially. But now that it's time to stop paying them...

Terrible company
Intoxalock might very well be the most horrible company I've ever had to deal with. I was not required to have the interlock device in my vehicle, but I went ahead and put it in because my license was going to be suspended. But I ended up taking it back out before I even had my license suspended because it was such a nightmare dealing with these people. And now, three months later Intoxalock® Ignition Interlock Device are still trying to bill me for a service I never signed up for. I never signed the contract. I have an email saying the service has been canceled. I have spent a lot of time online and on the phone talking to customer service. It doesn't seem to matter to these people. I had to change my credit card number, and dispute the charge with my credit card company. And I just today got another notification from intoxalock that my payment was declined. Absolutely ridiculous. These people are Crooks. Do not deal with them unless you absolutely absolutely have to. Go with any other company. They lied to me before I even had the device installed. The place where I had the device installed said they get nothing but complaints from intoxalock customers and they were going to file a complaint in my case because I was flat-out lied to by the intoxalock customer service person just to get me to have the device installed. Zero stars for Intoxalock

Petition your state to remove Intoxalock from list of certified vendors!
I have had TWELVE "Violation 11 unauthorized start" lockouts in ten months. Twelve! It's a scam. I'm doing nothing wrong to cause the lockout and Intoxalock® Ignition Interlock Device agree. They will not refund your actual money, only "credit your Intoxalock account" forcing you to stay on with them if you wish to recoup your money they STOLE in fraudulent lockout and reset fees. They threw a $350+ credit on my account only a few months ago after numerous "inspections" at my service center (which they do not allow you to record or view any records of... only tell you it "looks fine") AND entirely replacing the whole ignition interlock system. The same manufactured lockouts continue and they blew through that credit and now continue to steal money directly from my bank account and then offer to "credit back to my Intoxalock account" once again. This is the ultimate scam. They KNOW customers do not have 4-8 hours per month to try to track down an actual human being on their customer service phone line, so customers end up signing into the mobile app to reset the lockout at $80/pop (as is the automated recording they play on repeat for the entirety of the 30-45 min average wait times to actually speak to someone on the phone). I'm currently in the process of working with my state to have Intoxalock removed from the list of certified vendors. They won't listen or change until you directly impact their profits. Additionally I'm filing against them with the attorneys general office in my state. I have 10+ months of video documentation proving these are fraudulent lockouts and allllllll the abhorrent fees I've paid because of them. I imagine it will end up being a class action suit and my ultimate goal is to shut them down on a national level.

Legal extortion
This company is nothing more than an extortion racket. Intoxalock® Ignition Interlock Device know you don't have a choice and they hit you with all kinds of fees. When the device does what you're already paying them for it to do (not let you start the car if you are over a certain BAC), then they charge you $75 to reset the device. Again, for doing what it's supposed to do. They refuse to refund these fees even when it is their mistake, like the device getting a false failed rolling re-test IMMEDIATELY followed by a passing test? $75 lockout reset fee. The mistake of the vendor (like failing to hook the intoxalock back up correctly after service?) $75 lockout reset fee. Do not use this company unless you want to be charged way more than you expect. Fortunately, this is the only time I've ever needed a service like this and I get the device taken out tomorrow. This company is a complete scam. Use some other company if you need an interlock device. They can't possibly be worse than Intoxalock.

Warning avoid at all costs!
Choosing this company was the second worst decision I've ever made. The first being getting myself in this situation to begin with. Before you are an actual customer you can call and get right through. Intoxalock® Ignition Interlock Device were very nice when answering my questions. I thought ok maybe this company isn't so bad. Boy was I wrong. As soon as the interlock was installed in my vehicle and I signed the lease everything changed. I tried to call them about a form they are supposed to complete for Penn Dot. I was on hold for 30 minutes before anyone answered. I finally got this guy that could barely speak English and he argued with me saying that's not there responsibility to fill out the form. It states right on the paper they must complete it. I ended up having to call Penn Dot and they gave me a number for the dui compliance team. I called them and they had to contact Intoxolock to get them to complete the form. When I received the email with the completed form some of my info was wrong. So I've been trying to get ahold of them again with no luck so far. While I was on hold I looked over the lease agreement. Beware of fees they don't tell you about. When i called originally i asked what the total would be for the entire year. She quoted me a price and I asked her if there was any additional charges for this and she said no. Turns out there are to the tune of 300 more dollars. Even the guy at the garage that installed the interlock told me that this company has a ton of complaints. I wish I would have done my research and went with someone else. To late now hopefully I can make it through the next year with a shady company and be done.

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Based on 50 reviews from Intoxalock® Ignition Interlock Device customers, company has accumulated an average rating of 1 stars, indicating that majority of customers are not satisfied with its service.
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