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K9 Training Institute

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Reviews Pets & Animals, Dogs K9 Training Institute

50 customer reviews of

The best canine behavior modification program
My husband is a retired psychologist and we both were impressed by your free trial video for many reasons.
First, it gave a really good idea of how training sessions might be.
Second, we really like the fact it showed the behavior before training and after training with time indicated. You get the idea how long it took to correct undesired behavior.
Third, we appreciated Dr's explanation of the technique used in the training program because it really made sense to use. We both are familiar with psychology terminology and your explanation made perfect sense to us. We loved your explanation using the four quadrants.
Fourth, we loved your 3 rules, particularly the third rule which was a new concept to us. Assigning a job for her to do to correct the undesired behavior was a really eye opening idea. We can't wait to try this.

Thank you for the special offer.

K9 Training Institute
I have a new puppy that I believe is totally hyperactive but I have watched this video and am just about convinced that signing up for this course just might be what her and I both need to work together to understand each other. I understand that I need to give approximately 15 minutes a day to this training and I am willing to give that and more to make her a great dog. I have a senior dog also here at home who is terrorized by this new puppy which is causing her to now act out and hoping that maybe this course will help her too. Please let me also add that I think the presentation given by the institute has impressed me and just about sold me on signing up for this course. I can't go wrong and if all goes the way it is supposed to, I have everything to gain from this experience for myself and my furbabies. Thanks for a great presentation.

The K9 Institute Free Introductory Online Workshop
I came across the free introductory workshop online that was put on by the K9 Training Institute and figured that I had nothing to lose by attending. I found the material and the training method to be extremely valuable as I am in the process of training a 10-month-old Border Collie, Panda, that I recently adopted. He didn't have any prior training and if you've had any experience with Border Collies, then you know that K9 Training Institute can be a handful due to their high intelligence and drive. Panda is quite independent and has a stubborn streak. The workshop was very informative and gave a thorough explanation and rationale for the method they use. I've been using the basic techniques that I learned in the workshop with Panda and I already see a positive change in him even though it's only been a few days since we began. I plan to enroll in their full workshop after the holidays and am looking forward to learning how to successfully transform Panda from a little monster to a model citizen. I highly recommend K9 Training Institute, the effective method they use, and the way they present it.

Specific information
A 4 year old rescue German Spitz with some character flaws and some bad experiences for which the advice given has been unexpectedly totally correct-and some!
From dropping hair to barking/answering the door and now a torn LCN (rear left knee ligament) and expected heavy veterinary costs on the way!
This advice has led us to seeking a physiotherapist (today) as it may not be as bad as we may think. Some weeks of physio will therefore shed a better light on the problem. An operation now/ or later following this physio, would give us time to teach Stevienicks with some of the finer points in training her more following this introductory program and to follow up with the full training course which would only improve her well being for now and for Stevienicks future.

Great presentation and techniques that work.
I found that at 80 years of age and a history of many dogs, including fostering, I am using many of the techniques and know K9 Training Institute work. I just wish I saw this when I was a teenager. I, and my best friend, get so much joy out of work she willingly performs. Such as: getting the paper, my shoes or socks, putting away her toys and our shoes left at the door so I can vacuum, getting her food dish for meals, playing hid and seek, putting on her harness to ride in the car and anything I can think of to do over and over. Regardless, there are many new things we both want to accomplish after watching your video. Thank you.

My IG Puppy Duke's total transformation
The expert advise from your online training is priceless! My IG puppy Duke is only 9 weeks old, but boy he is a fast learner. As a first time puppy owner of an Italian Greyhound I was shocked to see the amount of energy these puppies have! I struggled the first week, not sure how to handle Duke's biting habits, but once I started to watch all the videos online, I realized I knew nothing about training a puppy. Was still old school and it did not work with Duke. I cannot wait for the daily tips and to watch more videos from K9 Training Institute. My puppy starts to listen to me, he is better at housetraining and the biting is not as aggressive as it use to be. We will continue to work on it. He has a lot of toys to keep him entertained. Duke and I are now much calmer and enjoy our time together. I was an absolute novice, but with K9 I learn something new every day, which I implement into my training and will continue to do so. Thank you so much for your guidance.

Walking with my Daisy.
Daisy is a rescue dog. She's apparently all Australian Shepherd but small for her age at 2. She is housebroken but getting used to her name change (from Lady to Daisy) and getting used to her new humans. She is very, very bright and gentle spirited. I learned from you all how to teach her to walk at my side. This is important to me because I am 84-years-old and have walked with a cane for several years now. She is doing remarkably well with her new task that is to, "Walk by the human's side and don't lead him." I am seriously considering your full training regimen; however, I may need an extension of time to take advantage of the discount. Daisy has also learned to sit after I call her to me and she loves to fetch the green tennis balls. However, she brings them back to within about 5' of me and no closer. I've yet to have her hand one to me. We'll work on that.

Great information
I'm a new puppy mom and she has bonded with me more than the others in the home and I bonded with her way more than I thought I would. She stole my heart! I've decided I really want to work on the problem areas the right way and have a well behaved dog that really fits our family. That being said I don't have much money to pay for training so I've been looking at ways to train her myself. This was the most informative by far. I learned a lot watching this video and really appreciate having something like this be free to watch. I started it thinking it was going to be about buying the real deal but it gave me so much useful info that I can put to use. I'm definitely interested in more from someone who's willing to give this kind of useful info for free.

Free workshop introductory class.
The workshop was very easy to understand and insightful. The techniques taught are 100% cruelty free and unique from other trainers. The trainer/ coaches are very personable and caring. I even recieved a personal phone call from Jeff about my personal situation. Though my situation is a massive challenge in which rehoming of course a last resort was discussed. While it is extremely difficult to hear, I know he heard all aspects and it was out kindness for both family and fur babies. Do not the previous statement discourage you to reach out there is a plethora K9 Training Institute can help with, mine is just uniquely complicated as such is my luck

Learning Experience
I just rescued my dog, Zeke and he seemed to have had some training. He walked at my side and looked up at me without a leash which is highly unusual for a rescue. I was trying to teach him sit, stay, etc but he wasn't quite getting it until I accidentally touched my right shoulder to scratch it. He sat immediately. I was unaware of which hand signals ment what so I started investigating on the internet when I came across the free video. I am trying to absorb as much as I can to catch up to Zeke's training. He is a wonderful dog and I have learned from him. He is a 1 1/2 yer old mix Golden Retriever / Labrador Retriever.

Excellent Intro Videeo for training your dog
This was a really good video, and I saved the email even though I don't need it right now. I see myself possibly getting a new dog in the next couple of years, maybe a rescue dog, and this is exactly the type of training I would want to invest in to make our relationship the best it can be.

I have an old dog at the end of her life, and she is almost like the ideal service dog standard you train to. It has been such a wonderful relationship with her that I recognized I would want another dog in the future, but need a training program for any future dog in order for us to start from the beginning on the right foot. Your intro video was fascinating, and it really appeals to me and to my instinctual understanding of dog behaviour, and to my common sense. Fifteen minutes a day training a new dog is NOTHING when you know the returns of a great canine friendship. So I saved your url against the day when that might happen for me, and sent a prayer that you are still offering your program 1-3 years into the future, when I might come to need it. If anyone were to ask me for a good training program, based on your Intro Video, I would direct them your way.

Dog basic training
I love the little bits that you have said regarding training dogs in your emails. It does make so much sense to use body language. I have a Husky and while I would really love to buy your training completely I am not in a financial position to do that at the moment. I was really impressed with the videos you have already supplied showing the changes in dogs and owners. I exercise Mana by riding a mobility scooter (due to my disability) and he runs happily along beside me, however he can get quite distracted by either other dogs passing or by wanting to stop and smell what sometimes feels like every leaf or post on our walk. I would love to have him totally focused on me ALL the time. He is excellent if we go into a shop e.g. the chemist for my meds and he will walk very quietly and sit when we get to the counter and does not try to smell anything or take any notice of anyone else in the shop. Pity I dont have the same control out on the park. I wish you well with this wonderful training programme and maybe at some stage I will be able to afford it and put it fully into action. Big thanks to you. Madge

I love this training! I have
I have been working with dogs for 30 years but never had elevated my skills passed training dogs for Delta. I specialize in working with special needs. Your curriculum has taught this old dog some new new tools. I had a stroke last year and left the classroom to pursuit the one thing I love most. I took a break from teaching 16 years ago and became an Area Trainer for PetSmart. I couldn't stand the food based training but I stuck with it. All the while instructing pet parents on the importance of communicating with their dog. I will sign up for the Mastee Class when I am financially able.

Honestly I wasn't shure at 1st. But after reading the material I was sent yall be the truth..
So tbh. I Own 2 service dogs. My oldest Kilo is a Amstaff pitbull Terrier.
And my other boi Achilles is a European Doberman. Now if anyone knows dogs K9 Training Institute know that the EUROPEAN Doberman is a Natral Working dog. And I CAN HONESTLY SAY THAT YALL GOT IT RIGHT I WAS READING ALL THE TIPS AND I EVEN APPLIED 1 OF THE THINGS JUST TO TRY AND BOOM! IT WORKED. My pitty is a lil bit lazy so it took him a couple trys. But I'll say this they know what there doing here and I CAME TO CHECK IT OUT AND SEE IF THEY ARE FOR REAL AND ALL I CAN SAY IS IF I NEEDED HELP WITH MY BOIS I WOULD LISTEN CAUSE EVRYTHING I WAS TOLD I ALLREADY KNOW OWNING 2 BIG SIRVICE DOGS I GET LOTS OF STARES BUT WHEN PPL SEE HOW PROPER AND WELL BEHAVED THEY ARE THEY TEND TO RELAX. Now I just was LOKKING FOR SOME NEW THIGS TO IMPLEMENT INTO THERE REGIME. Look I don't DO THIS LIKE EVER BUT I MUST GIVE CREDIT WHERE ITS DUE. And they're doing amazing things incorporating the science behind everything is what really counts Having a behavior specialist for animals that's big that's big they understand how the animal thinks they want to know the breed so they can understand how that breed in particular things like I said I want to make sure they were for real and is real and they are definitely for real I recommend if you are in need of a dog that needs training they won'they will help you get you on the right path

Intriguing concept
I watched the free video and liked the philosophy. I felt it took what I am already doing to the next level, so that I will be able to enjoyably take my dogs anywhere and everywhere. I have now watched week 1 of the total master class and am getting started with my adult dog. I like how clearly everything is laid out, with specific homework walking me through not just teaching the command but slowly proofing it. The how to videos are very helpful, I picked up some helpful tips from watching the trainer actually teach a dog. I also found his manner calm and enjoyable. Looking forward to starting this with my new puppy as well next month.

Never Too Old To Learn
For more than half a century, I grew up with dogs. While still a little child, my great protector was a Bernese Mountain Dog. Once an adult, a large Newfoundland Dog was my guard dog. For the past 15 years, I had an Australian Shepherd as my companion. There were several other dogs in between, from a Schnauzer to Golden Retriever to Labrador Retriever to a Bouvier/German Shepherd mix. I trained all dogs myself with generally good results. I didn't take dog training classes. Most recently, an 8-week old German Shepherd Dog puppy joined my family and I decided to get some tips tailored to training her. The free dog training workshop provided very helpful hints, refreshed my memory and made me adjust some of my previous training methods. I reviewed the outline of the 10-week total transformation masterclass program and concluded that it is an excellent teaching tool for new and more experienced dog owners alike. I'm sure that it will make for both happy dogs and masters.

Lack of Eye Contact
Yes your training works. I was flabbergasted the other day when my sister's dog, a herd dog, who always blocks doors and walks into you reacted just like you said when I ignored looking at him and just walked through him. I had to do it twice only and now when I walk up to him or if he is blocking the door way, he moves out of the way immediately. My sister was elated as she has tried to get him to move and not push on people. I told her, well it works for me, but she would have to do it to him too until he responded the same. This dog is very strong willed and hard to teach, but he learned this very fast. I have quit giving him a lot of eye contact and he is responding in other ways positively too.

Intorducing the training techniques
Informative video with explanation of the behavior patterns and how to coordinate training techniques. As an owner of a 7 month old, it was obvious some of the mistakes I had made and how to make corrections with an immediate impact on the ability to communicate effectively and with a greater respect with my dog. I can definitely see how this will assist in the developement of a healthy relationship with my dog vs just training him to follow commands. My long term hoped would be to utilize my puppy in a therapeutic setting, which I feel could be a possiblity utilizing these techniques.

John's thoughts
I thought the ideas were will thought out. I have trained several dogs and your ideas got my attention. Some I do, believe. It drives me nuts to see a dog dragging his person down the street, hearing come, come, come,... Sheb was running across the lake two three hundred feet from us. I was concerned, called and signalled Down. He hit the snow and stopped. Billy said Christ John, you'd think you had a leash on him. I looked at him and said, I do. I like your ADHD comparison. Good point. Good way to make a point.
Oh, Juno isn't born, isn't conceived yet. I've been dog less for a while and have recently found a line of dogs I'd like to have. Just waiting for the $#*! to come to heat.

A Better way to train my dog
I watched the video on training my Romeo to act like a Service dog… the relaxed, watchful, obedient way a service dog would act. Its totally fascinating. Its different. I am 65 years old, have had toy poodles throughout my life, so I recognize a good thing when I see it. You will not know what you are missing if you don't watch it but I guarantee… you will be missing something cool. Refreshingly smart way to train. Their philosophy is different. The methods are different. It will teach you a dog's language rather than teaching your dog your language. Come on, you know you are interested!

Elevating Canine Discipline to Next Level
Though I have yet to experience the Master class, the daily tips provide handlers a better way to train our best friend and protector. I hope to take advantage as soon as the pandemic surge in several states slows enough to stop traveling to hospitals under seige hoping to relieve overwhelmed healthcare workers. Boxers are amazing dogs but prefer I stay home. Though Buck travels with me he needs work to prevent bad habits. I will be looking into each emailed post and recording as soon as I can. The Master class is just what my boy needs to be as well trained as my recently deceased black lab who was my service dog for 9 years. This workshop promises to transform my rambunctious boxer pup into the disciplined well mannered boy anyone would be proud to have visit their home, hospice, rehab, outdoor Cafe, etc. I understand it only takes 15 to 30 minutes a day. That's a challenge for me but one I look forward to at any price.

Better method than just treats and clickers.
At the moment, my new puppy arrives mid September. I am 68, I need an animal that responds when I need it to. Your free workshop shows positive results and easy to understand.
I want to get off on the right foot training my puppy. I find the methods being used to redirect incorrect behavior is a much better way of training. Using body language to communicate is much better than clickers or verbal commands. I would like the program better if it started with puppies and then progressed. I have shared this link with my granddaughter who has a dog that is aggressive at 14 months. Australian Shepard… and with a friend who has never had a dog. I don't understand how your program works if you have a puppy and you train with a blank slate so to speak.

Truly impressive?
I've been looking for an effective way to train my puppies who have gotten to be a bit wild... I did all the wrong things and I began doubting that I could keep the dogs.
What I learned from K9 Training Institute, I promptly applied and the results have been phenomenal! It's like a switch was flipped in their brains. So impressive!
Sadly, this morning, I lost one of the two puppies and I'm inconsolable. He was hit by a car. Now I have only little June and she will become my service dog. I'm delighted to have her and that I found such competent and knowledgeable people in K9 Training Institute to help me get her to be the best dog ever! Thank you!

Great Explanation from a Dog's Perception
The course makes a lot of sense. We have already been through basic training but our 4-year old rescue Luna still acts like a puppy, excitable, barks a lot, doesn't warm easily to strangers, doesn't like little kids, is very protective. She loves to be outdoors but we can't let her loose because she runs. We are senior citizens and are probably too old for her. Probably not what you want to hear in a review but we were thinking about re-homing her UNTIL we listened to your course introduction. You make it look so easy. Luna is not really the problem, as you know, it's us! We are going to use the tips you mentioned and try to learn from that but if we do decide to get Luna more training, we will definitely call K9. We were very impressed! Very very good presentation, interesting, easy to understand, good examples, great narrators.

Ella dog out of control back to normal soon
Our husband very very aggressive when I first got together with my fiance and now that me and Ella and my fiance and her son have been doing the stuff that it says to do in the book and everything she has become very more calm very more obedient and I really love lol now more than I ever have we used to put her in the cage 24/7 every time she would act up we'll put it in the cage now we don't even put it in the case she'll go there herself she knows she's done something we have a big backyard and when she gets into something that I'll yell know and she knows I'm talking to her if I'm sending you up on the deck and she's in the very back of the yard I'll be back no Ella and she will come running up to me and lay down on my feet

Walking Megan
Megan is a three year old Shipoo who loves to walk. Twice a day she barks at me and actually jumps and pushes me with her front feet. It's time for a walk. But for 3 years, Megan has pulled! Wearing a collar she chokes, wearing a harness she's ready to pull a wagon. I'm 77 and am finding it increasingly difficult to enjoy a walk. Last week I came across a video on Facebook. In three days... actually during the first day walk, Megan has learned not to pull! No treats... we walk, she pulls, I stop and walk in the opposite direction. We turn around, continue the way we are going. This happened about 5 times. She got it! A true story... and many, many thanks,

Best dog training advice!
I work with children with special needs and have experience with operant conditioning and positive behavior management. I loved these dog training tips! I also love the reminder that dogs have no idea what the word no means! We tend to be reactive and say no stop a lot and K9 Training Institute don't respond in turn everyone is frustrated! I have just adopted a rescue dog with some bad habits and no boundaries at all. She responds well to these tips and I use them daily! I love the "give her a job" tip. When I want to say stop or no I give her an alternative, a job and this has worked wonders in building a relationship with her and providing boundaries! Thank you so much

Workshop only so far
I enjoyed the workshop and I'm interested in ordering the program. At the discounted price, it's expensive and too little time is provided to take advantage but I intend on trying to purchase with the payment plan. However, if I miss the discount time, I would never purchase an online only program for the full price requested. In person training would be much less, even from a highly rated trainer. I'm quite capable of training my dog using guidance from a program. This program looks to be a very positive type of training and I hope to take advantage. After actually seeing the entire program, I will leave another review.

Free training that *actually* gives you training tips!
I've been looking for help with integrating my puppy with my 2 older dogs and came across this free training intro for their master course. I've seen 'free training' intros before but can assure you K9 Training Institute just kept talking about what they will give you if you pay, and don't even outline what their courses entail!
This intro gave very useful tips and tricks, fully outlined the course and showed you actual client dogs in training to see the results - just excellent! The course, while it looks worth every penny, is a bit too much for me just now, but if you can spare the cash I would bet it's worth it!

Sharing and caring
Me and my dog Mikey are best friends. He is my constant companion. Unfortunately I can't afford high-priced classes to learn better ways to communicate with him. And I never have believed that harming or punishing an animal made them love you more. So I was extremely appreciative of the information that was shared so freely from the start. From the beginning the wisdom that was shared so willingly made instant changes in Mikey's attention span. He seemed much more confident and trusting. He is a rescue dog who has been through some hard things. Trust is something that he has had to learn to give. So being taught how to gain that trust was an incredible gift. I look forward to the emails that give us a little tips and hints as we maneuver this journey. K9 Training Institute have all been very helpful. I may not have much money but I am definitely full of gratitude for the K9 Institute and the wisdom that they've shared. And delivering what they advertise speaks to their integrity which is a rare commodity these days. For that I give them much respect. And five stars.

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Based on 50 reviews from K9 Training Institute customers, company has accumulated an average rating of 4 stars, indicating that majority of customers are satisfied with its service.
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