51 customer reviews of lyft.com
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Based on 51 reviews from Lyft customers, company has accumulated an average rating of 1 stars, indicating that majority of customers are not satisfied with its service.
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Description: Rideshare with Lyft. Lyft is your friend with a car, whenever you need one. Download the app and get a ride from a friendly driver within minutes.
Address: 548 Market St #68514, 94104
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Lyft is not registered on BBB. Therefore, this business has no BBB rating and accreditation.
When the driver showed up, he didn't even verify who I was. So I told him my name. He barely nodded, and said that he was on the phone with his brother. It was pretty obvious he was on the phone, since he had the speaker on and was in a loud conversation for the ENTIRE ride - about 30 minutes. He didn't even acknowledge me when I thanked him. VERY. RUDE.
And I have NO respect for businesses that don't provide customer service. Which is a LOT of businesses these days. And none of them get my money anymore. I'll pick up my own food, ride the bus, make my own clothes, etc. before I put up with BS like that. Paying customers deserve better!
We "found" Lyft when Yellow Cab left us stranded, and our first several rides with them went SO well, that for MONTHS we literally became addicted to not driving, and just took Lyfts everywhere. A few months in however, the shine began to wear off. We began noticing that a few of the drivers weren't the greatest. Some were unkempt, a little rude, got lost - yes, even with GPS, they got lost... It was so hit or miss, we began driving again. It is difficult though to go back to driving once you are driven around so much.:)
The straw that broke that camel's back however, was a round-trip to pick up an order of wings. Again, this driver could not set his GPS, and got lost on the way there. That was not a problem that time, as we weren't on a tight schedule or anything. AFTER the trip however, I saw a $25 charge on my card above and beyond the fare and tip.
When I contacted Lyft to inquire about it, they said it was for cleaning the driver's car, since we had supposedly left grease in it from the wings. Knowing our order had not leaked (I carried the bag on my lap and had a tan dress on), I immediately canceled my credit card and asked for proof from them. They sent me pictures of a clear puddle of LIQUID on the SEAT. Ummmmm, where we had been sitting(!), floor, and base (or footrest) of door. I told them that it was not grease from our order, as our wings were "hot" wings and the oil and sauce on them would have been at least a little orange, and not "clear" (the seats were white leather). I also asked them to explain how SO MUCH oil was on the SEAT where our butts had been. Did the order leak THROUGH me? Did they think one of US leaked oil? Wouldn't the oil have been at least a little hot? Wouldn't we (or the driver for that matter), have noticed this oil at the time and made an effort to CLEAN it? More so, for there to be the amount of oil in the pictures, wouldn't common sense dictate that the wings themselves had to have been SWIMMING in oil/grease that we then would have had to purposefully invert onto the seat? Did they think we ordered the "Wings In Grease Soup Special"?
It was obviously a scam on the part of the driver, but no one at Lyft was smart enough to put it together, or cared to even TRY, which says a lot about them. The two agents with whom I communicated had ZERO common sense, and after a few emails back and forth, I simply contacted my banking institution and opened a dispute for the $25 charge which was immediately credited back while they conducted an investigation, and which became final around a month later. In the interim, however, I received yet another message from Lyft which stated that a $SEVENTY-FIVE$ dollar charge would "not go through" and to please "update" my card.
Ha! As if.
We have never used them again, nor will we.
Wallingford, Pa.
I have now deleted my driver account.
When he was driving on the highway (465 where the speed limit is 55), Michael hit 73. Now I am being blown around and feel unsafe that he is driving well over the speed limit and changing lanes to pass.
As we were closer to my destination (my home), Google Maps took him in the wrong direction. I told him so. He asked me to repeat myself since the wind made it hard to hear. I did. He said he was following Google Maps and I reiterated that it was the wrong way. By now I was a little impatient.
Michael began to yell at me. "Don't disrespect me, this is my truck and you don't disrespect me in my truck!" He pulled into the Staybridge Hotel parking lot and sat. I pointed out the address on their sign was in the 106th block and my address is in the 103rd block. He continued to yell at me and finally, told me to direct him.
I should have left the ride when he stopped in the parking lot. I didn't. He kept asking me left or right and I pointed out that we were going around round-a-bouts. I was telling him 2nd exit heading south (he said he didn't do north and south).
Michael became verbally abusive. He asked if I was married and said that my husband must hate me. He called me a f***** b***** several times and finally swerved the truck to the side of the road and ordered out of the truck while he shouted, "F***** C****".
While this story should be over, it isn't. Michael passed me and turned north on the next street. He waited there (it's a dead end). He then drove to the corner and watched me walk up my driveway and into my house.
I called Lyft and the police. Threatening a woman isn't a big crime, unfortunately.
Of course I immediately knew that this was a lie, because she would never ever do such a thing and the fact that she could not stop crying while telling me what happened, made me so very angry that I decided to write this review and my first hand experience with this ungrateful, disloyal and mismanaged company that treats their biggest assets like garbage. USING THESE POOR PEOPLE THAT RISK THEIR LIVES ON A DAILY BASIS TO MAKE BILLIONS OF DOLLARS FOR THIS COMPANY, WHILE THEY GET PEANUTS TO BARELY PAY THEIR BILLS AND DISCARD THEM LIKE TRASH AND MAKE NO EFFORT TO PROTECT THEM AGAINST THIS KIND OF ABUSE
They did not even bothered to read any of the raving reviews that describe her as one of the best and the safest driver in Los Angeles. They would have quickly realized that not only what was reported was FAKE, but completely against her characteristics and her driving history... OTHERWISE SHE WOULD NOT HAVE SUCH AN IMMACULATE DRIVING RECORD AFTER ALMOST 10 YEARS OF DRIVING IN THIS TOWN
She does not even have one parking ticket, LET ALONE A DUI... AS IT WAS CLAIMED
So whomever that made that false report must have been either one of those rejected $#*!s that hit on a pretty young female driver every chance they get and could not take NO FOR AN ANSWER! Or maybe an insecure girlfriend finding her BF drooling like a Dog the minute they get in that car, because She is a million times prettier and charming that them... but whatever the reason, IT WAS ABSOLUTELY OBVIOUS THAT THIS WAS A TOTAL BOGUS REPORT! AND A SET UP!
And what is more shocking is to find out that Lyft did not take any measures to find the truth before ACCUSING HER OR A CRIME SHE DI NOT COMMIT
Someone needs to TELL CEO of lyft TO WAKE THE $#*! UP $#*!!
In the United States, a person is considered innocent until proven guilty. The 14th amendment to the US Constitution guarantees to every person, aliens included, equal protection under the law. And for this very reason, I promised to make an example out of her case for all the innocent drivers that have been falsely accused and abused by this company.
This law has been put in place by our founding fathers of this country simply to protect people like her from being the target of such abuse and treatment by companies like this... so please If you you have similar stories to share, let me know or care to comment
Lyft has clearly stepped over their foundries by breaking the law! And they must be punished! By
A massive class action lawsuit by wrongly accused victims that have suffered similar emotional, psychological and financial pain and hardship as my wife did today
Please share your story or feel free to contact me
Thank you
I sent Lyft customer support screen shots showing when the driver called me and showing that he only called once. I attached a copy of the receipt for the gloves ($65 + tax), which were bought the night before the trip when I learned how cold it was going to be.
After several rounds of back and forth, customer support remained adamant that Lyft would not do one thing to rectify the problem. Im in utter disbelief at how this situation with a first-time customer was handled and that there was no effort to correct the cascade of problems that occurred that night, from the drivers unacceptable delay in response (which, had this delay not occurred, the whole problem would not have happened) to the app (which had a broken link) to the drivers rudeness and lack of a promised follow-up phone call, to the customer service response (which was to offer me absolutely nothingnot the replacement cost of the item, which isnt even that much compared to a lost phone, for example; not a refund for the ride; not even a credit toward a future ride).
Im someone who really loves writing positive reviews for great experiences with businesses; it makes me feel good. This whole experience made me feel bad. It really cast a dark cloud over what should have been a really fun trip to see my daughter perform in New York. Ill be sticking with Uber.
It is now cheaper to drive my vehicle to the park n ride and pay that price. So if you continue to use these services, take a screen shot of the car of your choice and hire an attorney because when they want to screw you, they come up with some bad BS to do it! (driver's are awesome though).
Bye Lyft!
Now I will tell my sisters story. She ordered a lyft to pick her up at 5 am the night before because she was flying out to Sweden. The dude showed up 30 minutes late and was yelling. She put her things in the back seat and went to put her things in the trunk and the guy took off with the passenger door open and her purse with passport and backpack. She called the police, but Lyft refused to give them the license plate without a court order. My sister called our friend who has a fast car, grabbed my moms phone, and tracked her phone which was in her purse. They followed the man all the way to the border of Mexico and when he finally pulled into a rest stop, they blocked him in and called the police. Local police arrested him and found out that he was intoxicated and driving WITHOUT A LICENSE. Best part. Lyft did absolutely nothing! Not one credit. Not one thing. I wish she brought it to a news outlet because this is way too dangerous to not be taken seriously. Please always take a picture of the license plate before getting in and be very aware.
Lyft - you should be ashamed. I don't like Uber, but I'm taking my $2,500 - $3,000 a year to them.
Questions: Have you had problems with getting a Lyft driver to accept your Lyft Schedule Pickup service? Have you had problems with no drivers picking you up, or cancelling our pick up service?
Answers: I was told by customer service at Lyft that your pickup location is automatically assigned by the Lyft computer system to the nearest Active Online Lyft Driver at the time of your pickup time and location. If the nearest Lyft driver is nearby (e.g. 3 mins away), you most likely will not have a problem. BUT, if the "nearest" Active Online Lyft Driver is 20 or 30 minutes away, the Lyft computer system defaults to assigning your Scheduled pickup ride to that far away Active Online Lyft Driver. What will likely happen is that Lyft Driver will cancel your pickup. Why? The economics of the Lyft ride is unprofitable to the Lyft Driver. Example: It is not profitable for a Lyft driver to drive 30 minutes and 15 miles in heavy city traffic to accept a Lyft Scheduled Pickup fare that is a 5 mile service ride that will take 10 minutes. Why would a Lyft Driver (who is trying to make a profit) accept a 5 mile service ride, but drive 15 miles to the Lyft Schedule pickup location? Most Lyft drivers want to make money, thus this example is NOT profitable. This is why LYFT customers experience these problems with Lyft Schedule Pickup service.
Why am I writing this review on ReviewFeeder? Because the Lyft Customer Service Representative I spoke to (Roger), refuses to listen or comprehend that the Lyft Company has an opportunity to FIX these problems. When I spoke to the Lyft 3rd party customer service rep, I suggested that these fundamental flaws in this Lyft Scheduled Pickup service need to be investigated so that Lyft can improve the service. BUT, the response I received from the 3rd party Lyft customer service rep (named Roger) was "you don't need to use this service if you don't like it." And he said "this problem happens to everyone" which is why you don't have to use this Scheduled Pickup service. The 3rd Party Lyft customer service representative FAILS to see that this is an enterprise and strategic issue that is causing major dissatisfaction to both LYFT RIDERS (Customers) and LYFT DRIVERS (service providers). If Lyft does not solve this fundamental problem that frequently or occasionally occurs (example - assigning pick up rides to drivers 15 miles away, but the fare is only a 5 mile service ride) the ECONOMICS to Lyft Drivers will continually cause dissatisfaction to Lyft Scheduled Pick up customers.
A Lyft Customer Service representative told me all of this. This Lyft Scheduled Pickup service is relatively new. They have not fixed the kinks out of the service.
Also - For all of you having problems when you text, chat, or talk to Lyft Customer Service reps about all of your Lyft ride service problems... The people you talk on the phone are NOT actual Lyft employees. They are "partners" to Lyft. What this means is Lyft outsourced the telephone customer service to a 3rd party. This 3rd party company does not seem to care about you the Lyft Customer. They don't appear to be welled trained about Lyft either.
Hi Eliani,
Thank you for your response. All charges on the Lyft platform are non-refundable, as outlined in our Terms of Service and Help Center. You can view this policy in Lyfts Terms of Service here: Lyft web page addrfess, under the section Payments.""
We can assure you that your concerns regarding this driver have been taken seriously, and that we have investigated this case and taken the necessary and appropriate actions.
Have you filed a police report regarding this incident? If you choose to speak with the police regarding the matter, we would be more than happy to cooperate. Should the police need any information from us, they will need to send a subpoena due to our strict user privacy policy.
Feel free to email me if you have any questions or concerns. To ensure I receive your response please reply directly to this email.
At evening i hardly get lyft passenger for newJersey
I dropped him and put my destination to east i didnt get match i took lincoln tunnel i got request and i accepted
Pickup from ny and dropoff in nj
Does it make sence fir any driver tgat u pay toll and u r actually in the tunnel and u got request from jersey?
I cancelled it and my account got deactivated
You are not a part of lyft anymore
Good luck with other platforms
I contacted again and they said decision is final in future we'll be look for it
They hide all of my paystubs any trips and avery thing butthey deposited money to my account what i deserved
They are absolutely not flexible with drivers even they doent think driver a human. Only passnegers are human bexause they spent
However i had good rattion 4.9
Good reviews
And no issues
Well good luck to lyft
Because lyft is not lyft just bcz they have passnegers
They are lyft bcz they have relible drivers to but if u are no sincere with yourdrivers they will move on
I needed a ride to the store on the corner. It is less than a mile and normally I would walk. But it was raining and I needed some medicine.
When the driver picked me up, his stereo was up very loud. I take a seat and immediately saw that his windshield was shattered. This wasn't a crack... it was a spiderweb shatter in the center spanning out over the entire windshield. This worried me that not only was his view obstructed but also that it was dangerous.
On top of that, he was texting while driving checking for his next fare I assume (glancing up and down through the cracked windshield while driving in the rain).
This short 2 block dangerous ride was still $7.
I contacted Lyft who responded Lyft "take reports like this very seriously but do not offer refunds".
They might be very slightly cheaper than Uber but at least Uber would have communicated better and offered a refund or credit for the next ride.
I used Lyft 3 times this week and this was my only complaint due to safety and they emailed a generic copy/paste response and told me that I should have requested another ride. However I was standing in the rain, was unaware of the windshield/loud music until I sat down, and did not know he would be staring at his phone while driving.
Some would say that I should have brought my concerns to the driver's attention. I tried... but the driver did not speak English. He just nodded, smiled, and laughed.
The coffee spill scam is the new vomit scam and costing riders hundreds of thousands of dollars a year. I have recently been the victim of this scam and Lyft refuses to deal with me at all. The driver got mad because I did not tip her and left her trunk open. The dummy sat in her car honking on the horn rather than getting her fat, lazy butt out and closing her own trunk. Furthermore, the driver arrived at my home, refused to get out and place two very light carryon pieces of luggage into the trunk of her car, and was nasty and rude when we said good morning. At our drop off location, which was the airport, we said thank you, have a great day and the driver just looked straight ahead. We had to ask her to open the trunk so we could get our luggage out. Based on the driver's bad attitude, lack of customer service and taking a longer route to the airport, she received no tip. Lyft sends out review requests following each ride and when I received that email, I rated the driver as a 1. Due to this rating as well as the lack of tip, the driver waited a full day to make up a story about spilled coffee and filed a false claim with her employer--to which a charge against my credit card was made.
Subsequently, I received the same email as everyone else about "anecdotal evidence" and that I did not have any say in the matter. I was charged a $50 clean up fee for something that never happened. The lying, broke, opportunistic bottom feeder lied, stole and cheated her way to $50. Easier than working a real, respectable job. Take it from people like me. I feel as though I have been robbed and to make matters worse, Lyft has a no due diligence, guilty until proven innocent policy. Why did the driver wait until after receiving the poor review to file her claim against me? Why were there no photos taken of the actual coffee cup showing a spill? The photos that Lyft customer service showed me only revealed dark spots with one spot appearing very old.
Lyft is running itself into the ground with lawsuit after lawsuit and will ultimately end up like Uber or worse. The company is guilty of false, deceptive and unfair trade practices and I refuse to let them get away with it. If this has happened to you, I encourage you not to give up because Lyft will not play fair. In fact, Lyft will not even listen to you. You did it and that is all there is to it. The root of the problem is the organization itself and the manner in which workers are paid. However, drivers are fully aware of the compensation structure of the work when applying for the job and have no right to complain about not making enough money. The other issue is this: drivers are forced to pick up people with money; people who look like they even have money and are jealous. Who else could afford to pay $15 for a 3 mile drive to the airport but wealthy people such as myself? I am not going to leave my car at the airport, though. Plain and simple, green-eyed jealously! My most recent driver pulled up to my very nice home and saw a BMW and a Volvo in the driveway, plus both my mother and myself were sporting Louis Vuitton handbags. Yet, we gave the poor driver no tip. Newsflash: poor service + longer route = no tip. Here's a tip for all of your starving Lyft drivers: go to college, get an education and change your bad attitude--perhaps then you may not have to resort to lying, stealing and cheating your way to a making a few extra dollars. I have no problem helping or feeding the poor, but not this way.
I am filing a police report for extortion and Lyft and Logan Green, you will not get away with this fraud.
I had a driver pick me up a couple days ago in Buffalo, NY. As usual, I took the back seat. I was preoccupied with something on my phone and did not realize the driver had an "unauthorized third party" - a female companion - who was riding along in the car until we were a couple blocks into the ride and after the driver had deviated from the route, driving through several unfamiliar side neighborhoods as a "short cut".
I reported this incident to Lyft and requested a refund (or credit) for *this* ride. The refund was requested because the driver VIOLATED LYFTs contract with me - their customer.
Per LYFT's grossly substandard (seriously - it's hot garbage) customer service department - I "should have" canceled the ride in the middle of a trip and exited the vehicle *in a strange neighborhood* and then called a new LYFT to take me where I wanted to go --
Seems legit - it totally makes sense that I should not only put myself at additional risk by escalating a situation with a driver who CLEARLY HAS NO REGARD FOR THE RULES AND PROTOCOLS OF HIS JOB - but also I should pay 2 base fees for their ill-trained driver breaking their contract.
LYFT's outsourced "Quezon City" customer service team has not only lost this company MY business as a longtime rider but also ensured that the app was uninstalled by the 3 OTHER RIDERS in my household who also previously used their service.
They also use more deceiving practices than Uber. They make you think that you are getting paid a certain amount when in reality that is what they are collecting from the passenger. You don't have access to each ride record on line that you can use to document events during the ride or submit a complain/request.
Stop driving for Lyft or Uber if you are doing it. Any other job is much better because you make some money.
Further more, I went to pick someone up at the airport and was fined 200$ for not having a LYFT sticker on my vehicle. I also contacted them about this as they expected me to drive without the sticker which they said they were mailing that I never received. I have told them to pick their vehicle up in many emails which I am more than happy to provide.
I have about 50$ in earnings that I was supposed to receive today which it appears I am not getting.
They will not contact nor help resolve these issues with me at all, not to mention the stress of the entire communication being handled via email. Which I feel is a disservice to the drivers as it allows them to blow off whom they choose.
It is impossible for anyone to make 74 rides over a weekend as I did not feel comfortable driving without the LYFT sticker. On Monday I decided to start driving without the sticker against my better judgment as I now have a 200$ fine from the airport I cannot afford to pay. Especially with all the charges they are trying to get me to pay.
I was not aware of the airport policy for ride share drivers as none of the videos they have give any real information about airport policy in terms of where to park and how to get there.
These are unfair practices that take advantage of people who are self motivated and desire to be their own boss in charge of their own schedule. I feel taken for granted, used, and railroaded as this is very deceitful what they are doing.
The reps that followed up with me said if I didnt pay the 89.17, they would repo my vehicle and charge me for it. That is extortion, forcing me to pay a charge I never agreed to.
The email further says from the time our ride ended to the time Lyft was notified of damage was 4 seconds? So the driver dropped us off and filed a damage complaint with Lyft in 4 seconds flat...
Also, after extracting the data from the provided photos, I discovered that they were taken the night following our ride (nearly 22 hours after our ride ended). Nobody in the vehicle damaged his car, so obviously I disputed the claim.
I informed Lyft of the photos being taken a day after our ride ended and supplied them with the extracted data info. I also asked for specific information on what damage was being alleged. Lyft sent a series of generic emails without answering any questions or acknowledging the photos were taken well after our ride ended. They said they had "anecdotal" evidence and "reserves the right (but is not obligated) to verify or otherwise require documentation of damages prior to processing a damage fee."
So basically what I gather from this, is that Lyft does not need proof nor cares if there is proof to substantiate a claim of damage. If your driver doesn't care for you or just needs some extra cash, they (driver) simply says you damaged their vehicle and you get railroaded with a fraudulent charge. If I, or my group, damages a drivers vehicle, I'll gladly pay up and apologize. There was no damage done by our group nor is there ANY proof to show our group damaged his vehicle.
When you sign up for Lyft carefully review the "damage fee" section of their terms. As indicated above, it basically says you agree to pay a fee of up to $250 - Lyft "in its sole discretion" determines the amount to be charged and does not need to verify or require documentation of damage. Needless to say, they definitely lost me as a customer and I will warn any friends or family to avoid Lyft!
Also, a quick search online will find that there are many others with complaints such as mine.
Good morning,
As a concerned Mother of a minor child, I believe strongly your system needs to be addressed.
My 17 year old son was able to create an account reflecting he was over the age of 18. Are your passengers not required to show proof of their identification upon pick up?
My second concern involves the actual pick up from my home. Two people stood in the yard flailing their arms and shouting for the driver to stop. The passenger side door of the vehicle was opened at the time. I find it hard to believe he could not hear or see us. It is a no outlet street with a speed limit of 25mph. He pulled away in rapid fashion and was down the street like a shot. I find it hard to believe he was going 25mph on our street or the connecting residential road. Perhaps he was afraid of what the situation may become. However, he made an already difficult situation harder to resolve.
My final concern with your service proves most disconcerting. When I contacted your business for help needing the dropoff location, I was told this could not be disclosed. Given I am the parent of a minor who was leaving without permission and unbeknownst to his family, you need a system in place to aid the parent or legal guardian rather than abetting a minor child who happens to have a debit card and a job.
While our personal situation was reconciled, it was through no help of your organization. The legal ramifications of the 'what-ifs' for your company given your current system could prove costly for you and harmful for the minor. Regardless of whether the child was being placed or placing themselves in a dangerous situation, Lyft needs to revisit the systems in place in order to posture yourself as an advocate rather than adversary to this type of scenario.
Here is where i gets really bad: the next day I tried to delete my account and credit card and there is no way to do that. It's been over 6 hours since I contacted support via email with no response. To add insult to injury 11 hours later a driver responded and said "I'm on my way" when I hit the cancel ride button I soon got a $5 cancellation receipt... 11 hours after I requested the ride? Consumers should know that while this service may be okay during working/peak hours, however Lyft is totally unreliable in situations such as emergencies or to avoid driving after drinking... situations when you really need a ride. Who accepts a fair then just leaves the customer standing in the rain without the courtesy of a text? Evidently this is a common thing with Lyft. I would not recommend this service to anyone. You can't count on them showing up.
Beware of lyft, if u have used cc with lyft, either change the cc or block the same as anyone else can easily login to your account and lyft will not take any action but look for excuses! Lyft is biggest fraud company and cares less about customers. I am not sure how many lyft users are aware that their personal info is at risk!
That morning I left him a one star review and immediately get an email from corporate that he states we damaged his car with a spill on his floor. This car was already dirty as can be and I don't think the floors were very clean to begin with. I replied he obviously is retaliating due to the unfavorable review and lying. We didn't have any thing in his car that could stain his floor. I had a can of sparkling water which I left the can in his door because I was in a hurry and my hands were full. Lyft charged me a $25 damage fee and would not listen or refund this. Lyft stated via email he provided significant proof with a picture of an existing floor stain. They said this will be the last correspondence you get from us. I was totally blown away. I have since reached out to legal and emailed them our experience and concerns with no reply. They never even replied to the review I left which is amazing. Why ask for the customers experience if you don't care. This is what happens when companies get to big and forget who got them there. They lost multiple customers for life due to this situation over $25 dollars. I have told everyone I know and my wife has as well. Hope it was worth it Lyft!