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Main Street Renewal

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Reviews Business, Property Management Main Street Renewal

50 customer reviews of

So I have been a resident of main street renewal for 3 yrs... I recently was approved to transfer to a new home... there whole process needs and overhaul how Main Street Renewal deal with customers. Main street charged me 150.00 in non compliance rental fees. I didnt find this out until time to and after signing new lease for 2nd home... I provided documentation thorough documentation to msrenewal even had usaa call direct to advise and verify what was needed to verify no lapse of coverage. The documentation was sent verified and accepted and msrenewal is telling me I must still pay this fee for insurance that was never cancelled. Also when I signed my new lease I had a pet, a dog... i agreed to pay pet deposit... well 2 days ago i returned my dog to spca. A tearful experience do to life changes. I'm now being told by Ms renewal that I must still pay pet deposit even though I dont have a dog. I'm livid at this company... even there unprofessional super ignorant customer service supervisor in the east side office teans was no help and actually inflamed the problem... way to. May times and reviews have also shown other residents going thru same problem with this company... I should not have to pay for insurance thru msrenewal since I've proven I never had a lapse in coverage also I shouldnt have to pay a pet fee for a dog I no ml longer have and havent even moved into new place. Something has to be done about these crooks...
Chapter 2... so now find out this home I'm renting for 1600. 00 a month I just moved I to on 02/25=19 has a really bad leak... the plumber stated when he tried to fix it the pipe broke since house built in 1999 and old pipes has flooded kitchen leaked thru roof since kitchen upstairs and caused roof in downstairs bedroom to collapse... the con men so cheap accept when time to collect rent and fees installed spotlights around the house with no off switch... so there are 3 flood light tht cant be turned off outside of home... IM TELLING U. BELIEVE ALL THE REVIEWS. MAIN STREET IS A RIPOFF... THE CHARGE EXCESS AMOUNTS FOR RENTING THERE HOMES BUT PROVIDE LITTLE IN RETURN. IM REALY PI$$ED RIGHT ABOUT NOW. SO MANY BAD REVIEWS NEXT STEP IS TO CONTACT NEWS STATION WITH ATTEMPT TO GET THEM INVOLVED THEN ATTORNEY... SPEND YOUR HARD EARNED HONEST MONEY WITH A REPUTABLE COMPANY... THESE PEOPLE WILL SCREW U OVER ONCE LEASE SIGNED AND MONEY TAKEN

Do not deal with this firm
This is a business which is total automated and not automated well.
The goal of this company is to provide no access to any real person of any level, to its clients. Main Street Renewal work hardest at being very impersonal so they can do he least possible for their tenants,

There is only one phone number, with option 1,2, or 3. A forty five minute wait to leave a message is common. Plan to take a day off work just to try to call their automated phone system to leave messages. During business hours when you need to reach them they are always busy. If you leave a call back request as they suggest, you may or many not get a call back, usually not. They do not hire enough phone staff.

This is not the kind of firm that should exist in America. It aims at the Singularity and the Borg. It tried to automate everything and did not do it well. Leasing or renting a property is a service business and cannot be done well on a totally impersonal and removed basis.
Ordering goods impersonally from Amazon may be Ok since they do their business well. But ordering up a rental in the same way when the business is not working well is not a good thing. The aim of this business is to be completely on-line, impersonal and uncommunicative and yet provide a very personal service of providing a rental.

Some of their lease requirements are in conflict with the local rules, regulations and laws of specific areas in which they rent property. One e-mail size does not fit all.

Their inspection process is a "catch" 22 process. They asked for inspections of the property before it can be properly inspected. The lady we first contacted to get the rental never answers us back now that we rented the property They do not honor any request for a member of their staff to actually view a problem or inspection. In fact, the shift the entire burdens to the Tenant.

When we had the city turn on the water we found all the fittings throughout the house were only finger tightened, They leaked and flooded. What a mess! Our neighbor renting the property next door from this firm, 2 months earlier than us, had exactly the same poor plumbing problem.

Workmen in the area have told us it is a shoddy company to its renters.

They rush you. The lease you have to sign to get a key stated, that we had received a copy of the lease, when we had only seen it on the screen. They provide no directions on how to print it. We could not copy it by the usual means, used to copy other leases and business documents. So we stopped the procedure until a Printable PDF copy could be obtained a day or so later.

This not a nice company, or an efficient, or service company. It is not easy to do business with. They just want your money. It is very hard to get them to make repairs. This firm works on the theory you will become frustrated enough to call your own service man and pay him yourself; all the while reserving the right to deny you the right to place work orders or hire servicemen to their property. If you get them to send a repair person make sure he has a work order authorizing the firm to pay them, not you.

Their inspections are faulty. They stated in writing that they inspected the house and carpets the day before. The carpets were dirty, dirty, dirty on move-in day. They make you connect and pay for all the utilities for a week before they give you a key to move it.

They buy the cheap HUD houses, so consider careful the neighborhood the house is in.
If you are stupide enough to deal with these people, you get what you deserve. Beware.

Inefficient, unprofessional & as bad as you've heard
We've only been in a rental with this company for 6 weeks. It has been a fight every step of the way. From their inefficent structure for applications, to their inability to submit work orders in a timely fashion, to getting emergency maintenance requests reviewed and scheduled in a timely manner. We live in Florida, it's July and our AC isn't working. I have made multiple maintenance requests, called the phone numbers to only be disconnected time and again, tried to leave my phone number for a call back only to never be called back, sent emails to the Resident "Care" Team, DMed them on Facebook and Instagram... everything except smoke signals or carrier pigeons, though that isn't far off. If my children, my husband or myself are afflicted with heat stroke, heat exhaustion or worse, Main Street Renewal are the responsible party and will be held accountable.

Do Not Rent! WARNING
Mainstreet renewal is not a good company to rent through. Starting with the water bill, Main Street Renewal stated it stays in their name, which is fine but we never received a copy of the bill for the first 2 months. When contacting the property manager, she was useless, 6 months in and I finally received a water bills via email, I requested them in the mail paper copies. The charges on the bills didn't match the charges on the resident portal. I've had to challenge them a few times for unwarranted and unexplained charges in the portal. I currently have a BBB complaint in requesting a refund of the overpayment. October we moved in, it's now April and I still have to request a copy of the water bill. I've even complained to corporate but their just as helpful... not.
MSR changed their headquarters address 6 month later into our lease, our lease agreement had the previous address on it... they never made us aware of those changes, and when I contacted them asking what I needed to do, they send you a generic email of what needs to be on the policy. A month goes by because they can't seem to get back to me on time or explain what exactly needs to be fixed. Instead they enrolled me into their own renters insurance policy and started charging me on the portal. I had my insurance agent at this point to find out what they needed, so the address was one fix but the other was that they wanted me co-lease holders name to be in a different spot in the policy... even though it made absolutely no difference in the legality of the document according to my agent. We can't wait to be done with our lease, we're already documenting and preparing for them to try and keep the deposit as we've read through other reviews. Document and take evidence. Don't rent through this company, you'll save yourself a lot of time and work. Renee was the office manager I've been dealing with in Florida, Incompetent.

I have leased with MainStreet Renewal, and it was God moving through these people. Everytime there was a repair which only happened twice out of the year I rented, Mainstreet was there. My rental home changed management companies and MainStreet was not the original Management company, so my contract was not negotiable, especially the terms (legally). However, God is good, my job changed which meant my pay dates changed. I needed to pay mid month instead of by the 5th of each month, I requested my due date changed to the 15th, although it was denied, MainStreet was very compassionate. I was charged the late fee, but I made it and I am so grateful I was not evicted. MainStreet worked with me each time! You can choose to open the door and see the trash outside or you can open the door and see the beauty and be grateful for everything. So to the complainers what are you choosing to look at? Thank you MainStreet, I am grateful for you!

Do yourself a favor and NEVER use this company.

I'll try to sum up my week experience in a way that makes sense because I have never dealt with such a nightmare group of people before.

1. We called prior to looking at any properties because currently, my partner is on furlough due to COVID-19. We were told this will not be an issue since Main Street Renewal look at the last 3 months of bank statements.

2. We look at several properties and decide to apply for one of them.

3. We submit all of the information they requested. The application fee gets paid, I get the alert for the credit check, and we upload our IDs and other documents to the application site.

4. Michelle, our local agent, sends an email requesting our bank statements with proof of direct deposit. We send her those bank statements, with everything that is not direct deposit blacked out of the statement because it's irrelevant information.

5. Michelle emails us again asked for our bank statements. We email her back asking for clarification on what is missing because we already sent her our bank statements.

6. Michelle emails us again asking for our bank statements with ZERO clarification on what is missing.

7. We ask Michelle again to clarify which part our statements are missing. She does not.

8. We get a rejection letter because they only submitted my income and not my partner's.

9. We get an email from a second agent, Ryann, telling us that they never read beyond the first two pages of bank statements and assumed there was no additional income... which they would have seen had they bothered to look at all of the information we sent them.

11. Since we paid for a fair assessment and did not receive one, I request a refund on the application fee. By their own admittance, they never even read the information we provided to them, so what were we even paying for?

12. Ryann CC's Paul, who I assume is some kind of regional manager, and he thinks that because his website has a disclaimer that that makes the application fee legally binding (it does not).

TL; DR: Their business seems to be collecting on application fees with no intention of actually renting their properties and I assume this is how they manage to stay in business. Save yourself the trouble and find a different company to work with.

They need a negative star bar
So back in march i put in a app for a home and paid 120 app fee only to get a email the next day after Main Street Renewal took my money saying i couldnt apply to this property because we are on section 8 and the house isnt ready yet... ok. Was then told they refunded my money after arguing with the voucher program person for this company, who by the way is VERY unprofessional. A couple days later spoke to someone else who stated they would keep our app and our fee to put toward another house(LIES), every house we found was not ready. But thats not all... spoke to several differnt people because thats what they do... who informed us the refund was mailed out as recently as yesterday... and STILL have not received a refund... This company lies, steals and misleads potential renters... Nevermind the fact that 90% of they reviews are horrible. I didnt look at reviews until last week and now im convinced mainstreet renewal is a scam company. You can not reach corporate and nobody at this company is capable of being honest... Please do not give them your money. They will take it and give u the run around. $120 isn't much to some but to me it is and i will be contacting a lawyer for theft and false advertisement. I have all my email corespondence and will just see them in court.

Please do not rent from Mainstreet Renewal! Stress, Stress, Stress
I KNOW THIS IS LONG BUT YOU REALLY WANT TO BEWARE! Problems from day one! Right after I paid my deposit the lady I literally talked to everyday from day one, I called and Main Street Renewal said she didn't work there anymore! The very next day! Online problems they tried to charge a arm and leg for fees to pay the deposit. My son came and took the deposit to them (pre Covid)That was my 1st sign and I shouldn't have moved here. When I first saw the place I figured they would fix the gate that was broken and leaning mail box. The gate has never been fixed with so many emails sent. I am moving next month. The doorbell has a white box plugged in a electrical socket next to the door and only worked about two months when we first moved in they still have not fixed it. I moved in 02/12/2020. They told me they would clean my carpet because it was not new. Once I moved in and all my furniture down they had someone to keep calling every single day about stretching my carpet they said it had to be stretched first before cleaned. I'm thinking when the place was empty they had plenty of time to stretch and clean my this carpet. This is the very beginning months of Covid and no one wanted people in your house. In July my grandson was due, I paid $400.00 to get my carpet cleaned because I would be keeping him from time to time, and I promise rodents were coming from the black on the stove in the kitchen. I paid for Arrow, Orkin so many other companies because Mainstreet was dragging there feet to send someone out. When I saw rodent feces on the baby bed and Orkin would keep catching them( mind you, I have never experienced this) I wrote to the BBB and Mainstreet sent someone two days later in Sep/Oct. By then, the rats messed up the refrigerator. I kept calling and they would not send another out so I started renting one. They sent someone out who said he and his father had a business not a reputable company to seal the entrances from the rodents. I couple months after that a white drain pipe in the yard started having sewer pouring out. Someone said next it will come inside and it did from the washering machine hookout. I called Code Enforcement. A man told me to call Dekalb Water and Sewer. I have since learned if you have sewer the rugs need to be replaced part of the wall had to be cut out. I truly thank Dekalb County Water Sewer. I tried to pay them rent even with all this but I had to sign a lease online again with all these problems, they increased the rent in the middle of a pandemic! The lease was from Feb 21-June 21. What kind of lease is that!? I finally received the refrigerator after I called Code Enforcement and paid 1,710 in all over all the months. They finally sent one they actually sent two the other day and the other is still boxed in the garage ( I have sent a emails requesting they pick it up) As I go downstairs a couple of weeks ago I hear scratching AGAIN! Orkin said that the man Mainstreet sent out missed a spot on the side on the house and rodents have a nest in back of the dishwasher. We have never used the dishwasher we wash our dishes by hand. Mainstreet said they would send someone out May 4,2021 and they sent a maintenance man instead of pest control. This has been the worst experience of my life do you hear me! When Dekalb County assisted with rent payments my lawyer they assigned me told me not to pay anything until April 1,2021. When I tell you they still have a balance that I owe 3,937.24 right now. They sent a notice on 3/18/21 and wanted me to vacate 5/20/21. The lawyers said the lease is until 6/20/21. The sent an apology saying because of the Jun 30,2021 CDC memorandum I had until then! The lease is from 2/21-6/21 why would you have me vacate a month earlier? I literally just hung up with GA Power and they said on May 11,2021 someone called and had my services cut off and put in their name! Unbelievable! I work from home and this is very very scary! My rent was raised fom1,299 -1,399. I went to pay May's rent and it says $842.00 instead of 1,399 is due. I never spoke about all the time Atlanta Gas Light cut my hot water and heat off because they were not up to code. I have been paying to live in poverty. Right now as I type I have it in writing the entrances were not sealed correctly from Orkin and with all the emails they still have not sent anyone out. I will call Code Enforcement again tomorrow. I still have no clue what the 3,937.24 is for. The lawyers keep telling me Dekalb County is going to pay them with the money some Dekalb County residents qualified for. Mainstreet has said nothing at all but keeps asking for a payment. I was advised to only pay after April 1,2021. You can't talk to anyone they hang up in your face. I have never seen anything like this in my life. They route your calls over to different agents far far away and this company has no structure, ethics or management. If you know what's best you would stay far far away! Someone bought a house next door she said I would love her management company and suggested I move there (this was right before the sealed entrances for the rodents) Oh how I wish I would have moved. Now I have to waste more money moving again after I have spent so much of my own money in their repairs. I had to pay Georgia Power today to get service cut back on in my name because my lease is up 6/20/21 they had the services put in their name 5/11/20. My heart beats fast now and I am so stressed after dealing with this company. I emailed I was writing a review and I guess that's why you put power in your name. I work from home and this is my livelihood and I have no more time for your unpleasant experiences. I REPEAT DO NOT MOVE HERE! Don't say you weren't warned.

I'm going to try to make this short. I had a lot of signs but, time limits and fear that my family would be homeless kept me trying with the business Main Street Renewal. Day 1 I looked at one of there homes and was working with them on renting it, Main Street Renewal called me in to bring in the security deposit and upon arrival and waiting for a while nobody knew why I was there. I was informed they already rented it out and sorry because I wasn't the person they was suppose to be calling but they guaranteed me they would help me find me a home. I found another one on there website and they got me in that one. 1st problem they couldn't get the utilities turned on cause of existing bills. They asked if I would turn them on in my name so the can do make ready and so it can be inspected by the housing authority and they would reimburse me so I did. I'm now paying light and water for 2 homes. NO reimbursement its more to that story but no space. It failed the inspection as well. 4 1/2 yrs later I left the home cleaned it. Moved out 6/30/19 they put it as 7/8/19 they have all this prorated and discounted stuff for July and I didn't have access to the home. They deducted charges out of my deposit and mailed me a check to there office. I never had the 20 days after move out to dispute it or fix what ever I felt I did that wasn't wear and tear. I disputed and told them I didn't cash there check. I Don't Agree with it. There move out team is charging me for things I marked of on there Residential Lease Inventory and Condition Form That had to be turned in within 14 days of move in. I spoke to a man in there dispute team that was so rude talking over me when I kept saying I don't understand what he is talking about. 1 deduction was a cottonwood tree I didn't plant they removed cause its roots LOL $86.25 for 1 fan missing lightbulbs. This is why I'm making this complaint But I can Explain more and have Emails Video and Paperwork. They said I did over $1500 of damages I don't see how at all. They should have the same Paperwork to match up the repairs. I have so much more to say but im so overwhelmed I wish they would just give me my money so i can go away. I reported to the bbb someone named Jennifer from Main Street Renewal was supposed to be working with me YEA NO NEVER HEARD FROM HER she replied through the bbb but her saying she would reach out to me and work with me was a NO. I EMAILED LEFT VM NO RESPONSE. I will tell my story to all that will listen and maybe i will be heard.

I Have to Rate it 1 Star Because Negative 5 Wasn't an Option...
The absolute worst rental company! Please Please Please do not rent from these scam artists! Main Street Renewal will not repair small or major issues. They will charge you 3,4, and 5 times for the same bill. They will NOT answer your calls in an emergency situation! For Example; Your Fuse box blows in the heat of summer leaving you with completely no power, for over 5 days... They refuse to fix it, or relocate you because well they won't answer the phone for you the tenant or the Electrician. Only after you get the media news outlets involved, do they respond... By respond I mean, they tell you they will barely fix it, and not give you any concessions for the 5 days of lost power, lost food, and lost income, from an issue that could have been easily fixed in a few hours. Check out all the other horrible reviews before you rent from this absolute turd of a company!

Gas Stove Needs To Be Fixxed!
On March 9th, I called Mainstreet Renewal (Geogia) my oven at the bottom there will be a fire and the fire will rise to the middle part of the oven. March 17th a technician left a "Sorry We Missed You" sign on my door. My family and I were in the house the whole time because my children are home schooled the time of his arrival was 9:55 am. The technician did not call me. So when I saw the message I called at 10:23am to tell them, I was home the whole time and even my dog did not bark no one heard him. I explained to the customer service agent the GAS stove will will have a huge blaze in the bottom and middle part of the oven. I am scared to use the top part of the oven thinking the oven will blow up! The agent said he would put the work order as "urgent" and was calling scheduling. I look on my work order history and saw Main Street Renewal put in the system my work order was completed, if I was not home how can it be completed? No one has called or set an appointment, they have not requested for the gas company to come by and see if there is any gas leaks. NOTHING! I pay rent on time every month and I have not been here a year yet! This is ridiculous...

WARNING! This company is fraudulent and the worst mistake one could ever make. I have only been here a few months and have had a negative experience from the start. The property that i am renting has had plumbing, electrical, and structure problems since the first day i moved in. These were problems that i was not able to see until AFTER i paid my deposit and rent and had my utilities turned on. After many calls and complaints to get these problems fixed, it took over a month to get someone to come address the problems. WHAT PROBLEMS? You ask? Well there were outlets throughout the house that weren't functioning. When the maintenance guy came out to work on it, he told me that the whole house was improperly wired. So i could not use half of the electrical outlets in the house for over a month. Extension cords and surge protectors became my friends for that period of time. Next, there were leaks from the kitchen sink, from plumbing between the first and second level of the house, from the HVAC system. Water was literally pouring from those places and the company did not seem concerned with sending anyone to fix those problems until i called the health department to inspect the property. Oh yes i have videos and pictures of all of this- even the mold and collapsed ceiling due to plumbing/ water leaks. And still months after the FIRST call about the plumbing i still have water pouring from the first floor into the finished basement area. None of these problems were apartment until i was already locked into a lease and the company is unwilling to allow me to break the lease nor properly maintain the property! And the list goes in and on about problems... yes and i have copies of all the maintenance requests as well... date and time stamped as proof of this company's negligence and fraud. And last but certainly not least... this company has put charges on my account for late payment... and when i call to resolve the issue... Main Street Renewal put me off by saying someone will get back with me on the issue or try and give some BS excuse for the charges to be on he account. YET AGAIN, i have bank statements showing the dates that payments were made and none of her were late. In fact, my rent payments have been made the month BEFORE they are due. This review is not a joke. I should have read the reviews before renting from this company. DO NOT RENT FROM THIS COMPANY!

J. G.
Emailed the corporate office our 30 day notice on 1 Feb because we were moving out of state. When we were ready to move on 24 Feb corporate office told us to put our keys in an envelope with our name and address on it and put it in the night deposit slot in our local offices door in Bham since we would be leaving in the evening on a Sunday. We could never get a hold of our local office for anything. NOTHING! EVER!
So we did exactly what the said. Put the keys in an envelope with my wife's name on it and the address of the house and put them in the night deposit slot and it landed on the door mat with 2 more white envelopes. Good to go, Right? Um... not at all. 2 months later we get a call from the corporate office stating that we haven't paid rent in 2 months. At this point I'm just a bit confused why this person is telling me this. So Main Street Renewal think we still live there. I spend 30 mins explaining this to the corporate office when she connects me to the local office in Bham. She proceeds to tell me that never received the keys and we never turned them in. I'm aggravated as he'll at this point and I proceed to tell her that I did exactly what was asked and required of me. Then she asked me if I had video or photos of me putting the keys in the night drop and of course I don't. She then told me that there's nothing she can do for me and we didn't return our keys and that we have to pay for the 2 months. I'm in the process of obtaining legal help. HORRIBLE CROOKED AS* COMPANY.

STAY AWAY! Like countless others, I would prefer to give zero or negative stars. We were applying for a home with them and basically approved (and would have immediately paid the deposit to move in). We found this home on Saturday May 19 in Fort Worth. We loved the home and it seemed like an absolute PERFECT fit. We were super excited. We were legitimately ready to pay for the home right at that moment and had the means to do so. It took us two straight days to finish the online application because the website kept giving us errors. The automatic message on the phones said that Main Street Renewal were closed and to check online for the available hours the leasing office is open. Which, by the way, is listed absolutely nowhere. The website wouldnt even let us pay for our application. Come Monday morning May 21, I was calling every half hour since 6:00 am to get ahold of someone since hours are unknown. Not until after 9:30 am did the message switch from were closed to everyones busy. I try for another THREE hours calling back and still busy. This whole time I kept trying over and over again to pay the application fee so we could get approved faster. Finally it goes through after three straight days. I eventually get a call back after 1:00 pm that day from Curtis and was told that we couldnt pay all weekend because the house was taken off the market because of too many applicants. Excuse me, then why did I just get charged $80 for it? He changed his tune and said Oh! Then your application must still be here. Weve had such a high volume of applications but none of them have been approved yet. So once your background check goes through, youll get an email letting you know what else well do. Okay, great, that means were still in the running and sounds like were first in line once we get approved! May 23 Wed. Afternoon we get called to send in some extra documents for a guarantor, and that once we do that we can move forward. Great! We practically have the house now! Then I spend two hours online trying to get it done and it never sends and gives me error codes and suddenly says the house is no longer available. I call thinking it must be another accident. I get ahold of Curtis and he tells me our app must have just got lost or something and he transfers me to someone else. (Geraldine or something?) She finally tells us that the house actually is secured by someone else who just came in TODAY and was approved and paid for it. WTH? She even tried to convince me to just move our already approved application to another house with their company. I told her thank you for explaining what happened but we will never be using your company again. Even after all this time and energy and money we spent on things that THEY couldnt get done, someone else gets ahead of us and leases the house before we can. First come first serve in application process for housing is a wise business decision, but these guys take it WAY too far. They lead us on and lead us on, telling us all these encouraging things and that just do this and we can move forward etc, and someone else snatches it first just because they could pay for it two hours before we could. When we were told we were approved and all that and just had to send in a couple extra documents. No wonder they have HUNDREDS of terrible reviews on Google, Better Business Bureau (which theyre not even a member of, so many complaints. I cant imagine the nightmare it would have been had we actually signed a lease and to deal with them as tenants. STAY AWAY!

Worst experience even! I didn't even move in.
I am relocating from Tampa, FL to San Antonio, TX. I was shown a home by a local realtor and submitted my application immediately on Feb. 8th. Asking for the move in date to me March 3rd. It took a week to get an approval. Once I got the approval on Feb 16th I made the deposit within 24 hours. I am HUD VASH so Main Street Renewal had to work with the VA. Ken Grey was horrible to work with. He made it known that he doesn't like working with Section 8. He was slow to return any paperwork that was requested by the VA. I had to actually call and hold him hostage over the phone to make sure he submit everything that was requested. When he did all the information was incorrect. He refused to answer anymore emails or phone calls. I paid on Feb. 17 and over a month later I still hadn't moved in. On the 19th of March I finally had an inspection. When the MSR Inspector showed up he turned on the dishwasher and the pipes busted in the kitchen. The water ran so fast in the kitchen and in the backyard. I was not happy because I had asked for someone to turn the water at a trickle during the massive snowstorm. I was told that they will send someone out. They never did. It took a month to get an inspection. That meant it would take at least another two months for them to fix and inspect it again. I immediately asked for a full refund. I do not recommend anyone to rent from them. The house I was trying to rent was 6507 Ridge Circle Drive, San Antonio, TX 78233

Bad repair service and customer service
I am a current resident and I've been residing in one of their properties for 8 months now. I placed a work order three weeks ago about my air conditioner not working. A company Main Street Renewal do business with, Complete Heating and Cooling, came out to assess the air conditioner. The air conditioner still did not work and the company said they would be back to finish the repair. This was three weeks ago. Since then, they have set up two appointments with me that held a window of 2:00 pm to 7:00 pm which I called off work both times and they didn't show up nor did they call to let me know they weren't coming. I called Main Street Renewal to complain again and they just referred me back to Complete Heating and Cooling. Complete scheduled another appointment for Monday June 18th of which they didn't show up again nor did they call. I called MSR this morning to inform them and they said that Complete updated their notes saying that they spoke with me and that I said I wasn't home and wanted to reschedule to today the 19th which is a lie. I've never dealt with such disregard for professionalism. I live in Georgia and its been over 90 degrees which makes staying in my home unbearable. It's been causing complications with my asthma and allergies and MSR refuses to address this issue and get this repair done.

Absolutely Horrible
This is just the process before actually purchasing/renting anything from this company!
So my boyfriend and I are looking to rent a home for a couple of years and have had absolute heck with this company. We applied Monday and my guarantors' application was canceled mid-way through the application. So we called and were on hold for 1 hour and 30 minutes! We finally got through to someone and "fixed" the problem. Today-Wednesday- my boyfriend gets a call at work saying the application is missing information. I swear he and I triple-checked everything before we resubmitted the application. But it was saying that on my guarantors' application the ss was not put into the system. We tried to fix that but it said that his application was canceled and we could not gain access to it. Next, it was saying that my boyfriend did not submit his paystubs even though that was the first thing he uploaded. Now when we were doing all of this it was saying the home was still available at noon on Wednesday, now at 5, it is saying that it is unavailable and the people we were first put in contact with when we just called said Main Street Renewal were not able to look into the home availabilities if we already put in an application and had to get in contact the application department and it is now closed. We are also waiting for an email back from the leasing company with a PROMO (again sent around noon today) so we will not have to pay another $50 deposit for my guarantor that we have already paid for. From our understanding, we would have to spend another $150 to apply for another house if the one we applied to is now unavailable.
Absolutely horrible and way too much stress to deal with!

I only gave them a 1 star because ZERO is not an option. I am dealing with an absolute nightmare and I can not get a human to call me on the phone despite frantic emails BEGGING for a call. I have NEVER missed a rent payment and Main Street Renewal act like slum lords by not having the professional decency to call me back. Long story short, I have been dealing with squirrels in the attic on and off for months and the first time they did a half assed job at taking care of the situation so the squirrels keep coming back. I emailed them right away after the first repairs telling them the squirrels would be back because of the half assed repairs and they did not cover all the open holes but they did NOTHING and now I have had rodents GNAWING, banging and scratching in the attic for almost TWO weeks. I can not stay at the house I am paying rent for! I have BEGGED for a human to call me but no one has been professional to do so. My lease is up in May and I will NEVER resign! It would be like committing myself to another year of their abuse and unprofessionalism. DO NOT RENT FROM THIS COMPANY. Rent from RPM Management, that is an AMAZING company that treats their tenants with respect and offer human contact and communication. They call you back the same day and are amazing at handling repairs quickly and professionally.

UPDATE: I have been emailing the office all day begging to have a human call me and 10 hours later and still no call. That place is a sham.

We moved to STL from Iowa this year at the beginning of April. From the start of us being here, it has been absolute nightmare. We moved here on a Sunday and I started work on Monday. Everything was good and KUDOS to Andrea from the STL office on going above and beyond of what she was actually supposed to do. A couple of days had passed and from the move and working we were exhausted. I got home from work at 230pm and was tired and laid down and fell asleep to someone banging on our door and phone was blowing up. Very irritated I got up and opened the front door and no one was there. Noticed a car across the street and this lady was in a red crossover sitting there looking at our house. I walked up to the car and asked if she was the one banging on the door she said no but the neighbor outside said yes it was her. Then my wife went outside and handed the 2 cashier checks to her and Lesley Shellert bc she said she was the owner of Main Street renewal... What a liar. She is a branch manager in the STL area. Not only did she lie about who she was but also tried intimidating us, saying we illegally moved into the house and the local law enforcement was going to be called.
After a week or so went by, we had a lot of rain down here and the sump pump quit and the basement flooded, and that was 15 days ago. It was a Sat that this happened and called the emergency maintance number and even after Main Street Renewal were notified that we had standing water in the basement. It wasn't until Monday that Roto Rueter came out and replaced the sump pump, and they even had another guy there ready to extract the water, (mind you it has been 2 days of standing water in the basement) and the guy waited at our house for 1 1/2 hours for a po # to be created, and guess what the lady said she couldn't give him one. LOL. WHAT!. So another 2 days pass and so now there is no water standing in the basement but the NEW carpet and padding have been in water for 5 days, can you say BLACK MOLD. Finally a contractor comes out on the 6 day, and he was the boss of a crew and tried to get his people over to our house bc he didn't want to do it. After seeing how pissed that my wife and I was, he said he was going to get something to extract the water and some fans... AGAIN WTF. After 1.5 hours he came up stairs and left these 2 fans down stairs and said, let the fans run and it will dry out. IDIOT. Too late for that bc of the amount of time it took even to get someone out there. And then another contractor came out 2 days later and he along with me took the padding and carpet out of the basement and took the baseboards off the wall and all the mold had gotten into the drywall and the studs. After at least 100 calls to the STL office and the main office, finally started to get somewhere, so I thought.
Oh and not to mention, the paint in the house has to be the cheapest paint money can buy, bc I could take my finger and run it down say 2 inches and it discolors it. And a contractor also took our screen door to fix the screen along with garage door opener. And guess what here is a shocker, haven't had a screen door or garage door opener for 14 days and no one is at all concerned about this. Bet if they only got half of their rent they would call huh.
Needless to say Main Street renewal is one of the worst ran companies I have ever seen.
It is may 11 and still nothing is done about our basement. And still no calls back

Don't care about their tenants
First off, the application process and getting approved and moved in was a breeze, which I am thankful for. However, the second that lease was signed, all hell broke loose! The light in the kitchen fell and hit me in the head (also 7 months pregnant at the time). It was still attached by wires so it was left hanging in our kitchen (wires exposed) for 3 weeks because it wasn't high priority. Our kitchen sink backed up and the dishwasher was leaking (just before thanksgiving) and it took 3 weeks to fix that. Our kitchen was unusable during that time. The toilet paper and hand towel holders have all fallen out of the wall because of improper installation. Our AC is currently out, (we live
In Florida where it's 80-90 degrees and 90% humidity this week.) I have a newborn, and Main Street Renewal said it'd be 2 weeks because it's not considered high priority. All of this in the 5 months we've lived here. They are nearly impossible to get ahold of (sit on hold forever just to be told "oh well") and don't respond to emails. Just do yourself a favor and DON'T.

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Main Street Renewal Rating

Based on 50 reviews from Main Street Renewal customers, company has accumulated an average rating of 1 stars, indicating that majority of customers are not satisfied with its service.
Overall satisfaction rating

Description: We provide our residents a great house, easy lease experience, and attentive service so they can create a home they love.

Address: 5001 Plaza on the Lake, 78746


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