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Reviews Jobs, Acting Mandy

50 customer reviews of

Good place to find entry-level acting work
I have found several jobs through Mandy which have more than made the cost of the service worth it. I will say it requires a lot of work on your part, maintaining your profile and writing good quality applications, but if you are seeking commercial work, low-paid film work or entertainment jobs such as holiday parks this is good place to find opportunities. If you are looking for high paid and high exposure jobs such as West End then this is not the correct website, but for a steady working actor I have found Mandy to be useful.

Avod this website / service
I subscribed for one year of premium service and after 4 months Mandy did an 'update' which rendered the site unusable. I can't apply to any job because the site never acknowledges that I've logged in (as it pertains to being able to apply for jobs).

I have contacted them 7 times over the last 3 weeks and have gotten no support. They also refused me a pro-rated refund.

As it was many of the jobs were stale, were links to other sites, or literally paying nothing, but at least the site worked for those nearly 4 months.

Questionable Website and Service
I signed up with Mandy a few months ago. Got my actor (and crew) profiles all situated, including headshots. Then my inbox gets suddenly overloaded with junk "audition gigs" and messages to change my headshots, as "there is something wrong, Mandy are not professional" When they most certainly are! Two different photographers I paid good money to. I click into my profile to see Mandy's notes about "please change your headshots, your profile won't go public until" nonsense. I honestly gave them the benefit. But as Backstage bought them out, I believe I only wasted my valuable time creating my profile. They don't answer when you call for help. And they DO NOT respond to Contact Us.

Worth trying out
Hi everyone, if you haven't tried Mandy it's definitely a great modern day tool to connect and network with key "players" in the industry.
The user interface is super simply to understand and navigate. Not only
Is it straight forward but it also gives you notifications on jobs of
Your selected interest. You can create your profile and customize it and
Drive traffic to your profile and/or website. Over all it's pretty solid! Mandy even offer a free 7 days of premium membership in exchange for a review of the free version I've bee using. They also offer 15 days if you send it to you friends for a free try. I like these kind of incentives.

Mandy is a scam. Do not waste your money
Mandy send out dozens of so called job listings but not a single person responds when you apply. When I looked at the traffic counter in a 2 month period and 12 people had viewed my profile. I have a feeling that 9 of those visits were from myself looking at the damn profile.
They send out jobs that have nothing to do with what I actually do.
I think they are taking advantage of people that are struggling to find work and every single person I have spoken to about have said it was a scam and a total waste of money.
I wish I had have found the reviews before signing up for a year.
Please don't give them your money!

Mandy voice is hopeless
To have to pay a considerable amount of money to join a site whith so little chance of success is almost criminal! The whole premise is misguided. Each job placed on the site requires hopeful vo artistes to submit an audition audio tape with their application and most of these never even get listened to. There are simply too many people applying for too few jobs. Whereas doesn't charge for joining but like any agent charges 20% for each Gig gained. It shows how fiver expects its sellers to succeed which is why it can make money purely from agency fees, While Mandy voice makes it's money from sign on fees and could never survive on taking a cut from work gained because there just isn't enough of it. 2,3 maybe 5 jobs offered a day as against fivers hundreds of freelance jobs a day.

Too expensive for small amount of suitable jobs
I have been a member for 4 years and once every 3 months there's a suitable film crew job, so I pay for a months membership, so I can apply along with another 100+ applicants. Once I did get a job! Mandy need to reduce their prices it feels like such a scam preying on people that are searching for work. There used to be 30% off codes on the net if you searched around that just about made it acceptable if there was a job along with 2 almost suitable jobs you could apply for that month, but Mandy don't seem to exist any more.

A hub for film and TV
No matter what you're looking for, whether it's creating or collaborating, film, TV or theatre, cast or crew, Mandy has a consistent flow of interesting and diverse projects for every level of experience.

The only criticisms I have is that 1. The user experience isn't the best, as a website asthetically it looks like something caught between the early 2000 and now and usability could definitely be improved.
2. The free account on Mandy is a little too limiting, I understand that if you start making money on Mandy it makes sense to pay a reasonable amount for the continued privalige but right now you have to pay first before there's a reasonable chance for you to make money.

Better than Craiglist
I have used Craiglist in the past for searching for gigs and video related work, but this site has more (and more legit) postings and openings. It's free to create and account and free to browse the job postings, BUT (and this is the reason for 4 stars instead of 5), you need to upgrade to a paid account to apply for a job. However, if the low payment is a hurdle, Mandy have some options (like leaving reviews for the site or referring friends) that can gain you some free time.

Not helpful
I signed up for Mandy a long time ago, and wasn't getting any work for the premium amount I was paying. As a costumer with more experience, this was just not useful. I finally decided to take a break so I could try to save up some money in hopes of potentially trying again in a few years. When I went back to log-in with my "already created" email, and the website kept sending me back to the log-in page and logging me out the minute I signed in. The only other option was to try and re-sign up with a new email. Would not suggest this for a site that doesn't actually promise or guarantee any work for production techs.

Mandy is by far the best platform for actors, film, tv, and theatre production professionals
Mandy is by far the best platform for actors of all types, film, tv, and theatre production professionals. I joined Mandy 10 years ago and I have not regretted it once. Mandy has real work for film, tv, theatre, video, and audio. This is a legitimate platform. Don't get fooled into joining and paying for those fraudulent sites. With Mandy, in my first year, I earned my entire annual subscription expense in the first month from the work that I was able to book. Give it a try and you will see for yourself that Mandy is where you find real work. Booking the work is then up to you! I'm Carmine Iacono, a real professional actor and I use Mandy. If your dream is to get work in film, television, theatre, video, or video, then Mandy is where you have to be.

Grossly overpriced for what it is
I started using Mandy at the beginning of 2019, recommended by a few actors I know. I use it alongside StarNow and Backstage, but to be honest I get more of what I want (speaking roles) from StarNow, which also happens to be the cheapest one to subscribe to (£29 for six months).

Mandy is grossly overpriced at £170 a year, particularly since you can only apply for paid work in your chosen category, e.g. actor, supporting artist, photographer, director, etc. StarNow and Backstage don't prevent you from applying for or putting out a casting call in various different roles, which is how it should be because most of us aren't "just an actor" or "just a producer".

I've paid for a year's subscription, but I'll see how it is at the end of the year in terms of the site's usefulness. But as it is, having kept statistics on the three websites I use, StarNow comes top, followed by Backstage (which currently offers UK people free membership for six months), and lastly Mandy.

Mandy really has to lower its price to something more reasonable, especially since actors are usually earning peanuts to sustain their passion. In fact, why don't Mandy allow actors free or very cheap access, and then just carry on charging the casting directors the full whack?

Deleted my job post
I am a student filmmaker and recently attempted to post an acting job on Mandy. The post was approved and I was able to view the applicants. However, the next day, before I was able to reach out to any of the actors, my post was inexplicably deleted. It is nowhere to be found anywhere on the website, as if it were never posted. This all happened in the space of about three days so I don't think it had to do with the post expiring or something. This is extremely frustrating and I will definitely not be using Mandy again.

Mandy Used to Be Such a Great Site
I got into Sesame Workshop from Mandy in 2009. Now it's a sham. What's worse is that I just recommended it to my local employment office that is skeptical that I am looking for a job after my recent lay off, because I dismissed their clueless job boards. Great. Now artists are subjected to sites that have NO CLUE about our industry. Indeed et al. Have no idea what the proper jobs titles are, which leads to endless confusion. How I hate apply for a "graphic artist" position, just see if the employer really means "character designer" (character designs with turnarounds w/o color) or "visual development" (fully color backgrounds and characters). What a mess. What a tragedy.

What happened to five free applications per month?
It went from completely free, to 5 free per month unless you buy a premium membership, now it looks like you can't apply at all unless you pay. What is worse is that with my premium membership which recently expired, for many postings you were redirected to the employer's site to apply rather than using the quick and easy method within Mandy. So it is just not worth it anymore. I have been keeping a spreadsheet of the NYC production companies that have been posting over the years, so I will just start bugging them on my own as I see fit. I find it interesting how often some companies seem to re-post the same job. Are Mandy hiring the wrong people, or are they a toxic environment? Also, I had much more luck years ago when I was YOUNGER and LESS EXPERIENCED and there were infinitely fewer production venues - get the picture?

Feeling Ignored and annoyed
The only job inquires I have received from this site have been from fakes. Luckily if you do research, it's easy to tell since Mandy relay obvious discrepancies from the websites of the companies they are pretending to be. (For example the website will say the company is based in London when the person contacting me is caliming they are based in the us) It truely bothers me that Mandy Crews is handing out my personal information to people who most likley have ill intent. I hate to find out what happens to those who don't do research ahead of time. I have attempted to have them remove my profile from the website on multiple occasions but have been ignored. I also dislike the idea of having to pay to apply to a job, definitely scammy. I haven't spent any money but after my experience as a regular member I refuse to.

Paying for nothing
Update on a past review because I've actually paid for the annual subscription fee so time for some more info. It's awful. Truly awful.

Send apps for loads of low paid freelance jobs and Mandy actually tells you that Mandy haven't been read! The jobs posted that say "email directly" also don't get a reply.

Applied for approx. 20 this year... heard nothing back. I'm experienced, good broadcast and film credits, loads of corporate work.

This site is riddled with amateurs taking the piss with ridiculously low pay and high demands.


This company provides a virtual receptionist by the...
This company provides a virtual receptionist by the name of Mandy. She has a great voice and she is efficient. She takes your messages for you and she locates you by dialing all the numbers you put in for locate purposes up to 3 or 4 I believe. Her messages are both sent to your email address where you can playback the actual caller's message. You can also call the Mandy number and get playback of the message and then return the call by pushing the button. When Mandy puts your caller on hold then there is music playing in the background. It is very inexpensive and yet does the job. Great overall site and service.

1000% better than Star Now
I was a member of Star Now for 10 years and didn't get a single paid job, only TFP work. As soon as I joined Mandy I had 5 paid jobs in 1 month. It is pure luck though because some months aren't as busy... However I only get paid work on Mandy and it's very professional.
I recommended my mum too and she got an over 50s modelling job for Lumen in her first week.
I currently have separate profiles as a model, dancer and TV Extra, and there are ongoing updated jobs coming in for all ages.
I would recommend to everyone and my only regret is wasting 10 years of membership on Star Now, when I could have joined Mandy.
The only down side to the site is having to wait for photos to be approved, so if you're in a rush to upload something it can take 24 hours.

Their signup greeting email not coming, and their [email protected] is returned
While, I have used mandy since 2003, I found it hard to pay to see better listings, mandy was great when it was a non paying site; however, in looking at it again, I signed up and I received no greeting email, to have password, I tried to info them@ their *******, and it was returned:

550:5. 1. 1 <*******>: Recipient address rejected: User unknown in virtual alias table

Mr. Timms and company, have the monies to keep this up and running, why is it not?

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Mandy Rating

Based on 50 reviews from Mandy customers, company has accumulated an average rating of 2 stars, indicating that majority of customers are not satisfied with its service.
Overall satisfaction rating

Description: We are the world’s largest creative community of actors, film and TV crew, theatre professionals, child actors, voiceover artists, dancers, singers, musicians, models and extras.

We empower professionals to find work in TV studios, on movie sets, in training institutions, events, concert halls, theatre companies and art collectives. We help cast commercials, link art directors with cinematographers, and bring lighting designers to dark stages. We support our members as they promote themselves and network across the arts and media industries.

We champion professionals as they take control of their careers and introduce producers, casting directors and HR managers to the best talent for their projects. We host events and bring together collaborators. We link service providers to clients, artists to agents, aspiring students to colleges... and animal wranglers to dogs.

Having good contacts is our raison dêtre, and we have the history and industry expertise to match. Armed with these qualities, we have established the most dynamic digital career hub for creative talent around the world.

Address: Angel House, Angel Mews, United Kingdom, N1 9HH


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