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50 customer reviews of

Incredibly slow, and no come back when they decide...
Incredibly slow, and no come back when musicMagpie decide to "reject" items for arbitrary reasons (and won't provide evidence). The whole process for sending 75 CDs took 5 weeks from them collecting the CDs to finally having the money in my account (less the amount they deducted from the final amount for rejected items). The only other thing with rejected items is that you can't have them back either.

Maybe this is a teenager running it all from his bedroom?

Disgusted that they can get away with this
Companies like this should not be allowed to trade. I am appalled that people are able to be so dishonest and get away with it nowadays. I sent a phone to them as musicMagpie offered us £50. They then sent an email saying the camera didn't work so they are now offering £5. Knowing the camera was fine when I sent it I asked them to double check it. They then sent an email saying the lens on the camera was scratched. Again knowing the phone was good when I sent it I declined the revised offer and requested they return the phone. I received the phone back the lens had been scratched the hell out of along clearly on purpose along with a lovely scratch on the screen which wasn't on it before as I only removed the protection cover before sending the phone to them. And not only that they returned the phone minus the charger. Please advise trading standards if you have experienced something similar. And if you are tempted to ever use them take photos of everything before sending anything to them as well as photos of your packaging etc.

Don't ever buy a phone from them
I bought what was advertised as an iPhone 7 256GB unlocked on musicMagpie and on inserting the sim card (o2) and several others from the household, the phone was clearly locked.

No fuss, I thought. I raised with musicMagpie and I got a return postage slip for royal mail. Posted that day.

When musicMagpie acknowledged receipt (48 hours later than the 48 hour delivery date) they informed me that there were no suitable phones in so would issue me a refund. Fair enough.

So I ordered an iPhone 7 from another supplier as I needed the phone. 4 days go past and I get an email advising that they have dispatched a replacement iPhone 7. Eh? I contacted them and advised that I had already got an alternative, so to cancel their shipping and issue the already promised refund which had still not been received. "No they said, we'll issue your refund when we receive the item back after you've returned it" Eh?! So, due to their 2nd $#*! up I would have to drive to the post office, then wait at least 96 hours further for my refund. Getting a bit peeved.
I refused the item still have no refund nor apology.

There is no customer service number, I strongly suspect the individuals I have been coordinating with are not in the UK and don't have any authority to sort the issues out (nor care to do so).

I don't think they run checks on the mobiles they send out, which is probably required for higher value electronics. I've used them for cd's and thats fine.

Received Paper. Instead of phone
It maybe a bit to early to be writing this but i think the circumstances justify it. Today I was supposed to receive my order from MusicMagpie a (Pristine) IPhone Xs Max which i paid Around £500 for ( A clear bargain) on their eBay store. The package was delivered on expected date. Everything was going well until i opened the box, inside the box instead of a phone there was a just load of folded paper. I'm not sure if this was a mistake or musicMagpie are actually attempting to scam me but I have raised the issue with them and am currently awaiting a resolution. I've been an avid user of eBay for years and this has never before happened to me, this is just unnecessary hassle for me just before Christmas, what an absolute joke.

Avoid at all costs
Promised payment, now there's ‘a delay'. Item received by them 05/01/20 according to Royal Mail tracking. Music Magpie then ‘lost it'. Payment promised one week ago and since then there have been various excuses and no payment made. Last promised payment date was Thursday 28/01/20, no payment received and when chased was advised yesterday (29/01) there was ‘a delay'.

This is not how a reputable company behaves. Think carefully before you use them. I certainly will never use them again and won't recommend them to anyone.

Customer Service is almost non-existent, you will vibe constantly chasing them for information, so save yourself the grief.

I have to keep fighting to get what I owed, you don't have to by avoiding MusicMagpie at all costs.

No customer support
Ordered an iPad for my Mum. MusicMagpie sent one without a charger, obviously assuming she had one. She didn't and could not use it. I sent an email to customer support and it took them a week to respond. They then sent another cable, NOT a charger, despite making it perfectly clear the charger was missing from the original box and there was even an empty space where it should have been. Another week later and they still have not responded and it's nearly two weeks my Mum has been without access to Facetime her grandchildren. Disgraceful. Utterly shocking.

£15 poorer.
Oh dear, I used used Music Magpie for years but on sending through several items the other day I won't be using them again. MusicMagpie awarded 'zero value' to a Bluray boxset, stating it had no barcode and was a promotional item. I emailed immediately to question this as I had bought the item from Amazon and I had scanned the barcode when selling to Music Magpie! Several emails later, after I offered to pay return postage, collect in person etc. they state there is nothing they can do... they value it at £15! So will they sell it... hmmmmm. Really poor and I would avoid.

1 star is a star too many
This is my second attempt at purchasing a phone through music magpie, i thought not a chance it could be terrible twice, the first time must have been a freak accident. How wrong i was. I ordered this phone on the 9th April, and due to the awful non delivery last time, i decided to pay for express next day delivery. Today being the 17th April, and still no phone. I contacted music magpie and demanded a full refund to take my business elsewhere, and musicMagpie said they had issues sending it out but would refund my delivery, and get it to me within 3 days. Well 3 days is here and still no phone, and no refund at all. Despite several emails requesting a refund (all ignored with not even a courtesy reply).
Customer service does not exist. How can a company ignore several customer emails? If i could give less than 1 star, i would. My daughter is back to school on Monday and now has no phone, after not receiving this one, and them refusing to refund my money to purchase one elsewhere.
Magpie by name, magpie by nature!

Scamming fraudsters
Bought an xbox console from this company on ebay. On the day delivery was due messaged them to ask if the item had been sent and a few hours later musicMagpie replied to tell me the order had been cancelled. Several messages and different stories later it became clear how they operate. List an item, sell it to as many people as possible, collect all the payments and keep the money in their bank for as long as they can. They don't issue refunds, you have to open a case with paypal and they don't respond to that either just wait until it runs it's course and paypal issue the refund.
I believe this is fraud and I am looking into legal action against these scammers.

Your item is not as specified. Please view our Revised Offer Price
I've been pretty stupid, MM returned my ipad with a very slight white spot that musicMagpie advised was liquid damage, it was minor and I'd never seen it before but never the less it wasn't 100% perfect, so I thought lighting doesn't strike twice and my iPhone 8 is perfect so perfect that I took a video of it and decided to risk posting it to MM as they had offered £237 and what could go wrong it surely they couldn't argue its condition after I had looked at it so closely, I was wrong they sent the dreaded not as specified email and a revised offer of £132, at this stage I've asked for photo of the reported "liquid damage" either MM are so fussy and this means really really fussy as my phone was as new or there's something very dark about their mode of business? My best advice is for you to never ever use them, they used to be ok but two rejected items in a fortnight is characteristic of a struggling company out to make money however they can.


I first used music magpie roughly six months ago and was initially delighted.

However; the phone I purchased from them and then only used for a few weeks as I was between jobs so gave in my old company phone then got another when trading back it musicMagpie reported was damaged and dramatically reduced the quote for, when eventually hearing from them - very difficult as my emails where all ignored save for automated ones and they won't speak on the phone. I eventually got my phone back after nealry a month of chasing and sold the next day to a high street shop who rated it A1 on their condition scale - it was a nightmare getting hold of anyone at Music Magpie. Perhaps the opinion on the condition of the phone more than one person could form an opinion on, however they reduced the value to £39 so discounting by over £100 from their original quote - there's no reason for being so hard to reach.

Secondly and more critically I purchased a laptop from them, have only used at my desk and after roughly six months it's stopped functioning totally. It's never had a impact or water spill after roughly a one month wait they return it, no report as to why they're refusing the refund. After again a huge amount of chasing they send an email saying it's been exposed to moisture or dampness, I have a brand new apartment with constant air filtration and conditioning and the laptop never left my desk. If water/moisture damage occurred in the many palaces internally allegedly they say (and sent photos of) it has it must be from before they sold it to me. Again it's impossible to reach or speak to someone, I'm now intending on pursuing this through the small claims courts. Without prejudice. When asking for details of any Ombudsman schemes or to escalate a issue on their online ‘chats' the only way music magpie communicates they simply ignore and never respond.

Music Magpie may argue about the condition of items, I think in my case they're on thin ice but they have terrible customer support and their warranties seem to not be worth the data cost of an email. The savings I made by using Music Magpie are hugely out weighed by the time and stress they've caused me.


Purchased a phone, as I needed it urgently for work, paying for the next day delivery.

Phone was described as in 'good' condition, which was not the case - phone is covered in dents, and the whole surface is extremely scratched (description promised it'll be a scratch or two that's easy to cover with the protector).

Phone also arrived broken - home button was stuck in, making phone impossible to use, and once again not meeting description of the product on the website.

When got in touch with Customer Support, I was put through to the lad called 'Sam G.' who refused to help me and then his manager 'Jamie' refused to speak to me without giving me any reason.

So not only, musicmagpie sells evidently broken phones, it also refuses to resolve any customer issues and managers are not bothered either.

Beware If they say phone is faulty
I sent a Motorola phone to them that had hardly been used and was in mint condition... MusicMagpie initially offered me £40 but when they received the phone came back with a revised offer of a measly £3 saying the phone wouldn't switch on. Asked them to return the phone which they did I took it straight out of the box and switched it on no problem. I get the feeling that they say the phone is faulty in the hope you will just accept their revised offer so they can then just sell it on for maximum profit. Beware don't accept a revised offer if you know your phone was working when you sent it to them or even better don't use them at all! I really cannot recommend them whatsoever.

Will not pay for item I sent
1 star is being polite
1 star is being polite. Sent an Apple Watch and there was a delay as I had to remotely remove the iCloud account. Since then though no payment has been offered and nothing received. Impossible to contact and all emails and complaints are now blatantly being ignored. Misleading advertising regarding selling items. At present I have basically handed over an Apple Watch to a large company and said goodbye to it. Think very carefully before selling high value items. Since this review I have sent 20 to 30 emails to all of the addresses I can find and rarely get a reply. If I do it is a generic email saying musicMagpie will escalate it. They simply will not mention or discuss payment. They have had the item 8 days now and for the life of me I cannot get the money out of them. My only option now is to go to trading standards, but it would seem that with regards to my item I have to face facts that they have it and will not be paying for it. Probably one of the happy 5 star customers on another site has already bought it.

Bad experience overall
Sold an item, with all the pieces and games. Then was told that the console was missing a controller which is a LIE because I posted two! I obviously rejected the offer as I don't want to deal with a lying company. Overall really horrible customer service AND THEN musicMagpie sent back the item MINUS the controllers I sent, cables like HDMI lead, sensor AND stand. Literally JUST the game console. I have emailed asking where these items are but no reply!
Please use a different selling website. Reading other reviews it seems they pick and choose when to do this so as not to arouse too much suspicion. Kind of pathetic that they would try to swindle customers like this.

Very dodgy
2 Xbox one console sent (1 x 1 tb version and 1 x2 tb version) in perfect working condition with warranty stickers intact on both and in original box, I then received an email stating the 1tb had been declined due to cracked damage like it had been dropped new offer was £10 while original offer was £100, When i contact MM via chat musicMagpie then informed it wasn't cracked but had loose parts, later on i was then informed the 1tb was in fact ok and it was the 2tb version what had the issues, and was told the tech guys had put a rubber band round the unit to hold it together, I asked for pictures and they were never supplied. I tried to escalate however informed this not possible, i can assure you both these console was sent 100% fully working no cracks nor loose parts and all warranty stickers intact, all I can say is make sure you take pictures when sending a anything to MM with S/N and timestamp, lets see what junk they send back to me.
Absolutely shocking service which by the sounds of it will leave me well and truly out of pocket, if a rubber band holding this together which was not how this console was sent, i have pictures of the console taken a few days before sending and also have my networks logs of the console working on the day i factory reset the console, I really feel scammed, all they kept asking for is proof of item before I sent, but I can assure you whatever proof i did have they would just say well this could have happened between me taking the picture and putting in the box, Please anyone reading this, BEWARE


Xbox has been returned and yes sounds like lose parts, this was not sent this way, also when Xbox sent, it was in the original box, with all cables included, Xbox returned original box missing, HDMI cable missing and the stand to allow the xbox to stand on its end also missing, I will be reaching out to Music Magpie, but expecting usual response, do you have the proof.

Shoddy work, poor website, don't check devices fully
Be careful with music magpie, musicMagpie don't fully check tech fully works.

I tried selling them my old huewei mate 20 pro to them, quoted £125 and requested a returns packaging. On their site, they Don't have good enough options to determine how good or bad the phone condition is in, example power on, screen have scratches or cracks, case broken or cracks, only 3 options. A rival company (Mazuma mobile) has much more better options which are much more realistic for returning/selling 2nd hand items.

When they received it, they said it had "deep multiple scratches" and due to that re offered me £35! Even though the phone was fully working and operational- what its designed to do. This company cares more about how the phone looks rather than what it's capable of and we all know you shouldn't judge a book by it's cover.

I refused the new offer and asked them to return it to me free of charge (1 star rating for that at least).

When I received my old phone back, I checked the Android Boot logs and it wasn't booted up at all from anytime in their hands, only setup mode. Plus I did declare it had a few scratches, none of which effected the phone.

I had their customer service contact me after this review and I asked to show proof they tested the phone fully and was sent a picture of setup mode running. I questioned whether they tested it fully from Bluetooth to GPS to mobile service signal and was treated like a baby with a essay that sums up like we can assure you it was tested you silly little boy! So patronising and demeaning to someone who knows what he is on about (self taught over 18 years) and when they got caught short, trying going "yeah, whatever silly boy"

I'm sorry but if you buy tech from these, be careful and please check if it can call or txt out, that the WiFi network works as well as Bluetooth cos it seems they don't fully test the technology as what it's manufactured for.

Stay away from this company, shoddy /bone idol work and not really a good website to trade in tech that can be in alsorts of conditions and shapes.

I managed to sell it for £125 with Mazuma mobile

Selling my phone
Tried to sell my old phone which musicMagpie valued at £41 this had been used right upto the day it was posted to them, they receive it and tell me that it's only worth £4 because the charging port doesn't work. I don't agree to sell it's I know the charging port works fine so I receive the phone back today and get it checked in my local phone shop who says it all works absolutely fine. So this shows they are trying to con people out of money. Don't trust them with selling anything to them is all I will say. This ll happened to a friend of mine whose phone they lied about to... had I have known this I wouldn't have bothered dealing with them in the first place. Just avoid!

Decided to sell my phone due to getting an Upgrade. Went onto Music Magpie and entered details of phone in, and that it was good condition. Offer popped up £77.10. Accepted it and was sent a barcode to get scanned at post office. Packaged it up, two lots of bubble wrap (round the phone, put it in original box and wrapped the box in more bubble wrap, then in brown paper). Took it to post office, got barcode scanned, label was printed, sent it off. A few days later I got an email stating it wasn't in the condition I said it was in and their revised offer was now £49,68. I subsequently emailed and asked that musicMagpie send me a photo of my damaged phone as I had taken a picture of it before it left my hands. They sent me three pictures of a damaged phone, with an IMEI sticker next to it. I contacted my phone provider who sent me the IMEI Number from my phone as they keep records. This matched the sticker next to the phone they were saying was mine. I emailed again and told them that I knew it definitely wasn't my phone and that they had in effect stolen my phone and replaced it with another one and were trying to con me. I told them I had filed a report at the Police Station and that this matter will now be dealt with by them on my behalf. I asked for the Phone to be returned to me as soon as possible so I could take it to the Police upon receipt. I got the phone this morning (4 Sept 2019) and felt sick as I opened the parcel, wondering what I was going to find. In the box was MY Phone - no damage, nothing. Why would they do that? I'll tell you why, because they think if they show you some damage you will accept their lower offer. Well I'm happy to say I saw through their scam and I now have my Phone and all the evidence I need to kick their sorry asses.

Under no circumstances sell your Mobile Phones to these Con Artists.

I've attached a pic of the Phone they said was mine and my actual Phone which they returned - funny that!

Sent them a black Samsung s9 which musicMagpie quoted £155... days later they emailed and said phone was broken, was nothing wrong with phone when I sent it, offered £30. I said send me my phone back, arrived today, different phone, same model different colour and they say they sent me my phone back, according to there live chat as not contactable by phone I have no proof, sent them a letter from my phone provider with IMEI number on to state I own the phone and they still say nope you have no proof. Be very careful using this company as clearly thieves, I have reported my phone stolen so they can sell but will it work.

Don't use. Complete con
We were quoted £234 for our phone. The phone was in such good condition, always had a case on and even had a lot of the plastic still on it from when we first had it. I packaged up with bubble wrap and put it into a box. Over a week later I checked my account and it stated the phone was down valued to £129 because it wasn't open to other networks. This wasn't the case so I thought they'd just made a mistake. I eventually found a way to contact them and via chat musicMagpie said it was down valued because it's got deep scratches on it? I said that's not what it said on my acct. She had nothing to come back to me with other than to say if I'm not happy with the price I can decline it and get the phone back. I asked to speak to a Manager because I know it was immaculate when it left us, and I was told that you can't contact Managers. They've got no email address or tel no. I've given up and just asked for it to be sent back to us. I'm not giving in to their obvious scam. I can prove it's not got scratches as we've got a photo of it before we sent it, so it better come back in as good a condition as it went. These sort of companies get on my nerves. I wonder what % just accept what they say and they make a lot of money out of them.

I sent in a perfect Samsung galaxy S2 tablet without a mark on it and I checked it was fully working with no faults. MusicMagpie quoted £79.99, after a few days of not hearing anything I checked my account to check for progress only to find it was classed as faulty and a revised price of £7 would be credited to my account after 7 days of music magpie receiving the tablet as full and final settlement. They did not notify me that my tablet was faulty they were just hoping that 7 days would elapse without me noticing and it would be too late. I quickly informed them to send it back and I would not be accepting their offer. Guess what my tablet arrived in full and perfect working condition. So just watch it with this lot as it's very sharp practice. Unfortunately for music magpie they tried it on with the wrong person and I will be taking legal advise on Monday morning.

Revised offer refused and iphone sold elswhere as Grade A
Received my "liquid damaged" iPhone back from music magpie, see photo's provided by MM as proof of damage (don't bother looking too hard there's no damage just photos of the same sticker taken 4 times) so took my phone to CEX who without prompting said this was an iPhone in exceptional condition and promptly gave it an A grade an me £232 a full £100 more than MM's "revised offer" at the time of writing this I've written to MM for their comments, in fairness I'll post them once received,

Don't bother
Don't bother.

Sent me a faulty PS4 clearly untested.

I went on chat and musicMagpie didn't send me the transcript, then they lost the transcript.

Now been on chat for an hour trying to confirm refund.


When I filed a complaint about the service with Music Magpie and when I was not happy with the response I asked what the next step was. I was told that there was nowhere else to go, no further escalation was possible within the company itself and that they are not regulated and neither is there an ombudsman. This is extremely dodgy and if you still want to use this company after reading this review then I must warn you that you are taking a big risk. There are so many other options out there for you, retailers that offer much better customer service with staff who actually take responsibility for their mistakes.

First time using musicMagpie. I purchased an 'unlocked' iPhone for my secretary which I needed up and running as soon as possible. The item that arrived was locked to the EE network; I had already purchased a SIM only deal withThree. I didn't read reviews of musicMagpie before ordering from them, which is unusual for me, but boy do I wish I had. MusicMagpie are clearly charlatans. I'd just avoid them altogether and shop on eBay, which I've done many times before for similar items and never had nay problems.

Music Magpie absolutely disgraceful
Absolutely disgusting from Music Magpie.
Raised 3 complaints now none of which responded to appropriately. Payment allegedly issued, not received informed that it was issued incorrectly and must wait further 24 hours for reissue. £1000 phone sent in with value of trade at £610 absolutely fine with the valuation and amount perfect, but now refusing to pay me. I will be escalating to trading standards and the police due to the stress caused by the process spent days on the chat to get answers all I want is the money I was assured for the product musicMagpie now have ownership of!

Send my iPhone 7 to them and musicMagpie quoted £85 but then got a email saying the screen is cracked and offered me £25.50,, there was nothing wrong with the phone as I took pictures of the phone before I sent it,, I asked music magpie to send me pictures of the supposed crack they did and it doesn't match nothing on the pictures they sent me. So will be finding out wat I can do about them,, I should of never of sent it to them as wat they done b4 I though it was just me,, I'm a idiot in trusting them

Jokers - do not waste your time with them!
Tried reducing an original offer of £400 to £40 because our Ipad Pro was "bent beyond repair". Absolute b. S., there wasn't a thing wrong with it but I've seen so many reviews of them trying this trick. MusicMagpie then attempted to get our review taken down from another site because I didn't include our order number. Because they can't post the one 1-star reviews amongst the 4 and 5* reviews they put on their website to lure people in. And who knows how much £££ in accessories they're pilfering from people by not returning them if they decline the second offer. Absolute scam.

Total Liars
I went to sell my iPad on music magpie and musicMagpie offered £302.50 for it in good condition. I sent my iPad to them and it was in excellent condition, and they said that the torch light didn't work and there was water marks on it. They then changed the price to £55 which is an absolute joke so I got the iPad back and refused it. I got it back gone and checked it straight away, there was no watermarks and the torch worked fine. Shows that they are total liars!

I sent my iPad off to Music Magpie. Did not like what musicMagpie were offering as they changed the goal posts, not an issue as they send it back, right? Well, they did not send back the SIM tray to my iPad, now I cannot sell to anyone else nor use it!
I have tried and been promised to have this resolved but they lied 3 times saying they sent a new SIM tray out to me but have not, I have been lied to saying that a manager will be in contact but has not, you can not even speak to a person at their "customer service".
They have left me stuck in an impossible position.

If they can't get a SIM tray right when there is an issue then Imagen what they do when it's something bigger?


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musicMagpie Rating

Based on 50 reviews from musicMagpie customers, company has accumulated an average rating of 1 stars, indicating that majority of customers are not satisfied with its service.
Overall satisfaction rating

Description: Sell your stuff for CASH with musicMagpie, including Games and Phones and get SAME DAY payment. Trade-in today!

Address: Black & White House, Hulley Rd, Hurdsfield Industrial Estate, SK10 2AF


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