50 customer reviews of naturamarket.ca
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Based on 50 reviews from Natura Market customers, company has accumulated an average rating of 4 stars, indicating that majority of customers are satisfied with its service.
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Natura Market
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Is Natura Market registered on BBB?
Natura Market is not registered on BBB. Therefore, this business has no BBB rating and accreditation.
Keep in mind to follow the advise they give when ordering certain items ex: evolve chocolate cups, will melt when it's warmer weather outside which is why I usually only order them in the winter months or certain mayos!
Natura has a substitute for pasta: Konjac. It comes in various shape line spaghetti and penne and, much like pasta, it does not have an overpowering taste. It is moire a matter of what you put on it.
That made my keto diet easier.
As well, the Keto waffle mix is very much like the traditional waffle. Mix without the 'ton' of carbs.
Shipping is also excellent... right to your doorstep.