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50 customer reviews of lost sight of customer service.
"On December 28,2019, I ordered a WiFi adapter for my PC. It didn't have a stable connection and I went through the return process. Newegg emailed me a return label. I returned the item, in the original box and packaging, applying the label that Newegg sent to me. Within 4 business days, the return was signed-for, so I expected a refund within a few days. I waited. And Waited. And Waited. I received a warning email that my return would expire if I did not return the item. I had already received an email confirmation from FedEx that the return was delivered. I called Newegg and spoke with a very clueless person who told me that I sent the item to the wrong address! What? I used their label. I told her that I had returned the item, using their label, and gave her the tracking, which she already had as Newegg had sent me the label. I told her it was signed for, gave the name and date/time stamp from FedEx. She said, "You used the wrong address so you have to retrieve the item and use a different label to return the item to us, before the expiration date." Newegg lost the item, but I am somehow to retrieve it for them? In California? The expiration date, of the return, was less than a week! I told her that it wasn't my fault that they sent me the wrong RMA label and I was being held liable for their error. She told me that was the way it was. For clarification, I printed two copies of the PDF label, used one for the return and kept the other so I'd have a tracking number. Both labels matched and the tracking number matched the number on my account return status page.
Since I had purchased the item from Newegg using PayPal, I turned to Paypal and sent all supporting documentation to them, including the label, the copy of FedEx tracking, Newegg invoice, a screenshot of the customer account return status page, the PayPal statement, etc. Paypal asked for 10 days for Newegg to respond, which I agreed to. Newegg never responded. I received a refund on February 5th, for the full amount. A month later, NewEgg wanted me to reverse the charge-back, as they had conveniently found the item and wanted to credit my account. It appears that Newegg only wished to refund me after the charge-back. Evidently, Paypal had given them 10 business days to take care of the refund, and Newegg refused, so Paypal reversed the charge. The caller told me specifically, "reverse the chargeback and we will charge your credit card for the full amount, then refund your account within 10 business days." I refused. I no longer trusted them.
Today, I tried to log into my account and was greeted with, "We apologize for the inconvenience, but this account has been suspended. Please do not continue to attempt to log in. You can call us at *******119 for help." I called and got "please enter your order number." I hung-up and went to the customer service page and ordered a call-back. I spoke with another clueless woman who told me that my account was blocked due to a chargeback. I explained the situation and she refused to acknowledge an error occurred and said that the only way to resolve the account closure was to reverse the charge-back, apply a credit-card charge and wait ~10 days for a refund. I refused. It seems that Newegg only wished to refund me after having a chargeback applied to their account. I didn't order the chargeback, Paypal did, after giving them plenty of time to resolve the issue. That's fine. Newegg isn't the only ballgame in town. I haven't used them since February, as I am not out of the computer repair business, and only now decided to do some major upgrades to my desktop computers and file server. Despite the fact that I had been a personal and business account customer of theirs since 2001, I see they no longer care about the customer. In that regard, they lost my business until they come to their senses. They probably don't care about my little money, now, anyways. The only way to get their attention is, from my experience, is a chargeback."


Defective TV received

RMA not issued for 2 weeks after initial request and multiple follow-ups.

Failed to refund initial payment method (bitcoin) so I could take my business elsewhere.

TV I originally ordered was out of stock so I stood to lose all the money I saved on the bitcoin promotion AND be stuck with a Newegg store credit that I didn't want. Nobody cared.

Finally got someone who had the bright idea of allowing me to take advantage of the same discount once I was issued my store credit. She thought this was such a stretch of a solution on her end that she was so proud of herself. I was so fed up I didn't even care that the "resolution" was nothing more than I initially had minus hours upon hours of time spent on the phone with customer service reps and 3 weeks since I initially wanted a new TV in my living room.

Got issued an RMA and immediately sent in the defective TV

I wanted to be ready to get the new TV shipped out as soon as I was issued the store credit so I spent hours searching for a TV that was
1. Sold by new egg
2. A samsung television
3.46" or larger
4. Over $599 but not much more
5. Free shipping

There was 1 TV that kind of fit my specs (but cost more than I had originally budgeted). I put it in my cart.

I was issued my store credit and immediately went online to find that my cart was empty because the product I chose was out of stock.

I called back and told my story and mentioned that there were 3 options:
1. I buy a less expensive but less fully-featured TV -> settle for less
2. I buy a more expensive TV -> but the TV I had chosen was already stretching my budget
3. Wait for the TV to come back into stock -> nobody could tell me when this would happen and I had already been waiting for weeks

Nobody cared which option I chose. I proposed that maybe I could choose option 2 and Newegg could spot me the difference. Nobody cared.

I spoke with Maria, who seemed sensitive and interested in helping me resolve my situation. She said she'd call me back and see what she could do. She called me back and basically said, "Okay so it looks like we can give you the same thing that we initially offered you" All the while acting like this was some kind of grand concession that I should be elated over.


Horrible Customer Service
I ordered two items from Newegg and only one of the items was delivered. The box had a shipping confirmation for both but only one was in the box.

I called Newegg the day after I received my package (hour wait) and filed a claim for the missing Intel Core Processor. I was told I would receive and email within the next 3-5 days. On the fifth day I called Shipping and Claims (hour and a half wait) and expressed my concern that I had not heard anything. The customer service representative assured me that he would post a message asking that the claims department resolve why this had not been looked at yet. He then told me I would hear something by Tuesday at the latest, which is today. Since we still have not received an email I am now on hold again to ask about the status.

It is mind boggling as to why Newegg don't employ a larger customer service department since they have such a large consumer base. It is so utterly ridiculous that even if I have a simple question that it's an hour + wait time on the phone as well as on chat. It makes me dread calling them and makes me never want to order from Newegg again. This process is quickly turning into a nightmare.

EDIT: After talking to Newegg, they said our claim was denied and that the weight that was labeled on the box matched the weight of the two items combined and that all their processor's were accounted for. They made it explicitly clear they could do nothing for me at this point and my claim was denied. My item was never in the box! I am so aggravated at this point and trying to decide what course of action to take next. Newegg literally stole almost 400$ from us. If this can be resolved I will update my review.

Order Number 199354599

***EDIT #2: I went back and forth with Newegg on this issue for weeks after this happened. It is extremely obvious someone put the five finger discount on my processor that works at this place because the box was not tampered with whatsoever. After they refused to help me resolve this I contacted the BBB and filed a complaint. During this time I also went to Regions bank and reported that I had paid for a product that was not delivered to me and they also opened a case to look into it. I THEN went to my local police department and reported all of this. Although they can't do much of anything I wanted it all on file.

I went back and forth through the BBB talking to Newegg for a week trying to AGAIN resolve this and Newegg would not budge or offer any compensation. I eventually heard back from the Regions corporate office that they were going to refund me my money and pursue this themselves.

It has been months since this happened but I thought I would provide another update as to the lengths I had to go through after this happened and help others be aware of problems like this that could arise. They could have just been an upstanding company and ate the cost of the product and sent me another since this was their fault but they played the blame game and blamed the customer.

If you order from the company do so at your own risk and ALWAYS order things separately. This whole entire poop storm was from them boxing two expensive items in one box which is ludicrous and also bad business.

RMA confusion
I have bought many things from Newegg in the past. Have built all my home computers using their products. The system I built this time included a Crossfire twin video card system. After I was up and running I found out the Crossfire was not working. I contacted both the motherboard and video card manufacturers. After almost a week Newegg pretty much pointed the blame at each other and was told get more of the product. Since the motherboard was working awesome I decided I was going to return the video cards and get a single better card. After setting up the RMA I talked to customer service since I had selected defective as the RMA instead of Unhappy. They assured me they would get the description changed. I was informed there would be a 15% restocking fee which I understood and accepted. After sending both cards back - almost 4-5 days later I had to get back on to support and ask them what was taking so long. The person assured me they would request a expedited return request. Today got an email that the first RMA was not defective and they were shipping it back to me. Once again got in touch with support who thankfully was able to get it changed.

I think this might be the last time I order from Newegg. For an RMA - it takes anywhere from 2-5 days to process your RMA once they receive it. Then an additional 5-7 days to get an actual refund. If there is any complications (like mine) it may take another week to see your refund. Still have not seen anything yet as I write this. Of the few things I have returned through Amazon they issued a refund within the week. Perhaps this is normal for big electronics retailers? I ended up buying my video card from Amazon using Prime. System is running perfectly.

I understand there are those out there trying to pull fast ones over on Newegg. I have been a long time customer and this is the first time I felt negative about the experience.

I was a Newegg customer for 11 years. Keyword: WAS
My first order date was on 8/11/2005 when I was a ripe age of 16 when I built my first computer. Back then Newegg was the go-to place for tech hardware. Since then Newegg has started selling all sorts of tech and I've stuck with them for the most part, with a few hiccups here and there with customer service. In fact, the Newegg customer service used to be the standard in my eyes. I've since found myself going with Amazon for computer parts (just spent $400 this week) more and more, as I've started to lose faith in Newegg. In the past 3-4 years been screwed on Newegg refurbished products, rebates, and just general purchases.

My most recent order was on 6/28/16, which had a rush processing with 3-day shipping. While Newegg disclaim that there is no guarantee that the rush processing will work (then why sell it for 3 bucks?) that it should ship out on the same day. The very next day an alert goes up claiming from 6/29 - 7/1 they are doing inventory and we shouldn't expect our orders to go out. I contacted customer service inquiring why my product hadn't shipped by 7/1 and I get boiler plate apologies and garbage excuses. I was PROMISED that my item would ship on 7/1. I have since been told that my item wont ship now until 7/5 and wont receive my item until 7/8.

I've considering canceling the order but I actually have a client who needed this yesterday, I suppose I will keep it for myself now or as a Christmas present. This will be my last Newegg purchase. I'd rather have the reliability of Amazon that will back their word then useless fake apologies of Newegg customer service.

Also they laughably offered me a $5 dollar gift card for my troubles. It's not about money, its about principal. Not to mention right as I try to cancel they mark it as Shipped so I have to resend them back the item for refund.

Rips people off with invalid returns and takes forever to respond (if ever)
We have responded to Nicholas' message below, and we were shortly sent this response:

"Thank you for the information however we could not accept your return. The reason is because our Newegg returns policy does not cover physical damage that occurs. For returns we require the UPC code, the original item box and accessories, and the item must be secure in its packaging so no damage will occur during transit."

So if you see that Newegg have responded to a person's issue, they seem to be just attempting to maintain a positive image, because they are continuing to send us in circles. We have never had this kind of interaction with a company and are very shocked. See below for the whole story:
About a month ago, I was in the market trying to find a basic gaming laptop for a good price, and I stumbled upon an MSI Laptop with just the basics for around $800 being sold by NewEgg. I did a little bit of research and decided to purchase it.

However, once I received the laptop, I soon discovered that it was not compatible with the Oculus Rift, and decided to return the product after only using it one time.
I went on NewEggs website and followed their return instructions, and I even purchased their return label for $15. I was then prompted to pay a $95 restocking fee, and even though I felt that this was pretty high, I decided to just go ahead and pay it.

After about two weeks had gone by, I received an email stating "Unfortunately, the item(s) mentioned above was physically damaged and beyond the applicable warranty coverage as indicated in our Standard Warranty Policy." I was extremely frustrated with this email considering that I had only used the laptop one time, was positive that no damage had occurred while it was in my possession, and followed (and paid for) their shipping instructions. I had assumed that something must have gone wrong while they were processing my return causing it to be mislabeled as damaged, so I decided to call NewEgg directly.

After speaking with a very nice person who had instructed me to wait a couple of days while my claim is under investigation, they told me that I would be contacted very soon. After two more weeks went by, I knew that they would not reach out to me. (It also seems that a few other users have had this problem with NewEgg where they claim to get back with you shortly, but just end up putting their customers aside.)

So, I gave them another call, but this time, the person told me that nothing could be done, and they are not liable for any of the damage that had occurred, and after speaking with a manager, they reached the conclusion that I would not be getting my money back.

I have many friends and coworkers who had used NewEgg for all of their computer and gaming products with little complaints, but now, none of us would trust them with a purchase larger than $50. As a college student, a purchase of this size is a big deal, and I cannot afford to suffer an $800 loss for a laptop I did not break. Now I am out $800 for the purchase, $15 for the shipping, and $95 for the "restocking fee." Their customer service had me running in circles for a solution that they would never provide.

I would not recommend NewEgg to anyone! Especially if you have any doubts that you may return your product! They care less about their customers than most businesses and are very difficult to deal with. Though the people we talked to sounded nice, they never gave us any solutions and just kind of blew us off. Stay away from NewEgg!

Afterwards, I started looking into past reviews of NewEgg, and I found some similar stories. This guy returned a products with all of its components and he was denied a return:

This person was unable to get a refund for a defective product: />
And this person was denied compensation for a product that they never even received (however, it does seem that NewEgg was handling the issue in the post):

So far, I am very disappointed with the way that NewEgg does business. It is not professional, and they do not value their customers. And after a while of loyalty, I no longer feel safe purchasing anything from NewEgg, and I am very disappointed because they actually had some good deals, but they rip off anyone who has a problem. Not worth my time and money, and they shouldnt be worth yours either.

Dishonest at the very least
I have ordered things several years ago from Newegg and disliked their shipping policies but the latest orders made me decide to not only never use them again but to also tell others of my experience.

I ordered two Lenovo Y700 laptops from Newegg to save a few bucks. I have FedEx delivery manager so I thought I would be able to customize the delivery, change the date, address, hold the package, sign online, etc. I was surprised to find that I could do none of these things! Newegg locks the shipping options to "must have signature IN PERSON upon delivery" Have a job? Tough!

I call Newegg. Newegg say they are unable to change the shipping and blame Fed Ex and Paypal. I call FedEx and Paypal. FedEx claims the seller/shipper determines the terms, not FedEx. Paypal also denies forcing this signature. No one will take responsibility.

I at least ask Newegg customer service on two separate occasions to never send me anything via FedEx again because the local drivers are lazy POS's and don't even knock on the door. (the day of the delivery my entire family and I were home not 8 feet from the door and the driver left the sticker - no note - no bell. The manager lied to me over the phone and said he was on the phone with the driver at the time and said he "heard him knocking.") Fed Ex is a very unreliable service in our area while USPS and UPS have no issues.

So I *could* give Newegg the benefit of the doubt until my last purchase. I purchased an HP laptop via Amazon through a seller called "WaveTech, Inc." and used a credit card. No Newegg, no Paypal.

I find out that the WaveTech storefront is a literal "front" for Newegg AFTER the shipping process has begun, and you guessed it, it is through FedEx and MUST have signature in person upon delivery.

I am guessing that Newegg needs a different name (or several names) to sell under because their service is so poor and their business suffers as a result. In any case, they sent me another package via FedEx with the same restrictions with no Paypal involved and FedEx (national office customer service) once again tells me the shipper determines the signature requirement.

So Newegg has lied to me at least three times - twice on their BS shipping requirements and once in their dishonest storefront on Amazon. The third laptop is supposedly to arrive tomorrow, day after Thanksgiving. I will be waiting at the door for the driver.:)

In any event, it is now my duty to write this review everywhere I am able. Newegg does not deserve anyone's business because they are dishonest.

EDIT: In response to newegg's comment below:

1) They mean section 9.4, not 11.4.

2) signature confirmation does not automatically denote being there in person on delivery, and

3) even if it did, that is never made clear to the customer until AFTER the shipment arrives at the local fedex location, AND

4) What about my request for, and confirmation of, not using Fedex for shipments to me? It was supposedly "noted on my account" for all purchases.

5) UPS/USPS allows me to pick up the item at their distribution point. Fedex does not. Both UPS and USPS allow/offer the ability to sign a form and leave it for future delivery and this fulfills the "signature upon delivery" requirement. Only Fedex requires someone in person at delivery.

6) After the customer finds out they must be in person, why can they not go online and change the shipping address and/or sign for their packages? You know, the reason Fedex is supposedly used in the first place? Their awesome flexibility?

Even if Paypal makes the signature requirement it is stll Newegg doing the shipping and making the boneheaded choice to lock out all of these "flexible" shipping choices. So, still Newegg's fault.

But yeah I am sure Newegg feels they are going out of their way to please their customers!



I purchased an Asus Desktop computer online from Then I promptly requested that Newegg cancel the transaction and issue me a refund shortly afterwards, due to my having found a far better deal on a computer from another online vendor

However, the scumbags that own/operate NewEgg decided that it would be in their best interest to ignore my request to cancel my order, choosing instead to send the desktop computer to my home anyway, and then proceeding to issue me a RMA (Returned Merchandise Authorization) form that states that even if I were to pay out of my own pocket to return the desktop computer, they will still keep for themselves $48 from my refund.


It would have cost them nothing to have respected my wishes by cancelling my order and refunding my debit card account.

I contacted NewEggs customer service department to address this matter and I have yet to hear an intelligent solution to their blunder.

Additionally, after being fed up with NewEggs useless customer service, I attempted to turn on the computer. And no big surprise. IT DOESNT WORK!


NEWEGG HAS JUST EARNED A GREAT DEAL MORE THAN $48 WORTH OF NEGATIVE ADVERTISING FROM ME. is clearly administrated by low-life scumbags that try to extort every dollar they can out of unsuspecting consumers.

If you still choose to do business with NewEgg after reading this review, and get ripped off by them, then youll only have yourself to blame.

You will be far better off shopping on ANY of the other online retail sites!

Evasive, dishonest, disrespectful and abhorrent company
Newegg has forwarded my claim to "their expense team for review"
More updates to follow


Consumer Complaints & Reviews
Anthony of Okeechobee, FL on Jan. 22,2016
Satisfaction Rating
I bought the wrong item from Newegg, so I did a "do not want" when it was delivered. I tracked it back to New Jersey to their warehouse. I call for my refund and they're indicating that the warehouse never received it when the FedEx tracking shows that it was returned and signed for. Newegg will take your money and lie about not having your product. I have been constantly fussing with customer service for 4 days now. Still no results!

Helpful? YesNo
Lou of Fredericton, NB on Jan. 19,2016
Satisfaction Rating
Resolution In Progress
I bought a computer from Newegg. I ordered it on Christmas Day and received it on Thursday Dec. 31. The computer would not turn on. After several discussions with Newegg technician, I was told to send it back. I received a RMA label and took the computer to the courier UPS the first day they were open which was Tuesday Jan. 5. I received an email from NEWEGG on Jan. 19 saying they had just received the computer and I would have to allow more time for them to process then another 3 to 5 days to get the money back on my credit card. UPS would not have taken 14 days to deliver to Ontario. UPS said it would be three business days.

Helpful? YesNo
Scott of Lake Hiawatah, NJ on Jan. 19,2016
Satisfaction Rating
Resolution In Progress
I have been an exclusive Amazon Prime member for years. While building a new PC, I gave Newegg a shot for a few of the components - specifically, the most expensive piece, a high end video card well over $300. Got the card and other items during the day on a Thursday. Unpacked everything. I cut the UPC off every box - you never know when you need them. Couldn't work on them that night. Had plans. Next day was recycling, so out with all the outer shell boxes. Next day, put PC together. Bad video card. Ho hum. It happens. Box it back up in main interior box along with all peripherals, static bag, etc. Request RMA and ship back. Gets rejected - no outer box. What?

I contact them and they say they need the box, for the UPC. "No problem," I say. I cut that off and included it. Story then changes to, "no, need full outer box". "Why, for a defective unit, would you need that?" Get no real answer other than "it is policy". I have ordered from Amazon for over 10 years. This has never been an issue once. Lesson learned - stick with Amazon! For the record the customer service rep remained cordial and tried to escalate, but to no avail. Kudos to him/her, but I will not order from them again.

Helpful? YesNo
Jc of Schnecksville, PA on Jan. 19,2016
Satisfaction Rating
Resolution In Progress
Beware consumers! Do not buy computers from Newegg! I purchased a computer from them which never worked. They advise me send it to a 3rd party repair service. Did what was asked. It was never fixed! This computer was send back 4 times and still was never fixed. They now refuse to return this computer.

Helpful? YesNo
Joe of Toledo, Other on Jan. 14,2016
Satisfaction Rating
Resolution In Progress
I placed an order with Newegg as I have for many years prior. This time they have failed in a significant way. My laptop HD is failing and I placed an order, they offered free shipping which I took advantage of, in the past this was 2 to 3 days at most. BUT NOW it is 6 to 7 days. This is unacceptable, I would have paid to have it shipped sooner - but they now have gone into the land of mass merchants - it gets there when it gets there mentality. Too bad - stay away if possible.

Helpful? YesNo
Craig of Prattville, AL on Jan. 14,2016
Satisfaction Rating
Resolution In Progress
"Terrible experience with Newegg so please avoid. Purchased a new laptop for my son for his birthday. Once we received it, discovered that it did not work. We were told to send back only the laptop and keep everything else (headphones, backpack, etc...) as they were going to send us a new one once they received the other one back (FIRST LIE). Once they received it back, they then changed their story and said they needed 10 business days to see if they would repair the laptop instead of sending us a replacement.

After the 10 business days, they then decided to just refund us part of the money because we kept the accessories as instructed. We advised that a would prefer that they just do what they promised and replace the laptop. They said that this model was now unavailable and they would not replace it with a laptop with comparable features. We even said we would take one that is a notch down but they refused. Now we have called several times to see if there were other options and they are not returning phone calls. Very sad that Newegg is this bad of company. Please consider buying from another company. These folks are unfortunately very bad news.

Helpful? YesNo
Darlene of Bear, DE on Jan. 14,2016
Satisfaction Rating
Resolution In Progress
I tried a 30 day trial membership and made a $29.99 order. When the item arrived was worth $1 and defective. It came in a crumbled up box with only Chinese writing. Inside for protection, there was a crimped up newspaper in the same language. How did UPS find me? Nothing was in English. I contacted Newegg for a return label and refund. NOTHING. Nothing for weeks and still nothing. When my trial membership was up, my Visa was charged twice! First was a "congratulations" when they took it out of my registered card. Secondly later on in the day when they made it look like a separate purchase, complete with an actual order number. When I contacted them for the first and second time about the billing mistake, they claimed to only see one takeout and my Visa was missing an additional $49.99.

Helpful? YesNo
E of 11, Other on Jan. 11,2016
Satisfaction Rating
Resolution In Progress
If you would like to receive a product late, use Newegg. If you would like to deal with a company that lies, use Newegg. If you would to deal with a company that doesn't respond to your queries, use Newegg. If you do not want any of these things then do not use Newegg. The worst company I have ever had to deal with. Stay away from Newegg today!

Helpful? YesNo
Brandon of Jacksonville, FL on Jan. 8,2016
Satisfaction Rating
Resolution In Progress
Similar to many other reviews, I ordered a refurbished iPad 4 without realizing it wasn't being fulfilled by Newegg. I received the wrong model which was severely damaged. After several attempts to contact the seller, Newegg finally got involved. It has been nearly a month and I still haven't gotten a refund even after returning the iPad to the seller at my expense per direction. Fortunately, I paid extra for signature confirmation which proved the seller received the package. Newegg has permanently lost my business and I have removed them from my companies approved vendor database.

Helpful? YesNo
Cara of Philadelphia, PA on Dec. 31,2015
Satisfaction Rating
Resolution In Progress
On December 6,2015, I purchased a computer and a MS Office 365 subscription. Immediately after placing my order, I tried to change the address for my shipment. But Newegg made it impossible to do so. When I tried for online chats, I was repeatedly told that the wait would be long (the first time, over 29 minutes at 11:59 pm EST; the second, during the day, over 49 minutes; the third, over 55 minutes). No one replied to my emails and I only received a response once I posted a negative review on ReviewFeeder. But even then, the response was slow and unhelpful. I tried to post a follow-up after my most recent problem, but ReviewFeeder is pasting over my original review with my new one and backdating the new review to the first one.

So here's the latest: I am now getting an error message that my Office 365 program is not licensed. So, I tried to start another chat session with Newegg. Here's the message I received: "5:49:05 PM undefined CS Team: You are next in queue... Estimated wait time is 0 hours 0 minutes 5 seconds.' It is now 6:19 (30 minutes later), and no one has come on to start a chat. So now, instead of telling me that it would more than 30 minutes to even start a chat with me, Newegg has apparently just decided to lie outright. Stay away from this company. What good does it do to get something at what seems like a good price when the company deliberately hides if there's a problem?

Helpful? YesNo
Jon of Lehi, UT on Dec. 31,2015
Satisfaction Rating
Resolution In Progress
I ordered a complete computer system on 12/22 using standard shipping, as I have done from Newegg for at least a decade. All of the parts I ordered (several order numbers) were shipped out the next day and all but one arrived as expected (within 7 days) except the $900 motherboard/processor. That item arrived at the second shipper location on 12/23 and there it sits. A day or two after I placed the order, Newegg put a delivery date of 1/5 on this item in the order on their website. Newegg knew they would miss their delivery promise but failed to notify me (I had looked it up just to see when things would get here - other items had begun to arrive).

OK, I was unhappy but not really irritated - that is, until I chatted with a Newegg customer service rep today. I patiently laid out the detail and his response was "It's with the 4 - 7 business day window." which it is not. She could have given me some better response, or explained things or whatever. I have been a very loyal Newegg customer for as long as they have been online (and before when they were in B. Dalton bookstores). Why did my other 6 or 7 items for this build arrive more than a week before this item is *scheduled* for delivery (that was my question). In this Amazon-defined online world where I place ~70 Amazon orders/year with zero problems (returns are immediately handled and questions answered properly), Newegg is falling behind.

I entered a satisfaction survey response today on Newegg's website. I have one outstanding order with Newegg, and it will be my last if I don't receive some reasonable response to my satisfaction survey comments. If they are willing to treat poorly a decade-long customer who has purchased quite a few systems from them, then I will no longer trust that they will do their best to meet my needs in the future. (Note that this system was spread across multiple orders on the same day (12/22) not just the one entered below.)

Helpful? YesNo
Mike of San Francisco, CA on Dec. 30,2015
Satisfaction Rating
Resolution In Progress
Order $150 monitor for Xmas on 12/13. Tracking says it should arrive 12/15. Miss Xmas. Didn't come by 12/29. Reached out to support 4 times. No response. Call in, call drops, no follow up. Utterly awful customer experience. Newegg woulda kept my $.

Helpful? YesNo
Pam of Washington, DC on Dec. 29,2015
Satisfaction Rating
Resolution In Progress
We mistakenly ordered two printers; when I asked about returning, I was given an RMA, but not an RMA label, which meant that we were responsible for shipping. Shipping would cost us $33 for a $60 printer. Newegg is a joke; will never purchase from them again.

Helpful? YesNo
Alex of Broussard, LA on Dec. 23,2015
Satisfaction Rating
Resolution In Progress
To make a long story short, Newegg shipped me two items in one box (water cooler and a processor) and when I received the box and opened it only the water cooler was inside. I filed a claim with Newegg and after a painfully long process of our long wait times to speak with customer service several times, we were told our claim was denied and they couldn't help us. I was flabbergasted. And since I told them the box didn't look tampered with they said pursuing a claim through UPS would be futile. I was out $374.99 because they said all of their stock was accounted for and they would do NOTHING to help me. I ended up filing a claim through the BBB, my bank (Regions) and filed a police report just have all my bases covered. Regions came through for me and returned my money to me after investigating the situation and is now pursuing a resolution with the company directly I suppose. I will NEVER order from this company again.

Helpful? YesNo
John of Pineville, LA on Dec. 22,2015
Satisfaction Rating
I first bought from Newegg in 2001 and have been a loyal customer, off and on, for a long time. Recently bought a new TV, arrived with half dead pixels. "Ok, no problem" I thought because Newegg was a good company, right? Oh man. It's now been over 2 weeks, I received the following promises: 1) "Your return label is 2 day." - lie 12/7/2015. 2) "Your RMA will be expedited." - lie 12/7/2015. 3) "I will set your RMA to be expedited and 2 day shipping back to you (other customer service rep, noting that it was standard)." - lie 12/18/2015.

I just got off the phone with "RMA specialists" - they were rude and hostile. I explained I was upset about this process and the rep noted "It will take 2-5 days to process your RMA. We just received it Saturday" (now Tues). I asked about the expedited RMA - "I don't see anything, well I see one thing here - I guess it might be faster than 2-5 days." Seriously? Not only will I not be able to give my Christmas gift that I ordered almost a month ago, but I hope I get it before New Year's... Pathetic process, pathetic customer service. I can even understand laziness, but for employees to get hostile with customers is beyond a business mistake - it's unacceptable.

Helpful? YesNo
John of Mobile, AL on Dec. 20,2015
Satisfaction Rating
Resolution In Progress
I ordered a hover board from Newegg and found out that they were catching on fire the next night. I reached out to the seller 4 different times to cancel the order with no response. So I contacted Newegg chat support thinking I am just going to tell them that it's been 14 days and the tracking number has no activity and they will see what's going on and I will get my money back. I was wrong though. NewEgg wanted to contact the seller one more time on my behalf and give them 48 hours to contact me back. So I waited 48 hrs and then they wanted to contact them one more time. And now they are telling me they want a special marketplace representative to reach out to the seller and contact me. So another 3-7 business days to contact me back.

It has already been 17 days since the order. The tracking number still pulls up absolutely nothing, not even a scheduled pickup date. Even if I did get a response back from the deadbeat seller that is going to be after Christmas and I am going to refuse shipment anyways because I am not interested in giving my 10 year old niece a product that catches her on fire. I thought every company waits until the product ships to charge you. Newegg not only charges you before it ships. They hold you hostage to a seller with defective products that has shown absolutely no effort to even fake legitimacy.

I have wasted 3 hours with Newegg support and they are still siding with a ghost seller that doesn't even respond to them. I asked for a manager and they said they do not have a manager present. They can get one to contact me on the next business day. Like I can just answer every call while I'm at work and spend 3 hours while I'm on the clock telling Newegg for the 8th time I don't want a replacement. The product catches on fire and the illegitimate company that sold it on your website has not even sent me one to replace. Are you kidding me? I'm in awe of how horrible this company is.

Helpful? YesNo
Mukesh of Seattle, WA on Dec. 17,2015
Satisfaction Rating
I ordered Nexus 9 from Newegg during Black Friday. I got an old used device and that also after almost 10 days, although I had ordered a new one. I have been following up with the Newegg customer care for the last 3 weeks just to get the refund. They still need time to look into the issue. I never experienced such a horrible customer service ever.

Helpful? YesNo
Matthew of Houston, TX on Dec. 16,2015
Satisfaction Rating
I ordered a laptop on 11/14/15 and UPS lost it in route on 11/20. I was promised my money back on 11/24 and made multiple calls wasting hours of my time. I was promised my money back again on 12/7 along with a gift certificate for $50 and a call of confirmation by the end of the day. On Dec 15 they said my money was transferred to my account but it would take 3-5 business days to hit my account less the $50 "gift" to spend money at Newegg for a product that I most likely will never see. Today is December 15 after another hour long wait on hold they did nothing once again. Do not purchase anything from Newegg. You are simply rolling the dice.

Helpful? YesNo
Ron of Hansville, WA on Dec. 15,2015
Satisfaction Rating
I ordered an Epson L310 printer. Price couldn't be beat. No shipping. However, product came from Korea. No problem yet. Then enclosed directions all in Korean or other language. Called Epson and they said product not supported in this country, only overseas. I called Newegg and explained my predicament. The customer service rep was very courteous and said he would email the source in Korea for a return authorization. In a couple of days I heard back from Korea. They gave me the USA internet address for online manual and said there is 1 year warranty with 3 month postage paid. The printer works well, I am satisfied, and would recommend Newegg, with certain caveats.

Helpful? YesNo
John of Cottonwood, AZ on Dec. 11,2015
Satisfaction Rating
Bought a power supply. One of the motherboard cables wasn't included in the package and no info was provided on the advertised rebate. Emailed them because the "chat" is ALWAYS unavailable. Got an auto-response saying they would get back in 3 to 5 business days. It's been a week and not a word. Since then I've also determined that the power supply is dead. Tried calling but their phone is messed up. Just a recording that goes part way and keeps starting over and over and over. No chat, like I said. I emailed them but based on my current experience, I don't expect to hear from them. Their attitude is obviously "Buy something and if you have a problem, too bad. We will make it impossible for you to return it". I will never buy something from these guys again and recommend everyone stay away because you'll get burned like me.

Helpful? YesNo
T of Ardmore, OK on Dec. 11,2015
Satisfaction Rating
Game was purchased with $300 pc hardware from Newegg. Hardware received but need pass code to get game. Newegg customer service is permanently busy with no response. Phone not answered. Only can call during day hours. Online chat shows next rep avail in 6 minutes then keeps changing forever. I would not recommend purchasing any Newegg product this Christmas season unless you want terrible headaches.

Helpful? YesNo
Dennis of Wheaton, IL on Dec. 11,2015
Satisfaction Rating
I ordered a computer combo package (case, mobo, cpu, memory, HDD) from Newegg. The case I received was complete junk -- flimsy and poorly made, and the power supply was DOA. Well, just return it, right? This is where the combo return policy bites. For items purchased as part of a combo, the refund on any returned item is decreased by the amount of the total discount on the combo package. The case cost $45, the combo discount is $41, so it would cost me more to return the case than I would get as a refund.

Helpful? YesNo
Ymar of Los Angeles, CA on Dec. 10,2015
Satisfaction Rating
I ordered it on Sunday and it arrived on Monday. Newegg always exceeds my expectations with their super fast shipping. There was a problem with my order. My first problem with after too many transactions to count. I waited a week for a response to my email. I waited two days for a response to my second email. Then I spoke to Marvin ** on chat. After bad experiences with the biggest retailer in the world I had low expectations. I thought I would have to eat my losses. But Marvin ** resolved the issue without any other hassles. Thanks Newegg! Thanks Marvin **!

Helpful? YesNo
Maria of Ocean View, DE on Dec. 10,2015
Satisfaction Rating
I ordered and paid for an Acer Aspire Laptop - a Christmas gift for my husband. Two days later I receive an email stating that "they are unable to fill order as my cc was not verified". I called customer service and was placed on hold for 43 minutes. I spoke with Victoria who looked into issue and was unsure as to where breakdown was. I was instructed to replace order which I did along with purchasing antivirus as well as Microsoft Office.

I received not 1 but 2 emails stating that 2nd order was being processed. I then received a 3rd email on the same day (12/10/15) stating that again my credit card was not verified. This time I was on hold for close to an hour and was again told, this time by George, they weren't sure of the problem. My laptop order was again "voided" however, they were not able to refund me for the antivirus AND the Microsoft Office. Never in my life have I experienced such horrible customer service! I was able to buy my husband's laptop on Amazon for same amount of money.

Helpful? YesNo
Greg of Greenacres, WA on Dec. 7,2015
Satisfaction Rating
I placed an order online for an Xbox One Forza 6 Bundle ($399) as a Christmas gift for one of my kids. The order process was good, no issues there. About a week or 10 days later, the item arrives. I opened the box a few days later only to discover a completely different product in the box. It was just an Xbox One game (that I didn't order). The packing slip enclosed in the box had the correct item listed on it (the Xbox One) so I don't know how someone at NewEgg could screw this up and not read the packaging slip. I called NewEgg to get this sorted out, after being on hold for 45 minutes, I finally spoke with someone.

He was less than understanding, never once apologized for the screw-up. Said I would have to return the item I received first before they would consider sending out the correct product. Said it would take up to a week after they received the item before it would ship out. This is totally unacceptable to me. Never again will I shop at Newegg!

Helpful? YesNo
C of Seattle, WA on Dec. 7,2015
Satisfaction Rating
I purchased a product at and it turns out it was actually sold by a third party company, Adorama. Adorama then sent me the wrong product. When I contacted Adorama to exchange what I received for what I actually ordered they referred me back to It took me over 2 hours to talk to a person at and when I finally did, they said that I have to take up my issue with Adorama. So, I went full circle and neither company accepts responsibility for me receiving the wrong product. Amazon Marketplace works well, because Amazon takes ownership of the customer experience. does not. So, I will not buy from or in the future.

Helpful? YesNo
Steve of Boise, ID on Dec. 5,2015
Satisfaction Rating
Before I was a "Premier" member, my orders would take about 4 days to arrive. Now with "Premier" 3-day shipping, it takes at least a week. This is on 3 different orders in a row so I know this isn't a coincidence. I called them today about it and all they had were empty excuses. Evidently, the first day of your order doesn't count as one of the days, the weekends don't count, but I can deal with that. So there's 3 days of the week that don't count as 3-day shipping... That still leaves at least one extra unaccounted for day.

My advice, stay away from their "Premier Membership" scam. You'll get faster shipping without it and you'll be treated better by their customer service. Before if I had a problem, they would try to remedy it quickly by giving me some store credit or free merchandise. Now that I'm "Premier" they just tell me to deal with it... I run a computer shop and I've ordered hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of merchandise from newegg. I'm done with them!

Helpful? YesNo
Rebecca H. Of Cordova, SC on Dec. 4,2015
Satisfaction Rating
Phillips SHB 4100. This is the very first time I've ever had issues with Newegg or anything I purchased through Newegg. The lady I spoke to on the phone was helpful though I felt frustrated by the experience - not due to her but due to the fact the situation happened at all. I purchased two sets of the mentioned headphones for my husband & myself to use with our Windows 10 desktop computers. Nowhere - that I personally saw did it state you had to have bluetooth dongles or anything like that. It was my understanding with windows 10 that it came with bluetooth & it was a simple matter of plugging in & enjoying.

Unfortunately that is not the case with these headphones. I unboxed both plugged them into the two computers and let them charge a bit. Then attempted to connect them to the pc without any luck. Within the hour that I got them from the front door I've been frustrated; even angry at the lack of help or ability to try and resolve the problems. Attempted to contact the maker of the headphones heh. That's another review in itself. We even tried drivers that someone suggested with no luck. Now I'm sitting here waiting to receive the RMA via email because my husband's are already broke. Not that we could use them to begin with. For those that get these & they work enjoy the extremely short cord it is proved with. I had read on the site that the cord was supposed to be 3ft - perhaps I misread but I don't even think the cord is 2ft to be honest that or I'm taller than I thought because I'm 5ft 7in and it barely past my knee's in length.

Helpful? YesNo
DEBBIE of Richmond, VA on Dec. 2,2015
Satisfaction Rating
I purchased 2 gallons of Varathane poly to refinish floors. I purchased them with Newegg because they had the quickest shipping and I have a deadline. The order didn't go out for days. The product was then damaged and discarded by UPS. I was told by Newegg that I should hear from the selling company in several days. I need to purchase the product locally now at a higher price and, according to Newegg, "Wait for a refund on the original purchase." I was on hold with the chat window for over an hour and while I was typing a response (because they don't bother to read what you type) I got the warning that they had been waiting for 3 minutes and were about to disconnect.

I was also told that they were overwhelmed with customers (on their customer service for complaints) and had a huge back log and long wait times. That did not speak well for them. I won't purchase from them again and will go through my bank in the morning to try and get the purchase refunded. They are so backlogged, I don't trust them to refund. They need to take a lesson from Amazon, 8 years and never a problem that wasn't taken care of immediately.

Helpful? YesNo
Hayim of New York, NY on Dec. 2,2015
Satisfaction Rating
I purchased a Samsung tv from Newegg that was delivered damaged. They refused to return it claiming the shipping company is at fault. This is total fraud. It is not my responsibility to go after the company's shipper. If the product is damaged they should take it back no questions. I will not purchase anything from them again.

Today's response from Newegg, suggesting this is a brand new case and turning it back to me to arrange for service, truly incredible:

"I have only just received your emails as of yesterday, I apologize for not being able to respond right away. I am showing the service center Superior Innovations has been approved for servicing your unit, please wait on their phone call to schedule an appointment time or you may call them at *******636."

Kathleen Bland
Regional Service Coordinator & Claims Control

AIG U.S. Service Programs
650 Missouri Avenue
Jeffersonville, IN 47130

T *******784 *******
Hours 9AM - 5:30PM


Elizabeth et al:

Just completed a phone conversation with a "Barry".

Apparently from Knoxville, Tn.

Not sure who he works for because he would not tell me.
He said he works for Service Net, which is obviously not true. He's a sub.

He asked me what is the problem with my note book.
I don't even own a notebook.
After continual pressing to "Barry" requesting where he got this information and his refusal to tell me where his techs come from he said.

He also reinforced that "Oh no, can't do anything today, it's too late"
When asked how many tech's he had:
"Oh, a whole bunch down there"

Nick, why no answer?
Elizabeth, Why are you hiding?


Rick Spencer and James Banzer,

I just finished speaking with an "Aaron" at you office. He would not give last name.

Aaron says he does not have a record of my case going through "triage":
RICK, you personally connected me to:"triage" a week ago.
That conversation ended with the "triage" dude saying "Well, there's not a lot we can do with an all in one computer".

When I told this to Aaron his response was that you are a "third shift person" and our conversation really doesn't count.
RICK, I insist that you speak to this "Aaron" person and confirm with him that I already did this "triage" process.
I am headed to the state of Indiana Consumer Protection Dept.

Response from Newegg during today's chat...

Hi David,

Customer still does not receive any call from Service Net by the end of 1/19 regarding the issue for the order # 203804823. Could you please contact Service Net to further assist customer at this point? Thanks.

Tomorrow begins day 10 since original chat with Newegg.


Why do you not have a time frame?
You've had a week to work on a 2 minute phone call.



Thank you for contacting Newegg Customer Service.

Due to the large amount of contacts we are receiving during this holiday season, your email may not be responded to within a reasonable amount of time. We apologize for this inconvenience.

We would recommend using our other contact channels:

Chat with Us: (24/7)
Call Us: *******119Call: *******119 (Monday Friday 5:30AM 5:30PM; Weekends 8:30AM - 5:00PM Pacific Time)
Text Us: NEWEGG (639344) (Monday Friday 5:30AM 5:30PM; Weekends 8:30AM - 5:00PM Pacific Time)

We invite you to visit our knowledge base where you may likely find the answer to your question.

We value your business and look forward to serving you soon.

Please do not reply to this message, as it has been generated by our automated system to let you know we have received your email.

Your Newegg Customer Service Team

Hello Ron,
I apologize the information I received from the phone agent did not match the information you received from Mr. Banzer. To clarify, Mr. Banzer works for Service Net and not with us here at Newegg. If you do not hear anything after the two business days quoted in the email you received, let me know so I can get in contact with Service Net again to find out what is going on.
Thank you,
David Tafoya

Another day, another apology from you.
Another day, another buck-passing.
Another day, no responsibility taken for your own companys defective product.
Another day, you have not a clue as to what is "going on"
Another day, another day with no working computer.

Precisely what has been done to correct their, by their own admission, error.

My original review is reinforced by "David" from the "we don't care" dept.
Here is his response when I promptly replied to his request for information concerning my defective product:


Thank you for contacting Newegg Customer Service.

Due to the large amount of contacts we are receiving during this holiday season, your email may not be responded to within a reasonable amount of time. We apologize for this inconvenience.

We would recommend using our other contact channels:

Chat with Us: (24/7)
Call Us: *******119Call: *******119 (Monday Friday 5:30AM 5:30PM; Weekends 8:30AM - 5:00PM Pacific Time)
Text Us: NEWEGG (639344) (Monday Friday 5:30AM 5:30PM; Weekends 8:30AM - 5:00PM Pacific Time)

We invite you to visit our knowledge base where you may likely find the answer to your question.

We value your business and look forward to serving you soon.

Please do not reply to this message, as it has been generated by our automated system to let you know we have received your email.

Your Newegg Customer Service Team

No boring speech.
I Have available for any interested party a copy of a three hour chat reflecting only the truth about this putrid company.
No exaggerations, no bias, no fluff; just the truth.
Do not buy here for any reason.

Bought 2 pack. Only received one. Was told Id receive...
Bought 2 pack. Only received one. Was told Id receive 2nd, then nothing. Week later after being smoothly assured Newegg were sorry and cetainly send second at first, I emailed them and was told it was a mislisting.No dice. Partial refund of tiny amount, S+H on second item approx.or I pay return shipping and lose S+H paid on both. Ouch. I paid for 2. They decided I should eat it, and they make a profit off the S+H they keep, for their mistake.The rest of the story gets ugly with newegg refusing to take responsibllity since it was a secondary seller on their site. Between me and them, too bad, so sad. They are ignoring the Paypal dispute. Havent said a word after a week+. They have however invited themselves back into the dispute on Google Trusted sites, after I wrote a bad review about them and they even admitted only because of that review did they call me at 8 in the morning with an offer.ANd as far as PayPal is concerened they are responsible, even if Newegg claimed to me they werent and it was only between me and the second seller. Google Trusted sites I have no faith in. 60 days for a dispute and if they find in your favor they can chose to do nothing, but hold your hand when you go to where you should have gone to dispute in the first place.
I have had my inbox flooded with nonsense emaiils, including the original shipping confirmation resent to appear as if the second item had been shipped, after a another claim of their resolving the matter but with Paypal activiy. I had to check the two emails to find out it was really just the first one resent. Tried to fool me with that one.
Currently they are using the word resolved in place of refund. I have been issued a resolution! No activity on paypal. Guess what I think. I think they keep increasing how long money takes to register as each day passes. Was 2-4 days. Now its at 3-7 days. But how about I go ahead and click that case settled issue resolved button anyway. Theyre being so encouraging that its ok to do that. Drop that Paypal dispute.Ive been issued a resolution by Newegg! Halleluiah!

I have been a customer of Newegg for years
I have been a customer of Newegg for years. I've bought all sorts of items from them with only minimal issues. Just before this years' Final Four, I purchased a HiDef TV from them, expensive to me ($1,500.00), but worth it in my estimation. I was excited about getting everything set up for the Final Four. The TV arrived on-time with a damaged screen and I refused to accept the delivery. Not Neweggs fault. When I contacted them however, their customer service was non-existant. Newegg refused to replace the TV and told me my only option was to get my money back. No upgrades offered. No action to appease my anger or frustration, just a "that's not our policy". And this was after talking to 2 supervisors of Customer Service! If you need to depend upon an online website to purchase a product, I'd suggest you shop elsewhere... When I've dealt with other Internet sites, I've never been disappointed and received prompt, polite, professional customer service. I'd have to say that "Customer Service" is not their policy!

OMG! It gets worse!

I submitted my claim about the damaged TV on Monday 4/5/10 directly to Newegg. I was informed that "their policy" is that it takes 3-5 business days to process the claim even though their own website state 2 business days. I waited patiently... At 2 a.m. on 4/8/10 I received email notification that the claim had been received and approved. I then called my credit card company and they stated that the charge was still on my bill. I contacted newegg again and was told that the email that I received was notification that the claim was received on 4/7/10 and I'd have to wait 3-5 business days more! I then asked to speak to someone in their claims department so that this could be expedited, but those associates don't come in until 4:30 p.m. PST and I can't talk to them anyway because it's "not their policy"!

Stay away from it's not worth the risk!

3/23 - Ordered HyperX RAM sticks from newegg. 3/25 (3PM) - emailed to cancel order. 3/25 (11PM) - seller emails that package has already shipped. 3/26 - check USPS website for tracking update - "USPS awaiting package". 3/27 - check USPS website for tracking update - "USPS awaiting package". Email to seller - no response; contact new egg who emails seller. 3/28 - check USPS website for tracking update - "USPS awaiting package". Email to seller - no response. 3/29 - check USPS website for tracking update - "USPS awaiting package". Email to seller - no response. Multiple calls to newegg - response is (summation) wait. 3/30 - check USPS website for tracking update - "USPS awaiting package". Email to seller - no response. 3/31 - check USPS website for tracking update - "USPS awaiting package". Email to seller - no response. 4/1 - check USPS website for tracking update - "USPS awaiting package". Email to seller - no response. 4/2 - check USPS website for tracking update - "USPS awaiting package". Email to seller - no response. More calls to newegg with no response. 4/3 - USPS receives package 4/5 - USPS delivers package to Chino mailbox. I open package - COUNTERFEIT HYPERX RAM STICKS. I contact newegg furious... all Newegg say is they will send a return label. Nothing about oh we are sorry... we will take immediate action against the seller... this is not our policy... we will refund your money immediately... none of that! All I get is, we'll send a return label for you to return the product. The seller has up to 10 business days to refund the money. So I get a label... it's UPS Ground. It's shipping to New Jersey (it was shipped FROM Inglewood CA). So Newegg really doesn't care about what has happened thru the process of this transaction. No worries - I disputed the transaction with the bank... emailed HyperX with pictures of the products and told them that newegg sold me counterfeit products... and I'm leaving this feedback everywhere I can!

They sent me wrong Item, when I called customer service I was treated like criminal
I ordered a computer monitor, was shipped a computer case.

Immediately treated as if i was trying to rip off the company.

I have been doing business with them for years, and this is literally the only and last time Newegg will make a mistake, because i am cancelling my account.

The only way for you to get refund if you don't know what you are talking about (i. E., the law of unsolicited merchandise) is to put your credit card information on hold for the amount of the item to be re-shipped to you (incase another $#*!ing mistake happens, they can charge you). Or you can wait 15 $#*!ing days for you to receive your product after you ship it back to them to complete their internal newegg investigation (which is probably run like NYC Police unions, fixing invoices/making the company not liable), then they would send you the correct item back. All while you waste your time and money and gas and energy going to the post office and dealing with that nightmare.

They want YOU as the CONSUMER to pay for their mistakes.


If you see something on newegg, copy the item, and price check the internet! There are actual reputable online shops you can spend money at with the customer in mind.

View those pictures, does that look like a 22" LG brand monitor?

$#*! no, it's a goddamn unknown quality/value computer case that arrived in a jank ass generic ass box with my intended products shipping label on it!




Not worth the hassle
I seldom write reviews of any kind but the service I received for this company was soooo bad. It really is a company to avoid doing business with. Here's my story...

Ordered a new laptop as my computer had died and Lenovo was scheduled to take two months to fix it. I ordered a new laptop on a Saturday. However, checking email on Monday, I discovered that my order had been cancelled without notice. I called customer service... what is wrong with my order? "Don't know... maybe the address needs to be split up." Okay, I have a funky address... a UPS box, so I have a suite and a box number. Customer Support suggests moving the suite and box number to the second address line. Can you do that for me? "No. The order is cancelled we can't uncancel it." Can you submit another order for me with those changes? "No... we can't enter orders." Do you have a mobile app. "Yes." Recall, of course, that I have no computer access, only my phone. (Oh yes, the charges to my credit card had already gone through and been charged to my credit card.)

So I attempted to download the mobile app. Needed iOS version 9. Attempted to download but needed more space and thus deleted some music. Updated the IOS and installed the app. Found the computer, submitted an order and got a server error. Tried a couple more times. Opened up chat application (which doesn't size correctly on a mobile device). In chat asked, I am getting a server error, are there server issues going on? "Not that I am aware of". So why would I be getting a server error. "don't know." So how can you help me solve this problem? "I can submit the issue for review" And how long would that take? "Couple of days" This conversation ended with some not nice words.

Went the library and ordered the computer using Paypal rather than my credit card.

Oh yeah, I paid extra for two day shipping. AFTER you place the order, there is a notice that says to allow 2 to 3 days to package and ship the order. REALLY?

Ordered boots from one of their third party vendors...
Ordered boots from one of their third party vendors but Newegg were shipped to Texas, not CA where my address is. Tracking even showed delivery to wrong address. Contacted newegg and they told me they are not responsible for vendors actions on their website. The Military Trail Gear Shop at newegg refuses to answer my claim or emails.
Customer for 20 years and I get this. Someone got a nice new pair of boots at my expense. If you buy from Newegg you are on your own. So I am out $50 until I get Visa to refund me.
I should have given Newegg more time to resolve the issue before crying. I never did receive any reply from The Military Trail Gear Shop which gets 0 stars.
I have been given a FULL REFUND from Newegg.
Here is the newegg email to me:

Hello Mr. Sonders,

Thank you for your email response.

A refund for $35.48 has been issued back into your original form of payment. The funds will be available to you once your card issuing bank has fully processed the refund, which may take 3-5 business days.

To further explain our MarketPlace selection, Newegg offers a program via our website called "MarketPlace" where sellers offer and sell their products thru our website. The products are purchased directly from the seller and the inventory is shipped from the sellers' warehouses, not Newegg. All item pricing, inventory count, order processing, package shipping, product return for refund or replacement, are the responsibility of the MarketPlace seller.

The order itself is placed on our website and the processing is done through our system. They do not have access to your billing information.

Our goal is that you never have difficulties when shopping with us and if anything ever does goes wrong, you trust that we will always do whatever we can to help. We will look at what happened in your case to our MarketPlace management team.

Thank you and have an EGGcellent day!

Defective Software, no Refund, no Replacement
On 5/21/16 I ordered an OEM (original equipment manufacturer) copy of Windows 7 from Newegg.
The order number is 252255724. I received it 5/24. To install it, you need a product key, a series of numbers and letters, as with any Microsoft product. Because this was packaged for an OEM, which means the OEM was supplying a computer as part of the product Newegg were selling, there was a
Sticker on top of the product key that was intended to be attached to the computer being supplied by the OEM.
The key point is, there was a sticker on top of the product key. The instructions were to remove the sticker by peeling it off gently. This was impossible. It appeared as if the sticker had dried up, and I could not peel it off; it come of in tiny little bits, which left dried up glue that obscured the product key. I tried for 20-30 minutes to remove the sticker and the residue so I could see the key, but eventually, I pulled up part of the paper, making the key unable to be read.
I called Newegg, on the 25th and spoke to Jess Garcia. I sent her pictures of the damaged key, which are available for your viewing. To make a long story short(er), Newegg claims that their policy is to neither replace the software or refund the money. So I said I would buy the software again, but insisted that THEY remove the sticker before they sent it to me. I offered to pay extra for this service. They refused. The case was sent for review by a supervisor, who notified me the evening of 5/25 that their policy stood, and they would do nothing to remedy what I consider to be their defective product. I find that highly unreasonable. I paid the money in good faith and they sent me a product that was impossible to use following their directions.
The Newegg position is that their refund policy was agreed to by me. On the web page I ordered from, the bottom line is: Return Policy: Consumable Product Return Policy. I guess they expect you to go find that policy and read it. I would suggest that puts an undue burden on the consumer, and is a violation of California law that requires refund policies to be clearly identified. I also contend that their policy cannot shield them from the consequences of delivering a defective product.
I will also contend that software is not a consumable product in the sense defined by the California statutes, and that since the product was defective as delivered, the consumable question is a moot point.
I have referred this to the Better Business Bureau of San Jose, CA. I have also registered a dispute with AMEX over the charge for this item.
Because Newegg was, in my opinion, completely unreasonable in not accepting my offer to repurchase the software as long as they removed the sticker, and I even offered to pay extra for that service, I am looking for a full refund of my money at this point. I purchased the software from Amazon and installed it with no issues. I supplied information to Newegg to confirm that purchase, and its also a different version of the software, so there can be no claim that I installed the software by Newegg, recorded the key, then smudged the key intentionally. I can provide a screen shot from my computer to document that claim.

I've been using this site since I first moved out,...
I've been using this site since I first moved out, I've never bought parts or a computer from anywhere else (I bought a flash drive at Wal-Mart once, so I guess I'm lying). My dad has never bought from anyone else, either, so I guess it runs in the family. Neither of us has ever had a problem with an item we purchased from Newegg. The prices at Newegg are consistently 25-50% lower than buying from Wal-Mart or Best Buy or some other random store. Newegg provide customer reviews of every item they stock, so you have a great chance to tell what you're getting beforehand. The site is clean, easy to navigate and user-friendly. What more could you ask for?
I've used this site to make my own computers, purchase any technology needs, used it to rebuild friend's computers, and used it for a home business rebuilding/upgrading computers. Out of some 100+ items I've bought, I've had one that died on me. It was refurbished and I knew I was taking that risk, so when it failed, I sent it back. Yep, they charge a restocking fee and yes, I had to pay for shipping. But, unlike some of the people here, I'd read their terms of service and knew to expect that. IT'S STATED CLEARLY! It's not Newegg's fault that some people have not yet mastered the basic skill of reading.
I got my money back, minus the fees that were CLEARLY STATED, and haven't had a problem since. In fact, the computer I'm writing this on is a refurbished laptop I bought from Newegg. It's been the most awesome laptop, and the price was literally unbeatable.
If you're dubious about a product, read the customer reviews--the ones they have for everything they stock. All you have to do is check the reviews out before you buy to feel safer about your purchase. If there are no reviews and you're still dubious, wait for some reviews, or buy your item locally for about 25-50% more, that's your prerogative.

I have never been tempted to switch to a different computer store, these guys are awesome!

2 stars just for the newegg name.
Older comment below: I was a little more pissed with this shipment than other defective shipments simply because my order had to be shipped from 3 different sellers. 1 of them was newegg and it was the only package i received without grief. The sony sound bar that I ordered isnt even here yet. Its well over the 10 days. It shipped on the third and made a fast stop where I live until it finally went back to the other side of the united states. One of my monitors was broken with lines running through it and the other monitor that i have not complained about is very white washed no matter how much contrast and brightness I adjust. Honestly just finally wanted a multi monitor setup where all the monitors match. Newegg wont send a label to reship. I have to print it or screw off and take the loss. Its odd not to have some sort of printer about but right now... i dont have one, nor is it family and friends responsibility to provide me with a damn shipping label, as was suggested during chat help. I say that I wont use them again because of 3rd party sellers, but I really love Newegg and it has been my online source for a decade. Its getting ironed out but this cant happen like this too many times. The other option is to never use their 3rd party irresponsible sellers.

Original review: i will never use them again. I feel your pain. Garbage $#*!ers that accept no responsibility. I use to love them and trusted them. Never again. Newegg are saying they will replace my $#*! monitor. But I already unboxed it. Sure I did. I had to find our that it was $#*! before i return it. They want it all repackaged the way you got it. I have all cables and stand. Not accaptable. They need the $#*!ing plastic wrap too. I will never do business with them again. Period

I made a Purchase for new Asus Tuf monitor on 10/7/2020, Newegg sent me a used one. I made a claim for replacement. I drove to UPS to sent back the used one and replacement claim was approved but never sent. I called just to find out that they said there was non in stock, I was given a $25 gift and used it to buy ram. Mind you because of their sloppiness they transferred my funds for the replacement monitor that doesn't exist so the issue on refund for my money was delayed. When I called to explain my frustration they offered another $25 gift card (these expire in 1 month) but what you want me to buy more things for their profit. Instead supervisor refunded me $25. Surprise I got my $25 refund but still not my full refund for monitor to this day. They have had my money since the 10/07/2020. I called making this my 7th time calling and the rep asks if I received my replacement, They are all lost there, I asked for the supervisor again. Me and same supervisor did speak on the 20th so we would be within the 2-5 business days for refund but it should have been issued 10/14/2020 instead of transferring my money to a non-existent replacement. Surprise again while I'm explaining my anger at this point I receive the email stating my refund has been issued while I am on the phone. I have left several good reviews but after being patient for so long I lost it when the supervisor said "cool" for me to leave a bad review and I asked if he really thinks it would be cool and he said "yes". To explain again do you really believe that my experience here was okay and that I still have no product, had to buy it else where at a higher cost, you issued a replacement yourself when nun was in stock and since my purchase on 10/07/2020 I still don't have my money, absolutely not! Though the supervisor says everything was fine. After being a member with Newegg for years and made thousands of dollars on purchases through their website and other platforms I am done. I really hope that people understand my frustration for I company I use to hold dear. They are not the same R. I. P. Newegg

I was refered to Newegg through a Uberi link
I was refered to Newegg through a Uberi link. I was looking for a laptop as a gift for my mother at Christmas. Uberi showed an advertised price at Newegg for 449.99. I clicked the link and was sent to the Newegg home page. The price that came up there was 599.99, but at the time of checkout the coupon code from Uberi was applied. Newegg still charged my card the 599.99. The confirmation e-mail sent to me did not state the price charged only that my card had been successfully charged on 12/3. In addition there was no invoice or receipt in the box that stated the charge amount. It was only when I received my bank statement 2 weeks later that I noticed the error. I assumed it was an honest mistake and called Newegg customer service. Before calling them I returned to the website and saw customer reviews for the item from the day before and the day after my purchase where others commented on the great value of 449.99. The customer service rep proceeded to tell me that there was never a time when Newegg sold this item for that price. What? I explained to him that I was looking at the website right then and it clearly disputes that claim. He emphatically denied the price and basically told me that I had agreed to the terms and conditions at the time of checkout and I had to deal with it. It is obvious to me that Newegg is more concerened with building it's bank accounts than customer relationships! When I asked if I was able to return the item and repurchase at the still advertised price of 449.99 I was told that I could but there would be a 15% RESTOCKING FEE. ARE YOU KIDDING ME? I will never do business again with them. Buyer beware with Newegg and check your account information This may have happened to you too.

If it's from a marketplace seller DO NOT BUY
New egg seems to be merging the worst parts of craigslist and ebay and calling the "marketplace". I ordered 4 LED strips and 2 USB headers. All the items were under the "first from asia" seller this, it turns out, seems to be an umbrella term for the worst sellers in china and Hong Kong. Just to be clear I deal with Cinese factories on a weekly basis and have great relationships with them. I KNOW HOW LONG STUFF TAKES TO GET FROM CHINA. It DOES NOT take 45 $#*!ing days. I was lied to by the LED sellers saying the items weren't in stock, then magically Newegg were (after being told it would take 3 weeks to restock) they then said they had posted the two colours individually. When newegg FINALLY stepped in and refunded my money I received what can only be described as a begging letter asking me to return one of the colours of led strips... so what happened to the others they SWORE they posted... they didn't post them AT ALL. I refused to go out of my way to return $15 woirth of LED strips only to be asked to pay them via paypal... I $#*! you not. Again i refused... and this is the kicker... I received a message from GOOGLE that the email account i have associated with newegg had an unsucsussful attmpt to log into my account from/... you guessed it CHINA. I contacted Newegg explaining all this in detail only to be told they hadn't received any mail account hack attempts from other users so i should ignore google... IGNORE GOOGLE TELLING ME MY ACCOUNT WAS BEING HACKED! Not only does this idea hinge on other people's experinces which are UTTERLY IRRELEVANT they told, not suggested or perhaps, but TOLD to IGNORE a HACK ATTEMPT. Are you $#*!ing kidding me? I am DONE with newegg. Ordered the exact same items from amazon, arrived 4 days later without a peep. NEWEGG HAS LOST THE $#*!ING PLOT

Wish I had read these reviews before ordering.
I needed a suitcase, quickly. Newegg had one I liked (I thought) at a great price so I ordered it. Having been a long time Amazon customer I guess my expectations for delivery and customer service have been spoiled, but when I paid $20 extra for 2 day delivery, I thought that meant I would be receiving the suitcase 2 days from when I ordered it. Three at the most.
A couple of hours after ordering I received an email telling me that my order would begin to be processed in 2-3 days and then the 2 day delivery would start after that.? $20 extra for a 5 day turn around.?
I immediately cancelled the order. That was a joke in itself because everything I do, I do on my phone. Trying to maneuver their site with a phone is beyond frustration. I finally called them and like the other people have stated, I was on hold for ever. They finally called me back. I told them what I needed and they said sorry it's too late, they can't stop the process. Now understand this is less than 6 hrs. After placing my order. At that point, my payment was still in pending status. It stayed that way for another 2 days. They shipped that damn suitcase out and I followed all the correct procedures to return it. The order was placed at 5:30pm Sunday, shipped on tuesday, received on thursday, returned on Friday at 5:30 pm. I forgot to mention that someone email me saying the had placed UPS return labels in the USPS so I could return their product. I had to go a little crazy on that too and tell them they could email them to me and I would print it out!
I don't want to write out the blow by blow of all its taken to get to this point, but I still haven't gotten my money back.
I have written them at least 16 emails. I started off nice and polite but I don't bother with manners any more because it doesn't seem to make a difference. And phone calls a a complete waste of time.
I received 2 more emails today telling me the refund will take 3-5 working days. I can only assume they hold on to people's money and use it to invest in some way that generates them money.
I will never ever, ever, ever order from them again. I highly suggest you don't either. Oh, and that suitcase, didn't look a thing like the picture. BUYER BEWARE!

I have ordered several products from
I have ordered several products from
But, some people don't realize that shipping does depend on location of the nearest shipping center. Or the fact that Newegg is centralized on computer parts and other electronic equipment.
But, from my experience, processing can take anywhere from 12 seconds to a full day (Only when it was shipping from Asia). The shipping (Since I live not much more than 4-5 hours away from California's city of industry) only takes about 1-3 days on the free shipping (not including weekends).
And a few times I ordered some rather expensive equipment and received it overnight with the free 5-7 day shipping options, Newegg tend to use a shipping method called "OnTrac" and I must admit it is amazing, they package the goods VERY carefully and always have it delivered on time. I have never once received a package late, in fact I have only received the packages earlier than was advertised.
I will be using Newegg for any future electronic components. Hell I even managed to convince my school to use Newegg as our new default buying center for electronics (and I got them to switch to Windows Surface Pro 2 tablets instead of iPad's :) ).
Newegg I only had to RMA with once, And it was quick and easy to send back, they shipped me a pre-paid return stamp, and walked me through the whole process and gave my email updates from my returned 400$ motherboard. The best customer support I have ever had.
The value can only be matched by Amazon in VERY FEW areas, Newegg has the ball in every field except for a few select appliances and sound systems.
If anyone has a bad review, I think it is because they didn't order an electronic device. After all, do you go to a breakfast restaurant to buy steak?

Very Disturbing Marketplace Seller
I recently purchased an item from Newegg and unfortunately the only way to get the item was through a Newegg Marketplace Seller. After placing the order I realized it was coming from China. I really didn't have much choice since local online retailers were out of stock on this item.

After receiving a tracking number that didn't register on any carrier website I started to inquire. After 10 days elapsed, I started to check the local online retailers again. I purchased the item again from Amazon and had the item, installed it in my computer and all was done. I checked with Newegg and after 14 days my item still hadn't left China.

So far I blame myself for not reading all the fine print about where the item was coming from and I failed to read the incredibly terrible feedback on this seller, posted by Newegg's customers.

After 18 days the item still hasn't reached the US and below this sentence is the seller response to my inquiring email:

Hi Richard
To be honestly, I know it is not working for you so I have refunded you
Full cost.
You said that our Chinese seller can not guarantee the shipping time
Frame, I would say it is true, but you have to know that the shipping
Carriers are doing their best.We cannot ship such a cheap item with
Expensive shipment, can we?
You are not able to stop us crushing the America market, which is a time trend
You Think Big, You get "Big

I have a big issue with the last paragraph. What is the purpose of that inflammatory remark..."YOU ARE NOT ABLE TO STOP US CRUSHING THE AMERICA MARKET".

Worse yet, Newegg removed my marketplace seller review and didn't inform me Newegg were doing so. The review was a cut and paste of the seller's response above... nothing more, nothing less. The review was entitled "I will let the seller review themself".

I did a little research and found out that the founder of Newegg is Chinese and employ many Chinese employees. I do not say this because I have a problem with Chinese people because I don't. I say this because I believe that the seller and maybe even Newegg has a problem with the American people.

I am not asking Newegg for much. I didn't ask for a refund and if I ever receive the item I will probably just keep it as a spare. My only ask of Newegg was going to be to reconsider using a seller that has such awful reviews and that would dare send such a ridiculous response to a NEWEGG customer. There is no way they are going to do anything about this until their bottom line takes a hit because their customers are buying elsewhere. I believe this because they immediately pulled my review and the company's connection to China.

I don't know how others feel about this but I feel hurt by Newegg's lack of concern and insulted by what I view as Face to Face's awkward, anti-American remark.

Newegg are complete trash, DO NOT BUY FROM THEM.
Ok so lets start with i'm from Australia, newegg just recently started officially doing business here, I was looking for an external HDD, 8TB or more, I found that the seagate backup plus was a good drive, I love seagate stuff so I went looking, local stores are charging over $300 for it but then newegg popped up and had it on sale for $130ish dollars, so I think bargain, watched and read reviews it all looked good so I ordered the drive, it took about a week to get here which was fast so I assumed Newegg had their AU warehouse up and running, opened the box and was excited until I saw the US power brick, every review i'd seen either mentioned an international power brick or showed one, the specs on the seagate site were a little less clear but every other 3.5" external drive i've ever bought had one, most tech does, but this one didn't so I talk to newegg CS chat and they suggest an RMA, so I start one, it fails before it completes, I then email newegg CS and get a reply about a week later telling me I can't RMA it, after about a month of several useless emails from several different CS staff members telling me completely different things I decide to start a paypal dispute, if newegg can't help i'm not losing money becasue of their unwillingness to do anything. After about a month of waiting paypal sides with them(obviously coerced/paid off/whatever), so i'm out $130, I can buy a power supply for around $40-$50, and last week I get another email from another CS staff member telling me if I go out and buy a power supply they'll reimburse me the cost, after the way they've dealt with this I doubt it'd would happen, there would be some loophole where they'd claim I didn't do something right or becasue I used an after market power supply the drive is now uncovered by warranty and can't be returned, this is the state of mind they've put me in. There's is way more to this story but it's way too much to be typing here.In conclusion newegg are complete untrustworthy trash, don't do business with them, there are plenty of reviews(maybe I should have done research on the site first, but i'd heard good things from people years ago, seems after new management newegg went to s**t though), bad reviews, people having terrible CS issues, incompetent staff at all levels of the business, don't waste your money, literally any other tech retailer would be better, I know this now.

I have been reviewing all the post and ONCE again...
I have been reviewing all the post and ONCE again newegg seems to be the place to meake good deals w/o the concern of been mistreated if you have a problem and need a very good customer service, but I am in a point where I am really DESAPPOINTED about shopping with Newegg, this is my history:

I made a purchase the past march 10th(order of 787.47 submitted)using the "bill pay" service of my Bank(Bank of America), Newegg sent a PERSONAL CHECK right away to Newegg wich was received, deposited, cleared the march 15th(since this day the amount of 787.47 was removed from my bank account as I was expecting, meaning that my bank had accepted the transaction and released the funds to Newegg), untill that moment everything was doing fine, I thought, well, the only thing I need to do is wait 24 to 48 hrs to allow the verification process and after that I will see my order status change from PROCESSING to CHARGED... SHIPPED, but that has not happened YET, and you READER, might be thinking, well that is normal, the verification process some times take untill 7 days, BUT my BIG QUESTION is, if the MONEY was took from my account the march 15th, what are they VERIFYING... BUT my huge CONCERN is that I have called Newegg 4 times and the only thing they have to tell me is: YES your order is still processing, nobody can tell me really where or who is or has MY MONEY.

I am even afraid of cancel the order because the are not "charged"(as appear on my Newegg account) my account... It is HARD TO BEALEAVE that they want to STEAL 787.47 dollars... and I am 200% sure they don't want to do it...

Hopefully this post will see for somebody that really cares about Newegg reputation and will make a good research about my case and will find where is the problem and will resolve it, so I can get back and make a 5 star review.

Horrible customer service, faulty ordering system
My family is in the process of getting new computers for everyone. We ordered mine first. $1416. 00. Placed the order Dec 3rd. Got a confirmation email stating when delivery would be. Checked the bank and sure enough the 1416. 00 was in pending. Come Monday at 2 pm in the afternoon I receive an email stating a verification issue caused by my bank canceled the order. I found that very odd so I called my bank. Newegg checked everything including the fraud department. They could see Newegg with a charge for 1416. 00 and everything was fine. I called newegg which it stated I would be in line for over an hour and provide phone number to get a call back. 2 hours later they called and asked what was wrong. I explained I got a cancellation. They first claimed I incorrectly typed my mailing and billing address. I was logged into my newegg account looking right at them listed correctly, then I checked confirmation email... yep all correct there. Then she states she will escalate it and I should have an answer on why it was canceled in 2 to 3 days. I said "So you took an order, confirmed it, took money out of an account and I need to wait 3 days while you hold my 1406. 00?" She stated yep that's how it works. I told her bull$#*! put her boss on the phone. The supervisor Angelina again first blamed me for addresses, corrected her, then talked verification. I asked to talk to that department so I could get a reason for their screwup. She responded " They don't talk to people, that's what I get paid for" I explained that's nice now release the hold on my money to go back in the bank. First tried to talk down about how I don't understand banking, (I am an area manager in retail) when I explained I do she finally decided to give me the numbers the bank needed to expedite clearing the charges and getting money back into my account which was done 10 minutes after I hung up the phone. Then I get an email 20 minutes later saying the verification issue was resolved and I could go online and place my order again. Um no I think one time experiencing how you treat customers is good enough for me.

I recently decided to build a gaming pc to play some games with my friends. I acquired most of the parts and decided to order my Samsung Evo 970 SSD from newegg since Newegg had a better deal on it. The couple of dollars I was going to save ended up being a complete loss and a complete nightmare. Firstly, newegg did not present and give me an accurate tracking arrival date and time. Because of that error, I woke to an email saying that my package was delivered. I quickly go check the front door and luckily no one took the package. That was the first mistake. As I picked up the package, I realized it seemed to light even though it was only an SSD so I quickly go open the yellow manilla folder/envelope, and to my surprise, there is ABSOLUTELY nothing inside my package. This is mistake #2. I immediately go contact the online chat newegg and the representative I had was awfully rude and was quick to assume without knowing the full situation. The representative was also impatient. This was mistake #3. Then they told me that they had to follow through with a claim with both the warehouse and courier but I have no idea why the courier is at fault when it was YOU GUYS at NEWEGG that clearly messed up and sent me an empty package. As infuriated as I was, there was nothing I could do to change the situation but they did reassure me that everything would be fine. Fast forward 4 days to today, I recently got an email saying that they cannot honor my claim after finishing the investigation. Mistake #4. SO AFTER THIS WHOLE EXPERIENCE I ENDED UP TRYING TO SAVE MONEY BUT LOST OUT SO MUCH AND STILL HAVE TO GET A SSD CARD. NO REFUND! NO SSD CARD! DO NOT ORDER FROM THIS COMPANY AS THEY DO NOT PUT THEIR CONSUMERS AND CUSTOMERS FIRST! Honestly, I don't want to reach out to them anymore and probably go dispute this my bank if newegg does try to help. But FYI do shop and expect much from them.

Failed Products, Failed Service
Newegg sold me a DT CyberPower PC Gamer Ultra 2204W10 preloaded computer with parts that started failing within six months (memory stick) and finished failing at eleven months (complete hard drive failure). I lost data, time, and money. For the duration of these issues, I spent months of my own time diagnosing the strange issues I was seeing - blue screens, UI hangs, 30 minute boot times, etc. This is from a computer that was supposed to come preloaded and fully functioning out of the box. When contacted for a refund, Newegg's answer was that 30 days had passed and no credit or refund would be possible. Newegg instructed I contact the manufacturer for replacement parts.

The thing is, I had already contacted the manufacturer for replacement parts. After months of diagnosing the computer, replacing the memory stick on my own dime, recovering lost data, etc., the manufacturer took weeks to send me a replacement hard drive. Then the hard drive was blank with no boot tools. Im currently waiting for the boot tools. I've now spent months without a useable computer.

So to recap, Newegg sold me a defective computer. I worked with the the manufacturer to try to get it taken care of and instead spent months over the past year without a useable computer. When contacted, Newegg did the usual "it's past 30 days and we couldn't care less," that I've since discovered is their business model - sell defective products and hope they don't fail within 30 days. As of writing, I still do not have the items I need to fix the defective computer Newegg sold me.

I just want what I paid for. I paid for a fully-functioning computer. I received a trap that, twelve months later, is still sucking up my time, effort, and money after their "customer service." Buyer beware.


More Broken machine, broken process, broken shipping, broken customer service
My laptop blew up. As we have plans to order new company laptops before the end of 1Q I just needed a cheap laptop temporarily. I ordered a refurbed machine from Newegg. It arrived in a timely fashion with a broken keyboard and a Dell "Authorized Reseller Only" disk in the DVD. I called for an RMA and got one, and was assured my order would be "expedited". Apparently, according to Newegg, that word doesn't mean what I think it means. I've been 3 weeks without a laptop, and Newegg still haven't "processed" my return. Customer service is very apologetic, and keep telling me they'll "expedite" the matter. They haven't. It's going to be another 7-10 business days. On Friday, I gave up and ordered another laptop... at 8:16am they happily took my money from my card. They have not, as of 11:30 today, confirmed the order, shipped the order. I asked for "expedited" shipping. Doesn't look like I'm going to get the order this week... and no guarantee that it won't come broken.

They used to be good. Not anymore. Newegg is off my list of approved retailers.

Updated 2/19/16
And now we're at 2 out of 3 refurbished laptops that arrived defective. Let's make it 3 for 5, shall we? I'm going to go to Tigerdirect and just order the new company laptop early, I think. Altho I'm still trying to get two working laptops from Newegg (one of which will now go to my son, and one I optimistically ordered for my sister, back when I thought this was a good deal)

By the way, I "talked" to the ******* she apologized (once again) and didn't expedite anything. Just told me what I know. Even the very expensive 3 day shipping is actually 5-7 days because it takes so long to fulfill the order. Refunds or replacements take 3 weeks or more, hell, it takes them 3 days to "receive" an item that's been sent back to them before any of the process starts. I've finally gotten the refund from the first broken machine.

Seriously thinking of reporting them to the AG's office for consumer fraud. I'm an IT professional. I understand "broken" and have no compunctions about returning a broken machine... but a consumer like my mom or sister going thru this? I think they'd be stuck with a broken machine and be out their $$. And I'm pretty sure 2 out of 3 broken computers and weeks of delay can be considered fraud.

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Based on 50 reviews from Newegg customers, company has accumulated an average rating of 1 stars, indicating that majority of customers are not satisfied with its service.
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Description: Providing computer parts and hardware, hard drives, cameras and software as well as electronics, tools, appliances, sporting goods, jewelry, watches, gaming, and much more. With fast-shipping! Newegg shopping upgraded?

Address: 17560 Rowland St, 91748


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