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50 customer reviews of

Everything's great until there is a problem. You owe me a 5960x CPU. I don't care if UPS stole it
I've been a Newegg customer since 2006. Never had any issues, even though I kept a close eye on their ridiculous exchange policy for CPU's. Having built hundreds of PC's over the years, I've come to realize that CPU's just don't come DOA, so never gave it a second thought. Jan 18,2016 I decide to build myself a serious workstation while deployed in Afghanistan. I chose Newegg because Newegg ship to APO (albeit super slow and super expensive) I put all the components in the cart and click buy. Hold on a second, we can ship everything to APO except the 5960x processor. (for some inconceivably stupid reason) Anyhow, ok, I'll ship the CPU to my ShipItAPO service, and the rest directly to my APO. I check the tracking on the CPU, and notice that by the 27th, I still haven't received the email from ShipITAPO that they received a package and were forwarding it. I go to UPS, and it shows that the CPU arrived in the city where my PO box is, but never got on a truck for delivery. (ie a UPS driver most likely stole it) So I open a claim with UPS and they said they will follow up to find it, and settle the claim with Newegg. I also opened a claim with Newegg giving them my claim information from UPS. They said it will take 7-10 business days and they will send me a replacement. I asked for them to ship a replacement right away, but they said no. OK. Well, I'm not happy about the 2 week additional wait, but trust them to follow up properly like a decent company would. 2 weeks later I get on chat again to ask on status. They said it's with claims department and they will ship it out as soon as claim is settled. I told them UPS settled the claim and closed it on the same day I opened it so what's the delay. She told me that the UPS site still says they're looking for the package. So you're telling me, that you have an entire claims department that is only looking at the tracking page for UPS and not actively doing anything to recover the claim? WTF you idiots. I'm out 1100. 00 for a single component that should have made good on, and not make me suffer because of issues outside of my control. Now, it's Feb 17, almost a month since I ordered, and you're still waffling about trying to give me the run-around on my CPU. I open another chat session to let them know they have 24 hours to ship me a replacement or I will dispute the claim with AMEX. I have 4 hours to go, and still no confirmation. FU Newegg, I don't care if you cancel my account, as I will never again buy anything from you ever again. Almost every other site has better prices anyway. I want my fu**ing CPU you worthless moneygrabbers. Your canned customer service responses on these reviews do nothing to instill faith in this company again. I will steer all of my colleagues away from Newegg, and everyone that cares to listen will be given the story of your worthless customer service. We are the customers here, and we pay your bills. Treat us with more respect and change your policies.
That's all. Send me my replacement CPU. It's been 3 weeks since I filed the lost package claim. You have 4 hours to send me confirmation.

Fred Chang allows newegg to commit fraud.
Newegg has some good deals can be a good website. But the moment you need them or Newegg let you down your on your own. Everytime from items mis-listed, mis-shipped, doesnt matter newegg will blame you. RMA is near impossible half the time, always a restriction or some reason for them to refuse. Their rebates almost never work, out of 100 rebates ive had maybe 30 work. Ive been a customer for 10 years and always chalked it up as whatever. But now its just gotten to the point its so bad i cant even trust them anymore as a consumer. So with that in 10 years ive lost countless times. Ive experienced a dozen or so items i ended up stuck with that were DOA or defective. Im glad not everyone has had my experience cause i wouldnt wish my 10 years of being a consumer at newegg on another living soul.

Edit: also after all my posts newegg tries to get you to remove your reviews. When technically under the law they sold me a defective product which they refuse to return. I was deceived by their product cause it was intentionally listed as something it wasnt. This is very common with newegg. I'm sure Fred Chang himself tells his 2,600 employees everyday to rip off as many people as possible, or at least one must assume that when everything you read says someone else got ripped off. We already know newegg employees and "geeks" who answer chats write false reviews. So any 5 star review I'd never trust. I've done the math and in 10 years newegg has defrauded me on $4,183.42 that's what newegg felt it was worth and my number I paid out before I realized I shouldn't be defrauded by newegg anymore. What they are doing reminds me of the reason tiger direct, 4 my rebates and their parent company systemax ended up in lawsuit by the Florida attorney general. Newegg seems to think since the justice department slapped them on the wrist. They can defraud and scam because the punishment they will get is neXT to nothing. I say to anyone who hasn't been defrauded, scammed, or just plain scammed by newegg. You've either not made any purchases or you just didn't notice or care enough.

Worst ordering experience ever
Worst ordering experience ever. If you want a surreal experience that
Leaves you with no product and having to fight to get your money back,
Newegg is your destination. Let's step through the procedure:

I order a TV. Newegg is incredibly efficient at taking my money and
Charges my credit card within hours.

The TV "ships" and is supposed to arrive in 3 Days.

Three days later, I make sure someone is at home all day which means
Wasted time for me. First fail, nothing shows up. Check online,
Tracking has nothing after "shipping". There often is more info with
Tracking than that, but not always. Call Newegg the next day and yes
There should be more tracking info. It's pretty obvious the TV
Disappeared between the warehouse and the shipper.

Second fail, Newegg says Newegg need a week to figure it out. Really?
It's pretty obviously lost. We just spent a week figuring that out.
But Newegg wants another entire week to figure this out before
Actually trying to deliver what I ordered. Calling this a single fail
On their part really isn't fair as it is more than a week of fail. I
Start re-evaluating their competency.

More than a week later, Newegg once again "ships" my order. They are
Apparently using overnight delivery, which is good thing. Although
They could have used 7-10 delivery at the time we already knew there
Was problem and it would have been faster.

3+ fail, I once again make sure I am home all day. The tracking shows
"not at home on delivery attempt". Of course, the "delivery" attempt
Never rang the bell or left a door sticker. They obviously did not
Actually show up at my house and were prevaricating (okay, lying).

I'm done. Newegg has failed multiple times to deliver and been
Incredibly obtuse and slow every step of the way, except for the
Charging the credit card part. I call Newegg to cancel and get my
Money back. I'm very upset, but they convince me to give it another

4+ fail, I'm shocked, shocked that there is no actual delivery going
On. Yeah, the same thing happened the next day. Wasted time on my
Part and same lying "not at home" on the tracking. I'm reminding of
Seinfeld, "you know how to take the reservation, but...". I'm more
Than done and call Newegg and tell them that. After a long
Discussion, they agree. Although they keep wanting to call it a
"return". Nope, You really have to actually deliver it, before you
Can call it a return. Newegg has failed to deliver, multiple times.
Every time they call it a return drives me a little crazy, and I point
Out it is not, sigh.

5+ fail, they tell me it will take a week to return, a week to process
The return and a week to process the refund. I. e. They've had my
Money for more three weeks, failed to deliver the product, and yet
Want to keep my money for three more weeks. We are on the rode to
Surreal. So... more long discussion follows discussion and they may
Be able to do an advanced refund. Great, I'll believe it when I
Actually see the money come back.

Tracking gets updated with "return to sender".

6+ fail, three days later some guy shows up at my door and says he has
A delivery. I don't see any package, or his truck, but he does have
An Ontrac shirt on. I laugh through my anger and tell him to hit the
Road. Had he been a Newegg Manager or VP I would have made sure that
The door hit him on his way out. Now I suppose I shouldn't be
Surprised. When Newegg is supposed to deliver the order, they fail
Again, and again, and again, and so on. So of course, when they are
Not supposed to deliver the order, they apparently actually try.

7+ fail, I think Newegg is just having fun messing with me at this
Point. I get a phone call from "mmepshl" at Newegg telling me the RMA
Is processed and I can call to start the process for an advanced
Refund. Why couldn't they do this automatically? Is there really a
Question on whether I want a refund for an undelivered order or not?
Heh, doesn't matter anyway. I call Newegg: phone call?, what phone
Call?, Oh no, you can't do that yet. Awesome.

8+ fail, Yep, they are just messing with me. About a week later I get
An email from Newegg:

"Unfortunately, the below item# 89-262-309 LED TV VIZIO E500I-A1 REC
Was physically damaged and beyond the applicable warranty
Coverage as indicated in our Standard Warranty Policy."

"Unfortunately, you returned the item back under your own shipping
Label. You are now required to file a damaged claim with your
Carrier. RMA will be on hold for 5 business days for your response."

I don't even know how to respond to that. The only thing I can think
Of is that I'd like to have some of whatever it is that they are

Call Newegg, another discussion with lots of "it's not a return" from
Me. They claim once again that they'll refund. This time the claim
Is 3-5 business days to process.

I'm currently waiting for that time period. My best guess is that
I'll be getting another bat-$#*! crazy email or ghost phone call from
Them. More likely, by day five nothing will have actually happened
And I'll do what I should have done two weeks ago (and probably should
Just go ahead and do now) and dispute the charge with the credit card
Company. Balls.

I should add that the people I talked to were all polite, despite how
Angry I was, and did seem to want to help. But Newegg's process and
Management are ridiculously bad. Do not order from these clowns.

I purchased the Item#: N82E*******419, Apple iMac MC813LL/A-...
I purchased the Item#: N82E*******419, Apple iMac MC813LL/A-R iMac Intel Core i5 2.70GHz 4GB DDR3 1TB HDD 27" Mac OS X v10.7 Lion, on September 5,2014. After few days of normal use, the on-off switch stopped working. We took the computer to the Apple store. The technicians believed the on-off switch is faulty, and it needs to be replaced and estimated cost is about $300. Newegg printed a work order, in case we wanted to leave the computer for repairs. I first tried to chat with a CSR who actually was supposed to email me an RMA, which it never happened. Therefore, the next day I decided to talk to someone. I called in and talked to a nice person, and he understood the issue and promised that if the computer has the issue, they will replace it and send the replacement overnight. This was supposed to be a 4-5-day process, and he promised that Newegg would send a replacement with a one-day service. Unfortunately, none of the above took place as promised. We returned the computer to the UPS store on the Sep. 18 and received by Newegg by Sep. 23rd. On Sep. 30, I had to call Newegg once again as I did not hear anything besides automated emails that they did not say much at all. After talking to another CSR, she claimed that the technicians did not find anything wrong with the computer, and they have stated that the on-off switch is working fine. Now, they have to send the computer to technical support to be tested for the second time and make sure the device is working. The device was shipped on Oct. 1, and we just received it tonight on Oct. 6th. I plugged in the computer to power and tried to power it up to no avail. The on-off switch is still jammed and not functioning. I checked the computer box, and it is the same computer that I sent back for a faulty switch. It is Oct. 15 and now after my 30-minute waiting, I am talking to another CSR who claims since the first 30-day replacement warranty has been passed, she needs to have the computer go to the manufacturer. Is this true? They'll send it back to Apple to get fixed? I doubt that. Next she came back and asked me if I wanted a refund. Then after a few minutes she came back and claimed she could not offer a refund as it is a refurbished item, and she can only offer a replacement. What get another used (not refurbished) computer and go through the same hell I have been for the last six weeks. I asked to talk to a supervisor, and she kindly transferred me to her supervisor. Apparently, she is incapable of understanding the issue as well. I asked to talk to her manager. She claimed she was talking to a customer, and she will talk to me next. However, she came back online and stated that the manager did not have time as she wants to go home. Now, I am sitting here writing this and pondering what I should do> Should I call my bank and reverse the charges? Oh, no I should not since per one of the CSRs I'll be banned from shopping at Newegg forever.
It seems to me that either Newegg is hiring high school kids as technicians who really are taking people's time and money as a joke or since this is a refurbished item, it is ok to have a few faults and problems. I would like to know which one of these two is the truth about Newegg. Here is a video on the computer that they claim it was working when I sent it for replacement. It came back with the same problem just to waste the 30-day replacement policy.

Overall a decent site
There are many different aspects to an e-commerce website. Newegg gets most of the shopping aspects right.

Customer Support- Customer support is the same never ending loop that other sites offer. Whether you are speaking over the phone or wasting your time with the email/chat service, be prepared to state your situation MULTIPLE times. Most of the times, the service reps are not listening to you when you talk, this is evident when Newegg ask you stupid questions like "did you check with neighbors" or "could another member of your family have picked it up" after you just spent several minuets explaining that you already checked with both your family and neighbors. One rep even asked me twice if a family member could have gotten it when i stated the first time that I LIVED ALONE.
Customer support jobs seem to be filled by people with very little technical knowledge. Newegg doesnt offer phone, email or chat tech support. This is really a pain when purchasing from a tech website. The least they could do was hire people who are technologically literate.

Price- The prices are usually very competitive. On this aspect, newegg gets it right. Newegg does offer a price matching service, but i can havent needed to use them very often. On some items, the price match guarantee is valid even after the purchase which is a nice touch.

Marketplace- The marketplace is for the most part a joke. The sellers have next to no accountability from newegg. Usually the best answer you can get from Newegg regarding a marketplace transaction is to contact the seller. Really? Thats it? Thats all you can do? Considering the majority of the marketplace sellers i have dealt with choose not to respond, this is not at all a solution. WIth these transactions, purchase using a credit card or paypal, that way you are covered and can get your money back that way. They just really just dont care about bad marketplace transactions.

Shipping- Shipping is also, for the most part, done correctly. From my experience, newegg will usually send you a pre-paid shipping label for faulty products. If Newegg doesnt offer you a label, you probably just need to contact them and plead your case. It may be tough, but it is worth your time in most situations. For products that arent faulty, you have to pay the return shipping. This is the industry norm, but still kinda sucks if it, for instance, wasnt compatable with your machine or wasnt as described in the listing.

Overall, Newegg is a decent e-tailer and has some great prices.

I've been buying from Newegg for a few years and although...
I've been buying from Newegg for a few years and although the price grabs you in, the customer service hits you on the head to remind you why the price is so low.
I would NEVER buy a computer from them. I purchsed a netbook when Newegg first came out and paid over $400.00 for it. The motherboard died in the first month I had it. I contacted Newegg and they refused to help me whatsoever. I had to deal directly with the manufacturer.
I gave them a second chance and bought a used blackberry since my phone had died and I was still under contract. The site stated that the phone was Verizon compatable and I even called Newegg first BEFORE I bought the phone. I was assured that the phone would work. I got the phone and guess what, it didnt work. So I called Customer Service and they assured me again that the phone worked (user error/Verizon). Then why did it have a Sprint logo on the phone I asked. While this was taking place (no lie) someone went to the website and changed part of the advertising to remove Verizon as compatable because when I hung up after talking to Verizon, (who informed me the phone was not compatable), the site had been changed. Luckily I had printed out the ad before I had called because something just didnt seem right. By the next day, the ad was completely gone. I did get my money back thank God, but what a waste of time.
I bought a sd cards for my son and I as a Christmas gift. I thought if I the product didnt have any moving parts so to speak, Id be ok. My card died after about 10 days. I emailed to get an RMA which came and I sent back the card. The card was no longer available so instead of contacting me to see what I would like to do, Newegg sent me an email telling me that they were going to refund the credit card. To Neweggs credit, they didnt know my bank had been closed BUT when I contacted them to notify them of this error, the woman LIED and said that the refund had already gone through. Duh I don't think so the card is closed and the bank no longer exists. I'm still working on getting back my money. If I don't see results in a week or so, Ill be asking my bank to dispute this and I guess Ill be banned too.
I encourage everyone who has been involved in false advertising to file a complaint with the Atty General. It seems from reading others' complaints, this is common practice and needs to be stopped. For the guy that has spent $25,000 and had no complaints good for you, its only a matter of time.

Dont put customers first
I order a 300$ graphics card late Monday night. I called Newegg first thing Tuesday morning to add the RUSH service. The person I talked to on the phone told me that my order has already been picked and will be processed shortly. That there was no need to add RUSH service. The next day my order was not processed so I contacted Newegg through their chat service. Newegg told me that I was unable to to add RUSH service now but my order should ship that day. They cut off for their carrier pickup is at 4PM PST. I contacted Newegg through there chat service again at 2:30PST and told them my order was still not processed and I need it to be shipped not just processed. They told me there was order was on track to be processed and make carrier pickup. At no surprise my order was not processed until after their carrier pickup time. They tried telling me that me order was processed on time but billing me and not shipping my order is not the same as shipping as my order. How would the bank like it if I told them I wrote a check for rent on the day rent was do but did not drop the check off until later that week. It is unexceptional. My order did not leave their warehouse until the next day until 4PM. Since they processed my order on Wednesday their web-site stated I would receive my order on Friday. Since it shipped on Wednesday and not Tuesday my order would not arrive until next Monday. I am a two day shipment from the warehouse since I am the next state over. I order my product on Monday and should have received it on Thursday or Friday. Since they were late on my shipment that I called 3 times and wasted 4 hours my package arrived 3 days later then it should have. I cannot explain how upset I am at Newegg. Any other company in America would have helped a customer who called in three times. Order #196101769

Rebate Fraud!
I recently purchased a Corsair SPEC-3 case which was offering a $15 rebate. However, although I received a Corsair SPEC-3 case from Newegg, the UPC on the box was 1 digit off from the UPC in the rebate offer. Neither Newegg nor Corsair seem at all concerned by this bait and switch, and refuse to honor the rebate.

Although Newegg does offer a wide selection at reasonable prices, I will have to weigh all options before ordering from them again... and will never fall for their rebate offers anymore.

UPDATE: Newegg asked that I send them all of the information so Newegg can research why the rebate was not honored. On December 16, they stated "... I apologize that Corsair did not honor the rebate and I have submitted a request to our Rebate Team so that they can further look into this. I have included all the information you provided and they will be further looking into this with Corsair. Once our Rebate Team receives an update they will send you an email with more information. Please let me know if you have any questions and I would be glad to further assist." To date, I have heard nothing else. In looking at all of the claims to which Newegg has responded with promises to assist, I have noticed a complete lack of people posting updates on how Newegg fixed the problem. It is clear that their offers is merely lip service that they have no intention of fulfilling... Knock them another star for that!

In short, if you're a gambler, use Newegg. Customers either receive their correctly filled order in a timely fashion, or they are completely hosed by a company that couldn't care less if you're happy or not because they already have your money. Even if they ship a defective item, they still profit from the return fees. So, use at your risk because sooner or later, Newegg will hose you too!

New update. Newegg has finally decided to honor the rebate (their fault). Accordingly, I have upgraded the review to 3 stars (Ok). It shouldn't have been this difficult, but they did right in the end. I could only wish that these other folks would have similar happy endings...

Poor Delivery Service for TV
I would like to warn people about the delivery of large products, such as this TV. After spending as much as I did on the TV, Newegg contracts a third party delivery service in my area (IL). The company, AIT, called me at the beginning of the week to set-up the 4 hour delivery window. On the day of delivery, we planned to have someone at the house for the delivery and tried to call AIT to get a status update. The staff were extremely rude and said "It's out for delivery." After the 4 hours passed and no TV was delivered, I called them and was told that Newegg were short staffed and behind on the delivery. I asked why they couldn't tell me that when we called earlier and the girl rudely told me "Because I just found out now." The TV was finally delivered 7 1/2 hours after the delivery window started and the delivery driver called to give me a 30 minute heads up that he would be coming to deliver. I called Newegg after receiving the TV and their only concern seemed to be if the TV was damaged in any way. They offered me a $25 credit for the inconvenience and apparently would have offered more if I purchased more often from them. I am hoping that others who are looking into this product see this review and think twice about purchasing through Newegg, especially if you live in IL.

12/8/15- To update this review, I ended up returning the product to Newegg and had to argue with the return guy to receive the full refund of the product and not be charged return shipping, plus 15% restocking fee. Once the return was processed, they charged me the restocking fee and both the phone and online chat options for customer service had over an hour wait time. After finally getting a hold of someone on the online chat, I had to argue with him about the fact that their customer service agent directed me to open and plug in the product, therefore, I will not pay a restocking fee on the item. After at least 30 minutes on the chat and much frustration, he assured me I would be receiving the full amount refunded to my original form of payment. I just received an e-mail today with a lower refund amount that I was promised so I now have to contact customer service AGAIN to get my money back. I will NEVER buy from this company again and hope others take my advice!

Controlled Reviews
I purchased two LED Dimmer Controller Kits for use with existing LED lights in my kitchen. I received them quickly and installed them. Both controllers worked for about a day and then the remote controls would no longer control the lights. I changed the batteries but that did not fix it. I contacted the company: TorchStar. After a few days of discussion, Newegg told me that their product is not compatible with the brand of LED lights that I have (CleanLife). I ask if they would refund my money and they said only if the units are defective. Further, they wrote that if it is just a compatibility issue, that was my fault for not checking with the light manufacturer. Regarding compatibility, the Newegg website states nothing about limited compatibility for this product. It does give the voltage range and a maximum amperage as well as a steady amp rating. My installation stayed within those limits. Dissatisfied with TorchStars' handling of this issue, I wrote a review of the product and submitted it to Newegg. My review pointed out that anyone purchasing this product should contact their lighting manufacturer before purchasing to ensure compatibility. It has now been three weeks since I wrote the review and it has not been published. I have contacted Newegg twice about this. First they told me it takes time to process reviews. Next they told me that my review did not meet their review guidelines: "Product reviews should only discuss the performance of a fully functional item and should not include information about the service of the retailer or manufacturer, mail-in rebates, or defective products." I suppose this says it all... Newegg does not accept reviews about items that don't function, i. E. No bad reviews.
Buyer beware.

23 days to refund, difficult to contact, don't solve issues, extremely slow.
Ordered a laptop in late November. Ended up sending it back in December because the operating system didn't function properly. Newegg sent me an email claiming they received it the day after they actually received it. Email stated to wait 7-10 days for them to inspect it for defect since they can't possibly take your word for it. If they decide there is no defect you will be charged a restocking fee that is ridiculously high. Even though we had already been assured by a customer service rep that we wouldn't be charged the restocking fee since the symptoms we spoke of showed it was obviously defective, I continued to wait for a refund, fully expecting they wouldn't possibly even take the full 7 days to refund me since that seemed pretty ridiculous amount of time to wait when you have already returned the item. Nothing. I contacted them three times throughout all this, once through email, one phone call in which they hung up on me after I had already waited 30 minutes for a callback and been put on hold because I told them they had horrible customer service and they had to get a supervisor, which means put you on hold and hang up on you apparently, and once through my financial institution since time had passed and passed and I figured I better tackle the situation and file a claim before it was too late. They were full of excuses everytime and offered no solutions other than the good old "request to expedite" which really means request to throw your stuff to the bottom of the pile and take as long as possible to do it. We ended up agreeing that if I had my refund by a certain day we wouldn't file the claim. Day came and all I had was two emails from newegg claiming they refunded me, one including a "receipt" and then a whole lot of nothing reflected on my account. Not even a pending yet. So after three different people have claimed they put in a request to "expedite" my RMA which apparently is a nebulous acronym for some cloudy concept having something to do with actually getting your refund eventually, someday, possibly, it took forever anyway. So after spending hours on the phone which no one should have to do to get the refund they are owed, possibly fruitlessly since it took them 23 days to refund me anyway, I finally got a refund about 5 days after they sent a receipt for it. The only reason I didn't file a claim against them from my financial institution on the day we said we would if I wasn't refunded by then was because when the institution called me I had had an awful week of being sick and had a death in the family so I was too exhausted to deal with it. If taking 23 days to get you your money back is their idea of expediting it I would have to say this company is beyond awful and just want to hold onto your money as long as possible, or perhaps make it take longer on purpose to piss me off since I outright told them in all of this I have no intention of ever purchasing anything from them again? Hm, maybe. I don't know and I really don't care but I would advise against doing any sort of business with this place to save yourself a lot of grief and time!

Cant get anywhere with their customer service
This is what I've been dealing with for the last 2 1/2 hrs. All this after spending over $1300 on various products (2 monitors, a capture card, a gaming chair, and other small items. No pc's,) since October of last year. Cancelling my card with Newegg and back to Amazon I go.
Chat Transcript
Newegg Support Chat on 2/28/2021:
Morris L. 06:12 PM PT
Hi Nickolass, I am glad to assist you today.
Nickolass Rogers 06:13 PM PT
We will see if you assist me or not. Id like to know what's going on with my replacement monitor
Nickolass Rogers 06:13 PM PT
Order # *********
Morris L. 06:13 PM PT
Thanks for your information, I am checking, a moment please!
Morris L. 06:16 PM PT
Dear Nickolass, tracking shows that the seller received the return package on 2/22. We often need 7-10 business days to process your RMA when receive your package. After that, it needs another 1-2 business days to ship the item out.
Morris L. 06:16 PM PT
Would you please kindly wait a few days more for an update? My apologies for this inconvenience!
Nickolass Rogers 06:19 PM PT
Yeah thats what your last rep told me. Its been 13days sine i sent it back to you guys and i have has zero... zero correspondence since i sent it, in the mean time i show that your site said my money was refunded but hasn't hit my account yet and that you don't have any of the vioteck monitors (other than the very large sizes) in stock.
Nickolass Rogers 06:19 PM PT
This is absurd. I use this pc for work and got rid of my old monitor for the new one.
Nickolass Rogers 06:22 PM PT
Im under the assumption that im not getting a replacement sent to me
Morris L. 06:23 PM PT
Thanks for your information, I am checking, a moment please!
Morris L. 06:26 PM PT
The item is SBS order,(item sold and shipped by the seller instead of Newegg) So the seller told you Newegg will do a refund instead?
Nickolass Rogers 06:27 PM PT
No... im seeing it on my rma history from us guys
Nickolass Rogers 06:29 PM PT
It clearly says total refund $245.80 on the return status history
Morris L. 06:37 PM PT
Still in checking, a moment please!
The chat was then suddenly ended. On to the next rep.
Chat Transcript
Newegg Support Chat on 2/28/2021:
Greta L. 06:47 PM PT
Hi Nickolass, this is Greta, how may I help you?
Nickolass Rogers 06:48 PM PT
Ill just drop this here so you can read it and then you can help me to understand why your rep ended the session
Nickolass Rogers 06:48 PM PT
Support Chat MORRIS L. Chatting with Morris L.Hi Nickolass, I am glad to assist you today. 8:12 PM we will see if you assist me or not. Id like to know whats going on with my replacement monitorOrder # ********* 8:13 PM Thanks for your information, I am checking, a moment please! 8:13 PM Dear Nickolass, tracking shows that the seller received the return package on 2/22. We often need 7-10 business days to process your RMA when receive your package. After that, it needs another 1-2 business days
Nickolass Rogers 06:49 PM PT
After about 45min of trying to figure out if i was getting a replaced monitor or if they are just are issuing me a refund
Greta L. 06:50 PM PT
I am sorry for this. I can see the RMA is for replacement.
Greta L. 06:50 PM PT
I can send them an email and ask them to process the RMA as soon as possible, Is that OK?
Nickolass Rogers 06:51 PM PT
I sent the monitor back 13 days ago and now show a refund of $245.80 on the rma page that has posted to my card
Nickolass Rogers 06:51 PM PT
I clearly says refund
Greta L. 06:51 PM PT
I noticed the RMA is still in processing now.
Greta L. 06:52 PM PT
It is for replacement.
Nickolass Rogers 06:52 PM PT
Do you see where is says total refund?
Nickolass Rogers 06:52 PM PT
Im looking at it right on your return status history page
Greta L. 06:53 PM PT
There is no refund amount. That should be the amount of this order.
Nickolass Rogers 06:54 PM PT
I see that the return type is replacement but under that it says return total 299.99 est tax 15.81 total refund 245.80
Nickolass Rogers 06:55 PM PT
I also show that the majority of the viotek monitors your guys were recently selling on now not available on your site. Is this a coincidence?
Greta L. 06:56 PM PT
The RMA is for replacement. I see it shows total: 245.8. If the item is out of stock you should receive the refund. I can not be sure if the seller still have the item.
Nickolass Rogers 06:59 PM PT
So in the mean time... i have had zero... ZERO correspondence from your company or theirs about what is going on and i just have to sit her and hope that i get the replacement monitor for a pc i need for work purposed and i currently cant use... is that what you are saying?
Greta L. 06:59 PM PT
I truly apologize for the inconvenience. I can send an email to seller for the information. Is that OK?
Nickolass Rogers 07:00 PM PT
Yeah... that kinda should have been done last week when i was chatting with a rep
Greta L. 07:01 PM PT
I have sent the email to them. They should respond you in 1-2 business days.
Nickolass Rogers 07:02 PM PT
1-2 business days on top of the 13 ive already been not able to use my system.
Nickolass Rogers 07:02 PM PT
Do me a favor. Shut your monitor off quick and tell me how much work you can get done... go ahead... ill wait
Greta L. 07:04 PM PT
I truly apologize for the inconvenience. What I can do is email seller for you. You can also call them if that is faster.
Nickolass Rogers 07:05 PM PT
Thats the best you can do huh...
Nickolass Rogers 07:05 PM PT
Well. What i can do is just cancel my card with you guys and stop purchasing through you. That sound like a better idea
Greta L. 07:06 PM PT
I have sent the email to them.
Nickolass Rogers 07:07 PM PT
And dont tell me that its the company that YOU let sell on YOUR site. Because they are a direct reflection of your choice to let them sell with
Nickolass Rogers 07:07 PM PT
Nickolass Rogers 07:07 PM PT
By the way, way to avoid the last question
Greta L. 07:09 PM PT
I am sorry I am working I can not shut my monitor.
Nickolass Rogers 07:10 PM PT
My point exactly... cant work if you dont have a monitor
Nickolass Rogers 07:10 PM PT
Will i be getting some sort of reply from either of you letting me know what going on after this said email?
Greta L. 07:11 PM PT
The seller will respond you directly via email.
Greta L. 07:11 PM PT
I truly apologize for the situation.
Nickolass Rogers 07:11 PM PT
You are the 3rd chat rep i have spoke with and i haven't received anything from anyone including the "seller"
Greta L. 07:12 PM PT
They should respond you in 1-2 business days.
Nickolass Rogers 07:13 PM PT
Smh... im getting absolutely no where with you or your company... im done. Never ever again.
Greta L. 07:14 PM PT
I understand and would be upset myself.
Greta L. 07:14 PM PT
Was there anything else I can assist you with today?
Nickolass Rogers 07:14 PM PT
It is extremely clear there is nothing you can or want to do for me
Greta L. 07:15 PM PT
Would you please wait for the response from seller?
Nickolass Rogers 07:16 PM PT
Negative. Even if i get a replacement which will not be in a timely mannor... im done with your company. This isnt the first time ive had issues with you
Greta L. 07:18 PM PT
I am sorry for this.
Greta L. 07:19 PM PT
Was there anything else I can assist you with today?
Nickolass Rogers 07:20 PM PT
Can you just end the chat so i can get my transcripts please
Greta L. 07:20 PM PT
Greta L. 07:20 PM PT
Thank you for giving me an opportunity to help you. A survey will appear once you have ended this chat. To end the chat click the "X" at the top-right hand side of the chat window and choose the button that asks you to confirm you want to end the chat. Please take a moment to rate my service as your feedback is highly appreciated!

DO NOT BUY from Newegg
On Black Friday 2015 we ordered $1,100.00 in computer parts to build a new system for our son in college. Newegg shipped via UPS who in left this package on our front porch and no one home. The package was stolen. We contacted Newegg and they contacted UPS to do an investigation, which 3 days before xmas was still not resolved. I got very impatient and tried to get this resolved so to have the gift for x-mas, One of their customer service members talked me into doing a whole new order (which I paid an additional $1,100.00 for; they in turn paid for 2 day shipping to have this under the xmas tree). They told me that once UPS would complete their investigation, they will refund the money. Too bad it was NOT THAT EASY.

The Newegg idiots then sent this shipment to a totally different address even AFTER they confirmed my mailing address. I managed to get that money refunded, but the initial shipment made in Nov. They were dragging their heals.

Needless to say our son never got his x-mas gift. It is now Feb and this issue still has not been resolved. They refuse to send new parts or refund our money because according to UPS they "delivered the package to the correct address, and therefore will not cover the cost."

Newegg then decided not to refund my money nor ship out the computer parts, They claimed that the 2nd shipment they made and refunded cuz they shipped to wrong address was the refund, and therefore the issue was resolved. They were not even considering the fact of the initial shipment from Nov. They seem to think that initial $1100. Was a present to them I guess.

Now Newegg claims after 2 months that they want to see a Police report. Sure why not report something stolen 2 months after the fact. After forwarding this police report, and now DEMANDING money refunded, I am still waiting for their reply. I went to the bank to dispute charges as well to get my money returned.

I don't care if I have to pay 4 times as much for computer parts by shopping somewhere else; I will NEVER buy anything from Newegg again. After this great experience they can kiss my ass! SHOP AT TIGER DIRECT instead. Never had issues with Tiger Direct.

Newegg is a online retail store for electronics and computers. Newegg are the worst place to shop at. Recently, I had bought an OS from them and it was un-opened. I had told them that it was un-opened and would like to do an exchange it because it was the wrong OS, they, then had me return it back to them but after they received it, they opened it and said that, I opened it and that they could not do an exchange because it was opened. They are SUCH LIARS!


UPDATE (04-25-16): Hi everybody, here is the update received by Newegg and full communication of how they stick to their lying team, when they were contacted as requested by them. Its all a waste of time because they will stick to their lie. Please See Below For Details Of E-Mail Contact, some information maybe censored due to privacy reasons:

--- Original Message ---
From: <*******>
Received: On Wed, Apr 27,2016 at 9:20 PM UTC
To: "Eugene W." <*******>
Subject: RE: Regards to your response on site jabber

Hi Eugene,

I am displeased and will always be displeased with Newegg because you people believe liars such as your returns department, who have opened the packet, which I had sent to you un-opened in a new mailing envelope. Additionally, what part aren't you understanding, I WAS NOT LOOKING FOR A REFUND, I WANTED AN EXCHANGE BECAUSE IT WAS THE WRONG BIT OS THAT WAS SENT TO ME! You keep saying 'REFUND", FYI, I wanted an exchange because of the wrong one sent to me. I did my part of returning it un-opened but somehow you believe your lying sack of liars "returns" department! You people are the first that is blaming customers and telling that the customer is lying, indirectly.

As I mentioned earlier, there will be nobody in the higher position of Newegg that will over ride this returns department's lie and really help an honest customer who has given quite a good business to Newegg, THATS A KNOWN FACT BY NOW!


On Wed, Apr 27,2016 at 8:58 PM, Newegg Customer Service <*******> wrote:
Hi Xxxxxxx,

Thank you for writing back to me. I understand that you remain displeased that we are unable to assist you with a return of the operating system. However, as stated in my previous correspondences, we are unable to help you with a return as the product was received opened. Once this occurs, per our return policy for this product, the item is ineligible for a refund. In addition, as stated previously, our Returns team would not have opened the product.

Nevertheless, I want you to know that I will pass along your feedback to our Customer Service management team for review and consideration. If you have any other questions or concerns, please feel free to contact us at *******119.

Kind Regards,

Eugene W.

T *******119

Confidentiality Notice: This communication is only for the person(s) named above. Unless otherwise indicated, it contains information that is confidential, privileged or exempt from disclosure under applicable law. If you are not the person(s) named above, or responsible for delivering it to that person(s), be aware that disclosure, copying, distribution, or use of this communication is strictly PROHIBITED. If you have received this communication in error, or are uncertain as to its proper handling, please immediately notify us by telephone and mail the original to us at the above address

--- Original Message ---
From: <*******>
Received: 4/27/2016 4:27:32 AM UTC
To: "Eugene W." <*******>
Subject: RE: Regards to your response on site jabber

Hi Eugene,

If I had taken a picture or video of me putting the original white packet into another mailing envelope and sending it back to newegg by it fully being sealed then it would have been a proof to show that your returns department is lying.

The reason my friend helped me to leave the feedback on ReviewFeeder is because he was the witness who saw me putting the originally sealed white packet into another mailing envelope to mail it back to newegg with the RMA to get an exchange because he had told me that newegg lies a lot. The only problem is that I dont have a picture or video proof to show that I was ripped off by your lying sack of returns department people, who opens the packet and tell that it was sent open back to you.

There is nothing you people will do other than rip your customers off, lie & blame customers falsely. Eventually people will start seeing the real newegg, who are liars because as me being a S. Shopper, I and couple of other S. Shoppers whom I know will get through to all people with power/help of media, not to shop at Newegg.

Thank you for wasting my time to email you. This is also being forwarded to my friend to post on all media.

Cell: (xxx) xxx-xxxx

"Sent from Windows Phone"

From: Eugene W.
Sent: 4/26/2016 1:50 PM
To: *******
Subject: Re: Regards to your response on site jabber

Hi Xxxxxx,

I appreciate your reply to my email. I understand that you're stating you did not open the original white packet for the physical copy of Windows. However, the only information I have before me is from our Returns team who stated that the software was received open. I assure you our Returns team would not open an unopened product just to have it returned to you. I'm not certain why it was received open but it regrettably was. As such, it was ineligible for return under our return policy.

Nevertheless, I see that we previously offered a discount on your order of the correct version of Windows. If you're still in need of the software I can look into that for you. With that said, I hope I clarified things further for you. I apologize that we are unable to process the return as well. Please let me know if you have any other questions or concerns.

Kind Regards,

Eugene W.

T *******119

Confidentiality Notice: This communication is only for the person(s) named above. Unless otherwise indicated, it contains information that is confidential, privileged or exempt from disclosure under applicable law. If you are not the person(s) named above, or responsible for delivering it to that person(s), be aware that disclosure, copying, distribution, or use of this communication is strictly PROHIBITED. If you have received this communication in error, or are uncertain as to its proper handling, please immediately notify us by telephone and mail the original to us at the above address

--- Original Message ---
From: <*******>
Received: 4/26/2016 12:06:07 AM UTC
To: "Eugene W." <*******>
Subject: Re: Regards to your response on site jabber

Hi Eugene,

Thank you for taking the time to write back. As I mentioned even before when this was being handled, I did not open the original white packet of the OS, it was opened by the inspection department and then blamed on me that I opened it. I send it back in a different mailing envelope but the original packaging was not opened. FYI, I wanted and exchange because it was the wrong bit. As I mentioned in my reply, as usual Newegg will do nothing and keep sticking to their lies. I will also forward this email to my friend to post on ReviewFeeder to show how bad Newegg is!

Thank you.

Cell: (xxx) xxx-xxxx

On Mon, Apr 25,2016 at 7:56 PM, Eugene W. <*******> wrote:
Hi Xxxxxxx,

Thanks for taking the time to write to us. I understand that you're having some trouble with returning the Windows operating system purchased under sales order # XXXXXXXXX. I took a look into this matter for you and see that you previously attempted to return the operating system to us for a refund. It seems that you bought the incorrect version. Looking over the return inspection notes, I see that the product was received opened. As such, we were unable to accept the product for return.

Regrettably, this remains the case. Per our Consumable Product Return Policy, this product is ineligible for return once it has been opened. Thus, there is nothing further we can do to assist you. I apologize. Nevertheless, if you have any other questions or concerns, please feel free to contact us at *******119.

Kind Regards,

Eugene W.

T *******119

Confidentiality Notice: This communication is only for the person(s) named above. Unless otherwise indicated, it contains information that is confidential, privileged or exempt from disclosure under applicable law. If you are not the person(s) named above, or responsible for delivering it to that person(s), be aware that disclosure, copying, distribution, or use of this communication is strictly PROHIBITED. If you have received this communication in error, or are uncertain as to its proper handling, please immediately notify us by telephone and mail the original to us at the above address.

--- Original Message ---
From: <*******>
Received: 4/25/16 3:58:48 PM PDT
To: *******
Subject: Regards to your response on site jabber

Hello William,

I saw your response to the review on site jabber that my friend had helped me so that people know the real (liars) Newegg. All I know is that its been a while now and I don't remember/know what the order number is. There is one thing I know, that is, the OS opened by Newegg has been shipped back to me which is useless to me and lying in the original open packet in my house, un-used!

You people are such liars that blame the customers! I am just sure that nothing will be done because its been so long.


------ Please do not remove your unique tracking number! ------

I used to love this company, but things have changed
I have used newegg for any electronic purchases for nearly 10 years and have always been happy with the sevice, up until now. The marketplace will be the downfall is this company.

I purchased a laptop before Christmas and recieved it damaged from always(dot)deals. After retruning the product I never recieved any confirmation the seller recieved it. A week went by and I finally emailed the seller to get an update on the product. Newegg replyed with a tracking number and "good news it outs for delivery". No one was home that day and the package was left at my door (i live in an apartment building) which was not a secure location. Upon my wife getting home the package was gone, someone stole it right from my front door.

I contacted the seller and they recommended we do a FedEx claim. I decided I didn't want to deal with the seller since they seemed to be a fairly unorganized company so I called Newegg. The rep on the phone told me they would process the claim for me, but it would take 5-7 business days. At the time I was unhappy, but I understood they had a process they need to follow.

After the 7 business days I call in and I'm told the first business day doesn't count (even though I was told this day was the final day of the claim period) and that I need to wait another day. On the 8th day I am told that the seller was given some 24 hour notice and I need to wait another day. We are now on the 9th day and I'm told the seller responded and they need to file a FedEx claim (WHAT WAS I WAITING ON?!)

It has now been another two weeks (over a month total) I was informed FexEx denied the claim (which doesn't surprise me at this point) and that they don't even know if I'll get my money back.

I paid 800 dollars for a laptop I recieved broken and the replacement never even reached me aand the supervisor I am currently speaking with is telling me I may not even get my money back. This is absolutely unacceptable and I will NEVER use Newegg again. This is by far the worst customer service I have ever experienced. I have easily over 60 hours just in time on the phone trying to get this in just over a month.

I recommend if you're undecided on where to purchase and are considering Newegg to look elsewhere because this company is absolutely awful. They do not care about the consumer.

Newegg / Jerry Wang sell defective merchandise and don't help resolve the problem
Newegg and Jerry Wang will not accept defective returns! He sells refurbs which admittedly come with their own risks, but when a unit totally fails within 6 weeks of purchase the vendor totally failed to help resolve the situation. I had bought an Acer laptop in March 2016 from Newegg, which started randomly blue-screening nearly immediately but then would run fine for awhile, so I crossed my fingers and waited, but within 60 days of delivery the hard drive had totally failed. I contacted the seller, and requested an exchange or if necessary a refund. His initial response was to close the inquiry! Nice. When I pushed back, his next response was I show this order passed our return period. We are unable to set up an RMA at this point. However, I show the vendor offered this item 90 day warranty. I just sent you an authorization email. If you would like to apply it, please reply that email. Once I receive your response, I will forward it to our related department and our related department will contact them on behalf of your name to apply this warranty. What a total smoke screen run-around non-answer. I asked again that, irrespective of any policy he had set, he exchange the machine or refund the purchase price since the hardware was clearly defective when bought. I heard nothing until I pushed again, at which time I received this response: I apologize, Jerry is out of office I am unable to confirm if he receives your reply. I have resent the release email to you once I receive a reply I will request our support team to further assist you. And then He has contacted our own internal helpdesk so that Newegg can look further into this for you. One of our specialized helpdesk agents will contact you directly within 3-7 business days via email with more information or a possible resolution. Again, more runaround with no intent of actually doing anything meaningful to help resolve the issue, while running out the clock. The last response before I gave up was we just need a little time to complete it for you. Please allow us 3-7 buisness days to handle this issue for you. Newegg surely has responsiblity to help you and we will do our best to complete this request for you as soon as possible since your feeling is important. This time he did offer a $25 gift card against what ended up being a $234 repair! Take your business elsewhere. Buying refurbs without protection against defective merchandise is not worth the risk.

They are a marketplace, not a vendor.
Newegg is a market place, not a vendor. It appears you are purchasing products and warranties from Newegg, but when the products are misrepresented (IE getting a Home version of Windows VS WINDOws Pro on your Laptop), Newegg claim they did not sell it, and go as far as blocking your review calling out false advertising. When you purchase a extended warranty. It is a replacement warranty good for one replacement credit for the purchse price of your misrepresented junk. It refunds the list price of the junk when purchased, not shipping, handling or the price of the plan, which expires once you use it. Again this is through a third party. And Newegg gives you no indication of who warrantied the product or where to file a claim unless you call and ask for it. Expect the same nasty "not our problem attitude" when you call to get this information. Once you do file a claim expect to spend several weeks of being promised a credit in 2-3 day, another 5-7 days, another 8-10 days. The time gets longer every time they miss a deadline. I am currently in the 8-10 day cycle, I am confident on day 11 I will be told another 10 to 15 days. The warranty company (AIG) blames Newegg, Newegg blames AIG, If you put both companies on a conference call they blame the company who sold the computer. Don't bother asking for a manger, they will just put you on hold for 10 minutes and come back with the same answer.
3-6-17 Update: I just spent another hour cutting and pasting a response to Newegg's response requesting more information. Will see where this goes. Crazy that I have to go to these length's to in hopes of getting any results.

Ha-Ha Ha, got another response please allow 3-5 bussiness days for someone nto notice my response.

When it comes to buying a high-demand item, don't trust Newegg's "In Stock"
TL; DR: When it comes to buying a high-demand item that may be low stock, don't trust Newegg's own website item inventory; you will get a 24 hour wait before an automatic order cancellation and then customer service will lead you around in circles before offering you a $10 coupon.

So the full story, it's COVID time and I'm trying to upgrade my graphics card and every major retailer is sold out of the recent generation of video cards. On August 30th 2020 and you can't find a 2080 Super or a 2080 Ti of ANY variety anywhere except for 3rd party vendors who mark up the price $200 to $500.

On Friday August 28th I thought I got lucky and spotted an EVGA 2080 Super in stock at Newegg for $719, the MSRP. I quickly purchased it, elected for expedited processing which Newegg charge $3 for, expedited shipping, the works. Even a 3 year warranty. I get an order confirmation email and a payment processing email from Paypal since that was my choice of payment. Everything looked fine.

All afternoon long I refresh the Order Status page and it just says "Order Processing: Estimated Processing Date: 8/28". A few minutes past 5pm PST, and it says the same thing. I start to worry. I check again before midnight, same thing. Then after midnight it changes to just "Order Processing" and no date info. The next day, exactly 24 hours after placing the order, I get an email saying the order was cancelled because, according to them, the payment was unable to be processed. I go online to see if I can order again and wouldn't you know it, the 2080 Super is out of stock again and now the only option is a 3rd party vendor who marks it up $280.

I go to the customer service chat on and it was basically a giant waste of time. They lied to me about why it was cancelled, gave me several conflicting stories, told me whatever they thought I needed to hear to stop bothering them about the order, said they could do nothing, and finally one of them offered me a laughable $10 coupon. I told them what I wanted was for them to send me the exact same item through their 3rd party seller on their website at the price that I had paid the day before. This is a difference of $280. It sounds like a lot but let's review the facts; they didn't have an accurate account of their in-stock items, instead of reviewing and cancelling my item in a timely manner they let a 24 hour period lapse where they didn't process my order and their system must have automatically cancelled it, and upon contacting them I was told it was my payment provider's fault and that there was nothing they could do. I think a fair solution was right there in front of them–that they sell me an item offered on their website at the price I had agreed to pay the day before–but they would not agree to it.

This isn't quite at the level of scamming, but that's a low bar to even be talking about. Their inventory system is a mess. Their fulfillment center must be running like a chicken with its head cut off. Worst of all though is that when they have a way to make things right, they refuse to do it; when they can quickly resolve an issue, they leave you hanging and let you waste your own time waiting for them to process a purchase that they won't even process because the item was either never in stock in the first place or they had some kind of simultaneous purchase incident.

On Monday morning August 31st 2020, I called customer service and talked to the supervisor Kim. She reiterated the $10 offer. She said she wouldn't offer price matching and that's it. She wouldn't acknowledge the company's ability to make things right using their own 3rd party vendors. I got the same "not my problem" attitude from the supervisor as I did from the customer service agents. It's a shame and pathetic.

I first used Newegg in the early 2000s. If I can possibly avoid them I will never use them again. I heard they were sold to another owner some years back, and this kind of nickel and dime mentality is common with new company owners. They don't think about their long-term reputation. They don't think about customer loyalty. They think about how to tell you "no". They think about charging you for faster processing and doing nothing in return: a $3 do-nothing button. They're not trustworthy and not reliable. Shop elsewhere whenever you can. Don't trust an "In Stock" notice for a high-demand item from Newegg ever again; I won't.

My son got a Newegg open box cyberpowerPC desktop for Xmas 2018 for $779.00 (sale price $850.Oo) from Santa. He didn't use it until February 2019. He only used it 3 times before the computer didn't turn on. It was "blue screen." My son was said and disappointed that a company like this would sell a product that breaks less than 2 months (3 times of using it). I emailed their NewEgg customer service team, and Newegg said "it's pass the 30 days. You'll have to contact the manufacturer." (It was a Xmas present... REALLLY). I said "I don't understand how an "openbox" product can break only after using it for 3 times. I bought open box from bestbuy and walmart and never had it break on me (after 5 years usage yes). Then I asked how many times has the product been return to them. They couldn't tell me. Then I asked what was the reasons for the return. They couldn't tell me. Now, I know when they have a "30 days" policy. They good doesn't last past that time period. If I buy electronic from other companies like Best Buy, they would take the product back and have me pay a restocking fee or at least trade it in for a working one. Not have me call tech support. Be care of their return policy. Even if you return it within the 30 days, it's up to them to accept your return once you pay for your own shipping to ship it back to them. Don't forget. It's critical to keep their box too if you want anything compensation. If that's the kind of product and BS, you want to go thru then so be it. I wOULD NOT RECOMMEND NEWEGG TO ANYONE. The open box vs the sale price is only about $70.00 difference. Newegg rather lose a customer by not standing by their product vs fixing the issue. They are a computer company that's what they do "fix and resale computers"... etc. I GUESS WE GOT WHAT WE PAID FOR... JUNK. I wonder what would happen if we bought it at the sale price and the same thing happens. Then we would be out of $850.00 instead of $779.00 and we would still have to go through the BS... "30 days policy." No wonder people shop at Amazon and other big companies because they know their customer satisfactions comes first. If NEWEGG is a mom and pop shop, well, they're giving them a bad name... DON'T SHOP AT NEWEGG UNLESS YOU WANT TO DEAL WITH THEIR BS RETURN POLICY AND LOSE OUT ON YOUR HARD EARN MONEY. Pay it forward.

On Saturday 11/29 I purchased a Klipsch Icon SB-1 Sounbar...
On Saturday 11/29 I purchased a Klipsch Icon SB-1 Sounbar for Newegg. Shorly after I received an email stating that my order was received and being processed and yes my bank card was ran for the amount of the purchase and went through fine and the fund put on hold by my bank. Later that day I received another email stating that my order was voided during the verification process. I could not call them over the weekend because Newegg are not open on weekends. I tried live service on their website but that option has be diabled. So I had to wait till Monday 12/01 to call. I got ahold of a Service Rep and they verified that all my billing information was correct. He did not understand why my order would have been voided and stated just to reorder. I explained to him that the funds had are on hold and that it was a large purchase and I do not have the extra funds to make another purchase while waiting for the original purchase hold to drop off. Also the item was no longer on sale, 50% 0ff... He did not have any answer after that and that was the end of our conversation.

So lets revisit their Verification process
1. My card was ran with no issues from my bank
2. No phone call to my bank to verify any information
3. No phone call to me to verify any information
4. I called them and all billing information they have on file is correct and is the same that my bank has on file

I emailed their customer service team ('*******') on Monday 12/01, got a auto-reply email back stating that they received my email and that they would reply within 12 hours. Now 12/03, no reply
I emailed the Custome Service member at the top right of this sites page on info about Newegg ('*******') on Monday 12/01, got a auto-reply email back stating that they received my email and that they would reply within 12 hours. Now 12/03, no reply

This was my son's main Christmas gift and with it being a large purchase and the funds still being held by my bank I do not have the money to repurchase or go buy something else.

Check fields!

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Based on 50 reviews from Newegg customers, company has accumulated an average rating of 1 stars, indicating that majority of customers are not satisfied with its service.
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Description: Providing computer parts and hardware, hard drives, cameras and software as well as electronics, tools, appliances, sporting goods, jewelry, watches, gaming, and much more. With fast-shipping! Newegg shopping upgraded?

Address: 17560 Rowland St, 91748


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