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Reviews Shopping, Marketplace OfferUp

50 customer reviews of

Offer Up Customer Service is the Worst
I'd recently sold my laptop to a buyer on the East Coast I used the shipping label OfferUp provided me but it didn't scan I have problems at the post office with it therefore I paid out of my own pocket which I didn't ask for back to ship it to the buyer because I promised I would ship it today and I keep my promises so after doing that I informed OfferUp what I did I didn't have the tracking number but I did confirm that the buyer did receive it and told OfferUp to please verify with him that he's received it and is happy with the purchase I did that immediately after he received it OfferUp made no effort to pay me the money owed to me. Yes I should have just waited to get a different label from them however I promised you I would send it and everything's been confirmed they still will not just bring me my money they said they would but I have not received it and it's been over 2 weeks now I've emailed and I try to be civil about it but now I just want them to know what a piece of $#*! their customer service is they just tell me continuously after emails at the forward it to their whatever Department fill in the blank yourself and then nothing happens I've emailed them three times in the past 2 days still no response itsn been over 2 weeks I'm wondering if I should take legal action but anyways I just want everyone to know shipping with them is a pain in the ass, getting your money takes forever if you do get it and they just lost my business which I was a frequent seller and buyer with a 5 star RATING. This is the rating I give them

I have been an active user on offerup since July of 2018. I have 535 reviews on its site. Yes there are people who "flake", but if you know how to post your item in a way that communicates your parameters well it makes things a lot easier. For myself I always include the city and cross streets in my post so that people can determine if it's too far for them or not. I think a lot of times people get excited because OfferUp see something they really like and jump on it so that they don't loose out on the chance to get it. Then once they realize it's too far for them to make the effort they just flake. I also include "first come first serve" and "no holds" in all my posts so that people understand that I'm only interested in serious buyers who are willing and able to pick up ASAP. It does help that I work from home, this app is definitely better used by people who are home most of the time and can set up times for people to pick up right away. I also make sure that all the most asked questions are in the post to weed out most of the annoying questions that the majority of people ask, like the height, length and depth of items like furniture. I specifically say if there is or isn't anything wrong with an item. The more detail you can add to your post the less questions you will get. I never give out my address until someone is actually on there way to drive to my house for pick up, this keeps me from feeling any kind of anxiety about having given out my address to people who just end up flaking. I kindly tell people who ask for my address before even setting up a time to meet(because they are trying to determine how far you are from them) hat he city and cross streets are in the post if they want to see how far I am from them and to send me a message when they are ready to drive to my house and that I will send them the address at that time, I always include a at the end of this sentence and at the end of all sentences that might could be misunderstood as rude or as me not giving them what they are asking for. This helps them to understand that your not being unkind your just communicating your boundaries. Once I learned how to do all here things it's been smooth sailing. Yes your still going to get people who ask a million questions, and who flake but if you are always kind to people and are the kind of person who can be patient with people it's a great way to get rid of your unwanted items quickly or resell things to make some extra cash. I have figured out how to use this app to make all my money at this point and enjoy it a lot. Another tip I have is to refer to the person as friend, people react to me calling them friend in a very positive way in messaging and helps interaction a lot smoother. Hopefully this will help some of you out. God bless my friends

Shady Practices
I've been using this app for a couple of years mainly for local purchases since selling is not as effective as other well known sites.

The complaint for me came when I sold an item to be shipped out. I am a legitimate person, I packaged the item properly and dropped it off at the USPS facility in less than 2 hours after it was sold, we all like to receive our stuff safe and fast don't we?

The problem started when I wanted to collect my money and the problem is not the fact that OfferUp will hold the money for a week unlike other sites, the problem is that OfferUp sent me a personal information request for payment purposes such as my name, DOB and bank account which is understandable other way how could OfferUp deposit the money right?

Well I did provide the requested personal information then a little while latter " they sent a second personal information request " this time asking for my social security number, this is where I do not appreciate "shady practices" and I tell you why:

OfferUp waited a while before sending the second personal information request, at this time the item was already dropped off at the USPS facility and OferUp will no accept cancellations after the item being shipped out

Why OfferUp don't request all personal information needed at once? Why in two separate requests plus divided by some extra time so people can be able to decide whether they want to continue with the transaction or not?

Why would OfferUp need people's sensitive personal information besides the basic bank account, name and address for payments like any other company?

Customer Service responded that this information is shared with their payment process partner named STRIPE

One other very negative issue is their very very poor customer support, they will respond to your questions via email within days later and will not give you a fair solution, I told them I was not going to share my SS#, I asked them to please cancel the transaction and all they advised was to contact the buyer and ask him to send my package back, of course the buyer will never do that after paying for his purchase, besides that's why they are here for in the first place

Do they really keep people's money for not sharing their personal information?

What happen with people that don't have a SS#, does OfferUp just keep their money as well?

They can keep my money if that's what they are after, but I'm going to file a complaint against their practices, let's see if anyone listens, for now OfferUp is a little over a $100 dollars reacher.

Just for the Record:
I was never ever asked for my SS# on any other site like OfferUp over the years or even decades, not even when selling and collecting money from big ticket items

The worst
Absolutely no policing of scam listings. Unable to leave feedback unless a transaction is completed. Meaning, I could message someone, make a deal, and drive 30 minutes to meet them. Wait 20 minutes for them to show. Then, OfferUp can message me to just forget the deal. It's off, and I CANNOT LEAVE NEGATIVE FEEDBACK FOR THIS. So, the next guy gets screwed as well because I can't leave negative feedback in this scenario. The report an issue is worthless because nothing is ever followed up on by Offer Up. Listings are years old and absolutely worthless because the item was either sold elsewhere, the seller is a flake and totally forgot that they even listed it, or it's stupidly high priced which is why it will never sell and it's just taking up space on the site and I have to see the listing always even though it's a wasted listing. Scam ads run rampant and try to scam everyone. LetGo was much better! Force listings to renew listings at 30 days like LetGo did. Get rid of scam listings selling $10000 items for 400 bucks. Allow feedback and penalize the scum that get blocked by 5 or more people regardless of their star rating. Clearly they are scum if 5+ people block them after messaging alone! Total crap.

Done trying
From 4 17 17 OfferUp is mistaken for being like Ebay! And it is NOT anything like Ebay. You yourself are responsible for your own safety and buying. Its a buy sell and trade app.

I use it daily and sell things all the time!

Don't buy things that you don't look over. Don't be afraid to tell someone NO! Or ask for more pictures.

The app is more like craigslist. I think its great and I will continue to use it as it intended. You can't expect a company to back up "garage sale" stuff sold by users ALL OVER THE USA. If you go to a garage sale you look things over before you buy them. You can't be ripped off if you use your head!

Upadte 7 14 18 And just like craigslist the company itself doesn't give a crap about you. Or loss of time or money. Read the reviews! The only way you'll have a great experience here is if you live in a city or community with honest people that show and have the decency to respond. And now OfferUp added shipping to their platform before even making the ability to post on the website. They claim to have buyer protection but ONLY on shipping items and who knows when you'll see the money returned. I think their priorities are all out of whack. They still haven't gotten good enough software to stop scammers, fraud posts and posts that they don't even allow!

Not Quite Understanding Bad Reviews
I agree and disagree with reviews here.

First of all, OfferUp, the company, is giving people/communities a common online place to sell stuff as an alternative to websites like Craigslist. Like CL, it's free and it's user friendly. However, with OfferUp, you're able to maneuver through the posting process quicker, the app/page design itself is not as antiquated and is aesthetically more appealing and it's "one and done"- you conduct the transaction from start to finish via the app. This isn't to say one is necessarily better than the other, it's your choice.

Also, like Craigslist, it is not meant to compete with Ebay, Etsy, etc. With places like the aforementioned, you pay to list, you pay to process the transaction online, and OfferUp get their cut. Because of this, they can afford to have staff to help sort out problem sellers and buyers, guarantee products and refunds, and be the intervening party so you don't have to deal with that end of it.

So, as far as what OfferUp, the business, offers as ITS product, I give it 5 stars.

Most of the complaints on here are for things I don't believe OfferUp is responsible for. No-show buyers or sellers? Block them. Lowballers? Block them. They don't respond? Block them. You don't like one word responses? Block them. These types, and much worse, are everywhere, not just on OfferUp.

Use OfferUp for its intended purpose: an online yard sale, cleaning out your closets, whatever. If you have a business to run, OfferUp is not the place for it.

RUN from this site!
This social media platform is far worse than any Craigslist criticism or any other media outlet to buy/sell.

My classes (college level) tested OfferUp's policies.
1. A reporting customers who failed to follow up.
2. Buyer did not keep the appointment.
3. Shopper asked the question "Is this item available? "When it clearly states in the posting the item is available.
4. Scammers
5. Fraud- suppose it shoppers asking for the address often before making an offer, or stating OfferUp want to buy the item.

The students created profiles, actually did have items to sell and posted them. And we continued a month-long monitoring of the types of responses received, sales, negotiations, and reporting to Offer up any of the above incidences. What happened may surprise you.

Offer up without notice, blocked accounts for any student who wrote back to any of the above fitting sutuations confronting be supposed buyer; notified by reporting that buyer, and still OfferUp chose to block the account of sellers who confronted, and reported these non-serious individuals on this social media platform.

There you have it folks, socialism at work. Let's make America great, again. Let's not support such businesses or opportunities or selective companies like OfferUp.

Very Bad Customers service and full of Lies
2 days ago I notice no one was responding to not one of my offers that I made on there items and had not posted any thing for sale since 2 week ago, so I logged out and tried logging back in and it would not let me log in.I contacted offer up support asking waht could be done to fix my signing in problem and OfferUp replied back 3 hours later saying my account was deleted because I sold drugs on offer up, So I replied back saying I have never attempted or sold any drugs on offer up and they have me mixed up with some one else.

Then asked them to prove to me that I sold drug on offerup and a person named Hunter replied back saying he did investigation and found no such thing on my offerup account showing that I sold any drugs but my account could not be reset and that I'm not welcome on offer up, also stated that was the last message and they would not be responding to anymore of my messages. Like I said they lie and never gave me a real reason. The problem here is they have competive aggressive sellers on offer up that that think there running offer up and when they see a seller selling more items or for low price they fisrt they truble the seller then complain to offer up with false information to get others removed. Also some of the offerup staff members protect there friends accounts that has store front on offerup.

I have saved all the reply emails as proof so I can go higher management and complain.I will not let this issue go with solving or getting a real reason from offerup.

OfferUp is awful
OfferUp are as bad as Craigslist and don't care about seller or buyer satisfaction. Before the merger with Letgo they were fine but now it's garbage. I've sent them a letter to give helpful feedback on how to improve the user experience--no reply. They remove my profile and over two hundred of my posts for no known reason. Had to search high and low for a way to contact them since they don't make that info readily available and clearly don't want to provide any customer service. They restored my profile but brought back all of my SOLD listings, not the hundreds that went missing. Morons! I wrote back to beg for my ads to be brought back and restored even more of my already archived listings, then refused to reply to further email requests for them to correct the error. And just today it has happened AGAIN! My profile and listings, poof! Gone. Just sent them another email (FYI: *******
At this point it seems obvious that OfferUp has gone to crap and exist now just to rake in shipping and ad revenue, and not provide any help with their awful platform issues. I had invested so many hours as a private seller putting hundreds of items on their site and they're all gone (actually 4 out of over 200 are left--whoopee). Most likely I won't waste any more of my time posting on OfferUp nor would I recommend it to anyone ever again. They are really THE WORST. I plan to find another site to sell my items. Wish me luck! (Advice/suggestions welcomed.)

Dead Wood Equals No Purchase has one major problem in my opinion. This is the second time I have encountered this problem and it is just soooo frustrating. You research a product, look on various sites to get an idea of what the product is worth, finally decide to buy it on offerup. You pay for the item and offerup lets you know that OfferUp have sent a shipping label to the seller and has told them to ship as soon as possible. After a week, no notification that the seller has shipped your order. So you write the seller. No response. You notice that the item you purchased is still being sold on the seller's site. You write the seller, "Hey have you shipped my item and why is it still for sale on your site". No response. In the meantime you lost out on opportunities to buy the product on other sites. The last time this happened I was looking for a leather desk chair. I asked the seller if it was still available. No response. I really wanted this particular chair and was so happy that I finally found it. Kept writing the seller, no response. Finally I was able to obtain his phone number and I called him. He told me he sold the chair 3 months ago. I wasted about a month on this guy. I have a feeling I am in the same position with the seller I am currently dealing with. In my mind, I bought the item, no need to continue to look for it. My guess is the seller hasn't looked at his offerup account in a year. No need to respond to me as he probably sold it 6 months ago.

Offerup has to have the ability to mark an item as sold so that buyers are not put in this position. As soon as offerup sends that shipping label to the seller, the item HAS BEEN SOLD., and offerup should marked it as sold.

There is no incentive for a seller to keep his offerup account up to date once an item is sold or to ever look at it if he hasn't sold something in the last year. There is no phone number that I can call for help at offerup. No Offerup email for me to complain to so that offerup can find out if the seller is still active on their site. Just a HORROR SHOW.
I tried to post a Word document showing the email proof of purchase but your system would not allow only allow jpeg, gif etc.

Horrible management & execution
Where to start... well, here's the "I don't want to actually read this" synopsis...

It is my opinion that OfferUp has poor management/leadership, lacks customer service, lacks alternative ways to log in or to communicate with the company, and has too many scammers.

Here's the "Why"...

I started using this app a few years ago. Thought it was going to be a great way to have a virtual Garage Sell. It was not. In the end, I literally just gave up trying to sell anything because there was so many people who would message me about an item and wouldn't respond to my response. Later discovered that this was because as soon as someone even looked at anything I posted I'd end up getting a message (the reason I know this is because I had looked at something trying to figure out "what the world was that even a picture of?"... only to get a response from the seller asking me to negotiate a price--for something I had zero interest in once discerned). Not too long after this, OfferUp had some really crappy algorithm that would just start slamming me with notifications about items that belonged to the category of whatever it was I took a peek at. The notifications got so bad I literally stopped looking at them only later missing actual messages from real people. When I got frustrated enough to remove my items from being advertised as "For sale", I ended up receiving messages from locations I left a couple of years ago. This made me completely aware that OfferUp obviously have items posted that are actually no longer available. I tried changing the item's associated zip code, which didn't work, I had definitely changed my zip code... that didn't work. I marked them as "Sold"... for some reason that didn't work. I even archived them... yup... you guessed it... two years later received a message about an item I thought was long gone from the public's capability to view. Fast forward into the future... I had initially signed up directly with my phone. Logging in was automatic. Had to change my number for personal reasons. Here we are a few months after changing my number that my phone just completely dies. Ok... no problem. Ordered a new phone elsewhere... little did I know that with this company that IS a huge problem. I received an email answering a question I had asked someone before the phone disaster. So I click on the shortcut to see the original message... only to get a "Login" screen. No problem. Put in my email, then click forgot password. I get a "Reset Password" email sent to the same email. I go through the process to reset. Everything is looking hunky dory... then I attempt to log in. Nope. The app is trying to send a text message to the wrong phone number. Well, maybe I can try to log in using a browser. Yes... that is an option. Wait... trying to send to old number, still... Ok... let's try customer service. No phone contact available. Interesting. Well... here's a contact via e-mail. NOPE. Try to send a message via email, they want you to LOG IN... which continues the endless cycle of "Let's keep messaging your old number" going. Want to change your phone number... LOG IN. Want to delete your account... LOG IN! I've been trying to send a message without logging in... and SURPRISE... there's a "Server Issue"... but their servers are having NO problem showing me what people have posted for sale. Now I have a feeling that my account is going to end up in the hands of some scammer (which, BTW... this freaking app is riddled with... I've experienced less scammers via Craigslist). It is actually bad enough that it seems like their plan to find scammers is to have YOU report them.

Now some of you might think, "User error"... that's a fair assessment. I'm not a computer wizard who can hack away a computer program... but I've been around long enough and around enough people to know that my ability to utilize computers and programs exceeds the average person's. I'm also intelligent enough to know that things happen in life and there's absolutely no way that a company who has been around for more than a year hasn't encountered this before (which, BTW... I've looked into their FAQ site... which was also absolutely no help).

In conclusion... I stand by my opinion. Poor management, because half of this wouldn't have happened, otherwise (I've never worked for the company, so I can't attest an employee's experience would be like). Lacks in Customer Service... well... just try to call or email them. Lacks alternative ways to log in or to communicate with the company, as apparent by what happened with me. Finally, has too many scammers... which literally was found in EVERY search I performed and of which I was constantly tapping "Report" said accounts.

My Experience: Selling and Buying from OfferUp for 3 Months
I have several items for sale on here. I've gotten less than a handful of messages, and sold ONE item. I bought a set of pictures on here, I wasn't happy at all with the price, but it's hard to find pictures that come in sets. It was a smooth transaction overall. I sold one item and that was so annoying! She was over an hour late from the agreed meeting time! THEN immmediately the site sent a message wanting me to give her a review! Are you kidding me? I definitely wasn't in a good place to give that person a review, not then or EVER!
CONS about this site:
1. It is so hard when I can only post an ad from my Iphone. I would much rather use my laptop!
2. There's a limit of 5 pictures! That stinks!
3. You have to scroll UP for the ad information! If you don't do that, then you have NO idea what the details are about this item! Again, most people are too impatient to take the time to do that and read!
4. It cost $1.99 to bump ONE ad to the top! Hmmm... on Craigslist it's free.
5. I looked up "dress" in the search box and none of MY dresses showed up at all! My products are not visible! How am I supposed to sell anything on this website if it's not visible or easy to find? I put in MY location and still my ad hasn't shown up!
6. There are TOO many repeat items! One person makes hundreds of accounts and posts over and over and over again! So ANNOYING! OfferUp needs to control this!
7. Contact! Ok people, use common sense! This site will ALERT you when someone sends a message regarding your items. It is just plain RUDE to message someone after 10pm at night and before 9am in the morning! You could just save it to your favorites, THEN at a DECENT HOUR, contact the seller. The same goes for sellers! Don't message anyone at crazy hours and be prompt in responding!
You may say, just turn off the alerts, WHY? That's the whole reason to USE this site! To sell your items, but COMMON SENSE says, Uhhhh yeah I'm not trying to sell my item at 2:30am when you see it when you come home in the middle of the night from the bar!
8. SOLD items - CLEARLY OfferUp HAS NOT explained to ANYONE how to Archive their SOLD items! Why do you want to go on a site to buy something just to see ALL THE THINGS THAT HAVE ALREADY BEEN SOLD! It's RIDICULOUS! No one cares to see what you CAN'T BUY!

PROS about this site:
Oh my gosh, I honestly CAN NOT think of ONE positive thing about this site!

So CLEARLY there are more Cons than Pros! I would hope the people who run OfferUp fix all these issues!

Got scammed
My son who just turned 18 and worked hard at his new job to purchase a phone decided to put his trust in OfferUp. He asked if he could use my Cash App because he just became old enough to get one literally a few days before. Long story short the great Seller asked for $250 in Cash App only and my son took the bait and did not know it was not trusted on the site. I contacted OfferUp and received a response telling me since he went through Cash App contact them and OfferUp did nothing. This item was never sent my son's money was taken yet there is an ipaddress info on Offerup and Social security number from the Cash App yet no one did anything now I have to make these good companies look bad due to Crooks. I have to file a police report press charges just because my son really trusted this site.

Today is January12,2020
I found the same info on Offerup and reported after I sent the Seller messages like I wanted to purchase as soon as he spoke about Cash App I think he noticed my last name from Cash App and stopped responding OfferUp needs to give my son his money so I don't have to get my sick self to the courthouse to catch coronavirus getting money back from a site I never had issues with ever until we used Cash App and not OfferUp payment methods it should not matter you have it on file get the person take ownership and OfferUp should prosecute it was on your website people! If I wasn't serious about prosecution I would show screenshots from the Seller and the responses from both sites that state sorry about your son's luck! Do not buy things from people that ask for direct payment off any sites because these Good Companies look very suspicious when you don't take action on Criminal Activity and this is a hundred percent truth I loved OfferUp until they scammed my newly grown son and have not went after the Seller or refunded my son's money back

Nothing good to say about this site! I'm done!
Here is what I sent to the company... did I get a response... NO. I am done with them.

I have a major problem with OfferUp. It is most
Frustrating that a person can make several offers. Send msgs to the seller and
No response. To may way of thinkkng if OfferUp want to be part of offer up
There should be some sort of rule as to how long they can continue without be
Responsiable. I have only had only two purchases and yet I've made
So many offers but all that happens is no response. Also, why are people
Allowed to indicate a price so low. Then when you offer above that amount
They still don't respond. I have even sent a msg asking what was their
Asking price. One of these individuals have gotten at minimum of 6 offers
And msgs from me and not the courtesy of a response.

Have made at least 20 purchases using e-bay. It is
So much more responsive in all aspects.

Just thought you should know. Also, this is at least
The 3rd time you have told me to changes my password because
Of some sort of unusual posts! What is that all aboutdoes
Not say much for security. Also, trying to make changes too my account
The instructions are not correct! You keep referring to the app... I don't use the app. I use the Internet!

As a webmaster I can tell you that the site has a lot of problemsfor instance
If I put in for instance Seattle I still get items from all over the
Country. Why is that.?

1) 90% of the users are scammers
2) 8% of the users are flakes (when you ask questions, OfferUp don't respond, when a deal is made they back out, or if you meet them in person its the wrong product or not as described - i. E. "new")
3) The remining 2% of sellers are legitimate but not nearby (when it comes to make a purchase, the App does not work as at checkout it asks to scan my credit card with the OfferUp App, which freezes - I tried 3 different credit cards and 1 debit card). Other users have complained about the OfferUp Credit Scanner not working.
4) Poor customer service (when you call their customer service line, you cant get a hold of a live person or leave a message). When you use the OfferUp App to get help, you receive an email about 4 days later with "links" to their help section on their help webpage which does not have any solutions. When you respond to their email, their customer support will send you a Bot email to the same useless links.
5) The OfferUp App is slow, large in size, almost 270 Mb, uses up RAM, and a battery waster for phones!
* In summary, this App is a waste of time, not safe, and one cannot make a purchase through their App. Don't waste your time!

Unfair and discriminatory business practices
One bad employee ruins the image for the whole company. OfferUp do not maintain the same guidelines for posting by different users. They are biased and exhibit unfair treatment towards certain users. I have used the app for years (active in both selling and buying). I see adds go up all day, every day offering "intangible items" like quotes for services such as appliance repair, window installation and for moving services, just to name a few. I see garage sale adds go up consistently. I make a loop in my city pretty regularly based on OfferUp garage sale adds and have done so for years. I finally move from an apartment into a house, and can host my own garage sale. I posted an add that was immediately removed. I tried again. Removed again. I was told I cannot post "intangible items". Yet I go to scroll again and find dozens more adds offering services/intangibles - some posted as recent as today, some dating back as far as 2015 (before I stopped scrolling). I just did searches for "garage sale" and "quotes" and "repairs" and the number of posts is pretty darn high for them to be so concerned with mine - so either someone lying, someone is not doing their job, someone is doing a really crappy job or someone is acting biased and discriminatory towards certain users. Whatever the case, this incident lost the company my business and all the previous compliments and stars I left when I first started using the app.

Look At Descriptions Thoroughly, Establish Trust With User and Watch Out For Scammers
I have been put on to this site several months ago and I've been selling well ever since. I believe I'm a very trusted user on this site because 1. I use my own profile pic 2. My first name. And because I sell my stuff at very reasonable prices and don't scam others. After all the bad reviews I've read about this site, people should honestly learn how to establish some kind of trust with the people OfferUp plan on buying from, it's common sense. You should be able to identify if the person is a legit seller, profile pic and name and all, and THOROUGHLY read the description of the thing they are selling. If they give little to no details about themselves or the items, why would you risk it? Even though the person is selling at a really cheap or low price? It is kind of a bust when some people waste my time where they spam my stuff with offers and then never reply back. But I have been successfully selling MANY of my items ANYWAYS. What I hate the most when I'm selling my stuff on here, is that people offer at such low, low unreasonable prices. Here's my philosophy: "I don't care how much you want it for, I care about how much I PAID for it."

Offerup banned me and still owes me over $200
I have been on OfferUp for three years I have five stars I have almost 500 positive reviews. Recently OfferUp has started the shipping program. I have over 2,000 items I decided to start shipping and at first it was excellent then I started noticing that the money was not being deposited. At last check I was over $200 it appeared that right when I started complaining about why OfferUp were not releasing my funds that is when I was banned. I am a single mother it has been over one month I have not received one email one phone call not one thing from OfferUp. Also I still have not received my money and all of my customers have the product and are satisfied. How is it possible at this company can make commercials and I know for a fact that they've done this with other people that when you Google them it doesn't show up it's disgusting and it's despicable they're taking advantage the everyday American. The fact that they have hundreds of millions of dollars they think that they are untouchable. Please be wary please do your research look at the Better Business Bureau they have so many complaints and they have not responded to one.

Clearinghouse for stolen items
I will try to make this as quick and concise as possible. I am 60 years old and I have done a lot of trading in my life and selling of automobiles and other garage type items. OfferUp tries to sell you on this idea of meeting people at agreed-upon locations, however I come from a Time and I don't think this ever changes when you like to see how a person and where a person lives for the feeling of security that you know where the item came from and OfferUp are happy to have you come out and they have nothing to hide just as I would welcome a buyer into my home anytime. I do not see how people could not come to the same conclusion is myself that it just seems so dubious, questionable, and highly suspect that you are going to meet in the parking lot of a Dunkin Donuts and exchange money and not know a thing about this person. And they could try to make it seem like the true you program they have going is just so magnificent. It's stupid and easy for people to lie and dr. Up. I was telling a hockey jersey that was a Stanley Cup jersey I met the man in Long Beach California and he grabbed the Jersey push me down and ran and OfferUp will tell you what did you tell the police did you tell us did you know the man? Of course not you wouldn't let me get his phone number or arrange to meet him at his house or him at mine. Bad bad idea and they'll try to sell you on some kind of crazy thing that I think they explained to me that well you know with robocalls and everything and people getting your phone number they could get your identity in your credit... that's not true

Offer up is a scam
Offerup doesn't contact you back and OfferUp don't even have a number to be found.
I was scammed for $2,000 from Sandra Wilson on offer up
Feb 7,6:09 PM PST

There was a fraudulent event that occurred where a seller Sandra Wilson was offering a car for $1000 on offer up because she claimed her husband died and she had to leave the country with the military and couldn't ship the car. I gave them an email to reach me. I then received and email from the criminal that gave me information involving the car. It stated that the car would be shipped to me within 2 days of the verification of payment through money gram and that if I didnt like the car, I could have the car returned to the sender within 5 days because it was covered by ebay. I then received an email from a 3rd party fraudulent eBay invoice from ******* that detailed how to complete the transaction, a second email verifying the first payment and also asking for a second payment of another $1000 for insurance purposes, ******* and a third email verifying the second payment for insurance purposes that included multiple grammatical errors. The police report *******164 will not be processed for at least 2 days. The sad part is this ebay is a real ebay address that is why they got us. The ebay motor is real too. I lost $2000

Sold an item on this site around August 17 2020. OfferUp provided me with the USPS shipping label in which I printed out and affixed to the box. Had USPS pick up the package in which I have a confirmation from post office it was picked up but for some reason the item was never delivered to the buyer. Finally received a tracking number from Offerup (#*******54770002########) and no tracking available. Filed several compliments with the Post office and went to my local Post office to try to figure out what happened. Was told the package was last scan in Massachusett. Emailed the buyer and was told he lives in Wyoming and so have been emailing OFFER UP fo days to please verify the address (Offer Up Support Request: 57341999) and have been ignored by them. Im trying o file a claim with the post office and they require the address of where the package is supposed to go to and OfferUp will not respond back to my emails because they know they screwed up. I used their USPS label with the buyers address so I assumed that this address was correct since they were supplying me the shipping label and so this is not my fault and they have been no help in trying to assist me with this. So now I am out of payment from buyer and the items lost in the mail.

Absolutely Zero Customer Service
Very recently I attempted to purchase an item that I saw on
OfferUp. I only have had one other
Experience with this website as a purchaser. Previously there wasn't a problem
I believe because both of us knew what and where to go to make it happen which
Was local. When I attempted this time to
Purchase something it was an entirely differently reality. First off I was buying something that needed
To be shipped from out of state. I
Decided to go ahead and use the service offered on the site, big mistake. I paid the amount plus shipping required and
Then everything went south. The seller
Who apparently had no previous experience on the site indicated that he was
Notified that he would eventually be paid $4.00 less than his sell price. I tried to explain that it was the charge for
Shipping but no dice; he said he wanted his money. I thought big deal, $4 I'll be glad to pay it
If he will just send the item which I needed for a Christmas gift. I ended up paying him through Paypal the $4.00
Amount he wanted. He said I still don't
Have my money. I explained that he
Needed to send the item and then after I get it OfferUp will pay him. I couldn't put him at ease so realizing that
If he didn't send it after 5 days they would cancel and give me my money back
Through my credit automatically I told him that I would send the balance
Through papal. He agreed and I paid and
He shipped the item which I have. What
He did, which I didn't realize was, he used the tracking and shipping label
Provided by OfferUp. OfferUp used the
Tracking no. And knows there was an item sent but now will not pay the seller
For some reason. So I paid through
Paypal and also OfferUp using my credit card and I received one item and paid
For two. I have contacted OfferUp
Numerous times without any success. They
Cannot or will not just send him the money at which time he has agreed to
Reimburse me.

As I suspected and have read from other reviews either
OfferUp is on its way out of business or their employees are so inebriated that
They cannot keep up with what is going on. They have terrible customer service. Suggestion for those who continue to use
OfferUp, do not use their shipping service, do not do anything that requires
Customer support. Try and buy stuff
Within driving range if at all possible and good luck, you'll need it.

Oil lamp with glass shade Aladdin
Made offer of 100.00 plus the shipping, for Aladdin oil lamp and shade, offer was taken, payment sent, the oil lamp, burner, chimney arrived ok, however, the fragile shade was packaged shabbily and broken in tons of pieces, I immediately, contacted the seller, she tried to say file a claim, which I tried to with usps, their reply in letter and took directly to post office in person for inspection, was no damage to box so usps denied, I was back a forth with seller as well as I contacted customer service, no refunds of any kind, from seller or offer up. Seller tried to say she'd send a new ugly shade if I paid addition shipping. This is clearly a rip off. I could send all our text conversations as she said the lamp alone was worth more or I could sell for what I paid, for that alone, I didn't purchase for resell. I purchased what you saw in pic, A complete oil lamp with glass shade, I clearly received 1/2 my order not broken, the other part a shade damaged beyond repair, the shade was left at usps for her to deal with. Nothing no more responses from her for refund. Offer up said I have to deal with seller. All emails saved all conversations saved.

Poor service. All my listings disappear regularly.
I am a new OfferUp buyer/seller.
All my postings keep getting removed (not duplicated postings) with no notice or explanation. It is hard to find a way to communicate with OfferUp because everything is automated. I finally found a back door way to send a contact message. When someone finally responded after 4 attempts and a week passed, he apologized and said it was a technical error. Then all my postings appeared again... but disappeared again 2 days later! Again I have sent 3 messages and days are passing by with no response. This is a very poor experience and I would not recommend OfferUp to anybody.
*Update*Turns out the "guy" I mentioned is just another automated response... I got the exact same message... my listings re-appeared BUT FOR ONLY 2 HOURS! Yep all my listings are gone again!
So I have sent many more messages to this robotic system over the last 4 weeks with no results!
No listings are up!
0 stars.
Ps. Meanwhile there are hundreds of duplicated and miscatorized listings in all sections of OfferUp. (See pic.)
I use search word "van" and gets tons of non-van listings and many many duplicates.
*Update* It took 5 weeks for them to send the same automated apology. My listing are up again. IDK for how long?

Scammer App
I have been using the app since 2014 and already accumulated over 100 listings with a perfect 5 star rating ang also made a few purchases locally. Recenttly, i made a payment+shipping(via OfferUp payment system) to a seller in TX for a Samsung Galaxy s9 plus for $650. Days came by, thena week and a half. No phone came. So i messaged the seller but he claims he never received any payment from OfferUp even after i sent him the screenshot of my payment confirmation to his phone and email. Tried to contact OfferUp but to no avail(no contact numbers) except for the Report Flag on the upper right corner of the chat page. So i ended up messaging them in their Facebook page. Just yesterday, found out that all my buying and selling messages were gone, over 100 listings are gone and even homepage not opening. I keep messaging my seller but he kept telling me the same. That he never received any payment from OfferUp. Now i dont what to do and who to turn to retrieve my money.
Started to get convinced like most users have been claiming that OfferUp work and conspiring with scammers. Or OfferUp is scammer itself. Just waited for the perfect time to populate memebers then screw them all at the same time.

Move on. Sell elsewhere.
This is what you get on a FREE site. Glad I never paid them a dime!
I was a good new SELLER on offerup. Good positive reviews from the few items I sold. One of the items I sell are LICENSE PLATES. For a while things were OK, until I had my last post deleted by offerup saying it violated some of their policies. The next day, all my posts were deleted and I was unable to post any new ads, nor log back in saying some kind 'error'.
However I was able to search the site for LICENSE PLATES where I found many for sale. Try it yourself. You will see.
So one of the things that offends me is DISCRIMINATION. I cannot sell them but others can.
Perhaps it is just as well as I spent more time posting items trying to appeal to the few buyers than OfferUp were worth.
Should have thrown them in the trash and my life would have been easier, not having to deal with the ignorant responses that ask if you still have it, then never hear from again.
So offerup, you can keep your lame site. I don't need you so now I am going to have my fun since I am retired with lots of time on my hands, I can enjoy my newfound hobby- badmouthing offerup any chance I get on the internet. If I lose you just ONE customer, it will make my day.

OfferUp practices a 2 part scam (2020)
I am a ITT specialist and will be filing a FTC complaint for the following deceptive practice of deliberately executes the command gateway time-out error
Upon successful cancel of order. This executed protocol allows all function of to be used except the view receipt/transaction ID.( Users are indeed able to view receipt before successful cancel)The intention to this protocol is to omit reciept/transaction page so buyer cannot receive funds by filing a true refund with customer service. This is a 2 part system in which time-out-error coincides with mandates of the required reciept/transaction Id to customer service in order to receive a true refund. Without the reciept/transaction ID field, customer service cannot be contacted via Status of order can state refunded but the implementation of the stated 2 part system designates a FTC deceptive claim. Protocol is based off of a local user id location for a convincing error.

Discovery of this was based on my recent purchase of a Ryzen 1400 series gpu.

My user is unlimited at: 73092961

It's new, but is prey to scammers
Been using Craigslist for a decade and have had virtually no problems. It's not like I live in Gary Indiana or anything, so why would I. Everything has been pretty smooth. My first experience with OfferUp was a local scammer. I was new, but hardly dumb about this subject. I have busted numerous scammers in my 36 years working with the Gov't, but this site took me by surprise. The seller was local, had a 5 star rating, was verified several times over, had previous sells, etc. Yet, he was a scammer and I had no idea how easy it was to beat this poorly designed system. ANYBODY can get the Stars and badges he had. I ended dealing with a detective who was dealing with this guy, got a warrant and locked the guys account and got ALL the info of his dealings and people involved and eventually found out who the guy really is. What a fiasco. My advice? Be aware that ANYONE can appear to be a legitimate and highly rated person on this website when in fact OfferUp may not be. If you are suspicious of places like Craigslist, multiply that by 3 for OfferUP. The number of scams I have seen since far outnumber any other website I have used before. Just my opinions, but be very careful there

It's a nice platform and you can get COOL & Cheap Stuff
The problem are some of the seller, do not answer or do not remove old products that OfferUp have sold. So this is based on selling either used, not used or thing you forget you have in storage, you could easily get all the thing you do not want around and make a little cash, the problem are that the sellers, do not write enough information about their products, no dimensions, no color, no year, if the item has all the installation hardware needed, not how many years it has been in used for example washer/dryer set that I was looking for, I had to ask every single time how old were they or if they still had them and a bunch of? That make sellers furious! SO SELLERS describe your items! Also if they list the item at 9pm, they can easily sell them 1 hr later and you had your hopes on it, or worse they leave items for 11 months so you always have to ask IF they ARE available, which seems to upset them... REALLY? How else are we to know! WELL an update on each item you have should be one of the things this platform demands the seller to keep up with, but not every 6 mos, on a week to week basis, so we do NOT waste our time or have to put up with silence, or an irate seller that later complains about us buyers on their community board. But sometimes is a true gem when someone responds, immediately, when the item is still for sale, and you can buy it. Let's face it I don't do offers I just plainly by the item with out offering less when I know I am getting a bargain. But what I have purchased, I loved, took me a little driving and a lot of texts, which it should be a little easier, I have sold many items as well, but it's because I put everything dimensions, approx weight, color, what it is made off, time I had it, condition, and I take pics of the faults as well. Also had been very lucky getting pros to install things for me at my house, like contractors, movers, and AC specialists, had not used the shipping service, and I won't this is to ebay/amazon where you are protected and can send the item back at no cost. SO if you have patience, don't get your hopes too high that you will be able to buy the item because it might not be there, or deal with buyers that place things there and they later change their minds as not to sell it, and be careful as well because I heard and I am pretty sure I almost fell for a scam on an unbelievable price on a new bedroom set the pic was a stock pic and the woman kept on changing the location, and wanted me to send her half of the cash in some app they have which I do not trust anyone, or any app that wants my bank account #s, it's ok, it's a little learning curve, but what I have bought it was a great prices, what I couldn't well God didn't want me to have it or it or worse! Use n be ready for any of the things mentioned above.

No Stars
Out of about ten to fifteen potential buyers, I would say only one or two, if I'm lucky, actually consider buying a posted item. And if I'm very lucky, maybe one of those fifteen will actually buy. Lots of buyers promise to buy, and or show up at a certain time, then flake out, don't have the common courtesy to say they're no longer interested in buying the item, or OfferUp they insult you by offering way too low of a price, lowballing. Many don't seem to understand the meaning of "Price Is Firm", or "Firm Price", as they'll keep asking the same stupid question of "Is that your lowest price?", or something idiotic to that extent. This website is full of idiot buyers, and who knows, maybe idiot sellers also, as I have not bought anything but only sold a mere few items in almost a year. I had this one smart ass buyer who wanted to buy a $10 item from me, who lived over 120 miles away, one way, and who wanted me to deliver it to him, after I made it clear that I don't deliver, or ship. Anyway, the Offer Up website has become/is a bull$#*! website, and one which no longer works, as it's not possible to post items for sale, as it's always asking to edit the location, but will not accept the zip code or the GPS location. Also, don't expect customer service help, as there is no customer service. So I'll be going elsewhere for selling my items. I'm giving it zero stars, and if my review does not post, I'll give it the one lonely star just so that my review goes through. Just as I thought, will not let me post the review without at least one star. And one star it is! Stay away from this stinking website. There are many others to choose from.

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Based on 50 reviews from OfferUp customers, company has accumulated an average rating of 1 stars, indicating that majority of customers are not satisfied with its service.
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Description: OfferUp is revolutionizing how we sell by making it a snap! Instantly connect with buyers and sellers near you.

Address: 1425 Broadway, 98122


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