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Overnight Prints

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Reviews Business, Business Services, Printing Overnight Prints

50 customer reviews of

Never use Overnight Prints!
This is my second review after complete incompetence by Overnight Prints!

My original order was place almost two and a half months ago. I ordered sandwich business cards - I received the original order very defective and went through their silly protocol (once again - I've never received an order I did not have to request a re-print). I was assured I would receive the re-order in two weeks. Two weeks went by and still no order received - I reached out via email and phone calls and did not get a return email/call one time. Today, I finally received my re-order (month and a half later) and what do you know, same mistake plus two new mistakes! Now, I'm going through the same SILLY process again and I'm told my order can't move to the front of production because Overnight Prints have too many new orders to get out!?

Worst business experience of my 10 years in business. Please, all of you, never order with this company! You will be greatly dissatisfied, let alone the amount it will effect your business - I've been without business cards for over two months and I've had countless events, meetings, etc. I'm sure all you know how unprofessional it is when a potential client ask for a business card (on multiple occasions) and you are empty handed both times - direct reflection of how our potential, future business relationship may be perceived.

Again, never, ever use Overnight Prints!

I am EXTREMELY dissatisfied with the product I received. I have received multiple complaints that the product is smudged, scuffed or even torn, seemingly all on spots of importance (dates/locations etc) which makes it very difficult. While there is to be SOME expected handling marks on the USPS side, the smudging shows that the prints were not printed on a quality printer/ not given proper dry time. Not a single person whom I have spoken to has received a nice looking product from this order.
Furthermore, there are some people who have not even received their postcard, despite being on the mailing list I submitted, and despite being sent about two weeks ago. I know Overnight Prints are not simply stuck in the mail, because I have a few individuals who live in the same neighborhood; one has received the card, while the other hasn't (about 4 cases of this example). I have also double checked with every one who has told me they haven't received the card, to make sure I had the proper address, and in every situation the address submitted is correct.
I am very disappointed in the product that was received, it not only makes me look bad, and is causing me great headache (I now have 97 people reaching out to me for details that could have/should have been seen on the mailed product; which is a nightmare), but is a very bad mark on Overnight Prints.

Misspelled word
I ordered 6 different orders of business cards. Almost $200. In business cards that I can not use due to them having a misspelled word "PREMIER", which was wrong 5 different times as "PRIEMER". I ordered the cards online 4 different times, before we recognized the word was misspelled. At first I thought I was making the mistake. Therefore I called and spoke to a rep. Two different times and reordered the cards with a live rep. The cards still came with same misspelled word. This last call she fixed the correction and reordered the cards but I only had to pay for shipping. What do you know Premier is spelled "PREMIERE" I called to speak with supervisor and Overnight Prints tell me they can't transfer me to a supervisor. Because supervisor is busy doing their work and she needs to handle it. Therefore they told me to email their service department. Which she's over those emails too. They wouldn't even compromise with sending me free cards without me paying for shipping. I requested for refund they to me no due to customer error. I didn't qualify for a refund. I wouldn't recommend this company to a blind person..

Very Disappointed
I have used Overnight Prints for my business cards, for both my businesses, and other various print jobs for the past 7 years and I've been a VIP member for quit sometime until now. I've decide to take my business elsewhere due to the poor customer service I received. I have know idea what happened to their quality of service recently but it really sucks and it's disheartening that Overnight Prints would treat a loyal customer in the manner that they did. I placed a REORDER for business cards where nothing had changed expect adding a few minor images on the back of the card and it didn't change the dynamics of the layout. I requested the review process before printing and I was flagged for the FRONT image exceeding the "safe zone". I was fine with front image exceeding the safe zone since it was a large image that took up half the card. When I reviewed their flag, I accepted the image as-is and the layout of where the image sat on the front of the card, HOWEVER, I was not promoted or flagged in regard to the image on the BACK of the card. The back image was never flagged for me to review. Their design software also showed that the image was on the back of the card just fine - remember this was a REORDER and I had not changed the layout of anything. When I received the business cards, the front looked fine and looked the way that I had requested it but the back looked like a hack job. There is a frame image on the back side of the card. The image of the frame was to close to the edge of one side and part of the image was cut off on the other side. When I logged in to my account to contact customer service, I had remembered that the last time I tried to contact customer service regarding an order I had sat on endless hold with no one ever picking up and I received the same results with the chat window. I decided to try to chat window and hoped they had fixed whatever problem they had last time. When they responded to my issue they had brushed it all off as customer error when I clearly told them that they had only flagged the FRONT of the card and not the BACK. The rep told me to email them a copy of the card to show them what my concerns were. When I did, I sent them a picture of the card they sent and a copy of the old card to show them the differences and how the image of the frame was suppose to be on the back of the card. They once again stated it was customer error and no compensation would be given. I told the rep that I couldn't use the cards they sent and they were totally useless to me. They refused to work with me and said I would have to place a whole new order and won't be compensated for the order. I expressed my disappointment in their inability to work with me on this issue. I have always received good customer service and understanding from them in the past with any previous orders, and with this one being a REORDER I couldn't see how this could've been an issue. Even after I mentioned that I was a VIP member and a loyal valued customer, they continued to refuse to work with me. So I'm out the cost of 1000 business cards and have to order them elsewhere; also the discount I receive being a VIP member is just enough to cover the expensive shipping costs. Happy New Year to you too Overnight Prints.

Here's a transcript about their "Shipping Policy"
Sam: Hello, what can i do for you?
Alex: Hi, yes. I had an order out right now for our startup business. We were supposed to recieve our cards thursday. In fact I paid the thursday shipping costs, but Overnight Prints still havent arrived...
Sam: I'm sorry for the delay. I'll be right with you.
Sam: I'll be right with you.
Sam: i am sorry for the inconvenience
Sam: but fedex have it scheduled for today by the end of the day
Alex: But I paid for thursday and we ran out thursday.
Sam: Thank you for waiting. I'll be with you in just a moment.
Sam: unfortunately this delay is on fedex side
Sam: as we shipped the order in time and was picked by fedex also in time
Sam: had you tried to contact them directly?
Alex: If I paid money to have it delivered thursday and I've had to sit on my hands 2 days instead of being able to go out and make business connections, I feel that some sort of refund or rebate or some reparations should be made here. I run a service industry and my connections are my income. The delay may be on fedex, but I paid you. I am not dealing with fedex. I paid you money and you said it would be here on a certain day. You have cost me a lot more than the 10-20 dollar shipping fee I had the choices of. Your whole job is making cards and shipping them to customers. If you say its going to arrive a certain day, and I. As a customer and business owner dont recieve it for another two days, thats not on fedex and I'm not going to be knocking on their door. Thats on your company.
Sam: I'll be right with you.
Sam: I'm sorry for the delay. I'll be right with you.
Sam: Thank you for waiting. I'll be with you in just a moment.
Sam: I'll be right with you.
Sam: unfortunately all the delivery dates are estimates and we cannot their logistic directly or predict if they could face problems like accidents, bad weather or any situation of that nature
Alex: But you can make right the situation where your customer pays for a certain day and its late. Even if you refund the difference in the days of paid for arrival and actual arrival.
Alex: Thats just honest business...
Sam: I'm sorry for the delay. I'll be right with you.
Sam: unfortunately we cannot offer a compensation as all the delivery dates are estimates
Alex: Then why do i have to pay more for an estimate?
Alex: If i paid 20 dollars for next day delivery and you cant provide that, how can you justify charging for it?
Sam: Thank you for waiting. I'll be with you in just a moment.
Sam: Overnight Prints utilizes third-party carriers to deliver orders and it is not liable for delivery problems. Overnight Prints makes no guarantee about time in transit of any shipping method
Sam: you can find this information in our terms of service section
Alex: Okay. Ill be frank
Alex: I'm going to hold you guys accountable in one way or another
Alex: I will post screenshots of this on your review page. And i will take the time to do it on every forum i can find.
Alex: Yelp
Alex: Google
Alex: Facebook
Alex: Every venue you use for ads
Alex: This is not right
Sam: anything else you may need?
Alex: Not from you. Im sorry you had to deal with this as I know its probably not your fault. Thanks for your time
Sam: have a nice day
Alex: You as well

I have no business cards yet, 3 days later, so I have plenty of time to search out all venues and write these reviews (:

For validity's sake, here's my order number as well ORDER NUMBER: 582718421

The quality is garbage. They do not care. Scam.
Q U A L I T Y I S G A R B A G E!


Find another printer, like vistaprint.

I ordered business cards for around $90 for 500. Overnight Prints were ordered with rounded corners. The cards came and the corners were cut so poorly that a first grade art student could have done a better job cutting them. The corners were totally NOT rounded; they were chopped off every which way. There was also red and black dielines on every single card in multiple places. They looked like garbage. As a graphic designer, I refuse to hand out that kind of quality cards to potential customers, etc. I would be EMBARRASSED to hand those cards out. I honestly can't believe quality control would let the cards out the door in that condition! Or maybe they do not have any quality control because it happened again...
Had to submit a ton of pictures to prove that they f"cked up my order. They refused to send me a refund so they issue a replacement, and the replacement has the same issue! After sending more photos, now they refuse to take the order back, refuse to give me a refund, and also refuse to send me my order in the correct condition. Basically they are taking the money and running. Now I have 1000 pieces of crap business cards in my trash can and I am out $90 + shipping.
What kind of company sends out defective product and then refuses to issue a refund or replacement when there is a proven problem?
If they did this to me, you can bet they will do it to other customers and YOU! Tell your friends.

I want to give 5 stars, but...
I placed an order for a double-sided postcard. When I submitted the order, I was given an estimated timeframe of delivery and I even paid a little more to get them by a certain time. I was checking the order when it should have been being prepped to ship, only to see that it was still in production. I was told that the shipping date was only an estimate and that someone would follow up with me regarding why my order was still in production when it should have shipped already. To be fully transparent, there were no billing issues or anything like that. When I called customer service, the person I spoke to didn't know why my order hadn't shipped and I was told that someone would call me to update me. No one called, but I later checked my account and saw that the shipping had been changed to a later date than the estimate I was initially given. I called back to speak to customer service again and was told that there no way Overnight Prints could have known that my order wouldn't ship on the initial date I was given. My contention was that my order sat on production status with the estimated ship date for a week. This made it hard for me to believe that no one knew that my order wouldn't be ready by the estimated ship date. Ultimately, after being on hold for several minutes, management agreed to refund me my shipping and upgraded my shipping. I didn't get the order by the date I needed them, but I did get them. I'm not sure what the hiccup was, but it was finally remedied.

Forgot Orders & Sent damaged replacements
I've used Overnight Prints for the past 2-3 years for our business, and until recently Overnight Prints had always been consistent. I had major problems with my last few orders, and will not be continuing to use them.
I ordered 500 bookmarks, and about 1/3 of them had a coating error that made them unusable. I did receive replacements about a week later, but they were cut incorrectly so they were not usable either. I didnt even bother to ask for replacements
At the same time as this, I'd ordered 200 booklets from them. There was a problem with the original files I sent, which took nearly 2 weeks to work out, due to 24-48h response time to emails. After that I waited a week to find out that the person helping me had forgotten to remove the hold on my order. I was guaranteed to receive it in the next 3 days, waited 6 without receiving any communication, and when I inquired about my order status I was told they were having technical issues. At that point, it had been almost a month, so I just canceled the order.
They didn't offer any compensation or other solutions, or even really care that I was canceling my account.
I will not be using Overnight Prints again. Waiting 2 days for an email back, simply forgetting to remove order holds, and sending damaged replacements is unacceptable.

First set of card prints were so bad they sent me new ones, they were EVEN WORSE
I ordered three sets of business cards all different designs. Overnight Prints were all very similar since they are for the same company. Slight changes on all three though. They sent me the first order and I was appalled at how bad they were. The colors were way off, the text was blurry on one of them, and the backs were totally off-center.

After three weeks of trying to email them, tweet to them and try every way to get a hold of them (except calling; I hate the phone) they finally responded to my third Twitter PM. They said they would reprint and send me new prints.

I specifically asked the person helping me if they could have a real person physically inspect the cards before they were sent out to make sure there were no errors and they looked good. They assured me this would happen and I'd have them in three days. I asked specifically for two things: make sure they were centered, and that the colors were correct. I do print design I know how to use a color profile for printing.

I did get them in three days, that much was true. The cards however were 10x WORSE. It felt like a joke. I was so aghast that it even *could* get worse than they were. The two things I asked for: correct colors and centered design were both still wrong.
All three cards were ordered with "rounded corners" and on one of the cards they completely skipped cutting that off. They sure cut the corners, but only metaphorically.

I'll be making sure to let everyone I know to STAY AWAY from Overnight Prints.

While the price is good and the editing options give...
While the price is good and the editing options give a lot of room for customizing, I had several issues with ordering. Any time I tried to add the return address when I would try to complete the order the loading bar would indefinitely scroll on the screen and never take me to checkout. Also, I selected one of the website's pre-designed cards with a front and a back to send as a postcard. I took care to make sure my added designs on the card did not encroach on the areas required to be left blank for mailing purposes. However, after completing my purchase I received an email saying that the card was "not within postal regulation standards due to improper format in the areas of recipient address, stamp, or barcode (bottom)" - even though it was the website's own design that led to this problem. I remembered that there is an option to remove the back from your card, so I went to edit my card and remove the back. However, because I had already made the purchase, I could no longer remove the back from the card. Alright, then I figured I would just cancel the order and make a new order without the back, but the website had the order on "hold" because of the error and when I tried to remove the hold so that I could cancel it just rolled around to notifying me of the error and placing it on hold again. So then I had to send multiple emails and call to finally get the initial order cancelled so that I could re-order a postcard without a back. Every person I interacted with was very professional and helpful, but there are some annoying bugs in the website ordering process. I'm writing this review in the hope that the website developers will fix these problems.

My order ID 127752479 prints too dark
My order ID 127752479 prints too dark. I am very DISAPPOINTED with customer service! I received my order on 1/27. The second I opened the package I can tell right away that the prints were too dark. The pictures were very dark and very dull. I could tell because I'm a professional photographer and I have printed from Overnight many times. I called customer service many times and even have sent photos to them that the prints are not right. Overnight Prints told me that QA team said it's within their guidelines. What guideline? I printed the same menu from them before and the pictures turned out bright but this time it was just very dark. So I don't understand what kind of guideline they used. I emailed them many times and have called over 5 times but they still would not re-print for me no matter how many times I showed them the side by side pictures. So now, I'm attaching the picture so you can see the difference. As you can see via the attached image, the picture to the right (circled) is the most recent menu which the color is very dark. The picture to your left which is bright, that's the menu I ordered from November 2019. You can tell, that's a huge difference in color discoloration and very dark. The picture to the right is too dark, that's the new prints I received on January 27, 2020.

Right now I am a very UN-HAPPY customer. I have ordered from them many times. I even gave them a chance to make this right but they still would not re-print. So this is why I'm writing this BAD review because they did not re-print for me after so many phone calls. I don't understand why and I'm so ANGRY! Now I'm re-considering going to another vendor if they don't re-print for me.

What happened? Save yourself time and stress, print elsewhere.
After many years of successfully doing business with, I can honestly say that I will NEVER spend another penny with them. This is the 4th time in a row that Overnight Prints have dropped the ball. I placed an order of 4/23 for 100 postcards that are an event invitation. I paid the upgraded shipping fee to have these in hand by 4/26. I never received tracking info. I checked my account on 4/26 to find that they were still showing as "IN PRODUCTION". I called the VIP line and was put on hold for just under a half hour. Finally spoke to someone who assured me that my order would be prioritized and would reach its destination on 4/27. The order was never shipped, I checked first thing this morning (4/30) and it STILL shows as "IN PRODUCTION". I immediately called this morning and again sat on hold on the VIP line for 15-20 minutes only to be told again, they will set my order as a priority. This was not an acceptable answer to me... understandably. I asked to speak to a manager and was told someone would have to call me back. I waited until 12:45 pm today, no one called me back, I called again. No manager available to speak to me. No call... called back again at 3:00 pm, I have been on hold now for 18 minutes and counting. I am canceling my order and will never do business with this company again. I don't know what has happened but the way this as well as the last four issues I have had is beyond unacceptable.

My colleagues and I have been users of Overnight Prints...
My colleagues and I have been users of Overnight Prints for many years, and Overnight Prints have managed to lose all of our business and recommendations. For the first time, they were unable to get us our order of business cards on time, an important order needed for a very important engagement, even though we paid for expedited shipping to ensure a timely delivery. We paid to have them on a Monday and didn't receive them until the following Thursday. These cards were only needed for this one event, so it was essential that we received them on time.

While we can understand that issues happen, it was the suprisingly aloof customer service we received that lost them future business. After letting Overnight Prints know of the error, we received a response from Reyna informing us that Overnight Prints does not guarantee delivery times, and we were out of luck. They would not accept responsibility in any way. We are left with a product that we can not use and are stuck with the bill. Unfortunately, Reyna let us know that Overnight Prints does not stand by the commitments they proudly display on their website, specficially:

"Our Mission. Our Goal.
Your customized printed product, delivered to you, when you want it."

"Buy It Today. Get It Tomorrow. (BITGIT)
If you need it tomorrow, we'll get it to you tomorrow. Overnight Prints stands alone in the industry when it comes to delivery. Simply select the available date of delivery and we will get your order to you on that date. With BITGIT, place your order by 8:00 pm EST and your order will be in your hands the next day no other online printing company can say the same."

If you timely delivery is a priority for your order, please go elsewhere.

Avoid at all cost
Avoid at all costs. Overnight Prints contradict themselves, they are unhelpful, they will not guarantee delivery date and not stand behind their products at ALL.

I ordered basic notepads and paid for super rush shipping. They estimated a delivery date of 4 days to print and overnight. Seven days pass and the item is still "in production". I reached out to customer service and they had no information but promised to get back to me. (never did)

Days pass and I reach out again. At this point the item will not arrive in time for my event. It is still "in production" almost two weeks after ordered. Again custom service can't tell me anything.

I asked to cancel the order since it has not been printed yet but they refuse. They offer to refund my shipping cost and then NOT ship the item that I will still have to pay for. What? They offer to upgrade shipping "for free" but I have already paid for the fastest shipping so there is nothing to upgrade or refund. I can only wait and hope to receive them.

Their refund page says that refunds will be on a case by case basis. Unfortunately there are hidden "terms of service" that say something crazy: They are not responsible for any delays. They do not guarantee product delivery. They do not promise to meet your requirements. They may ship from an international location based on their discretion (what?) and you are responsible for import taxes and customs. They might send you less than what you ordered and will allow store credit if that happens. If something is damaged in transit, you are required to pay to return the damaged goods. It goes on and on like this, allowing Overnight Prints to take ZERO responsibility for anything at all.

Compare that to their "refund policy" page and you can imagine I was shocked that they were willing to do absolutely nothing to help. I still don't even know if I will receive my seventy dollars notepads but they refuse to refund my very high shipping fee or refund me for my order and they can't say when I will ever receive it! Just wow...

My experience with Overnight Prints was horrible: steer clear of this company!
My experience with Overnight Prints was horrible: steer clear of this company!

My business cards arrived with a smear mark in the same spot across all the cards, obviously a printing error. And also the cards had haphazard borders on what was supposed to be a borderless card.

I contacted Sergy Nosov at and his response what that I had "skipped file review options" and that there was an "error in your design with not full bleed this led to bad cutting".

I went back and looked at Order # 753010588 Quick Preview and the card looks perfect. That's what I "thought" I was ordering. There is no smear running across the face of the card and no indication that my business card would receive haphazard bad cutting.

These cards were supposed to be handed out to disabled military veterans for Memorial Day. And while Overnight Prints arrived on time, they were so bad, I'd be embarrassed to hand them out. So in the trash they went. totally ruined what was supposed be part of a goodwill gesture to our military vets.

Instead, this company makes it appear that it's all MY fault. When obviously I didn't print or cut the card I ordered.

Their reorder page shows the nice pristine card they'd like me to "reorder". No thanks.

Steer clear of this company at ALL costs. Because if anything goes wrong, instead of trying to help fix it, it's going to be all YOUR fault and the company wouldn't do anything to make it right!

They don't deserve a star. If I could give ZERO stars I would. Zero for their quality control and zero for customer support.

If you want to chance purchasing a crappy looking business card, go ahead and order.

They didn't even know they had not shipped my cards, horrible customer service
I ordered two different business cards of 500 ea. Overnight Prints said 5-7 days. Two weeks passed and nothing. Called and they realized they hadn't been printed much less shipped. I told them I needed them asap for a convention and they said they could ship them express but I had to pay for the additional shipping. I asked why since it was there mistake, they stated that's all they can do. I asked for a supervisor and told me that there is none that could help me. That they can submit a request for them to call but they probably won't since they are too busy. I was amazed at this. A week later I receive the business cards. They were not as I designed them. The ink was so light compared to the computer design, it wasn't even visible. I had ordered a set that are all black with white lettering and all the cards had a red line along the edges of the cards. Absolutely horrible. I took pictures of all the defects, at the end I ended up losing since I knew nothing was going to be done. I shredded the cards and recycled them. I ended up ordering my usual Vistaprint's cards, which were perfect, just not in time for my convention.

Overnight Prints badly missed on its estimated delivery...
Overnight Prints badly missed on its estimated delivery date. This very poorly impacted an important meeting that our company had that required these materials. I was very disappointed in the lack of communication from Overnight Prints, and the lack of information Overnight Prints were able to give me regarding the production timeline of our materials. I researched numerous vendors for this specific need, and chose Overnight Prints because of their apparent ability to produce these materials quickly. Unfortunately, they weren't able to live up to what they were indicating they could do in this particular case. I wish I would have chosen a different vendor. And then, Overnight Prints refused to refund the small amount of this purchase, since the materials were useless by the time they arrived. The hold times to get ahold of a customer service person were enormous. Two different times, I called in to get some assistance. Both times, I waited on hold for about 30 minutes. That's ridiculous, in my opinion. I understand some amount of hold time, but 30 minutes is insane.

Missing Cards, Poor Issue Resolution
In general, one shouldn't have to be asking their Credit Card company to proceed with a transaction dispute to resolve an issue with a merchant, and yet such is where I've found myself with Overnight Prints.

I ordered decently simple business cards with one-and-a-half weeks lead time to arrive several days before an industry show I needed them for, yet the cards never arrived. Trying to follow up with them between the scheduled delivery date and the start of the show, I asked what my options were. I was told that I could either get a free reprint with the same delivery window - which would arrive well after I needed the supplies - or Overnight Prints could begin an investigation into what happened with the cards and potentially process a refund. I requested the latter and was told that I should expect an email in the coming days.

A week later, the email has never come, and I'm calling to ask for an update and again request a refund. This time an email_does_ come, and I'm told the following:
"In reviewing all of the options I think I may have come up with a resolution that will meet your needs. Please choose from one of the following:
1. If you choose to keep the product, Overnight Prints can issue a 50% store credit for the product cost towards a future order. Store credits never expire and can be used with other discounts on future orders.
2. We can reprint the order with the same delivery terms ordered."
The proposed resolutions are particularly tone-deaf considering I had already (1) expressed a desire to receive a refund and, (2) had tried to make it obvious over the phone that I did not have a use for the cards at this time. From this experience, I get the strong sense that my concerns were not adequately conveyed within the team. Given such, I find myself less surprised that my cards never arrived.

Suffice to say they should not expect my business anytime soon.

I haven't ordered with you guys for awhile
I haven't ordered with you guys for awhile. Couple of issues I encountered today.

Your website and uploading files process is super slow (my internet speed is fast and working fine). I get if you thinking the tif file may be larger than usual and that's why it may be longer to upload. I can understand that, as that may be the case.

Upon checkout, I tried to change the name listed on shipping address, it would not save it. I also tried to add a new profile for shipping address, your site would not save it. The screen just stays stuck. I tried multiple times and the screen would not do anything. I tried to refresh and it kicked my credit card info out and I had just entered a new credit card to save on file.

Worst part, your live chat agent Chris is slow in replying and there were moments where I had to check in to see if anyone was there. What is the purpose of having a live chat agent if Overnight Prints cannot reply promptly and offer customer satisfaction? Normally live chat will do, that was not the case today. Your weekend phone support is closed. Otherwise, I would've much more wanted to speak with a person.

Lastly, I wanted to send myself a chat transcript so I can address this with a a manager, I got an error message so that doesn't work either. It says "An error has been encountered. Please review the survey and resubmit." I have "yes" checked and my email in the appropriate field. It wouldn't let me submit and kept giving me that error.

You can take me as a one off difficult customer or take this as real-time constructive feedback. I am a business owner and always value customer feedback to improve our services. I'm fine either way how you take this, but obviously felt a need to share my honest feedback as I hope to continue ordering from you guys.

You will will wait a LONG time for your prints.
If you are not in a hurry and can wait a LONG time for your prints, Overnight Prints is OK. But you should definitely ignore their estimated delivery times and assume your print order will be delayed.

Then their customer service reps will not be able to do anything to help you. Overnight Prints will just submit a ticket to production and production will ignore it.

I made the mistake of having invitations printed. Since it's time sensitive, there is no way I should have relied on Overnight Prints to get the job done in time.

I placed the order on 5/18/18 and as of today (6/4/2018), still don't have the prints. Last week they said I would have them today. But of course, as of today they are still being printed. Customer Service said to call back at the end of the day to check on the status but they won't know anything until the job gets shipped and can't do anything. So I guess they want me to call back every day at the end of the day. What good is that going to do? They can't seem to ever get "production" to do anything. Everyone just has to wait and pray.

I should have searched for reviews before I made the mistake of using Overnight Prints.

Don't make the same mistake I did!

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Overnight Prints Rating

Based on 50 reviews from Overnight Prints customers, company has accumulated an average rating of 1 stars, indicating that majority of customers are not satisfied with its service.
Overall satisfaction rating

Description: Ordering custom business cards from is quick and easy with our online design tools, fast printing, and superior quality guarantee.

Address: 7582 Las Vegas Blvd. S. Suite #487, 89123


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Is Overnight Prints registered on BBB?

Overnight Prints is not registered on BBB. Therefore, this business has no BBB rating and accreditation.

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